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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1915)
10 THE 3IOKNIXG OR'EGONIAX. WEDNESDAY, MAY 12. 1015. Xntered at Portland. Oregon, Postofflce a lecond-clasa matter. Subscription Rata Invariably In advance: (By siau.) Daily. Sunday Included, one year $8.00 Iaily, Sunday Included, six months 4.5 1 'ally, Sunday Included, three months .. 2.25 lially, Sunday Included, one month & ltiily, without Sunday, one year lJaily, without Sunday, six months Dally, without Sunday, three months l.?3 Dally, without Sunday, one month ttu Weekly, oua year . 1-u Sunday, one year 2.60 Sunday and Weekly, one year H.oO CBy Carrier.) Iaily, Sunday Included, one year O0 lJally, Sunday Included, ona month 75 How to Kemit Send Postofflce money or der, express order or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at sender's risk. Uive postofflce address in lull. Including county and ctate. Postage Kates lz to Id pages. 1 cent; 18 to 32 pages 2 cents; Hi to 48 pages, 3 cents; 60 to t0 pages, 4 cents; Hi to 7d pates, a rents; 78 to U2 pages, 0 cents. Foreign postage, double rates. ' Kastrrn Business Office Veree Ac, New York, Brunswick building; Chicago, stenger building. San FranrWo Office R. J. Bldwell Com Tany. 742 Market street. I"0 RTLAXD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1915. l WO 1VE.VK, NOT TOO PROUD, TO FIGHT . disappointment is the first senti ment awakened by President Wilson's Philadelphia speech. The Nation "Is tinging -with a vicious blow delibe rately dealt. It looks to the President to voice its sentiments, to point the way to vindication of its outraged lionor and to guide it in maintaining its place among the nations. When all are looking to the President to Mund the keynote, all that he. can llnd to say Is: ' There is such a thins a man being too proud to fight. There la such a thing as .a nation being so right that it does not need to convince others by force that it- is light. We are Informed that this speech Is' not to be taken as indicating the policy the President will pursue in re gard to the Lusitania affair. We re joice that this is so, but we cannot elose our minds to the fact that it expresses the- sontiments which have guided him in the past and which are likely to guide him in the future. The outcome of those sentiments has been p. policy of impotence. The present crisis calls for a policy of definite as sertion of our National rights and vindication of our National honor. If It can be done by diplomacy, well and good. We hope and desire so. But nothing is to be gained much is to be lost by laying down the premise that we will not fight in any circum stances. The phrases we have quoted from Mr. Wilson's speech indicate disposi tion to persist in the error of consid ring only what we ourselves think of our action or inaction. The strife which rends three continents teaches us that we must consider what other nations think. If we swallow an af front without retaliation, other na tions will think, not that we are "too proud to fight," but that we are too cowardly, or too weak to fight. They will contrast the big but weak Amer ican Nation, which refuses to fight with little, weak Belgium, which dared to fight against tremendous odds, though her great friends were unready with help. It is a lamentable fact that. In spite f all that our Generals, Admiral!" Secretaries of War and the Navy and our most farseelng statesmen have said, we are so utterly unprepared that we are -too weak to fight. If Germany were not at war with other nations and if those other nations did not shield us, we could not stand up against Germany. She could land an army and could lay New York and Washington In ruins. The resistance rwe could offer would be a ghastly joke. Should we now elect to return the blow Germany has dealt us, we should owe the vindication of our honor and the preservation of our territorial integrity and independence to the grace of the nations which are .allied against Germany, not to our own strength.. This nation has been traveling with Jts head in the clouds of pacifism, while other nations have been gov erned in policy by the hard, stern facts on the earth around them. We have received a sudden blow which has brought our minds and our eyes back to earth, and we suddenly real ize that we lack the means to return the blow. If we elect to fight, we must lean as heavily as do Belgium and Serbia on the allies which fortune has provided until we can develop our bousted latent military resources. In population, wealth and extent of ter ritory everything which excites the cupidity of robber nations we are among the great nations, but in pre paredness for defense we are among the smallest. Our combination of wealth and impotence is a direct in citement to attack. We flatter ourselves that our mod ern attleshlps place our Navy second to that of Germany, but we ignore the fact that our Navy is so ill-proportioned as not to be equal to that of France or Japan or possibly of Italy. Our battleships are so slow that they must fight at the enemy's option, not at their own. We have no battle cruisers fast enough to run down a battleship and fight it on equal terms. We are deficient in cruisers and scouts, destroyers, aircraft and auxil iaries of all kinds. We are short many thousand trained, men and we have no reserve. We are behind every other first-class nation in all these respects. Our Army is even more deficient than our Navy. We pould not put in the field on short notice more than 