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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1914)
TTTE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1914. K 60MPERS CHECKS LABOR'S WAR FiVE Effort to Force Brotherhoods in Federation Fails Under His Fire. SUASION THOUGHT BEST National President Calls Resolution Declaration of War on Trainmen. Marino Band Not Liked. West's Voice Heard. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 16. An at tempt to place the American Federa tlon of Labor In a position n( waging war against the big railroad brother hoods unless they become affiliated Tvlth the Federation was frustrated to day by Samuel Gompers. who took the floor at this afternoon's session of the Federation's convention and fought an Innocent-looking resolution back into the committee on organized labor, which had reported It favorably. Thi rpROlutiftyi linH been inirrwimed ty a delegate from the Central Labor Ijnlon of Hartford. Conn. It recited that at the' present time there were r-ational and localunions not affiliated with the Federation, that they were a menace to some of the unions and that efforts to have them affiliate had failed. The resolution Instructed the officers f the Federation to "proceed to or ganize such local or National unions. If such is possible." Switchmen Favor Resolution. J. P. Connors, of the Switchmen's Union of North America, favored its adoption. giviDg as a reason that the brotherhoods had in some instances as fisted railroads to defeat the switch men in strikes. President Gompers took the floor and declared that the commltea on organ ization had misapprehended the impor tance of the resolution when it recom mended it. He gave as his opinion that the resolution permitted the set tins up of rival unions and declared that it amounted to nothing else than a declaration of war. He believed in the solidarity of the labor movement in the United States, he continued, but he -would not think for a moment of Invading the sovereignty of a National labor union. Brotherhoods Lend Aid Often. During the last few years, he went on to say, there has grown up a bet ter feeling between the brotherhoods and the federation, with the result that the railroad organizations had been of material and effective assistance in Retting certain labor legislation through Congress. The adoption of the resolution, he declared, would be the most disastrous action against the ex istence of the federation the conven tion could take. S. C. Heberling," also of the Switch men's Union, gave Instances where csr tain brotherhoods had opposed switch men in strikes. He did not Include all brotherhoods, he said, but he did not epecify the particular organization he criticised. Presidsnt Walker, of the Miners' Union, opposed the resolution, declaring there was a growing sentiment in the ranks of the brotherhoods and the Na tional organization of bricklayers for affiliation with the federation. The fed eration, he said, was more likely to win them into the organization by rea soning than by trying to drive them to affiliate. The railroad brotherhoods in Illinois, President Walker added, are strongly in favor of joining the Illi nois Federation of Labor, and expected that they would do eo in a short time. On motion of President Gompers the resolution was recommitted to the com mittee on organizations. San Francisco Delesate' Aronsed. A report, made by a committee which Investigated municipal ownership of street railways In Europe, which de clared that municipal ownership had not done as mach for the employes as had trade unions, was challenged by Delegate Gallagher, of San Francisco, as an erroneous conclusion. He said that municipal ownership of street rail ways in his city had done much for the streetcar men. One of the men who signed the report was W. D. Mahon, National president of the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Rail way Employes. Mr. Gallagher said he considered the report a "knock" against municipal ownership. James Duncan, first vice president, and P. H. McCarthy, dele gate from the Carpenters' Union and ex-Mayor of San Francisco, said that trade unionism had done much to bring about municipal ownership of public utilities. The convention adopted resolutions urging the executive council to con tinue