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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1870)
VOL. 2. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1870. NO.. 51.. Wlu jptog Agister. PUBLISHED EVERY SATCRDAV BY COLL. VAA" CLEVE. office ox cor.neu op ferut and first-sts. TERMS IS ADVANCE. 'ne Year..... .' Three Dullars Six Moi. s Two Dollars Single Copies Ten Cents ADVERTISING RATES. Transient advcrtieinents per Square of ton lines or less, first insertion, $2 ; each subsequent insertion. $1 . .Larger advertisements inserted on the most ibsral terms. " JOB WORK. Having received new type, stock of colored inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are j-rc-pared to execute a":l kinds of printing in a belter mn-uner and fifty per cent, cheaper than ever be fore -"ered in ibis citv. PORTLAND CARDS. E. F. RUSSELL, Attorney at Law, C. P. FKRRY, Notary Public. ADVERTISEMENTS. BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASH, BLIXD AXD DOOR FACTOR Y ! S. H. ALTMOl-SK. X. WRIGHT. J. F. BACKESSTO. ALTIIOISE & CO., ITOX STREET, (OK THE ItlVER BANK), ALBANY, : : : OHEGOS. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and arc prepared to FnrnisH to Order, Acr i'ox the Register. The following gentlemen are authorized to re ceive aud roeeipt for subscription, advertising, etc.. for the Register : HIRAM SMITH, Esq Harrlsburg. Julire S. H. CLAUGHTOX Lebanon. PETER HUME, Esq Brownsville W. R. KIRK. Esq E. E. WHEELER, E-q Scio. T. 1. REYNOLDS, Esq Salem. Gti). W. CANNON, Esq Portland. L. f . FISHER, Esq 'Frisco. BUSINESS CARDS. J. C. M EN DEN II ALL, Notary I u b 1 i c , &LRANY, ::::::: OHEJON. RUSSELL &. FERRY. Real Estate Brokers & Collecting Agents, Portland, ... - Oregon. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Sale of Real Estate, Real Estate Litigation, and the Collection of Claims. Office, North-west corner of First and Wash ington Streets, Portlaud, Ogn. feb 6-70- 5 GEO. NOAH. JAMES MORRISON. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, l-'ormcrly ew Columbian, Corner Front and Morrison streets. PORTLAND, OREGON, Xoah & Morrison, Proprietors, Free Coach to and from the House. S. D. SMtTII. OEO. B. COOK. THE OCCIDENTAL, FORMERLY "Western Ilotol, Corner First and Morrison strect3, Portland, Oregon. A ressrs. SMITH A COOK have taken this XtJL well kniiwn house, refitted and refurnished j it throughout, built a large addition, making ' thirty nivre pleasant rooms, enlarged the. Dining ! and Sitting rooms, making it by far the I Rest Hotel in Portland. j A call from the traveling public will satisfy i also them that the above statements are true. ' h-tt- r"r -vet. CMITH & COOK Props I Are prepared to do MILL WORK: furnish Sha N. B. Hot and cold Baths attached to the Zigzag. Shakers, Suction Fans, Driving house for the benefit of guests. 50 ; P'"eys. of any kind, at our laetory on Lyon Portland -ui-ust 15th IS69. j street, (on the river bauk I, next below Markham s ' ' ' . ; warehouse. NEW TO-DAY. UIPORTAXT TO THE IaSlTRIXG PUBLIC ! Doors, and Blinds, JSash, j THOXiDIlVGrS, I such as- Crown, Panel, Band, and Section Mold of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES 1 Flooring, nnd all other kinds of, Build in? .llatcrial ! ALARMING MORTALITY! Hoisons and their Antidotes. BY OUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN. LEGAL INSTRUMENTS OF LL KINDS ! A. TIE KICA. EXCIIAAfiE, made and attested. Conveytnccs and col- ; lectons attended to. S6-'70 corner of Front and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. L. STRUCKMEIER & CO., 3EKCIIAT TAILORS, ALBANY, OREGON. i t. p. w. Quimby, - - - - Proprietor REEFS ALL KINDS OF FINE CLOTH, j (Late of tho Wcitera Ilotcl.) Juits made to order, in the most fashion- j v H:m approvea njies. . rr,tns HOUSE is the ranst commodious in the I 5 j ctaie, uewiy lurnisiieu, ana 11 win pe ins L. STRUCKMEIER & CO. ALTHOUSE A CO. Albany, February 0, 1SG9- -t BLACKSMITH INC ! Within the past three vears, six of the local Insurance. Companies of San Francisco, repre- i denting a capital of over $2,000,000, suspended ' the first four during the low rate war of 1867 and j 1868 the last two during the past few weeks. j Six out of Twelve j in legs than three years is an alarming