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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
i PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. liloMIT SERVICE al reasonable prices. Pacific Till Trust Co.. 7 ih, of Com. ACCORDION PLEATING. .Ai ''ORDION. knif.j and box pleating, picot it.jr. heaistitcning. braiding, embroidering. Ka.-tcrn Novelty M:g. Co.. S5- 5lh l Mali order promptly attended lo. 3x. STEPHEN Hemstitching mid cUoplng. a-cord. side pitt, button mttrtil. good . ;.ni.;e.d. mull older. 3-3 Alder. M. MiJ. AVtRt AXt ANALYST!. ilu.VT.V.NA ASSAY OFFICE, H-vi id. Gold, stiver kul p.alinum bougul. ATTORNEYS 1..UVVKK. coluiuilaliuu tree. Main J'Ji. .-tiling bldg. HALL Jk FLIED.N'EK. lawyers; eousulialions fee. 2,-'"i-'" Fii'Oncr bldg. Mar. Job,. CAKI-tT WEAVING. roi: i'H " ES r KL'G Co. Hugs from old ear ! s. ra ni)T!". 15 Last Mn. Both pnoiics, EI.I.l 1.1)11) BI TION. BADGES. 1HE IRW IN-HGDSGN COMPANY. X; Washington st. Main Hi and A 1164. fMKOPODISTS. William Esteilc and William. Jr.. Deveny. the only sclenlilie chiropodists in the elty. Parlors 302 Gcrlinger bldg.. S. W. corner 2'! pnl Alder. Phone Main 1301. IDIl El'Hr'LA. SACRY. painless cniropodiat, ." Panama bldg. phone Main SOoS. til l ll pi. D Y and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Office Flicdner bum. Main "473. 4KAii ATE foot specialist, manicurist. 2"'4 JiS'-leay. 2vi Washington st. Mar. 3.d. 4 HI-RO-I'RACTIC PHYSICIAN. I'll. M MAliON is thorough. Chronic cases, taking time; HI trealnienls $15. 121 4th. 1r Poulson specialist in paralysis, nervous, throuie diseases. 350 Pino, k bill. M. 8414. (I.E.lMMi AMI PRESSING. I'KESS SLITS Ior rent. We press one suit caen ae.-k for $1.30 per month. i NIQCE TAILORING CO.. 3"'i stark St.. bet. Olli and 6th. Main M4. COI.I.IX TION At.F.NT-S. A'"unls, notes. Judgments collected. "Adopt Short Methods." Short Adjustment Co., -l N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main li"4. ETiI t CO.. Worcester bldg. -Main l.B No collection, no charge. Established llMiu. AITO AMI UIIKIV TOPS. I'I RFiri.I.E lit G1Y TOP CO.. 200 BAGGAGE 4 HE! KKI AT HOME. Tlacue umniOus Tra lsler. Park Sx Davis. 1SREAII BAKERY. r.".val hskory c conf.. Inc.. lltii and Everett. BIlKHKKs AND BOTTLERS. lIK.VIly UHINhAKU. l"tn and Hmnslde. l.W.AKA BAKK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAIl.S fcliius.. 111 Front su 4EMENT, I.IMK AND PLATEB. T. CRoWK & CO.. 45 Fourth St. I1KY GOO US. FI.KISi.IINKR. MAYER St CO, 207 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SLPI'LIES. FTiihS Kl..trical c'o.. illh and PI lie sts. GRAIN .MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Frwiit and Marshall. II. M. H'HSKR. Board of Trade bldg. t.ROCERS. fO.. t;'-7". Konrth s?. TT f.II.Ws NEW TODAY. FARM LOANS We are loaning Eastern Life Insol ence money and will make choice Wil lamette Valley farm loans at the low est rates ever quoted in Oregon. IUE DEVEKEAUX MORTGAGE CO. C97 Concord Building, Second and Stark Streets. Portland. Oregon MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPERTIES residence loans 6 and T per cent, ac cording to location. Plenty of money. ROBERTSON & EWING Northwestern Baals Bids MORTGAGE LOANS n improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. 6Qf I.AItGK LOANS ON I0, lO DIMM:!!! PKOPEHT1KS IV A. H. BIRRELL CO. 317-:i Northwestern Bsik Bulldlac Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our unn Mui.o si --rrent Hates. lllNKIPAL AND OKPOHA TION BONDS. ARM AND 1IY L'sANS. go Fourtb Board of Trade Bldg. REAL KSTATE DEALERS. PAI.Mi-.K-JlN'ES CO., Wticrx bldg. to4-4O5-40a WLium G.. ol-ltlTl Failing bids. !-' 1 llilOS.. lUi liavuhorne ava. l:.v ii L 1 1' UiOii.. lio Board of Trade. RF.AL E5.TATE. For bale Lota. R. 3. V. P. I am looking for a man who U tired of rci'tir.g and who would like a real home of his own on easy terms. I have a choice l"i in choice close-in restricted district on witicll 1 will fmance the building of your homo by your owu contractor: no agents. J. DELAHLNTY. liOi, Stark sL Man ll-C, A lSla. T.OSE CITT PARK LOTS. Deal direct with the owners, the orig inal platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our Realty Department. or. 4th and Stark. HAHTMAN THOMPSON Z'EAI.TIFI L quarter Clock S. W. corner ;,sth and Stamon. Rose City Park; one Mock Irani ear. Owner, in Chicago, re nuests mc to submit best otter on this property, cither on cash or second morl jTHg, basis. Offers solicited. F'rank L. M . tinir--. Main lortS. PIG SACRIFICE. Three lois. oOxloO each, in Rose City district. 1 block to ear: improvements In and paid, all goes for $li50, worth i-aOO, half cash. Owner. M li.'-l. Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. 1 nandle most of the property for sale In this district, and all the bargains. Marshall 4Sa7. BROOKE. A S3. Loi'S. Muitnomah slalion, $00; Bull Run water' $10 doan. to per month. O'Don- tiell A.- Warner. BO I Corbett bldg. 4;,ii"i ONE and one-fourth acres. 9 blocks l-vlnpton Clubhouse, two blocks school; no trad'.s. P. O. box 4''A city. lix.-r llh St., corner lot. near Brooklyn "s'.-imor paver streets, 7"r.; will take -d niertBase from builder. AC o7. Oregonlan. C"xln.) EXtJ.Cv'ATEP. suitable for apart ment site, near "SS" car. Tabor afi41. For Sale Bearh Property. TWO lota at Salt Air (Tillamo.)k beach, suitable shooting gallery, grocery, etc.; sacrifice $-'; double your money in one seaso.i. Owner needs money. M 6-6, Ore- gonlalK For Sale Houaea. ANTED Buyers' choice of 6 or 8-room houses. F.ose City Park district. Owner, AK Oregonlan. 1 HAVE R good homes In Irvinglon, una third le&s than cost; one mansion, fine. East I7S. W. H. Herdman. FOR f?ALE The finest homo in lrvlngton. .-.::l East -4th st. North, Call and see U. K. K. Bowman A Co. jcF.W molern 6-room house, garage; Income :n i a month: terms. Woodlawn 3-l. F'R SALE New 5-room bungalow. :J8 E. 4lth. : two blocks south of Hawthorne. NFW, modern 12-room bouse. In irvinglon. R. S. Klce, Eaat 2s3S, BUSINESS COLLECTION AGENCY. ri.lluri nr nv (teaeriutlnti collected on percentage anywhere. Highest class refer ences. Toe Harden Mercantile Agency, 426 Henry bldg. 1'hone Marshall 4c0. DANCING. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons daily: classes lues.. Friday evenings, 8 to 10. 100 id St., bet. Washington and Stark. Lessons 20C EVE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialists; glasses lilted. Dr. F. F. Casseda;', 517 Dekum bldg-, SdecVVn. ELECTRIC MOTUKS. HuTiJUA lieneralor bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do ail kinds of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. R. M. II. Electric Co., 31 First st. Norm. None Main 0210. KOIMIKV AND .MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works, East ltd and Haw thorne General machine and founnry work; GRADUATE FOOT Bl'Ef lALlpT. GRADUATE fool suecialisl. manicurist. 