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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
16 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 HELP WANTED MALE, HelD Wanted Salesmen. DO YOU DRIVE A FORD 9 ? ? ? DO YOU TALK TO OTHER PEOPLES WHO DRIVE FORDS Salesmen In all lines who drive Ford cars equipped with Handy-Handy luggage carriers can make big money sening them as a sideline or as an exclusive line and at the same time, have a conveni ent piace in which to carry their sample ca.',PE and luggage. It is by far the most practical and common-xcnse luggage ear ner for Ford cars. Attached or detached in a Jiffv, on cither roadster or touring model, without tools. bolts, screws, ciampe of other makeshifts. Construct ed so that it braces running board and lenders and adds rigidity to side of car. Much of the annoyance of rattling fend ers nnd Bnqging running boards is elim inated. This carrier wilt sell like hot cakes whether you drive a Ford or not. as there are about 3.ont),oto Fords in this country. Good profits for the man who cells it good service to the man who buv-s it. Write us. right now, for our special proposition we want pood repre sentatives in every community. Inci dentally, we will teU you about a num ber of other good accessories and spe cialties that offer additional money making opportunities. If you haven t time to write about yourself, just stlcK this ad with your name and address in an envelope and address it to DEPARTMENT AA, PANDOLFO MANUFACTURING CO., ( Unincorporated ST. CLOUD. MINNESOTA. SALESMEN, ATTENTION! Some of our men are making ffooo per week. The possibilities are unlimited. Investors want to own an interest in a company that is already a success. Can you tell stock for an oil company that, has producing wells, earning a million annually, paying lance dividends ea-h month, resources over $2,0oo. nuO. drill ins; night and day and bringing in ne wells every month and whose management is Indorsed by 15 of the largest banks in T-xas? First-class fating with Bradstreet, Dunn commercial VANCOUVER -BROKERAGE CO., 104 Third Street. Vancouver, Wash. TCELESS REFRIGERATOR. No ice. no chemicals, no elec tricity no cost for operation and the price is no more than the or dinary refrigerator; will keep food longer and better. Think what this means to the home, the farm, the. store. Salesmen wanted in every county in every slate. If you are a live wire and qualified, write, wire or call for our proposition. This is a wonderful opportunity for our representatives to make big money. 1CELESS REFRIGERATOR CO.. 307 N. Broadway. Portland. Or. SALESMEN T.i sell large stock of wool f 1 it mv hhinketfl and I obes to job bers and retail dry goods, clothing, fur niture, sandlery and supply stores. Also cap salesmen for oil wool spring and intor ruw :ind armv shirts as ny product of woo. en mil'.. Big demand for lov-priced goods now. Commission basis ril:wL or side line. State full part leu lars. E. G. Hmdriekson & Co.. ISO W. Adams st., Chicago. 111. SALESMEN WANTED. For fast-selling auto accessories. "We can us-? a fev livo HKenia. VANCOUVER BROKERAGE CO.. 104 Ud St., Vancouver, Wash. MAN to take state distributing- of an auto accessory that sella itself; use 50 per cert kerosene oil ; 20 per cent more mileage ; installed in 1 minutes ; no changes of parts. If you are looking for sjmothtng worth while, call Benson hi tel Mon., Tues., Wed. Ask for .Mr. Marolf SA LE ;M EN wanted now calling on de partment stores in states of Oregon. Idaho, to car.-y as side line a reliable line of iipion and houo dresses on commission. State territory covered and reterences. All applications confiden tial. M. Frank, western sales manager, 1567 Vine. Denver. Colo. ViEN to sell a pro von gas mixer, installed in lu minutes; 20 per cent more mileage.; use 50 per cent kerosene oil. Retail price $7.50. Hiwe men working now making $500 wr week. Fnr particu'urs s nd demonstration, ca 11 Benson hotel Mon.. Tues. and Wed. Ask for Mr. Marolf. CITY salesman wanted by automobile ac cessory company handling a universal "Hot Sput" and fuel vaporizer adaptable to any make automobile, truck, tractor or uiarir ( online and manufactured by a half million dollnr Washington corpo ration. Commission and bonus. N l.4, irepoiilan. SA LESM EN Good opportunit y for you to get into a good -clean profession. One man made $1N0 in one day last week. No experience necessary. All you need Is a willingness to work. 132 10th st. Room 305. WANTED AGENTS. SUMMER SELLER Something new; con tent rated soft drinks : idd water; de licious drinks In a jiffy. Popular for home, picnics, parties, socials, etc. Small inckages; carry in pocket. Enormous demand. Aleuts making SO to $12 day. Outfit free to workers. Just a postal today. Albert -Mills. Mgr.. 430 Amer ican bldg., ClncinnH ti, O. QUIT worry I ik over labor unrest ; 10 daily refinihtng brass beds, autos, chan deliers; new method; light work; no. lcsse.s; no capital, no experience. Vast a mount work re.-dy in your city ; h ire ot-irs; profit on their work. Free par ticular.! and proofs. Gun metal Co., 33 Elm. Decatur. III. AGENTS $100 weekly, automobile owners everywhere wild with enthusiasm. Mar velous invention douDles power, mileage, efficiency. Saves Its cost first day. Sensational sales everywhere. Terri tory going like wildfire. Slid sample out fit. Ford car free. Write quick. Ovee Co., dept. 074. Louisville, Ky. BELL Mexican diamonds in your spare time: beautiful pneket sample case makes sales on sight. Have rainbow lire of genuine diamonds: fool experts; stand tests. Write todav. Mexican Dia mond Importing Co., 255 Las Cruces. N. M. WK START YOU IN BUSINESS FUR MSHIMj everything, men. women, op portunity lifetime, earn S30 to $100 weekly operating new system specialtv candy factories, home anywhere, booklet free. Rasdale Co.. box S. East Orange. N. J. AGENTS. $3.50 an hour selling guaran teed waterproof kite lien apron ; needs no laundering: sell to every home; dainty, durable, economical ; big money. Sample free. M 11 ton Apron Co., 519 Top St.. Dayton, Ohio. AGENTS. $37S monthly, absolutely guaran teed, as explained in credit plan ; we t rust you for goods ; prepay charges; 1 iHt per cent profit : wonderful dollar seller to every auto owner. Wonder Chemical. 073 Madison. Ch icagc. GASOLINE goin up; "KICK" In your auto gasoline increases efficiency ; si ves 15 to 4U per cnt; eliminates carbon; details free. Americo Co., Station A 13, Cincinnati, O. MAGAZINE agents, crew managers. 2d bet sellers, bona -fide "regular money" offer; particulars free. Write quickly, dept D4, 1174 Phelan bldg., San Fran cis co. AGENTS. $4 an hour Belling guaranteed hosiery in spare time; position perma nent; Increased earn in gs for full time. Write Newstyte Hosiery Co., 7510 Ames st., Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS. $3 an hour, newest kitchen tool; every woman will use 20 times dally ; easy seller, big profits, sample free. Thomas Tool Co., 510 Sat St., Dayton, Ohio. YOUR OPPORTUNITY 50 canvassers wanted. Men and women. For pleasant and profitable occupation. Call morn ings. 0 A. M.. 204 Henry Bldg.. N. H. A tchison. 10" PER CENT profit, advertised "Gibral tar" acid-proof non-eradicating check protector fountain pen writing fluid, ex elusive territory. 