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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
THE MORNTXO OREGONIAX. SATURDAY, 3IAKCH 13, 1915. T4 MTPAT1QN8 MANTKD FE.MAMfc Book keepers and Mfaof npliera. CAPABLE business woman, trained as pri vate Kitriar). expert it-n-mi'licr, book keeper. university education, experienced law. cratn. railroad, i-onimirfiai work; e ceU' Qt reference. P -"". ore gonian. SVOl. NG LADY. ju?t jri'iaii from buM ncss college, ihc position as ."tcnog raphrr. smuil faiary tr start. AN ttol, Orrontan. - 40. K. kiongrip'iar. b. a. and dictaphoa p-rator ants perinauent r substitute work. M. SH17. l m milk r ra J'ur. f irt-el!a ormaKins w ii it LI years' esDrtncv. call B ::17.. apartment 7: rate of $2 yt-- day at home or by appoint menu DKi:ii.?MAKI.N:. all kind of sei'x; price r'atonabe: work guaranteed. Main JAS M 10NABI.B dressmaking, borne or day. KiO Lane L U na KH3. llfT, quick I'resai.iakiiip. $- 25 day. East Nune. .'WAN T ED Hourly nan. nursing X 00S, Oiego H ou-ekeepen. JWA N'TED POSITION BY REFINED MID-UI.ri-.VtJEb WOMAN AS MAN Ad I NO lIOt'SEK EEPKK OK LADY'S COM PA N I ON : bi'KAK G E K M A N FLU KMI.Y; MONEY NO OBJECT. All dii, ORE UJ N I A N litUABLL. capable woman wnuti a posi tion on Hri--Us stovk ranch, fruit or wheat farm, to do housekeeping. oklug or eencrat helper; rcicrcncca exchanged. ' trocor:iait. JOl .V) nidow with two children. 4 and . year, who la n Jt ai d a good cook, wants position a pousokeeper, city or couutiy. A , t rsoniwn. WOMAN I tit htt:e fiirl i years ilie htu-krfpm place in country; must have yfrn. .1jin 7''1. A K'17. MlIlI.K-AOr;D widow ntil take chnrno of widower' home and . !ii!di in Marshall CA PABLK. r-iiable p ron for bachelor or t itontc; no triilcrs. A b--a, ore Son 'an. I o nicotic. S.'bi;iK.'KU younj; wo'nan wants Kitch en work. ta' tri.i or dishwasliing. Jn Ci tt need of niplo mcnt. .Main 7'iol, A l.rlT. jvIAV. experienced, economical cook deres p-.tioti. hotel, ca:np or boat. 4iU Yam hll it.. room 5. Portland. Or. SvOKW E i I AN Ktrl wants general housework ir. all family. AK .":. OreKonian. X.ADV would llk work by the day or house-wo-k. t aM B !. LADY with child wanta housework of any fcln'i. Mrs. Shaff r, Hotel Lenox. Mt'teUneru. t-X P.'U KNCEI woman wants day w ork or car of rhPdren; A-I references. Iain 701. A 1517. lOL'.NO lady wita experience wants posi tion as governess. Write to 1-'4J Bur ias; st. XI.VN tKa. teas, parties planned, prepared or served, cakes furnished. t?ellwood 14M. LACE CURTAINS, draperies, linens band laundered, l'c up. bellwood !. TWO reliabio woncn ion positions cooking m camp: -.jood co-ks. AM -"'1'. Qiegonian. COMPETENT iiwedlJi woman wanta any kn.u of work by day. Main 6 493. J.NPKRIKNCLD wants day work. Wood- lan UrU ai'lT 1 A. M. CO'-Oil:i woman w nt chambermaid or cleaning work. Marshall l;i4. WIIW wants dy work by hour; line laun c i y ooiie t home. A U-T 1 . LACK curtains washed and stretched by .xoert. Tabor oDl. Mrs. Scott. WANTED TO RENT. W A N T to rent o or ft-room modern bun ca!ov furnace cein-nt basement, no cbil urcn. t all East mornings. lOl'NU .r.a'i wiatus r'Htn in private family, iitur Williams avo. or Rufst-il-shaver line; tt:e a.'.dn-fta. B tiriO. Orcgonian. Rooms Wilb Brd. BY KCKINED WOMAN IN FI r:ST-CLAS5 FA M ll.V; N'ON E OTH K R WOU LD B K CO.SSIliKRED: MUST HE IN A GOOD UM'ALITV AND NO OLOOM Y SIDE 3;ooM. WHAT HAVE YOU .' AH 0u7, ol: ETONIAN. TV O rooms, boat'd. bath, by semi-invalid u.iii -oinpjMion; refined home; modern onv;:iiencv' ; oesiraMe location. Phone IN P ia;e fsnnly. by g. ntit man. within waiKin ditanfc on V t S'de. ijive full pai ib-'iiars. At; tT.s, Orcgonian. liainen Flare. WA N r ED- Store oil Ea.-t Side, about Sin u. cf - raol v bei wet n Morrison and Dav Is iniue 1-th : one thousand tquare leet, manufacturing food products. At tki, Oreomao. FOR KENT. I uraitaed Uooma. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eieenth. between Morrison and Tain h lit. cars direct from depots; desirably located and respectable; clean, warm and cosy rooms wtta every modern convenience. Rate: H and 1.50; weekly. 15 and . HOTEL. ROWLAND, 207 Va 4TU ST. ltM KuOxi Modern brisk building, centrally located, a ice. c.cau i-voms; hot and coid water; raics &ic 7 and 41 per day; 1 per week, and up. HOTEL UbACkSTO.NE. Corner lltb and siax; J week and up; eievator. but aud cold water, steam heat, lejrpuone connection la each, room; no extra cnares for two In a room; room aud beta 1 day; transient solicited. "BUSINESS IS OOO D." LJVE AT THE "I-RANavLI.V V A&H1NGTON ST. AT 13TH. 24 HRS. SERVICE. MODERN. c DAY UP. WEEK $2.00 UP. HOI EL FORD. 7Ji Washington. Family hotel; but and cold water and phone in every room; rooms wttnout bata, up; wltb bath. i up. A OU1ET PLACE FOR WUIET PEOPLJf. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St.. Near Grand Ave. Cleanliness and comfort. $3 per week up. fc-AN MARCO HoTEL, llUi iinu Wa&uington Firr.i-:.'i. wucn arriving in Port. aud, 10. -te u.:d look at ur rooms; strictly men ;ii. aitractUe; $10 montn up; ngut tn :ie.-i 01 uy; you'.l Tike thtm. MO 1 EL BUCKINGHAM. 2uUi. Wasn.. sea., new fireproof brick, telect. quiet location, an eutaiue, clean rooms, witn every mod err com 1 or t, wk. up. Rates to tourists. OUTSIDE CORNER ROOM. 1.70 ; th r ootle nxmis. 2.0; Inside room. $ 1 . o w ci k ; bri jk. fteam hea t, f 1 ec p.ionc and bath. 2&o litti. hUitiL EDWARDS. Grand ave. ana ia. Bel mo a 1 Koomi sio month. $Jw up wun private batn; large peaaut looby, cat ui euanectiuu. Phona Eai HOTEL CO RDO V A. 2 1 1 1 la sL Strict modern ; private bat us en suits; rooms 1 up. Main t4i'2. A 4?S3. STAN DISH HOTEL. Iftfa WASHINGTON bl.. OFF HTH. Front rooms. stam heat. Ires pnones and bath; 42 week. $4 per month, up. HOTEL TP.EVEfw Northwest Corner Stark and 11th. Muuern outside rojins, weenly and i.p. l.aii ground -floor loub. CONciDEUING hKatiou and service, we have the eheilc looms in the city. Ayrou I totv I. 21" ftrcana. RO0M0 Coi- young m-n In Y. at. C. A.; fire proof building, shower baths, acuum coaled; duo fsciUtlea, moderate prices. Itol oL NoRRlS, ."'t Alder; modern out strte r'-ns. $2 per w rk up. iOft RENT Nicely furnished modern rooms, close in. 2M Broadway. I urelhed Room in Private I amily. CI.KAN, nr ly furn it bed apartment and j'nrle rooms; attractive gtuuitdn, free iictit. bath, pnoue; rent reasonable. North 2Ut st. N iCKLY f uruhed room, modern convent ences, central, very reasonaoie. 