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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1915)
TIIE 31QRMXG OREGOXIAX, 3IOXDAY. NOVE3IBER 1. 1915. H A K F. R THEATER Mjlin 2, A 3360 DrawimiT ana MomMo Home Of the OOUUlAr Rflfafr Plavara Tn,(.V harsaln. all seats (except box) 25c. Alt week. Mats. Wed.. Eat. The latest thrilling "UNDER COVER." .-.n.inB. mystiiying. lireatest hit In years. r-.Venlr.Efl. 25c. TiUCt hOY a nil n T-. x . lnes. all seats (except box and loge). 25c. Next week "The Mlver Horde." BROADWAY AND VAjulILL. "n'y men-Class Vaudeville Circuit. A BREATH OF OLD VIRGINIA ir nine, Mfrman, lan-t Hyman. Al. J.'iTr5 5 Wvia Clark. Nalerm's KW Ca- 5?AEG DAILY. 2:15 10c. 23c. n;HT show, s:13 ioc, 2.-.c. 50c! 0. HTIKI DAITf 230 The Century's Sensation, .... Kmx of the Handcuffs. announcing nis own exclusive mysteries ivr . abounded the world. " "r. n. xtii.-al.UK ACTS 6 OCTAVIUS With. DILLON KING In THE PIPE DREAM. This afternoon. 2:30: Tonight, T:30 and 8:10. LYRIC 4th jfe Mark Stg. Bucking Contest Bucking horses. Steer and Mule Riding, Trick Roping. MONDAY AND TUESDAY AT P. . PORTLAND KIDIMl ACADEMY. 21sl and Johnson. SEATTLE TO GET POST TRAVELERS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIA TION DIVIDES DISTRICT. Keivsboys Are Guests at Banquet Chamber, Marking; the Close or Membership Campaign T. S. Logan, National secretary of the Travelers' Protective Association, was the chief speaker at the banquet held Saturday night marking; the close of the membership campaign carried on Dy tne Oregon-Washington branch n-Washlnfrton, branch of I al Travelers' Association. I ls on. the Coast with a tlie Commercial Mr. Liopan view to establishing a post of the or ganization in Seattle. The Portland rost now serves both Oregon and Washington and, acting upon, the pleas of Seattle members and the recommen dation of the Portland members, the post at Seattle received, serious consid eration. Mr Logan will recommend the establishmest of the Seattle post when lie returns to headquarters in the East. The Seattle post will start with a membership of more than 100. As a result of the membership cam paign that came to a close last night, approximately 100 new members were enrolled by Theodore Rothschild and his assistants. Owing to the fact that many mem bers of the Portland post had accepted Invitations for Halloween parties, there were not as many members attending the banquet as had been arranged for. The newsboys of The Oregonian and Jo-.irnai were invited as guests of the traveling men The Travelers' Protective Association has a National membershio of K2 non It has been responsible for training for tne traveling public a number of re forms for which it never has received Just credit. It was the traveling men's organization that was responsible for me intercnange of universal mileao and the law, effective In most states. requiring that all hotels provide their beds with nine-foot sheets, emanated irom tne meetings of the commercial travelers. . Paul J. Sullivan was the tr.a,t masfer of the banquet held In the Chamber of Commerce, and toasts were responaea to by ex-Presidents C. r. rrazier, a. J. Mcoanlels and R. Lv Ad ams and A. H. Eevers. A. G. Clarke gave a humorous biography of Paul cuiuvan. EAST WANTS FLAX MILL WILLAMETTK VALLEY COMPANY HAS MANY OFFERS OF SITES. John W. Lidrr Says Capital Obtained lor Enterprise Which Will Not , J' Move From Oregon. OREGON CITY, " Or., Oct. 31. (Spe cial.) The aggressive methods if At lantic Coast cities to secure factories and the thoroughness with which they keep watch on industry, even along ine racinc (Joast. is illustrated by the I' oi communities in the ex treme Jbastern states to secure the pro. posea iiax mill ot the Willamette Val ley Flax Company, now beins- ore-anW.ert iere. John W. Loder, one of the incorpor ators, said today he and his associates hart r.ivorl f. " f f e : . . Newport w v. T vi J . tj .. Newport .News, va.. Linn. Mass.; Pitts- He said that In these letters, the East-M ern civic oodles making these offers I had argued that a factorv in th K.t would be close to the market and offer the best transportation facilities But tempting offers and literature of Kastern commercial clubs will not draw from the Willamette Valley its newest enterprise, declared Mr. Loder. The mill, costing nearly J300.000 and devoted exclusively to the manufac ture of flax fiber for shipment to Kastern mills, will be built within 40 miles of Oregon City, he said. Al though Eastern cities are active in their campaign for factories, Mr. Loder is ot the opinion that Oregon towns are slow. Only Portland has com municated with the organization in re gard to a site for the plant. The state law provides that before the organization of a company can be completed, half of the capital stock must be contracted for. The flax com rany has obtained contracts for the eale of almost half of the $20,000 capi talization and organization will soon be completed. While Oregon towns are siow in their efforts to secure the new industry, scores of inquiries are received here from those interested in the growth of flax or the investment of money in the enterprise. oN trouble ueen encountered capital. securing SUNDAY LAW IS FAVORED Kev. C. C. Karlck Says Efficiency and Worship Demand Closing. The need of a day ot rest and conse quently the need of a Sunday-closing law was presented by Rev. C. C. Rariek, pastor of the Central Methodist Episco pal Church in his sermon last night The minister said it was imperative for ef-! xiciency ana worship. I would not. however, stand firmly J Boxes, first row balconv seats reserved h ed txclmitV. . ' M' D" Practice limit phone Main 4HW. A & reserved by I u.xclusive.y to cancers. 312 Morgan bldg. This directory Is for ble the dlffVrVr.; n.r -J . w. ion to ... I ..""""L" .wn,cn the average person may find occa- furnished by phoning Main 7 oto'S1 I ABSTRACT AND TITLES. PROMPT Pacific T(fTI -r fc icoou.uie prices, macule Title & Trust rr, T r-h r , KIHVIl'C . ACCORDION PLEATIXO. K. strphTv , r: cnn5 tcnint, scalloping, ac- orrier. T, ounons covered: ma 1 orders, am unlock: block Rroadwav iikim Pleating, hemstitching, buttons r.r.r--a ASBESTOS ROOFING MATKRI4I.S InAsbtob."Ut Asben Rubber Roofing and r.aie at (jo., oekum bid?. ASSAVEB8 AND ANALYSTS. :,V'".ASSAY OFFICE. 