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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 1920 15 KELP WANTED MALE. A LAWYER WANTED. To take charge or an established, PAYING LAW BUSINESS in a southern Washington town. Ability and willing ness to do will count more than age and experience. Will seU or lease to right party. L S94. Oregonian. HAN" for real estate firm, worker wanted with some business experience, must in vest $30oo. pood results assured: if un able to invest don't reply. M 038, Ore yonlan . BArtbmi WANTED In good live eastern Oregon town. $: guarantee. Inquire Jacob Miller Barber Supply Co., 232 2ist. . l."fHN the vulcanising business. Call or write li8 East Broadway. WANTED Night man for garage who can drive and wash cars. IGs King st. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED A SALESMAN. A salesman for Idaho, Washington and Oregon to call on the best dry goods trade. MuV. be enterprising, aggressive and willing to work at least ten months a year. Married .man preferred; head quarters at Spokane or on territory. This is an exceptional opportunity lor a man of energy and general worth to connect with eastern s:lk house. State qualifications in first letter. our cor respondence will be held in strict confi dence. If you are a floater or a one trip man. don't answer. AV 108. Orego nian. TIRE SALESMAN WANTED. Big rubber company needs good sales man to work this territory, will pay salary, bonus, and expenses to right man. Must be experienced tire sales man. Do not repiy unless you are. No replies will receive attention . unless they give experience, salary expected, reier ences. and age fully. Address AV 100, Oi cgunian. I WANT IrtO men and women quick, take orders for Corner 'raincoats and water proof aprons; everybody buys. McCrary s profits last ear, $021 S. New styles; wonderful bargains; direct from manu facturer to wearer. Barnes made $.j'-3 in :;o davs. Tremendous profits for you. V-oUO a year for three average orders a day; $10 a day for your spare time; no delivering nor collecting: no capital re quired. I furnish everything, including a beautiful sample coat. Write quick for liberal offer. The Comer Mfg. Co., Dept. (1-154. Dayton, Ohio. TIRE and rubber stock salesmen Experi enced stock salesmen to place, the capi ta 1 stock of the Puritan Rubber com pany of Yakima, Wash., one-half issue placed during the past 00 days. Excava- tiun for factory completed and construc tion work on factory building starts to day. Tbe best opportune time for real salesmen. If you can furnish reference and want to make real money, as others are doing, write or wire Puritan Finance Co . underwriters Tor ? Puritan Rubber Company, 16-20 Wilson Bldg., Yakima. Wash. " I F YOU ARE THE TYPE OF ' MAN WHO THINKS TN TERMS OF $XM THE FIRST YEAR. WRITE ME PERSONALLY. Excellent terrltorv open in Oregon, es tablished line, nationally advertised, sells readily to hardware, drug, general stores. Unusual features insure large orders. Excel lent commission contract: liberal weekly advance to producers. Geo. R. ' Williams. Mgr. Dept. 13tf30. 1020 Euclid Ave.. Cleveland. O. SA LF.8.MAN for citr and country; good men can make $70 to $100 a week; ex perience not necessary tnougn vaiuaoie. We furnish practical sales helps and advertising matter. Rawleigh products s re needed in every city and country home: reliable, old. establisnen, guaran teed, known everywhere. W rite today for interesting, new proposition. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. First and Market sts., Oakland. Cal. WANTED A salesman capable to sell advertising. A big money maker. The only advertising of this kind in the city. Call Ta bor foi for appointment. Sidney Brown, manager. 2U7 East 33d St., Dear Hawthorne. CREW MANAGERS AKD SALESMEV. Experienced crew managers to handle nr a in or out oi city : also salesmen and canvassers. Portland is virgin territory and offers big inducetneuta to real workers. t. all 300 IN ONE MFG. CO.. i;ioo N. W. Bank Bldg. "ft a N T ED 'Ever v man looking for a posl tion, or who is not satisfied with his present position, or his present income. to write for LOOKING AHEAD." AU reTIIE PACIFTC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, i Park and Yamhill, Portland, Or. W K need a few more substantial, reliable salesmen to represent us in certain de sirable portions of this state, with or without cars. Liberal commission con tract. Trees are in great demand and a capable man can make big money. For particulars address Oregon Nursery Cora pa 1 1 y , O r e n c o, Ureg o n. LI V E SALESMK N To sell the "Perfecto Timer" for Ford cars, trucks, tractors. .Mill make a smooth running motor pull even at all speeds; is water and oil proof: simple, only one moving part ; can be attached in few minutes; big profits; open territory. Colytt Labora tories. 000 W. Washington. Chicago. WANTED Two first-class traveling sales men who have a thorough knowledge of crockerv, glassware and housef urnish Ing lines. Must be able to give refer ences and furnish bond. Give full in formation in application. Order takers need not apply. J . Bornsttin & Sons. Inc., St2 "First ave. South. Seattle, Wash. BEST moderate power tractor is com bined Fond du Lac-Ford. Sells, satis f iea, makes big profits for sa or local dealer. Also kerosene engines, band power circulating pumps. Fond du Lac Tractor Corporation, 1705 Broderick st San Francisco. STARTLING! Original selling plan gives you power over all otners. Mil franxim Positive Guaranteed Tires. Make 10.000 to $20,000 yearly. Others doing it. Send now for convincing proofs of prosperltv. Franklin Tire A Rubber Co.. Dept 507. Chicago. 111. . MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION SALESMEN ORE W MORS., our offer on POPULAR SONGS MONTHLY, LOYAL AMERICAN and other magazines, a "GOLD MINK" for you. Address, Western Circulation Agency, Commercial block, Benton Har bor, Mich. PAPER SALESMAN. Young man wanted who has had ex perlence in paper or stationery and can ell goods. State aae, experience, salary expected, etc. KICHARPSOK-CASK PAPER CO., Sacramento. Cal. ATTENTION. SALESMEN! If you are well acquainted with knit foods, such as sport coats, sweaters, erseys and bathing suits, etc., etc., and If you are at home with the trade and buyers throughout the Pacific northwest. then write to Box av i7, oregonian. 500 MONTHLY selling new patented fuel vaporizer, guaranteed to save up to 00 gasoline: 40 mile gallon made with Ford. Sold on money-back guaran tee. One ample free. Stransky Vaporiser Co., 8ti5. PuKwana. s. DaK. WANTED Salesman to carry men's shirts as side line; must be acquainted with gent s furnishing trade; give references. state lines you carry ana territory you cover. Fashion Shirt Mfg. Co., 241 E. 6th st.. Los Angeles, Cal. SALESMEN WANTED Laces, embrotd eries : only men now steadily traveling . smaller towns need answer; 12W per cent commission; samples light. Merk & Co.. 4 1 Broadway. New York. SALESMEN and saleswomen, a rare op portunity awaits you. If you can sell gold dollars you can make good in this, It Is a winner. Call at 307 Washington st., ancouver, S ash. Open evenm TAILORING SALESMEN seil mens spe cial order suits, overcoa Is: best values lowest- prices; big producers; experience. rite for fail-winter sample line. l-.eed Woolen Mills, 2:tO S. Franklin. Chicago, V ANTED Automobile wholesale sa'es man : unusual opportunity for rich party ; experienced preferred but would consider trained specialty man. H 5 Oregonian. WANTED A live salesman tor an old es tabtlfched house; state age and salary ex ported and phone number If you have one. M bd. Oregonlan. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced. city or traveling. Write for litt of lines. full particulars. Nat 1 Salesmen s Tr. Aasn.. Depi :.4, Chicago. III. WANTED County and state managers st once, good propositi'!. Sat Manifold Sales Co., 'Jlii Chamber of Commerce. Main 5302. SALESMAN to sell electrical household appliances can make big money if will ing to work. Call The Electric Maid Shop. 133 10th st. SALESMAN To sell part time. Sell direct from mfgr. to retail stores, from catalogue. Brg money. Jean Robert Co., 417S.Sacramento bl vd. Chicago. "WANTED Truck salesman. 2 Iinesof trucks. Must be hustler. See Oregon C 1 1 y Auto Co.. Oregon City. - GOI NG subdivision. A-l proposition, good territory and leads, big money to right man. See Johnton. 218 Stark st. SALESMEN! $30 a day Is easy selling GRIP-O; no competition. 410 East iiurn Idc to U s HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wan ted Sal ewmen. THREE SALESMEN" WANTED. Can Make $2o0 a Week Easily. One of the most successful and origi nal subdivision developers on Pacific coast who specializes only In lots and acres and sells on a generous and liberal advertising campaign opens up for business August 1 in Portland. Want men who are live wires, full of speed and energy, who can work from daylight to dark seven days a week if necessary, who have the glad hand and face of sunshine and can hustle and canvass if required. Insurance sales men preferred. The right man can make $200 a week or more on commission. Men from 30 to 40 years wanted. State age, experience and time of resi dence in city.. "Address Interstate Land & Development Co.. ' General Delivery, Portland. $0000 A YEAR SALESMAN WANTtiU BY FRANK McGlTIRE. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. We are going to sell 1200 homes this year. Will furnish you with 1000 homes and hundreds of prospects. DON'T ANSWER THIS AD unless you can meet the following requirements: 1 Not over- 30 years old. 2 Must have best references. 3 Must know the city. 4 Must own your auto. 5 Must have personality. 6 Must have determination. 7 Must have optimism. S Must have a sense of humor. 9 MUST BE WILLING TO WORK. BY FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abingtnn B!dg. 108 fA 3d St. HAVE k-ou sold planted fruit land? Ins. dustrial or financial stocks? Have rich territory prepared ; leads advanced, cir cularized ; indorsers of highest local standing; film runs 7-23. 7-27 Elma and Montetano. Field is ripe for big busi ness. Boom in cranberries now. write me today fully. Get in. but do It now. Guv M. Lvon, mgr.. Elma. 7-25: Monte sano, Wash., Monday. No cold turkey or picked bones. Headquarters Fair mont hotel, Aberdeen. WANTED. 2 salesmen, city, da v. Mr. Watts, lifth and Couch. Call fl:30 to 12 to Couch man's Garage. SALES MAVAfiER WANTED to me charge of district for sale of KWIK-AK-SHUN, a compound for fitting bearings. Appeals to garages and engine manufacturers. Splendid opportunity Tor rignt man, as exclusive territory win be given and conservative advertising methods furnished to help him de velop it. Right man's earning power is unlimited. Small investment re quired in a sound, well established com pany. Write U. S. Products comnany. Highland building, Pittsburgh. Pa., for information and application blank. WANTED Two experienced motor-truck -salesmen, splendid opportunity for live wires; our season is just starting ana we have the goods to sell. Address rentsel-W ailes Motor Co., Pendleton, Or. WANTED A real high-grade salesman who is not satisfied to make less than $0o0 per mouth with an opportunity to make much more. Permanent connec tion with financial Institution of high standing in Portland. Man experienced In selling stocks, bonds and life insur ance preferred, hut If you are a real producer in other high-grade lines we will waive these qualifications, , State experience, etc., which will be treated confidentially. AB A'.Vl. Oregonlan. TWO RELIEF OPERATORS FOR ELEC TRIC GENERATING STATIONS. AP PLICANTS "WILL PLEASE STATE EX PERIENCE IN DETAIL, REFERENCES. SALARY EXPECTED AND WHETHER MARRIED OR SINGLE. ADDRESS SUPT. OK POWER. PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO.. GASCO. WASH. . WANTED. Four energetic salesmen with autos. to list and sell property, city and country. Kree office with established realtors who know the business; 22 years in Portland. Main 3072. McKarland Realty Co., 208 Failing Bldg. THE RICHEST and best organization of its kind on the Pacific coaat desires the services of five energetic, ambitious men, capable of being developed into sales men of ability nd woroth. Men ac quainted in Portland or Oregon pre ferred. Permanent connection. Good pay. Call 009 Wilcox bldg. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITT We can show you big profits from 4o0 to JiOO per month. Goods sold on tbe money-back guarantee. $100 to $400 for equipment will start you. No selling experience re quired. Call 623 Washington st. Mod day. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. SA LBSMEN Exceptional opportuni ties, Energetic salesmen to represent leading x'hila. suit waist no use in tnis territory on commission basis. One with auto preferred. References. Marvin, 137 N. 12th st.. frnia.. ra. I WANT A REAL REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. ONE WITH ABILITY. AUTO. EXPERIENCE MI ST BE OPT1M IST1C AND KNOW CITY; REFERENCED. HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. REAL ESTATE salesman wanted in old established office; big opportunity for live wire with car. ERNEST WELLS CO., 405 Couch Bldg. Office Hours S to 10 A. M., 12 to 3 P. M. WA NT E D 2 real salesmen to se 11 patented, well-known. nationally ad vertised automobile accessory in city on commission. A clean, paying propo sition for real salesmen. Call 435 Stark street. CITY MANAGER to represent direct mfg rs. of a fast sellinrg auto accessory and necessity. Over 1.00O.OOO already sold. W. F. A. Co.. IOCS Spreckels bldg., pan r rancisco. WANTED Five salesmen, with Chevrolet cars. An exceptional opportunity for live wires to make from ftO to $50 per Oay. See Cook at 3u3 East Burn side. WE W ANT to get In touch with experi eccca lire insurance agents and win of fer proposition that will surprise you. call mk uekum bldg. between 8 and 9, or evenings oetween o and O. WANTED Salesman selling grocery trade to carry our peanut -cutter account as side line; splendid talking points. CaJl after Monday, Hoody Peanut Butter Co., union ac. DISTRIBUTOR wanted in every town for speedaiine; xjoo to a0 per month; ex clusive territory; automobile free to workers. SPEEDOLINJ3 CO., Dept. 86, iauas. Texas. SALL'-te MEN Entire or side line, also dis tributors for exclusive territory, $200 to s.wu ror equipment, est (Jham. of Com. mag., tn ano MarK. BOY wanted with bicycle: must be 16 years old. Apply Monday morning at shipping dept.. Pacific State Electric . oin ana iavia sts. v SALESMAN WANTED I want a young or mmaie-ageu man wining to Work with $250 to invest, man wanted more than money, in oio. uresonian. WANT good live salesman to represent us in city, prerer man wun car; mus know city: good proposition for nigh man. L 57S. Oregonian. GOOD SALESMAN wanted as partner to Lll IJU3IIIPSO-IIIBDII! VI IICB. MT1H1I in vestment required. tt ;ms. Oreponinn. WANTED Parties at once, to dig or drill wens near ai nwauKie. John E. How am, air namrer or commerce. WANTED chance hustler. Young man to sell coal, good i or promotion ir you are DS73, Oregonian. SALESMAN WANTED Guarantee $S5 per weeK.'i r-unuay or Jaonaay A. M. - nenry oiag. S A L ESilES Wonderful opportunity, come insurance 501 Corbett bldg. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS $4 an hour selling guarantee hosiery tn spare time. Position penna ieiit. Incrssed earnings for full time. riie ewstyie hosiery jo.. lotv Ame St., Dayton, j. AGENTS coin money selling Brussels fibe r rooms, triple vaiue corn oroom. samol postpaid $1.17. Also Cramer sanitary brushes. Cramer Mfg. Co., Wichita, iv an. AGENTS 3 an hour. Newest kltche tool. Every woman will use 20 times dauy. easy seuer. ig proiirs. Samm free. Thomas Tool Co., 519 Sat at., uay ton, kj. MANUFACTURE your own goods; emplu; gnis ana amies; matte nig monev you how. Particulars free. Pipe SEND for free tol!et soap sample and 1 rnsh refund ofr. Lacassla Co., Dept. AGENTS wanted. Occidental Life lnnr. Alice Co. i06 Northwestern Bank bid. WANTED-AGENTS. A REAL opportunity is offered a good man to represent us in this vicinity to begin work about Sept. 1 and if he likes the work, to contract for exclusive territory for the year 121. Our salesmen are all making good money. If others are, you can, and we want to hear (rum you If you are a steady reliable hustler. The work is selling our line of art calendars. monthly service, holiday areeting cards. leather goods, celluloid, aluminum and various other advertising specialties. A line that will keep you busythrough out the entire year. The line is salable to every class of business or profession and is of such wide variety that success is certain for men of ability who are willing to work and apply their energies intelligently. Sales experience not ab solutely necessary ir you nave pep, in itiative and a big desire to make good. If you want to make a permanent, prof itable place for yourself, with a large. rapidly growing, progressive house that is willing to give you material aid In getting a start, write at once, giving ref erences and tell us why you believe you are me man we . want. Address saiea- manager, M. F. Shafer & Co., Omaha, -braska. EVERY HOME OWNER IS A PROSPECT for the sale of a Gas Pipeless Fur nace, a new invention. Pull a chain and tbe fire starts. Costa from 2 to 0 cents an hour to opy ate. Agents wanted in every neigh borhood. Utilize your spare time. Do your friends a favor. See Mr. Wayne Harper, Sales Mgr. at EDWARDS FURNITURE CO.. Fifth and Oak. STILLS. Water stills, made entirely of heavy I copper, 1 or 4-gallon capacity; shipped by prepaid exDress or parcel post the same day we receive your order. Ideal for distilling water for drinking pur poses, automobile batteries and Indus trial uses. Send for our free booklet giving directions, description and orlces. References. U. S. National bank or Brad- I streets, Omaha. Boyer & Co., B, &2o, I rarnam bldg., Omaha, Neb. HOUSEWIVES welcome the Moneyback- Gas-fc'aver; it's guaranteed to save fully one-quarter on gas bills and a like amount m time; you salesmen who be come our reoresen tat Ives cannot lose It means big money for you from 150 per cent to 200 per cent profit, exclusive territory, no competition ; we want real live salesmen. Write us about yourself, i Do it now. Frank G. Wright, 1844 w ashington St., San Diego, Cat. AGENTS Steady position, large manufac turer of soaps, perfumes, toilet articles and Dure food nroducts. etc.. wishes rep resentative in each locality: manufac turer direct to consumer: big profits: honest goods, whole or spare time; cash or credit; send for particulars. American Products Co., 4J3 American bldg., Cin cinnati, Ohio. AGENTS $100 weekly, automobile owners everywhere wild with enthusiasm. Mar velous invention douoles power, mileage. ef f iciencv Saves its cost first da v. Sensational sales everywhere. Terri tory going like wildfire. $28 sample out fit. Ford car free. Write quick. Ovee Co., dopt. 74, Louisville, Ky. QUTT worrying over labor unrest; make $10 daily refinishing brass beds, autos, chandeliers; new method ; light work ; no leases : no camtai. no experience re quired. Vast amount of work in your city ; you hire others; profit on their work. Free particulars and proofs. Gun- metal Co., 33 Elm, Uecatur. ill. NEW AUTHENTIC NEGRO WAR BOOK by Kellcy Miller, assistance of the war department; 2O0 pictures, selling like wildfire: people have been n writing this complete history. Send 2.c for upenis outfit. Jenkins Book Mfg. Co., Wash- Ington. D. C. . SELL Mexican diamonds in your spare timel beautiful pocket sample case makes sales on sight: have rainbow fire of genuine diamonds: fool experts: stand ! tents. Write today. Mexican Diamond Importing Co., 255 Las Cruces, New Mexico. $ $3 TO S3 hour selling Kwality Rane Kotes. Made to measure for men. women, chil dren, pay highest commissions. We de liver and collect. Samples free. Write today. The Liberty Raincoat company. dent. A -21 7. Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS can earn $tn daily selling ivory i anoco combs, brushes, mirrors, etc.. factory to consumer; enormous demand; narticulars free. Yanoco Ivory Co., Leo minster, Mass.. Mail Order Dept. Yale Novelty Co. " AGENTS S3. 50 an hour selling guaranteed waterprooT kitchen apron. .Needs no laun dering. Sell to every home. Dainty, durable, economi-al. Big money. Sam ple free. Milton Apron Co., 519 Top st Dayton, O WE START YOU in business, furnishing everything; men, women, opportunity lifet me .o earn s:to to smn weekly oper ating "New System Specialty Candy Fac tories homis, anywhere ; nook i-t tree. Rarsdale Co.. box S. East Orange. N. J AGENTS $75 to $10O week representing our splendid line of men s guaranteed tailored neckwear, particulars tree. k,. L. Keiser. Co., Palmer bldg., Detroit. M ich. MAGAZINE agents, crew managers, 20 best sellers, bona-rioe "regular money offer; particulars free. Write quickly. dept D4. 1174 Phelan Dtdg., taftin ran- C 1 SCO. AGENTS Large manufacturer wants neents to sell hosiery, underwear, shirts. dresses, skirts, waists, shoes, clothing. etc. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broadway, New York. AGENTS, wonderful seller. 9Hc profit every dollar sales: license unnecessary: no stock to carry. Sample. Mission. 2S19 W. Pico, Los Angeles, Cal. T4KLP WANTED FEMALE. $.10 PER WEEK. flRKW MANAGERS AND Cre-ws to take subscriptions for Punset magazine. 3u4 Pine st. Ask for W. K. Rayl. WANTED Competent, honett lady stenog rapher: light work; boss ot the Job; sal ary $100. Give phone number. V 904, Oregonian. ST. HELENS HOTEL, Chehalis, Wash., wants two experienced waitresses. $M) per month and board. Oood side money. Phone or write R. D. Curner. LADIES. 6, for profitable outside work, lull or part time. 627 Corbett bldg. WANTED Exner'- stenographer for rl:?l work two weeKii, commencing aukus-. 10: must be accurate and fast. Apply 2 titers bld i.AnY to take charge of office; one that can invest lew nunarea aouars in same. experience not necessary. 