4v4 Clay, u ear 10th. ONE or two nice rooms in beautiful home, runnlrg water and shower bath, boo Ever- ELEGANTLY furnished room in a swell prl v nf horr huitaide for 2 youn men. 71 TriiilM P'ac. FURNISHED moms, all conveniences; also siiiTe of hou-keepinir rooni, near 23d; rcawmBble. S Gliffan. Marshall 744. SUNNY l' riHim, with hal, $2 aud $2-'"; n"Vtnc flitnce. :.2. 12th si. NICELY furtiifhd housekeeping rooms, nice yard. Mat'i 2V.- $5 Up. CHEEKFU1-. light, mry room for gentleman, $12. A 4 4 Lucrwtia. Wash nr. FRONT room, -.tutd floor, good location, cove in. 74.7 Hoyt. Mar-hall 47c3. BEAUTIr'I'LLY furniFhctl room in good hO'n; refcrne?. Ns HIT). 7I Johnson st. RO'"M fr t wo. $".."" each a w-k. Montgo!iier st. Phone Main 4Sl. (Jt'KAX, ttcht room: telephone, h-at. bsth. hot water; very quiet. 2K 12th St. RfHHiw With Board. ' CASA ROSA 30o JEFERSON. w. . itOOM, AND OAJU, I FOR ELNX Roodjs Ullh Board. hotel campbelu A modem, FJ REPROOF, residence- ho tel; American plan ; on car line. 10 min utes from busings ten tor; prices In ac cord w ith general business condl Ion. 23i and lloyt tots. Marshall SSI. moke homelike than hotel-like. THE HIL.U Washington at 2;id SL A char in ins family und transient hotel or the highest order; excellent cuisine, sep arate taoles; extremely reasonable rates; w oi l b in vest :gd.u ns- Phone Main ?5b4. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sis. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to tiausieot or permanent guest. Pnoue Man 9233. A 6a. ALEXANDRA COURT, ij ELLA STREET. An American Plan Kesiuence Hotel. Suites Single Rooms, ivkcelient ljbla, A bill. Main 46U THE WEAVER. 21at and Waabinston At tractixe residential hotel; special rates for transients; home coolons; private oati In each room. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. Tbe Whitehall, m tih at., has fin tabie board, modern room, sun parior, a ral home; reasonable rates. BUSINESS women and students will find good board and room, S and 4.o0 week. Portland Women's Union. 510 Flandera. Room With Board l Private Faniiliet. LAHtj tl, atiracii e looms ; ieani iieat, hot and cold running water; suitable for two or more; twin beds;; separate dressers; every modern convenience; excellent board; nlso larve room with alcove end porch. MUn 31. Harrison si., near 14th. GOOD care it Hen to little girl under 6. rea sonable, for company to girl of 2; will bard parent If employed. Woodlawn r-3S. RoOM and board. j per week, with bath. i.h,.M.- modern, best of board, walking dis tance. E. Madison ana ltu Haw thorne car. Phone Eaat 6")L COMFORTABLY furnished sinio front i.-.m vtTv central, excellent board, home stirr undiii: rf nileinen only; references required. Wct Pat k. ONE larsc. alrj, from room, with ail modern c influences. cloe In. u jth or without board. Marshall 441". 474 Salmon st. T Wo pUafeant rooms in good locality, an conveniences of modern home: excellent mcfll. very reasonable. East 4j1H. OOOD board, large room, hot and cold water, every coin fort, reasonable. i4l Hth au Mar. .4f.4. Tun i.iM.iuni httuMKkeeniciz ruom. heat. Itsht and cooking pas, jlo per month. Kverett. Main u.i'o. CHILDREN boarled and fciven a mother's care; rood beds and board. Particulars, WANTED One or two young men to live in private family, finest table board. Phone Main o.i'.i. CONtl EN1A L young man wishes roommate; good b .ard Main 1$L ovl Harrison iL, near 14th st. ATTRACTIVE large room, with or without board; mouern. Main tii-o. JryS lotn. ROOM, board, private home. 074 Ladd ave., iar Kat lth. Hawihorne. capt oijo. NICE room, all conveniences and comforts. walk 1 n g die t ance. 6H Northru pa u $5. WEEK Room and board with Scotch family. Phone. Lit . iitn at. fo.-. UP; pleasant room, good board, walking distance, congenial. 3o North l74h. ROOM, with board, furnace heat, electric lights, all hoinu privileges, oil Morrison. RO AI wit ii board ; modern ; walking dis tance. 7U plandors. Main 1547. NICELY furnished room suitable for two, excellent board. Call Marshall 0J. FURNISHED room with board. Phone A lt3. Kurnlnned Apartments. THE WHEELDON ANNEX . (Apartment HoteO, Tenth and Salmon Streets. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. Rates day. week, month or year. VILLA ST. CLARA. Uth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacifio Ceast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking uiatauce. References. ONLY $IS to K per month or 95 to $7 per week, completely furnished housekeeping 2-tO'jm apts.. incluuing electric lights. heat, hot water, bath, private phone, new brick bidg., IS minutes' trom P. O. Lincoln Apia., 4th & Lincoln. Main 1377 or A 41j "CAKLOlTA COURT." Everett and 17th New. moueru; stuaiu beau private oaths. laundry; completely tutnished 2 and 3- lowm ants.; Au mm. pom business center save carfare; rates moderate; references. Til E DEN VEH 2 and it-room apartments outsaie rooms, comtortably furatsheu; a:so unturnished ; private batn, phone, steam heat; rent reasonable; references. ?74 lst 1. Aortn. lake 'W car. Marshall oS0. THE CRoMWELi Resident Fit tii and Col uiaaia Transient ti-uilnuio walk to Postofflce. Furnished 2 ana S-room apartments. Marshall altb References. A32S. WESTFAL, 410 oth o and 4-r. apt., furn. and unfurn.; week or mo.; concrete biug.. c;evaior; thorouauiy renovated; electric cleaner tree; a team-heated; 22 up; beat in town tor money, easy walking aistance. W A&U1NU1 ON GRAND 2-room xui nished apts.; 912 per mo. up; just rebuilt, moOern, t;tta.a; veiy desirable; hot ana cold water, heat, light, bath furnisued. Grand ave. and E. Washington st. Phone Eixat 44-itf. GLEN COURT APT. Cor. Park, a no Aajioi. Completely fur nished i, e-iuum. beat acrvice. reason ao.e. Main 11. HlsLf ii.Li cor. East oih and .law tiiorne 'j aud o-rooin apts.; private oaths and phone; also singlu rooms; . ail lur nist.ea; 12.5o up. phone East be2. CiKA.Nbi.alA, Eaoi Star a and 01 aud ave. Nicely luimsiiea three-room apia.. private phone and bath; walking uisiauce; prices moderate rnune East 2oe. ROSELYN A PAltTM ENTS. Completely furnished two-room private bath and pnone, $22. oO and $0. llu N. 21ft, near Giisan. Aiaih. 411o and 4141. MADISON PARK. APTS., Paik sc. at Madison. Modern and 4-ruom tui uifhed apart nicuta; close in, by v. eek or montn. HEINZ A PAR I'M ENTS, 14th and Columbia, 2 and 3 -room apartmeuts, furnished; rt class; reaoonauie rates. Main 7o37. BIRMINGHAM, oOU 12tTi st. MarhaU 434. Hot taaiupton, 407 Hall st., Alain 42IM, -v-4Uob; waiting distance; a auu 4-rooun, i aonaule; summer rates. LL'NOR APTS., "24 12th si., neatly fur nitr.ed apts., leasonaole rent, shibIc rooms, hot and cold running water. $lu per month. THE LET A High-class, five large rooms, piano; iiko a private home. Aiar. o2tii. 4o: Broad sv ay. B.