142 U 2d. Gold. anq platinum bought. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Consultation free.' CANCER. I . DU,'El CARPET WEAVERS. nV.i""".17 KU CO. Rugs from old car- CitJ.CLOID BUTTONS. BADGES. 387 1Wa.h,WP-HUI,SO! COMPANY. Ml Washington st. Main si- A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. , hi"""' , . and William. Jr.. Devenv. t 1 1 : Parlors .uVien"i'S,1cluroPoaits In the city. cornerj 2d and Aider? PhZ8'."" S'851 jifxui Oi i o. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICLANS year, chronic nna the differenceT-A lu COLLECTION S. -,TtZ J01.?."? description collected on Der- encas ii e' nlShest class reter- 5ienJv r,,taiaS5 Mencantlle Agency, H'r b'dS. Phone Marshall 4sw COLLECTION- Aaw.e-v NETH & No conection. n.-Char?,DknJlahlf,na IVSSl DANCINti. MA,I,Cit'i''t:R, dancing Acad ret Stark C1c"Fr-5H h 7nie Le,f,"". A2- morning, & ternoo'n. Xn. ---a. mi. micfi (Itinera i. Thurs.. Sit o-..iiiccu, ClabS iwy. 21 GO. HKATHS SCHOOL Tues. svi r TT' .! daily; class Wash, and starV Main" 'WS ,7? h snnt.h00- 2d and Morris: on 10 les- y. unaaca MOn Fri. eve. Mar. 313. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND T H RO A t F v o by specialist; gi F. F. CaBrtoT .Wr':,.? fitted. Dr. .-. . itivuiii ota.. od & VV 11. INSURANCE, jeroiie ii KTt.,..E . fire, automotiie ni'.'J l1 ' MESsKNot nsurance; Mn. 6710. MUSICAL. E"?."- Thlelhorn, violin teacher P F ier npp . ...... L ' . ocvci.. A 4100. Marshall 1C29! lessons. 26 14th , a tor practice. Ph.,. Main 3803. " .WHOLESALE AND DVBnriLLE BUGoAIrSua M RAr.(.ACv m.- a- .... 7Z 7" Baggage & Omnibus Transfer: pk 2 Davis O U L' t av . Royal Bakery & conf. inc. 11th" and Everett nl...Slt..t;'' AND BOTTLERS. '" 1 .i.HARU, luth and iiurnslde DRY GOODS, NOTIONS FHRVISHlvru fleischner: may"rS& XffRft hh ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. bbs Electrical Co.. 0th and Pine sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Mr,B"2?,-1.',l1inB Co' Front and .rshall. H. M. HOI SER, Board of Trade bldg GROCERS. WADHAMS & CO.. 07-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPST THANHAUSKR HAT CO.. 53-JJ Front st KA H,iI,M''rS W?iLV CA8CA RA BARK. K.AH.M BKQS.. 191 Front st. r-0f'P, A?V" WOMEN'S NF.CKWEA. CO LI MbIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. S3 0th sU by the old Puritanical Idea of the Sab bath," he said. "I would not make It a day for too much solemnity ana for reading the Bible alone. Also I would not urge that if one take a walk on Sunday that they go to thecemetery and read the thoughts engraven on the tombstones." OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Members Portland Osteopathic Ass n. Bafeer. Dr. Lillian, 920 Corbett Bldg Phones Main 3227. A 4879. Barrett. Dr. H. Lester. 419 Morgan nidg. Flione Main 429. I Browne, Dr. Agnes SI., 331 Pittock Blk. Phones Broadway 3609, Main 25b. Farrlor, Dr. Jessie B., 820 Selling Bids A UVUa .L. . 1 , -XOOV. .ill.. Flack, Dr. William O., 917 Broadway AJ1US, U O J A, JXLCltU ?Oa. Gate., Dr. Gertrade L., 922 Corbett Bldg. Main 1833. A 4706. Giles, Dr. Mary ., 609 Morgan Bldg Phones Main S566, A 19fi. Bowland, Dr. L. h... 815 Selling Bldg Main 2213. A 2229. s "' Keller, Dr. William G-, 608 Taylor SL mvnea jxiatu uit, a o41. Lacy, Dr. H. N., suite 301 Morgan Bldg. Phones Marshall 1888. Tabor 4278. Leoaard. Dr. II. "., 767 Morgan Bids. Phones Main 709. A 1709. Lewuu, Dr. Virginia V., 12 Morgan xiufc, jruuucs Autiu itvt, alar. d344. Moore, Drs. F". K. and II. C. p 908 Sell ing ttiag. luarsnall 1275, A 3031. Northrop, Dr. R. B 308 Morgan Bldg. Pengra. Dr. C. T., 709-710 Selling Bldg phr,no min m.i. & Bdg. Main 661 248 ?VLS'" . , "if "ar "' Walker. Dr. l. s 12 East 24th st Phone Bast 6332. CLASSIFIED AD BATES Dally and Sunoay. Per line. One time ite bame ad two consecutive times. ....... .84 Mme Mil three cuasecutlve times... ku bame ad six vr keven ruuecutive times us aiio aiwve rati mppiy io lavmiMmenti under tw Today and all oilier clitMitl. cations except tne following: PIlUailOD. V IUi ICU- JlaUfl. Situations autcd r euiale. i-or Kent, Koonu lrivae Families. board and Kooms Fri v ate 1: amines. Housekeeping Kooms Private amities. H&ta on tne above clnssilicauon is ? ceo is a line each Insertion. On "charge" advertisements chant rs will be based on the number of lines appearing In the paper regardicM of the number ot words iu each; line. AlUuuiuu ciiaxice two line.. Xbe Orea-onian will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, provided the advertiser is a subscriber to eimer p bon s. No prices will be q uoted over iub Bbone, but bill will he rendered the foilow K day. . V het her uiMsquent advertise uents will be accepted over the phone de pends upon the prmoplneM of payment t telephone advertiements. Situations Wantetl and Fersonal advertiren.ent will not be m cepted over the telephone. Orders for au Insertion only will be accepted for ir arm ture for Sale," lSusineta Opportunities, "Koomint-iluueBM and Wanted to iisu Telephon . Main uu. A ttutfa. Advertisements to receive proper classi fication tuuht be In The Oregonian office before 9 o'clock at night, except bat or day. Closing hour for The Siutday Oregonian wOi be 7:30 o'clock Saturday night. The office will be open uotll lu o'clock ic. M., as usual and all ads received too late for proper rlasslf i cat ion will be run under the beading "Too Lais to Classify. ACCTIOX SALES TOO AS-. Ford Auction House. ?1 1 lat Bimitn na. I carpets, etc Sale at 1 P. H tiuC - irt'0' ' " public, to give a. far as possl- i'". bW W"1 be ,,ld" OLD GOLD. I BUY OLD OOLD. Old Jewelry a Specialty. 9jfK. bought. Assayer. F. A. Scnnett. blO Northwest Bldg.. 21j Washington St. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. Why pay big prices for glasses? I can fit your a i 2St yes witn iirst-quauty (".sSiJ lenses in a gold-filled Ta.1: vy frame, as low as SI. SO. oeesijjjr lenses duplicated at big saving. Satisfaction guaranteed. C. W. Good man. optometrist. 