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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1922)
THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND,-' JULY 9, 1922 PORTLAND PHOTOGRAPHER WINS FIRST RATING FOR BEST PORTRAIT-EXHIBIT Berger Studio Wins Award on Group of Three Children Showing Is at Annual Convention of Pacific Northwest at Seattle, Wash. , PEOPLE OF UNIVERSITY PARK DISTRICT TRIUMPH IN PLAN FOR PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Spirit Long Dormant and Community Co-operation Combine to Give Splendid Institution to Residents and Open Up Other Channels of Important Civic Development and Usefulness. i mflBMEY 11 JUL T m k : Milo C. King Imprisoned on Contempt Charge. John Stoughtbn Came to Oregon With Whitman. POVERTY PLEA IGNORED JOURNEY MADE IN ,1843 Judge Gatcns Not Moved by State- I mcnt That Attorney Is With it i out Funds for ex-Wife. Pioneer at Multnomah Farm Knew Kit Carson and Fremont in Days of Long Ago. IS 101 SURVIVOR OF EARLY RFK 92 YEARS OLD . - 3 lfeiiiO l?P4 . ' - ------ '0 " - ' J Milo C. King, Gresharo attorney, j was thrown, in the county jail by J Circuit Judge Gatens yesterday for contempt of court in failing to pay Z $50 toward alimony due his wife, who obtained a default divorce from J him last December. His plea of poverty did not move the court as J the judge had given him respite of more than three weeks, from the time he was first haled to answer, ; in which to raise the money. Indications are that the attorney J win remain In jail for the statutory 10 days and leave by subscribing to the pauper's' oath, unless he finds a J legal way to combat the court order. J Statement Is Made. J In a "statement" filed with the - county clerk yesterday, King claims I that he is not guilty of contempt of " court because he has appealed to Z the supremo court from the divorce decree and 'because his wife has ad- mltted that ihe did not treat her cruelly and that she wanted nothing J from him but her freedom and maiden name. He avers that he J "has not had, haa not now, and may not have a dollar of his own or un 3 borrowed money with which to pay J fchia alimony." He closes the statement with the assertion that he "is not cowardly, - lawless nor contempt?uie enough to borrow or steal money for the plain j tiff or her attorney in this freak lawsuit, wherein they are the : actors." Alimony Is Awarded. King was" married November 26, riMD. Jane Elizabeth King obtained her decree of divorce, from Judge Gatens last December on a com plaint in which she charged 'her husband with compelling her to live inva shack on the banks of John- '" son' creek and cook on a gas plate t in their garage. Alimony of $75 a ' month was awarded, of which about ! 31 S has been paid. Brought into court for contempt in ' failure to pay the alimony assessed, t (.King told Judge Gatens last month -itiat he did not have the money. .-The judge gave him three weeks in which to raise at least $50. Failure I to do this resulted in the issuance of a bench warrant and arrest of -King yesterday. i COLLEGE TO ENTERTAIN CORVALLIS TO FETE HOME " : ECONOMICS DELEGATES.' President of Association Invites 30,000 Women to Attend National Convention. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, July 8. (Special.) Hundreds of" delegates attending I1IC iWVll LUllTULiVU VI. 1.117 American Home Economics associa tion here August 1 to 5 will be en .Tertained by Corvallis and the col lege, with the help of Portland, it ; Chaa been announced. College au- -thorities say that it will be the ; largest convention ever held in Cor- , . Two foreign countries Japan and I . Canada will have delegates at the -eonvencioii. aaran jvi. i? leia is to represent Kobe college of Kobe, Ja ; pan. The 30,000 women in the United States who are directing some kind I " of home economics work have been 1 invited to the meeting by Mrs. Mary ', E. Sweeney, president of the asso : elation. Of this number three . fourths are from cities in which ' home economics work is done in the ; seventh and eighth grades. Reser , vations re pouring into the office ; of Dean Milam of the school of home -economics, and 30 states, besides the , two foreign countries will be repre- 'ented. Miss Milam considers the 1 estimate of 600 made last week ex--tremely conservative. 'lA drive around Portland and up t.he Columbia highway on July 21 has been arranged by Portland busi ness and civic organizations. The - Portland part of the visitor's enter tainment is in charge of the presi dent's council. - rJlLL WILL ADD SHIFT 13 00 Employes of Burned Wend- JT J ' ?ling Plant to Be Placed. J " EUGENE, Or., July 8. (Special.) .