-autif ully furnished. New Hart, automatic elevator, 1-2-rm., baiii, o.5u to wk. ; gas, phones, lights, steam free. I1U1,- 2d, 4in fl'r, ur. Moiris'n. HAKklbUN t OL'liT, 5th and Harrison o room apartments, with all modern con veniences. WELLINGTON ANNEX, lain aud Everett two rooms, uewy furnished, hardwood Iwors, talking distance, 2.5u. Main 12-o. TO sublet. 2-1 00m corner aparliueut, com pletely furnished. Wettonia Apts. Main .Jld. FAIRMOUNT APTS., 2S0 11TH. Modern lurmsned two-room a pari mac ts. $22.5b up; cloe in. Maui 26. THREE and four-room furnished or unfur nlsnd. The iijelland, a 1507. Mala 167. A 175. THE WINSTON APARTMENTS, 841 14th st.. at Market New 2 and 3 rooms, furnished ; reasonable. Main llstt DRICKbToN. 44S llth. modern 2 and 3-room apts., excellent service, walking distance, Marshall 5b, A 54UH. THE ELMS. 191 14th st., 2 and 2 outslda rooms, $15 to $22.&0; walking distance. Niv ELY im malted 2 and :rooiu heated apts., rates $14 to $22. steam oth. GOING awaj reaonaol. , will rent five rooms and poich East M7. C lbf.. NEVV. furnished apartments, concrete block, $10. $12. 1144W Union ave. North. Unfurnished A purl men t a. LtCRETIA COURT. 40 Lucretia st. Finest unfurnished 2 to 5-room apts; references. Mgr.. Msr. 1513; janitor. Mar. 150v. THE ORMONDE Nice front 4-room apart ment, also dandy 5-room furnished. 608 FUndern, Nob Hill. Main 8251. ? -ROOM Duplex apartments, 4 bedrooms. 2 baths; lu fireproof building. Apply 705 Davis st. SAN MARCO, East oth and Couch sts.; one nice 5-room apt., steam neat, not water, private bath rnd phone. $li. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jefferson- Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-clSBs service. Private phone. Ret. THE NORTHAMPTON, 40 7 Hall St. New unfurnished apartments; most elaborate in tu the cit. Main 42u, A 4056. LOVELT 4-room modern, all outside cor ner, very reasonable. East 99. MEREDITH Z and 4-room apts., very rea sonable. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134 K.EELEH APTS.. 1 ITH AND CLAT.2 And s-room irnXurnisued; reXciuicas, I OK RENT. Vnfurnlanecl Apartments. KINO HIX APTS., 171 King street, near Washington. Modern, high-class. 4, & and room un furnished apartments; choice- neighbor hood; excellent service; walking- distance; reasonable rent. THE AMERICAN. , 21et and Johnson High-grade 3, 4 ana 3 looms, with porches; - high-class- tenant who appreciate service; prices reasonabl Phone Mars hu II 3o00 or A 1076. THE MARLBOROUGH. IMst and Flanders 0 and 6 rooms, large and homelike; more service and conveni ence fr the price than you will find In the citv. I'hone Main 7510. A 2:070. 6TKVK.d APARTMENTS fa ix light, auooy, outtoide rooms. Lack, Xront and gieepug porch, heat, hot water, telephone, private entrance. 7M1 NortlirupsL. fcjHi-JKKIELD APTS., i7l Broadway fc?o., six blocks from business center. 1 4-rooiu apt., all outside rooms; eastern exposure; spiendid view, overlooking city; $o0. SNAP. 2G Large, light, 3-room front apt., Shone, bath, excellent service, quiet neighb orhood, fireproof bidg. Mar. o6. KiNU-DAVIS APTS.. i4 King St. S and 4 rooms; high-class; references. Main a05S. Furniabed or Vumrpianed Apartments. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOTCJL 813-S21 Morgan Bldff,. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of location?, sizes and price. Our free auto mobile at your service In visiting any of our apartments. Main aulS. A 2016. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furniaheu end unfurnished apartments la 2. 3 aud 4 rocma, four-story brick ; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in burets and writing desks, plenty of closet room ; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2U1. 3-ROOM apartments, modern in every re spect; turniture absolutely new; each apartment has private balcony ; unfur nished apartments thoroughly renovated, spick and span. like now ; walking dis tance. Hantnorn Apartments, 01 liith st. HIGHLAND COURT APTS.. 22D AND G LIS AN. Largest, nncst homelike, high -class apts. In city; furnished or uuturuished. bleeping porchea. Walking distance MARSHALL KINCSBURY, 186 Vista avo.. off Washington r 8 and 4 rooms, with private balconies; unfurnished or lurnisiied; high-class nalgn. borhood. best of service; reasonable rates by month. VELLESLEY COURT, QUIET, CLEAN AND CLOSE IN. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. EAST li'i'U AND LKLilOM bTS. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUStJ OF TONE. 4t-u7 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER, PHONE MARSHALL 1101. LUCILLE COURT Three and 4-room apts., ?'J0 to $Uu; good service. 201 j and Love joy rts. THE WINDSOR 2, 8 and 4 beautiful rooms. furiiisheu or not. Corner -Last 14th and Yarn MIL THE DEZENDORF 208 16th St., near Taylor; Marshall 2324 fine 5-room furnished and unfurn. apt. R EX. ARMS 13th and E. Morrison; 2 and n rooms, reasonable; modern service. Flats. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to sciiooi ana canine ; ueeiraoie location. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. 6i9 PETTYGROVE. near 21st. lower flat. sleeping porch ; unusually pleasant. Main 3 1 4 S. MODERN 4-room flat, upper, $10.40. lower $10.40; light, clean rooms, new building, West Side. So4 Iffhur et. 1 tf-ROOM upper corner flat, all outsiue rooms. 60S East Madison. East 234. Rent reasonable. FLAT of G rooms and bath. 73a Hoyt at. Inquire 130 OtnsL Phone Main U2TS. EAST iivmsidc, cor. 1 2th ; modern lower single flat. rooms, iast Zoui. -OS 'a 141 H, near Taylor; modern b-room (single fiat, case muj. BEAUTIFULLY situated, fine view, 6 -room modern iiat; very c no ice. S9t aavier. 4-ROOM modern flat, 177 '4 Green ave., near 23a ana wasntngton. Jaain astf, a. Z67. BATH, stationary tub, wood lioiet, linoleum. snades, icasonaDie. bsi oU. 5-ROOM. new, 1 mouth free. Marshall 3i&7 I urnlhticd Flatfc. THREE rooms and sleeping-porch, beautiful and clean, with ptano, private bath, walk ing distance. 3h7 nncouver av., near Broadway. MODERN 0 or ti-iuom iurni&hed flat. 6 East 12th North. Marshall 707, A 7131. MODERN 4 rooms, walking distance. 2vi Ross St.; $2o. Phone Woodlawn !Bo9. $22.00 CLEAN, well-furnished 0-room mod ern flat, fireplace. Sunnystdc. Tabor 10S. Housekeeping- Rooms, $1.