200 Morrison. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice V. S. and foreign patents. Col Dekum bldg. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 3189. PRINTING. K.EYSTCNE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbein, Mgr.. Printing and linotvping. loo y Front St., cor. Stark. Main or A 141S. RAGBVC9 AND FLUFF RUGS. New rugs from old ingrain. Brussels Smyrna, Axminster carpets: carpet clean ing, refitting, resizing, country orders prompt attention. Send for booklet. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO 54-56 Union ave. N. Phone E. B518. B 1475. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO., Wilcox bldg. ii. P., 404-405-406 ASSOCIATED INVEST. CO.. 621 YE ON. BENEDICT BROS., 930 Hawthorne ave. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST. Household uoous bpecialists. Storage. Packing. Ship ping- and Moving. Horse or Auto Vans. opeciai ireignt rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 'M and Pine sts. Broadway 590. A 11)96. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St., corner 13th. Telephone Main SO or A llti'J. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in city. MANNING WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER CO. Reduced freight rates to all points. nnjviiig, pacKing, snipping, storage. Broadway "03. 9th and Hoyst sts. MADISOX-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE urnce lgs Madison. General Merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7GiU. TAXIDERMIST. PHEASANTS Prepared for hats. 005 Swetland bldg. FINE MOUNTS. F J. Brezee. only one In ciiy. OlumDia St. Al. 7943. WOOD. $4.25 WOOD S4 2.-,. Dry seasonei'. second growth fir wood oauverea anywnere in Montavllla or ML Tabor district. $4.2r.. Tabor ,"470. FiRST-CLASS seasoned fir, fi.oO; distant delivery, 4.73. National Fuel Co, E. 2d and Oregon. East 2041. GREEN ana dry slabwood, blockwood. Pan cma Fuel Co. Main 5720, A 3899. DRY blockwcod, dry slabwood, bark, nomah Fuel Co. M. 5."40. A 2116. FOR DRY BOXWOOD PHONE OREGON nuA airu. V-tJ.. MAIN tif.63. A 0090. MAN UFACTURERS MILLINERY. BRADSHAW bl'.ua.. Morrison and 7th St. PAINTS .AND LUBRICATING OILS W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. t, ..-IAINTS' OIL Axu tlLASS. RASMUhSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor streets. PIPE. PLi'K FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. N4-bO Front St. rLt',,I?,NG AXI STEAM SUPPLIES M. L. KLINE. !s4-SU Front st. F. W. BALTES & CO., 1st and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION & FAHRELL. MERCH.LMS. 140 Front. EVET DING ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SAFETY RAZOR HONING. AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE CO.. 1S9 SASH. BOOKS AVI, in imz P. FULLER & CO., I2th and liavls. T t vvc''io RUBBER AND METALS. J. LEVL. ISO Coiumbl. st. Main 51BS. MORGAN WAl.f. PAI'KI; .'V -;o st MEETING NOTICES. IM.fBrtlAL LOEK5E. NO. 159, A. F. AND A. M. Special com municalion tomorrow (Tuesdav) eveninB. Xov. 2. 1815. 7 o clocK. w ork in v. c. degree at con- ClUSinn tT TL-lilr.h T3 .i rw- ... Cotton wi:i address us on "Upper Esypt.'1 illustrating the same by his superb collection of steleopticon views, taken by himself. The speaker and nis theme are worthy ol a full turnout. Visitors welcome w. P. ANDRUS. Sec. Aiv I. . lunerai services of the late t, . ' , -"cenwam, aili be held ' ' ""y iovember 1. at 2 P. . , l.',.l"fri o me fortland Crem ' "i'enwood ave. Friends ""I.,"- . VJ" 1 -mains are at the funeral S, Th C" Kenworthy. 102-34 '...t.i. eiieei, aeiiwoou. PPECIAO COMMUNICATION wm.MHlAN CHAPTER, No. to. Masonic Temple this jHiijiuay. iz o -cic-ck M., to con- i . i lunerat services of our All TV. amKnr j '- ivutri L 3IIllLil. --i ,r,i-nien io attend. By order, V. M. HENRIETTA M'CABE, Sec. uiL.aitTTE LODGE. No. 2. A. K. and A. M. Stated com munication this (Monday) evening at i :.i0 o'clock. Business of Im portance "Will come before the luiiKO ior Cons Prnf nn or ihi Full attendance desired. Visiting welcome. W. S. WEEKS, Sec. WASHINGTON T.rmnR rvr, 46. A. F. and A M Knacioi iniiiiuiiii.diiuii mis Monday evening; 7 o'clock. East Sth and iurnsiue. m. m. t)egree. Visi lord welcome. Order W- M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. C AMELIA CHAPTER. NO. 27, J. E S. Stated communication his (Monday) evening. Degrees. By oraer of "W. M. MARIETTE ROBINSON. Sec. EMBLEM Jewelry buttons, charms, pins; new design. Ja-eser Bros.. 121-3 Sixth st. I I N KiiAL NOTICES. SMITH In this city. October 30. Mav J. Smith, wife of Robert Smith, of 9y! Kast Join si. i-unerai services will be held today (Monday), Nov. l, at 1 o'clock P. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finjey & Son, Montgomery, at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment Riverview Cemetery. SCOFIELD In this city. October 29. A. Burdette Scofield. aged G6 years, late of Ashland, uregen. Private funeral services will be held today (Monday). Nov. 1 at 2:30 P. M.. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finicy & Son. Montgomery, at Oth. Interment at Riverview Cemetery. O'BRIEN Funeral services of the late John Francis O'Brien, of 120S Albina avenue, will be held today (Monday!. November 1. at 2 P. M-. at the chapel of Chambers' tnderlaking Co.. corner Klllingsworth ave. and Kerby st. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. LENOIR At the residence. 364 Fourteenth street. A. Lenoir, aged 73 years, beloved husband of Louise lnolr. Friends invited to attend funeral services which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2 P M. tomorrow (Tuesday). November 2 lnt.rment River View cemetery. DAVIS The funeral services of the late Les ter l.. uaviB. wno passed away October JIG, 1D15. will be held tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10 A. M-. ri-m the chapel of the ekewes Undertaking Co., cor. 3d and Clay. Friends and members of the Artisans are Invited to attend. Interment Rose City Cemetery ORVIG In this city. October 29 Horace Orwlg. ged 42 years. Friends in vited to attend funeral services, which w-111 be held at Holman's Funeral Parlor, at 1:30 P. v. today (Monday). November 1. lntermert River View cemetery LVTZ Oc(Jer 30. Mrs. Elisabeth I.nti aed SO years. FVIcnds invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's Funeral Parlors, at 10 A. M to morrow (Tuesday). November 2. Inter ment ATultnomah cemetery. ENDICOTT Funeral of the late Lewis L 1:00 F. M meeting, breth ren " FUNERAL NOTlCEa. BROXLEEWE At the residence. 