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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. rORTLANT. JULY 11, 1920 18 FOB RENT. Ilomtkffpim Kooron In Frlvt Family. LARGE, airy H. K. room, 3 windows lac ins cast, and kitchenette, first floor; reasonable: 3-mln. walk to business cen ter. Also sleeping room. -- lUlh St., near Walmon. Phone Main 6i.. . LAROE, airy, ateam-heated H. n.. room. 3 windows, laundry: everything fur nished: tt per week. 445 Columbia. Main 764S. ' . FOR KENT Three well-furnished house keeping rooms near car lines; 10 min utes to business center; ask about it. Kast i - CKSIRABLE housekeeplnK arrangement for li or 3 particular bachelors, in newly furnished home, reasonable, close in, west side. Phone Main 0051. TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms, with two beds and front porch. 2v Chapman. Marshall 2743. ALL ground floor cottage. ,t large rooms, arranged for four, west side. 412 Hall, near 11th. Call mornings. J. 2 OR 3 light housekeeping, one and cou ple, fresh paper, paint, no bugs. 309 Jd. Main 4.VIO. 2 CLKAN furnished h. k. rooms with ga rage, reasonable. 8it r.. Lavis, ueiivtseu 2ath and LH.nh sts. Kast STti'J. S ATTIC h, k. rooms, private bath, in beautiful private home; $15 per month. 497 Clay st. Main 1)304. TWO desirable furnished h. k. rooms. $21; 1 sleeping room. per month; suitable for working men. 032 Flanders. 343 13TH ST. Basement housekeeping rooms: private entrance and toilet. Suit able for a man. Walking diBtance. t LIGHT housekeeping rooms, three If wanted; no children. 1018 Eastloth st. North. . . CLEAN, furnished housekeeping room; lights, pas, fuel, telephone. 693 John won st. TWO nice large unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. 4403 65th st. S. E. CLEAN h. k. and sleeping rooms, in. 1S7 16th .st. noek. ARE YOU TIRED PAYING RENT? ARE YOU TIRED MOVING? Then come to North Coast heights. Tou, Mr. Man, who are working In Van couver and liv'ng in Portland and pay ing a high rent, double car fare and three hours of your good time to go back and forth, why not get a place you can call your own? Fifty other fami lies on this subdivision are doing so rinht now. so why can't you? Ten minutes from downtown. Close to grade and high school ; city water, electric lights, cement sidewalk, two car lines Capitol Hill and Stt'ton car). Some tracts arc cleared and ready to build on vtl c-rs with shade trees. A hundred dollars' worth of lumber will got you Halted and in 10 days you will be un der vour own .oor. Tracts as low as $125, $10 down and f 5 per month. Come out Saturday: come out Sunday. Tke either car in front of our office to office on Addition, cor. Main and 29th. Agent on ground every day and all day Sunday. SWANK & COFFIELD, Selling Agents. 212 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. FIRST ONE IN GETS IT. " IN CITY LIMITS. IN THE WOODS. Twenty minutes to post office; 5-rm. bungalow, acre of ground, partly fur nished. Lots of berries, fire wood. Rent $-0 per mo. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, 215 Abington Hldg. Main 4S03. "35 Years in Portland." ROSE) CITY PARK A very highly and artistically finished new 5-room bunga low with Pu 1 1 man diner and gara ge, to responsible party with a few hundred dollars. Will arrange it so aa to save your rent. Tabor luu6. LARGE modern 7-room house, 127 E 12th St., near library, Hawthorne grammar and Washington high schools, walking distance; will lease or sell. House wilj he shown between 11 A. M. and 3 P. M., Sunday. East 0529. 6-ROOM modern house, furnished or un furnished ; fireplace. furnace, large steeping porcn; i block from car line: good location. Will lease for 6 months to responsible party. Must furnish best or reierences. call SU9 k. Everett sU FULLY modern 6-room home, worth $10. 000 and located on east side within ten minutes of postofflce. Will lease for one or more years at $60 per month to auuits only. Particulars, G. A. Sarles, 733 Northwestern Bank bldg. 910 THURMAN ST. 6-room modern house, 5 per month ; hardwood floors, new furnace and electric fixtures, white enamel finish.; good yard. See Mr. Ballls. with Wakefield, Fries & Co., 85 4th st. ROSE CITY DISTRICT HOME. $60; 8 rooms and line sleeping porch; 2 rooms in attic; house has furnace and fireplace, nice yard. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. BETTER THAN RENTING. A 3-room plastered house, larza lot well located, close to car line; only ik'u ana easy terms, smau payment. x. jvi. j-nce c to., -i rienry bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT. Modern 6-room house at 754 Front st., walking distance, printer or auto me chanic may earn his rent. Call between o ana r. i. or Tabor 7503. FOR RENT Good -rm. house to party buying furniture, large lawn and vege- TRuie garaen. ao( i. Asa at., cor. Uisth, Aiontaviua car, one block. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 580. A 674T. IRV1NGTON 642 Tillamook st.. cor. E. 17t'h st. N modern 8-room house and garage; hardwood floors throughout; vacant. Tabor 8Q1S. LARGE old house, barn, fruit, near the lake. Oswego, $10 per month, also large barn suited for dairy, $8 per month. 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. AUGUST 1 Beautiful Irvington home, hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. ; $85 a month. 500 East 25th sU North. Phone East 4633. 5-ROOM furnished house, modern. 867 Junior st. Take "Woodiawn car to end of line. See owner at same from 4 P. M. to 8 P. M. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. $25. Semi-modern: chicken hout-e, and garden; one block from street tfar; full lot. B 578. Oregonian. 8 LARGE" rooms, hall, bath, pantry, 6 closets, woodshed, fruit and shade trees, berry bushes, chicken run, etc., only $50. yearly lease given. Main 4124. 6-ROOM house and double garage, close in cast-side location, one block from car, on paved street. TALLMADGE REAL TY CO.. 619 Henry bldg. MOVING Piano, furniture and tong-dls-tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phor.a Bdwy. 5121. GOOD 6-room house, gas. electricity, ce ment basement, near shipyards. Mar shall 4440. MODERN 8-room house. 128 N. 19th St.; rent $65 per month. See WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. 85 4th St. o-kuum Jiouse, i acre of ground, near car line. $I&0 per year.1 C. E. Apple, Oak Grove. Or. Phone 113-W. MODERN 6-room house for rent to de- strable people; 1113 E. Alder, near 3Sth: Phone Tabor 3295. $40 MODERN bungalow, furnace, fire place, large yard; references. 954 Van couver ave. Woodiawn 196. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, hot and cold water, bath, basement, $15. Apply 247 Whitaker st. FOR RENT Modern home, 6 rooms, fine neighborhood, central location; rent $40. Call 747 E. Burnslde st. NICELY furnished 10-room house, furni ture for sale, house for rent. $30 per month. 55 East 14th and Oak. MODERN 7-room house, close in. Phone Main 4122 or call Sunday. 444 East Broadway, between 2 and 5. - SEVEN-ROOM modern house, easy walk ing distance west side. Key at 546 Columbia. FOR RENT Five-room modern house. $25, ' no objections to child. Call after 6 P. M. 38RO 64th St. S. E. LOCAL and fong-dtstance moving and hauling; first-class equipment Green Tr. Co.. 202 Alder st. Main 1261, 672-61 6-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished. 724 Ellis ave. MODERN house. 49:; E. vision st. Phone Main T-id st. 7806. ind pi- MODERN 5-room house. $25 per month by owner. Main 4416. $22 6-ROOM house, modern, near Jefter son high. Woodiawn 187. ARLINGTON HTS., beautiful new 8-roora residence. Phone Oak Grove 1-M. 8-ROOM HOUSE, west side, close in, modern; $50. Marshall 2283. 