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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1915)
) s v niE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, AtJGTTST 1. 1915. . LATEST PHOTOGRAPH OF NEW YORK POLICE LIEUTENANTS WIDOW. IS. BECKER BITTER Buy Schloss Bros, and Sophomore Suits. Now for $13.50 EASTLAND CRITICS "Murdered by Governor Whit man" Inscribed on, Coffin. Secretary Says He Is Pained by Mistreatment- by Chi ; I cago Press and Citizens. RNAL PROTEST ENGRAVED 1 1 II REDFIELD STUNG BY FULL INQUIRY PROMISED Ftderal Grand Jury Continue . Hear Witnesses and Court Takes Possession of All Documen- tarj Evidence Available. to eek rrilOACa Julr SL With one we elapsed sines tbs steamer Eastland sank at Its wharf, with 2S00 excursion ists on board. Investigation to de termine blame for the accident had simmered down to a Federal Grand Jury inquiry, although a County Grand Jury today continued to bear testi mony, and Secretary Redflelda of the Zepartment of Commerce, went ahead 'J with the steamboat Inspection esaml- nation required by law. Federal Judge Landta forbade tho examination by others of witnesses desired for the Federal Grand Jury and had taken possession of the vessel and all docu- mentary evidence available. Secretary r Kedfield today took notice of adverse criticism of his Inquiry, and In a speech before the hearlnr ssld he wss pro foundly pained by the attacks made on . him before ha had had time to delve into the case. He offered to make any ort of an investigation anyone could suggest provided charges were prop "; erly filed against anyone. J Kedfield Says Me Feels Hart. ' Secretary Redfleld issued this state ment: - I am in entire accord with Mr. - o'Hara on this subject. I am willing - and ready to search every corner and r cranny for tho nltimate truth as re- gsrds the United States Inspection service and the Eastland dlssster. I , came to Chicago for that purpose, and y purpose has never wavered. -I am sorry; J am hurt. 1 have been mistreated and prejudged by the Chi cago press and by Chicago citlxens. "Mr. Thurman. the solicitor for my department, a man whose Judgment In legal mattera I am bound to follow, has told me that to widen this in vestigation as Mr. O'Hara asks would be beyond my power. . I would be disobeying the law and breaking my i oath of office In doing; as he asks. ' I have already stretched the law to the breaking point in this Inquiry by sending to Washington for expert wit nesses In an effort to- bring out the truth and the whole of It- I cannot I go further In that direction. Fall Investigation FrossUed. I Bew glvo to the cltlsena of Chi cago my solemn promise that If charges are presented to me as head of the Pepartment of Commerce of the Na- tlon against either individual In spectors, or the service as a whole. r those charges will have my fullest consideration and my undivided atten tion, and I will spars neither time, energy nor money in arriving at the xrutJu 1 -However. I must say In my own de '. fens that such charges have not yet been presented. They have been asked for. but thua far they are wanting. I will not hold any man to public corn: I will not condemn any man un til that man has had an opportunity to bo heard." One body was recovered from the Eastland today, making the total dead til. Sixteen more names were stricken from the mlslng list today, leaving 142 unaccounted for. These make the max imum possible total of dead 178. RAILROAD ACTION UPHELD Interstate Commission . Dismisses Complaint on Ore Rate. OREGON'IAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. July 11. The Interstate Com merce Commission today dismissed the complaint or the Columbia Gold Mining Company, of Sumpter. against the 0.