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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1915)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1015. 16 MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY ' Comprising C35 Acres. MOUNT SCOTT PARK CREMATORIUM -Containing: Four Incinerators, Chapel and Columbarium MOST MODERN LS AMERICA. Originators and Leaders of Hi?h-Clasa Cemetery and Crematorium -ierv-ico in Portland. Perpetual Care Without Extra Charge. Ideally Located on Picturesque Mount Scott, "Where Nature's Peaceful Quietude Lends an Influ ence to Sof oen Sorrow." Poached by Mount iScott and Cazadero Cars. Auto Bus Meets Cars by Appointment. Both Telephones. LAHUK. I'LIUIAiE.XT. PAKhXIKB. CITY AfcD FARM LOAX9 Oa Improved Properties m Any Amount at Current; Kate. U A 111 M A.N TUOAfbOA, BANKER Crar Feurtit Mil stark, -treats. REAL ESTATE WEAVERS. PALMER-JONES CO., Wilcox bidg. P., 404-405-40- JCK, William J.. 315-316 -"ailing bldg. BENEDICT Bf:OS.. 930 Hawthorne ave. LAKRETT BROS.. Mi2 Board of Trade. REAL. ESTATE. tor bate Lota. KOSE CITY PARK LOTS. Deal direct with the owners the orig inal planers of this beautiful- part of Portland. Call on our realty department, corner Fourth and Stark. 11AL1MAN a HOMPSCC '-UTS LOOK AT THIS LOT.'' Sightly lot in host restricted addition in eity. Muit be sold at sacrifice. Will accept small cash payment and take sec ond mortgage for balance from hum own er; big snap for right man; will loau. money lor building if desired; no agents, J. lelahuuty, 270 - Stark St., Main J50i. A 115. t, BLK-, $S0 $550 CASH. "V v. I'nr. i ;rand ave. and Holman. Just Vii tctuai price; interstate bridge and Orcaicr i'oriiaiin activities. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, OWNER, SELL. 75. I-OTS ACREAGE. ASTORIA. WARKENTON. NEW ASTORIA Locations the teart or ins oest o u K. L. YOKR, 1136 Northwestern Bank Bldg. i'. .nn.iMi II EIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. I handle most of the property for sals in till district and an tne Dargajiu-. Mar-hall 4S27. BROOKE. A3S39. liu.MC tte. "West Side. BiTI Run water. 15 mhiuUs' car ride, 5c fare; I0 down $5 pur month; price $i'00. 01 Corbet t bldg, Tv IRV I NGTON. Clioi-'i comer, 1m1u0; streets in and Main 1963, A y CH ICE 5"yR'U restiuted, near Broad- ay .ar. o ner. Main V4a. tor sal THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN 7NTO INCOME? .V 3 WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTENTS. -ESI-DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW Alow; TALK V- ITU OL K fbiKia; ofii in w,rK. XVI' 1. nlViC BONDS. L. K. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCH1- TEi'Tti. :;i'4 AUINGTONBLDG. Jim.'ft BELOW COST, l nvfh- home ad mining Walnut Park, nearly new. to be sold lor $1000 less than actual cost: i iar rooraa, uiwuubui, hi ou era. full-sised lot, all pavements in and paid. Owner murft leave the city; real borne at a bargain : ak aoout terma A. H. BIRRELL CO.. :17 ;,oitb western Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. Deal dlrrct with the owners, the orig inal planers of this beautiful part of Port land, call on our Realty Department, cor ner Itli and Stark. HARTUA.N & THOMPSON glfc7. UP-TO-DATE 5-room new bungalow; vou'll ."ind no better; 7-ft concrete base n "n t, large lot. close iu, superb view, LOCATED AT 936 EAST 1STH ST (NEAR PRESCOTT). TRVINGTON OR ALBERTA CARS, Owrer reic!s at phune Sellwood 75. i-rr.NlSHED BUNGALOW. S5lH?y HOME FOR $4u0O. 6 fine rooms, large attic, elegant fixtures, artisnc fireplace, furnace, fine district, sightly lot. paved st.; furniture firat class. Sec this, enre. t VE NCI N E BA RG A I N . Payment jlfJO or more. Tabor 20l'3. ON E of the beat 4 -room bngalows in tho city tor the money; hardwood floors, large rooms, Iteh kitchen, cement banemeiit, iiadi. fixtures, 5uxlu0 loi, 2 blocks truni tho car. Price IWM, $100, $10 per montn, int. included. Owner. C. M. Derr, lloo North westtrn Bank bldg. X. f : A u t I FU L new t h ree-room bu n g.ilo w, Wtst Side. 15 minutes' car ride. 5c fare, Ut onlv $550. $" down. $10 per month. Thin is "the best value in the city of Port land. Why pay rent when you can own a ii ice pi aco with such reasonable re nt ? M. B. Leo. 505 Corbett bldg. L,i.-E CITY PARK bungalow, 6 rooms, with ylfpins porch, fireplace, furnace, hard wood floors, built-in buftet. trti E. Wd N., Mo. k snd half north of anay boulevard, pruv ?oi50. at hast $500 cash, balance nnithl hiin!lmviits, ith interest; no tradt-s : o nc rs. Eaai 30-S, forenoon A BIG BUY. 7 -room modem bungalow; this property i; Kttd as new. $i"tn due Jan. 1, lntei cet 7 ',3 per cent. I'all and see the prop erty and get my price. o agents. Phono Wood la 'ii 3210. . $550. $75 CASH. $10 per month, 'buys a nice three-room bungalow with a beautiful view tract. This ii located on tho West Side, only 1" minutes' car ride, 5o fare; btt value tit the city. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. 6 ROOMS and sleeping porch, on East 'JlHh su, thoroughly modern, street improve ment in. two blocks from the car: is a. bargain at $:;750. W ill accept a clear lot uo t, i.UM.n. c. M. Dcrr, 1100 Nortbwesi-t-rn Hank tldg. BIG SACRIFICE. Mast b" old at once. Hest buy in this district; modern ti-room butiguiow. East irviiimn. See this and .net price uiid trnrt. 1J Tillamook st. Broadway car. $Jm MONTH, which Includes interest, mod em 5-room bungalow, with bath, fire plac, built-in conveniences, shades and natures; cement vide walk in and paid tor; restricted district. Woodlawn Slli. FORTLANU HEIGHTS Cosy six-room bun galow. Urge sleeping porch, many built-in eonvonit.-uce; two very desirable lots, nice ly wooned: $4-50; $10i0 cash. baUnce easy terms. Sec owner. 5-8 Morgan bldg. IN PIEDMONT. If this is where you want a home, buy this S-rcom house on Williams ave., block from Killingsworth ave.: price s.'Six. Inquire -4 Killingsworth ave. i OR SALE by owner, 5-room modern bun palor. Haw tliome district; paved street, l.t TxluO. 9l5tHt will handle; no agents. AC 6W1. Oregonian. 1R VI NGTON HOME S rooms. nice loea l.on. hardwood floors: all modern conven ience; mujt go cheap. East VV. U. litrrJman. -v 91 5C FURNISHED o-room modern house. j0 down. oaiance monthly; cement wa'.ks In and paid tor; must leave on ac count cf sickness. G 696. Oregonian. Ewl IT Y Hi house and lot; favoiably lo. i Jttil : easy payments; w ill discount a'.njunt 04' tquitv fr cash. Address room MS Oregon iaiitlog. f N A P FOR SOMEONE. 6-roo ni house and lot in Jonesmore Add. by owner. Y 6t7. Oresonian OR SLE The finest homo in Irvtngton, ot0 East 24th st. North, Csll and see It. 1. K- powman A Co. TOR SALE by owner, 4 -room coiage, lot ;.xioo. HOOi', $uh cash. Call i;$ W. Park st. 1 OK SALE New modern 8-roora bungalow in TrritifEton. Unique in design and com- r'te in every de-tail, phone E- 4545. I OR SALE Modern colts?. 