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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1915)
TII"E MORNING OREGON! AN. THURSDAY. JULY 1013. 13 PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ABSTRACTS AXU TITLES. PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prices. Pacific Title & Truat Co.. 7 Ch. of Com. , ACCORDION PLEATING. Pleating, hemstitching, picotlng. braiding. Eastern Novelty Co.. 35' 5th. BdWy Jfr0. K. STEPHAN Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons covered, goods sponged: mail orders. 383 Alder. M. 9373. ASS A YE RS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, M2Vi 2d. Gold, 1 silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. J- S. NELSON. LAWYER, 618 PITTOCK BLK. CONSULTATION FREE. BD'y 5175. CARPET WEAVERS. FLUFF RUGS RAG RUGS. Naw rugs from old ingrain. Brussels. Smyrna, Axminster carpets; carpet clean ing, refitting, resizing; country orders prompt attention. Send for booklet. West ern Fluff Bui Co.. 54-58 Union ave. North. Phone E. 6515. B 1475. KORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old car. Pets, rag rugs. 1S8 E. 8th. Both phones. CELLCLOID BUTTONS. BADGES. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 87 Washington au Main 312 and A 1254. CHIROPO DI STS. Wlhtam. Estulle and WUUam. Jr.. Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Office Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. IR. POULSON, specialist in paralysis, nerv ous, chronic diseases. 350 Plttock. Mock. Broadway 282. M'MAHON, sixth year. Chronic cases taking time. 31 treatments. t!5. 121 4th t. CLEANING AND PRESSING. DRESS SUITS for rent. We press one suit each week for $1.50 a month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO.. 809 Stark Bt.. bet. 5th and 6th. Main 81 4. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywhere Highest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency, 42 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 4SQ. KETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 173. No collection, no charge. Established 1900. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, S5H 5th St., bet. Stark and Oak; sp'l Summer rates. 5 private lessons, $2; morning, afternoon, evening, all latest dances guaranteed. Class Thurs., Sat. evenings. 7-8:30. Children's classes Sat.. 2 to 3. 25c. Broadway 2160. ilR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOL; lessons daily; all dances guaranteed. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Come today. M. 8018. WHOLESALE AND AUTO AND BCKGV TOPS. DUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 2d at. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park A Davis. BREAD BAKERY. r.oyal Bakery & Conf.. Inc.. 11th & Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1NHARD, 13th and Burnslde. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. FURNISHINGS. KLEIPCHNER, MAYER & CO.. 207 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Ftubbs Electrical Co., 6th and Pine sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOUSER. Board of Trade Bldg. GROCERIES. WADHAMS & CO., 67-73 Fourth St. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO., 54-55 HIDES, WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS., 11 Front St. HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEFF BROS., 614 WORCESTER BLDG. Main 881. Phones All 78. IKON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND. OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT. FOUNDRY. NEW TODAY. STOP AT Newly re furnished, p a p r ed 4th and Aide sou rfow- vated enlamed lobby ail modern con veniences. Rooms, with private bath, tl per day up; without. 15c up. Because the rates aro low don't think the serv ice Is poor. Special rates by week, or month. Several rooms with wail beds, making them practically suites. MORTGAGE LOANS n Improved city and farm property at curiest rates. Attractive repayment privileges. l4&nB quickly closed. Call today. 0 LARGE LOANS Oil C0f O JC BUSINESS PROPERTIKJ O ,0 A. H. BIRRELL CO. 317 - 21U Northwestern Bank HuUdlng. Marshall 4114. A 4118. E0WKI1ET NORTHWESTERN DANK gull-DINO mortIaqeLOANS REAL K8TATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO.. Wilcox bldg. H. P., 404-405-406 BENEDICT BROS.. 9S0 Hawthorne ave. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. CLEAR LOT WANTED. Have had to tai'e over two well ap pointed 7 and 8-rocra houses located. In the heart of the best section of Laurel hurst, rentod at $30 per mo. each. Cannot nanale same to tauvantage ana wouia take in eood clear lot. balance easy terms. No agents, R. H. Torrey. 2704 Stark st- Main mud, A. lou. FORCED TO DO IT. J 1200 lot within the two-mile circle. 12 minutes out, 80 feet of car, and business at.: will take $550 today, half cash, bal ance on time ; exceptional opportunity . Address owner, T Wb, oregonlan. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, two lots, 50x102 each, located ou East Jyith st. and Steele ave., near Reed Institute; must be sold to settle an estate; no reasonable orrer re fused. Address E- E. Beardsley, 1057 86th St., Brooklyn. N. x. WE have the lowest price lots in the city, any first-class district. ill build on these or yours to suit you. Monthly pay ment plan if desired. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. LOWER PORTLAND-H E I GHTs! $1000 exceptional view bungalow site, 15 min. walk of Postofflce; cash payment 1-3, any time on balance. Main 66o0, own er. 523 Corbett bldg. A LARGE beautiful view tract. West side, 5-cent fare, 13 minutes' car ride, city water; best value in Portland for $350; $10 down. $5 a month. M. E. Lee, 05 Corbett bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Have several downright sacrifices, both In lots and houses; make an offer. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 8889. ALAMEDA PARK LOT View; ry choice; $120 cash if taken at once; $1350 on part terms: only private parties need apply. AE 947, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted to drive delivery rig and help in store ; must be satisfied to make $25 week. Call Room 32l Mor g an Bldg. 75x100 ON 29th st.; hard-aurfaced nts., sew er and sidewalks in. $1100. East -Beach Property. WILL exchange unincumbered beach lot, near station and ocean, for fully paid for Vlctrola AL 74, Oregonlan. CANNON BEACH lot 150x100, ocean view, cheap, terms. 