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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
14 THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX. POJITLAND, JULY 1920 FOR 8AtE AUTOMOBILES. COOK & GTT.T. CO.. Paiee Distributors. OTTER THE TOLLOWIW HIGH GRADE USED CARS. EVERY CAR IS EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED AND THE PRICE LOWEST COMMEXSliR-AT-E WITH ITS A&E AND MOIfEL. Note Values cannot be Judged by comparing: prices in advertisements. Csrs must be seen and tried out. You will learn that our prices are the lowest to be found. THESE CARS MUST BE SOLD QUICKLY And Are Priced Accordingly. 1020 Larch ont Sport model Paiire. run less than 15O0 miles. $100 in . extras, car as good as new. new price over $0000; snap at. 1919 LlKht 8 Paige, looks like new. runs the same; new price $2175: grab this at $1525 1918 Lteht 6 Paige; you can't match this at $1150 Chandler Chummy, a beauty ...$1300 7-pasa, Chandler tout-in, a f me car $1400 101T Bulck Light .' see this. .$1100 1918 'Willys Knlrht . cost $3165:' extra special deal on this at. ...J1350 These ears are guaranteed to be In Al condition and will give the pur chasers the same -satisfaction as new cars, considering the difference in price. Every one has been given a- high-grade paint 'Job. and thoroughly overhauled. U&HT CAES TAKEN- IX TRADE. EAST TERMS. CSED CAR DEPT. OPEtM SUNDAY. ' ASK FOR STR. AH GO. COOK St GILL CO.. PAIGE DISTRIBUTORS. 11TH AND BURKSIDE. VTE ARB NOT OVERSTOCKED BUT HAVE THE FOLLOWING USED CARS THAT ARE PRICED RIGHT AND "WILL GIVE ANYONE REAL :' SERVICE. r- 1919 7-passenger National, full new cord tire equipment. A fine car at a big saving. 1920 Overland, the new light four. 1919 Overland touring, fine chape. 1918 Overland, run very little. 1917 Maxwell Urea. newly painted, new 1919 Chevrolet, run 5000 miles, price of $700. You may take advantage of Our Easy Payment Plan. low MANLEY AUTO CO.. Surnside at 11th. Broadway 217. GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS. ALL OVERHAULED OR REBUILT. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EVERY CAR. 1918 Ford bug. Just rebuilt $ 450 1018 Ford touring, rebuilt 400 191 7Ford touring, overhauled, new ly painted 425 1916 Ford touring, runs like a watch' 375 1920 Ford 1-ton truck, worm drive, stake body 600 1919 Ford light delivery ,90 per cent new 450 1914 Ford light delivery, top and curtain - 250 1918 Chevrolet 490, runs and looks new 600 1918 Overland, model 90, runs fine 600 1916 Hupmoblle, motor rebuilt, new ly painted 900 1019 Scrlppa-Booth 6. 90 per cent new 1000 1919 Liberty six, looks and runs like new 1200 Series 18 Studebaker roadster. $100 extras 600 1917 Bulck 6, rebuilt throughout.. 950 Pierco-Arrow, 6-36, $1100 to rebuild 1500 Chalmers Master 6, new battery, new carburetor, overhauled, good tires, 7 passenger 600 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. That old reliable firm, CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, til Burnslde st., between 14th and 15th. Phone Broadway 1424. FOUR GOOD BUYS. PACKARD twin six, 7-passenger, 1918 model. In excellent shape, $3500. DODGE coupe, li20 model, gone only a few thousand miles and as good as new; wire wheels, bumper and other extras, $1750. MAXWELL. 1919 touring, driven 8000 rones ana mecnanicany as good as new. To be sacrificed on account of sickness. $775. . FORD coupe, looks like new, 1917 model that has had excellent care and in gooa condition. S6o0. These cars are not our own but have been left with us for sale and unless we can recommend a car as an excep tionally good buy we will not handle it, It will pay you to see these if you Kwuieuiipidia uuying a macntne. BROADWAY GARAGE. E. 24th and Broadway. 1020 OLDS. Cost $1900 ; 4 cord tires, spotlight. rnotometer. bumper; gone 1400 miles. ill wsit lor , w.iu. $.!000 CAR FOR $1200. 1918 Haynes 7-pass.. perfect Shane. cord tires. Just overhauled. Cost $3000. win sacrifice for $1200 cash; $7I0 sp:nt w v viri uautlUK. 1919 BUICK. Perfect shape, priced low. Hurry If juu Mini iu sei in on inn snap; a cord urea, pouiyni. uor. ntn ana Couch sts. RAI JUU1UM UAH CO. 1918 CHEVROLET TOl'RIXR At low price and we will take $250 down, balance monthly; car is refin lshed and will run to please you. Come and try It. 605 Alder st. Red Front L6CO v w r io. PAIGE TOURING, 1919. Like new. Looks ana runs ime me aay it came from fac tory. $650 cash, will handle; balance terms. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 BRO'DWAY. ARE YOU IN THE MARKET for a good economical ,-cynnaer car i Just painted new top and good tires. Fine Mechanics condition. Call me up. Mr. Howard. .proaqway ibjb, DODOB touring, an exceptional car for $600. See Sunday 9U05 71st ave.. near 92d St.. Monday at 70th t. and Foster roaa. ask xor inspector on street 1m provement. WILL pay about $800 cash for light five passenger car; no Fords or Chevrolet give full description and price; no agent a. - R 941, Oregonian. fH'ICK. ifi5, B-23. $350 cash. McCuliough, Wdln. 555. Simpson st. FORD bug, needs some parts. $125; leav ing town. 125 16th st; call Monday. HUDSON car In good condition, $650 cash. Phone Tabor 5502. FORD touring car, good as new. Call Speedwell garage, 14th and Couch. LATE Maxwell, splendid condition, will exchange or sell cheap. Phone East 111. BUICK four. 1917. hauled, bargain. new tires, just- over Mar. llo4. CAR for sale cheap. $150 cor. of 61bt and Stark. Engine 10. 1818 FORD touring, fine condition, good tires and extras Tabor 8S0. A NEW 1920 Ford, cheap. Call Main 40R5. BOilii bug, 1&19 Oakland 0, Tabor 6GbL FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. . ONLY $12.50 PER ACRE. 160-ACP.E BARGAIN. B miles from Carrols. Wash., on good countv road! rural route, teleDh-one. thickly settled community: 20 acres has 1 Deen cleared: orchard, sprlnjrs and creen. Fine soil.- considerable fir and cedar tim ber. A dandy stock ranch. $1)00 cash. A. W. ESTES. 909 Chamber of Commerce. "18.BCICK FOUR TOURING You ddn't often see one of these pop ular cars for sale and this one is first class ever) way and we have low price ana win taKe idoo down, balance easy. You dan try It at 505. Alder su Red ront. Open Sundays. DODGE delivery for sale. 351 First street. Automobiles Wanted. AUTO WANTED FOR CASH. ANY CAR ABOVE FORD IN GOOD I RUNNING ORDER: "18 OR '17 OR 1920. FOR. PERSONAL USE. TOURING OR -riLM. : MUST BE POSITIVE BAR GAIN. WILL DEAL WITH OWNERS. I ADDRESS BUYER. J 903. OREGONIAN. CASH FOR CARS. I will pay cash for few light late model cars, roadstres or tourings; must be in shape to stand try-out, as I do not buy junk; if you need ready money bring your cars to me at C05 Alder st itea ront used car c.o. HOUSE FOR AUTO. Eight-room modern house, close In. eaot side. 15 minutes' walk from P. O. : basement, furnace, fireplace, city im provements all paid; house vacant; would - rent for $50. Price $5000; incumbrance $3800, payable $50 per month; will trade mr car, aw i, oregonian. WILL pay cash for Ford roadster with I starter. FARM UTILITIES CO.. 2&1 E. Morrison St. WANTED A good, late model Ford or jjoage roaaster in exchange for 1U17 sax on roadster; self-starter . and In good condition; also 50x73 lot on 45th st. S. E. four blks. to W. W. car. Address or bring car to B. Morecroft. Dundee. Or. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale st. 8. W. corner 15th and Washington. CASH FOR YOUR FORDS.' 630 ALDER. BROADWAY 1852. TRADE FOR FORD. Vulcanising ahop, value $600, been do ing $3O0 a month; I have two shons and cannot run both; trade this one even up for Ford In good condition. Phona Broadway 3273. WE WANT CARS. Customers on our lists for all makes of cars and can make that car mean money to you. PORTLAND CAIi SALES CO.. 531 Alder eta Broadway 2411. WANT good used 5-passenger car. late model. Chevrolet or Maxwell preferred. Near new Henderson motorcycle as first payment.- Aut. 31026 before XO A. id., or after 6 P. M. WILL take automobile up to $2000 on sale of attractive ti-room house, northeast corner 2Uth and Weldler Sts. Price $5000. balance mortgage and installments. Jfi 22 i. Oregonian. WILL GIVE my solid gold 18 Jewel x1 rencn watcn on llrst payment, mecha nical A-l, cheap automobile or sell for casn, fM. can East 5055. S. Sawins, ta Hi. tturnslae. WANT TO RENT Ford with starter. -nevrolet or any light car for 2 months. to be used not to exceed. 800 miles. P t33, Oregonlan. WILL TRADE MY LOT IN BELL CREST FOR AUTOMOBILE: WILL PAY DIF FERENCE. -TABOR 8325. SUNDAY AND AFTER 6:30 WEEK DAYS. WANTED -Five-passenger car or roadster in excnange lor lo .acres of fine land. jz mucs irom Portland. xTlce xiuoo. pnone owner, Alain ooo. CASH for real bargain in small touring I car, good mechanical condition. State I year, make, price. Not a dealer. D 253, Oregonlan. WANT auto: have bunch beach lota, s sessed. $1400, and balance cash, for good auto In first-class condition. Marshall i3;w. WANTED 1919 Dodge roadster in good 1 conaition in excnange lor Rose city corner lot. value $1000. Title Insurance. See Farrington, 300 Dekum Bldg. WANTED Roadster In good condition (no dealers); for late 1917 Metz 5-passenger I witn electric ugnts, sen starter. Phone Bdwy. 4021. J. A. Brown, 32 N. 5th AUTOMOBILE as first payment on borne, auto must be a medium-weight car ana in iirst-ciass conaition. uj 841, Oregonlan. MAXWELL touring body, 1917 or I'll 8 model. Jas u. oreene, 1160 -Willamette boulevard I WA-NT the best light car that $500 to $600 win buy. Phone Haley, Broadway 4173. No agents. WILL WIRE your house and install class A iixtures as part payment on a good running auto; bal. in cash. East 8610. WANTED Best light car that $30 down and $oo per mo. win buy. o old, orego nian. HAVE diamonds, want good automobile. Hudson or Bulck preferred; what have you? Main 6476. FORD heavy delivery body for sale or traae tor roaaster Doay. loin dame. boo East 3ftn st. A LIGHT auto for piano with self-playing attacnments. t.all 4UJ 2umhro court apt., 20th and Wash. Mar. 2768. CORNER lot on hard-surface street. Uni versity park, to excnange tor an auto mobile. AM 82a. oregonlan. WANTED One 5-ton logging trailer, must be in good condition and easy terms. H iiii. uregonian. ANY MAKE of auto in good, running or- I der; must be positive bargain lor caBh. C 230, Oregonian. 1917 HUDSON super six in A-l condition. two new cord Tires, lor $1000. 245 Yam bill at., room 209. LIGHT AUTO Exchange two lots, all Im provements, pay cash difference. Mar shall 9. WANT Dodge delivery car: will give good Rose city lot as part payment. L 941, oregonian. WILL trade $450 motorboat for Ford or other machine. F. S. Clay, card Lam- hereon & rteia boatnouse. BUICK WANTED. Will pay cash, must be In good con dition, private party. V 93S. Oregonian. $430 CONTRACT, payable $20 monthly. trade for a ord. e-o Railway Exchange I bldg. AUTOMOBILE WANTED Will exchange 2 Ascot acres. Base Line. Jacob Haas, Main 617. WANT At once, Chevrolet or Ford. Give I lowest cash price and model. D 675, oregonian. WE ARE in the market for used cars. Drive them in and walk away with the I mohey Pacific Auto Co., 623 Alder st. HAVE GOOD Ford delivery body to ex change for roadster body. Call 14 North Broadway or phone Broadway 2402. AUTO up to $1000 as part payment on 10-acre ranch. 5 acres bearing orchard: $2700: owner. L 906. Oregonian. WANTED Late model auto; will give 10 lets in v oraen, or., as llrst payment. A zi.i. oregonian. WILL EXCHANGE a 1-K. W. farm light ing plant for good auto. In good running oraer ana pay aurerence in casn. E. 8610. WILL TAKE CAR as part payment on 2 lots, -jaxliiu. on union ave. Dodge pre- xerrea. r,ast oui-. WANT to buy old cars, any size or i condition. Call Vancouver 605, R. Gore. 2 WANTED To buy one or two second-hand fcuicks; must be in goon condition, 307 Washington st..- Vancouver, Wash. WNTBD Ford roadster; must be reason- I arie. Main WANT LITTLE PACKARD 18. Phono -Broadway 3J78. WANT to buy from owner medium -priced used car: no dealers. Auto. 316-49. WANTED Ford or bargain for cash. Chevrolet, must bo 419 E. S2d st. N. WANT late mag-heto for four-cylinder motor. Sell WANTED Light roadster, have Chandler to trade. Columbia 1114. WANT late model Ford sedan. Aut. 318-24. WANT TOP for Ford runabout. lf4. 5 East 60th at. North. WANT A Ford, must bo cheap; condition no opjec--;. aiain -jd'j. FORD touring- roadster, bug or chassis. LATE model Franklin ; have cash up to 1918 490 CHEVROLET, in good condition, $;i."01 cash or terms. 827 Kelly. Motorcycles. 1918 EXCELSIOR, electric equipped, easy icrms. uau j--kL uuo. 1913 CLEVELAND, new tires, needs some re pair a, t casn. laDor aui7 FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE BARGAIN. 1919 Electric Henderson.. ... .$350 1919 Electric Excelsior (like new) S300 1919 Cleveland $150 1919 Reading standard (elec.) $225 1915 3-speed Indian 75 Many other bargains all prices. Easy Terms. STRINE CYCLE CO.. 4th and Taylor sts. Phone Main 119L . Excelsior. Cleveland, Henderson Agencies. BICYCLES $5 Down. $2 a Week. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTOR CYCLES AND BICYCLES. It costs less to ride the best. We have several used and rebuilt Harleys that are guaranteed like now. All models are newly fin ished 3-speed and In perfect con dition. .Hanging from $175. up. Terms, Vi cash. $25 monthly. Count 'em as they go by. MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO.. INC. 200 3d St. Corner Taylor. 