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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1915)
12 THE MOllXIXCr OREGONIAN. MONDAY, MAY 17, 1015. PORTLAND ABSTRACT OF TITLE. I'KoMl'T SEHV1CE at reasonable prices. Pacific Title He Trust Co., T Ch. ot Com. accorihox ilkatTigI A-VOKi.'10M, knife and box pleating, plcot lng, lieinstUcuinK, braiding, embrulderluB Kastern Novelty Mfg. Co., 0tb ml. Mail orders promptly attended to. K. eiTiiPH A.N llL-instltchlng and scalloping, accord, aide pleat, buttons covered, Oods sponged, mail orders, 3S3 Alder. M AS.-.A Vfcli-, AMI A.NALVaTa. MONTANA ASsAV OKFlfK. H-V Sd. Gold, silver and platinum bought. , ARTIVrTwATKK COLO itS, CUTNA 1'VI.MIM,. JiMX.NK M. 8TEWAKT, 6X8 Plttock block. ATTOitNLVS. II A LI. A: 1-LiU UN Kit, lawyers; consultations free 2CS-U fllJdner bid (J. Mar. S6U7. i. S1LFUKO NELSON, lawyer, removed 018 Piltoclc b'.lc. M.Un 7391. Consultation free. t AlU t l H tAVtltS. KOUl'UWlibTKUdCO. ttugs from old car pets, rag rufiD. 183 bl. Stli. Botn phones. tl-LI-tl.Oll) ULIiO.Nb, UADGUi. T11K lltWlN-ilOUajN COMPANY. 8s" Washington st. Miln 313 and A 1254. CHIKOI'OOISTS. Vllliain. Kstelle and Wiliium, Jr.. Deveuy, the only sclentlttc chiropodists in tile city, l'arlors uerlinger bldg., S. W. corner Jd and Alder. Plione Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mr. M. D. Hill. Office ylleduer t.lug. Main 34 7 o. f HIKOI'KACTIC SERVE Sl'tCIALIS . IH. A. H. BRIOOa, 605 S wetland bldg. cui-Ku-rKAcric fhvhician. tr. poulson, specialist In paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 350 Ptttock blk. M, 8414. Jjlt. M'MAHON, 6th year, chronic cases tak lnir time, 31 treatments, $15. 121 4th at. Ijittss Sl'ITS for rent. We press one suit each week for 91. 0 per month. unique: tailorino CO. .tO Stark St., bet. uth and 6th. Main 514. COLLECTION AUKNCV. CLAIMS of any description collected on per centage anywhere. Highest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency, i!H Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 480. Accounts, notes, Judgments collected. "Adopt Hhort Methods.' Short Adjustment Co.. fc-'ft N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 74. KCTH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1706 No collection, no charge. Kstabiished 1900. Airro and uih.c.1' lors, DrBRL'll.Lti BL'GUY TOP CO.. ttOO 2d at. BAGGAGE CHECKEO AT 1IO.MK. ifc oninlbLm Tranaier. park and Davla ItKLAI) BAKKKV. reoyal Bakery ac Couf., Inc., 11th and Everett. UBKWEK.1 A-I BOTTLERS. HENRY wtilNHAKl). 13th and Hurnalda. CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTEK. F. T. CKOWK & CO.. 45 Fourth at. DKVGOOUS, NOTIONS, 11RN1SIUNGS. VL.Hl ridlNKU. MAIKK A CO., 20T Ash sb ELECTKICAIj bUlTUES. Ftubha Electrical Co.. ttth and Pine ata. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Mining Co., front and Marshall. H M. HOIISKK, Hoard of Trade bldg. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Dally and Sunday. Per Line One time , JS Same ad two eonwi-ullve times i'a Sume ad three consecutive time.. 3Uc Sunie ad six or seven consecutive times, .otoc the above rales apply to advertisements under "New Today" and alt other classifica tions except the following: Situations Wanted Male. Sitiiution Wanted remade. I or Kent, Kooiini Private Families. Board aud Rooms Private Families. HoiisekeeiiinK Roomn Private families. Itule on the above classifications Ls 7 cents line each insertion. On 'charge' advertisements charge will be haoeil on the number of Hues appearing n the paper, reg-ardless of the number of nords In each line. Minimum charge, two lines. The Oregonlan will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, provided the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be arcepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of payment of telephone adver tisements. Situations wanted and Personal advertisement will not be accepted over the telephone, orders for one insertion only will be uccepted for "Furnit lire lor sale," "Busi ness opportunities," Rooming Houses" and "Wiinted lo Rent." The oregonlan will not guarantee accu racy or assume responsibility for errors oc curring In telephone advertisements. Advertisements to receive prompt classifi cation must be in The Oregonlan office be fore 0 o'clock ut night, except Saturday. losing hour for The Sunday Oregonlan will lie "i:au o'clock Saturday night. The olflce will be open until 10 o'clock P. ML. as usual, nnd all ads received too late for proper classification will be run under the heading loo Kate to Classify." Telephone Main 7070, A 6085. AUCTION BALES TO DAT. At private rejldonce, 853 Montana ave., fur Pliavcr st. Furniture, etc. Sale at 2 P. M. Take KS car. Geo. Baker & Co., auc tioneers. Ford Auction House, 211 1st. Furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 2 P. at. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. "L, furniture. 166-8 First at. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 40. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Monday) evening. 7 o'clock. East 8th and Burnjiide. S. C. deuree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. V. AND A. M. Special com- niunlration this (Monday) even ing at T:0 o'clock. Work in F. '. degree. Visiting brethren wel come. W. S. WEEKS, Sec. CAMEL1A CHATTER. NO. 27, O. E. S. Slated communication this (Monday) evening, at 8 o'clock. De crees and social. Bv order of W. M. MARIETTA ROBINSON. Sec. EXTRA Emblem Jenelry of all kinds; spe cial designs made. Jaeger Bros.. Jewelers. DIED. BUTT IS In (his city. May lrt. at the fam ilv residence, lo:l- Macadam road. Clar ence E. Bettl. aged 25 years, H months, lf days. Remains at Holman's parlor. Fu neral announcement later. . HAWKINS In this city, May 6. Robert H. Hawkins. Remains at Holman's parlors. Funeral announcement later. FUN tKAL NOTICES. XATPEFl Mrs. lAiper, lot of Plpaaantville, fa., at the residence of her dauRhter, Mrs. a n iiHvis in the Kordham Apartments. 