-Arrangements have been made to T put On the third shift at the Spring s. field mill of the Booth-Kelly Lum Z ber company, July 12, according to A. C. Dixon, manager of me com- pany, upon his departure for Port ; land yesterday afternoon. w rtuuui iuu men, Lnrown out OI ; work in the destruction of the mill at Wendiing Thursday, will be placed on this shift and the manager ; saia tnat tne company s production of lumber will be kept up to stand- aid under this arrangement, as the J Wendiing mill was operating under vn.y one sjnrt. Arrangements have been made for J additional electric power from tne ant of the Mountain States Power fiimpany adjoining the mill at bpringfield. No logging crews will be mid off us a result of the fire, as it will re- liiire the same force of loggers to : yet, timber out for three shifts for the Springfield mill .as it did for two shifts at this plant and one at ""the Wendiing mill. f i Wartime Contract Adjusted. .if ..MAESHFIELD, Or.. July 8. (Spe cial.) The state highway commis- o-aion has adjusted a wartime con tract in which Perham, Dean, Brown & Hague of Coos Bay became heav ily involved while trying to build ,,the paved highway between Marsh- field and Coquille. The contract was jindertaken when labor prices were low, but they soon went so high that the contractors' estimates were V Sreatly exceeded and the firm was forced to suspend. Their first state ment from the state highway 'com- mission' showed "them to be $62,000 over. by the state and finished. The lommission settled in a manner which prevented any, loss, by the contractors, who took over a large ainount-of paving machinery. PORTRAIT BY BERGER AWARDED FIP5T PRIZE NORTHWEST CONlAr0V . . t ' t o.l.warkham Vice Presieent IRST rating for the best por-I r trait exhibited at the recent annual innvnt!nn nf th Photographers' Association of the Pacific Northwest in Seattle went to the Berger studio of Portland, which won the award on a portrait group of three children. Out of 2500 prints exhibited at the convention, the Berger studio displayed the only group portraits, showing six. Sec ond ana third ratings were won Dy Seattle studios. ; v The association, comprising pho 1LTI1E FANS USED DEVICE MEANS MtJCH TO ORE GON' PRUNE DRIERS. Machine Recirculates Air, Thus Saving Fuel Costs and Add N Ing to Output. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvallis, July 8. (Special.) Oregon farmers are installing mu'.tivane fans to recirculate air in their prune driers under the direc tion of, the .horticultural products section of the Oregon Agricultural college experiment station. "The fans will mean a lot to prune driers in Oregon," says Pro fessor Ernest H. Wiegand, undur whose direction work has been done on the problem of using multivano fans to trecirculate air. "The rate of circulation will be quadrupled. The a'r may be used over and over again, thus bringing about a saving in fuel." The Eugene Fruit Growers' as sociation has adopted this syste.n and is installing two large fans in a new type of drier recommended by the experiment station. This drier will be the first of its kind to be in stalled in Oregon and will have a capacity of 10 to 12 tons in 24 hburs. Air will be passed over the fruit at the rate of 700 lineal feet a minute Others installing fans include C. R. Widmer and Rudolph Ingerly' of Albany. Jess N. Nichols of Irvinsr, Dr. Scarborough of Creswell, L. M. Miller of Eugene, H. E. Hecker of Dillard and C. T. Krogel of Roso burg. ' These men will double the ca pacity of their driers by using the fans.' according to Professor W ; gand," and will also increase the quality of their product by lowering 2 cHEsreR.ri coffe v'ce Prrsicfrnlr tographers from Oregon,. Washingr- ton, British Columbia, Idaho and Montana, elected O. L. Markham, Portland photographer, vice-president, and Chester M. Coffey of Mc Minnvllle, Or., vice-president. Wil fred Gibson of Victoria is the new president and J. A. Zinn Jr. of Seattle ,the new secretary-treasurer. Those attending from Portland were Henry Berger Jr., D. Perry Evans and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Markham. ' 300 Photographer Present. The northwest association is af filiated with the national organiza the temperature. The horicultural products section of the experiment station is offering to assist farm ers who wish to install fans by giv ing them information they shou'd have, thus the right arrangement at construction can be made and the right 'kind of fan installed, it is L minted out. DEER SEASON ON AUG. 20 Commission Allows Hunting Ear lier Than First Announced. , The hunting season for deer in the state of Oregon opens on August 20 and not on August 30, as was an nounced in The Oregenian of July 5. This announcement followed the de cision of . the Oregon state game commission to make the game laws uniform throughout the state. . Each year the hunting season for deer is open from August 20 to Oc tober 31: for quail and Chinese pheasants. October 15 to October 31; grouse and native pheasants, August 20 to September 20; sage hens, July 15 to July 31; prairie chickens, Oc tober 15 to October 21. ' Oregon Cow Testers In Lead. