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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1915)
r TIIE MORNING OTtEGOXIAy. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1915. ' j 1 H K LP rtiOTKIi MAI-K. MTIATJONS WA-NTED-FEMilE. 1 k tit 1 i EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. Young men seeking employment in eom mercial, clerical or tecnnical linet are la vlted to consult the employment secre tary. The service of this department is ree to all members. To non-members, a special membership Is Issued, costlns ? per annum, giving the service of the de partment for a year two months' fuii privilege and a refund of the membership fee if satisfactory employment is not se cured. T M C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes; expert training In repairing, driving and machine work. Including forge, latne. shaper. drillpress, te. ; time unlimited. Secure pss at Edu cational Office Y. M. C. A. bids., to in spect our shops and methods. Competent chauffeurs and mechanics supplied. ELDERLY and middle-aged men to sell high-grade roses, shrubs, ornamental anu fruit trees; complete outfit free; liberal commissions weekly; expense provision provided. Ornamental & Fruit Nursery Ci. Box 217C. Wapato. Wash. LOOM FIXER wanted by Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City, Or. WE pay highest cash prices for men's second-hand suits and overcoats. Phone Broadway 166S and w will call. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio. Royal btdg. Help M'anted Agents. AGENT You can make from $8 to 10 per day. special holiday offer. Van Dyck Studio. 404 Washington jit. Help Wanted Salesmen. "WANTED Young men to prepare as sales men by taking the practical Scientific Course in the Y M. C. A. School of Sales manship, cor. 6t and Taylor sts. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy coats no more. 801 Board of Trade bldg. HELP WASTED FEMALE. 115 WEEKLY, spare time, addressing circu lars. Experience unnecessary. No can vassing. No scheme. Send 10 cents silver for postage and Instructions. Century Publishing Co.. Syracuse. N". Y. EXPERIENCED .ove saleswoman; please do not apply except experienced in glove department; permanent employment, good salary; applications from out-of-town in vited. Lennon's. WOMEN Government clerks. JTO month. Portland examinations coming. List posi tions obtainable free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 703 H. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house Keeper, good home and reasonable wages to right party AV 294. Oregonian. GIRL for general housework7small family; good wages for A-l girl, none other need apply. flSfl Tillamook st. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Company. 4 Plttock block. 85 Washington. Sanitary Beauty Parlors Cellege for ladles only; make yourself Independent with good trade. 4UU-412 Dekum bide.. 3d and Wash. HINtiDALE'S Commercial School. 502 Or pheum bldg. (Empress). Individual in structions; positions when capable M 1542 GIRLS. 17 years or older, to learn compto meter, 3 months' course, $45, terms; only iuc-a.ane girts wantea. am .Morgan Diag. jsi Khb wanted for child: must speak llT"Ch" ADartment Trinity Place. Mar. liISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand Typewriting. J5 mo. 269 14th. Mn. 3893. WANTED Experienced cook, references re quired. Phone Main 381o. 613 Kearney. X.EARN beauty culture. Summer rate 603 Columbia bldg. Graduate ParlB. Berlin. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. AlOLEK BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the trade; tuition re ouced. paid while learning; diplomas is sued to graduates. 32 colleges- 22 years In business. Write for catalogue A -48 N 2d street. FALL term begins now; men and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks; soil tlons guaranteed, tools free, paid while learning, tuition reduced; expert instruc tors. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison. EARN better than wages handling house" hold article which almost sella ilaelt' 4U2 Labbe bldg., 10 to 3 daily. COMPLETE course stenography, 60 days. night and day classes. M. 351)5. M. 4137. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men to try examinations for Government Jobs. S70 month. Common education sufficient. Apply Immediately AV 223, Oregonian. KAILWAY mail clerks, P. o. clerks, car riers, exam, soon; parcel post demands many more olerlis; act at once. Pacific State School. McKay bldg.. city. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOLNG MAN bookkeeper, employed, desires to assist some one or write up set books, 1 or 2 hours each night. AE 1SS, Orego- Miscellaneoua. nccru.!,iBi,t coup.e wants position on gentleman's country place, man poultry expert, able to transfer your place Into a Paying modern poultry plant. Wife good manager anu cook. Norwegian. No chil dren. Answer N 1M. Oregonian. "AN1 and wife, German, wish position, notel. restaurant or boarding-house, city STiff J?",try: man Eood- all-around cook; wife helper waitress or chambermaid. p "1. Qregonlan. FIREMAN, competent, used to alt kinds of tuel. wants pos.tion. hotel, apartment or anywhere in the city. Andres". '- Anderson. 44S Taylor St. Marshall 1608. YOUNG ATTORNEY, going through atarva t ion period. Is In a condition (of lmpecu nloslty) to do most anything legal, of course; city reference. F 106. Oregonian. lvELIABLE man wants position as stock" Keeper or salesman. Auto Co. AM 173 oregonian. 1'OUNO MAN, Danish, wishes position in ereamery or dairy, country preferred. AD 1 oreconlan. JAPANESE, married man. wishes positlnn janitor hotel or store or any place, without . ..... . J.rM. mrOHIBII, WANTED Position by two men as wood cutters and clearing land. Geo Hedrech. box 2, Lents. Or. JAPANKS5 wishes to do cooking and wash", ins. ironing; good, city or country. D 191 Oregonian. MACHINIST, first-class all-round man wants position In or out of city IS yeara' exDe- Hence. E 1S5, Oregunian. FILIPINO first and second cook wants to T.T kT"J?st?,uru"t or bote", city or coun try, it 194, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS auto repair man and driver touring car or truck. AE 139. Oregon I an! CARPENTER foreman wants work day or contract. Sellwood 1859. teE'ucn eL m- E" B" Clarke- Couch JAPA.N3fE boSwant" to o housework In a family. BP 192. Oregonian. J-?AnNE,SB Kr Employment Bureau. T 16.0. Jap. Assn. of Or. 218 Henry bldg. I1' carpenter work. remodeling-, cheap by contract. Phone Sellwood 87. EXPERIENCED Filipino cook wants posi tlon In familv rj in? r. 1 " . .. v.cfemnau. F2230ent5)'Nm4'th stJapane!,e n'i Filipino. PAINTIN'T and tinting cheaply done; also free estimates. Phone Wilson. Main 1625. gITCATION9 WANTED FEMALE Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT stenor-rapher. experienced, nlan WOrk ma" 'alar' AK erego: EXPERT bookkeeper and accountant seeks posulon. some knowledsre of stenography. Rl" go out f c"y- BP 18S. Oregonian. EXPERT bookkeeper will audit, close and straighten out small set of books, rlason gbJ?;S 1. Oregonian. " EXPERIENCED stenographer and book- keeper desires position. Tabor 1033. Dressmakers. LADIES wishing ladl" tailoring or dress' making done at their homes phone Main GOOD seamstress, expert making old goods jS CaUdV n-5- CaU lt FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable, home or day. 301 Buchanan bl5" "am EXP E R 1 ENCED fashlhonable dressmaker "at home or by the day; price reaaon.h.V Phone Main 9472. room 512. a 47S3. