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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1871)
VOL. 3. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 11.1871. NO. 27. PORTLAND CARPS. publisiird svcitr SArcnnAT r COLL. VAKCLEVE. OFFICE OS COKNKR OF FERRY ASP E. F. RCSSEIJ., Attorney at Law, ! c. r. FEUHV, Notary Public. ADVERTISEMENTS. TERMS ne Year Jmx Months Siugle Copies.. IX ADVAXCE. Three Pollard Two Dtdlai Tun t'cius i nnssELL &. TERRY. TST1-! Real Estate Brokers & Collecting Agents Portland, - - - Oregon. LOOK HERE ! THE SAUT FKAACISCO STORE! CORXF.K FIRST AND FERRY STHKETS, ALBANY OREGON. o ADVERTISING RATES. , Transient advertisements per Square of t.-n lines or less, tirst insertion, $2 ; each subsequent insertion. $! . Larger adi-ertisemciit inserted on the most libera! terms. 8 1AT. ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE nf Real htate. Kcal Estate 1. nidation, j and the C. Ilcction ol nanus. ofiic-. North-west corner ct Inst and Wash- i in -toil streets. IVrtland. Oga. feb G-70- 5 ; JOB WORK. Having received new t. pe. stock of colored iul.s. carus. a Gordon JobW-r. etc.. we are pre- el to execute ali kinds "t printing in a better manner and tiftv pesr con;, cheaper -than ever Le fore offered in this city. , Agents for the Register. ue authorised to ro-riptk-n. advertising. The f.l-iwiug gentlemen eoive anj receipt for sit- etc., for the Ri.oister : HIRAM SMITH. Es;j Tlarrisbui-. .lulire S. H. CLAUGHTON Lebanon. PETER HUME, Ear; - 'Jrowni" W. R. KIRK. Esq K. E. W II EELER, E?q-. Sei-. T. H. REYNOLDS, Esq "nlcm. O. P. TOMPKINS, Esq HarrUbari. L. T. FISHER. Es-i Trio-. r.rO. N'-'MI. JA51KS MORRISON. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, turuicily Neiv Columbian, Comer Front and Morrisou streets, PORTLAND, OREGON, Xoah &. Morrison, Proprietors. Free Co rich to and from tho House. A Ji E 1 8 S V A . E X CBS A A' UK, CORNER OF- : Frout a ml W ash i ngt on Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. W. Quimby, - - - - Proprietor. i Lute of tiio Western Hotel.) Keeps constantly on band a full assortment of STOVES, PUMPS & TINWARE ! I will have for sale the celebrated cook stove, and otber leading style.-". NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY DRUG STORE. Also, iriarjufacture all kinds of Tia, Copper and Sheet-Iron Varc, -Sf in the best style, at lowest rates, FOR CASH or COUNTRY .PHODUt'K. ! llaimners Saws, Saw.", Always on hand a full supply of - ' The Purest and Liquors, for Medicinal purposes only. ' L. P. BUSINESS CARDS. J. QI ri.A'A TKOR.TO., a TTORNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ; f Orrtcr No. Ill First tr---.-t. r-itwven Mur- : rison ani Ailer. opposite the Oc.iJ .r.Sal Uot-.l. i Portlaa-L Ore--:i. Will pra-.'fi- e in the Superior and Inferior Courts of the State, and in the District ar.d Cir cuit Conrt of the Cnited St.Vcs, Riving spevial at tention tJ the collection of debt, in a':! parts of Oregon, and t obtaining iti nptey. which, u nee the last ameadn-cut to the law, may be -btaine.l frc.m all debts contracted prior to January lit. IsS'J. w;'.Li"Ut regard to the per centime whieh the a?ei:s nitty finally pay. November Co, lS7t)-l-v;:y 131 II I "5 HOUSE is the most commodious in tho 1 'ute, newiy turnt.--h-.-d, and it will be ths ndeavvr of the Proprietor to make his gucste comfortable. Nearest Hot-! to the steamboat ia r.-Iin ;r. The Conei-rd Conch will always be fen! at the Finding, on the arrival of Bteamshir-s ar river boats, carrying T.-ass?t' s;crs and their ba: -irace to and fi'-m the boatsVec o'c.