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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1980)
Page 8 P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r J u n e 5, 1980 Community Calendar BAH H Q at 5255 M , Mallory. June 7. I9H0. B y ribs and chicken dinners puce $3 (Ml each Deliveries il 3 or more ordered. Proceeds io go lo Grace and Iru ih Church. I Ider Calvin C.av Pastor, telephone 2KI-660I vv ill start serving 11:10 A M . until... Lecture and discussion with Dorothy Healey, Wed June I Ith 7 30 Portland State University. 150 C ramer Hall, t ree admission OMSI ()l I I RS K IV I K, M ARINE S IU D II S A N D MORI An introduc tion to marine science, with the ecology ot the oceans as the main theme will u Hie subject ot two subject class sessions lor students grades 6 through 8 at OMSI this summer the first session lakes place Mondays. June 16, 23 and 30. 11 a m. to 1:30 p.m. I he OMSI Research Center also otters high school , ™ ! \ a" d adU" '' ,heoPPonun.iy to work on independent research projects at OMSI this summer. A limned number ol openings are available June 16 through August 15 lor individuals who wish to pursue studies ,n computer science, microbiology, aquatic biology, laser/opt.cs or natural history, l or further intormation, or to register, call 248-5944 M t H o o d C o m m u n ity C o lle g e M a y w o o d C e n te r, o tte rs basic development classes. Students can begin classes at any time, do the work whenever the center is open, and take as long as needed to finish the class earning materials include audio, cassettes, slides, dim strips, video tapes and programmed texts and workbooks. Ihis summer the sell-paced center wil be open weekdays Irom 9 am to 2 pm and Monday through Thursday nights don. 6-9. I he school is located at 10100 N.E. Prescott St. For more in- formation call 667-7207. The U niversity o t Oregon Drug In fo rm a tio n C enter will be presenting educational services, due to the recent expansion and diversidcaion ol its outreach programs throughout the state. Upcoming presentations are scheduled tor the Dalles on May 21, Pendleton on M ay 22, La Grande on May _3, (. oos Bay on June 10, Newport on June 11 and Portland on June 13 l or more intormation call (503) 686-3134. The M ilita n t B ookstore will be presenting a lorum on The National I rials Against American Indian Leadership. Speakers will be Russell Redner ol the American Indian Movement and Fred Auger, Portland mayoral can didate and member o f the Socialist Workers Party. The lorum w ill be on „ l," e, ,h; Sunday al 7:30 P-m al «he M ilitant Bookstore, 711 N.W. Everett in orrland. Tor more intormation contact Joel Shapiro at 22-7225. TOUR and OPEN HOUSE ol the proposed site for a Portland “ Women's Building Saturday, June 7th, I to 4 p.m., Church ol the Nazarene, S W 12th and Mam. Entertainment at 2:00, with C hanging Women Chorus and Niobeh Isaba. Interested women professionals, artists, social service agen cies, etc. and potential renters o f the auditorium are invited. For more in fo r mation, call Kay Sold at 236-7050. N.W. LINCOLN STREET STREET IMPROVEMENT 76-000-5-5-270-10-35 INVENTORY OF POTENTIAL PROVIDERS OF EVALUATION/ CONSULTING SERVICES e atewide Programs Unit ot the Oregon Employment Division is eve oping an inventory of agencies capable ot providing consulting ser vices, and or evaluating various aspects ot employment and training related programs, including CETA This list will be used to notify agencies when funding is available. Proposals are not being solicited at this time. Sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the City Manager City Hall, Hillsboro, Oregon until 11:00 a.m. June 12, 1980 The general nature and approximate quantities ot work are as follows: 925 Lin Ft. ot 32 ft. wide (curb to curb) Street including curb and gutter, sidewalks, water lines, sanitary sewer and associated appurtenances in the reconstruction ot N.W. Lincoln Street. Contract documents may be obtained from the Office of the City Engineer, City Hall, Hillsboro, Oregon. Copies ot the contract documents can be ob tained at the above location with a nominal deposit of ten dollar per set. This deposit will be refunded in the full amount it the documents are return ed in he original condition within fifteen days after award ot the contract. No bids will be considered unless the bidder states that provisions ot O R S 279.350 shall be complied with. Dated this May 23, 1980 Interested agencies may be placed on the Statewide Programs bid inven tory list by submitting the following information in writing (telephone responses will not be accepted), A. The name, address and telephone number of the agency interested in receiving potential contract bid packets; B. The name of the agency's chief official; C. The types of employment and training evaluation or consulting services the agency is interested in providing; D. The types ot evaluation or consulting services the agency has provided in the past, and documentation regarding the effectiveness ot these ser vices. The mailing address is: Statewide Programs, Employment Division 875 Union Street N.E., Salem, Oregon 97311. CITY OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals will be received in Room 113, City Hall, Portland Oregon 97204 for items detailed herein until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated. Hernice E. Haunaye City Recorder Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address For additional in formation telephone Buyer at numer listed. 