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker win make gagements bv dav. Main TM, maae en- SUiTS, gowns, alterations, home or shon orkEuarsjueejL202F!iedner. Mar a"oi' fnRl?iu?ED Qr"ma1"'-- rieaTanif fiat'. DRKSS-VAKING Ladies tailoring by the day. 12.50. experienced. Tabor 4S3. WANTED Sewlne by day. good reliable dressmaker; references. Main 8536. Nurses. PRACTICAL young woman wishes immediate work: good domestic and nurse. AO 1S1 Oregonian. PRACTICAL, nurse wishes more engagements, best of references. Phone Woodlawn 4252. PRIVATE room, sleeping porch, trained nurse for Invalid; reference. Tabor 213. PRACTICAL nurse, hospital training, wants to tak. care of invalids. T l&a, Oregonian. TRAINED NURSE Uhe invalids or chil dren to board, reasonable. Sellwood 24i4. Housekeepera. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housekeeping for resp. widower with or without children; prefer out of town, phone East or AC 197. Oregonian. Domestics. WANT general work, private family by experienced colored woman. Ruth. Broad- way 5561. MisceUan eous. -XPERIENCEO chambermaid wants po sition in hotel or rooming-house. Main "803. room 1. POSITION wanted as companion by youns; i - w.uii , ovano r reiicn an u. vrer- man; travel in g eperiene e. m a rshall 1 OJ i. WOMAN wants to work for her and hus- hfinrt'o V.naH sr -wr ni , 2Sbi, room 6. REFINED woman wants position as compan- than salary. V Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED English woman wants work a cook to men or widower with family, town or country. Main 433S. LACE curtains hand-laundered: all work guaranteed. Sell, feul or Marshall 56o6. BUSINESS girl wants place-to work for board and room. Marshall 2S65, room 6. COMPETENT woman wishes work by day or hall day. Woodlawn 3137. A WOMAN wants work by hour or dav "call Marshall 745. EXPERIENCED woman wants housework. j-ii u ne jo. am ooio. LACE curtains laundered; 11 years experi- j, aum a.o. OCOtl. JAPANESE woman wants position as a houseworker. 287 1st st. WANTED Day work by colored woman. WANTED TO KENT. Houses, WANTED A 5-room bungalow within ten blocks of 32d and East GUsan. Phone East 1KG or H 2244 Apartments. YOUNG COUPLE want nicely-furnished apt. for Winter; references; reply im mediately. S ISi. Oregonian. FOB KElNT. burnished Booms. One of those swell corner rooms with bath is ready today for first comer at HOTEL VERNON, 103 lUth, near Washington. Nothing finer in Portland at the low rates we ara making. Several fine out side rooms at $15 per month, two big in siQo rooms left at $12 per month; others as low as 10. Rooms for transients Irom &0c up to $1.50. A cheerful, home like hotel, clean and decent, day and night. THE CARLTON HOTEL offers-comfortable furnished, well-ventilated and heated outside rooms at $5 a week; $6 a week with bath; first class, popuiar priced restaurant in connection; service and accommodations equal to any down town hotel at a much leas figure. CARLTON HOTEL. 14th and Washington. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleenth. between Morrison and Tam il ill. Desirable downtown location. Re spectable and strictly modern. Room rates tl per day, $4 per week. With pri vatc bath $1.50 per day. $5.o0 per week. ROOMS AT Y. M. C. A. List of rooms in all parts of city, also In the Association fireproof building, with shower baths, at $1.50 to $2.75 per week, double, with individual beds; or $2.00 to $4.50 per week single. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Corner 11th and Stark. $3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat; telephone connection In each room; no extra charg-a for two In a room; room and bath $1 day; transient solicited. HOTEL BRISTOL, 12TH AND STARK Large, clean, comfortable rooms, private baths, individual telephone, electric lights, Bteam heat; single rooms $2 per week and up, with bath $3.50 and up; thoroughly respectable; entrance on 12th. HOTEL ROWLAND AND ANNEX. 207 -209 4th st. Rooms with private baths, $1 per day; special rates to perma nent guests; select now lor Winter; plenty of steam heat and hot water. HOTEL CONRADINE, 10th St., at Oak. Desirable downtown loca tion; respectable and strictly modern, fire proof building, elevator and large lobby. Rooms $3 per week and up. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652 Washington st. ; fireproof; Idea', location; steam heat, running hot and cold water, phones, baths, all outside, clean, quiet rooms; $2.50 week up; 50c day up. HOTEL OCK.LKY, Morrison St., at 10th- -Central location REDUCED RATES, 50c per day up; weari ly, $2.50 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths, steam heat. HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone in every room; rooms vithout batu, $10 up; with bath, $15 up. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. end E. Bel mont Rooms $10 month. $0 up with private; large, pleasant lobby. c&Xe In connection. Phone. East 323. E TH E L TON HOT E ll 105 H 12TH ST. Modern; special reductions on all room .; $2 per week and up. Marshall 2790. HOTEL CORDOVA. 2G9 11th st. Strictly modtrn ; private baths en suite; rooms $3 u ,j. .ii .1 y.. -x -a i Ov, NEW brick, 6-room, high-class, most com plete in Portland; 21st and Overton: must be seen. Main 89 or 3104. HOTEL LIND. For comfort and convenience; modern and clean; 50c up. 44 3d st.. Broadway 488. A LARGE, comfortable attic room, suitable for two. $5 a month; close in. 171i ltith Mam 2117. LAHRABEE HOTEL Modern, quiet, warm clean, in walking distance; $1.75 week and up. 127 Larrabee. MAXWELL Hall. 207 14th ; strictly modern; use of parlor; real home; $2 up. M. 1153. STANDISH HOTEL. 548 Wash, s CS ta"S"- heated outside rooms. $2 per v y Up. HOTEL NORRIa, 533 Alder. Modern out g'.C3 rooms. $2 per week up. Furnished Rooms In Private Fa m Uy , ATTRACTIVE room for one or two young men ; modern conveniences.- reasonable close In, on West Side. Main 6726. 13th st. LARGE, clean front room ; electric llgrts, heat, hot water, strictly private family, convenient to business center. 40 Ella sL Phone Main 61ti0. LjVR9E ront rooms, nicely furnished with light, heat and bath. 11 week each' could arrange for liht housekeeping. 5315 1 9th ave. D 14JS. WELL furnished room, all modern conve niences. Nob Hill district, for gentleman. FCRN IsH ED rooms with private family single or suite; modern conveniences' terms moderate. 443 IQth. cor. College. NICELY furnished attic room: modern con venlences; ceatral, reasonable. 