-iryc. Ilunsc i'.pph'ed irith J'a;cnt Fire Extivrjuin-ra. NEW ADVEllTTS EVENTS. A well selected stock of Jroccrics and Crockery will always bo fund at my establishment. I will soil all jroods iu my house, for Cash Prodtfe on delivery, cheaper than ever b otfered iu tiiis market. Ail kinds of rciiairiiijf done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. JULIUS GRADWOIIL. Nov. 19-11 AV. II. K VII IV Sc. CO., Having just received a- Larjje and well selected Stock of II A II D WARE, sucn as FARMER'S & MECHANIC'S TOOLS consisting or ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, Hammers, Sledge?, Sledges. Sawp, jrianes, I'lanes, riancs, Coris-Cut and Jlill Saws, Together with a largo assortment of i moiv vts i steeIj I Nail?, Nails, Nail?, !i;priiigs,Spriri!s, Springs, ; Axles, Tblmble-Skeins, Bolts, &.C., &c. j j o f j Also, a well Selected Stock of ! " ; yS77zQGtt- Timber, ! or j SPOKES. HCBjS.' RENT KIMS, f,re i SHAH S, I'UI.I.J, IlH-KUUl A A. lib?. 1-11'., i All of which we are now offering to the public at l-w rates. As we make the business a fapec ialty, we cau and will keep a better assortment at lower prices than any house in this city. A. CAROTIir.RS. R. SALTKARSII. A. CAROTHERS & CO., DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, (Foster's Iiloek, First street). ALBANY, : : : : OREGON, t H A L E It 3 I N Dm viti milium, nil iiiwiiica) PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, GLASS, T6IXXT. iGGX3S, French and American Calognoa, HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, COXFECTIOXERY. BUILDERS, ATTENTION SASH, BUM) AA'D BOOR F ACT O II Y ! Rcceivi.ig and opening a largo and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which we offer at reduced rates. W. It. KUHX t CO. In the Montcith Fire-proof Trick, First-st. March 12.-70-27 Pure Wines & Liquors, for medicinal purposes. Fine Tobacco and Cigars. .JS" Physician's Prescriptions Recipes compounded with care. December SI, IS70-17 and Family A Texan's View of Oregon. JOHN CONKEn, D A BJ K I I to AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, ALU A NY, OREGON. If. AI tltOVSK. N . WHtc.I-T. J . T. BACKtNST1). AIS'I10I'I5 & CO., J.YOX STKKET, (ON TilK RIVEIt BANK, LIVERY, SEED it SALE S T A BLES! ALBANV, OREGON. BARTGES, MOMGOMERY & PROPRIETORS. ALBANY. JCPGE Kr".S AY. .fOSEI'J HANNvN. K ELS AY & II AN NO . Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, (Partners for Lir.n county.) OFFICE In Post Otn.-e Ruil l n. tup stttrsi. Albany. Linn county. Ore:o:;. t':fv3 L. STRUCXMEIER & CO., .IIEKCIIAA'T IMS LORS, ALBANY, OIIEGON. "UST RKCKIVED. A LA !!' E AND WELL selected stock of French oods. cuiisUtm-' Cassimcrcs. Reavers a-.-l -k. ' ' a-i manner of Ka:iey O .! xbc '.jot ir.a;;'y. frit- Suit - l.l-ilc t or-l -r. 4y L. STRUCKMEIF.R A r. E P 0 S I T ? U checlc at sis' ? RECEIVED SUBJECT TO i n tcru t ai: !vo Lxt-Iiaoiro c-n Nctv Y.,:k for i:t'c c.f i t' -re.-t:ji.s rustic mo i y R.-fcr.-- ti 11. W. t.oroet :. i. r m coin. I'raicisco u.p;lv rcmife.l. , Ilenw FniLti-. Y. . KEEP ON HAND A ar.d arc r.rei;:ircd t- TP TVYl i frill to Dcorn, OREGON. FULL ASSORTMENT. "i: ARE PREPARED TO the public with neat turnouts FURNISH in the whv ;:J- Br Albar h-i;r.- fr F.-b. uarr ! . :t rr A. . to t 1 - 7 1.2Jv 3 Order, Sa!Ii, J G. iyiEALEY section 31 old IANUFACTURER OF ?a" x E3? xt 37?. : such us rown. Panel. 3J;md, and of all i.cs. AND DOOR FRASVIES ! VINDOV I?looriii Stylish Buggies & Carriages Fast StoOls.! On the most roasonaMe term. Our .livery is all new an-l of the In-ivst styles, mid wo f-hall tiike pri-i in pivinpr our patrn? rs nat anil rclialile an outfit as can lo obtained in the State- H'-TSi-s Ui'arJo! at rv.-asunab,. rates, hy the wei k or month. Hai'ks an-I Carriages fiirni.l:e.l for parties, Ac. A .share of pnl'lio patrornrre is ?Iirit-r;n. MOXTOO.MKKY A BAKTGES. Albanv, Pc:tmber 17, 170-15 DiscrlptHc CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Sealers, Albany, Ogn. CITY OF ALBANY : Lot block fi Good house. Lots :'. and -1. ' 2 unimproved. Lots 1, 2. 