1 block sorts or car bsrr a Write or Inquire. SIS Wash .. vsncQMver. Wssh. $73 MONTH. Including hit eras 1, buys five rooma. Lath. lota I bik. Mt Scott car; Mru-rn Dentli-tg, 1':-S Wasninyton. KW. modern 12-room K. H. Rice. East S432. bouse, in Irving ton. 2KW modern 6 -room house, earase; income $50 a month; terms. Woodiawa 5-2. REAL K3TATE. for sale House. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT TABOR. 7-room modern up-to-date house, over looking city and surrounding country, on East 07 t-U at., 1 block south of Hawthorne avc, on hard-surface street; lot 150TOo, large reception hall, livine-rooin. fireplace, dining-room. Dutch kitchen, large kitchen range and gas ranee, - large bedrooms up stairs and actio all sealed, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, electric fixtures, shades, beautiful lawn, shrub bery all kinds, 12 full bearing cherry trees, apple trees. 6 pear trees all bear ing; people going away. . , FOR ONLY $53 0; 1000 CASH, BAL- 5 TEARS 6 PbK CENT. O. H. KLE1NSORGB CO., Call Main 5782. ilu Hoard of Trade. THE best buy in Kose City Park. A 5-room colonial bungalow on a corner lot. sacrificed for $2950, $;;oo cash. - Take Rose City Park car to 4tth. tli en walk iortii two block to Wistaria ave. and 4tRh st. T. . ANLBKBOS, 32J Chamber of Commerce bMg. GET YOUR MONEY READY. Here's a real snap. Had to foreclose oa nrw-, 7 -room. l-torv house, in heart of high-class restricted district. It goes for amount of incumbrances, $4500, on easy terms. Might take a good lot or mort gage as first payment; no agents. 1". K. Clements, 270 Stark St., Main . 150, A I51fi. MODERN, sightly, 8-room house in choicest section Laurelhurst. N H1Z Oregonian. For Sal Business Property. WAREHOUSE AND FACTORY SITE. TRACKAGE. 50x100 LOWER ALB1NA AND B. R. AVE.. $7000 rHONE WOODLAWN 16S3. THE EE-STORY brick building; full base ment; on terminal track. Marshall 2obo. hub in ban Home Property. SUBURBAN HOME PROPERTY. On Oregon City line, two acres, new i room house, hot water heat, bath, garage, cheap. Gregan, second bouse east of Board man station. OIBSON 41 ALF-ACRES. Good soil, good water; close to carline; easy terms: will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 55. or senwooa o. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. a ACRES, the grandest Summer home to be found, for Bcenery it can't be excelled. For particulars inquire at 1614 East Stephens street. For Sale Acreage. LOCATION. Close to cannery and high school, at Grerfhatn. land all cleared and in cultiva tion, rich, deeo soli, level land; all city eonveniences aud a market at the door for nil ill, tiprriea vou cn nrouuee. You can live, and make your living on this laud. We have three-acre tracts at $;t..O an acre; terms $.10 down and $i nor month, on ii acres: adjoining mua sen ing at nothlug leas thau $550 per acre, and up to $1000 per acre. Come In and let us convince you that now is the time to buy, while this owner wants to sell. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. J res ham district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS V'-mile electric station, $75 to $15t per acre; easy terms; best soil; Tree wood. Farms for sale, all sises. FRANK M FAR LAND REALTY CO., 300 Yeon Bid?., Portland. Ol HAVE 5 acres of fine onion and celery soil, on csrllne, 85c fare; price $1250, cash $1-5. balance 10 per month. Inquire Security Development Co., Mr. McLeod. cor. 4th and Fine sts. irrr uth iunalow. 1450: 4-rooin nlustercd bungalow aim porch, fireplace, electric lights, bath, water and one acre of bet or cuil: 10-cent fare; cavsy terms. . AU tiW. Oregonian. WANTED Man and wife to handle chicken ranch proposition ; close in, ui -un $10 per month See McLeod Serurity De velopment Company, cor. 4th and rinssts. 51 ACRES boitom land, covered with fine timber, nine irom streeicar; a oar gain at $2000; $1750 cash, balance city property. R 6S9, Oregonian. NOTICE a one-acre ranch, all fenced, good bouse and barn, two blocks west of Mets ger .itation; for sale cheap by owner. J. S. McN iill, ONLY $?00 per acre; acre tract on good road, near electric station ; 10-cent fare ; good neighbors; $10 down, $5 per month. Call at 500 Concord bldg. 'Jd and Stark sts. 20 ACRES. t cleared, res easy cleared, 10 miles west from courthouse, souu, easj terms. T 097, Oregonian (5 MONTHLV, 80x1:00, new house, $650. A C Marstera. 202 WUcox bldg. Main 517. Homesteads. 140-ACRE relinquishment. i tillable, Yam hill, 50 miles from Portland; road, school, rich soil, creek, timber, outrange, hunting, fishing, snap. Cali tooay; $1-50. 175 ad st. l or .sale Farms. 78 ACRES, all in cultivation, river bottom. 3J miles from Portland, 1 to town and electric line, 7-room house, barn, orchard, berries creek. 40 acres clover, 15 acres oats and vetch; milk route. R. F. D., tel ephone, $120 per acre ; terms to suit. Owner, 625 Hawthorne ave. THE NEW WAY, THE MODERN WAY, THE SQUARE DEAL WAY or DUymg land. Are you interested? If so, write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN.. SuS Phelan bldg., San Francisco. C. M. WOODS'! ER, Pres. WHEAT LAND. Wheat farm in Central Oregon; 160 acres for $1 (.". C'artl 515 Dekum bldg. TEN acres, with 4-room house, barn, out houses, part set oernea ana iruit; one nine from carline; will lease. Apply 171 3d st. FARM for sale, hi. all 247. sood buildings, $S0o0. Mar- WANTKD HEAL ESTATE. WANT to buy bungalow or 6 or 7 room house, in north part of cliy or lrv ington, full lot, corner prrlerred, cost not to exceed J7oto.0. hat have you to offer? 1 mean business. E 69$, Ore t,uiii:i.n. WANT 5-room house in Sunnysi4e district; about $Ji)00. V 694.. Oregonian. VOR KENT FARMS. ACREAGE FOR RENT. 1 3i a-?res, Courtney Station, on Oregon City carline. all in cultivation; set to 15 fruit trees now in bearing; lots of logan. Law ton. raHpoerries, gooseberries and cur rants, giapes; fine strawberry bed. set last Spring; U-room houte 14x40 feet, large woodshed : 2 chicken-houses and wire jemres; trees and berries all pruned and cleaned out ready for tho plow. Rent $12.."0 per month. Owner. 1100 North western Bank bldg. Main 937. 80 ACRES, good building?. .15 acres in culti vation. Clarke county, Washington, iinoui 4 acres in prune orchard which will more than pay the rent, $225 per year. N Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. RENT, trade, sell 15 acres Hood River bear ing orchard, berries, nay, oidgs.; casu; ex perience; referuuees required. AF 4tW, Oregonian. 20 ACF.K.S with house and barns, 6 miles from carline. Telephone Sellwood 4u. Call 7;i E. Harrison st. FOR RENT 2 fine farms near city. qrilre 720 N. W. Bank blag. WANTED TO RE NT r ARM 9. WANT ED To rent or care for farm from 10 to io acres, or laite targe larm on shares; references. Address O. Dodge, Hotel Hovt 6th and Hoyt. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. . TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M CRACKEN. 3l4 M KAY BLDO. TO ftXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ON Oregon City line, two acres, new 7-room house, hot water neat. uatn. garage, tor cleared land near Portland or Philadelphia pro pe rt y . G rega u, Jcnuln -s Lod ge. 6 ROOMS in Holladay Park; double garage. and 20 acres just oeiow .'orLiann tor net-te- residence in Irving ton. Frank Lucas. 125 4th st, "WANT CALIFORNIA. Have .-ro:m modern 2-story house, prt.: $4250, incumbrance $2250; give par ticulars wlU -ssume. H tjitl. Oregonian. Wl LL give room in hotel in exchange for slattoiicry 10 dc ptiii .--i wif urewu nlan. li0O EQI'ITY. fine S-room house. Laurel hurst. or acre ase ui -tu-.i iaiuj. KiC iw- catlon and particulars. N 6SS, Oregonian. TWO lots at Rockaway Beach and one and fraction at wi'iuii m, -Acuauge lor auto. AH 695. Oregonian. 80 ACRES. Improved, irrigated land, 75 per acre, vwiat nave jou iaaaer, tz4 C hamber cf Commerce. FOUR email houses, all rented, for homo Lucas, J 25 4th St. TRADE 1225 acres, nearly all in cultivation. 50 acres wnrai up. dukuidki. water; no sgenta M. Fitzmaurice, Condon, Or. $2500 EQl'ITY in Iurelhurte most at tractive bungalow for choice residence lot. Tabor 1297. TWO lota in Superior. Wle exchange for auto. A J 60, Oresonian. VALUABLE patent for auto or He lit truck BC 697, Orejowan. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE. 20 acres, all cleared, new house and barn, some berries, 1 Vr miles from Yam-' hill, SO rods from electric station: price 4T.0O; mtg. $1:100; want house in city; will assume. 24 acres. 20 acres under cultivation, bal ance in timber; 6-room house, small barn, good well; Clackamas River borders place; fine orchard, , on main automobile road; electric station near house; 14 miles from heart of city; personal property, team, wagon, harness, hack, buggy, mower, 2 harrows, plow, small tools and chickens; price $7500; will take house and lot or close-in acreage to $5000, terms on bal ance. 20 acres, located near Highland. Or.. 24 miles from heart of Portland; price $250o; mtg. $45. long time; will exchange for email bungalow and assume. 120 acres, miles from Amity, on good road: 00 acres in crop. 40 acres In timber pasture, good house and barn, fine living stream; price $8500; want city pro pert. H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man," 510 Lewis Bldg. TODAYS GREAT BTG BARGAIN. Investigate this investment. There are S2 acres within 25 miles from heart of Portland, in Yamhill Coun tv; all tillable. 5o0 prune trees just planted. G acres in family orchard. 40 acres under intensive farming, balance in hog and cattle pasture. This is the making of a great hog ranch. Fine B-rooiu house, includ ing furniture, good barn, excellent spring of water on place, piped to . house and yard, horses, cattle, hogs and all farming implements go with the place. The price and terms are right, free of encumbrance. If we cannot get cash we are instructed to exchange.- This must be sold or exchanged within seven days. Come in and see us about this and get price and terms. (L) DORR E. KEASEY & CO... 2d Floor Cham, of Com. Bldg. T HAVE a splendid bargain in a big dairy farm close to Portland, all stocked with fine dairy cows, close to a small town, on R. R. and river. This is the very finest of soil and located beautifully for a party living in Portland aud wanting to get back to the farm. ThiB ia one of the finest located farms around tho city. Want to sell it badly and will take city property up to $25,000 on purchase- price. Come and see me. S. N. STEELE. OWNER. 432 Chamber of Commerce. 153 ACRES. Lincoln County, 90 acres of dyked tideland, about SO of this in cul tivation, balance upland ; about 22 acres of that in cultivation; some slashed, some easy to clear; 8-room house, new Darn -x 11 Mi. 1 bum 4UxiiO. fine sDriu&rs. water tiiped to house and one barn, good orchard; hot and cold water in the house, bath, new mllkhouse separator-house, boat house. 12 young cows, mostly fresh, good team, bar. ness and wagon, -disc harrow, drag har row, tedder, grain drill, hay rake, sep. arator, rowboat. 21-ft. gasoline launch, hay fork cable, small tools; most of household goods: price $20,000; will consider $4000 to $5000 Portland property. Epton, Chamber of commerce. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. LEASE AND FTJI .NITURE 50-room family hotul, close-in West Side, modern, dlnin .-room, etc.. rooms nil full; a money-maker; good, reasons for selling; will accept clear improved or vacant property in Portland and small amount tn cash. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d Floor Chamb-r of Commerce. INDIANAPOLIS: Most beautiful sito ncur Gresham. "0 acres, newly improved, $.oo; win ickc Indiana polts property. Address Mr. Loehr, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Cor. lth and Stark. CONCRETE and brick garage in good town on scenic highway; leased for 2 years at $120 per mouth; carsies $12,000 insurance; price is right. Will trade for small farm near Portland. Price $16,000, mtg. $;i500. Lueddemann Company, W13 Chamber of Commerce. . AN old-established drugstore in good valley town- stock invoiced about $2000. build ings, drugs -and all for $5000; free ant clear; exchange for city property and as sume. Stout Investment Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Los Angeles home in exchange for choice lot in Laurelhurst Addition, and a house and two Iota in Vancouver, Wash., located in Vancouver Heights. Write owner, E. Bru, 802 So. OMve st., Los Angeles, Cat. HALF section wheat near Pendleton; great bargain for small cash payment or clear property; balance long time; 150 acres Fall wheat. C. L. Swain, 32 Ch. of Com. Marshall 0370. MT. TABOR DISTRICT. 5-room, new, modern bungalow, - one block from carline, will trade $o50 equity for $300 cash and 114 Ford touring car. Phone Tabor 613. FINE 7-room. modern, 100x200, near Fir land ; sell or trade for close in. Tabor 6135. IRVINGTON HOME for exchsnge. B. AC. Lombard. 250 H 3d. Mam 5o92. A 2o2. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. TO EXCHANGE A first-class watch for canoe and paddles. Oregonian! Howard AV blM. WILL exchange Edison Amberole, $200 ma chine, for horse or cows w rue uiio Helfricht. Orchards, Wash., route L FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Harness. Kte. AUCTION SALE of horses, vehicles and harness at Colum bia Stables, 02 Front, every Thursday at 2 P. M.; we sell on a commission basis; satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller; if you want to sell, bring your h orses to ou r auc t ion ; if you want to buy, attend this sale. TEAM black mares, weight 2650. 