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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
13 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAJf, PQRTLAJTD. JULY 25, 1920 FOB BALE. Miscellaneous. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Just received. some slightly damaged plumbing supplies. We can save you some money. Our line of first quality supplies Is complete. Let us figure with yon before you let your contract. .Estimates Free. NORTHWEST PIPE CO., 187 Front St. Between Tamhlll and Taylor. Mala 5931. TOTT looking for a nice, square show case? This Is the dimen tlons: 67 in. high and 28 in. square Has one door, large glass. Take it for $27.RO. To buy the glass will cost you more. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 174 1st St. N. E. Cor. "SWISS WATCH" BEAUTIFUL IM- portft r watch. STRIKES HOURS. HALVES, QUAR- TRRS AND MINUTES. SMOOTH CASE. SOLID GOLD. PRICE $175. (STORE PRICE. $500). ADDRESS PRIVATE OWNER, BF 729, OR EG ONI AN. 4rT"tn htiva nrjirtlraliv new. complete mal tigraphing outfit, motor-driven, self-feed, atienature device. 2 typesetting machines. all kinds of type and accessories. This is a real bargain. Call alter XI A, .ax. Main 8657. BPLENOID SERVICE AND A PLEASING PRICE. Jewelry repairing, watch repairing. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. SS5 Wash. st.. next door Majestic theater. FOR SALE Second-hand tent. 14x24. 6 foot wad.l. 10-ounce duck; ladles' side addle, fine leather, almost new; Old Trusty Incubator. 100-egg capacity. 6510 2d St. S. E., second house south of 65th ave. Take Woodstock car. yOR SALE! TOR SALE Marble game getter gun. 18-ln. barrel, fine condition. $15: Savage 22-cal. military rifle, three magazines, Lyman's sights. $23. Brand new. $25. CHARLES WALKER, 11 N. Becond street. O N K FULL watchmakers' tools. 40 items, including new Derbyshire lathe and 10 chucks; also new K.aD. staking tool, 100 Punches. A $225 outfit. First cash of sr of $165 takes It. Also gold scales, $5. Phone Tabor 3744. FOR SALE OR TRADE. COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE CAMPING OUTFIT. NEWMAN. 128 FIRST, NEAR WASHINGTON. DEER SEASON now 303 Savage rifle, featherweight. Used but once. Power ful and accurate. Sling strap and am munition included. Cost $57.50 to dupli cate. Sell for $40. Main 2587. BEAUTIFUL TABLF. LAMP, adjustable socket; rose silk shade. Japanese base. Alf-o wall mirror, mahogany frame, very attractive. Must dispose of at once. East 708. 202 Grand Ave. N. WE SPECIALIZE in spruce window screens, screen doors, breakfast tables and meat coolers. All kinds of cabinet work done. Universal Woodworking Co., 100 N. ad st.. cor. of Flanders. THRKm.OTlAllTKR bed with srood mat tress and springs, cheap: also boy's spring or fall overcoat for 4-year-old. Tabor 2237. FOR SALE One 12x14 tent and fly. $10. On hnmbnn 5-nlece rod and reel. $3.50. Two pairs rubber boots, size 6 and 7, iz a pair. io m. mo at. XKW TODD check writer orotectograph cost $40, for $25; New Neostyle rotary mimeograph, cost $70, for $45.MACKAY. 33 K. "!4tn N. r-none e.ast no. x HIVE fine larre size electric inverted llirhts. suitable for large rooms, value $30. A snap at $5 each.. Tabor 1933. 13S1 Sandy blvd, ONE new Pyrene fire extinguisher, small Columbia phonograph, and postage tamp collection, cheap. Y 833. Ore gonla n. VOLUMES Ridpath's history of the world, in eood condition. 1 Hall fire proof safe, a bargain. 201 East Jeffer son st. Phone Main 2430. BING and IAmbert cherries, fine fruit. 6 cents; picked 8 cents. W. H. Linsey, 8 blocks northeast of Bellrose station, miles east of Lents .Junction. .HOBART MEAT CHOPPER and bone grinder in first-class condition, for sale cheap. Irvlngton Market, 592 East Broadway. SSMALL oriental rugs, 2 pairs of Brussels net curtains, 1 pair drapes. call lt,asl 1765. FOR SALE 2 pairs ladies' Hannan shoes. sizes 7V and 8-A; reasonable. Phone East 7081. 5x7. $5; 6'.4xSH. $6 VIEW CAMERA, plate holders, printing frames. Zeiss lenses. Stade, Room 420. Broadway Hotel. GRIP-O makes your brakes hold and it's cheap. Salesmen wanted. 410 East Burnslde. LARGE WICKER BUGGY in perfect con dition. New silk quilted carriage robe. 314-37. FOR SALE White reed baby buggy. $15; good as new: murt be seen to be appre ciated. 999 E. 10th St. N. HANDSOME lace bedspread, rich deep cream color. All hand work. $100. Mar shall 563H. FOR SALE. Double barrel hammerless shotgun, like new. $20. B 903, Oregonian. FOK SALE Piano-player. Persian rug, Navajo rug. Tiffany chandelier globes. East S26S. FOR SALE Elegant brown velour suit ma terial. 4 yds.. 56 in. wide. Paid $33. . Take $20 Monday. Main 3144. "LARGE, gray, wicker baby buggy. Almost like new; big enough to be used as a bed; also reasonable price. 273 14th st. S. STRING of genuine amber beads, hand painted china and Indian baskets, very reasonable. East 5432. FOR SALE Upright showcase, oak frame, four side glass, three glass shelves, in A-l condition. Inquire 129 Tenth. FOR SALE Tweed suit. 3ft inches and black and white full length, regular 40 Inches. $5 each. 315 Couch bldg. ONE genuine Kabhulstan oriental rug. size 5x7 feet. Very reasonable. Call 430 Hall st. FOR SALE Ranger "bike, good ai horn, light, pump, tools, carrier. 1115. new ; Main GENUINE LEATHER music bag. hand carved, never used, holds musio without foUliner. Tabor 4169. AMETHYST cross of 11 beautiful brilliant cut stones (doublets), $25. Marshall 5636. BABY SULKY, prsctically new. very rea sonable. Call Monday. 4121 6Tth st. S. E- ML Scott car. - "WANTED .A good quality diamond. ? to n karat. Must be cheap for cash. AC 431. Oregonian. . LARGE fireproof safe cheap. Call 402 Failing building or phone Main 7454. TWO almost new rugs for sale: one 8-6x10-3: other 9x12. Call East 4671. TWO good carpets cheap. 30th st. cor. Ankeny. Inquire 2 E. LARGE cook stove, fruit jars, child's bed. B.5 Graham ave. near Union. FRENCH gray, wicker-hooded sulky, like new, $15. 864 E. Davis near 28th. FOR SALE Carpenter tools, reasonable. Phone Sellwood 708 after Sunday. FOR SALE CARVED MAHOGANY CHAIR. APT. 27. MARSHALL 2883. FOR SALE Beautiful pedigree Persian kittens, male and female, sell. ziau. GOOD SIX-HOLE STEEL RANGE. Inquire 2048 E. Tamhill. $25. TWO sllprhtlv used 31x3", tires and 30x3 Ford wheels, chea-p. Wdln. 1515. 1 KITCHEN HEATER with colls. "good cond itlon. $17. 437 4 1st st. Tabor 3649. TRAVELING BAG Medium size. $7, leather, cost $14. J e70. Oreonlan. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1918 DODGE, run only 7000 miles, perfect condition, good tires, $975. 1918 Hupmo bile at a big sacrifice: overhauled and In first-class shape; priced for auick sale. $9S5. Washington Park Auto Co.. 23d and Washington. Main 73Q5. FOR ALE $375 Saxon roadster, electric starter, lights, demountable rims, good top and good tires and tubes, newly painted, guaranteed mechanically O. K. Car at East 8d and Pine sta. Terms. BEAUTIFUL CHANDLBPl chummy; a reputable car. Nice appointment, worlds of power and class. Can be bought right. Call Mr. Howard. Broadway 1838. Will take small car as 1st payment. FOR SALB Late model Franklin, like new. at a bargain; Buick 4, 5-passenger; Stutz 6. roadster. Henry Funk Auto Co., 445 Multnomah. BUICK, 1919: first-class condition through out. Will take small car in trade. Bal ance terms. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO- 84 BRO'DWAY. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. GOING. GOING. v GOING. Positively CLOSING OUT USED CARS. W. H. WALLTNGFORD CO. Under New Management. Offering for quick disposal, practically regardless of price, profit or loss, every used car in stock at ALMOST ANT TERMS. New Liberty and Briscoe shipments hnra we nnven't the rOOHl and WILL NOT PAY STORAGE. Used cars must move at once to clear our floors. , tj WiVW -TTTTr RT. TOTT TEST INCLINATION TO OWN A CAR. YjOU WILL BUY AT THIS SAHi MEAN BUSINESS. We have the following cars, all In good condition. Come In and take your choice we will make the price satis factory: Liberty Sedan. Good Ford Bug. Briscoe Touring. Chevrolet Bug. Buick Delivery. Chalmers Touring. Ford Touring. Cadillac Bug. Grant Touring. Hudson Sedan. Jeffery Touring. Liberty Touring. Maxwell Touring. Overland Touring. Winton Touring. Studebaker Touring. Drive vour car away today for a very small- payment down and terms to suit on the balance. Open Sundays. W. H. WALLING-FORD CO Under New Management. 15th and Washington. Bdwy. 2026. NOTE WELL. Used Bulclu and others: snap prices on all. 1918 BUICK ROADSTER $1250 1918 BUICK 5-PASSENGER 1150 1917 BUICK ROADSTER 1100 1916 OVERLAND 5-PASSENGER. 750 1919 OAKLAND 5-PASSENGER... 1000 1920 STUTZ 6-PASS. (2400 miles). 3000 1919 HUPMOBILE. 5-PASSENGER 1550 See Them Today. HOWARD AUTO CO.. 14th and Davis. Broadway 1130. USED RADIATORS for all makes of cars. All radiators re carefully gone OVr and made tight belore sold. BUR lESS & MARTIN. 16th. and. Alder tats. BARGAIN 7-passenger Studebaker for sale, 1918 model, not run over BOOO miles. In good mechanical condition 5 cord tires. 4 new. all in good Condi tinn. Extras: 'SDOtlifrht and cord bumper, windshield cleaner, auto clock. Weed chains. jack. tool box. new threaded rubber Wlllard battery. All for $1500. Tabor 7027. '18 BUICK ROAD. LIGHT SIX. This car has cords and one brand new one, never been on; spot light, plate glass in rear, full set' tools, and we have low price on this and will take $450 down, balance monthly. Car will readily pass for new. Come and try it. 605 Alder st. Red. Front Used Car Co. Open Sundays. . NOTICE TO TRUCK DRIVERS! The following trucks we are closing out this week. These were trucks taken in on new ones. Put in first-class con dition and are priced to sell quick, with terms: lH-ton Fulton. 2-ton Reo, 1-ton Chevrolet. 3'j-tqn Indiana. PEPP MOTOR CAR CQ 84 BRO'DWAY. CADILLAC "57." 7-pass. early '19 in perfect condition exceping paint; run 11,000 miles; six practically new cord tires, bumper, spot light, neutral lock, etc. Will sacrifice, cash or terms or will take light car or diamonds as part payment. See Mr. Barton, room 417, Ramapo Hotel. DODGE 1919. One 1920 Dodge is ready for delivery, selling our 1919 car for $975. Buy direct from owner and save money. Must be seen to be appreciated. VULCAN MACHINE WORKS, 250 Glisan St YOU GET value for your money here. Elgin Six. a 1B1, at siaao. some Duy. THE USED-CAR ..UHANU, 15th and Washington. CLASSY Ford roadster, like new. demount able 'tires, one extra, all mounted to go. new tires all the way around; price $4oO. $100 down, balance to suit. Al Auto Works & Painting Co., 52a Alder. FIVE-PASSENGER 1918 Chevrolet. Car .thoroughly overhauled; new parts; line condition. Cash or terms. Have new Dodge car. Ask for "Doc's" car. East Sixth and Burnslde sts FORD bug, a design, not a freak; exam ine others, tney try to compare racing gears; name your speed. $ou, extra equipment. Engine guaranteed. East 4799. 1917 CHEVROLET 4-90, in dandy mechan leal condition, has a brand new storae-e battery; a bargain. Call owner. Tabor 10 or Mr. Knox. Broadway 1130 during week. 1918 BUICK. model E 49, in first-class me chanical condition; 5 cord tires. Will sell cheap, take smaller car in trade. 18S Chapman. Alain lioi. NEW HUDSON. 1920. immediate delivery. 4 or 7 passenger, consider trade on small car or truck. Phone 1260 Main. Hart. 208 13th st. 1919 FORD roadster In A-l shape. Good tires: looks and runs like new. S475 cash. Call Main 6304 or apt. 16 at 407 Hall St. BABY Saxon 4 for sale or trade on Ford touring; new tires, new tan top and up holstery. 32 miles to gallon. $350 cash. Owner. 3b- urana ave r. STUDEBAKER. 7-pass.. 1918: A-l Condi tlon; will make a good for hire or fam ily car. Easy terms given. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 BRO'DWAY. OAKLAND SIX. Have no use for same; will sell this car" no reasonaoie oner reiused. SEE MANAGER. 303 OAK ST. kkre Is one extra special looks and runs like new: baby Buick, 1918 roadster only $700. $000 casn. uau at 488 Mar ket St. LATE 1919 Chevrolet touring, in fine con dition, new tires all around: this car is a good buy. Call Irvine, Tabor 5S68 or Bdwy. 240. BRISCOE touring car. good .condition; owner needs money. Call at 541 Kerby st bet. 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. FOR SALE Pierce Arrow 5 - passenger touring. jnooei iiru. 00 rx. f. utood condition. Phone owner. Main 3067. DODGE NEW. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. CALL Ar lr-rt o i. i. ua X'.uus E i AVE. PHONE EAST 4144. STUDEBAKER DELIVERY in good con . dition. only $175. Wm. L. Hughson Co., 60 N. Broadway. SIX-CYLINDER roadster, run lessythan 4000 miles; fine shape. $900. Phone owner. East 5500. GOOD used Saxon for sale cheap. $250 down, balance on easy terms. Phone E. 8774. Address 402 E. Taylor. FOR SALE 2-cylfnder Maxwell roadster. $100; tools. 