1910 MODEL Henderson motorcycle and sidecar outfit, in lirst-class order all around, equipped with speedometer, generator and 2 spotlights. Has ,been run about 20O0 miles. Price $425. T. J. Foreman, Cascade Locks, Or. WANT good used 5-passenger car. late model, Chevrolet or Maxwell prererrea. Near new Henderson motorcycle as first payment. Aut. 31026 before 10 A. M. or after 6 P. M. HENDERSON 1919, A. B. C. generator. tandem, speedometer, etc. East 2ti2o be tween 2 P. M. and 6 P. M. or after 7 P. M. during week. 1919 SPORT model Harley motorcycle, perfect running order, new paint. Price $275, terms. E. B. Woodyard, 65 East tiuth st. Tabor 517. '13 EX IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. WITH EQUIPMENT, $75 CASH OR $35 TERMS. EAST 40K3. 545 IS. BROAD WAY. LATE 48 Harley. elec. equi-pped. like new. Don t pass this up if you want a oanay machine at a low price anu easy terms. D 603. Oresonian. $50 TAKES twin cylinder motorcycle. Just overhauled; extra set cylinders ana pis tons; pr. putties and gloves. Tabor 613. SACRIFICE 1918 Harley-Davldson, elec trically equipped; cash. $22u. Phone bell. 230, or East 77-7. CLEVELAND motorcycle, A-l condition; new tires, Presto lamp and carrier; $30. t23Vj Williams ave. WANTED. Good motorcycle for cash. Must be a snap. Call Sunday, 1035 East 7th N. HARLE Y-DAVIDSON motorcycle, twin cylinder, new tires, good running order, $50. Termnal .Garage, 5th and Hoyt sts. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-200 3D ST. MAIN 6230. 1915 DAYTON motorcycle, $40. if taken at- once, lwy iveiiy. Mar. 40io. FOR 8ALE- -Man's N. bicycle, $15. 392 G-rand ave. H. D. MOTORCYCLE side car, cheap. 389 is. itn st. MUST sell late Excelsior, all equipped. good shape, new tires, $130. East 5304. Auto Tires and Accessories. TIRE SECONDS. Goodyear, General, Miller, Diamond. All intended to be "firsts," same fabric, same rubber, same workmen. But the inspector found a blemish and called them ."seconds" and that makes THE PRICE LOW You can save several dollars on each tire. WEAVER TIRE CO.. 833-335 Burnslde st.. Broadway. WINANS BROS. Radiator, fender and body works; smashups a specialty; acetylene welding. 181 Columbia at., S. E. cor. Oregon Elec ric depot. Portland. Or. 1 DODGE 5-passenger. 1916. in A-l con dition; just put $200 on car. For $625 cash. No trade. Marshall 2982. 367 ft Cable Bt. BARGAINS in NEW and used tires and .tubes while they last; special bargain on a Miller cord. 33x4 Vs rib tread. 514 Union avenue North. FOR SALE Two 36x5 quick detachable tires and tubes, Just like new. $J5 laKes the lot. See Richard at Brady Auto Co., 19 th and Washington. 34x4 MILLER CORD. $15: 36x4Vi Good year cord. $14. Call 10.5.4 Arnold St.. near E. 34th st. FINE 36x44 retread Miller A. D.-A. M. A. tire. C. P. Barrette. Main 9307. Pan ama b 1 d K . N K V" 4-passenger bug body: also delivery body: $10. 34 7 E. 4 1st s t. S. Automobiles for Hire. - AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers. Day or night service. COUCHMA-V GARAGE, 19th and Couch. Remember our number. Broadway 8696. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVKRLANDS. HUDSON'S.' LOWNSDALE GARAGE, BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rates. 132 12th St., between Washington and Alder. Bdwy. 840. NEW CARS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD AND GL1SAN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. ALTHOF i BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. A UTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR H IRE. L. 1. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE, Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. HIGHWAY auto service. Bdwy. 334, Main 224. Pierce-Arrows, Packards, Wintons. Cars by hour, day, month. CARS for hire without drivers at Long & Silva. 462 Hawthorne. Phone East 6S40 1920 5 PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE. WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. ,'.- 1-TON FEDERAL. In good shape, runs and pulls fine, easy terms with very small payment down. Palace Garage. 12th and Stark. Bdwy. 1572 A TRUCK BARGAIN. 2-ton Garford truck on good Job at $30 per dav; 1 1 -o will nanaie. BEAT1E-SMITH TRUCK CO. Oregon City, Or. 10-18 CASE tractor, 1020 model; have sold ranch; run approximately "joo hours; extension rim; extra magneto equip meat; price cheap if taken at once; also tractor uisk. AV oregonlan. AND 1-TON REPUBLIC TRUCKS. Just overhauled: will sacrifice. Bet ter see these bargains. 33 NORTH PARK ST. FOR SALE One 2-ton truck, good condi tion. One 2-ton Nash in perfect condi tion. Phone Broadway 3848, or call at loth and Davm. TRUCK owner with 3-ton truck and trailer, log-hauling job. Call 227 Salmon st. Main nut. open toaay. 1-TON truck. Overland 75, in pood con dition ; a bar pa in at $475. Dsl Haw thorne. Phone Tabor WILL SELL cheap, used Woods hydraulic hoist and 3 yard dump body. D. C warren Motor Car Co.. Main 780. hBADQUAKTr-KS space ror few more pood trucK. lines xor rent. investigate, Union Freight Depot, Broadway OLDS MOBILE truck in perfect condition equipped with cord tires, one spare and rim. .Hutchinson s Oarage, Farkrose, I FOR QUICK SALE Ford one-ton truck good condition, cneap. i nomas Perry t is. -itn street. FOR SALE or trade, a 2-ton truck, in good shape. Phone Tabor 4SU. Address cor 44th ave. at 72d st. ONE-TON Ford truck, pneumatic tires. covertd top; ii-u moaei, almost new, $750. Ownor, Marshall .454. Terms. ONE-TON Ford truck for sale at bargain. Come and see lU . t lay. or. iioO So. Harriaon St. -TON chassis suitable for truck; bargain. '2-iM juornson t. HAULING contract with 2-ton truck trailer li neeaea. rnone .nam nuu. ONE TON Pierce-Arrow delivery for sa-le or trade. Phone fcjst ii4T. TWO-TON Baker electric truck, Edison batteries, a bargain. zo'J cj.M.orrison. 2-TON BAKER electric truck. Edison bat terles ; bargain. aw K. Morrison st- TWO-ton chassis, suitable lor truck. 289 E. Morrison FOR SALE TRUCKS AJfD TRACTORS. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. AFord worm verhauled, a drive, snap. nearly .$075 G. M. C. -1 ton. has seen les than six weeks' actual work, cab, windshield, platform body. Just the thing for the farm, fruit haul or similar work $1850 White 1H ton, pneumatic front tires, solid rears, has had excel lent care; equipped with body cab and windshield, "as .is. $1100; overhauled $1250 Federal 1 ton, new tires, new paint, cab. windshield, big open body, drop tailgate, a gift at $1450 G. M. C. 1V4 ton. pneumatic tires, has had rigid daily Inspec tions and the best of care, speedy, reliable and good ...$1750 Velle 3'4. a. great big brute with no limit of power, just the thing for the woods, cordwood . or other extra heavy work.. $1850 Federal 34 ton, overhauled, re painted, and it takes a good long look to distinguish it from a new one $2750 WENTWORTH & IRWIN. INC. 200 2d st. Corner Taylor. REBUILT TRUCK BARGAINS. lH-ton Federal worm ' drive; carries same guarantee as new truck; fine con dition, $2400. lH-ton Federal 1915 model chain drive, good condition. $S50. 