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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1911)
Tit MM TSb3 i Y J V x cr . . . . POKTI.AXD, OREGON, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOI . - NO. '13.89.1. NABOBS SMILE AT SUBPENA SERVER ANDREW CARNEGIE PRESENTS ' HIM WITH PHOTOGRAPH. FLEET III HUNGRY CHILDREN PLEAD FOR FATHER QUEUES JUST TIED ON MAY SAVE JOBS BUSINESS PERILS SEEN BY PERKINS POWDER FIRE KILLS 8 GHEHAUS GIRLS E I HOTEL MAX REBELS AT EDICT OP CHINESE REBELS. 6 RAGGED TOTS BEG MAYOR TO FREE JOHX DICK FROM JAIL. BIGGER PENN HEARS OF HANKOWMASSACRE GIFIC S Penned BehindCounter Young Women Burn. RESCUERS ARE DRIVEN BACK Twelve Men Escape Unharmed by Scorching Heat. FLASH START OF BLAZE flames Make Bodies Vnreeognls ble to Nearest Relatives Ex plosion Absent and Mys tery Tells Origin. OIEHALIS. Wash, Nov. L (8pe riaLl rer1htng as they stood at their workbench which penned them In be hind a Ion counter with not a chance) for escape. seven young women wers horned to death today and an eta-nth. till breathing whea she was removed by reamers, died lata tonight In agony, ss the result of a sadden flash of un covered prwder In the mixing rooms of t lie Imperial Powder Company. Am the death shrieks of the (Iris rang through the building. IS men who had 1 n working In other parts of the plant escaped with hardly a scorch. Meveral of them wers blown through tie exits to safety. The dead: Stan ef the Dead. Ml.s Vera Mtlford. Miss Sadls. Weetfall. oti!y daughter cf Samuel weetfalL Mts Eva Gttmore. Mies Bertha Mac!. Mr. Mary White, la a whose mother, widow. Miss Ethel Tharp. A.lse Tll!le Rashbaek. Mrs. Ethel Henry. Miss Bertha Crown, who was so ter rlb:y burned that shs died tn ths hos pital. Only Oae la Identified. Chehslls tonight la a city In mourn Ins;. At the morgue, where the bodies f the dead srirls are lying, their rharred corpses mercifully hidden tin ier sheets, hundreds of persona waited utald all eenlnc. as relatives trove to Identify their dead. But even this sad comfort was dsnled most of rhem. Only one of the bodies, that of Miss ttfcel Tr-arp. has been Identified. Her rather, B. F. Tharp. Identtned It by reans of a Mac discolored and half jisltsd by the terrible beat, which shs a-ors on her finger. Of ths ethers, nana will probably ever Identified for certain. rtrw Caaws la DosM. The disaster befell with appalling suddenness. An early report tonlrht. a-hloh has sines been denied, was to ths iffeet that a careless workman In ths mixtng-roora let a pot of paraffins boll ovsr. and that part of It ran Into soma powder material near by. limiting It There Is bo svtdenca to support this theory, and the real origin of ths fire mar never bs known. Ths feeling la however, that ths ac cident was dus to carelessness. Ths employes had been cautioned repeatedly to use ths utmost ears In their work st ths plant, and especially that part where tha firs started. Whatever ths eauss. there was a sud. ten flash, and tn an Instant tha whols .ntertor of tha factory waa In a blaze. Thsrs was no explosion, ona of ths properties of the Imperial Towder product betnc that It will not explods unless confined. The powder simply stent up In a flash, and thosa who were not near exits had no chance to eacapo death. tVe-SUa H addled Tocvtber. Tb young women, who were all em ployed as packers, were working at-a ),int counter next to a wall- Wheal found, their bodies wers huddled to gether, as If they bad been blown thers br ths force of ths Igniting powdsr. or bad died trying to escape. Their work bench was tn their way and completely eut off their road to safety, oven had there been time. Pome of the men who escaped wejca thrown several feet by tha blaat of air created by the sudden Ignition of tha powder. Krraad Oevn Ctrl. Just before) the fire. Victor L. Bedler. superintendent of ths plant, ths ehera lit who invented the process for mak ing the Imperial powder, called Miss Beasts Cochran from her m-ork at ths bench Into another part of ths build In. To this fact she owes her Ufa Miss Eva Zavaloaek. tha only other girl employe who escaped, was tn an