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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1907)
6 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 29, 1907. Mff TODAY. FOR SALE BY REED, FIELDS 6 TYNAN COMPANY 102 Second Street Phone, Main 7004, A 3651 t 1 K fl (1 lWxlOO, N. E. corner 32d and V. $IUUU Stephens sts, '-j cash. tOOKfl 3s50 cash, balance 130 per year WA&UU at 8 per cent; 45th St.. near E. Morrison, 6-room house. ("JUDO H cash. N. E. IOOxIOO on 14th WUUUU and Weldler sts. A beautiful residence site. t37Kn V- cash, strictly modern new COoU house, on 3Jd and Bast Market sts. COOnfl Vi cash, strictly modern 7-room $00 UU house, lot 50x100, on the S. E. corner of 10th and Tillamook sts. tCnnfl 8-room furnished house. 166 E. OUUUU 16th St., near Belmont; rents for J45 per month; $2000 cash, balance on any kind of terms. 9C7Cfl 8-room. strictly modern house. WUlOU on Wasco St., between 19th and 21st sts. Cflfin 50xl. N. W. corner M and wOUUU Sheridan sts. Income 35 per month. ' (CCnn Corner lot. 40x125, to a 16-foot tiDOUU alley: 8-room. strictly modern house, on K. ISth and Holly sts., terms. 0Qnnn WxWO S. E. corner 9th and OOUUU Alder sts. Vorv desirable for a barn or factory site. $3000 cash. CIO nnn Beautiful 12-roorrt house, lot )IU UUU lOOxl(H). in Holladay Add., near Clrand avenue. 1C rnn 1-3 cash, S. W. comer 18th I0 OUU and Hoyt sts., 4 strictly modern flats; income $127.50 per month. C1C nnn cash, balance 6 per tfID UUJ cent, N. W. corner. 100xl"0. on 10th and Multnomah sts., with beau tiful 13-room house, located on Irvington carllne. This is strictly modern and ele pantlv furnished. All furniture goes with the House. Owner is leaving for Califor nia on account of bad health. t1Q nnn 135 feet on 23d St.. 200 feet Old UUU north of Washington. This l the best flat or apartment-house site In the city. We can make very easy terms. COn nnn N. E. corner. lOOxl-j. E. 3d OZU UUU and Washington sts. $5000 cash, balance 3 years at 42 per cent. Ofl nnn 90x100. S. E. corner Grand OOU UUU ave. and Yamhill st. On easy terms. Cyin nnn cash, S. E. corner 7th and 04-U UUU GlisBii sts.. 8-story hotel, in come $275 per month guaranteed. IRVINGTON We have a number of 50x100 lots on K. 14th, 16th and 17th sts.. between Thomp son and Brazee. in Irvinston. Inside lots 1000: corner, 100x100, $2500. If you desire a home we will sell you the lot for cash and assist you In building the house. Call and see us if you are Interested. ACREAGE COCnn 2 acres on Ains worth ave. and OZOUU l!th St. tfOnnn 20 acres at Clarnie, on the O. OdUUU R. & N. R. R.. 7 miles east of the Courthouse. ?7nnn 11 acres. 9 acres In cultivation, tDlUUU consisting of fruit and small berries; good house, good barn, running water through the land, located on the ffnnnn cash, ten acres all In fruit, OuUUU good house, beautiful yard, all kinds of flowers and shrubbery; this property faces on the Base Line Road. The Mount Hood survey runs through It; only two miles east of Montaviila. $1500 acres near Council Crest. t1Q nnn 10 acres between H. 9th and OlO UUU 14th. KHIingsworth and Sur inam This is the best platting proposi tion on the East Side. We have a number of customers on rur list for residence and business proper ty. If you have any such property for sale, list It with us. $27,000 Quarter block, 11th and Glisan, at the main entrance to the new terminals. $12,500 Corner lot. 16th and Lovajoy; double house. Income, $50 per month. 67500 Russell st.. between Kerby and Commercial; 67 feet front, with four flats; rent $60 per month. S37SO Corner Union ave. and Sell wood; 62xlJ0; small cottage. 83500 Corner, 50x100, Williams ave. and Mason; small store building. S8500 Russell, between Rodney and . Union; 100x145; two cottages; will sell 50 feet for $4250. 86SOO House and 40x103; 16th, near Northup. SIOOO Lot on Vaughn St., Willam ette Heights; good view. $260 Full lot. Delaware ave., bet. Milton and Holman: 3 blocks from St. John car. Installments. JMOO Choice of several lots. 50x103; 13th, between Mason and Skldmore. . North Irvington, $25 , cash, $10 per month. Street Improvement and ' sewer paid. SoOO House and lot, ilth and Skid more. W. H.NUNN .1.12 Sherlock Block. HOLLADAY PARK Beautiful Home Price $6500 75x100 and 8-room house situ ated in the swell part of Holladay Park. Has all modern improve ments, including two fireplaces, two toilets, set tubs, large attic, trees, roses, etc. For further par ticulars see us. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St. 392 E. Burnside. "Get Wise" Buy Property in VANCOUVER, WASH. The ConilnK City of the West. See Pints and Obtain Prices. 806-7 SWETLAXD BI.DG. AX1 cmzE-S' n.vxK bldg., VANCOUVER, WASH. THOMPSON & SWAN . HILLCREST HOME $4300 Only one block from Hawthorne ave. Everything- modern and first-class. I,ot 30x100. Cash required, $1500. A bargain that will not wait. HARTMAN THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. The Dunn-Lawrence COMPANY Will Be Found In Their New Quartan at 248 Alder St. After Oct. 1 TAKE "E-S" CAE TO OVERLOOK NEff TODAY. 