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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1871)
MHffiMw, peartha'fJnited "1 Kingdom,' a member of ber Brltanio :' Majesty's mot honorable Privy Couo ml cil, Knight f the most noble Order of J the Garter, Knight Grand Croat of toe, , most honorable. Order of the Bath, her Britanie Majesty' principal secretary of state for foreign affaire ; who, after , having communicated to each other their respective tall powers, found to In be good and doe form, have agreed upon end; eoncladed the following ar'.'.cle : Abticlb I. Cltiseo of the United State of America who have become, or (ball . become, and are naturalised according to law within the British dominions as British subjects, shall, subject to the provisions of Article IT, be held by the United States to be in all respects and for all pnrposee British subject, and shall be treated ae inch by the United States. Reciprocally, British subjects who bare become, or shall become, and are naturalised according to law within the United Stated of America as citi zens thereof, shall, subject to the pro- ' vision! of Article It, be held by Great Britain to be in all respects and for all purposes citizens of the United States, and shall bo treated as each by Great Britain.' ' - r . '' Abticlb II. " - ' .! y, i Sneb, citisena of the United Statea as aforesaid who have become and are naturalised within the dominions of her Britanie Majesty as British sub-, jecta, shall be at liberty to renounce their naturalisation and to resume their ' nationality as citizens of the United State,' provided that such renunciation be pablicly declared within two years ' after trie- exchange of the ratification of the present convention. Such British subjects as aforesaid, who have become and are naturalised . as citisens within , the United States, . shall be at liberty to renounce feir , natnalisatioa and to resume their Brit ish nationality, provided that snch re . nnneiation be publicly declared wittia I two years after the 12th of Hay, 1870. The manner In which this renuncia tion may be made and publicly declared hall be agreed upon by the govern ments of the respective countries. Article III. If any such citizen of the United States as aforesaid, naturalized within the dominions of her Britanie Majesty, should renew his residence in the " United States, the United States gov ernment may, on hie own application and on snch conditions as that govern ment may think fit to impose, readmit him to the chartcter and privileges of a citizen of the United Slates, and Great Britain shall not, in that case, claim him as a British subject on ac- eount of his former naturalization. In the same manner, if any sucb t British subject as aforesaid natural ised in the United States should renew bis residence within the dominions of her Britanie Majesty, her Majesty's government may, on his own applica tion 'and on suco venditions as that . government may think fit to impose, . rae J m 1 1 htm to the character and priv ileges of a British subject, and the United States shall not, in that case, elaim him as a citizen of the United States on account of his former natur alisation. . Abticlb IV. ,. The present cos vent ton shall be rati fied by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and con sent of the Senate thereof, and by her Britanie Majesty, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London as soon as may be within twelve months from the date hereof. - In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereunto their respec tive seals. Done at London,- the thirteenth day of May, in the year of our. Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy. JOHN- &OTHR0P"' MOTHEY, I sbal CLARENDON. And whereas the said convention has been dully ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at London on the 10th Instant: "Nov," therefore, be it known that I,' Ulyssee 8w - Grant, ' President of the United Statea of. Amerieav have caused the said convention to be made public, to' the end that the same and every part at i clause thereof T may. be. observed an 1' fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my band and caaud the seal of the Called. Stntea to be affixed. -.. f... , , Done at the city of Washington this 16th day of September, in the .year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred; and seventy, and of Che Independence, of tb; United States of America the ninety-fifth- , siat . U. S.GRANT. By the Presdent:' . . ,,, . ; Haxiltob Fish, Secretary of Slate. ? - ,tiit v;, .