1001 East Main St. 192B FORD coupe, run 1500 miles; perfect shape. Call Robinson, East S113. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED CAR SNAPS. There are two kinds of used car snaps: the kind that are bought because of price without regard to condition; and the kind that give the buyer such serv ice that sooner or later he realizes that he bought his car at a snap. The latter are the kind of used cars that we sell. We will not take In junk. When the cars need overhauling we overhaul them; when they need repainting it is done. You can depend upon what we tell you in regard to our used cars. Overland model 90 Country Club, with fancy top,' wind deflectors, 2 bumpers, spotlight, spare tire; a pickup at $700. 1915 Mitchel. S-pass.. 4-cyL v. 1910 Mitchell. 7-pass., 6-cyl. 1917 Mitchell. 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1918 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyL 119 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyL 1919 Mitchel, 5-pass.. 6-cyl. 1918 Willys-Knight, 7-pass., 4-cyl. Jordan Sport Marine. 4-pass., 6-cyL Several others to select. No brokerage charges; we carry all of of our own paper. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVER CO.. BROADWAY AT EVERETT, Phone Broadway 4675. ROADSTERS. HERE THEY AREI Dodge Roadster. Chevrolet Roadster. 1920 Oakland Roadster. Ford Roadster. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. AUTO STORAGE; IDLE CARS. 14TH AND COUCH- (N. W. COR.. WEST SIDE.) SAFE, CLEAN, DRY STORAGE. LOW INSURANCE. REASONABLE RENT. CALL AUTO PAINTING & ENAMELING CO., BROADWAY 4408 OR M'AIN 1130 SPECIAL NOTICE WE ARE SPE CIALLY EQUIPPED FOR HIGH-CLASS ALIO 1-A1.MISQ AND ENAMELING, ETC. (ESTABLISHED NEAR TEN YEARS.) - FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled ..$20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed Magneto recharged 6 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures & perl'ect-running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON the Ford engine siarts hard and thj lights are dim Is because the MAG NETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO., 210-212 Jeiferson. Main 7644. 1919 ESSEX SEDAN, reflnlshed like new. tires good, car mechan ically perfect, original price $2950, will sell for $1900, will give 10 months' time. If interested call East 6363. WE CARRT a full line of auto accessories. tires. luDes. ord parts, light globes. etc : aiso do towing. Open day ana night. LONG SILVA. Phone East 6S40. 462 Hawthorns. NEW OVERLANDS. Immediate delivery. Personal service. Liberal allowances for your Ford. Chev. or ujvenand. BUY FROM P. H. DUNN At ' hie own saies and service station. Cor. Milwaukie ' ave. and Bybee. Phone Sellwood 1393. A SNAP! New Crow-Elkhart, 4-cylinder; regular price siodo. lor $133U. One Crow-Elkhart, 6-cylinder. 7-pasa. Sedan, run 10u0 miles. 5 cord tires; regular price $2675. for $2175. Address 617 Main St., Oregon City, Or. Phone 107. '18 CHEVROLET ROADSTER. Here is the poor man's car. light gas user and small tires, all the comforts of a large car and this one is in the best of condition and will speak for it self; low price and take $25u down, bat, easy. 505 Alder sL Red Front. Open Sundays. FORD SEDAN Latest model starter, de mountable rims, car is slightly used. I am leaving city, must sell at once. Call week days Bdwy. 1572, evenings and Sunday Tabor smo. FOR HIRE DRIVERS. TAKE NOTICE! Willys-Knight. 1917. 7-pass.. over hauled and painted. Guaranteed and 1 service given. Will sell cheap and give terms to responsible party. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 BRO'DWAY. 1920 CASE six. 5-pass., factory equipped; never been used; regular price $310O; owner leaving town and and will sacri fice for $2700: will give terms. Can be seen at the Fieldhouse Motor Co., St. Helens. Or. FORD BUG. Exclusive bony design, Demt rims. shock abs.. spotlight, storage battery. price only $150. Terms $150 down, baL $31 per montn. P. K. DUNN, phone Sellwood 1393. CADILLAC 7-PASS ENGER CAR. type S7. in perfect condition, used only ty the president of Reed college, may be seen at Reed college. Telephone Sellwood 2436. Price, with six cord tires and all extras. $3300. DEAL WITH OWNER. Need money, will sell my late 1918 Velie for only $1250; good paint, good tires, one extra; a Bargain. J'none East 6318. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE. Studebaker. six cylinder. 191S model, even-nasseneer. newly painted. new top. good condit'on; $900. Phone Tabor 2463. . STUDEBAKER, 1920, 5-pass.; driven only few thousand miles; extra lire; runs and looks like new. Priced for quick sale with terms. Guaranteed. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 BRO'DWAY. BONAF IDE SACRIFICE $900. T.ate model Oldsmobfie. 4 passenger. special painting and. equipment; right mechanically; easily worth $1500. See private owner. 209 Tenth. TOWING DAY AND NIGHT. TABOR 7274. n & L. REPAIR SHOP. General motor car repairing: brakes our specialty. 1J48 aiornson. FOLKS, here's a good buy. Overland 90 touring, good condition, seat lays bacK, maks fine bed for camping; number cf extra parw, 5 tires. 3 extra tubes. Tabor 79.12. 1933 East Washington St. 1917 BUICK light 6, just overhauled, good rubber, one extra; u res-aonaoie oiler refuied. Al Auto Works & Fainting Co., 625 Alder. " MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreca an iuaam o. l.i . aa sen their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105-7 N. 11th st. Biz USED CAKS USED Prices right. fetock. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. CHEVROLET TOURING, 1918, new tires; completely ovemnmcu, tiii- bcl 01 tools, including new Weed chains; $575 cash. Woodiawn 3025. nHr.VROI.ET touring car. fully eouiDied. in first-class condition, run 1100 miles; $750 cash- Phone Sell. 3217. 6303 52d si. -3. r-. FOR SALE 5-passenger Allen car. 1917 model, in excellent condition; very reas onable for cash. 189 Lownsdale. Phone 547-33. MODEL 90 OVERLAND DELIVERY in fine condition: 5 good tires; price $475. easy terms. Wm. L. Hughson Co., 60 N. Broadway. 1920 PAIGE-LARCH MONT sport moeel. run only 1450 miles; 100 in extras; will sacrifice for $i00 less than new price. 1919 DODGE delivery, A-l shape. $930; will take Ford as part payment. Tabor 0002. FORD, '18, Just overhauled, looks and runs like new. Call Woodiawn 6048 1079 East 32d North. HAVE TWO GRANT SIX CAP.S; must s-11 one; fine condition throughout. $650 will consider terms. Tabor 446. 