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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1907)
THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 29, 1907. r FOB. SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES FOR SALE. JSSOO. 7-room . house in lrvlnffton, thoroughly modern, lot 75x100: terms. fl500. f-room house, thoroughly modern, beau tiful lnwn, garden and shade trees, lot liOxlOt). JH7S0. 7-room house, close to Hawthorne ave. and K. li)th sts.. thirouhly modern. . $4imhj. 6-room house and furniture. thorouKhly modern, furniture practically new, corner 30x1 00. S000. 6- room house, near Piedmont, thorough ly' modern, lot 30x1 ou. corner. :suoo. "i-rnnm house, strictly modern, lot 50x 100, on Union ave.. near Shaver st $'.1500. 0-room house on Portland Heights, ev erything modern, beautiful view, lot G5x loo, close to car. $6300. 5- room house on Portland Heights, lot 10x100, overlooks the city, close to car. $:iso0. 7- room house, modern, large lot, nne lawn and garden. sonoo. R-room house, modern, close to car, fine neighborhood, lot soxioo. Two Ti-room collates, modern, in South Portland, good neighborhood; terms. $1!K.iO. 6- room house on Curry St.. South Port land, modern. $33M. , 9-room house, thoroughly modern, lot 100x100, at Montavllln. F. B. HOl.HKOOK CO.. 'J50 Stark st. ooon ni-YS ix city property. A new S-room strictly molern house, near Hawthorne ave., corner lot. 50x100. very good location; $IS00; ?30 cash, baladce f25 per month. A verv fine 8-room strictly modern housw In S. Sunnyslde Addition, lot 60x100; this Is a fine home nenr Hawthorne ave., ,14th t.: t'-; 30 cash, balance monthly pay ments. $2HS0. One of the very best propositions- on the market today; an 8-room house, well built and In first-class condition; furnace, electri city and gas; large wardrobe, full concrete and cement hnjaenient, cement walks, lot oOx o0 level ground, all Improvements paid, located on .12.1, near Helmont. Sunnyslde Addition. Must make quick sale at thl price, 3 vears old, could not be duplicated today for less than $;u'i00 and good barn built at a cost of $;ioo. COAST COMMERCIAL CO., ,V4 L'ekuni Bl'lg. tfiOOO 10-room house. 770 Marshall st. bat. 2:id and 24th: hltullthic street and half Mock from best ratline; beautiful lawn tiowers and trees; house In Al condition; bath separate toilet, lavatories In three looms; lot BOxlOO, worth $4.-rfK lr vacant; rt-room house 30 feet away brought $i00v last year. What should 10-room house this year bring? MORGAN. SWEET & CHAPMAN. 21.'! Ablngton bldg. l'hone M 2015. ACRE- AND HALF AtiRB TRACTS. We make a specialty of acre tracts, with water mains laid and payments of only $10 cash and $10 per month; a much better purchase for a home or Investment than a lot. A. C. CHURCHILL CO.. 110 2d St. A GOOD bargain in real estate if taken soon; one block, 225x450 with the exception of one corner lot. 25xloO feet: location West Port land Height. S!-i miles from Court House. Tavlor'a Kerry Road, near Portland and Saicin electric carllne; timber all cut off; partly cleared, rich soil, suitable for berries or fruit. Price Stioo; tine-half down and $3 per month; or $300 cash. For further in formation address William Turnbow, Hills dale, Or. R. F. D. No. 2. A FINE HOME fl-room modern colonial house. Just fin ished; large hall, china closet, paneled wain scoting in dlnlng-rooin. beam ceiling, -walls tinted, front and back stairs, back porch upstairs, large bath, brown finish on wood work; piped f4r furnace, gas and electricity; window shadeH all up: price, $3050; $1000 cash will handle th'.w; eay terms on balance. HENKLB & HARRISON. 217 Ablngton llldg. INVESTMENT PROPERTY. $2450 each 2 mr dern cottages of 5 rooms and 2 unfinished in attic; reception hall, hath, separate toilet, gas and electric light: all Improvements In; leased $18 per mo. rental: 8 per cent net (close to fine Ladd tract): Cllnton-st. carllne. A. 11. UUUIELL 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark sts. I- e ba. Steven s. Tabor Heights. 'end of Mount Tabor and Morrbton-st. carllne. The new, sightly Broadview' lots from $300 up, on terms made eauy. only i oiocks irom canine; wide streets. Bull Run water, shade and fruit trees; the best buy now on the mar Vft. We have a. Ions' list of lots, acreage. timber lands and trading property. Phone Bast 6050. Fara 5 cents. FXR RALB Bv owner, ft.1 acres 3 miles from New berg-, for $35o; flilMXt cash, balance to suit; adapted to fruits, walnut and general horticulture: healthy location, overlooking a beautiful valley: fruit cannery and milk condensery In course of construction. Write A. p. Oliver, Newberg, or. LAST CHANCE, Monday only 7-room new house, bath, full basement, large closets, toilet, wash bowl, gas; $4000, half cash; E. 12th. opposite Ladd, tract, wIip re lots are selling for $1975. LA MONT & HARRIS, 306-7 Swetland bldg Vf)R xl45o I will sell un to Oct. 2 at Tisrard vlllf Station, on Salem electric line, 20 minutes' ride to Portland, good wag-on road, O acres -l iifavf ruuiu, wi on crop will pay for it. Terma. F. A. Miner, j-jfiim, muic a, un ir. TRY A. S. Draper's system of securing JUST WHAT TOT WANT in 0 to 8-room houses, modern, $50O to $3500, on terms of $250 down, balance as rent; ALL NEW HOUSES in all part of the city. 3434 Washington. Rooms 3 ana 4, cor. itn. 3200 7-room bunralow. new. modern choice location. Sunnyslde, 1 block to streetcar, on E. 34th fit., N. A. H. BIRRELL 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark Mm. I- RET. I.WOOD. SELLWOOD. flood 6-room cottage, $134H; a better one. SlfUW); house of 6 rooms and batn $1000- all near car. O. H. Shlnn, room 313 Buchanan bldg., 2S6" Washington st. YOU can build on this close-in lot near Haw thorne and otttn; cement wanes ana mac adam street, for only ?00; easy term. James 4 Logan, room 20, Raleigh bldg.. 323 Vs Washington st. $ 1900 Only a cozy 6-room home with all mod