&0 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for a or 4; f res heat, laundry, oath, yard. Phone Ease Cuiy. 4uti Vancouver, 20J Stanton. "U" car. 461 EAST MORRISON, r'urulshed 1 and 2 -room housekeeping apartments reason able. THE SOUTHERN, 647 & Ist. nicely fur. H. K. suited, $1.50 up; running water. FURNISHED housekeeping room;, cheap. Cambridge bidg., Sd, cor. Morlson. GILM.VN HOTEL, 1st and Aider Furnished housekeeping rooms cueap. $1.50 week up. 1 AN D 2-runm apts., $ 1 .50 and $4 week ; light, heat, phone, bath. 410 Jeueraoq. ROYCREST, 175 12ih Sunny front house keeping euites ; ul conveniences. Housekeeping Rooms m Private Family. 1 Wo elegantly furnished front housekeeping room, sink, hot and cold water, phone in room, electricity. lurnace heat, laundry, j;as runne. beautiful yard. IL'J N. 2ild. TWO new ly furnished housekeeping rooms, with - clot lies cioseis, emu, iignts. oatn. furnace heat and place for small garden. 75 E. 20th st. .N. J'Hone East 1 i tl'J. 13TH tel., 2 pleasant rooms, completely xurnisneu; xre? pnoue, oatn, iignts, water Main 3072. McFarland, oU0 Yeon bidg. MODERN H bright, tunny front rooms, elec tric eights, running water, gas range, rmone, Only 15 month. IWG Hancock st. "U" cars. NEAR Postofflce, nice big II. K. suite lor 2 or 4; every convenience; also one H. K. single room; botn cntap. j.j aaiuioo. Fl N E furnished room, reasonable, walking distance to town, bast aide, can juain 0041, A 0041, room 210. THREE clean, well furnished housekeeping rooms, light, bath, phone; $15. 431 VV. Park st. NEWLY furnished 2-room front suite, $12 also 2-ioom suite, ;50 14iu. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, all con veniences. $2. per weeK. 4ou Atsrasc st. CLOSE In. ioveiy single rooms, gas, phone, t lectric Iignts. 32y Salmon. LA ROE. pleasant, front room and kitchen, elcctrieit . upstaft s; no cut id reu 205 1 1 th. LOVELY room with housekeeping privileges, bi Northrup st. ROOMS ; fine furniture, electric light, range, close in, cliaap rent. 408 Jefferson. 00O- MILL sc. 2 and o room, light, airy, walking distance, l.11 conveniences, $15 up, LARG E front suites, nicely f uiuishod. view of river, $2.50 wk. 047'; First st. ;ol TAYLOR Single housekeeping room free light, phone, bath, laundry. FKONT suite, heat, light, bath, phono, laun. dry. sewing machine, o. 110 N. hith st. $i.;.t Lot S.-;k EEPl NG room tor I person; ite a . ligiit. but h, p 11 11? free. 2ns LI tli. LIGHT cozy h, I;, room, usual conveniences, n asiiablc. o'-T West Park. ONE, 2, 5 largo, nicely furnished, sunny front II. K. rooms; conveniences. 214 1-lth ?t L'iiN ISI ! '";d housekeeping rooms, sleeping porch. :I4 E:u?t Yamhill. Tabor 21it. T Wo largo, new ly furnished housekeeping roonis. v. lay i. TWO Jar iurnisned housekcepinp rooms, ground lloor. $10. 54 East 10th st., N. ONE iargu furnished liousckeeping room, firm floor. $8. 54 Kant Jth St., N. 407 .1 AC K SON 0-room house, first-class con-litiou, good as new, furnace, fireplace, ai d. FOR RENT 7-room house, ;;21 Wasco sl, oor. East 1st. Fhone East 2416. UN E modern 6-room house, 023 Lovejpy. Phono A 1807, Main 1867. MODERN 6-room house. 697 Everett SL, West side, walking distance. Phone K. 8. b-iiooM n ard ; cheai' ;me, newly tin ted, painted, . :;.V ivy st. Earn 4475. MoDKRN 7 room?", flrcptaco, furnace, attic, Mird. eiose in. 722 E. Main. HOUSES and flats, all part of city. Sine: Exchange, Mar. 18ft. 210 DESIRABLE houses and flats, all parts f c.y. Stout Investment Co, Main 612$. S-ROOM house. 7 12 Love Joy, near 22dl La quire 130 6th. Main 6378. 771 E. DAVIS, fi-rootn, very pleasant, ex cellent condition, cheap rent. Main 3176. M ODERN 5-room cottage, practically new, SS per month. 2" Worcester olds. MODERN S rooms, fireplace, fine location, cheap . Marsh:! 54i, Main 112. For RENT -T.-ro.ou cottage near Laurai hujbL ast 41 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening and 9 o'clock other evenings is the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads, for proper classi fications for the next day's issue. Classified advertisements ac cepted after these hours will be run under the heading "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY" FOB KENT. ileuses. DON'T HIDE BEHIND A BUNDLE OF MUSTY OLD RENT RECEIPTS. Don't hold a -bundle of rent receipts so close to your nose that you can't peek; over them and see what a valuable asset you might have had for your money in the way of a home of your own instead o this bundle of worthless paper. I'll help you out of the rut and Into an ideal new well-built home on terms like rent. F. E. CLEMENTS, 270 Stark su Main 1003, A lilo. LAUKELHURST HOUSES FOR RENT We have some new, strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, will build just what you want onthe easiest of terms. Laurel hurst Co., 2t70Vj StarK st. Main 1503. A 1515. EIGHT DOLLARS. Cottage, bath and gas. 42s San Rafael. fifteen dollars. New modern cottage, eleoplng-porch, 60 Holland st. ; also cottage 015 4th. st. EDWARDS COMPANY. 101 First St. Main 504. ' FOR RENT, SALE OR EXCHANGE Fiae Piedmont home, 7 rooms, hot wa ter heat, near cars, high school and park; will rent, sell or exenange for Los An geles property ; great place for children. A S Olti, oregonian. FOR RENT 0 rooms, modern house, S. W, cor. oiid and Eadt Sherman sts., $15 per month, with garage, $l.60; key next door. Take Hawthorne or Mt. Scott cars. Pnone Main XoS. 5-KOUiI cotiage, 41o lltb. bi., splendid loca tion, easy walking distance, rent reason able. Inquiru FARKISH, W ATKINS & CO.. 106 Second St. APARTMENT NO. t at 664 Flanders st. for rent, luruituru and carpets for aaie. Ap ply between 10 and 12 A. M., or later phone Main 2ub0. LUlie Hexter. iuwn laiiatrix. 5-ROOM modern cottage, bath, gas, elec tricity, etc.. No. 4li 11th, corner Hall street; rent $2I; key at 40y 11th st. Par rhih, Wa-tkins Co., 100 Second st. FOR RENT IN PIEDMONT Modern -room huiue and garage, 114 Garfield ave., $2G per month; will lease for a long term; can be seen afternoons l to 6. Main 2015. -ROOM house, East Ankeny, near 17th lull lot, good surroundings, reasonable. Van Duyn 6c Walton, 515 Chamber of Com merce. FOR RENT .Modern 0-room bungalow, built- in conveniences, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, furnace, clean ; price $22. J52 East 45th. Main 2W70. i-ROOM cottage, inside just overhauled, large porches, wlih grats spaces at the Hide. u&4 ist. Marsnaii .!. NICE 6 -room house, gas, cement basement. wash trays, yard, roses, good neiguoor hood. 846 Front. Marshall 4440. S-ROoM modern house, on lOta and Mar shall sts. ; tent reasonable. Phone A or Main 2474. 