1524 Real Estate Trust building. Philadelphia. AGENTS Large manufacturer wants agents to sell hosiery, underwear, shirts, dresses, skirts, waists, shoes, clothing, etc. Write for free samples. Madison Mills. 503 Broadway. New York. AGENTS. $60 to $200 week, free samples, gold sign letters, anyone can put on store windows, big demand, liberal of fer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co.. 433 N. Clark. Chicago. HERE is your opportunity, make real, quick honest money. "by mail," operating cleverest "plan" devised ; parficulars free. Stay & Co.. box 99. Cincinnati. O. $75 TO $1oO WEEK representing line men's guaranteed tailored neckwear. Particu lars free. E. L. Kelser CO.. Palmer bldg . Detroit. Mb!h. BEND for free toilet soap sample and $10 cash refund offer. Lacassla Co.. Dept. 610. St. Louis. M AGENTS at once, selling 50c per month hospital tickets. 001 Corbett bldg. WANTED AGENTS, MAKE: $10,000 to $23,000 yearly; organize and manage tire club for well-known high-grade tire; new, original plan elim inates competition and insures 100 per cpnt reorders; we back you with nation wide, intensive advertising campaign, exclusive territorv. Apply at once. FRANKLIN TIRE At RUBBER CO., Department 319. Chicago. 111. AGENTS Wonderful seller: 96c profit every dollar sales; license unnecessary. No stock to carry. Sample free. Mis sion. 2S19 W. Pico. Los Angeles. Cal. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ALTERATION "WOMAN, experienced In high class work. Apply Monday morning, 11. Liebes & Co., 149-151 Broadway. EXPERIENCED BEAUTY PARLOR OPERATORS. EXCELLENT SALARY AND COM MISSION. APPLY MISS ROSENTHAL UN BALCONY. L1PMAX, WOLFE & COMPANY. A BRIGHT GIRL to make ribbon novelties. As this will be a permanent position stu dents who expect to return to school will not be considered. Apply employment bureau before 10:30. Llpman, Wolfe & Company. THE Meier & Frank Company requires the services of four experienced oper ators in manicuring and hair dressing. One experienced operator for Marcel waviitg. Apply Manicure Parlors, fifth floor, Meier &. Frank Company. RETAIL HOUSE requires the services of an apprentice in credit dept.; requires s'.mc knowledge of typewriting and bookkeeping; experience not necessary buL must be willing to start at the bot tom; advancement will be given as ef ficiency is gained. Answer, stating edu cation and salary expected, AN 321, Ore n. EXPERIENCED woman to take charge of auditing department in large local de parlment store. Write to Box 747, giving lelerenccs ana salary expected. WE CAN furnish culinary help in all hotels, camps and boarding houses, out side Portland. This association is operated by employes only. Call of write C. & B. H. Culinary Workers Ass n., 2 12 Ankeny at., room 10. Phone tiroati way t,z. WANTED A stenographer experienced law office work ; salary $ luu per month. Write It 1 41 Uregontan, stating age and experience and whet her married and pairing former employers and giving teiepnone auuress. CHAMBERMAID for river passenger boat. oo; room and board. Ca-ii bK.nntr At White, 35 North 0th st., Bdw. 3205; after 1 0 o'clock at night call Mar. lM9. STENOGRAPHER. $150; law stenographer 4 ion; two stenographers and buiers. Mil bookkeeper anu cashier x 100-$ 125 ; expe rienced t eh pnone operator U. 301 X W. Bk. Bldg. N I KSE wanted on Hood River ranch pi act leal or mother's helper, to care tor child J -s years old. and nelo with baby good wages, good home; ref. required. rorunam Apt. Ji. WAN TED Housekeeper; will pay good wages. Take itainior local. Oei oil at Water vie w tank. S. C. Bishop. Deer isianu, ur. BOOKKEEPER wanted, one who has had la unary oooaKeeping experience pi e lerred. Opera-House Laundry, 245 .Ev erett. p-ia WEEKLY, spare time, w ritlng for newspapers, magazines. Exp. unnec, details Irte. i'resa Syndicate, 111 tit. Louis, Mo. BO Y wanted between ages 10 and 1 -S for checkroom. Ask fur Mr. Smith Sundaj at 1 1 1 noon or Monday morning, Multno mah club. UI UL for cooking in private family. 4 atuilts, where second maid is kept; good home, good wanes. 702 Main St., corner King. rhone Main 725S. in.1H1j.EX HELPER with some knowledge of cooking; suaTiy $50, room and board. Apply 01J Lovcjuy bl. after 1 P. M. 2 WELL experienced women to do vegeta ble work and general yard work in res taurant. Apply chef Panama restaurant. WANT ED At once, experienced salesgirl or demonstrator for toilet goods. Phone Main 3271. Call after 1 P. M. WANTED Responsible lady to clean house, come each week ; ref. required. Call Automatic 3 'Jo -J 2, Sunday. 11-A.i'ii.Hit.NcED lumber stenographer, $125 ; experienced law stenographer, luo. 1010 Wilcox bldg. WANTED Berry pickers. Royal cherries . for sale, 12 cents lb. 245 E. ylst fit. N. Alonta villa depot. WANTED Stenographer, starting salary 1 7 per week. Apply Tuesday moru m g. 1O0O Yeon bldg. SCHOOL girl, living in vicln:ty of Laurel hurst, to care for child afternoons. Tabor 10 SS. (J1KLS experienced Lr power machine. Portland liat and Cap Co.. -lilVa Morri- LXhEKlENCEU sewing machine opera tor wanted on tents. Pacific Tent and Awning Co. No. I. N. 1st st. WANTED Experienced saleswoman for wash goods and dress goods departments. Shanahan'a. W A N T E D La u n dress. A good I au n d ress lor small lamiiy, to take ciothes home. 1'h one Sell. 28 1 7. STENOGRAPH ER of neat a nnearance : won Id consider a bright beginner. Call in iui oasco oiag.. Monday. WANTED Woman to assist in housework and care of children, no washing. Mrs. R. C Vande ort. Tabor 7000 a.n lh.u Kenaoie woman about 30 or ., to help in small hotel. Apply lo7 & Fourth st. WoMAN living near 20th and Marshall wants few hours' work each Sunday. a t im, oregon mn. WaN XI dren. 700u. L- -Girl to assist in care of chil muit be over 10. Phone Tabor Mrs. andevort. STENOGRAPHER from July 15 to Aug. 1. ivoennng Macmne Co., 2.i4 Hawthorne av. WANTED ;An experienced chambermaid. .tlOtei i'nitlp. MIDDLE-AGED gentleman wants house' keeper. J 1 SO, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced girl for second work; good wages. t. N. 20th st. 4 COLLEGE students wanted for the sum mer season. O 1)07, Oregon! an. WANT first-class counter waitress. Wood's Lunch, 101 0th, EXPERIENCED stenographer. First street. Apply 129 Fi RST-CLASS dressmaker's helper. 203 Rivoll building. Park street entrance. EXPERIENCED hand finisher wanted on Cardigan coats. Northwest Knitting Mills, 310 w iiiiama ave. CHAMBER maid wantecr. rCortonia. 11th and Stark. No phone calls. WANTED Lady Morrison st. dishwasher. 404 Eaat GOOD woman cook and baker for small restaurant, also dishwasher. Main 1057. WANTED Experienced cook and waitress. Bender's Lunch Room, 229 N. 23rd. G 1KL for cooking, some housework. Lovejoy. Main 247. GOOD cook, 2 meals day, adults, side: gooa wages. Main 2219. CHAMBERMAID for six half days a week 741 Washington. WANTED Experienced girl for first-class confectionery. E. 278S. LADY demonstrator wanted. Apply Per fection Fire Co., 144 4th st. near Alder. JANITRESS for office building. 