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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1909)
i . REAXi tTATE. "J ' ZZZH, I ' Kor Bale-K MUceUaneou.. I5.VXV For a beautiful residenr. mm '1 modern Improvement.. Including fur race, and wllh a .ightly location on a 9.1xl0-fot comer, on carllne, at XStn nil Belmont ts.; easy term. . $4or . A beautiful 8-room hnm'. prac tically new. all plastered and tinted: wash traa. fireplace, oak mantel. Dutch kitch en large porchea. cement bMumwt: 1 block from car. Offered at a sacrifice or will trade for anything you have to Ot'tvv0 A beautiful colonial home of S room, bath, electric lights, full ulc. largo lawn, flower., fruit, mc; quarter block of ground; 2 blocks of car line, stores, churches, etc. 2ino A beautiful 4-room bungalow; fir-n'.are. Dutch kitchen, basement, ce ment walk., etc.; 2 block of carllne; sightly location. UbOO 7-roora house and full lot on J7th at., close to Sunnyslde car: $20O down, balance Ilka rent. jlsVl Ft a 6-room cottage, all rur nlslied. ready to occupy; 5 blo.-k. of cur .n Ka-t Sl'le. close In; $200 down, bal ance lik' rent. THE PL'NN'-WWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder at. NOB HILL BARUAIN. y0n hujl a full-size l"t. mxion feet north front, with two dwelling. rooms, the other of 7 rooms. . ce alo r. Jt the money: choice location near 2id .t. Thi. I. a real barcaln and '"" of Immediate investigation; '. cash, bal anc at per rent. JOII1S i. H.YNN. 512 Chamber of Commerce. IT WH.L I'AY toi; TO INVKnTlUAI B llir-r- -Hr.Ort For an ail-modern, up-to-date S room house In West Irvimrton, on lit permanent walks, street, all in and Midi Xuil lot. with J1 kinds of shrub- or an Ideal all-modern housed 1. to W it, tnat is? a Udy really n, i- Z.Z . en. home, and It U aira up to her. . 412-418 Abington "Bld g.. 1Q6S, Third S d ERB are po.d on-, may 1-e one for jou. flne h-jme sites, look trem up Froadwny Addition. a-h .ou: 2 lots. K ay Addition, each W. S lots Hroada Addition, each JU: 2 lots, fcroadwaj A-d-tuon .each 12uo; 2 Halicoc k-reet Addition. 75v; 2 lot. HancoeK-strt Audi tion tnio 1 lot, Hancck-street Adiltion. ivlo; 5Tia. Irvrn.ton. 14.; 2 lote lrvlng ton JIBCO. The above lots are all tine i t ruiidlt.g or investments; mlW . se.l "JUKK tall on me or phone B Syo. O 1W3. Oft.ce 1lth and llulsey ste. J. i.. Uoien. riNE LARGE IRVINGTON KF.r-IDr.NCi. Owner unable to occupy: bui.t w.-h tK"t tvl. and nn:sh: 8 bedrooms. extraord.narll l.rge rooms, hardwood plate-glass wuiiows. msgnlfi.cht effect lor h-u lu Ufui all throughout: long, largo fleeplng porch: lit built to eell. but owner wll. e-.l a- 'tuai cost; In the prettiest part, on h tld N can give Immediate j-jssess-ion: price ery cheap. NooO: all '"'Pro'''""..'"! will not build If vou see this place. Toone Zaat or B 1N4 for particulars LOW TRICE EASY JEKMS BEAT.-TIFTTL SHINGLED BUNCALOW. eew. roonui. best finl.-.h. basement, attic, fireplace, seat, b.okcass. bunvt. In.uld floore. best plumbing, double conrtructw.n; east-front lot 6"ilW: Ate rcw and neigh borhood: building restrictions: cem-nt walks. Mid; go see it today; H block south Rose Cltv-Belle Crl carilse. on Linda Vista ave. Sth .); kiw prlc. to person meaning tniilnesst Owner. SM'i -Wash. t, room 04. ; KILLIN-GSW-OHTH AVE. KNAP. Come. l-ok and be convinced that tun ! Is one of the best buys of the season. 1 Situated In a very desirable neighborhood. ; V, block from St. John carllne. 2 lots ..ox ( 30 each. 8-room bouse, all plastered. I Bull Run water and electric lights, 1 basement lx24, 14 bearing fruit trees; also .mail fruit, and roses all for 1 I750. Inquire of C. M. itlddler, 11.3 Detroit ave. ' BEST BL.T IN CtTT. Elegant 6 room bungalow, nardwonm ! floors. Dutch kitchen, beamed ceilings. buffet, fireplace, bookcase, seats, all fln- lehed In first-class style; corner lot. I I block north of Hawthorne ave.: street lm j provement all paid 330. Terma. bee iVDLTNOUAH MILL COKSTRUCTIOX CO.. East 8th and Madison sts. BlINQALOVT. -room bungalow on corner, wflern JJ very way. close to Kliool; l-'; f;'00 rash: H-roora bungalow on Laat Stark " ... close in; l-6M: JSOO cash, balance monthly; B-room bungalow on 1st St. close to Montavllla car. vr",.n,,n m' I ' em; 22SO; S3o0 cash, balance -' month. 2h6Vs "Waahlngton. Room 4Q7. 'OLiOf-E-1 BINUALOW. 120- Near E. 3d. up high and fine, good Vaca tion. 1 block from ear: large rooms, with 4 dormer mirrored dining-room door, nne flreplareei pretty oomblnation fixtures, laun- SrT- on. ath aid toilet; wlU sell thi. pretty i buncaiow on easy terms. HEILMAN t LATHROP, 6I6.-6I0 Abington Bdg. ! wwiorOR sale, by the owner, on corner lot close In on Broadway; built for a homo 'ean.ed celling in hall and dining-room, china closet and plate ?Yl. fine gas and electric Oxtures. farg. s'eerlrg perch. 2 toilets, double Mckts and Urge attic, basement and furnace and wash trays; terms, half cash. Phon. East 47t:8 after I P. M- - BBAVTT fl-room home, on "East 2Wh St.; modern plumbing, gas. electric lights, fur nace, fireplace, east front. Bee us lor "'PORTLAND TRfST COMPAXT OF Ol'.EOON. P E. Cor. Third and Oak St.. SAST BtTRNSTDB AND 20TH STREETB. 8-room modern house, furnace, cement laundrv trays, full cement floor In base ' ment, house Is nicely tinted, linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors; $4700. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bid.. Phones Main 8tVJ9. A 2:3. KEAT 5-room house, lot i:MW, highly cul tivated, electric light, 1M feet to car; till Thursday at I luVKX. w orth 14tK; see thi. Monday; good l-roonv house, Olad ston. ave.. .lion. 5 cash; 2 choice lots. S blocks from Rose city ar. only TCoo each, 1 per cent cash and 5 a month. J. J. MoCarthy, Abington bldg. .I-ROOM bungalow, near 'William, ave.. S blocks from car. new. modern, cemsnt baTnent: on lot 40xl0o; prlc. 3!Ju; terms 7.M cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 CommerOI Club Blrt. Phone. Main S4P0, A 21103. MODERN COUNCIL CREST HOME. East slope. 8 rooms, Dutch kltchem, beamed ceiling. 3 fireplaces, 1 furnace. 2 bath, and tolleta, sleeping porch Is .0 feet long, all enclosed with screen. $i0o0. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber Commerce. IWELX, B-room residence, lot Se-xlOO, In lnrlr.r ton extra well fliilehed. modern In .very way. Price JC300; terms. 6-room bungalow, modern. JPrlo. 850O cash, balance like rent. BARTLSTT REALTT CO., 611 OotnmerclaJ Bl.Vg-. 