its efforts to have abolished so called efficiency systems by which workmen are speeded up in their work. . A resolution favoring an independent labor party was defeated on the ground that the federation is committed to non-participation in politics. " Another resolution adopted requested President Wilson to issue an order pro hibiting the United States marine band from competing with civilian musicians for business. A resolution protesting against cer tain rental charges placed on Panama Canal employes as an indirect reduc tion in wages and breach of wage agreements also was adopted. SHORT ROAD TO SUSPEND Io-ivan IJne, Whicn Leslie 31. Shaw Tried to Buy, Is Losing Money. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ia., Nov. 16. Owners of the Atlantic Southern Rail road, a line 35 miles . long, extending from Atlantic to Villisca. Ia., and kav in five small towns on the line, have given public notice of their Intention to cease operating the line December 31, this year, declaring they have been operating the road at a loss. This Is the road which former Secre tary . Leslie M. Shaw and syndicate spent nearly two years in trying to procure and failed after having for feited several large cash options to the courts. Oregon Legislators Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8 A. M. La Toilette, Senator-Elect of Marion; I. H.' Bingham Senator Elect of Lane; Christian Schuebel, Re-Elected Representative of Clack amas, and Charles W. Risley, Representative-Elect of Clackamas. TOY FIELD JUJNS POPULAR Children of Paris Get Miniatures of "75" and Have Fun. PARIS. Nov. 3. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) Peddlers are doing a thriving trade in toy repro ductions of the 3-inch field gun. known as "75," which the French generally believe saved Paris from the enemy. Nearly all the children know what this is, and a favorite pastime Is to watch for the announcement of the coming of the famous "Taube" aero planes, load their miniature "75" with fire crackers and blaze away at the ky. News From Oregon Ports. " COOS BAT, Or, Nov. 16. (Spa- ; , i ! I- J itec' " i , ' i ' A 'V St-. - I , : - - , 'V"'' I . J " :: - , "V. 'S I ;: ;; i I' j . :: u - - 4 i i v ' :; V;sL- - (r f' 0 v f - A 'A ' ' J I :: ' --i r : :: " i 2 & ' I ,, t ft' 1 ; U ' - " :; J 1 ,sf - ; - I , J- :: A. M. LaFoIIette. I. II. Bingham. H f ' :- --I ' : ' ' - " :: . ' i :: " . - . - f;w 1 CkrlnUaa Scnuebel. Charles W. Risley. ........,.............,... , SALEM. Or., Nov. 16. (Special.) A. M. La Follette, one of the State Senators-elect from Marion County, Is one of few men in the Northwest who enjoy the distinction of having voted for Abraham Lincoln. It was Mr. La Follette's first vote and. he was living at his boyhood home near Crawfords vllle, Ind., at the time. He always has been a Republican, and "A Lincoln . one at that," as he expresses it. Mr. La Follette has lived in Marion County 54 years and is the owner of a large farm In Mission Bottom. Mr. La Follette was a member of the lower branch of the state Legislature In 1887 and again in 1903. More than 600 residents of the county petitioned him to make the race for State Senator before he agreed to allow the use of his name. Mr. La Fol lette is a cousin of Robert M. La Fol lette, ex-United States Senator of Wis consin. EUGENE, Or, Nov. 16. (Special.) I. H. Bingham. Senator-elect rfom Lane County by a majority of more than 3500 above his nearest competitor and by a vote larger than that of all three of his opponents combined, will not present a new face to the older members of the Senate. After Berving six years in the House and four in the Senate of Oregon, he dropped out of 'politics in 1909. He has passed the grea'ter part of his life in the West. He was born a half century ago in Michigan and when 19 years old struck out West for himself. His wealth is of his own making. He was married in 1881 In Idaho and lived in Spokane until 16 years ago. He lived four years and a half in Portland and a year and a half in Cottage Grove, moving to Eugene 10 years ago. OREGON CITY, Or.. Nov. 16. (Spe cial.) Christian Schuebel, who was re-elected to the House of Represen tatives from Clackamas County, is an attorney in Oregon City and Is a law partner of W. S. U'Ren. The office of these gentlemen is termed popularly