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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1914)
K VOL. LIV. NO. 16,848. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS. GERMANS JON LOSE III POLAHD Large Bodies Surrounded and Captured, (BURG IS IN RETREAT Cracow Reported in Flames From Shells of Russians Be fore Galician Stronghold. FOE SHELLS CZAR'S PORT 'Many Women and Children Are Killed at Libau by Fleet, Says Petrograd. LONDON-, Nov. 24,- 6:45 A. M. An official communication given out in Petrograd, according to an Ex change Telegraph dispatch, announces a German retreat in Poland. The statement follows: "Between the Vistula and the "W'arta the Germans have retreated from the line running from Strykow to Zg-irz, Szadek, Zdunska, Wola and Wozniki." The line from which the Germans Lave retreated, according to the above dispatch, runs from the north east of Lodz, down past that town, and to the southwest. LONDON, Nov 24. A dispatch to the Times from Petrograd says: "The expected victory between the Vistula and the Warthe has been con firmed by private advices. Large bodies of the enemy's forces were sur rounded and captured near Lowicz. The enemy is reported in some cases as abandoning his guns. New Offensive Likely. "It is expected, however, that Gen eral von Hindeuburg, who has been reinforced by a new reserve corps, will attempt an offensive at another point on the Polish border." A dispatch to the Morning Post from Petrograd, dated Monday, says: "Emperor Nicholas, visiting the hospital in Tsarskoe-Selo this after noon, told the men that news had been received of a Russian success between the Vistula and Warthe rivers, where two entire German reg iments were taken prisoners. Czar Extremely Cheerful. "It is reported that the Emperor was in an extremely cheerful mood. "It is also reported unofficially bere that the Russians already are bombarding Cracow, which is in flames." PETROGRAD, Nov. 23. From news of a semi-official nature tonight it appears that Grand Duke Nicholas has outmaneuvered and outgeneraled the Kaiser's right-hand army leader, Generarvon Hindenburg, in Poland, where the fiercest of fighting for the week past has been in progress. For days the battle has been going on along the Vistula, and reports here tonight declare that the Russians have taken thousands of prisoners and the number of killed has been too great to estimate. Reinforcements Turn Tide. The Grand Duke's campaign had been well outlined and the reinforce ments which reached him in the mid dle of last week proved victorious for him. ' A Cossack who has returned from the front gives this thrilling storv of the fighting at the front in East Prussia : "Of the German cavalry we saw precious little. ,They don't use cav alry to sceut as we do, but keep it for charges. We would go out scout ing in the usual way and hardly ever eome upon any German scouts, but often enough knocked against trenches full. Fallen Germans Disarmed. "It was one of these times that 1 got shot. I received five bullets one in the right arm and the rest in my clothes but my horse was not .(Concluded on Page JL). GERMAN SUBMARINE RAMMED AND SUNK VICTORIOUS BRITISH SHIP RES CUES ALL BUT ONE OF CREW. Kaiser Also Loses Torpedo-Boa t De stroyer in Collision With Danish Vessel. LONDON, Nov. 23. 11:35 P. M. The Secretary of the Admiralty announces that thsGerman submarine boat U-18, which was reported off the north coast of Scotland this morning;, was rammed by a British patrolling vessel and foun dered. The patrolling? ship rammed the sub marine at 12:20 o'clock this afternoon. The U-18 was not seen again until 1 :20, when she appeared on the surface flying a white flag.' Shortly after this she foundered just as the British de stroyer Garry came alongside. The de stroyer rescued tnree officers and 23 of the 'submarine b crew, only one be ing drowned. The names of tne German officers rescued are Lieutenant Von Henning. Engineer - Lieutenant Sprenger and Lieutenant Neuerberg. A dispatch to the Exchange Tele graph Company from Copenhagen says the Danish steamer Anglodane collided last night in the Oresund with the Ger man torpedo-boat destroyer S-124. which foundered. Two German sailors, accord ing to the correspondent, were rescued by the steamer seVlously injured, but later succumbed. The' remainder of the crew of the destroyer were drowned. The submarine boat TJ-1S of the Ger man navy was built in 1912. She had a cruising radius of 2000 miles and a speed of 11 knots above water and 8 knots submerged. - The German torpedo-boat, destroyer S-124 was built in 1903. She was oi 6500 horsepower and had a speed of 1 knots. She carried a crew of about 60 men. TEUTON YSER LOSS 200,000 Lust Attempt to Reach Coast Is Ar ranged by Germans. LONDON, Nov. 24. A Times corre spondent in Flanders, writing under date of Sunday, says he anticipated a fresh German attempt to break through the allied line to Calais, and considers that this will certainly be their last attempt because all preparations have been made for a .retreat in