Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1860)
frenutno IHuMrJtloii of " the muI'i liuwu deiire," that is wortli remembering Uy thin tiiiw, the oihrr nn-mlOM of the fmiiily had ruturunl. I7 eye wai molar, every clmtk wan bcdcwml wlili tear. Tlio (lov., wvpplnjf like a child", ut forth bin bind gwitly to be', end untreated Iit to riw, wlica "lie calmly ami iniioc'cntly looked up In hi fHcend jid, In the moot mthticuul iuijilorinK runnier, "Oh, Governor! I can not! Oli! for tlio xuke of tlmt merer whli'h you yourmlf eravu from tlie Al in v, don't Lid mo rUa till you rhow merry to my poor, dnr h-inhaiM! 0, for Hit Joru"s mku! 0, Gournorl for the giiko of our Lord and Savior, liure mercy on my ileur, sufli-ring husband, or let me d o with liim!" Throe were the lut word I heard lur dUtim-Uy iiiM for, from the time slut threw b;rself nt the (iot.'$ feet, my pyiitMalit'4 wero biiujr wrought upon over ftnd uliovo what they were abbi to biur, mid I bad bwii on the lookout for a fuvorubht oportiiiiity to el'fu from aueh a tryinjr kcimw. I u tliin I had jutt wimciled, ond witli iirJumlioly bu h I diiwtul my way to my own revdenop, whero, In quii t retirement, I lutyht ronte-milute the sol emn miI puinful ncinn I hud jtmt wituewd. ( an it ho no! and, if so, how linmiliotiii tint, " to t (f rent extent, the huiiiiti of m in coiihInU in destroying tlie ImpoiiK'Mi of o.ic another. "There" merry la earli ray of lijlil That mortnl eye 'r mil. There' merry iu ejcli bie.uli of ir riiorlul Ih c ar Attn J There' iiien-y b-iili for bird ud leaat, Inliud'a liidiiijeiil pi. in. OVr ill ill" world, fimn Weal In I'ait, ISut m in baa none for riiuu.' Now, the upiilication of (his little ori- lode is cany and ut hand. May it not af ford a uxi-ful le.iion to llio.o who would bund the knee in rnyer to the "Snurcher of hearts"? Only Hunk wluit would linve Lcen the fitu of thin poor, ilintnuscd wo- limn a petition t J the u or., hud ulio coinu to pkud for tin! life of her husband wiih uil the aystuuiutii: displny of the Kusaiati soldier, or with thut culJ formality and Ktudied rhi'torii.' to common, nlusl ' where prnyrr U won't to lie heurd," even within thu more enlightened Christian comuiuul. ties. JOvry upward plum-in of tlio eye was the expression or her hearts utterance, every word was tlie oiitpouriuu of her very soul in prayer and pleading's lor im ny. iViid if thus to a IVlliiw nun !nl, who at most " can only bill tho body," with how lunch mora humility Miould tiic h.niur up- proucli tlio pri-siMice of tlio lirurt-si'iiri-hiujr (ioil, who can tint only kill the body, " Lnt liutli power to kill l.olh body anil soul." How well irruilinleil should ho hlH faith how purn hi z-.-ul! how humble und how fvrvriit h it petil on.i! Nor would it lie just to close thin nrtic! tedious and insipid n it tuny nppear, with. ont piviug crotiit to whom credit U duo. I hulicve it was thu talented Ldar A Too who, in trcutiii'' of woman, made the following just and truthful remark: "No lioMcr llieiuo ever enai'd the pen of poet It h the miiil-clcvatmj' idea, that no man cm consider hinisell' entitled to eomplui of Falo, while in his adversity he xlill re tains the unwavering lo.o or womun." Iuileed, every day briuga proof of the cor- ri't-tuesK of tills Nciiliuieiit of the lamented poet. .Mi-fiii'lnno may follow misfortune thu heart may ho rent in u thomnud wny the pathway ofl.fc mny be strewed with tnnlH and