2d and Yamhill sts. SWELL HOME. Fin. 7-room house, everything modern, close to car and Killlngswortli ave., all Improvements In; S4U0; 6oO cash, bal ance month lv. 2S6' Washington, Room 40T. FT. OWN BEAUTIFUL LOTS IN IKVINO . v..,ii An either of theee lot to snilt you and sell to you "en term C. S But Jerworth Steversoa Co.. U Laiayette bid.. Main biia. ' BUNGALOW. Sunnyslde. 6 rooms, nicely flmshed. modern and new: space In atth: tn more roonia witn HU-ge - HftK): easy payment. CULVKR. -: Chamber of Commerce. nOO cash balance like rent, for "rood J minia and lot SuxJlOu, In central Alblne: pru e .wo. E- J. OBISEK. 221V, Morrison SI ilouo $V)0 CASH And ilfi per month take, a good -room house in firet-claes location, cloee In. It will pav you to see tilts. C. R. Lucas, Cor bet! bid.. 1 TOK SALE, nearly new. large, modern -room house, with basement, barn, fruit and ornamental trees. Write to 1114 Washington sc. The Dalles., Or. . k nave a few new buncalowa that we can eell on easy terms, lie. u for a Dome. 1U19 Board of Tradfc BEAUTIFTL modern bungalow on carllne. small payment, btiance 312 a month. Main 4339. . y a bargain, two 8-room modem houses. Ladd Add.: term. easy. Owner. 672 Locuet St.. Ladd Add. East 2725. Thoa. Vlgsrs. Br OWNER Corner EL 18th and Devi-. OxV, . rojui bvuee. tievO, cash. J? It one JS. 1350. LOOK at this and the question wll'b'..t,i tied for you cannot equal It In Peruana for 12NO0; terms. A. new. l-rwm bungalow, on a full ce ment basement, piped for furnace c"m'": floor and walks, graded streets -4 5,,? to four csrllnes, living-room 12x23. burnt wood finish, beamed cellln. One large win dows with eats, large fireplace x5i mirror above it. dining-room, naj wmdow with scat and china e fset. built In. walls tinted, piale rail, kitchen and pantry with every convenience large screen In back porch: upstair. 14x20 front room with electric fireplace, two side bedrooms. 8x12 bath, best of plumb ing, three largo light el"" "J . svreened-ln sleeping porch; think It ail oor and come see the .NEW HOMG RKALTT CO.. 113 Second SI A 5sl3; Main 2i97. HOME BARGAINS, WEST SIDE. S.-,0o0 Comer. Di.xluu; fine large 10-room house; 15-minute walk from busln-aa center; or will exchange for E-st Side unimproved property, close In. JnTf.o Corner on loth. Just the place for apartments; cheapest corner on "W e st le. H.iA.nne comer. Nob Hill district new. slrletfy modern 8-room house and garage; eumethlni? very fine. EAST SIDE. 7000 50x100 and new 7-room house, mod ern r.oeje to Steel brlcge. 7"5o (i7il. corner, new 8-room House FRBI) C. KING. 606 Commercial Block. 2d and iimm) 6-ItOOM modern house, close In. H block to car; will for larger house and pay difference; Iuu0 cash, balance to ""i-'Vso 2 houses. BoxloO corner Jot: 1 6- rooin house, batn, furnace, electric lights. 1 . 4-room house that rente for $10 per month, fruit. roe. etc.. street improved, cement walks, everything paid. i-j.HO Strictly modern new 8-room noue. aewer consectlona, on Kust Main ftreet .xl00 lot; niut have money. Call -ana " jp. J.-fiTKINMETZ CO., lna ilorrlson St. BARGAIN. New I-STORY. e-ROOM HOUSE, thor nughlv modern. TINTED WALLS. GOOD KUR.NACE. FULL BASEMENT. cement lloor. flne accommodation "ght fixture, snade. In all windows. READY TO MOk. INTO" lot 4UX100. 's block to car; only Jil.oO. i:.M CASH. 8ec this before you buy. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Board of Trade Bids.. S b4 Fourth St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS UUN'IALOW. Only XJ00 Ca-h. Bnianee Like Kent. 7 rooms beautifully flr.whed throughout: lim celling In large living-room, leveled plate-glass windows, built-in botkcaw, dln-Ing-room panele.1 In leather, plate rail, buf fet kitchen. large ballroom, walls tinted, electric llshta, fine fixtures, gag Bull Run water, furna'-e, full basement, full lot. ce ment ws'.ka In yard, ni. e lawn; no phone In formation. CJl at K18 Chamber of Com merce. FOR HALF CASH, jX ON TIMF3 TERMS. HOIJADAT-S ADDITION. Edght-room hou in flne residence sec tion; two bathrooms, two toilets. large clojts. furnace. fireplace, with A No. 1 mantel paneled den. both .a and electrlo fixtures, full cement cellar floor, cement waahtuhe: house was built for a home; now In flfet-clss. condition; cloaw-ln property and a good bitrgaln. Phone owner at his home. Bae 72S; at ore phone. M 1S02 or att 92. 1BS00, PART cash for one of the best 8-room houses in lrvlngton. hardwood floors, full cement basement ana moa ern In every wav between 21st and 24th sts.; 1 block from car. face, south. Owner ha. left city and must sell. F. E. (PUKE) MANCHESTER, . 203 Henry Bldg. 1 FOR BALE. 41x100. ood 2-room house: good home, clce to car; 3750. tlSO cash. 316 per month. 62x146: 2-room heuee. c'roee to car; this is a nice home: !42o. 220 cah. $10 per mo. 6"x9o- good 6-room house. 3 blocks to car; 32.0 cash. 10 per month, 8 per cent. Beautiful homes at any kind of prices and term, to suit you. Come In and ee. EVERETT M'CTLEOD, 617 Kothchlld Bid.. BEAUTIFUL HOMB CHEAP, 3.-V) New, modem, very niity; vestiouiw. tlful living-room with large fireplace, pan eled, beamed dining-room, Dutch kitchen, den or sleeping room down ataira. sleeping porch. 3 bedroom., large oemonted base ment all oonvenleneeej. Thla Is In a pretty exclusive part, 2 blocks from oar; fin. view mountains HEILMAN" A LATHROP, 615-516 Abington Bldg. a.IMM) MOUNT TABOR r;o0 WEST AVE. 0xl35 FRIST, NEW S-ROOM BUNGA TXVW: LIGHTS. HULL RUN WATER, FILL BASEMENT, TERRACES, CE MENT WALKS. BEAUTIFUL VIEW. GOOD BARN. PLACE FOR CHICKENS. COW IF WANTED; FOR SALE ONLY BECAUSE OWN ER OOl .NO EAST. lfl WEST AVE. PHONE B 8l74. O. BOX 141. WEST SIDE HOUtm. ffOOH7 roc-ma, atrlctly modern, new and very convenient: furnace, etc.: Mtuated on beautiful corner, facing east, with an unob structed Tlew. only one mile from Post office; fine neighborhood: .".K)0 cash re fluired. balance easy payments. a J. IALY, 222 Falling bid.. IJO TOU WANT A VIEW? My home 1. for sale, unobstructed view of city and mountains. on Portland Height., two lots on carllne. In lawn and flowers. hnuM new. has large living-room with fireplace, paneled dining-room. Dutch kitchen and furnace; everything modern, select location, all for 360O0, bait oash. Main 76l4. Owner. HAVE desirable lots close to carllne, between ,-,: ,u - .. -U.-I llo meef e boulevard! IVlllHIRBWUilu ...... wishing to Improve this property, will build a limited number of homes of the bungalow type of construction at very reasonable figures on a small payment down and balance like rent. Call early In the week or phone Main 8917. 