404 Clav near 10th ' NICELY furnished room, warm and cheer ful: heat, eiectricity, hot water all hours J2.50 Week. -322 X 5rt MareK.II r, A n ' LARGE front rooms, double closets, elec tricity. running water, etc.; also single or H. K. 475 Morrison. NEWLY" furnished convenient basement rooms, sleeping or H. K. 475 Morrison. NEATLY furnished front bedroom. $1.50 per week; walking distance. 429 6th at. FURNISHED rooms. $1.50 week" 78iPeTty" grove street. Marshall 5S06. LOVELY room, refined familv. Nob Hill homo comforts; references. Main 3740. Unfurnished Rooms, " CHEAPEST rooms, finest location, fifth and fourth floors Goodnough bldg., formerly lodging-house. nrw entirelv renovated for rent as unfurnished housekeeping and living-rooms. Steam heat, elevator serv ice and free light. Ste engineer in base ment. Fifth and Yamhill sts. Rooma With Board. ELTON COURT At 11th and Y'amhlll, opp. public 11-braj-y; all outside rooms, with or without pr.vate bath and shower; private tele phone; running water; elevator service: steam heat: $3 to $6.50 per week. Ex cellent dining-room (Southern cooking); ownership management. Main 6953. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14 th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel ; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests Phono Main 9283. A 6628. " ALEXANDRA COURT. 3 ELLA ST. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suite. Single rooms. Excellent tab la. A 6211. Main 41L ARE Just opening the dining-room and fur nish board and room for $2.50 a mon:h and up at the Rainier Hotel. Phone 3143. THE MANITOU. 261 13TH ST. Under former management. Large, at tractive rooms. Good board. Reasonable. THE LYXDHTJRST, 225wTst Park Xice!y furnished rooms, slngl or en suite, with or without meals. JBooms With. Board. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern FIREPROOF residence hotel, American plan ; on carline, 10 minutes from business center; price ia accord wtn general business conditions. 23d and Hoyt sts. Marshall ttSL Rooms With Board in Private Faznlly WELL furnished room to refined man or w-man in private home, all home priv ileges, walking distance; 21st. near Wash ington; a splendid opportunity to get a newly furnished room that has never been occupied. Apply in person, tiu N. 21st st No sign on the house. BEAUTIFUL, large room, newly furnished; hot and cold water, steam heat, twin beds, 2 dressers, every convenience, sood board. 15 minutes' walk to post office. Main 63S1. 501 Harrison, near 14th. CLEAN, large front room, modern con veniences free, board optional ; walking distance; reasonable. Marshall 2424. 451 A est Park. NOB HILL, walking distance, nicely fur nished front roum. suitable for one or two; strictly modern, best of home cook ing; all homo privileges. Main 5 04 :1 . CLOSE-IN, well-furnished, large. light, airy room for 2, with best of home cook ing, prepared by one who has had do mestic science training. Main 4341. TWO nicely furnished rooms for 2 or 3 young men, with or without board. Phone Ease 67VS or call at 566 Rodney ave. LARGE front room, running water, indivld ual beds, excellent board, two gentlemen. reasonable, central. 2yi W. Park. FRONT ROOM Modern conveniences free; board optional; close In; reasonable. Ma shall 4410. 474 Salmon st. NICELY furnished rooms, modern onven iences, cloue in; reasonable. 214 lfth, cor. !Salmon. 1 ROOM for young man or lady, exclusive family boarding-house, excellent service, 36U loth,corner Montgomery. . ROOMS with board, walking distance, mod ern. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. ROOM and board for two gentlemen; home privileges ; reference. M 1ST, oregonian. BEAUTIFUL large rooms, with board $5 up. Mala P381. 501 Harrison, near 14th. FOR business girl or students. $4 week up. "Anna Lewis" Hall, 510 Flanders st. PLEASANT, warm room; board ; running water; ue of piano. 301 luth st. ROOM and board for two gentlemen, fur nace heat. 54 North 16th corner Davis. furnished Apartments. APARTMENTS IN A HOUSS THAT 13 quiet, refined, clean, safe, popular, well known and of the highest standing. A house of quality, com fort and service. New features: BALLROOM, BILLIARD ANjj CAitDROOMS, LADIES' PARLORS, THE WHEELDON ANNEX, 10th and Salmon Sts. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minuter walk to Meier A Frank store; good surroundings strictly modern, 2 and 3 -room furnished apartments, ail outside, with Frencn doors and balconies. RATES REASONABLE. DAY WESK, MONTH KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 180 Vista ave., near 23d and Wash ington. Attractive, airy, all sunny outside rooms, unsurpassed view, furnished com plete. Everytniag modern. Special rates to those having lint a or silver. Reason able. Walking aistance. VILLA ST. CLARA, and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden m connection. Walking distance. Reierencea. THE AVALON. Furnished, or unfurnished 3 -room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch ; nearest the Union Depot of li,at iide apartments. 28i cor nrr Clackamas and Rons sts. Last 317a. 4TH AND LINCOLN APT8. 2-room apis., $13 to J5, including pri vate phone. Oath, lights and steam heat. Laundry room with steam dry-dr. Garage convenient. Main 13 7 7. A 41S2. WESTFAL, 410 5th at. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished 3 and -4-room apts. ; aro matic elevator, easy walking distance, most reasonable rent, day, weeit or mourn $20 to $30. Main 207. WASHINGTON GRAND 3 and 3-room fur. apts., $10 mo. up. Hot and cold water, heat, light and bath lurnUhcd. one weed's rent free w itii lirst month's rent in aa vance. irand ave. and iu. V aan, E. 4 -. THE DEZENDOUF, 03 ICth tit.. Near Taylor. 5-room furnished apts., walking distance, fine view, all outsiue . rooms, everytning first-class; reierence. M ar. z 324. DELAHUNT COURT. XSth and Sandy Blvd. 5-room apartments. completely fur nished, tile bath, hardwood floors, white enamel; swell. $.,0. Phone East 3300. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17 tn New, modern ; steam heat, private batns laundry, completely furnished 2 and 3 room apts., lo mm. irom business center, save cariare, rates moderate; references! MADISON PARK APTS " Park st., at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 -room furnished apart menta, close in; by wees: or month. CLAYPOOL A.N.CXElventh and Clay -Two rooms; licit, pleasant and well fur nished; walking distance; SJO to 2a U0 Main 8757. His LOP HALL, cor. East 6 th and Haw thorne, z and 3-room apts., private baths and phone; also single rooms; well lux nished. tl2.SU up. Fhoae East 882. IONIAN COURT, 18th and Couch, 3 and 4 room apartments. All modern conven iences; walking aistance. Rents $22.00 to $32.50. Main 11U2. ROSELYN APARTMENTS. 2-room modern, clean and. comfortable. Very low rates, llo N. 21st st. Marshau 4141 and 4140. muu. THE EVERETT. 