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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1914)
T THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 21. 1914. nn r n a. Thai Lr StevrUii Pohslity tJcfaIrerdimMijInwntion Tt . " itl 4 wk- "JUTS fl a ?--mr?A w . . , i sots' n. . w ..iit -3- LZ5 A Ax A 1 (Special Correspondence.) LONDON. England, June II. Mon sieur Emile Bachelet. with his new levitated railroad, has astounded the scientific, military and political world of England. The high priest of science, the lords of the admiralty, members of the house of peers and of commons have in turn visited the workshop, where this 10th wonder of the world is on exhibition, and they are amazed at his "flying train." They have marveled, too, how the United States, the motherland of the Ingenious, has let this uncanny product of the scientific imagination leave its shores. The levitated railroad is declared the latest word In transportation. A train traveling 300 miles an hour! That rate should satisfy the most rabid of speed maniacs; from New York to Chicago In about three hours! Tour business man could take an early train, do a good day's work in the Windy City and get home in time for dinner with his family in New York. Congressmen from Manhattan would be able to commute over to Washing ton on a train that would take about three-quarters of an hour to make the trip. In England the principal difficulty will be keeping the trains from run ning off the island when they are once started ,ltss-, Safes t!f: : 7 JStBBOBS be put Into operation at a reasonable cost. In the matter of operating outlay the cost to carry five pounds' weight one hour would be 1 cent. Here Is a ba ils worth figuring on. It Is the present plan of the inventor to construct a full-siied "flying train" on a track laid out at some place con venient to London. His first line will be for express and mail only. Already he has designed a car suitable for the latter service. Meanwhile the dunty wsrehouse down In the Italian quarter of London Is the mecca of the great men of the-city. En gineers, electricians, scientists, airmen, financiers, all troop to the demonstrat ing room to see the wonderful model In operation. They come In a constant stream down the dingy street and climb the narrow stairway to the music par lor. They all examine It closely, but with typical reserve they venture no opinion. It is only when an expert like Blr Hiram Maxim enters the curtained ex periment room that one hears phrases of enthusiastic praise. This venersble disciple of science came in a skeptical mood, but as the mystery of the plan was unfolded to him his vivid imag ination saw in its completed perfection the application of this revolutionary principle of conveyance. He danced about the model like a delighted child. And he had nothing but -Incerest con gratulation to offer. Winston Churchill, who holds In the English Cabinet the position corre sponding to Secretary of the Navy, was another distinguished visitor. Beyond doubt he was deeply Interested, but he refused to venture an opinion as to the practicability of the car. Also from the Admiralty came Sir Henry Jackson, K. C. B., chief of the war staff. He is the great English ex pert on electricity and a recognised authority on its uses. In company with other officer, he tnl an hour and a half examining every feature of the model. And so it happens that this nw mar vet of t rsnnportr.tlon finds lis flrrt ap preciation In Europe. Already the que tlon of time saved In trana1etir malls Is under consideration. With this new system Initialled the laat pnat for New York from London would close 4 minutes before the steamer pells, not the dsy previous, as Is the ease now. This would be an Immense saving business men. Again, looking at the proposition from a strictly F.uropesn pnlnt of view, a mall from Paris to Ft. Petersburg that takes only ten hours would be a tre mendous step forward for commerce. All that has been written about the time saved In mall service spplles equally to the forwarding af express. Passenger trsnsporlatlon will be the last perfection of the levitated system. Innumerable experiments will hsve to be esrfled out before the Inventor wishes to take the risk of sending hu man freight through the air at light ning speed. This new railroad could be erected along the right of way of existing railroads. While R Is a radical change from present systems, yet It I extreme an alteration as actusl flying It Is Idle to prophesy. rJvery In ventor expects dlscnursaements. He knows beforehsnd thst. despite boast ed crsvlng for the new, nothing takes hold with people as a whole en slowly as an original Idea that Is revolutionary In principle. And It was a disappoint ment of this kind thst drove this gr1s sled, mystic-eyed, expatriated French men from America, the lard of hi adoption, to England's shores. In thst country ho has