170 Kort t.. Portland. May 15. followinn n long illness. She wus a member of the PrerU.v terian Church. Two sisters, Mrs. 4:pnrcp k. Marsh, of Townville. and Mrs. Alien, of C or h ran ton, Va., and her daughter in Portland, survive her. hitnft-fti se-rviro will he held at P. I. .i.ert'h'R ntirlrtkinr oarlorrt. Kaat Eleventh and Clay KLreota today at 2 V, M. Friends invited, Meadville Titusvtlie and I'itts- burp. Pa,, papers pleaue copy. 1 EVA Nt? In this city. May 1 4. at her late rsi.!ence. The Virginia Hill Hotel, J-'inirteonth street. Mary Kennon Evans, ill years, mother of Bripadier-Cieneral Kvan if Isaredo. Texas. The body w:: iie in state between the hours of 10 and 1-' Tuewdav mornint?. May IS, at the resi dence estahlif hment of J. P. Flriley Son, Montfionu'ry at Fifth. At 2:30 o'clock P. M. Tuendav. services will bo held at the ftrav in (.he Military Cemetery, Vancou ver, Wash., under the auspices of the Van couver Karracks. Friends invited. XsOKSl, May 14. at the residence. 71 Sec ond street. Ida Boeal. ajted '20 years, 2 nionth and 10 das, beloved daughter of M i and Mr. Andy Hoe, and sister of Andreas Boesl, Jr. Funeral .services will he held at the above residence today (Mon day), May 17, at 1! o'clock. Friends invited. In torment River view Cemetery. TIl.LOTSOX May in. James B. Tillotaon, atceit T3 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Marina. Ttllotson aud father of Faye and ;rota Ttllotson. Funeral services will be held at lunninif & McKntee's chapel to morrow Tuesday), May 36, 2 P. M. Frtcniis invited. Interment Rivervle Cemetery. LITHEU At the residence of her daughter, Maude M. Iavis, Fordham aparunents. May 1 f, Theresa Cnrolino Haker lupher. Hi;ed til years. Funeral services will be held at P. L.. Lcrch undertaking parlors, K. 11th and t'lay streets. Today (Jiouday), at 1! P. M. Friends invited. WADE In thi city. May IT., Robert M. wado mr SO vears. at liis late reMi- dence. Holladay avenue. The funeral service will be held at the above residence. Tnesdav. Mav In, at 11 o clock A. M. Frionds mviied. Interment Kiver Vew ccmeiory. BUSINESS DIRECTORY DANCING. LEAEN DANCING. Class organising Fri day night; people of character only; lim ited numbers. Call 7-1 Hawthorne ave. Kaat 7038. 11 LATH' c SCHOOL Lessons dally; class Friday evening, H to 1U. 10U 2d St.. beu "Washington and Stark. Lessons Zjo. DLTECTIVK A(,LNCIli.S. PINK.KKTON & CO. U.S. DETKCTI VE AGO Y. Kstabiished over 30 years. SCIENTIFIC UEl'liCTlVE WORK. Investigations and reports made ou Indi viduals uiiywhcre. Consultation fre. Of fices 412-13 Lumbermen's Bank bldg. Phone Main 7741. EVE, EAR. NOSE ANt THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses fitted. Dr. b '. Casseda-., 517 Uekum bldg.. ad A Wn. JEWELRY. REPAIRING. H. J. ALT STOCK. 141 A. Broadway. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTOKS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co.. 31 1st at. N. Phone Main '.'210. HATS, CLEANING ANI BLEACHING. PANAMAS blocked and bleached 75c; straws 4c felts oOc. Kaufman's, ss ad st. nr. Stark. LA OIKS' TAILOR. D1S BLANCHE, 408 Washington. WIVIOTT ItKOS.. 412 Morrison. MESSENGER StKVICK. HASTY MESSKNUER CO. Motorcycles and ,bicclos. l'bont) Main 53. A j?153. MILLINERY. ELIZABETH S. Orpheum Theater bldg. MUSICAL. Emll Thlelhorn. violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 207 Flledner bldg. A 41UO. Marshall 120. NATCIiOrATKir 1'HYSICIAXS. DK. FH1LL1PS, specialist in paralysis, nerv ous, chronfc diseases. 504 Oregonlan bldg. OI'lOMLTLISTS AND OITICLANS. OK) A FIGHT on hih prices. "Why pay $5 to $10 lor .glasses when 1 cun fit your eye with f irst-uuality lenses, gold-filled frames as low as $1.50? C. ' W. Uoodman, 20 'J Morrison. Mall orders promptly filled. Write for particulars Main 2124. (JHACE ADAMS, 403 Shetland bid. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS GROCERIES. CO., 0U-iJ Fourth at. WADIIAMS & 1IA1S AND CAl't. THAN'H AL'SKH HAT CO.. Q4-B5 Front St. UlllhM, WOOl.. CASCAKA HARK. KA11N BKUS., lal Front st. HOI- A1ERCUANTS. McNEFF BUU6., SH WOKLlibTER BLDO. Main 88B1. Phonos A 1178 IRON WORJxS. PACIFIC IROiN WORKS, POKILAW), OREGON. STRUCTURAL, STEEL. PLANT. FOUNDRY. LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. CHAS. E. MAST1CK & CO.. 74 Front: leather of every description; taps; mfsT. findings. MENS ANI WOMEN'S NECKWEAIC COEU.MHIA Neckwc-ar Mfg. Co.. 88 Fifth St. mTLlinerv. BRADSHAW PliUis., Aiorrlson and 7th Sta, FUNERAL NOTICES. BRT7NE May 18, Henry F. Brune. ogerl 6'J years. 0 nionths, ti days, father of Mrs. It. W. Schmeer, Josephine and Alma Urune, of Portland. Funeral services will be held at The Dalles tomorrow (Tuesday), May IS, 2 P. M. Fl'NKRAI, DIRECTORS. t pi K'niwyis, it The only rusidenue undertaking establish ment in Portland with private driveway. Main 8. A lo:i. J. P. FIXLEY SON. Mont-joinery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAX. the leading funeral director. 2JO Third street, corner Salmon. Lady assistant. A 1011. Main 507. F. S. DUNNING. INC. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Al der street." East uii, a A. R. ZELLER CO.. 3112 WILLIAMS AVE. East 1U&8, C 1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service. Dl'NMNQ & M'ENTEE. funeral directors. Broadway and pine. Phone Main 430, A 4ouS. Lady attendant. BREEZE & SNOOK, sunnyside Parlors; auto hearse. 100 Belmont iL Tabor l-ioS, b ia.-ii'. It. T, BYRNES.. Williams ave. and Knott East 1113. C li'4:i. Lady attendant. P. L. LERC1I, East 11th and Clay streets. Lady assistant. East 781. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, ;id and Clay. Main 410;!, A 2321. Lady attendant. Autos for funeral and weddings. Funeral Service Co, Woodlawn 2623, O 1156. FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists. 817 Wash ington. Main 2M, A 12ou. Flowers for ail occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., designers and decorators, fresh flowers, great variety. Morrison, between 4th and 5th. Main or A 1806. PEOPLE S FLORAL SHOP, 2d and Alder. Designs and sprats.- Marshall bU2. MAX M. SM1T1L Main building. 21o. A 212L Selling A, O. F. UUKKI1ARDT, 120 N. 23d. Funeral designs and cut flowers. Main 13o'J. A 731. SUXN'TSIDE Greenhouse, Fresh flowers. Phone B 1S22. E. 32d and Taylor. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND Marblo Works, 266 4th St.. opposite City Hall, builders of. memorials. NEW TODAY. STOP AT Fourth and Alder Newly refurnished, papered and reno vated splendid enlarged lobby all modern conveniences. Rooms, with pri vate bath.. 1 per day up: without. 70c per day up. Special rates by week or month, several rooms wirn wan Beds making them practically suites. Mar.- 2S1M. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 ON IMPROTKn BUSINESS TROPlCnTrKS Residence Loans 6 and 7 Per Cent. Ac cording to Location. Plenty of Money. ROBERTSON & EWING , aor-s rtorhvfg'-rn Bank Hldar. O H NORTHWESTERN BANK 6.LMLDINO M O RTGAGE Lwfu 1 v Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Rates. UCMC1PAI. A CORPOKATION IKJ.NDA. r An Aft if 1.111 LUaAB. M roartli sBosia of Trade Hide. On City and Farm Prnertlea In Any Amount at Current Ilatea EAKTVAV-TEOXPSOH, Banters Cornar 1'oarUi and Stark BUaaU. EDWlDtiUDu OSTRICH PRODUCTS. PORTLAND FEATHiiK DYU WORKS. 6U and Washington- OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. R. B. iNuRTHRLP, 303 Morgan bldg.. cor. Broadway and Washington st. Office phone. Main :ws: residence. East 1023. PATKNT ATTORNEY. R. c. WRIGHT years' practice, U. and foreign patents. ttl Dekuio bldg. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 34ti. bUKtT ML SIC. Mack's Music tihop. Broadway bldg. STORAGE AND 'fKA.NSrivK. :. O. PICK Transfer Ac Storage Co. Office and commodious -4-story brick warehouse, separate iron room and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. tor. lid and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic aud foreign ports. Main 5 'J 6, A OUOil TRANSFER CO. New fireproof warehouse with separate rooms. We move and pack household Ooui and pianos and ,ship at reduced rates. Auto vans and teams for moving, forwarding "fend distributing agents. Fine trackage. Otiice and warehouse, loth aud Hoyt sts. Main 647. A 2247. MOVING. PACKING, SHIPPING. STORAGE. IT PAYS TO GET THE BEST. Reduced freight rales to ail parts. MANNING WAREHOUSE ot TRANSFER COMPANY. Main 703 9th and Hoyt. A 2214. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 44 Glisan St.. cor. lth. Telephone Main 6tf or A 1 ltttf. "We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In city. MALISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office, 189 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents, phone Main 76BL bLl'EKrLt Ol S HAIR AN O WARTS KllMOVtD. MLLE. DH LONG, 604 Swetland bldg. TAILORS TO MEN AN O WOMEN. Huftman A Grant, Broadway and Alder. VETERINARY SCHOOLS. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 13- No profession offers equal opportuni ty. Catalogue free. C. Ktaua, pres. Ibl8 Market st., San Francisco. WOOD. GREEN and dry slabwood. blocltwood. Pan ama Fuel Co., Main 5720, A 3S99. ORNAMENTAL IKON AND WIRE. Portland Wire it Iron Was., zi & Columbia, PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OII.S. W. P. FULLER & CO.. d and Taylor ,-ts. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN dt CO.. ad and Taylor sta. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. i. KLi.Nlw 84-80 Front su PLUM BIN li AND ST E AM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE Ac CO., 84-81! Front at. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTES & CO.. 1st and oak sta PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NG & FARRELL, 14u Front St.. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th end Northrop. SASH DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. lth and Davla WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 280 2d St. NEW TODAY. It This Beautiful Home IN IHVINGTON DISTRICT. One Block From Broadway Carllne. Eight rooms, beamed ceilings, built in sideboard, hardwood floors, white kitchen, full basement, furnace heat. HALF CASH, BALANCES ON TIME. NO AGENTS. 572 F.'AST TWEJITV-FIPTH NORTH, CORNEIl KNOTT STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS ors Improved city and farm DroDertv at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. COf LARGE- LOANS ON tr.t " JO BT'SJXKWS PROniinxlF.H O JO A. H. BIRRELL CO, 217 - 210 North" enter Bank BuLdisc Marshall 4114. A -4118. ANT AMOUNT AT Oimm ROtS I 4 V. V irrn vnci all edtred articles. Every home car. use mthkv ovt. - write: i-.etzei-icri & onocKe, dox i4es, Lroa Angeles, Cal. REAL tSTATK DEALERS. PALMER-J ONEd CO., WllCOX hlda TUTPK" "VV" illloTM n 1a 9 IK r.itt t.. BENEDICT BROS,, U3Q Hawthorne av. oaxvxcii, ti iiua., ouy jttoara or Trad. REAL ESTATE. For Sale LotsT" PORTLAND HEIGHTS. EXCLrsivpi.v Have several downright sacrifices, both In lots and houses; make an offer: no phone Information. Call for appointment Maranall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3839 ROKK CITY PARK. lot. clear incumbrance, ITor pale Hemvtx Frouerty. NORTH Bearh. 3 acres, J3200; fine front age on ocean, portion in beautiful trees ana balance rum garden and cranberry la nrl IJ n V, I - . . . ... FOR SALE Lot at Salt Air, Tllamook xeacn; one oi me oettt residence lota in in tract; lm-u reel to depot; $150 cash ASTONISHING bargain on two itrhtiv at Salt Air beach. Owner forced to sell, For Sale Houses. NEW, modern, 6-room house, all built-ins and hardwood floors, f 250 cash, balance $J3 ptr nionin, liiriuuin in teres l, owner, 5-ROOMED cottane with fireplace and all moutrn conveniences, wnicn is forced on the ftiarket for $1600. See attorney, 512 HANCOCK-ST. ADDITION ; SNAP S-roora no use, cost iuuu; lot value lrOO; fur niture cost $30O; all for $3t00; $500 cash. j a. Lrv r un, xmijl l run, BliAUTlFUis home near Peninsula Park and carllne; hard-finished street; strictly inuuci ii , b jiuuiti niuurr-meni i n is week mrnis uue rem. vvooaiawn oilj. NO reasonable offer refused for beautiful 6-room modern bungalow, 3 blocks to car. v 1 1 y i at i iv. x3 u o i u, oregonian. NEW modem S-room house for sale . .4 . 1 rn iaa -a i 1 i . . ... line. For particulars call Sellwood 240. LOT wanted as first payment on new 6- room moaern nouse, oai. a month In eluding interest, owner, woodlawn 4li6. NEW small cottage on nice lot, with bear ing fruit trees, which I will sell on term like rent. See owner, 513 Piatt bidg. A GOOD, well-located modern 6-room house at a big sacrifice ; small cash payment, balance like rent. Phone Woodlawn 17i0 WILL build to suit cn easy terms; free of charge. L 693, Oregonian. plans NEW, modern 12-room house, to Irvincton. K. B. Rice, East 2132, REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. 12300.00, EASY TERMS $2300.00, EASY TERMS . f2.1p0.00, EASY TERMS DIRECT FROM OWNER. I am going to sell for lees than the actual cost of lot and building, my strictly modern and up-to-date i-room bungalow, bui.t by day labor, and bent of material, tin id tied complete, even to light fixtures ntnd shades. 