30,000 trained men. The National Guard has a paper strength of about 104,000, but it could not put more than two-thirds of this number of ef ficient men in the field. Behind that there is nothing. We are miserably deficient in artillery, and our supply rf ammunition -would be exhausted in one modern battle. We might by strenuous exertion train and equip 1.000,000 volunteers in a year, though the officers to train them are not in sight. . WriV Krtrtulrl Rprmnnv fpar ftf t-q epect us? She respects effective force, and we have none. Our mobile army would cut less figure in the field than the Belgian army, and our Navy cannot harm Germany, for all the harm that can possibly be done Is al ready being done by Britain and France. We might reinforce the reg ular Army with the National Guard, but It would be a year before we could send any great force of volun teers to the front. By that time Ger many would be either beaten or vic torious. W must adjust our foreign rela tions as other nations do. We must recognize the fact that they are not too proud to fight .and we must either fight also when attacked or be at the rnercy of any nation which chooses to dt tack. us. .We must prepare to de fend ourselves with weapons equal to those of our assailants. If we neglect to do these things, the first nation which punctures the bladder of our National pride will prove it to con tain nothing but the superheated at mosphere of pacifism. v AX ILLUSTRATION. The familiar argument comes from a citizen of Eugene that the Ameri can passengers on the Lusitania had been duly warned to keep off the ves sel and out of the - war zone, and therefore the- are responsible for consequences, and not" Germany. We also hear from the same source that Germany had the right to adopt any measures whatever to equalize condi tions on the sea between herself and Great Britain. In other words, the end Justifies the means, whether law ful or not. Two neighbors, living, say, near Eugene, have a quarrel. One Is of English birth, the other German. The former creates a war zone on the high road in front of his enemy's house and warns everybody away. The German farmer disregards the notice, however, and comes along in his wagon on his way home with an American friend. Both are unarmed. The Englishman, lying in ambush, kills them both. "I am not to blame," he tells the world; "not to blame at all. Indeed, I am wholly innocent. For did I not warn them what I would do?" In support of his" virtuous mo tives, he points out that under the straw in the back of the wagon were certain "munitions of war" in the shape of unexploded cartridges. What would the Coroner say of such a deed and such an excuse? What would our pro-German friend say of such an Englishman? TIPPING. "If," says President Lincoln, of the Pullman Company, "If you increase the wages of the porters, and they continue to get tips, as at present, they would get much more money. And you can understand how that might not be desirable." It would not be, perhaps; yet we greatly fear It would happen. The practice of tipping on Pullman cars Is universal. It is doubtful if the traveler tips the obliging and humble attendant because he gets little pay from the company. The average' per son has only a vague Idea of the unin formed employe's exact relations with his employers. He knows only that he wants special attention. He pays to get it. It may or may not be true that he will not get it unless he pays. If the great public would quit tip ping the porter, doubtless the benevo lent Pullman concern would soon have to raise his wages- or it would lose his services. But it is not likely that the public will stop its corrupt ing practices, or that the insinuating and beguiling ways of the faithful porter will fall to extract the ready quarter from the pleased passenger. A custom, growing out of a specific situation, has ' become established through the years and it will not eas ily be changed. The public will not reform and the porter cannot. Tip ping has put millions of dollars in the treasury of the sleeping-car company and has given a livelihood to many thousand useful and obliging fellow citizens. This is not a defense of tipping, nor an apology for the public nor the company; but it Is an appreciation of the porter. He deserves to be fairly paid, for he renders value received. The company does not pay him, so the great public is persuaded to do it. Antl-tipping laws are a failure and ancient customs are hard to break. The tippers only are ajle to stop tipping. VICIOUS SOCIKTV WOMEN. Chicago's high society leaders have been engaged in an effort of late to stop drinking in the dance halls. Their , portrayals of its bad effects have been so vivid and persistent that soma results have followed and the liquor men feel that they must make a counter-attack. For this laudable purpose they have employed a compe tent press agent, Leopold Neumann, who retorts upon .the society women that their own habits are as bad as those of the dance-hall habitues, if not worse. Taking his account for the truth, we should say they were decidedly worse. Mr. Neumann obtained entrance to the secret haunts of the society lead ers by a clever ruse. He had himself Introduced as .a gentleman of wealth and leisure, frsh from the Father land, and received the welcome that his supposed accomplishments called for. The discoveries he made among his female associates In the sacred adyta of fashion are positively shock ing. Chicago's society women, he de clares, lead a "night life" which would