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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1915)
12 THE MORyiXG OREGQyiA. WEDNESDAY, 3IARCII 31, 1915. ' HIGOINBOTHAM TO HURL OPENER HERE Bia Pitcher's Victory Over -i - - - Los Angeles Assures Him of Portland Honors. RECORD IS REMARKABLE Win Yesterday Gives Righthander Mark of 72 Victories and 48 Defeats as Member of Bea itr Baseball Club. .- THE FAN'S ISCH GA BIBBLE. - "WHATS that? Wby sure, of course, I'M hep It's March going out with a lot of pep. , And rain and drizzle and pud dles and slush i And the ground outside Is Just like mush, And I've got a cold and by nose ta blue, " And I'm wearing an ulster and arctics too; But piffle, them things"!! soon go way, . There's a baseball score In the yj2 sheet today. . : BY ROSCOE FAWCBTT. Portland's victory over Los Angeles yesterday with big Irve Higginbotham in the points means that Hig will open the season against Venice when the Beavers come home April 13- Walter McCredie made Hig this promise last Spring and he came ' cross with a 4-2 victory over Jack Killllay of the Oaks after opening at Sacra mento with a victory over Klawltter. Higginbotham seems to be the Desi opening fllnger In the business. Every time Mack has started him Hig has de livered. His 3-1 win yesterday was all the more surprising because Hig hadn t been looking good in the Spring traln- '"AsuTuai the big right bander's war club counted nearly as strongly as his wonderful pitching arm yesterday. It was his hit that scored tne first two Portland runs in the fifth inning and these were enough to win. In his three years with Portland Higginbotham has amassed a remark able record. In 1912, when the Beavers finished in the second division, Higgin botham was bought from Toledo by Walter McCredie in mid-season and he won 19 games and lost 12. In 1913 Hig won 21 and lost 14 and last year one of the best in his career, he piled up SI victories and only 20 defeats. Count-in- yesterday's win Higginbotham has been returned victorious in 72 games for the -Mackmen and has lost 46, giv ing him the wonderful aggregate aver age of 610 par cent. This is a record that Higginbotham and his boosters may well look back on with pride. Irve was born at Sioux City, la., April "6 J 882, so will be 33 years old next month. Despite his antiquity, however, he ought to be good for several more rears of topnotch ball. He possesses a wonderful physique and takes excellent care of himself. His mav have his faults like the rest of us," said Walter McCredie not long ago, "but there's one thing sure, he knows how to take care of himself. I never have any trouble with him on that score. Whenever it is Hig's turn to pitch he goes to bed at 7 o'clock the night before and wakes up with a clear head and a good night's rest behind him." For weeks Salt Lake newspapers have h.n mnninr tabulations and columns of weather bureau observations show ing that it seldom rains at this season of the year. But when the gods got around to it they sent in the snow ma chine and the result was no opening game yesterday. It is big chance gambling scheduling games either in Salt Lake or Portland before about April 20. George Capron, the former Minnesota drop-kicking expert, was a Portland visitor yesterday en route to Medford and Klamath on a big realty operation. George is located in business in Min neapolis but is still much interested in baseball and football. During his short shrift in baseball George played with the Seattle champions of 1909 and knocked 18 home runs. later he played a few games with Oakland in the Coast League and quit t ocnter a business career. Now George is so affluent that he figures on own ing some baseball franchise within a few years. He has two automobiles and a chauffeur and carrier around about 22S pounds of meat. Last Thanksgiving Day he played football with a team of all-stars in Minneapolis against the Marines, an other all-star aggregation, and they drew 18.000 people and won 14-13, he says. George declares his team could have walloped the Multnomah Club eleven. The Multnomah club last fall averaged about 208 pounds, but his bunch tipped the beam at the astonish ins: average of 218 pounds. Mere are George's figures: Robinson. Vale, 278 pounds, tackle; Bergen. Minnesota. 266 pounds, tackle; Capron. Minnesota. 