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE." Corvallis. July 8. (Special.) That the Oregon Cow Testing as sociation leads all cow testing asso ciations west- of the Rockies in the butterfat production for May is the announcement just made by the col lege extension service. The aver age yield of butterfat a cow for the month was 41.-6 pounds or 1.34 pounds aailydetermined from a test of 3400 cows. The 'Tillamook asso ciation led associations within the state with 2442 cows tested and an average butterfat yield of 44.42 pounds. The highest yield from an individual cow was 114.63 pounds butter produced by "Pet," a grade Jersey owned by J. I George of this association. tion, the Photographic. Association of .America, which this year ex hibited during May in- Kansas City, Kan. All exhibits from the national convention were displayed at the Seattle meeting, including pictures from all over the United States, Great Britain, Ireland and central Europe. ' Three hundred photographers were present for the convention and the principal business was the revision of the constitution and by laws and adoption of the code of ethics of the national association. The next convention will be held in Victoria in September. 1923. The northwest association con sidered itself fortunate to have as one of its guests G. W. Harris of Washington, D. C, of the famous Harris & Ewing studios, who made two addresses. Another guest was J. C. Abel, secretary, of the National Photographers' association and pub lisher 'Of Abel's Photographic Week ly, who spoke on" the subject "Or ganization and Convention .Bene fits." Miss Ella McBride of Seattle gave suggestions for reception room work, R. R. Beattie of the Beattie Hbllywood Hilite company of Call fornia gave a demonstration In lighting, and Mr. Markham demon strated the Cooper Hewitt light. Portrait Home Picture. The portrait for which Mr. Berger won lirst rating was that of the three children of Mrs. A.1 P. Waha of Portland. It is a home picture and very natural. The smallest child, which stands with its back directly to the camera, has unusual character in its back and head. Mr. Berger's display won high praise from Mr. Harris, who said they were among the best group por traits he had seen. Mr. Berger's other groups were of Mrs. Coe A, McKenna and children, Ms. Henry Chaney and son, the four children of Mrs. Elliott Corbett, Mrs. H. H. O'Reilly and five daughters, and the children of Mrs. A. M. Cannon. HIGHER HAY RATE ASKED RAILROADS WOCLD RAISE ON WASHINGTON GROWERS. Demand of Oregon Producers to Be Placed on Par With Neigh bor State Is Countered. As a reason why easte'rn Oregon alfalfa hay growers should not be granted a. reduction in freight rates comparable to those in effect for growers in eastern Washington, J E. Davis, assistant general freight agent for the O.-W. R. & N. rail road and for ten years in charge of the rate department, told the public service commission ' of Oregon yes terday that railroads in Washington were seeking an increase in the rate on hay to the Oreeon level. Mr. Davis, who went on- the wit ness, stand late Friday and con tinued until adjournment yesterday noon, was a star witness for the de fendant railroads in the hearing on the petition presented to the com mission by farm and dairy interests of. eastern and western Oregon The hearing i3 expected to conclude Monday. Railroads in Washington were granted a .freight' increase on nu merous commodities, but not hay, some time ago and they were now in the act of preparing a petition for presentation to the public service commission of that state aimed to eliminate the differential between Oregon . and Washington rates by increasing the latter, said Mr. Davis. On cross-examination by Frederick Steiwer of Pendleton, representing the hay growers, the witness admit ted that no petition had yet, been filed, though asserting that such action would be taken shortly. The last survivor of the firBt party of. emigrants which Marcus Whit man brought to Oregon, John Stoughton, is now within a month of being 92 years of age. He is at the Multnomah rarm near Trout- dale. Mr. . Stoaghton was born at Westfield. Mass., September 23, 1830. At the age of 6 years he moved with his parents to Selma. Ala. Here he stayed five years,' when he moved to Weston, Mo. In 1843, his family joined the first wagon party that ever attempted to cross the plains into the Oregon country, the party under Marcus Whitman, the pioneer missionary. 