ern Improvements; you can have It almost on your own terms. tee it nerore you ouy. Sherlock & Woerndle, P0 Fifth st. Sirsoo A whole block only one block from Portland Koulevard and 6 blocks from Arbor Iodge Station; a bedrock snap. Sherlock & Woerndle, 00 Fifth street. $2650 A f I n o new fi-room hoiu?e on G ra nd ave., corner lot; all modem and up-to-date; must be ween to be appreciated. Sherlock &. Woerndle, 90 Fifth st. Siun Fine corner lot. 30x100. on East 21st and Bush streets; right on carllne: nicest rorner on Riwh street. Sherlock & Woern- ill", irv r ii in ktwt.. 4,-i00 Large 8-room house and lot on Quimby street, between lflth and 20th; all in fine shape: walking distance. Sherlock & Woern cue, ih f inn bt. 6-ROOM house, store building and barn; all new. well rented: 2 lots, lOOxlOO; bargain liuyem only. 18 Lafayette bldg. 12th and Washington at. MODERN 7-room. corner lot. 50x100. nice lawn, fruit and flowers: good buy aa home r Investment; price $2HOO. Phone owner Sell wood 424. 2 FINE lots on Council Crest; very easy terniri anu reasonable: Kood speculation Purse, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 730. 1ALMER-VAX ALSTINB CO.. 222 Falling bldg., make a specialty of celling East Side residences. jia:n owi. a BV OWNER Fine corner. East 22d and roucn, i"o. pnone mornings B1S81. Ad dress no East Ash st. IOuxIOO in Have.ork. near Patton ave., 1 block of car, $4(H) cash, $20 month. Puree, S23 ("namoer or commerce. THE DCNN-LAWRENCE CO. Will move to their new quarters at 248 Alder st., Oct. l. $1.100 ,-room modern houe on carllne. South Portland. H. W. Lemcke Co., 6th and VV Rsnmgimi sia. $10t0 WILL buy a good 4-room houoe and lot, 5oxHH; walking distance. Call 212 Morrison st. I18O0 New modern bungalow. ::00 down, 20 mon i my, o uiu-ks juhi xtk w uiurne-ja. ur, Darling. $12.'0 Choice lot cheap for cash. E. Couch st.. near lu. -in bl r rea . airong, a- Stark st. FOR SALE Beautiful home In Piedmont. Sn owT, 3U Pearl St., or phone East FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. FINE FARM 155 acres. 85 In cultivation, running water in every field, good well at house, most of land can be Irrigated; fine house and barn, good orchard; will make one of the best dairy farms In state; half mile from O. W. P. Station and 20 miles from Portland; a real bar gain, $70 per acre, bait cash; will sell stock and crops very cheap. Fine farm, 150 acres. 75 In cultivation, fine large house and barn, good orchard, fine spring at door; some good timber on good road, fine soil, no gravel, only 10 miles from Portland: only $75 per acre; one-third cash, crop goes with place. Fine 40-acre tract. 12 miles from Port land, 25 in cultivation, fine spring, good orchard, good 0-room house, small bam, In Kood neighborhood. . $11250. Fine 10-acre tract, near Eagle Creek, running water, level and good soli, 1 mile from car line; $75 per acre, $200 cash. . , Fine 8-room house, lot 45x14 1, East Taylor. $2500; $500 cash a good home. Good new 5-room house, line lot. East 37th St.; $1850, small payment down. Fine quarter, E. 28th, near Base Line road, improvements all in; $2250, $500 "Vine lot. 23th and Morrison. $1500, good terms Fine new, modern up-to-date house, 7 rooms. East 27th, near Morrison st. car line; $3030. a good buy. $1000 cash. Fine 0-room house. E Taylor; some fruit, $2o00, hi cash, balance installments. CHARLESON & CO.. 411 Commercial bldg., phone Pacific 1106. GOOD LIST TO SELECT FROM $2000 100x100, corner B. 30th and Couch St.. line quarter. $2:10030x100, Kearney St., west of 22d; buy It now. . $2300 Full lot. Nob Hill, 23th and Savler sts. ICL'700 35x100. Kearney, west of 2d, elepant flat site. $:cM0 G-room cottage, full lot, $1500 down: Irvington. $.'.750 .Full lot, Kearney, west of 22d; don't overlook it. $4750 Quarter block, corner Elm and Montgomery st. drive, Portland Heights. $5750100x100, cor. E. loth and Davis, build any thing you want; no restrictions. $750t H-room modern nouse, everyinms in perfect condition, 11th, near Montgonir ery st. $10.000 New flats near flth and Mill, paving good interest. $0000 cash. LIST YOUR PROPERTY "WITH US.. LA MONT & HARRIS. 306-7 Swetland bldg. CHAMBBRS & FARNSWORTH. Real Estate Dealers, Millard ave. Here are only a few or the many good bargains In houses and lots which we have on the list In the beautiful home district on the Mount Scott line: 5-room house, wood fiber finish : papered throughout; good location; terms-, $200 cash; !. 11 New 2-room house, about 4 blocks to car; terms; $425. A modern 5-room cottage, 2 blocks from car. all furnished with new and modern furniture; good range and everything firet class; about 50 chickens; $2500. 5-room cottage; modern close to carllne; J12O0. Take Mount Scott car. get off at Millard avenue. Chamher & Farnsworth. NEAT little suburban home of 1 acre of ground and new 4-room house, on Oregon City car line; half acre cleared and set out to garden and small fruit ; balance light timber; short distance from Wil lamette River and on good street; price, ?1350. 2fc acres, all cleared, rich black (bot tom land, can be secured In addition to the above acre for$GS0. Will sell for rash or trade for improved property in Sell wood or gooii residence district of Portland. This Is a snap. Do not fall to Investigate It. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 24.-i Stark st. VACANT LOTS. SI 225 24 lots In Piedmont Park. $lo00 2 lots. 50x110 each in Irvington, nenr Hancock st. 12(Ht 3 lots in Woodmere, cash handles these. $1000 Choice corner on Belmont. jiMtit loxioo on E. Yamhill. $soo Hiixioo on Belmont. S.ioii 40x."i8 on E. Morrison. V. PAGE HARRIS. East 386. Healey bldg.. Grand ave. and E. Morrison. HOMESEEKERS. get under roof before the rain starts In S12oo Nice lot and well-built 5-room house. worth more than asked for the whole; easy terms. $2100 Fine lot, with modern 5-room house, good location, good term. $5250 On easy terms, for a fine lot on ixtn st., 14 mocks rrom Hotel fortiana, with a substantial modern double-house. F. FUOHS, 221 Morrleon at. A BARGAIN. 