3-KOOM house in Kenton, furnished or un- furnisned. gas, water, sink, woodsned, store room, cupboard, table, $5. Woodlawn 3208. MODERN 5-room bungalow, furnished or un lurnisheu; large lot, chicKeus, yard. Phone B lo02, AK. 05V, Oregonian. NEW, modern 7-room house and sleeping porch: fur., fireplacj, hardwood floors, od and Hancock; $25. Marshall 2402. MODERN HOUSES. CLARK RENTAL) SERVICE. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. Mala 3420. FOR RENT o-room modern cottage. 607 Northrup st., atar lurk. Inquire &71 Lovejoyst. 5-ROOM house, barn, chicken-house and one block of ground, call oto E. llth st. N. or paoue E. 2bbff. Furuiahed Houses. COMFORTABLY f uruished, clean 4-room apartment in modern home; ail conve niences; oath, phone, gas, electricity and heat furnished; reasonable; close: in. P4 North 10th, corner Flanders. STRICTLY modern 6-room house, with sleep ing porch, completely and well furnished; good location; rent must be moderate; best yf references auu cure given; & adults jn.Tiall children. Call oodlawn 4111. INQUIRE CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. Title tk Trust Bidg. Main -543. WEST SIDE Nicely luruishea house, s rooms. Phone Main oPtto. 004 Northrup. A 4-ROOM house, furnished, slO a month 750 E. 9th st. N. No children. W ELL lurnisned mouern 5-room liouse, 5itf East 17th. one mock. it car. rteni sis. ROOMS on cheap; piano. E. iUh, near Hawthorne, -HO E. Oth. East 5051. Stores. OWNER has splendid store for rent, 25x73 leet in sice, rignt in tne neari ot tne busi. i.ets district; light, heat and water in cluded in reutal; splendid opportunity tor a vvt-le-awake mercnant. L 5 Vo, Oregonian. 2 DES I K ABi-E stores, cor. Eaat Burnaids and East otu sts.; good location; moderaie reut. Page investment CO., lio crout si, Pnone Main SOmu. STOREROOM, center Irvington district, ab solutely no better location on East Side; best residence district. AF 055, oregonian. toiE. 275 Hawtnorne ave., 17x10, neaf bridge; iine tight, good oasement. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. WEST SIDE STORES $7 to $25; 3d and Columbia. Apply Hotel Cadillac. Store. DRUGS OR CONFECTIONERY; the best es tablished corner location on Alberta su; choice store room, cement basement, cheap rent. Call on S. L- Jones, $72 Alberta st. Pnone Woodlawn 3558. Offices. OFFICES $10 up; furnished offices and desk room; free phone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest corner. 303 Swetland bidg. YELL furnished private off ice. also desk room. $6 and $7. 73 Chamber of Con- To RENT Office space with desk, free phone w Uh operator. Central Messenger i Del. Co.. 15 .N i::th. Open an night. DESK, room In large, light office In Morgan bidg. Apply manager. 18-21 Morgan tldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. RESTAURANT, cost $365 tn fix up 4 months rigo; win sen tor $i.u casn. can Detween 1 and 6 P. M. 201 BurnMde st. GOOD live feed business and feed bara; buildings and lease at a bargain; invoice stock. A V 60O, Oregonian. STEADY man as partner who can invest $.TU ; duties easily learned ; can make 1U0 month. Room 305, Lumber Exchange. LIGHT groceries, bultr. eggs, ct-'-, partner wanted to neip in store; pay iuv montn. Cull room o2!t Morgan bidg. FOR SALE Meat market doing- good busi ness; cneap rent. rnon wooaiawn bo. RESTAURANT, old-established, good loca tion, $roo. 1 btj, uregoman. ATTORNEY with library wants law partner. located in t'ortiana. aw ho, uregonian. FOR SAIE Nat fish store, -year lease. heap rent. lSo first st. FOR SALE Good restaurant; good location. :.3 N. $th at. SM A LL investment insures $21 per w:k ; wholesale provlpUm business. East 05:5. REST AUK ANT for sale, gee owner, ortix 2d St. 3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 70-ROOM modern hotel, with large lobby, freshly kalaomined aud tinted, all in first class condition; located on prominent at. Inquire 910 Chamber of Commerce bldy. Marshall 15So. FOP SALE Stock of new groceries. Big Bend country, low rent, brick bidg., elec tric ilKhts. ouo innabitauia. two At. n.s only one other store in town; good wheat country; fine opening fur general line; eales run $25,000 a year; crops looking line; will handle this; tailing neaim cauaa oc selling; no trade, can on or au dress M. A. Roberts, 107 Eleventh St., o: phone Marshall "S2 after 6 P. M. DON'T pass thU opportunity, investigate. A ( tittle money will start you in the bust ness of the hour." Experience not neces tary. Wanted Man to operate and own his own bus; to tnose purchasing we will put in a position to secure contract paying approximately $J 5 a uay. if you mean business, let us show you. See Mr. Hayes, 6ii4 Washington St. FOP. SALE OR TRADE. In one of the best cities in the Wil lamette Valley, general merchandise store, with $16,000 stock, doing a monthly busi ness of 40OOO ; will consider farm land to value of $600u. This stock can be reduced to $10,000. Inquire or write C. A. AUSTIN, 750 East 72d st.. North. AUTOMOBILE repair shop, excellent equip ment, both machinery and floor tools, lo cated on main traveled street, close in, low rent, shop full of work, good stuck 01 accessaries, oils, greases, etc. Will sell my one-half inter eat. This is au established business, and Hi siaud cloact ittvaliba tion. AN 655, Oregonian. fcSj.Ll.iAhD PAR LOR. soua fountain, cigars, tobacco, candies, good going business In tile best business city in Rogue River Val ley; will sacrifice on account of other business; price $;000, cash, bal. out of business. iil$ North oili. Grants Pass. Or. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. The stockholders be in unable to asree. must dissolve or sell a close corporation; a splenaid opportunity for 2 or o busi ness men to acquire already organized commercial corporation; no brokers need apply. Posioftice box Obo, city. CIGAR, confectionery and Ice cream stand for tale; I have a lease on entire build in; which cuts my rent down to $2.50 per month and still nave six living-rooms to rent yet. Will invoice about $i5. 1 have other business ti:at demands my atten tion. 2SJS1 Russell st. Phone East 2uo. WANT to meet a nervy, adventurous young man of means, who tan spend two years in the wilds in a venture that will make us a million, honestly. State age, weight, height, education or experience, health, means. AB 05!, Oregonian. TO BUY OR SEi-L A BUSINESS CF ANY KIND, ANYWHERE, SEE Business Chance Department SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnoman Hotel, corner of -Hh and Pine sts. CONFECTIONERY, soft drinks, cigars, to bacco, fruit and magazines; country town ; Ideal location; low rent ; fine busi ness; bargain for cash; get in now for a good Summer's business. A V 62, Orego nian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal tor so-called Interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 532 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. SHOE repair shop with machinery, in a good town; no opposition; will be sold sl a bargain as 1 nave other business. Ad dress the owner, A. L. Portwood, Con don, Or. WANT to meet a nervy, adventurous young man of means, who can spend two years In the wilds in a venture that will make U3 a million, honestly. Stale age, weight, height, education 01 experience, health, means. AB 05!, Oregonian. 