200 Wagona In Train. Two hundred wagons hauled by ox teams, with five occupants to every wagon, comprised the party which, traveling almost continu ously for seven months, eventually arrived at the spot where Oregon City now stands. Sickness was ram pant during most of the Journey, and timber wolves and Indians were a constant menace. At one time the party was in the path of a stam pede of thousands of buffaloes, and narrowly escaped annihilation. An other time Indians stopped the cav alcade and exacted nine fat beeves as tribute. Three weeks later, according to Mr. Stoughton, the party was again halted by a large party of Indians. Kit Carson . and Fremont, with a couple of dozen soldiers and a few mountaineers, came to the rescue of the travelers and firmly demanded and obtained passage for them. The soldiers then, escorted the party for eight or ten days till it was out of the territory of the hostile tribe. The party, stopping occasionally to allow the women to do the wash ing and the men to renew its supply of meat, finally reached La Grande, where all provisions -gave out. Mar cus Whitman went ahead and, get ting wheat from the Indians, led the party to the present site of Portr land, where it disbanded . Home Is Established Mr. Stoughton. with other mem bers of the party, established a home and lived here for five years. In 1848 he left Portland and went to a place near what is now Salem. Here in 1850 he married Miss Fran ces E. Towneer-d. - Three children were born here, one of which, Mrs. Mary E. Harris, is now living. Mr. Stoughton is not sure of her where abouts at present. In 1879 Mr. Stoughton left Oregon for Red Bluff, Cal., where he lived three years. From 1892 until 1918 Mr. Stoughton lived in Oregon and Washington. The last four years he has, lived at the Multnomah farm. Mr. Stoughton claims the distinc tion of at one time being saved from drowning by Marcus Whit man. He was a great hunter, and so great was his prowess with the rifle that he was often ruled out of shooting matches or handicapped in some way. He always has been a Republican, but several years ago ceased voting the straight ticket. At the last presidential election he voted for Harding. Ku ,Klnx Klan Opposed Although partially deaf Mr. Stoughton has retained- his eyesight and all his. faculties. He is a Seventh Day Adventist and attends not only the meetings of his own faith, but also those of other sects at the farm. He believes firmly in religious tolerance and is strong ly against the Ku Klux Klan. "If I could be young again I would live my whole life over with great zest," he declared. SUMMER WORK LAID OUT Activities of Normal School Are Organized by Student Body. OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Mon mouth, July 8. (Special.) The 1922 12-weeks summer session has com pleted the organization of its activ ities. A new policy has been in augurated, inasmuch as the students have taken into their own hands the planning and carrying . out of their activities.! Heretofore a faculty committee, presided over by Miss Jessica Todd, dean of women, has had charge of all social affairs. The new system not only is much more satisfactory to the students, but several changes have been worked out which are designed to serve the whole student body; better. The student body has been sep arated into four groups of approx imately 200 students each and1 dances and non-dance social entertainments will be held each Saturday night. Swimming has been added and an arrangement has been made with the city of Independence whereby normal students will have use of the inclosed swimming pool in the Wil lamette at stated periods. LOGANBERRY CROP SAVED Hillsboro Residents Turn Out in Response to Appeal. HILLSBORO, Or., July 8. (Spe cial.J The extreme hot weather has ripened the loganberries in this community with lightning rapidity. The matter of the loss by reason of over-ripe berries,' shrinkage from the heat and the dry soil cannot be met. However, a crisis has been shown to the community to exist. , A call was sent out to the busi ness men by Dr. L. W. Hyde, presi dent of the commercial body here and A. C. Shute, mayor. Out of the conference which followed a plan was evolved by which the people of the town turned out as a patriotic duty and have done much to save the crop, which would have gone to waste by reason of neglect be fore pickers could be imported. Timber Company Fights Fire. SILVERTON. Or., July 8. (Spe cial.) The Silver Falls Timber company has been fighting a fire in its timber holdings In the Abiqua basin for several days. Dally men have gone from .the mill to assist the loggers. As yet no bridges or camps have been destroyed, and an effort is being made to protect the green timber.' Although snags which hold the fire are being cleared out as fast as possible, no real relief la expected until rain comes. 