record of j mortality, and should suggest to the insuring pub- lie the propriety of avoiding experimental, inex- ; perienced, nnd low rite Companies, and patroniz- j ing the old establishid, conservative, wealthy, and i prudently managed corporations of the solid and j permanent order. j the PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS fTjIIE undersigned iv J public, that ho is no MIIE undersigned Ki-cs notice to the general uow manufacturing the JT. W. Bentley. endeavor of the Proprietor to make his gucstc , comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat ! nnd anv other stvle of plow that mav be ordered. ; laudiusr. GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS MADE TO ORDER ' The Concord Coarh will always be four J on short notice, and with neatness and dis- ; at the landing, on the arrival of stenmships ar caich. All Kinds of Repairing' Done. Albany, June 11, 1S70 40 river boats, carrying passengers and their bar- gaze to and from the boatsVee f charge. j Hov? M'vplieti icith Pufenf Fire Extinguisher. . B. IHCE, M. !., ; COsOIOI'OI.ITArY HOTEL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON o (FORMERLY ARRIGOXt's,) : s Portland, Oregon. Albany, ------ Oregon, FVICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN Front street Stret. ! Ali.anv. Aoril '70.-:;2 H chased this well known Hotel, are now pre pared to off-r the traveling public bet'er accom modations than cax l-e found elsewhere in the city. y Hoard andLodglug S2 OO per day. HilE UNDEKSTdXED, HAVING PUR- A. V.'IIKELER, ota r y IV h b 1 i c B R Q V N S V I L L E . Oil EGO N . Also, particular attention paid to I Wagon Making- and Horse-shoeing. j Wagons for sale at my shop at $140 and $1(30 i Horse shoeing as follows : Cash, $2 ; credit, $3 j ! ! All work entrusted to me will receive prompt : ! attention, and be executed in the best possible ' I manner with good material. A share of public patronage is solicited. ; Shop on corner Ellsworth and Socond streets, ; opposite Pierce' Fmy. F. VO"D. ! Albany, November I, IC6-II i THE OLl STOYE DEPOT! 1" EG AL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS i made an 1 attested. Conveva lections attends i to. s atoj i-.-l-I26J JOH.V BRICKS, J. HA.WO., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ALBANY, OltECOX. OFFICE On Main street, opposito Foster's , Brkk. I-Ctf ! A'. S. DuBoi, i 1 0NSTANTLY' on hand and receiving, a i V large stock of I Groceries and Provisions, I Wool and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cigars, Con- DEALER IN foctionery, 1 ankee otions. 4c, Wholesale and Ueiail, opposite R. C. Hill A Son's drug st' ra. Albany, Oregon. jn40'70 The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to con- ! vey Passengers and baggage to and from the Hotel t'rtv uf vhar'je. ' " J. B. SPREXGER. Ofli-e Oregon A California Stage Company. B. j ST0A ES, COOK, PARLOR & BOX. , G. WiiiTEUorsE, Agent. tf ; j of the best pattern' ' A J Tin, Slicet iron and . and the usual assortment of Famishing Goods ti. be obtainod in a jpZOQ Jlepairtt naltf and prmiiptlff c.refittrtt , JpST n i-co notable ferm. "5i "Short reckonings, make long friends." JUSTLY TAKES RANK AS THE 1. LADING A M KRICAX lil0 IliiSlll'iilTLOO Co. Their contracts are endorsed by cash assets exceeding $1,700,000. Their hu-iness is managed hx underwriters who . have no superiors and but few equals in the Union Their risks are tnull. carefully selected, and scat- j tered throughout the entire Uuit"d Suites, thus i avuidinjr heavy lo;s in the most serious conflara- lion. Their rates are not of the jruess or gamb- , lin order, but are baed on actual experience. ! and are as low as good inurnuce can be furnished ; at. Their losses are honorably and promptly ad- . lusted, and paid in fro!d coin without delay or i ! discount. Tluir agents, located at all points of j i importance, h;tve authority to ij-auc policies direct, i i thus avoiding the dauber and delay incident to i : the sub-aireney system ; and. in each and every : particular, both as reardd solvency, perinanenry, ; : prudent management, honorable conduct, ctjuitable ; ! rates, aul ctxiacrvntlve practices. I Tiic rhcpiiix, of llarffbrd, j i furnishes facilities to the i&?uring public unequal!