7-room new and modern home, all in fine condition, 4 rooms downstairs, all tinted woodwork brown finish, nice back porch. window and door screens, nice hall up and downstairs; large bathroom, full basement. frultroom. fine large front porch, facing east, splendid lawn, fruit and garden, nice new furniture and rugs-; all goes lor $J400. HENKLB & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. ACREAGE. 12 acres all In cultivation, most all bottom land, fronts on gravel road, less than half mile from railroad station, only 10 miles out, under fence; some bearing fruit trees; splendid land; no buildings might take city property in exchange. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Bldg. IRVINGTON. $4500 9-room house, bath, separate toilet. furnace, brick foundation, full-sized lot. all Improvements in : EL 17th 9t., near Tillamook; choicest part of irvington. A. H. BIRRELL 202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark bus. LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN. 5-room cottage, modern plumbing, lot 41x130; nne location, nice negnDornooa, close to best carllne. This is a rare chance to secure a good home cheap. See lng Is believing; come In. Price $1,100. Terms to suit. HOME LAND CO., 145 1st St. 2 NEJW 6-room houses, modern Improvements; terms to suit. 2 new 5-room cottages, modern ; choice location: easy payments. 1 new 8-i oom house. 2 lots. 50x100 each - fruit trees and rosea; nice lawn; terms to suit purchaser. The Portland Real Estate Agency, 263 Stark St.; phone A 5148. FINE HOME FOR 'ALB. $6500 8-room house. with reception hall, attic, basement with cement floor, furnace, fireplace; all conveniences, in eluding fixtures, shades, carpets and bil Hard table; choice location on the East Side. Fred H. Strong, 242 Stark st. PRETTY EtAST SIDE HOME. ON RODNEY AVE. Ten minutes' from 3d and "Washington ertif.. $4000 6-room furnished modern house. corner lot, best car service in the city. H. W. LEMCKE CO., 6th and Washington sts. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house, 100x100 lot, set In bearing fruit and choicest roses, etc: close to carlir:, walking distance to Columbia University: half cash balance terms, or will trade for acreage. mono union lura. CITY VIEW PARK Fine residence 8 rooms, bath, pantry, basement, rose trees, rose bushes, rruit trees, corner ltiuxAOo: price, $400. G. H. Shlnn, room 513 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington st. INVESTMENT A comer lot. improved. In a growing section of the city; Income 9 per cent, net; mreets improved, lor s4UOU, cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. J 236. oregonlan. ONE to five-acre tracts tor sale on electrlo carllnes, near the city, from $140 to $400 per acre ; terms or payment easy. w. tx Burke, 15 Mailory bldg. 268 Stark. TeL Main 4526. PORTLAND HEIGHT. Quarter block, grand view, $5300: also i.suxiw near canine, $4iKiu. G. H. sninn, room 513 Buchanan bldg.. 286 wash ingion st. LEAVING CITY And will sell the home .room new house and 2 lots, 100x100; good garden; diock to car; win take $1575, down. Address J 238, Oregonlan. No agents. 6 ELL WOOD TOWNSITE CO. $2400; coxy nungaiow lor small lamiiy; 4 rooms, built in bookcases, china closets, cement walks. everything complete. 1665 East 13th. BUY from owner and save commission, nice 5-room bungalow, modern every way, full concrete basement, on carltne, near Plea mont Phone East 2466; easy terms. MODERN 5-room cottage, new, near car barns in Albina; best of plumbing, nice lawn: everything nrst-ciass; terms. west ern Land Co.. 248 Stark st. 8ELLWOOD $2200: nice 6-room home bat h. e 1 ect ric 11 gh ts ; corn er lo t ; roses. lnf5 East 13th st. Seliwood 161. Owner, SNAP 50x100. 2 block s north Piedmont barn, on Mississippi ave., $425 cash. H. St. Rayner, 871 East Irving st. A FINE 100x100 corner lot on East Side easy trms. Apply owner. 425 FHedner bldg, lUth and Washington. 5-ROOM bungalow. East Side, splendid lo cation, strictly modern, $4750. Address .u i nira st. IF you want to buy a home. It pays to see nap in at fienow, 42d Chamber of Commerce. SPHINX AGENCY, 8o6H BTARK BT. CAM FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOMES! IT PAYS TO SEE US FOR HOMES! Beautiful home on Hancock street; eight rooms, modern in every respect; lot 100x100; price, $iU,tX; terms. Modern seven-room house, on Wasco st. ; lot 50x100; price, $3800; terms. New modern eight-room house on Han cock St.; lot 75xl0O; price, $67u0; easy terms. Fine modem seven-room house, comer Schuyler and 19th sts.; price, $0500; terms. New modern nine-room house on Han cock st.; lot 75xl0o; price. $7200; easy terms. Nice eeven-room house on Wasco st.; lot 60x100; price, $4600; terms. Five-room cottage oh East 10th St.; price, $2&50; terms. One five-room bungalow, Portland Heights; price, $3500: easy terms. One seven-room bungalow, Portland Heights; price, $3650; easy terms. One eeven-room Bungalow. Portland Heights; price, $4000; easy terms. New modern eight-room house on Broad way; price, $5500; terms. Fine new nine-room house on Halsey St.; price, $7500; easy terms. Ntce modem nine-room house on E. 18th St.; lot 85x100; price, $6000; terms. 