-W. R. a K. Company, on account of the cancellation by the road of tho Joint rsta with the Northern Taelflo on ora in carloads from Baker. Or., through Portland to Taeoma. Tho Ol-W. R. N. left In effect the combination rate of $ on shipments via the Northern Faciflc to Tacoma. but maintained the rata of $5.50 a ton if tho shipment waa made entirely over Its own lines for the full distance, which la the same as the Joint rata that t was canceled. The Commission finds the railroad company Justified in its action, aa for business originated on - Ita Una It la entitled to the longest possible haul, provided the shipment ara made directly. AUSTRIAN HOP CROP POOR 2 Area Reduced and Dry Weather Ke- duces Average Yield. OREGON! AN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. July Jl. Reporta received by the Department of Commerce from Austria say there has been a reduction of more than IX per cent in tho area planted to hops in the fsmous Saas district. Bohemia. The report further says thst the dry weather of the early Summer has probably affected the hop crop mora extensively and mora aeri ously than the reduced acreage. No estimate la given as to the prob able sise of the Saas hop crop this year, but the figures cited would Indi cate that It will bo no mora than 7 per cent of the crop of last yesr. This fact will have a direct bearing on the American hop market this sea son. PALMER DECLINES PLACE Pennsylvania Democrat Will Not Go on Court of Claims Bench. STROUDSBURG. Pa- July 81. A Mitchell Palmer. ex-Rewresentativa In Congress from this district, and a mm A In PennsTlvania. - - t who waa appointed a member of the 1 1 United States toon oi utura "J ' dent Wilson soma time ago. today Issued a etatement In which be an nounced that ho had concluded not to accept the place. Mr. Palmer ssld be had found it more difficult than he bad anticipated to give up personal and law work. Mr. Palmer as been mentions) for the position of counselor for the State Tepartment. made vacant by the eleva tion of Robert Lansing to the secre taryship of that department. Take Out tho Itch and Sting. gantierprlr Is first Id for raoaonlre. fl se4 ottwr lnM-t bites. GIts Imt-st rHf d rmn tacU kto supplX a aaad. tCc. All drnfgut . S - ' -v . 7 I i 4 fc ; : v . . , : ; ' ' . .1 , " -V I'.-'- fA -i U .,-iH ,fa V: -.1 . -5? ...' 4' --.1 ' n .. r--. i ' i - Tun - -111 lU Photograph Copyright by Underwood & Underwood. MK8. CHARLES BECKER. This snapshot of Mrs. Becker, widow of the New Tork police liteutenant. who was executed Friday for the murder of Herrnan Rosenthal, was made outside the chambers of Supreme Court Justice Ford, of .New York, two day. before the execution, when final effort were made to obtain a new trial for the condemned man. At that time Mrs. Becker expressed confidence that her husband would be saved. PROTECTION IS PLEA Roderick Macleay Says Rogue River Property Is Menaced. . unable to gruard the entire holdings, and the law violations, he declares, continue without interruption. NINE FISHERMEN ACCUSED Old Grudge, Suppressed for Years, Breaks Out Afresh and Appeal May Be 31ade to Governor. Charges Once Dismissed. MAT.SHFIELD. Or.. July 31. (Spe cial.) Attempts to burn tha cannery owned by the Macleay estate on the Riiui River, cuttlnr of flshlnr nets and pouring acid on them, destruction of crops and fences and tha killing of cattle and aheep on the Maoleay range led to tha Issuing; or a citation oy Judge John S. Coke, of the Coot and Curry County Circuit Court for nine men from Gold Beach and Wedderburn to appear in Coqullle Wednesday, Au gust 4, and show cause why they should not be fined for contempt of court. R. L. Macleay. of Portland, manager of the estate, charges that the men have violated the injunction Issued lsst month restraining them from trespass ing on the property. The cause of the growing feud la the rivalry among fishermen on tho Lower Rogue River about Gold Beach and Wedderburn. The Macleay estate owns both banks of the river for It miles