329 Henry bldg., 4th and Stark. FOR HOME OR INVESTMENT. Well built ll-room house, full lot. near Hose City boulevard. 1 block from new Rose City -Park cut-off carline 357oO; lot alone worth 8100. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON. 32-83 Lafayette Bid... Washington) and oth Phone A 70S3. A rERSON with spot cash can secure 10 to mo-acre tract, at 175 per acre; la worth 1400 to S500 per acre; streetcar line rum through the property: It Is tha most re markable acreage bargain in Portland suburbs: this offer may be withdrawn at any time; cesh only; no other, need ap ply. P. O. box 435. NEW BUNGALOW, 327SO. Built better thn necessary; A-l construc tion: would make you permanent home; every convenience worth mentioning; cor ner lot ftoxloo. Improved street, block north Rose City car. on Linda Vista ave., or 6th; .mall payment down. See It today. For sale by owner. S26 Wastf. St., room 404. HAWTHORNE AVE. DIPTRICT. 4-room bungalow, well-built and ready for occupancy; price $2000: terms J500 cash. This I. a ,bargaln price for Im mediate .ale. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bid.. Phone. Main 86UU. A 2853. HERE Is a first-class buy on Hawthorne ave., between 38th and 8th; this place 1. all modern and complete, and I. a nic. home and on on. of the beat carllne. In the city. CHAPIN HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. F" NICE NEW COTTAGE 6 rooms, bath, ete., full basement and fine comer lot with good view, close to carllne, pleasant sur roundings, nearly all new houses; price $2-."0; terms can be made. Lang-Hill Land Co.. 414 Abington bldg.. Third St. B-ROOM RESIDENCE- J block south of Hawthorne, on S7th. with all the latest Improvements, street Improvements; ut a great bargain; to ap preciate this home It must be looked at. ,n c.i tr vr jmrw hiMV 1A room end attic, high and .ightly: beautiful tree. and shrubs, ail icinas inin, -wx-iv ieei ,mit- cement walks all In: owner leaving own: terms. Pbon. flellwood 785. 600 East 2btb st. GOOD INVESTMENT. 6-room strictly modern house, all on 1 m M-.,i,u,ai irtt .-hole location, rent will 'pay lO per cent on investment. .20Oy; cash and terms v.. a. ijuuw "f. n-vt hi-YS un-to-dats, 8-room house. 1 block from Sunnysld. car. ground lot SOx loo. beautifully kept; nothing vt'ler on the market for price J. f. Compton. 100 Abington bid.. a noon BUT. Ufn bouse. A momL a fin. location. close to carllne. lot 60x100. One lawn, etreet Improved. Price Is ruut: term, are ngiu. Com. aud aee ma, C B. Lucjls, Ourbett eld.. THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 24, 1909. JOR SALE Handsome 2Vt story residence fcullt of cement block, made by Parrlsh at Thompson; thi. house was built as a .ample residence and particular cars has been taken with the stone work; It has exceptionally larsw llvlng-rooma with full -lnch polished oak floors, beamed ceilings In geometrical designs, unique ffrepiaces extending to the ceilings; bedrooms are extra large and commodious with closet the size of bedrooms you find In the ordi nary house; large bathroom with separate toilet containing the best of plum n.; nothing ha. been omitted to make this a comfortable home; price complete IS0O0; terms If wanted. Portland Building Asso ciation. 212-213 Commercial bldg. RIVERDALE. One of the finest home. In the River side district is now offered for sale at a very reasonable price; the house has 7 rooms, bcautlfuly designed and artistic ally finished, and provided with every rno'dern convenience; the ground, are large and command an unobstructed view of the river, mountains and city; a pri vate water system under heavy pressure Is on, of the many tine features of this beautiful home, which must be soen to be appreciated at its full worth. R. F. BRYAN. 505 Chamber of Commerce. Alain WiM. A 1227. A 8NAP. 50x100. on good carline. a beautiful 9 room house. 5 bedrooms, full cement base ment, with washtrays: this was built by a young man for a home and has never been occupied; condition, take him from the city, and he is offering you the bene fit of his change; if you don't believe It is a snap, try to dpllcate It for the price, S2750. with terms. Will taka a good lot In part. ZIMMERMAN. 2l Bourd of Trade Bldg. $4000 FOR a new 8-room house In splen did neighborhood, a blocks from school ami I'v blocks from carllne; beautiful lawn; alley at rear of house; lot OOxluO. Must be sold before November 1. Part cull will handle tills. JT. E. U'UKE) MANCHESTER, 20 Henry Bide. SUBURBAN COTTAGE. Non-residont has placed In my hands to sell at the extremely low price of $140 a modern little 5-room cottage with open grate, bath, toilet, wired for electricity, tinted walls, on 50x100 east front lot about 2 blocks from 5c carline; 3S73 cash will take this, balance monthly. Fine Charter Oak range and some linoleum goes with place. On market for limited time only. ti. T. WALKER, 604 Corbett Bid.. SEE THIS AT ONCE AND YOU'LL BE PLEAdED. Just $5400 $310 caeh; the beat and nobbiest bungalow at till, price in the city and we can prove 4t; 5 rooms, den, paneled work, polished floors, Dutch kitchen, flne fixtures and shades go with the house; It Is too good to describe and a big snap. W. M. Conklln & Co.. 407 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main SbiO. A 1747, or 26th and Clinton sta,; Seliwoud 48. 1-5 IRVINGTON HOME, must do sold; strictly modern .-room, well-built house, at 832 Hancock St. (cor. of E. 26th St. J. must be sold. Large verandas, sleeping balcontea, oak floors In both stories, enameled wood work. I fireplaces, full concrete basement, eta. Thi. house was built for a home and will be sold at very reasonable price and term.. Price $10,500. Address room 11 250! Id .L Phone. A 2J or Main 6632. SEE THESE nice home.; they are both worth the money. Wasco st. home of 6 rooms, near East B7ih st., nice lot. fine location, $3400. West Side home, location the best In omh Portland; you should see this; price $.i:.oO. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 6 E. Cor. Third and Oak Sta EAST MORRISON ST. Cory 4-ixora cottage, near East 37th; this is a nice home, only 15 minutes' ride from the Postofflce. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak St.. WALNUT PARK 3000 New, modern house,! extra large rooms and bath, wide halls, concrete foun dation, cement basement floor, furnace, gas and electrlo light, flne surroundings and exceptional bargain. William, are., near Killlngsworth. A. H. B1RREI.L CO., 202 McKay Bldg., 8d and Stark. . - (6250. A fl-ROOM BUNGALOW. All large rooms, with den and recep tion hall, strlctlv modern, on a beautiful corner lot on East Twenty-sevenUi street, close to car, with 3-minute car service. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 48 Alder St. A GOOD BUY. 6-room bungalow, at 1213 Ea.t Madison, furnace, cement basement, all complete In every respect, on easy terras. Call and aee us Monday morning. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 8S2 Chamber of Commerce. IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. A beautiful home on the west slope or Mount Tabor, lot 100x100. 6 room, and modern. All for 42o0. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 6 E Cor. Third and Oak 8ts. SPECIAL- BUY. 2150- 6-room modern, larg. bath, elec tric light, choice lot, 50x100. south front. Improved street, cement sidewalk, close In, 2 blocks to 2 carlines. Terms if desired. A. H. BIRRRLL CO., 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE. New. modern 8-room house, on oorner lot 60x100, one block from car; price. JS500 Will take difference or will glvw as first pavment on farm or any income prop erty, lot or timber. See owner, $1 Cap ital ave. WEST SIDE. Corner, 8-rooin modern house, nearly new. very desirable neighborhood; onljt $0500; term.. ZIMMEHMAlf. 621 Board of Trad. Bid.. A LITTLE- SNAP. HOMB NEAR 8. P. CAR9HOPS. ' Only 8MOO. $7Bf Cash Will Handl. This. HARTMAN THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. WEST BIDE, WAI-KINQ DISTANCE, oOxlOO, 6 nice rooms, with plenty of closets, pantrie.. tc. a neat home, lot worth nearly th. price asked; for price with, terms, see ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trad. Bid.. LOOK HERE. 8-room bungalow, all modem, lot 60x100. east frout, nice lawn, 1 block, from car-line- you will like this place; $."00 cash, balance 315 per month; take Alberta car. W,7 E. 2tth St. North. FOR SALE A good 8-room house, lot 50x100, with 16 bearing fruit trees, adjoining the Columbia Park and 2 blocks of 'carllne. Price $1500; good terms. Inquire of owner at place, lOBZ lmna sereee, etuiiwj. 7009 New beautiful home In best part of Irvlngton; elegant 9 rooms and sleeping porch; complete with hnde and fix ture.; oak floor.. $10o0 cash; balance S30 per month and interest. Owner, AtC 477. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON HOME. x leaving city, must sacrifice Immediately my new modern 7-room home In choice Irvlngton district, at 30350. improvements paid: terms. Phon. M 7467. bet. 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. NOB HILL HOME. New 8-room modern house, west of 23d; $2750 cash will handle. F O. NORTHRUP. 316 Couoh Bldg.. 4th Near Washington Main 5549. A NICE home on West ave. and Base Lin. road. 7-room house; lot 50x103; only $11000. on easy term.. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. "V" MUST sell at once, $2800. new. modem bun galow, ooraer lot. beautiful view, near car furnace beat, trees, etc. Will Mil at once for $S600; terma Telephone owner, C 2301. " ffPLENDID new 6-room modem-cottage, on very easy term, J It. 12o2 10th St. N. . DUBOIS ft CROCKETT. Washington bldg.. office 3. EAST ANKENY St. Modem 7-room home, with fruit and shrubs. $4500; will take city lot as first payment. Ion. time on balance. Key at 410 Fallln. block. OWNER will give bargain In modern 7 room residence; close In. 70 East 8tn St., North. f-ROOM house, fruit, flowers. $3000, 3200. $25 monthly. Phone Woodlawn 17U9. BY OWNER; new Irvlngton bungalow; all Improvement. In. D 434, Oregonlan. . ' . f '. riTi TV I AfBKACB. T ACRKAGK. "MONTGOMERY DRIVE." Are you a judge of values on Portland Height.? And want to peculate7 If so, come to my office and I will show you a property that you will buy -without parley en price. Th. lot 1. on the famous Mont gomery Drive, less than 1 block from the Portland Heights car, and a nice walking distance down town. The property conelsts of a 6-room house and lot. with good sub stantial retaining wall. The house is old. but In good repair. That portion of the lot occupied by the house can be .old for 32500 to 83000 and leave you the choice portion for a building site on Montgomery Drive that is actually worth 5000. for there is not a finer view lot on Portland Helgtits. You can buy this property for 3.ViO; $230O cash, balance In five annual payments. FRANK L. McGUIRE. M 6284. 618 Board of Trade. A 6203. iRVINGTON New S-room house, 100x100. on corner In a district where all the homes are on quarter blocks; new hard surface improved street and all other im provements; nice lawn; house is modern, has plenty of porch room, also upstairs sleeping porch; plenty of closets, two big ' fireplaces and lots of "flxln's" which go to make a home comfortable; price, $1200u; one-third cash. AE 4S, Orego nlan. NORTH PORTLAND, on the West Side; fine 8-room housw and .10x100 lot. within walking distance, on Qulmby St.; price if taken at eace SOooO; lot alone worth more money: oniv $-tio0 required, bal. on or before ! years at 6 per cent; 5 xl&A 2 block? north of thi. ha. recently brought $;K.000: no options given. C. F. Pfiuger Co., room. 4-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. A BEAUTY for S00 cash, new. modem. 4 large dormers. 6 fiber plastered rooms, bathroom, hall, concrete foundation, biesemont, hot and cold Bull Run water, best full plumbing, flne electric light fix ture 41x140 splendid lot and privilege to buy adjoining lot If wanteds Price only 32300. 3S"0 down, balance within 4 years. Portland Homes Co.. 2'4 Morrlaoa st. NEW 6-room house at Arbor Lodge, near Killinssworth ave., comer lot only $2000 If taken at once. AE H2. Orcgonian. FOR SALE By owner, modern 6-room house. Phone Tabor i67. For Sale Bueinee. Property. A BUY for some one that knows a bargain. A 'business lot in one of the best re stricted district. In the city. This lot will make you a big profit soon; price $13O0: 400 cash, balance easy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 8. E. Cot. Third and Oak --St.. CHOICE INVESTMENT We have a buy. ';':0 Is the price: yearly income $000. Tills is a bargain at this price. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. EAST SIDE FACTORY SITE. Quarter block on main line Southern Pacific Railroad, close In; prloe $0500; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phone. Main SUM). A 2003. A BARGAIN. Best buy on Williams avenue in a 2 storv business building that will pay bet ter than 13 per cent on the present plrico of property. 