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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1915)
THE MORXIXG OREGOMAN. 3IOXDAY, 31 AY 17, 1913. 11 INDIAN GH1EF HOLDS SERVICE IN STREET Rev. George Waters, Fuliblood Yakima, Tells of Early Missions. AUTO USED FOR PULPIT Krdman, 71 Years Old. in Perfect Knslish Tells How Coming ot Whites Brought Troubles to Native Americans. With an automobile for his pulpit and taclngr the biy memorial window to Father Wilbur, founder of the church and the pastor who in the same edifice 44 years ago had ordained mm a Methodist Episcopal minister and missionary to his people, the Rev. tleorgo Waters, full-blooded Yakima Indian and chief of his tribe, preached a sermon yesterday in front of the old Taylor-street Church. Rev. Mr. Waters, who Is in Portland as a witness for the Government in a case against Frank: A. Seufert, cannery man, of The Dalles, involving the fish ins: rights of Indians under the treaty of June 9. 1S53, is 74 years old. But his voice was deep and sonorous and he spoke In perfect English. He took lor his text this verse from John 14:17: "I-et not your heart be troubled, neither let It be afraid." Permon Partly Retrospective. Part of his sermon was retrospective, with recollections of Father Wilbur's work among: the tribes. Part of it con tested of homely advice for achieving the Christian ideal of harmony and brotherly love. "in. 1859," he said. "Father Wilbur was sent to my people, the Yakimas, to be their agent. He was also their missionary and taught them the way to God. Our people, the Indians, used to have trouble, but Father Wilbur ehowed us we had God for our helper and that he would take away all our troubles. I am glad that I was or dained a minister of the Methodist Church, in this church, in 1871." He told how Father Wilbur had com missioned him to be a missionary to all the Indians of Eastern Washing ton and of Idaho. When he started out In his work, he said, there were no Indian churches in all that region. "Today," he went .on, "there are a treat many Indian churches in Idaho and Washington, with many hundreds of devout Indian worshipers. Trouble Came With White Man. "In the old time the Indians of all the Northwest region lived in har mony. They didn't know what trouule was until after the white people came and brought the white man's vices and quarrels. I have read, in the Bible that God created all men of one blood to be brothers and friends. So I believe and preach that the Indians and the white people should live in harmony. "And when the white people have troubles such troubles as this church is having it Is God who should be their help. If they would turn to God In their trouble, Indians and whites, including the people of this church, need not have their hearts troubled." "We Indians," he continued, alluding to the fishery dispute in the Federal Court, "are having our troubles now, but I look for God to bring us out of them." Rev. Mr. Waters finished by saying that those who loved God were all one people and should work together for the good of Indians and whites alike. Hymn Sung in Chinook. After he had sung a hymn In Eng lish, by request Sir. Waters sang one in Chinook. He has translated many of the hymns of his church, into this Jar gon with which Indians and whites conversed in early days, and which is still a living language between whites and Indians on the reservations who have learned the English tongue. Before the service. Rev. Mr. Waters was greeted by the Rev. Mr. Stayton, who was a missionary on the Fort Slm coe reservation 40 years ago, and by Mrs. B. F. Skolfleld, whose father was for years a Government official on the reservation. Following the service. Mrs. Skolfleld Invited Rev. Mr. Waters. Wallu-la-tum, the 103-year-old chief of the Wascos, and Charley Pitt, also'of the Wascos. and Government interpreter, with Mrs. W. C. Johnson, a mutual friend, to her home at 1348 Omaha avenue. They all had dinner there, and then, until after 5 o'clock, there was a talk of old timea. Old Traditions Recalled. Rev. Mr. Waters told In Chinook, -so that Wallu-la-tum might not miss a word of it, many events and traditions of the past. Mrs. Johnson translated the Chinook Into English for the benefit of the white folk. Wallvfc-la-tum enjoyed it so much that he scorned any intimation that he might be ttred. After the Indiana had returned to their quarters at the Hotel St. Charles, Charley Pitt went out to St. Vincent's Hospital to see his daughter. Mrs. Sallie Barr. who has been ill there for two weeks. Wallu-la-tum will be a witness today when the fishing trial is resumed be fore Judge Wolverton In the Federal Court, and Charley Pitt will Interpret. FRESHMEN BURN UP CAPS Vniverslty Class Chants Weirdly as Headgear Is Destroyed. UNIVERSITY OP OREGON, Eugene. May IS (Special.) Chanting a weird funeral march. University of Oregon freshmen circled a blazing tar barrel and one by one tossed their traditional green caps to the flames. This act marked their graduation from the ranks of the lowly "fresh"- into the circle of the wise sophomore. Not until the coming- September will the residents of Eugene gaze upon the tap of emerald hue, when those who are now freshmen will parade the, new arrivals through the city's streets and officially crown them with their green "lids." Speeches congratulating the fresh men were made by upper classmen. GENERAL . MAUS INJURED Guide Shooting at Quail Hits Re tired Army Officer. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash., 1 a v 16. ( Special. ) Brigadier-General Mau;, retired, formerly in command of the Department of the Columbia and in charge of the Joint maneuvers held in the vicinity of Gate, Wash., in July, 1912. almost lost his life when out hunting recently, according to word Just received here. The General was shooting quail near Plnehurst. N. C. The guide shot to ward him at close range. One of the shot Just missed his eye and. several sunk in his chest. General Maus plans to visit here In the Fall. GIRLS REARED IN CITY WAYS WHO WILL WORK AND "BUM" THEIR WAY TO SAN FRANCISCO AFOOT. :s!'X- v: Few,1' - J V : - U, LEFT MIIS. IVKTTIK HYRD. GIRLS TO "BUM" WAY Portland Pair to Milk Cows, Wash Dishes on "Hike." SAN FRANCISCO IS COAL Xettie Bjrd aud Hazel lUuter Will Depart Today Withont Funds to Walk to Panama-Pacific Kx Iosition and Back Home. "Oh, I can milk cows and l'li give some dairy maid a rest, and In return take a bite to eat for the trouble." So explained Nettie Byrd, of the Ren wick Hotel, Portland'. "And I can wash dishes, even if t am a stenographer, and I'll give some tired farmer's wife a rest," chirped In Miss Hazel Fluter, 331 Tenth street, Port land. These two city girls are about to start out on the long travel to San Francisco, afoot, and they were ex plaining how they would get to San Francisco "bumming their way. Mrs. Byrd is 32 years' old. Miss Fluter Is 21. and they plan to start on their long hike this afternoon. They are carrying one revolver, a suit of kahki. blanket and a small knapsack of grub just enough to get them Into the rural section. Nary a cent will they take along in their kit of equipment, and when they get to San Francisco they plan to "bum" their way into the Fair grounds and perhaps "bum" their way back to Portland when the Wintry winds begin to blow. 1 The girls plan to make about 30 miles a day, and they explained yes terday that what they couldn t get in dignified way for the asking they would work for and they anticipate running across a few credulous farm ers and way-residents along the route. who will put them to the test. "We're city girls all right, but Nettie had a vacation on a farm once, and learned how to milk a cow," chimed in Miss Fluter In telling the capabilities of her companion on the romantic ex pedition. "And the hands that tickle type writer keys can wasb dishes easy enoua-h." retorted Mrs. Byrd in uphold ing the manual integrity of Miss Fluter. We are going to be first-class hobos as long and as often as we can, and after that, we will work if we need to. We are eoing to make the walk aa a sort of outing, but we expect to have a lot of fun in doing it. The blanket and the revolver will be our only pro tection." Mrs. Byrd and Miss Fluter were cheerful and optimistic and certain their expedition would be a success on the eve of their departure. It is the first trip of the kind they have taken. MILK TESTERSTESTS SET Farm College Arranges to Examine Applicants for Licenses. OREGON AGRICULTURAL. COLLEGE, Corvaliis, May - 16. (Special.) In con formity with the recently enacted vire Eon law whereby all testing of milk or cream bought on a butter fat con tent basis must be done oy ncensea testers, the dairy department of the Agricultural College announces the fol lowing dates on which examinations will be held: May 24, 25, 26 and 27, at the Dairy building of the Oregon Agri cultural College. AoDlicants for licenses living in any of the following counties may take the examination on any of the dates, the examination requiring; only one day: Hood River, Wasco. Multnomah, Clack amas, Washington, Columbia, Marion, Yamhill,' Lincoln, Polk, Benton, Jmn, Lane and Douglas. Testers In other counties will be irlven examinations by county agricul turlsts in their district on dates to be announced later. RECORDS v AID BREEDERS Register of Merit Stock; Brings Best Prices, Professor Says. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvaliis, May 16. (Special.) Better profits in the breeding of dairy cows and in dairying to do secured Dy regis ter of merit testing is the lesson of the recent sale of high yielding Jerseys as seen by Professor E. B. Fitts, extension dairyman of the Agricultural College. ReKister of merit stock sold at an aver age of 71 per cent In advance of the price brought by cows not thus backed up. In dairying an increased yield per cow, with Its consequent decrease In the cost of production, would be the end secured. "The value of register of merit rec ords for dairy cattle was well exempli fied in the sale of Jerseys at Independ ence May 14," says Mr. Fitts. "Breeders are coming more and more to recog nize the value of official records of production." POLICE CHIEF IS REJECTED Weiscr's New Government Takes CI large and Change Is Complete. WEISER, Idaho. May 1 (Special.) A radical change in Welser's munici pal government took place Friday night wnen Mayor Hamilton and Councilmen ::. : ' . v. i ; : "v ' . RIGHT .HISS HAZEL FLITKH, elect were sworn In, and the old mem bers of the Council stepped down and out. The change was complete, as not a member of the former Council re mains. The new Councilmen are G. W. Jarrett, Frank Townley. R. T. Black. W. V. Ferris, J. A. Toung and W. M. Maxwell. After perfecting an organization by electing R. T. Black president of the Council. Mayor Hamilton announced his appointment ot the various committees and the appointive officers. James W. Galloway was named for City Attorney and confirmed. The first clash came when the name of John J. Nevln was presented for Chief of Police. The ap pointment was rejected by a vote of 4 to 2, and the matter was laid over to the next regular meeting. Charles Glasser was' named and confirmed for night police; Lyle Wood was named and confirmed for superintendent of water and light and street commissioner. There wllr be practically no other changes for the present at least- other than the reduction of the force in the water and light departments. In the appointment of Nevlns as Chief of Police Mayor Hamilton has the sup port of the business men generally. The next meeting of the Council will be held May 21. UNION STOCK SHOW SET MOST SICCESSFIX EVENT GIVEN BY ASSOCIATION PLANNED; Greatest Exhibit of Fine Horses Ever Made In Eastern Oregon Due and Notable Persons to Attend. UNION, Or., May 16. (Special.) The seventh annual Livestock Show will be held at Union Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 2, 3 and 4, and the Indications are that the event will be second to none of the several success ful events that have preceded it. From every section comes word of greater attendance and more numerous stock exhibits than previous years- have shown, and the management is feel ing greatly encouraged. The Union Livestock Show has been pronounced by Judge W. L. Carlyle. of International Stock Show fame, as one of the best west of the Missouri River, and there are equally strong com mendations from other sources. The show this year will bring out the greatest exhibit of fine horses ever shown in Eastern Oregon, and at It one of the greatest track and arena programmes yet presented here will be given. In addition to this, many nota ble persona of the Northwest have promised to be present, among them Governor Withycombe, who will bring his fine riding horse and take a place In the mammoth daily parade. The association has a record of six successful annual shown successful not only as stock exhibits, entertain ment and in point ot attendance, but from a financial point of view, plac ing the Union association upon an ex cellent basis from a business point of view. IAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTTAXD. May lfi. Maximum temper ature, 72 degrees; minimum, 50 decrees. River readme, 8 A. .m., tt.j ieei: cnange in last 24 hours. 0.3 foot rie. Total rainfall r. P. M to S P. M.). tnre: total rainfall ttlnce September 1, HM4, inches; normal rainfall since September 1, 41.18 inchen; de. flclency ot rainfall since fpiemDr l, in, 14.K7 inches. Total sunshine May 16, 3 hours, 34 minutes; possible sunshine, 15 hnuni. Raromftter (reduced to sea-level) at ft I. M.. i:9.69 inches. THE WEATHER . s Wlna. - la. 0 S ? S I It f 8 3 : : STATIONS. State o. Weather. Raker Boise .... BOHtOQ . .......... Calgary ......... Chicago .......... Denver .......... Des Moines Duluth Eureka Cialveston ....... Helena .......... Jacksonville ..... Kansas City Los Angeles...... ViarEhfield Medford Minneapolis Montreal New Orleans New York North Head....i North Yakima... Phoenix Poratello Portland Koseburir Sacramento ..... St. L.ou!b Salt Lake San Francisco.... Seattle Spokane , Tacoma Tatoosh Island.. Walla Walla Washington ..... Winnipeg 66 0. "till). !!-: 0. 440. tttro. twjo. 5tV0. 3S0. 5;o. solo. r.eo. 4iO. OS;. 7S0. 0'0. 4i0. 4S 0. Hilt). no jo. XKjrt . e0. 7010. n;o. 740. 72 0. Hrt.O. 70t. sojo. SJlO. r.s o. 700. 6i0. 64 0. B-JIO. TO 0. eolo. 60j0. 001 UjSE lrj 4 SK UOI 8ISE Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Rain Ft. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy lO - 7S OOjlJiNB 00;i2,N 3S 4 SE tit. H ri I 00fi;S ou lo;N 3020SK O0 24jN 00 8,SW .otf. . Olll'lOjNWj 28 10N ! OOila-K I oo:1o:sw 1214E ! 