the "reference factory." Mr. Schuebel was in the House two years ago and his record was evidently pleasing to a majority of the people of his 'home county, for he was returned with the largest vote given to any candidate for the House in this county. He is a self-made man. Many years ago he was employed in the paper mills here and was elected Justice of the Peace and had an opportunity to study law. He served a term In the City Council and is now City Attorney. He has a combative nature and is never so happy as when in a fight over clvio or legislative matters. Mr. Schuebel is an ardent prohibitionist. . OREGON CITT, Or., Nov. 16. (Spe cial.) Charles W. Risley is one of th four . lonesome Democrats elected to the House of Representatives.- He Is a native of Clackamas County, where he Is heavily Interested, and his per sonal popularity Is best evidenced by the fact that he was the only Demo cratic candidate for a county or a leg islative office to be elected In Clack amas. He is best known in his own county as an ardent advocate of per manent road3, and it Is expected he will be a live wire in the 1915 House when these questions are considered. He is the father of "Jake" Risley. one of the stars on the University of Oregon football team. Mr. Risley Is an enthusiastic motorist and is pub lic spirited to the last degree. clal.) The steamship' Geo. W. Elder arrived from .Portland this morning at 8:30, bringing a fine list of passengers. She will sail for Eureka tonight at 8. Bar conditions are reported smooth today. ADVERTISERS' TALK No. 7. Divide the Population of Portland Into Two Classes Those Who Read The Oregonian and Those Who Don't Which Class Would You Rather .Have as Your Customers ? Most of the class which doe3 not read The Ore gonian has little purchasing power, and conse quently of little value to an advertiser. "WTien a newspaper reaches the proportions of having approximately as many regular carriers as Uncle Sam has delivering mail in the city then that newspaper can be of incalculable value to any merchant advertiser. The Oregonian has the morning field to itself, while the afternoon field is divided among three newspapers. In district after district, street after street, the regular carriers of The Oregonian deliver a copy of this newspaper into nearly every home. . The average circulation of The Oregonian for the month of October was distributed as follows : Daily Sunday In Oregon. 54,409 70,004 In Washington 7,585 9,946 In all other states and foreign. . . 1,523 2,598 Total 63,517 82,548 Most of the "Washington circulation is in the nearby to Portland towns and Consequently of real value to the Portland merchants. A large . proportion of the money they spend for commod ities comes to Portland. PRISONERS OF WAR I ARE ILL TREATED Americans Say Warring Na tions Give Good Food to Eat, Too. NON-COMBATANTS GO FREE Younger Prisoners Found Playing Football and Elders Enjoy Cards, Chess and Checkers, Says Chandler Anderson. . LONDON, Nov. 16. Chandler P. An derson, of the Department of State at Washington, and Chandler Hale, for mer secretary of the American Em bassy at Vienna, returned to England today from Germany and Austria, where they Investigated the condition of the English prisoners. This trip followed a previous Investigation of the condi tions under which German and Aus trian prisoners of war are being held in England. Mr. Anderson Inspected the German prisons and Mr. Hale the Austrian. Both found conditions similar to those existing in the English detention camps They were not able to discover any cruelty or mistreatment. They talked freely with the prisoners and ate with them and found their food abundant Mr. Anderson, referring to. his trip, said: "The newspapers of both Germany and England have a great responsibil ity in printing matter about the mis treatment of prisoners. Much Hard Feeling Created. "The publications of cruelty, rumors has created much hard feeling that is. of course, unwarranted. Men dislike being imprisoned, civilians as well as soldiers. Civilians, especially, feel them selves wronged. So far as I could see the treatment of English civilians in Germany is the same as the treatment of German civilians in England. I vis ited the detension camp at Ruhleben, where 4000 English civilians are im prisoned