1 . LIVE COMMUNITY" RAISES MOSTEY FOR BUTLDINO PROJECT THROUGH PRIVATE SUBSCRIPTIONS A3TD ENTERTAINMENTS AND WILL PROVIDE LIBRARY FOR USE OF ALL. THERE- is plenty of public spirit ' lying dormant in every small community and waiting to be stirred into action, as shown by the experience of the University park district, which is looking- forward to the early completion of its new li brary at Lombard and Hereford streets. Since the project was launched last January it has been financed, a community club organ- lied, a library association formed and incorporated, several larjre scale entertainments provided for the- public and eteps taken for fur ther civic improvement. All this activity, which has put University Park distinctly on the map, has ra diated from the library building project as it was conceived and put into execution. "Only the game fish sw-im up stream." This was the nhilosophv of a few leading- spirits ihere who realized that commuuity anterprise should be more than mere noise and a dinning in the ears of city boards ana orriclals or a swarming around the public pork barrel. They rec ommended to the community the policies of a little self-exsrtion and a reliance upon home resources in the main. Given the task of providing- a building for the library which the Multnomah county library association was willing to maintain, provided satisfactory quarters could be furnished, the residents of the community arranged a mass meeting at which the project of buylng a lot and erecting a building was ex plained. In response to an appeal for the funds, more than half th. B.-mntmt necessary for the purchase of the lot was contributed at this meeting. The next day a general canvass was made, with the result that sufficient pieages were secured to cover the balance of the cost of the lot. In this initial effort the subscriptions ranged from 81 to $100, w'th even the children nf thn nnmmnnit,- tributing. Many of the men out of worn onerea lo aonate their labor to the building and newsboys of the district riid thir share in ad vertising the mass meeting. Alter tne purchase of the lot a loan was secured to cover the cost of the 'huildine-. The tp.-miniitmn of the building committee to achieve POPULAR SUMMER RESORT ATTRACTS CROWDS. Hundreds Bathe on Sandy Shore and Others Patronize New Skating Rink. Columbia beach, Portland's play ground on tbe Columbia river, was formally opened last night for the season with a big free dance and Mardi Gras in the nw pavilion. Until late at night the merry crowds swung about amid showers of con- fetti . and a mass ' of serpentine stringers. Every moment was a lively one, for as soon as any of the frolickers left the floor there were others waiting to take their places. The number of dancers was limited- only by the capacity of the floor. From now on there will be some thing doing all of the time at the amusement resort. Bathing along the sandy beach attracted hundreds of persons in the afternoon, the crowds taking advantage of the new bathhouse which has replaced- the old one with a great increase of facilities. Floats have been placed a short distance from the shore, and on these are all the different kinds of paraphernalia dear to the water sportsman's heart. The new skating rink, which has been opened for the first time this year, drew heavy patronage from the long boardwalk last night and was a close rival of the Mardi Gras In popularity. CUP OFFERED PAPERS Weeklies and Semi-Weeklies to Compete on Rural News. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis. July 8. (Special.) The weekly or semi-weekly news paper in Oregon, carrying the best rural news service, will receive a silver loving cup from the depart- VITAMINES and STRONG TEETH Nature spends years in building teeth and much depends upon the use of right foods. A diet deficient in the vitamin A u followed by retarded growth, poor tooth development and rickets in children and lowered resistance in adults. II CONTAINS PUREST VTT AMINE - BEARING COD-LITEK OIL that helps Nature absorb and fix lime in the bones. It is an abundant source of health-building vitamine and helps- build strong bones and teeth. - Scott's Emulsion is a vitamine-food of special value to children, builds strength, promotes growth. Start giving it to your boy or girl today I Scott & Bowse, Bloomfield. N. J. - JM1 maximum results at a minimum cost eased the financial burden consid erably. The committee retained charge of the construction, employ ing an experienced builder to su perintend the work, and It was fa vored .generously in the purchase of materials, several- Important items being covered by outright donations, As a result, the association formed for holding- and managing the proj ect for the community will have un der its control a property valued at $5300, with an indebtedness prob ably not exceeding $2500. This indebtedness has stimulated effort on the part of the community rather than tending to dampen the spirits of the enthusiastic residents. At a concert given at the Portsmoth school by the Webber Juvenile or chestra $100 was realized and a "community hoorah," given, recently on the school grounds, cleared $250 for the library fund and in addition secured 100 new members for the community club. Nearly 200O per sons were present at tile "hoorah," the largest crowd that has ever as sembled in University Park for any similar function. Against such at tacks the-' indebtedness will not prove a serious factor, tince the building itself has been leased to the county ilbary association for a period of five years. : The building is of bungalow type, 26 by 50 feet, with a 12 by 20-foot annex. Its sightliness and thor oughness of construction emphat ically are apparent. It Is directly across the street from the Ports mouth school, the determining fac tor in' selecting the site being its proximity to the school and a desire to obviate the necessity of the chil dren crossing the street car tracks. The building is now in the last stages of finishing and will be ready for occupancy by the library asso ciation on August 1. The stocking of it with books and fixtures is ex pected to take about a month and it i wi-11 probably be opened to the pub lic about September 1. The community association which has charge of the "property rs com posed of nine directors, as follows: Thomas Willis, president; Mrs. Bes sie Porter, vice-president; George Mahoney, secretary; E. J. Fully, treasurer, and Rev. John D. Rice, J. ment of industrial journalism at the college. Elbert Bede, editor of the Cottage Grove Sentinel and presi dent of the state editorial associa tion, will act as chairman of the committee of three to judge the pa pers at the meeting of the associa tion at Corvallis, July 21-23. To enable all the country papers in Oregon to enter the contest with a chance to win on merit, the papers have been grouped into three classes. The loving cup is first prize, with a second prize and honorable men tion for third place. The classes in clude:. Grand champion, free for all, except dailies; second, papers pub lished in towns of not more than 1500;, third, papers of fewer than 28 columns, all home print. VETERANS PLAN SPECIAL 1 2 -Car Train to Bring Delegates to Seattle Convention. SEATTLE, Wash., July 8. -Veterans of Foreign Wars in Pittsburg, Pa., home of Robert G. Woodside, commander-in-chief, have arranged for a 12-car special train to bring the Smoky City delegates and visi tors to the 23d annual encampment of the organization in Seattle Au gust 15 to 19. The special train is scheduled to arrive here August 13. The encampment in Seattle will bring delegates and visitors from all parts of the world. Paris, France, will send a delegation from the Ben jamine Franklin post. From the Philippine Islands and China will come two delegates. Honolulu and Guam will each send a delegate and others will come from Panama, Porto Rico and Cuba. Pendleton Gets New Pastor. PENDLETON. Or., July 8. (Spe cial.) Rev. Franklin G. Huling. who has been in this city for two months, has accepted the pastorate of the First Baptist church for the coming year. The new minister is a native of Illinois, but came west to Los An geles in 1908." He began his work in southern Californian churches. During the war he served as chap lain in the army at Camp Taylor, Kentucky, and at Camp Lewi. The new mln.ister in Pendleton was pas tor of the Hoover Street Baptist church in Los Angeles. 