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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1907)
S SEW TODAY. NEW TODAT. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAT. NEW TODAT. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 29, 1907. 12 Per Cent Net Dn cash required, $15,000, or 10 per cent net on pur chase price $25,900 Fine brick building, good location, good tenants; best small buy in Portland; for a few days only. "You'll have to hurry." . ,$100,000 100x100, heart of city, one tenant, ten-year lease at 8 per cent, clear of taxes, in surance and street improve ments. $20,000 Fine 100x100 cornet on Fourteenth street. Apartment House Sites Triangle corner Wash ington and . Twenty-third streets. Three frontages. $ 13.SOO Corner on Twentieth and Washington. $22,500 King's Heights Full lot, between Mrs. Spencer's new brick apart ment house and lot, sold for $8,000 last week $2000 be low market price. , $6000 First Street North of Burnside lOOx 100 cor., income nearly $200; can be greatly increased. $35,000 " Sixth Street Corner near Union Depot; rent $175 $32,500 E. J. DALY 114 THIRD ST. 20 . Building Permits For Overlook Residences in One Day Representing Improvements Amounting to $55,000 George W. Priest Took Out the Fol lowing Permits Yesterday: G. W. PRIEST Two-story frame dwelling, Overlook boulevard foot of Shaver; $5200. G. W. PRIEST Four 2-story frame dwellings, Capital street, between Failing and Shaver, $200 each. G. W. PRIEST Five 2-story frame dwellings, Colonial street, between Failing and Shaver, $2000 each. G. W. PRIEST Two 2-story frame dwellings, Capital st., between Fail ing and Shaver. G. W. PRIEST Five 2-story frame dwellings, Castle street, between Shav Failing and Shaver, $2000 each. G. W. PRIEST-Three 2-story frame dwellings, Castle street, between Ma son and Skidmore, $2000 each. More First-Class Residences Under Construction in Overlook Than in Any District in Portland. SEE OVERLOOK TODAY TAKE R.-S. CAR AGENTS ON GROUND A. F. Swensson & Co. 253V2 Washington Street. CHEAP FARMS 120 acres, 7 miles from eloctrlc carline. 80 miles from Portland: 35 acres In culti vation, 70 acres fenced with board and "wire: house, barn and good orchard: spring near house and stream running Tiirougn center or land. frice, szuuu terms. 5! acres. 28 m Hps from Portland: 25 In cultivation; 7-room house, good barn and eneds; large assorted orchard, 2 good horses, 2 wagons, hack, buggy, 2 sefs double harness. 1 set single. 7 cows, 3 calves. 200 chickens. 40 tons hay, all farming implements and also all the fur niture in house, which is Al: 7 stands of tiees and many other things too numerous to mention. View of the Columbia River ana miles from IS. p. R. R. Price, only 4-1750. 3i acre.i, near McCoy, ISO acres in culti vation. 7-room house. 3 barns, 2 orchards. granary, wagon shed, chick house, ail iarm implements, goats, chickens, tur keys, mum cows, hogs and wiieep; 3 good springs: well fenced and cross-fenced; very nice place. Price. $9000: terms. 40 acres Hood River farm, 27 acres In INewton and Spitz apples: house, barn and heds. Price, 110,000. Will take part jn city properly. Jordan & Garbade 232 1-2 Washington St. 15 Acres $25,000 On West Side In the midst of extensive improvement. Same distance from Post office as 25th Vnd Overton, the park in Holladay's or East 20th st. : will make 100 charming building lots, witn convenient car service already. B. S. COOK & CO. 251 A-LDER STREET. . Irvington ! Race Track Has been platted and lots are now for sale. Street Improvements I Parked streets Cement walks and curbs Asphalt pavements Building restriction Improved car service This is the most beautiful res- Z idence location in Portland. See and be convinced. Prices J moderate, Terms easy. : Rountree & Diamond : 241 Stark St., Corner Second j FRUIT LANDS If in a good locality, will soon yield an income with less labor than any other kind of farming. HOOD