other part of the building and was blown out. shs knows not how. Whea she escaped from ths building M'.ts Cochran ran toward the rompanys track, while ths Zavalosek girl rushed madly up the Coal Creek Valley, where It was necessary to overtake her with an automobile later, so baJ'.y was shs frightened. Her hair had been badly singed. Hiersits nrtveej flack. Word or the disaster first cams to Chehslls from the power plant of ths traction company nearby, and tha news spread feat. (Scores of persons hastened to ths scene to lend aid to ths Injured and If possible to help save ths prop erty In dancer. Reeeua work was tm iOwaeluued ea face ! mited Stales Marshal Find J- I. Morgan and John P. Rocke feller Equally .raclons. NEW YORK. Nov. lCnltsd States Marshal Henkel was In a cheerful mood tonight after a round of subpena-serv-Ing today upon prominent financiers and men of affairs named as defendants In ths Government's suit against ths United Elates 6teei Corporation. Ths marshal seemed especially pleased as ha exhibited a trophy in tha ehapa of an autographed photogTaph. It bora ths words: "Compliments of Andrew Carnegie." , -Yes. sir." said ths marshal. "Mr. Carnegie gave me that today. I went to bis house to serve him with ths sub pena. When my card was sent In Mr. Carnegie sent word right back for mi to sit down. He showed me this picture and asked ma If I would Ilka one. I told him I would If he would sign It. and hs did." Ths marshal bad communicated wita J. p. Morgan and had Informed blra that ho would bs around to see him be fore Mr. Morgan left for his business. Tbs financier was waiting for the mar shal tn his library. He took ths sub pena after a cheery -good mornlng." Ths marshal telephoned to John D. Rockefeller that hs would be up to see him In a day or so with the subpena. And what do you think hs saldT" ssked the marshal. "He said. 'I wlllje glad to see you. and thafe a fact." Subpena havs been served also upon Charles Steele. James Gayley. Edmund C. Converse. Daniel O. Bold. Norman B. Ream. John D. Rockefeller. Jr. J. N. Hill. E. H. Gary, the United Statea Steel Corporation, the Fedsral Btsel Company, the Lake Superior Consoli dated Iron Mines and ths Union Steel Company. 12 PEARLS JN0NE OYSTER Spokane Miller Knna on Treasure During Sunday D'nner. BrOKANE. wash, Nov. lpeclal. Twelve pearls, beautifully colored. In a rough condition were found In an oystsr by L. O. Radlsy. head miller at the Bpokane Flour Mills. Mr. Badley was preparing to eat one of the big Eastsra rarlsty at a Sunday dinner at bis reeldsncs when bis fork struck a bard substance that proved to bs a whols nestfui of Jewels. -I haven't ths slightest Idea where tbs oysters cams from." said Radiey this morning. "The cook bought them and I Just happened to run onto ths pearls. If I knew where that speci men cams from I would be tempted to look for mora" The pearls range In else from ths thickness of a garden pea to small bird shot WOLVES PROWL IN CITY Anaconda Night Watchman Rescue Deer Prom Band of Marauders. ANACONDA. Nov. JL Drlvsn from tha hills by the deep snows and des perate with hunger, bands of timber wolves ars prowling on the outaklrts of the city. A band of Ave wolves pursued a deer Into the heart of ths city early this morning, but wore put to flight by a nlgbt watchman. Ths deer escaped. The wolves apparently have taken shslter In the abandoned stables of ths racetrack on the outaklrts of ths town. CHINA'S new premier, whose appointment indicates ETUEN OF PEACE TO EMPIRE. i ' ' s- :? . v J - '.'m v. i - v r--V - - t '-c - VV.: ' i ' '-: j - ' . . v:'".. ;?.- i i t L.-..J,L-,r--- V.. . us. i,-- - ..