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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1909)
SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER . 24, 1909. ' " 1 I " : " t RKAL TAT! DEALERS. T CAX HIATR REAL ISTATB. I X KW TUIMT. 1 A X. I -T X IT xwax. I I - I UoniM 518,000 Strfetly mod em dwelling in choice neighborhood on VJl-st Side, within 5 min utes' walk of postofi'ioo. Terms. 6,250 9-room house, lot 10(lx 123 feet, rear Jefferson High School. S4,750 Up - to - data bungalow, with full lot; large rooms and except ionall y well built; 1 block from Hawthorne-avenue car. J? 3,200 6-room bungalow. .Hast Side, new and modern; easy tonus. $2,So(V 7-room dwelling near Walnut Park; exception ally easy terms. If you are looking for a bargain, a-,k us about this. Call on us for investments, warehouse i sites and business property. If you have a little money to invest, put it in Peninsula lots. We have some bargains. FOR RENT Four large stores, with Sfood basement room; also basement barber shop; modern building; Sec- ond and Yamhill. 3-6tory building, with 7 stores and 96 rooms upstairs, steam heated, electric lighted. Will lease .for a term of years. Jackson S Deerino 246 Stark St. Phones Main A 3457 If you will take the Montavilla ear and go to JONMRE Yon will eee one of the prettiest .additions in tho city. Ask the residents whv they bought in jinn We will give you the ame easy terms and help you own a lot for your future home. GEO.D.SCHALK 264 Stark St. Main 392, A 2302 QUICK SALE PRICE $6300 This is a choice investment. Yearly income $660 i Tbi has never been offered for less than $6750. The owner needs money, so this bargain price. PORTLAND TRUST COM PANY OF OREGON S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. $57,500 Three-story brick, with good, income, on Grand avenue. Terms. $26,000 Quarter block, Grand avenue and . Taylor st. Terms. $16,300 Quarter block, Union avenue. Terms. I have several other good investments in business property; also residence property. Main 3675, A 1213. WELDONDARLING 618 Board of Trade Vancouver Electric Fine investment on new Vancouver electric) line. 9UVa acres fine deep black soil, 10 blocks from station. Fine for subdivision, lies perfectly level. Price $110 per acre. Terms. 12 miles from Portland. "C" CHAPiN &HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce A CHOICE INVESTMENT FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY $i;00 100x125. on 24th St.; splendid locality for flats or apartment-house. OTTO HARKSOX, 11S3V Klrst Mrtrl. IRVINGTON Choicest unimproved quarter block In Irvlnsrton -without exception: lur- j rounded by fine homes with latere j around. Ask for price and particulars. stro.-vq t ro, FlunHat A seat a. 605 Concord Bide. Half-Mile River Front A Beantlfol Pleee for Ptartlac 25-mlnute ride from center of rtty. For termi and particulars address XHB Dmjr.lAWRK(11 to, . SaS Alan Btreeb WASHINGTON STREET 100x100 corner, $175,000 100x100 corner, $150,000 50x100 close in $60000 Tenth Street 50x100, Corner, near Burn side st., some income, $21000 Apartment House New, West Side, pays 10 per cent net on purchase price, or 15 per cent net on cash re quired. Some income. Price, $20,000 Grand Avenue Corner Belmont $35,000 Quarter block. Have a client who wishes someone to pur chase this property and erect a $40,000 building. Will take a ten-year lease at 8 per cent on the total in vestment, clear of all charges. Sixteenth Street Corner, 100x100, near Thur man, worth $26,000 "You'll have to hurry," as it is a great bargain. . Some income. Investment or spec ulation, $22500 4 New Flats Corner, 7th st., near Har rison. Strictly modern. Rents $1500 yearly.. Price, $14,500 Russell Street Between Williams and Union aves. 50x145. Buildings leased to large corporation, term of years, $100 per month.. Price, $10000 23d Street near Washington apartment-house site in Portland's most fashionable district. Extends through block to Cornell Road. Near ly two lots. Will pay 14 per cent NET when properly im proved. $18000 Washington Street Full lot, 50x100, near 12th. Will pay 8 per cent NET, if improved. A $32,000 build ing will rent for $750 monthly. $60000 GHsan Street near 20th, 100x100, corner; select apartment site, $24,500 . E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. $7500 Splendid lot, 60 by 100 feet; 7-room house, on TENTH Near Hall street. PARRISH, WATK1NS & CO. 250 Alder St. FACTORY SITE $G500 118250 South Portland. W. J. BAKER, ttxJ Board of I raj Bldg. FOR SALE BY Mall & Von Borstel UNION-AVENUE APARTMENTS Price $27,500 Income $215 Per Month Lot 60x100 and two three-story apartments, renting f'r $215 per month, situated on tho N. E. corner of Union eve. ni East Ankeny at. VV e can arrange terms. ' UNION AVE. AND E. COUCH ST. Lot 