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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, PORTLAND. JUXY. 18. 1920 IVIOREO DSMOB LES L FOR THIS TERRITORY Oldsmobile Co. of Oregon Has Allotment Increased. NUMBER NEARLY DOUBLED dward E. Cohen, After Trying Two Years, Succeeds In Obtain ing More Cars Required. Announcement of a large increase In allotment of Oldsmobile cars and trucks to this territory, which in cludes all of Oregon an-I the Colum bia river counties of Washington, was brought back from San Francis."! last ana he enjoyed it immensely. Also, he was impressed by it, especially by the speech of William Jennings Bryan before the convention .urging it to adopt a dry plank. "That was one of the greatest speeches I ever heard in my life," said Mr. Cohen. "1 think it would have thrilled even old Colonel Augus tus Busch himself. Bryan made a most impassioned talk, and he had some of the delegates crying at hie eloquence.- As for the convention, it went literally wild when he finished. All the delegates paraded around and yelled and whooped for Bryan and a diy plank for 30 minutes, and they i seemed to mean it, too. And then they put it to a vote and turned the old gentleman down by a great big majority! Thie politics is a queer game. "I was in San Francisco four days and put in some time at the conven tion every day, part, of the time on the main floor through the courtesy of Mr. Shields. Gnat to Watch It. "It was fascinating to one on tho outside looking in, like me, but I suppose It became boresome work to ward the finish to some of the dele gates. They were the greatest bunch of paraders I ever saw. Every half hour or so they would Jump up and parade around the. auditorium. "1 left the convention hall the night Cox was nominated, or morning rather, about half an hour before THESE HUSTLING YOUNG MEN NOW HAVE THE FORD AND FORDSON-AGENCY AT CORVALL1S. A. R. Grout, whose name was frequently on the sporting pages a few Tears ago as star center on the University of Oregon football team, and E. !. Gets, also a former Oregon university man but for several years super intendent for the Ford Motor company in Portland, recently purchased the Ford agency here, which they are operating under the firm name of Getz & Grout. They have one of the finest automobile buildings in the state. lOOx 150 feet in size, and as soon as some new machinery arrives expects to have the best-equipped Ford and Fordson tractor shop in the Willamette valley. They have $4000 worth of machinery on the road, much of it being especially for Fordson tractor work. Prior to coming to Corvallis Mr. Grout was sales manager for the Thomas Engine Works in Portland. week by Edward E. Cohen, of the Oldsmobile company of Oregon. Ordinarily such an announcement would not come from San Francisco, but from Lansing. Mich., where the Oldsmobile factory is situated. But it happened that E. C. Shields, gen eral attorney for the Olds Motor Works and one of its big men, was chairman of the Michigan delegation to the democratic national convention at San Francisco. Mr. Cohen met him there by appointment. For the past couple of years Mr. Cohen has been making all the way from two to five trips a year to the Oldsmobile factory trying to get his allotment of Oldsmobiles increased. Consequently the factory knew just what he wanted. Mr. Shields ex plained that considerable increase in production had made it possible at last to give the Oregon distributors what they wanted. Ready for Delivery !fm. TJnder the new schedule, the Olds mobile company of Oregon will re ceive approximately 1200 Oldsmobile cars, both sixes and eights, and Olds mobile economy trucks a year, com pared to something over 600 at pres ent. This has been insufficient to provide for the needs of the terri tory, and for about two years past buyers of Oldsmobile cars have had to wait for delivery, at times as long as SO days and even more. At present the company has orders booked well ahead, but with the new allotment immediately available and shipments already on hand. for. the first time in months and months Is able to make immediate delivery of cars. m "Seems funny to be able to deliver a car to a man the same day he buys it. after for so long a time hav ing had to put him off and put him off until his car could be delivered, perhaps two months later." said Mr. Cohen. "But for the present we are in position to make immediate de liveries, which will heip out a lot. Judging from the call for Oldsmo biles. this will not continue very long, even under the new allotment schedule, but buyers will get full advantage of it while it does con tinue." Donble-Crosains; Mr. Bryan. Mr. Cohen saw his first national convention of a political party while In San Francisco meeting Mr. Shields, they finally put him over on the 44th ballot. However, I soon knew about in, for the delegates went wild and it might as well have been daylight in the downtown part of San Fran cisco." E. H. M'GftRTY PROMOTED POST WITH STTTDEBAKER. VICE- PRESIDENT IS WON". Assistant-General -Sales Manager for Company Gets Place as . Official's Aide. The many friends in Portland and the Pacific northwest of E. H. Mc Carty, former northwest manager for the Studebaker corporation of Amer ica, with headquarters in Portland, will be pleased to learn of his pro motion from assistant general sales manager to assistant to the vice president of the Studebaker corpora tion. Mr. McCarty