3 in INVITATION TO BID When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified cb«=k cashier's check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an gTarantvThaUhei d" ,1° % ’ ° ' ' he a99re9a,e amo^ t of the bid as SaS boid m h f h » h ! 'rrevOcable for ,he Pe“ ° d specified in the proposal to revoke h s Ott H o r a 35 " qU'da,ed dama9es should «he bidder seek S t l wdhm h k ,V f6aS0n nO‘ authorized bV and not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond tor the faithful performance of the contract in the event the said contract is awarded to him. A tte n tio n Sm okers! Hilda Nesbitt, Director ol Portland Adventist Com Qty H a S 'T /S 's ^ F M J ? ° " ' Ce ° f th<S C,,y Ma" a9«U Milwaukie munity Services, Health Education Department is conducting a Five Day V Hall, 10722 S.E. Mian Street, Milwaukie, Oregon 97277 until 2 30 o m I Ian on June 22 thru 26 at 7:00 P.M. at 6611 S.E. Powell Blvd. m Portland Pacific Daylight Saving Time, June 11, 1980, for the addition ot Cooling to the hone 774-7325 lo r more inform ation. Ihe classes are free and a lovely Milwaukie Center, 5440 Kellogg Creek Drive, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 at which handmade baby quilt will be given to the first ten pregnant women who ,me they will be publically opened and read aloud. Bids will be accepted or reiec register. ted within fifteen (15) days after the date of opening. ' o y y ? ? " Jordan 8 sPeech lo Portland Urban l eague will air on KBPS at 8 M. Ihursday, June 5. Jordan, president ot the National Urban league Plan Specifications, and Forms of Contract Documents may be examined at the tsw rt.hedTs'^EEO A ^ N°f Pr° POSal ° r b,d wl" be considered unless the bidder of the S n , ? i ,moa 'Ve AC,l° n Empl° Ver as P r o b e d by Chapter 3.100 was shot and severely wounded May 29 in I on Wayne, Indiana. tei' W22 N CCan96' 112e S E Mad,s,on S,reet' Portland; Northwest Plan Cen of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should file Sum m er Evening bicycle rides prepare cyclists for bike days 1980. Spon 1 7 th ^ anC° uver St ' P°rtland; Construction Data and News, 925 N W sored by the C ity ol Portland Btcylcle and Pedestrian Program and the 12th, Portland, and at the office of ENGLUND, PLUMMER AND ASSOCIATES' S ty H a ! i '7 i i 0SW S A ° n Wi,h the C° ntraCt ComP|lance Division. Room 209, v Hd >■ ’ ¿¿0 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, 248 4696 at least five Bicyc e Commuter Service, the eight rides w ill begin June 18 and continue Architects, on or after May 28, 1980. Bm N o " 00' ,O the B'd ° Pen,n9 Fa',Ure ,0 achieve certification by the Bid .•act, Wednesday evening through August 6. Each tour will begin at 7:p.m. BID NO.----------------- DESCRIPTION BID OPENING D m TE and return by dusk, Tor more information call 248-4407. Plan and Specifications may be obtained at Englund, Plummer & Associates A r M a rylh u rst Education Center will be the site ot a three-day national chitects, 340/ S.W. Corbett Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201. 115-A conlerence on adult education June 10-12, bringing to Oregon a collection o f Furnishing Annual Supply of Street Lighting Equip recognized leaders in lifelong learning from throughout the United States The City of Milwaukie is an Equal Opportunity Employer. ment. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, Keynoting the conlerence will be Dr. C yril Houle and Dr. William Bridges’ 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety & Special prequalification of Bidder Required. Five other noted leaders w ill work with the conference participants on J^e City of Milwaukie reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive mfor- 07/15/80 prgoram designs and concepts. I hey are: Elinor Greenberg, Paul Lc.nberger a i les, or to accept any bid which appears to serve the best interest of the City. REBID Labor, Material & Equipment for Construction of I evi Strauss, I awrence Brammer, Judith Blanton and Robert Avenson Ihe 106 Station. For information call Carlton Chayer, Ass't conlerence will begin Tuesday, June 10, and run through Ihursday after Colleen R. Hagerman, Purchasing Agent Mgr 248 4001. 10% Bid Surety Et Prequalification of noon. (. ost ot the conference is $95. l or more inform ation call 636-8141 ext 66. City of Milwaukie, Oregon Bidder Required. 06/17/80 The N ational A lliance of Business is a unique partnership o f govern Publication Dates: REBID Labor, Material & Equipment for Portland International ment, labor, education and community groups working together to reduce 118 Raceway Concession Stand Ef Restrooms. For informa the unemployment problems o f the economically disadvantaged, youth, e.x- Portland Observer, Portland, Oregon tion call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248 4002. 