820 Cha mber of Commerce. For Sale Houms. BARGAIN Corner lot, small house, block Kui ton ran naved street, cement slde- ' walks, cear. $SHH cash. BD 000, Orego nlan. WE'LL build on your lot or one of ours. any part of city. See us about our rental . payment pi an. j, ne Oregon xionie -duuu era. 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. low; nice neighborhood ; 'for $2750; terms to suit. Tag gar t, 410 unamoer 01 com merce. FOR SALE New, modern lH-tory bunga low In Irvington; complete in every detail; price Houu. rnona Hi. 4040. , l-ROOM bungalow. Inquire of owner at 647 ! L 42d N. roadway . DETECTIVE AGEXCIBb. PINKERTON & CO., U.S.DETECTIVE AGCY. Established over 30 years. SCIENTIFIC DETECTIVE WORK. Investigations and reports made on Indi viduals anywhere. Consultation free. Suite 3"4 Plttock block. Phone Broadway 673. EYE, KAK. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday, 547 Dekum bldg.. 3d & Wn. HAT CLEANING AND BLOCKING. PANAMAS blocked and bleached 75c; straws & felts 50c Kaufman's, 44-SS 3d. nr. Stark. INSURANCE. DAVID M. DUNNE, gen'l insurance; fire, marine, auto. 530 and 53S Cham, of Com. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 2153. MCSICAX. Emil Thlelhorn, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk, 207 Fliedner bldg. A 41B0. Marshall 1629. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. A fight on high prices. Why J"f pay $5 to 1 1 2 ft J when I can "" with first - qi lu ior glasses fit your eyes Quality lenses. gold-filled frames as low as $1.50 ? C. W. Goodman, 200 Morrison. Mail orders prompt ly filled. Write for particulars. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice U. foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 34s3. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS "PICK THE BEST" Household Goods Specialists. Storage, Packing, Ship ping and Moving. Horse or Auto Vans. Special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. 2d & Pine Sts., Broadway 56. A 19. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 474 Glisan St.. corner 13th. Telephone Main 89 or A W own and operate two large class "A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In city. MOVING. PACKING, SHIPPING. STORAGE Reduced freight rates to all points. MANNING Warehouse Transfer Co., Main 703. 0th and Hoyt. A 2214. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office 1S Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7rt!l. VETERINARY SCHOOLS. S. K. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 13. No profession offers equal opportunity. Catalogue free. C. Keane, pres., 1S18 Mar ket st., San Francisco. " WOOD. GREEN and dry slabwood, blockwood. Pan ama Fuel Co.. Main 5720. A MANUFACTURERS LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. CHAS. Lv MASTICK & CO., 74 Front; leather or every description; taps, mrg. nnainc. MEN'S AMI WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 5th st. MILLTNERY. BHAD9HAW BROS, Morrison and 7th sts. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire & Iron Wks.. 2d A Columbia. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor streets. PIPE, PIPE ITTT1NGS AND VALVES. M. L. lvLlNH, 84-S6 Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-S8 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUIJLISHERH. W. BALTES & CO.. 1st and Oak PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARIlELL, 140 Front. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOOKS ANI GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. REAL ESTATE. For 8ale Houses. TRAGIC CUT IN PRICE. Price cut $600 to compel Immediate action, bnappy 6-room Laurelhurst bun galow, 2 blocks from car, finished in white enamel, hardwood floors, fireplace, pinie-Siasa winaows; ail on nrst floor ex cept sleeping porch; large attic. It's yours this week for S3400, 5300 cash and $30 oer month. Also have 6-room laurel hurst bungalow, for $-.(H), 100 cash and e- mommy, including interest. jr. M Bushong, 2703 Stark st. Main 1503, A 1513. VERY EAST HOUSEWORK HERE. Beautiful, brand new. 7 -room hunninv hardwood floors throughout, located In bungalow block In Laurelhurst; sleeping and sun porches, garage with roof garden overhead; everything the very latest, and uuttuuiui; muoi o seen to Dd appreciated price ior quick sale only 4a00; vry easy terms if wanted. Phone and I'll call with auto and show you, J. W. Crossley. Main THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN" A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE HUl 1- JJ A 1' A KTJ11S.N Tri, R ES 1 DEXCE OR ANYTHING; FLANS FREE WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK; WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. mia, 54 AJ31NGTON BLDG. 1RVINGTON HOME PACRIFICE. GOING EAST. Business takes me away next week; will refuse no reasonable offer on my new home, H rooms, bath, maid's room and sleeping porch : small amount down and reasonable monthly payments; fireplaces upstairs and downstairs; elegant lawn k mi iiowern. n,ast tiVl, NOTHING or amall payment down, balance ?25 monthly, including interest, will ouy ihhu uun-remeni owner vno win be in city in lew days, t -room modern house. large sleeping porch, furnace basement, tx 300 lot. lawn and lots of roses. H block irom car. x& minutes to 6th and Washing nuiu Aqaresa a . f . uregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Strictly modern. 2-story houee. 6 room and sleeping porch, large living-room, porches, lawn, downstairs papered, ud- stairs white enamel; paved street; 1 block io car, ior quicK sale win make price at LIST OF DESIRABLE HOMES. twiore baying be sure to look at our ijhl or. orana new, exquisite tiomea in LAU KfcLHURST. the addition of beautlfu nome3, ranjring rrora 2ouo up. Laurel hurst Co.. ZiOV. Stark st.. or mt tr flee In Laurelhurst, E. 39th and Glisan sts. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 498 E. 41ST ST. N.; $50 CASH. Brand new. very swell. BOxHju lot diock car, living-room 26x14, swell 6-ft utsveieo. giass ourret, iirepiace, parquet h-jtjib, "";nn6 iiviizu. rn'ine i a Dor 1 HAVE lot in Lenox Addition, near Holgate, M.IIU U BIB.. WUIWl BIUU. i win build rooms, modern, and sell the whole thin to responsible party for $2000, easy term i ou can plan the house if you wish. L, K, taney tompgny, ADington D1Q g. HAVE lot in Lenox Addition, near Holgat una oa sis., worm i uu. l Will build rooms, modern, and sell the whole thin to resnonfible oartv for S2fH pdv tor-. You can plan the house If you wish. L. R. paiiey Liimtiaoy, Aoington Diug. vtilli acu iur nuiujiiR aown ana iZu per uuuow uiai tuM ijj uui.a L5uo, an uu lwo iuui, vacn iuuxdv total cost wri ibuo. iocatea near iiontaviiia. Will on these easy terms for $2550. L. Bailey Company, Ablngton bldg. R O S ECI T Y PARKBARGAIN. " IL Six-room two-story, thoroughly modem latest model and built-in features; leav ins city; sacrifice; terms or cash. Owner, NEAT 4 -room bunralow, large closet, large porch, 6 ft. wide, t'4 ft. long; beautiful lew ui tin, slue, mountains, river -ny wMirr. irice oniy oo; I0U dow iu b. raonm. ja. t.. bee, ooa Corbett bid EXQUISITE LAURELHTIHST HOvn- For tale at a great sacrifice for real cash xiivTsa m rraoii. ve simpiy got to hav the money within 19 3a. AD S43, Orego A BIG BARGAIN. a-room house, near car, fruit trees lot 33 1-3x100; owner up against it; going at uw, ni uBi uo oiu; terms. 5i 99, Ore1 guiuan. 3-ROOM house. lot 80x105: all kinds of - den. household furniture: located on n tn ner; an ior casn, Dal. XIO pe month. SMITH ft HOUCK, 01 Henry Bldg. NEW, modern homes for sale or rent Irvington and Laurelhmst. East 2432." For bale Bufclaees Property. $70 PER month Income, 2-story building, 19 furnished roome above, 3 store rooms below; town down the river; 44S0O. AR 5 7. Oregonlan. ftuburoan Home Property. $70f 20 DOWN, $10 a month buys a beau tiful half-acre tract. West side, only IS minutes' ride, 5-cent fare. On a large piece of land like this you can raise vege tables, berries, chickens, etc.. which Is the greater part of your living. M. E. Lee. COS Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home Property. NEST 21-acre suburban home, adjoining Portland, on section line road, good build ings. Bull Run water. 6 acres a.l kind. fruit and berries, fine lawn, -shrubbery, etc. Sell all or part. Haste broa ttls Henry bldg. N Ideal home, 25 min. from town, modern I buncaiow : luiI basement, fireplace. Iur- ce. larre torches flowers, fruit trees. I lawns, nice chicken park, 2 V loca tcheap; price terms. 1640 Fowler ave. Phone Columbia 47. Frank M. Ward, owner. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water. cloe to carllne; easy terms; wiil build to euit purchaser. rnvne jaa.rnaji litbo or reuwooa iO. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. ror Hale -Acremge. & ACRES. SJ50 tlO) down and S5 a month bu-a 5 acres logged-of f land, between Portland and Centra ha, on main line of 8 railroads, 1 miles from town of boO population: aw- mu.s. sningie mil is and otner inausiries. Some of these tracts are oartly cleared and have a spring or running stream on them. Price from f 3o to $75 per acre- Many tracts of different sizes to choose xrom. 000a soil, lies well, line locsuoa. periect title. iJbLL KhiAL bSTATK SJ. 31S Railway Exchange. ACRE HOMESITE AT OSWEGO LAKE. Only -JoO. Water. Ilehts. teleohone. boating, bathing, 26 electric trains pass aany: uc commutation tare: HO down. au montn. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO., 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. ear ortiana, uresnam oiatrict; near electric station; $ to $jQ per acre; easy terms; oesi son, rree wood. Farms for sale, all sizes. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 30i Yeon Bidg., Portland, Or. NVEoTIOATE THIS BEFORE YOU BUT: lu acres, near Orenco ; best black loam son, an cuitivareo; per acre; win di vide and give easy terms If desired. See Mr. Handy, owner, 2t5 Stock Exchange iag. jaarsnau zua. SNAP. 7 V. acres. mils from Nanna. Oregon, or 14 miles from Astoria; can be used either for fruit or gardening. For xunner lnrormaiion, inquire or u. x. tcker, Pilot Rock, Oregon. OR SALE 74 acres; 17 Improved: run-I sing water; iu w coras rirsi -class wooa ; would consider part trade; close in; would sacrifice for cash. Inquire 100 Vs iarauBa. corner fiaisey. h ACRKS on Oregon City carllne, near. Courtney sta. ; good bouse, barn, fruit ireea ana running water; easy terms Amn iucholke, bumner, Iowa. Box lab. NE or two acres, Willamette River front age, near lusley station. S16...0 an acre. also acreage overlooking the river. li. G. oiaraweatner. nia;ey station. ACRE of ground and 4 -room bungalow. 30 minutes out. only iiou, terms. AH regonian. BEA.T1FIX 2-acre tract. 5-cenl fare: make I micr. hoi iu. ienta I'.kj. llommtrada. HOMESTEADS and relinquishments. Ore gon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. western locator j 723 Cham, of turn. WANTED Fairly level piece of land. West ern vregon or Washington; no rock, or sang, goog ror wnvat. a l . oregonli ANTLU Homeetead relinquishment. w-ai-rn urcRon. a i vnrt fregonian. WANTED Homestead relin.i umhment. Oregon, ak m.- Oregonlan. WANTED Homestead reilnuulshment. WANTED Homestead rellnuuishment. """i ' g li . t wot, urfgonian. WANTED Home-tead rcllnqulahmeut. vr-K"u. it wn, uregonian. For bale Fmrms, FOR SALE California lands for alfalfa or I oe?iQuoua fruits, grapes, figs. olives, peaches, apricots, plums snd pears; on railroad; shallow water. Now in cultiva tion l to oOuO-acre tracts. On easy pay ments or lease with option to purchase. Will exchange for Income property. Price o to eiuu peiow surrounding property. anct a big bargain at 70 an acre. Write at k vulc BENJAMIN V. GRAHAM. 53G Title Insurance Building, Los Angeles. California. CO ACRES. J0uO. i mile from Sheridan, u. in cultiva tion. 2 springs, also deed right to tap I t:ity water mains; goiuen opportunity i procure a farm st one-half price. C) DORR E. KEAftKY & CO., 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. 15 A. highly Improved dairy farm. IS mi. rrora Portland on electric Ry.; worth now siuu per acre tatcea it on eaay terms Owner. E. 3. Morgan, Yamhill, Or. FOR SALE Cow lit County stump lands. fv jior cr up, gouu son, wiii watereu J. R, Sharp, 4C0 Pittock block. Portland. 40 ACRES GOOD WHEAT LAND NEAR owner, I Madras. Or., (10 per acre. Address box 264, Washtucna. Wash. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED at once. S to 5 acres on car line or good road within 10 miles of Portland. improved or unimproved, that you will sell , a ob ui uivo mil ueuuia.saa now io renin ymce. .Main DUNCAN. WHEELER & CO., 517 Qham. of Com. bldg. vA.v i-ortiana income Drooertv In ex change for a 44u-acre highly improved la. rum. stocked and equlppea; prloe 130.000 1 for everything; mtg. I1S.750; lies 6 miles -.. xl,. ci cugene. li. a. fatties, 315 Cham per pi commerce. WANTED Vacant corner 1 or 2 lots) be tween Iiawtnorne and Broadway, not east : oi orana ave. Stanley s. Thompson Co., 400 CASH, 16f0 EQUITY In new, modern 6-room bungalow, facing Fandy boulevard; trade for small house. iL.b ouy -s or run lot ea-st of lth at.. not more than 4 blocks south of, Washing ton, r, v. not rortiana. NICELY improved business property, good income, worm ..uu; want gooUO to oU0 resiience. h.:i. urtKonian. HOUSE wanted. S3000 to 5000; I will ex- cnange tots ior it. Main 1164. TH REE to five acres, with house, not too iar out,. wto. uregonian. MuDERN bungalow. West Side; give price anu. terms. mo, uregonian. WANT homestead relinquishment Roseburg. Or. 1107 E. Taylor st. FOR RENT FARMS. FOK RENT Furnished house, a cosy five- room cottage, close ;,, In fine district. rent $'0 per month. Oehler, 415 Yeon bin jr. .Mar. FARM 9 WANTED. PARTY going East desires to communicate I with owners or small Improved farm, con veniently located, near lake 'or river and I good town; Scandinavian settlement; price! reasonable; communicate at once. AU wo5. WANT a gd -arm with stock and eauio- meat: abd $12,000; in exchange for 3 fine bun k a lows, close In. value Si 2.000. mtg. SSOoO; will assume. H. A. Stiles, 31 namoer oi commerce. FOBSALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMRER LANDS BOUGHT AND FOLD. J. McCRAKEN, 304 M'KAT PLDQ. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. BEAUTIFUL R-room house in select resi- u ence a ist net to trsa ror well-locatod timoer lanu. 4 rtenry niog. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATK. fc M A L L butter and egg business; clears SKA to siuo a montn alter all expenses ar paia; can try tne ousiness before you buy full nAnm 9U Uflr.Qn Ul,l CLEANING snd pressing business in crack er jacK location ; no soliciting or deliver ing; nets over 1-5 weekly. Call 16 Yeon GOOD STORE BUILDING. f,X0. inc. S2J."i0: this will put you on easy street if you will hold It. What have you for my equity? PARTNER wanted to heln in a restaurant: be cashier, etc ; good psy and oniy 4 2 ."0 requirca, zuiiy iccuraa. rvooru .ou Mor- gan fctiog. NICE new 6-room modern buncaiow on Mt. IScott carllne to trade for something larger and closer In; will assume. Hadley, 618 z eon iJ5. LIT your city and farm properties w-th Lxchanga iept. 1 ne urejton Home Build ers. i:so W. KHDK bids. I HAVE some very choice farms, well Im -1 proved, to exenange ior city property. W. j. uovie. oo. t oroett Diug. WILL exchange for wild land. Detent suit. .able for manufacturing or promotlnc on large scaie. a. it. jaernu. Adrian, Mich. WANT small farm and income, seashore preferred, for dairy proposition. Address A v uregonian. FOK 1 KADE 0 acres of land near Mult-1 nomah Falls for motorcycle or auto. East) 4441. HOTEL for sule or trade; will take good auto for first payment. Also piano for aaie or trane. 4tn GOOD Income large ranch. Commerce. property to exchange for R. F. Bryan. &0y Cham, of WE handle gond property anvwhere In ex enange. bee J3race, au MCiay bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 1S4 ACRES IN CITT Or STOCKTON, CAX.. r UK .ALliA.Mib. All level and soil richest aarden and fruit land, electric line through the tract. & cent fare, only 8 minutes to center of city, new 5 -room modern bungalow, elec tric pumping plant irora well t&at never Koes drv. This land Is rlDe for subdi vision and when divided will seil In acre tracts sat f6oo to $ 1 pr acre. Priced at SS50 per acre, total IH4.400. mortgage $15,iKHi. 7 per cent. Will exchanxe fur apt., business property, im proved farm or stock ran h. Will assume reasonable amount. We recommend this as the best exchanxe offered, and property offered mujT oe on casn basis. THESE CHOICE PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE CONDITIONS FUKCli BIG SACRIFICE. 15 acres, finest soil, rlrht In cttv of I Carlton; been cultivated; also U acres 3 miles south of Lenta, fine state of culti vation, house, brn. orchard and berries of ail kluds. Thse are good properties ana wi.i stana strict invesnxstioru in quire E. 12th at., or Fisher A Har rington. 412-13 Stock Exchange. Marshall FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. My liQPO equity in 3'-acre ranch. U m:i- S. W. Dlllard, Or.; SO acres fine bottom, land. ISO cultivation; 1 bora, X mares, 2 go is, 2 cow and calf. 4 4 vitn pig. chickens. fine collie dor. Watron. harnn mna-fnr m t- i-i i r. r u lots of tools, hay. train: fin a ater ' won A orchard; place mostly fenced; good house, granary, barn, outbuildings. Wilt traae ior nouse and lot in Hurt Innrt nr I man 1 arm near Portland. Answer Quick; wi uii c. nero on.y low aays. L. THOMPSON. Dillard, Or. lvSO ACRES, close to Condon. runnlnc water at all times, good house, barn, nice orcnara, goo a rence; price - per acre; win exenanxe for Portland propercy, acre. m.n e or Vaiiy farm; wiil not assume; this Is one of the best places we have ever handled and has been owned by the same xamuy ior a generation; this place is cash value and oniy cash value will be con- STOUT INVESTMENT CO., 721 Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST HOME. Have had to take over twn w!l appointed 7 and 8 -room homes located In tne neart or me best section of Laurel- nurst. rented at 130 each. Am not In position to handle same to advantage and would consider taking in good clear lot, balance asy term a. No agents. R. H. lorrey. Mark st. Main 1.V-3. A 1.M5. feTOKES with flats, modern buildinir. mn remea, net income today over i 1 vi I month, 2CH ft. stret frontase, on carllne unciuun cornorsi; iu sen or traoe fori ci'e-m t.ast Mde vacant corner or flat MdV. Stanley ti. Thomoson Co.. Owners. rM nrnnq OiOg. A. CON F ECTIONERY LUNCH" One of the best-lorati i rrwi s.n.4 I patronized places in suburbs: claasy place! ii .ru; rein, W'inn 1'J". out nroc. I any compels sacruice at -U.0. C-1077, M ? I fTOU lUQg. IF YOU HAVE ANT GOOD PROPERTY r'rt r.At MA.NGK WE t'AV MATCH Vflf we don't Handle ji nk property! A I LHS Ar IS M II hi 501 XQR THWEST HL DO. MAIN T2S. MODERN S-room buntcalow. bath, toilet. eiciriciT. lot 2.xiou. Marshflvld. or. rented $11 per moiith; will sell or trade r-orTiani property value I0HJ, K 90o, rxon lan. OFFICE BUSINESS Owner sreuita a reli- aoie partner to help him : will be some outairie work and pay flOO month ; re- Mui-es a very sinan investment. l'artlcu- 'n itoom .i.