'New seven-room house on East 17th st. ; price, $3500; very easy terms. Nice seven-room house on Broadway; lot 50xloo; a bargain. Five-room cottage on Multnomah st. ; price, $2800; easy terms. Nice new six-room house on Multnomah st.; lot 100x100; price, $4500; terms. New six-room modem house on East 18th St. N.; lot 50x100; price. $6250; terms. Nice seven-room house on San Rafael st.; price, $3250; terma. Elegant new eight-room house on Tilla mook st.. corner 22d st.; lot 00x100; price, $8500; easy terms. Choice modern seven-room house on Hal sey st.. close to car line; a beautiful home; price, $6250; very easy terms. Very fine eight-room modern house on Hancofcc and East 2JHh fits.; lot 00x04; price $ti000; very easy terms. House cor. 22d st. and East Ankeny ; three lots; price, $730O; terms. Choice home on East ISth. st. North; modern, nine rooms; lot 85x100; price $6000; terms. New nine-room modern house on. Halsey st.; quarter-block; price, $75; terms. Beautiful modern ten-room houpe and garage, 18th and Lovejoy; price, $11,000; terms. Four modern houses, 23d and Pettygrore sts., at a bargain. Nice eight-room house, 12th and Clay sts.; price, $10,500; easy terms. Nine-room house on 10th St., price, $5000; easy terms. close in; Eight-room house on Lovejoy St.; price. $6250; easy terms. Ten-room house on Mill St.; price, $6500; termts. Four nice flas on East 33d st. ; $6000; excellent Investment; terms. price. One eight-room house on Corbett price, $3000; terms. st- One seven-room house on First and Tilla mook St.; price, $3600; very easy terms. One seven-room house on .First and Tilla mook St.; price, $3400; very easy terms. One eight-room bungalow. Clinton and ZTtn sts. ; price, $2soo; very easy terms. IT PAYS TO SEE US. CHAPIN & HER LOW, 425 Chamber of Commerce." SIGHTLY SUBURBAN HOME. Gentleman who Intends going in business elsewhere places his beautiful country home of 5 acres, 5 miles from the Courthouse, on electric carllne, on the market again for short time at $5000. This Is reduction of $1000 from former price. It is only 20 minutes out. Beautiful pure sparkling spring water aplenty; small trout brook runs across back of meadow ; 2 acres black meadow soil, 2 acres beaver, 1 acre hill; grateful shade trees, trails and park for the chil dren's playground; house 9 rooms, new, cow barn and poultry sheds; fronts. 120O feet on carline, station on property ; sightly, healthy, beautiful. FJ 250, Oregonlan. GOOD INVESTMENT. Corner lot on 17th St., warehouse district; onlv $8500; hurry If you want tlnis. LIND & CO.. 329 Lumber Exchange. RVi VWaxvt Ada A r;"!-??'-'!- fcw-gj ztl T-J 3fc?; VToiv5r'tHc coooV'S An Oregonian Advertisement Will Get You a Good Cook Collier's Weekly, in- a recent article, says: "The domestic problem is the problem of the age. Good servants for1 modest wages are not to be obtained." Portland has her domestic problem, as well as the other cities, and the ques tion is as acutk here as anywhere else. There are, however, many young wom en arrivals from other cities and towns who are anxious to get started in this prosperous city of the Northwest. These people they are thrifty, they are wise soon leam that it is The Oregonian which is read by the families for whom they want to work. They, therefore, read The Oregonian for the advertisements, knowing that, sooner or later, just the kind of family, they want will advertise for " heVp 99 in The Oregonian. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. TOMORROW. $2000 5-room house, good barn, chick en fence and house; 1 acre ground, fruit trees, etc.; very good bargain. $2200 3-room modern house, on 46th and Hawthorne, lot 50x100; this will make a very nice home , for a small family; terms $300- 7-rcom new strictly modern house full lot. electricity and gas. fireplace, piped for furnace; terms to suit. $3250 0-room 2-story house, full base ment, large hall, electricity and gas, tine neighborhood; lot 50xlO0. half block of Hawthorne, 47th st. ; terms. $450u 6-room strictly modern house, with all improvements, up to date; grounds are very nice, lot 50x100, E. Tay lor st. $54)00 will buy a 6-room completely modern 6-rcom -ouse, very nicely located, lth and Burnslde. $5504) 8-room modern house, electricity and gas, fireplace, piped for furnace, good basement, cement walks, etc., etc, 23d and Burnslde. , A t - f7800 will buy a 2-year-old completely modern 8-room house, very nicely locat ed on 20th and Madison; steam heat, very convenient In every respect. 2 corner lots; this is a very good up-to-date home. COAST COMMERCIAL CO., 504 , Dekum bldg. F. ADAMS & CO., phone 8144. Room 300, Dekum bldg.. cor. 3d and v Washington sts. Some bargains that cannot be duplicat ed for the price: . 5-room cottage, modern, full lot, ce ment walk; fine location, $1000; terms on balance. ' . , 5- room cottage, full lot. 1 block from car line; all new; price. 1400. $500 cash 8-room house, modern, fine location, lot 45x145, shrubbery and fruit trees, only $2500; $300 cash. 6- room house, full basement, full lot. lawn and roses; price, $2S00; terms; East Davis street. Any one looking for real estate business call. We have a bargain. SNAPS IN HOUSES. $1050 New 5-room cottage, lot 50x124. on East Yamhill St., $650 cash, bal $20 per month. . ' m $2500 Nice' 4-room cottage, 3 lots, at Mount Tabor, part cash. $2700 Good 6-room house, corner lot, East 21st and Hoyt sts., extra snap. $2600 Nice 5-room cottage, and 2 lots on Gideon St.. near Powell, lhalf cash. $4$o4i Nice 8-room house n Flint and Tillamook sts., half cash. $6000 Swell new 9-room house, modern in every respect. E. ISth and Washing ton. BOLLAM. GRUSSI & HIGLEY, 128 3d st. EAST SIDE HOMES. $4."00 Swell 7-room modern residence, as fine as money could make it; $2500 cash needed. (430 New 8-room house, modern, with furnace. lot 100x100, with large, trees; only $700 needed. $2850 New 5-room cottage in Sunny side : very good buy. $2500 6 rooms, 1 4 -story new home, corner' lot, close in On good car line; $500 first payment. ' See me for other bargains. V. PAGE HARRIS, East 386. Healy bldg.. Grand ave. and E. Morrison. 7 CHOICE lots, Henry's Addition, overlooking the fine Ladd Tract now opened up, facing on Division and Ivon, bet. B. 22d and 23d Ms.; one block to Clinton st. carline, and only about 15 minutes' walk to Madlson-st. bridge; offered by non-reaidtnt to close an estate. $700 each. A. H. BIRRELL 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark sts. A REAL BARGAIN. Corner 100x100 and good 6-room modern bouse, ga, etc., plenty of fruit, only 15 minutes' ride on Unlon-ave. car. ; room for two more houses; price $4000, with easy terms. ZIMMERMAN & VAUGHAN, Rm. 34)3. Buchanan bldg. 2864 Washington st. RUSSELL STREET CORNER. 