1 Wrt, orego nian. WANTED Neat-appearing girl to wor In reception room. 4U Columbia Diug.. 865 Washington st. Call Monday be tween S and S:30 A. M. WANTED Teacher for violin and string instruments; must be gooa. v V4i, Oregonian. W O M A N cook and helper for chicken din ner inn, on the highway. Phone Tabor 4ft.r8 after 12 noon. WANTED A-neat young girl to work In bakery store; state wagea wantea. Write AF 872. Oregonlan. WANTED Girl, experienced on power sewing machine. crystal taunary. . 51st and Sandy. Rose CHy car. GENERAL kitchen helper with some knowledge ot cooKing ior sman nospuai; age 24 to g. Apply tiv iovejoy. WANTED Manicurist, a first-class lady. in live payroll town, communicate witn T. W. Murpny, vv neeier, ir. WANTED A good stenographer for 2 or 3 hours work in afternoon. call Main stf. AT ONCE Housekeeper for 17 house keeping rooms. t;au suite ino. o, auij Belmont st.. S. E. cor. th. TK TOUTS GRANTED in motion picture film. Apply only pet. la ana "-:. iw Piatt pidg.0 STENOGRAPHER for reliable firm; must be experienced; give re I ere nee. O b4. Oregonln n. STENOGRAPHER, good future for with ability. Please answer fully. v 4-'i4. Oregonian. one AE WANTED S girls, rn flat work dept.. ex nerlenc not necessarv. Crvstal Laun- irv, E. 21st and Sandy. Rose City car. EXPERIENCED tailoress wanted to work on ladies' garments. No other need apply. Aronsen. 312 Central bldg. WANTED 3 experienced women for kit chen work. Apnly to Chef. 11 A. M. Mon day. Hotel Hereon. w a vTwn ExDerlenced girl for mangle: steady work, good wages. Yale Laundry Co., oOO Kast aiornson. WOMEN wanted to make silk lamp shades. Phone Sellwood 8404. WANTED Housekeeper In the count " Phone East 4032 Monday. EATTivy washing, hand laundered: mod erate charges. 402 4th st. Mar. B0'J. a GIRL for light housekeeping. 3 family: modern 5 -room flat. Main 7713. COOK at Old People's Home for month Of August; -:q ana eanay oiva. WANTED Girls. Co.. 02 Front st. Portland Paper Box I TEACHERS, register free. Manv calls. West more Agency. Spokane. Wash. WANT experienced counter waitress, ' a day. 1Q1 6th. $3 WANTED Night nurse, local hospital, $yo per mouui. w eou, vrrtuuiaa HELP WANTED FEMALE. INTERESTING WORTH-WHILE WORK FOR YOUNG WOMEN. TELEPHONE OPERATORS EARN $0 FIRST MONTH", $UOO FIRST YEAR. RAPID ADVANCEMENT. REFINED AND HEALTHFUL SURROUNDINGS. APPLY NOW. Room 601 6th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak Sts. The Pacific Telephone Telegraph Company. SCHOOL FOR NURSES. Pasadena Hospital School for Nurses, at Pasadena. California, will receive a lew more applications from high school graduates for admission to tbe three year course of theory and practice in nursing, beginning September. 1920. Qualifications and other information sent by mall upon request. Atiaress Miss Ltlna L. Davis. supL Pasadena Hospital, Pasadena, Cal. WANT SO. GT1T-S TO WORK TV PAPER BOX FACTORY. F. C. STETTLER MFQ. CO.. 800 OREGON ST. Experienced cuff glrL Experienced, hand-sewer overcoats. en factory Experienced, girls for overall ( fronts. Apply MT. HOOD FACTORY. 233 Couch St.. cor. Second. LADIES TO CANVASS. New manufacturing concern desires the services of several salesladies; an excellent opportunity for those who qualify; salary or comm ission. 100 IN ONE MFG. CO.. 1335 N. W. Bank Bldg. WANTED Operators on clothing, hand machine, 2 needle union special ana -needle Singer machines; also front hand, steady work the year round, $44 per week. Sat. afternoons off. Apply 22 Front st. near Ankeny. THE MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of three hand -knit ters, uring samples or work. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth floor, Meier At jrrank company. THE University Sor-ety of New York, la Its child study oepartment. wants three capable women, oetween 28 amd 45. to travel in desirable territory. Splendid - opportunity for those who would like to be Identified with, a permanent child welfare movement. Position pays $25 per year to those qualified. k or par ticulars call at 315 Couch bldg. WANTED Every woman looking for i position or who Is not satisfiod with her present position or her present Income, to write for LOOK ING AHEAD." Ad dress THE PACIFIC -CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Park and Yamhill. Portland, Or. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn iou to joo monthly corresponding for newspapers; id to -a weekly in spare time; experience unnecessary : no can vassing; subjecta suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau. Bu- laio. jsi. x. PRIVATE secretary. $150; stenographer and bookkeeper; stenographer, know! edge of dictaphone; experienced checker and cashier for cafeteria; exchange op erator and G. O. W. 301 N. W. Bank building. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants hundreds girls. 30 women over 17; permanent po sitions. $loo to $2UO month, vacations. common education : itst positions open. free ; write immediately. Fran a 1 in in stitute, dept 70oF. Rochester. N. Y. AT ONCE Five bright, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; S40 to $75 per week, railroad fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. f2o, Omaha, Nen. OFFICE SPACE FREE to public stenographer In return for services answering telephone and for warding correspondence. A 914, Ore gonian. POSITION open lor experienced lady ele vator operator in office building. Desir able hours and your Sundays at home, Give experience and telephone number, c oregonian. I FUR FINISHERS, experienced, good wages. steady employment. Apply fN. u Utigar, 141 Broadway. SUNBEAM FILM CO. ARE SHOOTING PICTURES THIS WEEK. MORE TYPES WANTED. APPLY MAIN OFFICE. 1029 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE. SCENARIOS WANTED. ALSO TEACH THE CAMERA. Af PI JCATIONS will oe r-cived from young women aged 20 to 35 for wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay and steady employment. AB 3U2, Or Ronlnn. WEEKLY up, home work, experience unnecessary; everything furnUhed. bend free particulars. Co.. Philadelphia. Kara Candvmakers Pa. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of employment for women with the federal government, will secure employment for women In all lines. Office 329 Henry bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. Bdwy. 4537. WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at room 803 Police Headquarters, 2d and Oak sts.. will furnish information, give protection and assistance free to women and girls. Interviews confident!. 1 $25 WEEKLY, spare time, writing fer newspapers, xnagaxines. txp. unnec, details free. Press Syndicate, 141 St. Louis, Mo. WRITE photoplays. $25-$300 paid for suit able ideas; experience unnecessary, com plete outline free. Producers' League, 4fl St. Louis. WANTED First-class pants finisher, to act as forelady also; -good pay; steady work. Answer, M 971, Oregonian. Give name, address and telephone number. EXPERIENCED MAKERS FOR OUR MlLLlUrlt WUKK.KUU1. JSJblPO K1UM, 126 SIXTH. ST. WANTED Competent maid for general houseworit. &iust oe experienced. Salary $60 per month. No laundry work. Phone E. 07 4. WANTED Order clerk; must understand bookkeeping and operate typewriter; state age, experience and salary expected. P. O. box 2115. AN Y girl in need f a friend apply to the Salvation Arm) itescue Home, May fa l- and Alexander sts. Phone Mam H450. DM car. WANTED Names women, girls ow 16, wishing to become government postal oerks; commence $1400; answer uame ri.ately. AV 131, Oregonian. WANTED Woman to do light housework and care of child wnue mother works; no washing; won't object to own child. Call at 12M E. 13th at. North. COMPETENT and trustworthy office girl for