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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1915)
14 TITT2 MOIIXIXO OttEGOXIAX. THURSDAY JULY 20, 1915. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscel I an eons. EX PERIE.VCED woman wants cleaning, laundry or cooking, 20c hour. Phone 'la bor 5 720. HXPEKIiiNCED laun4re.8 desires regular places; ironing a specialty; references. Main room 2. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants place in small family; Rood coolt; ko to th beach; city references. Phone Marshall 6064. AN experienced Finnish girl general house;prk for $25 orecs b2i Pettyfcrove st. wants to do i, month. Ad- A GOOD capable woman wants washing or cleanin g Pho ne Tab o r 272 3. . WANT day work or cook. Phono Mala 142S bet. S:3Q and 11 fiTRONG woman wants day work; laundry preferred. Itoom 13, Marshall u4ft6. EXPERIENCED laundress on blankets and clothes, 20c an hour. A Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. MR. HOL'.SE OWN Eli: We can rent your house. We do not depend on rental signs in your vacant windows to bring results. We have the people and get results. Our business is house rents. Interstate Title & Loan Co., 515 Gerllnger bldg. Main 2801. WANTED. ' To rent a 3 or 4-room furnished house, not too far out. Call Oehler, 415 Yeon bldg. Mar. 422. IF you want to rent your house, phone us. "We have several clfeants wanting furnished and unfurnished. Young & GUle, 722 Chamber of Commerce. Main 612 9. WANTED 5 or ti-room, nicely-furnished bungalow; state price and location, a. HIKi, Oregonian. UdKRN 4 or r.-room flat or cottage, north East Side preferred; full particulars first letter. BD Uo4, Oregonian. IF yon have call Oehler, a house or bungalow to rent, 4L Yeon bldg. Marshall 422. WANTED By young couple, 4 or 5-room furbished house. BF 'Jo-, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished-tT 8 or It-room house in iouth Portland. Call Oehler, Mar. 422. IF y Stu are 1 Oehler. looking for a furnished house. CRl 4ir Yeon blop. Aiarsnau Rooms With Board. EXCHANGE painting, tinting, papering for or room and board. West Side pre ferred. K itr.H. Oregonian. Business J laces. IF YOU have a store or building to rent or , lease, call Oehler, 451 Yeon bldg. Mar. 42. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. TRAVELERS desiring a Quiet hotel with every modern convenience, right in the heart of the city and yet on a quiet cor ner, with no streetcars passing on either st reet and at rates which tit the times, will find a welcome waiting them, at HOTEL VE RN O N, liith Street at Stark. ROOM REGISTER, listing several hundred in all parts of the city at Y. M. C. A.; also those In the association fireproof building, with shower baths, swimming pool, gymnasium, library, reading rooms at $l.r0 to $2.75 per week double, with individual beds, or $2.50 to J4.0O per week single. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and "Yam hill. Desirable downtown location. Re spectable and strictly modern. Rates $1 per day, $4 per week. With private bath L50 per day, $5.50 per week. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Corner 11th and Stark, $U week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no extra charge for two in a room; room and bath $1 day; transient solicited. ELTON COURT. 11th and Yamhill; beautiful parlor suite, with bath and shower; large single rooms with and without bath, private phones, elevator service, $2.50 to $6 per week. Ownership management. Main 653. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652 h Washington st. Select location; all outside, cool, clean, quiet, well-f urnished room; running water, phones, public or private baths ; $2.r0 week up, 50c day up. HOTEL FORD. 7o."i Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone in every room: rooms without bath, $10 up; with bath, $15 up. HOTEL BRISTOL. STARK AND 12T1I STS. Single rooms $2.50 and up, with private hat h $M.5o and up ; individual telephones; respectable transient solicited HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st.. at 10th Central location; REDUCED RATES, 50c per day up; week ly, $2.50 up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths ; steam heat. HOTEL TREVES." ' Northeast corner Stark and 11th. Modern outside rooms, Jli weekly and up. Large ground-floor lobby. ETH ELTON HOTEL. 105 U. 12TH ST. Modern; special reductions on all rooms; HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and E. Bel mont Rooms lu monthly. $20 ud with private bath; large, pleasant lobby, cafe in connection. Phone East o23. - STANDISH HOTEL. MRU, WASHINGTON ST.. OPP. 1STH. Cool. comfortable, airy rooms, free phones, bath, $2 week, $8 month and up. . QUIET PLACE FOR QUIET PEOPLE. F.ast Morrison St.. near Grand ave. Cleanliness and comfort; $o per week up. MOTEL CORDOVA. 200 11th st. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms $3 up. Main 04 1 2. A 4i&d. Xiaxwkt.t. Hall. 207 14th: strictly modem use of narlor; real home; $2 up. M. 115:t. C1EAN attic room, phone, bath, hot water; $1.25 per week. iti J4th st. HOTEL NORRIS, 5333 Alder. Modern out side rooms, j per wees up. hotri. GRANT. 451 v, Washington. Mod ern, clean rooms, all conveniences; -.ou up. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. MCEL-Y furnished rooms, single or double, modern, reasonable. S9 Taylor. Main 0614. TWO nice front rooms. If you are thinking of moving, look at CS1 Glisan before de ciding SD-FLOOR front room $5 per week; priv ilege of bath; also one single H. K. room by month or week at 186 14th st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in good home; references; Nob Hill. 73S John son. MODERN HOME, newly furnished rooms wi;h sleeping porch, walking distance, reasonable. Main 2G1W, 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. NICELY furnished room, modern, $S month, 1'64 North :20th -st. NEWLY papered, furnished room, very con venient; $ti per month. 312 Main st. LARGE room, $1.75 week; gas range, electricity, phone, bath. 392 4th st. free NICE front rooms. If you are thinking of moving, call ttl Glisan before deciding. ROOM and sleeping porch, cheap. Main 4177. FOR MEN ONLY 141 13th at Alder. Rooms With Hoard. MORE HOME-LIKE THAN HOTEL-LIKE. THE HILL, Washington at 23d st. A charming family and transient hotel of the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate tables ; extremely reasonable rates; worth investigating. Main 75t4, A 70H3. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern. FIREPROOF residence hotel, American plan; on carline; 10 minutes from business center; price in accord with general business conditions. 23d and Hoyt sts. Marshall 881. FINE SUMMER HOME. Centrally located, large yard, sleeping porch, hot and cold water, shower baths, good table, with or without rooms. Miss Massee. 404 Madison st., cor. loth. Main 2000. HIGHLAND COURT OPEN-AIR SANITARIUM. Beautiful lawn, fine trees, just the place to set well : porcnes sun ana sleeping. Indorsed by hest physicians. 50T Prescott st. Woodlawn loos. ALEXANDRA COURT. 53 ELLA STREET. An American Flan Residence Hotel. Suites. Single rooms. Excellent table. A 621L Main 4611. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 253 Cth st., has a fine table board, modern rooms. Bun parlor, real home; reasonable rates. ROOM and board for young women, with library, la unary ana sewing privileges, $:J 50 per week. Phone East 473-. WELL-FURNISHED front room for 1 or 2 ge n ts ; breakfast if desired. Main 4122. Rooms With Board in Private Family. ARE you desiring a newly-furnished room in Nob Hill district with board. Call at OStJ Everett or phone Marshall 2867. ROOM and board, best location, $2.50 up. 311 11th St. Marshall 2003. LARGE, airy front room, suitable for two; all home privileges. 511 Morrison st. ROOM and boa fa" Jn private family. 332 10th. Main 6979. A 2S65. LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms, aleep ing porch, two meals. Main 7235. 335 11th. FOR business girls or students. $4 week up. k "Anna Lewis' Hall. 510 Flanders st. LARGE room, 2 beds, new house, near Multnomah Ciuo; reasonable. Main 22l'.. T.lTiSiVT rnnm crinH hnnrd hath oasv Walking, distance, $5- week. East 4216. FOR KENT. Kootni With Board In Private Family. FRONT ROOM, large, clean and well fur nished, in modern flat, very short walking distance, room alone $12 per month, witn excellent board 20. 4I 0th st. A 2s4i. tl.NE, large front room with board for -; every convenience; hot and cold water and telephone in room, shower bath, use oi piano. 3J4 Salmon at. Main 4."j4. LADY with nice home would give a moth er's care to child from 2 to years of age; price reasonable; no other children. Phone Tabor 2269. LARGE front room, modern conveniences, with board, reasonable; suitable for two young ladies. Call East for particu lars. 2 GOOD rooms with large closet for young men ; modern and reasonable. Main b72t. L'63 13th st. ROOM and board for children; good country home; special care given; reasonable; ref erences furnished. East 6347. ROOM and board for young men in modern nuiue, txcejieni tame, easy waiKing ais tance. reasonable. Phone East 1 h7.. PLEASANT sleeping porch and very nicely i ui uusiieo. rooms, witn or without board Phone Marshall 3S57. FOR a good home, good meals and home comforts, call Marshall 27o5. IF you like home cooking, come to 61 Gli. rn iur jour dinners. Furnished Apartments. THE "WHEELDON ANNEX, 10th and Salmon Sts, Is quiet. . refined, clean, safe, pop ular, well known and of the highest standing. Not the cheapest but a house of quality, comfort and serv ice. Month. Week. Day. 2- rooin. $.i0 to $50 $10 up $2.0O up 3- room. 45 to 65 14 up 2.50 up 4- room. 65 to bo 20 up 3 up Rooms. lt and up J up 1.00 up THE CROMWELL. 6th and Columbia Sts ! min. walk to Meier & Frank store; nice surroundings; just the thing for bummer; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., all outside, with French doors and balconies. Day Week. Month. Rates reasonable. Marshall 519. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. THE ALTAMONT. Fifth and College Clean, cosy, three and four-room fur nished apartments; rents reasonable. Also bachelor apartments. Heat water, phone and Janitor service included. 1 HE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments 2S5 cor ner Clackamas and Ross sts. East 3172. ONLY IS to $25 per month or $5 to $7 per ween, completely furnished housekeeping two-room apts.. Including electric lights, heat, hot water, bath, private phone, new brick bldg., 15 minutes from P. o. Lincoln Apts., 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. A 4152 washi.nutun GRAND 2-room furnished Mis per mo. up; just rebuilt, modern, clean, very desirable; hot and cold water, heat, light, bath furnished. Grand ave, and E. Washington Bt. Phone East 4440. MONTGOMERY Apts., cor. 3d and Mont gomery sts. ; strictly modern, ali outside, furnished 2-room apts., electric elevator, best service, close in; $lb to $25; free lights. Main tHtiti. THE ARCADIA, EVERETT NR 22D7 Two and three-room furnished' apart ments, ail outside rooms. - modern, cool. clean, light, airy; reduced rates. Phone jiaraimn o-u. UAKLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17 th ie, moaern; steam heat, private baths. launary, completely furnished 2 and 8- room apts.; iu min. from business center save carfare; rates moderate; references. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Cor. Park and Taylor. fianasomeiy furnished 2, 3 and 4-room Hunes; pest location in city; reasonable. THE FLORENCE UK 1 1 Tit slT 3-4 room apts., thoroughly modern and ciean, rooi garaen, sand boxes for chil dren ; ?25 up. Conducted vy owner. 1 ADDON HALL. 11th st.. corner Hall; elegantly furnished apartments; private phone, bath and bai- cony porcnes; $is and up. W ELL-FURNISHED, best-arranged 4-room apt. for rent in Portland ; elevated site; Buuiuern exposure ; separate entrance ; J lect neighborhood. Main 25O0, A 314:. GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. Nicest furnished three-room apts.. private and bath, walking aistance; prices riiunc cast is. BUCK. HARTFORD APTS., 107 N. 2lst. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, balcony, sleeping porch, elevator, walking MADISON PARK APTS. Park St.. ar M arl mnn Modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apart - iu; vy wees or montn. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. $J0 month up; modern 3 and .4-room apartments, compiethelv rurnlshed. 189 N. 23d, corner Kearney. Marshall 2V45. THE EVE RETT, fV44 Everett, bet. 20th and Ella sts.; fur- msnea j-room apts., witn or witnout sleep ing porch; modern. CLAYPOOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay. Two rooms; light, pleasant and well iur- nished; walking distance; $20 to $25. UO. BARON APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished. nrsi-ciass; reasonaoie rates. Alain 7337, HISLOP HALL. cor. East Gth and Haw. tnorne- 'j anu 3-room apts.; private baths ana pnone ; also single rooms; well fur nished; $12.50 up. Phone East 882. BERKELEY APTS. 30 Trinity Place: uu j-rooiii t pis. , ngni ana pleasant: balconies; central ; $17.50 to $30,00. Mar- snail i:.,o. ELMWOOD APTS., 10TII AND HALL. Lobby, social hall, modern 2 and 3-room furnished and unfurnished apts., reasoa- aoie. KiKjir-itu Ltu i iurnisnea -'-room apt., easv walking distance, $10, Including lights. phone, janitor serv. 187 17th. nr. Yamhill NEW HART Automatic elevator. T.hones light, linen, gas, hot water always; $2.50 to ween. 1 1 o 72 nr. aior., 4th floor. FINELY furnished 5 rooms and bath walk ing distance, steam heated. $4o. 3u7 11th st., near toiumoia. iiarsnall 4553. COMFORTABLY furnished 2 and 3-room apts., $12.ii0 up, including hot and cold aier, iinis una pnone. is 31111 St. THE CHELTENHAM Beautiful furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apartments ; lowest rate in city, corner iN. mtn ana Northrup. HAMMERSLY COURT, 250 12th St. By the uaj, wees, or ihoiilh; mouern, close to P. o. ; reasonable; rer. Marshall 2o52. 3-ROOM apartment, all outside rooms, on vaie oatn, i-acuic pnones, up. labor WOO, J J.V3U. THE DEZENDORF. 20S IGth St.. near Taylor: Marshall 224 3. 4 and fc-room furnished and unfur. apts. NOKOMIS APARTMENT. Modern. 