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About Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1977)
TI m talked Observer JOB FINDER CLASSIFIED ADS — RACK JOBBERS M U L T N O M A H C O U N TY COUNSELOR E L E C T R IC IA N 11,625 per month. Installs and main tains wiring systems, fix tures, motors. and related equipment. M IN . QUAL: Valid State of Oregon jour neyman electrician license (unlimited blue card, at the time of appointment. • r month. Work with come adult persona in By funded program, lime permanent poe Combination of 4 years »or training. Two y e a n experience working with low income persona pre ferred. Bilingual helpful. to: Multnomah C ETA Adult 12790 8.E . Stark. Quite SOS. Portland, Oregon »7288. Closes August 2. 1977. 5 p.m. L 1 C E N 8 E D P R A C T IC A L N UR SE I - 8780 per month. Dispenses medication, ad ministers injections, and per forms other routine work associated with patient care. M IN . Q U A LS: A practical nurse's license issued by the Oregon State Board of Nurs ing and 2 years of experience as a licensed practical nurse. PHOTOCOPY O PERATOR 8806 per month. Copies papers, documents and maps using various photographic and mechanical equipment. M IN . QUALS.: One year of experience in the operation of 16 mm - 88 mm planetary camera, 16 mm rotary cam era and 18 x 24 continuous ne year experi ence. Neat appearance, per sonable. boadable. Shifts may vary. Good fringe bene fits. Apply: Sheraton Port Hotel, 1000 N E . Multnomah. Office. 2-4 p.m. C O N STRUCTION INSPECTO RS The Port of Portland has «peeing« for inspectors with in me ld mar- 1 types of conatr projecta. These are of limit Salary is hourly with w j I to Personnel Office, Port of Portland. P.O. Box 968». Portland, Ore. 97208. File your application not later than 4:80 p.m. on F ri day. August 8, 1977. For applications and fu rth e r inform ation contact the Multnomah County Person nel Division. 426 S.W. Stark. 7th Floor or call 248-6088. ae ef groe aufaetared carde, in Canada Contact by phone: 1-514-284-9286, er write te Black Greeting Cards International, P.O. Bex 896, West Mount, Mon treal, Quebec H3Z 2T5. A S S IS T A N T D IR EC TO R H O U SE K EE P IN G Under the direction of Exec utive Housekeeper, super vises the daily operation of the Housekeeping Depart m e n t; r e s p o n s ib ilitie s include training programs, developing capital and oper ational budgets, scheduling, and selection of personnel. Minimum of 3 years pro g r e s s iv e ly re s p o n s ib le supervisory experience in an accredited hospital. College degree in business preferred but not required. Program & Policy Deve lopment work in the Ad ministration Division of the Human Resources Bureau (HRB). This person will provide technical assistance to Bureau divisions in de veloping standards for se lecting contractors. The Specialist will aid HRB managers and staff in for mutating goals and objec tives and relating them to criteria to be used in re viewing proposals from con tractors. This person will develop related procedures for monitoring and assessing HRB service contractors based upon service objec tives. Special reports, policy r e c o m m e n d a t io n s an d reviews of legislation may also be assigned. Applicants must meet the minimum knowledge and skill require ments listed on the Supple mental Application Form for Human Resources Specialist IV - Program and Policy Development. A ll applicants must complete the Supple mental Application Form. Apply Portland Civil Service Beard 510 8 .W . Mentgomery St Portland, OR 97201 Ne later than Friday, August 5,1977 An Equal Opportunity An Equal Opportunity Typo 60 wpm. brief-hand/ shorthand preferred. Dicta phone uee required. Salary 8660. C E TA V I position. 288-6821 days. 284-2281 evenings. Key Poach Operators We have immediate permanent upemnsa /or «win« ahilt Key Pwnrh Operators. Formal keypunrh arhoolias er equivalent work taper ware required Familiarity with 129 IBM card punrh or Inforex key to disc desirable. Part Time position» available (or elerlronk assembly work. Good vision and tho ability to do do tailed work required. Training will be provided. Clerlt Typist Will perform diversified clerical, statistical, skilled duties. Averaao typing ability required. Secretary Will perlorm advanced secretarial, stenographic and clerical duties. Two y e a n sorretar ial training or experience required. Above average typing ability, and shorthand or transcription skills necessary. Benefits include liberal insurance and retirement programs, educational support and profit sharing plan. Apply at Tektronix Industrial Park or write to T E K T R O N IX . IN C . P.O. Box U 0 . P. Beaverton. OR »7077. An equal opportunity employer employer m /f Challenging position for Pro duction Control professional experienced with both man ual and E D P production con trol systems. Supervisory experience required. Salary is open. Benefits include generous insurance and tu itio n refund p rogram . Send resume or call Indus trial Relations Manager. R ftD Drake Willock, 13620 S.E. Pheasant Court, Port land. 97222. 659-3355. An Equal Opportunity R A D IO K E X Geldes W eetl Seeks advertising/PR per son with experience in con sumers advertising, plus PR, «ales promotion, public ser vice development and pro gramming promotion. M i College degree required. Resume required with appli cation. Call Dave Ashton, Promo tion Director at 226-1190 for Appointment. “Love Makes the World Go Around” but what about your world? You may not be lonely, but are you meeting the right people? People who like to have compatible friends, learn about T H E COMMON D E N O M IN A TO R . We're a no-nonsense company that is out to eliminate unhappiness. COMM ON D E N O M IN A T O R , the sensible way to find the right people. 