put the slums to shame. Drinking, dancing on table tops and smoking are as common as they are among men, while Mr. Neumann hints at other enormities too dreadful to be mentioned In respectable print.l But what could you expect? These women have no interest whatever in life except such as they derive from sensual gratification. Their husbands and male friends have business, or at least some pretence of it, to occupy their minds, but the women have not even that. Intellectual pursuits are "bad form" among them. Charity is permissible, but it makes only a slight diversion. AVithout such recreations as drinking, smoking and the natur ally accompanying vices their lives would be barren deserts. Let us pity the unhappy rich in stead of despising them. But in the height of our pity let us not overlook the causes of their lost condition. We have already mentioned one cause, the lack of any useful or Interesting oc cupation, but there are many more. Their lapse into vicious Indulgence Is at least partly due to their poor edu cation. In the public schools pupils of both sexes are taught the perni cious effects of low habits upon mind and body. They learn the lessons of efficiency and the lessons are taken to heart because they must be applied in order to succeed in life. Vice is the worst foe to efficiency and there fore these young people learn to shun it. But girls from the families of high society do not attend the public schools, and 'in the select schools which they do attend it is not per mitted to speak of anything so vulgar as drink or vice. Hence they go into the world utterly unfortified against the tempter. Often indeed they make their first surrender to his power while they are still at their "carefully shielded" schools. A complete revelation of the scenes enacted at some fashionable female seminaries would shock us all a great deal worse than Mr. Neumann's reve latlons do. "- He tells of a girl, "a slender, graceful mite with big, inno cent eyes," who got tipsy on cocktails at a party where he was present. We should not be surprised if the poor creature took the first downward step at an exclusive boarding school- JOHN BURROUGHS IN A NEW VENTURE. It is useless to expect John Bur roughs ever to grow old. He is now in his seventy-eighth year, but maga zine articles on scientific subjects still flow from his vigorous pen as bounte ously as they ever did. If he should publish a new book this Summer on some vitally interesting current topic nobody would think it strange. No doubt on his hundredth birthday ha will discourse on the pleasures of youth to entertain his friends. Mr. Burroughs' latest enterprise is a magazine for school children, called the Schoolmate. He does not edit It, but he is one of the contributors. Associated with him are such men as Ernest Thompson-Seton and Admiral Peary. One of the main purposes of the -new magazine is to encourage school gardening, which has become a subject of National interest in these times. Mental and physical hygiene will also be kept up to date. We should suppose that Mr. Bur roughs might write on both these subjects with-profit to adults as -well as school children. He needs only to draw material from the stores of his own experience. INDEPENDENCE IN CONGRESS. Maine shares honors with Ohio as a producer of great statesmen.. In the Civil War period it supplied the coun try with Hannibal Hamlin and Will iam Pitt Fessenden. In more recent times it has produced James G. Blaine, Thomas B. Reed, Eugene Hale and William P. Frye. All have been called away by death. Charles E. Littlefied, for many years Representative from Maine, has now Joined the company of great men from Maine. In his earlier career in Congress he evinced radical tenden cies against trusts and gave other signs of independence, but he became conservative on railroad and labor legislation. His independence was particularly displayed in opposition to the anti-injunction bills, and the American Federation of Labor made a determined but unsuccessful fight against his re-election. Realizing that the tide of opinion was running against him, he voluntarily retired. Elimination of men such as Little field tends to reduce Congress to a dead level of mediocrity. Men who will fight year in and year out for a particular cause, especially an unpop ular one, must necessarily have a de gree of independence and force which lifts them above the crowd and pre vents machines from ruling with un broken sway. Many such men are mere cranks and hobby-riders, but occasionally one arises who brings to the front an issue of real importance. The steam-roller of the caucus crushes such men and reduces them to si lence, though they are the advance guard of progress. PELLAGRA IN THE UNITED STATES. Pellagra is a much dreaded disease which first came into notice in Italy. There it has ravaged the poorer part of the population for a long time and since they were in the habit of eating spoiled corn this was naturally sup posed to cause their trouble. Re cently another theory has been ad vanced, according to which pellagra is attributed to a germ not unlike the atomy that causes malaria. The bite of an insect is supposed to communi cate the disease. Other investigators believe that pellagra may be caused by any kind of insufficient diet with other bad habits of life, such as lack of sunshine and shelter. In other words, it is said to be a "poverty disease," like tuberculosis. Which of these explanations is correct nobody can say just yet, but as inves tigations proceed fresh light