204 .viMcleay. 286 Washington St. Alar. 30o0. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE dc ilAKa HAM CO.. 343 Washington St. MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills, bought, told and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. MES.NENGEr". SERVICE. JiASTV MLSENiiCR CO. Motorcycles and btcy-jtes. mono Main o,. a jo-. MOM AI. iiiiill Tiil.illiorn. violin tea. lier: pupil .Sevclk. !:o- t'lk'.lii-r bldg. A 4)ln, Marshall 1,1J. NATl ROPATHIC ritVfH IA.NS. IR. l'HII.LIHS, specialist in paralysis, nerv ous, chronic diseases. .'I'-l tjregonian Jiut. Oi'TKlANs. A FIGHT on high prices. y pay $t to fll lor asses when I can lit your even Willi nrst-quai- Ity lenses, pold-fllled frames, as low as II.. ? C.oodmirti "11 Morrison, near bridge. Mall orders promptly filled. Wrllw for particulars. O-TEOFATIHC rHVSM 1ANW. PH K. II. NOKT1IK1 P, .!" Morgan bldg.. cor. Broadway and Washington street. Of liee phone. Main "!!: residence. East 1IIJ3. 1-ATENT ATTORNEY. R C. WRIGHT 22 years" practice. U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS HATS AND CAPS. THANH AC'S KM HAT CO.. 5J-55 Front. HIDES. PELTS. W OOL AND Jr L'RS. KAHX BROS.. l'.H Front si. 1 RON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. PORTLAND. OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT. FOUNDRY. Portland Iron Works, 14th and Northrup. li.llHl.K AND SHOE TRADE SIPPLIES. Cil AS. L. M ASTIC it CO., 74 Front ; leather of every des criptloti ; taps, nifg. findings. LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. C11AS. 1 MAS TICK ft CO., 74 Front; leather of every description; taps, mfs. findings. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COlA'MMrA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. oJ Filth St. .MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BRO.-.. Morrison and 7th sts. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND AVI RE. Portland W ire A- Iron WM.. 2'i and Columbia REAL ESTATE. t or Sale House. ROSE CITY PARK HOMES. Deal direct with me owners, the orig inal platters ot tbia beautiful part of Portland, call on our Realty Department, cor. 4th and stark. HARTHAN THOMPSON THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THB VIONSY, BUILD AFAKTMENTS, RESI DENCE Oil ANYTHING: PLANS FRKE. WE ARB RESPONSIBLE; WB KNOW HOW TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS. b&E OUR V.'OKK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. K. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. 3J4 AB1NGTON BLDG. ROSS CITY SPECIAL. Close in, near Sandy, new o-room bunga low with attic This is especially good place, has all modern conveniences. Large plate-glass windows, mirror doors, fire place, extra large living-room. If you are looking for a home this should satisfy ou. Price S:;U0U. Reasonable terms. Call Woodlawn Undo. FRESH -NEW BUDS On the trees and bushes make you dis satisfied with your stuffy apartment or old-fashioned house. Want to get out I'll help you Into the most heautilui new, well-built California bungalow fur a smad payment down and balance like rent. Cut this out quick and phone J. W. CROSS- L h. Y. Z ill totark St. jaain law, a I'nk KALE OR EXCHANGE. 7-rooin house and full lot, close In, near school und streetcars, free from encum i.ri.,,,.,. worth uuoui SlloVO: owner will trade for small acreage tract, near Port land, of about same value, if unincum bered: Elve -full Information. W ooli. Ore gonlan. WILL TAKE YOUR LOT as payment on a 5-room bungalow In good neighborhood; houso has all modern lin-i.t-.ti-ement. t'nii e;Lsilv be made T-room, as 1" rooms upstairs are unfinished. Price '-".ioO. terms of S-J5 a month, on balance. run woodinwn :iorr. 10 TO 40-ACRE TRACTS in best dairying district convenient to Portland: bottom land cleared, ru ll S"ll, good roads, big local market, close to live lown; good co s furnished settlers Immediately : price o uer acre and up: easy terms. 57 Corbctt bldg. SI UICTLY modern G-room house, furnace, fireplace ;ind all built-in conveniences. Glenn ave., near Hawthorne, only Sjl.iM Thui is a real bargain. Northwestern Clear ance Co.. 1L'I9 N. W. Bank bldg HJH EAST J.nTH ST. NORTH. ?1ST.-.. IHVINGTON OOxIOO LOT. 5-room new bungslow; must sell quick- Is; terms. Owner. .,t, r-.u.-u IS. tiAt'ltlFIi'E. modern luingnlow, in East Irv inglon. t, rooms, i.eauitiiii rixiures. an hulli-iii conveniences, cuncrete basement. furnace and fireplace. Come out and see this. Froadway cur. im.ij iiuamooK st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Cosy, fel rooms, 2 desirable lots, nicely wooded; 94230; SluOO cash, balance easy terms. Owner, 6l'8 Morgan bldg. 5-iiOOM house, modern and up to date; tJu per month: price J'JI.Mi; improvements paid for. Joo Bochm. Main 7700; eveningd E:tst r.'.'S-. J2IKJ0 5-RQOM bungalow, oak floors, wash travs. Peninsula district; block from car"; terms; mipht take vacant lot as first payment. Owner. Woodlawn S'S. SAVE MONEY. If you are gotn? to build or repair, get plans and estimate from F. Rose, 738 E. 7Mh N. or phone C li'oO. J11.OO0 SOxlOO. ISth and Lovejoy, very de sirable, modern duplex building, II rooms. For terms phona East 3S&9. EQUITY in 5-room modern bungalow, will ell or irade for anything ot value; leav ing citv. AK "iS. oregonlan. FOR SALE Two (rood bungalows; might take some trade: one brand new Ti-room modern. Address 'S-Z K. 70th st. N. SAVE . iloo: buy from owner; never oc cupied; modern, ready to move Into home, Broadway car: terms. Tabor 4814. ALARMING SACRIFHE. 4-room modern bungalow. -0 min. out Phone Main 411;. Suburban Home Property. FOR 8LE or trade 2 14 acres, fenced, cul tivated and In truit. new 8-room bouse. 8 finished, furnished if desired, good well " and outbuildings, close to station. Ore gon Electric, mluutes Irotn. city; want Hj to 40 acres with house, barn, etc. Bangs, 147 North Sixth st. GIBSON HALF-ACRES. Good soil, good water; close to carllne; easy terms: will build to suit purchaser. Phono Marshall 155 or Sellwood 47. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. tj MONTHLY. 80x200, new house, $650. A. C. Marsters. 203 Wilcox bldg. Main 851T. For Sale Acreaje. CHICKEN. F'RUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, Gresham district. SUNSHINE VALLEY ORCHARD TRACTS 1,4 -mile electric station, tii to (150 par acre; easy terms; best soil; free wood. Farms for Sale All Sizes. FRANK MFARLAND REALTY CO soy Yeon Bids.. Portland. Or. A REAL bargain. $J000 cash or $500 on time, 2 acres, new bungalow, completely furnished, $100 worth of tools, barn and outbuildings, everything ready to walk rieht into; 35 minutes' ride from Port land, on S. P. Ry. Take big red cars, get oft at Jean, walk one block from station, ask for Bennett. 