50x100 lot on Russell st. and carltne Improved; bringing rental of $118 per month; lease o years; pays 10 per cent on investment; $6000 cash; balance . long time at 0 per cent. E. R. MARKHAM & CO.,. 209-210 Commercial Block. RAVE" $50. Lot 50x100. Holladay Park Add.; ce ment walk, sewer, all lmrrovements in and oald for.' Price, $130O; if sold be ' fore October 5. $1250 cash. Owner needs the money. E 244, Oregonlan. 1 $6250 8-room house, modern, best of plumb ing; building superintended by owner; built 4 years ago; brick basement, cor ner lot; this Is a fine home. A. H. BIRRELL 202 McKav Bide.. 3d and Stark s-ts. . A 15AKUA1A parties going juasi; jimpx too. with new modern 6-roorp, nouse. cement basement. Crest on. Mount Scott car, SOtn and Clark sts., block east Clark's sta tion; price. $2000; $1600 casn. balance time. N. C. Hall, at place. FOR SALE House and lot. 1O20 East 36th, cor. Clinton: $450 if taken this week. FOR SALE REAL ESTA1E. $354)0 BUYS 50 acres 1 mile from Gaston. 25 acres under cultivation, balance good; all well fenced and best of soil ; 3 acres orchard good well and spring ; good 5-room house, fair barn, 10 tons of hay. 150 bushels wheat. 100 bush els oats, 30 head goats, 4 cows, 3 of them fresh, 2 horses, 1 colt. 1 light and 1 heavy wagon, set double harness, 2 plows-, 1 disk harrow. 1 peg-tooth harrow, 5 hogs. 100 chickens, all go with ranch at above j price; can make terms. This Is a good j bargain. ! $5300 53 acres. 2 4 miles from HIlls boro, 45 acres In cultivation, balance pas ture, all bottom land and best of soli ; well fenced, running water, 5-room house, barn and other outbuildings, R. F. D. and milk route. 10 good cows. 2 horses. 5 hogs, 60 chickens. 30 tons hay, wagon, harness and all farm Implements go with place. See .hls. it Is one of the best dairy ranches in Washington County. lOO acres 32 miles east of Portland, on Barlow road; Mt. Hood Railroad will run close to this place; lays between the big and little Sandy; best fruit, potato and clove land in the world; 54) acres In cul tivation, balance pasture, with some good timber, all fenced, several good springs, 5 acres orchard, 5-room old house, with lumber for new one. new barn, 48x04), room for 30 cows, R. F. D., hotel and store at Marmot. mile; price $30 per acre; will take part city property in ex change. Al ranch of 720 acres, near Dalles, for sale cheap, or will trade for city prop erty. One of the best dairy ranches In Wash ington County, 725 acres, $50 per acre; will take part city property. This is a fine ranch, come in "and let us tell you all about It. 2sHi V block on 24th and Wasco sts. $500 4 lota in Milwaukie Park, 2 cor ners. $LVK 1 lot 30x100. on Hancock at., be tween 15th and 16th. $554)0 Strictly modern 8-room house In Irvington; new and up-to-date. $4254) Elegant 6-room house on Clack amas st.; fine lawn and roses, lot 50x123, with alley. $5000 New and modern 6-room house on Multnomah St.; this is an elegant house. $1200 New and modern 4-room bunga low, on corner 120x120. cement basement, bath, hot and cold water, near Wood stock line. BALL & BROWN. , Room 700. Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash Z. A. V. ACREAGE. $430. About 0 acres at Oak Grove, on the Oregon City carline. One of the fastest developing districts. Exceedingly reason able at $450 Der acre. $420. Twenty-five acres of splendid soil. 4 acres In strawberries and some fruj.t; m northern part of city; would make fine platting- site ; $420 pr acre. $1500. 2 acres near Maegly Junction, on St. John carllne; will be worth twice as much next year. Investigate It. $1300 per acre. $6uOO. Five acres on Section Line road, near Mount Tabor. Fine soil, fruit and good buildings. This is a bargain. Look it up. $2300. One acre of ground with very attractive new 5-room house, good soil; fine suburb an home at reasonable price; $000 casn will handle. $2000. ' One acre of ground at Stewart's Sta tion, 3 blocks from car; good 5-room house, bearing fruit trees and berries, barn with 4 stalls. This Is a bargain. ZIMMERMAN & VAUGHAN. Room 303. Buchanan Bldg., 280 4 Washington St. SPANTON HAS SOME SWELL HOMES ON NOB HILL. $0500 Nob Hill modern 7-room bouse, on Johnson St., near 23d;. lot 50x100; terms'. $7750 Nob Hill 7-room modern house, on Hovt st., near 23d; every convenience; lot 50x100; terms. $5000 655 Thurman st., between 20th and 21st., 7-room house, lot 50x100; terms. THE SPANTON CO.. 270 STARK STREET. (.Ground Floor) The Best Equipped Rtal Estate Office In Portland. READ this 1 1 st of homes caref u 1 ly, msji e your selection, call on us and arrange terms. $2000 7-room house in Albina. $2800 8-room bungalow on E. 27th st. ; very easy terms. $3200 7-room house, well built; Upper Al bina. $:t300 6-room house on B. 10th st. $4200 7-room house, close in on West Side. $4300 6-room house in Holladay Park. $4500 7-room house in Holladay Ps,rk. $4000 7-room house in Holladay Park. $,"(NK) 7-room, large house, Holladay Park. 70oO Fine 9-room house. Holladay Park. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg. $30,000 WAREHOUSE site, 100x100, on 14th, paying $1000 rent with buildings now on lots; a good Investment. Lathrop & Law rence. 24 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY. 301 McKay Building. Beautiful 8-room houee, fine neighbor hood. Willamette Heights; all modern con veniences;. $65O0. New 6-room house, modern : WIPamette Heights, beautiful view of river and val ley; convenient to car; $4000. 2 brand- new. thoroughly modern 6-room houses1, Maryland ave.; fine location; 20 nilnute trolley ride; good neighborhood; $5N00 for both ; a good investment and de sirable homes. Modern 5-room bungalow ; good neigh borhood; 20-minute trolley ride; $3hX; $1200 cash. Good new house. 