6-ROOM semi-modern house, cor. 32d and rnnton, y.t.. cast ijj. NEW 6-room bungalow, $35. 056 E. Kelly, near 31st. FOUR-ROOM house with bath. $25 a month. Call 734 75th street N. 6-ROOM cottage, adults only, with ref erence. 7 E. 22d st. CLOSE In, outing tent house, tree, garden. V'eter Sater, 453 12th. 40i FIRST nisned. -8-room house for rent f ur- S-KOQM bungalow for rent, must buy gas range and linoleum. Se-il 3303. MODERN 6-room house. 591 Washlng ton, near 18th. C-room flat. 32 19th. - FOB BENT. Houses. FORECLOSURE PRICE. DESIRABLE HOME. ." ROOMS. MOD ERN. NEWLY PAINTED. TINTED, NEARLY NEW, F1KST-CLASS CONDI TION. NEAR CAR, SCHOOL. STORES. ETC. STREET PAVING. SEWER. ETC., IN AND PAID. PRICE 2100, JG00 CASH. BALANCE REASONABLE: OR J2O00. HALF CASH. BALANCE TERMS. THIS PROPERTY REALLY CHEAP AT :!000. SEE NO. 88.-. CORBETT ST.. NEAR MEADE. NORTH AND SOUTH PORT LAND CAR (OFF AT MEADE ST., GO EAST TO CORBETT). PHONE OWN ER. MAIN 113B. OR CALL 302 SELLING ELOU. NEW, modern bungalow. $40. Main 707. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT Furnished B-room house, . close in, modern 'conveniences, good base ment, stationary tubs, furnished with pl.i' anH en. Via. nil'. Kafir vat-ii will rent till November 1, or might rent longer. s jjj. ntn St. s. ruone wain. 5307. FURNISHED house on East 14th st. near Hawthorne ; 6 rooms, bedrooms; no small children; rents $45 with privilege or owner Keeping one bedroom; call in person Sunday from 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. and Monday A. M. at 247 E. 14th St. FURNISHED 5-room bungalow with sleep ing porch ror rent six weeKs, beginning last week in July, at very reasonable rate to right people; cool house, pleas ant neighborhood, good garden ; please furnish references. Tabor 8329. WANTED Mother and employed daugh ter, or man and wife, to share modern f urnlsbed home, dividing expenses and care of house; references exchanged. AF 7S2. Oregonian. NICELY furnished 7-room house . and sleeping porch. 100x100 corner, bes-t part of Piedmont, 1 block Williams ave. car, near Jefferson hiirh school library and Peninsula park. Woodiawn 1704. COMPLETELY furnished 4-room house for rent ; walking distance. Phone, light, gas and bath; $26 per month; some fur niture for sale, $100. East 5140. 374 Hassalo st., cor. Union. FINE 6-room furnished house, near car line; good location; $45 per month; 3 months in advance. COBB BROS.. 203 Oak St. FOR RENT Furnished Laurelhurst home 7 rooms and sleeping porch, modern In every respect, extra-good furniture. 3 blocks from park and clubhouse; $100 per month. Phone Tabor 1478. - FOR RENT Beautiful 9-rc in modern home ; furnace heat, good west side lo cation ; $fi0 ; furniture for sale, nearly new ; pircnased last winter; rooms can he rented if desired. 58 N. 20th st. MODERN, furnished six-room house, gar age; large yard, with flowers. - for not less than three months : adults; ref erence wanted. East 5762. FOR RENT Furnished, Aug. 1. for three jiionths, 3-room apt., hardwood floors. player piano, electric range, etc.. 0; east side: adults. D 177, Oregonian. W ELL furnished bouse. 6 acres ground. barn, chicken house. S miles from town on good road, $25 per month ; no cnil dren. Call Marshall 978. Wi LL rent home on Westover Terrace, furnished, from August 1, $150 per; month ; 3 baths, all electric conveni ences; Gasco furnace. Marshall 1435. IN LADD'S ADDITION, nicely furnished modern nonie for 6 months, no linen or silver furnished; will reserve one room for boy of 16 years; ref. East 5945. 3-ROOM furnished bungalow on Willam ette rfver and Oregon City paved road. Call Main 478. Sunday, call Oak Grove 126 X. 1RVINGTON HOME Handsomely fur n is tied, modern, garage, rent to Sept em ber 6. possibly longer. T. B. Neuhausen t o.. IV. vv. Bank bldg. 1-kuu.m newly papered house, $10 per mo., to oe paid in advance, Includes wa- ipt rent. Tabor o7. FURNITURE for sale and house for rent, suitable lor 2 families. Phone Wdin. CLEAN, completely furnished, modern 6 room house; 3 bedrooms. 303 Glenn ave.. one-nait otocK south or Hawthorne. 6-ROOM house for rent, near Multnomah club; furniture for sale. For particulars can iwar. j.'id. SIX-ROOM furnished house. Rose City rarx, .-j.ou per month. Donald Wood ward. M. 1436. ' BUNGALOW for rent, furniture for sale. tan irom u to 1, Wdln. 4862. NICELY furnished 8-room house. Nob hill district; rent $85. Main 2245. MODERN furnished house, near car; fruit rp-nt for ladies' board. Sell. 1717. FURNISHED house for rent, 328 Hall st, $45 per mo.; adults only. FURNISHED 6-room bungalow, Annabel .station - Garage, 40. East 3475. NEWLY furnished 3-room house, $18. For rem tor rour months. 7i K. 79th N MODERN 4-room bungalow. East 25th near S. f. Shops, $3r. East 3225. PART of 12-room house, furnished. 2lst and Glisan. Broadway 2943. FURNISHED house, garden, for sale. 1626 m lssissippi ave. Woodiawn 2490. NINE large room house. 628 Everett, near un. can ween day. HOUSE to rent. 6 rooms, bath, furniture tor sale. 30 s Sixth St.. near Mill. 6-ROOM furnished house. Chapman at. 54$ Mill... near FOR RENT 3-room modem furnished house. Tabor 80S. 6-ROOM . furnished 'modern house, $35 per month. 600 E. 10th st. S. Brooklyn car. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; city. 168 N. 18th st. bummer Reports. TWO-ROOM furnished cottages, electric lights, city water. Box 362 Long Beach, Wash., or Tabor 2637. or Sellwood 1791. SEASIDE Room and board in modern home near ocean. $15 a week. Mrs. J. Ramsey, 237 Twelfth ave. NICELY furnished 5-room house, fireplace. uemer, i season, or will rent for shorter time. Marshall 3128. RESERVE your room at Seaside now; . modern home near beach. Write Sham rock cottage. "THE AUSTIN" Sleeping rooms, house keeping rooms and housekeeping tents. Address box 273, Seaside. Or. PRIVATE cottage hotel for couples: ocean view; lovely location ; $5 each per day. A. L. Peel, 119 9th ave.. Seaside. Or CAMPSITES for rent. $4 per month, free wood and water, spend your vacation at the lake. R 279. Orejconian. NEAH-KAH-NIE To rent. a 5-room beach cottage. fully furnished; lovely view; August. .u. .baton, Alain 2327. j? Kjtx kc.m tompieteiy iurnished cot tage, 322 6th av., Seaside, until August j-i. casi o i i. COTTAGE at Neahcahnie last two weeks July; 4 bedrooms, bath; $50. Mar- snaii i43. - - ROCKAWAY Enmore cottave for Mnt July and August. Est 615. 367 Schuyler SI. ROOMS with kitchen privilege; modern ocean view; ciose tn, io to $15 week Mrs. M. Z. Morris, Seaside. Or. OCEAN PARK. Wash.. 4-room cottage and j or o -room apartment. it. t. King Perkins hotel. NEWLY furnished tent house. 16x1 A tannon rteacn, ior August tall East LADi win rent rooms or share cottage at ueai-u , no- oujtfcuon io cnnuren ; reason able. Broadway 2125. Tv O furnished rooms, near ocean. For particulars, write oox to. seaside. Or. FOR RENT Hoelbing cottage at Seaview , W Main ' OCEAN CREST APTS. Light houaekeep- IS PER WEEK Partly furnished cabin on lake near ocean; boat. Woodiawn 441. 3-ROOM cottage at Long Beach for the Dtrnsuu. j nunc i a .t i joji, SEASIDE. OR. Rooms or sleeping porch, $8 to $10 per week. Box 354. A 4-ROOM COTTAGE at Beach Center. Running water. Phone Sellwood 946. SEAVIEW, nicely furnished cottage for balance of this month. Call East 2510. GEARHART Furnished cottage. Cottage ave. Call Main 1754. 6-ROOM HOUSE for rent. Seaview, Wash. Running water furnished. Marshall 728 BEACH COTTAGE Furnished cottage at Gearhart, $40 per month. East 5679. COTTAGE for rent at Long B;ast 3620. Beach. Phone' GEARHART cottage, Woodiawn 1122. 