7. 8, " 19 tiood house and stable. Lots 5 and ' 2 Good house. Lots 5 and fi, l.'!0 - " Lots I, 2 and .t. 6 !;ouse and two stables. 9 Lot " 00 ' " fPleutv of excellent fruit a desirable hemestead r J. W. lit-ni fry i- i - (1 ENTLEMEW X on short uotic lateb. .x-ff AV, Kin ROOT-; ADE TO 01 and v. i;:. r:ear:.ess an Aib; s of Rpai nv. June II, lSTO 4i riu-r Done. CABINET iVARE ! and ail IrlUilllllli ; Material I CITY MABKKT, FIRST STREET. A LP ANY, OREGON. I.. ItAHntS. r;. n. i!ah;ht. A I Lots fl and Lot 1 . Lot ,1. Lots 2 and Lots Lot 7, - Lot 4. Lots 3 an-l Lots Lots Lots .1 and I. Lot 4. 7 acres r-"o linv. in Rent " 24 Good house. " 14 ' 14 44 10:i- antl stable. 4. Garner First and Broad Albin streets. U. IS. ICICK, PHYSICIAN AND H. ti., SURGEON, Albany, ------ Oreg-ou, OFFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN j Street. Albany, April '70.-;:3 ! A". S. DuRois, C CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, a. J lare stock of j Groceries and Provisions, Wood and Willow Ware. Tobacco, Ci-ars. Con- ; feetionery, Yankee Notions, Ac. Ac. Wholesale j and Retail, opposite R. C. Hdi A Son's drug j rtore, Albany, Oregon. ju40"T0 oi:i ox. A I s. Are prcrared to do MILL WORK : furnish S!:a ker Funs. Zigzajr Shakers. Suction Fans. Driving Pulleys, of any kind. m. our Factory on Lyou street, (on the river bank), ncxtbelow ylarkham's war-house. AI.TIIOLSE CO. Albany, February 0. KC9- 4 j. l. n s:i;ss A: co., 'PROPRIETORS. Wo shall endeavor t j . tull sni'ply ot ail i floats ! ! always keep on buna ; K i n (! k o I T- rABTICCI-AK ATTES-.IOS PAID TO -frS. ORDERS OF ALL KINDS in h-3 iine THE OH STOVE DEPOT! October ISfiS 3 all of which w ill bo of the very best quality. The highest market price paid for Reeves, Hogs and Sht-ep. Third door west of Ferrv, on south i!eof First streets. . .1. L. HARRIS A CO. Albany. Dec. 1, 1H70-1S RATES OF TOLL OVER THE Willamette Valley .and Cascade Mountain 20 ' " ifi-. 10 unimproved. cheap. " h " desirable lots. 118 box hou.e. timhelcd land, cue mile from eountv. Ten Homestead Lot-, (1 acre? each, X mile north of Albany Ferry, at S120 each. For particulars apply to 4. C. !V1 END EN II ALL. Real Estate Agent, Ofiice in Parrish II rick, Albany, Oregon. 40 I) PAtiEf! CATARRA REMEIY. For sale at Settlemcir's Jirug 8tore. Price. 50c per package. lU-vo J. BII.TABinSt,. V. ANl-.Ur.TlS. Hiltabidel & Co., , EALER.3 IN GROCERIES AND PRO- visions. Wood and Willow W are, Conlec- tionerv, Tobacco, t. igars, 1'ipes, motions Main street, adjoining the Express oBie Oregon. etc. Albanv, I GEO. F. SETTLE iYsiER, i it it o ii i nr. (Sajccascr to L. V. Wakoauld.) Pariisli's New Buililiug-, I-Trst strcet. ALBANY, OREGON'. j. ii. xncim. s.'t. t'otfii. smith Mitchell, Dolph &. Smith, TTORNEYS AXf COUNSELLORS at LAW, .A. Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad miralty. OEoo over the oM Po.-t OfSce. Front ctreet, Portland, Oregon. I JAMES A. WARNER, Civil Kiiffineer c Surveyor. 13 PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improve I rfolar Compass. Orders by mail promptly artert-ied t'- Resi ience on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany. Oregon. eI9-Ciu i fr DEALER IN powkll. Powell t. PLisrc. A TTDKNEYO A COUNSELLOR Al J and Solicit -rs in Chanoery, (L. Flinn, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. " Collections and conveyances promply attended to. I GEO. W. GRAY, D. D. "FOtTLD SOLICIT THE PAT W rooage of all persons desir ing ARTIFICIAL "TEETH and FIRST CLASS DENTAL opera tions. Nitrons Oxide administered for the pain less oxtraetion of toeth, when desired. Charges moderate. Office in Parrish Co.'s brick