1-ton Federal chain drive; fast and serviceable. $600. 1-ton Ail-American; electric lights, good body and cab; used very liule. Snap at $800. 1-ton Denby, good cab and body, price fllOO. 3 hi -ton Federal with hydraulic hoist and 3 "4 -yd. dump body; used less than 1 year; fine shape. Special price. 1-ton Maxwell, cab and body, electric lights, $475. Reasonable Term WILLIAM L. HUGHSON COMPANY. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 321. FEDERAL TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. Sales and Service Since 1103. UNUSUAL BARGAINS. 1-ton Federal, overhauled $ 450 1- ton Maxwell, delivery body, cab 400 1-ton White, pneumatic tires... 15O0 2- ton International, year old 1000 Above trucks completely overhauled and priced to sell regardless of cost. Terms can be arranped. MACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORP. 10th and Davis Sts. TRUCKS FOR SALE. A number of good used trucks traded In on KARAVANS, priced so low that buyers can realize 100 per cent profit when trading in on new trucks. 1 "4-ton Garford. ' lV4-ton Fulton. 2-ton Reo. 34 -ton Federal. Two Hundred Dollars down on any of aDOve. balance as you make it. E. D. VAN DERSAL. 354 Burnslde st. Broadway 80. WOOD TRUCK. Two-ton White, overhauled In our shop, new giant tires, for a quick sale will sacrifice for $iroo. THE WHITE COMPANY, Park and Couch Sts. ONE lij-TON DIAMOND T TRUCK, with gooa express body. Practically new, $2250. One 2-ton Federal truck, with body, practically new. $2250. Two 1-ton Ford trucks in good condition. Make your own terms. Oregon Diamond T Truck Co., Corner Tenth and Flanders. x ei. Broadway 457. FOR SALE Case steam tractor. 13 H. P.; one Perkins shingle mill; hay baler and engine gang plow with eight fourteen Inch bottoms; will sell very reasonable, with easy terms on good security. Call on or address owner, G. A. Volck, Junc- tlon CityMJr IB' YOU are looking for a heavy used truck call and see me. as I have several for sale that are in very good condition and exceptionally good values. Camp bell, N. W. Cor. 10th and Davis. Broad way 4379. FOR SALE Truck, new, one ton, Denby with cab and windshield and pneu matic tires. Have changed our delivery plans since ordering this truck and are prepared to sacrifice. Phone Main S745 week days, call or write 249 Stark st. IF YOU have $300 or $400 to start and will hustle, will turn over fine truck and hauling business to you and see you soon. 1 have too much business fftr one. Apt. 29. Uptur Apts.. after 6 P. M. TRUCK FOR SALE. Two-ton Diamond T truck for sale, only run 4 mo. A snap at $2000; good contract for truck; will consider tour ing cars in trade. T 905, Oregonlan. 1-TON FORD TRUCK.. Make us an offer. THE WHITE COMPANY, Park and Couch. TRUCK SNAP. 3-ton Mack on steady Job at $5 per hour, one-third cash, balance easy terras. L. A. SMITH, Oregon City. Or. HAVE you a reil good truck to trade for a tine garage in dandy town on high way? $2500 and will pay cash difference. 2ol West Park. ACTO REPAIRING. ALBINA GARAGE. Wanted, al! kinds of automobile re pairing by first-class mechanics: all work guaranteed: prices reasonable. Call Wdln. 1114. Garfield ave. GARAGKSw FOR RENT Garage 325 East 42d st. Phone Tabor 4102. FOR RENT Private garage, lower Port land Heights. Main 56.U. JIO a month. PRIVATE garage Union ave., cor. Graham. pnone jwrs. La.Mona, isuwy. y-iu. FOR RENT Garage. 072 Gladstone ave., corner slid. $5 a month. . PRIVATE garage, near 23d and Washing ton, in Otfd. oregonian. FOrfl RENT Private garage. $7.50. Cor. loth ana Harrison. Phone Bdwy. 4451. WAN T E D MI SCE IXA N EOU S. WANTED Second-hand warehouse plat form scale : suitable for weiehinr fruit. Address Oregon Growers Packing cor poration. Jdedlord. Oregon. SAFE Wat small second-hand cafe: not particular about condition If fireproof. AP 7. Oregonian. HEATER. COOK STOVE AND RANGE WANTED. 123 FIRST. MAIN 4495, TAB OK bi W?5. WANTED Canvas fly -for tent. 12x16 Phone Woodlawn 1S57 Monday. 745 Haight avenue, corner r remont. CHICKEN manure wanted; state price delivered to loth, ana JJavis. w 573, Oregonian. WE BUI DIAMONDS, OLD GOLD. OLD Jewelry for cash; name your price. Bring or mail. ozay wasn.. oei. oca ana uawy. WANT TENT. CARPENTER TOOLS SHOTGUN AP-iD Itir i-Ji. MAIN 4495, TABOR 6798. DUCK hunters, for one of the best shoot ing reserves on Sauvies island. - M UOJ, Orjegonian. WANTED Enameled Iron lavatory with necessary fittings lor not and cold water. Phone Sell. 3778. HOUSE AND ROuP PAINTING. REPAIR ING. T 1 N I 1 JN tx, W AULb OLi AN ED. TABOR 5212. DOUBLE OFFICE- DESK, flat top. 60x60 inches; must ue bargain. Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 3066. CAMERA lene of high-grade, w!H con-sider complete camera or kodak. Phone Tabor yoio. GIRL'S bicycle, size 8 to 10 years, give conaition anu. price. v rite or cau E. S5th St. WANTED To buy fuel or cull ties. Marshall 2074. WANTED A sta-ndard and desk. Call 210-62. maae typewriter WANT SECOND-HAND SHELVING. 12S FIRST. MAIN 445. TABOR 6708. I BUY used and second-hand sewing ma chines. Phone Sell. 1071. WANTED Good second-hand boy's wheel, 26-inch frame. Sell 3193. W ANTED Second-hand squirrel skins to use with other skins. O 2i4, Oregonian. VICTORY liberty bonds wanted. Will pay market price. o bid, cregonian. iVANTED to rent or buy, child's outdoor wheel chair, pnone Main wm. WANTED Some one to knit a plain sleeveless sweater, pnone wood. toi. WANTED Scales, register, ice box. block, meat case; cheap. E 580, Oregonian. CASH for electric motor. 217 Washington. Main 6517. WANTED To estimate on your plumbing worK. any Kina. mu--. WILL pay cash for second-hand cork lin oleum. V uuo, uregonian. WANT to buy disc harrow, in good condi tion and a bargain. AM 724, Oregonian. WANTED Gas hot water heater; must be I good. Call Tabor 25S7 - I WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, rugs, carpets. stoves and all household goods and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. 221-223-225 Front SC WANTED A NAME. WILL PAY $50. To the person who will suggest the "BEST" name for our NEW GAS - BURNING VENTILATOR FURNACE. It's laborless, odor less, smokeless, pipeless, sanitary and economical. Phone, write or call for pamphlet, which Illustrates furnace and gives suggestions na to th kind of a name preferred. EDWARDS FURNITURE CO.. 5th and Oak. SPOT CASH FOR DIAMONDS. I PAY SPOT CASH AND THE HIGH EST MARKET VALUE FOR DIA MONDS. NO AMOUNT IS TOO LARGE FOR ME TO HANDLE. I AM COM MISSIONED BY A LARGE DIAMOND CONCERN TO BUY ALL THE DIA MONDS OFFERED. MY LOCATION IS DOWNTOWN AND CONVENIENT. ALL BUSINESS IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.- ERNEST DEEDS. 340 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 8173. $12.50 TO $25. FOR SECONDHAND SUITS AND OVfttCOATS. CALL MEYEK. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marshall 1229 or 25 Madison st near 3d st Will call day or evening. UP TO $35. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d st.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. $S,50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3032. 245 V4 BURNSIDE. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. r FURS. FURS. FURS. Cleaning and alterations, any descrip tion. Use La France fur- dressing for summer and save $lou. Reasonable prices. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. 163 W. Park. bet. Morrison and YamhilL Main 6529. SPOT CASH. NO RED TAPE. Diamonds bought, all sizes. Business confidential. JOS. L1NZ. 602 Spalding Bldg. Main 1634. Hours 1 to 6 P. M. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-oft clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call day or niht. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. MOTOR WANTED. 2200-volt. H-phase. 00-cycle. 20. to 35 . horsepower motor wanted ; give name plate rating, price, condition and guar antee. AK 625. Oregonian. $10 TO S2S positively paid for gents used suits, and overcoats: call anv place: get my oifer before you sell : will call any time and place. Goldbaum. the tailor. 1,(57 First st.. nr. Morrison. Main 73S. DIAMONDS WANTED. We pay cash, in any amount, for diamonds. VINES' JEWELRY STORE. 257 Washington st.. cor. 3d. Main 6640. TAKE NOTICE. We buy second-hand men's suits and overcoats at $10 and up. Call up Main 3207 or call and see Ben Adler. 2Ul Third st. JUNK WANTED JUNK. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ALSO BUY FURNITURE AND CLOTHING. CALL MAIN 734. STUMP pulling wanted; have complete set or heavy machinery for heavy work; the bigger the job the better. O 275 Ore gonian. WANT to buy one No. 5 Underwood type writer in boo a condition: aiso one larg-e flat -top oak dek and chair. Call Main WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shotgun and kodaks. Hochfeld, 85 3d st. Main 8581. WANTED Typewriter in good condition, must be cheap. State price. AV 176, Oregonian. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia- monds. Dan Marx & Co.. 2p3 Wash, ut. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and all house hold goods, and will pay the highest cah prices. TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tents, bi cycles, w - .v rlters, adding ma chines and store and office fur niture. When you have anything ' to buy, sell or trade CALL ' MAIN 0072. LEVIN HARDWARE 4 FURNITURE COH 221-223-225 Front St. MARSHALL. 5981. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE UF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. ' . 185 FIRST ST. PHONE MARSHALL 5981. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 3u. MUSICIANS for Foley & Burk show band . cornet, clarinet and trap drummer. Long season. California fall and win ter. Write Bandmaster, Foley fc. Burk Show, Pendleton, Or. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. Wanted- Ubed furniture, stoves, car pets itnd rugs; any quantity ; beat prices paid. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. Main 4t3. 174 First St.. N. E. cor. Yamhill. 1 WANT i'Ul'R FURNITURE, CARPETS, stu v i i kj on ir uu a , a .n d WILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for Fame and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. ., MAIN 8951. We buy - everything In furniture; pay the price. FREEMAN-WOLF FUR. CO., 200 list St., S. E. Cor. Taylor. I WANT used furniture; -cash will be paid lor stoves anu ranges hiiu ail Kin as ol household goods. "Call us for one article or a house full and a competent, cour teous buyer will call. Mar. 2693. Crown. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. &ee us oeiore you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, MAIN 8878. MAHOGANY or walnut colonial writing desk with three or more drawers. East 6476. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 7Q3. WANTED Davenport or duofold. In good condition; must be cheap for-cash. East 6407. WANTED Furniture, light oak : also steel bed. full size, complete. BF 825, " Oreffoninn. WANTED 6-hole range in first-class con dition. With or without water reservoir; private party. East 4447, weekdays. WE buy used furniture. For best results call E. 1771. or E. 2405. . WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of. any description; have the ready cash. iiOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILi. PAX CASH ALAIN 833 HELP WANTED MALE. $300 to $5O0 A MONTH. Are you earning thatT Many automo bile experts are. You may Join the high-salaried sMlled-mechanic ranks II you take advantage of the gas engineer ing courses offered by the LEAPlNt AUTO SCHOOL OF TUB WEST WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL. Investigate, enroll and don't pay us a cent until you are convinced that we li de.Iver the goods. That's fair, isn t it 7 Write for our $1 83-page catalogue. It's free. Ask for Book No. 5. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO ST. 18.287 YOUNG MEN hav. In the past years been assisted in finding positions through the Portland Y. M. C. A. advisory and employment dept. This is not an "agency." and no extra fees or commissions are charged. Kmnlnv.n nnnirallv turn to the "Y for men because we appeal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the supply. You never had such an opportunity to get a better position if you are prepared for it. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, rnnm R1I7 Free vocational guidance and employ ment tor ex-service men. ARE YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED? If so. get into the best-paying busi ness of today, earn $150-3uo a month; learn by practical methods on up-to-date equipment. We help students earn room and board. Practical courses in AUTO MECHANICS. TRACTOR ENGINEERING. VULCANIZING. ADVANCED IGNITION. MACHINE-SHOP WORK. Write today for FREE 72-PAGE CAT A LOG. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. 818 S. Flgucroa St., Los Angeles. Cal. MR. EX-SERVICE MAN Are you hunting a Job or seeking a career 7 Have you discovered where you fit in? Would you like to talk over your problem confidentially, with a man of wide experience who will take a per sohal interest In you? The Y. M. C. A. advisorv and em pluyment dept. can assist you in choos ing, and can heln vou find the place for which you are best fitted. This service is absolutely free to ex-service men. bee one of the secretaries, noom 307. LAKCG wholesale house has opening for general ofce man; excellent opportunity for man who is caDable of accepting re eponsibilities and one who is ambitious for advancement; this position offers fair starting salary with quick advance ment as ability shown; prefer man be tween age of 25 and 30. AE 809. Ore gonian. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Automobiles, tractors, vulcanising. This school, not run to make money but to make automotive mechanics, is super vised by leading automobile and tractor business men of Portland. Students do practical repair work. Free tuition to ex-service men; clip this ad. Send it or call at office, 416 Oregon Institute of Technology. Y. M. C. A, $225 FEK MONTH THE YEAR AROUN.O averaged by a number of our salesmen, young, miadle-aged and elderly. Busi ness never better. Experience unneces sary. Cash weekly. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubs and vines. You - can do what other Inexperienced men have done. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenish, Wash. WHOLESALE house desires services of a young man under 25 years of age who has had retail training in men's wearing apparel; for one of good appearance with average schooling a wonderful oppor tunity for growth is offered. Answer in own handwriting and give experience and saiary expucied. T 268, Oregonlan. WANTKD Every man looking for a posi tion, or who is not satisfied with his present position, or his present income, to write for "LOOKING AHEAD." Ad dress THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Park and Yamhill, Portland. Ore. EXHEUIENCIiD edgerman for 10-inch machine, day shift. 8 hours, $9; eight lumber pilers. $5 25; resTWVer for Mer shon horizontal band resAW. day shift, $0.75. Crossett Western Luinl-wr Co., auna. Or., 75 miles bt low Port laud, or AdiorU. liv., s. p. & s. Ky WA NI ED Young man, experienced In re tuil flower shop, capable of dotn all de eigning; give references and state wai es exp-cted in flint i-stter. Position now cten. State of -Idaho. AV 161, Orego iiiati. PIANO FlMHcu WAN i. ED A splendid position offered to a competent piano polisher and finisher who is capable of doing first-class work on high-grade piauus. Apply to The wuey Jts. iUlen Co.. Morrison at Broadway. IF ITS HELP you want, call BROAD WAY 526. bTAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 24 North Second fcc W ANTED Yarding engine for Immediate u-e. Drtfer 11x13 Willamette or 12 V x 12 T ace ma. Must be In A-l condition. Ad dress National Lumber &. Mig. Co, Ho quiarn. Wash. HE UP WANTED A first-class piano Do! isher and finisher. Fine position offered to a comneient man who is thoroughly reliable and honest. The Wiley B. Alien Co., Morrison at Broadway. EXPERIENCED felting machine mi matirt-ss filler and helper in most modern factory; teaay employment. United Manufacturing Co., 25 th and Ho 11 a day. WANTED WEAVERS. For dav and ntRht work on high-grade flannels and blankets. EUREKA WOOLEN MILLS, Eureka. Cal. WANT 500 cords wood moved 40 rods, hoc: or sell at $4. Call 5 miles south east Oregon City, by Linn's mill, Chaun- cey Barney. POLISHERS on plumbing brass goods wanted. Pi rat-class only need apply, Standard Brass Caating company, oak land. Cal. WANT tiecutters, new camp on head waters Green river; good timber, steady employment. Write Standard Timber Co., Evansion. v yo. JAN 1TOR and wife to take care of hiKii grade apartment house ; must know his business ; wages $65 and apartment. G 677, Oregonian. WANTED Names men, boys over 16. wishine become railway mail clerks $133, $195 month. Answer AV 930, Ore- soman. ADVERTISING solicitor of ability wanted - for about 10 days on substantial special edition. Address, stating experience, P 676, Oregonian. WANTED Students to learn vulcanizing and retreading irom. Aaron. u., grad uaie. 433 Stark St. PICK and shovel laborers wanted. Port land Gas c coe o. ppiy p. 241 Flanders st. HELP WANTED A first-class piano tuner and player repair man. ine v ney B. Allen Co.. aiornson at roaa way. EXPERIENCED btenographer. 3 months work ; state age, expenjne and salai y WANTED Experienced Ford meahanic for shop foreman. V. B. Staples, On tario. Or. DISHWASHER and kitcnen mar. fx peri erced, nice place, steudy job. Write or phone. The Pheasant, Hood River. WANTED An experienced fountain man for grocers picnic, fcsonnevii ie. J uiy Call E. 60. ask for manager. WANTED Man with good truck id trailer to take contrnL": hauling lumber pnd ti?s. Phone 33Ao3. Newbcrg. EXPERIENCED pressor on Hoffman steady position. Apply In person. U. S. Cifaners, 380 Grand ave. CABINETMAKER, one capable of doing repair work, including linishing. Healty Bros.. 13th and noyt sts. EXPERIENCED furniture stock man for .- rehouse one familiar with chai stock. Healy Bros., Kith and Hoyt sts. W A NT ED Piano player for road show travel in auto; you pay noiet. eeso Bros.. Astoria. Or. wr x TED First-ciass second-hand carde and a card sender. Wire Eureka Woolen Mills. Eureka. CaK WOOD contract with drag saw, 350 cords, eood ground. Want partner. P. O. Bo; 53, Troutdale. Or. -nrnnnriTTTERS wanted: -good timber an place to camp. Call 203 First st. Main 4203. BARBER wanted. Morgan Bldg. Barber Shop. AT ONCE, good, all-around baker; best of w a gew Lteb's Bakery. Albany. Oregon. SAT KSMF.N who can Fell, call 830 Cham ber of Commerce bldg- 4th and Stark. WANTED Janitor to work afternoon and evening. Address AJ 819, Oregonian. W A NTED Ni n t watchman. Address G 803, Orefiouian, HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A NAME. WILL PAY $50. To th person who will suggrt the "FKST" name for our NEW GAS - BURNING VENTILATOR FURNACE. It's laborless. odor less, smokeleas. pipeless. sanitary and economical. 1'hone. write or call for pamphlet, which illustrates furnace and gives suggestions as to the kind of a name prefrre-d. EDWARDS FURNITURE CO., 5th and Oak. SPORTING GOODS SALESMAN. The Meier At Frank Co. requires the services of an experienced sporting coods salesman. Apply to employment deoart menu. aixth floor. Meier & Frank Co. MAXWELL HAU 2U7 14TH STKEET. Clean furnished rooms, modern, close in. low rates; a home away from home. We move your baggage free. HIGH-GRADE capable men desiring bet ter executive mercantile, technical or clerical position. $25u0 to $25,000. Our confidential services and diplomatic ne gotiations are available for attractive openings without jeopardizing present connections. Not an employment asency. If actually qualified, request particulars. Box 12S5, Spokane. Wafi. WANTED Clerk for general merchandise store in country ; must have general knowledge of hardware as well as groc eries; do not apply unless you have had recent experience; a steady position and good pay. Apply to BELL -fie OWENS C!., Gaston, Or. Take train at 4th and Stark sts. YOUNG man over 18 or elderly man on small place to help look after hogs for share of pigs, have 20 brood sows and about 1O0 other piss; one having some experience in that line preferred ; 1 be lieve this will prove a good paying proposition for the right party. AV 149, Oregonian. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding lor newspapers; $15 to $25 weekly in pare time ; experience unnecessary ; no can vassing: subj ects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau, Buf talo. N. Y. WANTED Man capable to act as foreman and do general lathe work and auto re pairing, as u-sually found in chop in farming section ; refs. must be Al or do not apply for Job, which is perma nent. G 274. Oregonian. BAKER All-around man to work durinc a vacation period of 2 weeks becinnir: August 1. Small shop, no bread. St-e Mr. Van Gorder Monday after 9 A. M. Van Gorder's .Delicatessen, 406 Washing- ton ct. WANTKD Assistant foreman for tent and awnin; fac tory : btato experience and iurnisii rei crenct'S. C H. Jones & Son, Ltd.. 28 Wate- st , Vancouver, B. C. WANTED Matter mechanic for sawmill in Portland ; capable handling ail re pair, upkeep and construction. State ex perience and references. AV 169. Ore gonian. UN BE A M FILM CO. ARE SHOOTING PICTURES THIS WEEK. MORE TYPES WANTED. APPLY MAIN OFFICE. 1029 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. SCENARIOS WANTED. ALSO TEACH THE CAMERA. WANTED Solicitor and collector for large eastern company : married man prei erred, age 25-40 ; opportunity for advancement, permanent position. B. E. Wilson, 601-3 N. W. Bank bldg. GOOD paying job for man with Ford car: experience unnecessary. II you nave in telligence, the Ford and a determina tion to make money. 1 can put you to work at once. N b71. Oregonian. BECOME expert public accountant and business executive, intensive home study in accountancy, deferred payments. En roll with Chicago Institute of Account anry. 620 Otis bldg.. Chicago. SEVERAL neat appearing young men for money making enterprise: no capital re Quired but must be hustlers: cash dailv Call Sunday. 10 A. M. to 12 M-. 3U8 Fenton bldg.. 6th and Oak sts. WANTED An Oddfellow, alt Christian, who is a good house-to-house salesman for a traveling partner. J. R. Fitzgerald Silverton, Oregon. WANTED Man and wife, man as cook lady as waitress snrmll country restau rant; $190 per m"nth. Couai-i'a Employ ment Service. 2.3-. Burnslde, cor. 4th, PRIVATE secretary, bookkeeper and col lector, lumber bookkeeper, city; book keeper and stenographer, out of town. SOI N. W. Bank bldg. w AT 0CE First-class expert enced open-shop foundry cnippers xor work in city. Apply tfu uregon Diug., 5th and Oak sts. siw. u'ii'W. rnun. one that understands re pairing and truing wire wneeis, gooa opportunity for advancement; state salary expected. D 94. Oregonian. WANTED A comoetent shoe salesman; stale experience, reierences ana saiary wanted. The ice noe n-o., &uene, Oregon. WANTED Man with $200. which pays steady Income of lO a aay; Kooa aeai for right party. 3U4 College st. Call in person, apt, a. Alamont APts. WANTED Party to board and take care of cow and deliver mint to owner in Irvlngton. 23d and Brazee. Phone B. T. McLain; Broadway 40. WANTF.n AT ONCE Kirst-class exoeri enced open -shop turret lathe macninim for work in city. Apply 520 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN Statement of experience and salary wan tea neces sary to secure consideration. H 264. Ore- gor.lan. 2 FARM hands wanted, middle aged; must have general farm experience; sieaay Job; $60 a mo. and board. Apply Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flanders. YOUNG MAN wanted for work 4 to 8 P. M. even in srs. Saturdavs l- noon to P. M., $7 per week. Address AH 411. Orego nian. MARKER and distributor wanted: salaiy $::5 per week Write fun particulars in first letter. Wenntchee Steam Laudry, Wenatciiee, Wash. WANTED Man, with truck and trailer. to haul logs mi. 1 or particulars write R. W. Crawford. Strassel. Or., or come to Fashion. Tillamook train. YOUNG man with some experience as salesman in jewelry store tnat wis-n-e-s permanent position and good chance for advancement. M 575. Oregonian. WANTED First -class automobile mechan ic; married man preferred; steady work. Phone or write Osman & McDonald Auto Co., Eugene, Or. MECHANICAL ENGINEER Statement of experience and salary wanted necessary to secure consideration. H 263. Orego nian. . LA ROE wholesale house has a position open for a young man as ledger cierk; good chance for advancement: state age and salary expected. E 902. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED tufting machine operator; steady employment; pleasant surround ings. United Manufacturing Co., 25th and Holladay. WE will start you In the cleaning and dye ing business, little capital neeaea. Dig profits. Write for booklet. Ben-Vonde System, Dept. 403. Charlotte. N. C. WANTED Old man to look after a small ranch, to batch, more for a home than waxes. Call at 647 1st. room 27. after 5 P. M. BE A DETECTIVE. $50-$10O weeklv; travel ; ex perlence unnecessary. Ameri can DetectiveAgcy.. 642 Lucas. St. Louis. MAN to cut few fir trees into cordwood. v, Ithin city limits. Apply corner 89th and E. Stark. WANTED A saxophone, player to locate in Nampa, Idaho. Write F. W. Rich ards forinformation. JANITOR, experienced, morning and nicht work. Call Monday morning. 312 Rail way Exchange. EXPERIENCED hotel storekeeper, also houseman. Write manager Seaside hotel. Seaside, Or. ADVERTISING solicitors for Seattle, rail way brotherhood book- Clyde, 210 Stock Exchange. EXPERIENCED driver for bakery waxon. Prefer on who will furnish own wagon. Must give A-l reference. Main 14S6. WANTED Ford mechanics willing to leave town ; good proposition to good men Call Wdln. 841 Ifefore noon. GOOD live boy under 18 for collecting, one who knows city. Apply Monday A. M. 2R4 Everett, near 5th. THREE-YEAR course in night law school free to Oregon s ex-service men. G 044, Oregonian. BIDS WANTED Carpenter, cement, labor and painting on Laurelhurst club. Call 506 McKay bldg. DISHWASHERS, pantryman, bus boys, fry cook. Write manager Seaside hotel. Sea side. Or. BARBER WANTED Guaranteed $25 for $35 and 60 per cent over. Jas. A. Wyne. Blanco Barber Shop. Marsh ft. ?Id. Or. WANTED Experienced man for work in dairy; wages $100 and board. Call Tabor 2702. MAN wanted for bakei4 and pantry work. V n 1 v e rsity Club. 6th and Jefferson. COMPETENT moving picture operator, suburban house. AH b-SS. Oregonian. HELP WANTED M A I.E. FOR SEASIDE RESORT. 2 Bast boys. ......... 1 Pantryman ........ 1 Fry cook 2 Dishwashers 1 Houseman ........ Chef, eastern Oregon. 4 MUkers U Farm hands .$ 60 mo. R. B. So mo. R. B. . 110 mo. K. B. . 60 mo. K. B. 75 mo. R. H. $ JOO r. T. KMI R. B. 75 R. B. For a good mill and camp In eastern Oregon, several experienced uiillmon and loprgers. Camp cook, small crew. $125 mow Logging contract proposition. to let. good Hundreds of other Jobs on file. Call In person. Do not phone. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 2:5 Burnside Sr. OPEN UNTIL NOON SUXDAT. SENIOR ACCOUNTANTS Firm of Certified Public Accountants, with large practice, desire services of two or more senior accouiitiints. Exceptional opportunity for capa ble men with public account in g, experience as seniors in full rh.irKe and control of audits and who are of good character. Apply H 943, Oregonlan. ICE-LESS REFRIGERATOR. No ice, no chemicals, no electricity, to cost for operation and the price is no more than the ordinary refrigerator; will keep food longer and better. Think what this means to the home, the farm, the store. Salesman wanted in every county in every state. If you are a "live wire" and qualified, write, wire or call for our pioposition. This is a wonderful oppor tunity for our representative to make big big money. ICE-LESS REFRIGERATOR CO., ln7 N. Broadway. Portland. Ore. BRIDGE CARPENTER. $7, CONSTRUC TION WORK. CHOKERS, SETTERS. $6.65. TEAMSTERS. $5.50. WOOD CUTTERS, $1.75 rick. Tools fur nished. TRACK LABORERS, $5. 8 hours. SECTION MEN. log road, $5. LUMBER PILERS. $5.25. 8 hours. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. STANDARD EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 12 N. 4th St. TRAFFIC MAN A growing mercantile establishment requires the services of a keen, alert young man with general traffic experience. Must be familiar with rates, classifications, tracing, claims, etc. This is an excellent oppor tunity for an ambitious, efficient man. In your reply state age. education, ex perience and If now employed. Address N 905. Oregonian. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of an experienced S window shade maker. Apply superin tendent's office 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. SEVERAL keen, alert young men wanted who are willing to work hard to qualify themselves for permanent positions with rapidly expanding manufacturing cor poration; selling ability necessary but ex perience not essential. Call 818 Dekum bidg. MAN with experience on books and able to make up own statements: be aole to meet people courteously und have ex ecutive ability enough to manage the place ; very good proposition for man who can fill the position. M 939. Ore gonlan. WANTED STOCK CLERK. ONE AC QUAINTED WITH ELECTRICAL SUP PLIES; YOUNG MAN. REPLY, GIVING REFERENCES. PAST EXPERIENCE AND SALARY WANTED. P 277. ORE GONIAN. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, possess ing business ability, must furnish ref erences as to character, honesty and integrity. If you can furnish those, apply to Z. Swett. Emporium. 126 0 th at. , bet. the hours of 4 and 0 P. M. YOUNG man, around 24 years, with gen eral claim experience, is required in the traffic department of a large industrial company. This offers an excellent future to the man with the proper qualif ica tlons. Address A 620, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced janitor and wife for 7U5 Davis street apartments ; must thoroughly understand heating, plumb ing and wiring. Apply between 10 and 12 to L. H. Hoffman, 7u7 Gusco bldg. Alonday. ENGLISH speaking, educated Japanese salesman wanted to handle our proposi tion with the Japanese people of tnis country ; will be most excellent money- ; making proposition for right man. Call between 8 and 9. 81S Dekum bldg. W ANTED An all-round mechanic on au tomobiles at once ; must be experienced and competent; mountain town, on railroad ; permanent position to right man. AV 380. Oregonian. MACH INE SHOP FO R E M A X M U ST B B A THOROUGH M K C H A N 1 C AND FAMILIAR WITH MODERN PRODUC TION METHODS. THE JOHN WOOD IRON WORKS, EAST 8TH AND EAST ALDER. CORPORATION secretary for furniture mfg. company, Portland, $200 salary. Want man who can make substantial Investment in company. Address for appoint rnnt M 941. oregonian. TWO experienced magazine sol i-ci tors to handle attractive offer, something en tirely new. Apply Mahan Nws Agency, 45 N. 5th st.. between 10 and 12 Monday. See Mr. Hunston. 2 TRUCK DRIVERS wanted; must bo ex perienced on White trucks: married men preferred ; inexperienced need not apply. Apply in person after 10 A. M. Sunday, 334 Front st. MIDDLE-AGED man for night clerk, small hotel. Give age, former places employed, address and phone, V 0O8, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. farm hand and milker, Norwegian preferred. Call at 248 E. 41st st. Monday between 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. AN experienced architectural draughts man at once, best of salary. For in formation call Tabor 2132 after 9 A. M. Sunday or Monday. ' "WANTED A neat and courteous young man for elevator service, A pply 2d floor Eilers Music building. 2S7 Wash. St.. first thing Monday morning. WANTED JANITOR. AFTERNOON" AND EVENINGS: STATE EXPERIENCE AND WAGES WANTED. J 677. ORE GONIAN. WANTED Experienced furniture sales man, a man who has sold new and second-hand furniture before. Call at Gevurtz, 205 First st. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper, out of town position; first-class livine condi tions. Apply in own handwriting. Box 98. Dufur. Or. SALESMAN for high-class line of art linens and popular priced laces, com mission basis only. Write L. N. S., . room 2502. 110 West 40th st.. N. Y. City. JANITOR and wife for high-class apart ment house; no children; good wages and furnished apartment for first-class man. WANTED Gardener, private piace. per manent position for the right man. L. M. Thielen, M20 Korth western Bank bldg. Main 1147. DENTIST-PHYSICIAN Suburban loca tion, good openiris for business, no op position. Tabor 1JS1. YOUNG MAN, lumber experience, general office work, out of city; $125 to-start. - 1015 Wilcox Bldg. ADVERTISING solicitor for Seattle. Rail way Brotherhood book. Clyde, 210 Stock Exchanne. WANTED Carpenters. Apply 7 :3t. Mon day morning. Red! made Building Co. 315 E. 11th st. S. WANTED NIGHT WATCHMAN: STATE EXPERIENCE AND WAGES WANTED. J 671. OREGONIAN. TRYOUT3 GRANTED in motion picture film. Apply only bet. 12 and 2. 319 Piatt bldg. BAStBER wanted for Echo. or. Good wages. Inquire Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. BOY to remove metal from cuts. See Mr. Shearman today between 9 and 12. Port land Printing House, loth and Taylor. TRUCK owner with 3-ton truck and trailer, log-hauling job. Call 227 Salmon st. Main 8154. Open today. MAN wanted to log by 3 in. : horses and equipment furnished. N 065, Ore gonian. MEN desiring to learn motion picture operating. Box O 576. Oregonin. ifxPERTENCED prescription druggist. Al bert Berin Pharmacy. WANTED Young man bookkeeper. Ap ply Nlcoil the Tailor. IPS Third Pt. WANT mechanic to repair Dodge -spare time. A 077. Oregonlan. BOYS and girls can earn eay vacation money. 7S7 -Kast 42d st. FINISHER WANTED Apply Mfs. Co.. 251 16th st. N. C. W. Shoe EDGE TRIMMER Apply C. Mfe. Co.. 251 I6th st. N W. Shoe YOUNG man for country store; permanent position. uod wages. C 579. Cregoniwu 13