the direc tion of Bruges, Ghent or Brussels im mediately. His message continues: "The new forces gathered in Flan ders under the Duke of Wurttemburg are at least - a .fourth new selection made since the' commencement of the North Sea campaign. Germans offi cially estimate that their casualties during the battle along the Yser tbtal 200,000." DELAYED REWARD LARGE Man Gets $75,000 for Saving Girl From Drowning 28 Years Ago. , MONTVILLE, Conn., Nov. 23. A be quest of J75.000 is the reward which has been given to Henry A. Bolles, of this place, it was learned today, for saving a little girl from drowning in the Thames River 28 years ago. The girl was the daughter of a Mr. Trumbull, of New York City, and had fallen over board from her father's yacht. Mr. Bolles, a boatman at that time. Bald today he remembered that the father asked his name, but he had heard noth ing more since then. Mr. Trumbull died two weeks ago, and Mr. Bolles has Just been notified of the bequest by the executors of the Trumbull estate. AMERICANS KEEN TO FIGHT Canadian Minister Says 100,000 Have Offered to Enlist. OTTAWA, Nov. 23. One hundred thousand men in the United States have offered to enlist in Canada for service in Europe, according to Major-General Hughes, Canadian Minister of Militia. He made the assertion today at the Canadian Club In reply to questions re garding the theory that Germans in the United States might attempt a raid across the border. Major-General Hughes said he was in favor of accepting the men who had offered themselves. Hundreds of Amer icans, he aserted, are with- the first and second contingents. ' 64-YEAR SERVICE ENDED John Laws, Married When 8 6, Sur vived by Three Children. H1LLSBORO.' N. C. Nov. 23. Death from pneumonia ended the 64th year's service of John Laws as Register of Deeds of Orange County. Mr. Laws was 93 and it Is believed his record stands as the longsst continuous service in an elective office in the United States. He was elected first in 1850, when the of fice of Register was established. j- Mr. Laws leaves three children by his second wife, to whom he was married at the age of 88. ' CROWN PRINCE DEFEATED Kaiser's Heir Dangerously Close to Warsaw When Checked. LONDON, Nov. 24. The Daily Tele graph's Petrograd correspondent inti mates that the German Crown Prince's army during the last five days threat ened "Warsaw, but was severely re pulsed. The correspondent says, however, that his. forces arrived alarmingly close to Warsaw before they were finally checked, - SCHOOL LEVY UP TO TAXPAYERS TODAY Board Adopts 5-MiII Im post as Enough. STAMPEDE MAY RAISE TOLL Lower Figure to Be Adopted Unless Meeting Is "Packed." DR. SOMMERS IS FOR 4.8 Meeting' to Be Held at Armory To night Tax as Proposed Is Ad-' vocated by Officials as Suf ficient lot Needs Now. FACTS -'ABOUT TAXPAYERS -MEETING. Place Armory, at Tenth and Couch stteets. Time 8 o'clock tonight. Voters All taxpayers are ellg . lble to vote. Business Fixing ' of tax levy for school purposes. The School Board has recommended a 1915 levy of 5 mills. Dr. E. A. Som mer makes a. minority recom mendation of 4.8 mills. The Importance of the meeting and the possibility of residents of a small part of the city dom inating the meeting and fixing the tax levy, makes It advisable to have a large attendance,' rep resenting the entire city. A tax levy of 5 mills, which includes the purchase of the sites for a school of trades and Hawthorne school and the erection of the first unit of the Franklin High School, is asked for by the School Board in a budget, which will be presented for the consideration of taxpayers tonight at the Armory. Recommending that the purchase of ground for the trade school be post poned. Dr. E. A. Sommer. of the Board, contributes a minority report to the budget, fixing the levy at 4.8 mills. ' Five Mills Deemed Enough. Whether one of these figures will be adopted or whether there will be a repetition of last year's taxpayers' meeting when a stampede of districts desiring improvements caused the levy to be raised 2 mills will be decided at the gathering at the Armory tonight. The- total amount- of the budget be lieved to be absolutely necessary by the School Board, with one dissenting voice. Is $1,463,000, which can be raised by a tax of 5 mills. It Is figured that this will barely cover actual operating expenses, plus the purchases of two school sites and the erection of the Franklin High School's first unit. ' Dr. Sommer for Cat. Dr. Sommer disagrees with the Board In the purchase of land for a new (Concluded on Page 4.) . .... . . .T. ... j INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TODAY'S Rain. southerly winds. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 58 degrees; minimum, 44.2 degrees. War. German submarine rammed and sunk by British vena el. Page 1. Czar's troops again victorious In Poland. Page 1. - British aeroplane raid on Zeppelin shed de clared successful. Pag 6. Rockefeller food shlo 1 unloaded at Rotter dam for Belgians. Page 2. German troops growing Impatient through delay due to Winter's blasts. Page 8. Parliament told navy is expected to pre vent German Invasion. Page 4 . Ypres. Belgium. Is set aflame by German hells. Page 4. Football craze blamed for lack of recruits in England. Page 2. Mexico. United States troops evacuate Vera Crag , and Mexican flac again flies. Page 1. Agullar says disturbers of peace at Vers. Cruz die on spot. Page 2. National." President to urge budget system as part of economy plan. Page T. Domestic. Charge of Albert Patrick's pardon being Dart of business deal la investigated. Page ft. Recent election has consigned Roosevelt to the ranks. Page 5. Steam schooner Hanalel ashore on Duxburg reef, near Golden Gate; 68 lives In dire peril. Page 1. Sports. Confernca managers to fix 1915 schedules at Spokane December 4-0. Page 14. Oregon team treats stiffness with high hopes for Multnomah game. Page 14. Junior league teams play six shutout games. Page 14. Hill and Portland academies call oft last football game. Pace 15. Pacific Northwest. Official canvass of state election complete. Page 7. Buylnar of horses for France at Baker brings clash between rival middlemen. Page 3. Commercial and Marine. Oats are strongest feature of local grain market. Page 19. Wheat higher at Chicago on Argentine news of black rust. Page 19. Chicago Etock Exchange opens with higher prices. Page 19. - Big run of hogs lowers price, at North Portland, Page 18. Port tax to be low next year. Pago 18. Portland and Vicinity. Christmas cheer to last all year Is slogan of Associated Charities. Page 8. Drafts of proposed laws expected to be made at Immigration Congress. Page lb. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 19. Kdsarlans are besieged with requests from persons desirous of . Joining Fair ex cursion. Page IS. Sheriff Word to petition court today to order recount- of votes. Page 15. City Engineer's report advises against dos ing Harriman bridge. Page 13. Francis Helchter, Portland composer hon . ored by prominent artists in Chicago. Page a State Game Warden Flnley, back from East, to apply for re-appointment on own merits. Pago 9. Taxpayers to decide on school levy In meet ing at-Armory tonight. Page 1. Unions fail to lift boycott against Orpheom. Page 4. Bills at vaudeville houses attract. Page 9. CITIZENS TO BE GRADUATED Aliens In Los Angeles District Must Get School Certificates.- LOS ANGELES', CaL, Nov. 23. In stead of familiarizing themselves with the Constitution, and memorizing the names of the President's Cabinet, can didates for citizenship in this district hereafter will go through a regular course at Los Angeles High School and certificates issued to them from that institution will be accepted in lieu of the usual examination in court. Presiding Judge Wood, of the Su perior Court, said today the plan had been approved by the Government bureau of naturalization and the first class of new . citizens, 21 in number, will receive their naturalization pa pers at a "commencement" at the Htgh School November 25. LEFT TO THEMSELVES AGAIN. STEAM SCHOONER ASHORE; 58 IN PERIL Hanalei Grounds on "Pacific Graveyard." 12 VESSELS STAND BY TO AID Attempts to Shoot Lines to Craft on Rocks Futile. 2 PASSENGERS GAIN LAND Two of Crew Drowned; Vessel From Eureka Hangs on Duxbury Reer North of the Golden Gate.. -Lights Flash Message. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 24 Tfc- nne cotter SlcCtillonck reported by A- M. that ike would at tempt to take off the Hnniilrl'a B..,n vers at daybreak. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 24. With one passenger and one seaman drowned and 58 souls aboard the schooner Hanalei, on Duxbury Reef, a ray of hope en tered the tragedy early today when It was learned that five members of a lifesaving crew, whose boat was up set and who were supposed to have been drowned, finally had been dragged aboard the Hanalel. It was believed that with their trained co-operation a line might be got to the boat "O. K." Measagre Flashed. As soon as it grew dark the wireless operators on board the Hanalei were seen working a Morse lie-ht nnri wir.. less operators ashore communicated witn tnem by using flash lights. By this means of communication It won learned that all were O. K. on board the craft, which was reported to be breaking up fast. The Marconi op erators asnore bade the Imperiled per sons be of good heart, informing them that a line would be shot to the vessel soon and that help was coming. Line Gu Dispatched. It is realized that the only possible hope of saving the remaining passen gers, officers and crew is to get a line out from shore. To make this attempt a San Francisco newspaper arranged to send a mortar gun and the crew of the Golden Gate lifesaving station to the scene of the wreck. A motor truck met the llfesavers at Saulsalito and began the long journey around the heads to a point opposite the stricken schooner. It was believed the lifesavers would reach the scene about midnight. Ona passenger gained the beach. He is Elwood Schwerin, of Berkeley. An other passenger, whose name