- J ed by any other Company doit g business on this j coast. I lCven with the greatest carefulness, ac cidental poisoning will often occur. Chil dren are much iuclined to try bottles and parcels, before they are able to read the labels. Nearly every poison has its anti dote, which will prove effective if used at once ; loss of life often results from a delay of but a minute or two. Dr. 11. M. Ved der, of Flushing, X. Y., has prepared the followiug for the American Agricultural ist : Arsenjc, Fly Powder ("Cobalt"), Kings' Yellow, ycheel's Green, Rats bane Stir two tablespoonfuls of ground Alitstard in a quart of lufcewarm v:ater, and drink until copious vomiting is pro duced, tickling the throat with the finger or a feather. After vomiting, give largo quantities oP Calcined Magnesia. LEAD POISONS. Sugar of Lead, "White lead, Litharage First, Mustard to vomit, as above, and doses of Ejisoni Halts, say a tcaspoonful to a tablespoonful, according to the age of the patient, every half hour for two hours. MERCURIAL POISONS Corrosive Sublimate or (Bed Busr Poison), White Precipitate, Red Precip itate, Vermilion UViiVe of Eons or milk or Wheat Flour beaten up. Ad- i minister all that can be got down in ten minutes, and then give mustard emetic as above. COPPER POISONS. Blue Vitriol, Verdigris, Food or Pick les Cooked in Copper or Brass Vessels White of E-jjs, or Milk taken very freely for ten minutes, to be followed with an emetic of Mustard as above. - IKON POISONS. Copperas, or Green Vitriol Cooking Soda, a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful, or more according to the age of patient, etc. followed by plenty of Gum-Arabic water, or Flaxseed tea or Slippery Elm tea. ANTIMONY". Tartar Kmetic 1'oicdcred JTutqalls, Mushrooms Emetic of mustard and warm water, until vomiting is produced ; then frequent small doses of Epsom Salts. Poisonous Fish Emetic of Mutard and warm water, tickling the throat. BITES, ETC. Serpents, Insects, Mad Dog, Poisoned wounds from dead animals Tic a string tightly above the wound; some one having no sores, broken skin, or exposed nerves in the mouth, suck out the blood and wash with hot water, so as to make it bleed as much as possible ; then wash with hartshorn, and burn out with a large red hot wire or pointed Lunar Caus tic ; after which remove the string, and poultice with flaxseed. We have given those antidotes which are most likely to be at hand in every family, and can be readily administered by any one, but in all cases of poisouing send for the family physician at once. It may be necessary to use the stomach pump. The after treatment, to prevent or subdue inflammation, should be followed out with great care. In poisoning by arsenic, the hydrated peroxide of iron is an invaluable antidote, but as a physician would be required to administer this antidote, we have omitted it. Story of a Game of Cards. One hot afternoon in the month of August, '67, three men sat around a ta ble in a private parlor at the Hotel Darm stadt, Ems, Germany, taking such com fort as they could derive from the juice of Rhenish grape and a pack of cards. The most conspicuous figure of the group was a large man with a bald head, gray ish blue eyes, a heavy light colored moustache and air about him that would have done honor to the imperial purple. This personage had even then achieved some fame and was tolerably well known to reading people by the name of Bis marck. .Next to him sat another bald headed individual inferior to Bismarck in stature, with a border of black hair ! mouth about the base of his ekull that looked ' nation. like the rim of an old felt hat (ruthlessly a teaspoonrul or more in water : or tea of j robbed of its crown), condemned to re R. II. lIAir,li, lanaser, 42-1 California St., Sin Francisco. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FROMAA BIIL,BIA;S. WHEAT AND FLAjTSEED DEPOT. LEANING and HOISTING rapacity i j IO.OOO uuslieis per uay : ! A share of patronage solicited. I 45'rO E. CART WRIGHT. 35sf The highest cash price paid for Wheat. LADIES' EMPORIUM. MRS. A. J. OUNIWAY, KEAI.ER IS Hiltabidcl & Co., OEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PRO-i-ious. W..od and Willow War.-, Confec tionery. Tobacco. Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc. yi street, adjoining the Express office, Albany, iircgon. j pkEALER IX EVERY DESCRIPTION OF i Fashionable Millinery aM Fancy GooQs. JJ School, Miscellaneous and lilank Books, 1 Stationery, Gold and Steel Pen, Ink, etc.. Post- I Follows Dress and Cloak making' in all office Building. Albany, Oregon. Books ordered ' their varied branches, from Now Y'ork and San Francisco. I ; ' o i BLEACHES AND PRESSES STRAW GOODS J. H. Mitchell. j. jr. dolph. a. SMITH, i In Latest Style and best manner. Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, 4 TTORNETS asd COUNSELLORS at LAW, - ' i? ,-nan,cer-v lectors in Ad- r Corner First and Broada'bin streets, Albany, imralty. Sice over the old-Post Office, Front Oreson janlnl"-70 street, Portland, Oregon, It Policies Issued and Rcuewed Direct by 1a. 1LL., Agent, ALBANY, OREGON. jy2'70-43ni3 SPRIXG AM) SIMMER STI LES. STAMP FOR SUA ID ASD EMBROIDERY. o- JAMES A. WARNER, Civil Engineer fc Surveyor. TS PREPARED TO DO SURVEYING AND Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence on 4thvSt., opposito Dr, Tate's residence, Albany OregonS nI9-6m POWELL. l. FLIXn. Powell & Flinii, T70RNEYS 4 COUNSELLORS AT LAW and Solicitors in Chancery, (X.. Flinn, Notary Public,) .Klbany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances Ipromply attended to. I GEO. W. GRAY, X. "VfrOULD SOLICIT THE PAT- D. S., ronajre of all persons desir ing ARTIFICIAL TEETH and FIRST CLASS DENTAL opcra- " tions. Nitrons Oxide administered for the nam. less extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges moderate. Office in Parriah & Co. 'a brick block. Resi dence, first bonso south of Congregational Church, fronting on Court House Mock. Albany, Oregon, July 2, 1370-43 ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Corner First and Washington Sts., ALBANY, - - . - OREGON. XX. BRENNER, Proprietor. o WITH A NEW BUILDING, NEWLY Furnished throughout, the proprietor hopes to give entire satisfaction to the traveling public. The lfcds are supplied with spring-bottoms. The table will receive the closest atten tion, and everything the market affords palatable to guests will be supplied. jan 9- I FRANKLIN MARKET, Main street, - Albany, Oregon. Sleata of All Kind, OP THE VERY BEST QUALITY, Constantly on hand. 30 6m O. B. XXAIGIXT. C. ME A LEY DEALER IN MANUFACTURER OF FXnUNTITXTHE! and CABINET WARE ! Bedding-, Etc., Corner First and Broad Alb in streets, ALBANY, OREGOX. JQ PARTICULAR ATTE5TI0H PAID TO -SS ORDERS OF AX.X. KINDS in his line. October I80S-8 rURA'IA'O. - - TUKMIWG. Front street Albany. Next door to Mansfield 4 Co. decs' 68-1 JF1IX3 ! U"ixo! TJii-o ! "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine!' XTKTION" Fire anil Marine" Insurance Company! Nos. 413 and 413, California street, San Francisco, ... California. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Ca-sli Capital, in Gold Coin, $750,000. Deposit In Oregon,, $50,000. Losses Promptly and Equitably Adjusted And J'aid in Gold (join. THIS COMPANY having complied with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is now prepared to effect insur ance against Loss or Damage by Fire, and also against Marine and Inland Navigation risks, on liberal terms. GUSTAVE TOUCIIARD, Pres. CHAS. D. HAVEN, Sec'y. . CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. CIIEVOIT SUITS, WHITE DUCK SUITS, CASTOR HEAVER SUITS, Heavy Canvas Hunting Coats, White Marseilles Vests, Figured Marseilles Vests, Furnishing Goods of all Kinds aud a great variety of other NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS. a a o H 2 S3 w PJ r-1 en I AM PBEPAItEK TO DO Afcl, KINDS OF TURNING 1 I keep on band and make to order RAWHIDE-BOTTOMED CHAIRS, AMD Spinning- Wheels. ar Shop noar the "Magnolia Mills." JOHN M. METZLER Albany, Not. 8, I868-I J. C. MENDENHAIX, Agent for Albany. Albany, January 8, 1870-18 THE EYES ! THE EARS ! Dr. T. JL. GOLDEJV, OCULIST AND ATJRI T, ALBANY, : : : OREGON. R. GOLDEN IS A SON OF THE noted old Opthalmic Doctor, 6. C. Golden. Dr. GOLDEN hag had experience in treating the various diseases to which the eye and ear are subject, and feels confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may place themselves nnder his care. Albany, April 10, 1889-31y J?