--..1.,-;.,. -.i.jnr.mi I i tax SHI KsL . t . , , . . . - . i l l - - t l i - Review Off Los Ange , les Is Success. EVERY SHI? READY FOR WAR Guests Observe Submarines From Deck of Oregon. NAVY. LEARNING LESSON Senator of Committee) on Naval Af fairs Hopes Western Coast Is Soon to Bo Recognised With Better Protection. LOS ANGELES HARBOR. Cal, Nov. 1. In perfect fighting trim, the Pa ciflo fleet underwent, off this port to day, the first naval review in South ern California waters and passed It to the satisfaction of Rear-Admiral Thomas, who was In command, and to ths pleasure of National lawmakers, who Intimated that the mobilisation might remit In increasing the number of American men-of-war on the Pa cific Ocean. After arriving here early today, the vessels Immediately assumed the formation charted out for them a solid rectangle with four columns and six rows, making It vessels, whlls ths other two In the fleet served as re viewing ship and tender, respectively. Gams Saints Admiral. The review waa conducted In ths afternoon. Admiral Thomas receiving Federal and city officials on board ths Vlcksburg. to which bs temporar ily transferred his flag from ths Cali fornia. Then ths Vlcksburg passed down ths columns of vessels, which fired the Rear-Admiral's ssluts of II guns. Admiral Thomas ssrved luncheon board the California and later es corted his guests to ths battleship Oregon, over whloh they wera con ducted and from the deck of which they witnessed a diving exhibition by submarines. Happy Taooaat," Sara Senator. United States Senator Smith of Michigan, a member of the Senate committee on naval affairs, described the naval review as a "happy thought." "Such an event." said Senator Smith. "Is of special interest to ths Pa cific Coast, which Is favored with visits from naval ships altogether too seldom. It should prove a valuable lesson to the Navy Department. I hope the time is not remote when the Government will conclude It Is to Its advantage to maintain a formidable fleet on this coast." FLEET'S READINESS PROVED President to Review Armada Today as It Passes to Sea. NEW TORK. Nov. 1. "The fleet has "(Concluded on Pae Flee.). Man's Rockplle Sentence Drives Family to Star-ration, Hunger Gannt Girl of 1 1 Explains. Dressed In rags and tatters, their shoes worn out and their faces pale and pinched from starvation, six small chil dren filed Into the offlce of Mayor Rushlight yesterday to appeal for the release of their father. John Dick, a cement worker who Is serving a $-00 fine and a 90-day sentence at the Linn ton rockplle for drunkenness. , At ths head of ths party of young sters was their mother, a German, un able to speak any English and com pletely exhausted In her attempts ts keep the family In food since her hus band was sent to jail the first of last Summer. They live in East Fourteenth street between Shaver and Falling. The elder of the children, a girl 11 years old. acted as spokesman for the family. Shs said that since her father has been taken away from them they have had but little to eat, have worn clothes made out of their father's old ones, and have worn out their shoes and have been cold. She said they now have no wood or food left In their little home. -Won't you please let papa go homs with ns tonig-htT" pleaded the child at the end of her story of suffering, told to George K. McCord". secretary to the Mayor. -The baby Is sick and wants to see him. and we are all hungry and cold." McCord has prepared an ordinance to be presented to the Council, which will not meet until next week. OREGON CHOSEN AS HOME Miss Krnttschnltt to Live on Ranch After Becoming Mrs. Woodhonso. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 1. Mlsa Re becca Kruttschnltt. daughter of Julius Kruttschnltt, vice-president of the Southern Paclfio llnea. will become the bride tomorrow night of Clifford Wood house, an English traveler and soldier. The ceremony will take place In this city, at tn. home of the bride's uncle, 3. P. Blali. They will ga to the Orient to remain until Spring and will make their permanent residence on a ranch In Klamath and Lake counties. 1n Oregon. SLIPPER SPANKS SPOUSE Husband Lette to Wife's Birthday Party, Alleged Cans of Tiff. Because J. A. Webb, a real estate man. did not arrive at bis rooms In ths Camar Apartments. 704 Hoyt street, last night. In time for his wife's birth day dlnnsr. Mrs. Webb is alleged to have set upon him with a slipper, se verely beating him. Patrolmen Gouldstone and Welch were called to quiet the disturbance. INDEX TO TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TESTZRDiTS Maximum temperature, S decrees; minimum. 