607 Beck bid.. 2 CORNERS ON CAR LINE. In St John; business property; must be sold. Will pay to look at this. Call after noon Sunday. S. C. Cook, Oswego St., St. John. THREE-QUARTERS of a block, on United Railways, South Portland; connection with terminal yards; X4000. Lotus L. Langley. Board ot Trade bldg. A QUARTER BLOCK on 12th St.; income. $300 per month, at a bargain. 201 Fen ton bid.. MODERN 4-room bungalow, near streetcar, easy terms. W 483. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. FINE home, Irvlngton, to sell or trade for a farm. Fine H block with large fine, new modern 8-room house, .ell or trade, for good farm, east of mountains or up the Valley; wlil pay a difference. Fine new. modern 6-room house; well located, very cheap, will take good lot as part payment. Don't fall to Investi gate. Fine 5-acre tract, near carline, all In cultivation, $1200 less than price of lot, $250 cash. Fine 10-scre tract near Eagle Creek, running water, some bottom. easily cleared. $1000. $2O0 cash. A good homestead relinquishment: very cheap. Don't delay. Several 6 and 10-acre tracts to trade for lots dr houses and lots, also good city property to exchange for farms and will pay difference. Money to loan, sums $600 to $1000. CHARLESON ft CO.. 411 Commercial Blk.. 2d and Waahlngton. WE have a number of very desirable homes for sale, placed with us by owners who do not care to have name or location made public: all good values.' Also good investment property, business and residenoe" would be glad to tell you about them. Realty Department, MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY'. Sth and Washington Sts. ALL ARE BARGAINS. One Nob Hill mansion, $13,000. One Inside business lot, $35,000. One Rose City Park home. $5500. One beautiful bungalow. $:I1R0. One Irvlngton corner. 100x100. $3000. One Holladay Addition lot, $100. One Portland Height, corner, $1600. One Alameda corner, 100x100, 1;jOO. One Rose City Park corner, $7o0. On. 'acre, lnsld. city limits. $1500. "Buy It now." HARTMAN ft THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP! A SNAP! B-room house, extra well-built, ana very comfortable, full basement, nice bath and toilet; nicely tinted; lot 50x 100. fine location, H block to one of the best carllne. on East Side. This can be had for a little cosh, balance monthly. See us at one. DIETZ-5IUELLER CO., 816-17 Abington Bldg. ATTENTION HOMESEJIKERS! Our NEW GUIDE now what you want to know; free. Associate Jenta in orinclpal cities. W. know th. best and cheapest lands. CRAMER REALTY CO., 221-223 Henry Bldg.. Portland. Or. Phone Main 6639. $ LOTS and l-room house on Portland Heights, 2 blocks from carllne. elegant grounds. $10,000; will consider part trad. Phone owner. Main 84$L, ' APPLE PLANTINGS. We are planting luGO acres in Loran. District and can give selections of five acre, or mora. Including five year care. These propertle. will receive Bame claa. of care and attention as we are .ivin. our walnut planting CHXTitCIH ILL-MATTH EV 8 CO.. Inc., Lumber Exchange Bldg., Second and Stark Sts. . IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR close-in acreage or small. well-Improved farms, at low price and on most liberal terms. Me me. I handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD. 620 Corbett bldg. 60 ACRES o the United Railway. 4 miles jT w of Linnton, for only $126 if taken at once; carllne crosee. place twice; this ' price for a few days only and will be raised to 3500 per acr. when car. commence run. nlng- grandest proposition for aubdivldlni or Investment. C. F. Pfluger ft Co. room. 4-6 Mulkey bid... 2d and Morrison aim. $50 CASH. $10 MONTH. WlU put you lr possession of 6 acre fine oil either cleared or uncleared, near elec trlo' oarllne; town lot. selling for as much as we want for an aore: easy payments. 8rulta-Waoner Co.. Chamber of Commerc IRVINGTON A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 7-room house, new and unusually well built by owner and by day labor: pol ished HARDWOOD FLOORS. paneled and beamed dining-room, Dutch kitchen, screened rear porch, fine bath, toilet and lavatory, with extra toilet on. first floor: FILL CEMENT BASEMENT, stationary wash trays, FURNACE. Everything Is complete In this house, linen closets, built-in mirrors, wide front porch with . large atone piers, cement walks, paved streets. This is an IDEAL HOME. See - u. at once for price and terms. DIETZ-Sll KLl.tlt --.. 315-16-17 Abington Bldg. J. W. OG1LREB, Room 11. 1451i 1st st.. Portland. Or. U-acro tracts in Des Moines Addition, between Wichita Station. on Estacada carllne, and Tremont Station, on Mount Scott car.lne. and Just noulh of Brent wood. These tracts are $400 25 cash, $10 per month, at 6 per cent. LOOK 2 R. R. surveyed up White Salmon -.- ,. Uoee Ifift valley, one steam, one ciclhii.. acrea; lies in center of valley, less than mile from White Salmon River, 2 ml,Js from stores and church; fine piece to sub divide; nearly all fine fruit land; some hay land. Can be irrigated, five water; price 5-2 per aore. Terms for cash, or will trade my equity of $100 for housu in Port land or small farm in Valley near Port land. Lock box 57. White Salmon, Wash. $1750. Nice lot. 32x100, on a Couch, near E. Both. ' J. J. ORDER, Real Kfctate, Notary Public, Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Anketty. FOR SALE Lot 50x100. Wishran ave., Rosa Citv Park; all Improvements In. East 6U8. 3100 BUYS 5 acres garden land with lot in town, for particumiH can .,. Lumber Exchange bldg. FOB SALK TIMBER- ULSVS. DIRECT FROM OWNERS Two choice claims, 10 to 12 million ftr each., close in. cbeap; etx claims, S mil lion, well located. Lane County: 64 yellow nine claims. Crook nr.d heeler counties. Call on F. M. Batchelor, 215 Couch bid... city. COOS COUNTY. I have .ome fine timber In this county and very cheap. Call at office for par ticulars; price 50c per M. ZIMMKRMAN, C21 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACE Y ft CO.. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. FOR SALE S20 acres timber, 10,00.I100 feet. Polk county Oregon; S. hi of N-W-vt and ri. y of N.E. and N. of N.W. H and N. M of N.E. H. Sec. V2, T. 7 &. R. 7 w. L. E. Wyckoff, .110 O. T. John son bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal. TIE mill, on North Bank R. R-. capacity 25 000 feet; 7.000.000 feet timber, good (lu'me to R. R-; everything complete, all ready to run; plenty timber adjoining which can be bought reasonable; cheap If taken at once. O 482. Oregonlan. RELINQUISHMENT. Over 4.0OO.00O feet of fin. timber near K. R. Price $1600. ZIMMERMAN. 