001S'S 0O10NE 00 H'N 00 4!NE M e8 oo 4 a 0OI12I3W oois;nw Ot,14iNW lOi s tw 001 8;N 00 NE 00I 4iSW 00 24 K 0V 4 SK 2 SINE .0O54INW itain Clear Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Rain Kala Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Bain lOloudy Clear Cloudy Rain Cloudy , Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. A new depression has developed over the North pacific States and the Montana htgh preseure area la central this evening over the western portion of tiie Dakota. A mod erate disturbance Is central over the Lakei Region. L.ight rain has fallen In Western Oregon, along- the North California coast and in portions of Wyoming. Montana, the Dakotas, Minnesota and the Atlantic States. It is 'decidedly warmer in the northern Rocky Mountain States and correspondingly cooler in the Central plains States. The conditions are favorable for showers in this district Monday, with lower temper atures., FORECASTS: Portland and vicinity Showers and cooler; southerly winds. Oregon Showers, cooler north and east portion: southerly winds. Washington showers, cooler except near the coast; southwesterly winds. Idaho Showers, cooler. EDWARD A. BEAL3. District Forecaster. Although British railroads rank fourth among the nations In regard to mileage, they carry more passengers every year than are carried In any other country. CANAL TRIP TOLD OF Officer on Colusa Finds Pas , sage Is Impressive. TOLLS FOR CRAFT $4500 Letter Tells of Looking Down Krom Gatun Locks on Burning City ot Colon and Sea Like From Vessel in Mountains. An unusually good description of a voyage through the Tanama Canal is contained in a letter written by Victor Helgas, now at Boston on the steam ship Colusa. Mr. Helgas is third offi cer of the Colusa, whlcn was here in December. Before Jhat he was third officer on the San Juan and quarter master of several steamers, (deluding the Bear. An interesting item in his letter s the cost of the Colusa's toll through the Canal, which was $4500. "We arrived at Panama April 29, 29 days after sailing from Brisbane for Bo6ton," wrote Mr. Helgas. "The Colusa was the first steamer to sail direct to Panama from Australia. We had 22.000 bales of wool, weighing 6,600,000 pounds, and worth approximately Jl.980,000, the most valuable cargo of wool ever brought to Boston on a single vessel, 40OO Miles Cat From Trip. "The voyage across the Pacific was calm and uneventful. We did not see a vessel and our only friends were the flying fish. The Canal cut 4000 miles from our 13,000-mile passage, and our canal toll was $4500. "April 30 a canal pilot came on board, and at 7 A. M. we were at Miatlores locks. The big gates opened auto matically and we were in the first lock. Then a lock pilot came on board. There is a special lock pilot for each lock, and six towing locomotives propelled by electricity, three on each side of the steamer. After passing through the locks the canal pilot took charge again. "There was not a command issued, so well trained were the men at the locks. The pilots make signs with their hands from the bridge, and their commands are thus given and are understood. These pilots are fast becoming known as the only silent p'ilotB In the world. The contrast to the ordinary pilot bel lowing through a megaphone can be imagined. Dredging Is Only Activity. "We reached the Culebra cut at 3 o'clock, and the dredging was the only sign of the old-time activity. If old Ferdinand DeLesseps could only have lived to see his dream come true! "Arriving at Gatun locks, at the east ern end of Gatun Lake, we saw a mar velous sight. Far below lay the Car ribean Sea; we seemed like a steam ship way up in the mountains, for the three Gatun locks are all together, and as we peered down into the sen we saw the town of Colon on fire. The ashes from the burning buildings were car ried high, and many were deposited on the decks of the Colusa six miles away. The sight was most Impressive, and was brought to a close when we entered the locks and finally emerged into the last part of the canal at sea level in the darkness. "That's about all there was to it. The canal pilot bade us bon voyage, and we headed for the windward passage through the West Indies and on to Boston, where we arrived May 8, a new freight record between Australia and Eastern United States being estab lished." HAZEXt DOLLAR IS UNLOADING Vessel Is to Carry Cargo of Auto Trucks for Russia. The British steamer Hazel Dollar, commanded by Captain M. Ridley, which arrived from Shanghai via San Fran cisco Saturday night, attempted to es tablish a record discharging cargo at Municipal Dock No. 1 yesterday, but after working all day was forced to give up the Idea of getting away last night. The Hazel Dollar was here eight months ago. This time she brought 1000 tons of hemp seed, after discharg ing which she goes to Seattle to take a cargo of auto trucks for the Russians at Vladivostok. There has been a scarcity of Dollar vessels in Portland, the last one having visited