45 desreea. TODAI'8 Fair; northerly wlnda. ForeltU. Pektn war office bears that lmperlalleta have massacred population of Hankow. Pace L Domestic. Loe Antelee Naval review may result In In ereaaloc slae of Paclflo fleet. Pace 1. Oreat financier greet eubpena server with miles. Pase 1- Suff rare leader attend hearing- by Monetary CommliilOD aub-commutee. Page o. Mildred Bherman. fiancee of Lord Camoya, cheate City Hall serma. Page S. Boclallets mwt try again to win in Los An geles. Page 3. Guided by prieonefe map. secret service men dig up It of eerlea ot counterfeit notes. Page 0. George Bandolrh Cheeter weds artist befors first wife'e divorce la mda final. Page Hotel men threaten to discharge waiter who cut off plc:ureque queue. Page 1. George W. Perklne decrle haralng of cap ital. Pag 1. Btate'e attorney .ay It will take two months more to complete McNamara Jury. Page a. Nine death under widow roof point ac cusingly at her. Page v. . 'ports. Ooteh easily throws Roeber In two straight tall. Page 8. Paclfle Northwest. Blackfoot. Idaho, banker arrested, charged with embezzlement of J30.0O0. Page 7. Seven girls' burn to death, another die. In powder factory fire. Chehalls. Wash. Pag 1. M ' Tormer yeoman of Navy ay mn of dual personality enll.ted under real name. lle -X Agricultural demonstration train weleomea by Sherman County reeidenl. Page 7. Game preserve guard found murdered In cabin near St. Helena. Pag 8. Commercial and Marine. Contract for 191 bop crop open at SO oents. Chlrng wheat market, after falling S oents, more than regains lo.a Page 10. Bharp rl.e In Mock, led by Steel's gain of nearly 4 points. Pag 0. Canal Communion .cans data on proposed uregon City lock. Page l. Portland and Vicinity. Aesor Slgler I angered by Eaet ; Side plaint that he discriminate. Pag 1 81 hungry children bg Mayor to free fatter . from JaU that tuey may not .tarve. Page 1. an oleas for additional parks turned down, - - - i..w f mnca Pare 12. I Police comm11nner Coffey to ak grand 1 jury to I"1 - -v.- . - nlrlpal Judge Cohen, whom woman ae 1 t. ii Prospective ealoon-keeper lo.e, I21S0 to two tranger In atchel wlndle. Page 1. Portland poetal bank beet In United Statee In proportion to population of city. Pag 12. Portland bulnes men return from Arling ton development meeting and The Dsllea. Pag 13. New People- Theater I opened. Page 4. I Child welfare exhibit I opened at Armory. Page lb. Proposed oil tank ordinance will be consid ered rrlday. Page 12. John M. Fcott appointed general passenger agent of Southern Paollle Una. Oregon distils. Pas . City Reported Taken by Imperialists. NEWS REACHES WAR OFFICE Early Indications Were That Peace Had Been Made. YUAN SHI KAI IS PREMIER Appointment Believed to Be Fore runner of Order Negotiations for War Loan. Had Been Suspended Temporarily. PEKIN, Nov. X. The War Office has received a report that the Imperialists have captured Hankow and massacred the population. News officially promulgated today in dicated that the appointment of Yuan 6hi Kal as Premier would be followed by a oessatlon of hostilities on' the part of the Imperialists and the opening of negotiations with General LI Tuen Hi;, leader of the revolutlonlsU at Hankow. The Imperial edict providing for Im portant administrative changes also ac cepts the resignations of the Ministers, but until Yuan Shi Kal returns to Pe kln. Prince Chlng will continue to per form the duties of Premier, and the present Cabinet will remain In office. All- the Ministers attended a secret esslon of the National Assembly to day, which. It Is understood, virtually agreed to the demands of the Hanchou troops. A member of the war board was appointed to confer with the troops and express the Assembly's views. Lou Once Thought TJaaeceasaxy. The Assembly also discussed the re cent loan, for which arrangements had been made with a Belgian and French syndicate. The Ministers explained that the :oan was needed for carrying on field operations. The Assembly thought there was a good prospect of the ter mination of hostilities, and In that case the fund would not be necessary. It