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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1922)
94 Pages Nine Sections Section One Pages 1 to 18 VOL. XLI SO 27 Entered at Portland 0-ffonj Postoffice &s Secnpd -class Matter PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 2, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS BIG STRIKE FAILS TO HALT TRAFFIC .Roads Operate Despite Shopmen's Walkout. CAPITAL STOCK OF BANK IS DOUBLED GKOWTH OF NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL SHOWN. HARDING PLEADS FOR LIFE OF DOG QUARTET WILL SING HUNT FOR PRETTIEST GIRL IN CITY STARTS WEEK IN POLITICS. THREE DAYS OF FAIR HEGKER IS GUILTY IN FIRST DEGREE FOR RADIO TONIGHT WEATHER PREDICTED WILL BE BIG' ONE 1 ALLEGRO FOUR REPLACE WINNER OF BEAUTY CONTEST TO GET EASTERN TRIP. CONDITIONS FAVORABLE FOR WHITE TEMPLE MUSICIANS. FOURTH OF JULY TRIPS. v K V RAIL OFFICIALS CONFIDENT Issue Declared Up to Unions and Labor Board. MANY MEN STAY ON JOB tabor Leaders Say Strike Nearly 100 Per Cent Effective; Gov ernment Ready to Vct. CHICAGO, July 1. (By the Asso ciated Press.) With the country Wide strike of shopmen declared by union leaders to -be practically 100 per cent perfect, the nation's great transportation machine continued Its work without interruption. Railway executives were unani mous in expressing their belief that the strike would have little effect on the operation of their roads and at the same time asserted that any move toward a settlement would have to come from the United States labor board or the employes. B. M. Jewell, president of the rail way department of the American Federation of Labor, who yesterday refused to appear at a federal in quiry into the strike call, reiterated that the only basis for a settlement was for the roads to agree not to put into effect wage decreases re cently ordered for the shop men by the labor board. . Ben Wi Hooper, chairman of the labor board, declared in a formal atatement that the power of the government, coupled with public sentiment, will give every protec tion to every railway employe who remains on the job and to all new men who take the places of the strikers in the present walkout. Federal Tribunal Ignored. Mr. Hooper asserted that the ctrlke was called against the deci iomr"of a federal tribunal over rullngs laid down after careful con sideration of tie evidence on boti sides. The men who take the places of the striking shopmen will render a public service, he declared, and should therefore be immune from the characterization of "scab" or "strikebreaker." The walkout began in all sec tions of the country promptly, at 10 A. M., and in many places took on the aspect of a . holiday, the men singing and cheering as they threw down their tools. As reports came In to union headquarters during the day leaders asserted that the ranks of the strikers would number more than three-quarters of the 400,000 membership before nightfall. Later Mr. Jewell said that reports from 128 of the 201 class l roads showed practically a 100 per cent walkout. The only display of force reported during the day was at Beardstown, 111., where several hundred shop men, after failing to persuade four companions to join them in the walkout, picked them up bodily and carried them put. "We sent them home," the leader was quoted as saying, "to avoid trouble." In Chi cago, the hub of the walkout, where it fs estimated 100,000 men are af fected, no disturbances of any kind were reported and all of the roads claimed that both passengers and freight were being handled without interruption of any kind. Trains Operate as Usual. "Train operations are just as usu al and we are carrying the crowds, even on the extra sections that have been attached for the holiday pll grims," was the word from the gen eral offices of the Northwestern lines. "I do not expect the strike to in terfere with train movements." said 8. M. Felton, president of the Chi cago, 'Great Western railway and (Concluded on Paga 4, Column 3.) ONCiET . UoW U.r.Nft IV LA5Y fit HQ rV6A MUCU VMlwt BE OONiS: Increase Made From $1,000,000 , to $2,000,000- Surplus Now Is $400,000 Additional. Capital stock of the Northwestern National bank was increased yester day from "(1,000,000 to J2,00u,000. thus giving an indication of the rapid growth that the institution has made since it first opened its doors for business, January 2, 1913. For some time the officers of the bank have had under consideration an increase in the capital stock. Early in the current year the plans took definite form and the stock holders voted to double the capital ization. The new stock was soon paid in, in cash, and authority for the increase was asked from the treasury department. Telegraphic approval .of the request was received from