2 rooms, special rate for July anu Aug, jiiii una 3iursnaii. aiar. 4 14. J, PAIKMOL'NT APT S.. 2S; 11TH Modern furnished two-room apartments. i.iju up; ciose in. .Main iu. WELLINGTON ANNEX, 15th and Everett Two rooms, newly furnished; hardwood floors, walking distance; $22. oO. Main 1245 NEW furnished apartments; concrete block SiO1 ana i. im tnion ave. ;. ARDMAY TERRACE. 3l'5 12TH First-class in every respect ; attractive rates. CAMAR. 704 Lovejoy Modern brick build ins; 2, 3-room apts., $10 to $30. Mar. 2017. TWO rooms, - private bath, porch, lawn, hot water, t-tn nassaio st. 4-ROOM APT. with front porch, and nice yard. Woodlawn 1145. fireplace Vnfurnlshed Apart ments. LUCRETIA COURT on Lucretia St., luO feet north of 23d and Wash., most beautifully located high -class apartments, 2 to 5 rooms, all large outside rooms, - apartments newiy iurnlshed prices reasonable; references reauired see them before locating. Manager, Mar snail 705 DAVIS ST. Head of King St. Most modern and lashtonable apart men t -house in Portland ; absolutely fire proof. Three to 7 -room unfurnished .apart' m e n 1 s. STEVENS ApT.. 6 large outside rooms, front and back, private porches and sleeping porch, heat, hot water and phone. 701 Northrup. near 24th. 325 10TH ST.. near Clay 5 large rooms, oak floors, rront veranaa, sleeping porch, range, rerngerator. neat, not water, strict ly modern, just completed. BRUCE APTS., 25th and Northrup: six out side rooms, hardwood floors, veranda, beautifully located. References. Main 40O8, KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay sts. Now the time to secure high-grade permanent apartments; reierences. aiar. o.3. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders, Large, light, , o-r. reas. M. iotb. A mj S-ROOM ant.. 3 bedrooms, outside rms.. tw porches, bard wood floors, refs. Var. 1751 THE AMERICAN. 21st and Jnhnsor.. 3. 4, rooms, reasonable. Mar. 33dO A i'tiTO. FOR KENT, 1'nfuminhed Apart ments. OVKHLOOK APTS., 4 large rooms and sleep. porcn. neat, water, gas range ana Janitor service t urnished. fine view, de sirable neighborhood, new, must be seen to be appreciated; ?2.1. Marshal) !78- HO.SB FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jf- r orson iMegant uniumishea apartments, first-clans service, private phone; ref. Fuininlied or Infunii-hrd Apartments. MORGAN. KLIEDN Ell i BUYCE, M3-S21 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sizes and prices. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 2015. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving r urnished and unfurnished apartments in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-JUory brick ; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room, vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 20G1. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 22D AND GLISAN. Largest most homelike, hih-clsss apts. in city, furnished and unfurnished. Sleeping porches. walking dlstanc. MARSHALL 824. TH E ROYAL ARMS. 10th and Lovejoy The newest and most up-to-date a pis. in Portland, hardwood floors, balconbi. etc.; all rents moderate; l 2-room, $17. SO; 1 3-room, $.'iO. Marshall 5111. KINGSBURY APT., 1SG Vista ave., off Washington St., 3 and 4 rooms, unrur nished, by month; 1 furnished 3-room; will rent by day. week or month; private balcony, high -class neighborhood; man aged by owners; reasonable rent. BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison. Finest spartment-house on pacific Coast; beautiful location, strictly modem, walk ing distance, references. M. loiI. M. 1"52, TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOI 'SH OF TONE. 40-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 11Q1. GRACE APARTMENT. 24th and Northrup; 5 large unfurnished rooms, sleeping por n and all modem conveniences ; one 3-room furnished apartment. Marshall 1070. ROSENFELD APTS., 14th and East Stark- Brick bldg., and strictly modern ; 3 ana 4-room apts.. large rooms, private phone in each apt. ; reasonable rent ; references. THE DRICKSTON. 44K 1 ITH. Nice, clean, cool, airy 2 and 3-room apts.; strictly modern ; $20 to $3u. Elevator, excellent service. Marshall 57. A 54f. SHEFFIELD Apartment, 270 Broadway o blocks o business center: best location in Portland: furnished and unfurnished; all rents reduced. Main 2.Jb, A .il 4'.. 62 FLANDERS, modern fl-room apt., sleep ing porcn, low rent ; also i-runm, com fortably fur. apt. $20 mo.; Nob Hill. THE ORMONDE; 5-room apts.. 05 ti Flanders, furnished and unfurnished; M. 8251. Nob Hi" AND 5-room apts. with sleeping porches. li k. ifttn, near lamniiiii. THE WINDSOR 2, 3 and 4 beautiful rooms, fumishel or not. E. 14tn ana lamnm. KING-DAVIS APTS.. 54 Kin st- 3 and 4 rooms; high class, references. Mam f'ja, Ml-'Hr.nrTII 1 nnH A-rnttm nnts.. verv Tea sonable. 712 want)., pp. 22d. Main REX ARMS 13th snd E. Morrison; 2 and 3 rooms; reasonable; modern service. Flat s. EXTRA FINE and beautifully-located f- room flat; reduced rent; walking ais tance. Lueddemann Co.. 913 Chamber of Com merce. WEST SI DE 6-rocm lower flat : furnac with hot-water coil; fireplace, tuns. iaTs south; 725 Kearney; $25. Phone C uo mornings or evenings. . FOR RENT Two-mom flat. 31 East Hth corner E. Burnslde. Also o-room cottage. 447 East Burnslde, Keys Woodward, 104 2d st. UPPER flat, extra larce. all liKht Johnson. rooms Nob Hill district. . Main 720 or A lftO. Phone MODERN uiiDcr 6 rooms. 2 sleeuln pore bos a snap: raimnn St.. opposite auimgraan Club. Slain zitb. MODERN, close-in 4 snd 5-room flats, fur nuhed and unfurnished; s t.. ana sleeping porch, free phone. East 3i3. CI. FAN r.-room modern flat, sleeninir porch fireplace, furnace, gas range; reduced rent. 2!7 iu. 2 1 St. r-ast 1 1 0.1. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to nclijo ana canine; oesiraoi- minuwu. Ogden. 17 Shaver, woodlawn -o-. MODERN C-oorn flat; also 8-room house. inquire 375 HUn St. FLAT of rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 tth st. Phono siain o-t MODERN 4 and 6 rooms. near liy park; reasonable. Main 33, A 207i. MODERN 5 and 6 -room flat, very reasonable. corner 30th ana ,veren. WEPT SIDE modern flat, bcit part city, 54 N. 25th, corner ortnrup. MODERN nine-room fat. f bedrooms. 70 Cornell st. Main 4t..4. MODERN 4-room flat. East, 4242. 34 East Pine. WEST SIDE. XOS'r 14th, near Taylor; eight room modern nat r-ast ELEGANT flat. 5 rooms. Imt water heat. Call 772 Kearney. W A N TED A f urni v h ed 2 r 3-room flat. close In. Oehler, 4l. eon 1 ldg. Mar. 4 fa rn 1 h r d Fl a t u furnished modern. 5-room flat. sIe"P ir.c Dorrh. fireplace. io u. -1st. r-a"i 6739. Hawthorne car. FULLY furnished Tat. Including piano. phone, sewing macnine. garage, water, heat and garbage removal. Call East 4708. 4-ROOM uwper flat, nicely furnished, clean and homelike; piano, pnone ana water. East 12th st. N. MODERN 5 or 6-room furnished flat. 8 Last 12th st. Nortn. siarsnau a j." NEW modern 4-room flat, porch. V block from I. J. Chapman car. 50O Market. FINELY furnished 5 rooms and bath, walk Ing distance, heat rurnignea. w Aitn. S18 THREE rooms, new. modern, clean completely iurnianeu. inv j.i". .