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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1904)
20 THE STJXDAY- OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 4, 1904 m mm m m Portland's Qualify Shop j THE "DIFFERENT STORE' FIFTH, SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS Portland's Quality Shop THE HAN AG-EES' SALE! THE MANAGERS' SALE! THE MANAGERS' SALE! THE MANAGERS' SALE! THE MANAGERS' SALE! THE MANAGERS' SALE! Portland's Largest Store Store Managers' Sale Opens Tomorrow-Lasts Till Xmas ABSOLUTELY THE GREATEST BARGAIN DISTRIBUTION EVER HELD BY ANY HOUSE IN AMERICA! v A STRONG STATEMENT BACKED UP BY POSITIVE PROOFS.' CHRISTMAS GOODS AT COST AND BELOW! STAPLE LINES SACRIFICED AS NEVER BEFORE! Not old or unwanted merchandise, but the newest, latest, brightest, best and most fashionable goods known to the style world. Every Christ mas line all over the store is included. The cuts will be merciless. The price-cutter's knife will be two-edged, cutting both ways wherever it touches. Read the "Editorials" in upper left and right corners of this two-page announcement. i "Store Managers' Sale" What It Means This store has entered upon a new era, a larger field, a mightier capacity. "We have outgrown the swaddling clothes of provincial storekeeping and entered the arena occupied only by the giants of American merchandising. We have become, and are recognized today by the manufacturers of the world, as well as our neighbors at home, as the Marshall Field Store of the West. This means much to you and to us. You expect better service we must give it. You expect Jarger stocks than elsewhere they are here. You expect lower prices and better qualities than can be found in other stores here, too: Now, to J get all this there must be the best of MANAGEMENT. We're going to give it you. The old yar is drawing to a close. It has been a prosperous one with us. Sales have increased, the store has enlarged, expenses have grown, of course; with increased expenses MUST come increased sales. The good store ship must be manned and officered with the best material this broad country affords. We cannot be satisfied with anything but-the best service. The coming year, with its great World's Fair here i in Portland, demands that we; as Portland's largest and best store, should furnish a -service second to none iu America. We aim to do it. We're going to put our present managers to the test this week and until Christmas. We're going to investi gate the personal business capacity of every one' of them. We're satisfied our goods are bought lower and owned by us at less than equal qualities owned by any other Western house. These facts justify us in expecting best RESULTS, which means immense selling. If changes are necessary we shall make them when we open the New Year's books. So we place our managers on the scales this week, and by the results they give us they shall be judged. We turn over to each one from tomorrow until closing time of Saturday, December 24, the ABSOLUTE control of his or her department. We give them all carte blanche to do as they -please with their stocks. We give them to start, the biggest and best stock of holiday and staple goods on the Coast. They may sell them as they please, at cost or below and as much below as they wish. We stipulate only to make the sale an unprecedented success j that (contract goods alone excepted) . EVERYTHING AIUST be sold LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE in this city by any store. By the AMOUNT OF THEIR SALES only at the end - of the next 18 business days we shall pass on their merits. Their executive and selling reputation is on trial. In order to provide further incentive for them to make low prices and smash every previous selling record We Shall Divide $100 in Gold On New Year's eve among the three managers' who show the biggest percentage of gain in SALES over the corresponding period last year. We guarantee this event to furnish the great cst bargain aggregation ever offered by any house in this coun try AT ANY SEASON of the yean And this is December Christmas buying time. We pledge our word that for every . normal dollar's worth of goods you buy of no matter what description between now and Christmas, you'll save from 25c to a half-dollar by buying it here. The monster stpeks, includ ing EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF CHRISTMAS GOODS, arc at your mercy and our managers. WHOLESALE PRICES will rule for just three weeks. Our name binds this contract made this day between us, our public and our managers. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING; Portland, December 3, 1904. Domestic Aisle First Floor. 3c for Calicoes, Ginghams, Challies All of first-class standard qualityfor tomorrow, or while they last, at, yard, 3$ Portland's Dressy Women Will Come Here for Suits TOMOEEOW Grand Salons Second Ploor TOMORROW. SILK SKIRTS, EVENING- WAISTS, GOATS AND THEATER GAPES ADD SPICE TO THE SALE. Mis L. Bernard, the progressive manager, expert buyer and undisputed authority on women's fashionable attire, offers as opening induce ments to this great competitive sale a collectionof really sensational values. Miss Bernard has set her mind on the $50.00 merely as a side issue. Woman's pride is above and beyond it all. She stands alone to beat a. bunch of men, and gallantry compels us to hope she will. She leads off tomorrow with five bargains in women's attire that are nothing short of remarkable. She shows she is going to use the privilege of price-slashing, accorded by the house, to its fullest extent. She offers as special inducements for tomorrow, and some for three days, the following: II:IS lo Women's Tailored Suits $ 1 6.55 THE GREATEST SUIT SPECIAL THIS YEAR! Over 400 stunningly handsome new tailored Street Suits, in materials of broadcloth, cheviot and popular mannish mixtures, blacks, navys, browns and pretty mixtures in tourist, directoire, Norfolk, blouse and paquin styles, with mannish fancy vests; braid, velvet,- button, and strap trimmings, some in the severer tailored styles j best .$32.50 and $38.50 values every shown by any store on the continent, for Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday only choice for - $16.85 A HALF-PRICE SALE OF MISS X BERNARD. $10 and $12 Silk Petticoats Monday Only $4.57 The product of an immense late purchase of Miss Bernard's during ber last' New York trip. The fourth shipment. Plenty of blacks, navys, .browns, greens and other dark colors in this lot. Materials are rich taf fetas and chiffon taffetas. Full color line, embracing blacks, tans, browns, light blues, navys, white, pinks, reds, helios, greens, etc., in plain and changeable effects. Best values at our regular prices of $10 and $12 evershown in Portland. Special Monday only at $4.87 Dainty Evening Waists Holds the Boards Tomorrow. A superb lot the best Waist offer yet. A handsome galaxy of beauty, closed at a sacrifice by the makers to our buyer. Air late styles worthy of this great Fashion Store. Petfu de cygnes, peau de soies, taffetas, crepe de chines and rich laces. Some are silk-lined. A full color line, including reds, blues, browns, royals, greens, creams, pinks, navy, pale blue, laven ders, etc; also plain black and neat, pretty plaids, attractive checks and dainty stripes. The regular ;prices range from $5, $6.50, $7.50, $S.50, $10.00 to $15.00. ALL AT HALF PRICE TOMORROW, ONLY $2.50 TO $7.50. Every Woman's Cost Drastically Reduced NOT ONE RESERVED OR SPARED. EVERY ONE IN THE HOUSE GOES INTO THE SALE! Expertly tailored coats of beautiful workmanship in very newest, latest, modes. Materials are broadcloths, kerseys, handsome tan coverts and popular mannish mixtures in Tweedish goods. Tourist styles, -length and 27-inch box shapes. Also the form-fitting coats, blacks, navys, tans, browns, blues and fancy mixtures. Reductions like this, for 3 days only: $ 6.50 values for : $ 4.95 $15.00 values for $11.25 $30.00 values for $22.50 8.50 values for 6.95 20.00 values for 14.85 35.00 values