228 pounds, guard; Heffvlfinger, Yale, 260 pounds, guard; Morrell, Minnesota. 277 pounds, center; Shaughnessy, Minnesota, 195 pounds, end; Nichols. Cornell, 165 pounds, end; Kosenwald. Minnesota, 205 pounds, half - back; Ralph Capron. Minnesota. 170 pounds .half back; Jack Marks. Dart mouth. 205 pounds, fullback: McGovern, Minnesota. 160 pounds, quarter. rEXDLETOX FIVE CLAIM TITLE Cove Basketball Team Said to HaTC I.os-t to Quint Beaten by Pendleton. PENDLETON". Or.. March 30. (Spe cial.) The local high school basket ball team has taken exception to the statement that the Cove High School quintet Is the champion of Eastern Oregon for the season Just closed. The Pendleton aggregation claims the 1915 championship through its defeat of Union High School. The Union High representatives downed the Cove team. But one game was lost by the Pendle ton High and that to the La Grande squad. Later on in the season the locals trimmed La Grande decisively, and several other squads that fell prey to the home guards defeated the La Grande contingent. SEASON" LATER ACROSS RIVER Trout Fishing in Clarke County Xot Open Tntil May 1. VANCOUVER, Wash.. March 30. (Special.) The trout season will open this year May 1. but next year will be April 1, under a new law. Under the present law the bass season does not open until July 15. Under the new law, which becomes effective earlier, the bass season will hereafter, includ ing this year, open June 10. Game wardens are now forbidden to hunt while on duty. Overlook Juniors Win Game. Brooklyn toot a drubbing at the bands of the Ovartsoic Juniors, Sunday 1J-17. For games with Overlook call Woodlawn 18. VICTOR AND VANQUISHED IN OPENING PITCHING DUEL OF PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE SEASON AT LOS ANGELES. - J ft J yxX "If oy V V ": I BEAVERS WIH FIRST, Higginbotham Pitches Port land to 3-1 Victory. WEATHER IDEAL FOR BALL McCredie's Hurler Gets In Trouble at Outset, but He Works Out, and, Save for One Home Rnn, 19 Xot Threatened Again. Continued From First Page.) down, shut up." came from thousands of throats, and the poor cuss wilted. Then Billy Phyle. the official whose main duty is to see how much abuse he can stand from the bleachers without committing murder, strode majestically to the plate, megaphone in hand, and .11ed: "Batteries fer terday's game. fer Portland, Higginbotham and Fisher; fer Loss Angels. Perritt and Boles, and shout went up that was heara aown town. Officials Take Hand. To make it a little more official. Mayor Bose limped out to the box, itonned on the new ball rolled out to him, i.nd with one mighty effort threw the hcrsehide about 30 feet over tsoDDy t.i I i. An A I J -i . 1 ru annther ball he irUVia lucau. did belter, but Chief Sebastian never got hia hands on it at that, and these two difcViitaries then repaired to their box, and the real thing was on. Perritt's first offering of the year was a bail. His second cut the plate, and on the third Davis hit to Terry and was easily thrown out at first. Terry also threw out both Speas and Derrick, and got a wild cheer. Wolters, first man up for the Angels, fouled Hlg's first ball, and then dumped the second in front of the plate and beat it out for the first hit of the year. Metzger followed with the same kind of a hit, and runs were looming up. McCredie sent Krause out to warm up, but Hig settled and the next three were easy. Hig Sr Again la Trouble. Never again was the Beaver hurler In trouble, and but for Maggert's home run swat in the sixth against center field fence, he would have scored a shutout. Portland was unable to do much with Perritt until the fifth, when Stumpf and Lober singled, took another base on Murphy's out, and then Higginbotham won his own game with a single to center, scoring both men. Speas walked in the sixth and scored on Doane's double to right, which ended Per ritt's stay in the box. Ryan went In and shut the Beavers out witnout a hit thereafter. Stumpf made Portland's first hit of the year In the second, and also had DESIGN BY TIGE REYNOLDS CHOSEX FOR OFFICIAL BUT- BALI, BOOSTERS' CLIB. At a regular noon luncheon of the Portland Baseball Boosters Saturday at the Hazelwood. a design drawn by "Tige" Reynolds, cartoonist of The Oregonian. was chosen to adorn the offi cial button of the local boosting contingent. Mr. Reynolds' de sign is in the