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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1915)
VOL. LV. NO. TC,955. " tuitii.A.xu, v,, ' F-4 IS LOCATED lil HEW PLACE Old Anchor Has Deceived Rescuers Since Friday. TUGS WEAVE NET CF CHAIN Fragments of Superstructure Brought to Surface Verify Latest Discovery. GIANT CRANE TO BE USED Honolulu in Gloom When News Comes' That Two Days' Work Has Been in Vain. HONOLULU, March 2S. After making the heart-rending discovery today that rescuers had been working in the wrong spot, the United States submarine F-4 was definitely located outside the harbor. Pieces of the superstructure of therailway troops and one of supers and vessel have been brought to the sur face. Immense Diving Bell Begun. W. C. Parks, civil engineer, has started construction of an immense diving bell, a large cast iron pipe seven feet in height, fitted with heavy plate glass ports. This diving bell is expected to be ready for use tomor row. A hydro-aeroplane has been made ready for instant flight if required. Chain Net to Be Woven. The dredge California will shift its moorings, and tugs will criss-cross in all directions. Should their drags catch on the F-t, a chain net will be woven around the submerged boat and thj floating crane from Pearl Harbor Will attempt a direct lift. Despair supplanted hope earlier in the day when two divers discov ered that chains from the dredger California, which had been fouled with something on the floor of the ocean outside Honolulu Harbor since Friday, were not attached to the lost craft but to an old anchor. All the resources at the command of naval officers here had been em ployed for two days and nights in an effort to raise this anchor which was supposed to be the F-4. Old Anchor Thought Oregon's. It is believed to have been lost by the battleship Oregon. Streams of bubbles seen rising to the surface of the water and floating patches of oil had given encourage ment to the belief that the dredger's chains had become lodged on the sub marine, which disappeared Thursday when at target practice. Kf forts to raise the object that held the dredger's chains failed and crews of men worked untiringly to bring what was confidently believed to be the undersea craft into more 'shallow water. Naval officers, expressing the hope that life might be found in the bodies of some, at least, of the 21 men imprisoned in the F-4, sought to expedite operations in every way pos sible. Diver Descends 213 Feet. As it became apparent early today that the attempt to get into water not too deep for divers to work was not meeting with rapid success, a message was sent to the naval base at Pearl Harbor and a gigantic naval crane was prepared to go to the scene. Meanwhile, a diver named Agraz, clad only in a jersey suit, slightly re inforced, and a diver's helmet, de scended in an heroic attempt to reach the lower end of 215 feet of chain. For 22 minutes he was going down. Then there was a brief, anxious wait ing and Agraz signalled to be pulled up. In 92 minutes from the signal, he was at the surface again, showing no ill-effects of the unusual perform ance, said by naval officers to be a world's record for deep-sea diving, -r No Trace of Submarine Seen. Agraz eported that the chain was fouled with an old anchor, lost frornj the battleship Oregon some time ago. ITALY WAITS ON FATE OF AUSTRIA PARTICIPATION IX WAK DE LAYED MONTH OK LOXGEK. He-mote Hope Entertained That Ger many's Ally 1VH1 Sac for Peace. War Preparations Go On. ROME, March 28. Italian interven tion has been postponed again. De spite thefailrueof Prince Von Buelow'a negotiations to conclude a permanent agreement between Austria and Italy, there is positive evidence that this country will nit enter the war until toward the end of April, and possibly not eo early as that. It must not be understood that there has been any change in Italy's atti tude, except in putting off interven tion until a date when it is expected the Dardanelles will have been forced and Constantinople occupied, possibly with the co-operation ot Bulgaria, and when the Russians will have passed the Carpathians and invaded Hungary. Delay in intervention Is based on a possibility that Austria will forsake Germany and sue for a separate peace. This is a remote contingency, apparr ently, but it is regarded as by no means impossible and is being consid ered seriously. All the Alpine troops of the first cate gory, born in 1883, have been called to thecolors by the Italian War Depart ment for 45 days. The official military journal also cans io me wmio . " lery and engineer reserve orticers tor Giji days from April 16. The Alpine troops are frontier forces, organized especially to defend the mountain passes leading into Italy. The engineers, whose reserve officers are to be called out April 16," are organ ized as six regiments, two of them con sisting of pioneers, one of pontoon troops, one ol teiegrapn troops, one i