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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1911)
DEMOCRATS WEIGH LIKELY CANDIDATES Oregon Party Men Favor Bryan as Director Wil son and Harmon Factors. DELEGATES GIVE VIEWS Chamberlain and ffnl nllT-d to II Certain Choice to RcpreM-nt 6 La to at National ConTcntlon. Portland Leader Actlrev Or.rnn Pemoerat ta tfc primary !! I on nt April will tiara a chole btw.n thr.a rr.-I'1ate for the l"re Id.nry Brran. Wilson and Harmon. friends of IS Nebraskan two waak aa-o aiinouncd that tner would that bla namo appears on tha official ballot. They ara now tannine tha flJ for racatcats friendly to Bryan, who will run for taction drlrcatra to tS Imo cratto National conrantton- J. K. Ocxlfrey. 'tnmrratte candidal for Btata Printer In the tat election Uat year, waa la Portland yeetertlay from Sel-ra on h! war to Canyon City, where he will lr.tltuta a Masonic lod.-a. Hffre tearing for Eastern Oreon Uat Blunt ha announced mat ha would be a randldata for election aa one of tha tan delecataa Orrvoa Imocrt ara entitled to nam for their National convention. Brraa Fararad Leader. "I am not neceaaarily for Bryan aa th remx-ratlc nomtnea for resi dent." explained Mr. ll.idfrey. "but 1 hall (upport for PrenMrnt In th con vention only that candidal whom Bry an want If ha la hlmaelf not a can didate. re moo rata feel that they will next year har a chance to elect a President and. In my opinion. Mr. Bryan la entitled to Brat consideration In determining upon tha party a nomi ne. "If Bryan doe not want to ba th nominee himo'lf. hla choice ahould b accepted the logical candidate, aa wa ran only expect to win by naming a tha eandl.'.at a man who la ac ceptable to Bryan and who can count on tha enthutlaatlo support of th Ne braska n.M It la understood that C. I Reamra. of Hertford, a prominent Southern Ore gon Democrat, will alao be a candi date for election aa delegate to hli party' National convention. Although h haa not announced hla position. It la reported that Mr. Ileamea entertalna Imtlar views to those of Mr. Godfrey. Lmocrata are pretty much screed that Senator Chamberlain and Gover nor West will ba two of their dele gate to th National convention, re gardlera of th chpl.e of the Oregon I 'emocrary for th Presidency. Cham berlain and West ara understood to favor Wllaon for th Presidency. Other prominent Democrat who namee undoubtedly will appear on th ballot aa candidates for delrgatea are: rr. Harry Lane, Alex Sweek. John B. Ryan. John H. Btevenson. C. K. I Wood. F. V. llolman. Oglesby Toong and R. P. Inman. of this cltr. and Dr. C. J. Smith, of Pendleton. These men ara about equally divided between Wllaon and Harmon, although soma of th Wilson advocate har no hesi tancy In expressing favor for Bryan aa egalnat Harmon. Harmon Iwmocrata ara eagerly con templating the vistt to Portland tha latter part of this month of Governor Harmon. Tha will be In Baa Francis.?) on November II for th pur pose of selecting a alt for tha Ohio building and exhibit at th Panaroa 1'aclHc Exposition. Harass) FanUass Basy. r.etumlng home, ha wttl visit Port land and other Northwest cities. Just a soon a th data of his arrival here la Bird def.r.itele. local lemocrat will make arrangement for hla reception and entertainment. In thes activities, prominent re -no-era t a who were given the go-by when Wi:son Vetted Portland several week go wilt be especially alert In showing Harmon attention. It was evidently tha purpose of Wilson, during his brief sojourn here, to create a favorable Impression among representative cltl aan. resrardiesa of political affiliation, at any rate, h fought shy of any par tisan demonstration. Harmon expects to meet Pe mocra ta and talk Democracy. Wllaon re quested that the main part of bis en tertainment while In the city should ba under the auspice of th commer cial bodlee. This wa dona. Harmon