621 Board of Trade bldg. PORTLAND SAWMILL MEN. For sale, cheap. 200 acres large fir timber 6.500.000 feet. on Luckiamute River; loggable for Portland mills. Ad dress Box 25. Philomath, Or. WILL sell half interest or all in modern 20-M capacity sawmill and shingle mill; 25 miles from Portland; 1,000,000 feet red and yellow fir and cedar; no brokers. D 481. Oregonian. WE are headquarter, for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney ft Stampher, 631-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. 160 ACRES with over 2. 500.000 feet timber, in Eastern Oregon. 826 Board of Trade bldg. MUST sell timber claim, estimated five mil lion feet cedar and hemlock, reasonable offer will be considered. L 489. Oregonlan. 8000 ACRES of pine timber in Grant County. 314 per acre. Gus T. Larson. Falls City. Oregon. FOR SALE Accessible body 110.000.000 sound fir and cedar timber. N 40S. Oregonlan. TIMBER and HOMESTEAD relinquish ments. "27 Woaeester block. HOMKSTEADi. INTERESTING .FACTS ABOUT 820-ACRB3 HOMESTEADS. The homesteads our surveyors are lo cating in Central Oregon are snapped up as soon as shown to intending settlers. We realize our success depends on the care exercised in examining the several tracts and then showing the best. We have not sent a single person Into that territory who has not filed on some one of our .elections. Last reports received this week, show seven parties having filed In three days. One man who had previous ly used his homstead right was so well pleased with what we found for him that he chose 82 acres and with our help- secured lieu land scrip at $10 per acre, payin $3200 for what you can get for the taking. Another gentleman, ex perienced In dry farming methods, re turned and Is highly pleased and says. "It's much better In every way than he expected to find." Men are going in constantly by dozens. But it's better to have a pilot to show the land. Then some thing will be shown that you will want. We go Tuesday and would be delighted to have your company if you want to see something good. Don't forget those 320-acre tracts will make you independ ent. And remember our men at Silver Lake and In the field will treat you we and .how you that for which you will ever be grateful. - B. S. COOK ft CO., 603 Corbett Bid.. FREE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LANDS We have recently examined the lands "now open under the new 820-acre irv farming law; we will locate you on 8"0 the BEST OK THIS LAND now "in for settlement: both th. .Hill and Harriman lines are building J", .Mowed reautlful valley; you have surely followed the extensive railroad war which these companies have been carrying on to tap this wonderful country. Call or wij uo upon us for full Information about loca tloua on these homestead DESHON ft HAWK. 407 Lumbermen's Bldg HOMESTEADS SHOWN BY AUTOMO BILKS. The long, tiresome stage ride of two days and nights now ovt'l"' the raUroad in one day: a most delightful trio and 320 acnes await, you at the end of the line; go and file; do It now; get what will be worth $i;,0UU in years. B S COOK ft CO., 603 Corbett Bldg. bvir SALE Homestead relinquishment in sneta.10.OO0.iMJO feet of timber, on the front, easy of access. Apply to Box 6, Kornvllle. Oir ' KIO ACRES. million feet, 33 .miles from PortW-nd subject to timber claim filing, 3:oo 733 Marquam tildg. Phone M. 8314. FOB RENT FARMS. 11 ACRES on river bottom and upland, good springs, house, big barn and other buildings, free delivery; 4 ways of trans nortitiJn. 17 miles from Portland; make offer for renting. 124) Vi 12th st. si ACRES for term of years; mostly unimproved- work on place to pay rent; will pay renter cash for some .rubbing. L 481, Oregonlan. S-INE 6-acra fruit ranch in Mllwaukie; 5 room' cottage, large bam. tools, etc.; $240 per year: better inveatigate. See owner at 616 Tacoma ave.. Sellwood. FOR RENT 30-acr. farm, 2 miles from Ore gon City on the river; reasonable terma Call at 234 Front, or phone Main 8054. FARMS business and Income property. If you want to sell, write us. American In vestment Association. Minneapolis, Minn. pop RENT 44 acres of land at Gilbert Crossing, 7 miles east of Portland, about 7 acres clear, inquire u uruu. si. FOR RENT 10 acres with house and barn near Lenta, tlO per month. Inquire 61S Beacon st. FOR RETTT A0REAGK. FOR RENT 20 acre, beat garden land. 482, Oregonlan. BLDUanA., Why will people buy acres mile, out from this city at high prices when you can get better land one mile from the city limits, on the Sandy road, overlook ing the Columbia River, with fine view if St. Helen, and Mt. Hood? Very beet of soli, free from gravel, ten to 50 feet dBHere you can have real suburban life, with the advantage of the city and coun try raise all your own fruit and vc.-c-tablesThave your chickens, horse and cow and only twenty minutes ride b auto to the center of the city; ten acres of this land planted to garden or fruit will net 32O0 to $500 per acre; this 15 the truth, as I can show; every acre of this land is sure to double in price In a few years. , , I will sell ten acres or .o of -his land for 5350 per acre. Call and see owner. 1 will take you out In my auto and show you the whole country around. llooiTi 2i Hamilton bldg.. or phone even ings, C 11113. . . ........ . ' . I" I, L- 1 TT" LAMANDA PARK. l-irge Lots, Reasonable Prices. Easy Terma, Building Restrictions. This beautiful tra.-t Ilea H nille east of Creston, the came distance from Kem Park north, on the Powell Valley road. for In formation. J. W. OGILBEE. Agent, Room 11, 143 1st St., Portland, Or. TWO ACRES m the city limlto and new eight room houjie. about 40 bearing fruit treee. three blocks from Laurelburst and close to carline; is worth $10,000; owner i. sick and has to sell; will accept beat offer. y Quarter block, St. John, good busines. property; $2500, terms. New five-room houre, three more rooms can be finished In eeeond Htory; corner. Kcx lot), two blocks from Dullness cencer at. John; $50W, terms. Six-room house and full lot. East Salmon at snap at $2350; one-half cash, balance tood terms. J. S. Sullivan, 421-422 Henry bldg. 16 ACRES, all In cultivation: good 6-room house barn, nice young orchard and garden, for $30on. terms; thi. U is mile from It. R. e'.ation and a fine little home. 6 acres, fame location as above, good house and barn, young orchard, for $1200; terms. . . 