found appreciation Instesd of neglect. There le he hailed as a genius who has discovered a fun damental Idea which will be of enor mous service to msnklnd. WOMAN WHO TELLS FIBS (CONTIM'KU FROM PAB . freedom only comes when w know the truth, as the Bible ssys, snd It sets us free. Jailed by I lea. A lie Is an awful Jailer. Pity the ment his plan of transportation can evidently been many times to the cleaner. She looked at It No. thla was not her glove. Another nerson found the mste to this glove behind a divan. No, she woman who Is In the clutches of a lie! said. That couldn't b her glove, ilnoa 8on1 philosopher has ssld that to cov it was the mate to the other on. Bo r U( Qn j,, p,ron has to summon she went home gioveiess. ,0 oth, to ..i,t at the burial. And each of these. In turn, becomes a men ace. Lies are like chickens, they com And she confessed arierwara m.i was her gfove. tho cleaned. U-button one. When the search began sh ... tt h iptft hA weicrh f in the lower scale tray comes under the influence of the next ater Down the center or tne room is uui omj carain muus misu -o-- --- - , . a series of nickel posts about three his current. Not that the inventor and it lifts the weight above it clear preceding one. Thus it Is dragged on- feet high surmounted by black steel makes claim for having round our. a or ine weiSriniS m.uuuC, , - ..u - ciin-w irht inches In diameter and new principle, but of applying an old dial Instead of marking six pounds In- speed being in proportion to the num- A visit to his workshop at Saffron Hill, f, lncnes deep. one. For the fact that a copper ring dicates aero. The dial of the other ber and force of these, one of the oldest districts of London, .va f .r.les vnH float ver an alternatinar current weighing machine now registers 13 The spools or cylinders In the road- has convinced even the skeptical that . ' welhtns. machines that remind magnet has been known in scientific pounds, proving that the drag of the way which lift the vehicle Into the air In the opinion of many. M. Bachelet seems to have solved the problem of the next great step In transportation. couldn't hold to her raisenooa hom , rootL Tn old provl,rD , being such a lovely glovs with tn Jot of homal ., , . w,,inB. we . . j i i other one on her nana 10 Accordingly, sh had thrown that on away also. can't tell a II and hav It end there. It Is a boomerang that may take many days to strike back where It started. "When they did find mil but It will do so at last glove," she said, "I had really con- u fiara B wy ,0 ptpp ,vln,r inced myself that I naa iosi a woman who has the habit. Ther la. . . . A , hall ones wnicn i won Tke Rolllag Lie. once a woman has realised the swful results that com from telling untruths she Is eager to clutch at the . by the A snowball which in size a. wisdom that Becky In the play voice, md de- it rolls along Is a perfect Illustration when she says: "Tell th. truth about line: In- of a lie that adds to Itself with every everything. It's the only way. I will in the telling If 'twere as essy to g.t out never .gain tell a lie. no matter hew Truth is so beautiful and a 11 so I1U1K UUWUIUCO fcxicfcto JtiaAUOb " "Vi-li . it nnM TY1 VRP I L 1 11 L uu " - - . are arnvea at me Pcw- one of a hlgh.class butcher shop, over circles for a. number or years, xms nas , ." pair of J4-button Frencn gloves in.xe.u of coun u not . ,r ,nln, , sum ceniury w iutu cuiiupuuus ,.u i..- beside the switchboard la a set or Dens proved to be a serious nuisance io eiec- r """"" - " " " - - fh( .ci.nt but bonoramy cieanea . h , tj -. la.w K ln.mnlva . . .. , ... . ,, , -. (ramfapral A tha renellitlB' medium. t i a ar TVin. the. train CnrrleM 1 T 1 L . . .. M perioti u. uia " I'tu uuu,wv.. xike those used by tne dwiss Deiirinsers trlcai manuraexures in aii moua . --, ' displaced the coach horse. in a vaudeville act. Of these, more work. M1 ot which la very Illuminating. magnetic field with it. His Invention overcomes that bug- i,t.. But the credit of turntnir this phe- As the concluding one of these pre- One can test experimentally tne lm bear of tho'rallroad engineer friction. The "Wjzard" of the revolutionary nomenon to account rests with M. Hminary experiments Jhe musical bells mense difference which is made by the The "flying train" doea not travel on nrincirjle of locomotion has about his Bachelet. After exhaustive experiments are brought into play. Beneath each lifting of the car in the air wheels, but on air. Not that it has any personality nothing of the occult, or with various metals he found that bell all of them are tuned to differ- stroying friction and its retarding , n n atwhtn .. . . , .1..UI1. . . . i . .1. . I. n . n . n .1... tiiha hnTH ai.MM m TXTIth win eitrrant In ensiugr i i -w"Fa.uw " ooscure. adoux od years oiu, ei.n;.iijr aluminum as pure as possioie ws " ncJ u..