-im ELEGANTLY furnished, $20; janitor s.-rvlce, heat, phone. 1V North 2..d. Marshall -'4 3-ROOM modern furnished fiat, very desir able. Sellwood v. 1 .w.n vn.v furnished 5-room flat. Includ ntc piano, very low rent. o $ uiman ft Houekreping Rooms. S3 WEEK UP. completely furnished suites, absolutely cean; large room", 101 natns ail nours ire, a.vo rai ihic; sirable people only. Also single h. k. rooms $2.25 up. The Cadillac. 3d st.. near Jefferson. SI TO $2.50 week, clean, furnished house Keeping rooms, nunanie ir - or . k free heat, laundry, hath, yard. East Oo3. 4O0 Vancouver, 23 Stanton. U ' car. NICE suites of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping rooms, partly furnisned, at z Killings worth ave . cor. Vancouver. Low rent. Phone Woodlawn 1907. $S TWO larse. partly furnished house Keeping rooms. um v. . suou ncit,u borhood. FURNISHED suites of 1. J and 4 room 244 Kililngsworth ave. ; low rent, close to cars. Phono woodlawn i07. BUSHMARK, 505 Washington Completely furnisher. nouseKoeping rooms, sa weea up. walking distance. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap. Cambrloge bldg., au, cor. Morrison. 2-ROOM. modern apt., $3 to $10 per month. 14 Grand ave. . 401 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and tw o-room housekeeping apts. ; reasonable. G1LMN HOTEL, lt and Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms cheap; $i.5Q weeK up. THE ELMS, UH 14th st. 2 rooms, clean., pnone, ngnts; i-r up. Housekeeping; Rooms in Private Family. H. K. SUITES $ 10 and up : also basement room for bachelor. 194 Everett, 2 blocks of Washington. Main 330S. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, $l. month. including evertmng. us Glisan st. NEAR schools. 4 IL K. rooms. $12; machine, bedding. 412 Vancouver. 33'J2. sink, Main WELL-FURNISHED housekeepinc suite; K plate, sink, etc.; $10 per month. 31 Flanders. SI ti CLEAN. comfy. furnished rooms. bedrooms, stationary tubs. fras. yard. 24 East 37th, near Slain. 'laDor li'JO. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. i, 3 ior 1 j. ;no L.iay. TH REE furnished housekeeping rooms. 30 East yth North ; large yard ana phone. LARGE, light, clean h. k. room, water; also Bleeping room. 112 rioyt. 1 OR 2 rooms with kitchenette; all modern conveniences. Marshall 4410. 404 Taylor. 3-i;ouM H. K. suite, cool, clean, cosy, walk in distance. Kast itrj. i;i bait tn ONE first-class b. k. room, all furnished, for lady: $5. Tabor 4 S3. THREE furnished housekeeping room. 102 East 18th. THREE pn rtly furnished housekeeping rooms. 5t3 Koarney. cor. lth. Mar. 57M. TWO H. K. rooms, nicely furnished, central. Jefferson St.: $2.50 week. TWO nice clean housekeeping rooms, electric light, every convenience. g!4 13th. LARGE room, completely furnished for light housekeeping; no children. 266 1 2th. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis tance, phone. Si. 50 per week. 4.'3 6th st. PLEASANT. liKht housekeeping. Lill new nnd modfcjn; reasonable. wi'J Taylu$ Jklaia tilio-t. FOll RENT. Housekeeping; Rooms In Private Family. TWO front-room apts.. new, sleeping porch. elegantly furnished; sink, running water in rooms, silverware. linen, g" raugo. electricity, laundry, furnace heat. 123 N. 23d st. OR 4 -room lower floor, furnished com plete; pantry, sink, bath, ranKC g-ia, elec tricity, furnace, yard, - blocks lluwihorna car. 755 Main, corner 2."d. C H4. WEST SIDE LOT SACRIFICED. $75o lot for $25o; owner must have $10 cash; this Is a pickup, llobson, 528 Cor- bett bldg. LA KG E. front, alcove room, use of kitchen. fine for 2 : nice home, no other roomers, walking distance. 211 Hatsey sc. cor. Larrabee at. East 2H35. IO Mo., cookinir gas Included. 3 connecting rooms, furnished complete for housekeep ing, private entrance. 731 Rodney, near Fremont. East 7115. $1J FREE electric lights, heat, phone; S large room, adjoin batn, ard, w a. king distance; ready the U Phone East 443(t. $12 FREE electric lights, heat, phone; 2 large rooms, adjoin bain; yard, waikin g distance; ready trho lsu Phono East 4 4 3 i. -ROOM furnished housekeeping suites, $S snu 1 10; sieeptngs porch. Last o-IJs. THREE first fioor front; gas range, sink, 2 beds, piano, bath, phone. 42'J Market. llounes. $20, NO. I3il E. LI XCuLN. Modern six-room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen. 2U. NO. 3ti5 E. FORTY-SIXTH. Modern six-room bungalow , fireplace, hardwood floor, Dutch kitchen. $20. ew Clinton, modern ti-room house, f u m ace. c lose fu. it3s E. Caruthcrs, near 30th SL, modern 5 room $ 1 5. PHONE MAIN 2970. Geo. A. Ross, 3U Gerllnger bldg. CATCH THIS OPPORTUNITY! This is a REAL barealn. New modern 5-room California bungalow In desirable restricted district. double constructed hardwood flours, fireplace and all built-in conveniences. .hu, nm cash snd J-.j per mouth, including interest. Vou can't duplicate this snappy home for less than $3oOo. Full particulars by letter only irom owner, .a i v, oregonian. MR. HOI 'SK HITKIl See us before you rent a place to live In. Five minutes In our office under our new system equals a month of persona; searching. e will show you any prop- j iu w inn n pee hiid), INTERSTATE TITLE 4t LO N CO., 515 GcriiiiKT bldg. Main 2tl. 5-KOOM cjttases. aas. eleetricity. cement basemen t. centrally located, J ust papered and painted throughout In side: 4 11 and 413 11th, corner Hall ml.; key at 40y 11th su; rent $18 and $LD each. Look at these. PARK1SH, W ATKINS & CO.. 10 2d St. FIVE rooms. No 411 11th st.. near Hall, st clean and desirable; rent $1 : key at No. Jim st. i'arrisn, wataina &. to, No. I'M 2d St. WHY nay rent when wo will build vou homo to your own plans for $1U a month at per cent interest. M. E. Lee, 5o5 Corbett d11k. FOR RENT OR SALE Comfortable, mod ern 7 -ro tn houB- roses and hirge yard. H;7 Hroadway. I'hone Tabor 447o. Inquire 1nt Hroadway. Rose City Prk car. HOUSES. FLATS, COR PIN CO. Lewis btdg. J. C. FOR it ENT 5-room house and barn. acre, rer.t $12 per month, 5c carfare. Bell Real Estate Co., ;U S R y. Hx-hani;e. -ROOM coiner house with largt yard; Vancouver ave. nnd Falling st. l'honv A t;oo4, or Main 21 I. Fl V E rooms. No. 4 l'J 11th. corner Hail st.. flrst-cl.ics eondltton and location; rent $-'. Parrih, Watklns Co.. H0 2d st. NEW, modi t it, h-rooin house, sleeping porch. c rner loth aiid Washington sis., rent $.io. MODERN :i-rooin 1 ungulow. screens, i.atlt. stoves. Karueii, water; rent 10. call Ta bor 214-1. o-liOoM modem bungalow, hard ood floor . I ur.iace. X ire plain ; Owner lo7 Schuyler. Tnhor H'.K. ALMOST new modern 8-room house, has Iutko porch, fireplace, furnace and low rent. Call 44;i 31th st. $J J l-rom mouern dwelling, fireplace. iiirnace. gas ana eieetricity. 3'JO Broad way West. Fred S. Williams. I: lt , $" S-ltO" M house. 11 loth st., thorouKU- ly renovated, inquire 51 Lovejoy. Mar shall Rooms Nice corner. S'lnnyside ; fruit nd roses, f ac s east; rent $P.'.:u; 215 E. 50 th. corner almon. I'hone Tabor 1 200. MoDEitN 0-room houses, :2-5'JH San l;afael st. ; desirable, cloe in. East 10.. b- Room 111 ode n huuxe. 