-T If you want the very best Cabiket Pbo Tor.RAPHg, you must call on BRADLEY 4 RULOFSON, 429 Montgomery etreet, San Fran cisco. 6 6m We are prepared to offer to the public the lar gest and BEST SELECTED stock of Clothing of our own manufacture, ever brought to Portland, and at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. WM. CURRIER 4 CO., jy2-43-.ini 103 Front-st., Portland. SAA FIftAIVCISCO STOIIE! . COHSER riUST AND feuky streets, ALBANY ...OREGON. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING. Boots, Shoes, Hardware fc Crockery, and a full supply of Ladies' FuTnisMng Emoroiuery, Fancy Goods, &c. also, a stock of TH E BET LIQUOR ! for Medicinal purposes only. Always on band a large stock of Box, Cooking and Parlor Stores ! and manufactures nil kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware, all of which are offered at the lowest rates for i CASH R COUNTRY PRODUCE! All kinds of repairing done, on short notice, and entire satisfaction warranted, at my Stove and Tin Store. Nov. 0-11 JULIUy GRADWOHL. B LANK Deed?, Mortgages, etc., on band latest styles, and for salo low, at this ofnoe Oak bark or l'eruviau bark. Give promptly. SILVER. Lunar Caustic Table Salt, two tca spooul'uls or more in a j int of water. ZINC. White Vitriol Warm Water to relieve vomiting : aud one to two teappoonfuls of Raking Soda, followed by milk or white of eggs. PHOSPHORUS. Matches, Rat Exterminator Mustard and Warm Water to cause voinitiug ; then large draughts of water containing Calcined Magnesia, two tablespoonfuls to a piut, followed with Flaxseed tea or Slippery Elm tea. ACIDS. Acetic Acid, Citric Acid, Muriatic Acid, Tartaric Acid Baking Soda, or Saleratus, Lime, or Magnesia, a teaspoon ful to a tablespoonful, dissolved in water and used freely. Powdered lime mortar from the ceiling will do. I Oxalic Acid, Nitric Acid Magnesia, or White Chalk or Lime stirred in water, drauk freely aud quickly. ' Sulphuric Acid (Oil of Vitriol) Drink much water quickly, and follow immediately with large doses of Magnesia, or powdered White Chalk or Lime; or if these ate not at hand, use Soda or dis solve Soap. Follow with plenty of Flax seed or Sippery Elm tea. J'rnssic Acid, Oil of Bitter Almonds, Laurel Water Tcaspoouful of Hartshorn (aqua amuiotiia). in a pint of water. Drink the whole at once. ! ALKALIES. IVarlash, Salts of Tartar, Soap of Lye Dnuk freely of Vinegar in water, fol lowed with Gum Arabic; dissolved in water, or Slippery Elm tea or Flaxseed tea. Auimoniit, Hartshorn, Potash, Much Soda Drink freely of Vinegar in water, or Lemon Juice, or Citric, or Tartaric Acid mixed with water. Sweet Oil, Lin seed Oil, or Cream is also good, and should follow the other remedies above named a tablespoonful first, and then a teaspoonful an hour for three hours. ALCOHOL. Any Spirituous Liquor Two table spoonfuls of Mustard in a quart of warm water. Drink till patient vomits freely, using a finger or feather. ; VOLATILE OILS. Creosote, Carbolic Acid, Oil of Tar, Oil of Turpentine, Oil of Tobacco, Fusel Oil White of eggs or milk in quantity, followed quickly by a mustard emetic. MISCELLANEOUS. Charcoal Fumes, Street Gas Fresh air and artificial respiration. Iodine Starch or wheat flour beat up in water. Vomit with mustard and warm water. Saltpetre, Nitrate of Soda Mustard emetic, followed with oil as for Ammonia. Strychnine, Nux-vomica, Opium, Laud anum, Paregoric, Morphine, Stramonium or (Thorn Apple or Sunk Weed), Bel ladona or (Deadly Night Shade), Croton Oil, Foxglove, Squirting Cucumber, Aconite (Monkshood), Hemlock, Ilyos cyamus or Henbane Emetic of mustard and warm water, as above, drink till pa tient vomits freely. Ticklo the throat with finger or a feather : or eive a tea- spoonful of powdered alum ; or -five grains of Tartar Emetio : or twenty grains (half a thimbleful) of White Vitiiol, dissolved in half a tumbler of warm water, every ten minutes, till vomiting is produced. If the patient is drowsy, Rive the strongest cold coffee, or slap smartly on the back., or use electricity to keep mm awake. Arnica Vinegar and water Dumas on Woman's Laughter. Alexandre Dumas fds is- at- variance, in his rr.uch-talked-of preface to 'E'Auu'det Ecmmes, with the poets of ancient and modern