1 am going to sell regard lees of price or terms. If you want to buy and appreciate a good home at a bar gain, see me at 9S0 East 3oth st. North. Sunday. or phone East 2012 lor appointment. EXCEPTIONALLY attractive bungalow. In terior finished In ivory and mahogany, den finished in cocoa bola hardwood, oak and maple floors throughout house, ail latest Improved conveniences. Best and most sightly location in Laurel hurst, at 33d and Oregon au A. J. Brugger, phon "Wood lawn -101. THE ACME OF PERFECTION attained in building small bungalows. Now ready to show, 3, 4 and 5 rooms, in Al berta, near car and schools. All have full cement basemen ls and walks ; complete standard plum bins; highly Unished floors, white enameled baths, Dutch kitchens, decorated throughout ; shades, fixtures, etc., etc.; in fact, more attractive and complete than any eyer ottered at the prices and easy installments. No street or mortgage payments to worry you. Owner and builder, JOiiO Yeon bldg. AUTISTIC, NEW ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Large, airy rooms, sleeping-porch, attlo and breakfast-room: large basement, fur nace, fireplace, fixtures and shades: all built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, double-plated mirror doors; decorated throughout; beautiful locution, close to church, school and stores; price 3j00, dis count for cash; finest and most complete in Rose City Pjark; 030 East 8tb, st. N 1 block north of Sandy blvd.; open from 10 to 7. Phone Main G45G. East 3461. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME T WE WILL KURN ISU THE MONK V, BUILD APARTMENTS RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK; WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY Ac CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. 324 AB1NGTON BLDG. INCOME property; bargain that cannot be equaled ; must sell In two weeks; house and lot 100x1 10. outhouses. 50 chickens, 7J Carneau pigeons; lots alongside $20; all this for what the house alone cost; come quick; good reason for selling. Mrs. Silne, Whit wood Court, German town road to canon, 10 minutes' walk to St. Johns ferry. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW ONLY I21T.0 Located in good residential district; has ell modern conveniences, such as fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement base- ineni. wasn trays, electric light fixtures, window shades. All ready to move into. Small payment down and $20 a month, which Includes Interest, pays for it. Call Tabor 3983.- LIST OF DESIRABLK HOMES Before buying be sure to look at our list or brand new, exquisite homes In LAU RELHURST. the addition of beautiful homes, ranging from $2500 up. Laurel hurst Co., 2-70 t! Stark st., or at tract of fice in Laurelhurst. E. 3ltli and Glisan sts. 6-ROOM bungalow, full cement basement, t urn ice, iirepiace, uook cases, bur ret, panel dining-room. Dutch kitchen, shades, n ard wood floors, plate glass windows, hi block to car. 504 48th St., N. Rose City Park. Open every day. Phone B -Of. Frke $.tooo FOR SALE by owner at sacrifice, fine 8 room Mouse, sleeping and 'view Dorches: one of the most desirable places on East Mae, selected Alameda part on The Ala tneda, with unobstructed view. Phone Woodlawn 1147, .Marshall 076. BEAUTIFUL home, large houee, 4 acres, oearing orcnara, an Kinds small fruit. conege town, a electric lines Portland worth Investigating. MRS. J. W. LIVINGSTON. Forest Grove, Or. $li'00 EQUITY in 6-room modern house, 50x l ut, best car service ; choicest roses, cosy home, might consider confectionery and lunch up to $4on, baL cash. 115 E. 69th .Norf. labor L'i20. FOR SALE 3-room house, corner lot Sox 100. 132S E. Stark st., corner 46th. Price 32itM,. pnone u 1741. Terms. Suburban Homo Property. GIBSON HALF-ACRES. Good soil, good water; close to carllne; easy terms; will bulid to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 436. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. for Sale -Acreage. A REAL COUNTRY HOME. In the richest and moist rapidly develop ing section about Portland. Only 30 min utes out. Twenty Big Red Steel Trains run tnrougn it aany. rive stations on lands. Tracts from 1 to 20 acres. Prices reasonable ; terms easy. Free transpor tation to intending buvers. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, Gresham district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS, J; mile electric station. $75 to $150 per acre; easy terms, best soil ; free wood. Farms for sale, all size. FRANK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO.. 3o9 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. 10 TO 40-ACRE tracts, fine soil, spring water. L miles from Portland : school store and stations on the land; $25 to $00 per acre ; easy payments. Ll'EDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. STOP THAT RENT and buy a half-acre tract in city limit, level, ciear-d. Bull Hun water, eras. 5-cent carfare: $10 down, S5 per month. Whitmer-Kelly Co 7ll PlttOCK DIOL.K. I WILL sell any part of fine 20-acre tract. all in cultivation, on Oregon Electric R. K, 10 miles out, in Tualatin Valley; terms to suit; $225 per acre. See Handy, owner. 205 Stock exchange Didg. Marsnau 2UO. S ACRES, $loOO, few blocks from station on Oregon Electric ; an in cultivation; win make very easy terms. but no trade. Owner, S10 Chamber of Com. FOR SAL13 40 acres. firt-j:las land, in fruit belt. ; miles irom i ne Dalles, cner rlos are ripe on nearby tract. L. B.. 265 Portland. Or. FOR SALE City and suburban acreage. farms and unfmproved lands. J. Wilson. 60th and Division, Hawthorne ave. car. Homestead. FOR S A LE 160-acre relinquishment, good son, iu acres siasuen, iu acres more easily cleared : 6.O(H.OO0 feet of good saw tim ber, cedar and fir; small cabin, mile and half from county road; 7 miles from Yon calla. Or.; price $1000. W. A. BOGARD. Roseburg, Or. FREE BOOKLET State and U. S. land. Cat, State Land Inf. Bureau. Sacramento. C at For Sole Farms. A FINE 205-acre farm, improved. An un limited amount of lertutzer. Located or, "Willamette Kiver, 1 Vi miles from electric station, 4- miles from Southern Pacific deoot. Sloo an acre. Terms, one-half down balance long time, 5 per cent interest. Call for particulars, 515 Northwest building. Phone Main TUCSON, A RIZ.. FARMS. 1200 acres irrigated land, all in crops divided into 40-acre tracts or less and Fold with the crop on easy payment tlan lO oer cent cash, balance over elsht years, Interest O per cnt. Free literature at 724 Chamber of Commerce bicig., Portland. 