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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
I 8 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. JULY 18, 1920 TDUR ALONG COAST PITTSBURG ER CROSSES THE CONTINENT BY COLE AERO-EIGHT. E The Western Electric Company Fritz Dean Goes to Crescent City in Hupmobile. , ROADS GOOD ALL THE WAY WIDE U RIV Greatest Scenery tn Oregon That Along; Coast Near California Line, Sajs Motorist. That famous stretch of mountain road between Grant Pass and Cres cent City which, in years gone by, has not always had the best reputation in the world, gets a clean bill of health from Fritz Dean, Hupmobile salesman for the Manley Auto company, who returned to Portland Tuesday after a week's trip over 1200 miles of road. Dean drove a 1920 Hupmobile tour ing car. He was accompanied from Portland to Grants Pass by his mother. Airs. L. M. Dean of Grants Pass, and had four in the Hup for the round trip from the Josephine county seat to Crescent City. "That drive from Grants Pass to the California coast country cannot be beaten for scenery." said Mr. Dean. "The road goes ever the very tops of mountains and in some places the grades are four or five miles long. The road was in good condition, how ever, at its very best, I might say, and the trip a wonderful experience. In some places we felt as if we were on top of the world. o Mad Along Coast. "There is no mud on the Grants Pass-Crescent City road either in wet or dry weather. Along the banks of the Smith river and through the beau tiful redwood forests of that same region - the old corduroy has been yankedout and replaced by a nice, 6moth macadam surface. "Not once on the 90 miles was I obliged to drop the Hup into low gear, and it was able to pull most of the grades, even the long ones, on high. Without crowding things at all we were able to make the trip in six hours, both going and returning, and in those six-hour periods- we made numerous stops along the way. Once, for instance, we were halted rather abruptly by a big buck which stood out boldly only 100 feet ahead of our car." Mr. Dean recommends that motor ists making a pleasure drive into the Crescent City country arrange to drive north for about 32 miles to the new lumber town of Brookings, which is on the Oregon side of the boundary line. Fine Camping: Place. "It is a beautiful 6tretch along the coast and the road is all smooth ma cadam." he said. "The highway skirts the ocean and crosses picturesque streams, including the Smith. Chetco and Windchuck rivers. By penetrat ing any of these rivers motorists will find the most delightful camping places imaginable. Brookings is a dandy little town, with a splendid hotel, the Chetco Inn. first-class mov ing picture theaters and many other attractions that would add credit to a much larger city." From Portland Mr. Dean made Roseburg. 209 miles, the first day. He found a few detours but none was distressing and the highway was in good condition. After returning to Grants Pass from Crescent City he drove south to Gold Hill and Medford and has praise for the roads in Jose phine and Jackson counties. Except for a stretch of eight miles, 'pavement is completed from Rogue River station to California and the pavement is nearly completed also be tween Grants Pass and Rogue River. Bad Around Rice Hill. Proof of the general good character of the Pacific highway is found in the fact that Mr. Dean shoved his Hup from Grants Pass to Portland in one day, and at that he ran into a mess of rain Tuesday, the day of the storm. Counting present detours the speed ometer recorded within two-tenths of a mile of the 300-mile mark, and 20 miles of that distance was spent floundering around in slushy road in the Rice Hill country at barely a snail's pace. The tough weather had tied up a big bunch of cars along Rice Hill, all the tourists cusing hard as they were held up along the road. The heaviest going was between Sutherlin and Yoncalla. Dean kept going all the time and managed to omit cuss words, but the low. gear was called on for yeoman service. How well it worked is .shown by the fact that the car reached Portland the evening of the same day it left Grants Pass. 1 1 l' iswii-4 - i ,1 -in t 1 1.5 nStSw -Tii- iir i. . m,,,yZA,?