block. Resi dence, first house sonth of Congregational Churcb. fronti eg on Cotrt House, block. Albany, Oregon, Jnly 2, 1870-43 WAITED. . s.. A i-i fri B U SHELS 01 llJaUUU "Dick he highest will bo paid. In CASn, at the stre BUSHELS OF OATS, for market price of JS. S. DU BOISE. Also, Batter and Eggs, in unlimited quantity, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash. Call and see me. Albany, Aug. 20, 1870-50 S20.00 A DAY ! TO MALE AND FEMALE AGENTS To introduce the celebrated $25 OO BUCKEYE SHUTTLE SEWIAG STITCH ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES, and is the only licensed shuttle sewing machine in the United States, sold for less thau $40, to oso tba celebrated Wilson feed, and are acknowledged by all to be the best family machine for light or baary sewing, in the market. Ontflt free. Ad drSf', MINER PEARSON, Oeo. AgU., 20T3n Albany, Oregon. Drugs and Medicines, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. OILS, GLASS, ETC. Ail nrticles warranted pure and of the best quality. Physicians Prescriptions caiefuliy compounded. Albany, Oct. 17. 186S-6if ALBAAA HATH- HO I ;SE. STOVES, 100K, PARLOR & BOX. of th a best j attc"- A J.oU Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper "TSTcX'o ! and tiio usual rssrortmcnt of KiirnisLing OooJs t tc obtained in a X'XIVT JSnr03E5.3i3 2 -Sf Ilepaira neatly and prowjjtlij executed, 'on reanoitfihle term. S7 Wagon Road. Short reckonings, make long friends Front street Next door to Mansfi dec-5'08 I , Albany. :ld A Co. JL fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi cinity that he has taken charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms und paying strict att-.r.tic ; t3 business, expects to suit all those who may favor him with their patronage. Having heretofore carried ou nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing- Saloons, hoexpoc's to give entire satisfaction to all. ' mir- Children and Ladies' hair neatly cntand shampooed. JOSEPH WEBBER. scvI9y2 rUKA'IACr. - - TIIRIVIAC;. o zn -mi.- CO j EstaMMied In IHIO. j ERNEST A. ERLANDSOK, j General Commission Merchant and dealer in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ESSENTIAL OILS, DYE STUFFS, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, BY THE PACKAGE ONLY . Cash ordors for goods of every description from this or any Foreign Market, will receive prompt and faithful attention. Miners, manufacturers and wholesale trado sup plied for cash. J&S" No notice or attention paid to orders for goods, if thore is no provision made for the payment of the same. ; 5gf- Consignment of Oregon Produce, Grain. Wheat, ITotir, Ac, solicited. To Oesclmttes River : Four Horse or Mure team Two ' ' ' , One " ' j Ox teams, tiiiee yoke I Iror every additional yoke.. i Loo?e horses, per head ' cattle, per head .- j ' ' sheep or hogs ; Teams returning empty, half pricti. I Pack animals, loaded j " " unloaded j Hoiso an-l rider- "- ( I To Fish Lake : i Tour h.-rso or male team, each nay i Two " ' " " j One ' " '-' " ; Pack animals, loaded. ; ! unloaded Horse and rider j Ox team, three yoke - To L'pper Soda Spring : ' Four hoiso or mulo team, out and back 2 j Two " " 2 j One " ' 1 j Horse and rider, " j Loose animals, . " I Ox teams the same ai horse tsams. A. HACKLEMAN. j W. W. Parrisii, Pres See. March 0, 1S89- S OIL! OIL! OIL! At reduced prices, at Settlemeir's Drug Store, viz : Dcvoe's Coal Oil, bv the can 7 c'jj gal. Lard Oil. retailed at $2 I2J " " And everything else iu proportion. 