712 Lovejoy, Main tt7b. 22d. Inoulre 130 th. i5 E. 21 ST. 5-room. modern, new house. rent reasonable. Phone Last 2no0. SL'NNYSIDE 5-room, inodi-rn bungalow. front. Tabor 10 Helmont. LACK ELH U RST home 6 rooms, sleeping Main 2-v3'.t. porch, every luxury. $14 E. li'TH ?;;oi. and Sandy- -room cottage. East S'j7 EVERETT 6 rooms, gas, electricity. furnace ; walking distance. Phone Enst b. 32U E 57th, nr. Hawthorne, 7 rooms, sleep ing porch, fireplace, garsge. East 8. MoNT A V I LLA O-room house, chicken run; Si. L. 77tn -N.. ilar. 42M. $20 WEST SIDE. -room house, close i7 cnai-maii. I'urnlrhel llouee. FURNISHED 7 - room house on river; sad, city conveniences, bathing, boat; 25 min utes on Oswego line, tk: fare; one acre. N orris. B Olol. FURNISHED o - room modern bunsulow hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; rt'iit reasoniie. rnone bPiiwoiKl iu: OL'it beautiful modern ti-room home, com plete, garden- Rose City line, 13 minutes; permanent ; j' v-, oregonian. MODERN furnished 5 - room cottage, also small private lower flat, 3 rooms. Scll wod 2. 514 E. 21st. 'WR"' car. $25 FURNISH EL 10-room houtte In 1 and '-room housekeeping apts. 0uo Front st H 2514. IRVINGTOX Part of furnished house on car line , 5 rooms on ground floor; adulta. East 43S4. 540 MARKET STREET DRIVE 5 or rooms, bath, f urritice. fireplace, fine View. 1-J or Portland Heights car. IN Irvlngton, furnished 5-room modern, du plex. Lau iLiuii utitj. ItOOMS antique mahogany, grand piano, 1 ear or more. 70;! North ru;i. FURNISHED Irvlngton homo for one or two months: references. 5d E". 1 N. I F you have Oehler, 415 t furnished house to rent, call Yeon bldg. Mar. 422. $125 ROOMS furnished, lawn, ruses, thade . Sell. 200. treei $iu.5i 4-ROOM house. 2CS Mill St.; fine condition, clone in. MODERN. 4-room, nicely yard. 740 Minnesota ave. furnished, good Woodlawn 436. 7TH AND BELMONT 5-room cottage, $20 per month. Marshall 4727. Summer Reports. PACIFIC VIEW BEACH. Cottages and tent -houses for rent, com pletely furnished, from $:i.5o to $7 per we-k, with free wood , fine besch, good fishing and hunting, plenty clams, agates. -Make your reservation now at 14 Stock Exchange bldg.. ad and Yamhill sts. WANTED Young man partner to travel with me from town to town, selling leather specialties, also chromo pictures; 100 much for me to do, $ 15o required : a profitable, interesting business: have complete outfit and i'ock; don't hesitate to investigate. AP Oregonian. NEAli-K Ali-NIK COTTAGE, furnished, for rent for Aur ust, 4 bed rooms, bath and sleeping-porch, large lilng and dining room, fireplace and 2 living-porches. Pnone Marshall 555. ROCK AW AY ; new, neatly furnished 2 and 3-room cottages for August ; electricity, running, water; also private rooms. J. J. Krebs, SEASIDE house tent completely furnished 2 beds, electric light and board: X blocki from beach; sidewalk. Mrs. J. Seines, care teins Ac vv neatiey. "TH B HACKNEY COTTAGE," with all modern improvements and comforts of a home. For rates wire or write. Sea View. Wash. FOR RE NT Seaside, Or., dandy 4-room cot tage, iurnisnea complete, ny month or season; situaiea near Moore Hotel, among nice snaue tree. rasi -. SEASIDE, furnished rotiace for rent; near Necanicum inn; goou location. Main 1 Hoi SEKEEI'ING apts., water. light. Ocean Beach. furnished ; wood. Cresu Rockaway SEASIDE Cottage, on board walk, h rooms, strictly modern. completely furnished, phone East 020. MOUNT HOOD auto stace calls any part of city. Main .i. a sj.h. ROOM and board a tent hrre. M a 1 r. Oswego 215, Lake; large 5-ROOM cottage, bath, electric lights. rn tral : $15 for September. Marshall 354U. SEASIDE Completely furnished tt and bath. I'hone East H100. FURNISHED housetents at beach. $2 50 week up. McDonald. 4n2 Swctl.ind bldg. SEASIDE Modern cottage, completely fur nished, every convenience. Main 3749. SHOP, ave. &U0, 45x125. $4n; north llrht ; Haw Uior n near bridge. IL N. Burpee. Mala FOK RENT. Offices, FURNISHED private office, $lo month; aso tifsK room cneap. aiucn bicougv, a and Vimhlll. WELL - FURNISHED prlva office: tio Chamber of uek room, $0 and $ 1. 1 t om merce. OFFICES $10 up; furnlihed offices and dwk ro:n; free phone; very reaonable; Pr land's bust st corner. 303 fc wetland bldg. M ireUsuse nsw FOR RENT Star Sand Co. barn, lth and East Flanders. Stable room for K' norm. 100x200 ft. Inquire :10 Board of Trade, MUST BE SOLD Dairy lunch and restau rant business, now pay tug 2o per cent N ET on the price w ask . this buslnes consists of a chain of eetlng places in I 'or lis ud owned by a corporation w hose affairs have been placed in our hands to c:ot up. and if Interested in this line ot, call or write THE ADJ UST M ENT BU HE AU of tli Portland Ass D, cf Credit Men. tiOv Com'l. blork. WE START YOU IN RUSINESS. Furnishing ever) thing, men and women. $v to $u0 weekly eaaiiy earned operat ing our New b stem candy ac tones, home or small room an where; no can asninir: opportunity lifetime: send for full puxwruiars. M. Rivieire, loii South Hill St., I s A n g 1- K'S. Ca I. WILL lease my 15o acres 6-year old fruit ranch; apples and pears front 1 to 3 etr to responsible art . able to purchase stock, imp! omenta and lurnlture (.appro k linaiely $ 1 25u ; will give one-half of fruit and produce and $4x per year for spray In and pruning. Gtv references and phone. AO iHil, Oregonian. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for enterprising prty to aeveiop a profit able business witn little capital by ac quiring state rihts of an Amercan-inad invention of great demand I11 domestic and country home use, ami haviug a w e.l estabiished standing. AV 414, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade at a bargain, the famous Calnpouia Sprti:t resort. There Is none better for the cure of human ai ments ana unsurpassed for pleasure and recreation; also lu acres of fine garden land In block 5, Snider s Subdivision Siokane, Wash, Ad drNs Lvl Oet-r, U-ndun, Or. FOR SALE SNAP. 'leaning and pressing establishment. Located In good district, with good trade. Will sell complete et a td ishment. Including houe furniture, for $7 casn. & oehler, 415 Yeon bldg. Marnmll 422. FOK SALE One of the best proponltlons In Portland for Investment. This is sate and honest and will Insure a steady In come. Kull Investigation invited; not much money required. Uill Ai Duiur, 312 A t In g ton bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Reatty Hoard. PAUL A. COWGILL. Sec'ty. Kit Chamber of Commeroo Bidg. For SALE 2 picture theater, live county seat lowu, Orogon. pop. V-mO; controls vaudeviito and picture business; only com pet tt Ion one small tirt ure show ; pp.rnoiii Investment ; requires cash to handle. AV 452. oretronian. $joi. SACRIFICE $.fO Confectionery, soda fountain, tobacco, etc. ; situated at god transfer point and making money. 7 7 1 Wasninicton. 1'bons A 7o:. GRAVEL JU'SINESS Partner wanted to tend the .ird, check the lourta of gravel, etc. ; pay $lit montn saiary. besides share of IniHu p rt its. Call RKm 32'J Morgan Bldg. CASH grocery, no Oil very, doing big buM ness. fine corner lurniioti. In good rel- ilence 'district; rent ery low ; fine place 1 nr man and wile: prh e -. 