confidential position: state refer ences, previous employers, address, phone number. C tftw. Oregonlan. - POWER machine operators wanted, pre fer those experienced in millinery lines. Apply Low en gar t & Co., Broadway and Burnside st. TRIMMERS and experienced makers wanted for city ana out-oi-town posi tions. Apply Lowengart Co Broad way and Burnside. WANTED Experienced waitress for hotel near city; $-'i0 a month, room and board. Phone w ooaiawn j-iov. MILLINERY makers wanted, good wages. yearly position. ininraea nit uo. Artisans bldg.. Broadway and Oak. I WANTED Woman to work in small ho tel, wooaiawn wj. WANTED Experienced cashier and check er for caretena. Appiy g- Ataor st. WANTED Cook in country hotel. Box 104. ShanlKo. ur, - wanted First class manicurist at Wil cox building paroer snop. can in person. ! GiRLS wanted for chorus work, fall sea son. 610 Eliers oiag. WANTED -Hand ironer: experienced only. v t . w HELP WANTED FEMALE. DO YOU WANT A BETTER JOB? A six weeks' course in our Comptometer School will lift you from the Inexperienced class to the position of an ex pert worker, who always com mands the better salary. Trained Comptometer opera tors are always in demand. Course Includes special train ing in Commercial Arithmetic under system of Felt & Tar rant Manufacturing Co.. mak ers of the Comptometer Add- ing and Calculating Machine. Call, write or phone WILLIAM A. BACON, 313 Morgan Building, . Phone Main 5714. WANTED A NAMB. WILL PAY S.M). To the person who will suggest the "BEST" name f or our NEW GAS - BURNING. VENTILATOR FU RNACE. It's laborless, odor less, smokeless, pipeless, sanitary and economical. Phone, write or call for pamphlet, which illustrates furnace and gives suggestions as to the kind of a name preferred. EDWARDS FURNITURE CO.. 5th and Oak. . EXPERIENCED saleswomen for NEEDLEWORK DEPARTMENT. NECKWEAR AND VEILING DEPART MENT. DRUG DEPARTMENT. Apply employment bureau before 10:30. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. GIRLS wanted for factor work: experi ence unnecessary, good wages, steady work, Saturday afternoon off. Former m-ployes please call AMERICAN CAN CO., N. and S. car to 16th and Thurman WANTED Experleneed salesladies the following departments : Cloaks- and Suits. Corsets. Hosierr and Underwear. Apply Well's Department Store, Hlllsboro, Or. RIBBON novelty sewer, one with original ideas. Apply employment bureau before 10:30. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. GIRL for billing and detail office work and answering phone, should have had some e-xperience handling money, mak ing change, also familiar with typrwrlt er, must be good penman, accurate, 'Will ing. Answer In own handwriting, state age, experience, salary expected, give references. O 672, Oregonian. WANTED STRICTLY FIRST - CLASS CHAMBERMAID; NO OTHER NEED APPLY; SCANDINAVIAN PRE FERRED. EDISON HOTEL. 200 BROADWAY. AM BITIOUS writers of photoplays, short stories, poems, songs, send today for free copy of folder containing 65 helpful sug gestions on writing and selling. Atlas ruo, i o.. tip bu tier d i g ui n r. i n nan. WANTED Girl to work In pit with large snake with Foley & Burke Shown. Must travel. $0 wee.k and transportation ; better salary If satisfactory. See Green. l pi S th st. A WELL-EDUCATED woman wanted for permanent position: must have pleasing perKonnIity; one with teaching experi ence preferred. Salary $1500 to start. Promotion. Y 0, Oregonian. HEMSTITCHING. picoting attachment. works on any sewing machine, easily ad lusted. Price $2. at, with run in struct Ions. Gem Novelty Co., Box 1031, corpus cnristi. rex as. WANTED Well - experienced telephone operator; must have r K. X. experience; short hours, but busy board; give phone numoer. t ho.i, oregonian. TECHERS CsMfornia pays $1500 for elementary. $1 800 up seconds ry. Come Golden West. Okie Teachers' Agency, tan Diego, Cal. WANTED Young lady for light office work In furniture store, give age. refer ences, salary expected, etc C 906. Ore gonian. WANTED Experienced stenographer and office assistant : permanent position If satisfactory; wages $90 per month. C 576. Oregonian. OPPORTUNITIES for inexperienced, re fined gfrl of sge or single woman, who . can keep house, to learn to clerk in store, steady. 707 Commercial st. WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers steady work and opportunity for high wsges on liberal piece-work bnsis. Phone Mrs. Hnlbmok. Broadway 3P4H. BY WHOLESALE house, ambitious woman not under 30: permanent if satisfactory: not office work ; business experience preferred. T Oregonlan. Gl RLS wanted for musical comedy road show: experience not necessarv. Call TOl Ellers Bldg.. after 10A.M. TYPTST who wants to learn multlgraph and llneograph business. N 533, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED waitress and kitchen helper, no Sunday work. Lunch Box, 167 Third street. WANT girl for soda fountain work; expe rlence not necessary. Perkins Hole pharmacy, nth and Wash. WANTED Middle-aged lady to kee-p house for one and care for an Infant. 5R0. Oregonian. WANTED Reliable middle-aged woman for chamber work. Apply Y. M. C. A Monday morning at 8:30. WOMAN to help cook for hsrvesters, good wages, long run. R. R. io. A, Box 73, Madras, or. WANTED Expert m Ilirnery makers, none tut experienced need apply. The Famous, Park and Ainer &ts. WANTED Good- experienced- at en o era pher. capable of using dictaphone and snortnana. ac wregonian. WANTED Experienced young ladv to cook waffles in window; $j.30 per day. Ap ply 324 Alder st, PERMANENT oosltion ooen for mmH encea leweirr saiesiaay. gooa eaiarr: an plications confidential. M 574, OregonJan WOMEN wanted for canning fruit. Starr Fruit Products to. . 1st and Yamhill streets. WANTED Young lady for pleasant office work, no experience necessary. Call E. S4r3. Gl HL aiii t J ssslstant In d ntist' office: $T xer wee to s'art Perm nent positun. n unc. 'irgonian WANTED Practical nurse for out town. Training not necessary. A 696. O r egoni ar DICTATING machine stenographers, good positions. The Ed I phone, 502 Oregon bldg. TH E Florence Crlttenton Home Is read to help any girt In distress, 853 Easi GTlssn. M v car. t-ast aitj. WANTED Experienced bundle girl for finished department, rale Laundry Co, JV00 E. Morrison. w ANTED Experienced seamstress fo power machine. Yale Laundry Co.. 500 E. Morrison st WANTED Experienced press Laundry. 500 E. Morrison st. girl, Yale 2 EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted. Se ward grill. lutti ana Atar. WANTED Girl to care for baby whil mother works. Call seuwood 1134. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at East Morrison st- MUSIC course given in exchange for fancy work or laundry. Main so is. WANTED Teacher for country sctaoo Nellie Liman. clerk. Hoff. Or. WANT1D Experi aneed phonograph dept. saleslady and typlf-t. t$r 44, oregonlan EXPERIENCED help in all department: Portland Hotel, laundry oepartment LADY for pressing and repairing. Hotel Tailor Shop. Benson YoL'NO lady with some sale 512 Henry Bldg. ability. Room RETjI ABLE girl or woman for genera: house worg. cast oiui. EXPERIENCED waitresses. Write mana ger Seaside hotel, seaside. Or. LADIES who want a good paying business in their own uume. u vu, urcfiom. HELP TT ANTED FEMALE. EVERY home owner Is a prosect for the sale of a Gas Pipeless Fur nace, a new invention. Pull a chain and the fire starts. Costs from 2 to 6 cents an hour to op erate. Agents wanted in every neighborhood. Utilize your spare time. Do your friends a favor. See Mr. Wayne Harper, sales man ager at Edwards Furniture Co., 5th and Oak. DISHWASHER, out. $60. R. B. waitress and kitchen heiper. $4a-au. Housekeeper for institute. $60. Two waitresses, out. cafe. $70. Waitress, restaurant. $17.50 week. 6 ds. Second cook and paltry, $75. Diet kitchen cook. Laundress, $50. R. B. Cook for resort. 