1305 Pat ton avenue. October 29, Rose Bronleewe. aecd 2G years, beloved wife of Rudolph H. Bronleewe. Friends Invited to attend funeral .truces which will be held at the Portland Crematorium at 3 P. M. today (Monday. November 1. Take Sell wood car for crematorium. Remains are at Holmao'i funeral parlors. WILLIAMS At the family residence. 552 0th St., Oct. 31. Zula Webb Williams aged 21 years. 1 month. 6 days, beloved wife of Jorrest B. Williams, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. Frank P. Webb. Funeral services will be held from Holman's funeral parlors to morrow (Tuesuay), November 2. at 3:30 P. M. Interment Riverview Cemetery. REYMOND October 30. Albert Reymo-.a. Jr., astd 21 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reymond. Remains were shipped to Yacolt. Wash., for interment by Dunning & McEirtee. JONES The remains of the late Wiley Ar thur Jones, who passed away in this citv October 30. were shipped to The Dalles yesterday on the 10 A. M. train by the skewes Undertaking Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. : si.: , es The only reildenc undertaiung etabllaa aeni la ronlaiiU with privaio arlvew a. Main V, A 15y. J. P. FIN LEy & ON, Montgomery at Fit to. ' MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the ieadlog funeral director. 220 Tlilrd street corner Salmoo, lady asalsLaat, a 1611. Main duj. F. S. DUNNING. INC. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Ai der treat. Eaat S2, H 2523. A. R. ZKLLLER CO., &U2 WILLIAMS AViU. East lotto, C lubJS. Laay attendant. Day snd night service, DUNNING fc M'ENTEIS, funeral directors, Broadway and Pine. Phone Main itO, A -ivd. Lady attendant. MILLER it TRACE Y. independent funeral directors. Funerals as low as $20, $40, SoO Washington and Ella sts. Main 2tJL a 7 ana. P. L, Lerch, East 11th and Clay streets. Lady assistant. East 78L SK.EWES UNDERTAKING COMPANX, d and Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady attendant. R. T. Byrnes. Williams ave. and Knott. E. 3115. C ll4a. Lady attendant. BREEZE & SNOOK, Snnnyslde Parlors; auto hearse, 1026 Belmont. Tab. 1258. B i2os FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists. 347 Wash ington. Main 2tii, A 120:, Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st. Main or A lb05. Fine flowers and flora, designs. No branch stores. MAX. M. SMITH, Main 721o, A 312L Selling building. 6th and Alder sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Washington t.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1103. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 574 BELMONT ST. Phones East 1423. B 2515. Open Day a nil N I Kilt. Renort all cases of cru.ltv , n t v. i . A loce. Lethal chamber tor small animals. Uorae ambulance for eick: or diaabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone de siring a pet may communicate with ua, NEW TODAY, MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city and larm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. 6 LAHGB LOANS ON nl w BCSI.VUSS I'KOPEKIIK OyO A. H. BIRRELL CO. 1-S18 North western Bank Baildlna. Hsrabsil 4114, A 4118. BONDS MORTGAGES Large amount of tC7 on Improved in- money to loan at v O sjide prone rtv Residence loans a and 7 n.. .i cording to location. Bonds and Mortcaees for Sale. ROBRTSOX & EWIXG, 2Q7-8 Northwestern Bank Buildintr. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oar Own Alone v mt i-nr... IICNICIPAL AND COKPORATim BONDS FARM AND CITY LOANS. . sO fSMth St.. Board of Trade Bid-. COME TO HEADQUARTERS your MORTGAGE LOANS FOR JOHN gff ifYM A TVT SPALIJING BLDG, E. LKUXNAIM PORTLAND. ORE. On Citrr and Wnm Any Amount at Current Itatcs HAETMAN-TH0MP80H, Batutexe M ON I' MEN TS. 1-UKTLA.XU MARBLE WORKS. 264-2(16 4th St.. opp. City Hall. Main S5U4. Philip Neu REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. LAURELHURST SNAP. For sale by owner, lot 7 In block 10S. Laurelhurst; this is a beautifully located lot next to corner in fast rrnwin. a,in of Laurelhurst; if you are looking- for a home sue or an investment this is your opportunity; must sell. See owner, room 20 3 Oregonian bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS view lot. fine trees; will Vulld to suit on easy payments. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A3S30. $475. Sacrifice. South-easterly corner! ami inside bist and Sandy Boulevard. Unincumbered, beautifully located. Owner. 60S Commercial block. PORTLAND Heights view lot. fine trees; will uuuu is nun uu tao pa HlfDUI. Marshall 4JS27. BROOKE. A 3S39. ior Sale -Houses. LAUKELHL'K&T HOMES Before buying, be surelto look at our list of exquisite homes Just completed In Laurelhurst, the addition ot beautiful homes, from 2500 up. on rent-like terms. LAURELHURST CO.. 270 Stark SU Main 1503. A 1515. MODERN 5-room house. large fireplace "and good basement, located on lot 50x100 two blocks from carline, good residence sec tion. $1300. Cost considerably more to build the house, but the property must be sold. For particulars see attorney. 512 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE Modern S -room residence wl'h highly improved quarter block, most de sirable section Holladay's Addition. 493 Hassalo. corner E. loth. Price and favor able terms will be made on inquiry to P C. Bates. 301 Yeon blug. MOST beautiful bungalow in Laurelhurst. hardwood finish and floors throughout, den finished in cocobolo. best workman ship in city; $1000 belowcost. Just built. 102O Oregon St.. near 33d. Phone Wood lawn 2151. Owner. IF YOU would like to commence the build- wg ox a new nome on your lot and nav It fully financed, come in -nd talk it oer. CURTIS. 267 H OAK. DO NOT think of acquiring home until you "'" j ur uiegUQ tlOme BUlld- ers. 133o N. W. Bank bldg. Will build to suit your lot or ours. Easy terms. 