-;' ' '- ' . ; : (Ms POSTAL CONVENTION IITWIII wrwMVB ... vi m u w mymH. - - tries shall be forwarded in closed nags pouches, noder key or seal, ad dressed to the United State Consnl and resident ..mail agent at Panama, United .States of ' Columbia,, who is hereby, designated as tha agent of the (vs governments tor receiving the bags or pouches, at that port, from either direction, distributing and dispatching them to their destinations. Said con sul and agent is hereby instructed to make up the mail for Salvador in se parate bags,' or pouches, under key or seal, addressed to San Salvador, ana the ports of La Union and Acsjntla, respectively. , - Abticlb 3. No aeeount shall be kept between the Post Office Departments of the two countries on the correspondence ex change between them ; but each coon try shall levy, collect, and retain Its own postage only, at the following rates, viz : 1st. The postage to oe cnargea ana collected In the United States on each letter or parcel, not exceeding half an ounce (avordupois) in weight, address ed to or received trom Salvador, shall be ten (10) cent; and toe postage to be charged in Salvador on each letter or parcel of like weight, addressed to or received from tbe united oiaies, shall be two (S reals, (or twenty-five cents United - States currency ;) and each additional weight of half an ounce, shall be charged an additional rata, of ten (10) cents In the united States and two (2) reals In Salvador. 2d. The postage to oe cnargea ana collected in the United Slates on news papers, nnsealed circulars, and other descriptions of printed matter, address ed to or received from Salvador, shall be two (2) cent on each newspaper, or nnsealed circular,' and one cent an ounce, on pamphlets, periodicals, books, and other kinds of printed pa pers, and the postage to be charged and collected ' in Salvador on each newspaper, pamphlet, periodical, nn sealed circular, book, or other article of printed matter, addressed to or re ceived from the United states, shall be at the rate of twelve and a half (12) cents (one real) per pound. Newt pa pers, pamphlets, periodicals, books and other articles of printed matter must be sent in narrow bands, open at tbe sides or ends, and are to be subject to the laws and regulations of each country, respectively, in regard to their liability to be rated with letter postage when containing written mat ter, or for any other cause specified in said laws and regulations. Abticlb 4. Tbe Post Office Department of tbe two countries shall reciprocally return to each other, unopened, and without charge, every three months, or more frequently if practicable, all dead let ters which from any cause cannot be delivered to their address in the coun try to which they were sent. . .. Abticlb 5 This arrangement shall go into oper ation on the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy It may be modified from time to time by mutual agreement of tbe Post Office Departments of the two countries, and it is to be continued in force until an nulled by mutual consent, or by either rost Uffice Department, after tbe ex piration of three months previous no tice to the other of its intention to an nul! the same. Done in duplicate and signed at tbe city of Washington on the fifth day of October, 1870, and at tbe city of San Salvador on the twentieth day of July, IH70. ,. , : t ELIAS ANGULO, Diretar General de Comae, sbal JNO. A. J. CRESS WELL, -Poetmaeter General of the United Stat. I hereby approve tbe foregoing con- uHou, muu id icsvimouy mereoi i have caused the seal of -the United States to be affixed. U.S.GRANT. By the President : seal Hamilton Fish, Seretary of State. , Translation. The President of the Republic bar log seen and examined the aforesaid convention, concluded between tbe Administrator General of Posts of the Republic and tbe Director General of the same branch in the United States of the North, and finding it nselul and convenient, has approved it in all its ports. ;V The Minister of Foreign Affairs, l&vU , ,. ARRKOO ARBI&N. i . - ' rf - . ' -t j POSTAL CONTENTION THE UNITED STATES OF.AMERICA Volte 'states -r America -. Vi - .. : . t.:;i i .; r- . XFtTBLIC OSALYADOBl uiw .ash ..- a ' " !-. tii'." ) ot AtItB-l. - i ;n $!