167 ACRES. 1 mile from R. R. station: S acres in cultivation, fx) a. Santlam first bottom land, year 'round pasture; good improvements, water system, family or rlnrd; will take in good income prop eriy tip to 7"H. A V i.i.i, oregonlan. FOR SALE, 60 acres, well improved, nearly all in cultivation, fine growing crop, 8 milej from city limits; on good county road, price $15,000; $2000 cash, balance term; 5 per cent; no trade. Address 4 35 66th St. a lis. THK NEW WAY. THE MODERN WAY, THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land. Are you Interested? If so. write to MODERN HOM ESTEAD ASSN., 303 PHELAN bldg.. San Francisco. C. M. WOODSTER, Pres., FOR SALE Stock farm. 8i3 acres. In Linn County, title perfect, at 20 per acre former price $1.5; owner must sell; terms $.i000 iown, ha I. four to six years. Ad dress R. M. Payne. Albany, or. FOR SALE BY OWNER One of the best dairy farms tn Lincoln Co.; for quick sale will take two-tniran value. Address J A. Messlnger, Grand Ronde, Or. SO AC RE 3. Improved, close lo R. R. and boat. JioOO, $500 cash, bal. 10 years, 6 per cent. BOX 97. CASTLE ROCK, WASH. WRITE for list of wheat and alfalfa ranches. M. FITZMAURICE. Condon, Or. WANTED RZAf. ESTATE. LOT or acre nesr car line as first pay ment on 6-room modern home. Inquire i.ia ruiamooK st. rnone i i. 1 WANT a beach cottaj Mohawk b'dg. :e. W. H. Ross. WANTED 1 or 2 iota. Boise.e Vavell addi tion; cash; state price. G 820, Oregonian WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WILL pay cash for 200,000,000 or more tim ber; price must be rensonable. near trans portation; owners only; full information first lrtter. Address W . F, Bickel, 30i Ulobe bias Seattle waeb. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. CALIFORNIA LAND. Tn rmall acre tracts, well located, near railway and river transportation ; in the Sacramento Valley; all in cultivation; smooth surface, even slope of about 10 feet per mile towards the river; good drainage; soil sandy loam, very fertile and of great depth, being excellent for alfalfa, olives, almonds, walnuts, oranges or any other product grown in California; abundant water for irrigating at a cost of about $10 per acre; price llo prr acre; a small amount of property and cash; good terms of payment on balance with 6 per cent Interest. (S Dorr K. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce b!dg I WANT the best house and lot, free of In cumbrance. I can net in exchange for a fine east front Irving ton lot with trees, on wide street, an automobile in fine shape and .t0 cash; Irving. on. Rose City Park. Alameda or Iaurelhurst preferred; noth ing south of Hawthorne or north of Fre mont considered. Particular s at i7 E. l.'tth N.. mornings or eveninps. WHEAT RANCH WANTED. Will give a fine Irvincton home, a house on K. 4th, a 3-flat bldg.. on West Side, a small house at Kendall Fta., 00 A. In Klickitat, nice Rose City Park house, fr a fully equipped wheat rannh. all on cash basis. J. H. IlartoK, 20'. Stark, near 4th. FOR SALE or trade, 300 acres near Mo- Minn vllle on main road, school, rural route, 1H miles to electric and steam line; 2ti0 acres timber. 85 acres in crops, 500 cords of wood. 20 head of cattle, 9 horses. 60 hogs and tools witn rancn ; iair cunn ings; weli watered. l-'98 E. Salmon st. IN order to adjust an estate we will sell or trade for improved unincumbered rorunna property 1 0 acres. 4 -mile from Monier, Or., 8 acres in bearing spples, in high state of cultivation; on main road. An gell fc Fisher, Attorneys, 603 Fenton hldg., Iortland! RA RE- opportunity to purchase equity in nifty little home on hasi hiu; moaern. near carlme. good neighborhood- "Would consider trade lor motor car. T 838, Ore gonian. TO TRADE Merchandise, city property or stocK, io acres aujoiniug cnltivateii, H more easily leveled, fine bay land fair hmise, near tow n, good roads. heavv stoil. Box 21. Halfway. Or, SALE OR TRADE Fine I'O A., well situated i ,-.H.,,. t--t t :11 r-haon fir in rSUISB V ''-- . nub"""- . f nrliance equity for home or acreage in Willamette. C. A. Eiaa, owner, Caldwell, Jdaho. IF YOU H A V E ANY GOOD FKUl fc.ll 1 i FOR KX HAMiE - K (.A.N .MAl'.'H 1 w i . WE DON'T HANDLE JUNK PROPERTY. AYRES & SMITH CO.. Rf1 NORTHWEST HLDG. MAIN 7206. MONEY IN OH ICKENS AND DI CKS 20 A., houses, bicigs., runs nr.a gooa stream. Will accept some trade, bal. easy terms, per cent. Jackson. Main 3420, STOCK RANCH to $ROO0, some stock want ed in exchange ror city property ana acreage. C telO, Oregonian. $40,tK0, f 'LOSE in. acant. ripe for plat ting, ecnansie ror city or rancn, income. AC 81 3, Oregoniar OWNER will trade close-in acre or two and lots for house equity or small dubi nes; no asents. X S14. Oregonlan. EXCH AX( . E 1-ong Reach bt for grafonola or victroia witn recori3. rirei. o-PASS Overland for city lot, good shape. Swank, 601 Northwest bldg. FOR BALF TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. M'CRAKEN, 304 M KAY BLDO. FOR SALK. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc AUCTION! AUCTION! Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. ; only strictly commission stables in the city ; consign ment solicited The McClelland Horse ie Mute Co., 240 East 8th et. East C315. FOR SALK CHEAP, 1 pair horses. 5 and 6 years old, weicn aooui inn ius., jui broke, well matched ; also hlack mare. 9 years old. Star Sand Co. Barn, East 9th and Flanders- COMMISSION AUCTION, of horses vehicles, harness, wagons, every Monday and Thursday, at 2 P. M. Colum bia Stables, 302 Front st. WE have four mules, one a yearling, one 2 years old and two J-year-olds, for sale. Will give terms to the rinht party. Apply to V" Dahl. care Eilers Music House. TEAM weighing 2400 lbs., harness and farm vi;iKon; will worK anywtiere, Slo. ojlti 54 1 h tft. S. E. Woodstock car. HORSE, harness and covered delivery wagon, o- cast). Phone laDor - i weekdays. GENTLE team, city broke, weight 1KH; fiiap. tiOl Alocrta sl. nione ooaiawn Svi-INCH and 3-Inch wagons for sale cheap. LMUSion t. DEAD horses and animals bauled away free. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering . WAGONS and horsea by day, $1.25. I. C S81 Water st. Main 22u8. Main 6095. SPIENDID spirited and safe saddle horse. Tabor 1440. 200o K. coucn. CH EAP, horse and wagon. 1020 E. Yam hill st. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call, (iav or nignt, laoor 4-"J. $50 BL" YS $300 Kurtrman piano. Security Storage t;o., juj in si., toura oiug, Fianos, Organs and Musical Instrument s. $3'J." DAVIS & SONS piano, virtually new ; win ciose out iui mi toon inia in security Storage Co., 10 4th st., near W as h i n g to n GRAND piano for sal cai-h. Main OOHG. Furnilare for 8ale. SOLID oak settee:, morris chair, writ Ins table, leather couch, mahogany dresser and small table, refrigerator, steel cot. mattress. Ax minster rug, very cheap; leaving city. Sail today, ."30 Boulevard, SeHwonrl car, Knolt ave. 204S. FOR SALE Hotel range, good condition. Call Willamette Iron 4t Steel Works, laln 020 GOOD furniture of 7 rooms, cheap; leaving ..Uv Will tr.1a frtf ril.ininmi f i 1 '2tsii B ro jdway after 2 P. M. ' VERY reasonable. 1 brass bed. chiffonier. dresser and bookcase. . u.i uavis. Apt. 21. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. FOR SALE '2 pedigreed Ronton terrier pups, eligible to registration in A. K. u, New York. Phone Marshall 4285. A GOOD Airedale Is burglar proof. Ladau Kennels, Estacada, Or. Poultry, WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks from heavy laving stock, per iuu ; iuu cnicKB ana f ireiess brooder, $8.50. Safe arrival guar anteed. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petaluma, Cal. 30O WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks 10c apiece. $s a hundred. Phone East r374. IJveetock. IF YOU have a good fat cow or veal for sals call Tabor 2720. Automobile 6-CYLINDE R Pierce-Arrow, 7-passenger. In line mechanical condition, good tir-s, seat covers; some casn or sman car as purl ravment: liberal terms on balance. WIN TON MOTOR CAR CO.. 23d and Washing ton sts. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. See my lOxltt porta hie garage at $32. erected on your lot complete. Get my prices on oiner siyies garages, aiso nouses. B. T. ALLYN, Oarage Specialist. Tahor 194. 1191 E. Sainion. BARGAINS IN USED ALTOS. Large stock. iriees $:,00 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studetaker Bid.-;.. Corner Chapman and Alder. I WILL pay cash for late model Fords. HulckK, o vena no ana i-viuaenaKer cars. F RAN CIS MOTOR CAR EX. K. 11 OH. East 13 1 h and Hawthorne ave, vort hire. Ji.-'.o per noun. "i-passt'n&er l'Jll Ford; r a tes for trips or day work; good services. Phone Main 1201 or East .:. 5-PASS. Stevenn-Duryea. large and roomy; good litnev or F'ape car. W1NTON MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washington. BUNGALOW GARAGE Between 22d and 2Sd. on Halsey. in Irvlngton: 4 or 5 PRI VATE stalls for rent, reasonable. Phone Kaft SOI or call ovi ciacgamas. FOR SALE Auto engine. 30 horsepower, or will make goon engine tor motor-boat. Se- engine at 5o4 E. 10th st- South, bet. and s in tne eve. 5-PASS, Win ton filx. overhauled, repainted, guaranteed liberal terms. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO.. 2od and Washington. FORD TOURING CARS FOR HIRE. $ an hour. Raten on tripa. IOI th ft. Main 3!n. ONE fi-pafsemrcr Hupmobile, 1914. $750, DULMAGE-MANLKY AUTO CO., 46-48 N. 20th St. THE place to buy or sell used cars. Bast Side Auto Repair Co., 717 Hawthorne. &-PASSENGER Cadillac In $:;;.0 cash. o4" E. 7th nr. pnixl coudition. North. ROADSTER, a good strong s-ar. and ready to run: wiii e!i rtiMp, jtm iih. RUNABOUT, good as new. cash or terms; no trade. Phone ti. zxus. 6TUDEBAKER handcart, practically new, for sale at a bargain, eaii 414 taimon. 7, T1 A S SEN I K FJ F n rd . ave., Norlh. AJ bJ3, not. o. Oicioniaa, Grand rOK 8 ALE. Aaio mobile. 2014 CADILLAC 3 014. This car looks and runs like a nw f ar and, what is more important, it will give you coniinucus lervii e and satisfaction ; it is completely equipped, the lues aro good and the car hua never bet a a bused. Prico vtiy low. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Wash. PORTABLE GARAGES. TakeaoMii Ki-ragea, built uf the best materials, artistic designs, lOx 16, $J0 up, erected complete, with lock and key; Im mediate delivery; nl portable uouves. TAKE-DOWN MFG. Co.. Foot of Harrison st. Main 1167. WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest caK market inc paid. J. Leve, lhO 0lumMa. Main MS. FOR rilKS, $1.5 per hour. 0-passjijgcr Li4 FOKD. Phone Woodlawn I4U. Autoinuitliet XS anted. WANTED A 4 or 0-j.afr.senner automobile; must bo ii. pood "million and Piuud a t't ; no juiik wanted; will pay up to $:tH) ; casu iropuuion. Address J iilu, Oregonian. MoCorryclee. D4.V1DSUN twin-cylinder, l'Jlll model, fiTst-class condition, complete equipment. B. E. Dal A: Co., li'J E. Water st. East 3140, it L'lUiO. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for i and up; 0 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Heinington Typewriter Cora rany, Sti Broadway, Portland. Or. WE save you from 50 to 73 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our IT. us t rated folder. Retail department W H uLL. SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. ajl Van. t TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $R to $65. The Nortnw est Ty pe riter Co., 2GI Stark st. Main r.'.i:8. NEW rebuilt second -band rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, 211 Stark ut. Main 1407. M ixcellaneoun. B1LL1 AliDS New ana second-havJ carom and pocket billiard laMes and hovwilntf alleys and accessories; easy payments. Tn Bruiisw ick-Halke Coilenuer Co.. 40-4S SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, salo or tent, 2 up. Sowing Maciuns Emporium. l'JU d ti., near Taj lor. Mala tlftl, A ti2U. SEVERAL thounand feet of dn-as d fir lum ber. 2 hy . 12 fe-t and up, lor H per t houHand. fa 1 1 obi Coin mere lal st, 1'hone Wood lawn 11 20. DIAMOND house pitim-. airwily pur; injtle in Oregon, per gallon, i.t5. Portland Paint Co.. -'' Front st. Marshall lvO. rOl'COUN niatltluf, Cica'.cr'a. $:io) oize. bar- pain. Address J. 1 a lor, 211 Lincoln St., Hoquiam, Wash. iiOCHFELD'S Camera Exchange, 83 3d st. Cameras, kodaks and lentes bought, sold and exchanged. We sell the lea camera. FOR SA LE First-ekiss pl-'atu wood sa .v. enap. Phone A 1013. Address H2i N. -Jd street. - VISIBLE typewriters rented 3 months for $4; convenient at home; deiiveied any w lie re. 244 Stark st. Phone Main OJ73. FOR SAl-E or traJ'i, 2o-ft, lS-h. p. launch. lully equipped, a beauty. Audreys VV. 11. Critcser, Willamette, Oregon. SAFES. SA FES. The M osier Safe Co., 264 Stark st. BUTCHER fixtures, 10O-ft. nlckle-p.atc racks cheap. 