60x100, situated on the N. E. cor ner Union ave. and K. Couch Bt., having a frontaKe of 60 feet on Union ave. and 100 feet on E. Ooucli st. For price and terms see us. E. HARRISON-ST. INVESTMENT Price $8000 Quarter block, 100x100. situated on the N. E. coiner of E. th and Harri son fits. This property hus four build ing, renting for $60 per month. Terms. EAST MORRISON ST. We have 100x100 situated on the southwest corner of East Morrison and E. First sta. A fine corner for a hotel. For price and terms see us. GRAND AVENUE We have three of the cheapest quar ter blocks on this street. Call and see us and we will tell you more about them. EAST 8TH AND E. COUCH STS. Lot 50x100 and church building, sit uated on the southeast corner of East 8th and East Couch sts. For price and terms see us. A GOOD INVESTMENT EAST STARK STREET Price gGOOO Income $60 Per Month Lot 40x100 and two 6-room flats and one S-room cottage renting for $H0 per month; situated on the south side of E. Stark St., between E. 16th and E. 17th sts. A fine investment. Sea it. UNION AVE. AND E. IRVING SB. Price 15,000 Lot 100x75 on the southeast comer Union ave. and E. Irving- st. Terms. UNION AVE. AND E. DAVIS ST. Price $lG,SOO Lot 70x100 on the northeast corner Union ave. and E. Davis st. The prop erty has some income. It is a bargain. Apartment House Sites E. FIRST AND WASCO STS. Price $4750 Lot 60x100, situated on the 8. E. cor ner East First and Wasco sts. This price Includes hard-surface pavement on E. First St. Terms. EAST 12TH AND EVERETT STS. Price $6250 100x100 on the a. W. corner E. 13th and E. Everett sts. Terms. E. 11TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. Price $500O 100x100 on the R. W. corner E. 11th and E. 1' landers sts. Terms. E. 11TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. Price $5000 100x100 on the N. E. corner E. 11th and E. Flanders sts. Terms. E. 10TH AND E. FLANDERS STS. Price $5000 100x100 on the N. E. corner E. 10th and E. Flanders sts. Terms. EAST 10TH AND GLISAN STS. Price $6500 ISOxlOO on the S. E. corner E. 10th and E. til lean sts. Terms. EAST 11TH AND E. GLISAN STS. Price $550O 180x100 on the B. W. corner E. 11th and K. Glisan sts. Terms. " EAST 12TH ST. Price $5000 100x100 on the west side of E. 11th Ft., next to the corner of E. Ulisan at. Terms. HOMES EAST ASH-STREET HOME Price $3250 Lot 46x100 and new 6-room house, being No. ssl E. Ash t- Terms. EAST 34TH-STREET HOME Price $3550 Lot 60x100 and modern new 6-roora house, being No. 836 E. 84th st. This Is a beautiful home. See It. Terms. HANCOCK-STREET HOME Price $450O Three lots, 50x100 each, and modern 6-room house, being No. 1322 Hancock St., 8. E. corner E. 46th St. We can make terms. HANCOCK-STREET HOME Price $3500 Lot 60x100 and new modern i-room home, being No. 13S4 Hancock St. Terms. CLACKAMAS-STREET HOME Price $4800 Lot 60x122 and modern 6-room house, being No. s39 Clackamas st near E. 36th et. We can arrange terms. BELM0NT-ST. BARGAIN Lot 40x138 and new 6-room cottage, being No. 713 Belmont st. This Is a bargain, the lot facing both East Mor rison and Belmont sis. Hard-surface pavement on Belmont st Price, 63600. Terms. TEN-ROOM HOUSE Price $5250 100x100 and 10-room house, in fine condition, newly painted and papered throughout. Cost of the house was over $5000. Terms, $1000 down, balance to suit purchaser. EAST ASH-ST. HOME . Price $4500 Lot 60x120 and 6-room modern 'cot tage, with a beautiful lawn: lots of fine shrubbery, roses, fruit trees; sit uated No. 673 East Ash St., between E. 16th and E. 20th sts. Terms. BASE LINE ACREAGE We have for sale in this desirable lo cality 86 acres of highly Improved land at a price far below any on the mar ket. A splendid investment for those who have the means to handle It. In vestigations solicited. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St., Lumber Exchange Bldg. Hood River Orchard It will be of Interest to any one contemplating investing In the Hood River apple district to see us about an orchard we have for sale, four miles out from town. If you are In earnest and want eomething good In this line we can be of service to you. KNAPP SMACKEY U and 318 Board of Trade Building MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGES Any amount. Current rates of Interest. Special arrangements on large loans on Inside business property. Loans made for private investors. REDD et I'll WAN, 37 Csutmher of Commerce Alain Siti. , Andrews. F. V. tc Co. M. 8849. 80 Hamilton bid. Bakir. Alfred A., 2U Ablngton bldg. JWk. William O . S12 Failing bldg. Blrrell. A. H. Co.. 202-8 McKay bid. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker Benedict, 602 McKay bldg. M. 610. Chapin Herlow, RSI Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. A Co., 6i3 Corbett bldg. Fields, C. B. A Co., Board of Trade bldg. Jennings & Co., Vain 188. 