Portland six months ago. The steamship company operates steamers under both, the British and United States flags. Captain Ridley is a human dynamo. He had all the various agents and sales men on board his ship in his anxiety to get away,-and A. Kellogg, agent of the Dollar Steamship Company at Port land, took the skipper to the residence I.: 4 u Virtor Helgaa, Offieer on Steam ship Colusa. Who Drsrribea In Letter Passage Tbrengh Canal. of L A Pike, of the United States Custom-House, so that he might clear his vessel Sunday. In addition. Captain L,. Veysey, Lloyd's surveyor, was on board the vessel examining some changes in the deck structure over the fuel tanks. The steamer will clear today. POLICE BAND SAILS ON BEAR Musicians Re-warded With Trip to California Expositions. Thirty-seven policemen will sail forth from Portland at 9 o'clock this morning on the steamer Bear of the Big Three fleet, for the Portland Police Band is really going to be re warded with a trip to the two California-Expositions In return for its many free concerts and hard practic ing. The steamer will be suitably decorated for the occasion. The wives of Patrolmen E. Burkfc, J. D. Webster, Charles Jphnson. John Morelock and H. L. Stanton, and the young son of Dancing Inspector Flack will h. In ihA nnrtv Thnr. .;il 1-. ' . , w ... - " I J .'-.. . . 1 ft.. 1 ........ ,n . , , i, - stage people from Pantagea Theater who played in the Harem scene last week. Indications are that there is entertainment In store for the pas sengers on the Bear. The Beaver is scheduled to arrive this afternoon with 200 passengers and 700 tons of freight, both exceedingly large lists. Port to Help Build Road. The Port of Portland agreed to con tribute 12500 to assist in paying for the roadway that was built by St. Johns to the Western Cooperage plant, provided the road is extended to the drydock. A' committee from St. Johns Commercial Club - and the Council waited on the Port of Portland Com missioners. It is expected that the roadway will be extended is asked for. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. bteumer Schedule. DUE TO ARRIVE. Name. From .... Date. Bear Lew Angeles. ...... In port Koanoke. ....... Shq Diego. ........In port Beaver . ... ioa Angeles. May 17 Breakwater Cooa Bay ...May 1, Northeru Pacific. San Francisco. .....May. IS f anta Clara. .... .San Francisco. .....May Id Hose City L.os Angelea. ...... May . Geo. W. Elder... Eureka . aluy A. Kilburn. . . ban Francisco May 24 CUE TO DEPART. Name. From Date. Bear I.os Angeles. ...... May 11 1 amalpals. ..... .ran b ran Cisco. .. ... May Vale S. F. O L. A May Celilo San Diego .May Multnomah..... .ban Diego. ........May t-anta Clara. .... .San Francisco. .. . . .May Koanoke. ....... San Diego. ...... ..May Harvard s. K. to L. A May Northern Pacific. San Frauclsco. .-. . . .May Klamath. ....... San Diego. ....... .May Breakwater. .... Coos Bay. ... ... ...May Beaver I.oa Angeles. ..... .May Canta Barbara. . .San Francisco. . .. .May "Yosenitte ban Diego ....May F. A, Kil hum. . . . ban Francisco. .. ... May 24 Geo. w. Elder. . . San Diego. .May 16 Rose City .I.os An. eles ...... .May .7 W'apama San Diego May 21 Willamette San Diego May 'Ji Northland Los Angeles. ..... .May Portland-Atlantic Service. DUE TO ARRIVE. Name. From Minnesotan ...... New York ...... Pennsylvania!!. . . New York Ouioan New York DUE TO DEPART. Name. For Minnesotan New York Pennsylvanian. . . New York Ohioan New York Date. In port M.y .0 May 26 Date. May 17 May 27 May U News Erom Oregon Torts. COOa BAY. Or.. May 18. (Special.) Ar riving from Portland this morning at 4:40 o'clock with freight and passengers the steamship F. A. Ivilburn sailed in the after nou for Eureka at 3. The Smith lumber steamer Adeline Smith arrived from San Francisco this morning at o'clock and is shipping a cargo ot lumber at the C. A. Smith sawmill. The gasoline schooner Roamer returned to Coos liay this morning at u:S0 following a freighting trip to Brookings. The Koamer is loading freight for towns on the Siusiaw Kiver. 1 The steamship Breakwater sailed for Port land today at S A. M., carrying freight and passengers. ASTORIA, Or.. May IS. (Special.) The Sfhooner William Bowden, which arrived last evening from San Francisco, was towed today to Westport, where she Is to load lumber. The steamer Roanoke arrived this morn ing from San Francisco and San Pedro with freight and paesengers fur Astoria and Port land. The tug- Geora-e R. Vosburg, Captain A n stonsen. engaged in deep sea fishing, caine into port this morning and will leave again tomorrow for the fishing grounds. The tug is under charter to the Union Fish Company, of Portland, and yesterday put Into Bay City with two tons of sole, groupers, cod and other varieties of fish. She expects, however. In the future to operate from the Columbia River. The steam schooner Santa Monica arrived this afternoon from San Francisco and went to