Washington, D. C, yesterday and the announcement was then madeMo the public When the Northwestern National bank first started business it had a capital stock of $50,000, resources of (2,500,000 and 2400 depositors. The growth of the institution was rapid from the beginning, and in 191S it was found necessary to increase the capital stock to $1,000,000. Since that period the growth has been steady and the bank now has a capital and surplus of $2,400,000, re sources of more than $20,000,000 and depositors numbering 3,000. It has attained a place among the strong est capitalized banks in the north west. It was during the war period of from 1914 to 1918 that the North western National bank's growth was most rapid. In that four-year period it led all of the banks of the coun try in percentage of growth. In making the announcement of the increased capitalization Emery Olmstead, president, said: "We take this opportunity of thanking our large family of depos itors for their loyal support, which has made it possible to build a great bank in Portland in less than ten years. "We are proud of our record and are confident of the future, and our every effort will be directed towards serving pur depositors in Buch a way as to merit the confidence that has been placed in us." LEAGUERS CLAIM STATE : ', North Dakota Independents Say Their Nominees Have Won. FARGO, N. D.. July 1. (By the Associated Press.) With the re publican nomination for United States senator in possession of Lynn I. Frazier, recalled" non-partisan league governor, and Governor A. Nestos, , independent, renominated, the republican nominee for governor, leaguers and independents were making claims tonight for other state nominations. Independents claimed that the 14,251 lead of Governor Nestos would sweep all their candidates into the republican nominations, with the possible exceptions of the candi dates for state auditor-and com missioner of insurance. WIFE FILES ANSWER Divorce Defendant Says She Was Forced to Move 2 5 Times. VANCOUVER. Wash., July 1. (Special.) in the case of Rufus C. Allyn against his wife, Sarah I. Allyn, in which he sought to obtain a divorce, the defendant today filed an answer to the complaint. She alleged that her. husband in the past 25 years has compelled her to move to 25 different places, not counting where she now is, and that as a result they were never In one place long enough to become per manent so as to accumulate any property, and as 9 result they have always been in straightened circum stances. FAIR WEATHER FORECAST Normal Temperature Promised on Coast This Week. WASHINGTON, D. C., July 1. Weather outlook for the week be ginning Monday: Pacific states Generally fair and normal' temperature. WILL DAMAGE. : Lenity Is Asked for Pet Owned by Immigrant. LETTER WRITTEN GOVERNOR Pennsylvania Law Gives Rise to Executive Act. ANIMAL NEVER IN DANGER Descendant of Mastiff and St. ' Bernard Safe in Care of Lansdale Foundmaster. HARRISBURG, Pa., July 1. The president of the United States and Mrs. Harding and Governor Sproule of Pennsy'vania, i became known today, interceded for the life of a dog 'hat was supposed to have been condemned to death at Lan caster, Pa., because it was owned by an alien, contrary to Pennsyl vania law. The dog's life had been saved and the alien Jacob Silver man, a farmer fined $25 before the presidential appeal reached Justice of the Peace Boorse. The alien has taken an appeal from the fine and "Dick" Silverman, part St. Bernard and part mastiff, is in the care of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The president, in his appeal to the governor, said: "I think you will have to count this letter a personal one rather than an official communication. I write It at the suggestion of Mrs. Harding, though I am happy to do so, because the appeal, which has greatly stirred her, touches me no less forcibly. President Makes Plea. "I enclose you the anonymous let ter and;newspaper clippings, which came to Mrs. Harding. If the story' is correct, a Russian immigrant has a faithful dog, ..which he loves, and because his possession of the dog in some way conflicts with the law, the dog has been sentenced to be shot. "I Jiave tried to put myself, lov ing a dog as I do, in the position of this poor Immigrant, and I know the perturbation that fills his soul. I once had to have a dog killed that I greatly, loved, and I recall it to this day as the sorest trial of my life. "I am not familiar with the law invoked. According to, the newspa pers an alien is not permitted to own a dog. Surely there must be some way to comply with the spirit of the law and allow this poor foreigner to retain his treasured animal friend. Federal Pardon Barred. "If it came within, my executive authority, I would gladly grant