644 Ev-eretL, bet. 20tb and EUa sts ; furnished 3-room apts.; with or without sleeping porch; modern. KNICKERBOCKER APTS., 10th and Har rison; one 3-room apt., corner, private balcony and phone. Splendid location $7.5u. Main 3320. FAIRMOUNT APTS.. 286 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments $20 up; close in. Main 2286. BANNER y 489 Clay St., 2 rooms, furnished $8 to $16, including heat and light; waik lng distance. Marsnall 2074. BJELLAND APART MEN Ts7l 6th and Love Joy Choicest 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apts.; rates lowest. Main 1867 505 Va WASHINGTON 1 and 2-room fur nished apartments, free gas, electricitv, steam heat, phone, bath. $ io month up ELM WOOD APTS., 10th and Hall Lobby, social hail, modern 3-room furnished and unfurnished apts., reasonable. THE CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnlsned 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rate In city. Corner N. 19th and Northrup. THE CLARKETON, 3 outside rooms with large alcove; free phone, steam; 3 carlines. 800 E. Ankeny. East 572L GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave. Modern three-room apartments. Greatly reduced rates. Phone E. 208. FOR RENT. Grace Apartment. 2-uh and Northrup; 4 room furnished apartment, Marshall 1071. GRAND-OAK Two and three-room apart mertts; prices right, strictly modern. Cor Grand ave.. East Oak. East 3302. HAMMERSLEY COURT. 250 12TH ST. By the day, week or month; modern, close to P. P.. reasonable; ref. Marshall 2052. ARDMAY TERRACE. 895 13TH First-class in every respect; attractive ratea CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy; 2 and 3-room front a p art men ts. Kent $20 to $30. NEW furnished apts.; concrete block; lib and$12!1114HUnlon ave. N. Wdi. 613. THE ALAMO. 494 Market st, Nicely" fur nished 3-room apts. ; $16 up, APARTMENT flat, 6 furnished rooms steam heat. West bide. Main 3502. Unfurnished Apsrtm en ts. FIVE rooms at Kline Apartments; JanPor service. 12-minute walk to Postoffice. Mar. 2706. West Side. MAYO APARTMENTS. 503 H Union ave. N., near Broadway new strictly modern 3-room apts. ria.sonab'sv WALDORF COURT. IRVINGTON S rooms, large porch, everything modem. 475 Schuyler. East 547, C168 STEVENS APT. Urge outside" rooms. '-" icep.j.g pore nes. neat, not water and phone. 7U1 Northrup. near 24th. ROSE FRIEND, corner Briudv anrf ir- ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments. first-class service, private phone; ref. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay sts. Now is the -time to secure high-grade permanent apartments; references. Mar 5753. KEARNEY APT. 5 rooms. llgHt and airy, cheap. Apply Manager. 672 Kearney. ROOJEVELT, 670 Kearney at. Five rooms, $25 and $30; attractively arranged. THE AMERICAN, 31st and Johnson, 3. 4. a r 00 ms. reasa liable. M ar. S360. 7&0 IRV1N G. 6 sunny outside rooms two sleeping porches. Refs. Marshall 1758. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st MdFlandersU Lre light 5t 6 rms., reas. M.7516, Aaio. " I - j I I M t H. KITT I Unfurnished Apartments, FORD HAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford St.. at Washington, The most elegant and bst finished 3 and 5-room apartments In the city. Fin ished in oak and mahogany, hardwood floors, elegant plumbing, tiled bathe and every modern convenience. a-room and bath, $30.00 up. 4- room and bath, $27.50 up. 5- room and bath, $42.50 up . KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near $Sd and Washing ton. Commodious, attractive. Abundance light and fresh air. Everything modern. Private balconies, fine location, unsur passed view. Reaaonaole. Walking dis- LUCRET1A COURT, on Lucretia sc. luu feet north of 23d and v asnlngton; moct beautifully located iiigh-cltss apartments, 2 and 5 rooms; ail larg-s outsiue rooms; 2 apartments newly furnished, prices reasonable; reierences re quired; sed them before locating. Man ager. Marshall 1513. THE WICKERS HAM, 1STH AND FLANDERS STS. Beautiful 5 and 6-room apartments; all outside rooms; ideal location; see thea before locating for the Winter; prices rea. Bonable. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS 2-1 st and Hoyt. 8 and 4-room Unfurnished Apts. $22.50 to $37.50. Exclusive resiaence district, near schooli and & opping district; splendid car servlc . oac,t in.i-D Af To., 270 Broadway St. 1 4-room apt., 1st floor, 30; 1 3-room apt., 2d floor front. 3 wall beds, 3 clothes cloiets. Mala 2506. BRUCE APTS., 25th and Northrup. amidst Portland's select residences; six outside rooms, veranda, hardwood floors; modern oci iwt 1 eiei eoces. Main -toOtj. ROSENFELD APTS., 14th and East Stark Brick bldg., strictly modern; 8 and 4-room apts., all outside rooms, private phones, janitor service, reasonable rent; refs Furnished or V ui urnished A part meats. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOYCS. 813-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments in all parts of the cJ'y; great variety of locations, sizes and prices. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartment. Main 2015. A 20 1 5. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments In 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room, vacuum cleaner free; also 4-room basement sou, $16. Phon Mar shall 29L HANOVER APARTMENTS. 170 King St., Near Wasnington. Under New Management. Absolutely fireproof Duiiding; privets balconies and pnoues; 2 and 3-room apart xu ents, f urnisr1 ed or unfurnianed.; from $17.5u per mon t h up. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 2D AND G LIS AN, Largest. most homelike, high-class apartments in city; furnished and unfur nlsned; sleeping porch; walking distance- MARSHALL 31bl ST. CLAIR Apartments, i0 St, Clair St near 22d and Washington. One 3-room un furnished, 1 furnished; clean, good serv ice, very homelike; call and see them and you will be pleased; main line phone in each apaztment. Marshall 35U5. WELLINGTON APTS.. 15thand Everett very central, large, light rooms, corner building, 3 r. furnishea, $22.50; 2 r. fur nished, $20; 4 r. unfurnished. $17.50. Main B U EN A VISTA. 12th and Harrison, Finest apartment-h ue on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strict iy modern walk ing distance; references. M lubl, H 1053. cCfti'IA -APTS- 22d and GlisTnCoTnVr building, all outside apts., private bal conies, direct phone service, one 3-room. S20.50 furnished; one 3-room, $32.50 un furnished. TRINTY PLACE APARTMENTS. ' THE HOUSE OF TONE. 48-57 TRINITY PLACE" ' MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 110 L CLAI POOLS APARTMENTS, comer 11th rooms, unfurnished. $27.50; close in. eplen- THE WINDSOR 3 beautiful front corner rooms. 2 rooms furnished. . 3'j07. KING-DAVIS APTS 54 King St. 8 and 4 rooms; high-class references. Main 2o5. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apt., very rea- msj., uyy. jju. saain 7134. i05"-0?3 apLx wltn lee"ping porches. REX ARMS, 13th and E. Morrison 2 and 3 rooms ; reasonable, modern service. Flats. S ROOMS, well lighted, fireplace, hot-water coll In furnace: close in; Janitor and scav enger service free. Rent $25. Key at new ft and, 16th and Washington sts. Phone Marshall 3540. 