$& J This Cole els tit, oirned and driven by V. T. RMaalnnr of Plttsbars. Pa., reached Portland the other day in the course of a tour that Trill take Mr. Roesalns: to San Franclaco, Los Anzelea and thence home via the southern route. He stopped at the Northwest Auto company, Cole distributors, while here, to break the news that his Cole has cone 9553 miles on its original tires and that two spares-strapped to the rear haven't been used yet. Mr. RofmIiis also owns a Cole Aero-Eight roadster and a Cole Aero-Eight sedan. NEWPORT TRIP HARD ONE MAXV miles of dirt road THROUGH MOUNTAINS. Much New Construction Makes Vong, Rough Journey to Coast by Auto. Continued From Firtt Page 1 TRAILER LIKE A PtTLLMAN Callfornians Invent Luxurious De vice for Motorists. A camping trailer of Pullman-like luxuriousness has been invented and is in use by two Californians Lillian Pray Palmer and Oscar F. Palmer of San Diego. It has collapsible side tents which may be extended to pro vide spacious sleeping compartments, says Motor. The sides of the trailer are extended to form the supporting structure for these side tents. The structure is built of thin spruce sheet ing covered with sailcloth, properly waterproofed with several coats of paint and then varnished. The trailer complete weighs only 650 pounds. I takes only five minutes to open ready for use. It is equipped with electric light. Look out for the children. It 9". a from Portland. But from then on prepare for mountain travel. Beginning at mileage D9.2 from Portland. 1.7 miles beyond Wrens comes a long. nard. steep, rough. winding, curving, red clay hill that will -give any car a climb much of it low-gear work, and a real pull to the top, a little over a mile. On this grade look out for cars descend ing. There are few turnouts, and the grade coming down is so wind ing and eteep that ther descending car win not be able to stop unless the driver has it absolutely .under control. It is so winding that he can't see you until he is within short distance. Descending this hill on the other eide drivers should go into Inter mediate, for it is a sharp .pitch though not as long as the climb from the Wrens side. But this is the only really- dan gerous hill on the road. Thero are other hills, dozens of 'em, but except for Pioneer hill, which Isn't on the road at all any more, none that will require low-gear work. The Chal-, mers easily made them all on inter mediate, and many of them on high. The car handled beautifully on this hard un. from wrens the next important station is Blodgett, 6.8 miles further at the top of a long planked hill, mileage 104.3 from Portland. Then Eddyville. 16.8 miles farther. at mileage 121.1 from . Portland. From there to Toledo the road for several miles is sandwiched with construe- on work, much of it on this ac count being rough going, especially around Chitwood, mileage 127.7 from Portland. But the final ten milee into Toledo are mainly .good going, the last five of them especially being very good road, wide enough for two cars all the way, but with some breath-snatching hairpin turns. Much to Do at Newport. Between Toledo and Newport there lso is much road construction, but this 8.6 miles of road is for the most part good. The cummer rush to Newport and the Nye creek beaches is Just start ing. This resort has one of the best beaches along the Oregon coast. And within easy distance of it are such attractions as Agate beach and its fine hotel, the Devil's Punch Bowl and tho Siletz country, and in the other direction Alsea bay, Waldport and Yachats wonderful country for hunting and fishing. The summer visitor at Newport has his choice of some of the finest hunting and fish ing and beach scenery within a few miles in the state of Oregon. The log of tho trip: Portland-Corvallis Lor. The' St. Paul route to Salem via Newberg and St. Paul was taken on this trip owing to closing of thevNew Era bridge on east side Pacific high way for repairs. The New Era bridge is now open and motorists' may take that route to Salem. There is one de tour near Salem for paving opera tions. The St. Paul route, paved to Newberg, is now in good condition, however. 00.0 Oregonian building, Portland. Out Sixth -street. Terwllliger boulevard and Capital hishway to Newberg; all paved. 24.0 Just across new concrete brldsre Into Newberg. Here turn left for St. i Paul route. Continue two or three HERE'S AN ATTRACTIVE STRETCH OF THE EAST SIDE PACIFIC HIGHWAY BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SALEM. M 4 t 6 v x- -j. o- v- Krar Hubbard on the new paved hlffhwty. la another month or alx weeka the hiarhwar will be paved all the way between Portland and Salem except for the Can by-Aurora stretch. blocks to Elgn "To Williamette river bridge," turn ncht and -follow main road. 25.1 Willamette river bridge. Cross it. continue straight ahead. Road macadam, quite chuck y and choppy for next four miles, though not bad if taken slowly. 25.9 Turn left. Rough. 27.5 Turn left. - Fair to chucky. 27.7 Turn right, avoiding left-hand road, into Wood burn. 25.6 Turn right. Road still pretty rough, but gets better from mileage 23 on. 31.6 St. Paul. . Continue straight ahead. Road now good, smootb macadam. 32.6 Keep on main road. Straight ahead. 34.8 Rather rough to 06. take it blowly. 36.6 Straight ahead. Road good. 31. 