10% Bid i ’v . S 5 ' handicaPPed and vcicrans. Ihe Veterans Employment Seminar May 29, 1980, and June 5, 1980 Surety Required. (V E St ) is one ol our many programs aimed at attaining this goal Ihe 06/17/80 seminar is designed to provide valuable information to the veteran concer ning veterans benefits, local opportunities o f employment, preparation ol a Rev.'end William Pel.rson will „ „ | „ ew. h , , rmon „ 148 Furnishing 1 TV Sewer Inspection Van. For information resume, interviewing techniques and self marketing concepts. I f we can T ser* lce ' h,s Sunday at Barean Baptist Church. 8422 N Van- Call Nancy Kearney, Buyer, 248 4003. 10% Surety Re p“ “" • I * ’' ’ A " • " » - < »HI b . bald on J „ „ . » . ^ 2 provide any other intormation or help please contact Chuck l ong, or Tom quired. 06/10/80 Mcrarlene Vetern Representatives, at 226-4063. . t o p ... Tn” PUb" C - '» » • ' A Veterans E m ploym ent Sem inar sponsored by the National Alliance 149 A Furnishing Turnout Suits, Boots, Helmets Ef Shirts. ot Business will be held on Friday, June 20, 1980 from 1.30 to 4:30 pm at the For information call Bill Morrissey, Buyer 248 4486 la c iltc lo w e r and Light Building Auditorium . 2nd tloor. 920 S.W. 6th Radio w ill carry a seven-part series o f recitals given at the National 10% Bid Surety Required. ' 06/10/80 Avenue. Interested veterans should call Chuck Long, Manager, Veteran Black Music Colloquim and competition which were recorded at the John F. Programs, National Alliance ol Business, at 226-4063. The seminar is free o f Kennedy Center tor the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. The series air 150-A Furnishing Fuel Oil, PS 300 enurge. at 2 p.m. Mondays, beginning June 9. The programs showcase the works o f . POR; L\ ND St8,e U n,versitV- Joh" Quigley, professor at the College o f 151 A Black American composers and highlight the artistry o f the young per Furnishing Fuel Oil, PS 200. For information call Nancy Law, Ohio State University, will be speaking about the violation ol human formers who participated in the competition. Kearney, Buyer, 248 4403. 10% Bid Surety Required. 06/10/80 rights in occupied territories with specific examination o f the treatment ol Palestinian people by the Israeli occupying forces in the Middle East, and the Public Budget H earing. City ot Salem, Monday, June 9, 1980, at 7:30 152 Labor, Material Et Equipment for Mechanical System grave violation ot their rights. Thursday. June 5. 7:30 p.m., Portland State p.m. in the (. ity Council C hambers. For more intorm ation call 588-6049. Improvements at Civic Auditorium. For information University, tra m e r Hall, Room 53. call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248 4004 10% Bid Surety i f Prequalification of Bidder Required. 06/12/80 Labor, Material Ef Equipment for Mechanical System Improvements at C ivic Auditorium. For information call Bill Morrissey, Buyer, 248 4486 10% Bid Surety Ef Special Prequalication ot Bidder Required 06/12/80 Furnishing Data Entry Ef Edit System. For information call Bill Morrissey, Buyer, 248 4486 10% Bid Surety Ef Special Prequalification of Bidder Required , ud / Zu / 80 HUGHES M EM O R IA L UNITED M ETH O D IS T CHURCH ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH REV AUSTIN V. RAY, MINISTER 111 N.E. FAILING Dial A Prayer 284 0684 W orship 11 00am Church School 9 45am Office 281 2332 Specializing In In d ivid u a l • Marriage and Fam ily • G roup therapy Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9 30am Sunday Worship 11 ;00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas L. Strayhand, Minister The C h u rch W here NO S tra n g e r Feels S tra n g e NEW HOPE M IS S IO N A R Y BAPTIST CHURCH REVEREND A. BERNARD DEVERS, PASTOR THE CHURCH DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEED You are Welcome to Worship at THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST "A warm spirit offellowship always” The Honorable Bishop U V. Peterson, D.D “ The Holiness Preacher, '' Pastor r unday Sunday School Morning W orship 9 15em 11:15am "Showers of B»ess«ngs Broadcast 3 30 4 30 K ltO 1290 6 30pm VPWW Evang«Ht>c W orship 8 00pm Tuesday Fnday Noon Day Prayer Tuesday B'b<e Band Jr Church Wednesday Choir Rehearsal Friday The Pastor Speaks 84 NE Kilhngsworth 28’ ST. ANDREW S CATHOLIC CHURCH 806 NE ALBERTA STREET Reverend Bertram Griffin, Pastor 7 30pm 7 00pm 7 30pm 281 4429 Masses 5 00pm Vigil Saturday 10 00am Choir Sunday 12 00pm Folk Sunday ST. ANDREW C O M M U N IT Y SCHOOL 49 .9 NE 9th Aye Nonta Kelly. Principal Phone 284 1620 ü t, d„ , thru g Sunday School M orning W orship Evening Service 2nd 4th and 5th Sundays Communion 1st Sunday Wed Family Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Friday Brotherhood Fellowship Service w ith M orning Star 3rd Sunday Prayer and Pastor Phone 281 6476 Church Phone 281 0163 g 30am 10 30dm ...... 7 00pm 5 00pm •» 7 30pm 7 00pm 3 372SN. Gantenbein Avenue. Portland, Oregon 97227 4