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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1907)
THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 29, 1907. ' i FOB SALK FARMS. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 301 McKay Building. BARGAINS IN FARM PROPERTIES. Bargain No. 1 2 S ocrra good land, all In cultivation, growing alfalfa; good well, barn, hay shed, good 6-room house, all buildings nicely painted, telephone srWce, small fruit; all fenced; 3 miles from re- fon City, opposite Meldrum Station ; price 200. No. 2 3 acre near Forest Grove; good house, barn, 1000 bearing grape vines, best varieties, t-acre strawberries, prunes, cherries, horse, buggy and spring wagon, all go for $740. No. 8 10 acres in Cornelius, Or., all In cultivation; new house and barn; price $2fM); terms. No. 4 12 acres, all in cultivation; good R room house, bam ami outbuildings, or chard. 1 acre onion land, running water; mile to car; $52H, $:mh0 cash. No. 5 8 acres In Hillsboro (county seat of Washington Co.). 20 miles from Port land; -acre orchard, cherries, pears, plums and email fruit, 7 -room house, 2 cellars, good barn; a bargain at $30O0; terms. No. 6 4 acres, all in fruit; good 8-room bouse and barn, In Beaverton; price $3200; terms. No. 7 124 acres, 1 miles east of For est Grove, on Rase Line road; One 11 -room house, good barn, chicken-house, pigeon house, good orchard, all In tine state of cultivation. This Is a very fine property; price .5iW; terms. No. 8 21 acres, 1 14 miles east of Cor nelius, on Base Line road; fine 7-room house, good barn, fine orchard. In fine state of cultivation; 5 acres onion or cel ery land; fine wells; price $4000, $1200 cash. No. 9 20 acres near Forest Grove: 5 acres bearing orchard, fair buildings, good Water; price $3100. No. 10 S acres good land. 25 assorted fruit trees, bearing, small fruit, flowers and shrubbery, good new 5-room bungalow, with fireplace, new barn, good well, chicken houses, etc., at Beaverton. 7 miles from Portland; price $3OO0, $1000 cash. No. 11 20 acres 3 miles east of Van couver, on river road ; 1100 all bearing fruit trees; yield of prunes alone this sea son was GO tons; pears, apples, peaches, to matoes In abundance, 5-room house, fine water, little timber, beautiful river view; price $4X per acre; half cash. A very fine place. No. 12 50 acres close to Cornelius, all highly cultivated; fine house and barn, fine orchard; this Is one of the finest farms in the state: price $6000; term. No. 13 15 acres choice land Just outside city limits of Greeham, Or., 13 miles to Portland!; 13 acres under cultivation; deep, rich loam; price $3100. "No. 14 11 acres at Lents Junction, Mt. Scott or Cazadero car; 5-room house, new barn and other buildings; 9 acres in cul tivation; good quick bottom land, growing cabbages, potatoes and other truck; acre berries, TO fruit trees, running water, good well, all fenced; land all around this place selling at $1000 per acre; farming Implements, chickens. Clucks, Jersey cow, etc., all included; $7000; terms. This wilV he part of Greater Portland some day. No. 15 83 acres good farming land, 11 miles from Vancouver; good soil, fine or chard, prunes, pears and apples; partly fenced; old house and barn; price only $lrt"0; half cash. No. 16 10 acres fine, bottom land 4 rnils from Clackamas Station, 104 miles from Portland ; good new house, barn, Wher buildings, fruit, etc. ; price $4000; terms. No. 17 20 acres, 3 miles west of Beaver ton ; 8 acres cleared and In cabbages and iwtatoes; small house and barn; wood nough to pay for place; price, including "crops. $l70o. No. 18 80 acres, 314 miles south of Cor nelius; fair house, ' good barn, 35 acres In cultivation, 5 in orchard; spring water piped to house and bam ; all slashed and seeded, Irat 20 acres Is In fine timber; price $3A0; terms. No. 19 170 acres, 1 mile from Beaverton; 8 acres in cultivation; house, barn, chicken house, root-house, granary, lots of fruit, good buildings; $2700; $1500 cash. No. 20 120 acres, near Mountaindale; 15 acres clear, fair house, two million feet of standing timber; be wise; buy this for sure profit; $1400; terms. No. 21 650 acres. 4 miles from Corne lius; 450 acres under plow; fine buildings and extra good soil; a fortune can be made by subdividing into small . tracts; price $7n.5 per acre. The above are only a few of the farm properties that we have. No matter what you want, we can supply It. THH CROSSLEY COMPANY. SOI McKay bidg., 3d and Stark sts. SOME SNAPS IN FARMS. 42 acres. 4 miles S. E. of Oregon City; all level, rich, black loam; 25 acres clear ed and In cultivation; fenced and crossed; 10 acres more easily cleared, balance fir and oak timber; small orchard and ber ries; land adjoining sold at $100 per acre; Price $2350. 80 acres near O. W. P. R. R., 40 acres level, balance pasture; 15 acres cleared and cultivated ; 1 acres of various or chard, small house; barn 30x40, suitable for any crop; price $1250; terms. 25 acres, 2 miles Oregon City; 17 acres cultivated, balance easily cleared; 2 acres orchard just bearing; good 7-room house, barn and other outbuildings, all In fine shap; Improvements worth price; $3500; terms. HO acres slightly rolling. 50 acres culti vated, balance timber; small orchard; mile to school, house and other out buildings in excellent condition; this is a rare bargain for $5750; terms. 225 acres.- 100 acres cultivated, balance timber; running water on place; small orchard ; fine well; 5-room house and good barn; owner going East and must, eell ; price $25 per acre. If !n the market for farm land, come and see us. We can show you what you want. E. R. MARKHAM & CO.. 209-210 Commercial Block, Second and Washington. FARM BARGAINS, i $0 acres, near Wllsonvllle, Clackamas 1 County; all good land; 40 acres of good I timber; 20 acres cleared and cultivated; a ! great snap; only $2700. ' 1 4."5 acres; a fine stock ranch, 1 mile to ) R. R. station; 250 acres In a high state of . cultivation; good farm buildings; plenty I of living water: $14,000. I A very fine farm at a bargain price; 60 I acres of the best land, well located in a good neighborhood, near school. church. etore. etc.; rural free delivery, telephone in ' the house; a splendid barn just completed, 60x66. 22-foot poets, cement foundation; 11 first-cla? dairy cows; good young team, 4 and 5 years old; new harness, good 3 wagon; more than 50 tons of hay In the barn, all the dairy and farming machinery, poultry, eta.; all for $5250; a fine living stream running through the place. 'The best farm in Clark County; 120 acres; 100 in cultivation; fine buildings; a fine lo cation. Price $9000. Bargains in farm east of Portland on fine roads and near carline; 175 acres, 150 acres In cultivation, only 9 miles out. 20 acres, only 8 miles from Courthouse and many others. , ALFRED A. BAKER, Real Estate, . 