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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OTiEGOXIAN. PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 17 SITUATIONS WANTED FKMALR THE University Sor.ety of New York, la its child study department, want three capable women, oetween 28 and 45, to travel In desirable territory. Splendid opportunity for those who would like to fee Identified, with a permanent child welfare movement. Position pays $250 per year to tboe qualified. For par ticulars call at 3x5 Couch bldg. U. 8. GOVERNMENT wants hundreds girls. 30 women over 17; permanent po sitions, $100 to $2o0 month, vacations, common education ; list positions open, tree ; write immediately. Fraaikiln In stitute, dept 703F, Kochester, N. Y. RESPECTABLE girl employed during day wishes place In plain home to assist with light housework and children for room and board ; home privileges; west side, walking distance. D 590, Or ego -nlaTi. ONE-HANDED young woman. Rood edu cation, wants werk; will consider col lecting, general office worK or any ser vice where two hands, are not consid ered essential. AH 854, Oregontan. REGISTERED nurse going to Atlantic coast late In July will travel with child. Invalid or elderly woman for expenses; references exchanged. AV 140. Orego nian. WOMEN'S Protective Division, located, at room 803 Police Headquarters, 2d and Oak sts., will furnish Information, give protection and assistance free to women and girla lntervie ws co nfide ntlaL To UNO lady stenographer with lumber and general office experience wants po sition in or out of city. W 130, orego nian. PROFESSION A L pianist, 8 years' experi ence in theater dances, accompanying, etc., wan m work in or out of city. Camllle Stump, M. 1911. Columbia Apu. YOUNG lady wants summer job carina for children and helping with housework in family going to beach. B 159, Orego nit.n. WRITE photoplays; $25-1300 paid for suit able ideas; experience unnecessary, com plete outline tree. Producers' league, 9 St. I-ouiti. EX r'ERtENCEO lady wishes position as housekeeper in hotel or rooming house, or will do chamber work. Mrs. Uladya Johnson, 225 N. Main, Butte, Mont. CULLKGK girl wishes position as compan ion between August 1 and September 15; can sew, cook, drive car; state wages. Miss Alquist, Waldo Hall, Corvallis. PEFEN DABLE nurse cares for children evenings; tactful and experienced with the sick; will assist in the home. Mar ehall 340. HIGH SCHOOL, girl, 16, would assist in housework tnruiiigs and evenings iu ex change for roo.n and board in a re- spec-table family C 580, Oregonian. GIRL, 14, wishes to exchange services for music lessons and coaching in eighth grade arithmetic Call Main 3507 Sun clay forenoon. iXUERLY LADY wishes position In city as housekeeper for widower with one or two children or lady who works. 1170 Boise st. Marshall 3D. iiX-PEKlENCED retined lady wishes to take charge of apartments for own apartment and small salary. Phone Automatic 314-58. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, wrtii bet ret ere note, desires position where export work is required,. Phone East 7287. V uM AN wants housework for summer in the country. 1278 Taylor, call after 6 JUL . luUNG lady, banking experience, wants position along stenographic and clerical lines, in or out of city. H 140, Oregonian. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings whiie mother is away; references. Wood lawn loll. YOUNG lady pianist would like to play accompaniamenis a few hours during week for practice. Call Marshall 3190. COMPETENT girl with experience will care for children, any place, day or night; best of references. Bdwy. 1803. RELIABLE middle-aged lady wishes posi tion caring for rooming house; refer ences. J 191, Oregonian. POSITION as manager of apartment house, or housekeeper for small club or room ing house. D 100, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED teacher will tutor grade pupils: terms reasonable. Sell wood 3357 before 9:30 A. M. COLORED girl will do your family wash ing and ironing in a few hours. Phone nj-. CAPABLE young woman desires position in ethical dentist s or pnysician s on ice experienced. J 102, Oregonian. ACE. SCRIM AND MARQUlaETTE cui talns done up like new. Will caiL East 8518. ELDERLY lady as companion or care for child or light duties; would go to coast; references. Phone A. 522-43. LET me bead and mount for $5 that $25 bag you can't afford to buy. Y 684, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY PI AN 1ST wishes position playing in orchestra. Call Marshall 47, sfter 6 P. M. TEACHER would mind children Sundays, evenings, for room ; references. V 684, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY would like to go to beach or country to care for child. Call Wood lawn 3H39. GIRL wants board and room In country or suburbs; willing to help with house work for purt board. Tabor 3102. WANTED A position In the Intermediate grades by a teacner oi experience, a v tMi. Oregon lan. LADY wants housecleaning, other work, hours, day; work, guaranteed. Wood lawn 6305. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Sellwood 1932. EXPERIENCED. chambermaid wishes work at beach hotel, good references. A L. t62, Oregonian. REFINED young woman, employed, de sires light work or as companion even ings In exchange for home. Easf 5471. WANTED Temporary work in dentist's office. D 162, Oregonian. W I LL give baby best of care and good home. 140 E. 28th st. N. WOMAN wants day work. Tabor 3768. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Of rise YOUNG woman wants a beginner's posi tion in shorthand, typewriting and book keeping; will work hard and try to Please. M 225, Oregonian. TYPIST, rapid, accurate, wants copy work at home; own machine ; experienced In abstract work, short stories; reasonable. 409 Yamhill, upstairs. YOUNG woman wants a beginner's posi tion in shorthand, typewriting and book keeping; will work hard and try to please. M 225. Oregonian. YoUNG lady desires position in physician's or dentist's office; ambitious and willing to learn; experienced in typewriting, beat of references. Cail Bdwy. 25-25. REFINED young lady with office experi ence desires position in doctor's or at torney's office. Call Main 1153. Miss De Haviland. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper,- married, wants permanent position with good firm. Call McEwen, Main 2798, Sunday or Monday, or write 412 Main. BRIGHT, capable woman wishes position, gen. office work or anything requiring ability, initiative and common sense. Main 5494. TWO experienced stenographers wish po sitions. Ruth Ellingsen and Edith Flotre, 456 First National Bank bldg., Bellingham. Wash. CLERICAL position desired by girl having just finished high school; good penman and can operate typewriter. Marshall 2109. REFINED- young lady, with experience, desire position filing or as assistant In office. C 559. Oregonian. EFKICI ENT stenographer, bookkeeper, 15 years experience, college education, de sires position. N 141, Oregonian. EFFICIENT bookkeeper and stenographer. 5 yearn expedience ; local references. Mr in 2817. THOROUGH LY experienced stenographer. notary public desires half-day position, or from 9 to 3: references. Eaet8440. LADY bookkeeper and typist wants posi tion forenoons. Phone mornings Main 7762; afternoons Main 9209. COM PET ENT stenographer desires tempo rary position. Eight years' experience executive ability. Woodlawn 3809. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires tern porary work, or as clerk or typist. Call r.ast boz Kunuay or ruesaay. TEACH ER wants temporary work ; have had bookkeeping course. Phone Main 5807. between 2 :30 and 5t30. COLLEGE student desires general office wotk or position as casmer; experienced. 