left Portland some thing less than a year ago for South Bend, Ind., on direct call from the Studeebaker factory, to become as sistant general sales managers for the company under Harry A. Biggs, general sales manager. The following bulletin, just received here from the factory, contains news of Mr. Biggs' promotion and that of Mr. McCarty: "Harry A. Biggs haa this day been appointed a director and vice-president of this corporation In charge of domestic sales, which appointment is made in recognition of his highly ef fective work as general sales man ager of the automobile division dur ing the past year. E. H. McCarty. Mr. Biggs' chief assistant, will here after have the title of assistant to the vice-president. "L. J. Oilier, a director and vice president of the corporation, who has just returned from a trip around the world, during which he has studied conditions and organized our export business in a thorough manner, will hereafter be in charge of export sales. Including Canada." Mr. McCarty has been with the THE MODERN WAY OF DELIVERING SLABWOOD. : ft HMPsWsVBHann in w a RT1 liM1 HALF PRICE 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Unlimited Mileage Guarantee SPECIAL-WEEK JULY 18-25 We have purchased SIX CARLOADS (6492 tires) of "CLINGSTONE" brand, made by the LANCASTER TIRE & RUBBER CO. of Lancaster, Ohio, at a price that will permit us to sell them at JUST HALF of the PRESENT RETAIL PRICE. These tires are strictly HIGH - GRADE, FRESH STOCK, made of lT-ounce long-fibre cotton fabric, with pure gum friction and a tough white oxide of zinc tread of effective non-skid design. These tires are GUARANTEED by the MANUFACTUR ERS, and adjustments will be made by us at any of our eight stores on an UNLIMITED MILEAGE BASIS. If a tire proves to be defective in either material or workmanship, adjustment will be made regardless of how far the tire has been run. Our Amazing Prices (Subject to withdrawal without notice.) SIZE List Price SALE PRICE SAVING 28x3 $19.50 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 30x3 21.25 10.63 10.62 30x312 27.75 13.88 13.87 31x4 42.05 21.03 21.02 32x4 42.80 21.40 21.40 33x4 44.50 22.25 22.25 34x4 45.75 22.88 22.87 These tires are not "seconds," "retreads," "made-overs," "half -soles" or cheap tires made of inferior material. This sale includes thousands of tires of other makes all sizes both cord and fabric at startling reductions. Call and look over these tire bargains. iul'H' Portland Seattle Tacoma Spokane Autoparts Supply Company 80-82 Sixth Street Phone Broadway 5508 Yakima Belli ngham Boise Walla Walla Studebaker corporation about 18 years, having begun as an office boy with the company. Before entering the automobile division he was man ager of the Studebaker vehicle branch in East Portland several years ago. When he returned to this city next it was as northwest branch manager. WATCH FOB PERISCOPE COPS jo Angeles Motorcycle Squad Pre pares Surprise for Speeder. A novel peace time use has been found for the periscope. Experiments recently made by the motorcycle speed squad of the Los Angeles police department, under the supervision of Sergeant Frank Harlan, prove its availability for use in detecting speed law violations in tunnels. The value of the device is that only one motor cycle officer is necessary to operate it. If put into operation in Los Angeles, it will be used as part of a campaign to educate motorists in caution and "safety first." The police department practices "safety first" by equipping the motorcycles .used by its speed officers with Goodyear tires. The automobile Industry in this country employs more than 1.000,000 men and women. This does not in clude accessory manufacturers. RUBBER PLANT GROWS $10,000,000 IS BEING SPENT ON" ADDITIONS. B. F. Goodrich Factory at Akron Plans Huge Increase to Care for Business. One of the largest building expan sions in the automotive industry at present is that of the B. F. Goodrich Rubber company at Akron. New con struction is in progress which will in crease the size of the plant 20 per cent and cost, with the new equip ment and machinery, in excess of $10. 000,000. The new buildings will provide 779, 000 square feet additional floor space, making a total of 4.654,304 square feet devoted to the manufacture of tires, hose, boots and shoes and other rubber goods. Several thousand ad ditional workers will be required next year to turn out the increased pro duction planned. The largest of the buildings tinder construction is an eight-story ware house for raw matertala with 830.000 Just aa trucks are displacing koraea in the wood business, as In every otker line of transportation, ao equipment like thla la displacing the old wooden body that laboriously damped Its load of alab or mill wood when the driver wound the hotst. Thla Lec line dump body, built efipectally for wood hauling, durapa the load Inatantly on the mere pressing of a lever. The driver Ktopa at the point of delivery, pulls the lever, the load in dumped automatically: he throws the truck In gear and la on hla way without Ions of time. The William L. Hughaon company is placing Lee equipment In varlvu rortland wood yards. UNIVERSAL BODIES Built to Endure From the raw material to the finish on the body, utmost skill, engineering progress and careful construction are evident in Universal Bodies. Universal bodies are designed and built in our new factory, which pro vides ideal1 facilities