1 ENU W. Stephens, W. H. Dealt, Mrs. Em ma. Rayley and' Mrs. Dora. McPher son, directors. "Our experience has convinced us that we have followed the best course, that of self-exertion and self-reliance, in working for this fine community asset, the library," said Rev. Mr. Rice, who has been instrumental in organizing the com munity club and the community as sociation for the library. The whole enterprise is unique in Port land, and, we believe, in the Pacific northwest. We aro sure that in most communities there is willing ness and a spirit of progress wait ing to bo organized, and the people will respond to the best of their ability for the achievement of some really worth-while objective. Or ganization for purely social pur poses is not enough; it is bound to be ephemeral; some constructive ob ject to b achieved, requiring hard work and even sacrifice. Is what is needed to give it backbone and con sistency." Visioning the successful comple tion of its first large endeavor, the University Park Community club ip now mappine: out new campaigns looking to more improved streets, better lightinsr and a swimming pool for Columbia pari:. As a si tut ulus in its general work it has been greatly encouraged by a cift front the members of the H&riequin c'ti' of a public drinking fountain v iit-'-will be placed on the library lot the street intersection. Genuine Diamonds j"" Send for Catalog Beautifully illustrated, quotes ern nationally low prices and ftves com plete information about the Loft la confidential charge account ayatem. bent free upon request. Any axuew seat, prepaid for examina tion no money in advance. invite I comnansnn f ana aeiy competition, i Our best sellers oer- fect cut. radiant, blue I white niamond. Solid I Gold Mountinzs as here I snown. sjract Dy numDer. LIBERTY BONOS ACCEPTED AT PAR DIAMOND RINGS: S White Gold. $100. 3 White Gold, or Green Gold with White Gold prongs, $75. ft White Gold, 7S. 10 White Gold, or Green Gold with Diamond set in White Gold, $37.50. .11 Yellow Gold, Diamond set in White Gold. $150. 6 WEDOINu RINOi Platinum, zs; ureen or Yellow Gold, $10. 7 WATCH, 17 ewel. sold -filled, guaranteed 25 veara. 27.50. ia WRIST WATCH. White Gold. 115-Jewel. $35. '.-Jewel. $45. CREDIT TERMS: 253 Into equal payments within eight months. I0FTIS THE NATIONAL JEWELERS DptB1. 10S N. SUM St. CHICAGO. ILL. ED BROS & COL tit stores in leadws emit CURED HIS RHEUMATISM! "I am 83 years old and I doctored for rheumatism ever since I cajnd out of the army, over 30 years ago. Like many oth ers. I spent money freely for eo-called 'cures' and t have read about 'Uric Acid until I could almost taste R. I could not sleep nights or walk without pain; my hands were so sore and stiff I could not hold a pen. But now I am again in ac tive" business and can walk with ease or write ali day with comfort. Friends are surprised at the change." You might just as well attempt to put out a fira with oil as try to get rid of your rheu matjsm, neuritis and like complaints by taking treatment supposed to drive Uric Acid out of your blood and body. It took Mr. Ashelman 50 years to find out tbe truth. He learned how to get rid of the true cause of his rheumatism, other dis orders, and recover his strength from "The Inner Mysteries," now being dis tributed free by an authority who de voted 20 years to the scientific study of this trouble. If any reader of The Oregonlan wishes "The Inner Mysteries of Rheumatism." overlooked by doctors and scientists for centuries past, simply . send a post card or letter to H. P. Clear water, No. 210-T street, Hallowell, Maine. Send now, lest you forget! If not a suf ferer, cut out this notice- and hand this good news and opportunity to some af flicted friend. All who send will, re ceive it by return mall without any charge whatever. Adv. Joyful Family Reunion "Two of my brothers, a sister, as well as myself, have been chron'c sufferers from gas in the stomach, indigestion, pain in right side rear appendix and liver trouble for many years. My sister tried Mayr's Won derful Remedy with such good re sults that we all took a course of it and it helped in each case. Last Sunday we had a family reunion in celebration of our recovery, and what we all did eat." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the in testinal tract and allays the inflam mation which causes practically all stomach, liver a.nd intestinal ail ments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money re funded. For sale at all druggists. Adv. Eyesight Dim? If your eyesight is dim, your vision blurred ; if your eyes ache, itch, burn or feel dry, get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets from your druggist, dissolve on in a fourth of a glass of water and use ta bathe the eyes from two to four times a day. Bon-Opto has given stronger eyes, clearer, sharper vision and relief to thousands. Note: Doctors lay Bon-Opto trenvtbsM er sight 60 per cot is a wsak's Una is na&i instanc. mi's- iytf 1 JL7