3 L. 3bth st. W I LL sell chtap, 3-siotie diamond ring ; need money, truna. R feus, oiegunian OWL FURNITURE CO. pa S best prices for Main 4ui'7- your furniture. 2-il 1st at. FLVMBING supplies at who' sale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 3d st. M CASH rejji-sters. National. slightly used. Typewriter ExchaiiK-. 1 li as n in g ton s COM PLETE Etlison m ovi n g-pi turc out fit. $30. Supplies, etc., haic price. 212 1- li 11. WANTED MISCELLANEOCS. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING W e pay lily best cash price ror ladles and gents' cast r clothing, blc cles atul everything in merchant! Call us up. We ce-rd it fti'd will pav for it. GLOBE STOKE. 2 j First St., Main Main 2"S0. SECOND-HAND CLOTH I NO W A N T L D. J MEYER. TiiC T A I LOR, PAYS TH HIGH EST PR iCIfi FOR CLOTH ING A N D SHOES. WE CALL PROMPTLY THE KB LIABLE: BUYER. Main 7673. t:t Madison. FOR a tUoruutf hly 1 ciiauie house to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levlr. Hard wars & Furniture Cj, 21 front- phono A 7114. Main 1072. l URN ITU P. IS WANTED W iC PAY THE H IG H EST PRICES FOR HO I. S EH OLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. K LINK'S, EAST "luP. S7 GRAND AVE. SU-HAND t U RN ITU RE. ETC.. WANTED. Don t Kive it away, (iet our figures first. Standaid Fur. Co., 12 lt. Main 4773. GET our estimate on your second-hand fur niture: buyer calls promptiv. Main Mish Furniture Co.. 14 First st- W. A. COVELL will pay th bei price for your isecjiid-har-d furniture. Phom Mar. 5114 7. If I 1 2d Ht. , near Taylor. PHONOGRAPH and record bouKht, Fold and excnaiiKd. - i'honograph i:ccoid Ex change. -J12 First. WANT s Hi. 00 ubed furnuuie: pav frod prices; starting new store. Sellwood 1682. CASH paid for hair roail-litB. Sanitary lieauty Parlors. Dekum Mdar. WANT Htock or furniture, and men's 4 loth !a!f!llall 5K7. ins; hiphett cmrIi price. CH ILD'S eecond-hand bicycle wanted. Box r , South Bend, Wash. WANTED To buy S National cash registers. 243 Washington st. 1 NEED good used furniture: will pay high est price. Call Marshall 687. WANTED Excavating and team work. Phone East 4M4, C 1477. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. Record 1D14; Calls for men 1 rum employers ..1792 Positions filled i:i!4 The service of thii department Is Ire to ail members of the Association. To 110.1-iuembet s a special Employment Mem. berfhio is Insued. cstlim $0 per annum. fiiv In ft the aerviiO of tne lie part men t lor a year, two m on ins tun priv iiet; ana a refund of the membership tee it m in fac tory employment la not secured. All yuuiijr men e-eekinir -jiiploy mont In Clerical, Technical ir Commercial lines or desii'ine counsel or advice are coruiany in vited to consult the Advisory aud Employ- men tSecreta ry. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and nignt insiruction in repairing. driving. eliiit and niaclilue work, includ ing forge, la l he. si 1 a per, drilipress, etc. M derate charges. Fa ir dealing and ex pert training- Time unlimited. Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu cational office, Y. M. C. A. bldg.. and secure pass entitlinz you to inspect our shop and methods. WANTED on small dairy, young map, sin gle, German preferred; must like dairy work and know how to feed, care lor and milk cowa; must be ateady a.nd use no liquor : atate u i-e, experience and wageu expected. AL sod. Oregonian. 10"0 M EN'S logs wanted for tOO pain of pants 1 have for sule at $2 : n'l .i.50. Jimmy Dunn, 3I.Vlt.-17 Orego r.ian bids. Elevator to .'id Hour. WANT panning done, about loO; 1 fur nish material : take our pay in hou?e rent, a to select from. 44'.' 7th. CIO 4th, Holland st. T. H. Edwards. Main 5u4, 11H First. WANTED Kfrst-ela-4H, all-around tinner, one who can do furnace and Hkylleht work. State ue. H Ali.VS PLUMBING STORE, Lewislon, Idaho. W A N'TIC D Kive exierienced hotis"-! o-liou.-r! canvcabsei a : premium propiwtt ion ; per manent employment to reu 1 1-K?t t ers. Jewel 'I;i ( .. 21-2.1 Grand aw. .South. PORTLAND HA RHBIl COLLEG K Expert inutruetor to teach you the barber trade in K weekH; tools free; ponition guaranteed; paid while learning. 2d. ne;ir Main. TWO single men, wno have Jsd some ex perience with sanitary tan heauers and can set rolls. Apply Seuf ert Bros. Co., Ths Dalles, Or. CASH advanced you weekly selling our har dy guaranteed ornamental and fruit clock, Rlsht now best time to start. Washing ton Nursery Company, Toppentsh. Wanh, ABLE-UOLUED MEN to prepare for fire men, braUemen; lii'O monthly; positions ourainablo free. Railway Assuciatiou. ur- soman. SALEcMEN WANTED to sell our up-to-dats and extensive line. Outfit free; cash weekly. Address Capital City Nursery t oinpany, talem. Or. SADDLE hores, 60 cts. first hour. 25 ota. additional; English or stock aadditu. Multaomah Stables, ltith atid MaUiso;. Main M7K PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Saiony Studio. Roval bJd. WANTED Experienced specialty sea Iranian. .M4 Spauldlng bblK. Apply after o'cloeii. WANTED mh rien. ed ri i.cery mn n, In tpiirc 2'-l- Larrabee Ft. FIU2ST1NU aalcdiuau. A'. W. L-aics t Co. HELP M ANTED M ALE. M EN WANTED who like ingh-Kiatie ready-to-wesr clut hes l r MUi iitin ; $'J men's suits at $J 4 7 ; $-" in -n n suits at $ 1 my luw u i 'ft a irs rrnt dor h u ! .1 inm.y Dunn, oT..-lt;-17 OrcgoiUau bids. Eieator to 3d floor. WANTED i'ar.v..- r-t t- ii our nuii'-ry st ork in tr gnu and War- :i C to on li U- :t U I I II lb 1 till t'MtetrS. .ll UH)' cm pi nipnt, cash. . Ex pvr.-ut iiol re quired. Address Orefci'ii N ar-ry Co.. Crenco, Ore. LsK spare time to l ui'd up n.K.i-order lusl iiets of own; we ln.lp ou start for snare in profits. 7 opi'tirt uiiitus. pa it f.-uiars ires. eipp.rt unities Exchange, P.ntfa.o. N. Y. WANTED At once, 15 m'n lo leaiu auio re pairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne liarake. 4 4 Haw tuorne ave., cr. 7 th. Help Wanted Agent. WANTED Two soil' iturs for work in Lant ern Oregon, fall .M0 f oinmon w call h Imig. Help Vautetl P-leinru. WANTED At once, 25 exper.cnced house-to-house halcmcn; liberal commission to;iic.s Betters; no others need appi. Lial '' Co., 711 In ion ave. N. 1 1 K I. V W A N TK I FEM A I.K. ex 1 1- r 1 nirl for gt-neral hou.e- . t't $2'.. Appiy irom in i. .."i I ". 'J-.l'i Nt .V i Cor. 2-id and tou tut us . ;ike Jtroadway car, tet ol c l1 It h r ml K not t. H t WANTED K.