10.000 50x100. ISth and Lovejoy; modern improvements, very aeslrabie properfty, for terms phone owner. East S'jU. CLIENT has 2 residences: 'must sacrifice: your own terms; some trade. w K Thrusher. 416 C of C. MY MODERN. 9-room Irvington home must I : be sold; best district; real bargain. AB ! $1 112, Oregonian IRVINGTON HOMES. ALL PRICES. sek NET? HA USER ft CO.. 703 LEWIS BLDG. 5-ROOM house. 12 per cent on purchase r4 Star-t. price. Rummell & Rummeli. 2 FINE 6-room bungalow, modern, furnace $ii.o. Jo.) Hawthorne ave. Call Monday. For Sale Houses. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. Ail Dsw and frnfih k tninnra Portland Heights car from Postoftice. tt va nuui muoiuKioD st. fenect.iy mod' rn ho ate, four sleeping-rooms and enam eiea ana tiiea b&tn in upper story; won- iargs living-room with largest cut stone fireplace in city, takintr 5-font mar UQUSUa.' 4llnlnZ-r('Om wit n rua nrifiil rtA lst and fireplace: dram of kitchen, all white enamel and tiled floor. 3 built-in fi-e.esj cookers, hcoded aa range snd ail Dutch kitchen conveniences; maid's rooro bath and toilet, h-'atlsg ptaiit,- laundry, wins ciosets, etc. to lower story and large stor age basement below; solid oak stairs, great porcn and sleeping porch. This is ens of j.-ie most unusuai places in Portland Am leaving city, will sell for $iOUO. liberal terms to risbt parties. Phone or address W Sf. Scott, owner. Carlton Hotel, city, and arrangements will be made for your .ion. NEW and modern 12-room residence situ ated in the heart of Irvington. The rooms and hall are all large and spacious and finished in mahogany, oak and white v .mill;. x nis is witnout doubt one of tn 1 1 a est residence properties in Portland and will bear the closest scrutiny of the most critical. Inspection of premises. price and terms only to those actually inter ested in the purchase of a first-class A-l in uu em nome. Af isi. Oregonian. UK SALE That new haui in Ir.mrtnn n,. 17tn Nrt. between Siskiyou and Klickitat. East front, aide street, fins trees. large living-room, 14x25, dining room, cabinet kitchen and breakfast-room downstairs, threo bedrooms ard' inclosed sleeping porch upstairs. White enamel Aimaiii, me mantei, narawood floors. Cer tain conuitions make it possible to otter this place at a very low price. Address vj pn-rucuiars at? o. oregonian. THAT VACANT LOT. .Te.0-tTURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME '! WK Will. ivmjvia tul- $9$-Y' KUILD APARTMENTS. RESl ThCE OR ANYTHING: PLANS FREE; S.xr AFr RESPOXSBLE; WE KNOW itr VUV1?- ;V" V" ASXTS; SEE iABINGTO.N BLDG. 5-ROOM strictly modern practically new ..home In Rose City Park. This place has t.cij convenience, large llreplace. hard ooa rioors. all built-in effects, 5Oxlu0 juut jot. tine lawn, irult trees and flow ers. garage; must sell quick. $11400. i.UUI .1.1. A SNAP it sold at once, good 7-room dwell In k-. Hawthorne district, hardwood floors. Airepiace. lurnace. sleeninir rtnrr-y, Baragu. ground 50x115, easy terms. Phone For Sale business Property. CHOICE business lot. 2nxll i, oouievara. ail improvements paid, "w. ,ii .en ior wu ou terms. iSue ai ,,i r-iatt Dtag. ivjyjAib. modern, clears $50 now: price ?. . h aom- trade; no agents. Phone fuburuan tiomc- 1'niprnj. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close t3 carlins; easy terms; a 111 build to suit purchaser. Pnone Marshall 15S5 or Sellwood 4711 JOHN GIBSON. ' ' V I. IV. ForSalt Farms. ULbT dairy farm in Clausop County, on . "i.,.'"""' AoLona ana warren- ton; JU0 acres, more or less, of grass land capacity ior 2j rows; all fenced and well equipped; good buildings, hay in barns, roots la ground, sufficient for 75 . or 100 cows. Will furnish 50 cows and horses. Cash rent. Approved bonds re quired. Come, telegraph or telephone Dr FOR SALE BY OWN E It. jou-acre larm in Central Oregon- SO acres m cultivation; one and one-half miles from town; attractive bungalow easy terms. Take good late model auto- ...,,, iut ,oiu .luuress dox 20 1. Red mord. Or. IMPItOVEL. FARM 156 ACRES. Coud buildings, good soil runninir wa f woth of stock and implement All 54900 Easy terms or will sell half with or without personal property T. J. HAMMER. 390vi Morrison" St. iuu seeded to wheat, threa i nf. v."""""; good water, old buildings Particulars M. Fitzmaurice. Condon. Or. FSw. SALE Cowlits County stump lands. i10T,..acre up; gooa ell watered. J R. Sharp. 430 Pittock block. Portland JFor Kale Acreage FI E acres, about In cultivation, good barn, cheap shack, spring water, lies hign and sightly, nearly level, 10y- miles south east of Morrison bridge, near Mt. Scott, nice tract for a little home, very cheap price 100O. 1 acre, brush all cleaned, lies beautiful and sightly. I mile south of end of Wood stock carline, 1-3 mile north from Bel! station on Estacada carline; very cheap at 750 cash. These 2 tracts are fine Investments. J. W. OG1LBEE, Room 11. 14-j1 First St., Portland. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland. Gresham district; near electric station; $75 to $oo per acre; easy terms; best soil, free wood. Farms for sale, all sizes FRANK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO. 300 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. temporary reduction in the price of Willamette Valley Irrigated land' In dry Summers one irrigated acre does the vork of 2 or 3, easy terms to the right people. Some tracts improved; all in cui tivation. J. Hartog. 269 stark, near 4th INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE YOU BUI 15 acres near Orenco; best black loam oil. all cultivated: 225 per acre; will di vide and give easy terms if desired. S.a Mr. Handy, owner. 