2O0 Oregonlan. Parrlsh, Watklns A Co.. 250 Alder St. Schalk. ' Geo. ' D.. 264 Stark St. Main or A Sharkey, J. P. A Co., Wit Sixth st. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (riolladay Addition). Walker. S. T, 6"4 C"rbett bldg. ' RKAL ESTATE. For Sile CHOICE EAST FRONT LOTS. Including cement walks and ourbs. and graveled streets, only $700; 1100 cash, balance $15 per month; discount for half cash. Ixits In the Rossmere section of Rose City Park district, one block frum car. right near Laurtdhurst, bare lots coating 1 j oo to S13i0. SEABERG (care Elton Court). Phone Private Exchange 48, or A 2770. GRAB THIS. $40l for A BrsiNBsa lot On the West Side. In a good, live, growing district; lot BOx Jno, with, all hnrrov-enients In and DflM; abatraot and beet of title: will take down and two yeans on baittnee, or dis count for cajsh. (See this tnaay.) FRANK L. MoGUIRH. Main 62(U. S18 Board of Trae. A PS0S. ALL I want Is a chance to prove to you that I have the bnt and cheape. building lous la the following additions: Vernon. JOHN Ina i'ark. Lester Park. B. K hprta, A! Heights. M ATTIfEWfl, Hiciilnnd. 722 Cham, of I'om. and 27th and Alberta. 11C0 CASH will give you a clear title to 2 lots, corner, btst residence section of Going ., all beautiful homos adjoining, building restrictions; ti:i corner is absolutely $400 cheaper than you can buy adjoining. This la a great big snap. Owner muat have money at onoe. See JOHN U. MATTHEWS. Offlcea 722 Cham, of Com., and Cor. 27th and Alberta. WKHT 1DE HOME SITES. We have two nice lots in North Port land; one is 30x100. price iJOOP; the other SOxlrO, J2S0; these are both good """PORTLAND TRI7ST COMPANY OF OREGON. 6. K. Cor. Third and Oak Ss. HKRE3 IS A PoSTITrvE BARGAIN . I own a corner In Sellwood. 150x128. lylnff high, whtch I will let go to a cuju buy,.r at a big - reduction from Its actual market value. I am not in the real estate busi ness and thrs la no real estate fancy tale; what I want Is the money. F 45tf, Oregonlan. UNWN AVENUE. 2S0O Very desirable lot, 50x100. 80 feet from corner Sktdmore. Fine busl-. nefc Improvements surround this property. Tarms If desired. A. H. BIRKhlLL CO., 22 MuKay Bldg., Sd and Stark. TUB ONLY ONE LEFT. We have that beautiful building lot. corner of Haiuook and liast 44th at., price $100"; llOt) down, balance $lr ptr month. PORTLAND Tlil'ST COMPANY OF OKKGON. S E Cor. Third and Oak Sts. IK3N'T BE Y.REAL, ESTATE. Will real estate d'.ut: In Portland each eonsecul' year? It will not. but our propositlfa .will; an annual income as great as vour investment assured; write for details. R 4': Oregonlan. WKPT PARK CORNER Jackson st. The only park corner on the market. ."Tothlng better for apartment site, and the best buy In the city for lt.r00. Vai)duyn fc Walton, 616 Chamber of Commerce. EAST IDB APARTMENT SITE. Quarter block. 3 blocks -s-3" car, fine neighborhood, eayt and south frcnl; owner will sell for short time on terms; price 42O0. S. T. WALKE1R, 604 Corbett Bldg. t CHOICE, SIGHTLY VIEW LOTS. West side of Mount Tabur, E.- 62d St., near Main, only 1776. 10 per month. SEABERG (care Elton Court.) Phone Private Exchange 4S or A 8770. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. At- a sacrifice, 50xlo0. view corns, near car; $lrtoo. part cash. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. 2 CHOICE. HIGH. DRY LOTS. IMvlsion and K. 24th sts., only $550; easy terms; discount for half cash. Phone SEABERG (care Elton CourO- Private Exchange 4S. or A 2770. EAST MADISON ST., west of 2Mh. almost a W block; splendid surroundings, it's yours for'i.'iOUO; part cash. Ttua la away under price. J. K. STIPE. 720 Chamber of Commerce. 2 IRVINGTON lots, suitable for Immediate building, near 23d and Knott and Broad way car; must be sold at osce. For particu lars call ob Jas. C. Logan. Wash, at., room 404. GLEN HARBOR Sower aud water In; all desirable lots sold; will eell mine, the pick of the entire tract; manilioent panorama of rivers and mountains. $725; terms. Telephone, Tabor 8b2. FOR 6ALHL 6-acre tract, nicely siteated just east of Country Club near Mouuivllla caxline, at a bargain. F. W- TOROLSR, 108 Sherlock Bldg. HALF ACRE, North Laurelhurst. restricted neighborhood, city nawr, Improved street, cement walk, lies high, genuine bargain at 1500; terms. Phone Tabor 431, B 2oso. IRVINGTON LOT, 17TH ST., BARGAIN. Choice location, all Improvements In, $400 below value surrounding lots. Owner, East 63oS. 204 McKay bldg. SNAP For sale new addition; want 125 men to buy 120 lota, good location. Inside city limits. Cheap en time. Keep, 203 N. Mora t., Arlela. GOOD buy In Roesmere, aig-htly location, concrete walks; easy terms. Owner, 202 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 3KOO. CHOICE lot In Elmhurst, fcelow market f trice; easy terms. See owner, 803 Swet and bldg. Phone Main SUdO. NICE lot with small house In Kern Park. iKH; $20O cash wanted. S2S Board of Trade bldg. 12O0 BUYS a beautiful half block in Wood stock near car: terms. Owner, room 402 Lumber Exchange bldg. FINE corner view lot. 52x144. in restricted district, beet of improvements. AX 430, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE View of city and Valley, re stricted district; flne residence site, $3000. Purse, 816 Chamber of Commerce. A DANPY bargain; lot worth $1000 (12600 re striction), S7GO, $300 Ctih, teraus. Phone Sellnood C41. CHOICE lot, E. Burns'.de, 42ViXll2; cement walk, graded at., $260. W. J. Day, 210 Henry bldg. li BLOCK. 