Westport to load lumber. Marine Notes. The North Pacific eteamahip Roanoke ar rived at 7 o'clock last night with a large passenger list and heavy freight cargo. The vessel made one of her best runs up the Coast this year. The American-Hawlian steamer Minne sotan was discharging cargo at Aibere Dock No. 3 yesterday alternooh. The vessel shifts to Crown Mills today and goes to the suuad tomorrow or Wednesday. The coastwise steam schooner Hardy ar rived in Portland Saturday night on her maiden voyage to this port. she was at Couch-street dock yesterday but did not work cargo. The Yucatan Is getting ready for her trip to Australia and looked out of place at Globe Mills yesterday, though ehe did not take on freight, it is said Captain Paulson'e wife will accompany him on bis trip to the Antipodes. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, May 1. Arrived Steamer Koanoke, from .San Diego and way ports. Sailed British steamer Basel Dollar, for puiret Sound. Astoria. May 14. Arrived at :10 and left ul at 11 A. M. Steamer Koanoke, from ban Diego and way ports. Left up at 9:30 A. M. Schooner Wm. Bowden. Arrived and left up at '! P. M. Steamer Santa Monica, from Ban Francisco. Seattle, May IS. Arrived at 10: JO A. M. Steamer Santa Cruz, from Portland. San Pedro, May 1G. Arrived Steamer Willamette, from Portland. ' Coos Bay, May 1 . Arrived Steamer F. A. Kilburn, from Portland, for San Fran cisco. Sailed Steamer Breakwater, for Portland. Eureka. May IS. Arrived Steamer Hants Clara, from San Francisco, for Portland. San Francisco. May IS. Arrived iowsn, Tacoma: J A. Moffett, Puget Sound; North ern Pacific. Portland. Sailed Steamer Tascalusak (Brltieh). Japan: Strathesk (British), Eureka: Yellowstone. Portland: Quinault, Portland: Norwood, Grays Harbor. Seattle. May 1. Arrived Steamers Santa Cruz, New York; Prince Rupert (British), Prince Kupert. Sailed Steamers Admiral Schley, San Francisco; Prince Itupert (Brit ish). Prince Rupert. Colombia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. May IS. Condition of the bar at 6 P. M-, sea smooth, barometer 21.78; wind south IS mllee. Tides si Astoria Monday. High. I Low. 2:01 A.' M 8.1 feet A. M... 0.1 foot 3:14 P. M S.5 feet;8:5r I. M... 4.0 feet Mrconl Wireless Iteports. (All positions reported at 8 P. M., May 16, aniens otherwise denignated). Pennsylvania. San Franciaco for Balboa, 270 miles south of San Francisco. John A. Hooper, Matanzas, Cuba, for Port Angeles. 1206 miles south of Cape Flattery. Barge 9l, El Seundo for San Pedro, six miles from San Pedro. Aroline. San Francisco for San Pedro. 11 miles north of Point Arguello. Porter, Meadow Point for Monterey, 2S0 miles north of -San Francisco. Centralla, Eureka for San Francisco, 18 miles south of Blunts Reef. Lucas, towing barge 93, Richmond for Se attle, 210 miles north of San Francisco. Kilburne. Cooa Bay for Eureka, 20 miles south of Blanco. 1 Santa Clara, Eureka for Cooa Bay, five miles north of Eureka. Drake. Richmond for Portland, 20 miles south of Columbia River. Henry T. Scott, with Acapulco In tow, Nanaimo for San Francisco, off Grays Har bor. Breakwater, Coos Bay for Portland. 22 miles north of Yaquina Head. Herrin, Monterey for Llnnton, 581 miles north of Monterey. Beaver, San Francisco for Portland, eight miles north of Yaquina Head. Governor. San Francisco for Seattle, via Victoria. 110 miles north of Cape Hlanco. Chanslor. Monterey for Honolulu, 1H42 miles from Monterey May 15. Lurline. Honolulu for San Francisco, 83T miles out May IS. China, San Francisco for Orient, 33 miles west of Honolulu May 15. wllhelmlna. left Hilo for Honolulu at 5 P. M. May 15. Hvadea. Seattle for Honolulu, 1394 miles from Flattery May 15. " Manoa. San Francisco for Honolulu, 1362 miles out May 15. Gen Y. Pesquelra, Columbia River for Australia, 540 miles from Columbia River May 13- Norwood. San Francisco for Grays Har bor 20 miles north of Point Reyes. Topeka. San Francisco for Eureka, six miles south of Point Arena. Carlos, Coos Bay for San Francisco, 8a miles north of Pan Francisco. Hanlfy. Hilo for San Francisco, Bff Far rali.nes. P. M. Eider, San Francisco for Ban Pedro, off Pigeon Point. Nann Smith, Coos Bay for Pan Francisco. 28 miles north of San Francisco. Aroline, San Francisco for San Pedro. 11 miles north of Point Arguello. Multnomah Redondo for San Francisco, llo miles south of San Francisco. Yacht Venetia, San Diego for San Fran cisco. 