2UI Stock Exchana. bldg. Marshall 265. TO dairymen only; will cut price to SIOO per acre: nothing down for 3 vears land in cultivation; ,o bldgs. J. liartog "69 .stark, near 4th. oOO ACRE tracts at Metzger station; near church, school and tore; 30 minutes out on Or. Elec. Inq. 211 Lumber Ex hldi UcALllrLL 2-acre tract, 5-cent fare; mak. offer. Box 120. Lents P. O. M ANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT $2500 bungalow in Hawthorn dis trict: i-an pay good cash payment and would like to exchange good lot as part of purchase price. No attention without particulars. A K 1S7, Oregonian IMPROVED acreage near Portland to rent way Uis8erm mu,t be reasonable. Broad- WANTED A 5-room bungalow within ten uiona 01 oa ana jast uusan. Phone East 156 or B 2244. WANTED Best bargain I can find in a 5 room bungalow for cash. K 18S, Oregonian. WANTED Small Income business property part cash, part trade. AO 190. Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR SALE My 3 years' lease on 0 acres of good land with good buildings- one years rent already paid; 6 good cows i fresh: a new cream separator: 5000 k'aie plants, hogs, chickens, wood and apples and some hay for $500. Address H. R, Stayton, Or.. Route No. t. FOR RENT Dairy ranch, about 10O acres bottom land, close to city; barn and small dwelling-house, inquire J. H. Middleton. . -. .icuiu-ri tix v-ummerce. DAIRY milk route, auto delivery, must sell; place for lease. X 182, Oregonian. FOR SALE T1MBEB LANDS, TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M KAY BLDG . FAMISJVASTED. SMALL ranch. 7 to 12 acre, close In small house, pay cash. AC 108, Oregonian, WANTED TO RENT FA RM S. WANTED To rent a small ranch suitable for dairying and hog-raising: prefer one equipped; may buy later. Address D L. Peterson. Beach. N Dak. GOOD farm, 50 to 160 acres, 1 or more years. Box 441. Ritzvllle, Wash. TO EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE 7 acres lmnrnve,, nnli -to miles from center of Portland, in Clarke Co., Wash., close to carline. no rock or Kiavei. price juvu, incumbrance $10o0 not due; want house and lot or vacant lots or what have you? No commission, owners only. 1210 Macrum ave.. East St. Johns Or DON'T miss the best ISO acres In Coloiadi. 1 mile from town; rich soil, irrigated Price $5000. Will sell or trade for Port land property, without incumbrance, lira A. Lust, owner. 4505 42d ave. s. K. WW car. No agents. YES. BUSINESS IS GOOD. We deal exclusively n exchanges We can trade your property; no junk wanted. AYERS & SMITH. Main 7266 501 Northwest Bide $30,000 PORTLAND income property, ln wants Seattle vacant assume. E 189, Ore- cumbrance, or improved: will gonian. 160-ACRE, partly improved farm in wheat ueii, lutiuw, ior .,-1 1 11 nouse, prerer Al berta district. Answer quick, leaving for home next Thursday. 1027 E. 33d North 1500 EQUITY lu new, modern bungalow for sale or trade for clear lots or acreage in Willamette Valley. Young. 6014 49it st. S. E. Sell. 1350. SIX-ROOM house, restricted district, paved streets, for larger house: will assume. BD 127. Oregonian. NEW piano In exchange for clear citv 1ir; state location and price. AP 30, Oregonian. TO EXCH.1XGK REAL ESTATE. REAL BARGAINS FOR EXCHANGE AND SALE. 117' 1 ml1 from Corvallls: HIGH ORADE; includes $5000 personal- price $32,000: terms and up to $15,000 ia good property. $SH acres on electric railroad, all In culti vation: up to $6000 In clear property and terms. 1 acres t. mile Corvallls; Improved: a snap; no trade; $3500 1 acres. 10 bearing prunes; Improved: bargain for $3500. 105 acre. Improved, including stock and Implements. $4500; terms or $2000 io good property. 315 acres well improved close to market: -tvT-r!!-,!'T.!,?aP'" $19,000; on easy terms. WRITE. ICR COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. MORGAN i WALKER. Corvallls. Or. W;T ,HO?D RIVER ORCHARD OR fe.2D kA.N'XEAR PORTLAND CLEAR F?3nv?II?v?,-.GED VALENCIA AND VM2"OVt: -v MILES ' FKOM LOS A-a.w H?r ALUE $::i,0m. MORTGAGE ,",:Srl,l-iJ ANGELES RESIDENCE i.A,H? l0,0t. MORTGAGE S30O0. 5ir?Sl'p.AS? PROERT Y ONLY. CON SIDERED. J. B. CHAFFEY. 1102 HAAS BLDG.. LOS ANGELES. CAL. WILLAMETTE meats, $600 S0, substantial improve- want residence. Owner. Chauncey Barney, Oregon Clty TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. ton SALE or trat'e. Corona folding type w,r,iJer wlt'i carrying case and equitvof $13o in lot. Alberta district; open for any if. L,. . trade' ,45 Buchanan bldg. Phone M. 6943. . Not In Sunday IX)K SALE. Ilorses. Vehicles. Harnr... Etc SP.AN of matched bays, mare and gelding, 5 and 8 years old. weighing about 23O0 lbs.; good work team, single or double, with set of double harness, $125. Span ot mares, 4 and 8 years old, weighing -300 lbs., sound and true to pull, $150. Model Stables, 5th and Davis. FARM OUTFIT conpiete: good sound team norses. 1200 lbs. each. 55, Bear' n,'ca l"0u-lb. fat chunk, good saddler, works single and double: small, medium-sized horses, several wagons and io- i- . '"", 11 o reasonaoie offer. ISo L. Market, corner Grand ave. 1Hr 7:,AKES Eood serviceable ranch lean EUstark'UrneSS lBrm wagon. 10( DEAD horses and animals hauled away fre. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co ONE horse and wagon by day. $1 25 J Co hen. 546 Front at. Main 220S. Main 9S5. 1JLAD horses and cattle taken away tree. Call day or night. Tabor 4208. PASTURE wanted for 3 horses by ' -" w.w.. aL.. runiano. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. wlU close out: $350 Arion upright, oak . . $3oO Bradford upright, oak. 450 Chlekerlng & Sons..... $400 Bradbury piano $165 Packard organ ........ $&50 Autoplano player 145 casb 125 casa 95 caau 65 casa 85 cash 25 cash 265 casn TO FliiST CALLERS 19 4th. near Was a. 7oc monthly will store your Diana. suo CASri buys $4o0 Chickering, old model 5J50 cash buys $o,o McCammon upright right"' aS uuys 4-5 Vose & Sons up- S05 cash buys $25 pianola player and $Su worth of rolls, all closed out by Se curity storage Co. to first caller at 100 4th. st. TOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY NOW $25.00 disc talking machine. ......i 6 00 $ 35 00 dlse talking machine $1400 75.00 disc talking machine $2500 lloO.OO disc talking machine sua ou $1 or more cash, 50c or mora montuljl SCHWA N PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. . PIANOS. I owe a balance of $2-0 on a $i!5C play er piano, but am unable to finish my contract: rather than lose all I have paid will trade my equity and transfer the account: what have you to offer? BP 1S5 On-iroiiian. Sl'HL'MAX.N llano. Beautiful walnut ca, .Breaking up housekeeping and must sell at once price $175: part terms if ne'ees- ?i A . ,havJ' a Ponograph and some fui-nimre left. BF lsw. Oregonian. WE VILL trade our almost new piano that ..ou ,cu nine uee tor a trola and some records. BF gonian. good Vic- 1S7. Ore- FREE use of piano or player piano for 2 - - '-e u'ip'wy auvertlsement or call Sehwan 1'lano Co., 111 4th st. FOR. SALE $S0 diamond disc Dhonoeranh with selection of es: used one weli $115. H !