10v3 ' G. F. SETTLEMKIR. The following letter is taken from the Houston TelegrapJi of February 2d, and was written to that journal by an old and at one time prominent Texan Mr. Theo dore. The letter is dated Portland, Or., January 3d, 1871, and is as follows : Little did you or "JL think, when we last met on the Colorado, that I should turn up here or become your corres pondent ; but here I am, and believing that your readers would like now and then to hear from this jumping-off place, I propose to find rtom in the Telegraph, if you will let me, and so here goes for the first letter. , ! Oregon as a State is not very small, that is to say, eliei has square . miles enough to make quite a State, but instead of being what some might call a big lit tle State, 1 would call her a very small big States containing, ' if my ; memory serves me right, about 90,000 inhabi tants, scattered about something like the Texan man's hogs were, one here; in- a drove and three over there by them selves, a very large, per centagc, how ever, being confined to the - Willamette Valley, which valley1 constitutes Oregon in fact, and is about twenty miles wide by about two hundred long. That is Oregon, and to say that this Willamette Valley is one of the most highly favored districts ot country in the United States is not saying any too much ; for indeed it is a favored spot -one ou which nature has most lavishly bestowed her choicest blessings, viz : one of the most beautiful rivers iu the world,; navigable from ' its mouth almost to its source, with numer ous tributaries flowing in from either side, only surpassed in beauty by itself, with a climate mild beyond the conception of any one who has not experienced ' it, healthful and invigorating, with a soil unsurpassed in fertility on the continent. Wheat, oats and barley, with all the veg etables, are grown j with cxtmordinary perfection. The farmer for the period of thirty years has never failed to receive a boun'if ul return for his labor, and frost sever kills, llain is always abundant, yet never excessive. Apples aud pears grow larger than anywhere else. Peach es and plums meet together in the sun shine, like twin cherries on the same stem, and cherries of the most delicious kind arc so plentiful that the birds will hardly cat them, i Raspberries ripened this season both in June and November, also blackberries, salmon berries, cinna monberries and strawberries. Mr. Editor, dare: I tell you how they j grow in the Willamette Valley? If my ; veraciry is brought in question, will you stand by me ? I tear you falter. Well, I am goiug to tell anyhow j they grow as i large as billiard ball.-?, that is to say, small I billiard balls. j j A3 A TIMBERED COUNTRY Oregon. is not surpassed, no, nor equaled by any. The fir, cedar and pine forests are really magnificent to behold, and in-, exhaustible. Lumber is one ofthe pain- cipal articles of export, and a consider able business of that kind is between this country aud the oldest towns in the State, and a pretty little city it is, too. Next in order op the valley comes the State Capital, said tobe -the prettiest town in Oregon, with5 city proportions, wide streets, fine hotels,' ana good houses generally, as also a fine wool en mill in full blast. Next we bare the city of Albany, and still on, Eugene City j both lively towns, and directly on the line of the Oregon and California Rail road. ' There are quite a number of other towns of lesser importance. . : .K-f'n'ti To the lover of pleasure, to those Wot have the means to travel, and who lovo fine scenery - and , natural . curiosities, I would say come to this coast, for surelj there is no place on the American conti nent that can surpass Oregon for beautiful scenery. Talk of the .Rhine, of the Alps, of France of Italy, with her,biue ekies arid vine-clad hills a greater than - all these can be found in Oregon a -There ia no country in world that can lay claim to such scenery as w to be found ou the Columbia and all of the rivers-talked