10 ACRES rich soil, in cultivation, lota of fruit and berries, small house, easy walk ing distance to Oregon City carline, 15c fare: good roads into Portland; $12'i0 will handle: snap for someone; no trade. Ta bor 5ftS.". . VERY cheap two ncres at Montavilla, Join ing city lots. Woodlawn i3 or F. -J. . . . tiie aronyrNG precoxta, Saturday, march is, ioi5. g DIRECTORY PAINTING ANI K ALSO MINING. WE kalsomine rooms at $2.00 and paint houses at your price. East 502. B 6134. PAWNBROKERS. STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE. 28 NORTH 8TH ST. ELKY CO., separate department for ladles. 3J0 Lumber Exchange, lid and Stark ata. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and olflce near IMlh and York sts. Main 3441. RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash. st. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. SHOE REPACKING. SHOES HALF SOLED in lu minutes while you wait. 43c New York Shoe Repair Co., 243 !j Alder St. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. PICK Transfer & storage Co. Office and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron room and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. V. cor. '2d and Pino sts. Pla-ios and furniture moved and packod for shipment, special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic and for.'isn ports. Main 596, A 191tf. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. New fireproof warehouse with separate rooms. iv e move ana pac uou&euoiu o.knils and nianos and snio at reduced iara. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Free trackage, omce ana warenouse, lotn ana Hoyt sis. Main 547. A 2J47. OREGON- TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St., cor. lim. eiepnono jnain o or a. no We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insuranco rates in city. MANNINO WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER CO. rew location, win ana iioyi bis. Moving, "acking, shipping, storage. Main 70.!. A 214. MAD1SON-ST. DOCK and WAREHOUSE - Ofllco ls'J Maaison. ueuerai luercnanuise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7601. MOOD. GREEN and dry slabwood, blockwood. Pan ama Fuel Co. Main 5720, A 3SU9. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis PAINTS, OLLS AND GLASS. RASMUSSKN Ai CO., 2d and Taylor sta. PIPE. PIPE iTTTINGS AND VALVES. M. U KLINE. 4-o Front sL PLU.MBINO AND STEAM SIPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. fc4-6 Front st. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTEri Hz CO.. lt and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKD1NG & FAKKELL, 140 Front SL ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO, J2th and Davis. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 280 2d at. WHOLESALE JEWELERS OPTICIANS. BI.TTF.KF1 ELD BROS., MOHAWK BLDG. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Acreage. 60 IMPERIAL 14 ACRES, S250. WHERE ARE THEY? IN THE CITY OF GRESHAM. 1J miles east of Grand ave.. on the north c'de of Division street, between the new aui'jniobilu factory and cannery, west of new union high school, with electric railioad dividing the tract. WHA2 WILL THEY GROW? Anything you plant, fruit, berries, veg etables, grain or grasses. The soil is a rieli alluvial loam and free from rock or gravel, not cold or sour land; win pro duce sufficient fruit and vegetables to make your monthly payments, and then some. Get a tent and start the garden and chicken-raising- NOW, TODAY. WHAT WILD THEY COST? $3oCi, (S down and $5 per month, 6 ner cent interest, with a credit of Siiu on each of the first three 6-room bungalows and $40 on each 01 the iirst tnree 4-room bungalows erected Dy purcnasero. WHAT WILL YOU DO? We will plow the tracts and furnish fruit trees for planting free of charge. Now wo have dono our part for you, do yours. vi' i..bva Prtrilnn or Gresham at 1:30 P. M. Saturday with round-trip fare of 25c. Call up and give your order for tickets. SMITH & HOUCK. 301 Henry Bldg. Marshall 2396. 4 ACRES, ! miles south of Klutskanie; price $20011; $1230 paid goes for 50 cents 011 the dollar. D 656. Oregonian. jMr balej farms. GOOD DAIRY FARM. 200 acres, close to Latourell Station; JOO acres between railroad and Columbia River subject to overfloow from back water, making excellent pasture in mid summer, balance In timber; good two story house, also dairy building: pasture enough for 200 cows. Price $20,000. mort gage 56500 at 6 per cent. Would ex change equity for clear property. GODDAR.V & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. A POSITIVE BARGAIN. 7 acres, 7 miies from Willamlna Sta tion on county road; 12 acres bottom land of which 7 acres is in cultivation; JO acres more easily cleared, balance brush, very little too steep to cultivate; fine creek running through; fairly good 6room house and shed; flue hunting and fishing; price $14S0; terms, $600 cash. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. GET OFF THE MAIN LINES AND BUY CHEAPER "The best land in Oregon." 120 acres; price $6800, one-half cash, bal ance terms. 119 acres level valley land, 50 acres cultivated, more can be, 35 acres brusn, timber and pasture, balance open pasture: rich black soil, good 7 -room house, barn, sheds, chicken-houses; family orchard, fenced and cross fenced; school house on land; good road, cream route, telephone. C. H. Burkholder. Lebanon. Or. FOR SALE 20 acres, 15 acres under culti vniinn 1 acre in orchard, a good house and barn and other outbuildings, running water on the place, an unacr goou ibhcc; nines from Vancouver, on the main street road, 1 1- miles west Manor; price $2800, and privilege of 80 acres if wanted. J. J. Wilson, Vancouver, Wash. Route 5. box 164 A FOR SALE bv owner, 40 -A., S miles from Carroll. Wash., 1 A. In cultivation, 2 slashed, rest second growth timber, un der fence. R. F. D. and telephone line, on county road; price for quick sale $700. Write or come. Portland and return via etr. $1. S. C. Salter. THE NEW WAY, THB MODERN WAY. THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land. Are you interested? If so, writ to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN.. $0$ Phe lan bldg.. San Francisco. C. M. WOODSTER. Pre. TEN acres, with four-room house, Darn, outhouses, part set Dcrries ana iruii; one mile from carllne; will lease. Apply 171 3d st. WHEAT LAND. Wheat farm in Central Oregon ; 180 acres for $1600. Call 013 Dekum Bldg. WHEAT land, 320 acres, Umatilla County, cheap. Tabor 52K8. WANTED REAL ESTATE. MODERN 5 or 6-room bungalow or house. $2600 to S3400. Rose City rant preierreu, have deed to beach lot nead Gearhart goif links alue $275, for payment; will pay $20 monthly until September next, after-v-eras $40 monthly. Phone Main 6124. WILL buy modern 5 or 6-room bungalow: Hawthorne aistnci prererrea; win maao liberal first payment, balance short time. AL e5f. Oregonlan WANTED Equity in a good house, desir able location, on traae. A.