11 The Gateway to Portland Harbor Renowned for its Location, its Shipping; and Manufac turing Advantages. The most prosperous and rapidly growing city in the Pacific Northwest "When you buy real estate, buy property with a future. Do not buy just because you can buy cheap and on easy terms. ST. JOHN has an assured future and judicious invest ments in St. John real estate will make you rich. AVe have some choice lots in EAST ST. JOHN which we offer from $350 upwards and on easy install ment payments. EAST ST. JOHN is on St. John carline at its crossing with Columbia Boulevard. It is only two blocks from Maegley Junction, where the Hill railroads cross the Har riman system, and only two blocks from the Depot Grounds, where the future immense traffic of the Low er Peninsula must center, and is in the vicinity of the great Swift Packing Com pany site, on which work is under way, and which alone will create a city of 20,000 people. Remember that three years ago lots in ST. JOHN which are now worth $10, 000 were bought for $400. Three years from now the same story will be told about lots in EAST ST. JOHN. This is your oppor tunity the greatest ' ever offered investors of moder ate means. Make a personal investi gation. Take St." John car; get off at East St. John (formerly Smith's Cross ing). Agents on the ground week days and Sundays. ST. JOHN LAND CO. ST. JOHN OREGON NEW TODAY. Fine Investments of Good Properties is the pres ent tendency of shrewd buy ers. Here are some of them, and they are winners. Cft nnn A lot 50x100, on 10th St., iOU UUU facing the Pittock block. Cnnn For IOOxIOO, with two houses on tfOUUU Savier st. Present income $35 per month. 010 flfiCS For a nice quarter block on O I Z UUU East Morrison St., earning now $66 per month and is growing in value while you eat and sleep. tfIK finn Is tne Price of a quarter OtJ UUU block that is on fittn si., bringing a monthly rental of $110. while with suitable improvement, It would yield $1000. Come to me and I will convince you of the fact. 91 nnfl Half of that in cash will do, to Ot-UUU make you the happy owner of a new house and lot now under lease at a monthly rental of $35 to a first-class tenant. ( CIQCn For a lot on South l"Vont St., V I uuu remember the size, 60x127, all improvements made, and with the proper improvement, will earn 10 per cent net for you. . Remember also, that I have the cheap est lots to offer on Hawthorne ave., and near there, of any dealer in that locality. Now come and see me and I will prove my assertions. Julius Kraemer 90 FIFTH STREET. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. LOT BARGAINS. 40x100. E. 32d. near Belmont, $850. 6ixliM, E. Salmon, near 25th. $1700. 40x100, E- Taylor, near 2.1th. $1000. 51x100, Piedmont Park, $500. 40x14)0, E. Yamhill, near 25th. $050 5 lots. Portland Heights. $2500. Lots, Arbor Lodge, each $223. Easy terms on any of the above. F. W TORGLER, 106 Sherloc Bldg. $575 EACH 50x100; 2 choice lots, face north on Constance St., south of Fremont, on high ground about 45o feet east Union ave. ; owner non-resident: says sell ; nothing in the neighborhood less than $750. A. H. B1RRELL 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark sts. CHEAP LOTS. $110. ' Not half lots, but lots 4xl25. 20-ft. al leys, good car service: terms f 5 down, $5 per mo. Positively the best lota for the money; a safe investment. J. J. OEDER Cor. Grand ave. a nd B. Ankeny . PRIVATE party knows of the finest acreage around Portland, between 2 carlines; land in high state of cultivation, beautiful house, bam and out houses; for a suburban home this cannot be equaled; none but responsi ble parties need answer this; no agents. . A 250, Oregonian. FINEST BARGAIN IN PIEDMONT Magnifi cent 7-room house, basement, cement floor, stationary tubs, furnace, fireplace, large re ception hall, large airy rooms and closets, pas .electricity, etc.; house alone cost $4000: lot 100x100; price $4750, M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. $000 For nice level lot near Hawthorne ave. and 35th st. ; fine view; improvements In and paid for at this price; fine chance for man or woman who can afford to pay $1800 for name kind of lot. Call Monday. James C. Logan, room 20, Raleigh bldg., 323 Wash ington ot. GOOD 6-room modern house. 4 block from Mt. Tabor carllne; lot 81x100; abundance of fruit; price $2100; easy terms; this Is a snap. . "WEST COAST REALTY CO.. 505 Lumber Exchange bldg. LET MM SHOW YOU THIS Beautiful 7-room cottage, with basement, furnace, fireplace, electric lights, lot 100x100, fruit trees, shrubbery, barn, within block of car, sight ly, east front; fine neighborhood1; $30t'0; $1000 cash. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. LOOK AT TH I S Lot 50x100, f ac In g sou th on East Madteon st., between 21th and 30;h. ; all improvements in. Including ce ment walk; between two $6000 residences and Mt. Hood always in view; $1200. M. C. Davis. 16 Hamilton bldg. SEVEN rooms, new, modern, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, fine pan try, buffet: oak floors, 2 fireplaces, one up stairs; closets, balcony, asphalt streets; Hawthorne-ave. car to 19th, block south. Owner, 653 Holly st. $1000 CASH, balance to suit, new 5-room modern bungalow, best of plumbing, con crete basement, electric lights, china closet, tinted walls, lot 40x130, 100 fe-;t from Firland station, Mt. Scott car line. Phone Tabor 732. WHAT! 4th and Hall. A snap $7750 Double house. 8 rooms each, lot alone worth the money, present income $720; should bring more; $4250 cash. LAMONT & HARRIS. 306-7 Swetland bids. BEST IN IRVINGTON Modem 7-room house, basement, cement f.oor, stationary tubs, fur nace, fireplace, gas. electricity, fine sunny rooms and fine finish, with lot 50x100. for only $4250. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. $50no A whole block on 26th and Division sts.; only 4 blocks east of Ladds Tracts.' where Inside lots are sold at $105O; finest store site on the East Side; for a short time only. Sherlock & Woerpdle, 90 Fifth st. OWNER has 5-acre tract with 2-room house and large spring, 22 minutes' ride on car; station on corner of property; the best chicken and fruit ranch proposition ever offered. Phone E. 1651. RUSSELL STREET Property on this street with Income of $43 per month, must be sold this week; I'll prove to you. tnat it is the best buy ever offered you. Waldo F. Stewart. 211 Commercial block. NEAR STEEL BRIDGE. $3200. for a 7-room house, modem con veniences, fine lawn, good neighborhood; reasonsble terms. HAGEMANN & BLANCH ARD. 91 5th st. WEST Side home; 7 rooms; close in on 10th St., nae modern conveniences; only $4200. ' CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg. LOT IOOxIOO, East 10th st. North; 8-room house, 16 fine bearing fruit trees, all kinds small fruit, good1 bam, fine view, good neighborhood; $3200. M. C. Davis, 16 Ham ilton bldg. I OWN a fine new 7-room house on E. 17th St.. close to car line, ail modern convenl ences, full lot ; a bariraln. $3500: terms. Phone Main 4075 or A-12ns. K 249, Ore- gonian. OWNER has 10 acres east of city, 4 miles from limits, half partially cleared; will make a lovely suburban home; will trade $675 equity for lot in city. Phone E. 1651. MODERN 7-room house, new. well-built and con ven lent ; fine lawn and roses ; lot lOf tx loo; part cash. 510 Lexington ave. Take Sellwood car at 1st and Alder sts. I . . ANAPEL STATION If interested In this fine residence location, see us at once. We have 10 lots, 50xloo each: $1500 cash, if taken at once, so Labbe blag. FOR SALE) 3-room cottage, full size lot; 8 bearing fruit trees: near Alblna carshops; price $950: only $300 cash. B. J. Gelser, 221 Li Morrison St. TWO fine lots in University Park; $750 for both; a little more than nair tneir value: a snap for a little money. Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark st. 6 or 7-room house, bet. Wasco and Brazee, E. 8th and 14th, about $3500; can pay $700 down and $35 per month. O 250, Oregonian. t. , lOiixlOO Fine corner In North Portland, for a few davs at $6750; If looking for a good buy, this Is It. Sphinx Ajgeney, 305 Stark st. $10,000 HANDLES 100x100. three houses, best part of Nob Hill, near Washington; I must nave money. Phone owner. Main 4B10. LOT 18. block 14. Willamette Addition; 25x 100; price for short time $50. A. D. Mar shall, owner, 427 Cham, of Commerce. 100xlOO-r-FIne quarter block In Holladay's Add., near carllne and desirable location. Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark st. $21M) 6-room modem house on comer. East Side. Terms. Palmer-Van Alstine Co., 222 Falling bldg. BARGAIN, from owner, new 6-room house m Sunnyside, neatly finished, $1000. F 256, Oregonian. $1500 Corner lot Holladay Park) ; cement sidewalk; improved street. M 251, Ore gonian. i m . IF you want to buy a home, it pays to see Chapin & Her low, 425 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 3-ronm house and lot; $75 down, balance $10 month. 1031 E. 28th st. $160 TO $200 Iarge lots, $5 per montn. purse at Tremont office, Mt. Scott line. SOUTH Portland, beautiful corner. 85x110; unobstructed view. K. 257, Oregonian. FOR SATE REAL ESTATE. SPANTON'S CAREFULLY SELECTED HOMES. If you haven't the necessary amount to make first payment on any of these properties, the chances are we can help you. We have a number of clients ready to loan money at; 7 and S per cent. $2300 2-story, 5-room house, strictly modern, one year old; terms. $3000 New 2-story 7-room house, large hall, bath, gas, etc.; terms, $800 cash, balance $25 per month. $3000 5-room cottage, bath, gas and electric lights; on East Morrison; easy terms. $8500 Modern 7-room house, lot 50x100, close in; easy terms. $3730 A corner, 6-room house, paved street, strictly modern, between two car lines: ten minutes' walk from Postoffice; terms. THE SPANTON CO., 170 Stark Street. The Best 1 Equipped Heal Estate Office in Portland. THE VETERAN LAND CO. $2000 Nice name on Willamette Boule vard; very sightly location. $2ii00 New 8-room house on St. John car line; Just completed; never occupied. $1800 5-room house, lot IOOxIOO; Sell wood carllne. $2250 House and lot, E. 11th st., walking distance. $13.m lots in Vernon. 2 of them cor ners, $250 below the market. $325 Nice lot on Kirby st., facing East, a choice one. $20Off 2 lots on Missouri avenue; best view In Hancock's Addition. We could advertise a long list of good buys as good and better than the above but for a fuller description of any of them call on us and we can auit you both as to location and nrice. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 165 3d St. ALFRED A. BAKER, Real Estate, 215-216 Ablngton bldg. Snaps Owner forced to sell Lot 50x100 on Belmont ave., near 6th, $7O0O. A choice lot on Grand ave., well located, only $11,000. You. will double your money on this one. 100x100 on 7th. Bast Side, $8500. These are investments that are sure to Increase in value. The location Is choice and the price way down. ALFRBD A. BAKER, Real Estate, 215-210 Ablngton bldg. BUILDING SITES. 65x100 University Park ; fine Tiomea there. jooxlOO Srenic Place; right on carline. 50xlWt Nine of them that size, 20 minutes'- ride. 55x(0 Facing on Jersey street; they're the best. The prices are right on all of these lots. WALDO F. STEWART. 