frtentl her will sea to It that he 1 given every opportunity to meet Democrat. .i- ... f tha East Eld Business Men's Club. Indorsed th movement to locate the auditorium on the East Bide, and also pasaed a reaolutlon approving th position of T. B, Wilcox, chairman of tha Auditorium Commission, that th HOO.000 act. passed by th vot of th ctty b resubmitted to th pecpl. Jame W. Conway. Frank Motter and J. B. Zlegler wer appointed an udl" torlum commute to eo-oprt wlta th other committees from th East Sid on this movement. A resolution waa adopted arprBTne the location and propoeed rctlon of th hospital on the Peninsula. Th as sociation approved the extension of Kerby street through th Montgomery tract, and passed a resolution asking the Council to complete th proceeding for th extension. A communication waa received from th Grtcrs" and Merchants Associa tion calling attention to th expo sition to be bold In Deoetnber. which wa indorsed and th association will aa a i wa m w v ten -....,. - position. M. O. Collins called attention I to th effort mad to examine th tax 1 roll and th association Indorsed th movement. Delegatee wer present from 10 push I clubs and it. O. Collins presided at th MMtlne There waa axtended dlsous- I ston on all th topic considered. It was th sentiment of the delegate that th new federation ahould b supported and mad a permanent organisation. Olds, Wortmam Oldest Retail Store in the Northwest-Established in Portland in 1851 ii Friday ."Ecoinomy POUCE ARRESTS LESS OYLT 11 DISORDERLY PLACES REPORTED LAST jrO.VTII. WEST PARDONS WOMAN Nora Walsh in Jail for Larceny to Return to Parent In Spokane. Nora Walsh, a young woman who waa convicted of larceny last bummer, and ha been serving a six months sentence In th County Jail here, wa pardoned Wednesday by Governor West, trne had been In Jail since August IS. The parenta of tha young woman, who are wealthy hotel people In fr-po-aene. hav not been made aware of her plight, and have been led to belter all th time that shs was sick her. F-n baa been a model prisoner alnc her Incarceration. She ts only 20 year old. (Several years ago she was mar ried, although sine she has been sepa rated from her husband. Sb I th mother of a S-year-old child. Two week before her arrest she came to Portland with another woman. It waa her purpose to seek work here. Ph and her companion met a man two weeks after their arrival, and wer Induced to go Joy riding with him. After th rid th man discovered that be had been relieved of a sum of money and some valuables, and the arrest of the Walsh girl followed. The other woman was not molested. After the Walsh woman bad been convicted her companion Is said to hav absconded with her trunk, clothes and other personal property. She baa con tinually maintained her Innocence and th authorities have been Inclined to believe her. Her record shows that she had always borne a good reputation. the will be permitted to go to her parenta. but will be required to keep In touch with Mr a. Baldwin, of the De partment of Public safety for Women. EAST SIDE SITE IS URGED Raslne) Men's Club Indor More, for Auditorium Location. Th Cnltd Improvement Club Asso ciation. In session Wednesday sight. In Activity Against Gambling- Show. Inorease With Total of US Caught In October. Figures tending to show wither that th moral health of tha city Is com paratively good or that tha police hav slackened their paca ar exmtmaa in the monthly record of arrests, com pleted yesterday. Th record show that 11 place wer allewed to be dis orderly, a against X th preceding month: ten Inmate wer arrested, a against 11 In September, while threw men charged with being paraalte and two with taking th earnings of im moral woman war rn custody, oom pared with ten arrests for th of fensee In September. Activity against gambling snowea an Increase, there being 12S arrests, com pared wits 7S In