5-ROOM LOWER FLAT 78$ St.. hardwood floors, nearly new. good condi tion, fine neighborhood, fireplace and lur nuce; $13 per month. Call Main 2015. PRETTY corner fiat, unsurpassed location, accessible to business and churches, light, clean, strictly modern, 15 davs free rent, open for Inspection. Owner. 66 N. 10th FOR RENT Two 5-room flats, upstairs and downstairs; furnace, newly tinted and pointed; 1087 Hawthorne ave Phone Wallace Drug Co.. B 2527 or Tabor 773. SWELL modern 7-roora flat; furnace and fireplace; $25. 446 Park st. Tabor 76$ or East 1431. $3 2 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to school and carline; desirable location Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202 7 AND 9 -room modern flat; rent cheap. 12th and Mill. 43- Mill. Main 4013. 6-ROOM lower flat, mouern. 1S8 LownsdaU st inquire 175 16th st. 8. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath! 73 Hoyt st. MODERN 6 and 7 -room flat, close in. In qulre 1S9 16th st, 4-ROO1" flat, every convenience, lowest rent, near 23d. Washington. Main 8988. A 2676. T39 Overton, choice location, modern sun ny upper flat, attic, porches. M a i n 7 5 S 4. MODERN 5-room flat. 5th near Jackson. Wcat Side, 10 mln. walk. East 2377. MODERN 4-room upper flat, gas range water henter. furnace. Sellwood 515. NEWLY tinted 6-room flat, with or without garage. 230 N. 18th. Furnished Flats. FOR RENT Upper furnished flat, 3 bed roome. living-room, dining-room, kitchen and bath, steol range and gas plate gas and electric fixtures, complete with linen and dishes $20; could comfortably house 2 families; located 182H Gibbs. Main 151L AIso have partly furnished fiat for $12. 2 3-ROOM FLATS, furnished or unfi nished; sleeping porch, light, phone fuel from S10 up. 360 Chapman st cor MilL MODERN 4-room furnished flat. 10 minutes' walk to Union Depot. IS'J Halscy st. FURNISHED modern 4-room flats, porch. walking distance. C69 Market. $20 4-ROOM. completely" furnished, phone lights, water; walking distance. East 33K)! Housekeeping Rooms. $3 "WEEK UP, completely furnished house keeping suites, absolutely cleanest in town ; hot water, baths, and every con venience, free. Desirable people only. j. u vuQiiiuc, ora. near j ei ferson. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. lur nlshed for housekeeping; gas ran xe. elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry fr; um :i.n u p . cican piace. r-none A 4ow r l nir-ricu nouseKeeping rooms cneap. Cambridge bldg.. 3d. cor Morrison. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room h o u sek eepi n g apta Reasonabls GILMAN HOTEL. 1st andAlde7FurnisliTd housekeeping rooms cheap; $1.00 week up. Housekeeping Rooms I a PriteFamily7' 14 PORTER Nice location, modern con- veniences. lower 3-room suites. $12"; or Sel lOy monthly. NEWLY papered front houspWw.nir.o- 10 minutes' walk from Postoffice; free f.flct?1 light, Poone, bath. Main 1317. 410 4th su LOOK Housekeeping rooms, three rooms, $350, two at $275, two at $250, one at $175. Close in. 105 10th st. CLEAN, furnished M c r-n-mm '(iT.r ing porch. $2 per week; three rooms $3 light, water, bath. Tabor 4S3 - 'arse, lignt H, K. or single rooms, all complete, walking distance. 367 TWO nicely furnished h. k.. close In; free light, phone and bath. 9 E. 7th st. 2-P-OOM front suite, free phone; $9 monthl S50 14th fit. LARGE ettc. housekeeping rooms with kitchen- 12 Cay st. THE ELilS. 191 14th St. 2 and 3 rooms. clean, bath, phone, lights, heat, $14 up. NICELY furnished housekeeping room hot fcnd cold water. 712 Hoyt. THE LYNDHURST. 223 W. Park; nicely fur nished rooms, single or en suite. 3 COSY housekeeping rooms, $10 per month. 12 r. EAT, clean H. K. rooms, private bath 1 AND 2 LARGE modern H. K. rooms, first FURNISHED room. $1.00 week up. 1SS West Honsekeeplnr Rooms In Private Family. 15 Three large.newly papered, complete y iiuiusueu rt. iv. rooms, urst rioor, cma taken; Axminster carpets, linoleum pan try, or free rent to couple for board of one. E. Yamhill, pear 3d. THREE beautiful, furnished. front-room apartment, piano, fireplace, sleeping porch, furnace heat, eiectricity, sink, hot and o:d wat-jr. laundry, first floor. $30. 123 N. 23d. $10 TWO large, clean, front, newly rapered. wumpit-ioiy lumjscea n. it. rooms, SI OK, Axminster carpents, linoleum; child taken. Jbo E. Yamhill, near 23d. $10 AND $15 Two or 8 large, clean, newly papered, completely furnished H. K. rooms; Axminster carpet. linoleum; chlla taken. 7SC E. Yamhill, near 23d. TWO or three large, sunny H. K. rooms. pnato cam, porcn ana entrance, aauits only. 572 East tjth su Phone Sellwood 165. Houses. A M HOUSES. 10 rooms, .neat cottage with nice yard. 4138 49th ave. 6. K. W-W car. 17 7 rooms, 789 E. Ash st. $23 8 rooms, 302 E. Taylor St.. corner Grand ave.; large yard. ao 1' rooms. 144 N. IStn st Bear Moyt; good for housekeeping apta, FLAT. $20 6 rooms. modrn TT IQth mt. Ttf near Sandy blvd. Rose City car. . f- rALMLK-JONEa CO. 404 Wil-iox Bldg. Main HOUSES that are not for sale when rented: ma n.. atn "A'- car $12.50 1135 E. 34th N., "A" car $15.00 1014 E. 32d N., A" car, 5 rooms. . .$15.00 263 E. 76th N.. 'MV" car, 7 r .$12.00 145 Stafford st., Kenton car. Sr.... $12.50 STORE, with plumbing. 807 S. Jersey.$10.00 Keys and information, 1021 Yeon bldg. FINE 8-room home, large grounds, located at earn ana aanuy; lent $40. Good Irvlngton 6-room house located between 13th and 14th on Tillamook; -ent $17.50. See owner, 510 Lewis bldg. Call Main 20S1. BARGAINS. Vroom house. East Win and Morrison. $10. .10-room house. Grand ave. and Oregon, $5. 10-room house. 821 Montgomery, near 6th. $35. Phone Main 844. $25 RENT for $12.50 Fine, modern eight- i-ouiu ruusc, corner xuast 01st ana Oregon streets; repainted inside and outside, looks like n;w ; hard .ood f loers, lights, bathroom. Get the key across the street on the corner. FOR RENT W&lnut Park, a desirable nome, a rooms, large lawn roses and fruit, reasonable to responsible tenants. Apply at 1011 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 6-ROOM modern house. Just papered and paimea, gas range ana neater, linoleum kitchen floor, cement basement. Furnace heat, stationary wash tub. Rent reasonable ajeuanq-s Grocery. Main 1807, A 1867 6-ROOM modern bungalow, nearly new, near bisuwia a. c. t r , nrep.ace, narawood floor a dandy for $17.50. Will lease for y-iar. A. H. Blrrell Co., 217 Northwestern Bank bid g. Marshall 4114. A 41 1 8. PORT. HEIGHTS 8 rms.. modern, furnacs ana fireplace, tour bedrooms, newly paint ed and tinted; rent $25; key next doo. Main 57U4. Evenings East- 494 ABSOLUTELY modern 6-room residence anu inciosea sieeping-porcn ; best part Rose City Park. $25; open for Inspection. 