from Us mouth. Mr. Macleay accuses the fishermen of us ing his land for drawing seines, despite the order issued by tho court. Several men arrested recently and tried at Gold Beach were dismissed without punishment. Mr. Macleay then removed the legal proceedings to Coos County. Before leaving today for Port land Mr. Macleay declared he might conclude to appeal to Governor Wlthy combe for protection before he returns t Coos County for" the hearing- next 'ednesday. . The men cited to appear are A. D. k'lnegar. Cbarlea Wilson. William unter, Alex Method, wmiam ash. a. . Conger. J. C Leclalr. Frank Hoge and W. P. Spencer. All are flsnermen. and some without funds will have to walk from the Rogue River to Co qullle. a distance of 120 miles, to an swer the summons. Mr. Macleay was represented at yes terday's proceedings by District Attor ney J. C Johnson, of Curry County. r t tj u n, XTArahfleld. and the ana v . - , . accused by C. H. Buffington. of Gold i. and Goss Murpny. oi W H K. Beach. field. TmUf F.iserlrsrvd Before. There has been no opposition fish g in that vicinity of any Importance nee the property passeo inio me nanos vi . J R. D. Hume, the original owner, fre quently had trouble with residents and transient fishermen,, the feeling at .1 1 K ( f t -T William Hunter, who Is among the accusod. was rormeriy m rwatni Portland and afterward a bartender In Marshfield. He haa been a resident of Gold Beach for several years. The requirement of the accused flah- .n.r In Cooullle at this particular time la embarrassing, as the fishing season is at ita height and most of them are Just beginning to make good catches. Mr. Macleay has encaged four, watchjaeiv iut tbey. re si Would You like to find a remedy that will, brine back your old zest of food, that will give you perfect diges tion, tht will make you glad every time you come to the table to eat? '. Peruna has done this for thou sands of people. Why not you? Liquid Peruna.. .$1.00 Peruna Tablets .50 Give Them a Trial For Summer Colds and Coughs Catarrh of the stomach destroys many lives of men, women and children. AWKOPATHtO prescriptions; specifics, triturated, pklajcts. A HOMEOPATHIC PHARMACT IX CBARGS Or A THAIS KD BIWM PHARMACIST. ICND iron CATALOG SB. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. Wood-Lark BUs, Aides Street at Weat Park. PsrOus, Oa Widow of ex-Police Lieutenant Says gh Decided on Inscription on Drive to See Husband for .. Last Tims Alive. . 1 CHARLES BECKER Murdered July 30. 115 by Governor Whitman. . CHICAGO. . July SI. (Special.) A nrt..t was made today by Mrs. .i-i t ..ti T?-r-lr.r against the con viction and execution of her husband. and the protest will go wim n ' to hla grave. , , On a sliver piaie, ii - geven, the words are Inscribed and the ..i.... I. ..l.n.H m tha too of BecK- er s casket. And in this way tne cas ket will go to tne grave jnonunj. Over the telephone Mrs. Becker said , . . . VAnA.t. YtaA h..en al lowed to view the casket and the plate. which taKes me i ah., hill dMclded uoon iiiii - the plate on Thursday night while she was Deing arivon iruni juuBui.k-. k.- .h had lust aDDealed to Gov- Tvhitmin fnr her husband's life. CI UV1 ? I I...... -. - to Sing Sins, where sne was 10 her lsst farewell of her husband. We now have about 200 Suits, all new Spring models medium weight light and dark pat ternsworsteds, cheviots and tweeds Schloss and Sophomore makes. These patterns were sold earlier in the season for $20.00 and $25.00. Your Choice While They Last Phegley & Cayender Corner Fourth and Alder Streets HOMES WIDELY SCATTERED Students at Berkeley Summer Ses sion From All but Two States. VXIVERS1TT OF CALIFORNIA. Y-.1.1 litlv 91 rSnAolsl 1 If George H. Learned, formerly of Port land, an instructor In chemistry at Pa cific University, had reglatered from his native state, Vermont, instead 01 Oregon, where he has made his