(n i i. iivhi (;lrl for K.-neral housework, uae':i If l.". Call 005 East 2-id st . nort i. on ii.-r 2 - l and "t t ; t k V.t Ort.i i v h r. jet t i :i t 1 1 1 end K not l. WAN riiD N wurk. with ai no"ii. ( ar. r.n.-d fc Irl f'-r ond ire i.f child run. f al Monday Y.. loth Noi th, Irving ton WA.Vf Kli Woiiinn for i ioVft iiine'it Jobs, 't month. Wtite Im rmii . at 1 y li.t po tktinnti c!,!:tl:iaMo. tl'Maki.n lust. tutu. U I ., ii iK-hi'MPr, N. Y. WIl'UWKH, 4, want hf'ii"ltf" I"T from 20 t- "; no objection to chi.d. AO SIS, Ore- sonian. E. I ' !! Ii 1 IIS C K I) girl for lmuscworU and o- tk ing ; ref.-re ii- required. t'.7 1-. lrtnd rfa , n-;r L'lst. ii 1 R L b t v i n 1 to ." to learn cmiipMiu eter ; good pa- ll l"Tl w hen I'OUI&d com pleted. Morgan bid. EX I'KRIKM'KK g:r to do cook ing ard penrai !:'.'Ur?vnrk; mcst havn rliy reTcr en. . Mam 4-"-l . ".! M rt bt. i 40 $ir. to f rff I . A $:.o; ll A gelicy. Si I.oui Vnln 1 2WS Mam Oli.l-S ti i'-arn bJ"t t-u v hiie h'arninif. Geneva Ai.inct'iti I' id j. C'tiiiinisi.lri 014 E. HINSDALE'S H "Si N ESS SIiOOU Eoiprei-'i bldg. i'ei-Mjiir.1 Instruction; tUii K uhen i-oinp'teiti. RE Fl NED, expei i. nct upsi ;i 1 rs w -r k nni 1 if live ; rcf t-rent . 1, about - .. for in cure of child )n Konlati. .;.;e.-ie m .im;s oji.LEoi:. Ail K-rn biine.H ci! s $ nut, poMitions (1 riiiitf ten t. r"l N. Lank bitig. WANT ED Refine t- ,!;.- i : i i'f pot it i P'tt.x k bb-ck, :: Caps) -1 . itua for t im i t"jtnpu.n. 4-J . Vihnt'ln ft. ladies if work an hour fiee tuition in f 1 rnt -class 1 1 7 ! . Creg.tnl a rv iih a Hxiiiaii riot under r two a day for buir 5 C"Hec. BUS IN ESS Iu in 11 2T. who in trust 1 mill." y vorthy mid capable; ex .1 ry. E I 'reeon hi n. WA1TRL--S, iiiiim l-e tlM.niuthlv expeilcncca. Mi: KS' R-;ST Al R ANT, ;il 1 Washington t. WA NTEI V or't for i-ld'e-UKed lady for chamber -an:'n and t":.f's board Slid s. 'rl avier ft. M ISS M AT TINGLY'S PniOOL Shorthand, Typewriting. $5 mo. 20. 14th. Ph. Mn. iiip;. U A N i' E I -l.adl. m find Ui (I det( -rit t : f t r'-"'(l en I .as oiu n bla bid nr. BOOKKEEPER, stenographers and dicta j hone operators. 3ol N. W. Bank bids. I-'IVK pirlM to le.nil beaij cult .11 Pfkuni I hi?. January 1 rlors. WA N'T a ulrl f-ir n.'ral homework. Apply E. 7ih tt. North. WANTED 2 2d Ft. An experienced rook. 1 1 ." N. G11M-. as-i.-t h'-'i-ework, ai'-irtm-nt ninalf family. K i n k- I a h, h pt. 21, e4 Kln rt. WAIST f.nist.ers. 4:14 Morrison. only ex per ir need wantt-j. HKI.P WANTKI -M A I. K K M A I.K, MEN a rjd W( M K.V to I - ai n the barber UJ.ti-. earn from J 1 . to $.' per week, tui tion reaut'el, paid while learning; poitirois fcecuie.J , writ f--r iree t-a I k ior ne. iiulrr eastern if Coll (', Ad. 4S N. 2d. IEKI.1 WANTKI) MIS4 FI.I.ANEOrS. OK K JON RA R 1 ; I : C LLKG L w .i:.t men and wuni-i to leurti the barber irJl lu a we-ks; po.-ttioiis iniaiKlitted; toola fiee, I-ui l w. in'. learning ; modern method tt-aehiriK : tuli Km r d'iced. 211 i Madmon. RAILWAY mail clerks. P. ij. tleikn. wr riers. exam. Koon; pitrcet pot-t Ut:na;ili many 11101 e clei ke ; Ret a t once. 1'acif Si Stat S-hools, Mct ay bldn.. city. 1 NT ERNA '1 FoN a I - Corre-i ond" ne choolt tc-ich salcmuifliip, al-o 2s." otiier com sea 1- ree caifil'-it. 2'2 Me K ay bidir. WANTED N';ni'S of men, IS or over, w ibh IriK (ioverniii.t Jobs. ('.. month; 'no pull ni'LCipjirj, AV 7R'I. OreBoiua ti. srrr a t ionh w a n r k d m a k. Boo k k r pc r and CTer k s. YC' L N G M A N, -. wnnls poki t low as Icuiifi -kecpes or orrico h .".tiMtH ni ; familiar wttfc l le w 1 it r and add in s in:ici - i ne, ood lie 11 Ttirtr; (.iv referenf-s. A 're cmtitru Miftrellrtiirou. HOIS E MAN w itlin' to ;-r.'ii ; 1, ood Mailer, handy. kit,is houtewoik. pri- do II va t - fjmi'y or hni; lonii e fcrnen'-e ; Ifood r term Phono Main 2-U. W. S. t.aul . GllKHH st. M I: R I i; I man wnuls work on I a r in ; house, place for k;i rd'-n. pot a' oe A nrl some t hit kens. A ddi c.-. A V 1 4, Oi pk-i-n la n. i.) po)-. t I'O, earn" xperi K'to-1 le in CA RPENTE R .1 u t the man rouph or finirth: alteratlr.nn f all kind. : r a-ma b.'. Main j on want; Pd repairs of Yo! N prirf A V 1 M A N vvi-:es lamll' , city !, t f'r.'ltllil n. hii ion s -: tint ry. ki tdo i 1 or 1 mi 21 . use. to iff ex pern til. Maui CO" Jv Man and v. :f want. Job In ramp or hoi el. noo-1 bah r. t a pa lie of taking full ciiuipe. f t I". Ore.mlan. JAPANESE em -k ntt p.nit ton ; pri v a I family, city or country. A K. sis, urion ian. E. I ' E 1 : 1 E Ni " i ' 1 chaurfeur want" work; can V-air. Ad1res R su7. (ncccrlan. CA I - PENT E U wHuti rp.i ir wtrn; reeel made, (ilson. yj Market. Mar. 49IH. HAKEIl helper city or counti y. R. rh ni nit. YOI'NG man on iv nn. 7 want Job, any kind, city or N. ."J st. MAN w Hfils paint (Pi. I - vn, hon-e e I-h n I it jr. tibiiiip. carmz fcr A I .".To, room 1 7. H eOUpIn W I Ml Id llr n ace. SePwooil 1411. child to board. J A RAN KSH want near the city. work in eonntry home M.. Oregonian. RITTATION WANTKI, -n;i ai.e. Bookkeeper and Ntrnoaraphera. fins ioi t Ion a s n 05 - R EKI NKI tlrl d raphcr and bookkeeper; leal and c"M,n"1" rial experence; ood rer r-nrcs. I'hon Marshall T'-'T. REKT.Vl-'D 'rl deBir-ii p'ition htenoe rapher and bookkeeper, leir.H nnd commer- e!.il fxpermncc; gxjd re f ere ncea. 1 'tion s Mar-hall 707. O. K sttnojfrapher, b. k. and dictaplwin opritor Wc 11 ts or lubii itule l wc 1 k M2 S 1 7. K x p k ri 1 r s ( v. 1 s t-; n ri g i : a r 1 1 itr i iT- SIRES HALE-DAY riiriJ.. MAR SHALL 4b1. K K EEI ER. .il-O st1 in - a r jhei , 1 b r A -1 local re i c r c u vs. our n I v exi rienced, MHt-sh-ill t.;M. EX PEE 1 EN EI Blpnotrajili-r and i rPkiitcr d rrj po-it ion. plmne Main e 1 oil Irehaiaker. DRESSMAKING reasonable, home or ia ; fancy gowns, waist, suits. M rs. rV.iu hrs.idt, 1'54 KiUiene st East 2 01.V FASHION ABE E d ni-ma M n r m f-n ih bomo or day. Sol Lticiianaii bidg. Mun P. 13. DRESSMAKER denlren rwlcir bv rtav or home ; pr e-s res hoii able. M a 1 11 ..'.! ft. DRESSM E l:R d'eVli or hone ; prb e 1 e e S'wlnw by Ca.. Kp iHomtblc. Main DRESSMAKING, alterations specialty. Pars er House, room 1 I'ark and Alder. .MM'DLE-AGED. case ; n-ati.-rn!' fi-' cs. M;t in Hfl f I in alid. cldcrl j ; 1 fp . I'R A 'TI ' A . nur ex pc r b-need m idd ! fulfil wo in si n ; any K ini if aie, W'ooo lawn 2.1 r.. tTin fertl 11 , d I Ml ironic or anv TRAIVED rriir ? want 1 an tciuii icaiuuulc. Aiaia V m.I of cac-e ;