1914 MAXWELL touring. A-l condition. new tires, 101a ui "iieuu, ao, or trade. Woodiawn 4092. j500 LOCOMOBILE 1-ton truck. A-l mecnama aui. auill, then 4922. DODGE ROADSTER, late 16, complete and has tne pep, "'- !" uie city. Call Farleigh. Marshall 2200. 5-PASSENGER Studebaker 4: new Urea Al shape: $125. 414 Glisan st. FORD ROADSTER. Needs no repairs; $325. 42 E. 3d at. TO TRADE, good Ford delivery body for touring ooay. a 00. oregonian. FORD BUG, complete. See Bruce at Ford Agency. Pin aim ji.uiauu. PACKARD 30, 5-pass. phaeton body. Good cond'n and low price. Bdwy. 3278. is.-ir.OT AUTOMOBILE Never been mt, cost $1700; sell for $1400. 88 22d st. n! WINTON SIX, cord. Urea, $750. M 357S, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. DON'T FORGET TOUR BATTERYI Particularly In a used car, the battery needs watching to prolong its life. Remember It Is already an 'Old bat tery, and that It will pay to let us help you make ft last longer, by regularly looking after it. There filling. is no ' charge for testing and If you hm to replace your battery with a new one, advise your pocket book that Columbia Batteries give more power tfor less upkeep cost. COLUMBIA STORAGE BATTERY CO. PARK AND- COUCH. " AUTO PAINTING. HIGH-CLASS SERVICE ENAMELING, REFINISHING. RE BUILDING. ETC. THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED FOR FIRST-CLASS WORK. USTABUSHED NEAR TEN YEARS. REASONABLE PRICES. CALL AUTO PAINTING ENAMELING CO.. PLANT BROADWAY 4408; OFFICE, MAIN 1136. iM. vv. UOM. 14TH AND COUCH SIS. STORAGE (LIMITED SPACE AVAIL ABLE). WEST SIDE. SAFE DRY STORAGE (IDLE CARS). LOW INSUR ANCE RATES. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Hudson 4-passenger sport model has been left with me for a quick sale. This car is mechanically perfect, has six tires and tire car rier in the rear. Will give same service and replacement as if It was a new car. Will paint color desired and give reasonable terms. If interested call Jack Herzinger. Hudson salesman. Bast 6363. $1900. CARS FOR SALE. Studebaker 5-passenger, good paint. good upholstering. good mechanics condition. starts by hand, bat It can't be beat for twice or three times the price asked $275 WENT WORTH & IRW.IN, INC. 200 2d st. Corner Taylor. BARGAIN. CASE CAR. Five-passenger touring. Just over hauled and in good running condition. Vour cord tires. E. -497. 478 Albina ave. bet. 8 and 12 today. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled .......$20 Rear axle overhauled.. 6 Valves ground, carbon removed.... 8 alagneto recharged Z We hand-laD pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. oenuine ora parts only usea. ah worK guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO... 280 Front St., corner Jeflerson. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. . AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 2o8 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. THE owner of this Saxon Six said, put a price on my car that will sell, it quick, so we said $700. Cut it i-M, so its $050. some buy. THE USED "CAR EXCHANGE. 15th, and Washington. '17 SAXON SIX. Here is the real goods in light six and this one will please you. both in the way it runs and looks; has good 1 tires and'one extra and we will give you liberal terms and low price and only $230 down, balance monthly. 5u5 Alder st. Take Ford in trade. WILL ACCEPT ONE-YEAR LEASE on five or six-room modern house In good location as first payment on standard make touring car. always used privately and in first-class condition. Give phone number and location of house in answer ing. AE 435, Oregonian. ' ioli" 7-PASS. BUICK. Only used 8 months by private owner; mechanically perfect and looks like new car: 6 cord tires. 2 new; over $200 In extras: must sell this week at sacrifice; $1850; terms to responsible party. Wood- lawn 2111. FORD touring. In excellent condition throuehout. shocK aosorDers. speeaometer. trunk rack, practically all new tires and I one brand new extra, has full set of tools. A real snap. Cheap for cash. 810 East 9th st. LATEST 1917 Velle; 5 oversize cord tires. new paint, full leatner upnoistering. Continental Red Seal motor. Remy igni tion. Timken axles and bearings; price $uo0; easy terms. 588 x.ast ootn st. is. Tabor 6645. HAINES 5-pass. model 36; new paint, new top, t good tires, spotugnt. genuine leather upholstering: in line shape: mo tor and rear end overhauled; $120U; easy terms. W. Hogberg. 112 N. 16th. Call between 4 and 8 P. M. 1920 FORD TOURING with Ford lighting and starting system: nas a few extras: run less than 2000 miles; body, top and upholstering in fine condition; motor has unusual power. r-rice nou. Apt. 4U0 Morrison st. Phone Marshall 200. PACKARD 1917 7-pass. being completely overhauled; can be seen now In shop. Will paint to suit purchaser. Guarantee and service given same as new car. Reasonably priced with good terms. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 64 BRO'DWAY. WESTCOTT COUPE New and in perfect condition; very Deautirul car: rides like a Pullman; upholstering Iti gray; heater; retail price $3600; will sel; tor $2400. Call East 4453. LATE DODGE. Excellent condition, good care, looks like new. must be seen to be appreciated private owner, needs cash. 433 E. Davis or Tabor 30S2. MAXWELL TOURING, 1919 MODEL. Every part of this car is in good condi tion and will give thousands of miles of I service. Price Siuu, terms. Wm. L. Hughson Co.. 60 W. Broadway. OVE L AND"FOUR7T920 Driven less than 3000 miles. Price $950. p. H." DUNN, phone Sellwood 1393. CHANDLER cnummy. line condition; re finished and overnauied, iq.jij; terms. Will take a small car in trade. Itr Argo, Hioc-Gwity ...-ii. DODGE touring car, real buy. in excellent condition, all good tires, spotlight, bump- er. other extras, mrj model run only I 7000 miles. Woodiawn 901 LATE 1917 BUICtC light six, 5 pass.; will demonstrate mecnanicany witn any Buick in Portland. Price $1000 for quick sale; terms. Air. Argo. Broadway ."1281. FOR SALE; Chalmers 6. new tires, two spares new oversize frestollte battery, lots ut extras: a bargain. Owner leav- Ing town. Call at 228 Harrison st OVERLAND NINETY. In fine shape and well painted. PRICE 075. EASY TERMS. P. H. DUNN, phone Sellwood 1393. 