$tid ": j ttt. i ttl: rAweuhaage of mailashall hereafter . take place between the- rjaitod State -of Amarleo and the Repualic af Bmtrmmo oor oy o-oauary routes.of Ttmwnnr-f umbihh toiw lstamas ot Manama, -3 wnevnwtwwjep -esn irranoisoo and ffsvasw saj jkM th Government mt SnlvswlM to b at th tpAM of Mm tragspmmw. sx thareo -iitti "rnrra sml Saw i:ia'J eiii Wff" !.. it. COLONIAL tfOVERMENT ZEALAND.: . OP.' NEW thereunto respective upon the The nndersigned, being duly1 autbensed by the.r governments, have agreed following articles establishing and reg ulating an exenaageor eorresponaenee between tbo' United States of America and the colony of New Zealand. -' i , f r'4 i T- v . .:-vi f so;. ',- '-""-- ; ;i'ATtOt I.' : V. ' "' ' There shall bean exebsnge of cor respondence between tbe United Statea of America and New Zealand, by means of the direct ,! line of i colon fal , mall packets plying between-San Francisco and aaid oolony, as wellns by such other mean of. direct mall steamablpr tratnortation between Vni United Slate and Now Zealand as shall Jnro nftnrihsj MlnbHeJiodv lthhej appravnl of .ha tospectivo Post Depattmeata of thitwsxonrief, sMrmpvuinf testcts, neMBen. l austvMlntBSlmitwr of very kind, origins ting in either eoa try, as well as correspondence in closed ri(iaHBs; is jinrsmna ana destined for foreira eonntriaa hw wit f n-iwmt e? , ; -t 4.Mf fft 11:4 ntwi olatfH c The post offices of New York, Boston and Sao Francisco shall be the Lniied" States offices of exchange, and Auk. ' land and Wellington tbe tffies of ex- ibaogeof tbe colony of New Zealand, tor all mails transmitted . under this ar raogement. The single rate of international let ter postage shall be twelve cents in tbe Unitnd States, and sixpence In New Zealand, on each letter weighing half an ounce or less, and an additional , rate of twelve cents (six pence) for each additional weight of half an ounce or fraction thereof, which shall, in all cues, be ' prepaid at least one single rate, by means of postage stamps, at he office of mailing in either country. Letters unpaid or prepaid less than oue full rate of postage shall not be for warded, but insufficiently paid letters on which a ' single rate or more has been prepaid shall be forwarded, and charged with the deficient postage to be collected and retained by tbe Post Department of tbe country of destina tion. Letters fully prepaid, received in either country from the other, shall re delivered free of all charge what ever. Tbe United States post office shall levy and collect to its own use, on newspapers addressed to or receivea from New Zealand, a postage charge of two cents : and on all other articles of printed matter addressed to or re ceived trom I4w Zealand, a postage Charge of four cents per each weight Of four ounces or traction of four ounces. Tne post effice of New Zealand snail levy and collect to its own use, on newspapers and others articles or printed matter, addressed, to or re el ved from tbe united states, tne reg ular rates of domestic postage charges vbie thereon by the laws and regula tions of tbe colony of New Zealand. Newspapers and all other Kinds or printed matter are to be subject to the laws and regulations of each country respectively, in regard to their liability to be rated with letter-postage, wnen containing written matter, or for any other cause specified in said laws and regulations, as well as in regard to their liability to custom duty under the revenue laws. Article IV. The United States office engage to transmit through the United States, as well as the conveyance by United States mail packets, of the correspon dence in closed mails which the New Zealeand post office may desire to trans, mit via tbe United States to British Colombia, the British North American Provinces, tbe West Indies, Mexico, Central and Sooth American, and at the following rates of United Spates transit-posies-, vis : For the United States territorial transit of closed mails from New Zea land Sot British Columbia or oiher British North American Provinces, Mexico, Central and South America, or the West India Inlands, when trans mitted by sea, , .wenly-five cents per ounce for letter mails, and twenty cents per pound for all kinds of printed matter. The New Zealand post office shall render an account to the United Slates post office, upon letter-bills to accom pany each mail, of the weight of tbe letters, and also of tbe printed matter contained in such closed mails for warded to tbe Uuit.d States for trans mission to either of the above-named countries