of, or written, sf, dwindle; into utter . insig nificance, compared to the mighty- river of the W"est, with Its falls, .its ' cascades, j and mighty rushing waters, walled in on either side by almost perpendicular banks, I tliot Qo.trt t'fi rpfirrh almrtst to ' tKn u ,Vd above, and then j lost to view in 7 the dense forests of fir, that are never want ing i and yet more beautiful to the eye and more sublime are the ever present snow capped mountains that greet the trav eler on every side, towering far above storm, and cloud-clad a they , always are in , the eternal -. garments of spotlers white, contrasting beautifully with the evergreen forests by which they are surrounded. "' No pen or -ink sketch can give the faintest idea of the Colum bia river seen tjry. -There are many other points on which I blight say something that would- interest . the readers' of the i Telegraph, but having written- more al ready than should be crowded into on letter, I leave the subject fortho present, but may have occasion to say something of Oregon on some future occasion. THEODORE. T" siik ! bv HKOLIXK The best thing ever offered to he public for eradicating grease spots from cleaning kid gloves, etc. Irvit. I-r sals 10:: . I. SETTLEM KIR. Jenny Lind or To-day. From , letter describing Jenny Lind'a recent appearance in Exeter hall London, we quote the following : It was not entirely the fog whieh made our eyes see dimly the sweet-faced ' wo man sitting by the side of her '.husband ; thinner, older, sadder, but still with the same winning, pathetic - atmosphere about every pose, and every expression which conquered all hearts twenty years ago, disarm all criticism and will contin- . ue to do so as long as Jenny Lind's soul remains in Jenny Lind's body. If there be such things as perfect grace of clum siness, perfect beauty of homeliness, she has them; and they are more lasting than the grace of gracefullnctss, or the beauty of good looks. As it is with her iacc, her .movements, her attitudes, so it is with her voice. Sacred above . all - it j has lost, it has kept a certain something j of individuality that one would know it i tor Jcnnv Lind's voice. : In SDite of the carried ou i husky chest tones, in spite ofthe strained California, j and hardly reached C, there ia a peculiar South America. Europe and Asia, and I soul full quality which has rarely been this will always be quite a source of in- on any stage, except when Jenny Lind come. i j has sung. Critics would say and, per- J. 0. MENPENIIALL, 7S" o t i v y Public, Real Estate ax d Insurance Ag-ont, ALBANY", : : : : -. : : OREGON. RENTS COLLECTED. AND TAXES TAID for non-residents and others, making out real estate p-.ipera, etc. Office Parrish brick, up stairs. 36-'70 Six milex South of Albany, Linn Co., Near Hie I i si ilroad. I AV PREPARE O TO DO ALL KINDS OK TURNING! I keep on hand and make to order RAWHIDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, ASD Spinning; Wheels. Shop near the "Magnolia Mills.' Albany, Nov. 8, JOHN I86S-I AI. METZLER S. H- Claughton, OTARY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Oaico jn tne ros umc """"-6 LtbanoH, Oregon. WU1 attend to making Deeds and other convey ances, also to the prompt collection of aebti en trusted to my cart. SAN iRANCISCO, December 31, 1870-17tf CALIFORNIA. ALBAiVY BOOK STORE. ESTABLISHED IN 18SO. 11. A. FREELAND, T E A L E R IN EVERY VARIETY OF f Miscellaneous Books, School Books, Blank Books, Stationery, Ac. Books imported to erder at short notice. m Albany, Oregon, December 3, 1870. FROJIAiV HUILDIAUS. WHEAT AND FLATsEED DEPOT. CLEANING and HOISTING capacity 10,000 Bushels per Day ! A share of patronago solicited. 