5 and 6 vears old : cooa woraers; one bay norec, we igh t 1 350 I bs ; good work or, single or double, price $!0; one team browns, weight 2HOv. good worKers ana iast w;era, just riht for small farm, -cheap at $175. An derson BroaM 241 Jeiieraon st. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every liondav and Friday, lu A. M. ; only atrtccly commission stablea In the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland worse Mule Co., 240 East 8th st. East otflg. SPAN of seal brown d, mare and gelding. 4 and 5 years Old, heavy Done and oiockj built, weighing 2450 lbs., $250; also roau horse weigh lug ltH0 lbs., sound and true and free of Dlemishes, $100. At Mode Stables. 5th and Davis sts. CAPITAL STABLES. Just received a carload of horses and mares from Eastern Oregon, well matched, irom lluo to 160O lbs. H. GLERMAN. PROP. 287 FRONT ST. TEA M mares, weight 2400, gentle, trua workers, good t'unn team, fat. ready fot Spring work, heavy harness; quick sale, Sli5. Oregon City car to Arlington Sta- . lion; Inquire at s;or. tor Glass" place. SPAN of in ares, with foal, weighing 270O lbs., sound arid true, $15; brown team, mare and gelding. 5 and 6 jeurs old. heavy bone and good workers, weighing 2700 lbs.. $300, at 2tf5 Davis st. FoU SALE One grey team about 32oo lbs., right otf of the farm, and harness at a bargain. inquire -45 Sd st. H ism ark Buffet. WANTED Team, wagon and harness for their feed; will buy if suited. S. E. Han fen. R. 4. Vancouver, Wash. FINE team mules, 2 horses, one a dandy, weighing 1800, harness, wagons, etc.; cheap. Oregon Woody ard. 815 4th at. WAGONS and horses by day. $1.25. L Cohso, S81 Water at. Main -208. Main 6095. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free, Woodiawa 20. Portland Rendering Co. FEW sets new heavy work harness. $25; extra heavy tugs. 16 pair. Sellwood 2466. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at $S E, 7th st. North. DEAD horned and cattle taken away free. Tabor 4203. ; 2 HORSES and wagons for sale cheap. Call S27 Water St. PASTURE. Sec McClelland. 240 E. 9th et. FOP. SALE" C months old colt. JoT3 Mult nomah at- rianop. Organs and Musical Instruments. KKAK1CH BACH upright grand piano, piano bench, piano player detached, sheet music cabinet, S2 selected music rolls. East l7io until 30 A. M after 3 P. M. WANTED Will take good care of piano for use or pay reasonable rental. C. B. Gillie, 107S E. Lincoln. FOR SALE New player piano cheap: will take second-hand piano part, balance on time. Phone Marshall 24.2. tTCYVESANT player piano, combination B5 r.nd sS-note. Phone Mr. Howatt, Main 1 SMS. KiGH-GRADE piano at a big barsala. ::2ti Lumber Ex. bldg.. Sd and Stark sta. Furniture for Kale. VLL or part of 5-room bmngalow, solid fumed oak, good as new, fine range. Own er. 72S Pittock block. - FURNITURE, carpets and pictures for sale. &2S IrviD sU i . FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE, carpets, pictures and house hold goods for 5 rooms, in first-class con dition, cheap. Owner leaving city. Address Y o'J. oregonian. BEAUTIFUL, clean, roomy flat, complete ; oak furniture, sleeping porch ; ready to move in. Do you want it before the 1st? Phone East 0438, GOOD, reliable gas range. 4 ovens, 6 burn ers $65. for $22. East 6417. Calef Store, 54S Wiillams. CHEAP, 1:1, C0-egg incubator, also used fur niture or will exchange for bicycle. Tabor 4426. Dogs, Blras. Pet Stock. LEAVING town, must sell fine, young, Aire dale terrier dog. registered stock; can Bee doa at 30th and M sts.. Vancouver, Wash. James C. Lyon. AIREDALE pups, bred in purple, cheap. Phone Clark Grove 41J. G. W. Thicssen, Mllwaukie ave. CH. R. RAVEN and PRESIDENT AT STUD, LADDIX KENNELS, ESTACADA, OR. Poultry. WE SELL 100 White Leghorn baby chix from best utility stock aud our tireless brooder for $S.5o, April and May deliv ery; we guarantee safe delivery. The Pioneer Hatchery, Petaluma, Cal. WHITE ORPINGTON. Keller Strass and Cook stock prize winners. Breeding pens of four birds. and $10; cockerels, $3 up. Hens and pullets, $2.50 up. C. L. Dunning, Milwaukie, Or. Phone 41 J. Livestock. REGISTERED Jersey bulL best blood lines, for sale or exchange. Address C. W. Alt man, route 1, Portland, or phone Wood lawn 2771.' , FOR SALE Two-year-old heifer; will be fresh soon; also 2 calves G months old. Mulinomab st. Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAP. . LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Free service given on all used cars. We offer you the following list to se lect from: Hupp, 5-pass.. 32 H. P. . 1 Cole. 5-pass.. SO H. P. v Chalmers, 5-pass., 'SO H. P. R; C. H-, 5-pass.. 25 H. P. Lozier, 7-pass., 40 U. P.; nearly new. Cole, 4-pass., 40 H. P. Michigan, 5-pass., S3 H. P. Interstate. 4-pasa., 40 H, P. -1 Keo. 2-pass., 30 H. P. roadster. Apperson, 5-pass., 40 H. P. Studebaker, 4-pass.. 40 H. P. Overland, 5-pass., 40 H. P. Heo 2-ton truck, filth body. Federal lb -ton truck, with body, good as new. . t Several others to. select from; price $3u0 and up. XORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sts, Main A 4959. FEDERAL ONE-TON TRUCK Was guaran teed by Federal agents for l1 tons; has body and curtains; this truck Is now be ing overhauled and will serve you like a new one; write or call on us for fur ther information; terms if desired. Ad dress Mr. uilbert, OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, C h apinan and Aider Sts. FORDS. FORDS. FOKDS. FORDS. JU14 Ford, 0-pass $375 lal3 Ford, 5-pass 3o( 11113 Ford, 5-pass . 1013 Ford roadster 3-j 1U13 Studebaker 35, ti-pass JJJo lttLi Reo 80, 5 -pass 3Jo FRANCIS MOTORCAR EX. East liyy. E. 33th and Hawthorne Ave. WIN TON SINES, thoroughly overhaulea and rebuilt, in 4 end 7-pass. models; cars are (ullv equipped end carry standard guarantee of the Winton Company for one year; be sure and sew us beioro you bu a ued tar. Liberal terms. WINTON MOTOR CM R CO., Cor, 23d and Washington Sts. . 7-H. P. INDIAN, 2-speed motor $1V0 7-H. P. InAan 12o 7-H. P. Indian, nicely 'equipped ?1- 5-H. P. Twin, fully equipped $63 Many other attractive bargains. JEFFERSON CYCLE CO.. 287 3d St. PORTABLE GARAGES. Take-down garages. built of the best materials, artistic designs, 10x16, $36 up, erected complete, witu lock and key; im mediate delivery; also portable houses, TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO., Fot of Harrison St Main 1167. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. lOx 10. best materials, erected on your lot, complete $32 up Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. Allyn. Garaa Specialist, 111 E. Salmon tt. Tabor !4. JITNEY or stage bargain, large, 7-pass. Garford, just overhauled and repainted, new top and new tires. See it before you LU WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washington Sts. REO TRUCK 1500 pounds; bought last May from C. L. Boss, used very little; come and sec It or write us at onoe; price $350; terms. Address Mr. Gilbert. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Chapman and Alder. COME QUICK FOR THIS. Hudson Six, right up to the minute; extra equipment, fine condition all around; a great sacrifice at $7.00. Covey Motorcar Co., 21st and Wash. ONE 7-pass. Pierce, bo0. One o-pass. Anoum, t-iw. One 4-pass. Mollne, $3'io. 15-ton Reliance truck, $2000. DU LM AGE-M AN LEY A UTO CO. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices $200 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Bldg. Cornpr Chapman and Alder Sts. FOR HIRE, $1.50 PER HOUR, -passenger 1914 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phone Main 1201 or East 5S5. FIRST-CLASS 7-pass. auto to trade for tm- incumoercu reai esiaie or win ik. .v cash and balance on payments. Call 212 fe KJrst st. TWO used but serviceable one-ton i-euerai trucks for saie; just me imug iur pressing; will sell reasonable. Address V ti'J7, Oregon tan. ONE 5-ton truck, good shape, $050; one ton truck, $250; two-ton truck, $S0u; Gar lord touring car, $175. Laurelrose Garage, E. 27th and Burnnlde. B 1t42 East 40ii. 1400. Chalmers foredoor, repainted and in firs t-elass condition ; 5-passenger; good . car for Jitney. AN 633, Oresonian. AUTOMOBILE for sale. ?400 cash; Flanders 20 four-door, in fine shape. Call morn ings. 572 E. 15th st. N. Take Irvington tar. FORD 1014 touring tar. very first-claa-s con dition; must bo sold. Turn Halle Fish Mar ket, 275 Yamhill st. ? WANTED- To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid J. Leye. IStf Columbia, Main 519S. IF YOU WANT a Chalmers touring car or a Flanders delivery car, call Fischer, at Alain 055-i. owner. FOU SALE 1 24-pa5senger auto bus, Shasta." Call 4iS E. 36th at. -White FORD car; has master vibrator, shock ab sorbers; reasonable. AJ 74, Oregonian. FO RD runabout, first-class condition, for sale by owner. Call Main 5074 or A 2752. FOR HIRE, $1.25 per hour. 5-passenger 1914 Ford. Phone Woodlawn 110. I-PASS. Regal, fine coudition. new tires, bargain. Acme Auto Co., 5il Alder. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED Late model, light, 4 or 5-passenger car; must be in good condition; give full particulars first letter and best cash M ti97, Oregonian. NICELY located town lot at Monroe, Or., exchange for automobile In good condition. AV 695. Oregonian. WILL take auto to $S00 as part payment on G room cottage, Hawthorne dist., $2600. M 9, Oregonian WANTED Have $50 cash to pay on 5 ot 7-pass. auto. Will pay balance $25 month, 7 per cent interest. 304 Grand ave. N. WANTED To exchange, good mining stock for a 5-pasenger Ford car. H dy7, Ore gon inn. ' 7-PASS. auto, must be a bargain and easy terms, lor jitney, auuiom --v wf nian. WANTED 7-pass. auto, some real estate, some cash. 434 Wash. REAL estate to trade for jitney bus andJ small car, fiione uaai. WILL pay cash lor Ford car. 170 Union ave. South. Moeorryclea. AiEKKEL twin, lust overhauled. $130 cash. 530 Rodney. East 7156. ' MBRKEL twin equipments, A1 condition; cost $427; must sell. East 6417. Machinery. REEVES Cross compound automatic engine, 75-liorsepower, direct connected with five K W Northern generator, weight 16,500 lbs Yale Laundry, 500 E. Morrison. Typewriter. We save you from 50 to 75 per cert on all makes of typewriters: send for our iilo trated folder. Retail department WHQLE g .V EE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash, at. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 mouths for $5 and up; 6 months' rent appiied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Cora pa nr. S6 Broadway, Portland, Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $W to $65. The - ., rn fi4 Stark Main 5523. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates, p. u. - ow -v. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand bargains. $5 up. with a writ ten guarantee to sw perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on pure has price. Phone for rates. Main 431. Sewing A4a cbine Emporium. 19o 3d. near Taylor. FOR SALE or trade for an automobile, a motorboat, will carry 12 passengers, speed miles per hour; 14-H. P. engine, just from the shop, In first-class condition. Ad dress AV tJiS. Oregonian ALL. kinds of high-grade kodaks, Anastig , niat lenses and view cameras bought, sold - and exchanged; rifles and shotguns want ed Ilochfeld's Camera Exchange. S5 3d st. t nofi caai( lumhor X2f0 a. load, cord- wood $5 a cord, 4 ft., and $5.0 a cord stove length. Eclipse Fuel Co., 3o EL. 10th at. Phone Eas $1$. FOR " SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 4ti-4S 5th. DIAMOND house Vaihis, strictiy pure; made tn uregon; per gcwiu, Paint Co.. 230 Front st. Marshall 100. YOU save money if you make contract with me to buy oak wood from carload and up AH 017, Oregonian. 28-FOOT, 17-mlle motorboat ; boathouse, with living-room; fine outfit, $325; new coat. Main 431 after 6:80. FOR SALE Candy case, wall case and counter, soda fountain. Cheap for cash. Selling for storage. 3tf4 Grand ave. N. PROTECTOGRAPH, first -class condition, $7.50. Check writer, new, $20. East 2107. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, SUP PLIES. FILM SERVICE. UNITED FILM CO., 2M 2D ST. . , VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three months for $4, delivered. 244 Stark at. STUM PAGE for .sale, close in. Call Marshall 54 70. . JITNEY CIGARS manufactured by John C. Weiner, 502 4th at. Label on record. PLUMBING SUPPLIES st wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 12 3d Bt. Main 77. SAFES. SAFES. The Moaler Safe Co., 264 Stark etreet. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS $1.00, Ryder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. CASH regi-ters. National, slightly used. Typewriter mxenange. ooi'rt ""mtiuu -- Engines, boilers, sawmills, bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. GRAB me quick; latest $35 Standard dic l onary, brand new, $15. K 62, Oresonian. 10 COMPLETE ball suits for sale. Call at East 10th end Everett. J. H. Cant. FOR SALE 200 cords dry wood. R. V. Henneman, 1118 Board of Trade bldg. WANTKD MISCELLANEOUS. WE WANT FURNITURE. -Get our estimates before selling your furniture. We pay you cash and the highest price. Prompt attention given to calls. M1SH FURNITURE CO MAIN 5708. 1J4 FIRST ST. MAIN 5i65. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. J. MEYER, THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES. WE CALL PROMPTLY. THE RE LIABLE BUYER. Main 35115: 247 Madison. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything In the hardware line. call, the Levin Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front. Phono A 7174. Main 072. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, BICYCLES AND EVERYTHING; HIGH EST CASH PRICES PAID. CALL MAIN 20bU GLOBE STORE. 25 FIRST ST HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURNITURE, CLOTHING OR OTH ER MERCHANDISE, I NEED IT; HIGH EST PRICES. MAIN 4317. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY THE IIKtIIEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD tiOOIiS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. KLINES. EAST 7160. S7 GRAND AVE. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS AND PI- LADIES. ELBY CO., 320-26 LUMBER EXCHANGE. 2D AND STARK bib. WANT a godtf canoe, in good condition, rea sonable. Phone Main 7070, house 38; ask for Jones. 2D-HAND FURNITURE. ETC., WANTED. Don't give it away." Get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co., 162 1st. Main. 4778. MUST have second-hand furniture, cash or trade for new. lasc wn. aiec oiore, 548 Williams. aEFOKE SELLING CARPETS, STOVES AND CLOTHING, CALL MARSHALL 5si. VB PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES. WANTED Good suitcase, will pay cash or trade 22 or iiO-SO repealing riiles. S tilW, Oreaonian. NATIONAL cash registers for world's fair at San Francisco, highest prices. S. O-old-steln. 120 Battery st., San Francisco, Cat WANTED Evinrude small motor and flat boat; both must be cheap for cash. L tiys, Oregonian. DO NOT sell' or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House. lt4 2d st. Marshall 47S3. WANTED Excavating and Phone East 4804. C 1477. team work. HIGH prices paid for second-hand furni ture. Main 2438. WANTED Infant's wrap with hood; must be cheap for cash. East 11)44. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beadty parlors. 4M Dakum bldg. HELP WANTKD MALE. WIRELESS OPERATORS. Those who register before April 1 can qualify for the annual Spring engagements of wireless operators The leading school on the Pacific Coast for the growing pro fession of wireless operators is located in the Portland Y. M. C. A Expert teachers, superior equipment. Call or address room 4ld, Y. M. C. A. bldg. WANTED Experienced hat salesman tn men's department. Apply superintendent's office, 6th floor, 6th-ac bldg., between V and 10 A. M. Meier as Frank Co. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND, EAST 2D AND MORRISON. A complete course of automobile in struction. Including machine shop work, by expert instructors. LOOK US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSEWHERE. Take Mt. Tabor or "SS" car to 23d at. WANTED Solicitors to advertise our cloth ing: ood proposition for those who work steadily; commission and expenses. Call ut once. Gatcly's Credit Clothing Co., 42S Wash! ngton. WANTED Solicitors to advertise our cloth ing; good proposition or those who work steadily; commission and expenses. Call at once. Gately's Credit Clothing Co., 423 Washington. WANTED A first-class job and newspaper printer. Apply at room 50S Seward Hotel Saturday evening or Sunday or address by letter E 4rX Oregonian. STOCK SALESMAN Want stock salesman who can show results, mercantile propo sition, commission basis. Address box 157, Hood River. Oregon. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trade in 8 weeks: tools free; nositlon guaranteed; paid while learning. 2S 2d, near Main. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. i MAN wanted to work as partner fti con tracting business; $175 required; one that is handy with tools; plenty work insight. 333 Chamber of Commerce. YOUNG man who can operate motorcycle and collect; must be well acquainted with the city. Call 323 Pittock bik.. 8 o'elock. YOUNG man wanted to work 8 hours and makA enod wasres In old-established office: small investment. 51 a Lumber Exchange. WANTED Man w:ho understands steam boil er; $S mo., with room. "AN ttlHi, Orego nhin. TAILOR wanted to ut and make coats; must be first-class man, in town of 0VO4. Answer. AV 702. Oregonian. MAN willing to work eight hours a day can make $30 a week; mall capital required. 43:i Chain. Com. Bldg. WANTED Energetic single young man to travel and solicit. Call 10 A. Al. to 2 P. M. 512 Royal bldg. BOY to feed press; must have experience. Thomas Printing Co., 402 Behnke- Walker Company. . WANTED Alan on farm; good milker. Call at 44S Hth st. after 6:o0 P. . TAILOR on repairing and pressing wanted. 171 N. 21st st. PHOTO coupon agents, splendid offer. Mult nomah Studio. 801 Dekum bldg. AD SOLICITORS, commission. Clyde Agency. 207 Stock Exchange.. FOUR young men to canvass new offer-, good salary to live ones. 214 Pittock block. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony studio. Royal bldg. COMPANION 21 years or over, walk t Central Oregon. BP Oregonian. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor want ed. Apply X 695, Oregonian. BLACKSMITH. horsehoer, country job. miles Portland. W. L. Allen. Sell. 17. MAN to work for room and board. 4o4 Ad- lson. cor, of 10th. BARBER wxnted; Heady job. -05 Morrison aire.-. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. C -V rtecora 1V14; Call fnr mn frit 111 emulovers ......... 170' Positions filled 1' The service of this Department is lie" to all members of the Association. To non-members a special Employment Mem. hprshin issued. iotinff 15 uer annum. giving the servico of the Department for a year, two raonins iuu pri "" refund of the membership fee if satisfac tory employment, is not secured. All young men seeking employment in Clerical. Technical or Commercial lines or desiring counsel or advice are cordially in vited to consult the Advisory and Employ ment Secretary. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night instruction in repairing, driving, soiling aud. machine work, includ ing forge, lathe, t ha per, dnllprea.-, eto. Moderate charccs. Fair dealing and ex pert training. Time unlimited. Before enrolling elsewnere call at edu cational office. Y. M. C. A. bids., and secure pas entitling you to Inspect our shoo and method. . MEN WANTED tQ know about Jimmy Dunn'a upstairs clothing store, where you buy the highest grade ready-to-wear suits for $ to $W lets. Men's $20 value suits at $14.75. Men's $25 value suits at $18.75. 315-16-17 Oregonian bids. Elevator to 3d tioor. THE TRUTH PACIFIC AUTO AND OAS ENGINE SCHOOL THE LITTLE SCHOOL WHERE YOU OBTAIN- THE BEST RESULTS. THE PROOF A FREE TRIAL GIVEN EACH STU DENT BEFORE ENROLLMENT. 