RIVER VALLEY As a FRUIT SECTION, HOLDS THE LEAD over all competitors. APPLES and PEARS are suited to the eight-acre tracts near city which we have for sale; EASY TERMS. Near Portland, $3000. A Bargain 80-acres A-l land, with 10 acres In finest young cherry orchard (10,000 lbs. cherries sold this year), should produce $3000 an nually in 5 years. Offer whole tract on quick sale at $3000; one mile from R. R. station. Other good farm deals; all prices. FINEST HOTEL SITES in Oregon for sale at HOOD RIVER. Call and see us. SAWMILL and 60.000.000 ft. fir timber. SAWMILL and 20.000,000 ft. fir timber on Columbia River and railroad with complete logging outfits, etc.; running 25 days each month. McFarland Investment Co. 310-11-12 Swetland Bldg. $13,500 Fractional lot on Thirteenth street, a few feet from Washington Street A choice location, improved, and producing an income of 17 Per Cent. Net . This Bronertv is sure of a quick turn at a big increase. James J. Flynn 512 Chamber of Commerce. 1 v Save That Rent And buy a lot in Hancock St. Addition, for $550; $55 down and $10 per month. ' Only 133 lots left. Come out and see these lots before you are too late. Take Rose City Park car and get off at Sandy Road and O. R. & N. crossing and see agent in office. Thompson &Ogden 848 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 202. PAYS 15 NET on $7000, the amount of cash required to buy thii property. It is situated on vest Fide of fith at., not far from City Hall. Price $14,000. Only one tenant to deal with. See F. BRKSKE about this. Room 444, Sterlock bids, 3d st. Any person wanting a good jaylne Investment ought to looit tins up. A. F. SWENSSON & CO., 25312 WASHINGTON STREET, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR OVERLOOK '10 Investment, $45,000 New, modern, steam-heated flats near business center, with permanent ten ants; $25,000.00 cash, balance terms. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY 204 Abingrton Bldg. -BEST VIEW IN CITY FROM OVERLOOK PORTLAND HEIGHTS Half-block, best part of Height, grand unobstructed view, one block from car. Price. $Sn00. G. H. Shinn, room 513, Buch anan bldg., S8S Washington at. Have You Seen Railway Addition Tract Montavilla 60O-Lots--600 AT EACH $10 Down, $5 Monthly LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH Homeseekers and Investors THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY COME OUT TODAY AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION CLOSE TO STREETCAR DOUBLE TRACK TO MONTA VILLA 5c FARE 25 MINUTES' RIDE TO THIRD AND MORRISON AGENTS AT TRACT EVERY SUNDAY TO SEE, THE LOTS, TAKE MON TAVILLA OAR, THIRD AND YAMHILL; GET OFF CORNER OF VILLA AND HIBBARD STS., MONTAVILLA; CALL FOR MAPS, ETC., AT Lambert-Whitmer Co. 107 SHERLOCK BLDG., CORNER THIRD AND OAK STS. $1150 60x100 on Bast 13th at., near Tillamook. $3000 Nice sightly lot on 16th and College. $3600 Modern 8-room house on Corbett St. $5000 W1U handle 60x100 on Flanders St., close in; some income. $8000 Will handle corner lot on Uth, near uuaan st. $9000 60x100 on North 15th st.; best buy on the street. GEO. D. SCHALK Main 392 A-2392. 264 STARK ST. ' FULL LOT ON Washington Street In splendid location for flats, apartment-house or business location. There is no guesswork about Washington street property. Price $12,500. Zimmerman & Vaughan Room 303 Buchanan Building, 286y2 Washington St. $11,000 Farm About 10 miles east, this side of Gresham, near O. W. P. line. 40 acres clear, house, barn, team and cows, etc. Best bargain in Mult nomah County. $2000 down, ' balance five years, 6 per cent. Causey Land & InvestmentCo. 