215-216 Ablngton bidg. HOW IS THIS? v 1 65 acres of fine agricultural land ; 00 acres cleared, 40 acres more can be cleared at small expense; plenty of timber for u?e; air- fenced and cross-fenar ; fine spring. 8 room house, full basement, log barn, holds 70 tons of hay and 60 head of tock. granary, bog-house, chicken-house. lairy house, etc.; HO head of cattle.. 15 or 20 milch cows, one team of work horses, a wagon and all farm Implements go with place; mile to P. O., phone in house. 8 miles from town, on North Bank R. R. ; price $55o0. We have other bargains too numerous to mention. In Vancouver and Clark Co. real estate. ELDREDGE RHLALTY CO., 110 4th st., Vancouver. Wash. 1000 ONE THOUSAND ACRES 1000. All In one body, near Forest Grove. Choic est of fruit land and Jist the thing to cut tip In small tracts for homes. To begin we will offer this in tracts of 20 acres for $400, $50 down and $10 per month, with 6 per cent on deferred payments. There Is enough timber on this to pay for the land. To an investor who can handle this as a whole we will make liberal terms and a price that Is right. B. S. Cook &. Co.. 251 Alder st. FOR SALE CHEAP Fine 2-story Mora build ing wltii living-rooms behind; fine spring water piped into both stores; llfc lots; fine location. 2tiU miles east of Portland on O. R. & N. railroad. Address K. M. Ellis, ru ral free delivery route 1, Hillsdale, Wash ington county. Or. EIGHTEEN acres In Yamhill County good soli, nearly all in cultivation.- lots of fruit, running water, good house and bam. close to school, church, etc. ; mail delivered at door daily. For sale or 111 trade for Portland property. B 259. Oregon lan. FINE stock ranch. 1 300 acres, 1 10 acres sown. 35 acre alfalfa; buildings with modern conveniences. Includes all tools; 2 miles from R. R. ; $20 per acre; will trade for city property. K 253, Oregonlan. SO ACRES Improved farm in, Washington county lor saio at a Dargntn. Address Perry Bills, owner, route 1, Hillsdale, Or. FOR SALE Cheap, a fine stock ranch, or will traae lor i'oniana property. Mr. Bert Edwards, Llnville, Or. 10 acres, 4 miles from town, unimproved, $125 per acre; Dig snap; terms. 00 Lumner ex change. 5 acres, miles from city, unimproved, ( $100 per acre; cash. 25 Lumber Exchange. $2500 WILL buy a 8-acre ranch close In; well improved; lots or zruu. call 212 Morrison. 6MALL acreage, large farms, $10 to $10o0 per acre, timber iana. atM1 wash., room 5. FOR SALE 170 acres prairie. Add reel W. .W. Lucas, independence, or. FOR SALE FARMS. THE VETERAN LAND CO. 2 acres. 4-room house, barn, woodshed, good wtell some fruit, near Oregon city, $K. 10 acres, 2 miles from Willamette, new 7 room house and outbuildings $1000. 13 acres, 2 mil- from Oregon City, 7-room house, good well etc., $2400. 16 acres, near Willamette, sfl-room house, barn, etc., all kinds of fruit, $2500. 20 acres, near North Yamhill. 6-room house, barn, woodshed, chicken-house and other outbuildings, 10 acres in 14-year-old orchard, all kinds of fruit, $3000. fil acres 4 miles east of Oregon City, on good road. 2-story 7-room house, barn and other outbuildings; lots of fruit, and running water. An Al good buy at $1050. 16o acres 4 miles from Ort-gon City, on county road; 30 acres cleared: about 40 acres saw timber, will cruife close to 2.OOO.000 feet; at the low price of $12. 50 per acre. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 1651 3d St. $3000 10 acres, house, barn, orchard and other improvements; part cash. Miller,. 416 Chamber Commerce. WANTED TO KENT FARM. WANTED To rent a farm, 40 to 100 or more acres; would consider proposition con taining 8 or 10 good cows; convenient to church and school; give complete descrip tion, terms and location. L. E. Wornom, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. THE LACET WAY Is recognized to be the standard way of handling' timber lands. The timber must first satisfy us, and our cruise reveals every detail of the conditions surrounding It. Our reports are prepared In such a way that the buyer knows whether or not the timber will satisfy him before he vis Its the tract. Twenty years' experience and the client age we represent are a sufficient guaran tee that our methods are right. You may waste your valuable time In looking up the tract you want. Take advantago of the results of our constant efforts along this line and get the best. JAMES 1. LACEY A CO., Lumber Exchange. Seattle, Wash. Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. SAWMILL and 60 million ft. timber, near Co lumbia River; best deal on our books today; handy loggings, big profits; If you know a good thing when Bhown, we have It for In spection. 50 million ft. timber near Portland : 25 - million ft. timber near Albany; splendid milling outfits with both dealt. Sawmill on Columbia; deep water and 20 million ft. timber. If you own a sawmill of fair size and want to sell It. write or call at our of dee. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 310-311-312 Swetland bidg. A FINE list of large timber tracts to bona ftde buvers, from $2000 to $3,000,000; flOc to $2 per M; 2 or 3 large pine tracts; 25.UOO acre tract of crown grant In British Co lumbia; well located; 2 or 3 fine tie and mill properties. If you are In the market better see me. References. THOS. P. THORNTON, 310 Chamb&r of Commerce. I SELL Sawmills and sawmill locations; can secure you timber with mill thrown In as cheap as you can purchase the timber alone elsewhere; have detailed descriptions and reports from reliable cruisers on ail propo sitions. C. C. Shay, 306 Ablngton bidg. Offices with Columbia River Tie & Lumber Association. TIMBER BUYERS. ATTENTION. Wo have several attractive timber prop ositions; call and Investigate; timber lands In Oregon, California and Washing ton, from 1000 to 20,000 acres. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY, Sixth and Washington. TIMBER. TIMBER. TIMBER. Choice timber claims located, only 40 miles from Portland, near R. R, and river; small fee. Cal! or address The Coast Realty Co., 2264. Morrison st. FOR SALE 30.000.000 red and yellow fir. This Is a good bargain if taken at once. For further particulars address W. B. Reed, Dallas, Or., care Martin s Lumber Co. TWO timber relinquishments in Eastern Oregon; guaranteed 4,000,000 feet yellow pine; a bargain. A. B. RICHARDSON, 614 Chamber of Commerce. FOR S4.LE Timber relinquishment; Lewis River. Cowlitz County, Washington; ex cellent logging location. A 240, Orego nlan. ' WE have one or two tractB of splendid tim ber for sale. If you are a buyer, come and see us. -Sphinx Agency, 306 Va Stark st. EXPERIENCED lumberman wishes to pur chase interest In Columbia River mill; must have timber. P 230, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Redwood timber lands; mill now In full operation; best opening on coast of California. V 142. Oregonlan. THREE homestead locations, joining water, road; acesslble; fine opportunity. W 258, Oregonlan. RELINQUISHMENT, 6.000,000 feet fir. In fine body timber; must be homesteaded. Af 258, Oregonlan. TIMBER wanted. Or. or Wash. ; large or small tracts. Sphinx Agency, 305 H Stark. FOR SALE! Sawmill, capacity 20.00O; money, maker. Telephone B. luS5 for particulars. CAN locate several people on choice yellow pine timber claim. P 251, Oregoman. OREGON TIMBER CO. Timber lands bought and sold. 403-4 McKay bidg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment ; will exchange for city property; will assume mortgage. TIMBER claim, 80 acres, 2,000,000 feet; fee $125. B 258. Oregonlan. TO EX CHANG K. EXCHANGE Business and apartment build ing on a 100-foot corner in Portland, with rental Income of $600 a month; rprlce $75,000; will take part trade, balance mortgage and cash. Two wheat riinches In Eastern Oregon, one of 855 acres, all In cultivation, good buildings, fine well of water, all fenced, 24 miles from R. R. town; the other, 480 acres, all in cultivation, ordinary build ing; land produces 25 to 40 bushels of wheat to the acre. What have you in Western Oregon to offer 7 Two nice residence lots on East Side, worth $1000; want a residence on East Side, not over $3000, and can pay $500 cash and put In the lots as first payment. CLARKE-OLEMSON-BLUMAUER CO., 501-502 Couch bidg. $7000. Worth of Peninsula lots (the fastest grow ing part of Portland) to trade for improved farm in Willamette Valley preferred; this Is the actual value of the lots, not the trading price. W 256, care Oregonlan. EQUITY in lots in University Park, where lots have been sold and being paid on by the month for horses, cattle, sheep or goats. A. C. McDonald, University Park, Or. Phone Woodlawn 10. GENERAL merchandise, established 20 years in Portland's leading suburb, doing $75 per day; price Invoice, $3200; or will trade; trial allowed. Hall & Co., Concord ( bidg., 2d and Stark. HAVE you anything to trade? No matter what It is we can get you what you want. Write today for our new plan. National Trade Bureau. Chicago. FOR SALE or exchange, 24-room hotel, property and furniture worth $i300. for property In or near Portland. Address F 194. core Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE Fruit land. 10 acres In Sacramento Valley, colony tracts; will trade for Portland or Oregon property. 809 Worcester. WILL exchange large new modern house, well located, for 5 or 6-room modern house or good vacant property. Phone Woodlawn S46. 40 ACRES Hood River fruit land, partly Im proved. $4500 cafh. or exchange for Port land residence. W 255. Oregonlan. WILL trade 5 acres fruit land near steamer landing, Sacramento River. Some olive trees in bearing. Phone Main 2344. SACRAMENTO Valley fruit land, well locat ed; will trade for Oregon property. Home Phone A 2639. EXCHANGE unincumbered lots for equity In house and lot In good location. O 25S, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE 2 fine half blocks. North Mt. Tabor, for Improved and assume. Phone Tabor 791. 1 : FOR SALE Paying general store and building, coast town, $2500. C 196, Ore gonlan WILL exchange typewriter on city lot, suit able for residence. Address X 259, Ore gonlani REAL estate, for Oregon Trust Sk Savings de posits. Alneworth Smith. 109 Sherlock bidg. AUTO touring car, 5 passengers, to exchange - or real estate. Address A 246, Oregonlan. WILL trade for what you have. L. Alns worth Smith. 109 Sherlock bidg. QA8 water-heater and gas log to trade for a gun. mono Alain ou WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED List your property with an active agency; we have buyers for residences, farms and timber lands and your property may Just suit; the beet of treatment ac corded. Come and see us. CLARK E-OLJvMSON-BLL'MAUER CO., ' REAL ESTATE WANTED. 5 or 6-room modern cottage between Pettygrove and Thurman, 18th and 23d; West Side. Will pay $3000 to $3500; $1000 cash. THE SPANTON CO.. 270 Stark st. I WANT to buy for spot cash house and one or two lots, convenient to car (Piedmont preferred), not to exceed $2000, that will readily rent and pay good interest on In vestment. Give full particulars. D 259, Oregonlan. WANTED Some paying business propo sition; 1 restaurant; 1 furniture busi ness and undertaking business, for (East ern party, jjow in city. Coast Commer cial Co., 504 Dekum bidg." WANTED A good rooming-house; must be good location; will pay cash; must have good proposition ; must have lease; don't answer unless you caa offer something good. T 249, Oregonlan. I HAVE a spot cash buyer for a new, mod . ern 10-room house with -block. close in ; price must be reasonable; please list at once with Lind & Co., room 329 Lumber Exchange. WANTED To buy acreage or one acre on west lope Mt. Tabor, between Belmont st. and Division et. ; give exact location, price, etc.; owners only. Address F 259, Ore gonlan. WANTED A fine home on Wrest Side; musr be modern in every respect, fine grounds, etc.: will pay. if suited, from $12,000 to $20,000 dollars; owners only. N 242, Ore gonlan. r I WANT East Side property; I am selling East Side property all the time. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. WANTED A modem 6-room house, full sized lot. in the vicinity of E. Ankeny or Haw thorne Paris. Give full particulars and best terms. Ad drees R 250, Oregonlan. BUYERS waiting for homes from $1500 to $5000; now is the time, today; don't wait for tomorrow. G. S. Draper, 343 Washington St.. rooms 3 and 4. cor. 7th. WANTED Modern 6-room house, 2 lots, near carline and graded school; not over $2000; must move soon. B 255, Orego nlan. Phone Main 8034. WANTED More 5 and 6-room houses, also vacant lots in Sunnyalde and vicinity; we have the buyers. Staub & Saw tell, cor. 32d and Belmont sts. WANT a nice home on East Side. Hawthorne ave. or East Morrison st. ;. muet be good Investment; about $3000 or $4000. N 243, Oregonlan. WILL purchase a small tract of land hav ing necessary water and such buildings as will aid in small farming. S 241, Ore gonlan. WE will pay cash to owner for 5 to T-room residence, 1 or 2 lots; must move soon; send description end location to J 237, Ore gonlan. 