-H. ooa. urcgw nian. WANT to buy B or 6-room modern bun galow from owner: must be bargain. Call East 5503 mornings. - WANTED Lot; give slse, location, price, terms must be Dargain; win consioer small bungalow. A J 655, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS; RENT, trade, sell 1 acres Hood River bearing orcnara, oerries, nay, oiags., casu. experience, references required. AV ' 60s. Oregonian. FARM, 319 acres, 73 ready for plow, 12 miles from Vancouver win rent ior one year. C. E. Hadley. 767 Wasco t. East 2971. 3 ACRES, plenty fruit, buildings, near sta tion; O.i minui"". .-naiii g"... SEVEN acres, rich bottom. 8 miles to Port land' crop rent, 618 Feutoa bids. ' irfiii- gif ff timrfr y.AXD& I FOR SAXB. l FORBAD. J HE..P NTM TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. MCRAKEN. 3t4 M'KA Y BLPO. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WOULD like to rent farm of 50 or bO acres, with buildings and Implements, near Gresham, near creamery or on milk route; can giva best "of references. Call or ad dress 32 E. S4th S. WANTED To rent dairy farm with stock and tool on shares In the Willamette Valley by experienced dairyman. Address AV 610. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE; REAL ESTATE. FOR GENERAL MDSE. OR HAKDWARfc.. 16 000, 3-0 acres. Big Camas Prairie. Idaho, all level, tillable, good soil; loO acres In Fall wheat, 75 acres plowed for Spring wheat; 8 splendid large horses, all kinds of new farm Implements, good , water. Ry. station on the laud, personal property, value $2001). BUSH-M'CLELLAN REALTY CO., Phone Main 4131. 5U2 Piatt Bldg. JiiuOO EQUITY in i acre land with 3-roora house, small barn, 1-story store bldg. Ibx 30, small stock groceries, horse and de livery wagon, in West Linn, to trade for clear property. A splendid proposition for some one that wants to go into the gro cery business. Owner is old and in poor health; must sell. Northwestern Clearance Co.. llilH N. Vi. Bank bldg FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 69 acres, 4 miles from city limits, all under cultivation and nearly all in crop; good buildings; value $13,000; will take as part payment residence to value $5000, balance or 7 years at 5 per cent, ln qulre F. S. Forest, 808 N. W. Bank bldg. READ AND CONSIDER. Highly Improved 30-acre farm, 2 miles from good valley town; splendid house and barn; want Portland residence. Ad dress F. S. Forest. SOS Northwestern Bank bldg.. or Telephone Main 23811. . OWNER will exchai ge modern building con taining five storerooms and one six-room flat in close-in suburban business district, value $12 OoO, some incumbrance, for lots acreage or farm land of equal value. Call Main 4979. WANT good timber claim clear of incum brance for equity of $6000 in the Ana-, located residence on East c'ldf, corner lot, on carllne; the Incumbrance Is straight mortgage of $5500, 3 years to run. AO 601. Oregonian. $30 000 IN good Portland income property to trade for farm or stock ranch. $Uil00 In clear Portland property to trade for stock hardware In good live town. North western Clearance Co., 1219. N. W. Bank bldg. CREAMERY business in good live town, rented for two years, bringing $20 pel month net, no Incumbrances: will trade for city lots or other desirable property not needing my attention. Owner, AH 059, Oregonlan EIGHTY acres, cloBe to Newberg, 2o culti vated, balance timber and piling, house, earn, good orchard, price $11000. equity $4000, for city property. 400 McKay bldg. Main 934. FINE modern bungalow, corner lot, East Side, on carl'ine; cash value $4250; mort gage $1300; rented $20 per month: want clear lots or clear land. AN 600, Ore gonian. WANTED to trade or exenange six lots. lrvlngton Park. 4 Albina. ior ciose-111 residence property, 6 or 8 rooms. AM 640, Oregonian. PORTLAND and Astoria property, some cash, to exchange for good improved 30 to bo-acre farm, near Portland. 2S9 10th. Marshall 5714. VERY attractive Willamette Heiglfts bun galow. $3500: mortgage $2500; will trade $3000 cash value equiiy for clear lots or land. AO 660, Oregonian. 80 ACRES, level, improved; "mall route, running water; $4800; take $2500 Port land property, bal. time. Box 07, Castle Roek, Wash- EQUITY In new house and two lots in n.iao for eood vacant lot In Portland. Ad dress 3U37. No. 's. iOa park si. i-none Aiain WILL trade $7100 equity In fine J15.0OO home In Vancouver, j. u., ior ciiy or ranch property. S 656, Oregonian. EQUITY of $1500 In $2700 cottage, now rented; win uua 101 lamx vi lots. AK 636. Oregonian. TWO million timber claim, clear; Lake Co., Or., for Portland property. a. 01, ure gonian. 5-ACRE tract,' onion land, close to Hubbard, value $1500, tor small House. ..Mcivetj'. Main 34. FOR EXCHANGE, 6-room dwelling, compar atively new, 2 lots, corner lrvlngton, for smaller house. AB 657, oregonian. WILL exchange my modern bungalow for facm in Wallamette Valley. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVINGTON home for exchange. B. M. Lombard. 250"4 3d. Main 5692. A 2892. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. EXCHANGE 4x5 Century camera, like new. for shotgun or saddle. 183 First St. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc TEAM black mares, 5 and 6 years old, weight 2S50 lbs.; well broke: team broken horfes, 4 years old, weight 2S00 lbs., well broke; team mares, weight 2G0O lbs., well matched and broke; team horses, 2o00 lbs good workers and true to pull, cheap, $ "tio- one bay horse, weight 1400 lbs., low priced $100; team horses, bay and sorrel, with new beavy breeching harness, low price, 160. Anderson Bros., ' Stables, 241 Jefferson St. TEAM of closely -mated bay mares, weigh 2700; price $150. , Roan and gray mares, weigh 2400; price $175. Span bay geldings, weigh 2800; price $200. 3 singlo horses, weighing 1200 each; your choice $70. Several sets of double and single work harness, 2 trucks. 1 dump wagon, J single wagons. Can be seen :tna oougui. xioiu our barnman at 3S0 East Irving st. AUCTION SALE of horses, vehicle and harness at Colum bia atabie. 303 Front, every Thursday at 2PM We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction buaranteed both buyer and eller. If you want to mil bring yo u horses to our auction. If you want to buy. attend this wis. SPAN of 4-year-old mares, weighing io-iO lbs woU broken, single or double, sound and true; also 1430-lb. Iron gray mare, very blocklly built, heavy bone., 4 years old' mure with siiver mane and tail, wlttt foal to Imported horso G. K. Howltt, Model Stables, Bill and Da-Is. LEASED place, havo good team, weight 305". in flno conuilion, puce, iuliuuhii, harness, $215, also span of mares, weight 2400, blocky built, bargain, $150. Take Ore gon City car to Arlington station, come up to wagon bridge, cross, .turn to left, first house. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. ; only strictly commission stables in the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse & Mule Co.. 240 East th St. Eat 6315. FOR SALE or exchange for wood, two teams, 2 sets of harness, 3 short-wood dump wagons, 1 heavy bunker wagon without box. Phone Woodlawn 3113, or C 2159. or call Miller Wood Co., 872 Gar field ave. 6PN of dapple grays, mare end gelding, weighing 2 750 pounds. 7 and 8 years old, sound and true, $260. Dark iron-gray mare, weighing 1000 lbs., 7 years old. have been working on streets, $100; also $i50-lb. rid lng or driving pony. $25. at 395 Davis st. NOW that we have got the Rose City Stables in shape, we are ready to handle about 20 head of horses to board; we also will rent a few stalls, reasonable. Williamson & Son, 605 Alder st FOR SALE One team young well-matched black horse and mare, weighing 30O0 lbs.; one delivery horse weighing 1100 lbs.; one first-class driving horse weighing 1100 lbs. 226 Russell sL TEAM, weight 2400 lbs., mare and horse, harness and farm wagon, $115. One single mare, weight 1050 lbs., with harness and single wagon. $30. 81 East 11th st. WANTED Team, harness and wagon for $400 equity in house and lot near Kenton. 1326 Lancaster st. WANT a wagon and team to exchange for cordwood. or will give good security. Call Main 4054. 249 First st. 2600-POUND, sound work team, breeching harness farm wagon, two-seated hack, farm Implements. 1561 East Ash, near both. BUGGY pole, complete, good as new; saddle and bridle; five Brown Leghorns, laying. 3"1 E Sth N. Phone East 261H. HALF of fireproof stable, room for 15 to tO horses; low rent. Phone East 1200 aft; j p. M. or before 8 A. M. WAGONS and hone by day, $1.26. I. Cohan, jsl water su Main 2208. Main 6995. DEAD horse and animal hauled away fr. Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. WANTED 4 draft horses and harness to work on ranch. Marshall 821. Main S096. $50 BUYS a good farm-horse weighing- 1250 lbs. 226 Russell. SIX warm stalls to rent, reasonable 233 N. 14th st. EXTRA light wagon, almost new, cheap; "harness and saddle. Main 4140, Mr. Ross. WANTED Excavating and basement work. Phone East 4804. C 1477. HORSES FOR SALE Apply at 88 East 7U at North. HORSES for sale All kinds. pply "th- east corner mtn ana naieign. ' '"- DEAD horses and cattle hauled away fe. Call day or mgat. isooc uvo. I inanos, uririinH iidu ;nuivi hibuuui... - i SLIGHTLY used player piano, splendid con dition, SOUO: Value .0, Lemi. E. 11. HOLT PIANO COMPANY, 333 Morrison St. Northwestern, Bank Bldg. BE UTIFUL upright piano, standard make, slightly used. $185; terms. E. II. HOLT PIANO COMPANY. 333 Morrison St. Northwestern Bank Bldg. Furniture for Sale. L'T.E-niv-p library table. 2 large oak chairs and couch in Spanish leather, brans bed complete, gas ranse and large oak Ice ,ox Call 11- JlllllUtt riato v"i' e near Glisanl. Tabor OSUo. Owners leaving city. SOLID oak pedestal, extension table, wax -finish, worth 17, for $D.60; equal values in beds, rugs, ranges, etc. Phone and in quire East o417. M. H. Caif. furniture. &4S Williams ave. PRACTICALLY new -hole cast iron range. Phone Woodlawn 637. PRIVATE sale of household furniture, cheap, 145 E. Slth st. Dogs. BlrQs. Pet Stock. l GOOD AIREDALE IS A GOOD DOG. LADDIX KENNELS. ESTACADA. OR. Poultry. WHITE Leghorn baby cnix, heavy laying strain; March delivery, $a.50 per 100; April $8. Wo guarantee sate delivery, mo ri eer Hatchery. Petaluma, CaL 250 WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks, per 10O. East 5371. o.l E. Morrison. $10 livestock. 35 HEAD high-grade dairy cows, Jersey, rrnrham. MolStelU. UuerilBev; aveiage enl n,r ji v : all eood. young cows; some extra high-testing Jerseys. Woodstock car to 3th ave., 3 blocks soutn. JO HEAD of Jersey and Holstein heifers, 3 years old; freshen soon; bargain, b. H. Pfeiifer. Albany. Or. TILLAMOOK, calves for sale cheap; from pure-bred stock. write 11. v-iaxa, Mohler, Or. WANTED 10 milcli cows on shares on my ranch. Copple, 22d, Nicolai. Main 4oJ'j. FOR SALE Two good cows. Charleston St.. St. Johns. Call U13 E. FOR SALE Fresh cow; very reasonable. Phone Tabor 4077. Automobiles. FREE PLANS FOR HOUSING . YOUR AUTO. Are you planning a garage for your home? it s, we will mail free upon request several drawings, model garages like are being built throughout the East. They should interest you. State horsepower or model of car you expect to house. AB 658, Oregonian. PORTABLE GARAGES. Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artiatto designs, 10x16, $36 up, erected complete, with, lock and key; im mediate delivery; also portable houaoa, TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO. Foot of Harrison St. Main 116?. GOING to California; must dispose of my car this week; substantial payment uown auu $30 a mouth. Car in excellent condition. Tires new equipment all that is desired. Reply stating amount of cash you can conveniently pay-. Address owner, AB 60o, Oregonian. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 10x16, best materials, erected on your lot. complete $32 up. Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. Aliyn, Garage Specialist, 11U1 E. Salmon st. Tabor 194. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices aCK to $7a. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Bids. Corner Chapman and Alder Sta VOU SALE $050. six-cylinder, 1914, 7-pas-senger studebaker touring car. almost lew and in first-class condition. Terms to responsible party. No trades considered. Phone Mr. Mulick. Main 5SI69. AUTMOB1LE. late model, for lot in Ladd's Add., near Hawthorns ave., worth $5750, $1000 incumbrance. Answer B.. Hotel Carlton. E. M. F. 30, IN good order, $285; will ex change for Ford in fair condition. Y. M. C. A. Auto School. E. loth and Mill sis. East 2652. FOR HIRE, $1.50 PER HOUR. 5-passenger 1014 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phono Main 1201 or East 5850. LATE model o or 7-passenger light car in perfect condition, 10 trude for roadster. X 657, Oregonian 7-PASSENGER auto, excellent- condition, cheap; give some terms. Owner, 430 Worcester bids. FOR SALE 32-pass. auto bus on best pay ing line city; good terms. S 654, Orego nian. WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid. J. Leve, 186 Columbia. Main Bias. LOOK Will take party of 4 anywhere, any lime, $1.25 per hour, 1U15 Ford. Sellwood 890. 