408 Lewis bldg. Apply ALTERATION hands wanteds & Co. H. Liebes WANTED A plain cook for private hos pital. M 53G, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced pantry woman. Marshall 6070. OMAN for chamber ht tel. 23d and Hoyt. work. Campbell BOOKKEEPER for temporary Campbell hotel, 23d and Hoyt. WAN!' ED Experienced wai tress, hotel. 171 Lounsdale st. Mallory WANTED A chambermaid. 02 N. 4th bu HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 10 POWER MACHINE OPKR- ATOR3. 10 TO 25 TRS. OF AGE; EX PERIENCED GIRLS PREFERRED. BUT SOME INEXPERIENCED GIRLS ACCEPTED. WE PAY "WAGES WHILE LEARNING. SATURDAT AFTER NOONS off. good wages, with LARGE BONUS PAID. APPLY AMES. HARRIS, NEVILLS: CO., 15TH AND HOTT STS. EXPERIENCED calculating machine and comptometer operators please register for position with Miss Miller. 003 Yeon bldg Have more positions open than I can fill. During July to Aug. 15 I will give a course on calculating machines, comptomoters, adding and bookkeeping machines, regular $100 for $!.'. New classes July 12. 13, 10; a night course will be given. 6 to S. each evening ex cept Saturday and Sunday, beginning July 20. Register now as only a limited number of students can be admitted to thene classes. Ask any business man or banker. Salaries are from $85 to $130 per month. 903 Yeon bldg. GIRLS wanted for factory -work; good wages, steady work; experience unneces sary ; Saturday afternoon off. N. & S. Portland car to 16th and Tburman. American Can Co., 14th and Front. EXPERIENCED placket girl. Experienced cuff girl. Experienced hand-sewer on overcoats. Good prices and Saturday afternoon off. Apply at Mt. Hood factory. 233 Couch. AN experienced saleswoman for retail art needleworK w rue to oox 747 giving references and salary ex pected. THE METER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of two experienced saleswomen for the waist department. Applv Employment Bureau, Sixth floor, Meier Ac Frank Company. THE Meier Sc. Frank Company requires the cervices of experienced hemstitcning ma chine operators. Apply Employment Bu reau, sixth floor, Meier Ac Frank Co. DON'T PAT TO WORK IN MOTION PIC TURKS. YOUR TIME AND MONEY IS WASTED. Any legitimate producing comuanv will PAY YOU instead. When sent Irom this office you receive pav lor your work. Register now. ai. Artisans' Bids.. Broadway and Oaa, Phone Bdwv. 1G77. WANTED EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON POWER MACHINES FOR WAISTS AND DRESSES. WE WORK. . DA to A W EEK UN L Y. APPLY M ON DA Y. MEYERS WOMEN'S WEAR, INC., 4TU AND COUCH STS.. REaDV TO GO TO WORK. ANY intelligent person may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponuing lor newspa pers. $15 to $-5 weekly in epare time; experience unnecessary, no carfvassing ; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau. Buffalo. X. Y. DRAMATIC, versatile woman for reper toire, experienced, ambitious amateur considered. Harlin Talbert. 207 Second, room 5)2. Main OS SO. GIRLS WANTED IN BAG FACTORY. 34 N. FIRST ST. ANY girl in need of a friend app.y to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander tots. Pnone Main 3450 DM car. WANTED Names women, girls over 16. wishing to become government postal clerks, commence $14oo: ' answer imme diately. A V H31. Oregonlan. GIRLS for chorus work, Egyptian and ori ental dancers. Call Cotillion Hail. 14th and Burnside sts.. betv ten 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. TRIM M ERS and experienced makers wanted for city ana out-oi-town posi tions. Apply Lowengart At Co., Broad way and Burnside. EXPERIENCED salesiauy for ready to wear department ; good salary. Apply Simon's Store, 2d and Alder. Ml LLIN E R Y makers wanted, good wages, yearly position. Elsie Trimmed Hat Co., Artisans bldg.. Broadway and Oak. WANTED Strong girl for general house work at the beach; wages $75 a month; must be good cook. Main 2021. WOMAN to assist in tunall laundry ; hand ironer; steady job, good pay. Apply 310 Broadway bldg. WANTED A girl to work in starching dept.; also girl on shirt machine. Union Laundry Co., 2d and Columbia. WOMAN to assist in small laundry, hand ironer. steady job. good pay. Apply 310 Broad way bldg. WANTED 12-year-old girl for good home and small wages. Tabor 1222. 1307 Belmont st. WANTED Experienced lady maker and sorter; steady work, best wages. Model Laundry. The Dalles, Or. WANTED Girl capable of keeping fac tory records. Hirsch Weis Mfg. Co., 205 Burnside st. WANTED First -class lady stenographer. Give references and state salary expect ed. H 134. Oregonian. WANTED A girl for general housework, no laundry or heavy cleaning; must like children. Phone Main 23uu. YOUNG lady stenographer for wholesale house; state experience and salary. A 5N7. Oregonian. LADY clarion el . trombone and cornet for fine, concert engagement; good pay. BF fcS3, Oregonian. TH E Florence Crittenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. U55 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 316. ONE hand iro.ur pnd girls for other de pa rt m - n ta. S ta te La u n J ry Co., 3o0 E. Broadway. WANTED -Experienced chambermaid at Hotel Morris, Tenth and Stark sts. WANTED Woman for lunch counter; must have some experience. Mast Delic, 023 Washington st. WANTED Respectable young woman for fountain and front store work in east side pharmacy. V 580, Oregonian. LAUNDRESS, experienced, by month; pri vate family; room and board, wages $00. Call Main 162. YOUNG girl wanted, 8-hour day, 6 days per week for soft drinas. wages $10 per week. 53 N 3d st. Auto. 526-20. EXPERIENCED lunch waitress wanted. Apply after 10 o'clock, th iloor Oregon bldg. LAUNDRESS to take man's washing to own home from Salmon and Park. Give references. T 144. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher wanted; give experience and refer ences. L 584, Oregonian. WANTED Lady barber. 324 Couch. Must have license. WANTED Experienced waitress, bury hotel. 201 N. 20th st. Chester- BUTTON apprentice and errand girl. But ton & P.eating Shop, 509 Royal bldg. DISHWASHER wanted. The Globe Dairy Lunch, 507 Washington st. TEACH ERS. register free. Many calls Wetmore Agency, Spokane, Wash. REPAIRER on ladles' work Cleaners. 1 SO Grand ave. at U. WANTED A dressing room girl, 1751 Dnrby st. Phone Wdln. 2015. WANTED Lady barber. 64 6th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DO TOU WANT A BETTER JOB? A six weeks' course in our Comptometer School will lift you from the inexperienced class to the position of an ex pert worker, who always com mands the better salary. Trained Comptometer opera tors are always in demand. Course includes special train ing in Commercial Arithmetic under system of Felt & Tar rant Manufacturing Co., mak ers of the Comptometer Add ing and Calculating Machine. Call, write or phone WILLIAM A. BACON, 813 Morgan Building, Phone Main 5714. WOMEN AND GIRLS Register with Mrs. L. T. ,Scott for folloW'ing positions: -25 girls and women for a lovely camp ; fine conditions; cafeteria style; leaving Tuesday afternoon; must register Monday. 200 berry pickers wanted; tents, wood, water furnished; picking starts at once; families. Women Join cannery camp near Portland; good wages; work starts Tuesday; tents, wood and water furnished. Ex. stenographer only, book keepers, clerks. chambermaids, bathroom women, waitresses, 20 experienced domestics. MRS. SCOTT, 329 Henry bldg. LADY CANVASSERS. 