100x200, high and sightly g-round. with several beautiful natural trees; $11160. See owner. 410 Falling block. FOR SALE at a bargain, by owner. I well located lots on Peninsula; terms. Ad dress X 4bS, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON Choice lot, near rarllne, $850; this week only. AN 4SO. Oregonlan. BY OWNER Lot 40xlOO EL Davis, near tX ISth St., $15O0. ts caah. Phone E. 1301. THREE lots In Irvington Park, $700. ..Phone Tabor .873. ONE fine view lot on Council Crest. $S00 cash. Inquire Srti Yamhill t. 'Lot 40X1OO. 11th St., West Side; for flats or apartments. X 473, Oregonlan. KENTON residence lots, close to car, cash or Installments. AC 4 All, Oregonlan. BARGAIN Must sell today, contract on lot 60x100. 13 479. Oregonlaa. NEEIT monev oulck. 100x100 correr, $600. Phone Main 305. 600 Front st. 2 LOTS for $700 in Vernon; good terms. Owner. A oar. 1150 East 19th St. North. TWO lots, Rose City Park, at cost, by owner. K 4S4, Oregonlan. SNAP Rose City Park, 100x100, lots. $ti25 each; terms 302 Swetland bldg. Main 30. TWO good Iota en St. Johns carllne, cheap u4 eet eaa- eertaa. 1M oai4 C Xravde. For Sale Lota. f fa's l-ois. I S- , $350. WEST SIDE VIEW LOT. ON HEIGHTS. 60x108 lot on $c carline. 15 minutes' ride from business oenter, with an unsur passed view; price $850; this price In cludes sidewalks, curb, graded streets and large water main: will take $50 down and J10 per month or discount for cash; complete abstract and ctaar title. (See ma today). FRANK L. M'OtTIRE. 618 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 5264. A 6203. RESIDENCE LOT. SOO buys a full-siie lot SfxliTO feet, earn front, choice location. East 21st street, svmth of Hoiladay ave.; improved street and cement walk. It is clone in and Is on absolute bargain. Tin neigh borhood is select and well built up v ith modern homes. JaMES J. FLYNN. 512 Chamber of Commerce. THERE are now something like one score and five homes buiPding and built at WESTMORELAND. Thlre are gotng to be still more soon. Is yours to be among them? If you want to see the most rapidly developed homesite prop erty see WESTMORELAND. Truly, great things have been done. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. GO down to the Peninsula and look at the activity In this great industrial center; on your wav back stop and look at Swlnton. We are between this activity and Portland. Agent on the ground. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg. $2.100 $200 down and $25 a month; mod ern cottage, ready for occupancy in two weeks; iarge reception hall, extra large porch, fireplace, bookcase, double floors; cement basement; in fact, every conven ience; on Base Line road (the flnest drive in Portland) Lot 50x100. A, N. Searla, E. 76th and E. Gllsan, M-V car. Office open Sunday. Come, rain or shine; I have oovered auto. Phone Tabor 1440 HERE is an Ideal lot for your home with an east front, flne view of Mount Hood; it's on Eawt 4.ith. between Hancock and Broadway; price only 70O If taken this month. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. LOTS FOR SALE. 100x100. about S blocks on Montavtlla car. close to West avo., t)00; $ l.0 casn, 210 monthly. 100x100 in Rose City Park. 100-ft. ol earline: S1300. 100x100. on oorner, 20 ft. Sellwood oar, close to Westmoreland; $1200. 2bd!ia Washington., Room 407. LAURELHURST. We are prepared to sell lots and Quar ters In this beautiful addition at first prices, which are bound to inorease In value very rapidly as development pro gresses. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8009, A 2003. IRVINGTON QUARTER 100x100 on corner K. 28d and Knott sts.; flne view of mountains, paved streets. 1 block from car, price for Immediate sale, $1360; terms. H. P PALMER-JONES CO., 212-218 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main SbOS. A 2603. NEW MAP 9. 1. Latest map of Portland, Or, giving new additions, eleotrto lines, etc. 2. 26-miie circle of Port:and surrounding giving township, ranges and section num bers, new eioclrlc lines and railroad, etc Price. 