6 rooms, furnished. ONE neat room, cottage, $1 per day; Can non beach. CaJl Tuesday, East 7160. FOR RENT Nice 3 and 4-room cottage at the beach- Call Marshall 3786. SEASIDE 5 rooms, large porch, electric lights, water, for season. East 7119. FOR RE. .T At Seaside, furnished cot tage, good location. Broadway 1762. SEASIDE 4-room cottage, one block from ocean ; call Monday. East 2269. FOR RENT Cottage at Seaside. Columbia 705. TWO-ROOM house at Seaside. Wdln. 2614. FOR RENT. Summer Resorts. MINERAL SPRING RESORT with bath house, swimming pool, 80x90, filled with warm mineral water and cottage with two large rooms, located on south side of Mt Hood, about -mile from Mt. Hood loop highway. H. E. MESEBVE, ZIG ZAG, Or. EN JOT THE COOL MOUNTAIN AIR AND SCENERY. At the Parkdale hotel, located S miles from Mt Hood, good eats, reasonable rates, mount- n guide and equipment provided. Write or phone Odell 375 for reservations. FOR RENT OR SALE Gearhart ocean front cottage, 7 rooms furnished. July, for $150. Will sell auDject to August lease t$250); 60x1.00: for $3500. Owner. P. B. Van Nice. East 517 or Marshall .5454. GEARHART Modern house, 8 rooms with large sleeping porch, completely fur nished, fronting golf links, to rent for iiiuiilh ui juiy ur lur l n k Kaaun, a. xi . Blrrell, 2i7 Northwestern Sank bldg. Marshall 4114. COZY, newly built and furnished 4-room cottage, choicest location, overlooking ocean, and 5-room cottage with conser vatory and garden, well furnished ; also nicely furnished rooms. E. Hanneman, Long Beach, Wash. MacLEAN'S CAMP, OSWEGO LAKE. Cottage for rent. partly furnished; reached from Oswego station on 4th-st. red electric line. MacLean. 607 Lewis bldg. Phones Bdwy. 000 and Oswego 431. FOR SALE or rent at Rockaway beach. two 2-room cottages, also 3 lots. 'MRS. IRETTA BIGNELL. Rockaway, Tillamook County. Or. A LARGE 4-room cottage at Long Beach. Wash., furnished complete. within view of ocean; a bargain. Phone Col. 1043 or write Mrs. O. F. Beden. 406 Alta st. city. - " FOR RENT 6 to 12-room furnished house, sleeping porches, tents, water system, auto road, ocean beach, mountains, trees. Address Clubhouse. Manzanita, Or., or Main 7292. OCEAN FRONT COTTAGE. 6 rooms, furnished, $10 week or $73 for season; also separate rooms in home cottage; fireplace, housekeeping privi leges. M. Aiken, Long Beach, Wash. SEASIDE Del Mar Apts.. 2-room com pletely furnished for 2 or 4 people; rates by day or week. 211 3d st. N. and 2d ave. ATTRACTIVE modern well-furnished cot tage on ridge at Centerville, Long Beach, Wash. Fine view of ocean. Excellent water. Phone East 3521. SPEND your vacation at Hotel Ecola, Can non Beach, nearest the surf, water in view of all rooms; also housekeeping tent houses; bus meets trains at seaside. SEA CREST COTTAGES. NEWPORT. OR. 2 and 3-room furnished cottages front ing beach for rent by week- or month. Chris Arms, prop. MODERN 6-room cottage. nicely fur nished. 4 beds; block and half from ocean, paved street, un til August 15. P. O, Box 627. Seaside. Or. ' THE A NDORA HOTEL. Seaside, room and board, reasonable rates; meals served family style, home cooking and baking 3 blks. north of postoffice. BEAUTIFUL rooms overlooking the ocean, maae reservations eariy. a a a res, "Oceanside," 401 Boardwalk, corner Avenue "G. Seaside, Or. CLEAN, comfortable room In private fam ily. near beach, with use of kitchen and Dam. Ada. r. Li. watrous, iwin kouks, Or. RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent cot nage at Rockaway beach lor two weeks in August, preferably 1st to lotn. tail 226-34. SEA VI E VV Four-room bungalow, attrac tive, good beds, new stove ; choice loca tion; also . furnished house tent. Main 89HH, SUMMER home for children. Long Beach, Wash., $iO weekly ; expert dietitian in charge. For Information call E. 5022. $650 4-ROOM- cottage north of Gearhart. overlooking ocean; might consider piano as nair payment. w am. i. Store FOR LEASE SALESROOM 86x25. WITH ADDITIONAL SPACE IN LARGE GAR AGE. SPEEDWELL OARAGE. 14TH - AND COUCH STS. PHONE BROAD WAY 8974. STORE FOR RENT. -A Very Attractive Store On Broadway. Near Everett. Center of Automobile Row. Inquire at 80 North Broadway. WAREHOUSE. 50x100. trackaee. Eas Second. East - Alder, for rent. Call Broadway 5720. PART of a good store for rent cheap. K90 Washington st. $25 STORE. West side. fet. Tabor 1114. close L 23x94 FOR RENT Store room with six livin rooms; reasonable rent. 193 GIbbs st. Offices. THE PITTOCK BLOCK HAS A NUMBE OF HIGHLY DESIRABLE OFFICE, READY TOR IMMEDIATE OCCU .FANCY. ONE LARGE SUITE OF NIN " ROOMS CAN BE SUBDIVIDED. PHONE BDWAY 784 OR CALL ROOM 414 PIT TOCK BLOCK. SMALL office in our suite to rent to nubl stenographer or othor desirable party. Best office building in Portland. Cen trally located. M 144. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Outside office, with separate entrance and use of waiting room, in first-class building. Phone Main 8560. PRIVATE office reception room and divided expense ' of first-class stenog rapher In class A building. Call Broad way 4805 - WANTED Chiropractor or hair dresser to share large and nicely-furnished re ception room, with doctors. 316 Mor gan bldg. Main 6383. DESK room and use of phone, ground floor, close in; Tine for agents handling sub agents. Main 4S79. OFFICE for rent in Railway Exchange bldg., use of phone and typewriter; rent reasonable. Phone Main 7534. LARGE office with use of reception room and typewriter; rent reasonable. 519- 12 Plttock block. VERY desirable office space for rent Fliedner and McKay bldgs. Thos. Meien berg, Agt. A SMALL office with care of phone. H. C, inompson, o-4 Morgan mag. viain udo, FURNISHED office, $15. 207 Stock Ex cnange. NICE room with phone and joint use of reception room. t-; toroett oiag. Miscellaneous. ELEGANT roomy studio for rent or lease. Apply 2d floor Eilers Music bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CAFETERIA First-class, central location, income ' averages over $100 daily, will sacrifice ,for cash or exchange for im proved real estate. G 181, Oregonian. $5t0 BUYS Interest in manufacturing con cern of good future. Inquire Monday be- tween 0 and 12. 609 Couch bldg.. cor. 4th and "Washington. FOR purchaser of ' good truck wo have paying hauling job in city. William L. Hughson Co., 60 North Broadway. Bdwy. 321. FOR SALE by owner, grocery, confection ary, school supply; nearest store to large public school ; good opportunity. Apply Mon. 5S4 Umatilla av. Phone Sell. 507. A HARDWARE STORE. Established 7 years, net profits $4000 to $5000 year; owner retiring, , will sell reasonably. Room 401 Dekum bldg. RESTAURANT for Bale on Wash. sL. on account of sickness. Very cheap if sold this week. 'For particulars call Bdwy, 2497. AN incumbered middle-aged lady with property wishes a partner with $30,000 or $40,000 to invest Jn paying apt. house. Phone Mar. HoSS, or can at 342 loth st. S MECHANIC to buy half Interest in ga rage storing 60 cars, handling accessories and general repairing; no reasonable ol fer refused. BF 321. Oregonian. MR. SHOE -M AN. if you wish to buy growing business with good profit and low overhead expenses, investigate at once. Write J a34. Oregonian. FOR SALE or rent, Pullman bakerv. Medford. Or., will give terms to suit to the right parties. C. H. Corey. Rickreall. Or.. route 2. . , RESTAURANT centrally located, doing good business; price reasonable. "See Turner. 202 Fallm bldg., cor. 3d and Washington sts; STORE location. 1 blk. from Meier A Frank dept. store; long lease, reason able monthly rent. Inquire B 136, Ore gonian. FOR SALE 1 furnished cabin at Welches. 