31 UST be sold before April 1. Light grocery, confectionery, soda fountain, tobacco and cigars; prood location, low reu4 ; wilf In voice about $550. See the owner; no agents wanted. AL 056, Oregonian. WA NT ED High-class salesmen who can finance themselves, to cll stock; no pro motion never will be ; company already established. Address, with reference, ex perience. Y 05S, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE garage and repair shop; op portunity for an active man an partner in this solid business to keep plain accounts and sell gasoline. Call 1 7 Railway Ex change bidg. CONFECTIONERY, light ffroc. magazines; does big business in soft drinks, as this is on busy transfer point: rent $1, price $550. Call 303 Lumber Exchange, Jd and Stark. WANTED Reliable. sober man as partner in legitimate office business ; can draw $75 month salary and profits; $400 re quired, wnicli is secured. Particulars 24814 .stark st. TODAY" $550 buys a dandy confectionery, cigar and fruit store, live locuLiun. nicely equipped ; fine ice cream point. 319 Lum ber Exchange. YOUNG man wanted ns partner lu auto parage and repair business; references giveu and required ; can make $160 moil lit. Particulars 2 IS Stark st. WANT controllings Interest In small country hank. Will give in exchange first-class irrigated farm; alfalfa and stock; well improved. D 646, Oregonian. SNAPPY little millinery store, nice line-up of orders fr Sriiitr opening, admirable location: a bis bargain at $300. Ilia Lum ber Exchange. FOR RENT Baker shop, fully equipped, good brick oven and dough mixer; wagon trade, will furnish light, power and gas. Appiv .iftjt Marker st. MODERN apartment-house. 33 apartments, houin? full now; will trade for any clear property to value of $4500. Call &19 Lum ber Exchange. FOR SALE Good second-hand furniture business; good masons, would consider a-rfage. 642 Williams ave. Phone Eaat 2220. THE right man with $300. This la yoar business chance. AF $34, Oregonian. ARE you an A -I automobile repair man ? Have you a little money? Mr. repair man, investigate thU, H. B. Miller. Antelope, Oregon. WANTED Steady man to work in a siuatl cafh business as partner; must bo satis fled to make S month now. Call room "20 Morjran bids. IF you have $300. to invest and will go t4 work where you can mako $5 to $lo pet day, call 619 Lumber Exchange. MEAT MARKET, goon stand, cheap rent. for sale at t lriana station, iuko jau &cou car. ACTIVE naftner with $5000 to invest in a prood -paying, long-estaniisnea business, aj 654, Oregonian. MANUFACTURING; partner wanted. abW lo keep plain accounts; good pay. tail room 32" Morgan bidg. AUTOMOBILE business ; part ner vv an tod ; can make $ 1 on month sa la rv ; also & nare r profits. Room 32i Morgan bid a. CAFE MAN wanted. Panama Cale, 3d and Aidor w Call for particulars. ltirSJNESS orFOKTOITlBS. LN OPPORTUNITY DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. $27.70 puts you in a business with a salary of $130 a month and regular divi dends in an incorporated compauy; expo ri. ii. nor necessary : only party willing to learn need apply. Particular UJ Cham bor of Commerce blilg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED NOTICE Will pay ?pot cath for merchan dise. S. Weston. 4oJ Park st. ROOMING-HOrSES. NEWPORT, Or., hotel, iH rooms, furnished or unfurnished ; beet location at N j Beach; would rent rooms or restaurant separately for term of ears; als-o loca tion and stors room for new and second-hand furniture business; rents ra son able. L. C. Smith, New port, Or. FOR SALE. A NEW 17-ROoM HOTEL. IN A GOOD, GROWING TOWN ON THE NEW R A 11 II OA D ; BEST LOt A T i O N O N THE RIVER. A FINE HOME AND MONEV MAKF.R. ADDRESS lUVEltSiDE UOTEU GLENADA, OR. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotol-A pari mem-house Agent Both Buyer and Seller ITotccted, Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 50S-J K W. Bank bids., tith and Morrison. 80 ROOMS and two store-rooms; rent $00 for all; getting $-0 rent from storeroom now; long lease; price only $750 cash, $000; no agent. Address 31'1 Vfr Water si. 50 ROOMS newly papered, hotel newly painted, furnishings good; expense Incltid. ing rent $0 per uay. Sacrifice. BC VuJ, Oregon lan. FOlfR H-rooin. o single H. K. apts.. newly papered and painted, all rented : good pi-opositioii ; gee owner. 1M Kith st. W.VNTED To buy small grocery buin-s w ith living-rooms; price m ust be light ; no agents. Y" til, Orcgonian. $27." CASH buys furniture of $ rooms, pari has only been used ii months. Main 71-1. LiOeVT AND FOUND. THE following articled were found on the cars of the Portland Kailwa. Light v Power Company, March 11, ltl.": One basket, grip, saeK 01 clothes, 3 umbrellas, flash light, glove, book, pipe una tase, 2 t Ui t CU.-CS. 2 pa rKHgtS, pU li-e. LOST Round ante brooch. Please return to American A part men is. apt. ,2, cornoi 21st and Johnson. Telephone Mai snail bo4. Reward. LOST Package from Rooerts Bro., coiuaiu Ing tlx yarus ilk ; return to V-o .Morgan blug. Phone Woodlawn lbui. Reward. $5 REWARD lor return of fancy dretos taken from Oregon uyo woriis wi uruuiue si. No quest ions asked. LOST Lady's huge diamond ring. Tiffany setting, very liberal regard to Huder. Tel. Sell wood Hl7. &U4 East 20th LOST- Very small reu malteso terrier clog, female, answers to name of Pinkie; reward Main 5270, A 4040. LO&T Lady's watch and chain attached. In itials J. K. L. Reward. Phone Columbia 77 bl'EClAL NOTICES. lropoaa Is In v ItetL IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United Stales for the District ox Oregon in the matter of Bauuun Dry Oood Co., bank rupt Request lor bius; A will receive healed bids lor ttia xoliow ing property vi the oaukrupt, situated at Bauuon, or., la me store room toimerly occupied by saio bankrupt, up to and until 14 o ciuck uoou on Monday. Marcn 15, xait, at my olfica, ;40-j4i Morgan biug., Purtland, Or.; Stock ot goous, waie auu merchandise consisting ot dry goods, notions, ladies' and chiiuren's suits aud clouks, lurt,. iueu s and bois' iurnisuiug goods, etc, of tne inventoried value of Uil i.lJ, together with lixturee pertaining to the same vt tne invea toned value of st2Ltfo. Certitied check tor lu per cent of tbe amount uttered Jiust accompany each bid. fcaie subject to the appro v ai of t a a court. inventory of the property may be seen at my oil ice and also at Lanoon, or., at tne latter of w men. piacca iu piwpn iudv be inspected. R, L. SABIN, Trustea riEALED bids on school desks, teachers' Uf.