miners. The artillery arm of Italy's land forces consists of 263 batteries, 110 companies and 51 depots. GREEK PUBLIC TRANQUIL Government Denies Neutrality Haz ards National Aspirations. ATHF.NS. via Condon, March 2S. An official communication on the foreign policy of Greece was issued today, it says: "The government, attributing great importance to the calm and tranquillity of public opinion regarding the proper treatment of foreign affairs, considers it an absolute necessity to deny state ments to the effect that if Greece does not abandon her attitude Of neutrality she will lose the opportunity of real izing national aspirations. "The divergence of views between the government and its predecessor arose from opinions regarding the gravity of the dangers threatening the integrity of the country. The government is do ing everything in its power to avoid possible dangers." DANCERS TO BE GUARDED Social Workers to Hud Way to Re move Evils From Public Halls. A meeting of social workers inter ested in the dance hall question will be held this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, in the Library. Municipal dances and other civic recreations will be discussed and sug gestions will be offered. It is the aim of the committee to offer good, whole some entertainment for the young peo ple and to safeguard the dance halls and other places of amusement so that girls will be safe from insult and temptation 4 " LOST SUBMARINE ASSHEJnE HEADWAY. : i . T7TrTr7TTTx- - i -v- nrAnTr ini.T 3 ARE KILLED III ELECTRIFIED WATER Broken Cable Charges Puddle in Yard. ; TWO DIE TRYING TO RESCUE Current of 2200 Volts Is Sent Into Small Pool. CHILDREN BARELY ESCAPE Woman Rushes 1o Fallen Husband, Dropping Dead on His Body, and Neighbor Sleets Same Fate. . Others Are Injured. LOS ANGELES, March 28. When Cornelius Valkhoft went out to his rabbit hutch today to procure a hare for a birthday dinner he stepped into a water puddle as he touched the latch of the hutch gate and fell dead. An electric cable leading to a nearby crematory had broken during the night and turned its 2200 volt current into the wire fence surrounding the hutch. Mrs. Valkhoft saw her husband writhe and fall in a contorted heap, and rushed out to aid him. She stepped into the puddle as she touched his hand, and fell across his body dead. Harris' Skinner, who occupied half of the Valkhoft dwelling, was the next to invade the fatal short-circuit, bent on giving aid, and he, too, died. The shrieks of Valkhoff's children, Anna and Agnes, who were uncom prehending witnesses of the tragedy, attracted A. T. Slaten, a policeman. Slaten entered the back yard Just as the girls sped toward the deadly water puddle, and snatching their hair braids he Jerked them back to saifety. In doing so, however, he came into contact with the charged fence wire, and was thrown 20 feet. Mrs. Skinner and another neighbor, Mrs. Anna Mauch. were next to enter the yard. They also came into slight contact with the fence wire and were seriously injured by- the - resultant shock. Slaten managed to get to a telephone and notify the electric company, which shut oft the current before the dead could be removed. The hares in the hutch were unhurt. DOG FAILS AS RESCUER Child Drowned In Creek, Pet, Gives Alarm Too Lute. SAN RAFAEL. Cal.. March 2S. Wil liam Bruce, 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bruce, while playing on the bank, fell into a creek and was drowned here today. The child's absence was not known by the parents until their curiosity was aroused by the peculiar actions of the pet dog, which led them to the scene of the fatality. The dog evi dently had attempted to save the child after it had fallen into the water. President Goes to Annapolis. WASHINGTON, March 28. President Wilson left here at 10 o'clock tonight on the yacht Mayflower for Annapolis, to be the guest of honor at a luncheon to be given tomorrow by the Argentine Ambassador, Dr. Romulo S. Naon, on board the new Argentine battleship Moreno. I I PVHHIAII 1-1 aT"! ft W-M I I I II I INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. i'ETERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 6o.5 decrees; minimum, 05.8 degrees. TODAY'S Showers; southwesterly winds War. French historian describes fighting in Flan ders resulting in cementing of allies' po sition. Page 1. War thins ranks of British aristocracy. Page Prinz Eitel Fnedric must interne or. sail by next Friday Pae 2. - , Italy delays entry into war another month. Page 1. Germans regain lost position on Meuse after two days' fighting. Vage Turkish women eager to replace veil with higher education. Page 9. . Russians capture 3G-mile line of ights in Carpathians. Page . Mexico. Villa forces to shell MatamOros. and Browns ville, Texas, believed in danger. Page a. k Ifnmeatic. Submarine F-4 definitely located in new place; last two days work, of rescuers has been vain. Page 1. Three persons .'In Ios Angeles are killed by