a pardon to the convicted animal. ,1 suppose there is good and ample rea son for a statute which makes this dog an unlawful possession, but I have an abiding faith that the man who loves his dog to the extent that he will grieve for him has in him the qualities which will make a loyal citizen "Mrs. Harding and I are both pleased to appeal for some form of clemency in this case, atjd hope this note is not too late to enable us to add our appeal in behalf of both Silverman arid his dog." Governor Sproule immediately telegraphed the justice of the peace and also telegraphed the president, assuring him that "Dick" would be reprieved. The dog had been given to Silver man and its illegal ownership was discovered by a game warden. Sil verman's lotfe for his dog and the respect In which his neighbors held him brought many persons to the hearing in Lansdale last night on the report that the dog had been condemned to death. Today Justice Boorse said he had never ordered the dog killed, although the law provided such a penalty. PICTORIAL COMMENTS ON TOPICS' IN Three Other Features Promised ; in Course of Week, Including -Gettysburg Addresss. Of the four concerts scheduled for this week as radio entertainment to be broadcast from The Oregonian tower, two are entirely instrumental and the other two consist mostly of vocal offerings, "with violin and piano solos. In addition Lincoln's Gettysburg address will be read over the radio Tuesday by Frank McGlynn, celebrated Abraham Lin coln actor. In placs of the White Temple quartet, which was to have given a concert of sacred music tonight, but could not on account of the ab sence of one member, Miss Phyllis Wolfe has substituted L'AIlegro quartet, which she also directs. The quartet is composed of Miss Alice Johnson, Miss Nina Herman, Miss Morrita Howard and Mrs. , Arthur Osborne. Besides the quartet, the programme inoludes Miss Phyllis Wolfe, soprano; Miss M4.rie Collins Madden, soprano; Mrs. L. W. Wal dorf, violiniste, and Miss Mary Bul lock, pianist. The concert to be broadcast fol lows: Quartet "Greetings to .Spring" (Strauss). Soprano solo, Miss Marie Collins Mad den "Sylvia" (Speaks). Violin solos-. Mrs. L. W. Waldorf "Ro mance in A" (Leurence) and "Mighty Lak a Rose" (Nevin). Voca! solo. Miss Phyllis Wolfe "Ave Maria" (Gounod). Piano solos, Miss Mary Bullock "Tnrklah March," from "The Ruins ot (Concluded on Page 13, Column 3.) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TODAY'S Fair; continued warm; north rely winds. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 89 degrees; minimum temperature, 61 degrees. v Departments. . . Editorial. Section 3, page 8. Dramatic. - Section 4, page 6. Moving picture news. Section 4, page 1. Real estate and building news. Section 4, page 9. :- , Churches. Section 5, page 2. Books. Section 5, page 3. Automobiles. Section 8, Music. Section 4, page 5. Garden department. Section 3, page 11. Radio. Section 5, page 6. Women's Features. ' Society. Section 3, page 1. Women's activities. Section 3, page 11. At the beaches. Section, 3;- page 6. Fashions. Section 5, pages 1 o 4. , Madame RIchet's :column. Section . 6i page 1. , Miss Tingle's column. Section 5, page 1. Auction bridge. Section 15, page 8. -' Special Features. New statues cause sensations. . Ma'gazine section, gage Floating teas new beach pastime. Maga zine section, page 2. "Probability and Error," fiction feature. Magazine section, page 3. - Americans jilted for. titles. Magazine section, page 4. Evolution and God. Magazine section, page 5. News of world as -seen by camera. Maga zine section, page 6. Hill's cartoons, "Among Us Mortals." Magazine section, page T. 1 Hobo lore. Magazine section, page 8. The web of circumstance. Magazine sec tion, page 8. Giants' Jazz band. Section 3, page 5. ' Faling legacy is boon for children's home. Section 3, page 10, Gossip of , world capitals. Section 4, page 8. Prominent women. Section 5, page 5. -Darling's cartoons on topics of the day. Section 5, page 7. m Foreign. French to explain delay in payment of debts. Section 1, page 6. Germany's murder epidemic goes on un checked, says Maximilian Harden. Sec tion 1. page 3. Irish rebels believed to be planning cap ture of Cork. Section 1, page 2. Signs fa Germany point to reaction in favor of monarchy. Section 1, page 13. Dublin realizes Four Courts surrender is only phase of long battle. Section 1, page 13. National. - Drive against seniority rule in senate, likely to bring results, says Sullivan. Section 1, page 6. Harding to seize German chemical se crets. Section 1, page 14. .- Northwest's men proud of record. Section 1, page 2., Coal operators and miners meet. Sec tion 1, page 14. : Senate approves tariff of 30 cents per bushel on wheat. - Section 1, page 14. Domestic Farm bloc ally candidate in Virginia. Section 1, page 6. Railways predicted to profit from reduced r freight rates. Section 1, page 5. 