1 furnished cabin at Arawanna, cheap. Sellwood 494. REPAIR business and a good 2-year lease, $300 will handle. Phone East 391 Sun day. oo Restaurant, well located, equipped: doing good business; a dandy place for man ana wile. ree morno. .a ccarK si. FOR SALE- Restaurant, S-burner -gas plate and hood, and 300-pound ice chest. The Grotto. Eugene. Or. FOR SALE Confectionery store, J eXf er gon depot; 3 living rooms, . BUSINESS OFPOBTtlNTTIES. 96 - PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-20 S WETLAND BLDG." Automatic 511-50. Marshall 3989. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONERY. Rent $100; price $3000: will In voice ; will exchange for car or house; receipts $60 and up. This is a good buy if you are looking for a business of this kind. - CONFECTIONERY. $1200; doing fine business; just the place for man and wife. CONFECTIONERY, LIGHT GROCERIES AND RESTAURANT. Well located, doing fine busi ness; no competition; rent $30. Price $1650. CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS. SOFT DRINKS, CARD ROOM. This Is a Washington - street corner location; one of the best in the city; can be made s, wonderful business corner; equipped with new fountain, light lunch counter, open-front fruit stand, everything just right for a good live wire. Rent $200; good lease; price $4500. CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS AND TOBACCO, LIGHT GROCERIES. Rent $22, with large living room, nice large basement; price $2700 or Invoice. This Is equipped with fountain and fine fixtures, doing $60 per day and better. A fine place for man and wife. Fine opening to run light lunches. This Is a dandy and worth your con sideration at once. FRENCH CAFETERIA RESTAURANT. AND Rent $40; price $1500; doing $80 to $90 per day. This is a little dandy. GROCERY CONFECTIONERY. Rent $35; 2 rooms, 6-room flat upstairs; also garage; full base ment; new 2-story frame building. Price $2500; doing $75 a day, cash and carry. This is an exceptionally good buy. GROCERY CONFECTIONERY. Rent $18, Including 2 living rooms, large basement; price $2100; will consider some terms. This Is a good location and doing $60 per day. GARAGE. $16,000 Choice west-side location; floor space 100x200; net in come over $950. GARAGE. $4500 Well equipped easRside lo cation; building 60x80; plenty of storage and plenty of re pair work; rent $60, with lease. GARAGE. $1800 West side, two stories, 50x 100; 5-year lease, rent $loO; net Income $325; this is a half Interest. GARAGE. $3700 A good repair shop fully equipped for general repair work; floor space 40xlOO; rent $50, with a good &ase. GARAGE. real tire business; net Income over $100u per month. This is a big business and covers a big territory; invoice about $25,000; will stand ciose in vestigation. GARAGE. New building; can get a long lease with reasonable rent; guaranteed storage; - $1500 will.hanoMe everything; mod ern in every respect; west side location. GARAGE. have a proposition for $1500 that will get you into a busi ness worth $looo per month; good 5-year lease; you had better Investigate this at once. PRINTING PLANT. Established 14 years; -doing a business of $60o0 annually; rent $22; 3 platten and 1 pony press; well equipped with new type and every device known to the printing business: nice office equipped with oak furniture. Tftls equipment would cost at present over $6000. For a quick sale on account of other business will sacrifice for RESTAURANT. Rent $15; receipts $18 to $20 per day; close to car barn; price $2u0. Good place for lady. RESTAURANT. Rent $40, with lease; nrice $1500; doing $50 to $60 per day! PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 514-20 S WETLAND BLDG. , Phone Marshall 3989. TWO OF THE BEST CASH groceries in Portland, also two good country stores, doing a large cash business, good, clean, up-to-date stock and fixtures, in the beat locations to be had; good lease, low rent; will sell at invoice; they can't be beat Ior real money-makers. THREE RESTAURANTS AND ONE COFFEE HOUSB-Well equip ped, in the best locations to be had, good lease low rent; doing a good business; will average up to $90 per day; it's a first-class prop-1 osition for the right party: price right. It will always pay yon to see us before buying, for we can save you money on any restaurant or store you may buy. C. J. CULLISON REAL ESTATE CO 205 Vs Morrison fa GROCERIES. r.TuB, HAVE SEVERAL WELL-LO-fP PLACES FOR SALE. SEE OUR LIST BEFORE YOU BUY COOVER & HOLMAN, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg., 3d and Wash. Member of Portland Realty Board on GARAGE BARGAIN." 60x100 building, especially fine loca- mt a ft ?lora-s ntt repair trade; price. Room 511 Railway Exchange. DELICATESSEN and fancy bakery $1500 takes this snappy place, rent $25; this price includes a furnished apartment A. J. DeFOREST & CO B.'Q Henry Bldg. Broadway 55S0. ON ACCOUNT of ill health will sell my general blacksmith shop, located in good lumbering and farming district; O K. business; $4000 to handle; give Imme- diate possession. AV3T.j0regonian. LUNCH. CIGAR, TOBACCO. Ice cream and cigarettes, splendid lo cation; rent $35; price 450 WOODCOCK. 20Q Henry Bl d g. WANTED Responsible party to take log ging and trucking contract; part of uunn, lunngnea. av gj, oregonian. FOR SALE Out-of-town plumbing and tin snop, good business, good location, Call or write AV SI, Oregonian. BAKERY for sale in a prosperous Oregon town; doing good business; this will stand investigation. N 606, Oregonian. NO. 1 grocery store, doing good business; will sell at Invoice. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. SHOE REPAIR shop for sale cheap. 1270 Hood st., corner Sweeney. GOOD paying tailor shop, dandy location, for sale. 353 Yamhill SL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ROOM MODERN APARTMENT. About four blocks from Morrison at. fcquippea with automatic elevator, private bat conies, etc. Elegantly furnished. Nothing better in Portland. Will stand close in spection. Price $21,000; terms. 128-room modern apartment. Arranged In two, three and four-room apartments. Rent $5 per rm. Lease. Automatic ele vator, private balconies and all modern conveniences. Clears $1200 per month. $15,000 handles. 40-room hotel; modern brick corner In heart of town ; rent $250; lease. Well furnished and very clean. Must, be sold account sickness. Price $6500. Terms. 58-rm. modern brick corner hotel, best west side district. This Is in a class by Itself: 8 private baths, northwest heat, phones, etc. Elegantly furnished and in wonderful condition. Clears $800 per mo. Price $13,000; terms. 12 H. K. rooms; rent $35; fine west side location. Good furniture; price $1100: terms. YATES REALTY COMPANY. 245 FOURTH ST. I - NOTHING TO SELL. HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT MAN. There is an opening "Somewhere In Oregon" for a man with the following qualifications, all. of which are essen tial to secure consideration : Must be a mill erection executive not a fore man or superintendent, but a man able to plan, supervise and finance erection of sawmills and like enterprises. With ability, reputation and financial respon sibility, vision and farsightedness, and sufficient confidence in those qualities to look into things at your own expense. If you possess these assets, write full v. and. if you can qualify, an opportunity seldom offered will be placed within your reach. In a field practically virgin. This is no promotion so promoters don't answer. Nothing to sell so don't look for a "hook" there isn't anv. Written by and for a man of vision. Write fully, addressing R 589. Oregonian. VULCANIZING AND TIRE BUSINESS. Here is your opportunity to buy at a big sacrifice a paying tire sales and repair business, one of the best equipped shops in town ; located in center of tire-business section; you can take possession of this location for the low price of fered at $1500, some terms. Full particulars, see Mr. Clearwater. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com. bldg.. Main 20S. TAILORING BUSINESS FOR SALE. A well-established, prosperous, the only tailoring business in a 500 popula tion, enterprising town, in the best busi ness block; two steady employed; no ac counts, or bills, complete housekeeping facilities, bath, etc. The whole 2-story building can be rented for $25 a month on a lease or bought reasonable. Failing health forces the owner to a .change for a higher and dryer climate. Write at once and convince yourself by letter or personal. A V 59. Oregonian. UNIVERSAL electric grinder, grinds auto mobile cylinders, absolutely smooth ana true. Also piston valves, wrist pins or reamers. Every auto repair shop a pros pect. Can show big profits and only small eaulnment needed to manufacture. This is a chance for a man with a, littlo money to get Into a growing business; $5000 secures equal interest in manufac turing and patent rights and you handle your own money. C 16, uregonian. THE MOTOR INN. E. 2STH AND BURN WIDE, HMJXinO; THIS yi'LK.NUIU UA R AG E IS FOR SALE; INTERESTS IN THE EAST COMPEL MU TO SACRl FICE THIS CRACKER-JACK OF A GA RAGE. GOOD LOCATION. DOING A GOOD BUSINESS, PLENTY OF SHOP WORK AND STORAGE; EITHER ALL OR ONE-HALF; MAKE ME AN OF FER. SEE DO D DCS. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. In growing, prosperous community; stock at Invoice about $3000; fixtures and building $2500, or will lease with option to buy. Will consider improved Portland real estate. For further par ticulars call or write to COOVER & HOLM AN, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. 3d and Wash. MILL SITE in growing town on Columbia river, 10O reet river Iront by 300. Good wharf, one dwelling and store building. Also one lot in residence district, same town. Terms, willing- to take part In acreage near Portland. For particulars call Sellwood 3620. GROCERY. $2000. new. clean stock, at In voice; fixtures about $5UO rent $30 with 8-year lease, sales now $2500 a month, on steady increase, located In small town near Portland. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. FOR SALE by owner, grocery and confec tionery doing a fine cash business : stocK and fixtures about $5000. or will invoice it; clear from $200 to $250 a month. Come in and look it over. Owner has other business. Inquire AV 76. Orego nian. I AM forced to sell my cafeteria on account of ill health; located in center of bus-i ness district; doing good business; see my agent. . J. E. SHEAR 213-14 Henry Building. LIVE DRUG STORE. WILL INVOICE, OTHER BUSINESS REQUIRES OWN ER'S ENTIRE TIME. MUST SELL BY AUGUST 1. THIS IS EXTRA GOOD, L 146. OREGONIAN. 1 WANTED A butcher in one of the best suburban locations. Only small amount of capital required ; several months free rent; no shop close. Call Tabor 9923 and leave phone number, or address J 181 , Oregonian. UKUCMKt aotng 30to a month, corner location, $22 rent, established years, fixtures only $400, invoice stock about $2900. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. BLACKSMITH shop for sale, well equipped, eooa . nullum?: exceptional nntnrtun tv for a horseshoer; rich farming section:'! plenty or worK. Reason Tor selling, can't stand horseshoeing. Address S. J. Mc Lean. St. Paul. Or. I ROAD WORK $7000 contract to purchaser oi irucK. ji.quippea witn aump body and hoist. Here Is your opportunity to make money. Price $35(H). Inquire 22? Salmon st. Main 8154. Open Sunday. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. .. Large garage, full of steady storage and large repair trade; owner wants re- Iiable man as partner; make price right. Room 511 Railway Exchange. I NEWLY organized Portland company, han dling automobile specialty, needs ca pable sales manager. Will make attract ive proposition for interest in the com pany to right man. N 155, Oregonian. GENERAL STORE. Good country town, has good building, cdean stock and large trade; owner will lease store and Invoice stock. Room 511 Railway Exchange. $yH) BUYS the best little bakery in citv. money maker, rent $23 with 3 living rooms. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 330 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. GARAGE. 100x100, west-side location, lease and all machinery, full line accessories; is making big money; $30O0 cash down will nandie it. Koom oil ttaiiway Exch. RESr AURAXT ON WASH. ST.. $1100. First-class fixtures, fine location. 5 tables. 13 stools, rent $30, good lease, WOODCOCK. 200 Henry Bldg. GRADUATE lawyers and successful busi ness man with means desires to form association with a corporation in an ex ecutive capacity. AV S5, Oregonian. SUBURBAN general store, about $5000 stock, at invoice. Good business and location, no fixtures to buy. Owner wants to retire. 143 P, Oregonian. RESTAURANT OWNERS! I have cash ; want one not too large; want to get located at once. J 17!), Ore gonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE Completely and finely equipped paying photo studio In fine city. Will Invoice about $2500. Call at 5906 46th st. S. E.. Portland. DRUG store In large, thickly settled east side dsitrict. i nis store win stand strict investigation and will average $70 daily. E. 187, Oregonian. $1000 BUYS CAFETERIA. Splendid place for soft drinks and Ice cream; rent .u; uany saies jrta to $45. WOODCOCK, 200 HENRY BLDG. CAN 'furnish ..about 8 months' work with auto truck, can make $40 to $70 per day. Atterbury Truck Sales company, contract department. Bdwy 354. CONFECTIONERY and light grocery store, west-side location; has living room; price $1100. Room 511 Railway Exch. BARBER and musician want to locate' in a good country town; give full particu lars In first letter. G 5S9. Oregonian. GET INTO BUSINESS: secure agency for Earl's California orange eider ; make $5000 to $10.000 year. Woodiawn 5S04. FOR SALE; Furniture hospital, equipped with wood-working machine, or will take partner with $500. Main 5652. GOOD transfer- business for sale, good equipment, established three years, might consider trade. 183 1st st. AKE you a mechanic? Do you want a good paying shop? $1200. Deal with owner. 125 Kth st WANTED Partner with $100; out of town proposition. Fine outlook; equal sharea P 553, Oregonian. FOR SALE Building, near Union depot, for cold-drink and news-stand. P 591, Oregonian. MAN for wood capital ne'.vs. business In tnvn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CITY GARAGE. Brick bldg., space for housing 50 cars, fully equipped with all necessary machinery, including vulcanising plant and wash trays; one of tne best locations in the city and all the business t that 'our men can handle; lease at $ per month. This is the best in Portland for $4500. FOR SALE. Carnival company with merry-go-round, Ferris wheel. Wurlitxcr organs, side shows, treak animals, snakes, extra tops and complete paraphernalia, now In operation under efficient management, with bookings for future fair dates, etc Will sell on account of dissolution of partnership. Price $3000; would cost more than double to, duplicate. RESTAURANT BARGAIN. One of the best locations In Portland, good lease at $160 per month. It is doing a business of $225 per day. This will bear in vestigation. GARAGE. On state highway, very cheap rent, doing a good business and can be improved; about 30 miles from Portland. Price $2000, in cluding all stock. SOFT DRINK AND CARD, ROOM. One of the finest in Portland, strictly up to date fountain and good stock ; large room in rear with curd tables and lunch coun ter. This Is in center of business district. Price about $45uO at invoice. HARDWARE STORE. Stock about $ouoo: building and ground $8500. Will sell both and give terms or will sell stock twhleh consists of some furniture) for cash, and lease building. This is located in one f th most 'thrifty new towns in Oregon; good shipping facilities, both by boat and railroad. Good harbor on ocean. F. RIERDON. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. , GET IN NOW. The future for aviation is assured T1ia mun ft a In now f n be an other Willys or Ford by growing with this newest Industry. To purchasers American-built Curtlss machines ou Contract Department will turn ove flvina contracts for fairs, exhibition and passenger routes. Several 3-day engagements recently brought in over $1500. Let us tell you about the oppor tun it les for the man who operates an airnlane. Phone Broadway 33. or aro in at Lewis and Clark field at 29th and Linnton road. W. & I. AIRPLANE CO. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE Meat and grocery business, doing a business of $50,000 annually; cat tie. sheen and hozs rirht at hand. W handle everything a farmer has to sell. If you are a. trader, here is your chance Plant cunsisls of cold storage large enoush to freeze 65 cattle for winte: use and other fixtures and machinery up to the minute. Price $7000. Reason for selling, have saw mill and cannot run both. Address all communications to Av 89, Oregonian. PATENTS Write for free guide book an evidence of conception blank; send mod el or sketch and description of invention ior our tree opinion or its patentable na ture; highest references, prompt attention,- reasonable terms. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., Hobart bldg., San Fran cisco, Cat. Main offices, 042 Ninth St., Washington. D. C. SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing corpora tion wants capable men to establish branch and manage salesmen, $300 to $1500 necessary; you handle own money. Will allow expenses to Baltimore If you will qualify. For particulars address Secretary. 416 N. Howard aU. Balti more, Md. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Restaurant, cafeteria, bakery and con fectionery business; you can clear $1500 a month clear profit; value $15,000. will sell for $1 1,000 cash; will guarantee that you will make your Investment within 4 months: no agents need apply. See Blackman. 440 E. Burnside st. BUSINESS man with $5000 capital to act as jobber, taking over state agency and our active accounts of widely ad vertised "line; rapid turnovers; excel lent profits; to right man this account rood for $25,000 to "$50,000 per year must fully qualify in first letter. Room 702. l'-'l 2d st., San Francisco. FOR SALE One of the best small apart, houses, right downtown, lovely place, on prominent corner; 15 rooms, all house keeping, good furnishings, all clean and rooms full: reasonable rent; other bust ne-ss reason for selling, excellent oppor tunity; cash and good acreage; clear. V 588, Oregonian. WELL established Portland manufacturing concern naa tor immediate sale limited amount of preferred stock; dividends payable semi-annually; this Is a gilt edze proposition which wilt stand closest Investigation. For further Information write to postofflce box toa. A WELL established bsnery doing $6000 business a month for sale; owner wants to retire for a long needed rest; lease nnri reasonable rent: this Place in worth $13. COO: will take $10,000 or $!500 "for spot cash; stocK. at invoice, u zutf. ore gonlan. WANT man with little money to Join me manufacturing a guaranteed and tnor oughly demonstrated product. A big money maker. Prefer single man with business ability. ,. Answer, stating quail ficatlons. M 24.-Oregonian. COUNTY seat weekly for sale, perfectly equtppea; business runs aDout 1500 monthly: In growing county. Best week ly proposition in northwest; cash $5000 balance terms. Address. AV 40, Orego nian. $1500 CASH Confectionery store doing $40 business, in good town on Oregon Electric, southern Pacific. Pacific hiKh way and Willamette river, for sale; dea direct with owner. -AV 137, Oregonian FOR SALE Restaurant In busy district, doing -better than $50 a day and grow- lng, $lb00 takes stock and fixtures; must sell on . a count of other business, some terms. a l i oo, oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale, corner location doing erood ' business, rent $50 month 2 H years lease, sale account sickness. receipt from SuO-sho day. come see your sen. t-au .cast u. WANTED For 3-ton truck road work, wood, lumber or tie naullnr. Will s anywhere. Address, Wayne Moore, 906 superior sc. rOK !al.1 or rent, suburban store on paved road, living room, good barn, good well, some land, attractive offer. 349 Hi. win st. laoor i;i4. A DANDY little grocery and confectionery store aoing a nay; nice llvini rooms. Price $1000 cash. Deal, with own er. 13 to Albina ave. v FOR SALE by owner, grocery store doln a cash and carry business; soda fountal in connection; will invoice. 1398 Divisio st.. corner ornn. FOR SALE: Old established flour feed business : good location : In vest! eat - if interested. 1956 East Stark st. AJ 851, oregoniaji, GRAIN warehouse. Jo.oou ou, capacity and retail store, price $8000; terms or trade lor smau rarra. owner. Riley Clark, Dayton. Or. - ELECT xt i tj a Li supplies, wiring and con tracting business, established 7 years. . O. H., iuuo main st., Vancouve Wash. GOOD paying Dusrness for sale: can tak a good house as part payment ; old age forces this sale. 2077, 2079 Van Uoutan street. WELL eauipped blacksmith and wood working shop, neen doing auto true work: very reasonable if taken soon. 243 East Nintn foutn. VULCANIZING shop complete, good buy, oniy snop in iuwn, uu taxes it. own er has other business. AV 141, Orego man. CONFECTIONERY, cigars and soft drink store; my reason ior selling is Illness; snap for someone. 149 First st. VULCANIZING SHOP complete, good bu only shop in town; $200 takes it. Owne has other business, av 341. Oregonia $750 CLEANING and pressing shop. Hoff man. rrescr, ic.u. - wim nvm rooms. Good business. O 134. Oreronia FOR SALE: One complete vulcanizing and retreading wmm. wjaj. 2-CHA1R barber shop, doing good bus! ness. sicaness miTi GASOLINE wood saw for sale er trad for a llgnt car, i.iow m ai. on FINE dental office and equipment for rem seiiwoo'i iiw- FOR SALE Good business, ber. Or. Box 75. Tim MAN for wood business In town, capital necessary. 550 Couch st. FOR SALE or rent, fully equipped theater, terms. P. H. Welch. Astoria, Or. r-d BISI.VF.SS OPPORTUNITIES. RANCH PARTNER, $3000-TO $5000. 'CAN SAFELY DOUBLE YOUR MONEY.) OR PARTY WITH CATTLE. SHEEP OR GOATS ON SHARES. A SURE MONEY MAKER, NEARLY 1000 ACRES NEAR GOBLE (NEAR RIVER AND RAIL). A LL FENCED. GOOD IMPROVEMENTS. RUNNING WATER. IDEAL FOR LARGE DIVERSIFIED STOCK AND HOG RANCH. A LIBERA L PROPO SITION; ACTIVE INTEREST IF DE SIRED. CONSIDER 2 OR 3 PARTIES OF $1000 EACH. WORTHY YOUR EARLY INVESTIGATION. ADDRESS OWNER. CARE J 5S6. OREGON IAN. COUNTRY STORE. GENERAL MERCHANDISE LINE. Store building 22x60. acre ground, rood fixtures. P. o., about $3000 stock. Price of building, fixtures, etc.. $15ho; stock at invoice. Will aiso sell home, consisting of good 3-room house and barn. acres ground, for $12uu. Lo cated 3u miles from Portland, on rail road; sale track to store. LUEDDM ANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. GROCERY. one block outside citv limits; sales about $00 each day: 6oxl0o ft. ground. ,. Buuu aiorc Duiming ana uving cjuarie:-. sneivmg, counters, scales, hx tures; all modern: price $oUOO: eato terms; will invoice stock, clean and iresn. and seil at cost : a money-maker and must be sold; owner's health the reason. SO REN PETERSON. 