506-7 Swetland Bldg. Lents Acreage We have , several good buys In this growing district. See us at once. McKINLEY MITCHELL 2024 Stark st. RIVERFRONT We make a specialty of Willamette River front. Have something attractive now. Sengstake & Ly man 90 Fifth St. (near Stark). . . BEST SAFETY VAULT FOR YOUR MONEY IS OVERLOOK Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates Real Estate and Insurance A. H. BIRRELL tOl to Z0S UeKay Bide ad and Stark. WHEN A, MAN MARRIES his first concern should be to establish a home for his family in a good neighborhood, situated high, on a convenient carline, in a place that will always be a res idence district and in a locality where the purchase of a home will prove a good investment. LISTEN! We have a residence tract that meets all the above requirements. Hawthorne Avenue and E, 48th St. is the place ; 15 minutes from the city on beautiful Hawthorne Ave.; 7-minute car service; lots high and sightly; Bull Run water, walks and curbs wjll be of ce ment; work on walks '-will be commenced in two months; 60 foot streets, .now graded. , WeBuild Homes to suit purchasers, who pay for them on easy monthly install ments. Fifteen houses now on this tract; more will be started this week. Let us build you an artistic home. Tour present rent money will pay for it. Buy now and reap the benefit of our building boom. GO OUT TODAY. Take .Mt. Scott, Mt. Tabor or Hawthorne ave. car at 2d and Alder sts., and ride to 48th st. Portland Realty & Trust Co. 106 SECOND ST. R. A. Taylor, representative on ground. Branch office Hawthorne ave. and 48th st. 521,000 A fina niAOA nf im proved property with in 10 blocks of Hotel Portland, now under lease for $200 per month. THH BART LAXD CO, I4 Sca - St. $28,000 Three-story brick, East Side, cor ner, paying $265 per month income; fully worth $37,500. Must sell quick. Bollam, Grussi S Higley 12a Third Street. HOMES! HOME!! HOME!!! Be wiso and buy now. A pretty 5 room cottage; 20 minutes' car ride; $1500. Another, $2000. Still another, JZ500. One more, $3000; and so on, up to 110.000. We can uit you. Call early Monday. , HARTMAN A THOMPSON, (Real Estate Department.) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Acreage and Farms 6 acres, adjoining; railway tlon 0 miles from Portland all In Brood state of cultivation; located on good side walk to depot new 7-room house, Just completed; g-ood wcll quarter mile to Stood school. Price, $3254 $1000 cash, balance on time. 7 acres, V, mile from arood railway station 1 on jtrood sidewalk; all cleared and la hta-h state of cultivation t half the land set out to cholcfe Winter ap ples two years old; Rood 9-room house; stood well; all fenced; on public road. Price, 3500. 241 acres, all rich land; one-third cleared; balance 11 (tat timber. Price, $liH per acre; $500 cash, balance to suit purchaser. 160 acres, 2V4 miles from Willamette River; within 3 miles of Portland city limits; 15 acres cleared; 20 acres light timber; balaace arood heavy timber, es timated 8000 to 10.000 cords; well waf ered; on good public road; schoolhouse adjoining; land. Price, fSKS per acre; half cash, balaace to suit purchaser. 10 acres, 13 miles from Portland; all cleared and In hitch state 01 cultiva tion; all fenced; on (rood public road; quarter mile from railway station; n-ood 9-room house, worth 3000; arood barns, mllkhouse, chicken-house and all out side bulldlnsrs In first-class repair. Val ue of Improvements, fttlOOO. AH for sale for the next SO days for fOOOO. 8 acres, 1 block from railway station; all cleared and In good state of culti vation; new 4-room house; on good public road. Price, $3600; $lO0 cash, balance to suit purchaser. 10 acres near Beaverton; all good, rich, smooth land; one-third cleared, balance good timber. Price, $125 per acre. ' 10 acres on the Salem car line, with in 1 mile of Tlgardsvllle, Washington County, Or.; 9 acres cleared; good run ning water; on public road; 5 acres good hopyard; 4-room house; small barn; soil rich and Ilea well. Price, 1750; $750 cash, balance on or before five years. The Shaw-Fear Company 245 1-2 STARK ST. $20 000 $15 000 $13 000 Corner 50x100, Park and Flanders. 