0. all -Lumber FAcn., -jd and Stark. GROCERY W st side. ery desirable loca- lion: dotnsr f .. montriiv. business es tablished 14 years; owner retlnnir and will U at invoice. Call 3K ttauway i-x c n n n k c. FOR SALE Rent-located and best-llt:d tara ice bus)n.-es on East Side; mut sell at once; owner leaving town. $-...0 cari balance on very easy terms. Al' oregomen. FOR SA LE First -ciass bakery and con fee 1 i.,ner v a hi tut SlJo: imail town near l'ort:uiil. Selling out account sicknss; wnl consider property in trade, J sil. ore g on Ian. TRANSKER-STORAOE Old - established bun'.m-iii. desires active man as partner; hit is a verv rare ottoortu intv for a cap sole man. Price $:t'uu; some terms. Call 517 R a 1 1 w a y Exchang e 1 -ox EEC I l N ERY and lluhl t-T-K iTy in lMt r. - .ience diMrlct In l ho clt y ; owner has other bustns and li sacrifice ti $75. Ca.l .115 Lumber Exch.. 2d and Stark NICEST little restautant in I-ortland; good tralo. bw rei.t "R'tir offer is my price. 1 must gt outside. Gem liestauract, u J S I!. M"rri?on. t'i iN r ECTi N FRY Wantel a oi.i-ciUtniry store In dom n - town ditrht; have rami buer, Oehier, 415 Ye. .it bblg. Mar. 422. CPARS and hotel location. nl"e pls.-e lndy. cheap rent: oner compe.i.-d leave, will Invot.-e about $250. .all Lumber Kxrh.. 2d nr.d Stark la a 1 1 i:i:i('i:u V and confectionery In best 1... .1 1 Ion mill rt men t - house d tst net : rale trade for little Ford ; price $''U. Do not mlNtake. Call II i'5J. HALF Interest in auto repair busings; this business will stand full Investigation; owner will giarantee you $ . month can Invest $:r. all 'J4Vj Stark st. w it v STORE Very fine West Side location, llv inp-rooms. furniture; rent $! nice trade, $-50. Call ;ioj Lumber E change. jl 7, NIC' 8-room apartment, private home. v-ii.i litth at . WAlk:nr distance and cars; Includes Iiuht. nuier and phone. Main 6U". 1.1. :nr with living rooms, ail ca-H tra.: this takes $55o or win Invoice; int richi for man and w ife. call 24 n l S:ark st. KTi w v. I.tisiness. r artner wanted, ow n will leach VoU in nusineps, pay s"'" w nrM. onlv $125 required. Cail 24 s Sta;k st. PRTNER wanted in a so. Id office Dusine to attend ornce ana meei cun-inirn. "" Investment required nr.d good references. Call :tl 7 Railway Kxcb anise. vi--EE-HOUSE for sale; irood place t man and wife to ciear per raonio. Apply owner. 561 1-. Aiaer. i.ii-viiltv r.iiite and waicoii for le Mriratn : w ith rest launury in cu, anu nice business. $5qu. AM Vn2. Oregonian. 1' atess EN ani grocery store, nw In W est Mile, a imf uusmw. oi-.-c i must sell: price :oQ. call 10 1 4th st. nRi'u'V.RY delicatessen and confectionery, livlns rooms: ior eneai. cluuiu 11 health. Hy owner, 343 Russell st. w v-5 r a "fit ANT: good location. oM estab lished, cheap rent; $ou. AL 103. Ore goninn. wante;- Intere-st business. -Partner with $2ov0 to take b:f jn established manufacturing H 1. oregonian. PA HTX ER Wood -saw Ing bulnes, good machine: ran make 4 to $5 day each. $ 17 Y Call li'ta Lumber r.xcli ange. HAVE Rood ciear properly for grocery or general store; city preferred. R. t . iiryan, io Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Confectionery stor and candy kitchen, cor. E. 13th and Harney, bell w ood. 1AN to ioln me. well abbs bed bu sines large. leg it lmate profits; $500 required. H m, orejonmn. Urv vooda furnlshincs notions, at w holesale. L. Dlnkelsplel Co., Sherlok bldg., room 112 FOR SALE Fool, cigar and confectionery store, invoice. C. O. Shaw, Newport. Or. SMALL CASH CROCERY. bO Grand Ave. North. M'HAllt barber shop for sale; cheap rent. Call TKbor i:. FOR SALE Dairy lunch. good business. some terms. Apply 427 Morrison. Hl'SINKSH OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. IK viiu want to sell our business, call rhler. 41". yeon bldg. Mar. 422. ROOMING-HOUSES. MRS. M E. LENT. Leading Tlotel-Apartm-ent-house Agent. Unilj Ru ver and Protected. C HrtesT Hel'.aSle AfCncv In City. 50S-1 N. W. Hank bldg . ih and Morrison. HERE Is a snap. Come and see tt. n -r o. m ap;.. all furnlhed for light housekeeping, in out new furniture, runs, linen, and ever thing goes for $2oi); on account of friend's bee it h. a:n leaving city. :: 1 4th. fi-HoOM boteL centrally located, cheap rent, for sale at a bargain or will take pa rt ne r. Ca 11 25 North 4th t. 34 ROOM, rood location, cheap neni: sac rlf'ce $1100; must be sold. M $5s, Orego nian. 31 ROOMS, nicely furnished: must sell this wee, some run, oaiance iraue. saain iii 2 . J S Second st. LO8T AND FOC NO. imlrlch tire on extra rim. s.xe 54 by gee trean ; iiheral reward. W ood rs. 15i Fenwick. REWARD will be rald lady who found wallet with papers at Public Library. 510 AMngton biK. rnone i. si-o. LST Main c ercost. lack-gray a7i:. A 512.. mixed. Phone Lost ; olden Cocker Main 501.1. Spaniel. reward. FOI ND Automobile tire. Address with ds SwiipUon. AP 1-2, Oregonian. lost and lorsn. LOST Red sweater coat at lower end of Oswego Iake. between Portland and Os weso. Phone Marshall 2i'to. Write A 25, Oregonian, LOST L.1TK env!t.iie in South loitl.:id j :t ney or nn Itti st.. tet w, t-en t ori-ett and Ftrrt sis., containtiii; oiorki and ot.ier alu.iti papers, useful -n 1 v to onr. Re ward. Ida 1;. Cooper, tal Ftrt st. i'hoite W.xhI's w n 11 23. LuST lie t ween Port land and Satcm, E-t Side." blsck pocket-book it :i nt in closed ; return to Finn ik an Iiri.. ."1 Jef . frsn St.. Port land. r. I.trerwl reward. LivT. Monday. Anieih- g:d bracelet, W. L!brrt -Denver ave. or Portland ind Re srrt. Phonn Woodtaw n 31 5. A duress 13 W. IJlveny mi LOST Scotch collio dop. Tuesda ; S months old; answers to nam of "Ficker"; re ward. Dr. R. B. Karket. S "Ing b.!g. Mam Z34 or Main 11 or A I091. LOST 2 ludb-s' h.: 111 road between A torla and Port 1ft no. Finder p. cine notify Mrs. K. K. l'lijuoen, 457 ua st, S. E.. Portland, Or. LoST Cold bani r ng with W. J. H .' en graved on Inside. Return 677 K, Ankeny. Rew ard. SPECIAL NOT I C KM. Iropoals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Oregon. Request fur PlUs, In the matter of Consumers Lumber St Supply Co., bankrupt. I will receive seaied bids for the fol lowing properly of the above-named bank rupt, located at S. Ban Station. S. P. 4k 8. Ry. Co.. near Linn ion. Oregon, up to and until 12 o'clock, noon, on Friday, July 30. 191&: 1. Machinery and equipment of the In ventoried v aiue of $743. Office fixtures of the Inventoried value of t; :a Equity In buildings of the Inventoried va.ue of $1200. Equity In one railway spur. 550 feet, to- count S. p. mt s. Ky. Co 2. Logs and lumber of the Inventoried value ot $13 JO. H ids wil. be received upon parcels as above set forth, numbered 1 and 2. and for the pronerty as a whole. btiauld in totai of the highest bids for ecn of the parens ne greater than the highest bid for tne whole, tne said bias will be sve- cepteu, subject to tne aptrov el of tne court for s-id parce.s: but should the nicnest uia for the- whole b creaier than the total of the highest bids for each of ne parceia, ut sa.a nig be bia lor th whole will be accepted, subject to the approval or Wis court All bids must be L inm ni n t h rorf I fled check for lo per cent of the amount offered. Inventory of the above property may be seen ai my 01 1 ice ana iu property in spec ted upon app.icauon. K. L. SARIN. Trustee, IN THE DISTI'.KT COURT of the In. ted States, for tii iiistrict of Oregon 1: tne matter of ihe estate of tne L mted Clot net Sh.p, bankrupt: Notice is here&y given mat tne umwrscneU. as receiver In bunk ruptcy of tne aaovc tut lUed estate, w ul receive sva.e,! btus Ior the stock of m chandise coi:etajg of men's ciothes and accessories, inventory Vaiue JH1. lo, and xxtures. inveatoty value $5u.ys. of auove named bankrupt, now located w anin-ion st.. for Land. Or.. m or before satuioay, 1 :o Jlst u of Juij. . 