will un doubtedly be shed on the matter. In the meantime it is interesting to learn that pellagra is not confined to Italy by any means. Physicians have found that it attacks the less fortunate classes of people in all parts of the world. It was formerly believed by scien tific men that there was no pellagra in the United States. Dr. Osier an nounced this opinion in the first edi tions of his "Practise of Medicine," and SpitzkU, another authority, says that pellagra "does not exist In Amer ica." The truth is, however, that it does exist here. We have thousands of cases and the number is increasing. Eight years ago it was" a rare disease in this country. Now it is disagree ably common. Still it is never likely to excite a panic of fear, since it is not epidemic. It does not sweep like a whirlwind oyer the land. On the contrary, it is endemic, thriving quietly but persist ently in the quarters which it finds suitable. Like cancer, it is most com mon in certain circumscribed places and its virulence may depend on local habits and conditions of life. Just as there are "cancer houses" and "can cer neighborhoods," so there may be pellagra sites where any person long resident is pretty likely to acquire the disease. AGAIN THE GARBLE RS. It is possible that the newly pub lished -session laws of 1915 have not yet reached Tillamook and that the Tillamook Herald reads only one Portland exchange. That wonld ac count for its misunderstanding as to what the land grant resolution of the last session contained.. But surely the session laws of 1907 are available to the Herald. Its misrepresentation as to the purport of the land grant memorial of that year is inexcusable. The Tillamook newspaper solemnly asserts that the 1915 resolution de clares "that such lands should not be withdrawn from taxation, but that they should be disposed of for settle ment and development under the terms of the original grant," and that this declaration was adopted in the face of a resolution by a previous Leg islature asking the Government to bring suit to havo the lands forfeited. It concludes that the last Legislature took a stand in favor of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Nowhere in the 1915 resolution is it urged that the lands be disposed of under the terms of the original grant. The resolution is printed on page 612 of the Laws of 1915, and it declares "that such lands should not be with drawn from taxation, but that they should tie disposed of for settlement and development under the terms of such a decree as the court may deem just and .equitable." The Attorney General has asked in his bill for a decree ordering the sale of the lands, with provision that the proceeds inure to the Government. On the ether hand, the memorial of 1907 (page 517, Laws of 1907) did not request that forfeiture suit be started, but prayed Congress "to take such steps by resolution or otherwise, as may be necessary to compel said railroad company to comply with the conditions of said grant." With few exceptions newspapers prefer to give their readers the truth. Occasionally there is one that will distort facts in the interests of a po litical policy. We trust that the Til lamook Herald is not one of the lat ter class. It not, the result of its reli ance for Information upon another newspaper notoriously of that type in stead of using its own resources to obtain information ought to be a se vere lesson. Forty thousand persons attend the moving picture shows in Portland daily. The city has sixty-eight such theaters and the smallest and cheap est provides a better entertainment than did the best ten years ago. There are 5000 automobiles in Port land, which carry nobody knows how many persons daily. Not long ago the average householder spent the early evening in Summer on the front porch reading or conversing with his wife and children. Now he takes them to the movies or for an auto ride. The veranda has become more an architectural adornment than a utility. It would not be surprising if the moving pictures and the automo mile caused a change in style of resi dences. The recent fighting between the British and Turks at the delta of the Tigris River is on the exact site of the Garden of Eden, according to ancient authorities. The change is great from its peaceful aspect when Adam and Eve resided there. Many believe that Noah's Ark was built in that same re gion and performed Its voyage there. Should it become British territory, as seems likely. It will be made to bloom again by irrigation and scientific tillage. The peaceful cession of Lower Cali fornia to the United States might speedily follow the establishment of a lasting government in Mexico. Geo graphically the peninsula belongs to this country, while Mexico has access to it only by sea for the most part. Its resources are never likely to be of much use to the world until American enterprise takes hold of them. Ohio has just found an innocent man in her penitentiary who has been imprisoned eighteen years. He asks compensation from the state at the reasonable rate of $1.50 a day. and may get it. That he ought to get it is undeniable. When the state drags an Innocent man from his family,' locks him up and disgraces him the exploit certainly should be paid for. Canada's display at the San Fran cisco fair Is said to surpass all the rest, excepting alone that of the United States. It speaks wonders for the energy, enterprise and culture of that rapidly developing country. It also speaks wonders for her friendly relations with the United