and colonies ; and tbe ac counts arising between tbe two offices on this class of correspondence shall be stated, adjusted and settled quar terly, and the amounts of the United Slates charges found due on such closed mails shall r be promptly paid over to tbe United States post office, in such manner as the Postmaster Gen eral of the United States shall pre scribe, j . ., !,;- Articls V. Prepaid letter from foreign coun tries received in and forwarded from the United States to New Zealand, shall bo delivered in said colony free of all charges whatsoever, and letter re ceived in New Zealand from the United Statea addressed to New South Wales, or Australia, will be forwarded to des tination, subject to the same conditions as are applicable to correspondence originating in New Zealand and ad dressed to those countries. " 'Abticlb VI. In tbe event of any of the Austra lian colonies not agreeing with New Zealeand to contribute to tbe mainten ance of line of mail packet plying between-New Zealand and the United States of America, and ' subsidized by New- Zealand,' the New Zealand post office may require tbe United State post office not to forward by snch sub-, sidized packet any mails, letters, new papers, or other articles addressed to such colony, and tbe New Zealand post office may refuse to transmit co their' destination all mails, 'letters, newspa--per or other printed matter addressed to such soloey, -and received in New4 Zealand from tbe United State by such sabsidised packets, and may refuse to forward ttf their destination by such subsidised packets,' aft mails,' letters, newspapers, or other printed matter received in New Zealand from such colony ad addressed to the United States of America, or otherwise. ;'t ? n ABTICbB VII.. f ti''H hi'' S The two Poet : Departments may by mutual agrnementprjvide for the trans mission of registered aniclts in tbe mails exchanged between the two countries. .,sst V vwisv 16 i The register fee shall be ten cene Ibr each artle in the- Uatted Slates, and in New Zealand. Abticlb IX. Eveny fully prepaid leUerdlspatcbed from one country to the 0lhe shall be plainly stamped aiih tbe worts "Paid ali" in; red in, on the riibt-baod. upper corner of tbe address.'in addition to thf date stamp of tbe office at wbicb it was posted j and on Insufficiently paid letters the amount of the deficient postage shall be inscribed in black ink. Abticlb X.. - . ;. Dead leters, , which cannot be deliv ered from whatever cause, shall be mu tually returned . without charge, monthly, or as frequently as the regula tions of, the , respective offices .will permit. , . - ..,..,' Abticlb XI. ' ' " This convention shall come into operation on tbe first day of December, 1870, and shall be terminable at any time, on a notice by either office of six months.' Done In duplicate and signed in Washington, tbe fifth day of October, one ' thousand eight hundred and seventy, and in Wellington, New Zea land, on the third day of August, in tbe same' year. sal JNO. A. J. CRESSWELL, Potttiuuter Gen' I of the United Statet. seal r JULIUS LOYD. Jfoetmatter Gen' I of New Zealand, I approve the foregoing convention, and in testimony thereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. U. S. GRANT. By the President : sbal Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State- Washington,' October 5, 187 0 POSTAL, CONVENTION. The United States of America and bis Mxjeety tbe Emperor of Brazil, be ing desirous to promote the frieodlv I relations existing between their respec tive citizens and subjects, by placing the communications by post between tbe two countries upon an advanta geous foong, have resolved to con clude a convention for tbis purpose, and have named as their plenipotenti aries that is to say Tbe Pre-i0ot of the United States, Henry T Blow, a citizen of the United Statea, their envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary near the court of his Imperial Mjiy. HisMojeety tbe Emperor of Brazil, tbe mart illustrious and most excellent Joao Manricio Wanderly, Baron of Co tegipe, Senator and. Grandee of tbe Empire, member of bis concil, com mander of bis Order of tbe . Rose, Minister and Secretary of State for tbe Marine Department in cba-ge. of the foreign nffiirs, ic ; who, after having aommunicated to each other their res pective lull powers, found iu good and due form, hare agreed upon and con cluded the following articles : Abticlb I. . : An exchange of correspondence will hereofter take place between tbe United States of America and tbe Empire of Brazil by means Ol tbe line of mail packets, rubsidized by tbe respective governments plying monthly between the port of New York and tbe porte of St. Thomas, in the West Indies and Para, Pernambuco, Babia, Rio de Ja neiro, in Brazil, as well a by such other means of transportation between tbe two countries as Uall hereafter be established with the approval ef tbe respective Pott Departments of ibe United States and Brazil ; and this cor respondence shall embrace t - ' ' 1st. Letters and manuscripts subject by the laws ot either country to letter rates of postage. 