11 acrea, 2 miles from Newberg; 4 acre, clear; 6-room houee, bam, miall fruit or all Klnos, naca, 4 eei on-mwo, chickens, quite a lot of potatoe. and garden true. 01 an iiiu, i" .....-. DURHAM ft FRF.DENTHAL. 270. Washington St.. Room 1. .3000 20 acres, all fenced, a small house and some cleared land, about 4 acres swale land easily cleared, balance brush land with about 500 cords of wood; this tract lies well and Is only 8 miles from Portland, convenient to two carlines; easy terms. SZS50 13 acres, right on the board side walk leading to Oregon Electric station; good barn and well, a small house and a few fruit trees: a .ood Investment and good place to live. J. F. COMPTON, 1O0 Atington Bldg. TUALATIN ACREAGE TRACTS. 6 AND 10-ax;re lots. BEST IN THE VAL LETf. All cleared, flue rich Boll. ELEGANT FRUIT LAND located right on the county road 4 mile from Salem Electrlo line; PLENTY OF GOOD WATER. $200, $250 and HO0 per acre: TERMS, 10 per cent cash. $5 per acre per month. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 315-10-17 Abington Bldg. OUR 8 and 10-acre Slfton garden traot. are not In brush and timber, but clean, culti- -,o,H e-oll n.r.1 nnlim aoiL in the fruit center of Clark County, within a minute or two of the electric car. and but about one hour from 2d and stark sis. MURPHY ft CASWELL, 230 Stark 31. Vancouver office, 712 Main St. RlcE THIS. If you want to secure 6 acres under cultivation, few minutes- waia iroiu . cent carline, just outside city limits, be fore values jump. Jump at thi. flne tract near Jow-ell vauey roaa. TO BUY OR SELL SEE TiKWuu rr lOHN'STON. 82-83 Lafayette Bldg.. Washington and gth-Phone A 70S.1- 10 ACRES 7 miles east from Morrlson-st. bridge, mile from carline and macad amized road, close to flne school, land 1. cleared ready for cultivation and has good water supply; price $5000, M canh, bal ance to suit. Owner, room 502 Lumber mens bldg., cor. 5th and Stark. ACREAGE, $3000 10 acres lying on Base Line road, 8 mlksa from Courthouse, level and soil 1. very rich; price $3000. H. P PALMER-JONES CO.. 112-213 Commercial Club Bldr. Phones: Main 8699, A 2653. 4U A CUBS ki cultivation. 4-room house, bam, fruit, rceex etc. Price I16O0; terms. 1 acre in cultivation, new 6-room house, barn, etc., close to 5-cent carllne. Price $2000; terma. . F. J. STEINMETZ ft CO., 103 Morrison St. LOOK HERE. $4600 For the finett piece of genuine beaverdam land with own water right in state of cultivation; easy to clear $2500 a year on it; might exchange for good income bearing property. F. FUCHS, 22H Morrison st. ONLY $300 PER ACRE. Absolutely cheapest acreage on market and on VERY EASY TERMS. Just 30 minutes out on OREGON CITY carllne. Fine soil, splendid location, and going like hot cakes. Call early. Room 613 Henry bldg.. Fourth and Oak sts. $600 PER acre for finest property on hills near car and 5c fare. 1500 per acre. 20 acres, Portland Heights. :50 per acre, 10 acres, same. $3'X per acre, 20 acre. Barr road. THOS. McCUSKBK, 205 Couch Bid.. 16 ACRES,' Improved land, level, new buildings, 3 acres strawberries. 1 acre raspberries; on main county road, a miles east' of DaJlas; price $.1500: terms. Ad dress owner, L. Mortensen. Dallas. Or. BEAUTIFUL level land, with springs and running water, tracts of 5 to 3o acres; on S P. and Electric line, near city. Price very low and small payment, to suit. CHISM. 615 Couch bldg. 10 ACRES cleared land. 5-room house, barn, sheds and crop and bearing orchard: will sacrifice for $3000; one-third cash; 8 miles from Portland, on Salem Electric P. t. Box 179, city. 15 ACRES. 7 miles out, on Powell Valley road, all In cultivation; lies fine; price $4500 cash; $100 an acre cheaper than other lands In vicinity. W. O. Waddal, 3) Lumber Exchange. 5 ACRES east of Lents. 14 mile from car line cleared for cultivation, water piped, county road, clow to school, prloa for a short time $5oO per acre. Owner L, 47i. Oregonian. 400 ACRES 20 miles from Portland: on steam and el"ctrlc rallwd.y; well situated for sub-dividing; easy term.; have one party Who will take half Interest. AB 481, Ore gon lan. NEARLY 11 acrea, perfectly level, (till able for platting, 45th and Fremont. See me .oon. A. D. Marshall, 205 Abington bldg. AT MELDHUM On Oregon City carllne 2 to 5 acres fine land, near graded school. E. Meldrum. Meidrum Station. P. O. address. Mllwaukie. Or. 50 ACRES choicest fruit land In Oregon, on top ML, Scott, soil deep, 2 miles from city limits; n bargain for a few days only. L 45, Oregonlan. ''O ACRES on Barr road, three miles east of Montavllla. excellent soil, no gravel. $300 per acre. Part cash. Owner., AK 456. Oregonian. BARGAIN If sold at once. 10 acres, close in improved; 6 lots in city limits. For jarticulars see owner. 268 Montgomery St.. or phono Main 44G0. 100 ACRES, near Linnton. fine soil, suit able for subdivision, value $300 an acre; trade all or part for city property. A 430, Oregonian. NICE 2-acre place with buildings and stock, on electric line, at a bargain- will take good lot for part pay. lol Board of Trade. ' . BVAP 18 acres land at Garden Home, right "on Salem electrlo line at station. Investi gate. 514 Board of Trade bldg. IS ACRiSS, cleared, .mall house, good barn, young family orchard, well and spring, .1300. T. Blackstone, Rldgefleld. Wash. ACREAGE on the Oregon Electric R. R. at Multnomah Station, $560 per acre. Your own terma See Attorney. 410 Failing bldg. WILL pay caeh for 5 or 10-acr. traot near city. D 486, Oregonlan. ACRE TRACTS. 5a fare, high and slghtry homesltes. Inside city limits, city water, $1350 to $1750; terms. Next to city lots. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONT IIOMK One acre, 6-room liouae. barn, chlcken . .... -. water telenhone. nou-e. an ieue.i. f.-."-- - - - ...... R. F. !.. O. W. P. car; $3000; $1300 X c:ih, balance easy. . . , TWO ACRES. TWO GREENHOl SES AND MODERN HOME 5c car fare. Juisi outside the city limits, sacrifice account illness, private water svstem, 7-room house, with bath anil toilet, barn and chicken-houses. A rare chance, Ifl.lOo. V- cash, balance terms. 3 acres, very attractive. hlphly im proved country home. overlooking th. Willamette, near O. W. P. car: modern . room house, private water system. 