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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1980)
Portland Observer JOB FINDER engineering engineer , quality control W e seek a Quality Control Engineer to manage process testmg, product evaluation, corrective ac tion and product release tor our Biomedical elec tro mechanical devices. Supervision includes In Process and Test Inspectors and Q uality Technicians w ith a team-building approach. A degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering, or a technical discipline is necessary, or, strong ex perience is required. Previous biom edical ex perience or ASQC Certification is a plus. Our benefits include medical-dental-life insurance- tuition reimbursment; savings plan; and many others. To apply, contact our Human Resources Depart- ment; B-D DRAKE WILLOCK 13520 SE Pheasant Court \ Portland, Oregon 97777 (503) 659 3355 An Equal Opportunity Employerm-f-h PERFORMANCE DIRECTOR TEACHER (Exciting Sum m er Employment) to develop (2) short plays Ef Skits around chemical dependency teaching CETA-eligible youth age 14 20 creative dram atics, im provisation, com edy techniques; coordinate all aspects of performance and tour. Those with experience in developing youth need to apply. Applications accepted to June 12th at 5:00 p.m . The project is called T .A .A .P . (Theatre Alcohol Awareness Program). Salary 9800/m o. Apply at: EXODUS 1518 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND WORKER'S COMP CLAIMS EXAMINER 91.255 t o i l , 413 Responsible tor assisting in the determ ination of com pensable tim e loss as w ell as e x te n t and d u ratio n of em plo yee d is ab ilty. W ill assum e com plete responsibility for individual claims and involves g ath erin g in form ation, claim ant in terview s, accepting or den ying claim s and coordination of services for claimants. APPLY P o rtlan d Civil S ervice 510 S .W . Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 No later than Friday, June 13, 1980. W om en and m in orities are e n couraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF PORTLAND ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT CATALOGING LIBRARIAN 9934 to 91,234 Will maintain subsidiary budgetary and accoun tm g records; p erfo rm manual posting of cer tain transactions; review | and analyze accounting d o c u m en ts; assist in payrool preparation and o ther related o ffic e duties. APPLY Portland Civil Service 510 S .W . Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 No later than M onday, June 9, 1980 W om en and m in orities are e n couraged to apply. The City of Portland Summer Youth Employment Program has part-time summer jobs, if you are eligible and apply soon. To qualify: ★ 14-21 years old ★ out of school ★ live in City of Portland ★ member of low income family There are a limited number of jobs available, preference will be given to those who respond first. Call the 24 hour information line, at 248-5879 to find out more information or contact the Youth Career Training Office in your neigh borhood. ★ Northeast YCT office 248-4700 ★ North YCT office 248-4728 ★ Southeast YCT office 248-4731 ★ Outereast YCT office 248-3952 S tartin g Date: September 15, 1980. Application 94.53/h r to 96.01/hr W ill p erfo rm general D o w n to w n In s u ra n c e clerical tasks processing C o m p an y has opening and m a in tain in g in fo r for Records Clerk. Office m atio n on crim es, in experience preferred but cid en ts, and arrests will train sharp applicant. reported to the Portland E xcellent b en efits and Police Bureau. Salary in working conditions. Call c lu d e s g e n e ro u s Judy Harris. USFErG benefits: paid vacations 221 0221. and holidays, paid sick An Equal Opportunity leave, paid medical and Employer M /F dental insurance for em ployee and dependents GROUNDS and m o re . M u s t be FOREMAN willing to work all shifts. Lewis & Clark College M u st possess a valid M a in te n a n c e D e p a rt driver's license and be ment 244 6161 Ex. 330 able to pass a personal Equal Opportunity h is