1 aoor NEAT, accurate typist desires position; some shorthand, knowledge of general office work. Apartment 1. Marshall 4S89. CAPABLE college girl wishes office work, vmall salary to begin. Tabor 4514. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires good position, reierences. no, oregonian. EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer de sires position In city. Call Columbia 8. A-l STENOGRAPHER wants work half days; mornings, oox rt &h, oregonian LADY wishes position as ledger and state ment cierK : expenencen. tast 111114. STENOGRAPHER wil work mornings for few weeks. O 10 a, oregonian. PITCATION8 WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. REFINED young lady wishes permanent position with reliable firms? three years' experience stenography and some book keeping; will accept temporary work. Phone Marshall 2948. Monday. ' YOL'XG lady, bookkeeper, .general office work and switchboard operator, desires permanent position. Call Mar. 4400, apt. EXPERIENCED cashier wishe evenings. L 553, Oregonian. position Dress makers. ALL kinds of sewing done; dresses, coats and voiles at a great reduction through Julv and August, by experienced dress maker, at 1076 E. 27th N. Phone 319-33. THE Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers, 424 Mor rison. Expert work, reasonable prices; also cleaning, pressing, dyeing. We caii, deliver. WEARING apparel, all description, made, remodeled, cleaned, dyed, pressed. Em porium Dye Works, 549 Morrison street. Broadway 4259. Call snd deliver. El RST-CLASS dressmaking and tfons. Prices very reasonable. 943. Room 14. altera Main ENGAGEMENTS by day, up-to-date dress maker; remodeling, reasonable. Broad way 1507. . EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants charge of shop; salary, or commission. L W4, Oregonian. a FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, suits, dresses, summer voiles, alterations of all kinds. Mrs. Kelly. 752 Vancouver ave. 316-00. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; reasonable. 549 Wash. st. alterations Aut 613-03. EXP. dressmaker, $3.50 a day. day or evenings. Tabor 6205. Call Sun- WANT to do plain sewing for women and children. Phone East 3155. EXPERIENCED dressmaker; references; a Iterations; reasonable. East 7665. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress will sew by the day. Phone East 7778. DRESSMAKING Work guaranteed; prices right. 311 Central bldg.. 10th and Alder. LET me put a touch of embroidery on your new gown. Y 585. Oregonl;in. DRESSMAKING, reasonable. Phone Main 571, week days. . FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and ladies' tailoring. Phone East 8169. GENERAL dressmaking; summer frocks a specialty. Miss Fitch. 516 Ross st. S E W ING 405 West Park, room 2. Nurses. EXPERIENCED under - graduate trained n urse ; more cases or hourly nursing ; reasonable. Marshall 349. t NURSE wishes position In physician's of fice or institute. East 8851. PRACTICAL nurse wants care of invalid, mental or otherwise. B 161, Oregonian. WANTED Nursing bv practical nurse; confinements preferred. East 6014. TRAINED nurs wishes more cases hourly nursing. Mar. 349. PARCTICAL nurse Hoffman. Phone take any case. E. 4034. PRACTICAL nurse wants eight hours dally, child or sick. B 160, Oregonian. H ousekeepers. COMPETENT widow with daughter 8 yrs. old wishes position as housekeeper for gentleman In city or country home. Call or write 5824 86th st. S. E. Ml. Scott caV Sixth ave. sta. No tri Here. LADY alone with own home lurnianea would board and room motherless chil dren with parent, giving them a mother's care or would rent home, remaining as housekeeper. L 689. Oregonian. WIDOW with small daughter desires po sition as housekeeper for gentleman In city; must have good home; am good cook. O 144. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED widow would like H. K. for small family with light housework; would prefer living In the country. Call In person, 147 Mi - at. WANTED Elderly lady wishes position as housekeeper in bachelor's or widow er's home. No objection to one or two children. 532 Market st. . MIDDLE-AGED woman with boy 7 years old wants position as housekeeper; no objection to out of town. Call room phone tast i mb. WANTED Position by a lady as house keeper, city or country; no triflers need apply; telephone Broadway 1770, call room 4. ' A RESPECTABLE1 elderly woman wishes notation as nouseaeeper ioi " c light housework in small family. 758, Oregonian. AF MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position as housekeeper with no other woman in charge, no objection to out of town Call Tabor 7431. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as housekeeper for refined gentleman w jib children or elderly couple. Tabor 194. YOUNG lady with 2-yr.-old boy wishes po sition as housekeeper in home of re fined gentleman. B 175. Oregonian. RELIABLE, middle-aged lady, alone, wishes housekeeping, good home, small wages. L 147, Oregonian. w a vTKn Position as working house keeper, adults, small wages. D 186, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED housekeeper and cook with boy 15 wishes position in city or country. Woodlawn 1491. L'ADY with 2 boys would like place keep ing nouse Mit-r - - Oregonian. POSITION in widower's home, small fam- 1 1 y. L 219, Oregonian. Domestic. THE VBRIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. TABOR 4638. House cleaning, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning; estimates . cheerfully given. Best or rererences. iwtoi). exDerlenced cook wants work in nrivate family. 648 Hoyt st. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE 5-ROOM IT V PI RMSHED MULc-U- flULO rv nrvrtiinw RT RESPONSIBLE BUSI NESS MAN: NO CHILDREN. PHONE EAST 6800. WANTED By couple, small furnished house, sleeping porcn and garage; niui be beautifully furnished and well lo cated : will rent from four to six months. E 597, Oregonian. WANTED By August 1, 5-room modern house, furnished or unturnisned, wun vnrri jinri ararden spot. Kent by months or year; reasonable; adults. C 595. Oregonian. . WANTED 6 or 7-room modern house with curt ere. will lease lor 1 year or more: 3 adults. Can give satisfactory refer ences. Prest-O-Lite Distributor. Bdwy. 4492. WANTED Nice, large house, east or west trie, for clean unaertaKing ousinesr-. will pay gopd ent for right place, or will lease. AF o'ii, oregonian. WANTED by August 1, 5 or 6-room un furnished modern house by three adults; will consider lease; best of references and permanent tenant. Call Eaht 1937. WANTED To rent, 5 or 6-room modern bungalow, furnished ; east side location Broadway car line. Tabor 6633, mora lngs. FURNISHED or unfurnished 5-room bungalow In Woodlawn, Alberta. Pied mont or Walnut Park district. Simons. Call woodlawn 736 Monday. SIX or seven-room bungalow' in good aistrict oy responsioie party; small fam lly; will guarantee good care of prop eny. j one, uregonian. WANTED at Cannon Beach or Seaside. xrom Aug. 1 to Aug. iu, iurnished 2 or a-room cottage. Address AO 846, Ore gonian, or telephone Main ooll. FURNISHED 3-room house or bungalow, vicinity roruana neignts pret erred, state terms ana xun aetaiis. a 553, Ore. gonian. 6-ROOM house for rent. Alberta district, 1 biocK rrom car line; semi-modern ; $20. Kast sott. WANTED A furnished house for the month of August in the vicinity of E, 22d and uackamas. Call East 6067. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished 5-room apartment or small house, west side. Aqults. References. P 164, Oregonian, WANTED To rent modern 6 or 7-room furnished house; references furnished. D 163. Oregonian. WANTED to rent. 5 or 6-room modern bungalow, east side location. Broadway car line. Tabor 6638. mornings. WANTED To rent. 6-room furnished bungalow with garage, Irvington or Laurelhurst preferred. Y 141. Oregonian. WANTED To rent an 8-room house, partly furnished, close in. AK 759, Ore gonian. WANTED 5 to 7-room attractively lo cated furnished house, Portland Heights preferred; references. Phone Main 956. WANTED To rent modern 5 or 6-room house in or near Kenton. Wdln. 423. AUGUST 1 5 or 6-room unfurnished bun galow or modern cottage. East 6529. WANTED To rent 2 or 3-room furnished house. T 140j0 re gonian. m WILL care for refined home during ab sence in summer months. Mar. 2544. FIVE-ROOM modern house, east side, rea sonably close In. adults. Marshall 1179. FURNISHED rooms for rent.. 3504th7t. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. MEIER FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite information pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and Quickly located. Eighth Floor. I WANT to rent, with privilege of buying later on. if I so desire, nice suburban home of from 3 to 5 acres. With cottage, bungalow or house on same, prefer same furnished, must be close to carHne and roads surrounding property, must be good; I prefer place with plenty of berries. fruit, etc.. land must be tillable and productive, in other words I will take over someone's home place and make it worth a good deal more money than when I went on it; can give best of references; matter must be closed immediately. Phone East 2879. or write AG 380, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 5, 6 or T-room modern flat or bungajow unfurnished ; will pay six months' rent in advance. Prefer Irving ton. Lau relhurst or Alameda. Responsible party. Small family. Will take lease if neces sary. State full details' first letter. Box W 139, Oregonian. 1 WANTED Well-furnished 4 or 5-room modern house by refined couple; will give best of care. Call Broadway 41. WANT by August 1 a well-furnished strict ly modern house of 5 or 6 rooms, pre fer east side, but any good locality will do; do not require bedding, linen or sil ver; highest references given if required. Phone Tabor 2418. RELIABLE party with family of wife and two children desires permanent 5 or 6 room furnished house in good location, near school; state rental per month and location in letter; best of references fur nished. B 1(3, Oregonian. WANTED Before Aug. 1. to rent, with option to buy. strictly modern 6 to 10 room house, west side or close In east side; price must be right. O 208, Ore gonian. TWO y spec table adults want care small iurmsnea no use. west siae. oy juiy pay some rent; references. AR 758. Ore gonian. Apartments. WANTED By July 15 or August 1. modern rive-room unrurnisnea apart ment, permanent, references. E 501. Oregonian. 1-ROOM and kitchenette or 2 -room apart ment for you Jf will buy furniture; west side, walking distance; 2 adults. Phone 216-12. OR 3 furnished rooms near Irvington; steam heat If possible; 2 adults. Auto matic phone 216-12! WANTED To rent or lease 3-room apt.. unfurnished, by responsible party. Call Main 488. WANTED To rent double - 4 or 5-room flat, furnished or uniurnisnea. o Oregonian. YOUNG lady to share apartment with employed young ladies. Main Rooms. WANTED Room in. private family by young lady employed ; re-te-nenccs ex changed ; west side preferred. W 140, Oregonfa n. Rooms Wi tb Hoard . NICE furnished room, close in, with board. by single business men ; garage at or near; state particulars and price. G 590, Oregonian. WANTED Bv vounK business woman room and board in private ramuy irv ington or Rose City Park preferred. Kef erences given. X 142, Oregonian. WOULD like to rent for 1 month attract ive, clean place in country by couple with 1 little girl. Main 2197. WANTED Home in country for 8-year- Oiu uuj, iitrr; 11c wan muiiiri i care and recreation. Phone Main 4342. WANT a home for a little boy, someon to take him for company, not for adop tion. E 673, Oregonian. WOULD like board for mother and daugh ter (9) in attractive, clean country home not too far away. Alain lifi. WANTED Board and room for child; no other children. Call between 11 and 1 o'clock Sunday. Main 7920. LADY desires room and. two meals In strictly prtvate family, west side. J'ort land Heights preferred. L 143, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN would like room and two neals; private family. -X 14Q. oregonian. WANTED Lady to board gentleman and four children, n om, uregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. WORKINGM AN wishes to rent unfur nished housekeeping room, walking dis tance. southwest district preferred. D 583, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED Baby's 2-wheeled sulky; must be In good condition. Call A. 22-12. FOB, RENT. LARGE, cool sleeping room ; tise of kitch en, do your cooking and save money ; walking distance. 188 17th. Phoite Mar. 1751. . 2 SLEEPING rooms, 449 E. Yamhill. Phone East 8113. GARAGE for rent; very reasonable ; write or phone. 662 Poplar st. iast 1100. GOOD location for rent. 61 h-s 3d and Oak. Furnished Rooms. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th St., t Washington. Rates. S5 per week up. $1 day. Fire proof ; large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusemant and shopping center. ATTRACTIVE! rates to permanent guests. See our accommodations. mw rt,n KINS HOTEL, Fifth at Washington. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. at East Sixth. The nrlnclDal east side hotel: dl ant fled and refined; 11.25 per day and up; $6 per week and up.-' TWO or four rooms in prlvae home on west side, close in, suitable for light housekeeping for 2 adults. Inquire 001 Stock Exchange bldg. CONRADINE hotel, absolutely fireproof. Tenth and Burnslde streets, two blocks north of Washington street; rooms, per man em and transient; reasonable rates. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for two gentlemen, separate beds; reason able; opposite Multnomah club. 580 Salmon st. Main 3732. NICELY-FURBISHED sleeping room for 1 or 2 men, all modern and in walking distance, very reasonable. 380 E. 8th st. S. ST. PAUL HOTEL, 130 Fourth, between Alder and Washington. Flrst-clai ac commodations at reasonable rates transient or permanent guests. for TRANSIENT rooms for rent. Newhall Hotel, 402 East Washington St., corner Grand avenue. Rates $1 per day; two in room. 31. 5Q. Phone East 84tfo. NICE room in modern apt., west s4de, for business girl ; can cook own break' fast. Main 6757. FURNISHED room for rent, private en trance. Cor. 19th and Broadway. Phone 319-13. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st. Mice, modern, clean rooms, at transient and permanent rates. 2-ROOM suite front rooms. 7 big win dows. fireplace, gas range, close In price 23.50. 2-room suite on 2d floor, 115. 1 sinirle room. 2d floor. $12. Part o rent In light services, if desirable. 386 6th st., south. Mar. 285. COMFORTABLE furnished rooms, rea sonable, close in. 586 Couch st.. bet, 18th and 19th. LARGE front room, one block from car line; suitable for one or two peopl employed. 67 ortnrupH. FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished rooms; ho and cold water, telephone, steam heat reasonable. Main 70v4. WANTED Three or fbur more men to room, 1 or 11 ire car men preierreo. 01 14th st.. Portland. TWO nice rooms in private home - Rose City, 2 blocks to restaurant: only xiu per montn. nm sandy Divd. HOTEL RAMAPO. Washington st. at 14th rooms $6 and up per week; also family suites oi rooms ano path. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st. at Tenth rates $1 a day up, weekly $5 up; steam heat, iree pnone and oaths. GARLAND HOTEL. 23 Trinity Place: mnA ern outside rooms. $4 per week and up. ATTRACTIVE room In west side apt. for gentleman; reierences. Aiain a43z. NICE, clean, homelike room, all modern conveniences. jonnson. nick, ugnt. ciean room : rent reason able; downtown. i?a r'arK st. 273 MONTGOMERY Sleeping rooms. Mar. TWO large sleeping rooms, first floor. $4.50 ana o a weea, cioae ia. 001 layior a FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms, MAXWELL HALL, 207 14th St. Furnished rooms to quiet and orderly people only. RITZ HOTEL. Morrison and Park sts. New. ti rep roof and modern. In the center of shopping and Theater district. Moderate rates. Special rates to permanent guest a LARGE, pleasant corner room. strictly modern home, suitable for 2; close to 2 car lines, west side ; reasonable rates ; also room. for young man willing to share room with congenial young man. Phone Mar. 2781. SAVON HOTEL 131 11th st.. between Washington and Alder, modern transient rooms with or without private bath. SI per day and up. Weekly rates 15 and up. IN ONE OF PORTLAND'S finest apt. houses, a well furnished room for rent; elevator and telephone service, private entrance. In excellent location; suitable for business girl or nurse. Main 900. "THE ALTON," 381 YAMHILL ST. Opposite Masonic temple ; made new and clean throughout; lovely rooms for $5.00 week. TRANSIENTS A SPECIALTY. SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and .sleeping rooms. Phone .East za. Grand ave. HOTEL CADILLAC: 3d near Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, reasonable ratea Unfurnished Rooms. TWO rooms, fine for sewing rooms. Will give rent free if party will cook even ing meals on north loth St.. west side. AC 748 Oregonian. FOR RENT Two or four unfurnished Main 7727. rooms ; 388 Park st. Furnished Rooms la Private Family, LARGE, well-furnished room, steam heat. hot and cold running water in room, garage if wanted. Tabor 6855. 700 E. 41st .. N. BRIGHT, sunny room, every convenience. best surroundings, rnono .casi. 6510 mornings. DOUBLE room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; 2 beds; bath. 2G4 Va 14th st. Phone Mars hall 6079. 448 TAYLOR st., clean pleasant sleeping room, steady gen Lie man. Quiet no me , reasonable. NEWLY furnished front room in modern home, walking distance; nne room ror two glrlB. 38 N. 21at St.. near Wash. ELEGANTLY furnished room in a swell private home, suitable for two young men. 71 Trinity Place. LOV ELY room with 2 beds, aino single room in centrally located nome. Main 2399. LARGE front bedroom for two gentlemen. all conveniences, walking distance, oui E. Oak. NIC EL IT furnished sleeping rooms by day or week; hot and cold water. zovfi Fifth st. . SLEEPING rooms for rent. 1171 Minne sota ave., z oiocas west ox. rieumuni car barn. OR RENT Three nice sleeping rooms In modern home on carline; gentlemen pre ferred. 1145 Bellmont st. ONE large, well-furnished front room on ground floor, wanting a 1 stance. 01a Morrison. Phone Broadway 4433. NEWLY furnished room In attractive new bungalow in Alameda farK; privileges of a home. Woodlawn 5727. MODERN home, nicely furnished front 669 E. Pine st. room for gentleman. Phone E. 6567. MICE room in modern apt., west side. for business girl ; can coo a own oreaa- f ast. Main 6757. NICE, cool bedroom for the summer, with hot and cold water near by, $10 per month. 527 East 15th st. NICE sleeping room, suitable for one or two men. close in ; no cniiaren in iam ily. Breakfast if desired. East' 6792. CLEAN, convenient basement room, suit able for bachelor, $10 month. 481 west Park. VERY desirable sleeping rooms In private home, close down town; lovely yard. 205 6th st. LIGHT, airy rooms; clean and desirable. S10 and up per month. Call 2fi Main St., corner Fourth. NICE furnished room with bath and phone privileges, close to down town. ou iita street. FU RN1SHED sleeping rooms, cool and quiet, walking distance, reasonable rate. 1SS otn St.. on 1 amnni. HTE AM-HE ATED furnished room. modern conveniences. 564 Ooucn, Be tween 17th and 18th, apt. 3. PLEASANT, well-furnished room In re fined."' home, all modern conveniences, easy walking distance. East 6-174. FOR RENT In private family, large, light, nicely f uprnished room, close in. $15 per montn. rnone iast an. LARGE room, 10 min. walk from post car fare; 12 months. office: save oc 353 12th st. FOR RENT Nice. clean room, large enough for 2; walking distance, west side. Main oioi. NICELY furnished room, private entrance. west side, walking distance. raono Bdwy. 2266. 84 N. 21st. SMALL front room, light and airy; single bed; fine modern residence: handy lo cation: S3 a weeK. aiain pwo. WEST SIDE Front room for one or two men ; also single room ; conveniences. twaiking distance. Main oso. LARGE, pleasant room, with privilege of getting breakfast ; can board ; 648 East Starts; S S car. Call evening or Sundays. T R V T .NTTON Pleasant roof, private fam ily, gentlemen preierred. .bast ouzo. 344 fci. ittn st. in. $10 MONTH Room for one, walking dis tance, pnone. Da in. juain siz. vt$ co lumbia. FURNISHED rooms, west side, modern bright and sunny, reasonable rates. 848 Montgomery st. Main 3941. Gentlemen. BUSINESS MEN save carfare, nice rooms. private family, bath, phone. 54 h N 15th. 2 blocks Washington st. NICE, airy sleeping room, walking dis tance; light, phone and oath; $15 1 month. Call Main 7043. FOR RENT Large double front room. suitable for 2 men. 321 6th at., cor. of Clay. NICE clean furnished front rooms; walk ing distance to shipyards; 110 a month. 182 Glbbs st. N-S. car. NICELY furnished rooms; housekeeping if desirea; reasonaoie. juarsnau mw. 701 Hoyt st. WELL-FURNISHED room, suitable for 1 or 2 girls or men, close in, near Broad way B. . 423 Ross st. WELL FURNISHED sleeping room, one blocs: ozz riawtnorne ave. Ztt4 E. lOth st.; walking distance. LARGE, airy front room, every conveni ence, fine home, breakfast if desired. Automatic 823-10. NICE sleeping room, close In, privileges 10 worKing gin. dio uoiumoia st. FRONT room modern home, furnished nicely, close to Wash, st. Main 2960. 2 FURNISHED rooms for rent very rea sonaoie. .vain ztj-i, evenings tL. 11 1 .. SINGLE room: see it, you'll like it. E. Main. Tabor 8769. FURNISHED room with private family, $3 per ween. 173 enerman st. 269 14TH, near Jefferson room, walking distance. st.. furnished Main 3893. FURNISHED room for young la'ly: kitchen privileges. io Kast Flanders. East 3865. NICELY furnished sleeping room. $20 per month. 468 y East Burnside. NICE and clean furnished room. Walking distance. 287 Williams ave. East 2959. FRONT room with alcove bedroom, use of kitchen. 495 Montgomery. Mar. 3f2&. VERY nicely furnished room in modern Irvington home; $15 per month. E. 3147. ROOM for rent reasonable, with kitchen privileges. Call Bdwy. 1353. ROOM for rent, 1 or 2 gentlemen, close in. an rarK sc. CLEAN furnished rooms, hot and cold water, phone and bath. 393 West Park. NICELY furnished rooms. 5 minutes' walk from postoffice. 404 Clay st. FURNISHED front room; gas, bath and phone. 30d Koss st. BRIGHT, pleasant room ror employsd persons. 160 N. 21st st. Bdwy. 2087. TWO furnished sleeping rooms, close in. Apply 34 u rioiiaday ave. LARGE, pleasant front room, west near 23d and Irving. Main 5335. SLEEPING ROOM Close in and quiet place. 627 Taylor st. LA RGE front room in modern home for gentleman. Marshall 3602. 393 31th st. FINELY furnished front suite of rooms; Nob Hill district. Main 6855. NICE front room, walking distance. 59 North 20th st. Phone Broadway 5564. ONE nice, "clean front room, suitable for 2. Main 29 iO. 4.4 Montgomery. NICELY furnished room close in. Montgomery. Mar. 301. 