- . . ... . re ni But. alas tiny Although to the unscientific eye the bnnt with errav hair and moustache, ht - lavltatine- nurnoses. lng a ring of aluminum. The tubes spools. It requires considerable effort of lying as It is to get . train seems to be resting on air, there anQ- gray-blue eyes, mild, yet penetrat- a a rest on repulsion spools controlled from to move the 40-pound tube along th and alas It Is not. is in fact an electric wave cushion inK he lg the type of hundreds of other r.-i,1.iT, mi,h the current has an the switchboard and allow the freo roadway. When It 1 lifted clear between the leviators and the track, expatriated Frenchmen to be seen any entirely different effect on steel. This passage of air. Touching buttons on contact, a mere touch of the finger end this supports the car in space. jay In those little cafes in the French metal ls immediately magnetlaed and the board, the current drives the disks will send it on its aerial way. And while so supported it Is dragged quarter of New York City. consequently attracted by the repulsion up in the glass tube until they strike forward by another electrical current we enter he Is testing the strength , 4.1.. .,. the hells. With a skillful touch the The demonstration of the model In - ... ,, wave, xu Buun tuia .uwut j - - wl in much the same fashion as a trolley nf th elartric current tarjDed from s .. .. .1. 1 ha criri at the nwitrhhnard erave a few ar-tim i. t.niv marveinns The heaw nappi - -- - sieei oisk on i- opwui, cuxua vu. " . - n ' . local wire and passed through tne current and y,, piece of metal cannot bars from "Yon Made Me Lova You. tube ,s piaced on the track at on end uHe' gimply Inoculated m with nui 10 aiino - xransiorming doi, h nriefl from Its base. But place a BHD xnese preiatory .munmonu -tnj oxnarrjintlv. M Bachelet . .. ,j -r ink hack now .- am her how I tnougni mm m operated. By the time your attention ' lnt0 the ir- For a "CODi ot A girl who grew up In a rigid house- sinister that It Is curious that anyone er hold, where the children were severely should be deceived. Th way t punished for the smallest laiseuu---. i " -- told me years afterward that sh had Isn't It Thorau who asks th lmpl her stern old father to thank for any question that would solv all things It happiness that had com to her later we could but sea It thst wsyT nenniui. - .- " " tnvance pacxea wuu ww, """' of copper or aluminum between tne given 10 mm one iamm.r " turns on the switch and the car end- is a. milage lu uv,,.u. v.. ncc, magnexs, ana nvo wim n.. no. .u Bleei and the spool and the attraction is principle upon wnicn mo uins ituu .. " secret dox xne musnoui; overcome and the heavier metal ls fanatlo on the subject, otner gins fathers oasaed over things that my in the air follow the inventor through ,, caUght and divided and changed into raised ,n aJr above tha non.magnetized is directed to the trainway It is not a " remain so. Then another switch ls JatB " , ate(, until they seemed on the Orest hplrlt his series of Illuminating demonstra- a current of repulsion. disk. , railway, for there ar no rails you closed and like a flash the train has Th on thing he was If w only could . , . To show that the current will In no are no longer surprised at seeing Hing the experiments The current is now switched into one To sn apparently aetied. insight into the basic of the cylinder surmounted posts in the nj r "ljtt the heautifui laws prevail. Lt us not weary ourselves by resisting them. When we rest our bodies we ceaae to support them; recline en the lap of the earth. ho when w would rest our spirits we must recline n he crimes. s Th On mini ne w n w only riuio pill -j"wn "r man ; the literally nown rrom end to end or tne ,olerant of wa, lying. H didn't of fslsehoods!" If we only ceuld roadway. It needs only this ocular m,nce wordfc H called all things that that truth Is so mighty sh must pre runs proof to convince doubting ones that truths lies. vall sooner or later snd thst In msklng center or ine room. jn me wl ... . , n . 1 1 e ,intr tha aiia nf tha rnnm -nnitn of the extravagant claims for speed are In . . . 1 i YatV , -- .n i,iuj nt our manana lias rfixlr of aluminum, eight wnnoui orauujiug - ' " - " r- "i marnea a '"" ' " -"' a 1SK Or aiUmiliUiU. . . . ltJ , .J .n.nD tha enrrant CTrlln. nn wIra exaara-erated. - , . . . ... T an. tha ntilv ... .,l rhan.a nf hannlnaaa t An, 1 m m rn Bin ,tl a u.,, 1 ' wu, vi... , ... . tlons. While watching that give an idea of the "flying train," you cannot set rid of the impression that you are spool rests assisting at a private exhibition of inches across and an inch thick. Sud extraordinary conjuring. The whole denly. as though moved Dy some invisi- ... Th. "car" used Is a ateel tube weighing Idea is still In the stage of trial and a . . . performance is "magic" of a kind that ble agency, the disk begins to dance on - permeates the glass of the 40 pounds, fastened to an aluminum number of questions