for 26.25 12.50 values for 9.35 25,00 values-for 18.75 38.50 values for 28.85 Above prices for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only. AH Gpetta or Evening Coats and Capes Up From $40 at HaSf Price for 3 Days In the very ticy.est' conceptions; biggest lino in Portland for selections, among them several of the famous Schroeder models. In light blue, pink, light pink, champagnes, light and dark greens, white and onions. The swellest collection of opera i and theater wraps on the Coast. Starting at the $40.00 values, and running, up to $250.00, all for three days Monday, Tuesday ard Wednesday, at HALF PRICE ! C J. YOUNG. The Shoe Man Puts Up Some Convincing Arguments As to His Right to One of Those , Cash Prizes Mr. E. J. Young, in charge of the new Sixth Street Annex Shoe Store, on the ' 'Fair-Way,' ' has cut prices deeper than ever this house cut them before. Beautiful holiday stocks are all included handsome, comfortable slippers, shoes for house, street or dress wear. Mr. Young has exercised his prerogative and cut some of the very best shoes our leading sellers BELOW COST! Pick them out. Never such a shoe sale as this in Portland! $2.50 FOR WOMEN'S SHOES WORTH 5. 00 Four hundred pairs of women's shoes with patent kid or plain vici kid vamps some with cloth tops patent or stock tips, Louis or military heels, hand-turned soles. Our $5.00 values, for, the pair. . . .2.50 WOMEN'S $3.50 AND $4.00 SHOES FOR $2.00 Five hundred pairs of women's Shoes, with kid or patent vamp, turn or welt soles, stock or patent tips. Our $3.50 and $4.00 values, for, the pair 2.00 WOMEN'S $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES FOR $1.75 Three hundred pairs of women's shoes here in box calf, patent kid, vici kid or velour calf, with light or heavy soles. Our $3.00 and $3.50 values, for, the pair 1.75 B3c FOR WOMEN'S JULLETTES WORTH $1.25 Women's felt Juliettes, in red or black, fur-trimmed, hand-turned soles, Our $1.25 values, for, the pair 63 87c FOR MEN'S OPERA SLIPPERS WORTH $1.50 Men's opora slippers, in black vici kid, with turn soles. Our $1.50 value, foi, the pair 87 BOYS' SHOES One thousand pairs of boys' shoes, in box calf or vici kid, double soles, boot form, heavy, plump uppers, full round toes best Winter shoes Sizes U to 13 our $1 50 value, for, the pair S1.00 Sizes 13y2 to 2 our $1.75 value, for, the pair .' 1.25 .Sizes 2i to Wz our $2.00 value, for, the pair 11.50 MISSES' SHOES One thousand pairs of misses's shoes in vici kid or box calf, with patent or stock tips arid double oak soles best lasts all new, clean stock: Sizes 6 to S our $1.00 values, for, the pair 75 Sizes 8y2 to 11 our $1.25 values, for 90 U.y2 to 2 our $1.50 values, for, the pair 1.10 in Booklovers' Lane First fjoor running: from the Fifth-Street Annex to the "Fair-Way," In front or the new massive elevators. The new Xmas stocks of hooks are ready. Books for tha tots, for boys and grlrls. youths and along up thro the seven ages of man. The largest book stocks In the city and the newest. Mr. P. H. Evans in charge. Ho has made some price cuts that should help him to a place near the top In the race. Bead a few: n 4Sc FOR LEATHER BOUND CLASSICS WORTH OOc A series of neat little volumes, bound In leather, wjth gilt top and marker, neatly boxed. The list of titles Includes some of the best and most popular 'works of the world by the most popular and famous authors. Our 80c values at, each . .., 43c SYNDICATE COPYRIGHTS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL LI BRARY BOOKS Sc FOR BOOKS WORTH 23c The syndicate copyrights are books that have first ap peared in newspapers and magazines, -written by such . authors as Howard Pyle. E. W. Horning. Charles .Clark Munn, John Oliver Hobbs and others equally as, well known. The Sunday School Library" Is a series of select books by authors of merit. They are suitable for Christian homes and Sunday school libraries. Our 25c values at, each 6c ONE-HALF PRICE ON CHILDREN'S BOOKS A lot of high-grade children's books. Included