to r y in v e s t ig a t io n Employer conducted by the Police bureau. THE PORTLAND APPLY WOMEN'S HEALTH P o rtlan d Civil S ervice CENTER 510 S. W . Montgomery A WOMEN'S Portland, OR 97201 CHOICE CLINIC O pen c o n tin o u s . Complete Gynecologic . W om en and m inorities Services are encouraged to apply. Abortions in a clinic An Equal Opportunity Setting Employer OUT OFSCHOOL AND NEED A SUMMER JOB? A ssign m en t: I Catalog and classify all library materials according to the LC Classification System, and train and supervise the part-time music cataloger, supervise the maintenance of the card catalog and the shelf list. From 914,244 to 917,544 (1979 80 salary schedule) 915,672 to 919,296 (approx 80 81 salary schedule) CITY OF PORTLAND POLICE RECORDS CLERK I 4160 SE Division 239 8004 Minimum Selection Criteria: Must have MLS degree, must have had experien ce in cataloging, using the LC Classification System, must be familiar with AACR II and library autom ation, must hve had at least tw o year's library experience, preferably in cataloging. Salary: An Equal Opportunity Employer CLERICAL Length of Employment: Full time (40 hours per week), 9 months per year,, mid S ep tem ber th ro ug h mid Ju n e V a c a tio n l periods taken during school recess. (Christmas and Spring breaks) A p p lic a tio n D ead lin e. Closing date - June 18, 1980. Screening will take place June 24, 25, and 26. Finalist interviews will take place July 1, 2, and 3, 1980. i w w Community College Personnel Office 19600 S. Mollalla Ave , Oregon City, Or 97045 666 2631, Ext 318 Clackamas Community College is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and operating reports to City Council and various other agencies and I groups; and supervision of tec h n ica l and p ro fe s s io n a l s u p p o rt personnel. APPLY Portland Civil Service 510 S .W . Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 I No later than M onday, June 9, 1080. W om en and m in orities are en- | couraged to apply. Although the word “ bark" once meant any small boat it later sometimes referred to ships of up to 6.000 tons’ ASSOCIATE PLANNER The employee is respon sible for developing and m a in ta in in g th e Division's M anagem ent In f o r m a t io n S y s te m , co n ve rtin g from a m anual data collection system to a comprehen- | (Human Resources) The C ity of P o rtlan d Train in g and Em p lo ym en t D ivision is soliciting applications for an intrim appointment as Hum an R e s o u rc e s Specialist III - Associate Planner. The position is involved in em p lo ym en t and train in g planning to r p ro g r a m s p r im a r ily fu n d ed by the U .S . D e p a rtm e n t of Labor. Responsibilities may in clude: p ro gram p la n ning, evaluation, grant preparation, staff super vision, and research. s iv e c o m p u t e r i z e d s y s te m , s u p e r v is in g s ta ff, an alyzin g in fo r m atio n on C ETA p ro gram p erfo rm an ce , and p rep arin g reports from the U .S . D e p a rt Salary start at 98.87 per m ent o f Labor and I hour. Division managers. Permanent em ploym ent Salary starts at $9.93 per is contingent upon a Civil hour. Service exam ination to be given at a future date. Permanent em ploym ent is contingent upon a Civil Resum es m ust be Service exam ination to received at Training and be given at a future date. E m p lo y m e n t D iv is io n Planning Unit: Resumes m ust be 522 S.W. 6th Ave. received at the: 8th Floor M IS UNIT Portland, OR 97204 522 S .W . 