1'KOiSX room Lrvinglon. E. 7bOO. FOR REM. Furnished Rooms in Private Family, WALKING DISTANCE Lovely room with lar-e glassed-in sleeping porch, large clothes closet and long panel mirror, mahogany furniture, light and clean, convenient bath, hot water and towels; cool in summer, warm in winter; south east exposure, view ; private homo in exclusiva district; home privileges, piano, fireplace, suitable for two ladies, ecu pi a. 2 gentlemen, or will rent to one if desired. No smokers- Three blocks west of Multnomah club. References exchanged. J 688, Oregonian. ONE large furnished room and kitchenette, first floor, private entrance: also single H. K. basement room: clean and cool, large lawn, best location : walking dis tance. Bdwy. 866. 594 Everett. FINE large front room, furnished, attrac tive, modern, new house: piano, fine lo cation ; 1 0-mInute ride Hawthorne car. 304 E. 22d st.. near Hawthorne. Phone East 663 0. SUMMER rates. Desirable, large, airy front room, suitable for 1 or 2, large bay window, C. closet, 10 m. to bus. center. all conveniences, west side. 415 Broad way. LA RGE front room, furnished or unfur nished ; hardwood floor, fireplace, suit able for two men or couple employed; west side; private family. Phone Main 8862. TWO large, pleasant furnished rooms for rent, heat, bath, phone, close in, suit able for man and wife, young ladies em ployed. Phone East 353. 440 East Clay ay, cor. 7th. WANTED! Refined woman or girl to share apart ment with refined young woman. Walk ing distance. References exchanged. T 658, Oregonian. YOU HOTEiL ROOMERS. Save money. I have a very nice room for rent, close In; clean, homelike. 455 Market. NICELY furnished room with two beds. also single room, situated on west side, walking distance, modern conveniences. Main 2399. 231 Nartilla st. LARGE, COMFORTABLE ROOM Suitable for two, quiet home; have phone and use of piano. East Ankeny st, walk ing distance. Phone East 2004. LIGHT, airy, well-furnished rooms, hot and cold running water, no other room ers, home privileges, breakfast if de sired walking distance. Marshall 1595. CLEAN, airy room for gentlemen em ployed ; modern home, privileges, use of phone, bath, piano and pleasant varan da; walking distance. Main 8340. FRONT ROOM with large, airy cedar closet. Good home cooking, one block from Hawthorne car. East 8300, 254 East 23rd St. LARGE, well furnished room in modern home, every convenience, suit two friends. $10 per mo. Phone East 4776 (Sunday). EXCEPTIONALLY light, airy unfurnished room, or will furnish suitable for very light housekeeping ; also one furnished; west side. Phone Auto. 619-16. LARGE, comfortably furnished room in modern Irvington home; suitable for 1 or 2 girls, employed; with or without breakfast; reasonable. East 7318. UNFURNISHED laj- front room with porcn iacing east sunaoie lor traveling man; no other roomer except 1 traveling man; walking distance. Main 687. MODERN, clean, well -furnished room, 2 blocks from Hawthorne car, nice, quiet home, no other roomers, gentlemen pre ferred. Ref. Tabor 7344. NICE, clean furnished front sleeping room. main noor, modern nome on car line, breakfast or -kitchen privileges. Tabor 9006. vV H Y pay car fare when you can walk to your work by rooming at 3S9 12th st.? Newly furnished. Phone Main 3862. Private family. LARGE modern room In owner's home, suitable for 2 adults, 1 block library. 215 11th st., cor. Salmon. Phone Main 807R. $5 SPLENDID large front room; 1 or 2 gentlemen ; always hot water ; all mod ern conveniences. 566 Couch, apartment . Broadway 1429. FURNISHED room, with private garage. Inquire 395 E. 61st st. N. Tabor 3111. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23 D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best known residential hotels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without hath. 92.Z.0 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. JEANNE rARC Furnlned rooms, with or without board, for business girls and lady tourists, permanent or translont. Special features within the limitation ot the minimum wage earner, $2 per -k and up 265 14th st. Main 4119. KORTONIAHOTEL Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable ratea ROOM with single beds for gentlemen. close in, beautiful trees; good home COOKIng. Bdwy. 4314. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. choice rooms; board optional ; modern conveniences; walking distance. ROOM and boad for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per weeit. Aut. 21-074. 12 E. 7th st. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 80 10th st- For business girls and students reasonable ratea Mar. 1251. ROOM with board, private family, home privileges, no other boarder; gentleman preferred. zi& I4tn st. s. YOUNG lady, located in first-class place, desires roommate, one who is musiral and C. S. preftsrred M 52, Oregonian. Rooms With Board in Private Family. $55 IRVINGTON. breakfast. July 17; fine large room with alcove, suitable for 2 employed, private lavatory. Broadway car, 1 block from club house. East 8259. CLEAN, light, airy rooms in modern home, suitable for 3 people; no other roomers; walking distance; breakfast and dinner served if desired. 313 San Rafael. WANTED Man and wife moving on their farm in September, near good school - want to take two or three children to care for. D bol. Oregonian. IN BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, large, at- tractive room for two gentlemen. Au tomatic water heating equipment. All conveniences. Large garage. East 1200. BEAUTIFUL country home for children. board and mothers care ; reasonable rates. Mrs. Mable Gleason, box 34A, HuDDaro, or. FOR RENT, with board, one large front room; not and com water in room; west side ; walking distance ; suitable for 2 fine location. Phone Main 4278. FURNISHED rooms. with or . without board ; home cooking, modern, reason able. 686 Gllsan st., near 21st. DOUBLE and single room, with or with' out board. 331 Grand ave. N. Xh blocks xrom Broadway. Zi oi. YOUNG lady employed would like hoard and room ror ugnt service. Prefer walking distance. C 177, Oregonian ROOM and board for two. able. Also meals. 663 East 7232. Very reason- E. Madison, ROOM and board for 2 men. or man and wire, employed, modern conveniences. Oll-Vl. ROOM and board near 8. P. shops. In quire 6O0 Haig st.. between E. 15ih and ittn. ten. 3-100. PLEASANT, clean room for gentlemen. excellent board. Phono East 7842. 736 East Burnside st. PLEASANT room and board, restricted dis trict; C. ti. preierred. call before 10 A. M. or after 1 P. M. Tabor 4216. 3t E. 11 I n & i ., near wawtnorne avenue, room and board, reasonable. Close, car lines. NICELY furnished room with board ; prl vate home, near Broadway bridge, 408 Benton. ROOM and board for small child reason able. Call Monday 1 175 Alblna ave. Mississippi car, near KUMngsworth. GOOD ROOM and board for one or two walking distance. $9.50 per week, after Sunday. isast aiu. NICE front room with board In private iamny, near two car lines. X3Ul Llroy. w ooaiawn ipo. BOARD and room for congenial lady who would appreciate comtortaoie nome. East 5878. ROOM, board, one or two gentlemen, pri vate home. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. ROOM and board for 2. very reasonable. 12C3 Gay st. wooaiawn 4354. WANTED Child between 3 and 7 years best or motners care. ti. dibu. FURNISHED rooms with hoard. 553 E. Couch st. Apply at LADi wants couple children to board and room. Sellwood 629. BABY wanted by one who loves babies. will give tne oest or care. Tabor 8894. LARGE, airy front room, with meals; near union ana roaa way. ciast z-tts. NICE ROOM, good board for two adults in Alameda, woodlawn 5729. LARGE front room suitable for 2; home privileges. Marshall 3374. 