580,000,000 merger of automobile manu facturers announced. Section 1, page 2. Railroad , shopmen throughout United , States respond to walkout order. Sec tion 1, page 1. The Oregonian to Find Maid to Represent Portland at Pag ' eant in Atlantic City. Wanted the prettiest girl in Portland. The Oregonian will undertake the quest and when Portland's fairest feminine'flower is found, she will represent the Rose City at the big pageant to be held by Atlantic City September 6, 7 and 8, with all ex penses of the trip paid. Seventy-two cities of the United States and Canada will send their most beautiful girls to Atlantic City. Among them all Portland's repre sentative should rule as a queen in her own right and it Is the object of The Oregonian to seek out the one prettiest girl among all Port land's handsome queens of maiden hood, although the undertaking, it is admitted. Is a monumental one. The Oregonian believes the object aimed at would not be attained through a voting contest, popular ity balloting, or other means of like nature. What Is wanted is the most beautiful girl Portland has and It is thought the only way to seek her out successfully is to make the search widely known and ask that pretty girls of Portland and their friends send in photographs of all who will help us in making the best selection possible. The pictures sub mitted should be accompanied by a letter from the contestant, to the effect that she is a contender for the high honor of beauty queen of Port- (Concluded, on Page 13, Coluirin 1.) . Domestic. Harding pleads for dog's life.' Section 1, page 1. . ' i Pacific Northwest, Churches of Christ open convention at Turner Or. Section 1, page 10. Credit of city used by police captain. Section 1, page 8. Test period for telechronometer at Ev erett,' Wash., continued. Section 1, page 8. . Rum runners hunt Monterey "snitch." Section 1, page X General White charges discrimination against Oregon forts. Section 1, page 7. Only three of 15 proposed amendments filed. Section 1, page 6. Hecker found guilty of first degree mur der, bection l, page 1. "Progressive" party is bom in Idaho, Section 1, page 9. Chautauqua opens in Gladstone Park. section 1, page 14. . V J ; ' Sports.' ' Pjfcjjic Coast league results; At Fort- A md 4, Los Angeles- 7; at Seattle 3, jan Francisco 7; at Los Angeles, Ver- Iiion , salt Iake l; at Oakland 5, '.Sacramento 1. Section 2, page, 11. Frfends deplore Griffith's defiance ot Laadis. Section 2, page 1. Visiting oarsmen to make strong bid for northwest title. Section 2, j?age 5. Army will stage 12 racing events. Sec' tion 2, page 5. Circus Solly gets calldown from Chance. Section 2, page 6. Recovery of Oregon championship hope oi veteran tennis stars. Section 2, page 4. . Englishmen cheer pugs' work abroad. Section 2, page 3. Tualatin club makes bigplans for state 6"" U4iUlUUllips, oectiou page 3. Babe's three home runs defeat Athletics in double bill. Section 2, page 2. Thlbodaux is victor In L&tonla derby. section z, page 4, Evans is champion for seventh time. Section 2, page 1. Commercial and Marine. Two-thirds wheat crop indicated in Pa cific northwest. Section 1, page 16. Chicago wheat up on poor threshing re turns, section j, page 16. Liberty bonds continue to advance. Sec tion 1, page 17. Pre-holiday conditions mark New York stock Exchange session. Section 1, page 16. Three wood steamers built here during war are scrapped. Section if page lo, Portland and Vicinity. Quiet celebrations will mark observance or independence day in Portland. section i, page 18. Designation-of major traffic streets on east side advocated. Section 1, page 12. Western members of Paint, Oil and Var- nisn association to meet tn Portland. Section 1 page 9. No reply made to Miss Alice Robertson, Section 1, page 9. Former residents of Salem hold annual reunion. Section 1, page 8. Railroad shop workers of Oregon walk out. section 1. page 4. Fire destroys 40 acres of timber on Buck ley avenue. Section 1, page 3. The Oregonian to find prettiest girl in f ortiana. section l, page 1. Three days of fair weather promised for Fourth of July celebrators. Section 1, page 1. Many important political events sched ' uled for week. Section 1, page 1. Quartet will sing for radio tonight. Sec tion 1, page l. Capital stock of Northwestlrn National bank is doubled. Section 1, page 1, THE NEWS, BY CARTOONIST PERRY. Many Important Events v Are Scheduled. HALL CONTEST IS INVOLVED JJDecision on Election Must Be Made by July 6. PETITION TIME IS BRIEF Tax Clubs to Hold 'State Conven tion at Salem and RepuMlcan Committee Will Be Named. This is to be a somewhat mo mentous week in politic