haa not been ascertained, was washed ashore, unconscious, but not seriously injured. At least 12 vessels sTood by the Hanalei. waiting for dawn, when the curtain of fogshall lift and reveal (Concluded on Page 6.) Monday's War Moves THE battle which la being fought in the region between the Vistula and Warta rivers. In Poland, appears to have turned in favor of the Russians. In fact, a special dispatch from Petro grad to Paris says that the Russian army already has won a decisive vic tory. While this may be an exagger ation, both the Russian and the Ger man official reports suggest that Gen eral von Hlndenburg's second thrust at Warsaw has been checked. Grand Cuke Nicholas, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian forces, for two days in succession has recorded partial successes In this great battle and to night the German General Staff says that the arrival of Russian reinforce ments has postponed a decision. Both sides have expressed the great est confidence in the outcome of this battle. Grand Duke Nicholas and General von Hindenburg heretofore have been so successful In their strat egy that their adherents look upon them as almost unbeatable. The German papers In Berlin only yesterday were talking of a general Russian retirement despite the fact that the Russians have been advancing steadily in Gallula, have repulsed the Austro-German attack before Cracow, hold part of the German territory in East Prussia and were opposing Gen eral von Hindenburg's advance on War saw. It is the same in Petrograd. All the correspondents declare it is cer tain that Russian numbers must tell when the Germans have reached the ground on which Grand Duke Nicholas has chosen to give them battle. While undertaking Immense ta3ks in the east, the Germans, according to all accounts, are preparing to launch an other offensive movement in the west. Just where this is to be is known, of course, by the General Staff alone. It is believed that they will make another effort to got through to the French coast and perhaps at the same time try to force the line of French fortresses in the Argonne region. The Germans have been violently bombarding Ypres in Flanders, Soissons In the Aisne Valley and Rheims, while they have been making attacks in force In the Argonne region. The French claim that the assaults in the last named region have t;en repulsed, while the Germans, la direct contradiction say that they have been gaining ground steadily. Any or all this activity may be in tended to divert attention from the quarter in which the supreme attack is to be made, but the allies are sure to discover where they must expect the next blow. In order to ward oft the possibility of the Germans again trying to move along the coast, the British fleet has been bombarding their po sitions from the sea. ' Turkey, as usual, reports victories over the Russians in the Caucasus and the British In Egypt, but these lack confirmation. The English, on the other hand, issued tonight an account of successful British operations in the Persian Gulf. The same statement told of the defeat of a British force sent against German East Africa. British naval airmen, including Flight Lieutenant Slppe, one of those who de stroyed a Zeppelin shed and an airship at Dusseldorf before the Germans took Antwerp, have made a still more uar Ing raid from French territory over Frledrlchshafen. According to the avi ators' account they dropped bombs which damaged the Zeppelin factory at that , place. One of the ae ines was brought down by German suns, but the others escaped without sustaining damage. Violent bombardments have destroyed the, town hall and the central market at' Tprea, according to official news from Paris. This may herald the resumption of the attempt on the part of the Ger mans to break the center, held by the English, of the a Hied line blocking their way to the coast. This theory finds some confirmation in the renewed reports that the Germans are bring ing up heavy reinforcements through Belgium. From Germany there come reports of feverish activity in the construction of warships as well as In the manufacture of Zeppelin airsh4ps. The opinion pre vails that Germany is not able to com pete with Great Britian in the con struction of battleships. Consequent ly she is devoting greater energy to the building of an air fleet. Naval con struction takes relatively second place. In the Near East TurKlsh forces are reported in touch of the Suez Canal and the famous Egyptian camel corps is said to have had a brush with the Turks. Within Great Britain's own borders attention has been turned to the sensa tional affair in the alien concentra tion camp on the Isle of Man, in which several of the prisoners were killed. In a body the interned aliens made a con centrated attack on their guard, who seem to have not only suppressed a mutiny due to discontent with food and quarters, but to have actually quelled a desperate attempt to escape. News from Belgium indicates that the German troops, unprotected in ruined villages from the icy