60 oents each. Send stamps. The Croesley Co.. 709 Corbett bldg. ONLY $40 CASH BUYS -Full 45x100 lot, on graded street, city wa ter (In and paid), cement walk and curb bonded, near good carline and 10 min. ride from bridge; bal. of $335 payable $10 monthly This Is your chance. Complete abstract, perfect title. Call at once, 616 Ablngton Bldg. MT. TABOR LOT CHEAP Full 50x100 on paved street, walk in; Just one block north of Mt. Tabor car on Central ave. Our sign is on lot. Will sell this lot for $K). All Improvements paid. This is the cheai-est buy in Portland. HE1LMAN & LATHROP, ulo-618 Abington Bldg IRVINGTON" LOT. $1200 50x100. several feet above grade, on paved street, 8 blocks from car; the cheapest good lot In Irvington; price $1200; terms. H. P PALMER-JONES CO., 112-21S Commercial Clu Bldg. Phones: Main 8699. A 2653. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, lew lot 60x112, surrounded by fine homes, all improvements in, one block from car: price $3000. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., . 212-213 Commercial Club Wdg. Phones Main b9J, A 20.'3. BEAUTIFUL RIVERDALB. Country home siteH consisting of 1 or more acres; unsurpassed view of river, city and mountains; most exclusive residence section of Portland. F. C. Graham. 827 C. of C. JONESMOKE. Lots ore 60x100. sidewalks. graded streets. Bull Run water, good oar service; a few lots left at $50. CEO. D. SOHALK, Main 8U2. A 2S92. 264 Stark St. BUY A LOT. Where the restrictions will make It in crease In value: look at Jonesmore. on the Montavilla carline. GEO. D. 6CHAI-K. Main 82. A 23U2. 2b4 Stark St. LOTS FOR SALB. Two nice lots. 100 feet from Sellwood carline on South ave., 50 by 100, can be bought on very easy terms; price $760 eaci. 609 Swetland Bldg. 2 CHOICE lots, tine location, price will sur prise you, cheap; S best new homes. 6. 8, 9 rooms, Irvington, Holladay Addition. M Ks.;i, C 1271, 600 Oregonlan bldg., W. H. Hprdman. SIX lots, unexcelled view of city, snow capped mountains and Tualatin Valley; the first lots selected on Council Crest; for eale at a great bargain by owner. 810 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 934. llgoo For eight fine building lots. In neigh borhood where thlncs are moving, and only four blocks from carllne. J. M. FRENCH & CO.. 412-413 Ablngton Bldg.. lOG1 Third St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT At a sacrifice: 60x100, view corner, near car; $1K0. part cash. HARTMAN THOMPSON. v Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE BY OWNER. .Choice business corners and desirable residence lots on carllne. In center of pro gress town. Mrs. Knowles. Oak Grove, on Oregon City carllne. FOR SALE: Full let. V4 block from Broad way St., 2 blocks from river; 5-room cot tage, $3600; terms. Owner. V 4, Ore gonian. g-lfiivu 100x100 on 25th, near Nioolal, right in terminal district. $750 6'ixlOO near Swlnton and car. THOS. M'CUSKER, 206 Corbett Bldg. HAWTHORNE-AVE. building lots, our prices $S0O to $800 each, easy terms; it will pay to see us before you buy In this district. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. 4 LOTS 100x 200, with 4-roonwd cottage and 3-roomed cottage; ground all In garden and fruit; $2200. Call 410 Falling block. THREE FULL LOTS, few blocks from Clinton-Kelly school; price $o00 each. Lang Hill Land Co., 414 Ablngton bldg. BARGAIN. Irvington corner. 100x100. $.i0; $1600 cash, time on balance. su2 6wetiand bldg. Main 3UdO. IZ,I4) 60x100 near Hawthorne avenue, choice residence district G 4i0, Orego nlan. NICE lot 2".x90, Union ave., not far from Alberta! fa6; terms. CULVER. 023 Chamber of Commerce. LOT 60x90. above grade; terms; Sunnyside. 2 blocks from Belmont; $760. Phone even ings. B 1673. $60 BUYS equity In 60x100 corner lot on Williams ave. and Pippin st. Call East FULL lot north Thurman on 25th St., Port land, to be sacrificed; must sell. 503 2d ave. North, Spokane, Wash. - 6 LOTS at SWlnton, 1 et Elmhurst: ea-oy terms; also swellest bungalow on West Side. Inquire owner mornings, Se4 College. GLEN HARBOR full lot, streets graded, half cash, balance eafy terms. Phone M. 6174. 10-12 A. M. Sunday. $lOO0 BUYS two beautiful corner lots, fine iiumi mc JUi 4U, OregnnlHn. PERSONALLY. I can't understand why so many people nuni inwe ,-uiuiun u.ti every day of the week, day in and day out, time after time, looking for a place to Invest their money. Apparently, they are looking for a good buy. they want a piece of property that is going to advance In price, or they want to buy a homesite and build. Why do they go to the classified columns for it? Why do they seek to patronize some one that Is not thoroughly satisfied with the property they are trying to sell? Why do they go to the disgruntled Indi vidual? Why don't they go to headquar ters? Why don't they go to some one whose experience In selecting guod prop erty has been broad and whose Judg ment is sound? I can't see. Can you? Columbia Trust Company offers OLMSTED PARK es one of the beet buvs in the city today. OLM STED PARK Is the center of a beautiful picture. Its high 2M feet above the city. Home building has already started and some fine examples will soon be completed. Only 28 additional lota will be sold at present prices. This is the lime to buy. OLMSTED PARK lies just northeast of Irvington. between E. 20th and E. 33d. Home-builders may hear of a special In ducement bv calling at our office. SEE OLMSTED PARK TODAY. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg. I AM HUNGRY; I NEED MONEY. What are 18 lots worth on side track two miles from center of city? Un doubtedly cheap at $1000 each. Should sell for manufacturing sites from $2000 to $.1000. I will soil the whole lot for $7J0(i. , - Also modern 8-room bungalow. Includ ing billiard-room, 8 lots, barn or garage, many trees, beautiful grounds, two blocks from carline. Portland Heights, $10 000. Will consider part trade. Phone Main S4M. Owner. 023 Board of Trade. LNOTHER great big industry has bought acreage within 2tio0 feet of SWINTON Swinton gets the benefit. We've got Swift and Schwarsschlld and Sulzberger we will soon have Armour and Cudahy and SWINTON prices still remain the same. Lots $275 end up. Vl.-lt SWINTON today. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPA-NT, Board of Trade Bldg. 100x100. CORNER, close in. East Side, busl-' ncss location. 100x100, corner, West Side, apartment ""rti-cioo, beautiful site, Irvington. . 60x100, fine building site. King s Heights. 4o.t.10. walking distance. For price and terms see ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade Bldg. SNAP. NOTICE THIS. 74x100 feet, being the southeast corner of E. 2Sth and Kivut sts only $ ltiDO. OLUMmA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bldg.. S &4 Fourth St. BEAT THE CARS Electric line will lie in operation Nov. 16 bet. Vancouver and Siftu, come in and see Dints of new towiuute and ad joining garden tracts; prices will Jump sure when cars start. NOW IS TIME TO RUY. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 82-33 Lalavette lildg., Washington and Sth Phone A 73- 100x100 IN Woodstock, within blocks of car, only $o5d. High, sightly lot in Beaverton Height, near inr; only $4W; these are both good. PORTLAND TRUST OUMPANi' Oi' ORKGON. S. K. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. VACANT LOT SPECIALTIES oOxloil, corner. East 2Stu and Wash.$2fMo 60x100, Ainswortb ave., 6 blocks car..$ KuU 6oloo. Rose City Park, Hi blocks car $.-o looxloo, E. Side, 3 bio. Its car. close in. !1L0 50x100, E. Side, near Stark, close In. $1000 These are ail desirable for investment or building sites. I control them all -and can niake terms. S. T. WALKliK, 604 Corhett Bldg V BLOCK UNION AND WILLIAMS AVES. Owner must sell; has bought farm; will sell very cheap this quarter block oc Going et between William., and Union; splendid place for four huu-3 or flats. This l the cheapest 'a out Williams avenue way. 1 rice osiy $26K). HEILMAN & LATHROP. 616-516 Ablngton Blqg. HAVE for sale cheapest lot In beautiful Pros pect Park, close In. restrictions, etc.; party muft ee.!L Last chance at thla price. Lots increasing in value every day. ROB CITY RE1ALTY & IXV. CO.. 515 Lumber Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE, CHEAP Fine block, S. E. eor. 23d and Wilson; also 25x100 Thurman St., bet. 22d gnd 2.Sd. 748 Raleigh st. phono SOW Main. For Sale Houses. ARB you looking for a home? I have what you want. One six-njm modern. $;ouo; one T-r-ium modern, $.:76o; one b room mod ern Jiliioo; one S-room modern, $!-ijoo. The above are all new and modern, oak-flnltfhed ; line locations; some cash and very easy terms. Call me up. East 8. C l!'!i:i. Will be pleased to show lliem. Office East 16th and Haleey sts. J. E. Dolen. WE RECOMMEND THESE AS BARGAINS. Small house, ooxloo: 'io0, cash or terms. 4 rooms. M, acre; $, 10 cash, $5 mo. 4 rooms, looxloo; $120; $75 cash. $10 mo. 6 roome, OoxloO: $1600. $loo ca-h, $10 mo. 6 rooms, ltxixiso; $170, $1')0 cash, $16 mo. AMERICAN TRUST CO., 200 Chamber of Commerce. n'.VlNOTON HOME. Kew 8-room house of excellent design and taste and superior construction; two fire places, large sleeping balcony; every possi ble convenience; an excellent place; price $7rOO. including hard-surface street. E. J. DALY, 222 Falling bldg OWN a rretty little home on East Salmon St.. close in, lot nearly 6o by luO deep, which may be had by a cash buyer at a big cut. Less than $16ih cash will handle the matter. If you have the money and Intend buing, kok Into this at once, as my price will sell It at eight. F ISi. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON A nice 6-room cottage with fine basement, plumbing, gas, etc.; line oOxHX) lot with beautiful shrubbery and fruit trees; Improvements In and paid for; price $3f.o0 net $16u0 cash. bal. 3 years, 7 per cent; no agents. Call C 1200. This place le with in walking distance. FOR CRD TO SELL Nice, new. modern 6-room onttaze on cor rer lot. near Piedmont car barns; must soli Monday eure. Price $2::75. Terms on part. BRONG-STEELB CO., 110 Second St. 6ox52H. CORNER of First and Meade ets.. with fine 7-room house, for only $46"0; Just think of It, but It must be old, and there you are; V, cash. C. F. J'fluger & Co.. . rooms 4-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrls-m sta NEW modern house. 6 large rooms, flne bathroom, Dutch kitchen, electric llirht and gas. cement basement, lot 50x100. near Hawthorne ave.; price $2300; very easy terms; owner leaving city. 151 16th St. Main 6807. EY owner, new 9-roora house, beautiful ground aad view of city, King's Heights, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, reasonable price, easy terms. W 4-Sri, Oregonlan. $3."..V A bWUU. new home to be sold at a sacrifice because of the death of the head of the family. $700 caeh, $30 month. Rabb & Patton, &o 5th st. $li,000 Whole block, close In; 5 cottages on property; Income. $73 month; manu facturing and stable sites. East Side; terms. Owner. Fuhr. 3S7 East Burnsido. SNAP 5-room cottage, full lot. walking dis tance, only $1600. Must sell. H. Hatrteld, I6014 4th st. 6-ROOM house, lot 60x100, on St. Johns carllne; bargain at $1200; $300 down. $10 month. 411 Swetland bldg. 5-ROOM house and H lots. 50x100. $HinO; must be sold In three cays. Phone Main 8:12. 80 LEVEL acres, 40 In grain, 1ft open tim ber, pasture, on Solem line, near river; $125 an acre. A 4ti, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL brand new $:I25 piano only $256; $15 down and $3.75 monthly. E. B. Hyatt. 850 Alder st. AN attractive home, close In, every modern convenience, 2 fireplaces, den. lawn and roses. Inquire of owner. B 2746. ONLY $1700. 5-room house, modern, graded streets, sidewalks, close In. extra bargain. D. H. Smith & Co.. 523 Lumber Exchange. ON'B 6-room cottage In Upper Alblna for sale bv owner. 374 2d at. C, Hansen. , Main 2220. IRVINGTON Splendid buy for home or In vestment: terms to suit; must be sold at once. Phone East 334. MY HOME. 7SC E- Taylor St.; leaving town. IT. C. Cixaham, & C of C EXCEPTIONAL RESIDENCE BUYS. SSjOO Willamette Heights; very desirable- rooms, built 5 years; modern. 7,XK WUlemtte Heights; very deslr-sa-ble; rooms; built four years; modem; ground 75xlo0. g,j0oo Willamette Heights; bungalow, rooms and 2 in attic; ground 60x100. $7110 Willamette Heights; flne home, 7 rooms, puiit 5 years; modern: flne view. The chief features of these flne homes, desirable ond attractive surroundings, re stricted district, built tinder close supervi sion for comfort and refined taste, all within 1 and 2 blorks of "W" carllne. See A. H. BIKRELL CO., 22 MuKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. ELEGANT NEW IRVINGTON HOME. Choicest location; very large rooms, large inclosed sleeping balcony and chil dren's nursery; separate bath and toilet for servants; 3 lavatories; bardwood floors, plate-glass windows, pullr-in buffet, ice refrigerator, clothes and dust chutes, finished basement and attic; entire ar rangement and finishings very artistic; wide bitullthlc street; 1 block from street car; $;0o0; terms. P 481. Oregonlan. $900 IRVINGTON HOME $900. Beautiful new modern 7-room house, built by day labor; boamed ceilings; pan eled woodwork; fireplace; large living room; Dutch kitchen: screen porch; larga front porch, with stone pillars; hardwood floors; full cement basement, furnace, built-in mirrors and drawers, large, light closets, linen closet, cement walks, an Ideal modern home. The price Is $5000. Terms, fUl'O cash, bal. like rent. We own this and you pay no commissions. This Is $1000 cheaper than any similar house In that restricted district. Come In and let us talk with you about It. MITCHELL s CO, 420 Swetland Bldg. JUST HALF A BLOCK FROM HAW THORN E. $20400 $200 down. $15 per mouth; this price is very unusual for a 5-room bun galow and you had better soe it at onoe; uement floor lu basement, paneled dining room, fine pantry, nice den. every con venience. W. M Conklln & Co.. 407 Wells Fargo bldg. Main S6, A 1747, or 1 0 1 Hawthorne ave. Tabor $06. S.-4 $6"iO( TAKES dandy 7-room modern hous". more than common lot. shade; a beauty, facing south on fine street. And $S50ft. snap. In Irvington. A swell cor ner and fine house; elegant shrubbery; 0-room, perfectly modern, on car line. See us, . 