form of a shield, with a beaver nestled up In front in ball toggery. The words "Portland, IS IB." and "20.000 or Bust" are printed on the design, Kama clever designs wera sub mitted by public-spirited artists of the city notably, Milton Werschkul, of The Oregonian: B, Butterworth, T05 Couch building; J, Cressley, 1058 Vaughn street; V, Walsh, of A. Guthrie &. Co., and others. the honor of scoring their first run in the fifth. Beavers Field Perfectly. The Beavers fielded perfectly, while two bobbles were charged against the Angels, neither of which, however, figured in the run-getting. Each team made eight hits, the Angels having a shade the better of It on total bases, be cause of Maggert's homer. During the entire game not' one roar went up from the players, and the umps had an easy day of it.' Portland won be cause they played the better ball, hit better when hits counted, and were faster on bases. Dillon tried hard to start a rally with pinch hitters in the ninth, but there was nothing doing- iThe first box score: Portland Los Angeles J? H O A E! B H O A E! 4 o 1 4 OtWolter.r. . 4 2 2 00 0 0Mctzger,3. 3 1 U 111 1 Ottilia, l. . . 3 a i u 'j Davls.3. . Speas, m . Fisher.c. . Derrick, 1. Doane.r. . JOS 4 14 4 115 lOlAbsteln.l ..4 0 14 0 0 1 0 Stumpf.2.. 3 2 1 Lober.l.. 4 18 OOlTerrv.s. . Murpby.s. 2 0 1 3 0 Boles,c. . Higgb'm.p 3 2 O 0Perrltt,p. 0 0:Muircert.m 4 13 0 1 4 O McMullin.a 3 0 4 3 1 1 1 i o. 3 2 2 4 0 10 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 00 1 0 O 0 0 IRvan.D. IxHarper. IxxMeek. . Total . 31 8 27 3 7 o Totals.. 31 8 27 38 2 x Batted for McMullin in ninth; xx batted for Terry in ninth. Portland 0 0 00 2 1 00 0 3 Hits 01113200 06 Los Angeles O000010O 0 1 Hits 22101101 0 8 Runs. Speas. Stumpr, Lober, Maseert. Home run, Magert. Two base hit. roan. Sacrifice hits, Kills. Metzger. Murphy. Per ritt. Struck out by Higsinbothara, 4: Ryan, 1. Base on baMs, off Perritt 2, Runs re sponsible for. Perritt. 8: Higginbotham 1. Eight hits. 3 runs, 21 at bat. off Perritt In 5 2-S innings. Charge defeat to Perritt. Double play. McMullin to Abstein. Time 1:42. Umpires, Phyle and Toman. SALT LAKE FIELD IX SHAPE Sun, Wind and Burning Oil Com bine to Dry Playing Ground. SALT LAKE, Utah, March 30. (Spe cial.) Today was a grand day, the sun was warm and there was a cunning little zephyr to help melt the snow. The field at Majestic Park rounded into form tonight and some 200 gallons of gasoline are burning in the outfield, giving prospects that the garden will be fine and dry by tomorrow. The grass infield was fit to play on this after noon. All the big doings In parades and ex ercises which were scheduled for to day will be held tomorrow. Both the clubs had a little workout on a vacant. lot this afternoon. All the players are in grand shape. Tomorrow's gams will begin at 3 o'clock. Here is how the teams will line up: Venice Carlisle or Kane, left field; Wilhoit, right field; Berger, shortstop; Bayless, center field; Gleichman, first base: Hetling. third base; Burtell, sec ond base; Mitz or Spencer, catcher; Hitt or West, pitcher. Salt Lake Shinn. right field; Orr, shortstop; Zacher, center field; Ryan, left field; Tennant, first base; Gedeon, second base: Barbour or Hallinan. third base: Hannah, catcher; C. Wil liams or J. Williams, pitcher. Hogan said tonight in all proba bility West will pitch. Blankenship has practically decided to use C. Wil liams. The high altitude has apparently not bothered any of the players. SEAIS' FAVS DISAPPOINTED For First Time In Many Tears Rain Forces Postponement of Opener. civ TTT3 & VPTfiffl fftrfh 30. (Sne- cial.) San Francisco's promised glori fication to welcome its new v i.e. , . ,anatrnw and tha nf.W Seals fell by the wayside early in the morning. when IT. was more man eiucni tlon Park wouldn't be fit for the ath letes to pull their stunts on the diamond. As for the opening game, that s to take place whenever the weather per mits. Tomorrow. If possible, although termined to keep going, conditions will nave to oe iavoraoie nmwu, iu uij w the diamond in time for the session. To those fans who have purchased tickets fo. the opening game, the man agement of the club has issued an of ficial statement. Tickets purchased for the opening game will be honored for the first game played. Not In the memory or sucn uascuan inns, a . has it