4 rooms; electric lights, cellar, porch, spring water. fine view; Portland City Homestead Addition : price only $D00; $200 cash, balance $12 per month. Bound to increase in value. New, modern 6-room houne; fireplace, electric lights; a strict Iv up-to-date home; City View Park; lot COxlOu: price $3750. We have a good list of desirable residence properties in all sections of the city. Those in the market for a home will do well to see us. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 301 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark ts. FOR SALE Chofce 8-room residence, modern, admirably located on Ea:t l4tth st.. reason ably close to East Morrison; Jot SttxH'O or 80x100; nice lawn. Vi -block on East 12th nt.. In reach of East Morrison carllne, with nearly new 8 room residence; modern throughout; a de cidedly choice place. Good lo-room residence, Kant Alder: full lot. choice location; will rent for $40 per month. Bargain Lot 40x100, 4-room house, near High School. East Stark: terms. Very choice 8-room residence. East 16th. near Washington; well worth what is askd for It. Also many other choice residences and vacant lots in all part of city. C. W. PALI-ETT. 3(4 Fenton bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS INSTALLMENT HOM ES Look at those beautiful nev modern H-room houses, just completed, on southwest corner of 2-Sth and Savler sts. one block from the carline; gas, electric ity, furnaces, full cement basements, fire places, porcelain plumbing, wood -fiber plaster. I'nequaled neighborhood, superb viw, overlooking Forestry Park. Price, $404)o. $400 down, $40 per month. Fidel ity Trust Com pan v, owner, 406 Commer cial block. Phones Main 447, A 1445. FOR SALE By owner, new 4-room cottage. strictly modern, desirable neighborhood. B 252. Oregonlan. IF you want to buy a home, it pays to eee Chapln Herlow, 42.i number of Commerce. FOR SALE FARMS. CHOICE FARMS. AND MIGHTY CHEAP! S'JIUH) lO-acre fruit farm at Springhrook : well improved, choice fruit,, handy to Newberg College, and cannery; nice home and good paying farm; might exchange foo good city property. $H4Htfl Nice l'JO-acre farm. 00 acres In culti vation. 30 in timber, with more cord wood on it thnn price asked; 2 miles from elec tric car; $2Kt cash ; balance 10 years 6 per cent; nothing better for man with limited means. $7u00 On easy terms for a splendid 112 ocre farm. near Tualatin and Fal-m electric road. Come along next Monday and investigate this bargain. $05 per acre for one of the best model farms of 325 acres in the Willamette Val ley; improvements worth $1o,4mo; toll of the very best, fine water system over the place. This place will be sold far below value, and easy terms can be arranged. For good farms of any size and kind, see F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison st. FARM BARGAINS. Just the place for a family, contains loS acres, all but 8 acres are in a fine state of cultivation; jus-t half a mile from school; one and a half to county eeat; half to na tion; the home Is a very fine !-ruom nous; new barn and outhouses, everything up to date; investigate; 30 miles from Portland; $75 per acre. I have alo the most unique farm In Or egon, one mile from Forest Grove, contains about l. acres; has beett facilities for hand ling the berry business; large silo, cutter, elevator, and new Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine to do all the work ; everything to make the work easy and business protuanie. A modern 7-room house with electric lights and other benefits; a snap. ?iit00, Remember, Forest Grove is a college town. ALFRED A. IJAKRH, Real Estate, 215-210 Ablngton bldg. LOOK" ONCE IN A LIFETIME -LOOK" $0MJ0 cash and $4O0O easy terms buys 122 acres best of rich, level land; lw acres thoroughly cleared and under fine state of cultivation, IZ acres gret-n merchant able timber; fenced ijito 10 and a4-acre lots; . acres of bearing orchard, assorted fruits nice 2-story 0-room houe, strictly modern, barn 40x80, silo, with contents, and all neceary outbuildings; buildings alone could not be duplicated for le? than $34Xrf 2 good wells, new windmill, etc., etc. ; 2oO yards from graded school, church. I. O. O. F. Hall, store and P. O. ; telephone In house; 10 mllos from Vancouver, on nice level road; guaranteed as advertised; must be seen to be appreciated. THOMPSON & SWAN, 346-7 Swetland bldg.. Portland, Or. Citizens' Bank bldg., Vancouver, Wash. A SNAP A compact tract of 600 acres or excellent land, tributary to Columbia River, 3 hours' ride on the boat down the river from Portland. 12 miles from N P. R. R. town. 2 miles from river town; a large stream of water and railroad goes through the land, on the lower part or tne lanu tne river maxes a rail of j feet. The soil is very fertile, well adapt ed to fruit raising. Surrounding this land are some very fine farms, that range in value from $50 to $100 per acre. This land can De sola in small tracts at 8 large profit, and In a very short time For a quick deal we offer it at $12 per acre. r COAST COMMERCIAL CO. 504 Dekum bldg. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. $700 cash will hand re an ideal little place oi acres, an in nerries, orcnara and garden ; 4-room house, barn, good well and fences on place; & tncnes of water for Irri gation ; finest kind of soil and lies well on the main county road, only 2 miles from Hood River. If you want a model little Place in tnis beautiful valley at a bars-a n better see thi before it Is sold. The price is on iy J.1.HW. DEVLIN & FIR EB A UGH, 608-500 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. A CHOICE farm at onlv $20 an acre, contain ing 271 acres, 125 acres are In cultivation while the balance contains nome 4.4KJ0.000 reet rea nr timber. The place is well equipped with suitable 5-room house, a large barn, cow sheds, stable, etc., is well fenced and watered, only mile and a half from sta tion. The house is partly furnished, while tne Darn contains some io tons or goo a nay Act quick. ALFRED A. BAKER, Real Estate. 