434 E. 49th st. N. $12 5-ROOM cottage, fresh painted, elec- v. n,, f o.b iui uuoRing, wooa range, bath, water, furnished. Apply 610 Rodney ave. HOUSE, i rooms, good condition, wide lot, some fruit or will acll cheap; with small cash payment, rest like rent. Woodlawn 553. C .432. FOR RENT Nice, clean 5-room cottage: lawn MnH fruit i paau ".GO tt r-- i- ' - . r 11 qui re one qoor west. T-ROOM house. 31)th and Tillamook, $20 un- w u uuueu. mono 1 aoor DANDY 4-room bungalow. SSth st. Rose city Park. 1 blk. from car. only $15. Phone Marshal 3521. $15 3-ROOM modern house, walking dis tance, on West side. See owner, 614 Stock Exchange. Main 6765. ATTRACTIVE 5-room modern bungalow at .ncmaic, lease 11 aesirea ; commu tation fare 5c. S liOG. Oregonian. 6-ROOM $1'J and 7-room $22, on Portland Heights. Postal to bui Hoffman for infor mation. MODERN six-room house in good condl- tl in Oath Q riH L?o.r C.iJ , i . - "Blue, oenwuoa WILL rent a small house on pleasant lot with bearing ruit trees for $5 a month. MODERN 4-room house with all conven ences, $6 a month, bee owner at 513 Pla bid 7-ROOM HOUSE, 742 Irving st., near new Couch School; rent reasonable. Main 674. 6-ROOM house, strictly modern"! furnuitv etc., $15. 164 N. lith st., 8 rooms modern. Phone 5SS FIRST st., 7 rooms, alsb 590, 8 rooms. umihuio mouern nouses. Sellwood 1G4J T-ROOM clean house. i8 14th St., near Jef ferson. Main SS70. -ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy near 22d. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 62 7 i 6V7 EVERETT Six rooms; gas, electricity furnace, walking distance. Phone East b' e n.ast 8. WEST SIDE cottaKe, 5 rooms. C41 Sherman Bt. Walking distance. Main 867. 7 ROOMS Furnace, fireplace, water heater" yard; close in; desirable. 722 E. Main. 474 STAFFORD ST.. new bungalowB rooms. $3 month. Main 1375. ' 17u"rOOIU house 7:0 Oregon st. East GOOD 5-room house, $7. 367 Tillamook st. 9 ROOMS, modern. 703 Northrup mt. JPurnlsbed Houses. MOST attractive, elegantly furnished eight iawu i. 1. a i lowers. everything complete, fine furnace; lease six months or more to responsible parties $45 per month. 481 Tillamook cor 0th Phone East 6595 or call Reed-Frencn Plana Mfr r-n 1 ,'ti V. 1 1. NEW fine home. 8 rooms and sleeping bal cony, elegantly furnished with mahogany furniture, piano, hot water heat, garage, fine lawn; will rent only to adults tor not ,v .. 01 Miui.n.a; privilege 01 one I?1!!?0 reuired; $60 a month. 1117 Mallory ave. Main 1033. Q 2897. HtQ T- A A." T AD C-T . -1... , -V "ear 1 ( tn, o-room nat, flnely furnished; new Wilton rug, walnut! fumed oak furniture, oak -Boors, piano rent $30; atso 4-room furnished flat, pianoi O-7 ROOMS, furnished, modern house at JS6 E. Taylor 6t, near E. 2ith. H P 'imtir"Jone8 Co 404 Wiicox bld- Alain 5-ROOM cottage, only $10 ; walking dis tance; no cariare. 308 10th. near Colum bia. $22.50 Modern, pretty home, six rooms unusual conveniences; unequaled at thia price. Key 843 East 7th North. TWO completely-furnished modern bunea ows, 4 and 5 rooms, Hawthorne car. 351 1RVINGTON Part of furnished house 5 rooms, on carline; entire ground floor, in- .... J cast ,JB4. 20 ft-rm. fur. house, fireplace, electricitv Kas bath. 13th. nr. Port. Academy. Mar" 413. 351 W. Park. V22.50 Modem, pretty home, six' rooms unusual conveniences; unequaled at this price. Key 843 East 7th North 6-KOOM modern clean bungalow, nice yard and flowers: Richmond district. Phone Marshall '3t, apt. C. i.ST alDE, 6-room bungalow, well fur nished, piano; fine view; rent only 2. Main 8423. . 3-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished 2 blocks south of Hawthorne on 3ih tT: references required. Tabor 4112. Jio 8-ROOM house, partly furnished, sult ablo for '2 apartments, walking distance Call in the morning. Phone East 1230. BEAUTIFUL -room cottage, also on. un furnished. Main A 4361. a ROOMS, extra well furnished; references i 0.1 Northrup St. . FURNISHED BUNGALOW and garage 470 E. 44th N. ; rent 30. Phone Eist IH4. 2w Furnished, tt-room modern cottaiee adults. Main :275. WiLL-FL'PJilbHED 6-room cottage. 34S Tillamook st. OIs'E of the best corner stores -for business in -the city. If you are contemplatini; going in or transferring your business to any other part of the city it will pay you to Investigate this. O 1m, Oregonian STORES FOR RENX Three stores for rent In Elks bldg' on Broadway, near Ptark su Apply secre tary's office. Elks' Club. TH REE-STORY and basement .lore. 4Dx8o Front St.; will arrange to suit tenant; good lease. 424 Chamber of Commerc GOOD store on Third at., corner or Inside' will change front to suit. J. H. Mlddl. ton. 424 Chamber of Commerce. TWO stores, each 23x!4, Nos. 54a and First st. Owner. 3-4 Worcester bldg. Offices. (VELI-FURNISHED private office, also desk room. Stf and $7. 73 Chamber of Com merce. OFriCES $10 up; furnished offices and des room; free phone; very reasonable; port ilttd's busiest coranr. 303 S wetland Plug, TOR RENT. Offices. DESK ROOM, including new desk, phone, caro of calls, etc., in light airy office ou ground floor. S6 Oak st. BUSINESS OFPORTCXITIES. FOR SALE Up-to-date fully equipped soda water bottling works, in on of tbe best towns in Northern California. Chico and suburbs has a population of over 13,uu0 and U growing rapidly. Besides this w 1T good, large outside territory. Our plant has a capacity of 1200 bottles daily. This is a snap lor the right party. The reason for selling we hav othr business Interest that we have 10 attend to. For full particulars adaress the owners. P. 0. box 765. Chico, Butte Co. Cai. RIGHT NOW is the time we want a few jive, energetic men of ability and rogress iveneas to take an active worning interest in our new, moaern manufacturing enter prise, and to assume a part 01 tbe re sponsibility of the management of tne plant. Only men of gooa moral charac ter, who can invest a tew hundred dol lars and be satisfied with a lair salary and part of the profits to belu with are solicited. 41S Lumber Exchange bldg. HAVE YOU $850 CASH? To Invest In one of the best sub uroan grocery stores near Portiand. 