r-eptember. moet of the defendant being Chinese. Discip lining of law-breaking saloonkepera remained at a high mark, there being S arrests under th liquor ordinance In September there wer IL' Tha figure aa to drunkenness con tinue to show the efficacy of prosecut ing man who sell to th Intoxicated. "Plain drunks" remain less than one third of the total case. In which ratio they hav stood ever sine tha police began campaigning against thos who sell to such men. Ther were seven arreets for this offense during tha month. . Total arrests wer lltl. of whom II wer women. Th receipts of th Mu nicipal Court wr 15001.50. ZOO IS PUZZLING BOARD Park Ctommlaal cm era. Asked to Re move Beasta, Are in Quandary. What to do with lions, tiger, wild cats, bear, monkeys and othar beasts of th Jungle, now comprising th aoo at th City Park. Is a problem con fronting the Park Board. Following th report of th Board that It would Investigate condition at th too. which haa been declared a nuisance by resident of th City Park neighborhood, many proposals hav ben received for site for th soo. Th Hoard I In receipt of communication from various parts of th city and county, several suggesting that th n tlre collection of animal be sent to Pulton Park, south of th ctty. An other proposal I that th ctty buy a tract of S acre outside the city for th animals. Th person making this proposal offers such a tract for 10.00. Ptlll another propeal la that th too be taken to Rosa Island, If that prop erty Is purchased by th ctty. Mayor Rushlight and members of th Park Board hav arranged to visit th soo. It is said It may b possible to ao Chang the location of th cage that the objectionable feature will be eliminated. The main complaints are that th too building are unsightly, and that th lion roars In tha early mornings. BREWING COMPANY SUING Mount Hood Firm Aakg $115.50 Damage) From Street Rai I way. "Th plaintiff (th Mount Rood Brewing Company) wa proceeding north on Seventh street In It auto mobile when a car operated by the de fendant In a recklea manner truck It." says a complaint f led In Justlc Court yesterday by th brewing com pany aaainst th Portland Hallway, Llcht A Power Company. Suit for ftlS.EJ Is mad by th com plaint, which relate th circumstances of an accident which happened at Sev enth and Washington streets last Feb ruary. Th brewing company' motor truck wa moving slowly, says th complaint, and when It first entered the Intersection there was no streetcar within 150 feet, but before It could get across, one cam up so fast that It struck th truck and damaged It to the STionnt demanded. 75c Fancy NecRw'r 12c At the Neckwear counter, on the main floor, a great clean-tip sale of Women's Neckwear; some are slightly mussed or soiled, but a littlo effort will make them pood as new; there are many - c styles to choose from. Regular 75o grades, sale price only lat-Le 50c Muffler 37c Cold weather is close at hand. Here Is a sale of Bradley's Phoenix Knit Mufflers in a com plete line of sizes and colors the kind that sells q everywhere at 50c, spl 3 C $2 Lace Veils Only 98c Economy Sale of "Women's Lace Veils in a great variety of QO daintv desigms and extra large sizes; values to $2.00 for 70iy LINEN COLLARS Odds and ends in Embroidered Linen Col-Q lae. clio-Mlv soiled from handlinz: worth up to $1.00, foriV cm in Tailored Splits Vp2s5 at $16.49 Here's a lesson In economy for all thrifty women. A sale of fine tailor-made Suits every one new right up to the minute in style. Fashioned on neat tailored lines, pleasing In effect and cut to fit. Positively no "back numbers' at this store. The bi? "Fashion Shop" has only the new season able Suits; couldn't show an old style if we wanted to. 1 his lot comprises, tweeds, serges and novelty .suitings. Coats are the regulation length, lined with Skinner's satin. Skirts are gored and plaited, many have loose panels, "" from 