times. The Greeks who had' such a keen sense of the bcatiful, quali fied Venus as the "laughter-loving:" Shakespeare 'was very fond of sprightly heroines, whose sallies provoked laughter.. Moore immortalizes the feminine laugh in his exquisite sketch of an Irish girl, to whom he was pleased to , give tho Asiatic name of Nourmahal. Balzac (who can hardly be called a poet) was very fond of "a silvery laugh," and used to say that none but thorougbred gentle women had a right to weep, because they aloue weep without disliguring them selves. Now, hear what M. Dumas has to say on tlft other side: If comedy has been so long in disfavor it is because womeu do not like it. And why do they dislike it. Becauso in s comedy men are only conquered by the ruses, the tricks, the malices, and the graces of the fair. This does not satisfy women's ambition. It smacks of the feints in a fencing school. The conquer or neither sees the blood nor hears the groans of the conquered. Woman delights in the real hand to-hand light with the other sex which is the soul of tragedy. She wants publicly to prove that she has the power to subjugate her adversary, to make "him bite the dust, to kill him. She wanU to see him. down, and to tear his heart out unless he sue humbly for mercy, and confess her as the soverign of the uuiverse, or acknowledges himself a wretched fool for having misunderstood aud insulted her so long. But there is another rea son why women do not like comedy. No woman wishes to laugh in public. A laugh depoctizes her aud contorts her visage. There is a frankness in a hearty laugh, which jars with her diplomatic genius. A woman throws away her best arm when she laughs. The tear is what she triumphs in. A humid eye is always interesting, whereas an open- never is. It is simply an aboun Smile if you will, lovely woman, but never laugh. For twenty actresses who can draw tears, there is hardly oue who can excite to laughter. The laughter of an actress is seldom communicative because it is a surface thing, ilt is at war with the female organization. A ! woman does not rcallv belon" to j . a her sex, and other women dislike her. Nevertheless, glory to the laughter-loving female who is not so much a bearded man incognito as an excellent, compan ionable garcon. main there as a permanent fixture. Du ring the Crimean war the father of this man figured at the Cabinet Councils in ftt. Petersburg as uount -esseiroue, but the son was onlv known as a clever gamester' and an habitue of the fashion- ; able European watering places. The third j member of the party was a little fellow (so little that his f eet scarcely touched j the floor) wi'h dark piereing eyes, swarthy skiu, and vivacity enough for ' half a dozen ordinary men. At the time of which we speak he was the French Consul at Stuttgart. All of them had been partaking freely of wine, aud each in turn shuffled the cards with a vim that the generous grape imparts even to the most phlegmatic temperament. The Frenchman, in the interludes of the play, j treasure, nor that tho return kept ud a runuinir fire of conversation, exploded theory of States rights . . . . i . x4t ci.:.... skipping lroui topic to topic wuicu ouiy Frenchmen enjoy, until, warming as he went on. he ventured the declaration that France would one day mark the bound ary by the Rhine from Basel to the sea. "A hundred Fredericks to fifty," ex claimed Nesselrode, "that she won't." "Done," exclaimed the Frenchman, "and let the game be the fortune-teller." They shuffled the cards, and the French man lost. "Another wager !" said Nesselrode, with a glance at Bismarck, who eyed his two companions calmly, though never uttering a single word. "Another Wager ! Two hundred and fifty that within five years France and Prussia measure swords, j and that i ranee yields Alsace ana tne whole disputed border." "(Test imjwssible ."' excitedly rcspou drd tlin Consul. Again tho cards were shuffled. At j is in what is called "the dough." It .1.. .i i i" I. IV. i will vi.'ld much LfttiT. nnd makes a' man had each taken two tricks, it was Tl. .C. .iou V-illnv 7 "'., V Vlflf the only way out of the Chinese immi gration difficulty, is to restore States rights Mas understood before the war." Wc hardly think that the country