1102 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3731. WESTERN ALBERTA. Canada, ranch atid summer resort. Owner of this 12oO-acre ranch wants partner of means to assist in placing it in well developed state oou acres easily irrigated, own private k un 'muted amount of free praz buildings, weil fenced, close to towns. For further information write T. F. Davis. Burmls, Alberta, or phone J. T. Davis, mornings, Sellwood 257S. FOR SALE VARIETY STORE at Boise, f-"iuo. i - years; tow rent; paying business. Owner leaving state. Fixtures $800. stock about $7500. Would give cash buyer a good deal. Will consider Portland property. Owner will arrive in Portland July 15. Write todav. Bet ter still, call soon. The Racket Store, 311 N. 8th st., Boise, Idaho. CONFECTIONERY and grocery doing good ousicsB, eiegant location; owner com pelled to leave the city at once, will sacrifice for $975. One of the best grocery stores In the city; fine fixtures; rent $22.50; short time at $1200. Do not delay if you want something good. COBB BROS., 263 Oak St. FOR SA LE Grocery and general mer chandise business. Well located in Salem. Or. Stock $12. OuO to $15,um: real estate $10,000. consists of over iooO feet store and warehouse space. Also 5-room home in same building. This is the 23d year of successful business. Gross sales this year will amount to about $70,0o0. Will bear thorough investigation. Address box 522. Salem. Or. HOG ranch on rented place for sale; frood money-making business; am sacrificing this at $25oo; have best feed route in town, including one 2-ton truck; build ings and machinery enough to handle 35o to 4ti0 hogs. See this and act quick. Iy. Fred Leo. M. A. Kenton car t end of line; place north of foot of Argyle and Columbia blvd. r ok bALE General merchandise store with six living rooms in connection; do ing fine business; no competition within 6 miles; located in heart of prune dis trict of Clarke county. Wash. ; on paved road, near fine school; Delco lights; property stock and fixtures; $8000. This is one good buy ; best of reasons for selling. AV 30. Oregonian. AUTO PAINTER WANTED. GOOD MECHANIC WITH A LITTLE CASH. CAN MAKE BIG MONEY. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. READY FOR BUSINESS. ADDRESS J 5S7. OREGONIAN. LIGHT grocery, confectionery, filling sta tion In connection, dome $1200 a month cash business, sacrifice fixtures. $415. in cluding gas pump, invoice stock about $1500; rent reasonable .location in factory and mill section. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. WILL SELL my dining room fully equipped and soft drink bar doing a good business. in good district ; 65 boarders to start with and room for more ; good payroll every week ; steam heated ; cguld be turned Into cafeteria if desired: stone building. 1751 Derby st., Kenton. Woodiawn 2915. GOING BUSINESS. $2000. Must sell my office business, working 5 people, clearing over $4O0 per month; modern equipment ; center city. This business will stand close Investigation. Sickness my only reason for selling. O GS3. Oregonian. MR. BARBER If you are looking for an absolutely bona fide proposition, here it is. Dandy little white, 2-chalr shop, clearing better than $00 per week; good location and expenses less than $20 per month ; want to leave so will sell very reasonable. Address A J 765. Oregonian. $5000. Want party who has from $5000 to $10,000 to take interest in suburban platting and building proposition; you handle your own money. We can assure you of handsome prohts. B 576, Ore gonian. SEASIDE RESTAURANT. M. and B. restaurant, established busi ness, long tease, living quarters con nected ; will stand full invest i gat ion. Price $2200. Write M. and B. Res taurant, Seaside, Or. NVESTIGATE Bargain; 4-store building. 5-room cottage, barn, garden, paved streets, cement scidewalks: building fine condition; Income $50 month; $3000 cash. By owner. J. Fulton. 209 N. Main at Newburg. Or. GROCERY store for sale; clean stock. new nx tures, living room, basement, ga rage; small rent and for 2 years; will sacrifice with a big discount for cash. Come and look at it; near Kill I n gsworth. Inquire Broadway 2 659. ONE-HALF interest In going business. working 7 peop.e, clearing ou0 per month. Want a good man to attend office duties. No experience needed. $1500 will handle. O 5S4, Oregonian. ABSOLUTELY first-class hauling jobs for truck purchaser!. Tie hauling, rock hauling, log hauling. All real money makers. Service Truck Agency, 227 Salmon st. GOOD location for bakery, butcner shop or specialty store; modern store build ings in good population center; good In ducement to right parties. Johnson, 248 Stark st. OPPORTUNITY to purchase interest in state distributorship of highest quality motor truck, business established, prod uct favorably known, can procure work ing interest. $20.000 desired. M 138. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal ox so-canea interest in estaousnea real estate business, get advice cf Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1902 FOR SALE Only steam laundry in coun ty; doing an excellent business; every thing is tn good condition; fireproof building, long lease, cheap rent. Ad dress AV 977. Oregonian. COMPLETE woodworking plant with ma chinery and equipment: tne business ha: been attached, so will sell cheap; be sure to investigate tnis. Address G 179, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream, cigars, light lunch; nice lamny traue. uu month clear; Invoice $1200; living room; rent $15. Love's, corner 1 th and Alberta. NEAT LITTLE GROCERY $850. Good fixtures, clean new stock ; rent $22 ; this Is a bargain. WOODCOCK, 200 HENRY BLDG. FOR SALE Out-of-town restaurant doing ska to sioo ana more a oay; rent- per mo.; $550 down, balance at $50 per mo. Price $1000. A v lao, oregonian. $1700 RESTAURANT in 2lR-room hotel. xu uy equippvu, uuhk buwu uumuus, tdty terms. AL 764. Oregonian. VULCANIZING shop, free to handle all kinds of repair wora, ior sale iy ownr at Invoice. Call Tabor 3957 or East 750S. FOR SALE BY OWNER ERIK SON'S WHITE SHIELD MATERNITY HOME. 798 E 2d X. PHONE 312-79. STOCK of hardware for sale; doing a good business: price $4000. or 3 per cent less than invoice. R 590. Oregonian. FOR SALE Complete housef urnishings store; good eastern Oregon town. Terms. Might trade. N 210. Oregonian. GOOD opening for a cafeteria; good dis trict; rent free. 1751 Derby st., Ken ton. Woodiawn 2Q15. CLEANING and pressing parlor, good lo cation, low rent. Price reasonable. Own er 168 10th. Main 5081. RESTAURANT and soft drink, near snip yard; steady boarders. 3o5 First st. Good business. BAKERY for sale. cheao ior cash, sick ness reason ior sening. iau at 622 Alberta. . POOL ROOM for sale cheap if taken at once; no agents; deal with owner.- E 1 73, Oregonian. BAKERY FOR SALE OR TRADE. Must sell as I have other business. Write box 173. Carson. Wash. MILLINERY stoi-p for saie; best location BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SEE MAST FOR REAL BARGAINS, GROCERY STORES. THE BEST OBTAINABLE. $2350 Live cash grocery, doing $75 per day; 2 living rooms, rent $20, Least Lump it or invoice. $1600 Cash grocery. 