34 up. Also Misses' Norfolk Suits in the mixed materials, with velvet collars and panel skirts; sizes 15, 17 and 19 for misses and little women; values tp Jo f1 C ACk $32.50. Special Economy sale price only A VJXS . Women's Aprons at 39c vmiu v -w r- ' For today', economy sale the apron .tora offer, a ladies' Sing-ham or Percale Apron, in th. JJ string, .No whit, lawn .prons, very neatly mad.j wd ceedingly pood 60o sellers, too, for the very low price of CHILDREN'S Gingham Aprons styled in the box effect, wxth turndown collars, .trap back, long df "J,.?. " 49c years. These aprons ar. our regular 65o value. Special at" Child's $4 Dresses $3 Child's $15 Dresses $9.S5 A .ale of Children's Dresses in M .95 WomeB's Wool Dresi Cl O Q.50 -3 rv 021 i TVe think every woman in the vicinity of . Portland is familiar with the class of wearing apparel which we carry. This lot of Dresses proclaim themselves best because of the superior quality of material, splendid workmanship and perfect fit. They come in navy blue, brown, black, delft blue, blacK ana wmte novemes, em. Also Peter Thompson styles for misses high and low necks, with sailor collar effects, with revers and cuff J of satin and broadcloth, or trimmed in braids, piping, Bilk and cord and tassels. Sizes from 14 years up to 40 bust measures. Regular values up to $28.50, specialized for this ttjl C QC Economy Sale at the exceptionally low price Olwatv 10 Petticoats Now $4.29 Come now and pick out that Christmas Petticoat while the selec tion is good; this lot comprises mes6alines and taffetas in the perfect finish, stvled with deep flounces, tucked, accordion plaited, some trimmed with pin tucks and bands; colors are pale blue, pink, rose, tan, alice and royal blue, light gray, changeables, black and white. Skirts worth to $10.00, bargainized during this sale at the special price of only isses' Children's Wool Middles in whit, serge, with dark blue flannel col lars and cuffs or in solid blue flannel; sizes 8 to 14 years; our regular grades to iRO AQ $4.50, special at only yee-x- Children's Coats. Children's high-grade Coats in strictly tailored effects, or black caracul, sizes 4 to 14 years. All of which are marked to sell at orer $13.50, at O NX-FIFTH OFF plain colors or plaid patterns, splendid materials, good sensible school dresses, well made and late styles, sizes 6 to 14 years, worth np to $15.00 Q QC each, special at only 'i' Children's Bonnets Children's Bonnets in velvet, silk and felt, all colors and sizes, priced at $1.85 up to $8.00, ar. now yours at a FOTJETH OFF argaiiie Circle Sale of laras 01 $1, 31.25 Silfes 59c Uer. is economy that will appeal to every thrifty woman in Portland. 2500 yards of Fancy Silks in taffetas, fancy messalines and crystal oords in a good rang, of colors, suitable for waists, dresses, trimmings, etc,; also for evening wear. Many are suitable for foundations under voiles, grenadines and marquisettes. Thes. silks sell regularly at from CQ, $1.00 to .$1.25 the yard, bargainized at special price, the yard,''' Money Back Hyomei is Guaranteed to End the Misery of Catarrh, Colds, Sore Throat and Croup. Get a ITTOMEI (pronounce tt High- ! o-me) outfit today. Pour a few drops from th bott' Into the little hard rubber pocket Inhaler that cornea with earn outfit, and breathe It four or five times a day. lm-neJIste'y yon will know that HT OMEI soothes and heals th Inflamed and Irritated membrane. But HYOMEI does mors than sooth and h a L It 1 1 1 i i II I th rml - thos p s ta that a r the root of all ca t a r r b a 1 ooniltlona. Aoo m- p 1 t a HTOMEI outfit, which Include aa ln rlestructlbl pocket Inhaler, cost only $1.00. If you now own a HTOMEI In haler, you can set an eatra bottle of HTOMEI for only 6A cents at drug gists everywhere. Ouaranteed not to contain cocaine, opium or other hablt forirlna drugs, booth's Hyomal Co UuXtalo, N. T. 1 jt CKildren's fiose 50c. 65c. 75c Q Tp Grades at Only iJ iT JL A great cleanup of Children's Hof, for boys, girls and misses; black worsteds, black cashmeres, 2x1 rib and 111 narrow rib; some with seamle.s foot, others are full-fashioned, heavy and medium weights, merino heels and toes and extra spliced knee; all sizes in th. O lot; regular stock 60c, 65o and 75c grades, bargainized at, pr, S1.50 Kid Gloves Now 95c $3.50 Long' Gloves $2.85 2000 pairs of Women's Pique Lambskin Gloves, one-clasp styles in every wanted color and size, regular $1.50 grades, 47? 