-s.s a'.id leacners' enars tor tne time be tweeu August 1, IS 15, aud June Jiv, lsls; Wlil bo received at tne oltice ot the unuer signed. 401 Co ur mouse, until 5 P. M., March 2,1 . 1015; and will be opened at a meeting of the Board to be held in room oU4 Courthouse, at 4 P. M., April I, HH5. Certified check for $2ou, payauie lo K. ii. Thomas, Schooi Clerk, uiut accompany eie.i proposal tor school desks; certified cliecK. for $5u tor each propoial on teach ers' desks; and certified check for $25 lor each proposal on tcacners citaira. suecit ica t ions may be ou lit i tied at tne on ice ot the underslgncu. The Bound ol Uirajioia reserves tne right to rejtci any and ail bids. Jl. 11. inomns, .tlool CieilL Dated at Portland, Oregon, Marc a lo, 1M15. SEALED BIDS Will be received by the Board of County CommUsioners, room 200 Courthouse, i'ortiand, uregon, until 11 A. Ai., March 24, JU15, tor 1 only K. SU 8 Kilowatt X-Ray Transformed and ' Equipment as per list on file at room 2ou Courthouse. No proposals will be consid ered unless accompanied 1 a cneck pay able to the order of the Board 01 County Commissioners of .Multnomah County, cer titied hy a responsible bank, for au amount equal to 10 per cent ot ttie aggie atiJ proposal. The right ii expressly re served to tej'ict any und all bius. BOARD OK COt N i Y COM M is.-? I ONERS, oy vv. L. Lightner, chairman; Philo ilul. biook. County Commissioner; i;utua C. Hoiman. County Coiuuiissioncr. Dated at Portland, Oregon, .March 1", 1115. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Bius w:ll be received by the Stats Highway Commission at the Capitol bund ing, Salem, Or., on March li, lalo, i p. M., for the construction of the M itched point section of the Columbia Higu way in Hood River County. Plana and suecni catious may be obtameu at tne office of the State Higliway Engiueei, -aieiu, Oi,, by depositing $-. H. L. BOWLBY, State Highway Engineer. U. S. ENG It. Oil lie, w- iiuiKf) mug , Seattle, W ash., Feb. ."i, 11 15. heated pro posals for pumping plant tor Luhe Wash ington Canal Iocks will be received at this otiice until 12 i.oon March 15, i:15, and then publicly opened. 1 uiortnaiion on ap plication to U. S. Engr. ufiicc, Seattle, Wash.; Chicago, ill., or New York. N. . J. B- Cavanaugh, .vlaj. Engrs. MiscellavneouSw NOT1CE OF DISSOLUTION OI A RT- NbRSHIP. Notice is hereby given that Bcrnie Bergnolz and Will E. Jenkins, panneis, doing business under the tirm name and style ot "The Central Market Bakery." lo cated at 4th and Yam 11 ill l reels, Port land. Or., have luis uay by mutual con sent dissolved said partnership bus! nets. The said Rernie Berghoiz has retired and the said Will E. Jenkins will continue in business; is to collect ail accounts and has assumed the payment of all debt1 aud liabilities o said partnership bu&i- uess. Oated at Portland, Or. of March. 131J. BERN IE WILD E. this 12th day BEIIGIIOLZ, JENKINS. 1LN.VNCIAL. LOANS on improved insiue property; plenty of money; low laics; no deias, priueipaaa only. Robertson & Eun. ul-2us Not..M western Bank bidg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages Orst and occoiid. equities pur c b Ksed. F. H. Lewis Co 4 Lewis v E HU Y mortgages, boiids and notes. Western tfond &. Mortgage Co., SO 4th St., Lvaid ol iiade blug. FIRST and secunt mortgages, also sellers interest In counsels putcna.ted, Cicitun Wash. H. E. Noble. Luiiiuurmtns Lidg. WE buy notes, bonus aud inortugus. Rob ertson & Ewt::g. 2u7-b N. VV. iana uidg. Stocks and Uouds. WANTED lligh-clsi-sj sales men who can tiiianco theiusclved to sell stock; no pro motionnever will be; company alrad established. AddVe.", w it h reference, ex periencf. V 05. Qr-gonian. $1300 SHARES Oregon Home Builders r'ock for sale at 2dc per share, company is now selling same stock at ;tic per uure. AU areas boa 20, t loverdaie. Oregon. Money tu Jxian on Heal EntaAsw 2OO.0-J0 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing; low eat tatea. v. G. lieCa. uljt ai Failing bidg. $20b00 TO loan 011 improve! Portland property; might luei principals only. AP 66 (t. Oregonian. MON E V to loan 011 Improved city prop erly in amounts up to $5000; principals only. BF 6b0, oregonian. I HAVE to loan for 3 to ii years lo.Uo to parly offering the best security and high, est rate of interest. AF Orcgonian. MORTGAGE loans, city or service. N. E. Coleman, change. fHrin ; prutup: 2 10 Stuck Ea- VTLLAMETTE VALLEY. $0000 to loan -n improved Willamette Valley farm; piiu clpuli only. AG 6-7, Orcgoniun. ESTATE MONEY J250 to $:.u.fliiu. It. i". FREE DM AN, Cham, of Com. CITV and farm loans loweat rales. C, D. bimonds. Corbett bidg. MON E V. any amount, 6 lo n pec cent, tens Ac Co.. mIO Spalding bidg. STATE FUNDS, C per cent. W, E. Thomas, ageut Multnomah County. 4''Q Ch. of Com. $on0 TO loart on good farm, 7 p. r cent, p. Knells, -121 Chamber of Commerce, $10,000, SUMS TO SUIT. AC is7. OKEGON1AN. 1 will loan $oo to ;ooo on clly ur latm property AJ 436. prcs;oBlaa UNANCIAI Money to Loan un Itral kalate. I Kalata. M O K T Li A a l-UA.N.N Any amount, low late, promptly aloscd. Attractive repayment piuUn,. A. U. BIKJiLl.l tu, 17 Norths t-i u Hiitik tiidg Marsha. I 4114. A 411V si on E i io Loan ON IMI'ROV LD R i. A L L i A Tli For. ' m:ii.ii.u pl muw; v k.Kt ri.r.x. ILLtt toMUAlTh, NO fOMMIdMOiS COLUMBIA LIFE St Tlil'M CO-, blO M'Al.DIN.i Ll,l'-;. ON IMPRO ED PRol'EKJ'Y OK KoH BI'l!,UJNU PLllPOE.; LIBERAL. lA MKM pKiviuEGtc money ad. VANCFD Aa BUILDING l'ltutiKi:Shks THE K"t'TA BLF. fcAVIMii Ac LOAN AS&OCIA I'iON, 40 S I AHK ST. IO LOAN. Lowest Rate Mony on huslnens pmpTi v. aparimenis, d cllina and f in . K. it. Bloasoiu, Lit CiiumBtr at Commeroe. MONEY TO LOAN On Portland city real ctiaic, farm loans at loweoi current raiwa, MALL .Vt VON HtliSTKU 104 ecoild St., m ar atiiiniion. TO LO AN $ 10, ui tit kju LLba. b AKKlXKll'OS, 80 4TH pt., board of traok $oon. kIOt'0 and upwatJ on tntpioc,j ui estate; favorable terms; no u--a; ij brokeraKe. Jhn Rain. Spaliltn )Ui bhtial u tuua tor ion ns on impiovuU oty property, o to b per cent, $-" anU bp. Celiars-Murtuti Co.. eou blug. MOi;'i'GAGE ioaas uu city and subu: un 1 . estate at 7 and & per csuu W. H. .Nuut. 4l Sherlock bidg. cEE beckendorf today; no delay, city auA larm Joans at current rates, tla-li btwa Exdiange bug. Main 4si4. MyuTtiAjli LOANS IN ANY AUOl N C OREGON :NV. A MORTGAGE Co INC., totk ExclwuiKe hid:;.. Jd ano VamlilU. lUUi TO LOAN on Pot l laud ral esi.. UAMMOND MOItrGAGE tOMl'AM, 424 Chamber of Com mere. WANT SMALL Mi'K'i'G Alt 11 IaiAN. $10) to :-'o. ir will bu.v niiiii tiiiituicl, Mlutll-WagnlM-r Co.. Slock Ex liHiiuti. IMMEDIATE LOANS. City or lai ins. F. Dubois, bcr of Com nit ice. $00 U0 IO Slo.t'Ou i'Ki.AlE MuNEY. Oregonian. 