15 miles south of Point Sur. Rose City, San Francisco for San Pedro, 20 milea south of Point Sur. Wapama, San Pedro for San Francisco, 20 miles south rnmt Ernest Roume, ex-Oovernor-Generat of the French province In East Africa, has been appointed Governor-General of Indo-Cblna by the Cabinet. FISHING LAW TOPIC H. M. Lornsten Replies' Mr. Burke's Letter. to RULES ARE SUGGESTED Statute Prohibiting ItoalK in Chaii rvel Oeclared Not to Apply to Gillnetters Pilots Blamed for Accident. H. M. Lornsten. secretary of the Co lumbia River Fishermen's Protective Union, has Issued an open letter to Thomas C. Burke, Collector of Cus toms of Portland, In reply to a letti'r by Mr. Burke, in which the latter set forth his understanding of the law demandine: that the Columbia River channel he kept clear of obstructions by fishermen's nets and the like, Mr. Burke's letter was called forth by remarks accredited to him In which blame was laid to the fishermen In con nection with the recent srroundlnc of the liners Santa Cecilia and American. Mr. Burke set forth that commerce came first, hut refuted certain state ments attributed to him. Mr. Lornsten s a'nswer from Astoria to Mr. Burke's letter is: fishermen Held Blameless. "Your very interesting epistle of May 13 received and carefully perused, to it will say: Had the person who mailed you that clipping, headed "I-'Ishermen's Friend,' also taken the trouble and in closed another clipping, 'liar Fisher men.1 from the same paper, soe in closed clipping;, you would have soon discovered that you are the gentleman crcdit&d with the saying, which you now refute. "That foreign vessels have been held outside the bar all niKht, may be true, but that is nothing unusual, that Is a common occurrence almost everywhere, especially outside 'bar harbors.' 'No man with true knowledse of tho facts In connection with the ground ing of the liners ianta Cecilia, and the American, and possessing common Bcnse and a Just Tnlnd. can lay that grounding to the trill-net fishermen, but will place it on the pilots In charge, where it justly belongs. Master ald to Aerune Pilot. "Calling; on the master f the Santa Cecilia, to ascertain the facts in con nection with the grotiiKilnar f his ves sel, he informed me that it took place about 3 I M.. that there were four tish boats in sight, that there was one net in tnc channel which I'.is vesxel rounded and struck. The master did not blame the fisherman, but rather the pilot, and tightly so, because had he kept his Vessel on her course, nothing but a parted net would have been the result, and that would have been a reminder to that fisherman in the future to pick up his net in time when ever a vessel Is approaching. "Impartial investigation in connec tion with the grounding of thee steam ers will prove that neither of the pilots in charge acted as they would had they known the channel and their buxi ness. Had the one on the Santa Cecilia known the channel and his duty he would not have attempted to go around that net, but kept his course, and the one on the American, If lie had known what he ought to know as a pilot, would have kept his course, regardless of the action of the first one. Pllota Called Amateurs. "The fact Is the pilots in charge of the two vessels are beginners; the first one did not know the channel and the second one simply followed the first and became entangled a cast of the blind lead the blind. "That millions have been expended on the river to remove natural obstruc tions cannot be denied, neither can it be denied that part of the money so expended has been extracted from the gillnet fishermen as duty on twine. But, may I ask. what obstructions were ever removed by the Government from the river for the benefit of the gillnet fishermen? , "Is it not an Indisputable fact that in place of removing obstructions for the benefit of the gillnet fishermen It has permitted them to be placed, there by filling the river with obstructions so that there is scarcely 'a place to drift a gillnet except In the channels, and that notwithstanding the fact that all shore obstructions, or nearly so, are there contrary to the common law and courts' decisions? Salmon Industry's Value Dlacuaaed. "That the salmon industry Is of great Importance to the commercial life and activity is a fact, but it Is not recognized. Had It been recognized as it ought. It would surely have been taken care of better by the Government, both Federal and state, as well as by the commercial bodies, and It would have been of a greater magnitude than it is now. "I did not say ths,t that 'fool's order," aa I called It, wag Issued from your office, as you have it. but from Mr. Burke's department, and you will have to admit that there is some difference between your office in Portland, Or., and your Department in Washington, D. C, whercfrom you get your orders. Interpretation Is Disputed. "I do not dispute the fact that the law you quoted provides that all ves sels when trolling, dredging or fish- -. riii';vniv" . '. .aft. 1 1 1 LakeLouisedBitofStolenSky This blue darling of the mountains lies in a cup of snow peaks and pint-clad slopes, far up in Tho 0rncHn Rockies. You sea it from the veranda of the Canadian Pacific hotel Chateau Lake Louise large as a palace, but cozy as home. Drives and pony Tide on mountain . trails to Paradise Valley and Valley of Ten Peak. Plan a circle tour through the Canadian Rockiea. and visit its numerous spots of