stepping in electrified water. Page 1. Daughter of New York millionaire elopes - with upartment-house servant. Page 3. United States now creditor nation. Page i Sports. East Side and Piedmont team wLn opening City League games. Page' 10. Beavers, 1 strong, leave for Los Angeles. Page 10. "Tiny" Leonard pitches Bf-avers to l-to-0 victory in 12 innings, Fage 10. Portland and Vicinity. Jude Thomas ODay dies. Page 14. Flno display of gowns, millinery and lin gerie shown in headline act at Orpheum. Page 14. Bishop Sumner urges placing spiritual above worldly things Page 8. Sixth anniversary of breaking of ground for First L'niversaiist Church to observed. Page S. Oregon and Northwest bankers interested In international financial conference to be held in Washington, D. C, Page 11. New fish trade to be opened on banks dis covered near Newport. Page 11. . Debauch on banks of Sandy lands 18 merry makers in jail. Page 9. Xew movie plots popular. Page 9. "Damaged Goods," at Baker, bares frightful evil of secret vice. Page 7. House in Laurelhuret is struck by light ning. Page 14. Mary Antin does not like to talk on platform or to reporters, he asserts. Page it. Bankers declare prosperity is on its way. Page 1 1. MISS WILSON SINGS TO AID Keeord of Voice of President's Daughter on Sale for Charity. WASHINGTON. March 28. Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of the President, has just concluded record ing "The Star Spangled Banner" on a musical record and has agreed to turn over her royalties to the International Board of Belief, an organization work ing in the war-stricken cities of Eu rope. Miss Wilson's income, from her re corded voice on this ono record will help relieve several hundred families. Miss Wilson's voice is a sweet soprano. Hhe has not sung in public since she came to Washington. On a recent trip to New York she observed the method of making orig inal records. After several .records were sung by her and pronounced com mercially successful, she evolved the plan of having her recordsplaced on sale, the proceeds to go to charity work in the war zone. MARSHALL ISJN SAN DIEGO Vice-President Addresses Presby terian Congregation. SAX DIEGO. C;!., March 28. Headed by President G. A. Davidson, of the Panama-California Exposition, Army and Navy officers and a citizens' com mittee, a great crowd greeted Vice President Thomas It. Marshall on his arrival in San Diego today. The Vice-President restfd today at his hotel and tonight attended a Presby terian Church with President Davidson and Mayor Charles F. O'Neall. The Vice-President spoke to the congrega tion hHtNUH UtSUHIBt !l Stay's War Moves j FIGHT IN FLANDERS Ypres Declared ment Potions. ENORMOUS LOSS IS INFLICTED Sinqle Battle Said to Havel Cost Germans 150,000 Meny NET GAINS SUMMARIZED Official Historian Ksliinates Enemy Js TCcduced -to 12 Officers for Each Kegiraent Patieut Preparation Enjoined. LONDON. March 19. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) The fourth installment of the historical review pt the war, emanating from French offi cial sources, and presenting the French viewpoint, takes up the operations in Flanders. It says: "The German attack in the two Flan ders was conducted strategically and tactically with remarkable energy. The complete and indisputable defeat in which it resulted is. therefore, signifi cant. ' ' Force of Knemy. Enumerated. "The forces of which the enemy dis posed for this operation between the sea and the Lys comprised: "1. The entire fourth army com manded bthc Duke of Wurtemburg. consisting of one naval division, one division of Ersatz reserve (men who ha received no training before the war) the 22d. 2iid. 26th and 27th re serve corps, and the 48th division be longing to the 24th reseiwe corps. "2. A portion of another army under General Von Fabock, consisting of the 15th corp, two Bavarian corps and three unspecified divisions. r "3. Part of the sixth army under the command of the Crown Prince of Ba varia. This army, more than a- third of which took part in the battle of Flanders, comprised the 19th army corps, portions of the 1.1th corps and the ISth reserve corps, the' 7th and 14th corps, the First Bavarian reserve corps, the guards and the fourth army corps. Morale of Gcrmnns Fortified. Four highly mobile cavalry corps prepared and supported the -action ot the troops enumerated above. "Everything possible Jiad been done to fortify the morale of the troops. At the beginning of October the Crown Prince of Bavaria, in a proclamation, had exhorted his soldiers to 'make the decisive effort against the French left wing," and I'to settle thus the fate of the great battle which had lasted for weeks. "On October 28 Trlnce Kupprocht of Bavaria declared in an army order that his troops 'had just been fighting under vcrv difficult conditions,' and he added: It is our business not to let the etruirele with our most detested enemy drag on long: the decisive blow is still to be