4570 E. CARTWRIGHT. JP0 The highest cash price paid for Wheat. ELKI1S & SON, ELKINS c SON, ELKINS St SON. i Lebanon, Oregon. Lebanon, Oregon. Lebanon. Oregon. NEW GOODS SMALL riiOFlTS, QUICK SALES PROMPT PAY". 1E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE V Selection of " s SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Imported direct frfm New York via the Paciflo Railroad, aud .an, for Cash or Produce, giro customers bargains equal to any firm in Al bany. All of our stock is bought at tho LOWEST CASH PRICE. Buy of "FllllLllXS DRY C3 Sou, GOODS, ROOTS & SHOES, GllOC E R I E S , Hardware, Iron anil Steel, ALBANY-ALBANY At PRICES, PRICES. ALBANY ALBANY- PRICES. PRICES, Wholesale and Retail. HIGHEST PUICr.S PAID FOR EGGS, BUTTER, ETC. ETC. N. B. All persons owing ns will at once come forward and pay up, so as to begin new jtceounts. L. ELKINS SON. Lebanon, April 1, 70.-6m30 IS 0 L I C I T THE ATTENTION OF ALL persons desiring to purchase Fruit Trees to call and examine my stock, which is composed of the largest and best selection in the State, con sisting of Apples, Pears, Cherries, Plums, Prunes, Grapes, Black Berries, Currants and Roses. Also, Black and White Walnut, English Wal nut, Hickory, Peeau, Redbud, Ilcraey Locust, Hackberry, and a number of other varieties of trees and plants too numerous to mention, all of which are offered at low rates. HENRY AY. SETTLE MIRE. December 17, 1870-15 - Z PITTS,' CIIALLEAGER THRESHER HALVES' HEADERS! Mowers Reapers ' ' And all kinds of 1 Agricultural Implem'ts & Machines On hand and for sale by ...; . BLAIN, YOUNG & CO.. Jlay 28, '70-38 Albany, Ogn. ffffffppf ftf tfttttr ' TO THE WORKING CLASS. We arc now prepared to furnish all classes with constant ein- rdovmont at borne, tho whole ofthe timo or for the . t, i.. . i r. . Spare moments. i.iiaiiresa new, lign. ftuu pium.- ablc. Persons of cither sex can easily earn from 50c. to $5 per evening, aud a proportional gum by devoting their whole timo to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That alf who see this notice may send their address, and test the business, we make this unparalleled offer : To such as are not satisfied, we will send $1 to pay for tho tronblo of writing. Full par ticulars, a valuable sample which will do to com mence work on, and a copy of The People' Lit. erary Companion ono of the largest and best family newspapers published- all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN 4 CO., 24m3 . - Augusta, Maine. S3 TO Sio PER DAY. KSi who engage in our new business make from $5 to $10 per day in their own localities. Full partic ulars and instructions sent free by mail. Those in need of permanent, profitable work, should sd- dreas at once. jliKUKWEi Biiasua sin. 24m3 . Portland, Maine. OREGON ENTERPRISE. j On this point she has no'hing to be ashamed of, taking into consideration all the surroundings. Of railroads she can boast of but one, aud that one was com menced but one year ago and is now in ruuuing order for a distance of one hun dred miles, with rolling Ftock and quip ments that will compare favorably with any road in the East. This is called the Oregon and California Railroad, running from this point southerly toward Sacra mento, California, from which - point the same road is now some hundred miles thia side, coming to connect with our end of the road near the State line. MANUFACTORIES. Ol woolen goods there are three one at Oregon City, ono at Salem, the pres ent seat of Government, and one at the falls on the Columbia river, all io suc cessful operation and turning out work that will compare favorably with the best New England fabrics. IRON FOUNDRIES. There are quite a number at this place, and nlso at most of the important towns on the Willamette river. Tho State abounds with abundance of coal and iron, aud is