10 miles from Portland on hard-surfaced road. Will sell at invoice; good money maKer and business can be developed. Owner ha other interests and has not the time to attend to it; rent $12. Includ ing living rooms. Phono Main ;0T0. House 3s. ask for Fowler. WORM DRIVE FEDERAL TRUCK FOR SALE. Have run truck. Just six weeks. Paid $400 down and can't meet payments, wul sacrifice my interest if you can arrange to meet payments. Ill health cause of my failure. Answer quickly. AF 18S, Ore gonlan. . A SPLENDID opportunity for a weekly newspaper to receive a genuine support in a live country town of 5000 people; and in the entire county, if independent and will publish facts exposing grafters. Nu subsidy, but support. Address AV 264. Oregonian. FOR SALE General merchandise store n suburbs of Tacoma. This Is a good chance for an experienced merchant to step into an established business with a fine fu ture, see Mr. Day at Younglove Grocery Co., Tacoma. CAUTION. BUYERS: Before doting deal for s.i-called interest In established real estate business, get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A, COWGlLL, Secy. 816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TO RIGHT party able to finance himself, largest manufacturers buckskin carbon papers and typewriter riobons in West will give exclusive sale of their products. Inquire Neely & Peacock, Multnomah Hotel, 1 o'clock. $300 CLEAR a month; woodsaw, perfect con dition, cost 5U0, and 7-room rooming house, heart o city, full, rent $15 month, free garage; well worth $b0U; price today tor both. $295. Peters.15 N. 5th st. HOTEL for Bale with entire equipment, in prosperous town in Washington; price $18,000: serais half cash, balance in pay ments to suit purchaser, a V - t0 orego nian. MUST sell butcher shop slaughter-house. In good town. Eastern Oregon; price rignt; have orher buslnecs; might trade. Address AV 264, Oregonian. THIS is an opportunity for right party. I will sacrifice a sood paying pool hall in heart of city. Located in popuiar offico building. L 181, Oregonian. FURNITURE, etc.. in O. A. C. boardlng hcuse, reasonable ; good opportunity. O IS 6. Oregonian. iVO-EHATa shop and club rm country; nets $1SOO year, inquire Keeler Barber Supply Co. FOR SALE Miilinery stock and fixtures; fine location; would consider part in trade. AD. lay, Oregonian. FOR SALE Evaporator plant ; new; "ood condition ; party changing occupation, must sell. AK 183, Oregonian. DRESSED skins from Alaska, mink, er mine, fox and sable, at a bargain. T. H. Phillips, 201 McKay bid. CiGaR and confectionery, best proposition; West Side. 1916 Winner ave. SALOON end residence for sale. For par ticulars, address Box 1H Danville, Cai. ROOMING-HOUSES. MRS. M. E. LENT. Lead ins Hotel-Apartment-House Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. SOS-9 N. W. Bank bldg.. Qth and Morrison. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale cheap; rooms all full. Inquire 309a Ist APARTMENT-HOUSE. 51 rooms, rent $135, long tease, full; paying. Marshall 24o. LOST AND FOUND. LOST from auto at 5th and Alder, small suitcase containing report blanks and or der books; valuable to owner. Return to uunst s Cigar store, 5th and Morrison, and receive reward. No questions asked. LOST Year-old Collie dog; collar; reward for information or return of same. Phone Tabor 1753. 443 E. 4"th North. LOST Female brlndle bull terrier, tail un cut; ansv. ers to name of o.ueen; reward. Phone Woodlawn 1S35. LOST Brown fur shoulder cape, Saturday night, at Armory; liberal reward. 474 E. loth st. HAND carved coral brooch mounted with small pearls. Finder please call up E. 302 7 and receive reward. LOST Pair nose glasses in case of Co lumbia Optica". Co.; downtown district. Wednesday, the 27th. Phone Marshall 529 jOST A catalogue in moving-picture show valuable to owner only. Phone Tabor 5t2 SPECIAL NOHCEJ4. Proposals Invited. NOT ICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. Bealed proposals will oe received by the board of directors of the buttles Lake Irrigation District, at their of rices ii Lam bert's store building, near Grind view Postoffice, Jefiarson County. Oregon, up and until the hour of iu o'clock A. Al. of Monday, the day of November, 1915. for the sale of the bonds of said irriga tion district to the amount of ix Hun dred Thousand Dollars tt00..OOj, wmch bonds were authorized issued by vote of said district on tbe 2d day of October. 1816. No bonds will be sold for less than 0 per cent of the face value thereof. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. All bids should be plainly marked. HARRY J. CHK.NoWfc.Tii. President. C. L HEN LINE. Secretary. Mibcella neons. A SPECIAL meeting of the members of the Beaver btate Merchants Mutual Pire In surance Ass'n will be held in its otflce, til8 Worcester building, Fort land. Oregon, November a, at tt:0U f. M.. for tne purpose of electing directors and amending by laws. BEAVER STATE MERCHANTS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, BY J. C MANN, PreSL I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills contracted by my husband, Mr. J. a. Hensel. BY MRS. S. J. HENS EL BARGES tor rent. 400 tons capacity. Mai a 1410. FINANCIAL WE BUY mortgage bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO.. 80 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen's bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. hob ertson A Ewing. u7-e N. W. Bank bidg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased. Lewis & Co, 4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. $luK. $1500 and S2000 PRIVATE fund to loan on Portiand improved property. W ISO, Oregonian. WILL loan on good 1st mortgages. The Ore gon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. MuNEY Any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W H. Seita. 310 Spalding. Main 8584. 12o0, $ii00. JtiOO. 5J00. $1200, 1MHJ. Fred W German Co.. 73J Chamber of Commerce. 7 MONEY to loan. cltya"ndfarm land J J. Cahalin, S5 Chamber of Commerce. BUILDING loans direct to owners with au pervlsing architect. Curtis. 267 Oak st. $luoo UP to foOOO to loan on realestate. ""FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS-" A. H. HARDING. 313 CHAM. OF COM ioCK) TO LOAN on real estate. Call for oar. ttculars at 512 Piatt bldg. J730rt OR LESS. Improved farm or city nron ertv K lott. Oregonian. J Frop LOOK NOW H. L. Murton has money to loan 2G7 1A Oak st Main "!'J1 ' 10 4520,000. at 6 per cent, downtown income business property. D 187, Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. j.j - w.. ow KJA K. 5T. $0x UP. 7 ana per cent, no commission no delay. Ward, 407 Spalding bldg. ' MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com." 1SO00 In sums to suit. BP 129. Oregonian. tliuo or SoOOO to loan at 7 per cent on Port land Improved real estate. Est 401. 000 OR any Drt 7 per cent. imnA property. X Oregoniaa Money to Loan on Real Estaste. PORTLAND TRUST SAVINGS BANK. MORTGAGE LOANS. Prompt service. Reasonable terms. PORTLAND TRUST St SAVINGS BANK. Sixth and Morrison Ste. MONEY LOANED. Improved business property, lL to 6 per cent. Improved residence property. $ to t per cent. Improved farm property, 1 to $ oer cent WHITMER-KKLLY CO, . 711 Pittoca Bioca. TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. $30 W0, $3 000, $3 7uu, $4UOO. $50vtf to $15,00 0 Oa Portland improvea property or close in acreage and improved larnta. GOODSELL BROS.. ftOl Le wis Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, Any amount, iow rates, promptly cxoesd Attractive repay meat privilegs A. H, BlKRELL CO., 217 Nortnwestern Bank Bids. Marshall 4114. A 411a. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED KJAL taTATE 'OH BUILDING PCRFOSfeS. tHi FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS, NO CO Ai MISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE At TKtbl CO. 2o2 6TE ENS iLDil. $1200 TO LOAN at 7 per cent. $1500 at 7 per cent. -Oj0 at 7 per cent, only good residence property considered. F. bi. Bowman & Co., Com, Club bldg. Broad -way 3U26, A 1251. lioui kuiik; of money to loan on im proved fcrtland realty at 6 to I per cn Farm loans i and 8 per cent. MALL i VON BOKSTEL, 104 2d St.. near gta r k, $300 TO LOAN on first mortgage reaTestate security. -Full particulars at 512 Piatt buuaiug, southwest corner Park and aniiigton sts. LOANS will be made on central retail eBusiness properties, 6 and 7 per cent on otn-er securities. Edward E. Gouoey Co.. Northwestern Bank bldg. TO LOAN $-tov,uou uH LESS. FARK1NGTON, 80 4TH ST.. ilUAKU OF TRADE BLOw MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON 1NV c MUUTGAlil CO., INC Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and It-hiii. $oO0, siooo and upwards on Improved real . estate; favorable terms; no delay; no broKeragi-. Jo.m Bain, 5Q-7 Spalding bldg. FIELD Ac HUM. MAN MtxtiliAGi OCR OWN FUM)S. 102&-102U Y EON BLDG. $u,oou TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. tY. G. Beck, 14 aio Failing bldg. 1000.000 AT 7 PER CENT on choice Oregon farms or city property; fire Insurance. M'KhiXZlE at CO., 51j Gerllnger bldg. 57 TO fc on cit and farm property. Mort gages and contracts purchased. R. K. Blossom. 11-5 Northwestern Bk. bids. S000, Jiooo and upwards on improved real estate, favoiabe terms; no delay; no brokerage John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Properties handled for nou-residenia. Coe A. McKenna & Co.. .-7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEE us today for loans on improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent; 400 and up. Celiars-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and salaries. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail jew elry stores In the city ; loan department is conducted in connection with same, making ousiness STRICTLY CON FIDE N- ' TiAL; absolutely no sign designating loan business displayed in front of our store; all murchanuise pledged is held for period of 12 months, whether or not interest is paid when due. we are licensed and hav been established since 1S60; no connection, wltn any othor loan establishment in tnis city. A, & M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS, 324 Washington St. MONEY TO LOAN. YOU CAN GET- IT TODAY. at legal ratea on Diamouus. Autos. Pianos, Furniture. Livestock or Motorcycles. Pay back at $o per month or more. Interest it per cent. OFFICE AB&OLUTELY. PRIVATE. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. LICENSED. 311 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington, SALARY LOANS O.N PLAIN NOTESl QUICK SERVICE. BUSINESS aliUCTLY CONFIDENTIAL. YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. STATS SECURITY CO LICENSED. t0 FAILING BLDO. MONE1' AT ONCE. LEGAL RAiE OF INTEREST. Diamonds. Jewelry, Musical Instruments, All Pledges Heia One Year. Separate Department for Ladies. ELBY. COMPAN X (Licensed). 320 Lumber Ex. Bldg., 2d and Stark sts MONEY to loan on diamonus and Jewelry at legal rates; all articles held one year; trsatbllshcd since lS&s. Dan Mark. 74 3d. LOWEST rates on furniture and household tiooda. Ot.-o. Harvey. East 1172. Loans W anted. CLIENT wants to borrow $1000, first mort gage, ltJO acres. oO in cultivation; all un der fence, house, barn and corrals. Wal-' lace E. Thusher, 41tf C. of C. WANTED Private money to loan on city property ; all amounts. Financial dept.. The Oregon Home Builders, looO N. W. Bank blag. Souoo WANTED; security modern Income propei ty; yearly income 1100, cost 14, ouu; close in. A. K. HILI 41 Henry bldg. - HAVE party wanting $1700 for 3 years. 8 per cent, on real estate worth 50uu. Van dyne A Walton, lo Chamber of Com merce. $o000. S PER CENT, city income property, worth S7000; principals only. P 05, Ore gonian, WANTED Loan of $00 on close-in acre age, worth sl'OOO; pay 8 per cent. BC 1ST, Oregonian. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 80-inch wavy switch, 3 Sep... .$L8S a 4 -inch wavy switch. 3 sep. ........ l.oo All-around transformation L4e Hair dressing, shampoo, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 2oC. Hair re moved by electric needle; switch mads of combings, 0c. We buy your combings, banitary Parlors. 400-41iT Dekum bldg od and Washington. Marshall 1702. ORIENTAL massage, euro fur rheumatism. ' lumbago and nervousness; perfect health and circulation, bath; volcano, mountain ilower or sulphur, good for all sorts of diseases and s uttering from old bruises. G. L Ehara, 22 V North Third St., cor. Burnslue, Portland. Or. phone A 2-S4. FEB VET & HANEBUT. leading v.ig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goodj,. switches from Son up; nairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment, combings niaus up to or dcr. 147 Broadway, nr. Morrison. Main 546. LOUISE NETZEL, trained nurse and mas seuse, gives treatments for rheumatism, iumoago. neuralgia, etc., tub baths, mas sage and electric blankets; lady assistant 20o 11th st. Marshall 5u3J. Open Sundays. SWEDISH and Mag. Massage at your home or R 313, 3o04j Morrison. Expert manipu lators, graduate Kozena. Taylor D. A. T, Main 401. WHEREABOUTS, dead or alive, wanted by daughter of C L. Frisbie. Mrs. L. L. E vans. Tacoma. Wash. MRs! STEVENS. 24 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her temple open dally. 375 Taylor st. SPIRITUALISM Rev. May A. price; Circle Tuesday 2; Wed. and Sun. 8 p. M. ; read ings uaily. OQo th Bt. Marshall 3060. NORWEGIAN trained nurse and masseuse, electric blanket treatment; hours 12 A. M.. S P. M. QbV 3d st.. rooms 2 and a. : FEW sets fine Alaska mink skins; also ermine for trimming and sets ; will sell cheap. Phone Main 6o0. FROM ALASKA Mink, sable, ermine and fox skins ; save tne middleman's profits. T. H. Phillips. 201 McKay bldg. AS-CAP-SO promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia and ia grippe. For sale by Portiarj Hotei Pharmacy. UMBRELLAS, all colors and styles; largest stock; re-covering, now handles put on. Meredith's. U29 Washington st. FRANCES DS MAYO, scalp specialist. Morrison st. Ofilce 202. CALL Main 63 id for electric treatments foe rheumatism, lumbago; reasonable. MANICURING and electrical treatment. Ethel Burk. IB Lafayette bldg. DK. ETHEL A. SACK Y. painless chiropodist. Room ou7. 63 Grand ave. East 478a. MAY IRWIN, electric treatment, room 210. HoOVi Morrison street. MADAME MUNZELLA. instructor In palm latry and card reading. 422 H Morrison. MOLES, superfluous hair removed M rs. M. D. H1U. 420 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. EASTERN trained operator gives facial. scalp massage. 125 6th St.. room 2. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Royal Tonla Tablet. 504 Davis st. Phone Main 2303. LESSONS in phrenology and card readings. 25 Cth st. Phono Main 754S. FUR SHOP New orders, remodeling, trim ming. 605 Swetland bldg. GENTLEMEN Manicure, shampoo, faoe mas sage, 2oc. 707 Rothchild, 2S" Vs Wesh. st. LAWYER. " . Consultation f rou. n& Pittock Block. A