struck." On October 30 General Von Deimling, commanding the Fif teenth army corps (belonging to Gen- Von Fabeck's command) Issued an order declaring that 'the thrust against Tpres will "be of decisive importance, It should be noted also that the Em (Concluded on Page 6.) THE" forces of the Triple Entente powers are still arrayed at various places in heavy battles against the troops of the Teutonic allies. The late- official reports show that severe ,0V nents are in progress in North. . France, Northern Poland, in the Carpathians region and in the vicinity of the Black Sea in the Caucasus. Probably the hardest fighting is going on tn the Carpathians, and in West Central Poland, although an encounter of no mcau proportions apparently lias taken place on the heights of the Meuse in France, where the French War Office declares that about 900 yards of trenches were taken from the Germans. Berlin, however, denies this allegation Sand asserts that the German arms were victorious here. Likewise. Petrosrad and Vienna are at variance with regard to who has had the upper hand in the Carpathians, botn asserting that they have captured po sitions and large numbers of men. At one place. Petrograd says, the Russians destroyed three bafTallons of Austrians. In North and Central Poland tne lighting is characterized as stuoDorn, respectively west of the Niemen and In the vicinity of the rivers fckwa anu Omulew. A defeat of the Turks in the Black Sea region and a continuation of the forcing of the Ottoman troops back In the vicinity of Tchoruk Is chronicled by Petrograd. There has been an attack by allied aviators on the German aviation camp at Ghistelles, Belgium, and a heavy bombardment has been heard coming from the Gulf of Saros. This latter operation probably was directed against the Turkish forts on the Gal lipoli Peninsula. In the Dardanelles, except for a battleship throwing shells into batteries at Kllld Uahr. there' has been nothing going on except the work of the mine sweepers. German submarines again are operat ing n the Irish Sea and it is believed that at least one more steamer has been sunk by ttiem. Authoritative information in Borne is to the effect that Austro-Hungary has never opened direct negotiations with Italy concerning possible territo rial cessions and that it is because of this that Italy continues her military preparations, not knowing what the future may bring her. . The Italian troops of the 1883 category and the ar tillery and engineer reserve officers have been summojied to the colors. Italy will wait at least until the end of April before entering the war. Berlin reports the Bulgarian Premier as having said in an interview that Bulgaria has decided to maintain her neutrality as long as it is in the In terest of the country to do so. The Greek government, in a statement, de clares that it is doing everything In its power "to avoid possible dangers." VISITOR SHOT AS BURGLAR Police Scout Assumption Young Kanclier Sought to Commit Crime. STOCKTON, Cal., March 28. Harry Martin, aged 22 years, 'and a ranch hand of the Locketord section, was shot dead at an early hour today In the house of J. C. Hammond, a farmer of that neighborhood. The farmer explains that he was awakened by his wife, who said a burglar was in the house. Getting a gun. he stood at his door and. as the tigure of the stranger ap peared, lired point blank, killing him. Officers, however, who are investi gating the shooting, say that Martin had social access to the home and that the reputation of the young rancher. In their Judgment, does not Justify the assumption that he entered the home to commit burglary. BIG COAST LINER DELAYED Engine Trouble May Hold Great Northern Until April 8. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March 2S. (Special.) Due to the serious trouble with the turbines of the liner Great Northern, she will not steam from this port for Flavel. Or., as scheduled, next Wednesday, and it is possible that she will not resume her schedule until April S, although there is hope of Ret ting her away April 4. The Great Northern, making remark able time, had to turn back to port at noon Saturday when she was off Point Beyes, and a thorough examination of the engine trouble developed the fact that it will take some time to put the machinery in shape. 