40 GIRLS AND WOMEN. Want real, snappy, well-dressed young ladie.s. We are putting 4 crews of 10 ladles each to work in city. This is a chance for you to work with a con genial bunch and make from $5.00 to $20.00 a day introducing a real seller to eVery home. Call Monday at our office and let's talk it over, or phone for appointment. Ask for Mr. Fisher, 100 In One M ' f ' g Co.. 1335 N. W. Bank bldg. Tele. Marshall ol33. SIX middle-aged women solicitors wanted to take orders; city work, house to house; good money to right parties ; build up steady In come right at home. Call Sunday, room 2uti Railway Exchange bldg.. between 10 o'clock A. M. and '2 o'clock P. M. Telephone Monday for weekly appointment. Main U6T. WANTED Experienced Power Machine Operator Overalls, Shirts Mackinaws 4 4 Hour Week Saturday Afternoon Off HIRSCH-WEIS MANUFACTURING CO. 2)5 Burnside St. WA NTED Young ladies to enroll in a popuia rity contest and et.nvass the city; must be under 25 ears of age and not a fraid to talk to mn ; $5 per day. See Mr. W. K. Rayl. rear of Central M pssenppr Office. No. 304 Pine st. WANTED EXPERIENCED PRESSERS ON SHIRTWAISTS. JERSEY COATS AND DRESSES BY MAYER'S WOM EN'S WEAR. INC.. 4TH AND COUCH STS., MONDAY. WE WORK & DAI'S A WEEK ONLY. RESPECTABLE middle-aged couple wants a girl between 1) and 12 years old, com panion for 2-year-old boy, room and board and some wages; be camping out next month; give telephone No. or ad dress N 581, Oregonian. APPLICATIONS wili oo recivd from young women aged 20 to 33 for wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay and steady employment. AB 302, Ore gonlan. ST ENO i RA PHER havi ng bookkeeping and general office experience; must be n-at and accurate and willing to watch details. Knowledge of machinery es sentia!. T 142, Oregonian. PORTLAND SCHOOL OF MASSAGE. INCORPORATED.! Fits one for Turkish bath and saiu. tarium work; complete course. Office ill Swettand bldg. Phone Main 77S0. WANTED People of all types for motion picture act in g. Apply La Deen & Baker Theatrical Enterprises, 521 Chamber of Commerce bldg., bet. 12 and 5. WANTED 1 girl to dampen shirts; 1 girl to stretch curtains ; 1 girl to starch rough dry; 2 girls for flat work depart ment. Crystal Laundry, E. 21st and Sandy. Rose City car. FIRST-CLASS MAKERS FOR OUR MIL LI NEHY WORKROOMS. EMPORIUM, 120 GTH ST. WOMAN TO EMBROIDER INITIALS AND MONOGRAMS ON SHIRTS THOROUGH LY EXPERIENCED. JACOBS S1URT CO.. RALEIGH BLDG. WANTED A strong middle-age woman to help care for an old gentleman. 83 years of age. confined to bed but In perfect health, assist with housework, nurse not required. East 40 1 4. WANTED Competent, honest and depend able lady stenographer not over 35. to manage small business; salary good; work not nara lor light party. E .177. Oregonlan. WANTED Ukulele and steel guitar be ginners, send name, come forward all and register free. American Zitar club, P. O. box 705, Portland, Or. USE of piano during dav to youne lady residing Woodstock in exchange for light services in home. Phone Bd wy. 93 or Sell. 114.M. W ANTED Operators on dresses; must have factory experience : good pay. with opportunity to snare proiiL. Elson Mfg. Co., 453 Washington st. WANTED I or more experienced house to-ho use canvassers; an article which sells at sight: 100 per cent profit. S. Wagner, 303 Stark st. ST. HELENS HOTEL. Chehalis. Wash wants 2 experienced waitresses, $G0 and Doara ; good lor $1 ;o ; u days a week. Phone or write I. B. Turner. SHIRTMAKER THOROUGHLY EX- FEKlE.Ntiil. JACOBS SHIRT CO., RALEIGH BLDG. WANTED Ukulele and steel guitar be ginners. send name, come forward all and register free. American Zitar club, P. O. box 705. Portland, Or. HIGH SCHOOL girl wanted to assist with hoousework; no washing, good wases no Sunday dinner. Call Main 3414 after 10:30. WANTED Lady able to milk a gentle cow: would get vegetables, berries and o-room cottage: 20 miles from Portland from now till Sept. T 143. Oregonlan WANTED Capable woman to do cooking and housework. Call G02 Broadway Ol'lg. WOMAN who would like free room ren for care of children two evenings a week, pnone -1 1. AGENT, sell. Kleanol household brushes wonderful seller, good commission. Pres' ton, 387 E. Couch st.. FOUR grade teachers wanted for educa tional work during the summer season, Call between 9 and 12. 637 Pittock blk. EXPERIENCED dining room girl wanted for residential hotel of 30 people. 33: nun st. GOOD proposition for lady that can sell no peddling or soliciting. D 585, Ore' gonian. WANTED Apprentices on ladles' hats. good pay while learning. Paris Hat Mfg. Co.. 37 Aiaer. WANTED Girls or women who can run . power machines, Paris Hat Mfg. Co, 3S7 Alder St. TYPIST Prefer one with billing experi ence; state phone, age and salary want ed. B r77, Oregonian. WANTED A solicitor, one who wishes 9 permanent position; $40 to $50 per week. D rK4. Oregonlan. COMPETENT girl to wait tables and help in private boarding house. 587 Glisan st. W a.NT July. cook for last two weeks in W. C. A. cafeteria. WANTED An experienced tick cutter and sewer. King Fisher Mattress Co. WOMAN to do housework afternoons; Sunday work. Call Tabor 2101. HELP WANTED FEMAUk TELEPHONE OPERATING FOR TOUNG WOMEN. BEGINNERS' RATE. $14 PER WEEK. REGULVR INCREASES. RAPID ADVANCEMENT. APPLT NOW. ROOM rtOI. 6TH FLOOR, TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK. AND OAK. STS. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEG -tAPH COMPANY". SCHOOL FOR NURSES. Pasadena Hospital School for Nurses, at Pasadena, California, will receive a few more applications from high school graduates for admission to the three -year course of theory and practice in nursing, beginning September, 1020. Qualifications and other information sent by mail upon request. Address Miss Llna L. Davis. Supt. Pasadena Hospital. Pasadena, Cal. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of experienced saleswomen for ribbons, laces, domestics and many other departments. Appiy superintendent's office, 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. WANTED by high-class specialty house, a thoroughly competent corset fitter with buying experience, one capable, of taking full charge. AB S03, Oregonian. GREENLAND OPPORTUNITIES. The Sunbeam Film Co. will obtain all local talent through this office ex clusively, anv legitimate producing com pany coming from the south will bring their own cast; why wait? it is a waste of time and monev. register at once with casting director. all yofS of people wanted. 1020 Chamber of Commerce building, office hours 10 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. WAVTKD AT ONCE P E O P I, E FOR MOVING PICTURE WORK. WE GIVE MOVING PICTURE INSTRUCTIONS, ALSO TEACH CHORUS WORK AND ORIENTAL DANCING. REHEARSE A NG GET PROFESSION AL. Al'V 1 r FOR VAUDEVILLE ACTS. HOURS FROM 10 TO 4. COTILLION DRAMA TIC AGENC. 