-w Morgan uiug. 3."o FIRST mortRSKe, Auburn. Waij property to exchange for light auto; must Le good ; lunrh and clear staud. valley city. Sono; exchange for house and lot. A if'J, oregonlan. 2no CASH and 1S."0 equity In Rose City ; i m oHi new moti'-rn t - room two- story, near Kanay blvd. Trade fr smaller nous or ouiigaiow to :wu clear. Ab WE are putting over the largest deals In the city; no matter what you have or what you want, see Exchange Dnt. The NICE home In Ttoise or Caldwell, I.l.tho. to iratie ior fori i an a room ne-nouse acreage. Associated Investment Co., 61J NICE lot In Newport resort to trade for auio or rortland lots. HS Yeon It!dg. mam i.n. TO EXCHANGE MISCEIXANEOrS. w ill exchange unincumbered beach lot. near station and ocean, for fully paid for itiroi. al v i. uregonian. FOR BALK. Hornes. Vehicles. Harocse, xCtc. SPAN of seal-browns, very closely mated, mure ana ae ainc. ana ' vein f.iri sound and good workers, weighing about Span of matched sorral eeldlns-s. wefeh. Ing :'30l lbs., sound and free of blemlahcs. t and 9 years old, gentle to work single or double 114; also lu head of well city broken delivery horses tor sae at Model Maoiea. ttn aua Davis. FOR SAL E. HAROAIN. ECHHEY RL BLEH-TIHED. RUNAHOUT RUHliER-TIKED. WA CON F U R N ITU RE OR EX P RE 88. These are In first-class condition and a big bnrraln. Call buanton au Phone rast iota or e.ast 4407. iiAU to give up homestead; must sell our team, weignt auout .ouu, sge 8 andW; are sound tnd geutle to work; extra good walkers; are Just as advertised; will guar, antre them, if not as represented munev rrunuea; price sio. Mrs. Nan, Dun- tora Apt. 4, i nion ave. and E. C.ay. A U CTIO.vl AUCTION! Strictly commission basis; horses, har ness, wagons, sauatos. buggies, lsrce stock: guaranteed as represented; every Tnurt- day. a p. M. Multnomah Stable. 16th and auison. u. jo.. Aica a nop, a u c 1 10 n ee r. GOOD Learn. 7 and U years. 'J 4 00 lbs., cheap; pair sorrei a riving pomes, mac it pony. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.23. I. Cohan, isi n tier "i. jaain 210.1, Jiaia SVSS. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. ooQiaw n t. ruruanq jtenaerin g Co. 23o0 TEAM, harness, watcon, camping or mnra uuuu, Ui casi ASn. DEAD horses and cattle taken away 1 Call day or ninht. Tabor 4u3. fal-NQU: ranch outfit; light wagon, har- nss and good mare; .. North 14th, I FOR SALE One good team, harness, wagon. 9t mi. ttnoaiKwii ;ii9. Plaooa, Organs and Muali-ai Instruments. CLOSINO OUT TO FIRST CALLER S4ot HRADUURY pianos for cash. Mi-O CHICKER1NG at bONSpiano for casn. 1376 CHASE BROS. anrishL It0t VALLEY OEM upright, lUi cash. saov Atiu triAo piayer. I20 casn. $7i0 KIMHALL baby Krand. 34a cash. PfAUUllI MUHAofa CO., 10 f 4 th Bl. PIANOS In this column are usually for cash. eenwan riaiio t.o.. in tn St.. terms i cash with double credit for $10 when de livering a jou new piano for xjf. $4 moniniy, w unout interest, saving gso. 34, total saving to you iiso-as Duying now. 7$ DI.C t;klnir machine, six double d records, tor es.S-9. splendid condition. Hi 4th t; i WANTED Square or upright piano cheap ior cssn. tn atn st. iuc MONTHLY store piano. &ocur!ty bior- age co., iv 9 4tii. Aiain aj.'s. $10 IS tend a rd make piano. cost l&OO. lerms, 004 Lewis bldg. DiAMuND POINT Phonograph snd 6 rec- ortls. only 1 7. DO. Ill 4th St. FOR SALE fiood violin, box. case, flrst- class c-'iidltlon. l East rtoT. H 7 1&4. Iog. Btrde. Trt MockT FOR t? ALE I ALE Pit bull pup. golden brlndle; 4 mo Tabor rs 7 GOOD AIREDALES ARK GOOD DOGS. LAUUU Jvti." LM ACAUA, OR. lursUsfs for BeUSL PEHFEi'T rsnxe. extra large oven and f irsoox. suitable for hotel, restaurant or camp f oo men, very cheap, stlghtly user:. .o. Mish Furniture Co. 14 First st. BKAl'Tlr L L Joo-piece genuine oorey cnlna s-t. in w hit and heavy cold. ot a few weeks ago You can bav It for I the price of a cheap set, flo. Mish Furniture Co.. 1S4 Fir Irst St. bfLEN DID. larse Ice chest, holds 7. lbs roomy snd almostnew, side tee box; great bargain. Call and It. 414. Mih Furniture, Co.. lk r'lrst st. Livestock. IF you have a good fat cow or vsal for sale. "tomobUeia. -PASSENGER fore-door Cadillac. seat cover, rood tires, etc.: for Quick bam. 4450; terms given. Call Mr. Hemphill, uroaowsy s i . Ibl4 STUDEHAKER, fully equipped, elect no lights, starter, with extras, oversize tires, bumper, extra tire. I i-i cash. K. C. Main 2 ft .11. BIG FN A P. 15-psssenger touring car, first -c!ass condition: must sell chsp. Main 'JIO'Z. 6-PASSENGER Maxwell, new tires, running order; $I0O will handle. Mr. Hemphill. Broadway 8. good Call 1M4 METZ runabout for ta). In nerf condition, can b seen Thursday cr Fri day. Y ito. Oregonlan. H10 FIVE-PASS. Chalmers, model K ; for cash. 40o McKay bldg. JOB 6Uh. AutomobUea. i WE HAVE the following cars left from our aacrltlce sai, wtucb oa can ouy from $100 to :nJ les than an other p. ace in Portland: 1913 CHALMERS, 4-paaaenger coape. 19U CHALMERS, e-cjL, T-passenger. 1913 CHALMERS. 6-passenger. 1913 KTEARN3-K.MGHT, 4-cyL. &-pasa. I 1913 W1NTON. T-pasaenger. 1914 WINTON. paaanger. THE WINTON CO 231 and Washington Sts. CLOSED SUN DAT, UfcjED AUTO .NAIa. LiDcral Terms Oivfeu, MITrHPIX. H.DIU. -vl.- lust overhauled .9673 All. 1CK DEL., 4-cl. COilM eRl'E del. 4-cvL. ranei body, brand new .37&0 Several otnera to select rrom MITCH EL L. LEWIS A STAVEH CCX, Ki 1 nt axiil UarrUoa btS. East 2177 B UA CADILLAC. Comnlete eaulDmeni. e metric starter and lights, demountable rims, bumper, extra tiros and tubes, complete vuin!iing out fit, power ttre pump, car tu eicpuonaUy fine condition ; only 60. For sale by owner, imjulre at tue covf:y MOTOR CAP CO., Slst and Washington. 1&14 OVERLAND. 3, ft-pass.. electric Ushtal itid starter. tracticaJ.y brand new. cost 1 1-'j0. once tio. 114 Btuotaker. lour, o-pass.. electric i lights and starter, run only oH0 miles, xi neat conaition: uo. FRANC IS MOTOR CAR EX.. K set 1110. East 13th and Hawthorne ava. OVERLAND S o0 HUP 7uO NATIONAL 1040 RAM BLEU MICHIGAN 7.'K HUP RD ULUlAuE-MANLBT AUTO CO-4-4a N. 20th. NEW AND USED rOHU ALTUMU1ULE9 SOLD O.N KAt TiKMi BENJAMIN E, UOONE 4k CO, Ford Agents. 514 Alder Sl Main 30ftd. TUS. AUTOS. Al.'Tu: 4. r. and 7-uaaaenrer. from J-OO to 90u. The Uemanu la rcst, but we can supply jour wants. A. .1. IhA.Mh AL llj bAL IlA.Ub, E 7 N. liroad wa. Corner Couch. CALL LAST til 13. East Fide Auto Exchange. Aotomobll bought and sold; general repairing and auruid. 