266 11TH AND JEFFERSON .STS. HAVE several openings, establishment inde pendent mail order business; energy, good habits, sound judgment more important than capital. Spare time first. Particulars free. opportunities Exchange. Buffalo, N, Y. Help Wanted Agents. WANTED A few more agents to sell the best selling auto accessory on the mar ket; you can make from $50 to $75 per week; have a few counties left In Ore gon; want two more agents for city; in stigate at 503-4 Corbett bids.; Hrs. $-12 A. M. afternoons by appoiutment. J. E. Mason. WANTED First-class solicitors, mat female; salary and iom mission. Hawthorne ave. and 1U24 AGENTS S to $10 a day selling 1915 SP ciai. Van Dyke Studio. 404 Wash, st. BOY, with wheel. Apply 410 Alder. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED A high-class salesman to sell the securities of an established manuXac-tnrin- .innt: stock or bond -selling expe rience not atecessary ; salary 1150 per mouth yntM ability is demonstrated; give full particulars as to past business con nections, reterences aim w, Oregonian. H KLP W A NTEB M ALE O It VEMA1.K, MEN AND WOMEN to learn the barber trade, earn from $15 to 2o per wee., tuition reduced, paid while learnlnc; po sitions secured; write for free catalogue. The Moler System of ColicKes. A 4S N. 2d st. ' MEN or women willing to work; fast sell ing household necessity; big commission. 421 Ablngton bldg:. GOOD solicitor, must be a live one, 01 Ciranu ave.. room u. UELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to icarn ine oaruer uaue mi j weeks: positions guaranteed ; tools free; paid while learning; scalp and face mas sage a specialty; modern method teaching used; tuHton reduced. 233 Madison. RAILWAY mail cleiks. P. O. clerks, car riers, exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacltic State Schools, McKay bldg.. city. GOVERNMENT wants clerks, $70 month; Portland examination soon; common edu cation sufficient; particulars free. Apply immediately. AV 637. Oregonian. INTERNATIONAL Corresponoenee Schools furnish typewriter . with commercial courses; 2b5 others; free catalogue. 2u2 McKay bldg. HELP WAITED FEMALE. OUR new studio and laboratory will soon be all completed, with up-io-date equip ment for turning out first-class work in all branches pertaining to motion pictures. Instruction will be given in moving-picture acting, camera and laboratory work. NORTHWEST WEEKLY. 8th and Oak Sts., Portland, Or. J WANTED Experienced millinery saleswom an. Apply superintendent's office, between and 10 A. M., ttth floor, tfth-st. bldg., Meier & Frank. Co. TRAINED nurse desires assistant for gen eral housework and care of old people; somo knowledge of nursing preferred; bo tween 25 and 35 years. A J 62, Orego nian. WOMAN cook, small country hotel; house keeper, II epner. Or. ; girl cook. 4-mon ranch; housekeeper. Echo. Or; man and wife, ranch. Cad 234 Burneide st. Phoue Main 3052. GOVERNMENT jobs for women, $70 month, list positions obtainable, free. Write im mediately. Franklin institute. Dept. 703 C Rochester. N. Y. . WANTED Experienced girl for housework and cooking; small 3dults. 730 Kearney. general lainliy PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. All modern business courses $& mo. Positions when competent. -01 N. W. Hank b:ag. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Company, 422 Pittock block, 85 Washington. GIRLS to learn beauty culture: commission while learning. Geneva E. Rciily, 514 Au liigton bidg. GOOD girl tfor general housework, goo-i wages, but mrst be competent. 581 Knott street. ' MRS. HINSDALE'S BUSINESS SCHOOL, -02 Empress bldg. Personal instruction; position- 'wlit if competent. CAPABLE maid for general work in siuh.I family of adulls. Rply, giving reiereiu-es and wages expected. X C!'. Oregon laa. FAMILY cook. $5; second work, $;U; housework. $15 to $."15. St. Louis Agency, JJSS Main st. A 7175. Main 2"o!). MIDDLE-AGED w oman wanted for light housework; only two in family. Call at Asher's Loan Office, ;2ti 1st st. WANTED pleating fore 10. An apprentice at button and shop. 500 Royal bldg. Apply be- WANTED Good girl for general housework for out-of-town; must be good worker. Call before- 1 o'clock. KH E. -loth. cur. Tlr. FURNISHED 2-room modern apartment in exchange for boarding ono fcenilfinan. A 1 1 G2 Oregon inn. EXPERIENCED wait reus wanted ut the Hotel Carlton restaurant. LA DY night attendant. Institutional work. Phono 'i'AUor 2fc02. MlbS M ATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand. Typewriting. 2t 14th. n. Jeff. Mn. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture. 411 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. HELP wanted on coats; none but experi enced need apply. 420 FHedner bldg. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers and dicta phone operators. SU1 N. W. Bank bidg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Book Weepers and Clerks, LO YOU WANT A BOOKKEEPER PART TIME? Will call Svfew hours each week or day and keep yotir books, get out statements, etc.; work guaranteed; high-class refer ence's; experienced accountant, 10 years. P. O. Box ob4. A RICH T-H AND M A X. Bookkeeper, cashier, ten years' exper ience in bank and office work ; I have lived here six years and can show bct it record and references; for a right-hano ' man. confidential secretary, et-'-. phone Tabor "oti5, or address Five, 121'j Belmont street. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and st-nog-a-pher, any office work. S 6ii, Oregon!-:-. DENTIST, registered, withes pod t ion; will work very reasonable. V 635. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nitat cutter or g roc e- clerk. Phone East 1207. Mlacellaueoas, MAN with large family want common la bor: excellent gardener, or any hard Joba, references. Main 70.1. A 1 5 1 7. LAWNS graded, garden work, puces. Main V'Zl. A 1517. etc Al reter- 1 -ANE-:E hoiie '-'oy wants petition in fum- l!j ; Email wayef. X p:7. Ort feoniin. MAN wants cafeteria or dishwashing, cine veers' pei-itnL--. T-ibor ."i:'3. JAPANESE I'Oy wants Job. g. nrai house w ork, $2.50 per day. Alain .'!07fl. JAPANESE boy wants a position as school boy in private family. 