5 living rooms and acre ground. Rent $10. $0OO Grocery in Hawthorne district, very little immediate competition: clean stock: whole price for fixtures and stock only $0oo. Bakery and confectionery $4000. Old established, center of . business distric t; does $loo per day business; fountain; long lease. A dandy. Confectionery in west side apartment house district, great sacrifice. Restaurant. $1000, old established ; 8 rooms in connection. Rent $30. GARAGES THAT ARE BARGAINS. $16.000 Large. w ell-equipped w s side garage w ith storage income alone $1500 per month; lartcu stock of acces sories, shop, etc GARAGE FOR TRADE. A first-class proposition. Includes th building, land and equipment. hal have you? AUTO SALES AGENCY FOR TRADE. State agency lor Oregon and 5 coun tis in Idaho for a leading moderate priced car; several branches; fine sales room lease. Make an offer. 7 cars os hand. Tire agency, accessory and vulcanizing business; nts owner $10OO per month. Price $530U. FOR QUICK ACTION AND SQUARE DEAL See Richard W. Mast, with J. BRUCE GODDARD. SOI -2 COUCH BLDG. BAKERY AND CONFECTION ERY SNAP. $2500 FOR ALL. Busy east-side corner, doing fine business; sells ioo cream. soft drinks, light groceries and conTec .tionery; make our own bread and pastry; baker will stay with partv who buys this place. Place will invoice more than price asked; cheap rent. For appointment caa Ea&t 2374 today. MERCANTILE BUS I N ESS. A half interest can be had In a stock company doing a fine business; you can draw $so a week salary, beside profits on investment of 500; or an eastern concern will establish you in the manufacturing line for $25uo and assign territory on a good advertised article. Weston & Co., 1213 Northwest ern Bank bldg. WANTED Partner with truck to buy half interest In well established transfer and storape business: am compelled- to put another truck in order to handln my business; if you have a truck or can buy one and have $1.30 to come In with me and make ftuod money, come and see- me trtday or tomorrow. Elk Transfer Co., N. 21st ft. LIVE WIRB .MANAGER for every county Oregon. Washington. Idaho, for nationally advertised low-priced fire extinguisher: dignified, profitable busi ness to good men who want busincsa of uuusual features and guaranteed prod uct. F'irex Company. Beck building. Portland. FOR SALE A good second-hand and new furniture store and a first-class loca tion, a good feature for any one lookinp for nice business. Reasonable price if taken at once. 14 years establibhed business in "his location. No trades of any kind. $4 Grand Ave., corner Wash ington. GROCERY STORE, doing $100 per day and no delivery; lo cated in rooming-house dis. ; alao on one of the best streets in city for business: $I7t0 for fixtures and invoice the stock. about $40imi; $5000 will handle. 401 Stock Kx. Bldg. REPRESENTATIVE of a responsible ban Francisco wholesale lumber Co. will be in Portland for a few davs and would like to meet a manufacturer who would be interested in marketing part of out put in California and Arizona. Address O 52. Oregon jan. for appointment. lr YOU have $500 to $2500 to invest, let me show you a proposit ion having won derful possibilities, where vou will have an opportunity to participate in what will, no doubt, prove to be one of the best investments you could make. F 152. ' TnsiiniBn. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOPS ONE DANDY LITTLE PLACE FOR $25n. ONE FO R $ S00, WITH STE M PRESSING TABLE; OTHERS FROM $400 UP. R E L I ABL E I N V ESTM E N T CO. . m 305 OAK ST. ORGANIZE BUSINESS under declaration trust, lega I, all states. No reports to county, state com. No stock liability. Taxed as individuals. We prepare bonds, furnish trustee, compile printed matter, supply salesmen. Est. 1914. National Org. Co.. 123 Madison. Chicago. III. AUTO BUSINESS IN PORTLAND. 8 new cars, the exclusive agency for Oregon and Idaho: splendid location; rent lease until March. 1921 ; price $14,000, or will exchange for city prop erty or improved farm. WOODCOCK. 200 Henry Bldg. GARAGE FOR SALE. Concrete bldg., long lease at $100 month; sell, gas, oils, tiros, auto repair ing and full of steady storage; net prof its $kH) month ; good reasons for want ing to sell. You can get a bargain Mon day. Call room 4u l Dekum bld-g. GENERAL AGENCY MANAGER wanted, every city to handle agents, consumer and trade, can earn $350 to $500 month ly, exclusive rights, household article, few dollars capital fixes for life. Simplex Shower Bath Co.. Mansfield. Ohio. TEN THOUSAND MILES instead of 5ou; no more blowouts: 1M1 less punctures; every car own-r waiting for tire saving device: low cost; liberal profits. Sales guaranteed: details free. American Ac cessories Co., Dept. 131-N. Cincinnati, O. PAKTI ES with some capital to join In manufacturing moderate cost houses. This is not a ready cut or portable house but a double construction com plete; building demands unlimited. P 555. Oregonian. GROCERY STORE. $550. "We have others from $1000 up to $5ooo. Get in our auto and let's go and see them. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. LUNCH wagon, about 5x8 ft., white, very attractive-, on wheels; glass windows. You can make big money operating this for lunches, soft drinks, etc. I will sell on terms. Main 2590-4S79. J. Eugene Hei?os. 171 vs. FarK. WANTED INDUSTRIES. I want a woodworking, small me chanical and a chemical Industry for a prosperous community. Write me full v. Bloomhuff, 1322 Kimball Bldg.. Chicago. COUNTRY newspaper, Willamette valley. whose receipts in 1919 were $3000 aJid $24(H for first 6 months of 1920; can be bought for $100 cash and $5H) in one year at 6 per cent, if sold within a few days. AV 74. Oregonian. A PARTNER WANTED for a close-in garage, 4-year lease can store 40 cars, $10 month: plenty repair work, wash rack, etc.; $130O will buy equal haf interest with a good me chanic . Call room 401 Dekum bldg. HALF INTEREST in transfer and storage. Must be cash. Good paying business. No work attached as laborer. Ail auto truck and equipment for general haul ing, in tiptop shape. Clear cash pay ing business. 144 1st St. AUTO TIRE STORE. Av splendid location, sell auto acces sories, tires, vulcanizing, etc. ; net prof its $500 month: will stay with buyer un til acquainted; $25O0 required. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. MY Js interest in repair shop and small garage on Pacific highway. In city, for sale cheap. Is doing over $40O clear each month. Call 858 Union ave. N., ask for Mac. WANT partner in cleaning, pressing, dye ing business, with or without services. Have one shop and delivery car. Want to expand. P 140, Oregonian. WE OFFER opportunity to reliable man make $5o to $ IOO weekly at home in spare time. Direct by mail proposition No experience needed. Capital required only $120. Mutual Co., Minneapolis. Minn. TWO CASH groceries doing good business. Close in, cheap rent, living grooms. Dubois. S03 Spalding bldg. East 5:19. CONFECTIONERY booth (portable), $35. take it away. See It at 10th and Yam hill sts. $350 Concession at Columbia beach, all equipped, uoing good business, 2-year lease; must sell. See Morris. 24s Stark st. RESTAURANT Nice small place, on cor ner; 6 tables and 9 stools. Call before noon at 375 E. Burnside st. $t50 Cigar store, root beer barrel, choice location on 3d st. doing good business. Pee Morris, 248 Stark st.. ground floor. FOR SALE Barber shop In live little Ore gon town ; doing good business. Inquire Lewts-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. I-oR SALE Berber shop In a prosperous Willamette valley town: good buy. In quire Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. 101 TO 250 SHARES of Johnson Auto Sig nal company stock will sell to best offer. Address G. W. Phillips, Kalaraa, Wash. 2-ROOM furnished cottage at Long Beach.V Wash., $25 per month or $40 for season. V Call Woodiawn 1241. OPPORTUNITY" to get 1-3 interest m truck distributing agency. $50ofl, with srvlcs If lesired. M 593, Oregonian. DIG MONEY, bUU. small investment. IS 4 Madi- A i 4