for the. mainte nance of Universal Standards. Universal bodies prove in service that they are basically sound, truly good and trustworthy throughout. UNIVERSAL BODY CORPORATION 900 Sandy Blvd. Phone 218-97 square feet of floor space. When com pleted it will be the largest factory Building In the city. The second lar gest building will have nearly 200.000 square feet and will be used exclu sively for tire building. other new buildings include a giant water softening plant, an electric current transformer station, a larsi refrigeration building, and an exten sion to the boiler house of Mill 2. The contractors in charge of the work are cramming weeks into days in their efforts to complete the build lng programme during 1920. In apite or annoying delays in securing ma terials they are going rapidly ahead, working day and night, and it is ex pected that the programme will be nearly completed before winter. A better idea of the extent of the new construction can be obtained from the fact that the added floor space alone is larger than that of three-fourths of the rubber companies of the United States. It emphasizes tne steady growth of the Goodri f lii i i f This Millei? Cord Tire' has run 92.000 Miles On a Heavy Truck ,000-Mfle Tread And Why They Are Exceptions Worn Miller Tires are often exhibited with some sign like above. f Countless letters also reach us telling such ,, mileage tales. These are very pleasing". But we don't want users in general to expect miracles from Millers. Service to Expect Expect from Millers greater service than from any like-type tire. And 19 times in 20 you will get it. Expect it to outserve any tire you put opposite, and it almost invariably will. Expect twice the mileage tires gave a few years ago, and they will doubtless do still better. Expect tread wear 25 per cent better than from others and you'll not be disappointed. But don't expect that under all conditions; can match some exceptional mileage. With 3 -Ton Loads Miller Cord Tim warn tested by Ray C. Carpenter on a 12-p ngr bua. " in a 3-ton load each trip. The first tire on a rear wheel ran 23.700 miles without a blow oat. and was never removed from the wheel. The second was punctured by railroad spike at B.OOO miles, but when repaired ran 12.000 miles more without a blowout. On a front wheel the Miller ran 22.0OO miles without a blowout. AU ware passencer-typa tires. Millers',' Why Mileage Varies. A Cord Tire gives vastly greater .service than a Fabric Tire. An oversize tire will vastly excel a tire that is undersize. Care, load and roads affect tire service greatly. Millers are uniform tires. That is a major reason for their supremacy. But uniform tires will vary with conditions. Tread Patented Center Tread smooth with auction cop for firm hold on wet asphalt. Gcar-ro-tAs Road aide trends, mesh tike cog in dirt. What Our Tests Show "We run tires at our factory ten millioij miles a year to make these service tests. These are radical tests. Tires are run con stantly, night and day, and under heavy load. JVe want quick comparisons. On our testing machines Miller Cord 3 average 15,000 miles, and Fabrics about half that. But theseare not mileage records. We! are running Miller lire against high-grade rivals to prove that Millers last best. Be Satisfied With This You will get on a Millef an exceptional tread. It is by 25 per cent the best tread made. Not one Miller Tire, made under present methods, has ever come back with the tread gone. You will get uniform tires. Every, Miller Tire is signed, both by maker and inspector. Every man knows that a faulty tire means a penalty for , him. And faults are extremely rare. You will get greater mileage, than from any tire you put on the opposite wheel. That is so nearly universal that we will stake your favor on any single test. But you will get the best tire built to day. There are hundreds of thousands who know that. When you buy a new ear insist on Miller Tires. Twenty ear makers now supply them and there is no extra charge. THE MILLER RUBBER CO, Akron, Ohio mm t- o res Now the Topic of Tiredom Cords or Fabrics Geared-to-the-Road sgwteras V. & PwtmU Office NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Distributors Alder at Eighteenth company since It wag organized SO years auto, many years before any other rubber factory was opened in the "Rubber City J5 employes were on the first pay-1 has grown to an army of 28.000 men roll. Tvday this original building I and women. could be tucked away and lost in any! one of a dozen of the company's The average motorist consumes 300 The original plant of the Goodrich ' huildinCR. The force of 35 employes gallons of gasoline a year. wa a DUltairtg oy hm if.i inn nniy i MBIPBHBB BRUTE STRENGTH Complete Line l2-ton 22-ton 32-ton 5- ton 6- ton Trucks Only Truck Built With 3 Final Drives Timken Worm Internal Gear Double Reduction Notice to Dealers: Write, your territory may be open. W. C. Garbe, Inc. Formerly Oregon ftfotor Car Co. DISTRIBUTORS BROADWAY AT BURXSIDE Phone Broadway 616 PORTLAND SEATTLE PENDLETON . ..... - iDilllllillllilllllllllll! 9 'Ml SATISFACTORY performance is a dominant characteristic of the Garford truck. Low cost per ton mile is another. "USERS KNOW" Garford Oregon Motor Sale Company. NORTH EIGHTH AND DAVIS Was. Cornfoot, President T. M. Grogheeaa, E. V. Wheeler, . Vlee-Pree. and Gen. Mgr. Secretarr-Treaaurer J. a. Haley, Salea Mgr. fulllililillilllllNllllllIl! JL