1 1C special at, the pair V A Women's two-clasp Kid Gloves in th. overseam style, in black, whit, and colors. Our regular $1.50 grades, good, re- QC liable quality, the pair Women's 16-button German Lamb Skin Gloves, taken CO QC from our regular stock values to $3.50 pair and offered at -- After-Dimmer Mimts Rea;. o Grade at 27c The bewt ever. See window display at Morrison-street lobby. You will love these dolicious mints. Just like all th. rest of our good confections, they have no equal. Regular 40o grade, 27J Sale Drug's Main Floor. Witch HazeL 16-oz. bot, "f-Sc nlar 35e size, special at only" Witch HazeL 8-oz. bottle, reg- 1C. nlar 25c size, special at only Lavoria, large 50e size, only 40 Iiisterine, medium 50c size, only 33 Glyco-Thymolin., $1.00 size, for 79 Peroxide, -lb. 25o bottle for 15 Peroxide, i-lb. 15o bottle, only 7$ Swamp-Root, large $1.00 size, 79 Mentholatom, small, 25c size, at 16 Bromo Seltzer, large $1.00 size, 73 Sal Hepatica, small 25o size, for 19 Scott's Emulsion, large $1 size, 83 Bnssel's Emulsion, $1.00 size, 85 Anglers' Emulsion, $1.00 size, 83 Sevetol mnlsion, large $1 size, S3 Absorbent Cotton, 1 lb, 35c size, 29f Dodd's Kidney Pills, special at 39 Doan's Kidney Fills, special at 39 Fernna, in the $1.00 size, for 83 Peptonized Beef, Iron and ?Q Wine, regular $1.00 size, for vJVC HORLIOK'S MALTED MILK. $3.75 Hospital size for only $2.75 $1.00 size, specially priced at 79? 50o medium size, special at only 39 50o tablets, specially priced at 39 Toilet Needs at Econo my Sale Prices. Febeoo Tooth Paste, special at 40 Qanitol Tooth Pasta, special at 19 Rubifoam, bargainized at only 19 $1.00 Pompeian Cream at only 67 75o Pompeian Cream, special at 59 60c Pompeian Cream, special at 391 25o Williams' Talcum, epeoial, 15 Java Rioe Fac. Powder at only 35 10c Witch Hazel Soap at only 5c Fairy Toilet Soap, the cake, 3? lOo Toilet Soaps, assorted, at 3 $1.00 Rubber Gloves 75c For household use maroon rubber. Every pair of them is guaranteed. $1 Fountain Syring'e 89c White rubber, with three hard rub ber pipes. Com. in the 2-quart size, $1.75 Water Bags $1.10 Beat red rubber Hot Water Bags in the 3-quart size. These are guaranteed. $4.29 emarKable Sale TrimmecS fiats gsto $187 at 12 priCe Model oats 15 to $67.50 a4 l3 Q Pattern, oats Now for the great sale of high-class models in Millinery-r-Imported creations in fur set of hat and muff and bag to match, also velvet set of hat and muff to match, and 300 hats of the very latest and best styles of the season just received, all will go in this disposal; pat terns originated by Lichtenstein, BendeL, Joseph,vKurzman, Gearhart, Rawak, Gage, Hyland and French modistes. A genuine bona fide Bale. Choose any Hat at U P-.!- II Choose any Hat at 1- f fff $75 to $187.00 at -TrlCe $15.00 to $67.50 at . VU Three Great Specials in Trimmed Hats $5, $7.50 and $10 Three of the most extraordinary bargains in mod erate priced Hats. Many are actually worth- .