211 Commercial Blk. Main 1506. A 4506. FINE building lots In fine location and chieap. $800 50x 1 00, East Davis ; terms. $U50 50x100, East Flanders; terms. $ loOO 50x00. East 2Sth; terms. $1KK 4ixli0, East Ankeny; terms. $1100 5xrt. cor. East Pine; terms. $25M) 100x195, corner 4 lots. East Stark; terms F. DUBOIS, Washington bldg., room 3. IRVINGTON HOME. Beautiful 7-room house, 2-story, brand new; corner lot, 75x100, fine automobile house; nothing better In Irvington; 300 feet from end of Broadway carline; owner going East; will sell at a big sacrifice; price $6500. WEST COAST REALTY CO., 505 Lumber Exchange bldg. SNAP IN IRVINGTON As my business com pels my leaving Portland, I will sell my home at a big sacrifice; my house Is 2 years old, 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, separate bath and toilet, and is located 2 brocks, from end of Broadway carline. Price, $43U). A 241, Oregonian. FINE 6-room house in Holladay Park; lot 50 123; all modern throughout; three blocks from car; only $43H; terms. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg. IMPROVED LOT $600. Graded street, cement sidewalks In and pavement to come; fine level lot near Haw thorne and 37th st.: Improvements included in price; worth $1000. Call Monday. M. B. Lee, room 2o. Raleigh bids.. :i23 Wash. at. EAST SIDE HOME. $300O. 6-room modern house, lot 50x100, near E. A. carline; gas and electric lights; ce ment basement. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. FOR SALE $575, full lot with barn; will make barn into small cottage at my ex pense, providing I can lease same from pur chaser for 1 year at $6 per month, with privilege of 2 years lease. Owner. 369 7tb, city. WEST SIDE. HOME. $500 down, balance same as rent, buys a modern home of 6 rooms, 2 blocks from 16th-st. car. HAGEMANN & BLANCH ARD, 91 5th st. $8750 80x100. East Side, nothing better In i.iu. lULauuiij v o cmii prove it; income so per month; leased for three years; tenant doing $100 worth of business a day. Waldo F. Stewart. 211 Commercial block. $1000 Nice 4-room cottage and lot. $1500 New. modern, full plumbing, gas and electric lights, close in on Union ave. carlne; terms; owner. Phone Main 3090. 33 1-3x10) and nice 5-room modem cottage on East Side; good location; $230; small cash payment and small monthly pay ments':! new and desirable. Sphinx Agency. 305 Stark st. 100x100 CORNER, lawn, roses, fruit, gar den and almost new 8-room house; elec tricity, 2 toilets, best plumbing; worth $4750. Owner asks $4000; terms. X 250, Oregonian. ACREAGE in large or small tracts, suitable for fruit-rasing, gardening, chicken ranches or for general farming. If looking, we can Interest you. Sphinx Agencv, 305 Stark st. 20 ACRES fine land; running water. O. W. P. paspinjr through it; $2000; would trade for city property. F. DUBOIS, Washington bldg., room 3. KHOt'SE SITES On O. R. & N. near the new Blake-McFall warehouse, over 500 feet trackage. Palmer-Van Alstlns Co., 222 Failing Bldg. Main 5661. A;j653. WE want about 6 or lo-acre farm, thorough ly improved, with moderii, up-to-date house and outbuildings, close to earline. at once. 35 Labbe bldg.. Main 1822, A 3150. A NICE home; 5-room cottage In Alblna; lot 50x 1 20, with f ru It ; also 3-room house, lot 50x118, near Peninsula Station. Address the owner, M 250, Oregonian. NEW bungalow, 4 lots, roses, lawn 30 fruit trees, garden, poultry house, fine location and view; must be sold quick. Owner. Phone Union 3522. , : , 3 ACRES near carline on Peninsula; -good improvement, .riggoit, finch & Klg- ger. attorneys-at-law, rooms 4, 5 and 6, Mulkey bldg. COUNCIL CREST Four of the choicest lots, with beautiful view of the vallev, $2500. Owner, H. P. Palmer, 222 Failing building. I . ' 80 ACRES, partly improved, fair buildings, water; $1100.. New house and lot, $650; terms. D. P. Converse, 221 Morrison at., room 6. . 80 ACRES fine fruit land. 14 miles from Portland, $25 per acre, or trade for city . property, Hatfield & Smith. 100 Fourth street. $150 New 7-room plastered house: 2 lots; one block south Grays Crossing. Mount ' Scott carllne. Inquire owner premises. Ballon. NICE 6-room modem 2-story house, near East Side High School, only $3400; terms. F. DUBOIS. Washington bldg., room 3. SNAP 4 nice lots, comer East Stark, only $2500: terms. F. DUBOIS. Washington bldg.. room S. A NICE little buy, new 5-room cottage, bath, toilet, gas, hot and cold water; E. 22d, South; price $1850. P 253, Oregonian. FOR SALE 7-room house, a hall and bath. 12 lots, fine orchard, barn, water tank and well. D 251, Ore eon la. FOR SALE 5-room cottage, ham, city water, full lot, close in; $050, terms. -Alexander Land Co., 63 6th st. 7 ROOMS and reception hall thoroughly mod ern Holladay Park Addition. 853 Wasco st. phone East 2674. CHOICEST lot in beautiful Belle Crest, at a great bargain if eold at once; easy terms. Phone Main 4641. GOOD corner lot, 60x100. 1 hlock Union ave., $850. cash. Room 23, 813 Washington st.. corner 6th. k. , , 15 PER CENT net on $4500; stores and flats on East Side. - Address A 239, Oregonian. FOR SALE: REAL ESTATE. UNIVERSITY PARK. WHITNEY'S NEW ADDITION At University Park will be put In the market October 1. There are only 64 lots In this beautiful tract and they are ihe cheapest lots on the Peninsula, close to University Park, and the most reason able terms, only $5 down and $5 ver month. If you want to make some easy money without much of an investment buy 50 or 100 feet of this ground; you can make the payments and never miss the money. This tract lies only 4 blocks from McKenna Junction and 4 blocks from Meagley Junction and 6 blocks from University Park, completely surrounded by high-priced land. It Is level as a floor and the- most productive ground In Oregon. You already know of the big Improvements now going on on the Pen insula; two transcontinental railroads spending over two million dollars alone, less than half a mile from this addi tion. The packing companies are putting material on the ground for their big plant anL tards. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE THERE IS SOMETHING DO ING. If you live out of the city and would like to invest in the fastest-growing part of Portland, write us for plat and particulars and we will gladly send same. You can select any of these lots from a blue print in our office and we will mark them off for you until October 1. If you have any property on the Peninsula that you want to sell, we would be glad if you would list It with us, as we are nearly sold out. a. c. Mcdonald, agent. Offices Peninsula Station and Univer sity Park. To see these lota get off St. John car at University Park Station. SOME SPANTON BARGAINS IN THOROUGHLY MODERN EAST SIDE HOMES. $4500 A splendid 8-room house on Mc Millan st. (McMillan st. Is paved and Is four blocks from the Steel bridge and 14 minutes' walk from Postofflce); terms may be had. $4500 Irvington; house of 6 rooms, lot 50x100; two blocks from car; this Is a snap. $S0O0 Irvington 8-room house, cor ner lot imixIUO, nice lawn, all modern im provements. A beautiful home for less than It's worth. THE SPANTON CO.. . 270 Stark st. (ground floor). $40XK Finest quarter-block, close In, East 11th st.; suitable for business or flats; easy terms. $45o0 Fine residence site, over 150 ft. sq uare ; north side Base Line, cor. Curry ave. $4500 Half block. East 12th and Clinton; good warehouse or mfg. site. $2500 Most desirable comer lot, East Taylor; walking distance. $2500 6-room new house and full lot; East Taylor st. $2100 Quarter-block, East 37th and Alder; j fine locality. ' I. G. DAVIDRON, 408 Chamber of Commeree. I . 6-ROOM modern house, close In on East Side corner, on carllne, full basement, porcelain bath, wood holet, rooms all large; house nearly new and In best of condition. $2000; $1000 down. 7-room strictly up-to-date new house; lot 50x100; swell neighborhood ; has fire place, stationary tubs, gas. electricity; good fixtures; close In on East Side; $3800; $1000 down. 5-room modern, cottage, 60x100; full bapement; this is a snap. $ 1500; $5O0 J. M. CAMERON REALTY CO., Room 412, Commercial block. $20.0 Quarter block. Union avenue, two blocks from East Burnside; $5000 or $10,000 cash, balance on time at 6 per cent. Three good lots on Union avenue, be tween Shaver and Maegley streets; prices and terms reasonable. Lot and 6-room house, new and modern, centrally located, Holladay's; $4000; part cash. Lot and 5-room cottage, 1 blocks from Williams avenue car, McMillen's Addition; $2H00. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. HALF-BLOCK from Williams-avenue car line, fine locality, large 1 1 -room mocern home, all Improvements, 2 toilets, porc laln plumbing, furnace, fireplace ; could not ba nicer for a large family, roses, fruit and trees and lawn, more tnan double lot, good barn with drtvewayi owner making sacrifice; must be sold this week. Phone Sunday, East or B 1814. Monday Main or A 1942. WE have on the PENINSULA only 20 lots 1 block from car. 1 block from station ; only $300 per lot; $5 down and $5 a month will carry one of these lots; the cheapest lots on the Peninsula this close to car. See them at A.'C. Mc Donald, agent. Get off of St. John car at Peninsula Station. MODERN East Side home, best streetcar service In the city. 8 rooms, poreclam plumbing, lot 50x100. house occupies west side of lot making fine lawn with shade, garden and roses; can make arrange ments with right party; $70O down, bal ance easv payments. Phone Sunday East or B 1804. $20O CASH and $25 per month and Interest will buy brand-new 6-room thoroughly modern house; everything up to date, fine yard and shade, close to car with four minute service; price $3600; must see this Monday morning if you get it. Call room 410 Dekum hUp. phone Main 5646. $100 CASH and small monthly payments will secure you one acre of fine garden ground near carllne. $10 per month will buy a half acre near carline and water mains laid. .SEI? THORNTON. 319 Chamber of Commerce. $2250 NEW, modern 5-room cottage, East Yamhill st. A. B. RICHARDSON, 614 Chamber of Commerce. BUY my new 5-room house, large attic, fine full basement, modern conveniences, full lot, 12 minutes out on Mount Tabor car; $2250. Phone Main 4675 or A-1208. FOR SALE By owner; 6-room 1 -story house, bath and all modern plumbing; 50-ft. lot, 7-ft. basement, good view; 841 1st St., cor. Curry. Inquire on premises. PORTLAND HEIGHTS home. 7 rooms, con crete basement, furnace, 60-foot frontage, on carllne; fin a view. 568 Elizabeth st. Phone Main 4508. 85x100. block Washington st., $12,0(W); 40x100, E. 14th near Belmont, $2100, easy terms; IOOXIOO, Brooklyn, $850. W. J. Dav, 268 Stark. LOTS Have 16 beautiful lots on car, 52x 105, worth $5600, but will consider $3000 few days. G. E. Walling, 243 Stark Ht. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Two. lots. 3 blocks to car, $1750. G. H. Shinn, room 513 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington st. WILL build a house for a lrit; let me know what you have got. John A. Peterson, Contractor and Builder, Barr Hotel. 2 ACRES In cultivation. 30 minutes from busi ness center, only $UK cash, $12.50 month. Purse, 823 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE $3200 house and lot. E. 17th at., near Morrison; bargain. See owner at either 651 E. Salmon or 387 E. Alder et. L. - , ... ACREAGE Several bargains In small tracts, 1 acre up. They will go quickly. G. E. Walling. 