14TH, OFF WASHING TON. . EARN $30 per week and up at home making corsets for your friends anu neighbors, or save half by making your own; ordinary sewing machine does the work; learn quickly by mall; nimple, easy; special offer now. La Franc Corset Drafting System, 230 Grosse bldg., Io Angeles. Cal. COOK and helper for camp, two waitresses out hotel, $tn ; rtve extra waitresses. day. fare; d ish waHher, $14, R. B. ; lady to take charge laundry; lady to cook In the country; maids for hotel, $15 a week; ladv cook for boarding house; two wait resses out, hotel, $40, R. B.. 301 Raleigh bldg., 327 Washington st. WANTED FOR BASKET FACTORY". Women lot over 30 and not und-r "IS years old to make berry bankets and boxes; light work, easy to learn; good wages: chance for advancement. Apply in person. Multnomah Lumber & Box Co., foot of Bancroft St.. WANTED I m mediately, lady to manatee our Portland oriice. M ust canvass . mornings and manage office afternoons. $18 straight salary with rapid advance. Independent position. State age and past experience. Address Princess Co., 3J."7 Wood lawn ave.. Los Angeles. GIRLS WANTED. Experience not necessary. AMERICAN LAUNDRY, 140 E. 3d N. YOUNG woman going to Seaside about 20th of month wlslus to meet a young woman who would like 2 weeks vaca tion at verv reasonable rate ; object companionship. Give phone number. R 1 :tO. Oregonlan. WAN TED Experienced operators on suits and cloa ks; n iso gooa sKirtmnaer. ino other need innlv. Good wnars. Unlnn conditions. Advise particulars and ref erences Diamond Pollock Cloak & Suit Co., 100 Cobnnbia. Seattle. FIRST-CLA15S bookkeeper stenographer. single, woman preferred ; start 1 2., guaranteed $1.iO In w days: out or town, Competent law stenographer. $100. Bnok-keeper-typist. $1on. Clerical Help Serv ice, Artisand' bldg. WANTED Girl for light housework by employed couple. Must be able to take full charire of home. No washing. Per manent. Call K7 West Killings worth. cor. of Campbell. EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper and cashier tor downtown hotel : permanent position" If references and ability prove satisfactory; give full information in first letter. M 14. Oregonlan. WOM AN of forceful personality and some business experience for position offering unexcelled opportunities Tor develop ment; part time office. H 143. Orego nian. TRUSTWORTHY girl for general house work, two adults, one child. Can go home nights. Phone Woodlawn 5808 or call 750 K. 17th N. EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer. good pay and pleasant situation, ready to go to work at once. t 14. ore Ronion. EN PERI ENCED stenogra pher and book keeper. Iteply in own nanawnting, stilting experience, references and sal i ry. O 140. Or fonlnn. KENNARD & ADAMS. 5:: Williams ave require the services of an experienced bookkeeper and stenographer. Apply be fore 11 A. M . Monnay. I WANT to hear from a young healthy woman who thoroughly understands massage and reconstruction. F. J Taylor. 404 Holland St.. Portland. WE are in the market for one and two reel comedy scenarios, featuring a child under 3 years. Sunbeam Film Co.. 1020 Chamber of Commerce building. WANTED Elderly lady to care for baby and do light house work. o washing. Must he fond of children. 441 Tenino. Take Sell wood car. LADIES, if you have from 2 to 5 hrs. a day to devote to outside work, call at 627 Corbett bldg. and learn of a splendid . proposition. DO TOU want to make good monev danc ing? $30 a week to start with. See me between 4 and 8. 610 Eilers Music bldg. TEACHERS for northwest and Alaska. Grades, secondary, college. Highest sal aries. Quick service. Write Cllne Teach ers Agency. Boise. Idaho. WANTED Experienced saleslady for furs; one with experience preferred. Hudson Bay Fur Co. LADY to sell toilet article or as partner. D 1 42, Oregonlan. Wanted Domentlot. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good wages: good room: modern conveniences. 408 N. 32d st. Main 7850. WANTED Woman to wash dishes; must be strong and willing; steady position; room and board. Call Columbia 1151 K. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs work. High wages. 463 Mont gomery drive.- Main 4 "J 07. "WOMAN or girl to assist with housework, good home to right party. Phone Tabor 1765. WANTED Good plain woman to assist with general housework. Call Monday. Wdln. 6S6. WANTED GQod cook and housekeeper; wages $H0; three in family. East 8487. GIRL or school girl t asstst with house w o rk; no cooking. East 7614. GIRL for general housework. 709 Lovejoy st. Main 7338. EXPERIENCED second girl wanted. Mar shall 823. GIRL for genreal housework; 3 in family. Phone Main 6742. EXPERIENCED girl for general n use work: good wages. Bdwy. 5oS7. 58 Ella. UPSTAIRS girl, 2 in family. Main 375.". 253 King st. WANTED Girl for general housework. J 15. Call Main 7721. HELP W A N 1 E D FEMALE. Wanted Demrsttc. WANTED Reliable young woman to keep house for 3 men on farm, $35 per month. No woman boss. Prefer one with some experience in canning and who will be interested in her work. Y 115, Orego nian. . WANTED A middle-aged woman to cook for from four to six men on gen eral ranch; good living conditions; must be neat and permanent; state experience and wages in nrst letter. Address box 81. Bay Center. Wash. WANTED Housekeeper, by widower witn four boys, ages 3 to 10 years; in replying please state references and age; tr; need not apply. Give phone and address. AN Sl'5. Oregonlan. . W A X TED A neat housekeeper, competent to take charge of new home for wan and wife: no children; good wages. Call in person. Mrs. Bannon. care Bannon & Co.. Oregon City. WANTED First-class maid to do general housework; must be able to cook; salary no object. Apply between 3 and 4 Mon day at 274 Glisan su, corner 4th, near Steel bridge. EXPERIENCED girl fcr general house work; must be good, plain cook; no washing; b-st wages. Phone Marshall 41I. 1131 Franklin st.. Willamette Hgts. WANTED Housekeeper to cook for one man on ranch; must be clean and neat; nice place for right party; stata wages. Nels Brue. Tenino, Wash. REFINED middle-aged woman to assist with gen era t housework in sma.l lamiiy living short distance out of town: good home and salary. Marshall 5513. MIDDLE-AGED lady to assist in small family, light housew otk ; gooa wages and good home ; C. S. preferred ; close in. F 140. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED girl to care for baby 16 mos. old: good position to tne rignt party. Call Mar. 5052, or 410 Harrison st.. apt. 20. COMPETENT woman or girl for general housework. 3 auuit. must oe goou cook; wages $00. Phone mornings. Marshall 004. WANTED Housekeeper for I elderly and 1 young man. 10 E. 0th st. Call 1 to 4 P. M. MV or RC car. Aut. 215-15. WANTED An experienced cook, way 1 175. Mrs. W. J. Burns. lOtn st." Hroad IJii N. GIRL to assist with general housework, small family. Main 5517. S10 Overton st. CHAMBERMAID wanted; Consadine Hotel, lth and Hurnside. GIRL for general housework; good wages. Marshall 3200. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED looo bop pickers. We again have the largest lop ranch in Oregon. Five hundred acres in hops; all old planting except 7o acres; hish trellis, no weeds, beautiful camps, 2 stores with town prices, butcher shop, free wood and pu re water. Da nee hall 50 x 1 00 f e t. Write and register at once for hop picking. Our old pickers especially wsnted. E. CLEMENS HORPT CO., lndep ndence. Or. CHERRY pickers wanted ; cnerry orchards Troutdale. Or.; 2 f to H cents per ound; can carrv or board at home. See Le Evans at St. Charles hotel from 10 to 1 1 o'clock Friday and Monday ; can u out on truck with me or lake car . Fir s t a nd .lder sts. WANTED Cherry pu-kers for Monday morning; will pay 2c per lb. and. hoard; furnish your own blankets. Take Rainier local and get off at Waterview tank. C. Bishop, Deer Island, Or. STEADY work for man in sawmill, whose wife will contract to boaru irom six to ten men; profit guaranteed; mill near Molalla, 35 miles irom i'ortiana. . o. Box 112S. WANTED immediate. y Hundreds men. women, over 1 1 ; government .ions, ioo, SJuo month: list positions free. Frank lin Institute, dept. 373F. Rochester. N. Y. BERRY PICK E ItS Campers preferred ; desirable pi are to camp . in mi. -oi i. Call Tabor 1822. Address Elmer Zinter, K. 3. Portland. Or. A GOOD piano player who has some money to help finance a vauueviue act ; oi gooa appeal a nee. Act all ready. 610 Eilers music bldg. WANTED at once. 8 raspberry pickers. will pay c lb. ; tent. ooi t urnlshcd to campers. W. S. Brow n, J enne Station, on Etacada car. WEAVERS. Steady work, good price list. Wash ougal Woolen Mills. Washougal. Wash. WANTED -Advance agent for road show. Call Tabor 7750. HELP WANTED Platen feeder, boy or Irwin Hod son Co., city. girl. EDUCATIONAL. BK A DOCTOR OK CH!ROPRACTlO. The chiropractic profession offer th most unusual opportunities of any fbId in the world today. Know about Its great opportunities before deciding your career, or if vou are dissatisfied, in your prsert position in life or its earntig capacity is not what you would like It to be, investigate the great opportuni ties effered in this greatest of. all pro fessions CH.ROfKACTlO. A most ex ceptional opportunity to study chiro praotic and to become a chiropractic physician Is offered at this time by ur college; both .ay and night course. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND chiropractic physicians needed in he Unl'fd States today to supply the de mands of the millions who have turned to this great method of healing their ills. INVESTIGATE. Augmented Curriculum. Able Faculty, Clinical Facilities Unexcelled. For particulars u.d dress Dr. Oscar W. Elliott, president, PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLL KG HI, Park 4-nd. VamhllL MatD 1014. Portland. Or. You cannot learn any part of this lro fe&fcicn miougo. correspondency. THE COTILLION School of Dramatic Art teaches you quickly for any branch of the stage; the urama; vaudeville sketches written and carefully rehearsed; motion picture makeup and expression ; special summer classes for children and young people ; teaching elocution, expression, niu&ic and dancing. Enrol now. Beatrice u'Malley. Director. Hours lO-4. Bdwy. 3380. THE COTILLION ACADEMY. 14th at Washington. WE teach you how to preserve your valu able teeth. If they need repair we fill, bridge, crow n, remove nerves and ex tract teeth without, pain uy the modern nerve-blocking me r hod. DR. A. W. KEEN E, DR. E. H. PREHN. Majestic Theater Bldg.. 31 Si Wasnlngton at. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 0 weeks, give you a et of too.s and some pay w hile learning. Positions ie cured. Ore gon ex-service men, the course is free to you. Write or call for particulars and catalogue. POSITIONS ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business college. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free caiaiogue. WANTED Pupils to lern French. Spanish and Russian by private instructor : for eign translations accepted in European languages. lo2u E. -1st street N.. pnone W ood la w n 1 fMH OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the tra-e in 8 eeks; scalp and face massage specialty; too.s free; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning, tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LINK S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses ; expert teachers, day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 50o3. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school ; in di vid ua 1 instructions. 122f- Grand ave. E. 427. Portland barber college pays you while learning, gives you set of tools free; position secured. 38 N. Second st. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Reliable Tele graph institute, 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. RoCKY MOUNT Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-ass t. state supt.. Mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Alain 8276. INDIVIDUAL lessons given by reporter in shorthand ; standard system. Appoint ment. M 511, Oregonlan. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Main 4835. Teaching positions, free reg. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 265 i Oak st. OREGON Law School. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. H. Richardson, Sec. Main U 77. FRENCH classes during summer; Parisian accent. Marshall 2402. YATESTFISHi5R Teachers" Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. SITUATION'S WANTED MALE. KALSOMINING. papering. signs, cold water painting with machine. Broad way 1SU. BLACKSMITH with 20 years' experience wishes steady position. 931 E. loth N. SHINGLES When you want reshingling done call Woodlawn 5200. BOY, 16, wants work for summer. Walker, 48K Flanders st. SITUATION wanted by Al chef, hotel or restaurant. M 557, Oregonian. BOY" 16 wants work on ranch. 1299. Room 12, Marshall SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ADVERTISING man, five years eastern experience, manufacturing and retail, nw employed by a leading coast agency, desires to communicate w ith view of a possible business relation, preferably a live, growing manufacturing business, financially sound ; am thoroughly fa miliar with campaign work, analytical and the practical executing, copy writ ing, layout, etc., as well as sales pro motion work in conjunction with ad vertising. Am 20 years old, university graduate, creditable war record and of good address; references A A A -1 . F 104, Oregonlan. YOUNG man who has had nine years ex perience in general office work, held executive and administrative positions, thorough knowledge of accounting and can handle any kind of position in any office, wishes position with reliable com mercial lumber concern. Can act as traffic manager, purchasing agent, office manager or accountant. First-class ref erences furnished and will leave city. AB 740, Oregonian. ANY lumber manufacturing concern re quiring the service of an energetic young man, 26, as gang-sawyer (Wicks ma chine), asst. mlil foreman, or mill fore man offering opportunity for advance ment, answer this ad. Six years in the lumber manufacturing business. I am also good bookkeeper and 1 shall be of great use. Open for engagement until July 10. State position. G 20S. Ore gon :an. YOUNG man 25 years of age. good education, well appearincr. Is desirous of making connections w ith the sales dept. of growing institution. Past work cover3 four years' experience in t he advertising field from sales angle. Will consider modera te salary until ability is proven. E 175, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN wants position with ma chinery company, stead y employment. 15 years' experience operating farm ma chinery, drive auto, operate tractor en gin os and threshing machines, magneto wok thoroughly understood. J. M. Vicars. 