1 LIST your property with us. We have buyers for all sorts of-city property. Room 323 Lumber Exchange. Second a.ntf staric ia. I WILL pay cash for 7 or 8-room house north of Montgomery st.; will take 50x50 if on corner; no agents. Phone Main 4610. WANTED A modern 8 or 9-room house in the vicinity of Glisan st., west of 16th st. Give very best terms. Address C. 252. WANTED Lot in Sunnyelde, reasonable price; give exact location, price, etc.; own ers 1 only. Address J 256, Oregonlan. WANTED To list good homes and city prop erty for a quick sale with ( F. FUCHS, 221 Morrieon st. WANTED A 5 to 7-room house on West Side, not too far frm school; agent need not apply. X 253, Oregonlan. T " " WANTED Large tract land suitable for raising apples; give price, location and particulars. V 233. Oregonlan. IN Holladay Add., about 50x50 corner or Inside; walking distance of Steel bridge; cash. R 251. Oregonlan. WANTED A good modern house, eh or in Sunnyside Addition; froyi owner only. V 253, Oregonlan. - "SHOW MR" a home place, city or suburban, ample grounds, reasonable. "Missouri," phone A 1067. WANTED To buy good rooming-house, with good furniture; no agent. G 253, Oregonlan. WANTED Piece property close in; old house or houses if worth remodeling. V 245, Oregonlan. L , WANTED A good home, about $2000 cash; close in ; must be a bargain. P. O. Box 41. FROM owner, modern 5-room house, full lot. $300 cash, bal. monthly. Phone Pao. 17UC. V l $1200 to" invest in real estate. What have you? Owners or agents. M 252, Oregon lan. . WANTED A desirable city lot, $600; must be good bargain. J 231. Oregonlan. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. 160,O00.X)O FEET timber. 70 per cent yellow fir. 15 per cent tan oak, 15 per centwhlte cedar; one composite body and accessible. For further particulars, address Box 348 Portland. Or. FOR SALE Timber, 520 acres of spruce, hemlock and cedar; fine timber, in Clat eop. County. Tp. 4 and 5 N., R. 10 W. N 234, Oregonlan. WANTED Good timber location or relin quishment, give full particulars. D U. Darling. 402 E. Washington st. WANTED Spruce timber lands or sawmill and timber, water or rail transportation. T 246. Oregonlan. WANTED Small tracts of good fir timber; will deal with owners only. Address M 241 Oregonlan. WANTED AND FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. ALL kinds. Including approved forest re serve Bcrlp, for surveyed, unsurveyed tim ber ana prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton. The Portland. Portland. Or. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Ete. $75 BUYS dapple gray 6-year-old horse; works single or double and rides; weight 1060; must sell for feed bill. 6th and Montgomery. FOR SALE Two teams, 5 and 6 years; weigh 3000 and 3100 pounds; sound, no blemishes. W. J. Kelly, Overland Stable, Fifth nd Glisan. I $100 BARGAIN Bay horse, gentle for ladies; nice driver, with nice light rubber-tired -runabout and harness. Main 6227. DANDY driving horse; rubber tire runabout and harness at sacrifice. Owner forced to pell. Real bargain. Owner, E 233, Orego nlan. GOOD-SIZED horse, rubber-tire runabout and good harness for $150; must sell quick. Call 325 Lumber Exchange bidg. MUST SELL One good farm horse $40; one surrey, cheap; one breaking cart, a snap. Call Sunday, 848 Hood st. 25 FIRST-CLASS saddle hordes for rent at Red Front Stable. 26 N. 15th et. Call and give us a trial. Main 1125. FA M ILY pony, black ; ride or drive, with buggy, harness, saddle. Michels, Center Ad dition, Montavllla car. A GOOD 1300-pound horse, harness and de livery wagon; will sell separate. Inquire barn 6th and Couch. LIGHT team, city broke, express vagon and harness for sale. Overland Stables, 5th and-. Glisan sts. YOUNG, gentle bay mare, use to harness or saddle; good roadster. 90 E. 45th at. Phone Tabor 720. TEAM of horses, harness and prlng wagon, $100. W. Stradley, U. S. stables. Front and Madison. . , LIGHT covered delivery wagon, suitable for laundry or dye works. McBride A Irwin, 330 Water st. I FAMILY horse and rubber-tired top buggy; a child can drive; cheap for cash. H 237, Oregonlan. Hubert & Hall. 266 4th, ' dealers in horses and vehicles; horses and vehicles for rent. IF you want to buy a stylish riding mare call at once on Mr. Turner, Irvlngton race track. NICE young mare, gentle, broke to ride or drive, 00 lbs.; price $40. Phone East 2769. FOR SALE Heavy spring wagon. 231 Madi son st. FOR SAXE. Horses., Vehlck tea. Etc BAY horse, 8 years old, weight llOO pounds, city broke, sound, good looker, fit for any kind of city work; pair 5 and 6, weight 2100, well matched; nice 4-year-old mare, gentle, city broke, single and double, too young for street work; will be sold cheap; weight 1100 pounds; chestnut, 6-year-old mare, nicest in the city, weight 1000 pounds; rubber-tired pole cart, hand made, nearly new; cost $125; will sell for half price; nice rubber tire pole buggy; a good one, for $50. 446, 11th and Flan ders, v FOR SALE or exchange for real estate, Exarls. a 3-year-old registered bay stallion of the finest breeding, form and action and sure sire of splendid colts; 7 fine brood mares, bred in the purple, and 5 choice colts; 3 promising yearlings, 2 by Zombro; 3 highly-bred 2-year-olds, 1 by Zomont. son of Zombro. and 1 8-year-old by Scarlet Letter, a fine roadster and speed prospect, j. A. Munday, Vancou ver, Wash. TEAM of matched gray horses, 8 years old, weight 2810, with extra heavy hand made harness; $6 day Job goes with team Clyda- mare, weight 1700. free from all blemishes, with $4 day Job. 294 Mont gomery st. BAY horse. 8 years, weight 1320. with good top delivery wagon In A-l condition and new harness; will sell separate; owner hjia no use for it; must sell. 294 Montgom ery st. $100 buys driving rig; $100 takes fine black drivlngmare, 2d-hand rubber-tired Concord buggy; $40; saddle, bridle, $7; leaving city. 835 E. 28th st. W.-W. car to Kenilworth curve. ONE of the handsomest, topplest young horses in the Northwest; well bread and a peacock, with speed; at ho we hotel, corner 2d and Main, for few days only. A BARGAIN Nice brown horse, set new single harness, first-class exercising cart, all in good shape; all for $76. 440 Flan ders, cor. 11th ana landers. 1- TEAM of horses. 6 and 9 years old, sound and broke; suitable for express or delivery nfllk KKfr 1 ( 0 1 llD. tVtO TY N away. 294 Montgomery. 36 HEAD of cattle. 1 bull; mostly Hereford stock. Address A. A. Wood, Gaston. Or. A YOUNG horse, 7 years old, weighing 1300 lbs. Inquire Mt. Hood' Brewing Co. ONE bay team. 6 and -7 years. we!ght 2300; one bay horse. Call 228 Jefferson st. 1200-POUND dark sorrel horse; drives single or double; city broke. East 3306. WANTED Light A grade rubber-tired top buggy. Phone East 2999. Pianos. $30 CERTIFICATE on. Reed-Franch Piano Co. for $10. Phone E. 334, B 1554. SCHERMER piano for sale;' used short time; cash- or terms. 