12 o clock iiuuu of said da at 1 no o: f i or A. Al. t nauon, reiree in bankrupic. su .-sorinwt-sieru Hang oidg. ; inr chandise may be lihiecied oy cumniur.l catu:g with the undersigned at noin ill rnton or upm ca.tiug Rradwa 144 s, where the iuv enior ie on fii aud ma y be inp . ied. All bids must te aecotiiLinted br cer t:fled cheeks tr lo per cent " H'S amount tnereor, and it undrs.gnt,d reserves ihe rigi.t to reject any and a.l bbis. 11. W. biTTON Receiver In Rsnkrupicy of t ulled i ionics hopt itankrupt. IN THE DISTRICT COCRT of the Lulled riaies ior tiiu Distri 1 of Oregon. In ihe ma: ter of Geoi gu Wo, as an ind I Vi-luul and as a mem l. r of the part u. t n :p o! ay fun Co.. bankrupt. requt for u..U. i Wl.i -u.eU Otils r the fo..ow lr.g proie.y of itte bankrupt. liKtrU 1 me etore formerly occupied by new bank rupt at l,' 11th sit ctt, port, anu, oi.k ui to ana until 1 - o c.i K no-n on ur- !. July I. 11.. at my, ;u-4 Morgan bulidir.c. i'ort .and Ornu: Slot g of g.Muj. war-a ami mt coiii.-. ir.g of 1uik.s'. ctnioirii'i and riin s fur it. h 11. goimia, faiu y tc,... iit.ui.i etc. ,f the lnr.tor.ed a.uc of t4.;j Fix 1 urea riuln .t.g to the samu ot tit Inventoried vaiue o L $ j.4.7. Ceriifud clieck for lo per cent of fhe anion lit kHvcvI must accitip:iy each bnl. .-uio subject to the ai'prov al ot l Cour C In v en tor y of the propert y may be seen at my ufTu-o and the pioperiy irj.fctcd upon appoint menu R. L- SAliiN. NOTtrK Is hereby g.ven thit ihe under bills unnl s gr.ed wlii n ccl sea.-d T nut ia v. A US. o. 1 I .". t i o t M. f-T I'k.' .e of an Imuc ot J" n.m of bonds of school i-(rt. t No. ;. C.a. kmas t ount y, Oregon. Ald bomls t j be if uid detioti!nai:oii ard p:ah;e a follows. $;.t0 each dii d A nit. 1. IL, tlue 2't years after uwte, witn op;:'ti u reiee:n an v time af ler five ci s a f ler d n K. in terest h S per cent. pu ab. 'ti)i-iiinu . principal and inteni.1 pMun. at Hie ofi:ce of tne Treasurer vl ( imkuniti County. Otvgon, or at the f.cai : of Hie Stat- ot or n in tne city and state of New Wrk, C. S. A., at the option of the purchaser. Dated July - 191. O. D. Ell Y. Plstrirt Clerk Pro Tein Aforeeid. SEALED l.ll'S wi.l t received for luac.t.i.e shop ejuuui.eiit for aitli.hton Likii School. Eat 14th and Stark siiecis. Pott la iid. or. gon, at tne ot : n e of R. 11. i nomas, hol Cink, 4u 1 Ciurt i.out..-. Portland, origon, utu.i 4 :u 1. M . Augu: I').'.; a:id wl.l le "jH-iu-d l- tlie li.iru of Directors at 4 no p. M.. August i .!:. In R -M- m ;u4 Courthouse. pe ;f n ations may be obtained at the oi" f ice of the un derslg nel. A certified cheek. payable to It. H. Thomas, Sciiool Clerk, lor J per cent. -l the amount of t.e bid mut accom Lany each bnt. The Hoard of Directors reserve tlie right to reject any atui s.i mus, 01 divide the award. IL H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dnted July 2d. I'.tli. SEALED proposals will be receive! at the offne of the ur.dersig red. 4"l t'ourt house, 11 n l il 4 P. M. T nu rw tii y. Aucurt o. 1 :1.". fir piuinbing of Knn.kl!n lii.'li School. Hlds wul be opened In room '4 'ourt bouse at same Deposit of $10 1 required for plans and iec;f ;c.v t ions, which may be obtained at ;.!e oflice tf F A. N a rn more, superintendent of prop erties. litiS tiu rt !ituie. Cer. if ltd cneck for 10 per cent of amount of proposal, payable to R. H. s, School C.erk. must ccompiny each proposaL Hoard of I i rectors r s rv t s the r g lit to re it ti a.-f and ail propos is. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated J uly Lfl. F.'l.V I iMrr 1 lunrous. AS FRIDAY. Julv rb.. P.lo. co:isujmnat the sale of my place of huincs. I a ted a; lio.i East -tih si., all b.i.s snd ciaims against same must be presented nhin live to) cays from above d tte. C. K. HROWN. N't -TICK. The American S rip Company has quit buMneff. Scrti will be med If sent to said comp.iny. care Story tldg., Los, CaL MY WIF E. Tl E S S I E KNfiAKT, h a 1 n g 1 f t my bed and board. 1 III not re responsi ble fr any bills she may contract, Julv F.H.V Ross K.N'IART. nXANTI.lL. W E I 1 Y mort gage bon da and notes. WESTERN HoND At MRT..OE CO., S'' 4:h st , Hoard of Trade p;ig. FIR.T and sernd mortgages. s;po severs' interest !n contracts purchased: Oregon or ash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermena bldg. WE buy note, bonds and moricicfi. Dob ertson A Ewing, S -' 7 -S N. W. Itank bldg. SiuKTOAOR loans, notes, p u rc h ase d, Ie wis A Co. contracts, m :gs 4 Lewis bldg. M oa ry to losm os Real restate. W E' LL finance your home on our lo ours. I'iv us monthly like rent. We or are lrtrc-at home btillCet In Portland t The or con Home LuUders. 13-io N. W. Hank bldg. TO LOAN 4 O.O-O OR LESS. farrin;tov. SO ITH ST.. HOARD OF TRADE DLDG. Lo IUO and upward on Improved real ertste: favorable urras : no .i; no brokerage. John Bain. OT Spald.r.g b.dg. FIELDS ex HON E Y M AN MtU OCR OWN FCNDA U AO E t.O 101-.-10-.' YEON 1'LIX? MOItTOlOE LOANS IN ANY AMOT'NT. oKKtii. inv. c mortgage co., inc. Stock Exehsnge bldg. . 5 J and Yamhill. SEE us today for loans on improved city propert y. to per cent: ,c0 and up Cellars-Murton Co.. Sii Yeoo bldg. PRIVATE money. JlouO to 4ih0 to loan on real estate. B Oregonian. FARM AND CITY M ORTI A ( E LOANS. A. H. HAKDINO. 313 CHAM. OF COM. MoRTHAC.E I-OANJi. C and 7 PER CENT. Lul'lS SALOMON A CO.. S 00 OAK ST. MONEY loaned, city ana farm lands: 00 commission. jS Chamber ot Lommrrce. iT'H$Ji0r$6r t. 120(r$lr- Fred W. Orman Co., I4Cham be rof Commerce. MONEY, any amount, 4 to t per cent. W. IL Sens A Co., 3lo Spalding b.dg. $1200 TO LO A N on Portland; must be gilt edge. AO 46. oregonian. MONFY on baud for moMase loans, gacea bough? Fred P. Wjl lam. ' r ort- st st. fli,(0l OR property. any X o Pari. t per cent, :i. Oregonian. Improved MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMCC NT. Item to p4 JatsV Co i4 Chiua, of Com. I IXANtl L .Money to loan un Real IlMatA. NOW Is the it :ne i ri:iRO 1 r the money t l jy : f 1 i:ai m-Tt n-. It will S Mn he r.uc. li v 1 ay 1 -r .-r V when we cm 11 turn tin intnr at a much lower rate? Li:eial loans t: lmprfu or tnim;ro e.l t-ity .r count r pr i-ert v. N cum n-. ln t- !,M:c-d : lo. j r (t-pa inent pn U fie, t ' 1 . tipen fvrn!