340 E. Glisan st. A MAKK1KO MAN with 0 years pur chasing agent's experience and a number of years general office experience, capa ble of assu ling responsibility. would V ? to become associated with a good tirm in some capacity ; references. O 1 :!. Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE MAN. 15 yearV experience as salesman. salfs manaser and man ager, desires to chanse connections; am expert on organization and efficiency; prefer wholesa b posit ion. either trucks or pleasure cars; will co anywhere. Write for interview. T 50. Orgoninn. GARDENER, single: knows naw to grow ana take care of flower?, Rreenhouse and garden, also landscaping. etc.; wants position In private place; thoroughly competent; references. AK 75S, Ore gonian. M A RR I ED man. 2R years, best Pliops ea.t: tool. die. Job and production; steam or gas engine; foreman and supt. 10 years: In town or out. Can organize and pro duce in any shop; understand system and jobbing. E 502. Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man. married, wants work: ca n drive any make of car. Have fol lowed metal trades for 7 years; would like work in machine shop or auto re pair shop. H. W. J., 4033 42d ave. S. E.. Portland MAN 3i wants light work day or nish t. city or country: can take care of boilers, small wages to sta rt if steady and chaance lor advancement. AF 753, Ore gonian. SALESMAN Iive. experienced hustler, city or road, salary or commission, specialty or gen eral line: an interview will convince. A 5S0, Oregonian. BUSINESS MEN requiring competent of fice workers, call Broadway 4409. Onlr r-uitahie aoplicants tent: no charge to the emp'oyer. Clerical H-:p Service, 523 Artisan's b'.dg.. opposite Benson hotel. GRADUATE lawyer and successful busi ness man with means desires to form as sociation with a corporation in an ex rutlv capacity. A V K4, Oregonian. WANTED Situation hs niht watchman: no firing or janitor work; A-l local references. M or Ran. Phone Main 5120, Dote Dayton, city. A NTED M ana Kemen t of a part men t house, on west side, close In, bv man and wife. J. C. Whiteley, K13 Mill st., Sa lem. Oregon. MIDDLE-AGED MAN desires position on farm, some experience farming and garden in g. Write to 300 Couch t Portland. V. George f f. OFFICE manager and accountant. 15 years experience, seeks location In Portland re gion : correspondence invited. Box 145. Powell. Wyo. PAINTING, tinting and al! Inside clean ing. My work is a little better and worth more than I charge always. Louis Lurk, Bdwy. lSOC. DRUGGIST, registered in Oregon. 12 years experience. married. best ret erenees. wants posi t ion in Oregon. Box 355, Chehalis. Wash. PRACTICAL machinist wants steady po sition in Portland; can do accurate work on all machines. fiKur and cut gears of all kinds. .1 ."... Oregonian. YOUNG man with light car wants work mornings, anything: have sa ies expe rience : ca n furnish A-l references. C a J S . Oregonlan. RESPONSI RLE man and wife will take charge and run a part ment house ; ex perienced ; willing to work and do what is right. MR. ROSE. 1 S East Sixth st. OPE li A TO R familiar with linotype and Intertype. book and job experience, non union, wishes stead y posit ion in Pacific coast shop. Address A 2S7, Oregonian. ALL around printer with IS years first chiss experience, capable of handling any department in printing office, wishes steady job. Addreps AV 2SH. Oregonian. ELDERLY man on farm for chores and care of garden ; good home and rea sonable wages, according to ability. L fi ." 4. Oregonian. EN I'E Rl ENCED bouse carpenter wants job; good finisher and will hustle. Wdln 24 . WANTED Position as driver. yearn ex perience on stage line. Main 352S. Pollin. Must live in Portland. GENERAL housework. 17 years of age, not afraid of work. Apply J. Mathias, care 27 4th st. N. MAN. 33, single, Scandinavian, wants posi tion ; handy, industrious. AO 759, Ore gonian. BEGINNING the first of September, posi tion as salesman or collector; have my own car. E 174. Oregonian. DRUGGIST Reliable man of 15 years' ex perience wishes drug work Saturdays. O 21Q. Oregonlan. WANTED A position with local firm as traffic manager or assistant; experience, references. E 101 . Oregon ian. HAVE DODGE CAR Would like employ ment visiting small towns. 201 East I'.uh st. Tabor W13S. EXPERIENCED auto washer desires posi tion at any garage. 300 Couch at.. Portland, V. Georgeff. OPERATOR-PRINTER at Canby. at once. Phono 321 W, Oregon City, advertiser's expanse. CEMENT garages, basements, sidewalks, runways and retaining walls on con tract. Tabor 9"31. MA N and wife, wai tress and dish washer; out-of-town hotel or resort; steady. T S."!. Oregonlan. PAINTING. TINTING. RELIABLE AND REASONABLE. MARSHALL 3214. EXPERIENCED truck driver wants po sition , can drive any make truck and knows city. Tabor 8516. EX -SERVICE MAN wishes position in ga rage or as a truck driver; experienced. Phone Woodlawn 2764. YOUNG MAN requires situation in back room, butcher 8hop: help kill; can show convincing papers. AV S2. Oregonian. BY OFFICE MANAGER, accountant and credit manager; can tal e full charge of detail. Phone Wdln. 4507. BOY. 18 years, wishes work in garase or to learn the electric wiring. Can drive machine. Wdln. 2326. CARPENTER wants contract to build house; references furnished. B 575, Ore gonlan. WANTED By young married couple, po sition on a farm or camp. R 140, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED packer wants work, wholesale house preferred. AC 750. Oregonian. WOULD like to exchange painting for auto tires. 34x4. new or second-hand. Phone Tabor 9172. EXPERT painting, tinting and enameling done very cheap. Phone Tabor 1172. HOUNG man wants permanent position; 3 years' gen, office experience. Main 4559. A RELIABLE boy of 16 wishes employ ment, rnone jmomat.ic 1 -o i . WANTED By reliable, experienced jani tor, hotel work. Call up East 6402. MEAT Gutter or grocery clerk wants job; no union, l. oregonmn. WILL do brick work in exenange for de livery car. i an r-asi .t.o-. CARPENTERING. REPAIRING AND RE MODELING. PHONE TABOR 234. PAINTING. DECORATING. SIGNS. KAL SOMINING; BEST WORK. TABOR 266 FOR all kinds of carpenter work phone Main 3476. PAINTING, tinting; prices reas.; work guaranteed. Tabor S077. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CREDIT MAN or SALESM ANAGER, long experience, wants to get in touch wita a cood establishment; view permanent connection with right party. Under stands modern methods anu can bui:d trade on soliu bams. Let me tal k tha nutter over with you. Y 113, Oregonian. YOUR houe needs painting inside and out. you furnish tne pain t. 1 will iuruih, work and tools and put it on tor a reft sonab.e day's wases. See me be lore you get your paint; work gua rat. teed. Phone E. 7ua. alter 5:30 P. M. or b.iore a. 30 A. M. r 1C man with pei itn ce, American tion training, and years" railroad ox Commerce asoci.t- 't-a:s legal study. uesires permanent commercial or d u trial position ; ciiai cter and ref erences best. D 501, Oregonlan. ALL KINDS of outside and inside paint ing, as Well as kaisouumng. f.oor var nishings. etc., done reasonably. Phono Alain 2157 mornings or evenings, and asK. for A. C. Logan, or leave message. A N TED By young man 17 ears old, apprenticeship m garage, at once; I m wining to work f.r small wages at start; am not afraid of work or diru Address Box J, Cosmopoiis, Wash. ANTED By competent, experienced ac countant, few small nets books tt keep: terms reasonable : ret ere m . Address 1'. O. Box 442. Phones : Business hours. Broadway 1005; evenings, Seliwood 330. W ANTED Position in garage by li e wire, can drive any make of un derstands floor work, good ear washor; not afraid of w ork. 4 year's o;d and married. C 1ST, oregonian. WANTED Position bookkeeper; for cars had entire charge of litrge hardware and auto business southern Oregon; wish to move to Portland ; will go outside : good references. Address T 555. Oregonian. 