350 Union ave. $50 Reed-French Piano certificate for sale cheap. Call 181 Hooker st. PIANO for sale; used short time; terms. 149 13 th st. Miscellaneous. OFFICE FURNITURE. $100 leather set settee and 3 hand some chairs $65.00 $45 copying machine 23.00 $8.50 armchairs. 3, each - 5.50 $15 revolving chair 10. CO $J7.50 Oliver typewriter 60.00 $15 round table 12.00 All look new. Can be seen at Second floor of Jones' Cash Store. Owned by Chapman Advertising Co., Commonwealth bidg. FOR SALE Orient buckboard . runabout, 4 h. p, wheel steer and control, engine un der seat, 5 speeds ahead and 1 back; will climb and hill that tires will stick on; has new cylinder and 2 new Diamond tires, and la guaranteed to be in first-class run ning order; cost $475. will take $300, crated, f. o. b. Astoria; reason for selling, getting larger car. For particulars ana photo call on or address Reliance Elec trical Work, Astoria, Or. WOOD East of Hood River points only, 4-foot oak and 16-inch pine, $5.50 per cord, car measurement, f. o. b. Summit Station, Mount Hood Railroad, Hood River Valley, Or. Terms. $100 cash with order for each car. Difference adjusted. Hood River Fruit Farms Co., Portland, Or. GO to the Dollar Furniture Co., 232 1st near Mrin, for new. good as new furniture and stoves. We have a large line of heaters and stoves slightly used. We are not fighting the trust or anybody else, but are going Nahead with business; more goods for your $ $ $ $ $ our motto. 50 SLIGHTLY damaged, sewing machines at vcrj low prices; Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. Domestic, White, Household, Davis and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and. Singers. 6. S. Sierel, 335 Morrison st., Marquam bidg. ' FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bax fixtures ; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 49 3a st. SABLE and white bitch, by Laird III, ex. Daisy VIII, whelped July 2Sth, 190; one of the best Collies on the Coast; price $25. Call 426 Couch street. FOR SALE A deposit of $1110 with Oregon Trust & Savings Bank. Make me cash offer. Apply by letter, W. E. Cameron, room 412 Commercial blk. I i FOR SALE Houseboat and launch, both new tand complete with all equipment, two bar gains. Call or write "Boatman," 309 Lum ber Exchange bidg. FOR SALE Singer sewing machine from fac tory; never unpacked; will sell at sacrifice before Monday 4 o'clock. Conover, 290 Jef ferson. AUTO touring car for sale, $1000 cash, terms. Security guaranteed; fine con dition. 181 6th. SEWING machine, almost new, $9; owner , leaving city; today only. 240 5th Bt., room 5. A FIRST-CLASS Well drill, mounted, with gasoline engine. Address Watson's Restau rant. 400 FEET of new 4-inch black pipe, at 40 cents ner foot. VTall a.t WAtaon's 'Rahla.u- rant. A FIRST-CLASS well drill, gasoline power, all complete. Call at Watson's Restaurant. LAUNCH and boathouse worth $700; what have you to trade for it. V 55, Oregonlan. TYPEWRITER, new, or will trade on lot, HOUSEHOLD goods, gas range, hot water heater, carpets and 2 shotguns. 389 Main. MOVING picture machines, supplies, repairs, film slides; bargains. Stevens, 165 4th. FOR SALE) $00 Reed-French Piano Co. certif icate for $25. Address G 259. Oregonlan. FRESH cow. 4 day, and one family" cow, $45. 95 East 30th, Sunnyside. East 5505. FOR SALE Cheap, Persian lamb coat, sa- ble collar, size - 36. G 2oO. Oregonlan. FfjR sale cheap, thoroughbred red male cocker spaniel. F 250. Oregonlan. FOR SALE: 2 fine setter puppies; female; 8 months old; cheap. 407 Jefferson st. FOR SALE Physician's office table (Alli son's), 309 2d st. Mrs. Barnes. V , FOR SALE Cocker spaniel puppies, age 6 weeks: Phone Woodlawn 1097. FOR SALEt 18-foot launrh hull, partly com pleted. Inquire East 1491, B 1374. FOR 8ALE Fine violin and case very sweet tone. D 249. Oregonlan. FULL-BLOOD cockel spaniel for sale; -647 Mil waukee st. Phone Sellwood 90. GERMAN canary birds for sale. 514 East Davis st. Phone East 5009. A FEW unidentified overcoats for sale, cheap. 460 H Washington. HAY scales, capacity 15 tons; must be sold at once. 134 Front st. STEAM runabout In fine condition, for sale cheap. Tel. Main 4673. FOR SALE Fine old violoncello very reason able. Phone Main 5943. FOR SALE Beaver 4-ln-hand with handsome muff. $15. East C562. FOR SALE Wall fixtures, counter and glass showcase. 329 Va let. NEW Smith Premier typewriter, $2-50 per month. 210 13th st. FOR SALE Cheap, three fresh cows. Ras ter's place, Lents. FOR SALE Clothes slightly worn; sizes 34 to 38 145 11th st. , WANTED To buy a team weighing 1200 each. Apply 310 Davis. FOR SALE Fine female bull terrier, cheap. Phone ScoU 821. FOR SAXE. M lscellaneona.' REMOVAL SALE Having purchased the half block on Third and GILsaJi sts., we are preparing to move there, and in order to save moving expenses we offer the following machinery, etc, at practically Junk prices: ' 1 10-H. P. donkey engine, ready to steam up. Miscellaneous lot centrifugal' pumps, en gines, etc. About 250 tons roofing sheets, all sizes. About 150 tons new hop wire, galvanized and black, all sizes. About 500 assorted iron and wooden blocks and sheeves. About 20 tons assorted vices, ready for use. We have the only modern pipe works on the Coast, and the only large and complete assortment of second-hand pipe in the city; nearly all of It practically new and ready to put together. We also cut and thread pipe to order, up to 10-lnch. 100 tons of beams, good as new. Carload of assorted cable. 100 kegs wire nails, good as new. 50 to 100 tons rope and yarn, for all pur poses. Ralls, any size, for relaying and concrete work. 75 tons nuts, all sizes, brand new. Write for our price list on all kinds of metal. Iron, machinery, etc. Special Lot 75 tons, J.6 gauge black wire, $5 per ton. 150 tons pipe fittings. All goods delivered to docks and railroad stations free. Mall inquiries solicited and promptly an swered. REMEMBER that we are, not only the largest, but the only old established dealers In our line In the city. M. BARDE & SONS. 8th and GUsan sts. $200 BLACK walnut combination desk and bookcase, $50; Monarch steel range with water coil, $22.50; good cook stove, $T. 60; $55 upright folding bed, $20; mantel folding bed, $7.50; cabinet folding bed, $10; good Iron beds. $3; nurse rockers, $1; large arm rockers. $1.75; $65 parlor suit, 3 pieces, $25; solid oak sideboard, $15; heating stoves from $1 up; carpets, rugs, matting, linoleum, all sizes; all sorts of exchanging and a square deal guaranteed. M. J.' McGrath Furniture Co., 66 North 3d st. Main 2087. $200 BLACK walnut combination desk and bookcase, (50; Monarch steel range with water coil, $22.50; good cook stove, $7.50; $5'5 upright folding bed, $20; mantel folding bed $7.50; cabinet folding bed, $10; good iron beds $3; nurse rockers, $1; large arm rock ers. $1.75; $65 parlor milt, 3 pieces, $25; solid oak sideboard, $15; heating stoves from $1 up; carpets, rugs, matting, linoleum, all sizes; all sort? of exchanging and a fequara deal guaranteed. M. J. McGrath Furniture Cd., 66 North 3d st. Main 20S7. FINE- motion-picture machine, $35; film, 6c foot; fine views, 10c. Newman's Mo tion Picture Co., 333 Ankeny, near 6th st. FOR SALE! At a bargain, 1 good billiard table in first-class condition. Call or ad dress Ingram & Bush, 301 E. Morrison st. FOR SALE: Second-hand engines, boilers, sawmills, pumps and general machinery by H. C. Albeo & Co., 248 Grand ave. FOR SALE or trade for real estate. Royal Tourist automobile in good condition. 