ever been necessary to postpone an opening game on the San Francisco grounds. Certainly this is true for the past 12 years ana may nave euenuwi further back. Quail to Be Liberated in Clarke. VANCOUVER. Wash., March 30. (Special.) About 100 Bob White quail wiil be liberated in various parts of Clarke County by J. M. Hoff. acting for the Clarke County Game Commission. The quail have been bought at Kansas City and are expected to arrive this week. It is possible they may be kept in captivity all Summer and not re leased until Fall. They will be pro tected for several years from hunters. Beaver Batting Averages. IK TJ. Av. Higgb'm ...3 2 .oWLober 1 i CUT .... Vi stumpi -.-.' Derrick 4 Fisher 4 Doane . .4 Totals .66" Murphy 1 .iSO;Speas . 1 .250,Dvili . 1 -25(H Ab. H. A. 4 1 .2M ....2 O .OOO S O .0'0 i O .OOP it "lis Pal! Listen to this: Prince Albert is the one pipe tobacco that gets right under the epidermis of the most veteran pipe smoker. Men who have become case-hardened to tongue tortures are falling in line along with young fellows who are just getting pipe dtokc Men every where love the ripping good flavor and fragrance of .w 1 -- - - - I .'.V.VaJ.-rVV.V. v'.4 .AN.A S . V. t J i , icq vs.:-: IMBE ; c ff the national joy smoke but what they like most is P. A. nftacefulness. Thev like the absence of the and throat suffering:, taken out of P. A. by our famous patented process. P. A. is sold in the tidy, pocket-handy red tins, ioc; toppy ' red bags, 5c; also in pound and halt pound tins; but the pound crystal glass humidor is the jim-dandy pack age for home and office use. You go to it! You can buy any of these at any store that sells tobacco. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C I ICNG SURNJNG PIPE Afitf ;i.lJAHtl it TOBACCO . 1 1 : 1 SUNDAY GAMES SHIFTED SELLWOOD-HOXAHCU CONTEST IS TO BE PLATED FIRST. Alex Cheynne Chosen a Umpire for Game With Colored Giants Sev eral of Foster's Players "ew. A change has been made in the games to be played Sunday afternoon by tho City League team at Recreation Park. The Sellwoods and West Side Monarciis will play the first game, beginning at 1:30 o'clock. It was originally Intended to have the East Side Bedmen and the tia- toon, nlair Arnt Tt Ifi beCSUSe more interest is being manifested in the latter game tnat it. win oe piajeu ia The game with the Colored Giants tomorrow will start at 3 o'clock. Alex Cheynne will act as umpire. Cheynne and Eankin will work Sunday, while Drennen takes his vacation. Several of the negro stars have ap peared here in years past, but five or six of Rube. Foster's clan this year are new. Among the holdovers are Pet wav, the catcher, who nearly broke into the" big leagues as a Cuban several sea- i. i- n'.nai.UnTrAHtA (.Imrnfter. BUns lltLl.. IV. . . n . . ... i. - " - izes Petway as the greatest catcher In tne worm. Hill. Taylor, Hutchinson and Franci are ivcu jw,uw, " 1 ' Francis is the little dwarf who play . i i r v.A r.inntu Bis? G-ate wooa, tne v-puunu- , will be back. Gate wood was not with Manager Foster in 1914 during his tour of the Paciric iNoruiwesu Tomorrow will furnish the secon tryout for me new pa.y-as-yuu-ei.i turnstiles, some oi me - ' ' w i .Cingv wprA a tnfl i i .-t ViaaiittA no tickets wer UlUAtcu . . ' on sale. Under the new turnstile ar rangement the Ian simpiy " and deposits his 50 cents in tiie glas box. This admits mm xnrous" VAXCOUVER HIGH IS TO PL-V First Baseball Game to Be Thursda AVItU Company B, Infantry. VANCOUVER, Wash., March 30. , r. ;i tya firot hfleball erame f' the Vancouver High School will tj played here Tuesday wun a from Company B, Twenty-first In fantry. ... , The annual mterciass will be held Friday, April 2. Thei i . o-raat rivnlrv for the mo? . -. - - ,1.:, ounnu! pvpnf and til points i" . " "- . participants nave """" the hope of adding points to his re The regular baseball schedule not yet been arranged, as there is nd sufficient money in me urv. Tuesday at the 15th annual tournament of the American Bowling Congress. Chicago. Magnus Flaws, of Chi cago, was notified Tuesday of his ap pointment as presiding judge of the harness races to be held at San Fran cisco as a feature of the Panama-Pacific Exposition. Two meets are on the pro gramme, the first from June 5 to June 19, and the second from October 20 to November 13. New Haven, Conn. Dissatisfied