410 Jast Ash St., near oraua avo. WILL tni tartles who answered the ad vertisement tn 1 nur., Fri,, hat. or unay (irck-uiuan of 8-cyimder Cadillac for sale. Uw, please telt phone Porttand Ad Club. Main Pl'T'i. A 3tl r FOR KALE My ciaesy roadster. Just over hauled and newly nainieU ; leaving ciiy ; must sell at once, cash or terms. Phone Hroadw ay 5172 sfler 4 P. M.. or Tsoor I Hm'J attsr P. M. HAROAINS In used autos and delivery cara; uriua given. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Hroadway and Couch, Phones Hroadway S 7. A 45. li A RO A I N S IN USED AUTOU. lUarge Stock. 1'rices liOO to elo. ORhsOoN MOTOR CAR CO., Studeosker Bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder. UAKAOi erecte-1 complete 130 up; ready cut or portao: nous. up. TAKE DOWN M r'G. CO., 84S Water si., near Harris., n. Mala 114T. TOURING CAR Must be sold this week. u-o Yeon bldg. 1&14 FOKD touring car, storage battery,1 rstra tires, etc. Q7 iiaimonu lui.U &-paeuger, will sell at bargain ken touay. hvj Aiuvr st. WANT clar lot for Regal roaoaler. run ubout iMMHt mi tea. owner. Main oiii. WILL sacrif K-e ll fcaxon roadster. lmi'j L. A!ter. alter .au, even inns. Autouiobllee W SlUeU. 1 WANTED Ford car; will sacrifice state will sacrifice. rights for best proposition on the market: 100 a value at s.oo: money -makig possibility unlimited; wiil exchange. 1 tioxupson. til Cbambtr of Commirce bidg. WANT best family car oCK cash will buy; answer with compiwte Ucscription lu first letter ; 110 dealers or atgvut uewa repiy. U v 1 J, Urvgouun. WANT Kl Oiod rtiadkier In cichauga tor some cash and 1ki stock In w cll-estao- llsncU loval ,onrTn. Telephone after t p. M.. Marshall -'V". WANT 5 - paws, aoto; iciv 37 acres tn Clackamas County; state particulars, l7 1, OrKnlan. LAMi Iur 4 or o-passeiiser lai model car: vu- irlc ugnts ana e tartar; state coiiauion. rnnK anu prire. L, ii. irecon:an. PAINT your car yourself, save S5 to 7i- Jar ticuiars mauuu iru. auio rami Virnlih "o., 407 Main st. 1'ortland. Motorcycle. POl'E motorryc.e, good condiUon, AF FS, Oregonlan Automobiles for Hire. FOH HIKE Cheap, 11 Hudson ei carer ui, rompoteiH driver. Main Mil. Type writ ere. TYPEWRITERS for rent; I months tor i and up; montns rent appuea on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Cotn- pany. fctt liroad ay, Jt'oriiauo, jr; WE save you from 0 to T4 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send tor our ilius traUd folder. Retail department W HOLE- tiALr: lYrEWKntR CO.. 3-1 Wash, st. bTANDAKD visible tpewrlters rented thrr-e months for 44. diitsra. Call at 244 Mark st., or ptione Mem TYPEWRITER, ail makes, $10 to US. The North w est T pe writer Co., Its fetaxk su Malu &i-4. STANDARD folding tpowrltcr and case. rirst-ctaits condition, cueap. i ntor b.i.i. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut I rates. P. D. C. 21 btark st. Main 1407. . Mlfpeeluxaeoua. MTOK&, generators bought, sold, rented 1 and repaired. v do a.l a.nds of repair-I Inr and res, incline; ail work guaranteed. II. M. M. E.ectno Co-. SI 1st at N. 1'huue Broadway 91. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand. sala or rent. J uo. aewinsr Jiacnina fc.m- p rtum. l o d au. near Ta lor. Main 431. A 1424. REFRIGERATORS We have 2 ref riser- ators, bx7 foet, that w will sell for 414 ench. less tnan nan ineir vaiue. lL Xia.n t:4. Hi LLI A K PS New and second -hand carom and io-ket btlliara tabtes ana bow. it. c siieys and scossorles ; eaay payments, Thel to., 4-s bin. I CASH REGlTERis, large stock on hand; we save you v to en pT cent; an regis tera a-uaranteed. taan ytegistcr Jb.xcnange, Washington st, oO GALLONS of auto oil in gallon eans snd lOvo cans or movai anu poiisn. voira 40o; wiil sell st any price; must he sold by P A. M- today. Clay st. li.u llVFUJ s Csmsra Eichanae. SS 3d st. t amers, kodaks ana ksnses nougnt. soia and exenangsd. We sell the lea camera. D1AMON D house paints, strictly pure; msde in Oreson : par fcxiion, 1. i itiimu I'alnt Co.. Front tt Marshall loo. 00 ul'KHA CHAIRa. all or part, cheap; Also f'wera t amsragrspn. iiecirio p.aoo. I A 5, ' A 9Z3. Oreconian. THE neutral Cigar Havana filler sails tor like :jC. .s tsurnsioe. 8AFKA. ii A FE4. The M osier Safe Co.. t4 ctara CL FOR PALE Auto and vacuum carpet cisancr comoinea. i noca cast sv. TAKE 20 for rxni n costinc 7 lh c N. di::wn. ioun K. 1 75 trpEK A CliSlrs, chine; price rich!. Io ers n-pict ure me- Hoi ln4. Portland. W A.NT E I M 1 AC KLLAK KO I s. 111 1st MISH FURNITURE CO 144 1st. Bfor ou bur or e.i your furniture get our prlree Main 4.. KLINES BUY. SELL AND EXCHAXGK FURNITURE: I'- E T PRICKS PAID. t;4 H A VVTHOK NE AVE. E A ST 71 9. Hkiilb.-T prices psJd for go4 ud furni ture, carpeta. eic, uvuni r um.tore. ;o j 1st, bet. Ta lor and halmon. Marsua.l 4(T. OWl FURNITURE CO. pas best price for your rurniiure. it ii. uo -i. WANT $10.Ke used furniture; pay gKd prices; starting new siote, t?euwooq WANTED National cash register. Main - l xvaanington sc GO D second -hand rugs wanted. AN 9i1. Qrrgonian. CAPM paid for hair comblnga Sanitary Ucatity rariors, soo ueaum ping. HOT-Al R furnacw cheap If sold at once, E- 47? mornings. Msrsn. tj WANTED Floor showcase of all descrip tions. b it m. 3 OR .t h. pressor. electric motor. 7 Pel m on t. air com- W ANTE D niimoad rln m. anout . carats; must be bargain, caa 657 Gil an at. WAME D Ml SC ELLIN KO I S. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHE e pay highest casn price Iur ladirs and gnts catofT ciothlnx. bleclf end evry:htng In merchacdi, Cai us up. e nd it end miu pay Ior lu uume iukc. .& f irst &u Mn!n roso. Mi'n ?9Sft. WANTED One Oh I prtws to handle 120 Oregonlan. Inch sheets. K iv7. FOR a thortjus hly reliable houM to buy or sen nouieno.a goods or utn!cc in tue narjmaia nr.k ciu tne luev.n ha:aa 1- urntture Co.. .l Front- Phone A 1 . flatn o72. WANT boy's biocle. want good rug ssiz. Vant t cabtneu Must b in axod condition and cheap. UOH Don. Mam 44:. WANT El Ji .'Ice oek : must be In ii1 condition and ch-ap; give a:xe. stile, o - r.piiyn ana casu price. j urf- txim ! 