4oo. k.oO. $oou, uou, iOO, iboO. MmI W. German 10., P14 t'liauilt-r ot Commerce. MOit'l i.iAut i.tANS. tt and t I'i'.H CL; LOUIS ALoMo. IO.. k2 STA.K i MORTGAGE LOANS, any aiii.tjni, tio ilui Henry C. Pruunomuie, 5- Aloi awn ! CITY MORTGAi LuA.Sa AT I t. FRED . WlLLlAMfe, 1- 1 1 rt oU $50ki to loan on real estate at 7 per vent, i, bru'icruse. HU 0.5,ui egonlau. $14" To loan at 7 per cent, piinoipMts 4i. Phcne Tabor :;01 .'i jtt-r ;'t'i;1'" k i'. M. Money lo Loan hull! and alMrl4v 1MA1 EDI AIL lUA.Vfj ON D1AMON DS AND J LWELRY AT EASTERN KAILS. We have one ot Ilia finot retail jw;rv stores in the city. A loan department, it conductel in toiiaection with rsruc. tuak lug busmcis ST lUC 4 L Y co .f uii.S 1 lAi tt, olutely no via designating loan bui -nesa ditpla ed in front of our slui e. Aii tiiercbanuiwo pieut ed is held tor porlod c ! seven moiittis. wnethur or not Interest ti puid w lieu due. V ure IK i ustri and have been established slu.e lfin. Nu con. itectiou vvitli uny other lou uubU&aui4at in this city. A, Ac M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS, 24 W ttslung uu st. LOANS flU lo lt.M WCICULY. b 1 ATE bhCl lilii vO., LlcENi-D. LOAN'S ON UtAuiLS ONLY. BEST I'liOPoSlTiON IN Puitl'LANOv CALL ANO LE 4 US L.l LAIN Ut4l EASY -PA V Ni ENT i LAN. BUSINESS srTRlC'l l. v ON I I DENTlAla fcl A T E EC UR1 T 1 v u., 3UU FA 1 1.1 NJ BLDG. LOANS IN b livjcl' TIME at legal rates on diai ti ou( autos, piauos. hou.hold gooda ai.d livestock. 1'OU IT. A N D Lu A N CO.. LU'CifvU by State. .U5 R-aiichiKI LiOg. MU.NDi AT ONt-E. Diamonds, w musical incirunien'.i. SEPARATE DEPT. lull l.AUItl Y COAUAN Y I licenced I, u20 l.tiuiUci- Exch.iiifcw bio,,., and k ;tre te. LOA NS on t; iu Hi1 n tin a nd Jv eli j . l i u H il'nlciitfal. 1 1 1 d .'it! M.t n tr Mdrr. MONEY l.OA.NKD on illH'tn.n H. V Kiliy. riMnn t" Wm t and j m rli t . IIIKlxtl LOANS uu real estate. uuiiojuUk fend ja elry. Win. lion, loom a u uiiikt iii bJi, V K lea 11 luoiiuy 011 dia 1U4I nia at hair the rates chaigid Alurx Ai Mioeh. 2o st. and ."slrj L btokra I.ouiu uiilrU. $;;'iio WANTED ui " "ii 11 l"f. 31 0.1 ii t.i. improved rtt;h 2 in-nit ru I ,'(, uu occupied by oAii.r. clt-Kc t K it , pay S pei c nt; accused valfc .-,mo. AC b5, ore.o- lHdli, w v.NTED per c-ui iniercut, on $Ho00 secured 7 K cMid unit It Ji;' on go'tii H vil Muu come prtpi-i.v. .i'iliv 1 t'ii A. M. Ki-nna A: Co., 1 2 1 Uianibir of l ounit- l l.ldki. ; 1.. IhMii. cent. , ai.s f..r 1; t tkiim ;.( N-j t 'I II 1 I U.-l Vv lleox I W ANTED- $ farm at Clackuii v.ilmi umio. E. J. GEISER, 4 1 T ChambiT aiom:v WAN I ED cur i b 1 I pel .'iiMUMi i.ti, ,it iin. bonrls; u ill p.4 I" b n 1- "i' IK Cntnicn A M i:iil, l tn L'Otilnii. W ANTED . cent on my Oi'colii;i ll. (I 1 si' a ;; but 11 home, vvortii $l.'( hi. $.i"U WANTED f-.i ; ean corner ha. SamU . -on bh'ii. tl 1 i 1 or l h !.". t WANTED- 5 1 ", "! lot, lu-ur Alurta nu ud ; Marliail f . 2. ml, linufcn pi incia.a WANTED - $t -m V J.-1 Alain V.J. WANTED A I" cent ; gllt-eiigc :i of i2.0i', liiti'.i ji 1 security. Call '1 suur 1 1 WANT $2i "0 on K'M,d income piupcrly wot; J.'.nott. p ur- koihhii. $45ii AT h )i-r niit. first tnitii(:.ii;t un i.. Siie bungalow. N ll.'. 1. Orci'iilici. PERONAI WE SELL UAIK. 11AJU. HAIR. 2C-iueii leal first -q ua I it y s l tchia. . . . $ I fc ' 20-inoti real ! t" sl-quuilty giay 4 j BiiiNG THIS AD tioou tor Ac on Pace massage, .-'-o tetiaitipoo 2'i Ajanlcuie 25 1 iL.iruieas UJc- SupelllUoUS bul.' lelimvcd l.v electric. t. Ctuartileed. iui ban, au muu. JIL'-i uiiy lent; tli. prn; s iiai:. Sauuai y beau' y Par lui s. 4HO-4 1 2 l kuin biOg., Jd and W asrtington. Marshall I 72. FEB VET 11 A NT-. HI. T. l.tadina w 'g ud tuuc uiaK-rtM; ilnest ste. k l:uinaii hair g.toofi; switches t'rom tic um; lialrdreiMUg, iiiuniculin, lace and su.p ti -eat tne ill. combines iiia-Ie up to orri;. 14 1 Briiuo w a. nea 1 Morris on. Mum 54 B Ariioi:iin IMin-'is, oiti I .tiled iiiri and Ui.s in. nle liUc tlcv WKiioul Hi.jur 10 inc.-; i tis. 1 l.i ori , g '.ic I ink spuls 1 - iituVt d. dun ; 1 iuiiaol-'. i'hoito .l..,i GERMAN I" li A 1 N ED MTiSE Trealmtn't rk,r rht u ma i iii. luiubago, etc. ; luditai and bath 1- Salmou st., cor. UtU. Mar ch a 11 si I E.nTi i 'i' " iuihm i.f m nuitic nib i i i ti Icoliolic ;b cl i It I i rat nu ii I n. t Ii 1 1 opnti , , int.iMt ui ist. 201 Mdltjy bit-., stj W asrt IliKto" NuRvVEGlAN ti aiued Duna ami electric biaiikc t treatment; hours $ P M t s:30 P. M. 0 ' d St. Kooms t and S sui'lil E B. : EH . nu and spiriTual . A, 1 1 u-l, 71 1 S - ii T !l Alirky blug. vki in nunm lnf yl:i). t I'. l . Man, BrMKi A U ALI.M Re. Mary A. Prlri. t ;m lucsln; g. Wed. and t?uu. 8 p. M ; ingi isiiy. 0"o 7'th a I. v.a.hwl ,.t' 0 MRS. MKVRNS, 21 rortJaiitis V now'nt-d pall, lu and t Imrvn ant, i!..or t,( "palm i-t ry MaIt Ia. .:( I 'a M ti r ir.n. Jai Bi; EL1.A.4 All colorn and Mvl-, ui7i slock ; i ecov rln ; ii"w hand les put . ilei d Itti s a Waaliingtfin pI. MAKIK NEV1NS, -letMc iM.ttm HieiilS dillly, U-'Ic.-v on!. Mmui ill'N lor . f!-l c MADE OP UI R COMBINGS. tfKltches U.'ic. curls and i-urr. Ibaat- rv Beauty I'tnlom, 4MI fkun bidg ELEi'TLI'.1 neuralgia, rr.'fop.ihi'v I P it A' lai-inl itl ltr rJiuiiirti iMitX. i. -.j caip trtstniviiiK, aiOLE. suierfl.ious bsir reiifved. Mn, U. L. Hill. 42" rui-lm t hlfs. wain .-4,:i Balm of figs enmp- 'I ablets. 6u l. aO- t, Mi'l. R' si 1 omn Phone Main 2.1!-... LE-.-ONS In phroiioi-.g n. 2. Jo Oih t. Pltoiiy .Main 'srti rea4tu 7N4H. CHIROPK CTIC apecisliai. Chron.e css takti lg tun c 51 1 r r aj i h 1 1 1 1 m 1 u . 1 .1 4in. MANIC! R t NO and elect r I O 7fla"t m7 i Z $liss Ethel Burke. 51 M 4 Northwcet biua i EN I I. KM EN .i ; l;..f li.-bi:, .l. p el irr- .,r ;.,.r ASTU'il.o ;iCAI. St'cicly mroiH 1 nri. I p. tM. 7 0 bbla. n-itors e -sx ii.r:. i.. l-i'i its Nativ.j H'b tor tlicy 0 tablats Kr All drugfLsia.