1ST-CL.ASS experienced farm teamster, good with traetor or truck, single. Wants year round work on general farm. preferably west of mountain. D 10. oregonian. CARPENTER VVOKK, general repairing and residence work. Special prices o reinforced concrete es. Shop 20.V, .let ferson st. Main 7 Wt, evenings. ELECTRICIAN wishes steady position on the const : good conduit, knob and tuba ninn, marri-Jd, reference. AV Mi, Ore gon! in. i.MJL'sritlors boy 15 years old, with of- iico experience, would like position a office ooy. Call Pa trie Moran, Main '.to.".;v STATIONARY engineer wants Po.Mttoib can do general repairs and machinist work, best references. AV 07. Ori-nu-n ian. MIDI L,E-AG ED man wants position of trust, manager or superintendent, in dustrious and can furnish tho bcs.t o reference. A V !S. Oregonian. Al f-KTiSING. i ommercial. art. business experience. What opport unity have you for a college man with energy anol Initiative ? H 2O0. Oregonlan. wants work; good electrician, lair mechanic; will take- garage work or any kind technical preferred. Tabor :Q2 or write N 214. Oregonian. ROOF ATTENTION. We specialize on reshingling and roof work. Woodlawn 35it. COOK, reliable, wants work for smail crew w hich can be handled alone. L 556, regon in.ii. t . s o N P O L. Y . bo dianic's helper in wishes Job as me ga rage. Phone Main WANTED All kids of odd jobbing, kalso mining and tinting, or a spo cia 1 ty. Phone Maui 2 157. A . C Logan. DRAFTSMAN wants position in mechan ical line. here there 14 chance for ad vancement. Q:ner Goliling, Mam 7 mis. ALL-A RoUND handy man. good mechanic, re I iable, any kuul of work. Olson. Broadway 21'2S. or B l.7. Oregonian. TITLE MEN! Do you need a professional abstracter? O J41. Oregonian. A U TO mechanic. ! year. rxpenence. all around man. wishes position, city or 'nun try. C 1 .M. Oregon, an. CA PA BLE middle-ag-d 8 em i. man wishes llriht work, faood re I. Tabor 3D 4 0. A BOY wants work on farm, t eial farm work. Box 2.i. Arii do gen Siat ion. -Any kind f Wwi k betwt Wood law n 221 and midr.igiit. IloMES designed and built by ex pcrienci-d and reliable builders. Wooulawn juls. YOUNG man w tsh work in confectionery store. 'labor -":;. LAP. truck driver wants steady position in city. C .lto. Orfgottiaii. CARPENTER, new and repair work,- all I rc.i' East ."'31't after o P. Al. CARPENTER contracts for new building or altera lions. Aianny. Sri I wood 2 421. Bookkeepers, g le nog ra purrs, OlfRe. WANTED Position, have bad 7 years country and city ban King experience. 3 years public lilc and 2 jtars traveling; married and wish to locate in tiie north west. What have you to otter.' t i. c. Turnipseed. Apt. 2Uli. Ardmav. Phone Marshall 4t:7. i. oUNG man recently com pb ted a book keeping course satisfactorily is seeking po&iiioii as ast. bookkeeper or 000k keeper . have good educa t ion and good buMiiess training, willing to learn, in or ou t ot town position considered ; A-l references. P 0i3, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN who is an experienced cash accountant, open for position. Can han dle bonus, piuce or manufacturing cost accounting; 1 an install system winch will tie up with genetal ledger. Refer ences of highest character furnished. L 222, Oregonian. AN EXPEHlk.X C ED office man, formerly held chief clerkship, can assumM re sponsibility and not afraid of work. Can manage 01 f ie and know office systems. Have higntst gradt references as to character and a bun y. G 2im, Ore g o 1 1 1 a n. EFFICIENT office man of executive auu ity desires position as accountant, pref erably lor a concern In the lood manu facturing line; 13 years' experience with large corporation in similar line ; bcst reierences,. R 3i3, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN experienced bookkeeper now employed would like to keep amall jet books Saturday afternoons and evenings if necessary. Understand opening, clos ing. statements, etc. AO Vjo. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and accountant desires po sition, experienced in rendering finan cial statejuen is t can assume complete charge of departments. .Local reteiences. M 1:23, Otgonian. Hi A PERT bookkeeper has spare time for opening or keeping books, auditing or making "statements; charges moderate. P 512. Oregonian. YocNG man. 21 years old. with experience in general office work, desires position w it 11 reliable firm w here ability Is recognized by promotion. Phone 21!-45. ACCOUNTANT lor good city firms v. ill open, keep or audit your books. X 141, Or e g onian. EXPE R I E N CED, reliable bookkeeper de sires position; moderate salary. E. 1 5o:j. BILL OR ORDER CLERK.; FAST ON MACHI N E. B RO A D W A Y 29 0. Soldiers and bailors. ENERGETIC ex-service man with selling experience wishes position with reilabie concern in city; salary and commission preferred. P 212, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. DINNERS, teas, pared ; best ref. weddings. salads pre G. McKeimy, East 6 IV 6. STENOGRAPHER with experience desires permanent position. Phone Tabor 193. WILL care for children in my home. Au tomatic Lents 6312. WOMAN wishes day work ; experienced. uto. 3 1 1-57. EXPERT laundress wants all round day work. East 2t34. SCHOOLGIRL desires care of children or elderly lady. itefert ru es. Phone 2-1128. 13-YEAR-OLD girl w tehee fined home. Mar. 2544. to get in re- SCKOOL GI RL to tak- care of children. Woodlawn 2S.j9. S!5 Minn. ave. WILL take good care of children after noons or evenings. Call Main I'V EXPERIENCED woman wants laundry work, 6 to 8 hrs- Main 114". GRADUATE piano teacher will teach at your home, lessons 75 cents. Mam 456. SHAMPOO, facial masage, manicuring, hair weaving. Woodlawn 3439. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good plain cook, wants position. J 555. Ortitonian. WIDOW wants p'.ace to cook fo-r & camp crew. Address S52 E. 3tUh st. LESSONS given in grammar grade studies, blackboard pupils a specialty. I ar. 9 SI. COLORED WOMAN wants day work! Main 7492. COLORE I girl, work by hour. 4 hrs. Call Monday. East 4O90. to 6 CLOTHES laundered at home, dried in fresh air. Main 9132. LIGHT housework, plain cooking, plain family; $10.50 week. 516-73. EXPERIENCED woman wants work by the day. Woodlawn 6226. WANTED A place to ta k care of chil dren evenings. East 3345. WANTED Day work by reliable woman. Columbia 554. LAC E. SCRIM. Ma rcjuiette curtH i ns ha nd laundered ; 10 yrs. experience. E:tst 19rt. EXPERIENCED woman work. Tabor 4174. would like day 4