161 N. 23d, WANTED Man board. East and 2560. wife to room and COUNTRY home, adult family, for child over 8 years, 2U montn. Marshall 5833, GENTLEMAN, 398 Salmon st. FOR RENT- Rooms With Board In Private Family. CLEAN, airy room and best of meals in private home, modern, home privileges, nice neighborhood, suitable for 1 or 3 gentlemen, near Union and Broadway. East 6393. WIDOW wishes to borrow $350 on home, value at $3500, otherwise clear; would hoard or give first mortgage or rent property to party furnishing the amount. L 5?8. Oregonian. BUSI N ESS and athletic young man to board share room, separate beds, closets, $8 per week. Small, congenial family of young people, piano. Mala 18. BEAUTIFUL room and sleeping porch in Laurelhurst home, for 2 business men. breakfast if desired, home privileges. 1002 E. Flanders. Aut. 223-23. WANTED 2 young business women to room and breakfast in private .home, use of piano, all privileges to the right girls. Woodlawn 1285. before 11:30 A. M.daily. Furnished Apartments. THE ELM WOOD. Strictly first-class 2 and 3-rra. furn. apt. Tiled bath, dressing room, etc New period furniture, some with orien tal rugs. Adults. References. 415 10th. Main 66O0. BONNIE BRAE: 3-room corner apart ment, sleeping porch and alcove, all in white enamel, wicker and mahogany furniture, piano and telephone; adults only; flower boxes: rent $70. East 4619. Z-ROOM apt., living room, dining room, kitchenette, use ot bathroom, front out side entrance, suitable for 2 or 3 adults, desirable upstairs flat. 292Vs Clay st., near 5t h. WILL rent my completely furnished 3 room apartment until September L Phone Main 3645 Sunday morning be fore 11 or before 9 week days. MODERN lower 4-room flat completely furnished, including piano and sewing machine. Nob Hill district. Call Main 3741. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Two and three-room housegkeeplng aptn., strictly modern, elevator. 11th and Montgomery. CARMELTTA APARTMENTS. 13TH AND JEFFERSON 4-room furnished aot.. striotly modern, adults only, references required. 4-ROOM apartment and one single room for light housekeeping, free lieht. water and heat. 315 N. 22d st. 5-ROOM flat, furnished, with bath. $35 a month, a-is'fr rtusseu. Call in forenoon or aitef o in evening. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt., light. neat, not ana cold water furnished. Price $:7. Call Tabor 8756. before 12 M. ROOM furnished apt., immediate pos session; all outside rooms. Marshall 2901. Barker Apts., 6S0 Irving st. TWO, three and four-room furnished apartment. Juliana Apt., 45 Trinity ptace. Marshall Uh.l. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. Completely furnished 4-room apts. LIGHT, airy basement apt., 5 rooms and oatn. ..o objection to children. West side. Bdwy. 1371. Partially furnished. 4 ROOMS furnished, upper apartment, nice ana ciean, witn garage. 838 Haight av. Tabor 1035. , ROSLYN APTS. 2-room apt., strictly modern. Phone Broadway 4,140. NEWLY furnished apartment in private nome, win accommodate three adults, reasonable. 493 Montgomery st. PEABODY APTS.. 19th and Upshur Housekeeping apartments. 1. 2 and 3-rm. Steam heat; reasonable. Bdwy. 1546. THE BOZANTA APTS.. 189 N. 23rd St. b our-room apt., modern, private phone and bath, reasonable rates. THE GROVE R 1 and 2-room nicely furn. apts. ji o rover si., south .fort. and. Main 9058. TRINITY Place apts.. 3-room furnished apartment lor rent during July and Au guist. Ph o ne M a r. 860 . CORNER and modern furnished apt. with private bath and phone. Carlois Aut.. 341 14th street, cor. Market. Main 1739. 3-ROOM furnished apar'ment. all outside rooms, immediate possession. Barker Apartments. Mar. 2961. 6S5 Irving st. 3-ROOM furnished apt. with grand piano ana sleeping porcn; no smats children. Phone Broadway 5143. FOR 2 months, two 2-room furnished apts.. east side, warning distance; aauiu oniy. R 584, Oregonian. APARTMENT for rent; 3-room apartment. west sine, lumisned ; oo per month. Phone Mar. 2243. NICE suite housekeeping rooms, new furni ture and carpets. walking distance, 20 E. 15th street, corner Ash street. ALBERT APT. Furnished, steam heat. private bath; new management. S401s MUia ave. ELDREDGE APARTMENTS. 3-room, light front apartineut, in modern big building. 274 N. 21st. Bdwy. 4730. WOULD share our nice, modern 7-room bungalow with responsible couple, rea sonable. 440 E. 37 th. Tabor 8744. TWO-ROOM apartment with bath and large dressing room, walking distance. Chapman apartments. 355 Chapman St. FOR 4 MONTHS. 4-room apt., modern; Portland Heights car line; sleeping porch; $75. Main 3553. CAMAR, 704 LOVE JOY. 2-room apt. in brick bldg. Call Mar shall 2917. 2 AND 4-room flat for rent, furnished. near Jefferson high school. Woodlawn 3537. " PARTLY furnished; apply between 9 A. M. and 1 p. M. Sunday. uu iu. . linn st., apt. 4. A MODERN 3-room corner apt. with sleep ing porch; alo 4-room corner front apt. 228 North 20th st. NICELY furnished two-room apartment. light, phone and bath, walking distance. 384 Park st. Main 6372. 5 MINUTES' walk from Meier & Franks. 1 three and 1 four-room furnished apt. Phone Main 6375. $35 3-room furnished apt., west side. walking distance, no children. Marshall 4079. KING DAVID APARTMENT 3-room fur nished apartment for rent. Main 2058. 54 N. King st. THE LAURETTE. Completely furnished 3-rm. apt., 5 min. valk. Adults. 229 11th. Main 8397. 5-ROOM furnished apt.; piano; walking distance. Main 206 after 1 P. M. BR Y N MAWR. 1S5 E. 15th. 3-room fur nished apartment. $45. Eaat 2154. TWO-ROOM apt., also 1 room and kit chenette. 328 Mill, near Broad way. FURNISHED apts.. Auditorium court 331 Third st. NEWLY tinted, painted hardwood floors, walking distance; adults. East 4276. 2-ROOM modern furnished apartment. $6 week. 402 y Third st. NICELY furnished 3-room apartment; gas, lights. 246 Montgomery. PORTNOMAH 4 rooms, sleeping perch: walking distance; adults. 200 E. 13th. FOUR large outside rms., very pleasant; private bath; close In. . Tabor 8993. CLEAN, desirable 4 rooms, bath ; walking distance. Phone East 4276. 4-ROOM furnished apts. at Irving apts., 2 1st and Irving; west side. 2-ROOM furnished apartment, light H. K. Walking distance, $30. Marshall 2283. PRIVATE home for children, ett St. Mar. 2162. 714 Ever- 2 AND 3-room apts. 1578 H E. Glisan St. M. V.. car to 60th st Tabor 7025. FURNISHED 3-room apartment, private bath, rent reasonable. 82 Grand ave. THE ARLINE 3 room and bath. $45. 22 N. 17th st, Bdwy. 1812. FIN ELY furnished airy apartment ; bed room, sitting room; Nob hill. Main looft. 3-ROOM furnished apt., 394 Guild st. Guild apt.. Thurman and Vaughn! GLADSTONE. 721 Grand ave. N.. 2-room and kitchenette; walking distance. FURNISHED 4-room steam-heated mod ern apartment. Main 792. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished Call Marshall 2846. apartments. ONE nice 3-room furnished apartment. $50 per month. Cecilia Apts.. 714 Gli-an. FLORENCE. 3S8 11th St.. 3 4-room front furnished apts.; walking distance. THREE rooms, newly tinted. $42.50. tnce Apt.. 186 N. 22d St. Le- HADDON HALL st. Mar. 1160. -Modern apts. 414 11th ONE 2-ROOM APT. This is a nice one. The Rexford. Main 553. 2-ROOM furnished apartment for $30; no children. 440 E. Burnside. MORTON APTS. 3-room furnished apart ment. 697 Washington it Main 10S2. 2-ROOM preferred apartments; working people 293 jfr Weidler st. East 8331. UNION AVE. and Klllinesworto. all complete: concrete bldg. $19.5 ONE 2. one 3-room apt. nicely furnished. Trlckston. 