5 lots between Hawthorne ave. and Clinton, west of E. 33d St.; half cash will handle. Corner lot. Improved busi ness property, 16th St.; pres ent income $85 per month. tQnnn 'IWxlOO cor. 16th and Montgom wuUUU ery; can divide this. tKRHn Corner E. 18th and Schuyler; wUuUU new modern 7-room house: ce ment basement, furnace, etc.; built for a home. $5000 Good 9-room 'house on corner lot in Alblna. tfCnnfl Pretty bungalow, 5 rooms and vuUUU attic, cement basement, furnace, etc.; all new and modern; East Madison St., near 20th. tQIfin 10xW0. cor. EL 12th and Han vU'rUU cock. Holladay's Add.; we can divide this. (OCCn Good 8-room house. -Broadway, WAUdU near Grand ave.; fractional lot; rents tor jzb per month. Each; fine 60x100 lots 23th st.. West Side: all strent lmnrnva- $2000 ments and cement walks in and paid for. $8000 Park'ave"1 CedaF HUI' faCln $6500 0xl0 on 10th st' near Ma1"114- Sengstake 6 Lyman 90 FIFT.H STREET (near Stark). Absolutely Sale Investments $21 boo 0,,"' two iaw mo $10 500 corner on 4tlr"t- cloe 1' $9000 double flat" on Park $8500 Corner on KearIey t. $7500 corner on Clackamas st. thfinfl-' block Williams ave., vacant WUUUU p $11 000 property. 50x90, Grand ave. $8500 $5000 $6500 $2500 Corner on E. 7th st. 60x100 on York at. 100x100 on Williams ave. block 27th and Morrison 100x163 University Park. a $1200 and several others. Terms can be had. OTTO, CROCKETT 6 HARKSON 133H FIRST STREET. ALBINA A BUSINESS PROPERTY, Russell Street. A Bargain PRICE $6500 Lot 60x109. with store buildings and dwelling, being wo and 312 Kussell St. It is one of the best buys we have in Albina. If you want a bargain see this one. Mail & Von Borstel lot 2d St. and S92 BL Bumslde at. WELL-KNOWN REAL ESTATE MAN WILL TAKE RELIABLE MAN AS PARTNER. PARTICULARS WILL ONLY BE GIVEN TO PARTY MEANING BU SI NESS. SMALL AMOUNT REQUIRED. CALL 248i2 STARE v STREET. Special This Week Fine ouarter near Hawthorne and Grand ave. Bargain price If taken this week. Good terms, part cash. - McKinley Mitchel 202 Stark . st. f ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS IN OVERLOOK Lambert-Whitmer Co. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT, 107-108 Sherlock Building, ,Cm. Third and Oak Sts. Special York St. Block $45,000 FILL, bV,OCK and a fraction, York and 20th sts. Center North Portland warehouse district. Fine railroad track frontage. $20,000 cash, balance 6 per cent. $1500 EACH 25-foot lots on north side of Thurman street, near 21st, In heart of North Portland busi ness district. Streetcars pass front of property. Lots $1200 TO $15O0 A few excellent buys in choice residence lots in the vicinity of E. Taylor and 27th sts. Acreage and Farms $12.500 10 ACRES choicest land on the Peninsula, near Korinern iiiii, one block to streetcar. Be fare. This is exceptionally fine for subdividing into city lots. $55 PER ACRE 80 ACRES at Ldnnton about one mile rrom tt. it. west values ever offered for this money. Investigate. 12XK 8H ACRES in city limits, close to finest residence section of west Side. This property overlooks the city of Portland and, with Its natural scenic advantages, would make one of the prettiest subdi visions for home sites in Portland. $550022 ACRES -and 5-room house with barn, etc., fine sou. This property lies on Section Line road. Electric line passes property. A good buy for some one. Willamette Park 5-Acre Tracts $100 AND VP PER ACRE. We have a lew of these very oesiraDie 4 ana i-acre tracts which we will sell on the Easy Payment Plan. Free water service with every tract. Soil Is beaverdam and very rich. Call at our office and we will glad ly drive you out to see these tracts. Seror Park 5-Acre Tracts $125 A?fD UP PER ACRE. On the Base L.ine roaa. about miie irom Troutdale, electric line. School within -mile of tract. See these E-acre pieces at our expense. Houses $10,R0O MODERN 11 - ROOM HOUSE, practically new, in tne most desir able location In Irvington. If you are looking for an elegant home, don't fail to see this place. $1500 5-ROOM NEW HOUSE close to electric line. Full lot. Easy terms. $2SOO 8 - ROOM, well - built. 