590. R. B. Two ladies to cook waffles, $3.50 day. 301 RALEIGH BLDG.. 327 Washington St. EXPERIENCED BEAUTY PARLOR OPERATORS. Excellent salary; excellent commission. Apply Miss Rosenthal, on balcony. LIPMAN, WOLFE CO. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of a thoroughly experienced bookkeeper ; one who un derstands invoicing and Is familiar with receiving room work. Apply superin tendent's office 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of experienced op erators for beauty parlors; permanent position If satisfactory. Apply Superin tendent's office 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. WANTED! EXPERIENCED POWER MACHINE OPERATORS. OVERALLS. SHIRTS, MACKINAW'S. 44-HOUR W,EEK. ! i iirrl a v Afternoon Off. HIRSCH-WEIS MANUFACTURING CO., 205 BURNSIDE ST. MAXWELL HALL, o7 UTH STREET. Clean furnished? rooms, modem, close In, low rates; a home away iroin we move your baggage iree. $30 PER WEEK. POPULARITY CONTEST. 3 nest young girls, not over 22. nor under IS to take subscriptions for Sun set magazine. 304 Pine st. Ask for W. K. Rayl. 1 GOOD onening for experienced saleswoman to manage aress ana waisi uopai l.iscui. and assist in buying; must possess ability and Initiative; only those meeting above requirements need answer; state your ex perience, salary wanted and give refer ences. O 0S, Orgonian. SCREEN liAND OPPORTUNITIES. We have an opening for 15 young la dles of neat appearance who are in terested In motion picture work. Sun beam Film Co., Chamber of Commerce building. WANTED Healthy Scandinavian Isdy to learn Swedish massage and gymnastics; good salary while learning and board and room. Give add. and phone number In answer, as party will be in Portland Monday only. AV 173, Oregonlan. WANTED Neat girl for general house work as one or lamiiy; one wno win appreciate a good home and pleasant surroundings. Work not heavy; good wages. Tabor 1350. BIG OPPORTUNITY for public steno grapher In old estaotisneu oince anu buiidiug: no other in building. Call Couch Bldg. Consult Mr. Weils between 8 and 10 A. M. or 12 and 3 P. M. WANTED oung lady for clerical posi tion, must be rapid and accurate at figures. Answer in own handwriting, stating phont. age and salary wanted. V Orwgonian. ST E NOG K A PH ER General lumber expe rience necessary; excellent opportunity far arivynrfmtnt: no floaters wanted. Answer in own handwriting. G 942, Ore gonian. Wanted Domestic. ATiai Woman, who a nrreciats being treated like one of the family, for gen eral housework and home washing. Small family. Modern home. Salary arranged on appointment. Phone Sell wood 1 2on. WANTED In country town. moViern houe. good home, by widower witn cnnaren a Vtnva av 1 A. 14. 7. and one girl. 10. a refined, middle-aged lady as housekeep er. Give references and state salary in first letter. P. O. Box 3Q4. Carlton. r. GIRL for general housework willing to go to besf h : three in Tamiiy; no turnace Nob Hill district ; permanent position ; liberal salary, plenty time off. C J. Oregonian. ETPPRiEKrED rlr! for general house work; no washing; wages $00. Marsnan 419. WANTED A woman to take complete charge of family of rive where lady is to be confined; nurse will come once a day to attend mother and baby. Inquire at 248 East Yamhill. wanted A his-h school girl or girl em ployed part of day to assist witn nouse- work in exenange ior room ami ooaru. Call at 94L East Broadway or Eaui J43. WANTKD Housekeeper to cook for one man on ranch; must be clean and neat; nice place for right party; state wages. Nels Brue. Tenino. Wash. WANTED Housekeeper for widower on ranch In central Oregon; must oe gooa cook and willing worker; state wages in first letter. Address C. W. Muma, Red mond, or. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework in small family wnere secona girl is also kept; ateady position; wages $H0. Apply forenoon to 115 North 2d St.. eor. Gllsan. WANTED Good cook and housekeeper by refined gentlemen, in modern country home. Good home and good treatment for one that takes Interest. Write E. J. Hecox. Beaverton. Or. AN EXPERIENCED second maid, refer ences, excellent wages. so P. utn at Broadway 20t3. WANTED Protestant maid for cooking and general txtusewora ; must oe com petent and experienced ; no other ne-d apply: 3 adults, good wages, liberal time off. Main S71 DEPENDABLE girl for general houaework; must he good plain cook ; aauits; gooa wages to right party. 859 Marshall st. Main 9442. WANTED Competent girl to do cooking. good wages. 42: vista ave., corner 01 Carter Laoe, Portland Heights. Main 2412. . EXPERIENCED baby nurse for 6-months- old baby; references requirea ; nest ox wsges. Apply 20o King sU morning or evening after 6. WANTED Housekeeper for elderly lady and two gentlemen on farm, near small town; state wagea expected. AV 172, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking, some housework, no laundry, no Thursday din ner. August at beach. Apply mornings. 8211 Johnnon sC WANTED An experienced girl for cook ing and downstairs work; 4 grown peo ple in familv. Call Main 20 0 7. 681 Jackson St.. Portland Heights. , WANTED A woman to assist with house work and care or two cnnaren. w ages $50 a month. Room with private bath. Telephone Marshall 831. WANTED Competent maid for cooking and down stairs work. No laundry work. Call Monday. Mar. 5tfltf. 778 Flanders. WANTED Idy for housekeeping, very desirable place. Call Woodlawn SS2 al tr U A. M. EXPERIENCED children's nurse or nur sery governess: high wages. D V27, Oregonian. WANTED Woman for general housework. Modern home. Apply A. Wilhelm Sr.. Monroe. Or. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing, small family; good wages, per ms nentpo3ition1tJaili4Pitw oik. JbXI'Kf;! ENCED ,11 for cooking end hou-i wrk, sma'l family, high was. lroaIw ay 19ft4. WANTED Experienced cook and nurse maid to go to the country for the sum mer town in winter. Broadway 4 702. WANTED Competent girl Tor general housework; tf A. M. to 8 P. M. Go home evening a. Refe rencea. Ta b or 1 7 9 7. WANTED Woman for general housework. wages 50. P 677. Oregonian. GIRL for general housework, small family. 810 Overton st. Main 5517. WANTED An experienced cook. 403 Vista ave. Main 2730. WILLING young girl to assist w-ith house work; no cooking. (WW Marshall st. GIRL or woman for general housework. 8 adulU. East 11868. HELP WANTED FEMALE. W an ted Domes t ics. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK FOR MONTH OF AUGUST AT SEASIDE, OR PER MANENTLY", SMALL COTTAGE. SMALL FAMILY, WAGES $50 AND FARE. CALL MONDAY AT MODEL BOOT SHOP, 313 WaSH ST., OR TELE PHONE MAIN 5220. WANTED Lady not over 45 to keep house lu a modern country home, near Port land; two to cook for, father ai son; must bs honorat-ib and neat, good wages. Phon St llwood 12 between 1 1 and 3 Sunday or call at 740 . 21st &L S. EXPERIENCED cool some housework, no laundry; August, at atractive country place; good wages. Telephone Sunday. Main 7738. or Monday, Main 7659. HELP WANTED MALE OR KE 1A LE. WANTED 1000 hop pickera We again nave tne largest nop rancn in iregon. Five hundred acres In hops; all old planting except 70 acres; high trellis, no weeds, beautiful camps. 