5-PASSENGEK llaynes, 1914, cost $21o0, electric lights end starter, will trade for first morlgage. AJ 652, Oregonian FOR" SALE Nickel plated headlights, largo presto tunk, tubing and straps, $15. Mar. 1 165. FOR SALE 1913 Keo Fifth; electric staner and lights, complete equipment. Call Ta bor 4413. $075 BUYS my 7-passenger Wintou Six. phone Main 0252. M 655, oregonian. FOR HIRE, $1.25 per hour, 5-passenger 1014 Ford. Phone Woodlawn 140. FORD roadster, with bed, price $350 cash. Inquire 3 24 Front. i-PASSENGER auto, just overhauled; good for jitney. 45 'a N. 6th. FOR SALE Chalmers auto, 5-pusseuger, cheap for cash. 5502 85lh, S. E. 101-1 FORD, first-class condition, $375. lou, 432 Chamber of Commerce. EP- FORD chances, louring car or roadster lor sale cheap. Apply 25 N. 1-Rh. Automobiles Wanted. WOULD like to hear from someone who would be Interested in clearing $3000 to $5000 this season through sale of auto part invention. 1 need use of auto for demon stration and $50 to $100 investment. Ref erences exchanged. AR 656, Oregonian. WANT late, model touring car as first pa ment on bunsaiow at baryaiu price. No inflated values or junk considered. Give lull description una jour lowest price. AN 057, Ore-zonian. 40-80 ACRES, irrigated laud; paid in cash on same. 1000: is A-l alfalfa land: no payments due four years; will trade half or ail tor late mouei, a-passeuger car. w. T. Veazie, Jerome, ldalux 1UVK seven lots at Necarney City, selling at $20o each; will trade all or part for llSllt o-passeuger c ill bui umer iw late model. W 651. Oregonian. WANTED Roadster, 30 to 45 H. P., must havo electric light, self-starter; give make and lull particulars; cash. T 037 Oregonian! WANT roadster or 5-passenger auto. I in use over 1 year, in good condition; not over $300; give full particulars in lirst lei ter. A 6o9, Oregoniail AUfO wanted; will pay cash to right party I'll:: or 1014 model preferred; no Ford call room 15. IMO1! Salmon st. Hours 12 to 3 I'. M. WANTED A late model 5 or 7-passenger car in good condition; will trade two good lots on Cannon Beach, value SSOo; will pay difference. Address AV 624. oregonian. WANTED, for cash, late model Ford car; roadster preferred. Address b M., box 177. Central Point, Oregon. FORD wanted; will pay cash, gonian Typewriter. WE save you from $0 to 76 per oent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. t TYPEWRITERS for rent; S month for ti and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany. 86 Broadway. Portland. Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. Tb Northwest Typewriter Co., 2621 Stark at. Main 6528. NEW rebuilt second-hand rental at out rates. P. D. C. 231 stark st. Main 1407. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 2 d-foot wall ' cases, 1 8-foot floor case $75. L Holsaian. Jeweler, 315 W ashington st. ROLL sanitary desk, chair, rug, $30; type writer desk, $13.50; protectograph. 220 Henry bldg. GOOD GRADE CORDWOOD, sawed and de livered. $5.50 cord. Eclipse Fuel Co, 350 East 10th si- Phone East 319. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS months fr $4, delivered. Main 6273. rented f three 244 Stark st. $40 BUYS elegant diamond ring, setting latest design. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Sturk sts. MANURE, rotted or green, delivered any place in the city. Call C 1725. $90 DUE BILL on Benson Hotel for sale at a liberal discount. BF 652, Oregonian. PORTABLE house, suitable for beach or city. 703 Spalding bldg. Marshall 2483. WANT team, wagon and harness: part trade, some cash. 430 Worcester bldg. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale pricea Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main 77. $100 GETS exceptionally fine diamond ring. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. SAFES. SAFES. Tho Hosier Safe Co., 264 Stark street. FORT Y good iron wheelbarrows for cement or cellar work; cost $4.75 each; will take $1.50 each for as many as you want; one large 4-inch logging wagon, $l.i. and 11 wheel scrapers lor $7 each. Frenos '-; this stuff must me sold. Call for Kirk Hoover. 597 Williams ave. FOR SALE. Wood-turning lathes. 1 2 H. P. 22(1 V. A. C. motor. 1 5 11. P. 220 V. A. C. motor. 1 10 H P. 220 V. A. C. motor. 1 7 Vi H. P. 500 V. D. C. motor. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., 76 First si. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand bargains, $5 up. with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for rates. Main 31. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. 190 3d. near Taylor. ALL kinds of high-grade kodaks, Anastlg niat lenses and view camera bought, so. a and exchanged; rifles and shotgun want ed. Hochfeld'S- Camera Exchange. U su 1000 FEET 8-ln. wood pipe. 300 fL head at 15 cents, 2000 ft, 6-iu. wood pipe. 300 It. head at 10 cents. St. Johns Water Works & Lighting Co.. D. H. Edlefsen. manager W lNCfiESTKKp 12-gause pump, also Win chester 22 automatic rifle; will trade. Call Sunday and evenings, 430 Bryan si., Wood lawn FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Brunswicii-Ball'e-Collellder Co., 46-48 5lh. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; mad In Oregon; per gallon, $1.65. Portland Paint Co., 230 Front t. Marshall 100. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS $1.00. Ryder Pig. Co.. 6. W. cor. 3d and Morrlon CASH registers. National, slightly used. Typewriter Exchange. 3ol hi Washington u WANTED MISCELLAXEOUa. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything In th hardware line, call the Levin Hardware t Furniture Co., 221 Front. Phone A 7174, Main 9072. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, BICYCLES AND EVERYTHING; HIGH EST CASH PRICES PAID. CALL MAIN 2080. GLOBE STORE. 285 FIRST ST. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION; ALSO FOR SlDSa. EAoT 7108. 87 GRAND S. Y. MEIERS, the tailor, pays oest price. $5 and up for second-hand clothing; ahoes bought; reliable buyer. 247 Madison. Call Main 3595. WANTED STEAM BOILER. First-class second-hand 06-in.xl8-f t. butt seam steam boiler; mate lowest price Port land delivery. T 653. Oiegonian. NATIONAL cash registers for world fair at San Fraucisco, hifaliesi prices. S. Goldsieiu, 120 Battery St., San Francisco. Cal. 2D-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don t give it away, uet our ngurea urai. Standard Fur. Co., 182 1st. Main 4773. DON'T sell your furniture, clothing or olh.r merchandise before seeing me. 1 ueea 11; highest prices. Main 4317. DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur niture berore you can me neii auuuuu House, 194 2d St. Marshall 4783. CASH paid for diamonus; separate apart ment for ladies. El'y Co.. 320-20 Lumber Exc, 2d una Stark sis. WANTED FURNITURE, COOK STOVES. HIGHEST PR1CH.S PAID MARSH. -lo7li. TREES pruned and lawn grading Mr. Dills, Ui28 or .1a1n pi-o. WANTED Excavating and basement work. Phoue East 4804, cl4. WANT to buy furniture and piano; must b cheap. Main 94a. WANTED Second-hand murine gusollne en gine, not over $20. AD Bus, oregonian. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty parlors, 4uu uekum Diug. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M, C. A. Record 1914: Calls for men lroni employers 1792 Positions filled 1314 The service of this Department la Ire to all members of the Association. To non-members a special Employment Mem bership is Issued, costing $5 per auuum. giving the service of tue Department lor a year, two mouths' full privileges and a refund of the membership fee If satis factory employment not secured. All young meu seeking employ inent In Clerical, "technical or Commercial line or desiring counsel or advic are cordially in vited to consult the Aav'sory aud Employ ment Secretary. Y. M. C A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and nigiil instruction in repairing, driving, selling und machine work. Mod erate charges. Fair dealing und expert Iruiuing. Before enrolling elsewhere call at edu cational office, Y. M. C. A. bldg.. and se cure pass entl'.lins you to inspect our shop and methods. DON'T puss this opportunity, investigate. A little money will start you in the "busi ness of the hour." l-'xpcrience not neces sary. Wanted Man lo operate und own his own bus; to thoso purchasing we will put in a position uy secure contract pay ing approximately $15 a day. If jou mean businoss, let us show you. Sec Mr. Jluyes, 6U4 Washington St. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND. EAST 23D AND MORRISON. A complete course oi automobile In struction, including machine shop work, by expert Instructors. LOOK US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSEWHERE. Take Mt. Taper or "SS" car to 23d t. WANTED Live salesmen for growing con cern, slock salesmen preferred; strongest proposition on market. Indorsed by fann ers and commercial bo-.lies, good money for hustlers, ciiy und country work; per manent position and opportunity for ad vancement. Ciill 9 to 12 A. M., 100 ulu St., cor. Flanders. WANTED Two ambitious young men to work with manager 111 a high-class ad vertising proposition for mi old-established concern; must be well recommended. Call lielwini 9 and 11 A M . 2 and 4 1". M. M3-821 Morgan bldg.. office of Mr. Hughes, HAVE sevtral openings, establishment inde pendent mail order business; energy, good nabits. sound Judgment more Important than capital. Spare time first. Particulars lree opportunities Exchange, Buftaio N. Y. WANTED A salesman lor an A-l line of gloves in an established territory on com mission basis. Call or write E. W. Slni mens Glove Co., Chelmll.s. Wash. GOOU .MAN of family to do soul.) paper I'aiiKTing or carpenicr work and cure for iuun in exchange for house rent. AK 637, OreironiHii. '-ONTlST MAN. experienced, to do field work in contest being conducted by out-of-town dully. Apply In person at 702 Spalding bldg., Saturday Ht ll A. M. CONTEST man, experienced, to do field work ill contest being conducted by out-of-town daily. Apply in person. 702 Spal dlng bldg., Saturday D A. M. MECHANICS, also unskilled help; steady employment; best wages; small Invest ment in factory required; gilt-tdgo se curity. G 6-4. Oregonian. PCJR 'ILAN O B A ll BE It COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you tho barber trad In 8 weeks; tools free; position guaranteed; paid while learning. 232 2d, near Main. OLD established office wants young mart to tend out"iido business; can make Jlait per month; $200 required. Ola Lumber Kxchanec. RODMAN, chainman, levelnian, prepare for Alaska Government Ry. The profession I hat' a not overrun. Practical Engineering, suO East Everett. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock: excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppeliish, Wash. WANTED Experienced janitor, man ail wife. Apply Peoples Thiatcr, West Park and Alder sis. WANTED To exchange piano for paiullug and tinting work. Address AG l60, Orego nian. . WANTED To exchange good used piano for carpenter work. Address AG 6i9, Orcgo- MAN wanted who will work H hours da $ino reQUired; can make $30 week. 5 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Auto truck driver for Reliance truck. Give references und phone number. A J 1150, Ore gonlau. WANTED Partner for musical comedy Os organized, plavlng to good business; capl. till $250 required. AD 65:1. Oiegonlan. WANTED At once, man to learn auto re pairing and driving. Call at Hawthorn Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave.. cor. 7th. WANTED Good ull-rouud automobile me chanics at once: none but first-class will be considered. B il.'.s, Oregonlan. Ys.-n'Ei Two experienced shoe salesin. n. Apply berore l A. si. wriaot rampie oiuc Store. .214 Washington st. WANTED Barber for Saturday. Call Tabor 5344. Pay carrare. WOOD cutters to cut on shares. Nlcolal. Coppie. .viaiu mot, BOY wanted with motorcycle. Apply 410 Alder. MAN with $275. guarantee $2.50 day; snap. 320 Morgan QlQg. WANTED Partner for niuslc-sl comedy co.; capital $230 reqtnren. ah ft.,.- oregonlan. PRINTER Country; stale experience and price. AV 642, Oregonian. PHOTO coupon agents, splendid offer. Mult nomah Studio. 801 Dekum bldg. PiloTO a fomethlni: ln-u ; extra cmr. barony Studio, JUoyul bldh. mission COMMODITY HOUSE, wholosa' and f tail, well established, has opening for first-Class bookkeeper and offtc mail, who can take an Interest of $3000. Describe asoets. as we may consider cash or Iocs, residence properly and snail roiildr liu oiiipl. lo al'i'lli ations. Hl 'IS"! oregonian Help, Wanted naleMiien. i. IiOC.l. manufacturing eon.'frn call u two first-class sale. nun. who have go,.. addresi good command of languwso, wel educated and good mixers. It you don I have these nualltlcaiioiu. and wTlllia work hard and not salesmen and strictly sob- r. don't applv. In applying give age. experience- and name of ctnplo ers for Inst five crs and If allslannr, interview will bo granted. ll is a lesJU inate, hi-tli-graile. commercial specially line. D 4s:l. OreRonlan. IIKI.P WANTED FEJIAIi:. Tl lOlltil'G H I. Y compet' lit girl for general housewoik; must bo good cook: no other n.ed apply. Apply Mrs. G. W arr.n. Hotel Benson, this woek. Wed.. Thurs. and Friday afternoons. from 1 in 4, and Thurs. and Frl. mornings. P to 12. FIltST-t'LASS demonstrator. Interested in permanent pajlnu proposition. Call bet. u and 10 A. M. Washington bldg.. 41 and Mr. Hasimisson. ' WIDOWER. 