215-216 Ablngton bldg. FOR Homseekers with small means $2000 For a beautiful 6 -acre place on the Clackamas, handy to electric care: fine buildings alone worth the price asked; 250 full-bearing young fruit trees of choice variety; nne water system. A place where you make an easy living and money. $3S00 For a nice 54-acre tract. 14 miles from Portland. This place is owned by a widow; can be had on very easy terms, and if fixed up a little, le easily worth per acre. F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison . HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 22 acres, partly cleared, lies well, best of son and can be put in first-class condition for orchard at $3o per acre; 8 mll from tiooQ Kiver; convenient to school, store. etc. ; 5-year-old orchard close by recently sold for $1000 per acre; thif place can be naa at the very" low price of ).o per acre ir interested in Mooa Kiver lands, call a our onice ror tun inrormation. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 608-509 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. FOR SALE 5-acre farm of hons. fruit and grain : finest of everlasting soil and river bottom; no gravel; fine pasture and springs; plenty timber; elegant - 10-room farmhouse; fine hophouses, barn and farm buildings; 4 mile to railroad. Vi mile to school; rural de livery, and telephone in house; one hour run from Portland. For location and beau tiful home cannot be excelled In state. One half cash, balance easy terma. 207 Alisky bldg. 325 ACRES good soil, half cleared and In . cultivation, about 15 miles from Portland, near new carline, 10-acre orchard. fair house and barn; enough wood can be cut from place to nearly pay price asked; only $t5 per acre. Must ell to ettle estate. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg. FOR SALE 80 acres 2 miles from Banks. Washington Co. ; house, barn and other outbuildings, good well and springs, orchard of over 400 trees of different varieties; some timber, fine land for di versified farming; R. F. D.; a snao at $3000. Particulars at 308 "B" Third st. Pacific 2350. $46543 60-acre farm 12 miles east of Port land; house, barn and $1004 worth of wood ; 15 acres clear, running water. CAUSEY LAND & INVESTMENT CO., 500-7 Swetland bldg. 10-ACRE ORCHARD. in apples, cherries, grapes and small fruit ; 20 acres timber; live stream runs through place; 8 miles from city; $300. includes stock, etc. 325 Lumber Exchange building. 1 , 20 ACRES, highly improved, 5 miles from city, near car line; good houoe and out buildings; snap at $7500; terms. 325 Lum ber Exchange. FOR SALE FARMS. PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO., 305-308 Buchanan bldg., Portland. Oregon. QUICK BARGAINS. ' No. 1 20 acies lying high and bo high water, fronting Columbia boulevara near Maegly Junction, railroad and wet- vr transportation: $l,itoo per acre tor quick sale. No. 2 1:5 acres on lake and slough on Peninsula with railroad transportation; ideal site hr sawmill or other manufac turing, at $13,000; very liberal terms. No. 3 This must Le taken quick; 6.0OO acres. 12 miles from Pendleton. 5 miles from railroad, all fenced, on county road, plenty of water, other improvements; caO b cut Into smaller tracts and mnt profit of 5o per cent on investment lnsjfe 12 months; $10 per acre; lunds near this worth $75 to $U0 per acre. No. 4 14 acres. 5 4 miles from ran road: 40 acres bottom land, running w er. good house, orchard, berries, garden, crop every year; price $3,500; Umatilla county. Ko 5Full section near Irrlgon on o. R. & N.; rich land; $55M; easy terms, cash or trade Portland income property. No. 6 0O0 acres mile from McMinn vllle depot ; rich farm land, fruit, berry and dairying; $70 per acre; must b quick sale; can be cut into smaller tracts at big profit. v No. 740 aces on German Town roaa, 10 miles from Court House; 20 acres under cultivation. 1 acre orchard, young apple trees; house of 4 rooms on place; water piped to house from spring of living wat er; sranarv. barn and other needed out buildings, $3,oo4J. No. 8 2o acres. SO under cultivation, on county road. 1 mite from school, tele phone, rural mall, spring and river water, vellow pine, wood and fencing; 70 trees, voung apples, peach and apricots; a house, good barn. 3-wire fence, range for 200 head of cattle, in Grant County; $8.o0 per acre if taken quick. These are just samples of what w have. We have Morrow county. Grant county, Umatilla and Gilliam county stock ai.d wheat lands. We have farms of all sixes in the Willamette alley. Our company Is today leading the Port land market In the sale of outside prop erty PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO., 305-308 Buchanan Mag., Portland, Oregon. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE! AT . FU Hl-lC Al f.1 iuim. The undersigned, H. B. t'ockerham, will at his farm, located about 10 miles southwest of McMinnville and about 8 miles northwest of Sheridan, on Tuesday, October 8. lOT. -ell at public auction to the highest bidde? the following property: One farm containing about 2"0 acres, more or less, on Deer creek; one farm containing about 203 acrts, near said Deer creek; one farm containing about HW acres, more or less, near Peer Creek; one farm containing about I44 acres, more or less, near Deer creek. Said farms being a subdivision of the farm now wcupied by said H. B. Cock erham and owned by him. all well watered with running water and living springs, good farming lands and splendid stock farms, well st with grass and cover. Idea country homes. , . Terms of sale 1-3 cash, balance secured by mortgage on premtoes at 0 per cent, time to HUit purchasers. Also following personal property will be sold at same time and place in same manner L!5 head of well-bred Angora goats. 