6EON D-HAM) CLOTHING WANTED J- K TliE TAILOR. PAYS BivT 1'RICfcS. SHOES BUL'UHT. CALL MAIN 229 MA D ISONb T. UASOLIN'K luabnat mar ted. We wiU lease or buy uaso.m tux. 3 to . h. p. Writ full particulars. Kerry Ttrabar e.. Wet- port. or. WANTED Up to 20 groas 4-ounce Red wing urape Juice botuca. O s.J, Orego nlan. WILL FAY CA1 FOH SKrvND-HAND HOUbi-HOLD GOODS. MAIN 5 3 .i 2 . A -. ' 7 . PHUATE PARTY mill pay h fr H 160, ued davenport; must be goud Ionian. Ore- HKI.P 1YANTFD MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, T. M. C. A. ' u uni men seeking rmpiovmrut in com mercial c.erical or tect.nksi Unes a re i vnd to consuit the etxiyioyment se re- tary. 1 rwe service of this Gepartment free to all members. To ft on -tii-rubers. special membership !a issued, costing i Vr annum, giMOg tue service cr int go- i pertinent for a car two months' fu.l prlilege and a refund of the membership fee if satisfactory ctuploi rucnt is not so- cureo. I LARGS corporation wants high school grmd- I uaie. as to ; a years or ag. ior onice i ixsttlon : permanent uosttioa. sooa future : must nat gou record as to caoiLS anu cuaracter. X a4,, Do .ul WANT A ULTTER JkU. one w n ! 'l.i offer i ou a chauce to leam somethl: uoful with amul l lm for spurts and :ieatioii and see sometttinc of tue nu : n you are an American c.tisen over w Idling to work, "I pi Na. Recruiting Motimi, MArcan bldg. V K will Uacn two noat-appear- ing ttten now to peii our goods ana pay i t hem while learning : no experience or 1 inoiir rvuuirel. iSe Mr. Dakkart. I1- N. ijth st. near Davia. 7 to 7 . jj P. M. I on', BARGAINS TN ME.VS 8UITP. s, f-w light-colored ammer suits left. In slses 15 and ii, for quick clearance the pric is Si.oo. jimmy uunn, iu-iai bUg. Elevator to ! floor. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men me money ;iina our hardy, ifuaran teed orna mental ana fruit stock, cash weekly; psrt expenses provided. VN aanmgloa Nursery Co.. Toppecish. Wash. WANTED i ratchet e 1 tera for small mil.N j .- ana a ia; carriaxe nuer. - . ard talivman. 2. 0o : lumber grader. rough lumber, J. PactDc Employment Co., 1 Couch au A UARGK lite Insurance company Is dc- sirius of estahhnhing axencles tn dliiorent sections of urtfon ; an exceptional con-ira- t to men of ability. V uu. Qreaonian. WANTED Men to learn auto drlvinc ana repair in g. lHmina is treat and goo a p. A. J. Chance Auto Exrliance. 3 Lroed- way North, corner t ouch. PORTLAND HAHHER COLLE;E Epert Instructor to teach too the barber trace in s weeks; tools free; position guaranteea., P a l dw hi:e learcln g. 31 3 2 A. n e a r M ai n PTFADY man established business, experi ence unnecessary; ama.l capital required. 4t.".t r. 1 : e rs bi 0 g . WANTED Experienced solicitor for d e works; good wages it satisiactory, Q'-r st. 1 A F I KST-CLASa tKeut or sa.esman can make o In tw e w cks. v.aii at Clay st.. between H and t A. M. IF you art skiUed in any line of work res- ister WHO US. rorinweiera e,u.tiinLi Hureau. 4' LUers blag. No charge. LAPiKILNCED door patcher wanted. Write or apply to Chehaita ir poor -o., jo- C . f ar y . V ash. WANTED Sawmill engineer, i;iO a mon: stea ly work. Hanly tmpio)mtni agency, Narth d. Uroaoway . A '-' WANTED Timekeeper, lumber ajid Under wocd tvDewriter experience necessary. . Oregonlan. .(.nUi-iTiiiis If vou cen sohcit autouiotv owners, and are satisiied w itn o 10 e- per day, call oil Ankeny st. M.'LER Hartwr College wants men to learn the trade; tuition reoucea; paiu wm.i Uamliig; send for catalogue. 4 N. secono. VV- x V TPIl ..f nnt-m. '2 men to learn BUtollM bil reoa rlnr and criving. aii st t.iorno csrae. 443 Hawthorne ave. in ii oiiK A i'll htk and picture aaents; new coupon, cutbertn s m diuuiu, i ii- tock block. DELIVERY boy with w with wheel, must b thor- ouRhlv familiar wn Woolen CO., 143 Mh I cit y. lm: liner 5th floor. VB need 10 sollcitora App.y 10 to 1. ss m anager. 4 I Mohe erg D-as. Puoti) rnii. somethlnc nw: extra com mission paiq. faruny r-tuuio, wo)i uiug. TWO BOYS At once, to learn the barber trade. 41 N. :a at. fall 1N i LEK w anted. 1-Ui and L. Mara. Apply ready 'or wora. UOOJj, reliable man, learn business, goo a tncfi; lZb required. i tn st. li A KB Kit wanted; phone or address Chss. G. Newman, nooa ittver. vr. ItELIAHLE salesman. Call "I hursday s P. M-. room -"I rew rcou iioiei. TEAM wanted to haul cord wood. Call S-i jtuxton st. WANTED Mm w ho understand sor'.lu ssrks. 171 Front. Help Wantett Age at a. CANVASSEKS. 1 HAVE THE BEaT AH11CLB FOR TOU. gma'.L no weight, necessity In ever mne costs I'.tLe: easy to make SI to ti day. Thompson, 7, Chamber of Commerce b.Jg. Gt K D AtiENT wanted to handle an aula- mni'iie accessory neeceo rj t oro owue-e, 1 exclusive agency for reliable man: spisn- dfd profit; references required. Holmterg lig. Co.. at.o feu St., rmn rrucivw. CHUTI.Bi and ladies especially wanted as agents; com. .1.1 itawtnornn ave. H K IJ' WANT KD FF.M A I .K. wasted .inoi;rai)hrr by lumtor pan), in town on tne icasi; ssiary to start; must be experienced. In the lum ber line. Fl VT'7. CTegonlan. tviTKn An axDerlenced German stri. with reteranres. ior co..irg ana irnn hnuMvork: eood wages. Call at 1 l-l 1- Uitxan sc. afternoon. LA DT scents, to handls hosiery and sanl- rspitsl to oecin; write for particulars. Ra- mon a Mfg. Co.. Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED Eperien?d ope. ator on rnei a nekwsr. a rp'r -a .-cmj qouku mua. Adrian Neckwear to. WANTED Tcsehers for Ores on schools. Wei hire direct. Mr. icnwana. noun iu-u. ;-. 7 T 3 C h s rn be r er c o ronifro AN experienced second maid wanted foe nrivate iami.y; mui Kmn rir- nces was A E Grgnnn. i y ir.jr-CLASS psntry How c'S woman. Agency, w alt r. family neip. 35. Washlnsti AN experienced rirl to do rocking and Sen- era 1 rs ousc w orR in vmsii mi , (to Ins. Mam vl7. Good, reliabua girl for general houavw ork ; must unnerina cooaios- Cail 1 1 to 4. 747 F- Wurnslde st. EXPF-RIESCKD r.'RL tor general house- wor.i. . ii mufji, 10 o. riin' iaci st-. Wii.smette Heights. RKTOLTHEn. rccr t lor.lst : enr:..e photo of self and ramp: or w "rn . rtate prsent aalar. white mooi". fer.giet FIRMS are f r comptometer ope atom; now is ino time to learn. Call 1 Morgan tldg. MISS M ATT1 NGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand, Tpew-ritir.g. i mo. z9 14th, m. FIVE glils to learn beauty culture. 414 lekum b!dg. sanitary Parlors. FllT-CLAs-V barber shop. ma&icuriKt. ltroaon Hotel MC'LEH Harbsr C-lc war.ia ladles to learn the treble; special ratea 4 N. Second. WANTED Girl for general housework. Cor ner East $:h North and Hol'cEKEEPEK wanted son st . near 2' th st. at i: 1 E. Harrl- THREE young Morcan bldg.. ladles. u to 12 Mm nt M. work. S4' CuMFFTENT halrdr Itmsdv ay. sr and manicure. 