will have to be , h a.uth. And I am th. only exceeds the most astounding feats of the top of the cylinder. Now It is raised . ... .. ,. , ... . , .i.h hefore the nractlcabilitv of the 1 L aw , h.r . . . . . . now! Ann me water, wnero me a.bu utsu uita. auu. vo mi.iii."mj -w ' - woman wno " . . . . Hermann. clear and remain, suspended In the air. oov an , unconScIoua of bed plate that the repulsive force, device will remain unquestioned. Th. neart afraid of her husband -' t th. l"m' Now it drops back with a metallic clat- wim DO y . " thrna-h the snools. Immediately first to be asked 1. that of cost, both findln- ou. that sh has lied to him- that will b. surprising to tneny. "Th. The top flood of an old warehouse Is ter as the current is shut oft This test - rhat wh ,r. ftln, the car clear of the track of construction and operation. A ma- n0, about big things, but about lesser self-made min. he says. I. onen in fish covered with a copper lid ls used a series of spools, th current cylin- for the next experiment. Placed on the ders of the preliminary experiments. And such ls the model. Of course, the woman wh0 doM not decelv her hue- about something. I can t help Portrait of i A pathologist i Nrlf-Madfl Mai. of standing Inveigh curtained off In green balse In a set- reveals the principle of the levitated ' . hMdina-it there. Trv chine may work perfectly, yet may be ones. I tell John the absolute truth, the procees or degeneration, and tne m.Btlt boating in th. air th. attraction of as you will, you cannot force the steel so expensive that it cannot compete. lf h. .cold. me I take It. for I have J rat ''"" " "'""l ... r magnetic chelet makes tube back on the track. from the economical point of view, with been acold.d all my life. But th. other y the selfishness snd meaanea. or . . . ... wnlnh narhana man InnV IW nntlrail Ml Hd OH ml til Cunning, Now mat tne train is suspenaea ana ouiw ,....u . iii, a , - - - vartre and moral gull. ting that ls peculiarly suited to the train. inaauesiaupa Ol a- mystery, wnen ywu .cij uuo ,a wmtnai " u-.euw . . . i,. ,v ,l, .u - ....b .i. . . , . .t anfl gravity Is overcome. M. Bachelet makes tube back on tne traca. .pass the curtain your eye is first attraction. Reverse that principle and '"'"' . . . t . . . caught by what looks like th. model you understand th. lifting of the alum- o such claim rn ract, n. e Pains .w ta. - ertor mechanlcaHy. Or. on th. other ".t of th.m are living separated from by which h. self-mad. man section of th. elevated railway lnum disk. It ls what might be called aT:u"""? ri. T TCLZ T.allT V" " ,T. " 7 . tm. i. tt mav achieve a result which ls their hirsbands. divorced or the two are In amassing a fortune mr nia etui more " - - . . .kilj... a . .. . . . I ureDrni viniuirii iw a 1 u ,,, a ' ' atoa.4 of tha orrtinarv enirln. and line nf terms hut It describes the force em- no curroui j auna.ja """"'"" " ' . ... - .1 -. -.v. Ki. t n. tti inv thlnaa atralaht In the fylng their selfish desires. There Is 0 - . . ,tAa ' .Iv.n. rararrj,. . n . . .-a ifa rtr n Tf haH Anan Tni It V DO L M C 1 CI HI c " " "V . i . iV ,,uc. - " of a 00 . track?'n- m-petlc pulsion. This Is a Paradox - constant. Two complished by th. aid of electro mag- unattainable by other mean, and which indifferent stead of the ordinary engine and line of terms, but it describes the force em- lno ... . ... . . . , - h. thar.tnra wnrth -oAhiia to nav when we l of car there rests twhat might be moved. When the repellant current Is weighing machines already rererred to, net soionoias or arcnes wmcu span . " nthina- 1. worth lying about snothrr side to th. matter, snd the aluminum frame of th. model of turned into the spools, try as you like " " ... . - - . that tha in.i.iiatinn of the Truth mav hurt, but It Is a healing saw it wnen ne sam mar in man wo . aubmarlne. you cannot press the aluminum plate In each seal, tray a weight or six superstructure . q rd levitated system would be expensive, agent. A lie 1. an add that corrodes, h.d acquired wealth .omM In.l.t on At on. .nd of th. room a girl, of down upon It. What feels like a cushion pound. Is pUc.d, which register, on th. thta magnetic.drag and 1. pulled toward ;Md .-.J Could Jui I thing that undermine, and threatens, having hi. .on. educated, and thu. he tvnlcal American Brettiness. sits be- of compressed air seems to resist yoar dial of th. separate machines. The th. arcnes. .Jfc..(j -.rfn ,. w.rf ui .i.avs In the nd. would become th real founder of a aa . , a . a. .laa,. na. Va fha A t Pi A r TIB.IIKAS fla.Cn lITu It IB U- 111 J lt -"."""t " a- - r . . a. .laai.laaT Irehknaei) a.iAl mm AVafV BTTtYrT. RCH.1B LTC V 9 tfO V-, UUO UvW" -D im nsfld to control tha llehta of a. tha- It has been discovered by M. Bachelet other. The mya TZJZ toaUcaVy de-eneIxed In But Bachelet ha. proved bv exp.H- And .Ilk. mura.r. it wi.l out r.rfect Uml.y.. gprlDgdeld tala.s.) Bepubllc.a. j