243 Stark st. SNAP Six-room modern house with fur niture, $2000; easy terms: leaving city. , 434 Marguarette, Montaviila. I . $1000 Full lot In Holladay .Park Addition on Multnomah st. Terms. Palmer-Van Al stine Co., 222 Failing bldg. COMPELLED to sell two cholos lots In St. John near railroad, for cash. Address owner, D 255, Oregonian. $3250; Over an acre In Holladay Park, with 100-foot frontage, on Multnomah st. Fred H. Strong. 242 Stark st. KINGS HEIGHTS 2 choice lots, $2600 and $3100; good view; very easy terms. W. G. Cox. 291 Stark st. WHY buy a small lot and, house when you can get 1 acre close to car, new mortem house, for only $2300? A. W. Wiltshire, 407 Ablngton bldg. BARGAIN $5500: modern 8-room . house, corner, near High School. Phone East 4194. No agents. 1 15 PER CENT NET 0 flats, central. West Ride corner; an excellent investment. A 257. Oregonian. 150x200 Six choice lots near Patton avenu. Havelock. Gossett, Riverside office; St. John car. CHEAP 2 lots, $325 for two. Alberta near 18th. 2 blocks from carllne. 54 3d st.. near Pine. I HAVE a snap In a modern 6-room house; terms to suit. F. T. Berry, 4 N. 6tH at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SOME GOOD INVESTMENTS. Two fino lots, corner East ISth and KU lingsworth avenue, for $550, 100 under Pri0e acres, 3 miles southeast of Beaver ton, land near by selling for double; price, $1050. very easy terms. , Splendid six-room house, on Williams ave., full basement, living-room, dining room reception hall, don, kitchen and toilet on first floor; three good bedrooms, three big closets and bath and toilet on second Hoor; lot 50x100; fruit and dowers; lot is worth $2500; house, $3000; will sell fNew modern house in Walnut Park, 7 fine rooms, fine floors, furnace, hot water heating, fine lawn; this Is a thorouRhly modern place, worth $6000; If sold at once, $550. , I have a splendid list of Lincoln Coun ty farms that for an Investment feature cannot be beat; also Nehalem beach .lots and acreage that will bring 300 per cent profit. See me If you want bargains. W W. ZOLLARS. Room 32, Washington bldg. Phone Main 3586. NOB HILL residence, two-story house; has all modern conveniences and basement and attic; 10 rooms. Including attic rooms; comer. IOOxIOO; price $12,850, or houfe and S3 1-3 feet for $8500; this Is a good buy. East Ankeny Strictly first-class two story residence; hot water heat and other wise modern; lot 50x100; nice location and a nice home; $5250. East Burnsidt Another nice modern home of 8 large rooms, large attic snd snlendld basement; select neighborhood; ground (10x100; only $5000; $2000 cash, bal ance to suit. : $6000 New 2-story 8-room modem resi dence; first-class home; Holladay Park; lot 9os94. $;UOO East Side home of 6 rooms, mod en!, except furnace; terms. $2100 E. 5th st. North; 7-room house and full lot. CLARKE-CLEMSON-RLUMAUER CO., 501-5t2v Couch bldg. $5000 CASH To any man or w oma n hav I n g th Is amount of cash on hand I can show you where It can be doubled in less than six months hy buying an Interest In an at tractive pie-i? of business property lo cated In the BULLS EYE. Party has heavy obligations to meet and must sacn flee to Drotect. I venture to say there has not been such a sacrifice made as this for many years. Particulars will only be given to parties who have this amount and mean business and want a downrisht bargain. No brokers need reply as there is no commission In this. Address J 259, Oregonian. CHEAP LOTS. $500 Nice corner lot, 50x100. East Yam- h and 46th. S50 cash. bal. $10 oer mo. $65050x124 on Belmont and 42d, $50 cash. bal. H per month. $70050x100. corner E. 14th and Tag art. fine corner, cash. $800 Nice coiner, 50x100, on Missouri ave. and Skldmore, part cash. $950 100x100. corner E. 20th and Clin ton .a snap; half cash. bal. terms to suit, $1150 5oxl00. on E. 11th near Tilla mook, rmrt cash: Holladav Add. $1400 100x100. corner Mason, and Kerby sts., Alblna, nice block. $1050 50x100. on East 7th, near Broadwav, a few days only; must go, BOLL AM, GRUSSI & HIGLEY, t 128 3d fit. IF you want a good Investment, a corner lot on East Morrison St., now paying $333 per month, one that Is bound to rapidly increase In value, we can sen it to you. If you want a lot 50x118 feet, on Haw thorne ave., for a home, a fine lot, tnat must be sold at once, see us. We are Instructed to lease several choice lots on East Side, suitable for warehouses, stores and stables. Have 100-acre farm to lease for work on place. BUCHTEL & KERNS. 362 East Morrison St. NOB HILL. VACANT. Choice corner of about a lot and a half. fine view, elegant location for a beautiful home; price $3750. Everett St.. west of 20th : full corner lot; no better location for an apartment-house or flats: price right. The bent speculation on the East Side We will sell you a block of 20 lots for $2200, on terms; regular retail price $3400; graded streets and water mains; fine loca tion ; convenient to carllne; see and be convinced. C LARK E-CLEMSON-BLUM AUER CO., 501-502 Couch bldg. Z. A V. ANNOUNCEMENT. Owing to the large number of houses and lots now listed with us. It is impossible to advertise all of them, and as advertising a few would not be fair to the other owners, we will simply state that we will be glad to go over the list with any one Interested and take them to see any place they desire. We have photographs of many, and they are located In alt parts1 of the city; all terms- and all prices. Phones: ZIMMERMAN & VAUGHAN, Main 1675; Km. 363, Buchanan bldg. A-4802. 