110 GIHL to sasist In husork at the beach. Main a.w, GIRL saate. ! lUh su KELT WaNTEO-fKMALE. I LAl'IKS to ra:i from bou to luu ith lavtul hUi-lo;j neultlM arrr lr profits and eaay aatea. W t;.a, cre- r tan. V A N I" i Com pint houae- krepcr. good ck, alle to tak full rharse of ranch housework: p-rmanenu s.e.-v Ho:it.w Kurm. Or. WAN TKD Experienced g -rl for aenra house a ork ; m ust be good cock : i.T-i.gner prrrtrwu, App.y Zvrenooca. k T i: o :i 1 i''n 1 r e 1. STK Ni RA PH KUS tantl Go rnmn t, I mor.tii; l'ortland cxain:natiotis vct 1. Crpu "i-i K. Hochfai-r, N. V. TEACliLKS m anted for rurl Sv hcw. 1 r. k ton, Uiciiin,, W o n t a :. a. : 1 rachrt A O.d Ni.uc Kpktr.o, Wash. . WAMKIi Refilled. cai'SbU rr..i for re- s.tonaiDie pst:un. ia I cn.wa)-, ; rmH blo k, v asrtington ' m:i-l WANTFIK MALE OK 1 EMU K. OKL'CoN Itarber Coilrge war.ts rm-a ntj iura to learn ite Uarbi r it .. iu acct), tools Xrce . rata wt.i.e 'rr.;rr, rain fioiu 14 lu $.1 k; nr co; v.r u mmei ; t u-to n reduced. X i. n. WANTilD Bright outig man or woman i lo.jciu App.y ;iu CumBiuuriii.i te HKI.r WA.NTU. MISt KLIAXI OIS RAILWAY mail citk. P. O. ciar 4.r- i:rtt. eauu soon, parcel iol ..t.i many iiiui c.e: ks. a-t at wuct. i ai;. b;ai Schools, Mt-iway cay. AN 1 ED Nam of men IS or over :.t liS iKvcrunu-;it J" mouth ; t.o pu. vcary. A iO, oregonuan. Ikwik keepers Ji 1 Caerawsw AtOl MAN i aula uCk, liote. cauiitu. .au t it rit. ijkb al t.NoUH.riifc.r. wants aivauy i .;ion . mm accept montn w i.v.iu ox uoiuk sum puuau tai avaat $4 11. DHL OOIST Do you need a prv." r.tta tuul sa.esjiiau, bavicg ex.t rc t u cr and iiiuwr 7 A-1 relet uc, Vvf, Oi egonian. jArA.Nt-M. Dee Liupio) me hurtai. as u ox Or. ia A 10U. JaAQk ilenry Mdg. UvUKKtlirtK, set f books two or litres hours 0 or fuU i tin . ea.pei lenccd ; Lt l'hnne r-eit. WJ. i liY ceiillleU t'-cxuniauU .i or c ihfli or part tmie All eui. uit ACT1VU oid man t.iaii wants Jot re; oi.SiU.o J art lor l'o.iro, tvcgiitg. wa:iuK and .i.v.l sa.ary. Ha-v ltn vitK lr. irom a A.M. to 1U P.M.. woi k l.ght id repKlb.e. lias tccn t fj an o ' iu-tor tr furt.ace. Maui ;oM. A i. l. iwLNU MAN. Jtt. islined, i-JmUJ and pciieuood on (arm. wants work, e- mo,. A -1 retirencea. Mala i ujL A 1 j- I. 411 omniercial block. ,J. K. 11 X, u r t;riic bov. lli, experlenceU rariii. can nn.K, mania o' . crfinf. Mala 7uil. A 1517. 411 Commer- ciai l.lock. ' ijlhU.Nii. enersetio boy, li, wants work on larm, is experienced, can pitch ray, mi.K row , etc. ; A-1 references. Mala 7 ul. A 1M7. 4 11 Commercial t-lock. kv'ol'NTANT w ith m tde commercial x pelleuco desires posltloo; A-1 releranes ; lalny secondary consideration. Main TOSl. A lil7. WANTED Automobli ovtrbaulinf and re pairing; drying laugm t.y fooa macoiniv. Tabor 47A1. W. W. O., 13;' K. Lurnsuie '.ri'il. UAivUiCNEK and florist. ain., 1 vaperleitce in an orancne nonitu.m. I.uncai reTerences. Phone lianhsil .n ! i-r K a i. creitonlan. (jooL) advertising solicitor wants a jol; Address li Vol. ur- commission bas.s GOD Japanese boy wants position as Jan itor or general nonsawora. js.n v gonian. WAN 1 ED Work ts machinist s helper. Call fclma, Hroadway handy with tools. COM PKTENT and experienced ctiauireur and paras rioor man; oesj. oj rccoiu mendai ions. AH M, Oregonlan. ALL AUOi N D siov man wora, w ;i do sn taing ; tciereucaa. ja.n w. A 1M7. HOY. Id. reliable and wllin. exiMrienca in deiiery work, wants w o i k , m v thin:r; A-1 references. Main "oftt, A Li. KLlIAl4Lk7 lamt'.y want wors.hop pltklng; EXPEiilKNCED carpurr nJ ef-rentes, am i , a i i . MAN and wife wish ranch or jan.ior wora. T 94, orvgotu an. KALSOM I NINO, painting,, plaster patching. ruiotinMa. vtooa.awn hOMK lor ood julel I'O), wfcea o, am-h preferreu. j.; uttmn'i. cll'Y salesman with auio wants bet iI reterencea. A t ym, JAPANESE wants position as is. helper. T. Miimisu, -. SITCATIONi W A NT KP-IT.MA L K. Dookkee per suaeWeoanjierw, p FOR competent 'l,P",,,,w f urenoons Lat su;, iwm Tabor 6uo0. L-MI'TJMKTKK oj.erati.t wihea poe.Uon, Pbune Hyd. with iiwrritr.c'. Mam li. A. tx'l KKU:NtF.D aifuc-praplier dcaires ut n. i none r. - 1'HONB Main Ts:i for an exprienco. buw, reason a Uie ifrmx -. preMMnBkrra. toi 1 T gown . s 1 u ra t -. n mm or Ti e p ; Ma;tua ' w rit guarantees- --vl- - DKKiiMAKiNG by dav or home, "tk r.ttSouabl. Marshal guarantved, prices DK ESSM A KING 4 ." a day; xtlsfactld g vi a ra n t el. la&or bKt."MAKlNii wan urr--. , rt or r.av, Ji'i iucnni. - MlKMAKIN'l I y da. fit and work guar- an:eed. Marvian Norwe. HAVE peasant home for od peoo.e. .Mrr. shady vara; - ----- f.y L. ;th st. GiXl. practical nr just .'t " w ould work rneap to ev Marshall 1 '.' N AT V V ATM Nl "1E will rheumsu us attnt; 1" a week; vxcellant AJ tres.nian. or nerv ffS ill ts. KXPF.iitKNCF.D, reliable iao y 'V' c 1 1 y. Cel.; reaso :le 1 nil Man 1 1 ; 1 1 ouek ee rr. MIDDLE-AGED East-rn liflV . ly lady a home. Main 76.1. Ar. W4i, Ors"- r. 1 s n . " UV 1 nt. mldd.c-aceu ridow. f !tt-ca fnnimlfal. .ill. Aleo Arsit- co.K n-at noupeet-i'r.. .r c.-unuj. Call or wrlie. merits. W A NT ED Posit i-m nianif"1 a.a inal.d. hove i'hent keeper or Tat.or 3. for ,;,krfr 1 fct'lel or lodOng-hoa s-i Mnr-Cl M, EXri;iUF. "ED hoopfr li-r ima.i i:y is open ii pernio. s'sTl 4- frm M-I and -4- , , ,t , i'lt OMAN hPufwra and co'oklng on rwncM camp or In t r. clt x her can tak her -r-r.M da; i . - . m 1 h ner: irin - ui ... A 1MT. 4M C.-mmcrc.w Mock. LADY. oo d cook, tionomk! manager. c-mk tor mt-n n Mrs. ir!ff:th. town, counii o . lrad w a y. mp. ,MiDD!.r:-AGKl V;V " ;t:, houkep-r. warn- - ref ence. M Wlfi . c... A l 1 MIlDlK-AGV:i k-c,er. otrn. co-k and hou.--,(. Mon- f- per mouM. 7M, A V.1T. ref.'ienc-. Main ' CIAL1.E lilHL. 1. wishes to AMlH w P tl hi. uPfao'V. V:irn hi', GIRL wants ilhl housework. Phore Kst rLAlX domestic work. esperl.rced lad: rweeplns- by hor or werk. M tn M lrr I lavitoeua. DIVVFRS. eredd'.ng prepared served. out.g duck, clwken furnished. Seiiwood 14S4. LADY wishes work y tl.e hour snd washing to t s k e ho me. W ot'i . awn 41 La O E curt air s. draperirs. hand laundered. lie up. cs?d for. Se Iwood GakiD laundrcrs w ants washing. Ironing. Tfc jra Frl karhi;i !1. room 4. EN F KKIK NCF.D Nr.n girl for awouJ work, citv references. Phone Fast 4'Q- CoMPETENT woman wants day work. Ta- her '-410. jAPASESr.. honest clri. wishee plaoe of housewt rk. AH fcA. Oregomsn. GEKMAN oman wants Esst sw.O. i ork by day. puors j GRAMMAR snd other fibjccie taught; xate lussons, bast o20. PTly