1918 PAIGE light syx, a fine car for $1350; temR: run very little and iias been re finished and thoroughly overhauled. Mr. Al go. Broadway 3aL ONE 1918 DODGE 5-pass. touring car. new top, good tires, guaranteed In first-class condition, syuu. Montgomery uarasi 36S Front fit. 1918 490 CHEVROLET touring, good con dition, good tires; cannot duplicate this for $550. Terms. iau Mcuord, stetson or Grout. Broadway 4U. ,, Tin R T 5-nassenger. new top and paint: A-l running order. Must be seen to be appreciated; $btu, some terms. owner. Bdwy. lsu. ESSEX 1919. By owner. Drivem 6500 miles; tires; $1400. Broadway 6777. cord FOR SALE 1915 7-passenger Studebaker. Al condition; 1 need money: make offer. 2043 E. Stark t 1918 DODGE, 8640 miles, very good con dition, Bi weosiers oarage, JL&st 11th and Flanders. East 7312. WE PUT STEEL TEETH IN YOUR OLD FLYWHEEL. H. B. BLACK MACHINS SHOP. 534 ALDER ST. BDWY. 26S1 $495 BUYS 1917 Chevrolet, good shape, small payment down, balance easy. Al Auto W7orks & Painting Co., 625 Alder. 1914 FORD roadster, good running condi tion, $200. Phone Tabor 3316. R. 5703 86th st. S. E. 1920 FORD, self-starter, bumper, spot light, shock absorbers. $650. J. Robin son, 328 4th St., room 68. Marshall 3492 OVERLAND, two seats, suitable for bug or delivery: make me an offer. 1277 E. 10th st. North. NEW 1920 Liberty. $600 under regular price. Elite Garage. 12th and Jefferson. Main 7304 FOR SALE for cash, 1917 Ford touring car. good condition, too, tires. $300 BJ" 728, Oregonian. OK BALE AUTOMOBILES. USED PDRD BARGAINS. 1914 Touring ............... 1915 Touring 1919 Touring 1920 Sedan - 1S18 Touring 1914 Delivery 19)6 Roadster 1915 Sedan ... 1915 Delivery 1918 Delivery 1918 Worm truck 1H17 Roadster-delivery 1918 Coupe 1919 Chassis 1918 Delivery 1916 Chain drive truck 1917 Chassis 1916 Touring 1913 Chassis with Bosch mag. . . 1916 Roadster-delivery 1918 Roadster 19l8 Worm truck chassis 1916 Delivery ;.." , . . .$275 . ... 3.-' .... 6H5 , ... 973 495 .... 330 . ... 383 . . . . 405 . . . . 495 . . . . 535 3.10 .... 625 450 . ... 440 . . . . 350 . . . . 2H0 25 . ... 175 375 . ... 450 . ... 475 250 Some of these cars have been thor oughly overhauled and others are just as thty wero turned in to us. We have a long list to select from which are not Included in the above. EASY TERMS UNIVERSAL. CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Grand ave. and E. Yamhill St. Opiu Sunday. Open Evenings. MANLEY AUTO CO.'S USED CAR DEPT. IS OPEN TODAY. 7-pass. 1919 National six. new Cord tires, just reflnlshed a dark blue, can not be told from a new car. 1919 Hupp. 5-pass.. low price on this car will interest you. 1919 Chevrolet, compare our price with others. 1SU9 Overland 90 for $750. lv20 Overland, the new light four. 1918 Overland 90, lights and starter, good tires, for the price of a used Ford. 1916 Studebaker, ready to drive away, good tirrs. new top. repainted, low price. 1917 Buick six roadster. 1914 6-pass. Hupp, six tires, electric lights and starter, $150 cash, balance easy terms. MANLEY AUTO CO. 11th and Burnslde. Broadway 217. USED TRUCKS. 1917 1-ton Denby truck with ex press body $1200 1918 1-ton Panhard truck 600 1918 2-ton Nash truck 1500 1917 2-ton Nash truck 1200 11)17 2-ton Federal truck 1600 1919 4-ton Denby true, used seven months and guaranteed same as new truck 8830 PORTLAND DENBY COMPANY, INC., Tenth and Davis blreets. Phone Broadway 4379. 1919 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. This car has cord tires and one extra. bumpers back and front, mirror, spot light, lull set tools mat came irom factory with it. factory finish, which looks just as it did the day It left the showroom, and we have low price and easy terms, with reasonable payment down, balance easy. Inspection invited 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. Open Sundays. THREE SNAPS. All Newly Painted. OLDSMOBILE. 5-passenger. OVERLAND. 5-passenger. OAKLAND. 5-passenger. KISSEL BUG. $150. Easy Terms. E Tl. VAN DERSAL. 850-54 Burnslde st. Broadway 80. ONE 9B Franklin Touring car In, first class condition. A bargain. - BRALY AUTO CO.. 601 Washington at. Main 4880. PASSENGER BUS. On a white chassis, in splendid me chanical condition, new tires, owner leaving city Instructing us to sacrifice tor $2150. THE WHITE COMPANY, Park and Couch. $400 SPECIAL $400. The best buy In town. 1913 big Mitchell six, in perfect condition, recently over hauled and new battery put in, 5 good tires, full of gas and ready to go. See Monday at Auto Rest Garage. 2u9 10th street. Main 3237. CADILLAC four-passenger. 1917, In ex cellent mechanical condition, rive wire wheels and five good cord tires, bumper. Weed chains, etc.; this car has had the best of care and is a snap at $2(K9. Phone 315-33, or after Sunday, Broad way 1130. P1EKCK -ARROW. 1917. 5-pase.. completely overhauled and painted. Aiany extras. Guaranteed and service given. Priced at . a sacrifice. Will take small car in as part payment. Terms on balance. Act quick. . PEPP MOTOR CAR CO. 84 BRO'DWAY. 1919 CHEVROLET touring. Sorrle buy at u7S. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 15th and Washington. PAIGE LIGHT SIX. 1918 model, 5 cord tires, spotlight. bumper, new parnt and top, motor over--hauled. Call Bdwy. 45S4 between 5:30 and 7 P. M. Might consider trade for lighter car or house and lot. DODGE touring, fine condition, Just over hauled, new battery, ready to go, noth ing to be paid out on it. If you re looking for a bargain call and see this one. Al Auto Works & Painting Co., 625 Alder. DODGE DODGE. On real buy Late 1917 Dodge tour ing, $750. No trade as this is not a trading price. Terms. Phone Main 4028. Marshall 2766. FOR SALE by owner Automobile agency for Oregon and five of the best counties in Idaho. This is an established busi ness. A small payment down will hao d!e this. V 283, Oregonian. OAKLAND ROADSTER. Just completely overhauled, a wres, extra lighting sys tem, bumper; must let go at your price. Phone Automatic 212-06. IF YOU want a motor truck business that is worth while, see Mr. Hiller, Atterbury Truck Sales Co., contractor's department, 89 and 91 9th st. Bdwy. 354. 1918 OVERLAND model 90. in fine shape, 5 new tires go with this car; owner leaving city. Call Woodiawn 341, before noon. DANDY LITTLE HUPMOBILE. Good condition, good tires, looks and runs fine. Need money. Will sell cheap. Terms. Sellwood 631. FOR SALE Ford Sedan, 1919, bumper. speedometer, fine shaipe. privately owned. Apply Sell. 922. 603 ti. 33d St. s. Sunday. BRAND NEW STEPHENS. I will save you some money if you will call sen, -ji. Jr 10. uregonian. iaia MAXWELL touring; this car Is In good condition: o.iv. t-oiumoia auto Sales Co.. 315 Union ave. East 53. 