'nn park of virgin trees. barn. chicken house, 2 cows. 200 chickens, 1O0 fru.t trees ( i bearing', grapes, small iron, vegetables, roses. lan. shrubs. Illy pond, fenced and cross-fenced; tools. etc.; $4750. t cash, balance easy. This i. sure to be snapped up. so do not delay. HARTMAN THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. We have others. One acre or thousands. "It will pay you to see our lists TWO small tracts of acreage near Oswego t rixht prices; acres ueax ill cleared: no waste land. 1 I. G. DAVIDSON. S19 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACHES. Fuse line. 4 miles K. of M'.' ma villa: Mt. Hood survey runs by It: ..oov. 2 cash, balance tunc or cxi-mum-. reasonable. CULVER. 0-3 Chamber of Com me ice. McMINNVII.LE. OR, A RAPIDLY GROW ING TOWN" Fine brick business blocks; 40 acres ready to set out, ples. adjoining town. Edward C. Ross. COURTNEY STATION SNAP. 10 minutes' ride from center of city I have 5 acres; $.500 If taken at one. AE 690. Oregonian. ACREAGE In large or small tracts on car- line close m: cnoice nvci i.L..... subdivide. Kinney Stampher. 631 Lum ber Exchange bldg. A 4SS1. t AND 10-acre tracts for sale on Section Line road. J-60 per acre; aujoiinus !--eold for $400; 8 miles cast of reservoir. Owner. 161 loth st. Phone Main b07. 4-ACRE tract on Portland Heights, Mont gomery drive. $10,000; no agents. R. N. Jensen. Tigard. Or. 800 ACRES 150 ready for the plow; a flne stock ranch; some timber; well watered: price. $7 50. 520 Lumber Exchange bldg. 1 TO 6 acnes. 4 t miles out on Oregon Elec- ft trie Railway; reasonuDie; d- owner. 477, Oregonian. 1 TO 5 ACRES well located . easy term.. Purse, 81S Chamber of Commerce. 8 ACHES close 111 for 9im)o. This Is a fln. buy. Call 410 Falling block. FKL'IX LANDS. A FEW ADVANTAGES. Hither Hood already has an organized Fruitgrowers' Union, ideal location, only 26 miles from Portland, rich, deep shot loam soil; abundance of -moisture; irri gation absolutely not necessary to grow, beet of appk-s; elevation from 1,00 to 1500 feet; perfect in drainage; Mt. Hood Electric Line will soon pass through this K"eat section. Prices at present dirt choap. When the electric line is running, what will prices be? We will U-t you answer. Call and get my bookie on Hither Hood and talk matters over. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 333 Chamber of Commerce. KLICKITAT APPLE LAND $25 an acre for 3.0 acres. 100 under plow, 2W miles from railroud station, all fenced, on good county road; loss than 40 acre, lost land. In famous Lyle dls- tr'Ctj E. (DI'KEI MANCHESTER. 203 Henry Bldg. FOR ONE WBKK I WlU give you a bargain in orchard land. 8 mile, from Mosler Matlou. o( per a.-re close to land held at double the price. This U bona fide. , THOS. MoCUSKER, 2o5 Couch B.dg. DO TOU want a 5-acre tract of best fruit land In Yamhill County at Ry. station? Be Independent. The opportunity of your life is offered to the tlrst 25 purchasers. I am developing a modern rural com munity. F. C. Graham, 827 C of C. A 2-ACRE fruit farm adjoining Oervals a small house, sheds and outbuildings; $500 buvs It. .W0 cash, balance on time. W. J. Clarke, agent, Oervals, Or. A BARGAIN. 40 acres of Mosler apple land If taken this week for only $00 cash; don t rass this up. Tho. McCuBker. .03 Couch bldg. CHOICE fruit land, near Scnppoose; on railroad: in small tracts from $S.7o to $85 per acre. Easy payments. Phone Main 4609. 428-9 Henry bldg. FARMH WANTED. WANTED Contracts on large tracts of land in Oregon. Washington and Idaho from owners for colonization by incor porated colonization company. We have large numbers of applications from set tlers from all part, of the United btalcs. Canada and Europe, who want to come cut next Spring. PCall or send full par ticulars. Room 610 Kothchild bid... Portland, Or. WANTED We have customer, for one farm of from 75 to 200 acres: a. .mtt,tr " i 1. a little run down, providing the sou and price are right: also a smaller farm " frSm 20 to 50 acres; this place must have good improvement and be In nrsi class shape. From owners only. 412-418 Abington Bldg.. lOC Third flt. WeIhAVB parties looking for Improved farm. ln the Willamette Valley; send description, THE 5uTlR-l.u"nERTSON COMPANY. 26 Oak st.. Portland. Or. ' we HAVE parties looking for Improwl farm. iu the Willamette Valley; .end description, quote price and terma THE SOUTH ER-ALBER TSON CO.. 2Sti Oak St.. Portland. Oregon. TiAvm huvers for Oregon farms. I can sell " yoJr land Mr Owner. Warren B. Hartley, room 61 i Swetland bldg.. Portland, Or. I WANT a large farm, furnished, with teams. o etc, to lca, or work on shares; can g"ve beM of reference.,. P 44. Oregonlan. HARNEY COUNTY maps in colors, showing "volant Y homestead lands; very m"'"'.-. $1. 405 Lumbermen's h'.dg.. 5th and Stark. WANTED TO RKNT FARMS. WANTED to rent a farm, with horses and 1; wheat farm .inferred; J"? furnished. 1074 E. Sherman. Phono Tabor 13:2. . WANTED About 50 acres uurter cultivation, hou and barn. 20 miles Portland; state full particulars. AD 451, Uregonlar.. WANTED TLMJiEK liANllS. IN Crook. Wheeler and Murdoch ft Young. 411 k-inr-atji counties. Buchanan block. TIMBER land, wanted. C. J. MoCracken, 304 McKay 01 ok. FOR SAW- FARMS. MT a-l,. ranch on Columbia River, coir efJting ot ItT acres. 1-, mile, from wharf. aU finest of land for either fruit or dairying. No -Iraying needed to raise porfect appl.-. es?"over land in the world; 40 acre. Under Plow, balance fine pasture; over loo acres fine level land; new ll-room nouse fr'ng wate-r piped to house), large stock barn? all lencea; school mile; a -fiinn iiSchlnery gov. with place; sawmill and otglng cam,., near. ...aklg good market for everything to sell. Thus Is a .pecml bargain for Immediate sale. Price f.U per aCr"' BRONG-STEBLE CO., 110 Second St. FOR SALE OR TRAPS 10 acres, allin cultivation. .10 minute, ride from Portland, 700 feet from station. -,.n B-room house, with large veranda, I hum chicken-house and other outbuilding.; 6 acres in English walnuts, 4 acres In hpnz enbergs. balance small fruit and spuds; complete furniture of house, Uiam, cow. wagon and- all farm Implements go wltn this place at S7000. half caeh or will trade for Improved Portland property for half value, balance 7 per cent. AME1RICAN TRUST CO . 200 Chamber ot Coc-luexce. FOR BALE 10 acre. In Willamette Valley cheap; land under cultivation now; only 40 mile, from Portland; little timber on farm; also water; Ideal place for truck farming; ground raises heavy crop.. Address D 48, Oregonlan. .6 PER ACRE 3000-aere ranch. KW stern Ore gon, oa railroad; $2000 will handle. J. W. Curran, 2S Fallln. -Ode. 4.