was finally decided to refer the sub ject by telegraph to Yuan Shi Kal. A member brought up the Question of the Shanghai Taotal s failure to pay the Installment of the boxer Indemnity, and a Minister explained that two months' grace with 4 per cent interest hsd been allowed. The panic among the people of Pekln. which ensued after the issuance of the first imperial edict, had been largely dispelled until tonlght's'report caused a revival of fears, and the newspapers haa begun to sum up the results of the IT days' rebellion. Frees Predicts New Era. The Dally News considers that the appointment of Yuan Shi Kal will change the entire political complexion, restore peace, inspire the people with confidence, command the respect of foreign countries and place the empire on a sound basis. Reports received here say that Yun- (Concluded on Page 2.) FINANCIER WHO DECLARES ERA OF INDIVrDTXALISTIO CO-OPERATION HAS DAWNED ON NATION. V f ; . ... GEORGE W. 4 S..' Uk; 'L -!? - . , K - ' t ' V- vV Waiters, Willing to Furnish Plctur - esqne Atmosphere, Offer to Compromise by Symbol. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. II. Chinese patriotism was tempered with economic determination here today, when the Chinese members of a "pink paama" brigade, employed as servants at a ho tel, were told they would be dismissed if they cut off their queues. The Chi nese boys in their flowered pajamas and long queues glistening with cocoanut oil have been regarded by the man ager of the fashionable hostelry as one of his chief attractions. "When a com mittee waited on him yesterday and in formed him of the revolutionary edict, ordering the sacrifice of the queues, he refused. "If you cut them off, all lose your Job." he said. "Pajamas don't make a Chinese any more than a Persian prayer rug makes a Turk." The boys Informed their countrymen in Chinatown of their predicament and an indignation mee'Jng was held, in whloh the hotel manager was de nounced. It was decided to propose that the queues be cut and attached to the caps in such a way as to conceal the severing process. This plan will be auggestsd to the hotel management. THREE MEN SHOT FOR DEER Hunter Kills Two, Wounds Third, In Gloom of Early Dawn. MAYS LANDING. N. J, Nov. 1. Eager to have a shot at a deer which he supposed was comlng-iflown an un used road In the gloom of the early dawn today. Charles Norcrosa, of Ionia. N. J-, fired Into a party of four other hunters, killing- two and seri ously wounding a third. The dead are Conrad Bteelman, 28 years old, of Pleasantville, N. J.. and John Yost. 83. of Pleasantville. William Jarvts. of Pleasantville. Is the wounded man. Norcross is in Jail here, await ing the action of the Coroner. According to Norcross' statement, he was standing behind some under brush by the side of the road, when he heard a noise. Believing the sound came from a deer walking down the road, he fired" one barrel of buckshot. Befors he could lower his gun there was a shriek, and. Jumping out of the underbrush, he was horrified to see three men lying in the road. MIDDLE WEST IS FREEZING Cold Wave Promises to Extend to Nearly All Gnlf Coast. CHICAGO, Nov. L (Special.) Medi cine Hat, where fierce blizzards origin ate, got back on the map with a ven geance today, when a blizzard began to envelop all of the Northwest and many of the Western and Middle Western states. , Zero weather prevailed in the Dakotas, Montana and portions of Min nesota and Wisconsin, and the tempera ture fell below the freezing point In several other statea In Chicago the temperature dropped to 28 above, with indications that It would fall to 20 before morning. The cold wave hit the Missouri Val ley early In the day. bringing snow and freezing temperatures. It is said that freezing weather will extend throughout all the Southeastern Gulf Coast country, with the exception of the extreme lower portion of Florida. , -1 PEJUiJXS. Harassing of Capital Is Decried. ERA GF CO-OPERATION HERE Competitive Individualism to Be Thing of Past. PUBLICITY EASIEST WAY Banking Partner of J. P. Morgan Believes Fair Regulation Can Be Attained New Age Makes New