2 - story nouse. 'uii Dasement, a. w. cor. Beech and Albina streets. Lot 60x 100. ivlley in rear. This property is well worth 3800. Lambert-Whitmer Co. $600 Corner lot in Brooklyn, about 15 mln- utes' ride from this office. $2000 Full lot on 1st st. The opposite side of the street sold a short while ago for $2500. $8000 More than a auarter block on the Mt. Scott carline, covered with a fine build ing, containing stores, assembly hall and housekeeping rooms; all rented lor yearly. isoie tne income. $14,000 "Within a stone's throw of the Plttock block, and in a locality where nearly million dollars worth of buildings are either going up or are in contemplation. well get you Jt,wu lor tnis witnin v days. $14,000 On 10th St., short distance from the above. Nothing around it can be bought for tne money. $31,000 Apartment-houseof 45 rooms, all rented every day In the year for $2400. $22,500 Another apartment-house on a quarter block. New, modern, with every convenience In its 40 rooms. Note the income $3600 yearly. $35,000 Fine hotel of 33 rooms, on side street, close to Washington. Kents ror izwi) until next januarv ana will be $3000 after that. You can't beat It for a desirable location. WHITING & ROUNTREE 82 THIRD STREET. Quarter Block 14th Street IN. HEART OF WAREHOUSE DISTRICT, $18,000 It pays to see us. Chapin & Herlow 425 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1652. "Fourth and Hall" . $7750 Double house, 8 rooms each aide. LOT ALONE) WORTH THE) MONEY. Nob Hill Quarter Block $9500 No Restrictions LAMONT & HARRIS 800-T SWETLASD BLDG. Sooth Portland Bargains Vermont Street 100x100 feet on north side of Vermont St., 100 feet west of Macadam. $1000. Moyer Alley All of lot 10, subd. 3, block 3, Portland Homestead. Size 35x 100. Price $500. Corbett Street No. 1092, nearly new 5-room and basement cottage, lot . 36 2-3x100 feet. A bargain at $2750. Hamilton Avenue 100 feet frontage at S. W. cor. Kelly st.; high and sightly lo cation, with fine view. $2000. Macadam Street East 130 feet lot 2, block B, size 76x130. $1000. Kelly Street Choice building lot, southeast corner Kelly and Abernethy sts. Price only $1800. Factory Sites Macadam Street 100x100 feet, N. W. cor. Maa adam and Gaines, with track age facilities. Hood Street 55x200 feet, between Hooker and Porter sts.; trackage facil ities available. " ' WAKEFIELD, FRIES 6 CO. 229 Stark Street. A Magnificent Income for the Amount Invested ' " 14 PER CENT ON $35,000 ' A handsome West Side Apartment House, modern in every respect all rented and a big waiting list. The' very best investment we know of. Price $35,000 Terms can be arranged. The Spanton Co. (High-Class Investments), 270 Stark Street $11,500 Lot 50x100, good huuamg, now paying 124 per cent. A few days only at this prloaj. $12,500 New hotel. West Side: guaranteed lease for 10 years at $100 per month. $1 6,000 80x100. fine piece of business property. West Side, paying $123 per month In come. $40,000 62x125 feet on Washington, near 18th.,; $7500 cash, bal. terms, a snap. BOLLAM, GRUSSI & HIGLEY 128 Third St. 1254 Income West Side Apartment House Fifteen Apartments Twelve Single Rooms Centrally located, stylish, up-to-date, a safe proposition, sure money-maker j , $20,000 -will swing it. CALL ON US Columbia Trust Company Couch Building. " Choice Buys Quarter block on East Morrison: quar ter block on East Yamhill; choice insider piece on Belmont; also two flats on Hoi-. Iiday and Occident. McKinley Mitchel 202H Stark st. . Two Houses On ideal corner lot, East 11th street, near Ladd's new addition. $2000 DOWN, BALANCE EAST. CAUSEY land & Investment Co, 506-7 Swetland Bldg. FOR SALE. 1520-acre stock ranch, all fenced, all tillable, substantial ImprOTementa, 10 miles from Roseburs; or will ex change for Portland property or close in acreage, paying difference. JACKSON DKERrVO. Phone Main 345. 246 Stark St. NO ADDITION COMPARES WITH OVERLOOK