42d and Division ets. PhcTi Tabor 954. BEST equipped 18-ft. launch on river; C-horse power; sleeping accommodation for 2; snap. Call 182 Madison. Phone Main 981. FOR SALE Brown tailor suit, bine Eaton, red velvet, sizes 34-36, slightly worn. 145 11th St., bet. Morrison and Alder. FINE Jersey cow for eaie; worth $60; make offer; mut be sold Mondav. Call room 20 Raleigh bidg. Phone Pacific 59. MUST be sold today, gas range with hood, large coffee mill, soda fountain, candy jars, etc. 333 Ankeny, near 6th. FINE Jersey cow for sale. Call today. Mrs. M. Smith, Cherry st.. Mount Tabor. Mon tavllla car. Phone Tabor 56- HORSE for sale or trade for good milch cow. Inquire at 74 Division St., North Mt. Tabor, or phone East 6484. 200 HIGHLY nickel-plated Reliance card ma chines, $10 each. Mills Novelty Co., 907 Market St., San Francisco. SMITH PREMIER typewriter In -first-class condition for sale cheap. Alna worth Smith, 109 Sherlock bidg. ANY offer taken for one $50 and one $30 Reed-French Piano or Organ 'certificates. Address J 252, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 4 good milch cows, one fresh. Mt. Scott car, 4 blocks west of Nashville Station. T. F. Gould. WILL sell cheap some disc records that are in good condition. Clarence E. Butts, 324 Grove st., Montavllla. REMINGTON typewriter and desk, also letter file, large drafting boards and seven-foot oak table. Main 3735. AUTOMOBILE Franklin light touring car, four-cylinder, detachable tonneau, cheap. Main 855 or A 1465. BUCK'S hot blast coal heater for $18, cost $27 one year ago; first-class condition. 1024 Savier st. Main 6400. LAUNCH 24 feet. 4 h. p., canopy, curtains, power whistle, excellent condition, $275. C 236, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP 1 solid oak dining table; 1 sideboard; 1 dresser and other articles. At 432 E. Ankeny. AN old safe, claimed to belong to the Hud son Bay Company; price $25. . Address H 252, Oregonlan. CASH REGISTER, new machine, will sell at a bargain. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bidg. SELF-MEASURING oil tank In splendid order, for sale cheap. Franklin & Co., 134 Front. CADILLAC 4-passenger automobile. good condition, for sale cheap. Call 003 Alder St., cor. 15th. JERSEY cow for sale. 2 blocks west, 1 block north of Tremont Station. , Take Mt. Scott car. A FEW unidentified shotguns for sale, cheap. J. J. Beaughard, 460H Wash ington st. BARGAIN New Remington Typewriter. Call at 306 Cham, of Commerce between 12 and 2 o'clock. FOR SALE Scotch collie pup; 4 months old; female; pedigree. F. Rosniske, 489 Wash ington st. DINING TABLE and six chairs, $28. at 715 Hoyt st. FOX TERRIER puppies for sale. 659 Sa vier st. HELP WANTED MALE. WOULD take good boy, send school for serv ices mornings and evenings. H 246, Ore gonlan. 500 MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 284 Couch st. Moler Barber College. WANTED Young man to take active interest in real estate office, at 1894 4th st. AT ONCE Good coatmaker; also good vest maker. 105 Russell st. ; take L car. BOY; must have wheel, good wages. Nau'i Pharmacy, 6th and Morrison sts. WANTED Two experienced registered drug clerks. Woodard, Clarke & Co. GO"VD duck ground; want two more to join; $75 each. 209-10 Couch building. . BOY wanted to learn cake trads. Butter Nut Bread Co., 271 Front st. BRIGHT boy 16 years old to work in store. Apply Immediately, 171 3d st. WE secure positions for our members; special membership $2. Y. M. C. A- WANTED Two coatmakers. Apply J. P. Coffee, 253 Washington st. BOYS wanted at G. P. Rummelin Jb Sons, 126 2d et., near Washington st. FARM hands and choreman wanted. In quire 325 Ablngton bidg. BOY to run elevator and keep up small Are. Inquire 65 5th, Monday. TAILOR wanted by S. P. Delander, Centralla, Wash, Coat man, $9 up. WANTED Cook. Japanese; good wages. Ad dress G 252, Oregonlan. WANTED 2 boys; $7 per week to start; 65 Front, corner Davis. WANTED 1 driver for dirt wagon. Call 240 E. 16th and Main. COATMAKER wanted at once. Apply Jno. Hansen, Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED Good coatmaker. F. Mnsnlske, 489 Washington st. . GOOD man for greenhouse. 150 5th st. Max M. Smith, COUCH makers wanted, blna. 98 Morriss St.. Al- 1 6U1T sre&ser wanted at 864 Morrison st. HELP WANTED MALE. LOCAL representative wanted. A large In come assured to any one who will act as our representative after learning our busi ness thoroughly by mall; experience un necessary; all we require is honesty, am bition and willingness to learn a lucra tive business; no soliciting or traveling; an exceptional opportunity for those who desire. to better their conditions and make more money. For full particulars address Dept. 792 B. any office. National Co operative Realty Co.. 52 Dearborn St.. Chi cago; 607 E St., Washington. D. C. ; Phelp bidg.. Scranton, Pa., or Delgar bidg., Oak land. Cal. WANTED Full crew for box factory; good wages; log scaler and pond man, $:;.50; lO men to help build large dam. wanes $3 and board, long job; 15 carpenters, $3.50 to $4; 6 millwrights. $4; lumber graders, planer feeders, tally men, mill hands, yardmen, in and out of me city; good wages; others. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BURTCAXJ, 12 North 2d St. Both Phones. BRIDGE carpenter foremen, $100 mo.; 3 Hur ley drill runners, $3.50 day; 2 chucktendere, $2. 75 day; 10 bridge carintene, $3 day ; 6 rough carpenters, $3.50 day ; 2 second fell ers, $3.50 day; 1 teamster, $2.75 day; 2 SIg. boys, $1 and board, close in ; carpen ter helpers. 35c hour; cook, survey party, $50; steward for camp. $00: 4 flunkeys, $40: laborers and teamsters, $2.5u and $2. 