100 head of well-bred stock sheep, all choice; 10 head of well-bred hns. one sow registered: 5 fresh milch cows with calves: 3 fine mares with coU; also one fine young colt, about 75 tons of clover, oats and vetch hay mixed, splendid quality, now in barns on farms to be sold; about 74iO, bushels of oals in granary on farms, one buggy, one wagon, mowing machine, plows, harrows, and all other farming tools necessary to carry on farms; -U head of White Holland turkeys, 00 head of Bronise turkeys, lOO chickens. Terms of sale on person property, all sums under $lo cash; $10 and over ix months time, with per cent interest, with approved securitv. Sale to commence at 11 A. M. Dinner served free. Address H. H. Cocker ham, Sheridan, Or. 12 ACRES good rich garden land. 3 milee from ancnuver ; acres cieureci. more easily cleared ; fenced and cross-fenced ; some cord wood, fruit trees, good 2-story house, nicely painted, barn 3x3o and all necessary out but '.dingy, good well. 2iKJ yds. from graded school ; R- F. D. mall, good neighborhood; $2700. $1000 cash, balance to suit. ' "" 112 acres good rich land, part fcesverdam: 45 acres under good ft ate of cultivation, 35 acres in meadow, 3 acres in bearing or chard, assorted fruits, barn .VixlOO, 2-story 8-room house and all necessary outbuild ing?; fenced and cross-fenced ; 1 mil from country town and lo miles from Vancou ver, on good level road: a good buy at $00trf; terms. Will sell all personal prop erty very reasonaM Call and get our prices on Improved and unimproved lands in small or large tracis before buying. We can suit you and save you money. THOMPSON & SWAN, 300-7 Swetland bldg.. Portland. Or. Citizens' Hank bldg.. Vancouver, Wash. 3241-ACRE dairy farm, valued at $000. for $t'O00 if sold in next 30 days; on rallroaa. 1 14 miles from creamery; 100 acres un der cultivation, fenced and ready to tane care of 50 cows; must sell on account of owners health preventing living on it; also 120 acres in same location, rich land, partly cleared, part in tie and piling tim ber, small house and barn, cheap. Apply owner, 905 East Couch st. Phone Tabor 378. HERE is a rare chance to secure a 20 acre farm, close in; a modern house and " barn, fine well water, fruit trees and acre strawberries, all farm tools and car penter tools worth $100. The Improve ments on this property are worth $2,000; level land and of the best soil; price $2,000. $1,000 to $1,400 cash; owner must sell. HOME LAND CO., 145H 1st St. DAIRY farm, Clark County. Washington. 10O acres. r0 improved, 1W fencea, u-room house, barn tiOx-SO, all necessary outbuild ings. 1 team. 2 wagons, all machinery, m cattle, 40 tons hay. 4 acres potatoes, H acres alt kinds fruit; price, $."0OO; easy terms. W. J- Cook, 602 Lumber Exchange bldg. 120 ACRES fine fruit land at The Dalles, Or., with valuable improvements, flourish ing fruit orchards and vineyards adjoin ing. Land equal to famous Hood Rive? Iruit land at one-quarter the price. Fot price and reason for selling see owner, C. H. Weeks, at Weeks Granite Works, 4tla and Columbia sts., Portland, Or. MULTNOMAH COUNTY FARM. 40 acres. 20 In cultivation. 2 acres In or chard, good barn, outbuildings, all rich soilj running water, about 20 miles due east oi Portland; price $00 per acre If sold xthl month. A. B. RICHARDSON, 614 Chamber of Commerce. HOOD RIVER OPPORTUNITY. Irto acreji A-l fruit land; lies well ani easily cleared ; only 6 miles from railroad station ; we can sell the entire tract for $41!5o and can arrange term. Here 1 your chanc to got In op the ground floor. DEVLIN & FIRERAITGH. 608-500 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. FOR BALE OR RENT Attention nurse rymes and farmers, 320 acres, all In cultivation, deep soil, fine improvements, convenient tc rail and navigation. This farm Is epeclallj adapted for nursery business. Inquire o( owner, George O'Brien, 4W North Capital St., Salem, Or. 1 9 BEAUTIFUL 70-acre farm. near town, school, stores, etc. ; four trains to Port land and return dally; on surveyed line of electric line whtt-h will make It within 45 minutes of Portland ; will sell in one lot or In small tracts. Address D 252, Ore gonian. MONEY IN GKEGON FARMS. We have most any kind and size In farms from fruit and chicken farms to Mock and wheat farms. Give us a call. WEST COAST REALTY CO., 505 Lun.b-r Exchange bldg. FOR SALE On time 20 acres-, close In, good house and barn and all other buildings, fine creek on place, plenty hay, X sacks pota toes on place; pleivty cabbage, turnips and carrots; if you want such a place. Address X 241, Oregonian. No agents. $12,300 Ttl acres this side of Gresham; ideal home, good land, running water; near O. W. P. line; ?0350 down. CAUSEY LAND A INVESTMENT CO. 5O0-7 Swetland bldg. I . A BARGAIN 4 acres level rich soil; good house, 6 roome, - bath, pantry, dairy, etc., barns, chicken-house, orchard, berries, shad trees; depot one mile; school close; $14',h Box 47, Route 1. Banks. Or. 10 TO 25 acres, fine rich soil, level, under cultivation; few miles from city; half mile to electric car; $2'0 per acre; terms. Seng, stake & Lyman, 00 5th st., near Stark. 25 ACRES. miles from Oregon City; 20 acres cultivated. 2 acres fruit, good build ings; $34)00. $Hoo down. Robeeon & Co.. P. O. bldg.. Oregon City. CENTRAL OREGON, good lands cheap, s tor sale by Van Tassel & Davis. Write or calj on them for information. Madras, Crook County, Oregon. 40 ACRES, near Portland-Salem line, half in cultivation, house, barn, spring, etc. ; only $3000; terms. Purse, 623 Chamber of Com- FARMERS' LAND CO. Headquarters Tot bargains In acreage and farms near city. In vesilgate. Pac. 204. Pfaffle, 203 3d st. FOR SALE Some of the beat dairy and stock ranches on Ainea Bay and vicinity. C, J. Smith. Waldport, Or. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. Will be foynd in their new quarters at 248 Alder st. after October 1.