Powers Useful. BY OEORQH W. PERKINS. (Flnanoler and partner in banking firm of J. P. Morgan A Co.) (Published by arrangement with the Chlcaro Tribune.) The people of the United States are confronted today by the problem of business. It is a problem so vital to the National life, so Important to the welfare of the individual that It over shadows any other phase of our exist ence. We have In business a situation com parable with that which preceded the Civil War, a situation alive with peril to the progress of the Nation, and pregnant with disastrous consequences unless a satisfactory solution be ob tained. It does not take the seventh son of a seventh son to foresee the outcome of the campaign which is being direct ed against legitimate business opera tions a campaign based In large pari upon Ignorance of the history of our development and of the forces which have shaped It. and to a lesser degree upon misconception of the operation ol . these forces, and finally upon the fail ure of our Governmental representa tives to know and to deal adequately with modern conditions, or their re fusal, when Informed, boldly to advo cate measures which would meet them. IndidlvnaUsm Becomes Oo-operatlve. This Is no. longer an age of Inde pendent and competitive individualism; it Is an age of co-operative individ ualism; and by the latter I mean the concentration of lndMduallstlo efforts. Time has passed the field of human endeavor where every man fought for himself and. cared not a whit as to the effect of his operations upon or the ultimate fate of his neighbor. The acts of the modern man influence the four corners of our Nation, as the ripples from a thrown stone wash the shores of a quiet lake. What has brought about this changed condition? It is the great agents of modern life steam and elec tricity. They have created intercom munication enabled minds to ex change instantaneous thought. They have displaced the ox team, with Its small radius of operation, with the fast railroad and steamship, which gird the world, the slow mall by the lightning-like wireless or telephone. They have annihilated distance. A mighty aid in this great transforma tion has been education. In this wonderful metamorphosis. Inventions, the handmaids of business, have played their part. The oppor tunities of inventors have expanded, and a wise and far-seeing govern mental policy has Increased them. New Power Made Useful. How different has been the attitude observed with respect to business. Its operations have been hindered by our lawmakers Instead of facilitated. What it has accomplished has been In spite of rather than because of their actions. It has grown and developed in conse quence of the conditions which the harnessing of steam and electricity and myriad inventions have produced. It is the evolution of the natural law. From these conditions have sprung the modern corporation. It Is truly the child of steam and electricity. We know the power, the dangers of these great agents. But have their power and the danger inseparable from their use deterred us in employing themT Have we not utilized them and thereby brought to humanity greater blessings and greater happiness than It has ever enjoyed? We have enjoyed these results through their regulation and control. In doing so we have probed the secrets of nature, though with respect to elec tricity we are still ignorant of whal it is. The corporation, on the other hand. Is not mysterious. It is a creature fashioned by man, every part of which is visible to the eye.. It has been a tremendous factor for good, though there have been glaring abuses which properly have been condemned. Magnitude Is no Ofease. It has been claimed that these abuse were the direct consequence of the glanthood some of these enterprises have attained. Nothing could be more fallacious. Size Is nothing to the American, with his native eagerness to increase his responsibilities and his ability to handle them. Moreover, the Supreme Court has held that because a company Is large It It not necessarily illegal. What ths think ing man objects to is not slse. It if (Concluded en Pase Ski