(). CITY lot wanted, clear. In exehance for new and location. .w, .u.vimg quote lowest nnrp , ,1 cKomaii. "Al -LOT , WANTED, clear. In exchange new piano; wnen answering quote low- "J1- ."u. location. xu hs. oregonian. FREE use of piano or player piano for ! u. years. See display and advertisement o: '""11 o.. 111 tn at. WANTED ALL KINDS OP MKnr-IlAV- r''" .,. ..-era. ituicc lurniture. bouse, hold goods, stoves. Main 44H5. 128 Firt I HAVE a Columbia Tender which I am unable to complete my con- Bceniiee. n i,:i, ureeon an. ill pay cash for your old upright or " J1'1" eau in ,tn 8T- PRIGHT piano, beautiful mahogany case value ;4Q. take $175. 747 E. llth st WILL pay cash for your ol.l nr;Hr square piano. Call 111 4th st. logs. Birds, Pet Stock. ENGLISH SETTERS FOR SALE. uiii)rtu fjngllsh setter puppies. Brand-daughters of Count Whitcstone aiid Babblebrook Joe. $25. Phone Main 2149. iu., I1KI1I TO IRK. 11 FOR SALE -Old English sheep dog, "male. ;d. Full pedigree. Inquire 275 ; -iv.'. 0,0 run pedigree. Inqu ... ......i.. 1 nuiio pmquway y. I .nnfv' viJi-'T v8, 5 GOOD DOGS. " .J. aaiaLAUA. (JO. CANARIES In fine song for sale. Main 85 Automobiles. $3!ir Electric lights and sturtur ft-na.. sender car; A-l condition. sjoo will handle 1012 Reo good condition. 5-passongcr 250 will haiulle 6-cvIlnder 2!ll car; good condition. passenger $1.,0 --passenger Htipmobile; don't ....p u u i. ituu see tnem. BROADWAY GARAGE. tn anu Broad way. twi4 CHALMERS Master six, 5 or 7-pass. o swiu urea anu car has been run very little will give easy terms. This Is a beautiful car and w ill be sold at an ex- cvpiiouaiiy jow price. Phone Mr. Baer Main 1143. FOR HUNTING AND FISHING ii V or. o-Pass-, in the best of ....ii....v.i vwuuiLiou, gooa tires etc. w consider small cash payment, bala'nce easy terms. Price Is right. Phone Broadwuy FOR SALE One of the best 6-cvlinder 7 passenger automobiles on the market, ner. feet condition, like new. late model- will exchange for first mortgage on real es- -A .-. " gooa lot or small machine. 4i.0-4.j4 Hawthorne ave. H. C. Smidt. NE..1913 FORD RUNABOUT b6"diES$ TOURING BODIES. $75. including lur- HvVv" bodies tOP: " "yle" ot For BEN J. E. BOONE & CO. 514 Alder St.. Portland. Or. USED CAR BARGAINS. Largest Pric Rlgh NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY Broadway 8S7. A 4959. Broadway and Co,.- riAvt, bougnt --ton truck; will sell mv completely rebuilt 3, -ton Menominee truck very reasonable. AF lba. Orego nian. GARAGEs erected complete. $30 up- cut or portable houses, $125. TAKE-DOWN MFa CO 54S Water St.. near Harrison Ma'ln 1167. C. C. LANDY. specializing on Garforda trucks and MrnHK.t, Willis utility King SL Garage. King at Washington! Mam 8412. LA:-:SY r-adstei newly painted, 4 mTw tires, perfect mechanical condition. A bar. .v. ....). .auuui a good car. Lents Garage. 1912 APPEP.SON Jackrabblt. 3-pass com pletely overhauled and repainted; a' high grade touring car; win sell very low fle ure; some terms. Phone Broadway 887 1915 LOZIER roadster. SO per cent lesl than factory cost, by owner. Car can be seen at Northwest Auto Co.. Broadwav inH Couch sts. Both phones. ana FOR .ale cheap. l.VOO-lb. truck, good run nlng order. Phone Marshall 2225 or Mar shall 2894. WILL pay cash for used Ford car. " BENJ. E. BOONE ft CO 514 Alder Street, " MUoT sell my 1912 Reo touring car at once at sacrifice: will consider any offer: dem onstrate anywhere. Woodlawn 3566. CHALMERS SIX. roadster, self-starter elec". trie lights, forced -sale, $750 lath. Main 1225. 1013 SIX-CYLINDER ROADSTER FOR OlkOXl ADE: GOOD DEAL. S IBS. 1 WILL pay cash for used Fords FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE!, E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. BEST washing and polishing In city for $1 garage. King st at Washington. Main 34121 SEVERAL good. Tilgh-clas. cars for sale vsry cheap. 490 Burnslde. Main 6822. Finch. FOR SALE. Anromublle BARGAINS IN USED AUTO! Large stock. Prices $300 to $750l OREGON MOTOR CO.. Studebaker Bldg., Corner Chapman and Alder. Automobiles IV anted. IF YOU want to sell that automobile, call Main 22. 41)0 Burnslde. Mr. Finch Automobiles for 11 Ira. FOR HIRE Reasonable, clean, dacsv Hud son car: safe, saie driver. Main 557S. 4-3-7-PASS. cars and limousine. $1.50 up: zone rates. A 67H1. Mam 51S3. Livestock. FOR SALE Large Yorkshire boars, ready for service; can make -immediate ship ment. Coldstream Ranch, box 79, Routs -, (jaston. or. FROM 1 to loo dairy cow terms, druott. vuu civjv.j.tas. 1. ij, ciregonlan. Machinery. ii NTED Heavy duty Corliss engine, 2Sx 4S or its equivalent in a twin; give con dition and history; must bo in good shape CLEAR LAKE LUMBER COMPANY, Clear 1-aiie. Wash EQUIPMENT FOR RENT AND FOR SALaL COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO.. loua Yeon -BldE- Main B7U5. A S33u. Launches and Boats. 3-ROOM houseboat. Deftly built, with 4 11. $250. . moiorooat Iioats. et,'. for nuiclf .no Main 441IS. Marshall 719. to-ROOM houseboat, newly built, with 4 H. P. motoiboat, f.oats, etc.. for quick sale, $2-o. Marshall 44HS. Marshall 917 Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $S and up; 6 months' rent apptled on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Cum pany. 86 Broadway. Portland, Or. WE lave you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department W'HOLE- SALE TYPEWRITER CO.L 321Wash. SL TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co.. 263 Stark SL Main 5528. NSW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. p., 2gi Stark 8L slain 1407. Miscellaneous. WE BUY. sell and exchange all kinds of second-hand and rebuilt National cash, registers. Easv terma NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO, 352-354 Burnslde, cor. 8th. Broadway 1816. A 181. BOOK KEEPER'S desk and chair, tvpewnter desk. 1 writing table, 1 flat-top oak table. 