5 Keep to right. 42.4 Straight ahead. Road very good. 44.2 Hopmere. Formerly best route to avoid dusty stretch was to turn right to Wheatland ferry road. Dusty stretch now has been graveled and i in fine condition, so keep straight ahead. 45.4 Straight ahead. Road fine. 47.4 Join Wheatland ferry road. Keep straight ahead. Good into Salem. 50.0 Pavement for one mile to 51. then gravel. 52.7 Center of Palem. Here recommended route to Cor vallis 4s via Riverside road on west side to East Tnd-ependence. where ferry across Willamette into Inde pendence, then turn left and follow main road to Corvallis. East side road to Independence from Salem now closed for paving. Sal em -E a t Independence. 57.2 Center of Salem. Continue south out South Commercial street to sign, "To Riverside Drive and Indepen dence." at mileage 53.3. Turn to right and follow road. Very gooi to mileage 5$, then becomes rough and winding, very winding. 61.0 Narrow, quite rough, but only a coupie or three miles of it. Keep to main road. 63.9 East Indepenaence ferry. Free in daytime. 50 cents all night after S o'clock. 64.0 Center of Independence. Turn left, follow ' main road. Very good for most part; macadam and gravel. 72.1 Straight ahead ; somewhat rough. 74.3 Straight ahead, keeping on road to right. 75.1 Keep straight ahead on dusty stretch, newly constructed, avoid ing good gravel road turning to right. New construction, quite dusty, to 77.3. 77.3 (iood gravel again, excellent; keep straight ahead. 79.5 Join main Albany-Corvallis high way. Turn right to Corvallis. S5.S In front of Julian hotel, center of Corvallis. . Corral I in-New port Log. 65.8 Center of Corvallis at Julian hotel. Straight ahead to Jefferson street. Turn right on Jefferson street to Fifteenth. Turn left on Fifteenth street. past Union Oil company tanks. Straight ahead on graveled road. S7.7 Turn left at fork. Fine gravel. 8 'J. 4 Jog in road and fork. Keep to right, road straight ahead, leaving fine gravel for dirt road. No ttgn at this important junction. Dirt road to 91.0. 91.5 Gravel again. 92.6 In Philomath. Turn left one block to center of town, then turn right down main road. Straight ahead. Gravel. 93.5 Take right-hand road. Alsea road to left. 94.4 Covered bridge. Road good mac adam. Now entering foothills and from this point td Newport, virtual ly oO miles, it is all mountain road. 97.5 Wren's. Road very good to here, but now ends macadam except for occasional short stretches. From here on virtually all dirt road, much new construction, rough. narrow, real mountain going. 97.6 New construction to 9S.2. Macadam. 9S.2 Covered bridge. Then rough to 98. 6. 9S.6 New grade to 99 .then rough. 99.1 Rock crusher. Good-bye to all mac adam. 99.2 Take left-hand road. Now dirt, oc casional loose rock, rough, sharp turns. , Road now rises up steep grade, over one mile long, all told, some of it being low gear. Rough going. 101.0 Go into second as you start down this hill, as it la very steep descent, 101.: Bottom. Here road from Dallas joins Corvallis-Newport road from right. Keep to left. Road here much better, dirt, but smooth going. 103.4 Rignt. 103.7 At sign 'Road Closed." take plank road straight, ahead to left, up hill. Planks rough, but going very fair. Look out for nails. 104.3 End of plank. Hamlet of Blodgett. Keep straight ahead up short, very ; sharp pitch across railroad, then over bridge and straight ahead up hill. 104.5 Take right-hand road. Very fair here. Cut out of bank and nar row, mountain to right. 110.0 Road here nice and broad, all dirt, some new construction. Going much the fc-ame for next ten miles, ex cept most of it quite narrow, but here and there broad stretch. Road cut along hillsides. All dirt road. 121.1 Store at Eddyville. Railroad track 100 yards ahead. Keep on left-hand road, cro&s track, keep straight ahead. 121.4 Take left-hand road. Mountain going. 126.3 Chitwood. Straight ahead. Much new construction. Rough going. Road along bank of Vaquina river. Steam shovel and dump cars widening grade and making fill at 127. 127.5 New construction. Road very rough, narrow. Straight ahead. Avoid bridges to left across stream at an ous points along here. 12S.7 Keep to right along river bank. 1 '!. 4 Straight ahead. 1-9.9 Road very narrow. New sawmill to left. 130.3 Bridge. Road narrow, hilly, up and down pitches, real mountain going to 132.5. In Its favor it is very dry, as yet not especially dusty, not rough, really excellent dirt mountain road. Any driver unaccustomed to mountain driving. however. muxt look out for hairpin curves. Be sure to bound horn and drive slowly In case car should be coming from op posite direction. 13.'.1 Straight ahead. 