33. Willi 3 children, wants a housekeeper 30 or 40 years old; small wages. Ar.hur Lloxer, box 84, Garibaldi, Oregon. GOVERNMENT Job for women, $,0 month; list position obtainable, free, write Im mediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 703 t, Rochester. N. Y. PROGRESSIVE HLSINKSS COLLEGE. All moderv business courses $5 uio. t'osltlon when competent. "1 N. W. Enk Hda. WANTED Manicurist ; give name and ad dress, phone, experience and whcie m ployed last. AEJje, Oregonlan. WANTED Refirisd, capable woman for r- ponibla poaition. Vlavl Company. 4J1 Plttock block. SSi Washington WANTED Experienced maker and trim mers; only experienced people need appl). Lowengart At Co MAKK1F.D lady can bavo pie room for care, of lo rooms; no Inz. 4221.. Washington. isanl Iron house tieee. Gllil.. 1100:1 I'lllll. neral housework. Mam IM2 bi'foro .ud.iy. Residence near Muttnomali W V N T I'D Girl 2SS N. 2d st. lo uoik in colTr bouse. FINISH HHS want' Rooms 3 anil 4. .1 01 .Ma Jc cloak Mini suits, rtc Tneater hldy. GIRL for IikIu housework, street, north. .0.", Last 4vn MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shortban--, Typewriting. aa 14lh. nr. Jeff. Mn. US. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographer and dicta phone operators. 301 N. V. I'ank bldg. FIVE girl to Dekum bldg. leai u beauty eultur. U f,nltar I'arlora. NORTHWEST TKU'IIE Haima, A. V , inanasi AGENCY. T. U. Ills Yeon bldg. BEAUTY culture liuiglil dsy and evenings. Special rale till Mar. 15. 514 Ablnrton u HELP WANTED MALE OR I F.MA1.F- MEN AND WOMF.N to learn II10 barber trade, earn iroin $15 10 $25 per week; tuition ledueed, paid while learning; po sitions secured. Write Mi free catalogue. The Molcr System ot College. A. 4s N. 2d St. HF.LP WMM'i:ll-.MIS('ll.LM'.Ot1, WliEGON BARDEK CULLaiGfc; waul men and women lo icaru the baiber irau lu a weeks- positions guaiar.leed; tool fi; paid while lea;nlng; e -aip and lac tna age a specially; modern method teaching used; lultion reduced. 23.1 Madison l. THOUSANDS Govcilimenl nlc Jons uuw ob tainable, $''5 to $150 molllli; lolimioii 0 il cation sullicletil , k'orilahd examinations soon. Write immediately flee sample q u s Hons and lull descriiil ion, I raeklm Insll tule. Dept. 348-f. Rochester. N. ll . RAILWAY mall clerks. 1'. O. cle.ks. cr. rter. exain. oon; parcel post oemand-i many more clerks; act at one. lacilia state Schools, McKay bid., el'y. IN T til K N A T ION A L Con rspo.iucu. rclioo,t furnish ipewrlter with coininorciai courses; 28o others; frco catalogu. iiu McKay bl'lg. PORTLAND Government clerk examinations April 22; (ill mintli; common education sufficient ; sample oiiesttotiA free. .-ppl immediately AV 62. Oregonlan; GOVklUNAlK.ST position are easy to gl. a free booklet Y-5'.n l'-ils how. Wri'o toda now. Kurl llonkiua. Washington, P. C. MRS l!l.oUAl.L"S HUSlNESS ot llOOL. ini Eiupies bid. 1 eix' luslrucllou ; $ aiUoti when competent. 1-- 1 SITUATIONS W ANTb'll MAI fc. Bookkeeper and Clerk. DO oU WANT A HOi 'KK F.Kl'bK PART TIAIK? Will call a tew hours inch week or day and keep your books, get out statenienls. ele. W ork piiaiante d . hlkh-cias r,-tei-euces. Experienced accountant, 10 'ears. p. i box 1. A-l liuuKKKKI'l-ilt, accountant and olln manager, steadv cniplov nienl or keep small set In spuro lime; will Invcot small amount. M 054, Oregon tan. ENl'EUlKN'CED Monographer and oft ICS Main clerk, also bookkeeper; any sul 802!'. ry, HOOKS checked or audited, couc-i u.m Insl.ille.l, reasonable charges. G, Kldoul, Marshall 2M15. 20 12th si. KXI'KIIIKM I'.b bookkeep. r. st.n-grap'i any office work. C ti.,1. iicni,iiliin. .Misccllum-oun. DES IGN I'll and fitl'.-r .ll ladles' cloaks HltO suits. lso experienced lauletf' lallor wIMn s position, ci'.y or countr. Y 055, On nliiti. MIDDLE-AGED mall. i pcrl in . d steam boiler tender, night watch or Halnr, desires po--l I lou . A 1 refti cucrs. Main 7H..1, A 1317. Wi'KK waul warehouse farmhand ; H2 N. 17lli ,i by u,ig mail, cither In ar lumber null In cllv or i can't mill'. August Skoglulld. t. Marsh. :;,',13. J I ST sriie,l from l'iu.1. Swede ca r pen 1 1 f. age 23: understand drawings, wants hoik in building or around ehon; two eari' experience as foreman. A .1 tl.v.l. I r, nO"tii. ACCOUNTANT: opportunity and permanent first consideration; capubl of taking en tire charge of oillcc; CAcelleal reterclict. Ilox 20s Salem. oi Yut'NG man. 22 years, d. sires posiilon dti. Inu isr tor nriwtin lamil ami Otilt'S in work ; good, carclul duvci. A tlrecotllatl. CARrl-lNTlili. e. pt iienecl on bndiica, p,l, -orliing, nnil work, desires poeinon: wi.l take icon moil labor; uueds work b-ld!. M am 7031, A 1317. Tl 1 R I t: men want lo make cordwood; have lo 'Ornish cabin and If pnsMMc a small plu- e lo grow vegetables; long Job. AM ', in-rgnlilan. FIN I'.- A I'l'KAII I M ' young coiored man wauls work around pi-lvale home. gsrO'-u, y;irj, el, ., where can allend night hoo'. Main' 7nr, I, A 1517; JANITOR or j.orler, work wanted In pl. house, understand business, give roioi ciicc. bv single Japaucso man. Address H K 6.. I, 'Oregon Ian. .MAN and wifo want pi. ice on farm; man good milker; reasonable "age; no chlr dren. Main 7051. A 1517. MAN und wife want position on ranch, good cook and can liiriil.-h references. Pliotii Main s'io. 2'. North 1Mb st EX I'ERI l-'.NCI'.li. middle. Miter! married man wants charge of a ranch; no children. A'.' 63'.'. OregoHl'tn. KALSOM1N1NG room pering. reasonable; $1 up; painting, r -while Hslilng. Mam EXl'ERlENCELi carpenter and patnici, puperhanger and kalsoiiiiner, need woik. .Main 7031. A 1317. VciT'N'il man and wife on farm, experienced . cutiablc of taking rlim-; can giv ref erences Box 115 Sllverton. or. M I Dtif.E-AG I'D man. expeib-need .lanllor, gardener it"-., desire work: good ilty reference. .Main I"5I. A l.MT. YOI'NG man. 22. married, needs work at anything that is steady; references. A I. I;.', t irigoti lan. ALFRED MEI.GHAN. tho old millwright, H in town: if you want blm. take, him or leave him; ref erenees. 2lliu Alder al GOOD, first-class carpenter will work r ouable in or out town; havo un tool. AF. H3I. Qregonlmi. WANTED 'Lois to pUw, and acres, also manure f ir sale. Phono Main SHOO, ask Ior Keiey. CllAl'Fr'EI R nd Al mechanic wains fl. tlou: 7 years' expellclne. I'hon Mar shall 516:,, room WANTF.D janitor i erenees. By man and wile, position ipt. house; experienced; beat rel Main 7774. YOUNG, able-bodied f.-llow. 10, want wrk oil'farm; Is experienced and willing Woik e r. Main 7"3I. A 1317. EX TF.rl KNCKll farmer. aeH 3J, capani of tak!:-g full rharf: must liu fur-lil-hed home. Main 7"31. A 1317. HANI1Y man. A-l workr. iX'-e'lent r f- , enees. needs work. Main 7"..l, A 1317 TRY expert palnlera f"r a chan. We don I use dope. Tabor 4bs3. 01T Jobs grass cultlpg, lawn cared fo he 11 wood 1S2. BAKER and pastiv man In or out of city can fiiriil"li I cfcreltc-s. w it'-2. OresonlBn LAWNS ami gn n tia puparcd and s lame. Call Tabor oU47