with the showing the Tale crew made Mon day in what was supposed to be the final drill here for the Pennsylvania races, Coaoh Nickalls Tuesday sent both the varsity and Junior eight oared boats out on the harbor for a hard practice. ravenport, la. The Three-I Baseball League completed an eight-club league Tuesday, voting in Rock Island and Dubuque. The other towns represented are Deoatur, Bloomington, Davenport, Peoria, Moline and Quincy. A split schedule of 140 games will be played, opening April 29 and closing Septem ber 12. Schedule Finally Made. CHICAGO. March 30. A 164-game schedule of the American Association was filed today with President Chiving ton by the schedule committee which has been squabbling about it for sev eral weeks. The season opens April 15 and closes September 19. In the middleweight event Sergeant Samples and Private Van Gilder fought to a draw. In a special heavyweight exhibition Lieutenant Van Gilder made Private Brunton quit in three rounds. The semi-finals will be staged in two weeks. Harper Fans Xlne la Row. RICHMOND,. Va., March 30. Harper struck out nine consecutive batters here today in the game between the Washington Americans and the Rich mond Internationals. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Washlngton.8 12 0Rlchmond. . .3 3 Batteries Harper. Bentley and Ain smlth; Shamlln, Ehmllng and Hasson. Athletics Defeat Charleston. CHARLESTON, S. C March 30. The Phlladelhla Americans defeated the Charleston South Atlantic League team here today. Score: R, H. E. R. H. E. Philadelhla..3 6 0Charleston. ..0 3 4 Batteries Shawkey, Wyckoff and Thomas; Cates, Spalb and Eubanka, Connolly. Cobb Steals Three Bases. LAUREL. Miss., March 30. Tho De troit Americans defeated the New Or leans Southern Association team 3 to 2 here today. Cobb stole three bases. Score: R. H. E.I K. H. K. Detroit ....3 7 SX. Orleans... 6 3 Batteries Boland. Cunningham and Stanage, Peters; Frost, Hagby and Knaupp, Bedery. "Was It your crsvlng for drink (hat brought you here?" aked tho sympa thetic visitor at the Jn 11. "Great Scott, ma'am! Do I look no stupid as to mistake this place for a saloon ?"s One bonr at bowllas tl ? ' Ta make the world a healthy OREGON BOWLING ALLEYS Largest on th. Coast. U ALLKVS, Broadway and Oak Rt, t'patalrh Phone Marshall J. lVami BUacr. Pms. ICE SKATING Eveolnn Only. KrM Saturday "d ADMISSION, 25 CENTS HkatNt for Kent. 15. U K- HiiroimoMK. - ' U a M LI lit jpj 1 'trii 1 f Telegraphic Sport Briefs TEUBENVILLE. O. The body 3 "Snecial Delivery" Tully, who die h. Mondav night after a clinch in boxing contest with Clyde Sharp, wa turned over to his iainer, jonu jr. m...k,.. ToaAav It will be takei there for burial. Sharp furnished" 25( bail to await the action or tne gran jury. - T.mM "p'l o Tns-h Culbrecht. a Iocs high school catcher, was signed today by the Chicago raiionais. Little Rock. Ark. Suit to test the bill legalising horseracing and parl mutual betting In the larger Arkansas cities, passed by the last Legislature, was filed here Tuesday in Circuit Court. Peoria, 111. H. Allen and R, Allen, of -i ww nf 1?S7 won the championship of the two-men event BE AT EASE Dining here is a pleasure, c o m pared fo some places where they put tlie din in din ner and take the rest from restau-rani. The Imperial Hotel Grill has a quiet, homelike atmosphere, serves delicious and whole some meals in an attentive naj. Refined instrumental music during the dinner hours. Lunch, 12 to 2, 35c, 50c Dinner, 5:30 to 9, 75c 0 1 Centra lia"Titf!fT".,,.V CENTRALIA. Wash.. March 30. (Special.) Company M, Second Regi ment. Washington National Guard, staged the second of a series of smokers to decide the boxing cham pionships of the company last night. In the lightweight olasa Private Swlck and Musician Draper fought to a draw, while Private Dent made Private Blair quit at the end of the third round. Nickel Cigar ESTiSSSSSSSS .... ... v.-i. :i.i ,;u L4J flavor it s hara to neiieve, dui b uu.r r - produce the goods as proof. Just tell your ci2ar man you re going 10 give ELDAUP Cigar Yep! a try-out. You hind him a nickel nd he'll tlip you the best five-cent cigaryou ever put in your face. Made oi a cnoice graue i'k, ....... kept fresh and clean by a tin-foil and tissue wrapping, tou can i uci " try one today. ELXTMAUXB-rRANK CO, Northwestern DlatributanT, Pcrtlan.