blasts of Winter, are becoming Impatient through the de lay of a general attack on the' allies, who are well cared for and well en trenched in the inundated Belgium country by frozen dikes. KAISER'S SON RECOVERING Prince August, However, Win Be Invalid Long Time. AMSTERDAM, via London. Nov. 23. "Prince August William, fourth son of the German Emperor, who was injured in a motor car accident, is improving, but complete recovery will take a long time," says the Berlin corre spondent of the Telegraaf. The corre spondent adds: Tho report that the Crown Prince has been wounded has been unfounded." VERA CRUZ AGAIN FLIES MEXICAN FLAG General Funston Quits Without Clash. WILSON'S POLICY IS ATTACKED Failure to Make Formal Transfer Hurts Carranza. MEXICANS FOLLOW ARMY Xo Serious Disturbance or Peace Noted as Americans Leave and General Agu liar's Men March In on Heels of Evacuators. VERA CRUZ, Mexico. Nov. 23. (Spe cial.) The transport Cristobal, with the last of the United States troops aboard, left the dock here this after noon at 3 o'clock and American occupa tion of Vera Cruz become history. Only a few spectators witnessed the departure. Shortly after the sailing of the Cristobal 3503 constitutionalist troops entered the city with three bat teries of artillery, four companies of machine guns and 600 cavalry. The houses of the city were decorated and in the evening the troops paraded through the principal streets of the city. The soldiers have the appear ance of veterans. They are all well armed and have plenty of ammuni tion. A complete hospital corps has been established and the army has many automobiles. The majority of the men are well uniformed. City Remains Unlet. The city Is quiet tonight, absolute order having been maintained. The constitutionalists entered the city with bands playing and the citizens gave them an ovation. Many citizens fled when the United States troops sailed, but those who remained were put at their ease when General Candldo Agullar, in command of the constitu tionalists. Issued a proclamation guar anteeing safety to all Mexicans and foreigners Irrespective of their political belief. As a measure of safety Chief of Police Frezler issued a proclamation calling on the populace to deliver all arms and ammunition at his head quarters. ' Any citizen found to have firearms In his "possession will face the tiring squad, says the proclamation. All known thieves and criminals will be shot. Saloons Ordered Closed. All the saloons In the city were or dered closed and will not be allowed to reopen until further notice. During the afternoon word was sent out that General Agullar would make an address in the evening. Thousands of people gathered at the Plaza Armas to hear what he would have to say. Minister of Foreign Relations Favila was the first to speak. He explained General Carranza's reply to President Wilson. He attacked Wilson's Mexican policy, and after he had finished the crowd cried: "Death to Huerta and Villa." Favila's speech was the only note, of hostility sounded. Villa Styled Traitor. Senator Favila said that Carranza had agreed to furnish certain guaran tees In order to bring about the Amer ican evacuation of the port, and now that this had been brought about Villa now asked for its evacuation by the Carranzlsta forces. He denounced Villa as a traitor. He enumerated as the principal fac tors militating against Mexico's regen eration Huerta and his non-patrlotlo acts, Wilson and his ineffective Mex ican policy, and Villa, "the greatest of Mexican traitors." Observers, who wondered at the strength of General Agullar's forces, understood when Senor Favila ex claimed: "Villa will be foughtjto the last cartridge." There is no doubt that the Carranzistas will defend Vera Cruz against the Villistas. Americana Not Mentioned. General Agullar spoke in moderate terms. He did not even mention the Americans. He assured the populace there would be no Interference with the rights of Individuals and that private property would not be molested. Agullar told the people that any dis order would be severely punished and asked for the support of all citizens for the ultimate triumph of the Consti tutional cause. It is planned to make Vera Cruz the next capital of the re public After the speech-making In the plaza the people returned to their homes. There were few citizens on the streets at 10 o'clock tonight. Little enthusiasm v.a3 shown when it was announced that General Carranza was expected to ar rive within a short time. Carranza will bring all the officials of his government with him. Americans t'nder Protection. Consul-General Arnold Shanklin has chartered the Hotel Terminal for Americans who are afraid- to live in their residences. The hotel Is at the waterfront under the guns of the United States battleship Minnesota, anchored in the bay. General Agullar personally raised the Mexican flag over the municipal pal ace at 6 o'clock. A company of in fantry was drawn in front of the build ing during the ceremony. General Aguilar in a statement said: .Concluded ou fas 2.y