9 5 Unlon ave. N. GOOD man wants job 46 N. Sd st. un a farm. Inquire BOY has wkeei, hauls a ork. ii. 71.7. blTlATIUM WANTtn MA1E. ItlsceUaaeottSw FA It M EK and Ualr man wants posit ioa hiriisatan, foreman or manttgir; lire tv prrieiice with to-k and farming, expert with modern farm machinco. HabeocK tcNiinft, mechanical milkers, certified milk keepii revorti. namUinn mn, buttding and fining sllon; mlirUd to lke alt re sponsibility; no whisky or tobacco, ii, tregontan. EXPERIENCED, ffhable aud sober mtUJ.C at;ed man of gotHt address, would hao t 11 fid piuion as Janitor, porter, uouwmtn or oru of some knd ; try me; bet "t references. P. A. Fisher, jfen. del., ion land. CONTRACTING, ail kind of votisiruwUu and repair work by the best of skiUed la bor; house panning and papcr-hanKing; chattels lak- u in lull or part pa mot. P. O. box 334, Vancouver. h. i MAN wants farm woik; iiood milker. u years old, cannot speak very much KngiU'-i, Aildresj 20 N. 4th U. Portland. Oi. Toms. YOUNG man with s years of epvrtence a traffic dept. of large concern wants posi tion of trust in traffic dept.; best rctcr enijea. AP Oregonian. MAN. wifo uiul 4-y-r-o!d ehlid want work on a f.trm. Mn an expt-rieiired lcmtci ; v.umau good houM;kecpcr. Main 7 oil. A i 1 1 . Yul'NG man vtltli wife and two miiim'.I chil dren wants work ou farm; rcterenc. Mwln 7051. A 1517. J A PAN K wuld like position, private fam ily, cook aud uny otVer kind work In city or own :i try. 47 N. Park ft., city. oi'ATlONARY engineer wants work; la aio experienced elevator operators reference. Main 7051. A 3517. EXPERIENCED baker wand work in or out of cltv. Willing lo do any kind of work. Reffienees. Main 7051, A 1517. YOUNG MAN, 2f reliable and willing work er, wants position on farm. Wages $20 a month. Al references. Main 7051. A 1517. POSITION wanted by a good Job printer and pressman; good references. George blea, 611 Carlton ave., Portland. MAN an-1 wife, position as Jrtltor. hpI -house, experienced; best of references. Maiu 7774. LAND slashing and clearing wanted; all necessary machinery; can go to work at once. BF ttua, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants work, la au auto drtr and repairer and la willing to do any woik around house, I, 6t0, Oregonian. JAPANESE man and wife want any r.i 1 of work for hotel or apartment. H ov-. Oregon I an. YOUNG MAN. experienced groner, want work; Al referencex. Main "I'M. A 1517. GOOD barber, city or country, open for po sition. BF $ 4, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTKD rKMALR. Book keeper and Stenog ra p hea. NEAT, capable stenographer wants posltiu.i at onc-, reasonable salary. Phone Wood - lawn 2557. O. K. stenographer, b. k. and dictaphone operator wanta permanent -r sub-lit u-e work. M. 2817. COMPETENT, experienced stenographer and bookkeeper; best references; legal woik preferred. Tabor 4 Z 43. Dress makers. TAILORED suits my kpeciaity; evening gowns, fancy wait;; guaranteed; home or shop. 317 Northwest lidg. Main ! TAILORED suits, evening coats, aowus and waists; your home- or shop work guaian teed. 202 FUedner bids. Main t!73. FIRST-CLASS dret-smaking. tailoring, altel arfon, by the day; work guaranteed. Taoor 140. FASHIONABLE dreasmaklnK. re wsonable. homo or day. 301 Buchanau bldg. Main 5 IX DRESSMAKING, all kinds of sewing; pn reasonable; work guaranteed. Maio 7$s2- F1KST-CLASS d i eattnakmg ; skirts $2 up. SuS itb ' dras $3 up; Marshall W4. TRAIN ED nurse wants infant lo chto lor. $15 per muuili. Main 3024. 535V, Montoru uiy al. PRACTICAL nurao wanta engagement; reterences. Phone Columbia BY experienced nurse, - or day work. Main more cases or fetgii 7W23. EXPERIENCED child iiure; German; dc bires position; bent references. Mwin 7l. Monsr keepers. liEFINED, cupablo woman, excellent etok. will tako personal Interest In home whir can have good salary and home privilege or for a club o men; rcfercuces. Y 5, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED housekeeper uifhea position In widower's home, no objection to one or two childron; no trlflers; phone Main ttooj or uddrrsa box H 606, Oregonian. WJDOW. middle-aged, wishes employ incut as housekeeper for widower or In a small lamlly; best of refen ncea. Address 111 East 3 1st at. N. Woodlawn 451. ELDERLY lady, competent, wants place as housekeeTjer for 2 or 3 gentlemen. Wood lawn sol. Nasarlne Army. 7-0 MImI-iii. WIDOW, n-at, unincumbered, good conk, wishes position for w Idower or bachelor. AD bi7. OreKonlon. RELIAULE womnti wants position aa hnu keeiwr or chambermaid. Potter Hotel, Portland. WANTED bv lady with daughter, position as housekeeper In gentleman's home, beli w otd 53 4. LADY will do-light work tor good home; pome wages. Tabor 127. Domeatlrs. SITUATION wanted as housemaid l-y com petent MwedUli young laav. Aaoress it-. John Ova It's residence, 54$ Mill street. Phone Marshull 1 14. COMPETENT cook wnm ork llh re spectable tainlly. -.ast Bt- WANTED Housework by young lady, phone Alurshall 3733. WORK in a ulaiu family or bourdtng-houe rv nilidle-ag''d IhHv. Main SM. EXPERIENCED cook : r-tT-nee Norw r A 71 tan k'irl. famtiy 5. Slatn 20r,T. Mifeoellaneous. YOUNG woiiian wants to rare f"r rooms for bjanl and room, husband and self. Call 1 Kiist M:j. YOUNG girl wants place to do housework and help with children; small wage. Phono B It4 I. StllOOHilKL wishing i'-om and board wilu small wurcs i exchange for services. Cad j h.tiiO or W i07. On-gonian. ! INK cal t r ess wishes ( nuagetnent- to pt.-- jure dlnneis, luncheons; city rererene-e. East 7115. CAPABLE woman, experienced, a lahea day w oik. $2. lo. Ftne iroucr; sweeping and elennlnir. East 7115. EXPERIENCED, reliablw woman wants duy work, waaiilnK, ironinj- or linusecleaulng ; ref-renes. Main 7051, A 1517. RELIABLE, experienced young lady des.res position general oifice work. B tsl, ore gonian . YoUNii Jhpan-FO w oinan w ants pom t ion, housework. In private family, or chamoer work. N tf.7. On-gonlan. LACM". curtains hand laundered; worU guai anteed. Tall Sell. Mil, MarsUall 51.M1. DAY w ork wanted by a Rood n lt:o col ored --onisn. I'liunn Main .H"-1. W ANT El Wahitig ii oniiiK. cleaning hour; first-class. Main 412, room 2. da;. LAUNDRESS wants day work or bundles at home. Phone East 5633. Mrs. Russell. LACE curtains washed snd stretched; 1 1 years' experience. Mrs. Scut I, Tabor 533. NEAT slrl desires work, cashier, saleslady or waitretf-. AO Wl. Or-gonlsn, v MIDI)LK-A(li"0 wnnian wants work In nail family. Phone East 4426. LCIS curtains, draperies, lineng hand laun dered; called; -5c up. Sellwood Ktb. EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of work by du Main 4217. airUrtvls!' s" work as clerk, any kind of ..tore. Sellwood 14'."'. TWO strong women want oay work. Cat! all next week. Tabor wn:i. TWO experienced rla want general house- ork or scona worn, luii 1 DAY work wanted by good woman. Tabor WANTED T0 ItENT. v-'I 'i -fl .,r i h'UhC or apartment; nnjM ba ehgantlv ftirjilfhed and best real-d-nce district. West Side preferred. Maio W ANTED Two furnished flats In same not Iua- mail rw mi vmrn , va . vard ; walking distance permanent; rcf- erenees fjrhangod. A Ore go 11 i an. HESPOVSIHLK adults want m"drm H-room, well-fumifhed bnugalow ; rent must M rei-on-ble. Y 6tt. Oregonlen. Ajtartmenta FlflHT-rLS 3-room furnished aprtirint. y 24th and Broadway. AL VUi, Or- AYK your Sl M h'f,rfie or houakeepUig room, hard-time price. j Larrabee. HOTEL SHARP, W 4tu Rooms Oc per nigh t and up; $ Pr week and up. CaHgE. wcil-llghted front room. 14 auu Mudi-on; XirepruoL ' I 1 ' r