States. The more each country prospers the better for both. i If a German liner, carrying passengers and ammunition to Germany from New York, had been discovered by the English, would not the ship have been captured or destroyed?, There was nothing more piratical about the sinking of the Lusltania than there would have been about the sinking of a German liner by the English. It is all In the war irame and it is Europe's affair, not ours. Pendleton East Oregonian. Suppose is a wonderful game. Any one can play it. The person who suggests to the keeper of the rat hatchery at the Park to fasten a bell to the tail of a rat is unaware that the rodent would gnaw off his appendix after the first stampede. A diminutive sleighbell wired around the neck would be best. There is a vivid line of truth running through Adjutant-General White's Interview published yester day morning. Germany knows this country is not prepared to fight on land and with more or less debatable doubt on water After reading of the flood devasta tion in California, Oregon can rejoice that our rain is spread over a longer period of time and refreshes the earth instead of washing it away. Popular impression that Eastern Oregon is devoid of timber is Jolted by the news of a projected mill at Bend to employ 500 men and cut 80, 000,000 feet a year. American "business men" who are leaving Germany to go to Switzerland are not so foolish. The probability is that their "business" is better trans acted elsewhere. The strategy of Troy was so old that it was new to the Turks, or the British presumed pn the fact that the Turks do not study ancient Greek lit erature. If the City Commission perseveres, it may complete the auditorium in time for the celebration of the resto ration of peace. If the Crown attorney at Kinsale really wants the Kaiser for murder he must send Burns for him. The trip of the fleet to the Panama Canal can wait. Its presence may be needed at another. To smash the shop windows of an alien is great sport for home-born and colonial. Commissioner Daly is an expert at figuring how to save money by spend ing it. The Cunard people will not take a chance on the Mauretania. Once is plenty. It is good news that Bill Rodgers Is coming back with his batting aver age. All candidates for Commissioner are still well up thex alphabet. Bryan is keeping calm with both hands on the gunwale. The Roosevelt libel case has a shocking drag to It. Stuff the box for your favored can didate for Queen. Almost time to kill somebody with an auto. Sophie has the whiphand in Greece. Italy will stop the war or prolong it. The Kaiser: Send in the bill. Swat two flies a day. Twenty-Five Years Ago From The Oregonian May 12. 1S90. The end of the building trades strike in Portland Is nearlng. As a result of the meeting last night it is believed an adjustment will be reached at once. The workmen who have been striking for the last month have lot about 150,000 and building has been very much re tarded. Miss Rosa Green, a highly educated, cultivated and talented woman, is a candidate for School Superintendent of Douglas County. v The Salem Statesman says the Wil lamette River is about to cut a new channel for itself and leave the city without the river facilities. The States man is backing the movement for an appropriation of $2500 to put in a breakwater. - The change has now been made which makes the Holton House into the Hotel Perkins. The fire commissioners are not jump ing at the offer of a New York con cern to sell the city a fireboat which they say cost 72.000 for 30,000. The commissioners believe they can build one right here. Dr. Catling, the inventor of the gun that bears his name, has now invented a torpedo boat. Mrs. A. W. Ciine left last evening for her home in Albany to visit with her parents, who are 111. The Oregonian yesterday devoted considerable space to & discussion with illustrations of Vancouver. Wash., its present and future, as, Portland's great ally on the Columbia. ' ----. .Jv On Friday evening Mrs. H. O. Green gave an elegant ball in honor of her son, H. J. Green, at their home at Cedar Hill. Mr. Green attained his majority that day. Among those present were Mrs. C. J. Reed. Mrs. Walter K. Smith, Miss Ada McCracken, Miss Ellen Tracy. Mrs. George Wilson, Mrs. T. B. Hand bury, Mrs. T. W. Symons, Mrs. O. H. Cole. Mrs. Hawthorne, Mrs. Palmer, Miss Lizzie Myrick, Miss Mackenzie and many other well-known belles and ma trons. Among the gentlemen were noted: D. O. Taylor, Fred Strong, Lan sing Stout, Harry Story, V. C. Lewis, J. B. Montgomery, F. V. and G. F. Hol man, James Laidlaw, Walter Burrell and Fred Andrews. Miss Eugenie Smith will give a large theater party at the Marquam Grand. Theater Monday night in honor of Miss Tracy. The play will be "Lord Chum-ley,"-with E. H. Sothern. New York. Jay Gould, In an inter view yesterday, expressed his doubts about a speedy settlement of the West ern rate troubles. The T. J. Potter, steamer, will make an excursion to the mouth of the Co lumbia and return tomorrow. Mayor George Williams, of Salem, has purchased the Wallace residence for $23,000. Mr. Wallace has been nom inated for Senator in Polk County and will take up his residence in that county, where he has a large ranch and other interests. The Philadelphia team of the National League is leading the league race with 10 wins and four loses, while New York is at the bottom with five wins and 10 loses. HOLDS GERMANY NOT TO BLAME Americana on the Lusitania nt Tlielr Peril, Says This Citizen EUGENE, May 11. (To the