75. Hansen's Employment Office. SPECIAL NOTICE Large Jobbing house wants two high-grade traveling salesmen for Oregon to sell general stores one of the best advertised lines in the country. State experience and full particulars. Ad dress Watson, sales manager, box 416, Iowa City, Iowa. WANTED Shingle knee bolter. Apply of fice Western Cooperage Co., Stearns bidg. WANTED At once, experienced salesman, dress goods department. Roberts T?ros. ALL diseases of men successfully treated ; discharges positively cured in from 3 to 5. days; consultation free and strictly con fidential ; send for our symptom blank. X-radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Aider sts.; eatrance 253 Alder St., Portland. IF you're the man we want, write right now. Make $70 commission weekly or start as Bidellne. Well-known staple sold by most lines every town. No samples to lug; season Just opening; liberal datlngs. Man ufacturer, box 1198, St. Louis. SALESMAN Good man to fill vacancy; contract balance of this year and next If satisfactory. Commissions, with liberal weeklv advance for expenses. J. A. Kid well, manager., 538-46 Euclid ave., Cleve land, Ohio. INSURANCE SOLICITOR Man who has so licited life Insurance of any description, es pecially fraternal. Good propositions. Call Monday morning, 9 to 12. or evening, 7 to 9, D. J. Beakey, room 212 Swetland bidg. I WANTED Traveling salesman to sell white goods, dress goods, shirtings for Spring trade, dirsot to retail stores. Good com mission. Desirable side line. Schuylkill Mills, box 1182, Philadelphia. WANTED Detectives; we want good men; oldest secret service In United States; no experience needed; we give full instruc tions; write today. American Detective Asfoclatlon, Indianapolis, Ind. SALESMEN who can sell expensive adver tising new, unique, very profitable for retailer and salesmen. Give present and past lines sold. Advertiser, 835, First National Bank bidg., Chicago. SALESMAN for Oregon Experienced travel ing man preferred; line staple for general trade; position permanent; $30 weekly advance with commissions. Sawyer, Leslie - & Co. Detroit, Mich. WANTED A boy about 16 years of age to learn manufacturing business; some knowl edge of bookkeeping and office work essen tial; grammar grade education. Address C 256, Oregonlan. SALESMAN Reputable, old-established and high-rated house wants several high grade specialty salesmen at once. Write now, stating experience and salary. Box 725, Chicago. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon With staple line; high commissions, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., De- trolt. Mich. ADVERTISING solicitors, contracts cashed immediately: liberal commission; news papers, magazines, publications. North west Newspaper Brokerage, Goodnough bidg. I IN six weeks we educate you in salesman ship, secure you position as traveling salesman with responsible firm. Address the Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young man with some expe rience In drugstore; registered assistant preferred; good position for right man. Phone Tabor 483 or Home phone B 148S. CLERK Bright young man, familiar with general mdfee., to work in store and assist In office at sawmill; must be good at fig urea Address C 258. Oregonlan. WANTED A young man to assist clothing salesman on the road. Apply room 5. Bag gage Omnibus Transfer Co. building, be tween 2 and 4 P. M., Sunday. BOY for real estate and Insurance office; one living with parents preferred. Apply In own handwriting, giving experience, to E 259, Oregonlan. COLLECTOR who has had experience collect ing installment accounts. Call Monday morning. 9 to 12. or evening, 7 to 9, room 212 Swetland bidg. WANTED Cloth i my salesntsn ; steady em ployment to man of experience. Apply Mon day morning, mngr. clothing dept., I. Gevurtx & Sons. A MAN to live on boat as watchman; one used to the river and will make himseir useful; married man preferred. N 253, Oregonlan. WANTED Good - tailor to work on Indies' garments; best wages; steady Job. J. K. Stern, ladles' tailor, 429 Washington st. Call today. 'i WANTED Boy 16 years old to-learn trade; must be mechanically Inclined. Salary paid to right party. Apply to Remington Type writer Co. A YOUNG man about 18 to drive my clock wagon and solicit; a good chance to learn trade. Staples, the Jeweler, 102 1st st. WANTED Man with small amount of money to invest ; motion-picture show; fine proposition; big money. 333 Ankeny, near 6th. LIFE Income for men everywhere; send for particulars. National Advertising Bureau, 200 Oakland National Bank bidg.. Chicago, 111. BARBER SHOP Averages $15 to $20 per week; rent $10 a month; selling on ac count of rheumatism. O 233. Oregonlan. FINE motion-picture machine, $35; film, 5o foot; fine views, 10c. Newman's Mo tion Picture Co.. 333 Ankeny, near 6th st. DRUO clerk, registered, good Valley store , permanent position. Write fully as to age, experience and salary. K 237, Oregonlan. WANTED Young man. partner with some capital and advertising experience ; sten ographer preferred. P 250, Oregonlan. LASTERs on heavy and light shoes, also other shoemakers; stead v work. Wash ington Shoe Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wash. SALESMAN $100 per month bonus; must be experienced in life insurance and have I clean record. 019 Swetland bidg. WANTED An experienced bookkeeper; ap ply In own handwriting, giving age and references. K 243, Oregonan. DANCING lessons, 25c, wait, two-step, etc Prof. Wal. Willson's nancing School. 804 Allsky bidg.. 265 Morrison St. FUR -CUTTER WTanted, first-lass fur-cutter; must be good on mink and seal. Fred Foster, furrier, Victoria. B. C. STEADY boy In printing office; splendid op portunity to learn trade; $6 per week to start. Alvln 8. Hawk. 144 2d. I BOY WANTED. V Boy to work all day; must have a wheel. Knight Shoe Co.. Ill 3d st. WANTED Man to work on farm; good place, steady work; good pay. Apply at once to George H. Finney, Gervais, Or. . WANTED Office boy, over 14 years old, one with wheel preferred; good chance for ad vancement. N 232, Oregonlan. : , NEW "after supper" side line (you want this). Address M. Hills, sales manager, 170 W. Van Buren, Chicago. REGISTERED drug clerk at once; out-of-town Job. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 303 Alis ky bidg., 265 Morrison. REGISTERED drug clerk at once; out-of-town Job. Clerk Registration Bureau, S03 Alis lur bidg., 265 Morrison. HELP .WANTED MALE. POSITION open for a well-equipped dry goods' man who has acquired a general knowledge of dry goo-Is and Is capable of taking charge of a dry goods department; must be able to buy goods for exacting trade, dress win dows, make interior trims, write ads and direct help under him. In answering, writs fully, stating where experience was ac quired, in what particular departments yott have been engaged and where now em ployed. Salary win be satisfactory to a thoroughly competent man. All communi cations will be strictly confidential and ad dressed to Edward C. Pease, Co., Tht Dalles, Or. 2 COMPETENT salesmen for general store, out of the city; also a bookkeeper and a man capable of taking charge of branch etnre. Answer in own handwriting, stating salary expected, experience and references. H 244, Ortgonian. WANTED Young men for positions as trav eling salesmen in the following lines: Gro ceries, huidware, clothing, dry goods, shoes, cigars, coffee, teas and spices, and many other lines; positions now open; ex- - perlence unnecessary; salaries ?100 to $20 a month and expenses. We prepare young men for these positions by mall in 8 weekj and secure them positions with reliable firms. Write for particulars today. Ad dress Nat'l .Salesman's Training Ass'n. Suite 349, Scfrrrltt Bidg., Kansas City. Mo. MEN, write at once and we will explain how we will make you a present of $100. give you a splendid suit of clothes every 00 days, 'jnlarge your picture free and pay you $.r per month and all traveling expenses, with our . check for $50 when engaged, to take orders for the greatest and most reliable portrait house in the world. All this will be guaranteed. Ad dress R. D. Martel, Dept. 315, Chicago. 111. FIREMEN and brnkemen on railroads in Portland and vicinity to fill vacancies caused by promotions; experience unneces sary; state age. height, weight; firemen $H.sO monthly, become engineers and earn $200; brakemen. $75, becoming conductors, earn $150. Name position preferred. Railway Association, care Portland Oregonlan. WANTED Etavebolt cutters; we pay $1.60 per cord; steady work : good accommoda tions at camp; Wester Cooperage Co., room 306 Stearns bidg., Portland, Or. WANTED Good man to represent us in an out-of-town location as agent to sell teas, coffees and splires; wagon equipment ana splendid inducements to secure trade fur nished free; state reference and experi ence. Address Grand Union Tea Co., 473 Washington st. WANTED Boys for good positions in candy department. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Iavls sts. WANTED A furniture and carpet salesman. Coveil a Furniture Co., 186 lsx st. j SEVERAL YOUNG MEN AT ONCE to flls applications for postal ciorks and letter carriers; salaries from $!i0 .to $14O0 and more under ome circumstances; flls your applications now, and let us qualify you. Promotion, $100 a year. Call today. Pacific States School, M3 McKay bidg- CROSS $o0 real estate course free! The Identical course so widely advertised and sold for $30 given free of charge to read ers of our great new real estate monthly. Send for free copy at once. Address the Model Magazine, Pept. 200, Washington, P. C. WANT work? Call at once; bookkeeper, stenographers, collectors, cashiers, sales ladles, salesmen, dry goods, general mer chandise, grocers, hotels. Clerks' Registra tion Bureau, office 808 Allsky bidg., 266 Mcrrlson st. YOUNG man of good appearance; must be over 5 feet 6 inches tall, about SI years of age, as floorwalker and window trim mer; state former experience, references and salary deaired. Address N IDS, Ore gonlan. MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plastering, bricklaying; day and night classes; free cat.; positions secured; no book learning. Coyne Trade School, 280 240 8th st., San Francisco and New York. WANTED Salesmen for Oregon. Send for full particular?. SeveraJ of our salesmen -"earned from $300 to $600 per month dur ing July and August. McAlllster-Coman Company, 356 Dearborn St., Chicago. PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full Information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association, 109 Sherlock bidg. Agents wanted. WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ing, sign and card writing and designing; day and night classes; catalogue free. Colorado School Practical Plumbing. 1615 Arapahoe st., Denver, Colo. MEN and women to learn barber trade til eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $26 weekly; expert instructors; catalogue free. Moler System of Colleges, 85 North Fourth st., Portland. t TEACHERS College and high school posi tions. $700 to $1800; rural and grades. $40 to $75; principals $60 to $120; science $1000 commercial $800 to $1200. The Fiak Teacn ers Agency, 1200 Williams ave. BAKER wanted; must be able to turn out fine line of goods for one of the best catering establishments in the West; good wages, steady employment. Address G. Gray Lemlev, Portland Hotel. I WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers, stenographers and clerical men for por tions now open, city and country; salary $! to $1800. Call or write. Commercial Abstract Co., Raleigh bidg. ENERGETIC manager wanted to handle our high gradw office specialties throughout Oregon. Liberal salary or commission on contract. Telephone Specialty Co., 81 Ful ton st.. New York. WANTED Young man experienced as clerk in grocery or teas and coffees; must be wideawake and working for advancement; state reference, experience and salary. T 230, Oregonlan. WANTED An experienced salesman in oloth ing. furnishings, shoes and a window-trimmer; lngle man preferred; must give good referencts. Address Box 386, South Bend, Wash. a NYD A young man who can furnlsn $1000 and services, established corpora tion; money secured and good eaiary; an swer, with references. O 252. Oregonlan. SALESMEN visiting general stores to handl manufacturer's Jlne iprlng dress goods, white good, etc.; liberal commission. The Lrfikewood Company. Box 414. Phtla., Pa. I . . FIRST-CLASS salesman must have extensive buplnees and social acquaintance in city; per manent; splendid inducement and big wages to right man. 216 Commercial block. SHOE SALESMEN. Flrst-chss hoeme n wanted ; good perma nent poeitlons to Al men. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Good, steady, reliable plumber, band musician preferred; good steady job in TtHtO town for the right man. Address Hall & Shumway, Eugene, Or. WANTED Bookkeeper and salesman, by an old established wholesale candy manu facturing concern; state salary and refer ences. P 235, Oregonlan. A SALESMAN who travels in Southern Ore gon and the Valley to eell our line of con fectionery and crackers on commission. Ad dress P 241, Oregonian. ( WANTED Office boy about 16 years old; must be neat and famfllar with city; $25 to begin. Address in own handwriting, A 234. Oregonlan. TOUNG man. not acquainted with city, can buy half interest in established business for $150; will make $25 a week. Address P. O. box 221. WANTED Man In every town in the Union to handle etore; you can earn $2500 & year. Write W. F. Robinson, Lock Box 104. Astoria. WE want two clothing men, must be first class salesmen and good stock -keepers. Brownsville Woolen MU1 Store, 3d and Stark suu i 1