286 Washington st. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS BARGAIN 100x100 near Steel bridge, on Benton st., fine location for flats; buyer can make neat profit on this In 60 days. Investigate before it Is too late. Price $2750. E. R. MARKHAM AV CO., 209-210 Commercial Block. 7 VERY desirable lots. Willamette Heights. facing on Quimhy st.. Just west of 20th st., overlooking harbor and fair grounds; street graded, sewer, water and gas; grand view city and moun tains; price reaonahle. A. H. BIRR ELL, 202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark sts. 3 FINE BARGAINS IN HOLLADAY Strict ly modern and attractive homes, fireplace, wax floors, furnace, etc.; $7t00, $5500, $5uOO. See us at once. MORGAN, SWEET & CHAPMAN. 213 Ablngton bldg. Phone M. 2015. i t SEE the lots I am selling near Hawthorne ave. west of 37th st., for only $6o0. with cement sidewalk and macadamized streets; best buy In the city for home or liTrest ment. M. E. Lee. room 20, Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington st. gwiOO FILL corner lot end beautiful 7 room house on Clackamas st. ; modern in every detail. A. B. RICHARDSON. 614 Chamher of Commerce. $42O0 Furnished modern house of 6 rooms ai.d lot 50x1 (Mi. In Sunnvside. A. B. RICHARDSON, 614 Chamher of Commeree. BRAND-NEW 2-story 7-room house, strictly modern, corner 35th and East Washington; small payment down, balance - same as rent. Owner, Phone Main 3953. TWO corner lots. 100 fet square, In Ivan hoe, 2 blocks from station; very desirable for suburban home. Owner, 065 East Couch at. Phone Tabor 378. $2000, $500 cash, balance easy, good 5-room house, corner. Close In, upper Alblna. H. A. Plttenger. 675 Gantenbein a v., corner Fargo st. Phone East 1448. SEVERAL ' choice building sites, one on Portland Heights and one in Irvington ; must be sold at once. Call at room 40, Washington bldg. TO see is to believe I want to sell my new 6-room modern house, well located in Piedmont. $4750; cash. Address O 249. Oregonian. . , ON ACCOUNT of death In family we will sacrifice an elegant home, with two lots, on East Morrison, for $3,150. Register & Co., 107 3d. SACRIFICE SALE Mt. Hood View; lots $175 to $190; terms $5 down, $5 per month; water mains laid; Woodstock car. Stout, 616 Com mercial block. FINE home In Kenzcl Park. Montaviila good outbuildings, nice grounds, tot loox 105. Inquire F. R. Burdett, Montaviila postoffice. 10 ACRES, block from O. W. P. car line, $700 per acre Well Improved. John Schneider, Mllwaukle. R. F. D. No. 1. Box 54. IRVINGTON homes for sale; one $5O0O and . the other $5700; all modern improve ments; terms; no agents. N 250, Oregon ian. 80 ACRES on Tillamook ocean beach, bet. Tillamook Bay and Nehalem River, by owner, $200 per acre. T 235, Oregonian. 100x100 APARTMENT house, site, west side, fine residence district, unparalleled view, $6000. Owner. E 234, Oregonian. IRVINGTON 8-room house, modern improve ments, half-block from car line, $5000; $1500 cash. Inquire 436 E. 18th st. N. LARGE y-room house near 23d st.. on Nob . Hill; will be sold at a bargain. Call room 40. Washington bldg. FOR SALE 7-room house and full lot. 509 Borthwik st. Call if interested. FINE large flat building at a bargain. Call at room 40, Washington bldg. t , FOR SALE: Fine lot on Belmont, cheap. Owner. Phone Woodjawn 9SC. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ft Aerea $5700 On the West Side, Just south of Carson Heights, all In highly Im- ..u nuiuun, wixn DuucnngB, windmill, pump and tank; smooth ly macadamized road all the way to town, and you can drive to the city postoffice In 6o minutes; nothing to compare with this in any direction. ts early aU cultivated; is high, roll 15,000 lng ground, with large spring In center; best of soil; would make a fine tract for an orchard, with con venience of the city, as It 1 only a few minutes ride from city limits. P S- CJ?OK & ro- 251 Alder et. SE " Oregon City carline, 35 minutes' $ooo ride out; black, level land. with running water; high ground for acre . $600 Just above Willamette Heights on a line continuous with Wilson St.; charming view of entire city, rivers and mountains. Nearly all in fruit: adjoins Odd fellows' Home; 1 mile this side of Acre $1500 Acres On Barr road. mMwnv htin o 00 carlines and near n ft a v tion; near by the new Driving As sociation ground and track; a per fect knoll on which to build a home. B. S. COOK & CO., 251 Alder st. GOLDSMITH'S AGENCY, 253 Washington, cor 3d. Irvington xesldence of 8 rooms and full lot, 16th near Hancock: sell or exchange for smaller house; East or West Side; price $4500. Modern 8-room house. East 11th, near Sherman; price $4000. Tenth street, corner and house, $5500. First street corner Caruthers, business corner 100x100. some Improvements; price $8500. 5 acres. Base Line road, this side Wl berg Lane ; for subdivision or suburban home. $5700 28 acres. Improved; fine soil; sightly; convenient to city; good roads. $tttOO 65-acre farm, improved1; convenient to river and rail transportation ; an easy, good living for one who can farm. $8500 85-acre farm. well-located, A-l land; Portland property In part payment. $10005 acres, near city. Who will get this bargain? I have other acreage bargains and now is the time to secure them. I. G. DAVIDSON. 