Editor.) In an editorial headed "Why There Was No Convoy," you mention that not withstanding her enormous fleet Eng land could not protect her merchant vessels against suDinarlnes. You say that it takes all of England's men-of-war not otherwise employed to convoy the transports of soldiers from England to France; soldiers to fight Germany with the munitions furnished to a great extent by this country. Now is it not logical from this stand point that as a matter of self-preservation or self-protection Germany has to overcome this weakness of England as to convoys by any means she is able to use? Means of modern inventions for which there is no precedence and no established International law. Our Government and many citizens of our country contend that Germany could obtain munitions from this coun try If she were strong enough on the ocean. . Germany as a matter of de fence makes use of her submarines, which fact relieves her of her weak ness on the high seas in the other di rection. Thus these submarines and their work restore the strength of Ger many on the ocean to a certain extent. This country having a right to export ams and ammunition Germany has a right to prevent delivery of such If she can do so. Hence the submarine war fare inaugurated in this war and its Inevitable consequence. Germany had warned the American citizens in duo time. The Cunard line was fully aware of this and of the fact that she carried munitions on a'passenger ship. The Cunard line has been cautious enough to make the passengers sign a re linquishment from the company's re sponsibility (according to your reports) for Americans on English soil. Who then is responsible for the slaughter of the innocents? Would the munitions not have been the means of slaughtering the fathers, husbands and sons of German women, and of how many more lives than there were lost on the Lusitania. to the deepest regret and sympathy of all the world? In discussing this gruesome affair quite a number of my. Anglo-Saxon neighbors agreed with me that it would take but one American citizen placed aboard vessels with contraband to protect them against attack If the theory of the Anglophiles were correct. E. SCHWARZSCHILD. NO VETERAN NEED BE IN WANT Soldiers' Home, County Aid and Gov. r rnrarnt Ieuaion Are at His Service. PORTLAND, May 11. (To the Edi tor.) Concerning the "aged and home less veteran," J. M. Hamilton, ex ploited by the Associated Charities and at the Pisgah Home, It may not be out of place to state that G. A. R. folk in and about Portland feel compromised in the Incident and the publicity given it by the city press. - If Mr. Hamilton is a genuine veteran of the Civil War he does not need to be in such a plight. At Roseburg the state has provided a home where the worthy veteran soldier who needs It is amply cared for good quarters, clothing, the best of food, and plenty of it, with ex. cellent hospital care for the infirm and sick. In addition, we have a law. pro cured by Hon. H. H. Northup when he was a member of the State Senate, whereby the County Commissioners of each county may administer generously at home to the needs of veterans and their widows: not as paupers, but as a preferred class. The Commissioners of Multnomah County are not slow in responding to every worthy case, even paying the expense of burying the vet eran when he dies. The great State of Oregon does not want her veteran soldiers to be solicit ing handouts and toddling around from one charitable plecounter to another with pitiful representation of need. Nor Is this all. The Federal Govern ment now pays to every veteran a gen erous pension, sending him every 90 days a check from Washington. I know nothing about Mr. Hamilton, but if he Is straight goods he need not be in want. C. E. CLINE. WHY WOMEN COMPETE WITH MEN. They Are Farced Ont of Their Own Sphere by I .a bur-waving Machinery. " PORTLAND. May 11. (To the Edi tor.) The letter from Louis Barzee in The Oregonian recently raises a ques tion concerning employment of women that dan be answered only by a scienti fic analysis of economics social and in dustrial. It is Idle to ask of woman, "Where art thou?" We all painfully know where she is and fully agree that her station protrayed in that letter is abnormal. If we learn let's ask why she has entered into industrial com petition with men and has left off those functions that adorn and glorify women. If we may learn why women are thus competing with jobless men we may get somewhere with our understanding and "conclusion." "I, too. was reared by my "father's wife," about the same family hearth. I, many times, sat there while the fam ily group plied the needles at knitting stockings, socks, suspenders, gloves and the like for the children of our mother; while others sewed, prepared the meal, kept house and what not. Changes came. A little later there was established in a near-by village a knitting factory. It was perhaps the first in Oregon. We then only had to knit in the heels and toes of the long sack-like tube that was cut asunder and slitted at regular intervals. Later came the complete knitting ma chine which finished the product, and children and mother sought other du ties to perform to earn a living. Earlier than this period in life it was my misfortune, through improper sur gical treatment, to become a cripple for life. While raking grain into bundle, cradled by my father, I stubbed my toe and fell on the cradle blade and sev ered two . of the tendons -of my right baud. Porty-eight years have elapaed nd I now