-,c, WKSTLKX C i KM TIVE Kl'RAL t'KKI'IT I N loN. r -1 Vorian ! ..U M-in 77 A 7T44. M N E Y LOANED. Improved bi.:u(M propei ly, & 'z to $ per cc:.t. 1 -n proved residence property. $ to 7 per cei.t. improved farm property, 7 to $ per cent. V1U i"M ER-KK1.LY CO.. TU l :::.,k l;tck. 11 0 N tw i TO LOAN ON IMPRoV El REAL ESTATE FOR 1 L ILl-lNd I t RPojE; KUY FLEXi iLE Co N i'R At I S . Nc i' M i lSIoNa. COLL M i 1 A LI EE A. Tlil'- V CO.. S--1U SPALDING LLDG liOhiiAur: LOANS. A n v nioaul, ow raivs, j r.miplly c !, Atlractiv e rc( a uic :il t rlv ne ;es. A 11. l.lRKELL to.. 21 Nortnw cu rn iank LiMg. Marsha. 1 4114. A 411 Money to ioaa on property in irv li.gtoii. ljuiviliurn, Ladd A J Jit. on, central r.i ?.ue a.:i.:t.oni. Wamut I'aik. I uilniont a-lju.n.a; d:ir.c:; qu.cK act. on, iiuerest, li. V. lisgooo. :il Journal blcg. MONEV to loan at 5 to 7 per cent. Fort- land businea and rniiicnc proyci iy. Farm I ans at 7 to per cent. a ALL v vun i.oi;TV;L, 1"4 2 i t.. near miu. CITY AM FARM LOANS. Low est Rait. N ue.ay. C. IK SIMON DS. 17 Cor oe 1 1 JB.dg. i'U to Loan loar.h ; tow . t in iJ!i:i lAteS. W, nit ; bu.M livek. il4. I- a b.o TO . per cent moneys on bu:nei prop erly, pjrt:u. n'm, dwei:in:v, f.irm li. iu H;.c!n. 11. .1 Nor h w ei r 11 iiank b.Lg. $ioU S5d- Ou R -$ ;h luoO $35vo ai K:atc, MOID RiiALTY CO.. Lew-is Mile LOANS: C.ty. ' - ',; farm. 7 - DoRR L. Kl.m.i v CO., 72 Stark St Money t o 1 un hat tele m nd Sa lariew. lMAicDlAi t- LO AN S " ON DIATOM'S AND JbA ELR T A 1' LAS i t-KN KA i We have one of tne fn.t itiall Jewelry tores 111 the city. A loan dvai t:uent 1 redacted in coi.uc. liou with :nc, mak ing bust nest. . l 1 1 L - c . r acTl.i.; Bboiuirl HO ttiU tic lm I A .lilg ii4 ri bu 1- ' br4 aiuaed lu tloi.i o I o - r A.I l1.crkh4fti1t.iL.u iiiU;cu is held fur 1 en d of 1 j tiiiiitts. wnt-.ucr b." not ii..-rvst is r4td when cue We re in.ud iua nave eeu esiabliit.d s.nce 1 ;. No connection with tu oiucr Ivan oubi.iJiiucai iu liiis Jl. AM- PKI.OVAOi; JEWELERS, $.4 i:ur.ijn St. STATE SECCRITY CO.. LICENSED. oidetr rtah:!!ied ca..vry loin company i:i frrs.Mi, l.c.:.b.c. Mi:i:ivlorj terms. liui:ic.- t nc L ci.I.Jum.. Our well-known reputation for square ileu. ing and courieun ttcaimcut Uui.n Hie na 1 is our best K'icniicc. 'KlTKITV CO.. 3" I ii;g. M NEl i o LOAN. VOL lA. liti" li AoDAT t icai on Dla-not.o.. AuLva. Pianos Fuxui.urc. UotiA or Motorc) c.ea. l ay t ack i er uini h or more, liite:-t J i r nuL OFFICES .ML-ol.i 4 i.l.n I 'R IV ATM, POR1LANI LOAN ,o.. Ll 1.N.-1.U. 311 Dekutu .'o.g . .il and MoN LY AT OM i: I.H'JAL it A I E OF I M 1. Pln:c!iii, .h i Mv. M u. ul A l l'l--..!'l Hei.l n . )a. ;to 1 'I'i'flri m n t lor l.i.HY ' 'oM I N I Lie 1 SCO l.utni.i r I. i"..: , TU an T. i rumcnta. V i '. ;-ati mop 011 ; . . ; .f t !. ra ; ch Mr. 74 S1 Pl. S U ril wv.ry oiukcis. Dm limn Wanted. PORTLAND TUl'Sr A SAVINGS P-ANK. MORTGAGE 1ANS, Prompt s. rv 1 c. l.i.iiii;-:e terms. IVUil.ASlI 1 1 C I ' T A - V . 1 v . liA.SK. t I il AND M . 1: 1 s IS. c a l. w -ou .1 7 I" I Ct l.t. J.:..u N. . li.-m-r .;.i.drt 1 h:m rlv st i-n 1 jii tf ini.ri I 1 tea apar:m for St rais. to h (r ccttt. anu Itiiurilu e -cunt ro:i ni. 141 l.iih st. W AN l i.l' -L w ort h r 1 '.'' 4 17 I'l .fni t n of ,.n w l I j a 1 il n of l II : tt. r. - c : I v pro per t V r t-t nt inierol. P R I v A 1 E. -fl.l . . v e r Mi)h;I 1 . proved. PorCii r.d. ni 1 W ANTED - "'0 -n c:ov,-,n i-acr iratt, worth 'o.i. AL 144, Ortfioniju. f 3' i and f K'tt'O ranrh, e -ur:y. private party preT.-ri c-i. 1 a'.-or 4"'..o. W 1 LL .C.lllt t e: C ontl mortgage IU14I1. on reHlence. ii ! WILL sacrifice .hi r. M.iMi. - A N r " a I ..iie proper y. f:rt morttace on Lumber Ex nange. c-.i n gox.d U"t wner. C..a;iu t'f Coin. I'l HONAL W E i luit. . t r a : in . i a a .at S bralt h. not for in-i ca ne tief e -r rln clrd t -I llcr ', t ure.t t rt . 1 1 idol In t Li I l.i ee mni: . m' al:imi.i.i l: o!np. t. V. n rated stomach, -ed with treat menta. iiCvad on one .l.e a tut ImuMliuiJ Work I" ia-. A.l thou a:.d uilcr uci inn) inv .'M.i;a',' d. DRS. PHILLIPS A- II V KM AN, WE SELL liXIK H MR. 11 Al iv. S -11; C : ral f rl iW':Ulir. ,4 r-inii t . ,1 . : ft q i.u. .1 g ra 4. kj Ltil(i litis A l . .0 I ior Sc on Ka. miMS!...; M-iimj-w.! Z c M an. cut o - .-c lm.iait i -c u p 1 : ; 1:0 u? halt rem.v e.i b e! ci r :c . t y. C ia: sntecd. "u: l-.a r. a 11 s1: ade. w itci s a n . ng t Ji I'ruc bar. .m in urj it. au : y Favors, 4i'-i-4Pj t...g.. "iind end .i!i:!,cl.n. M a: :.u.t 1 7 v J. FEU VET A. HANiliai. I.ea-lmg w a:. 1 t"iix- matter; f;nrt Stork hi,:iiin : a ; einvi? ; a . i i.t-j. Iriiin -.c up; la.i i .i.g, fc and sa. tnn'.:ii iu. n.aJe up lo on:r, 1 4 . lwoa.i w .- . mar M : r -Sv-n. Mam J 4 CH tU 'N i'." I '1 : . Headache. R I eutl.a t:sm. O-'llnv-, l'.iijiur. r,i!i "lroub.!. Etc. No Met: 1 c; ne. N 'per a 1 .011 s. M id em i-.qu.pped 'rfo. 1.-. trlcil . Mia.i-u la t; i-u ana Ha: hs Vnn::: im hue 12 to CI Mn-'.ai.-l Imik. It. W. E. Malory. MliS. Si"EVi:NS. :2 jais l'ortland s re I'a.mift iiTi'l c . a 11 v o an t. ii.ior of '1 t nni:r Made r.a." aM. by It. Km li a lie. divine IkmIci it r d p.rlt, t-I luVavr. Tcrv.pie ..prn :a . -. ' 1 a 1 e t. Lot ISE .KUr'l.. nurse and tiiss se -;.-e. gl v s t : . at men i s tor r he;: :ua 1 .nn. iu :i.Oa C o, ricur a : g .:. etc. ; tub tat !;.. tna. s. e and elect r ic b n.k'! laidy a.s;ant Z .-. lltJi St. Mars!. a.l .i'j3. SP1 R1TC AI.ISM Rev. Mnry A, I'rlce. Circe 1 urtay -. U !. and .nn. P. M ; read !.gs datlv . cs 4th st. Marshal S0 l.or.VV TAYl.oR. D. T. : t hers i-cut ics. tn a ii net !C n'.aJige Ma.:ia-i Xvil'.W K!1 AN t:,:i. reasonable, lb 7 1 ltiu cd r.iira- and massruse. ritimrnt. house hi A M. 1 st., rooms : and 2. e;ek-;r .0 b.ank t n to P M -vsS ELECriiTc V11SRATOR f" rheumat ism. r.eaa:g.a. lacal and Foimui . Mar. I't. no ca p t re at men u Maiu CMIUtl'LLAS a.l coiors and stvle; largest : ock . x e-co. ei 1:1 n . r e w ii anl k-s put 011. Meredlt h a. Ja'' ! SOPHIE II. SEIP, iner.ta: and spli :t ael s 1 c:it.t. 22 ALky I'.uk' O.iestlon meeLng Vedueoa. i. M. Ma.n '-a. PHYSli'l AN ill ireat y.u at our home ciiii.c : e-, t net v . v .1.1 a" ion. m S.1..USI men . M: :n 4. MADE OF Yl R CoMHlN.. Switch- ..-. nitii snd pun-j ;.o-. Sact- tary lteuuty Farlo.-s, 4 . l-mim bldg. DR ETH EL A S CR . .:r. n ch l r, pouiSt, ic; pa narr.a i.. g 1 ', a ' L M"LFS. supeif io-is bar removed. Mr. M. D. liii:, 4-9 blcg. Ma.n i 4; a. CH1ROPR VCTIC explained ; t air.! sctjust-1-1 4th, nK'nit pleusmg ; 1 1 treatments $ 1 HALM OF FIC.S CPMhMND. Royal Tonic Tablet. o"4 luvii st. i'noiia Ma.n r C S i. CHIROPODY an.l electric treatments. Room T l j. 3 i : Mormon St. M A N L I K 1 NO and clectnc treannent, Ethel purke. ll latrayeie bide. GUAM ATE M SEfSE ti.-at men is da.l Sca.p manage. 1 o i, ;j i, 4th fir., apt. LESS o N S Z Z i 1 1 h In ph renolog y arc! card re a din 4. et. Phone Main 7J4S. ts Native Herbs for rheumatism. !s for r."c. All druggists. Iff Hae SI tab' MANl'TKlNi'i. and gentlemen. Room f. S:S Yamhill st. LADY RAPHE H s 1 1 s r ' . w n si.. hulr cut 1 GriVTI.FMKV 'a- l :re fl amp-o, ! -a V aa ! ILL se.l Hr; ino. I 'i :nri t . pi :..-; in 1 -.e 1 1 i i 1; ou 1 1 .m: Ptnk n. . . f-i wan iin ir V ,mii4! li ruivl l y 4-tr IM-!.'. r '.. 0. ,.r. 4lO M To $L o to m l.ia! i:t'.x v!i.-iif. I cf lo u 1 N