2 EGGS DAILY HEN'S FEAT Prizewinner at Astoria Show Proves (Hind Provider. I CKAY'sS IJIVEf. Wash.. March 28. (Special.) A White Orpington pullet that lays two eggs a day is the prrfle of W. W. Chadwick, clerk in a local store. She won a ribbon for third best bird in her class at the December Poultry Show in Astoria. Mr. Chadwick has four White Orping ton pullets and a cockerel which won five prizes in the Astoria show. He won first, second and third for White Or pington pullets, best pullet in the show and second pen. MINE SWEEPERS ARE BUSY Kenewal or Attack hy Allied Elect at Dardanelles Imminent. LONDON'. March 28. The 1 eneaos correspondent oK Reuter's Telegram Company, in a dispatch dealing with the attack by the allied fleet on the Dardanelles, says: "Mine-sweepers, protected by battle ships, continue their work in s the straits. Daily aeroplaho flights have verified the excellent results achieved by the bombardment on March 18. A renewal of the attack ts imminent.". PRICE FIVE CENTS. BRITISH AT FRONT CHEERED BY GAINS Men Not Daunted by Heavy Casualties. ALL WILLING TO PAY' PRICE Troops Do Not Share in Com plaints Heard From Home. , EARLY RETREAT RECALLED Going Agaliift tJemiHiis Inxteud FlEliling Defensive Action In Wok-ome Chance Tommy At- ( kins' Spirit Are Hljrh. . BY FREUEHK'K l'AI.MKIt. IWar ;orrepond,nt of the A""citrl Trefs wllh the Hrlluii Army In Fram e. I BRITISH HKAIWARTKHH IN FRANCE, via London. March 28. Whll" the world is eager for news, (lay after day may pass at the front wllh no news except of desultory artillery and rifle, fire, which is the normal existence. sn when seme supreme effort is made. Next to having witnessed tho bal.le of Nuvt Chaptlle. the mojt Intercsthm thing to a correspondent Is a liluht spent in the new British line of works which defend that section of the fUell toin earth that the Hrlllnh won sn.l hold against all German efforts at re covery. Islt ot Jlndr l I'eace. Such a visit, tniide alone, without automobile or other accessories, proved to be no Idyl of peaceful security. The Gernmns were Riving a hcllln along the avenues of approach to the British line at the edge of the village; stray bullets cracked against tho shat tered vlllnge waifs, and when the cor respondent left their cover he with in 300 or 400 yards of tho German breastworks. Yet the most cheerful spot where the British flag flies is here. Though rumora come from London of complaint over the heavy cost of the victory, the offi cer or man at the front who takca that view ia yet to be found. Thry know the situation and aro prepared to pay the price .which success requires. Tli ., point they make la that they have been able to make a gain wlthchit any heavier losses than the Germans, who yielded. Forward Hlmtairlt F.cogrir, "A lot of our fellows were killed." said a soldier. "But this time It was in pushing the Germans, Instead of trying to hold them back. You can't realize, sir. unless you have been In it from Mons. how that bucks you up." My host in the breastworks was n captain who the previous day had re ceived a shot throuKh the arm, and although officially reported wounded, remained In his mud-spattered uniform on duty, with no bod except n rubber sheet laid on the wet earth. Ills rela tives. in England may worry about h I in. but he does not worry about himself, although when tho war is over he says ho is certainly going to have, one real bath and one good meal in London, no matter what the cost. When it was noticed that ho h.ul no blankets in liis dugout, th- Captain explained that the men'a blanket were not up yet and he wanted to enjoy no luxury they lacked. Trrnrbra Made lata .rsr. Faint aureoles ot light showing above the line of the German breast works rose from their campfires. which were the counterpart of the British braziers, made by punching holes In any sort of bucket to be found. Around these, the men oft duty gntheie't to keep warm and fry their bacon and make their tea. Tirno ped rapidly as one moved from group to irroun to chat, everyone keeping his head below tht parapet to avoid German bullets. "We are standing on dead Germans." said one soldier. "We turned their trenches in to make graves good trenches t'.iey were, too." When a fusillade broke out in a di.- i taut part of our lines at the aiun nf some movement, the Germans in front of us burst Into yells of derision. like the outcries from baseball fans when a misthrow to first 11 In a run. Liter In the night there same Germans saw the same phantom In the darknea and began firing feverishly, when it he came our turn to laugh. Knrmlea Ksehange lladinaae. At a point where the trenches only 60 yards apart, an Kug I isli-Fpea k -lug German asked when Kitchener's army was coining. "I want this war over," he declared loudly, "so 1 can u home." 'Don't get don h-luartc'd. my deal.' Tommy Atkins called back, "jou le al ready started, and you'll know when the new army comes, beeaut o you will be going faster than you want to." At this point one could distinctly hear the Germans talking, the com mands f their officers and the driving of stakes as they strengthened then works. German rifles, helmets. cpn and diaries were plentiful I" til" British breastworks. lUidy I'ound in Itlvr at A-lorin. ASTORIA, Or, .March 28 (.Special. The body of John Raula wa fcunl tonlgftt In the river In tho west end of the city. He la supposed lo have fallen overboard accidentally. He was a na tive of Finland, 40 ycara old. and a fisherman. He came here from Aber deen Tuesday and Dad been inlasinf sine that time, 4 t -4 1.M COLIMUU KltUit. iCocudcd on Fage 2.)