(TWICE THE PRICE ASKED. Many have only 'been in the house a few days every hat is good, NO TRASH. All we ask is that you come and see them. We will leave the matter of former price or real worth to yon. We want you to compare them with other hats at the same price or even more. If you are a judge of millinery you will say "I never saw the like." See them. THREE TABLES OF TRIMMED HATS, PRICED AT $10.00 THREE TABLES OF TRIMMED HATS, PRICED AT $ 7.50 TWO TABLES OF TRIMMED HATS, PRICED AT $ 5.00 aim New Undermuslins $1.75 Combinations $149 $1.50 Combinations 98c $1.50 Gowns Now for 98c Economy sale of Women's Com bination Suits, made of long oloth, corset cover effects, cir cular cut drawers, trimmed in linen and VaL laces, allover em broideries, beading, ribbon, etc; regular values np to Cj 1 AQ $L75, special at only V X WOMEN'S GOWNS Made of longcloth in the slip-over style with round or square neck, short Bleeves; others with high neck and long sleeves, trimmed in lace and insertions, ribbons, tucks, em- QO broidery, etc; garments which sell regularly to $1.50, special, OC Women's Combinations in the corset cover and drawers, in long cloth, trimmed in embroidery and insertions, edged with lace, the favorite style garment, worth to $1.50 each, on sale at the QO. special economy price of fOC Specials in Andirons &. Fire Sets In the big hardware store, 3d floor, w. specialize many Winter need at great reductions. Look this list over: $ 4.50 Brass Andirons for S 3. GO $ 8.00 Brass Andirons for S 6.40 $10.00 Brass Andirons for 8 S.OO $12.50 Brass Andirons for S10.OO S 2.50 Black Andirons for S 2.00 $ 8.00 Black Andirons for 8 $ 2.00 Spark Guards at only 8 $ 2.75 Spark Guards at only S $ 3.00 Spark Guards at only S $ 5.50 Fire Screens for only S New lines Andirons just received. William Rogers' Silver ware and All Table Hollow-ware Reduced. Silver Tea Sets. Sugars and Creams. Trays, Casseroles, BaKing Dishes, Etc 6.40 1.60 2.23 2.85 4.75" Two Low-Priced Wonders Machines TheStandard Rotary Machine 638 Sold on the $1.00 a Week Club Plan. A famous machine, the Standard, drop-tead, auto matic lift, style 14A Rotary. It makes either the two thread lock stitch or 6ingle-thread chain stitch. Spe cial instructions for using the machine will be given at your home or at tha store. Sold oaCQQ fiCl $1.00 a week club nlan while they last ?JOuu ieh sewing TheNorwood $22.50 Machine $19.75 Sold on the $1.00 a Week Clnb Plan. The Norwood Automatia Lift Drop-Head Machine, swell front pattern, strictly new style carved wood work. It will make an elegant Christmas gift. You can join the club now, have the machine delivered in time for Christmas and continue to pay fl Q "71? np th. bill at $L0O a week this week, P 1 - $1.75 French Net Curtains $1.23. French Net Curtains with 2-inch hem and attractive wide lace edge, Arabian color or white curtains, 40 inches wide, 2Vi yards fljl OO long; (L75 values at $2.75 Lounge Drapes now $1.85. Attractive and serviceable Lounge Drape, in artistic Oriental designs and rich colorings; splendid qual ity, full size, $2.75 If 1 OS f atV sW Reg. 65c Curtain Swiss now 39c Best quality Curtain Swiss in fancy check designs, full 50 inches wide, in ecru and white, very good for many different PQc poses; 65o grade, special at grades, special at only Great Sale of Men's and Boys' Apparel Continues Today ' See Wednesday night and Thursday morning papers for particulars of the great saving opportunities. Come if you have to come a 100 miles r Tj-: f c i A nee vuuiuiig ocnooi. Lecture by Mrs. Hawley. Come and learn how to make Holiday Goodies. For today's lesson, "Christ mas Cookies," the kind that will keep if you leave them alone. "But yon can't let-'em-alonc" All women are invited. 2:30 P. M. today, on th. 4th floor. Women, taker advantage. Groceries CHOICE HAM, 16 Best guaranteed sugar-cured Hams. BEST BACON, 18 English style sugar-cured Bacon. BUTTEIL "Glenwood," 2"lb. square for 73 Clover Leaf, 2-lb. square only 70 O. W. EL Special 2 pounds for 67 25c PINEAPPLES 20o Queen Lil brand, Hawaiian siloed. 25o ASPAEAGUS 20c CAN. Grand Island brand; the doz., $2.25 $1.25 BOX PETJNES $1.00. Best Oregon Fine large ones, too. 25o CATSUP 18o Snider 's Best, put up in bottles. SOc FRENCH PEAS 22x Best imported stock, put np in cans.