2 stores with town prices, butcher shop, free wood and pure water. Dance hall 50x100 feet. Write and register at once for hop picking. Our old, pickers especially wanted. . CLEMENS HORPT CO.. Independence, Or. ONE second cook. $100, room and board; one waitress, $o5, room and hoard, ior railroad eating house, free fare ; one maid to cook ior tour adults, $"5, room and board ; two dishwasners, $3, eight hours; man and wife for bridge gang, free fare; two waitresses, logging camp, $75, room and board. C. & V. H. Culi nary Workers' Association, 24J Ankeny. Open Sunday from ft A. M. to 1 P. M. WHEN the Los Angeles companies arrive we want northwestern photoplay stories written in studio style. e teach you. PACIFIC PRODUCING COMPANY. 23L Beck Bldg. OUR registration lists for motion -picture acting close 5 P. M. Monday. Register Monday to get fir I places. 211 Beck blag. WOMAN or man wanted, salary $J4 fuil time. 50c spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience unneces sary. International Milis. Norristowa. Pa. WAN TED A housekee-per; man and w ife both in business: 5-room flat; work light Ap-ply at 14 East 18th Su Phone East 2 jIG. Call Sunday oniy. WANTED Immediate, y Hundreds men. women, over 17 ; government Jobs. $110, $'JiH month ; list positions free. Frank lin Institute. dept-37oF. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Experienced rate and freight clerk. One familiar with auditing freight bilis. State experience and salary expected. Y !06. uregoninn. W A N T E D Aian and wife in hotel as lignt job. waitress and kitchen heiper; Butts and Oak, Couch st. CAN save man or woman going to Chicago some money. Phone laoor oeiore 9 A. M. PROFESSIONAL people out of work reg ister t O aiey theatrical agency, oiu Eilen bldg. WANTED Man and wife on fruit farm. wife to cook, man to work on tne larin. Mr. Hackett, East 983 W1L.L si ve --room apt. for light Janitor services. Phone Main 4o,ii. EXPERIENCED elevator operator. N. W. Nat. Bank bldg. inquire Mr. King. EDUCATION AT.. B A DOCTOR OK CHtROPRACTia The chiropractic profession Tfra th most nnusual opportunities of any field In the world today. tvnow about lta great opportunities before deciding your career, or if ou are dissatisfied in your present position In life or its earnlig rapacity is not what you would like It to be, investigate the great opportuni ties offered iu this greatest of all pro fessions UdJtOi'HACXlO. A most ex ceptional opportunity to study chiro practic aad to In-come a chiropractio physician is offered at this time by aur college; both .ay and night course ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND chiropractic physicians needed In the United states today to supply the de mands of the millions who nave turned to this groat me mod of huaUng their ilia. INVESTIGATE!. Augmented Curriculum, Able Faculty, Clinical Facilities Unexcelled. Far particulars address Dr. 0car W. Elliott, president. PACIFIC CH UiuPRACTIO COLLEGE. Pars: d lainhilL Main 1014. Portland. Or. You cannot learn any part of tnia tesfeicn tnrougn correspondence. WE teach vou how to reserve your yalu able teeth. If they need repair we fill. bridge, crown, remove nerves ana ex tract teeth withou. pain by the modern nerve-blocking met hod. DK. A. W. KEENE. DR. E. H. PREHN Majestic Theater Bldg., ttol S Washington U MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the Lrade lu S weeks. give you a set of tools and some pay w hile learning. Positions secured. Ore gon ex-service men. the course is free to you. W rite or call for particulars and catalogue. i4 Burnside it. POSITIONS ASSL'RED EVERY GRADUATE uK B EH NKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial Free catalogue. MADAME BOURY will register students for Frenoh clashes to open immediately; beginners and advanced; private lessons. For further information call Broadway 4u37, or write care of Mrs. V. Scott. o-I'J Henry Bldg. PIANO AND HARP. Concerts, musicals, recital a Dunning system for beginners. Alice Geneieve Smith. Studio Eilers bldg. Phone Main 66."i. Summer school 16S4 6th ave. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty ; tools free ; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 23 Madison. O'MALLY dramatic and dancing school; dramatic, vaudeville. motion picture, ballroom. stage dancing. classes lor children In singing and daiiCiiig. tUU Eilers bldg. Main 1123. STUDY MASSAGE. Portland School of Massage t incorporated ). office 711 Swet land bldg. Phone Main 77bti and Sell wood 2349. . EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel's private school: individ ual instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays yon while learning; gives you set of tools free ; position securea. q oecona iu ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, et-a.wt. state supt-. M gr N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. FRENCH Instruction, also English stu dent of London, Paris ; special summer classes. Marshall 2402. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Reliable Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. FISK Teschers Agency Journal bldg. Main 4835. Teaching positions, f ree reg. THE International Correspondence Scnoola can raise your salary .to y ua k sc. OREGON Law School. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson. Sec. Main 977. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. W A NTED Position in shoe and clothing store and learn the business; no wages first week. Address l&S--- L 4oth st. TWO boys. 15 and 1 1. want some kind of light work ; they are bright, ener getic; 721 1st st. Main 78. ROOF ATTENTION. We specialize reshingling work. Woodlawn 300$. and roof GUARANTEED auto repairing at your home garage lor less. fiione commb 7Ji- WANTED Light work - by elderly man for elderly lady ; steady job; city or country. V utu, Oregonlan. CHAUFFEUR, either private car or truck, or for hire ; references. Bdwy. 977. SALE'S MAN with auto wants position; ary or commission. J 2rtl, Oregonian CARPENTER New or repair, day or job contract, estimates free. Phone 227-lti. CARPENTER contracts for new building or alterations. Manny, Sellwood 2421. SH INGLE Kd When you want rehingung done, cail Woodlawn 520t. MILKER, experienced, open for position. r yoo, Oregonian. MAN and wife wants work on farm. A ivlO, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED janitor, hotel or office, wants work. Phone Broadway nt0. EXPERIENCED delivery boy with bicycle wants work. Phone Columbia 1 0,V. Al TRUCK driver or mechanic, ia or uu: v Iowa. East 6 Si a. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOl NG MAN WITH GOOD EDUCATION AND TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE AD MINISTRATIVE AND EXECUTIVE OF FICE WORK. DESIRES POSITION V ITH RELIABLE COMMERCIAL CONCERN WHERE ABILITY AND CONSCIENTIOUS EFFORTS ARE REC OGNIZED CAN HANDLE ANY KIND OK POSITION SUCH AS OFFICE MAN AGKR. CHIEF CLERK. PURCHASING AGENT. TRAFFIC MANAGER OR ANY POSITION REQUIRING GOOD JUDGMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE! ARIUITY; EXCELLENT REFERENCES. i'KV LEAVE CITY. D 80. OR GO N IAN. GENERAL office man. age ST. married. Protestant, wants position with a salary sufficient to keep 3 normal, healthy per sons. Willing to wait for additional re muneration until ability to accomplish results hc been shown. I have had is years- office experience, doing every thing from office boy to office man ager of stock and bond house in Chi cago employing 40 people. Good edu cation, including thorough hazing in the school of experience. If vou can use such an individual, please address D Oregonian. TOrJJNG MAN WITH NINE YEARS' EX- xcrvic.Ncw RAILROADING WISHES T. SECUR POSITION OF TRAFFIC MANAGER WITH RELIABLE COM MERCIAL CONCERN OR LUMBER tIPANT- W"-L ACCEPT ANY PO M T 1 ON REQUIRING A DM IN ISTR A-LX-? OR EXECUTIVE ABILITY. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED AND CAN HANDLE ANY POSITION. FIRST CLASS REFERENCES CAN BE FUR NISHED A'I) WITT. k. rDT CAOT. J,1' IN" OH OUT OF CITY. D878. Q K EGONI AN. ADVERTISING MAN and show card wrtn- 'u 10 Acte in Portland. Can vi rite business-buiiding copv. direct mail letters and understands other forms of advertising: 11 years' experience: mar r.ed. Prefers furniture, ladies' ready to wear or department store. Can give best of references. $0 a week to start. Ready to move Aug. 15 to Sept. 1. Could come earlier for interview. Would take either advertising or cardwriting or both. In answering give all particulars in first loiter. N 0t9. Oregonian. FAMILY Man, wife. 2 hoys 9 and 11. want to help on fruit 1 ranch or resort for 4-u weeks; pay immaterial; free board and rooms in pleasant surround ings wanted in exchange for light work. v ire can help in kitchen, man anything suitable except heavy manual labor R, Tanbale. So Linn ave. Phone 219-75 WANTED Every man looking for a posi tion, or who Is not satisfied with his present position, or his present income, to write for "LOOKING AHEAD." Ad dress THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC . COLLEGE, Park and Yamhill, Portland, Or. EXPERT orchard man. also thoroughly experienced in stock, poultry and gen eral farming, soon open for place. I can handle your most difficult problem in foregoing lines : board an v number of men If -eessary. and take entire cjiarge if deslrtd. ' BC bol. Oregonian. ENGINEER. EXPERIENCED GAS AND bTEAM. WISHES TRACTOR OR STA TIONARY ENGINE; HAVE TOOLS AND K NOW HOW TO US S THEM: STEADY AND RELIABLE. F. J. MENARD. 609 SAVIER ST ARE you in need of a driver whose ex perience places him above the average? This man has qualifications of a high orner as a driver, trouble shooter, eti What have you? Let us talk it over. AJ S!s, Oreaunian. EXPERIENCED dairyman and milker. also experienced in certified dairy work, middle age; reasonable wages and a good home. State wages and address, phone number in first letter. D 21. Ore gonian. AUDITOR-ACCOUNT A NT has available several hours each day for auditing, sys tematizing, efiiciency. etc. Experienced executive and would consider permanent connection for full time if conditions satisfactory. D 977. Oregonian. PAINTING AND TINTING. Expert workmanship and the very host of material at reduced summer rates. For f ree estimate and sug sec tions call Broadway 1,07. Louis Burk. STE A DY. experienced young ex-service man. marri-d. wants position as chauf feur, reasonable ages: best city refer ences. Cail Tabor Il'09. before noon Suur d a y . week days an y time. WANTED By man 45. some kind of po sition on monthly salary; good at wood work: also Kitod draftsman: some expe rience at rod and chain work on turvev Ing; good references. M i"3. Oregonian. S A LKSMAN A producer In real estate, insurance, stock and specialty lines, de sires connection with live wire organ ization. Have 7 pass. Cadillac and can supply A-1 references, o 577. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED farmer, ace 27. married. wishes steady Jot on farm; oreler sep arate house, wood, milk and garden truk furnished. When writing, give corn p I e t e d c tails. H -H.. Oregonian. WANTED By ' men with drug saws, fir sMimpage. or will cut by cord for relia ble party. Phone Tabor &577. R. T. Casey, 4iUJ3 2J nve. S. E. GA K DEN E K., single, experienced green bouse and landscape gardener, wants po sition in pmsiH place; thoroughly com petent; references. A N 4;i'J, Oregonian. EXPERT mechanic wants job as separator tender or engineer in harvest field ; 20 years' experience, best of refs. H 674. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED miUdie-aped Janitor wants to work for furnished room in private house, walking distance. D 2u0. Ore gon Ian. AIAN ESK, f irsr-rlass com 01 nation cook, ib-sfres position In hotel, restaurant or ch in p. Gt-orge Tanaka, M ikado hotel. Everett st. YOUNG married man wants steady posi tion on general farm; lifetime expe rience; would like place with separata furnished house. BD 83, Oregonian. WANTED Wood cutting, short wood pre ferred, surface clearing, any kind of woodwork; will go any place. C 87L Oregonian. POSITION wanted; all-around handy man. any kind work, drill sharpener or Drew man, filing, assembling. Olson. Bdwy. MARRIED man wants light employment. experience in couecting and so lie itmg fire insurance. Phone Marshall 1 22 B. E. Sheffield. VuLMl man with some expt-rtence wants position as salesman in clothing store. Will work hard to please. Call Main 227i. spt. 1I8. Y . UNG MAN wishes evening work, from is to 12 o clock; any kind or work. 74S Front st. EXPERIENCED man desires kalsomining. painting. repairing. etc.: all-around worker. A. Burton. 3OVs E. Wash. EX PER I ENfE D office man and salesman wants position, part salary, part com mission. 11 H29. Oregonian. ENGRAVER (copperplate) wishes work, familiar with stationery, managing busi ness. Tabor 413H. MAP RI ED man wishes position on f arm ; can milk and do general farm work. 2S4 E. 7;;d st. N. Phone Tabor 2321. PAINTING, carpentering, first-class, ex change for acreage, lot. auto. AE SOS. Oregonian. CARPENTER, first clans, fast and prac tical; rough or finish; repairs. Bdwy. 716. ELECTRICIAN and inside wire man all around, first class. Rainier Hotel, room hi. Phone Bdwy. 3413. YOUNG man, lumoer Invoice and order clerk ; thoroughly experienced. B 6 7 L Oregonian. HOUSE PAINTING, papering and kalso mining. day or contract 1 ork. guaran teed. East 1911. WINDOW CLEANING, floor waxing, gen eral boos cleaning, expert men. Ta bor 942. JAPAN ESK man and wife want position, any kind work, town or country. Tabor 304. TRUCK DRlViK. reliable, employed by Col. river shipyards, wishea work. Main BRIGHT young Filipino boy desires a position as driver; could do his own r- pairing. A L 815, Oregonian. CHAUFFER wants position; compeatnt driver, reliable; best of references. M oA Oregonian. WANTED Position by electric welder. year experience in shipyard. Wooaiawn 262O. MARRIED man. 3 family, looking for work where wood, house rent, would be reason abie. D t 0 7 Ore g on 1 a n CARPENTER JOINER, repairing, remod ehng. etc.. reliable mechanic Broadway 247. MAN with family wants place on farm, dairy preferred. AV 3 50. Oregonian. CARPENTERING. REPAlKiNG AND iiii M ODEL1NG. PHONE TABOR 234. LOUK WAXING. WINDOW CLEANING; EXPERT. MAIN 1420. CEMENT work, f'.oora. walks, garages and driveways. Reasonable. Tabor 6070, CARPENTER would like to work In the country. 193 West Park. Marshall 2141. PAINTING BY DAY OR JOB, WDLN. 071. PAINTING. tinting; work guaranteed; prices reasonable. Tabor 8077. Painting, decorating, signs, kal? SO M IN1N Q. B E S T WO UK. TABOR 2tia. YOUNG man desires work between hours 6 A M. and 3 P M. M 2 i Cregonlan. OUNG COLLEGE man wants evening r night work. G 57U. Usoiua.