1919 NASH, 5-pass., perfect mechanical condition. Looks like new. owner, Marshall 1564. WANT to sell 1917 Chandler 7-pass. tour ing car. Will sell for $1000, terms If desired. Call Wdln. 2113. MUST be sold: Oldsmobile, 1918. best of condition: 3 gare tires. Phone E. 7619. 1M18 FORD touring. A-l condition. $4O0. Onlumhla Auto oaiea v-o. g-.m- 00. OVERLAND model 79, Tabor 5820 Monday. $500. $450 cash. 1920 FORD touring, starter, electric lights, extras. $000. T. 9551 or 1034 Arnold st. a918 FORD COUPE Good tires. good shape: bargain. E. Hawes. E. 244. 1U14 FORD, private party, care of; best offer takes It. well taken East 3682. FOR SALE Five-passenger Ford, Tel. Columbia 327. "$395. 1917 BUICK. guaranteed Al oonditloa. $950: easy terms. Broadway 410. FOR SALE or trade, Chalmers roadster. Call evenings. 8912 66th ave. S. E. STUDEBAKER 4 for sale very reasona- able. lail ituor oiwv. x-enta. HUPMOBILE, by owner. No reasonable offer refused, cast ooip. 1917 MAXWELL car, in good condition. Call Wdln. 4560. 1919 OLDS Bear Cat roadster, cord tires, two extras, other extras. East 6552. PACKARD roadster. East 1705, 6 tires. Bargain. i FOR SALE OR TRA ' fone. Columbia 1201, TRADE 5-pass. auto. FOB SALE At TOM OBIT, ES. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH, like new. oversize cord tires, 1 brand new extra, bumper, motometer, Gabriel sr.ubbers,' perfect mechan ical condition; guaranteed same as new car; price....-..- $-000 1919 CHANDLER 7-pass.. rebuilt throughout, newly painted, good tires with extra; we give new car guarantee on this car; price $1300 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMY, four pass, roadster, rebuilt through out, oversize cord tires, nearly new, guaranteed same as new car; price $1500 1918 CHANDLER DISPATCH, new ly painted, first-class mechanical condition, wire wheels, cord tires with extra: guaranteed same as new car; price .$1800 SPECIAL. 1918 CHANDLER- CHUMMY, four pass, roadster, good mechanical . .condition, wire wheels, very good ires. with extra; price $12.5 1IM7 CHANDLER. 7-pass.. fine me chanical condition, wire wheels, cord tlreB. newly painted; a real snap; price $1000 2-PASS. SPORT ROADSTER, wire wheels, cord tires, newly paint ed, perfect mechanical condition, a class job; price $1400 1917 VELIE, S-pass., good mechan ical condition, repainted, good tires; price "00 1918 OAKLAND, S-pass., good con dltion. excellent tires; price $ 800 1918 HUDSON SUPER SIX, 7-pass. touring, overhauled and in Al condition, cord tires with extra.. $1500 1918 OVERLAND 4-90 Club Road ster, good mechanical condition, wIva ,nnil tires, reoalnt- ed. price 750 st!tt7 first-class con- ditlon 250 SOME MORE GOOD BUYS. COME IN AND SEE THEM. Th,u ran will all be found as repre sented and very reasonable terms can be arranged. 605 WASHINGTON STREET, 514 ALDER STREET. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB. Pantasota too. plate-glass windows. has two extra wire wheels and tlreB, spotlight and bumper. PRICE $775, ON EASY TERMS. P. H. DUNN Cor. Milwaukie and Bybee Aves. Phone Sellwood 1393. WE ARE going out of the used car buai nees ana neea tne space mr 1017 CHEVROLET $450 1018 FORD touring 400 BUICK touring 350 NATIONAL roadster 400 STUTZ roadster 350 BABY SAXON 325 1H19 MAXWELL touring 650 1917 MAXWELL touring 3o0 BUGS from $350 to $03O. COLUMBIA AUTO SALES CO.. 345 Union. East 56. 1920 STEVENS, run only 2600 miles, wire wheels, 5 cord tires, pumper, spot iigni. side wind aeiiector; wiii sauruiu quick said. ' C. 630 Alder. G. BLEASDALB, Broadway 1852. MY SIX-CYLINDER CHUMMY-ROAD PTER. COMPLETELY OVERHAULED, 1M FIRST t:LAS;i CONDITION. IF YOU WANT A CAR ALL CLASS. LOOK AT THIS. GOOD Tints. brAtlb, NEVER BEEN USED. CAN BE SEEN AT GARAGE. 168 KING ST.. NEAR WASHINGTON ST. PRICE JlUoO, WITH TERMS. 17 DODGE TOURING. This Is a good Dodge and you will agree with me wnen you can and try n Will nass for new and runs same way we have low price and will take email payment of $350 down, balance long easv terms that will please you. Com and have a look at 505 Alder st. Red Front. Open Sunday. ONE Vate 9B Franklin Sedan in excellent condition. BRALY AUTO CO.. 601 Washington St. ' Main SS0. 1-TON STUDEBAKER. Excellent condition mechanically, good body, electric lights and starter, new tires. $S00. THE WHITE COMPANY. Park and Couch. KING SEDAN, 7-pass. Looks and runs like ntw, as has Just been pai'ited and over hauled. Will make wonderful lor hire or funeral service car. Priced to be with in reach of the man with small capital, with long, easy terms. PEPP MOTOR CAR CO.. 84 BRO'DWAY. CHEVROLET 1917 touring car and Over land 1917 touring car at sacrifice. 1 have my own car and. do not need these. Both iu spiendid condition; name your price. Main 298. 13oo Northwestern Bank bldg. $100 CASH $100. 5-passenger Cartercar, self-starter, electric lights; car in perfect order; car looks good. A dandy buy. Hal. $200. $25 per month. Call Woodiawn 6034. DETROIT electric, in first-ciass condition, has charging plant, clock and speed ometer: looas and runs like new, $730 cash or terms. Braly Auto Co., Main 4880. 1919 BUICK. 7-pass., Just like new, with 6 cord tires; over $200 wortn of extras; car only used 8 months by private owner; sacrifice at $1850, with terms to respon sible party. Woodiawn 2111. FORD BUG., aeroplane type; most attract ive in Portland; some buy; $200 -down, balance easy terms. Terminal Garage, 5th and Hoyt sts. $225 CAN you beat It? Chalmers bug. motor just overnauieo, goou ruooer, 32x3 tires, powerful and speedy. Main 757. WILL exchange beautiful diamond weigh ing 2.15 carats, worth $200, for first class auto. Edgar Braytield, P. O. box 4, city. - YES, I have it Liberty 6 that Is ready to go. $1000, terms. You can't pass this one up. 2766. Phone Main 4028, Marshall CLASSY Ford bug with new rubber tend ers, tools and everything complete, cheap. Al Auto Works & Painting Co., 5-5 Alder. WILL take piano as part payment on lata model tlve-passenger car; convenient monthly payments on balance. Call at 435 Washington street. BY OWNER 1919 model Overland. In first class condition, reasonable. Call Woodiawn 6275. MY 1915 FRANKLIN. FINE RUNNING ORDER, $800. A REAL BUI. TtlKM MAIN 2428. BROADWAY 1764. 1917 BUICK 4. In Al condition, a bargain for cash. Tabor 4273. 81 E.'53d St. N. FOR SALE 1919 FORD. In fine condition- good tires, 1 extra; for terms phone sell wood 372. MY COLE WILL TAKE YOU THERE. 