at the race track. The quar ters occupied by these men have cement floors and are heated by steam. "The prisoners get a loaf of bread each every two days. They have coffee or tea for breakfast and their supper or dinner consists of vegetable soup and sausage. I ate their dinner with relish. Theoretically, the Germans are arresting all Englishmen between the ages of 17 and 65; as a matter of fact, they are arrestlnc no one over 45 years of age. The youngsters, I found play ing football In the enclosure, while the older men were occupied with cards, chess and checkers In their bunks. Their food was the same as supplied to the German soldiers. "The Germans are releasing prisoners who belong to the English colonies and they are not arresting non-combatants. Russians Doing; Cooking. "I visited the detention camp at Dobritz. Here there are 9000 soldiers, composed of 4000 British and ' the re mainder French, Russian and Belgian troops. These men camp now In tents, but they are able to enter permanent buildings erected on the maneuver ground. The Russians are doing the cooking, and they feed the entire camp in 50 minutes. The prisoners erected their permanent buildings themselves. In both the civilian and soldier camps the prisoners are allowed to buy to bacco and food from the commissary, and their friends and relatives are per mitted to visit them at certain hours." Negotiations are pending between Germany and Great Britain for the ex change of military prisoners, but Mr. Anderson does not think, that any ex change of soldiers soon will be brought about. Women and invalid old men are not being held in either Germany or Eng WET COMEDY AT LYRIC VAXCOUVER, WASH, IS SCENE OF MEHIIV PnODlCTIOX. Eleven Pretty Chorus Girls Take Part Ia Iy the Mayor" and Lead ins; Woman Ia Favorite. The second week of the new stock company at the Lyric Theater offers Miss Jeanle Mai. the leading lady. better opportunity to display her talent as a singer and actress. The play is izzy tne Mayor, written by Al Franks. the leading man. It is filled with popular songs and the scene Is laid in Vancouver, Wash. The play is founded on tampering witn a voting macbine and Izzy Cohen, who is elected Mayor, changes Van couver from a "dry," to a wide-open town, Vancouver, as Izzy found it. era hiblted smoking as well as drinking, so that every time anybody was seen smomng a fire alarm was sent In. Every chorus girl has a speaking part, and one, the leader, sings in a duet with Lew Dunbar, who played Mike Shultz. partner to Izzy Cohen, the Mayor. Their costumes are attractive, especially In the ballet and the "Edel weis" song. A flying ballet girl, jn a crane operated from the stage. Is an attractive feature. The ten musical numbers include "Adele." by Mies MafJ "It's a Long way to JJalirornla." a parody on "Tip perary," featuring wet and dry again, by Joe Demper. and "Where the Edel- wels Is Blooming," by Lew Dunbar and the leading chorus girl. The chorus of 11 girls Joins in every song. Here is the cast: Izzy Cohen, poli tician, Al Franks; Mike Schultz, his partner. Lew Dunbar; Tom Candy. little of everything. Jack Curtis: It. E. form, Mayor, will Mansfield; Hudson Rivers, in love with Lucy, Joe Kemper; Slaughterhouse Kats, Marie Celestine: Lucy 'Tuva, Mayor's daughter, Leanie Mai; Airs, tieii, a ward-heeler, LiU.j Sutherland. - Extra Australian Wool May Come. WASHINGTON. Nov. 1G. Charge Barclay, of the British Embassy, and Counsellor Lansing, of the State De partment, conferred today on the Brit ish embargo on exportation of wool from Australia. Indications are that an arrangement may be made whereby Australian wools, in excesse of the British home requirement, will be al lowed to be exported to the United States for manufacture under a pledge that the wool will not be re-exported to Germany or Austria. The arrange ment, however, has not been perfected. "Watch for " DODGE BROTHERS' t Announcement Soon. OHOWING this week some mighty nifty clothes the kind that keep you warm on a cold day that let you .swing down the street with a comfortable, easy sense of being well dressed. Fabrics are "top notch" "on the. level" and that means every stitch is just right, whether in view or out. tailoring Tell the boys to show you these "fussy Bal macaans at $15 or an especially fine suit at $20; got 