2d. Newspapers and print ef all kinds, in sheets, in pamphlets, and in book, sheets of music, engravings, litbogiapbs, photographs, drawing, maps and plans and such correspon dence may be exchanged, whether originating in either of said countries, and destined for the other, or origin ating in or destined for foreign coun tries to which they may respectively serve as intermediaries. .Abticlb II. v 1st. Tbe pste to be cbarsred and collected in the .United Slates on each letter or manuscript suliject to letter postage, mailed iu the Doited States. and Hddreeeedv to any place in the Em pn of fifteen: (IS) taut, uaiteo oleles correnry, pereacb weiftu. ot is grammes or fraction of 15 grammes, and tbe postage to be charged and collected in Brazil on each letter or manuscript, subject to letter postage, manea In Brazil, and addressed to any place in tbe United Smes shall be three hundred reis, Brazilian currency ; the same to be in each case, in lull of - all charges whatever to the place of destination in either country. ,4 ,4 ..-, 2d. On all other eorreepeodene mentioned is tbe second paragraph of tne nret article, mere snarl oe cbareed and collected by tbe dispatching coun try snch rates of ioland postage as are now, or may hereafter be, established by. its laws, for domestic correspon dence ot tne same class ; and in ad rtition thereto, a . sea-rate ot one cent United States currency (or its equiva lent in tbe currency of Brazil) on each newspaper, and .for each weight of thirty grammes or fraction of thjrty grommes of other-' primed adatter, sheets of music, engravings, litho: graphs, pbotograps, drawings, maps and plans, wbicb inland and sea post age shall be combined into one rale, and tbe payment thereof certified by tbe stamp of the dispatching office. In lice manner,- on newspapers, prints of all kinds,- and' other articles of mailable matter (except letters) r- cetved in either country from tbe other, there shall be charged and collected at tbe office-of delivery in the receiving country such rates ot Inland postage as am now, or may hereafter be, establish ed for domestic correspondence ot. tbe same class by,.he law of each country respectively. , Except as above, no charge whatever shall o levied in. toe couotry in wblcn international letter, newspapers, fco., are delivered., ;... v.- ,-.- . ; . , .Newspapers and otber correspon dence, mentioned iu the second para graph of tbe first article, aball be sent in narrow bands or covers, open at tbe sides or ends, so that tbey my be eas ily examined, and shall be . su ject to tbe laws and regulations of tbe dis patching couotry in regard to their liability to be rated with tetter postage when containing written matter, or fur any otber cause specified in said laws and regulations. Neither Post Department sball be re qnired to deliver any, .erticisj irwi. in the mails, tbe circulation of whiok ball be prohibited by ibe laws in fbro in -the country ot uy nation. Abticlb XI, The two Post Departments may by tofft&e! . agreement irovldoT for' itho transmfjiion or regfstsrea articles rsj tbe mails exchanged between tbe two countries. --i r A'l T ' '. ' The register fee for each article shall be ten ceots to th United State, and two hundred (200) reis in Brazil. Aavicin XII- Tbe two Post Department shall set tle, by -agreement- between tbn, all meat urea of detail and arrongemeat reouired to earrv tbis convention into execution., and may neodrfy the same in like manner, from trm to time, as toe exigencies of the .service may require. Abticlb XI II. '" -,w ' ' -- iif !' '' - ' This convention shall take effect from a day to be fixed by the tww Post De partments, and sball continue In force until annulled Ay mutual 'Consent, or until one year from date of 'notice given by one of the departments