7-passenger, fine condition, good tires. looks nice, $tiio; terms. seuwood o-u WILL sacrifice .1920 6-cylinder car, or will take small car in exchange. Owner, 435 E. Harrison St., or phone n.ast luut. FttkD touring body wanted not older than 1917. East 471 or Tabor 6702. Address 1370 E. Yamhill st. 1918 MAXWELL chassis. $385; Ford road ster, $205; will consider diamonds or rafonoia. East 80o. $550 HUDSON sport modeU perfect con dition. Call Monday evenang, Wood iawn 6337. FOR SALE Franklin 6-cyl. Cylinders re ground, now top. Fine shape. Call Ta bor 1474. OVERLAND delivery car, good running order, for sale, uall at uta and Bum side. Sunday between 9 and 3 P. M. FORD roadster, brand new: over $100 oft Call Sunday after 5 P. M. or evenings after . 714 union ave. .-v. 1A2 CHEVROLET demonstrator, in good condition; save you $150 and give terms. Phone Tabor 7404. HUDSON speedster, new tires, best of con dition. apply at once; only $1548. C 943. Oregonian DORT Chummy, new 31x4 tires; cheap for cash. Tabor 8302. FOR SALE 1919 Maxwell, In good con dition; am leaving city; call Mil. 51-R. LIGHT 5-passenger car, $300. Call Wdln. 2558. Must selL NEW FORD coupe. Lots of extras. 2000. T 943, Oregonian. Run FRANKLIN Small, five-passenger car, a real good buy and cheap, at 4t 33th st. FORD, 1916, new paint, a bargain. zi Dekura ave., 3 to 6 Sunday., WAi. car. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. C. G. BLF.ASDALE. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. All standard makes. Call and look them over and get our proposition. Make your own terms. FORD touring car. In excellent condl tion. FORD bug. good tires, fine mechan ical condition $ S75 FORD touring In fine shape, good tires, speedometer, shock absorb- ers and spot light 475 PAIGE. 8-cyL. T-pass., good tires. reflnlshed: lor cash 450 MAXWELL touring, fine mechan ical condition, reflnlshed 500 MAXWELL roadster. 191S. new top. . reupholstered. spot light, 5 good tires 650 CHEVROLET, 1918, fine shape, g'ood tires, refinished 650 BUICK light 4 delivery 650 MAXWELL. 1918 touring; this car is like new OVERLAND, model 90. motor thor oughly overhauled, new top. re finished OVERLAND 85-4. reflnlshed, five tires, for ....................... OVERLAND 7-passenger. looks like new; Just the car for rental 850 OVERLAND lieht 6 enort tire re- finished, new top. Continental motor -. 850 CHALMERS light 6. mechanically . perfect 930 BUICK light 6, perfect mechanical condition, good tires, refinished. OLDS light six. 1918. overhauled. 5 good tires, refinished REO 7-passenger; Just the car for rental; 5 good tires 1150 COLE, 8-cylinder, 7-pass. style.... 125C CHALMERS light 6. thoroughly overhauled, new special speedster type body, new top wiUi Plata glass, 5 tires 1350 1920 STEVENS, run only 2600 miles, wire wheels, 5 cord tires, bumper, spot light, sitie wind deflector; will sacrifice for quick sale. CHALMERS light 6, cannot be told Irom new, lur quick sale... 1750 Many other- cars to choose from. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. C. G. BLEASDALE 530 Alder SL Broadway 1S52. EXTRA BARGAINS! Reo 4 .:..' Hudson Maxwell Dort roadster .. Maxwell .$ 400 . 450 . 500 . 530 . 650 . 700 Reo 4 Dort touring f-0 Reo 4 -.- Reo 6 Butck. big six . .. Cole 8 Paige Cadillac roadster 750 1004) 1100 1400 TRUCKS. . Ford delivery - $ 875 Republic li-ton 450 Denby 600 NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Alder at ISth. USED AUTOMOBILES. PRICED DOWN TO MAKE SALES. We do not have a Used Car Depart ment these bargains are on our sales room lioor. 1917 Maxwell, all overhauled and re painted; fine little car $350 1918 Maxwell automobile, condition 1920 Maxwell, like new... Dodge, a bargain fine $630 ....$975 $575 1918 Liberty, all fine condition , gone over and in . . .$1000 1917 Chadmers light-six. bargain. HUDSON SUPER-SIX. $900 Hudson fuper-six. overhauled and re painted w. .n tne same service to you as on a new car $1230 1918-1919 Serins Hudson speedster, overnauieu, iooks just like a new car and we give you the same service as goes with a new automobile $1825 1918 Hudson super-six. 7-passenger. an like new $1800 Latest Hudson super-six. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-617 Washington- st. AUTO MOBILES FOR SALE. Dodge touring car. run 75oj miles perfect condition, looks like new and runs better than a new car. Cord tires, spot-ugnt and bumper. This car has new amelite greasing system. Phon Tabor 3721 or call 1204 E. Ash St., Laur elhurst. ' 90 OVERLAND TOURING. '18. This is the light, dependable four and will run and look to please you; has been used caretully and you will think it new when you see it: low price and we win taKe io down, Dalance easv 605 Alder St. Red Front. Open Sundays FORD TOURING. $330. With 1150 down, balance Ions:, eas terms. The car has new top, refinished and win run to please you. Come an try it at 505 Alder st. Red Front Use tar to. OAKLAND 6 1919 Oakland. 5-pass.. fine condition. lor a quick sale. Call Bdwy. 1130. Montgomery, or call at Howard Auto Co.. 14th and Davis. FOR 6ALE New 1920 Pan-American car at about half price; will consider five acres brush land on river as part pay ment. 30s East Salmon St. FRANKLIN, series 8; new tires, new paint; just the car for that vacation trip in the mountains. R. E. Gore, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 4S0 or 5u6. BEST Ford bug buy In city; will take first reasonable cash offer. Call Broad way 914. Won. A. M. FOR SALE 1916 Dodge, new top. new fenders. 1018 Ford truck. Both In good condition; some terms. East 6869. FOR SALE or trade, a Chummy, wire wheels Phone Wdln. 901. Studebaker Six; a five good tires. 1920 STUTZ. run 2400 miles, like new. 6- pass.. bulldog modeL Call Montgom ery. Bdwy. 1130. OAKLAND touring car: no dealer. Main 6898. Sunday after 11 A. M. or Monday. Must be sold. I need the money. I WANT to sell my car. 1919 Paige, $800 cash. 266 Hassalo st. A 1917 DODGE touring car for sale; 1013 E. Irving st. Call Tabor 2903. I HAVE A DANDY light six, just over hauled: new top and paint. For a good buy call Mr. Howard, Broadway 1S38. 1919 OAKLAND 8. Just painted, all good tires; run less than 6000 miles; some buy. Tabor 5681. 5M5 E. 41st N. FOR SALE 1918 Maxwell, good condl-i GRANT B AUIO Al condition, for Ko50. tion, by owner, $375 cash. Call from 6' tefjns Owner, Tabor4926. evenings. to 9 P. M. Sun. 6S6 Irving. PIERCE 6-30 Wining to take Forjl la 1917 CHEVROLET. $350 cash. 414 Glisaa, . trade. 