'em for more if you want. . Puzzle 'Which hat is a Dunlap "Five and which a Brewer "Three?" BEN SELLING Morrison at Fourth pit- gf HANLEY OUTLAY $10,019 O. C. IEITER, CAMPAIG.V MANAGER, REPORTS HIS EXPENSE!. Committee of One Hundred Caes 916,066 la Dry Fight and Dental So ciety Expends 416L SALEM, Or, Nov. 16. (Special.) O. C Lelter. manager and treasurer of the Senatorial campaign committee repre senting William Hanley. Progressive nominee for United States Senator, spent during theTecent campaign J10, 019.68. according to a statement filed with Secretary of State Olcott today. Orton E. Goodwin, trustee of the Committee of One Hundred, which fought for prohibition, expended 16, 066.68 and the Oregon Dental Society for Dental ErtimHttnn AYnnnH.. rue, e. opposing the dentistry bill initiated by The Democratic State Central Com mittee, through Floyd Bilyeu, treas urer, spent 16637.78 and through Lester W. Humphreys, assistant treasurer. T.6893.72. M. J. Waite. secretary of the C J. Smith campaign committee, ex pended 4821.02. In behalf of Frederick. Holllster. Democratic candidate for Congress, the Democratic County Cen tral Committee, of Coos County, ex pended $1607.75 and S. A. Barnes, treas urer of the Eastern Oregon State Normal School campaign committee, in behalf of the bill providing a normal school at West spent $2786.33. CENSORSHIP IS RIDICULED Parliament Hears Foes of Publicity Scored for Mistakes. LONDON", Nov. 16. Walter Long. Unionist, In the House of Commons, today made a strong appeal to the government to lift the curtain which Is hiding the operations on the front. He believed the time had arrived to per mit a limited number of authorized correspondents to Join the army. In justice to the army, ne said. It was de sirable that the country should know something about the splendid deeds of the British soldiers, which would In crease popular enthusiasm and aug ment the stream of recruits. Timothy Healy, Irish Nationalist, re clared the censorship had made Eng land the laughing stock of the world. The censor, he said, had even made an excision from a Turk's prayer to Mo hammed. The whole system of press censorship, he said, required complete reorganisation. Mr. Healy also declared that both the Belgian and the Servian, loans should be regarded as gifts. Prejnier Asqulth declared that noth ing was being kept back except In cases where such a course was required by immediate military exigencies. tBusinessTnade Schools COURSES Accounting Pharmacy AdvcrtLtljag- Physics Algebra Plan Heading and Assaying Estimating Architect drafting Public Speaking Aruamena Aatomoblla Bookkeeping Boys' School Business jLaw Chemistry Coast Engineering Civil Service Electricity Eng-Unh for For eign Men English Grammar and Reading Freehand Drawing French Geometry German History -Latin Machine Design Mech an 1 ca 1 Oraf t-tna- Penmanshlp Rein forced Con crete Salesmanship Hpanish Shorthand Surveying and Mapping Show Card Writing Telegraphy Trigonometry Typewriting Vocal Musia Wlrel's Teleran'Y Y. M C A., Taylor and Sixth Streets. Catalogue tree. V 11 HI in TTv e oecree or fcn& rRmniP .g- s the Voice of Destiny And the Spring Valley Wine Company is the first to obey. If the same conscientious methods were always used in other establishments as we have always enforced in the Spring Valley Wine Company there would be NO NEED for a PROHIBITORY CAMPAIGN in Oregon or elsewhere. The PUREST stock, the LARGEST stock and the HIGHEST GRADE stock will be IMMEDIATELY; placed upon the market for WHAT it WELL BRING, and only SO LONG as it LASTS. High Grade Whiskies SUNNY BROOK (bottled in bond), bottle 79 FIVE DIFFERENT WELL-KNOWN WHISKIES, full quarts, bottle 65c FAMOUS OLD KENTUCKY, bottle 75d CREAM RYE, bottle , 79 MARBLE, "smooth as' velvet," bottle 80 SILVER DELL, bottle. 75 ALL $3.00 WHISKIES, gallon . . !s2.25 ALL $3.50 WHISKIES, gallon. .82.25 ALL $4.00 WHISKIES, galton S2.90 -ALL $5.00 WHISKIES, gallon.....'.:' ....$3.85 Pure California Wines IMPERIAL, elsewhere $1.50, our price, gallon, 85 OLD VINTAGE, regular $2.00, gallon. .S1.15 CREAM OF CALIFORNIA, "oldest and best," gal.S1.45 Above Wines include Port, Sherry, Angelica, Muscatel, Tokay, Burgundy, Riesling and Sauterne. SPRING VALLEY WINE CO. PORTLAND'S LARGEST LIQUOR HOUSE SECOND AND YAMHILL Main 589, A 1117,