5th Ave. Room 625 Portland, OR 97204 No later than 5 p.m . on June 11, 1980. The City of Portland is an No later than 5 p.m . on June 11, 1980 Sponsored by Youth Career Training ot the Training and Employment Division Human Resources Bureau Equal Opportunity Em The City of Portland is an ployer. Equal Opportunity Em- nlf,ver TYPIST Are you Interested in joining a large insurance co? We have a typist position available in our typing pool, that can give you an excellent opportunity to earn and learn on the job. 45 wpm required. Duties entail: routine typing assignments such as typing insurance policies. Salary: 9163-9200 a week. Salary commensurate with experience. W e offer excellent benefits and opportunities for advancement, through ou' job posting program. For an interview appointment call Helen Albrecht, 226-3781 ext. 240. nwPMMn»ni»B DARLENE S ANSWERING SERVICE Now open in North area. R e a s o n a b le r a te s , guaranteed no lost calls. W e add the personal to u c h . N o tary Public, mail service, private o f fices available. Portland, OR 97217 The C ity of Portlan d T rain in g and Em p lo ym en t Division is soliciting applications for an intrim appointment as M an ag em en t In fo r m a tion System Unit Super visor. A d e s c r ip tio n s ; o ra l | presentation of project 6430 N. Gay 286 5204 MIS UNIT SUPERVISOR 121 SW Salmon, Suite 900 Willamette Center Portland. OR 97204 An Eipta! Opportunity Employer M /F By Brumsic Brandon. 926,603 to 928.870 P ro g ram m a n a g e m e n t and adm in, sta ff w ork a n a ly z in g d e v e lo p in g and c o o rd in atin g the C ity 's C o m p re h e n s ive Economic Development S tr a te g y ( C . E . D . S . ) . W ork w ill involve [ p rep aratio n ot protect An Equal Opportunity ______Employer Contact c CITY OF PORTLAND C.E.D.S. PROGRAM MANAGER CITY OF PORTLAND M I S DATA CONTROLLER 91,884 to 91,999 M IS Data Controllers w ork w ith in d iffe re n t d e p a rtm e n ts and bureaus in the City. Will be responsible for a p p ly in g te c h n ic a l k n o w le d g e and m anagem ent principles to the development and o p eratio n of a c o m p u te rized data base system . W ill analyze bureau needs and coor dinate input and output req u irem en ts of the system . W ill w ork closely with the Bureau ot C o m p u ter Services and h ig h er level management. APPLY Portland Civil Service 510 S.E. Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 No later than M onday, Ju n e 9, 1980. W om en and m in orities are e n couraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer In 1896, George Harbo and Frank Samuelson rowed across th e A t la n t ic . T h e y w ere 56 days at sea. ADM INISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (Exciting Summer Employment) to develop and maintain all office procedures and activities, assist performance director, provide secretarial support. Do occasional public presentations, assist in main tenance of records and reports. Two years ex perience, at least 2 years of Business Education. Apply at: EXODUS 1518 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97211 Applications accepted to June 12th. An Equal Opportunity Employer m-f-h ADVERTISING PRODUCTION ARTIST Duties include extensive hand lettering, some calligraphy, and p ro of reading of new spaper layout. Knowledge of new spaper layout, printing and photo processes, typesetting and composition helpful (but not required). Send detailed resume including salary history to: UNITED GROCER INC. '(PERSONNEL Department) CASH Loaned on any real property Credit not im portant. Farmers M o r tgage Corporation. 603- 246 6466 1348 S W Bertha Blvd Portland. OR »7219 6433 S.E. Lake Rd. Milwaukie, Oregon 9777? An Equal Opportunity Employer PSNS Estb. ,991 CHALLENGING OPPORTUNITIES Experienced Journey/Limited For work on Submarines, Aircraft Carriers and other types of surface vessels • Electricians (marine) • Boilermakers (boiler repairs) «Pipefitters • Insulators (pipe coverere) U.S. Gtiienship Required All federal Civil Service Benefits. Liberal vacation allowance, paid elck leave, partially em ployer funded Ufa & helath Inauranca programa, excellent retirement plan. For Moro Information: Call toll free 1800-428 6996 (You may leave a maaaaga at these numbers outside of our working hours. Massages recorded after working hours.) O R M A IL R E S U M E TO: I Egyptian vamiih, made by diiiolving reiin in oil, hat I been found smooth and uncracked on some mummy cates 3,000 years old. ★ West YCT office 248-4734 PUGET SOUND NAVAL SHIPYARD ATTN: Cods 170.2 IPPI BREMERTON, W A 18314 rig e n , u n like most cats, are good s w im m e rs .