to' the other of iu desire to terminate the same. , Abticlb XIV. ' T The nreeent oonvention shall be rat ified, and tbe ratifications sball be ex changed at . Rio de Janeiro, as soon a poMiblev !!..' " . Ia witness whereof tbo respective pleaipotentiarles have signed and seal d tbe same. -' .','. '' '. ' Done in tbe dtr of Rio de Janeiro, hl fourteenth day of the, month of March, in tbe tbe year ot OUT juora one thousand eight hundred end seventy. LBALl . HENRY T. BLOW,!' ! ssal BARAO ss COTEGIPE. i.t K Abticlb V. Letters and cemmunications in man uabript, which trom any other came cannot be delivered In their address, after the expiration of a proper period to effect their delivery, shall be recip rocally returned every month, nnopen d and without charge, to the Pott Office Department of tbe dLpatcbicg country ; but newspapers and all other articles of printed mater shall not be returned, but remain at tbe disposal. of tbe receiving omce. Letters erroneously transmitted, or wrongly addressed, sball be promptly returned to tbe dispatching omce :'.;.- -' Abticlb VI.'1 Tbe govetnmetits of tbe United States and Brazil reciprocally grant to each other tbe privilege of a free trans fer of closed mails in tbe ports and harbors ot tbe respective coontrie, from one vessel to another, In continu ance ot their conveyance to destination ABTKLB ; VIL f '; - -.T !-- Tbe Post Department of the United Stales and of Brazil shall establish by agreement, and in conformity with tbe arrangement in force at the time, tbe conditions spon which tbe two offices may exchange-in open. mails, tbecor respondence originating In or destined to other countriea to', which tbey may respectively serve as intermediaries but such corre-poodence shall only be charged with tbe international postage established by tbis convention, an mented by the postage rates in force between tbe forwarding couotry and the country of destination, and any otber tax for exterior service. Tbe two f ost Uepsrtmeot are mn tually to furnish each otber with lists stating the foreign countries to which the foeigo postage, and the amounts thereof, must absolutely be prepaid or can be left unpaid ; and until such lists are furnished, neither country is to mail to tbe other correspondence tor foreign countries .beyond. to couo' try to wbiob tbe mail is sent. Correspondence of this class must be accompanied, by a'letter-bill from tbe dispatching exchange office, speci fying the amount due thereon to each office, and the receiving exchange office shall return by tbe next post tq the dressed to the corresponding office of ' t"t. a exchange i r: knowledgement of receipt and vexifica- The tea Post tWrtmnnta' " at ! thereof, hich letter-bill and ao knowledgement of recipt sball serve New Tork shall be tbe office of ex chsngeon the side of the United States, and Para, Bahia, Pernambuco, and Rio de Janeiro , shall be the office of exchange on tbe side of Brazil for all mails transmitted between the two countries under this arrangement, and all mail, matter tranamitted ia either direction between the respective office of exebauge, sball be . forwarded in closed bags or pouches under seal, ad may . at of. said Tbe two Post Department any time discontinue either office of exchange or establish other. ' r'"; ""I .. Abxiclb III. . ,ttCB) y III. i Th two Port Dprtments shall set tla bv agreement . between:-tham. all measurer' of detail and arrangement reqnlrbd to carry tbi: convention into execution, and may modify tbe same in dUta sMaaer from - titan to time, -tbe ezigii9f jof th ervjea taay xe- ura. 1 The standard weight for. the single rate ot postage. and rule f progre. ; sion shall be t . , , , - . ;..-- r- ' 1st. For letter or manuscript subject ' to letter rate of posuge -15 gramme. 2d. For other correspondence, men . tiooed In the second paragraph of the first article, ' that - which each -depart-i ment shall adopt for. tbe mail wbicb i it diipatcbe to the other, adapted to the convenience and habit of .itsinte ; rior administration. , , . ? .... i ,B.ut each, office shall give Botlce to the .other .of the. standard . weight it ' adopts, and of any subsequent change j thereof.' rTJb weight stated by ..the i dispatching office shall always be ac cepted, except cases oi saaniroat errors. tc, iw r-jossc.ii's: Abticlb If, ; No account . shall bo' kept between the Poet 0Aee Department ofv sbotwei countriea on the Uttrotionl! corres pondence, . wrtttes r