408 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE EASY PAYMENT HOMES. A thoroughly modern 6-room home, with ample grounds, in a splendid neigh borhood, with two carlines. for $300 down and $30 per month; total price $3750; 3S8, 390, 392 North 24th st. Buy now, before the rains begin. "Pay rent to yourself." Fidelity Trust Co., owner. 406 Commercial block. Phones Main 447, A 1445. 2 HOMES, Vernon. $750. $050; one, Lenta $650; acre. Woodstock ave., $750 Sl5ff down. $10 month. Ii0xl 00, Ivanhoe, $650, $100 down, $3 month. IffCxIOO. new, modern 6-room house, Al berta carline. $30no, $500 down. 3o3 Washington St., room 5. $S500 9-room house w it h choice block, one of the grandest views on Wil lamette Height; 1 block to carllne! furnace, open fireplace; the very best . of plumbing; don't miss this oppor tunity. A. H. BIRRELL, 202 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark sts. SEE owner about 3 lots and 7-room housf on Mt. Scott carllne; fruit trees, roses, etc.; 4 rooms furniehed; large pantrv. ele gantlyf fnrmhed dining-room; will finish balance to suit purchaser. Get off at 6:t ave. go south to 129. or call at 222 2d et., city; $2000; half cash. WATERFRONT 635 feet frontage on rail road and river and over lOO-foot front as on Macadam road; about four aws. shori distance south of Oregon Furniture Mfg. Vo., ideal site for mill or manufacturing Palmer-Van Alstine Co., 222 Falling bldg Main 5661. A 2653. EAST MORRISON-ST. SNAP Quarter bloc close in. with 54 we 11 -furnished rooms at a sacrifice on account of sickness; $17.0iK on very easy terms; a pretty 5-room bungalow In Multnomah. $21m, on verj easy terms. J. J. McCarthy, 422 Ablngior bldg. ) YOU can't get a sightly corner like this ever; day, with a beautiful new home of six larg rooms, besides reception room and den. It elegant neighborhood of hornet;. East 20U 1 block north of Hawthorne ave. $000 BUYS a beautiful building lot near Haw thorne ave. on 37th st. : cemenjt sidewalk and macadamized streets: best buy in tm city; easy terms. M. E. Iee, room 20, Ral eigh bldg., 323 Washington st. $1000 Bargain, E. Madison st., corner 50x100, close in and sightly; improvements all In; advancing district ; block from carllne ; can not be beat for price and location. Inquire 836 Chamber of Commerce. $ 52(H) 8-room modem house on East Burn side. the Nob Hill of East Side; furnace, gas and electricity; see this and you will want It; terms. Lathrop & Lawrence, 204 Lumber Exchange. BARGAIN In corner lot In Holladay; mac cadamlzed street, cement wuIkk. sewer all In and paid for; cheapest lot In that locality. Lathrop & Lawrence, 204 Lum ber Exchange. INVESTORS, ATTENTION! Best $H)00 quarter block Investment In Portland; close In; for Immediate sale. Jas. C. Logan, room 20, Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington st. t . - -, - FURNISHED 5-room modern cottage, house and furniture only 4 months old; well situ ated, -closs to carllne; price $3000; terms to suit. Room 410 Dekum bldg. Phone Main 5646. $5000 Large, roomy house, 8 rooms, new and modern, on Wasco street ; If you are looking for something good see this. Lathrop & Lawrence, 204 Lumber Ex change. LARGE lot 55x100. near Hawthorne ave. ; all Improvements paid ; fine surroundings, cement walks, paved streets, etc. Owner leaving city. For particulars phone Tabor 152. FOR sala by owner; 9-room residence In heart of city ; view of city and harbor magnificent ; price reasonable and terms to suit. Address F 241. Oregonian. $3000 Over one full lot and modern 0 room cottage. East Sile, close in. A. B. RICHARDSON, 61 4 Chamber of Commerce. NEW, artistic 7-room residence (Just finished), heauttfullv arranged, complete In every de tail; choicest locality Holladay Park Addi tion. Owner. S 259. Oregonian. I WILL SELL my new 6-room hfuse at North Alblna, all modern conveniences, full lot, etc., for $2850; terms. Phone Main 4675 or A-1208. EXPERIENCED builder and architect will save you money building your home; money loaned ; write for particulars. W 257, Oregonian. $750 2 lots on B. Grant St.. near Marguerite sell one for $400; easy payments. Hilde brand. room 11, 253 Washington st. " ' 1 1 WE have some fine 5 and 10-acre tracts for sale or exchange. Room 32s Lumber Exchange, Second and Stark sts. NORTHUP st., bet. 25th and 26th; 50-ft. lot. south front; at bargain; cash or half cash; owner. 3(8 Washington st. '' 1 1 LOT 115x87. 1 lot 100x87. both comer lots; best resident suburb to Portland; no agents. See owner. 211 Fenton bldg. BY owner, lot In the bon ton residence section of East Side: walking distance; reasonable. H. 20th and Madison. FOR SALE 1SOx116. take St. John car. Northern Hill station, 2 blocks south, owner, A Lang. $110O BUYS two most beautiful lots, very desirable location for rectdence. Address R 251. Oregonian. HAWTHORNE ave.. loOxioo, large house, room for more; $6500. T. W. Plttenger, 245 Morrison. $050 Fine comer lot. E. 27th and Washing ton. Terms. Palmer-Van Alstine Co.. 225 Falling bldg. FOR SALE 1 lot, 56x100, suitahle for flat, in grod location. Call or phone Joyce Bros., 270 Grant. - 5Ox50 CORNER E. 20th and Taggert. $400; 50x50 adjoining, $350. Meredith, 312 Wash ington. NEW 8-room modern bungalow; $2800. $6"6 cash, balance to suit. Inquire 214 5th et. MODERN 7-room houpp, close In, East Side, $34iH); only $600 cash. Inquire 294 5th st. A SNAP or. Morrison st. comer;- must have money. Address1 owner, H 256, Oregonian. $4200, For rate by owner. 8-room house. Irv ington. 450 East 11th N. East 6205. 1 $10 SECURES acre, near carllne. Purse, at Tremont office, Mt. Ecott line. WANT a snap In real estate? Call at room 40, Washington bldg.