9221 Barhau-Btvd., Apt. 207, Pertlaad, OR 97219 » k i i r i i Mail this coupon today So says the VA... by WK RALS MORRIE TURNER Northwest Minority Contractors Association VETERANS ARE ENTITLED TO CONTINUING TREATMENT ON AN OUTPATIENT BASIS FOLLOWING A PERIOO C“ HOSPITALIZATION IN A H O SPITA L/ CONTRACTORS e SUBCONTRACTORS H eight. .W eig h t. THE COM M ON DENOMINATOR i ( M R 8 .C s W IG S Vickie 2448681 We can help you look your best on all occasions. Your hair does make a differ ence. Visit us at N E 7th and Fremont. “Acceptance of Black Jews is better today than it has been in many years,” Rabbi Dore observes. “We have never really had any difficulties in Harlem. There are many religious denominations here, and this has created a deep respect for all sects, including our congregation.” The “Roots" phenomenon has bad a special impact on the members of the Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation, who see their ancestral heritage as going back to the original 12 tribes of Israel. “ 'Roots’ went back only 400 years to an African village. Our roots reach back to Abra ham, Isaac and Jacob,” Rabbi Dore noted. Rabbi Dore is a product of the Yeshiva University system. He was graduated from the Yeshiva University High School for Boys in 1972. Along with his bachelor's degree from Yeshiva College, he also received the Hebraic Studies Diploma from the University’s Erna Michael College. A political science and speech major, he was active on campus as a student editor, club officer and delegate to the Model U J f. He took first place in the extemporaneous speech contest last year. Rabbi Dora hopes to go on to law school. There are mors than 40 known species of wild and half of them grow in America. Address. 281-0015 Rabbi David M . Dore, who serves as the spirtual leader of the nation's oldest Black synagogue - the Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation in Harlem - received his Bachelor of A rts degree this month from Yeshiva University, a Jewish-sponsored institution in New York City. Rabbi Dore, the second Black to re ceive an undergraduate degree from Yeshiva, inherited the mantle of leader ship from his grandfather. Rabbi W ent worth A . Matthew, who died in 1978. In 1928, the year the congregation was founded. Rabbi M atthew became the first ordained Black rabbi in the country. Since assuming his position. Rabbi Dore has offiated at Jewish services and holidays for nearly 900 members of the synagogue at 1 West 123rd Street. While the synagogue is called the Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation, Rabbi Dore says its members include Black Jews of West Indian and African descent as well. The majority of the congregants are now third and fourth generation Americans. Rabbi Dare says that a number of his white classmates have attended services at the synagogue, which follows the Orthodox tradition. The first book manuscript to ba typewritten was The Adventure» o f Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, in 1875. Nam e. t Oraham Jewish spiritual leader graduates from Yeshiva g Single? Divorced? O r Just Alone? An Equal Opportunity E m p lo yr 10 I P art Time Assembler EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Applications should be forwarded on or before August 15, 1977 to 220 N.E. Russell, Portland, Oregon 97212. Telephone: 503-288-6391. Salary negotiable. > 0 « »»It, I'-m so rary cafeteria *o»k available both day ami ,w in< »hilt. Prior rapariencr is food prrparalim and Servian hrlplul The»» job» ran load to prrnunenl Sonitiun». An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer. The Portland Metropolitan Steering Committee-EOA (INC.), a multi- million dollar social service agency, is seeking an Executive Director. Responsible to the Grantee Board of Directors for hiring and directing staff and coordination of the activities in areas of planning, programming, budgeting, public relations and community involvement. Qualifications include minimum BA/BS in public or social service administration and minimum three years experience in administration; understanding and knowledge in federal compliance and fund utilization; grant/contract preparation essential; working knowledge of federal guidelines and regulations. Thursday, July 28. 1977 food Service Attendant P R O D U C TIO N CONTROL MANAGER SEC R ETA RY AaEqa ■ ■ r : • E K T R O N IX Please send resume with salary requirements to: Employee Relations Good Samaritan Hospital & Medical Center 1018 N .W . 22nd Avenue Portland, Oregon 97210 H I Portland Observer C IT Y OF P O R TL A N D H U M A N RESOURCES S P E C IA LIS T IV (PROGRAM R POLICY DEVELO PM ENT) ' 61318 apprex. meetbiy BUT WE'RE N O T ) V E T E R A N S /” / PORCH S A LE Wed - Sat, 8 - 5 mostly clothing, misc., including lg. sixes, 4117 N. Haight. L A M A R ’S SM O K E H O U SE H ip p o c ra te s , th e outstand ing p h y s ic ia n o f a n c ie n t Greece, is credited with being the fir s t to separate med ic in e fro m s u p e rs titio n . Viait your local Head Shop for all your smoking needs. Open daily. 11:00 a.m. to 6:80 p.m. 8619 N E . Union Ê . B btmr Child Core Center 0 4822 N. Vancouver Avenue A Practical Child Development Program Age« 2'A - 7 years Openinas -- CSO -- 4C — Private Call 281-0530 Pregnant? And you need a friend? The Register and Tribune Syndicate eau atnhtmm 221X15#» Free Emergency pregnancy counteling When we are cold, a shiver is the body's way of pro ducing a muscular action that generates quick hast. C o n t a c t n a a r a a t V A o ffic e [o h a c k y o u r p h o n e b o o k ) o r e lo c a l v e t e r e n e g r o u p .