136.3 Keep to left. Now approaching To ledo. Road good dirt, fairly wide, but swings around absolute hairpin turns. Take them slowly or you can very easily go over bank. Long car would have to back on one or two of these turns, though ordinary wheelbase car can make them all right by going slowly. 137.6 Start down steep hill, which gets steeper as you go down. Town of Toledo visible to left. 137.9 Left-hand turn goes into town of; Toledo. If bound for Newport do : not make this turn. Go into sec- i ond gear and continue down very steep hill, planked road. 13S.2 Bottom of hill. Keep ahead over new construction, very rough for two miles then over fair dirt road, some construction, to railroad. 139.2 Railroad track. Keep to left-band road, cross track. White bridge one mile. Cross It. then keep ahead. Dirt road, winding but wide and very fair to 141.9, when more new construction. Rough. 139.3 Keep ahead. Road winding, dirt, swings around small canyon, very fair now. Continues good, though with many hairpin curves, to near Newport. 144.3 Road begins to roughen up, soon becoming very duFty, then sandy as approaches Newport. Rough to 145.1. 145.1 Road now sandy, drive carefully. Siow going. 143 . 2 Cross railroad. Sign advises "Slow Down to 12 Miles." Evidently Joke, as cars can hardly make ten through the sand. 143.4 Turn left. 145.9 Left into auto track of two planks. Drive carefully to avoid slipping off. Now in Newport, but for center of town and' Abbey hotel, keep ahead, 145.13 Turn left on plank road down steep hill toward bay. Very rough planks at bottom. 146.4 Turn right. Main street of New port. 146-5 Abbey hotel. Newport. Prepare fof a good rest, for you'll need it. Emergency Radiator Cement. A radiator leak fid located that it cannot conveniently be mended may be plugged temporarily by the use of a thick paste made of litharge and j INTRODUCES TO THE NORTHWEST THE Territory Open fm in JUL Storage Battery An opportunity for high-grade service stations to con nect with the world's largest distributors of electrical supplies in the sale of a battery of proven quality. Ve Sell at Wholesale Only Western. 'Electric Company Union Avenue and East Ash Street Portland Local Sales and Service Station Titan Battery and Electric Company 411 Davis Street, Between Ninth and Tenth Streets glycerine. The heat of the radiator will cause this paste to set In a few minutes, after which neither hot nor cold water will affect It. Litharge may be obtained from any drug shop in powder form. DORTS WIN' ECONOMY PRIZK First and Second Taken in Relia bility Run to Lake Tahoe. Dort cars won first and second places in their class in the Sacramento-Lake Tahoe reliability and econ omy run of June 25. Authorities state that this was the most strenuous road contest staged in California, with very hot weather prevailing and much traffic to contend with. The route was one of 260 miles over the high Sierras, with grilling grades, reaching an altitude of 8000 feet from a start of 60 feet. There were 24 representative cars entered and 21 made the run. First Dort averaged 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline second Dort 18 2-3 miles. The finishing third averaged nearly three miles less to the gallon. First Dort made a perfect score, second Dort scored 997 points out of a possible 1000. Except at official controls neither Dort stopped its wheels. Don't bump the traffic cop. MANUFACTURING WHY- REPAIRING 20,000 IN STOCK can we make the highest quality of springs and sell at the same price that springs sell that are made of the cheapest material by the manufacturer that gives the lowest bid to the jobbers or so-called spring companies ? FIRST We manufacture in three of the finest factories in this country and sell direct to the auto dealers and garage men. We give you the jobbers' profits both in quality and price. SECOND Our selling expenses amount to practically nothing. Depend on us for your springs. We always fill your orders promptly.. SEATTLE Factories and Stocks at SPOKANE PORTLAND ' VALVE-IN-HEAD "fpQ Ct' S motor cars A Life of Happiness COMES into every home when the Buick Valve-In-Head motor car arrives. Nearly three millions of people today enjoy the comfort and pleasure of the five hundred thousand Buick cars in operation. Each trip, every tour, or spin to town and back makes each passenger grow more enthusiastic over Buick oper ation, for it is built to fulfill all the needs of family usage And yet so easily applicable to any business ac quirement or special duty. That is why you find Buick dealers booking orders for the summer and fall months from motor car purchasers who know how essential Buick cars are in their daily life. On a limited number of orders we can make IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES Howard Automobile Co. Pacific Coast Distributors. 14th and Davis Sts. Bdy 113056241