448 11th st. 3-ROOM furnished apt. with 2 built-in beds In balcony. $6Q. Main 8757. COOL apt., furnished. $15. 931 Savier st, DM car or N&S car to 27th. Adults. ONE 3-room basement apt. 443 11th at. FOR RENT. Famished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Street. Five minutes walk to Meier Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod outside with Frencu doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. TOURISTS' SUMMER HOME. ALSO TRANSIENT. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. I. 2 and 3-room apts. and sleeping Porch, beautifully furnished in Chinese rugs and willow furniture, also bachelor uite and single rooms and bath, refer ences required. Marshail 2830. $57.50 4-ROOM furnished apartment; all large, light, outside rooms: new furni ture; unusually attractive and homelike. "THE M EDA apartments. 377 Vancou ver avenue. Just across the Broadway bridge. bik. north of Broadway; walk ing distance; adults; will oniy leae for one year. RESIDENT OR TRANSIENT. Apartments, 2, 3 and 4 rooms; an apartment hotel of superior character where your comfort and convenience are first consideration. THE WHKELDON ANNEX. Corner Terth and Salmon Sts. HIGHLAND COURT. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan Sts. rficely furnished 4 and 5-room apart ments, strictly modern, hardwood floors, tiled baths, etc. Adults only. References required. Phone Marshall 3742. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. Broadway and Jefferson Sts. 4-room strictly modern, only 7 blocks from Bdwy. and Wash. Phone furnished, rent $60, with privilege of 6 mo. or a year loase to responsible party. Cail S. B. Gustaff. Main 2506. or Bdwy. 4975. 6-ROOM MODERN APARTMENT. $70; living, dining room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms; every room an outside room; we furnish heat and water; very best district on wet side; adults oniy ; no Information over phone or at apartment. WAGON ER APTS.. 514 STOCK EX.CU. STILES APTS., 390 RUSSELL ST. Two and three-room furnished apts., private baths. Dutch kitchen, telephone; $25 and $35 ROS E CITY PARK Attractive 2-room apartment in modern private home; well furnished; heat, gas. electricity, water, phone, garage included, $t5; adults. 615 E. 66th st. N. THE JACKSON. One unfurnished 3-room apt., $30. Two furnished 3-room apts., $35. Private bath, phone service. Union ave. and East Davis st. E. 2S46. HOUSLM AN APARTMENT. 730 HOYT ST. 8 -room furnished apts., some with sleeping porches; large, light rooajs ; $60 and up. LEEDS APARTMENTS 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, also sleeping rooms; mod ern, fireproof block, private baths, clean, reasonable. 210 Market st. MONTGOMERY apartments, two rooms, furnished ; strictly modern ; hardwood floors, elevator, walking distance. Pnone Main .9466. BELKNAP APTS., completely furnished 2-room $35: also 3-rocr, 4, including light, walking distance. 187 17th st.. near Yamhill. BA RON A PA RTM ENT. 14th and Columbia. 3-room furnished apt.; also 4 -room apt. unfurnished. Main 7337. KINGSBURY APT., 1 S6 VISTA AVE. Niceiy f ur.iished 3-rooni apartment without side balcony. Price $75. Main 3883. W ICKERSH AM. 6-room apartment, fur nished in old mahogany and Turkish rugs throughout ; w ill rent for few months. Phone Bdwy. 2496. . VERY desirable, nicely furnished outside 3-room apt., modern, private bath and phone. Marshail Apartments, 624 Mar shall st. Broadway 3851. C nf urnbMJCd Apartment. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. BROADWAY AND JEFFERSON. Four rooms, living 7 blocks out of business center; wni rent or lease to responsible parties' for term oft 6 months or year; rent $55 per month. Call S, H. Gustaff. Broadway 4975 or Main 25O0. 3-ROOM SEMI-BASEMENT APART MENT MOSTLY FURNISHED. Worth $30 per month, will rent to right party (no boys) for $15 per month, who will do light basement work. Pri vate bath, and heat included. Phone Tabor 5188 or call at 126 East 34th st. VERY large rooms, also large sleeping porch, un turniuhed ; all outside, not water hoat; fine place. See this. Adults only. 816 Albina. Mississippi car. FOR RENT 4-room apartment and store, wish to rent together. 425: aood location for store at 1219 Kelly L Take Fulton car to r tower st. IN PRI VATE home. 2 desirable rooms. kitchen partly furnished, reasonable rent. 1204 Francis ave. Phone Sell H.t0. LARGE 4-room apartment unfurnished easy walking distance; rent $50. Bdwy. 4936. 3-ROOM. steam-heated apartment, west side, walking distance, rent $37. 59. Main .2778 11 to 4 Monday. MODERN 3-room unfurnished apt; no . children; $35. Waverly Court. E. 26th and Clinton sts. 3-ROOM. dressing room and bath, cor., apt.. strictly modern. Etna Apts., 26th and E. Burnside. East u3i'3. THE CLASSIC 3-room unfurnished apt vac an 12th of Juiy. Bdwy. 2934. 662 Glisan. liXFL'RNlSHED 3-room apt.; private tol let and bath. 648 Thurman, near 20Lh. Marshall 4ittl. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. modern o rooms. aiam niq. 2-ROOM front suite, private bath. yard. reasonaoie. qji noyi. ou w jr. mo. A 4-ROOM corner front, nice and cool. kitchen furnisnea. .o jortn -utn. PORTNOMAH. 4 rooms, haruwpod floors, walking distance; adults. 200 East 13th. GARFIELD. 4 rooms. $30. 361 East Fail ing. On U I II IV - ii. mi. PARK apts., corner of Park and Harrison, One nice 4-room apt., unmrmsn cm. MAYO apts., 5o3fe Union ave., 3-room un furnished apt. fnone cast Furnished or tnrnrnlshed Apartments. JAEGER APARTMENT. 701 WASHING TON ST. HAVE SEVERAL APART MENTS READY FOR OCCUPAISCI. Flats. s.ROOM flat to rent, furniture for sale rent $25 per month ; oak dining room set. brass beds, grand piano, stoves and dishes, new rugs and davenport, ECONOMY REAL. CO.. 4mA 4th St. Phone Marshall 3842. House Phone g82. u-ect si dk 552 Everett and 17th : mod ern 6-room upper flat, separate base ment, furnace and" large yara; nve min utes from business center. J. R. Downcs, 302 Dekum bldg. IRVINGTON 441 E. 13th N., upstairs flat in private family; 3 rooms and sleeping porch; 2 blocks from Irvington car; de- sirarwe location, a. 6-ROOM upper flat with attic and fire-niai-o : reasonable to right party. Cal between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M., 66 Eiia Btreet. HOLLADAY ADDITION, modern 5 rooms, tniLfr tiAt. at 226 Occident st.. close in, 3 blocks from Steel bridge. Inquire 345 Multnomah st CHOICE 5-room flat on west side. 391 16th at., near Montgomery, to adults. Rent $40: very sightly. Enquire on premises NEAR Multnomah club, 5-room flat to those MODERN 4-room flat, sleeping porch. 825 Northrup street, including water, $35 . 1 It.,U . if 1 A 'J tZ per II1UIII.I1. jmmm " uu v. ONE 5-room. also one 7-room flat, newly finished, light and airy, Brooklyn dis trict. Broadway 5157. $15 UPPER FLAT of : 571 H 5ih. West Side. Tabor 4553. rooms, adults. Phone Monday 4-ROOM flat for adults only; very com plete, $30 month. 71 E. 2bth st- Geo. T. Moore Co.. Yeon bldg. MODERN 4-room light, cool, lower flat; porches, basement, adults. 592 Salmon. MODERN upper 5-room. walking distance, coils in. furnace. 43 E. Couch st. MODERN 4-room flat; 12 E. 14 th st.; adults only. Inquire 10 E. 14th st. FOR RENT 4 large room flat. $25. 200 '-i McMillan st. Furnished Mats. u-KOOM fiat, beautifully furn., with piano, etc.. $50. Mar. 1622. 389 16th. after 10 P. M 5-ROOM flat, furnished, all conveniences, $50, close In. Bdwy. 5646. mornings. 2 L. H. K. rooms, partly furn.. close In 2Q2M; McMillan, Sun., 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. THREE outside room apartment ; bath, phone same floor. $28. 4Q2 Park st. 2 4-ROOM furnished flats; electric lights. 626 6th st. Fl'RNieHKD 4-room flat : no children. 