1 CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce "V STOP THE RENT. Buy this Sunnyside bungalow, new and mod ern. 5 rooms, bathroom, pantry, attlo, norcheM. (lower porch, stationary tubs, full basement with cement floor, 50 feet fronting east. Ail this for S250 down, balance like rem. Buy from owner and save money. Call 361 Est SMth St., one block south of Hawthorne ave. " THESE ARE FINE. , 6- room home on E. Taylor; lot 50x100; modern plumbing, gas and electric Hgnt; price $4700. ... 1 7- room, East Salmon St.; thts Is a nice home; lot SiVxlOO; price 4160 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. R E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. HAWTHORNB AVB. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 3000 6-room. modern home; choice lot and surroundings. Hot-water system throughout. Electric light and gas. Be tween S8th and 31)lh sts. Built i years. See A H. BIRRELL CO.. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. GIVEN AWAY, $460. I will sell you modern 6-room house and 2 lots 40x100 each, 3 blocks from Hawthorne ave. for $2SO0; $500 cash, bal ance $20 per month. This property is worth now $.1250; must be sold at onoe. FRANK P. M'GUIRE, 618 Board of Trade. Main 6264. A 5203. WEST SIDE home, on Marshall St.; Pav,d stnet, everything modern and In A-l condition; price $90ihj. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E- Cor. Third and Oak Sis. HIGHLY IMPROVED HOME IN SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD. Splendid view of mountains ana rivers; beautiful. commodious, convenient, new; nicely imrroved grounds, lOOxloO fronting hard-surfaced street; price $20,000. Buyer see owner, 62 Corbett block. FOR BALE 4 lots on comer, one block from car all kinds of bearing fruit trees and tierrles, fine yard, convenient 7-room dwell ing, electric light, good plumbing, dry basement, small barn, excellent location for keeping cow and chickene; $5000. 35 East 61t. OWNER GOING EAST. Must sell liny nice 8-room furnished cot tage all new furniture, bath, paniry. large front porch, concrete basement 6( quarts canned fruit. 6 cords wood. Terms. In quire Owner, 1135 E. t. N-. Sis blocks north Alberts carline. THIS IS EASY BUY- IT. 6-room bungalow with basement; thorough ly modem, practically new. corner lot; tins location on East Side: price only $30y0, $5i. down balance only $15 a month; this must be eold right away. Voigt & Lewis. S-6V Washington St., room 2i4. WEST SIDE FLATS. . Near Montgomery, easy walking dis tance, leased to two tenants paving 19 per rent on pri-e which Is a snap st $50O. F. O. NORTHRUP, S15 Couch Bldg. 4th, Near Washington. Main 5M. A BARGAIN Pri.e reduced from $52.10 to $4606 for oclck sale of MlxlOO lot and modern house of seven roomB. situated on E. Taylor st near ltiih; terms. W. O. Waddel, 809 Lumber Exchange. FINE I'.TG MODERN HOfSE For enlv $40; cash $.ViO, balance terms: 7 rooms, reception hall and on a flne loox'.oo corner. Call and see photo at my fsre'T. WALKER. 601 Corhett Bldg. VPS Corner lot si", feet on Union ave.. 100 feet deep; price $2000. 2 flne cottages 1 block from Union ave; steady rentals: price $2700; monthly Income. $24. M 4S0, Oregonlan. BY OWNER On Mt. Scott carllne. corner Woodbine and N. Taylor sts.. 3 lots. 11 room house, barn, woodshed and ch! ken yard. Full on-hard. Hull Run water. A bargain. AB -476. Oregunisn. (.ROOM cottage in double lot, with brick basement, near Mt. Scett carlliw Will sell or exchange; price $Uui). Ask at Clark's greenhouse, or 250 First St. H. 1. Kaida. x-j-'io 6-rouma, new and modern; furnace; 'tine neighborhood; medium distance out; near good car service; $U,0 cash, balance li't per month and interest. Owner, AH 477, oregonlan. $0060 WILL pay for paved streets, cement walks, line vacant coiner, good l-rooiu house near high school, block MorriB.,11 car. walking distance. Owner, 165 E. 17th. BUNGALOW. Just finished and complete, lawn and light fixtures; beautiful home close In; a bargain. Owner, 405 Gerllnger i,Mg- KEARNEY St.; modern, new 7-room home. In the choicest part of the Nob Hill dis trict; $70uu. Full Information at 410 Fall: lng block. , BUNGALOW. $.1f0 cash, balance monthly, new. mod ern 6-room bungalow In walking distance. 510 Swetland bldg. TILLAMOOK-ST. HOMES. 8 houses on Tillamook, corner. 2 blocks west of Williams ave.; bargain for some one. Call 510 Swetland bldg. MAKE me an ofTer on good six-room house and lot In Sunnyside; will consider eaoy t'Tir.s; $1S rental. Call 1038 Belmont. HOME built to order on your own terms; satisfaction guaranteed under bond; In vestigate plan. R. C. Young, box 404. MODERN 11-room houso. suitable for rent ing rooms: paved street and best neigh borhood. Phone A 1678. NEAR new Jefferson High School, moderm. 6-rcom V'use, splendid location. Inqulre 1095 Maryland ave. Phone Woodlawn 60. FOR SALE By owner. the handsomest bunitalow In Irvington. 48 E. 20th sU North. Call and see It. NEW. modern houses. Holladay's Addition, R, B. Rice. 690 Wasco. Jjotll X house.