with much centering on July 6, next Thursday. For example: July 6 is the last day" on which Charles Hall can apply tor a con test of the republican primary votes on governor. That date Is also the last one on which initiative petitions shall be filed with the secretary of state, if they are Intended for the November ballot. . The grange income tax measure will get under the wire on time and- a second income tax meas ure, as a proposed amendment to the state constitution, may also be filed, and there may be still other petitions filed. Tax Clnba to Meet. Likewise on the date mentioned the tax reduction clubs plan their state convention at Salem with the prospect of bringing out an inde pendnt candidate for governor and other state offices. Sometime during the week Chair man Walter L. Tooze Jr. may an nounce the personnel of (the execu tive committee of the rerpublican state central committee. So, all things consiaered, matters political will be fairly active after the glorious Fourth. Legal , advisors of Senator Hall have assured him that he has until July 6 in which to file his much discussed .contest Mr. Hall says that unless one or two things not specified occur, he will make a contest. When the time comes Hall will issue a statement to the public. Many Conferences Held. Since the primaries, when returns disclosed that Ben W. Olcott had defeated the state senator from Coos Bay, there have been innum erable rumors, regarding Hall's plans. For weeks Hall has been engaged in making a personal in vestigation of election matters and has visited Pendleton and' other towns to confer with friends as to what happened in their respective section. Agents have been checking precinct registrations, the vote cast and other angles, all in the interest of Hall. A large sum is said to have been raised among Hall's se cret society supporters to defray the cost of the contest. It is said that irregularities in counting ballot will be alleged and another com plaint will be that democrats changed their registration on elec tion day and voted the republican ticket. Just what Hall thinks is wrong will not be made public until he sees fit to speak. W. S.. U'Ren will be one of the lawyers engaged by the Hall forces in the contest. There is no forecasting how much time will be consumed in the contest if the courts allow a contest and It is possible it will drag its weary way through the summer so that the November general election may be on the horizon before a decision is reached. , . Tnro Moves Are Open. In the event that Hail aoes not win the nomination in the contest, then the group backing him is ex pected either to produce an inde pendent candidate or swing to the democratic nominee for governor. C. E. Gates is supposed to have first call on 'this vote as an independent (Concluded on Page 3. Coiumn 1.) VbCUSStKG.ttte QUESTION WHO ftR.. 'tAE.WXZS Forecaster Wells Says- There Is Nothing to, Indicate Any Change From Present. : Continuation of fair weather to day, tomorrow and Tuesday was the assurance given 'by District Fore caster Wells to all travelers who contemplate a three-day trip over the Fourth of July. The forecaster was not entirely confident, but he said late last night that thQre was nothing to Indicate, a change from the prevalent fair weather. Both the maximum temperature and the jirlnd were higher yesterday than they have been for several days. About 4:30 o'clock in the after noon the thermometer registered 89 degrees, 6 degrees higher than on Friday, and equal to the highest temperature of June. The prevail ing northwest winds were blowing at .the rate of 12 miles an hour. While it was generally considered that June was an extremely hot month the monthly summary pre pared by the weather bureau showed that it broke no weather records. The mean temperature for . the month was 65.5 degrees, while the normal temperature for June is 6X4 degrees, a record made in 1889. The lowest precipitation recorded in 60 years was .12 inches in mi, while this month there was .14 inches. The hottest day of the month waa June 19, when a high mark of 89 de grees was reached. On June 16 the lowest temperature was recorded as 46 degrees. EUGENE, Or., July 1 (Special.) For the second time this year the temperature i$ached 91 degrees to day, the previous high mark being on May 30. Everything is dry and forest fires are breaking out again but no damage is yet reported here. Spring sown grain is suffering severely from the drouth and will be very short here. Cherries and ber ries are also being affected by the heat. ' THE DALLES, Or., July 1. (Spe cial.) The Dalles sweltered through the hottest temperature of the year, today, the mercury climbing to 103 above at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Despite the hot weather, the Co lumbia is receding rapidly and swimming at the municipal dip will be resumed shortly. ALBANY, Or., July 1. (Special.) An unusually warm day inaugur ated July in this section of the state. . The maximum temperature was 94. Though this is one degree less than the highest temperature recorded here this summer, the day was very sultry. 