1 wrapping counter. 1 15UO Ibb. Kairbunks platform scale; also a lot or machine tools, propellers and marine engines. Una Power Suply Co.. 170 Front. Mar. 5172. SEWING MACHINES 200 siight.y used sewing machines, all makes, v. HI be closed out- Drop beads, $5 and up: -'ox tops. $ and up. S. S. Siegel. two storvx 3S3 Al der st.. and 242 Alder st. SEWING MACHINES, new and secood-hand. sale or rent, $3 up. Sewing Machine Em porium. 190 Sd st, near Taylor. Main 9431. A 3626. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles and snotguns; cameras, kodaks and lenses oouynt. sold and exchanged. Hochfeld's Camora Exchange. e5 3d at. BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowlnig alleys and accessories: easy payments. The BrunsTi iek-Bulke-Col lender Ca.. 40-48 Sth ELECTRIC MOTORS for sale, trade or rent: expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnslde st. Broadway or A 5674. CASH REGISTERS. slightly used; our prices are lower, cash Register .Exchange. 351 Washington st. Main 606. A 3606. ELEC. MOTORS FOR RENT. FORSALSi. B. E. DAVIS & CO.. 10$ E. Water st- East 3146. B 2830. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon; per gallon, $1.75. Portland j-aiut Co.. 2",o Front st. Marshall 100. WANTED To tradtj beach lot fo furni ture. Call before 12 o'clock. Marsnuil 402. FERTILISER; well rotted cow manure for ale. We deliver. Phone East 286L USE l'asseii's Native Hers fo. rheun-atlsm. &t tablets for :!5e. All Urucrists. BEARING size apple trees. 50c each, Ml'.ch ell Nursery, Tacoma. Wash. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale price. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st- Main 797. ROYAL coffee and peanut roaster, motor attached; $165. Cost $350. 55 Union ave. WANTED to trade beach lot for furniture. Call before 12 o'clock. Marshall 462. LAW books, Enclyclopedia of Forms, IS vols., great bargain. Phone East 2407. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SCO.ND-HA.ND CLUTHIia. We pay the highest price for ladle and gents east-otr clothing, bicycles aiui very thins la merchandise. Call ub i p. We need it and will pay for it. GLOBE tiiOHii. First. Tjlaln 2usu. Alaia 20 SO. VT CALL. PROMPTLY. THE GEV'i llTZ FUKNITL'KK CO., 185-187 Fint St. Will buy good used furniture, ruga, ranges and hou&ehoid goods; phone for an appointment with our buyer. Marshall GEVL'RTZ FUKX1TUKE 5 T 0 1 1 K. 207 FIRST ST. 207 FIRST ST. Marsha! 687. W buy your eecond-hand f urnltura, rtoves end other household gocjia. Highest Prices Paid. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or ell household gooaa or anything iti the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware A Furniture Co., 2iU Front. Phone A. 3174. Main 9072. ilJSU FURX1TURB CO.. 184 1st. Main 768. 184 1st. Call on us and get our estimate on your furniture and household good, before dis posing of same. STANDARD FURNITURE CO., Mala 47T3. 1S2 1st bl Main 4773. Pays best prices lor your furniture, etc. WANTED At once, GO II. p., U-v 3-phae motor; statu full particulars. M 157, Or- SECOXD-HAND clothing buyer. J. Meyer, tailor, pays more for clothing, shoes. Call Marshall liiUH. Madison street. WILL POY CASH FOR PECOND.1IAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. phone main 3;i:;-j. a -Jr.e7. RESPONSIBLE company would like to rent Ford with delivery body by month. Tabor 42ui. WS tint rooms for $2.r0; do good paintin? work, c harlrs O'Mara, East 'i-.i. I BUY ladies and men's clothes; pay the lilghcst pricea. Broadway WANTED National cash"" register. Main tkJtt. 301 Washington st. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for your furniture. Ii04 1st. Main 4027. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture of VTl deecrlp-lons. Main 30. Kline's. at'S First. WANTED All kinds of records and phono graphs. Main 4410. 128 1st st. STRICTLY American dealers Jn used furnl ture; square deal our motto. Sell 1682. SCALES Portable or dormant ; state stse, prlve and location. AE 112. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. WHY NOT DRESS UP? Uncalled for suits and overcoats for sal $2 up. ORPHEt'M CLEANERS. 355 Stark. Cor. Park. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. Oregon's oldest, beat equipped and most practical school. Day and night classes. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. WANTED Party to lease well-paying mush- a uui" (.arcs w ;ui3 u w iicr gUJS C U.S I , pieUl spawn on hand, good market, verv reason Ubie. See Nelaon, Rocky ave., Parkrosx R C car. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part expenses provided. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash WANTED Two more young men to travel for advertising purposes. Eastern firm. Call at Carlton Hotel. Hours, after A. M. Ask for Mr. Dufek. WANTED Three young men to fit then.. selves for wireless cperators at tiie Y. M. C. A. Wireless School, corner 6th and Tay lor streets ,XF rSKIENCED salesman. must furmsli $oH bone ; tirst-class references required, no investment required. AD 19tj, Ore gonian. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert u it ia- 4j$ iv a,Aiu j uu me oaroer traao In 8 weeks; tools free ; position guaran teed; paid while learning. 232 2d, nr. Main, MILKER for Hi to 25 cews. $50 to 55 month wunout roara. (jertinger stock Farm, Washougal, Wash. WANTED 10 young men to take the course Schools, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. OMPETENT (i-0or patehc.- wanted k T a ri m work and feood wages AddIv to Han.'. goou McCleaiy Timber Co.. McCleary, Wash. MAN to work In rea.1 estate office; steady orK van raahe gooa wages; ,U re quired. 247 Vi Couch et. FIRST-CLASS coat operator, steady work. good pay. and must be ready to go to work at once. Ray Barkhurst. 94 6th et. WANTED A tailor. 302 Madison st. near r ii hi. WANTED - Young man to learn barber Mississippi av.'' trade. 83 REGULAR and social edition ad solicitors. --'- s vuif . oiolk .xcnange. i