printed, eaH changed s .between- 'tbemr bnt aacb country ekU lvy, ollect, aad aetata ta it awa ttaa vha foUavinf; yaataga ohargaaJlt 1 . in the . settlement ot ac counts. The acceuuts to be kept be tween tbe. two department. upon tbis class of correspondence shall be stated quarterly, transmitted. , and verified as speedily a practicable, and the bal ance found d u a ah all be paid promptly to tbe creditor office under. such regu lation 'as the respective Post Depart ment may from time to time prescribe. - ' AaneLB -VII1V ri .!:'. Letter and 'other correspondence orig inating la foreign countries, and, ad dressed to tbe United 8tates or to Bra. ill, respectively, on,, which the th tot efgn and international postage charge are dully prepaid, ahall, when, tor. warded through the mail , of either country to the other, be delivered ia the country of estiuaUon free of ali .. j twt di ts '"'to '';iAaTnctarljK i Th official correspondence between each ,goerameat and iu legation neaxi toe olber, mA that ot tbe, tetMv who tbe former, haU beeonveyea to im destination (ra,jf postage, and with all the precautions which the two gov. eramenU atay find aecaaaaxjis.lM ss aa aai Post Orrcs DsrRTiizT, Washington, May 9, 1870. Having examined and considered the foregoing article of a postal conven tion between tne united staiee oi America and '.be Empire of Brazil, which were agreed npon and signed In the city of Rio de Janeiro on tbe four teeotb day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eeventy, by Bon. jieory T. Blow, V- S. Minister to Brazil, act ing ia behalf of, and under instructions -from, this department, aad by His Ex cellency Baron dn Cotegipe, Miaieter aad Secretary of State ton the Marin Department ot Brazil, in cnargo or me foreign affairs. Ac., tbe same are by me hereby ; ratified and approved, by and with tbe advie and consent Ot tb President of tbe United Slate. . In wiiness whereof I have caused the seal of the Poet Oxftce department o be kereunt affixed, with nry signature. the day and year above written. ' " . sba'lI JNO A, J. CRESSWELL. " ' , Poetmutter General U. S. , II ;- " '. l.'SMil BJ.i I hereby approve the' foregoing1 Con vention, and in testimony thereof I have cansei the seal .of the United States to be affixed. ' , . ssal U. S. GRANT. ' By ibe President t.i'i Bamilto Fish, . Stcrttary of State. WashingtonMay ?f .';; J, , ; Translation. l r-m u:. We, Don Pedro II, Constitutional Emperor and Perpetual Defender of Brazil, Ac, make kaown to all those who sball see tbis letter of confirma tion, approval and ratification, that oa The" fourteenth day of tbe month of March, of tbe current year on thou sand eight hundred, and seventy, there was eoncladed and signed at tbis court between . ps and His Excellency the President of tb United States of Ameries, by tbe respective plenipoten tiaries, endowed with. full powers, a postal convention. The same convention beiag presented to ns, and all - therein contained being seen, considered ' aad examined by as, we approve, ratify and ' confirm tha same, in th whole, as la each of its at tides and stipulations, aad by tbe present we pronounce it firm and valid and of fall., effect, promising by th imperial . wd aad faith to fulfill it aad to bav it fulfilled and observed la, every passible manner. - -e u . In taiioKsy". whieh w bave cansed to be prepared tbe -'following' letter, sigoed . by us, sealed by tbe great seal of the arms ' of the empire, and. attested by our Minister. tad Sec retary of 8iater undersigned... , -tJ Given at the pabaof ( Rio da Jan-. eiro, on tae tweaty-etgbtb day at tba month of - Jane,' nf the year t oar Lord Jesus Christ- an thousand sight haadrai aadaeventy - ' ' PEDRO, Emperor - ; . ""I" ' - Viscocbt Da Habobalt. ..-. fa "A i V-,. 5 -f.j,d tSSs6LtTI0I OP GSNERAL NA j i ' iTCR.X-V6l. , JoinfResolation to'eorreet:an error In tb enrollment of the law In relation to tbe pay of grand and petgj jarors. B it rttoUtd oy tfie Senate and' Bout i Jgefreetivear4f thf ; Unitod. Sumaf.X I of A" I AemUed I est: ., ei tsfa t.i " '- Vj A'-t-'h:t ; That the third seetioa of tha netap proved Jaly fifteenth, elgbte)n bun- itMSl AmM anssrii. K'tm BeovtsW fb thd compeeaatien of grand and fMWjatWrf ! ikbe circaii ana aisinet conum ertst -j United Statea, and fbr atbei'.l.arr-'-'V and tha .sd .Tahrb:rpMY ,i i -! 'I i. t , TT'flt-"V. "?"fWe by mistake. j?;ai-.U T - a snea Tasjav. ', APPSWvwa, AiauHssnvs no. aaiw. 4 tvrwt.'Jb