home n- ..v.r.l vomtm nnlv one atate In the Union would have been without representation at tne university oi California Summer session. which ures, Vermont and Delaware are the only states not sending students. Mr. learnea is reauy a native oi Vermont, and was graduated" from Mlddlebury College In that stste. Af ter leaving his university he came to Portland to teach at Alien Preparatory SchooL and has been at Pacific Uni versity since. Cotton Crop 15,108,011 Bales. NEW ORLEANS. July SI. The com mercial cotton crop in tne unnea oiaw . .u. ... AmA tnH.V VM IS. 108.011 ivr i-i. a j. " - ' . bales, an increase of 225.518 bales over last year, according1 to figures an nounced by Secretary itester. oi xne C W VJI wv . ' i . CAtith.ra nnnnumntlon for the year at S.163.3SS Daies. me imjmi ia the history OI oournern rauune. I told, tho FUNITUEE a- Wsborhtourstheraw sae Kn mucK the star ha improved sutce then, j i s- r Av- :$30 Folding Army Cots, $2. Edwards' Specialize in Complete HomeOutfits For Young Couples The total cost of furnishing is so small and the payments so easy, and, in case of illness, the extension is so free that the young couple will find only pleasure and happiness in the homes we furnish. Step down to Fifth and Oak tomorrow and see the great est outfits, on the easiest terms, in all Portland. WELL, DEAR. W6 CERTAINLY STRlCrf fT right by go& ,to EDWARDS Everything in These Three Rooms $1l (Di50 $l5 Cash 1L5)S $10 Month (Floor Coverings Included) As delightful a little home as anybody could wish for at a' total cost of $159.50. Just think, of it! And, better yet, all you need to pay now is $15.00. How much better to fit up vacant rooms with this outfit than to pay excessive rent for furnished rooms where you never have anything but rent receipts to show for your money. Living-Room $56.65; $6 Cash, $5 Mo. In fumed or golden waxed includes a solid oak library table, $12.50; 3-piece solid oak living-room set to match, which is upholstered in best brown Spanish leatherette; rocker, $5.90; arm chair, $5.90; settee, $12.50, and a 9x12 fine Axminster rug a number of patterns from which to select, $19.85. Carpets and Rugs Reduced Regular $1.25 Velvet Carpets in choice patterns, QE special at e7UC Regular $1.60 Axminster Car pets, sewed, lined d1 OC and laid eplesSO Regular $1.75 best Wool Vel vet, choice pat-d! OC terns, at ipl.OO Regular $20.00 Velvet Carpet Rugs, Bize 9x12, d1 O Cf priced at .....ipl5aOU Regular $27.50 Axminster Car pet Rugs, 9xl2d1 nn I size, at pvr.wv Dining-Room $44; $5 Cash, $4 Month In fumed or golden waxed solid oak dining table which will seat 8 peopla when extended, $16.50; 6 solid oak straight-lined chairs to match at $2.50 each, and a 9x10-6 real Brussels rug in Oriental de sign at $12.50. , Bargains in Exchange Departm'nt $12.50 Refrigerator d 7C priced at pO. I iJ $22.50 Refrigerator flQ Qf priced at ipV,UJ $13.50 Cook Stove, JT C special, at P $50 Steel Range onr C( with reservoir . -'-' $13.50 Gas Range, d special, at P $22 Gas Range, d1 f Cf special, at pi XeUV $15.00 Spring-Edge &J tt( Box Couch ? 3U $50.00 Sideboard, J 1 C Afl special, at .... aplO.UVJ Sleeping-Room $SS.S5;$6 Cash, $5 Mo. Acid-proof brass bed has 2-inch continuous posts with -inch filling rods, $13J0; all-steel link spring, guaranteed not to sag, $5 50- 40-pound genuine felt built up mattress, $7.50; hardwood princess dresser, $13.50; solid oak chair, $20; rocker to match, $3.25; bedroom sUnd, $3.10, and 8-3x10-6 pretty wool fiber rug, $10.00. - Folks Living Out of Town Send for Edwards' Big Free Catalogue Explaining how Edwards sell House Furnishings out of town on easy payments. It enables you to get the things you want now and enjoy them while you are paying for them. Send post card today for this big free book. I A GOOD PLACETOTR'ADE JFrfi laaMM ass a . mrm - - w Monarch Malleable Ranges, $5 Cqshi ?5 Month