In this list are A Reusd Robin, a series of short stories by popular children's authors. The Gosemlmry Pllgrima, with gilt top and deckle edge. The Moor Children, by Laura Day Fessender; beautifully illustrated in color by Camp bell Our regular prices on these books are aOc, 05c and SI. Special economy sale prlce.40c WEBSTER'S SELF-PRONOUNCING POCKET DICTIONARY This dictionary is cloth bound, indexed, contains the correct spelling and definition of nearly 50,000 words and manual of useful information. Publisher's "price Is 25c Our special price Is, each lie SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS' BIBLES BIBLES WORTH $1.00 FOR 8Se Jhese Bibles have Florentine Seal divinity clrcut binding, red under gold edges, with band and mark er, with helps, references, concordance, etc, complete: also 17 plates, 12 colored maps and 32 pages of illustrations. The regular price is S1.00. Special economy sale price, ca.SPc P. H. EVANS. Mr. E. J. Oliver The -well-known and popular judge of good linens and other fabrics made for household use and' personal wear, in charge of the Domestic and Linen Shops Dodged the snapshot artist when on his rounds, hut doesn't attempt to dodge the issue at stake. In fact, Mr. Oliver will make a strong run for first place in the competition. He leads off Monday with Dress Calicoes, Ginghams and Challies at 3c a Yard (See another column) and these other strong attractions 10c INSTEAD OF 15c AND 17c FOR FLANNELETTES Best quality double width flannelettes, 36 inches wide, in dots, figures, stripes and Persian effects. Our 15c and 17c values, for, the yard 10 71aC FOR OUTING FLANNELS WORTH 10c AND 12V2c An immense line of outing flannels, in medium and dark colorings, checks, stripes, plaids and plain colors. Our 10c and I2V2C values, at, the yard 7V2 SCOTCH FLANNELS WORTH 50c FOR 31c Real Scotch flannels, nonshrinkable, in all the new Fall patterns. Our 50c value at, the yard 31i 26c FOR OTTOMAN WAISTINGS WORTH 45c Fancy all-wool Ottoman waistings, in the new shades of brown, greens and navy blues. Our 45c values, for, the yard. .26 WOOL SACKINGS WORTH 45c FOR 30c All-wool, double-width sackings, 36 inches wide, a full assortment of colors. Our 45c value, for, the yard 30 SILK MIXED MOREENS WORTH $1.25 FOR 65c Silk mixed moreens for waists and skirtings, striped and floral patterns rich combinations values to $1.25 for, the yard 65 TOWELS 24c FOR HUOK TOWELS WORTH 40c Linen hemstitched huck towels, full size, heavy absorbent quality. Our 40c value, for, each : 24 71oc FOR BLEACHED MUSLIN WORTH 10c Bleached muslin, one yard wide, very best quality. Our 10c value for, the yard .7 Wanted! A Thousand Hatless Heads By our Mr. F. M. Hamburger, the live and popular young man milliner. Mr. Hamburger don U want much that he don't some how get. Besides wanting the heads and they must be wom en's he wants some of that money that's coming. This looks as though he might buy some "smokes" for his friends on New Year's for the young man does not smoke, and has no other bad habits (he can help) that the writer knows of. Anyhow, the competitive fever has taken hold strong on the MILLINERY SALONS Second Floor, New Annex. Saleswomen and trimmers have banded together to get that money for their popular .manager. To outdo every department in the store is their aim and they're good shots. The millinery section is a winner, anyhow, at all times. Keep your eye on it now. Mr. Hamburger states he'll take a big loss now, for he's had a wonderful season and can afford it, so he offers as a mild sort of starter, for Monday only Every Hat in the House at One-Half Price Every hat of every description, kind and sort. You know the magnificent stock help yourselves. Be early Monday and get the choicest picking. T. X. HAMBURGER. 1 111 I fe $5.00 Hats for 99c Another lot for those who failed to get here on Friday or Saturday. But in this lot are even better hats, and handsomer, than in last week's offering. Values up to $5 in; this new lot it's a clearing for 99 i