beauty. Reached only by tho Canadian Pacific Railway Tour may also include 165-mile boat trip on Puget Sound. Liberal stopovers no extra fare. Send for Booklet 1 1 - Tah thm lOOO.miU boat trio . V. MURPHY. O. A. P. i, Si Third St, AMl KKMK.XTS. IHEILIGI-rntVi." Taylor TODAY TO.NIOHT AI.L WEEK. Continuous 12 (noon) to 11 P. M. Superb Motion Pictures. "Sealed Orders" IlATIWEPAirf 230 VIOIOKIN.." Harry Tai' Great Farce, Kxtra ix-etiil. VnviRfl of th UuftiTftnia. OTHh K HM. TIMK. A T RotM nd f ir-t rw ha Irony rcer-Cktt bv p h ni. Main A 7'AH. Mattae 2:30 P. M. iht Z hheiri J:S0, 1-RtNKiVN Anrri t.. IN "Till-: M UK At. Kilt." 1 Ol Ill- It Hit, At II 1 PR If PC. Afternoon Ie, IV, XtjJ. Nitlin I.V-, 2n f TO UTK TO M.AlMFY Ft'R RK.VT Four-room flat, modern. 4V, Fast Yamhill, i'hone Cast 6JJa or Taor 11. SCREEN UOOKS A N I) WINDOWS. I'hone Marshall lit. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY BT4 HKI.MOVr T. Phones Hast lAH'i, It 2r,13. Open lr and NiKht. Keport all cases of cruelty to thla of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals Horse anibulaiw-e fnr alck or disabled animals, at a moment's notice. Atiyon d es iri 11 gn pet may communicate witn u.i. lug with any kind of drag-net or seine, shall display certain lights, but I d say that that law has absolutely noth ing whatsoever to do with drift, 'v gill-net boats, the statement of Mr. Sweet, to the contrary notwithstand ing. -I also say thnt had Mr. Sweet, the. Assistant Secretnry of Commerce, hwl the knowledge that he should In his capacity, he would hnvt; ruled other wise than h did. His ruling plainly shows lhat he does not know the dif ference between I be wssuls and S'r deseribird In the law unci the drift. t glll-nct not mentioned In It at all, nor the worklnar of t liner. "The law In o,"etion " good one and could hardly be improved on for such vessels as are described. It surely is a protection to the lives and prop erty which eomo under It. while it Is n. detriment to the lives and property t the drift, or gillnet fishermen, when applied to their boats. It h slso Ii.t.i declared a humbug by many of the navigators, and Justly so. "Orders" Itrrnll A.llen. "Do you for a moment suppose tliot when the aforementioned !nw wis en acted. It wa enarl'J for any otUer pur pose than to safeguard life and prop erty? You will. of course, say 'iw.' Now then, do you for a moment suppoi-e that this law which has proved beyond doubt that it does what It was Intended ter do to such vessels and geor ns sre named in it. and It also has proved to be a detriment to gillnet boats. n"t mentioned In It. when applied to them, that it was ever Intended by the law makers, to be applied to gillnet l.oats? You will have again to mm y 'no' and rightly so. Consequently common sense and justice demands that thst order from your department be recalled, and the gillnet fishermen get a chance for their lives and property, as well h rasing up the strain on the navigators who have to paxs up or down the river during nights. It u lee Are HumteXed. "If your department would adopt the following rules for gillnet boats there would be no morn trouble on tho river: "First: Navlrators to follow a line on the north' off and close to the red buoys, when passing up or down the river. "Second Vessels bound for Knapp ton. -Wash., give certain signals, warn ing the fishermen In time to get their nets up, out from the vessel's way. "Third Fishermen drifting near the red buoys, to pick up tliuir nets us soon as a vessel approaches. "Fourth Gill-net fishermen when drifting at night shall have a lantern lighted, ready in a box in the hull of the boat, to be displayed as soon as a vessel is approaching. Master of I.lner tt noted. "To the good behavior of the fish ermen operating from the mouth of the Willamette, and 25 miles down. I have nothing else to say. than that the master of the Santa Cecilia said when asked about the condition on the river higher up. through the nets. 'There were plenty of nets and one boat was anchored right in the chan nel." This bout must, 1 suppose, hive been the boat of iJrift Captain George Beaver. "Apparently great sympathy has been extended by the (Jovernmeiit, both Federal and state, to individual fishermen holding special privileges, such as trap and wheel men, but to th gill-ne.t fishermen, I have failed to observe any sympathy extended, am! I may as well say now as at any other time that it Is not sympathy the g-ill-net fl.thcrinen are clamoring for, but Justice, something very difficult to obtain as long as important plaeen are hell. in government, both Federal and state, by persons who are there riot because of qualifications, but tbrough pull, political and others." In colineetlon with the production of ral In the United KlnKoni there were l-.o accidents. rauFlr.t; 1 T r.:t deaths, last .war.'ll 1111 V 1 J to Alaska. Send for Booklet 1"Qr D.. Canadian Pacino Railway Portland. Oregon mm