3Lppiy &O6V3 E. G.iiaa street. FOR RENT Furnished Flat. 5-ROOM strictly modern, well fur nished with mahogany furniture; good location, eaat side, near car line. Dan Hugo eg. Broadway 1251. FLATS, furnished; 4-room $33. 6-room 5o; furnace, piano; walkrng distance, west side; nice view. SS9Va loth st. v inrtey. Mar. 1622 0-K0OM modern furnished flat for rent. west side, fine location, rent $50 per month, including water. Phone Main 13S. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room flat la exchange for room and beard for re fined young lady; nice location, walking distance, east side. Phone East 3569. ONE 5-room and one 4-room flat for rent; also one 5-room house and furniture for sale. Call 352 Second st.. or phone Main 7i70. FoUR-ROOM fiat for rent, flat D; furni ture for sale cheap. Call Sunday from 8 to 4 P. M. at 228 Hall St., west side, sout h. COMPLETE furnishings for 6-room fla for sale and flat for rent. Can move in Immediately. Inquire at 572 East Sh lmon nt. 2-ROOM flat, elegantly furnished: en trance private by week or month. S25Vs Thirteenth. 3-ROOM upper and lower flats, sieepins porch. N. S. car to GUbs, west 1 block, south 854 S First st. FURNISHED 4-room flat; no children. Apply ItrtSH. East Glisan st. 2 FURNISHED upstairs rooms; adult only. 62S Williams ave. East 4103. A NICELY furnished 6-room flat, close in. Mar. 3462. 701 Hoyt. $30. MODHRN 4-room flat, clean, on car- -ROOM flat on 2 car lines. $18. 1S2 Gibbs Ft. N. S. car. Housekeeping Room.. BEAUTIFULLY clean. light, airy, fully Turnisnea housekeeping rooms; 2 larg front rooms, $8.50 week; 1 large front room, $5.00 week ; s Ipo sleeping room. $V.oo per week. "THE ALTON," 31 Yamhill street. Right down town. New-like. ' SINGLE and double housekeeping rooms completely furnished; one 3-room .suite with private bath, gas range, laundrv. electricity. Plenty hot water. Children w elcomc. 186 Sherman sL Mar. 3983. 4 MODERN, nicely furnished housekeeping; rooms on ground floor, newly lea Is o mined, walking distance, adults. East 3101. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, close in west side, near shipyard; rent very reaaona-ble. 266 Hall au, be tween 3d a-nd 4 th. FURNISH ED "housekeeping rooms, base ment (bachelors), line bed. also 2 h. k. rooms. 3d floor. 530 Davis t. Call afternoon. TRUNKS and baggage delivered In down town district lor 25c. Auto service. Free storage for 15 days. Phone Bdwy. 2445. MODE RN lUht housekeeping rooms, hot and cold running water. 564 Flanders) st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, walk ing distance, lot 17th st. Phone Bdwy. 2241. LARG E comfortable housekeeping room. suitable for working girl or couple. $20) Including light and gas. 51 1 Columbia. 1 LA HOE front room witn use oi diuine room and kitchen if desired. 43 E, 16th N.. corner of Couch. WANT to share home of 3 rooms with middle-aged lady employed during day. 806 Kerby st. $20 MONTH, completely furnished house keeping suites, every convenience; save carfare. The Cadillac. 3d, near Jefferson. THE LEN DORA, 223 Eleventh, a pi nt front suite of housekeeping rooms. Monday. Call NICE single rooms very reasonable ; hot water always .baths, laundry, 6o5 r lan ders, t LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent. 1171 Minnesota ave., z oiocas west ox riea mont car barn. i-ROOM apt. $3.00 week; 3 2-room apts.. $2.50 week; electricity, gas. clean; nice place for family. 657 1& lat. 2 LA ROE front housekeeping rooms in quiet home, corner 6th and J season. V hone Main 6195. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single, clean moutTii, central, $12 per month and up. 147 13th st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent, stngie or doubly; nice, cool place. 6ii5 Everett st.. cor. 2oth. THE BEAVER, 12th and Mar.; furnished 11. K. rooms. $15 up, including gas range, hot wat?r. electric lights, laundry room. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room and prtvate garage. Broadway 2576. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished, fresh ly tinted, bath, on carline. 963 Wil liams ave. MAKE the Bushmark your noma, one and two-room oueside apts., clean, modern, respectable. W ash, st.. cor. 17th. TWO housekeeping rooms and 2 sleeping rooms for rent at 38 Yamhill. Phone Main 2674. LA RG E front room and kitchen. Aiso single housekeeping room ; reasonable. 331 14th, near Clay. Main 5608. 8 ROOMS Walking .distance, east side; good condition ; desirable neighborhood. HH Halsey st. NEWLY decorated single housekeeping room, completely furnished; electricity. 32S Main st. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms for rent, $2.50 a week and up. 545 Vi Wash ington. Phone Bdwy. 148 after 12 A. M. VERY desirable 2-room housekeeping; apt-, walking distance. 745 Hoyt st. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with use of kitchen. E. 1387. LIGHT H. K. room, or sleeping room and garage. 321 East 8th st. N. Bast 2619. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room and kitchenette; private bath. 745 Hoyt. $4 WEEK Stngie furnished H. K. room. 253 Vs Washington, corner Third st. FOR RENT H. K. or sleeping rooms, close in. Bdwy. .3228. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $16 a mdnth. 631 Thurman. 2-ROOM modern furnished apartment, $S w eek. 402 Vs Third st. TWO light basement rooms with private entrance, suitable for men. 309 Clay st. CLEAN, desirable sin-gle H. K. rooms, $20. 349 Jefferson, near Broadway. WANTED Woman employed to cozy furnished house. E. 1387. share FURNISHED housekeeping apartment for rent. 350 14th street. . COMFORTABLY furnished 1 and 2-room H. K. suites, also sleeping rooms. 394 12th st. ONE large room with kitchenette. 66 N. 21st st. ONE small H. K. room. $12 month. 265 6th and Madison sts. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, newly papered close in. 550 Couch st., reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. THREE housekeeping rooms, partly fur nished ; private bath, new, on two car lines; close in. Phone East 8469. 29 E. 18th st. N. HOUSEKEEPING. For rent. nice and ciean, furnished, by week or month. 351 Stark. Broadway 1588. ONE housekeeping room and one sing is room ; close in; 215 Broadway. Main 4967. 4 ROOMS for rent, furnished; adults only. Lower floor, in private home, $30. Call Ta bor 9141. UNFURNISHED light, outside H. K. rooms center of town, reasonable rent. 221 Twelfth street. HOUSEKEEPING room and kitchenette, gas and electricity furnished. 166 2. 23d st. Phone Main 5963. 4 FURNISHED rooms. private adults only; $35. 2fe Monroe. family. HOUSEKEEPING room at 202 11th St.. corner Taylor. 1 AND 3-ROOM H. K. suite, clean. Sixth street. , FRONT room with kitchenette and laxaa f ron t pore h. 261 Broad w a y. CLEAN, neat housekeeping rooms, 4 and $5 week. 268 4th st.. opp. city hall. 2 ROOMS, well furnished for housekeeping. Telephone; adults only. 62 East Taylor. $20 EVERYTHING furnished; large front parlor, first floor. 475 Clay at. 2 OR 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, walking distance. Main 3154. 3 ROOMS partly furnished and 4 rooms unfurnished, apt. MarSe. FOR RENT Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 631 Marshall st. 4-ROOM furnished, Woodlawn 1272. with water and gas. ONE single H. K. room, near car lines; $$ per mo. 325 E. 7th st. FRONT room with alcove bedroom, use of kitchen. 415 Montgomery. Mar. 302S. FOUR large furnished H. K. rooms. Aut. 516-87. Call ROOM and board for two; home privlles. 804 Commercial st. Call Woodlawn 2841. FOR RENT 3 furnished 61 s Rrnnd way drive. H. K, rooms. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, adults. H6 12th st. ONE H. K. room, clean. 490 Taylor at. 102.0v