ride, with .the manager of' large farm in an automobile and see the mighty gasoline combine, cutting. threshing and sacking the grain on a thousand-acre farm at one stroke. Thus have changes come in every vocation of life. Woman's station has been taken from her by the machine and. "queen" though she would be, she must compete for a livelihood by using type writer and her quicker hand and per ception with father, brother, son and ' lover. Other changes have come. Such an Individual as a millionaire was only read or told about in some far-off country. An older brother whose pos sessions now are estimated at thous ands of dollars, exclaimed once that if ever he became worth tlOOO how rich he would be. The free land that was open, even to my own opportunity, is gone. Even were land opportunities present, when one man or woman or (save us from the disgraceful custom) even a child can touch a button, turn on power produced by a mountain waterfall miles away and operate a machine that produces ten times as much as the operator need consume to be comfortable and happy; somewhere there are nine persons, men, women or children, deprived, to a degree, of the opportunity to earn a living. It is not that the nation is lacking in food or apparel or the things that afford pleas ure in life, for there is abundance and plenty for all in the warehouses and market places. It is that we are lack ing in opportunity to create these things for our individual need. So ciety is out of joint with itself. The careful, pensive, alert woman has been forced out of her sphere as wife and mother into industrial competition with her still admired and admiring mate wage competitor . and as a matter of course she cannot perform two func tions. Bread-and-butter passion, being the stronger of the two, receives her first attention and thus we have not one million but millions of idle men with millions of unwilling women forced to desert their natural func tions in life for the unnatural though possible function of earning their own livelihood. Woman can only return to her natural sphere when society re turn to the normal condition that per mits her to do so. We do not. as many others, deplore these conditions. True enlightenment Is a thing we are never willing to ob tain. We will pay any price to per petuate our superstitions and prejudices and we learn only by chance or en forced environment. When we do learn properly to adjust our social and eco nomic affairs we will not be found starving amidst plenty, murdering our brothers by the wholesale nor denying ourselves the comforts, of happy com panionship of father, mother or child hood. Yes; let us not "ridicule" and we can not "exalt" woman while tho musses remain absolutely Ignorant of the source of the evil mentioned in that letter. We will have reason to "praise her" when she. through imvino- divorced from her natural function, will. wnii ueiier understanding of causes than men. by means of the ballot re adjust the affairs of life, whirl. mc. nave failed to do. and removo the cause of her divorcement from that which is her very own. They will then become mothers of a wiser generation of rn.-n. C. W. BARZEE. The Stnklns: of the Orcsden. SALEM. Or., May 11. rt To the Fl ltor.) (1) Was the Dresden about to be Interned when fired upon? (i) What was her action? (3) Did she run up her whtte flag, and, if so, was the firing still continued? RHEA LLTEIt. The Dresden was pursued by a Eritlsh cruiser on March 8 and took refuge In Juan Fernandez with damaged ma chinery and short of fuel. According t n th. KfatAmAn. r . . ..... .....i VL "vounaej otricers who were taken to Valparaiso she was attacked by the Kent, Glasgow and viiunid nue in cnnean waters on the ntn. After one broadside she hoisted a flag of truce and sent out a boat to protest against being attacked in a neu tral port. The British commander re plied that he had orders to destroy the snip ana would do so unless the com mander blew up the Dresden himself. The commander then did so. Great Britain acknowledged that she had violated Chilean neutrality and apolo gized. A statement issued later from Berlin denied that she hoisted the white flag and said she replied to the British fire. It is not certain that she was about to Intern. t Employment in Knslonil. PORTLAND. May 11. (To the Edi tor.) Will you kindly let niE know If The Oregonian' has at any time stat ed that 4000 Americans have been sent to England to engage in the manufac ture of war material? I am a fairly close reader of The Oregonian. but don't remember having seen any such statement, although I have been in formed that such Is the case. J. L. GREENE. No statement that 000 Americans had been "sent" to England to engage in manufacturing war materials has been published in The Oregonian. It is possible that that many Americans have gone voluntarily to accept posi tions as machinists and electricians. There is a shortage of machinists in England and advertisements of oppor tunity for employment there have been published In many cities. Including Portland. Remarks of a Fat Man. Buffalo (N. Y.) Express. "Say, I've been waiting here for an hour!" roared the fat man, shaking the telephone to emphasize his remarks. 