100 Prescott . FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAR COM PANT PLANT The overhauling, rebtrfldmsr and re finishing of a used car Is only as good as the determination of the dealer to make it so. It has been said that we do too much to our used cars to insure a reasonable profit, but we are content In the knowledge that after looking around, the buyer usually returns for something ne nas seen ana tried out st tne t.vvi.1 MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT. After all, we are in the used car business only to aid In the sale of new cars. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 1918 Touring $ 975 1917 Touring .-? 925 1916 Tour.-njt 750 1916 Roadster 750 1919 Chassis S60 Truck. 2 ton. new attachment. Cad illac motor, a dandy, only... 1400 1914 Overland Delivery 850 1917 Maxwell Delivery 450 1920 Ford Sedan, practically new. wire wheels, extra tire and other accessories; cost over $13110; for sale by owner 1100 1918 Ford Sedan, electric starter.. 775 19 1 Ford Roadster 400 1917 Ford Touring 425 1U1S Overland-9t a remarkable buy -. '. . 700 . 1917 Maxwell "Tourinc 475 1117 Reo Roadster, good shape-, v. 80 1014 Reo Touring 600 1910 Pierce Arrow, would nuke a wonderful hue- 40O 1912 Cadillac, good service car.... 400 1916 Buick Touring, rebuilt w. 1050 1!1S Buick 4. fine shape 1230 1918 Chandler Tourine 14O0 1920 Chandler Dispatch, wire wheels, nearly new 2350 1916 Cole S. a beauty. 110O 1918 Studebaker 6. good shape, new top. new paint 1OO0 1919 Peerless. 4 passenger, a beauty 2300 1919 Haynes 6, touring, m perfect shape, a beautiful car. and priced at only -. . . 1500 CADILLACS. " The remarkable condition rn which you find the used, rebuilt and refinished Cadillacs we are offering at this time can be directly traced to the years of experience we have acquired in trying to outdo each former effort. We Are Open Sundays. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington st. at 21st. Main 6244. FORD BUG. In, A-l condition, good tires and a bar gain at $375. 1915 model in first-class mechanical condition; 4 new tires, new body. BURNESS-AUTO A BODY WORKS, loth and Alder. Bdwy. 2080. '17 BUICK TOURING. This car is iirsi-ciaa every way and has new non-skid urts all around and one extra, mounted, double tire rack and full leather top with plate-glass in rtar, and lias beeu retimsned, and you wm like tne way it runs and Iooks when you see it; low price, and we will taka $3o0 down, ual. monthly; take roadt-ter in trade. Try it at 500 Aider su Red 1 roni. open Sundays. FOR SALE BY OWNER, LEAVING CITY. LEXINGTON' CHUMMY. FINE CONDITION. $1150 CASH. P 278, ORE GONIAN. CHALMERS light 6. thoroughly over- Hauled, new special speedster type body, liew lop with plate glass, a tires; $13uu. C. li. liLKASuALL, 530 Alder St. Broadway 1S52. Must sell my new Hudson super-6, $Tuu extras, at a oig sacrifice. Call 1st St. Main 4824. ONE 9A Franklin touring car. driven lb.OOO miles; a bargain. BRALY AUTO CO.. 601 Washington st. Main 4880. DODGE TOURING. 1917; just overhauled. 1 nree urana new tires; one extra tire, windshield wings, spot itgnt; other ex tras, $iuu, terms. Alurry, as tuis will go quick. rilirr JklOTOR CAR CO., 84 BRO'DWAY. HUDSON SPEEDSTER- HUDSON. A quality car mat is a wonuer for per formance and enuurance. same service and replacements as factory gives on new car. Terms. Phone Main 4028. Marshall 2706. REO 5-passenger, Just overhauled: gain tor cash. OWNER. SELLWOOD 3071. a bar- OWNER left for Chicago yesterday. Left uuick nere to ue sold. lull model, in A-l condition; 4 new tires. Price $13oo and wortn the money. Refused that sum witnin last 3u days. Plione East 6-125 today or Main 2418 thereafter. 1917 STUDEBAKER 6 First-class condi tion, excellent tires, bumper, Bpot light, motometer, extra tire cutout, spring oilers, etc.. $700. Can be seen today. King St. Garage, 168 King st-, just otf Washington st. b TUT 14 touring. 1917 model; owner will take model N Hupniooiie as part pay ment, - BROADWAY GARAGE. E. 24th and Broadway. $350 TAKES a fine Cadillac roadster, 6 tires and engine in good shape, let us demonstrate this to your satisfaction; will make a wonderful fast bug. Caii French, Main 3237. or 20y loth street. HUDSON SPEEDSTER $lOU0 down, balance easy payments, or will sacrifice for cash. Al shape, repainted. Main 274p. 1920 MAXWELL 1920. This car is 98 per cent new. A won derful buy. Not ready for the repair shop, but is ready to go. Terms. Phone Main 4028, Marshall 2766. $385 BUYS Ford delivery, dandy shape, nice body, just the thing for some bot tling works or store; will give terms. Al Auto Works & Painting Co.. 525 Aider. ' DODGE touring car. 1918. leather top. plate-glas rear windows, good tires and motor; car makes splendid appearance and is in excellent condition; U3U cash. 572 East 25th North. Phone East 6254. TiAM, good, true, gentle work horses; weigiit about 26U0 lbs. and good harness. Price $190. 1087 Francis avenue. TeL Sellwood 1212. lul CHEVROLET. 5-passenger. first-class mechanical condition. 5 new tires and bumper, had the best of care; will sell on easy terms. phone Tabor 1264. WANTED To trade my Overland road ster, model 75, in fine shape, for a mo tor boat. Value $500. Call Marshall 1 2165 week days between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. 1914 FORD TOURING car, good condition, tires almost new. for cash or as first installment on small borne. Phone Aut. 320-39. STUDEBAKER 6 IS motor; A-l shape. A. . Wargen, 5822 46th st, S. E. Woodstock car. LEAVING town, will sacrifice a chummy roadster Saxon, also a, Ford touring, in good shape. Phone Marshall 2198. NEARLY NEWTOP and 6-pass body for Ford; good "condition, with straight dasn. labor 194. 6 East 60th st. Norm. 1917 FORD runabout: also delivery -body. All new tires. 3 old ones, extras. 925 Halsey st. Owner. $465. IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a late model Ford del. in A-l condition, calL. Tabor 1496: very cheap. ULASSA' bug. will consider motorcycle part payment. Call 9-12 Sunday. 429 Sacramento. 1920 M A X W ELL Phone E. S604. -Nearly new; a bargain. REO Running order. $250 takes It. 741 E. 17th st. S. ' 1917 FORD touring, $375. 607 E. 22d St. S Sellwood 1647. 1018 FORD, first-class condition: lots of er.tras. 2162 Halsey. Tabor 5126. OLDSMOBILE 8 A dandy buy. 256 6lh st. Phone Main 1398. 0 T