is quite ready to ubandou the principle that was settled at the cost of so much mony and to thtf is' nec essary to settle tne uiunese question. If the Democracy will work as earnestly ! to prevent Chinese immigration as its representatives in the United Staes did to defeat the anti-Chinese bills int rod uc ' ed in that body, wc shall have a united : people laboring to one cud and purpose. The Democrats are too much exercised with fear that the Republican party will destroy their pet hobby, and make capital "for statutory stump speeches." i A scavenger named Luke Fit-hcr 1 drank seven ordinary beer glasses full of ! common whisky within a siTace of forty : minutes, recently, at a saloon iu Detroit.. Later in the day his fticnds were discuss ing whnt would be the most convenient time to hold bis funeral. It is demonstrated beyond a doubt that wheat should be cut when the graiu the Russiau'sJcad. He threw the quceu of clubs upon the table. "Kins?!" shouted the Frenchman in triumph, as he covered NesselrodVs card, and extendea nis nana to seize tne prize. "Not so fast," coolly remarked the Prussian premier, "I believe the game is mine," and casting the ace, he Icaucd back in his chair and laughed heartily. " Man I) ten !" shouted the discomfited player," "but cards arc alwaye liars ;" and unable to conceal the chagrin and excite ment that overmastered him he rose from the table and quitted the room. Three years have scarcely elapsed since the incident here narrated (an inci lnr wliir:Vi NrRSfilrride told with hpnrtv satisfaction in Ems cafes that Summer), J the effects of intemperance sceonr inside" aud now the big cloud of war that has The very latest thing in the advertis- hovered over Europe has burst, the suit may prove that the cards were such liars after all. deal nicer Hour. Great importance is attached to the French gunboat, which will bo used oa the llhine and Moselle. Each gunboat carries one heavy gun, uiauncd by twelve men, and commanded by a lieutenant. The Prussians have no guuboats. The moon is said to be nearer th earth than it has been in tweuty years past, and nearer than it will be again for a hundred years to come. "Fair Luna's smiles are gracious now." A diahouest bankrupt and an honest one have this resemblance they both tail to make money." A temperance editor, in drawing attention to an article against ardent spirits in one of his papers, says : "For rc-not Down with the Fifteenth Amendment.! The Democracy are not alone in their undyiug hatred of the negro. We learn that the Comanche Indians are ex pressing their hatred of the negro aud are going to give the United States an everlastiug battle because they don't like the negro troops employed on the Texan fiontier. It's too much trouble to scalp them. In fact to get what approaches a scalp on a white person's head they have to skin them. A Cincinnati woman made up her mind to commit suicide, provided her self with a quantity of opium, a revolver, a doubled-barreled gun, a pistol and a razor, and commenced operations. To her disgust, she bad procoedod no furth er than to take a dose of opium and shoot herself once when she was arrested. Joseph Worley, of Peas township, Belmont county, Ohio, is over one hun dred years old, and still possesses the faculties of eight, hearing and locomotion. ing line is a lady who seeks for employ ment as an "ornamental guest." There is one fact which one may op pose to all the wit and argument of in fidelity namely; that no man ever repented being a Christian on his death- a. 1 Mrs. C. B. Deuio aud Mrs. McKenny, leading females of Vallejo.are about start ing a grocery store, and thus practically demonstrating women's rights. The quota of school lauds belonging to Walla Walla county, W. T., is 3,000 acres. A Kentucky Sheriff has notified the tax payer in his district that he is "tyred of duning for taks-paiers ot to know tha ot to do without biung duneU. One of neckers warehouses in Brook lyn was crushed on Wednesday by the weight of flour stored in it. -Nobody hurt. , ,t.t -t,j CfnoHn. naseliall Club of Cinciooati were beaten by the Athle of Philadelphia by a score of 11 to 7 the 27th. Five hundred Germans have already Bailed from New York to join the Prus sian army. pa'6 Athletes on