1"Oh. girls. Job Is on the phone!" sang the operator, and the fat man swooneu. Half a Century Ago From The Oreronlan. May II, lS',j. Vancouver, Wash. The delegates to Clarke County Union convention met in this place May 8 and adopted a pre amble expressive of their high regard and admiration of the late President of the United States. Tho following nominations were made: For Joint Councilman for Clarke, Wahkiakum, Cowlitz and pacific, 11. K. nines; for Joint Councilman, Clarke and Klickitat, Levi Farnsworth; for Representative. P. A. Maulder. Alvln Clark. A. (1. Tripp. M. It. Hothaway; tor County Commis sioner, William Dillen; County Survey or, Alexander McAndrew; Coroner, lr. David Wall; Assessor, Mr. Tate. The) following were elected to serve on the County Central Committee: Hiram Cochran, S. It. Whipple, Thomas It. Turnbull. James M. Fletcher. John Timmen, F. G. Iman. S. W. Broun was secretary of the convention. B. F. Dowell. of Jacksonville, in forms us that times are unusually good in Southern Oregon. Mining is a pay ing business there now and more money is in circulation than for a long time. It has been learned that Jeff Davis and his flying Cabinet have with them each about JSO.Ooo in specie, or ;100, 000 in all. Cavalry are on their track and sanguine of capturing them. Mark A. King and Eliza F. Jagger were married yesterday at the resi dence of Captain It. II. Thompson by the Rev. P. E. Hyland. Governor Gibbs has appointed Colo nel John McCraken. of the Oregon State Militia. Brigadier-General, vice Coffin, resigned. Mr. McCraken was the ranking Colonel. John Collins has presented this of fice with a cigar manufactured from natural leaf grown in Ureson By the steamer Orizaba came the fol lowing passengers: Hon. G. K. Cole, Washington territory; John Green, J. M. Strowbridge and Dr. It. B. il&on. The question of "have we a poet anions us'."' is finally decided by the loiiowine; documentary evidence whlcn was deposited in. the express office in this city yesterday on the envelope of the letter: To Georfee W. Smith, an unmarried Kent, nil podiMni- leu ti,m It ;lc m To ii.uikj v'iLy I fc.u:i it It. k In rt-ali'dt halt. by Wi-I.s. l-'uro & Co. THY NAME SHALL NKVKH DIE. Uoaring down the mountains high, A ni-d, foaming watrrfail. Bursting through the sylvan green. Leaps the sparkling itiukreall; Thy proud Indian name, O queen Of the Willamette's wild btrcanis. The gift of a forest child From her fancy's May-day dreams. Tradition tells tho weird tale That hurled 'neaili thy angry tide. In the early trapper-days, A grim French voyageur died; Gurgling from thy silent lciiths, Caiuj the wall: "Lut la my soul! Tile wild winds wafted it afar, hut jackdaws i-awed, "l.e Creole" To that strange, parvenu name. No waiid'rlng troubadour slns. No gay minstrel tunes his harp, No haunting memory clings; But when the sun's golden ray Olint the spiral tree-tops tall. How all the world slna thy praise, O beautiful itickreail. Thou child of the blue Coast Range, The gilt of water sprites sly, "In whose crystal depths inverted Springs , a picture of Hie sky"; When the morning sun shines true On thy bosom's glisfning sheen. Imaged In tiiy water cleur Are beautiful mountains green; 'Tis to thee that song birds h1ii. For thee roses bloom so fair. For thee fishes leap and play. And tho wild doe scents the air; For thee old age smiles and sighs. To thee gay youth Bings In glee, As thy rippling waters flow To the moanlns: Western sea. How the forest sonKsters sing .Mongst quivering leaves of green. How wild classic music flows From thy shady, sylvan screen; Sparkling as the golden dawn. And eternal as the sky. Lovely as tho wild, red rose, "Kickreall" shall never die. J. TV FORD. Dallas, Or., May 2. 1S15. CHILDHOOD. If we could make the bluebell .eem As lovely as in childhood's dream; If all the stars would glow as bright As when we gazed on them at night So long ao. We'd quicker see tue lcar-tilmmed eye. Sense sornow when we parsed it by We'd always know. If that great hill that lowers above Could bring again our bo hood's love Of all that dwells upon its breast. Its flowers and lis ground-bird a nest That once we knew. Unwilling ear would ne'er bo turned To tales unheeded now, or spurned We'd count them true. If the glamor of the road to school. The clay-bank and the wiinniin-pool. The vacant house with climiilng rose. The cornfield with Us thieving crows Could roni'j aKfaiu. Our hearts would tender lie. :uid kind. And souls responsive we would find In other men. If all the Joy and mystery That filled the days that us-d to be, Could clothe BKaln the weary hours And fringe the dusty road with flowers For you and me. Our hearts would tenderly incline To all who suffer anil repine. Ah, could we give our wishes wings To bear us to diviner thliiKO We'd children be. MARY H. FORCE, Hillsdale. Or. A rnoriiixv. You may win your place. O Dreamers. Win that place for whleh you lone, 'Mid the glad sun's glorious streamers. In your mystic land of song. Then may your wish be granted. Thus at last the prir.e be won Your eagle banners planted. In the white glare of the sun. You may -win your place, O Dreamers. Hut Is It worth the gain. If to gain those blazoned streamers You must climb o'er heaps of slain? Hope will turn to vain regretting. Daring will give place to fear. For your blood-dyed sun In setting Will leave naught but darkness here. LOYD HAHHKLY. Build Your Fences Now Mr. Manufacturer, this Is the time to build your business fence. It will not be long before the war Is over and Europe Is once more producing. Tl,3t means keener competition at home, even if it does bring wider markets abroad. Now Is the time to so entrench your product In public opinion that competition Is difficult. Advertise In the dally newspa pers. Get close to the consumer and distributor at the same time. Make your position secure.