15 KILLED IN COLLISION French Troops and German Civil ians Clash in Silesia. BERLIN, July 1. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Advices from Glei witz, Silesia, report 15 killed and 25 wounded in a collision between German civilians and a detachment of French troops this morning. A state jof siege has been pro claimed. French armored cars are patrolling the streets and rifle fir ing was in progress in some of the streets tonight. AUTO ACCIDENT FATAL One Man Killed, Two Injured in Mishap Near lone. IONE, Or., July 1. (Special.) Bob Sperry was killed and Wayne Sperry and Oscar Bergstrom were injured seriously in an automobile accident three mifes from lone, on the Oregon-Washington highway, at 8 o'clock tonight. Details of the accident had not been received here at a late hour. SOLON TO RESUME DUTIES Senator Stanfield Advises His Colleague He Will Return. THE OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, WASHINGTON, D. C, July 1. Sen ator Stanfield, who has been absent from Washington since April 1, telegraphed Senator McNary today that he would leave for here on July 5 to resume his duties in the senate. N OUR 0PN10N THE 5-00O AoYe.vs of ARE GftE-ATEST ARE. TWOUMOS OF TWE.M Slayer .of Frank Bowker Scheduled to Hang. VERDICT STUNS DEFENDANT Mother and Sweetheart'CoI lapse rUnder Shock. APPEAL OF CASE LIKELY Judge Campbell to Pronounce Sentence on Prisoner Wednes day; Death Penalty Certain. OREGON CJTY. Or., July 1. (Spe cial.) "Guilty of murder in the first degree" was the verdict brought against Russell Hecker here today. After' deliberating for 59 minutes the jury which was trying him for the slaying of Frank Bowker. Port land musician, returned a verdict upholding the indictment for the crime committed at Clackamas sta tion Easter Sunday. Under the verdict Hecker must be sentenced to hang. Hecker, standing before the bench to hear the verdict, sank into a chair. For a moment he sat as if stunned, then slowly let his head sink into his hands. But he did net cry. Downstairs his mother, whose face had grown more haggard as the trial progressed, went into hysterics. Her shrieks, which filled the courthouse, did not stop until a physician was called. Almost un conscious, the woman was removed, to a hotel room, where she received immediate medical attention. Sweetheart Is Overcome. Nellie Lainhart, Hecker's sweet heart, shrieked with grief upon being infomed of the verdict. Later, in the sheriff's office, she lay de spondent in the arms of the 24-year-old youth who next Wednesday will hear from Trial Judge Campbell the sentence for his crime for which he was convicted by the jury with out recommendation. Hecker's father, who had sat at the boy's side during the entire trial, was stunned by the verdict. For an instant his face blanched, but with a set expression he turned and laid his hand upon his son's shoulder. The defense immediately will move for a new trial, Thomas Ryan, one of the attorneys stated. A two week Interval for the perfection of the necessary legal detail has been allowed by Judge Campbell. The case was sent to thejury at 3:37 o'clock this afternoon. The arguments of the attorneys, limited to two hours on a side, consumed the morning and part of the afternoon session. Judge Campbell's instruc tions to the jury were brief, out lining the general terms of the law and the constitution of the four ver dicts which co;-.ld be returned, from first degree murder to manslaughter. First Degree Verdict Asked. The opening argument for the prosecution was made by George Mowry, deputy district attorney of Multnomah county. A plea for either a first degree verdict or an exonera tion was made by the state in sup port of the contention that the crime was premeditated and com mitted in cold blood. The position of the bullet wound in the back of the head, the removal of all of the marks of identifica tion on the body, the sinking of the corpse in the Calapooia, the bor rowing of a pistol, and the purchase of a hop sack were dwelt on by the attorney as evidence of murderous intent. The fact that Hecker's com mission on the bootleg deal was to be small, and his taking of the money from Bowker's pockets also were pointed out. Livy Stipp, district attorney in charge of the' prosecution, made the closing argument for the prosecu tion. He covered the entire ground (Concluded on Page 2. Column )URM "WteS VeoPWE. "TrArVV CAKT WAIY -tll Ttt-e. !