consequently able within herself to manufacture everything in, tho hard ware line down, from a locomotive to a cooking stove. ' ' f ; ' ' ' ' " " "'i1 LUMBER AND FLOURING MILLS. In this line, Oregon is up with the times, having as good saw and grist mills as cau be iound in any State, and owing to the great amount of wheat, produced and her very superior water power, per haps she has better lacuities lor making flour than can be found in the ; land "of wooden nutmegs, where, it ia said, they have a patent for making carpet baggers. Of Oregon towns, or if you .please, cities, wo have first the city of Portland, the commercial city of this young State, situated five miles above the-point where the Willamette river empties into the Columbia river, and ninety miles from its mouth. Vessels, both. , steam and - sail, come from all parts ofthe world to this point at all seasons of the year, making it quite a business point, 'containing some 10,000 inhabitants, quite a number of churches, an excellent library, fine streets with Nicolson pavement predominating, and are all well lighted with gas. Then we have Oregon Cify. fifteen miles above, at the celebrated Willamette Falls, where the river with reckless impetuosity leaps over a precipice forty or fifty feet high,, and glides smoothly on to the Columbia. At this point they have the finest, water power I have erer seen. This is one of haps by rules of art, their assertions can not be contradicted, that Jenny Lind's voice is gone. But men," and ' woaer are still moved to their heart's " depth by her singiug. 1 believe if she sing when she is three score years and ten' it .. will be the same.. The Still vs. The Press.--A glas of whisky is manufactured from . about seventy grains of corn, the value of which is too 'small to be estimated. A . glass of this mixture sells for twenty five cents, and if, of a good brand is con sidered worth the money.. It is drank in a minute or two. It fires tho3 brain, deranges and weakens" the physical sys tem. " , , ; 1 ' - U'.'il"; On the same sideboard on which; the deleterious beverage is served, lies a newspaper. It is covered with nalffc;a million types it brings intelligence from the four quarters ;: of the - globe. .; jThe newspaper costs less thau the . glass of grog, but it is not less true that there is a large number of people who think corn juice cheap and newspapers dear. r. . Seven Dats, One Wmk. Tke following cstray is good enough to have originated with Figaro as it didn't, we "book", it. It is in celebration ,of the marriage of Lorenzo Day to Miss Martby Week:.. , ' ! A Day Is made, a Wee H losV"1 i - ' Bat Tims should not eomp?rs -. ; There'll soon be little Days enougb To make tho week again. - - -' - T ; Rkmarkablk jjA8E.--Eliia. Wells was married ten years ago to John JS Ilatt, the bride being 16 years old, . and ' the groom 52. After living together five yoars Eliza obtained a divorce on the ground of too much "family discipline." Recently Batt (now 62 i years of ag) . returned to Kalamazoo and .commenced hanging round Eliza again, and by bis winning ways regained her favor. " Tney ' were ' married yesterdar.- Kalamazoo Paper vs ! -. -v.-U: ::':.3' Twenty-six and sixty-two 1 Elisa must have, been very fond of old Ilatt. . to re enter the married state with , him again and have another course o "family dis cipline." ' 'J1- '"L . . . i' m u ' i ..''"-r' A wife who had been leoturine her husband for coming home intoxicated, became incensed at his indifference and exclaimed, "Oh that I could wring tears of anguish from your eyes.",; To whieh the hardened wretch hiccupped, 4Tai -'tai "taint uo use, ole woman, to bo bo bore for water here ! ' " "' :. A country dentist advertises thai, "fa spares no painB'4 ' -it