iidvrrsltiei, hut o Ions lis mini 'retains tin iniwit vol inrf love of o innn,' ho can never bo truly miserable. ln Iiiir left to him u wcll-Mii-Inx of hoppi ncss which tlio poisoned airowKof flnmier cannot embitter, nor thu iieorcliini; lire of misfortune dry up or dimmish, lim sink in heart is soothed and cheered by her word, which fall on it in tlio duya of its horrott.i " like thu fiiuiiiuir, of angvl a wius on tlio wcurv and fainting soul." o mat. ter wlnll may bu his falo olh'Twise, he hu atill Kouit t tiinj to livo lor. If the cannot aerreen him from the otrrni, the aharis it with him, and the liiie'iuiyo of lax hlo in advortiiy is, " Oh, vliul wm love made fer, If 'iwere not the KUinii Through j.iy mi I lliruiili aorrow, tlnoiigh glory mill kiiiiiut'i I It now not, I ll- k iml, if ?lllll'i hi llmt heart, J C tit 1 kiMW llmt I luve Ihi-r, wlnilfv.r Ihnu art; I'll. hi li.iM culU ! inn I In nugr in iiioiiiiiniii.fbi.ini. Anil lliv iiiikhI I'll bo tliruni'li Iho Iti.iln or llim. 'l'liro' tin- turn ti e mlir nLma thy Hini.a in inirsuc An. I klii. I J Ihco ii.l mvo ilioo, or erili lliucoum. And audi was tho faithful, prrspvering love of this poor woman, ilia Uov. com muted thu sentence ol dentil on her liu baud to Impritaiiimctit in the Statu prison Tor hie. bul ciiviimstanccs ti'Hiisimi'tlFiil). sivpieiilly w hich called for his pardon and restoration to li.u lormer citiwnsliiii. I,et those, tlierefore, who would nucefod ill their petitions In tlie gieut Kuli r und (rovornor of the Universe, iih this poor woman auccecUeit in tier petitions with the (Jovernor of a Stale, i-umu forward "iuii full nssiiiiini'o uf faith, having their lu u its spriiiklod fiotn an evil conscience," and with "that run h nliich worketli by love and thev will us assuredly "obluiu the Llcisinj." Autcis. Oukcon City, Juno 20, 1 Stilt. tjf The Mountaineer, the Democratic paper at tlio Dalles, contains tlio following in Its issue of the 2m h in-t.: We learn that Col. Kelly, and tlio little Land OllU'o diim;, nt Oregon City, imule lIUMilsetve supremeiv rutienlotia on Urn w union of the visit or Mr. V. C. Moody to that place, for lie purpose of canvassing tho vote lor joint bonator. lheso ornfc !!, we nru told, cursed more roundly than ever tho nriiir did in Flanders, And received their visitor with such gentle salututions s "pirjiiivd villain," "infamous scoundrel," and ncuily every other rilo epithet known only to those who bare practiced in tho lowest schools ot vice. 1 hut somo of the parties referred to should have Hum de meaned thenis Ives, is no more than to be expected; but from Col. Kelly, man who aspires to lo!v position, we must confess welookidfor better thing It is about time that those who aspire to bo ''leaden' in Oivpui, had learned tho lesson that yile alines and vulvar vituperation make only njainst those who descend to its use, and that it falls harmless at the feet ol those who are expected to fall before a torrent of filth. Mr. M. was at Oregon C.ty. in the discharge of a public duly, and common decency reipiired that he 'should, at hast, have met With a courteous reception. This wa due if not to the man to the com munity of which he wm the accredited repn setiti.tive. Riving aaiil thui roach, it it proper that we ibould ijieak of the pre trst fT t'': ".t'jur.H if toipotent raft aad fury. It apix-ara tlmt at the expiration of' the tune fixed by law. the County Clerk called to hii owUtance two duly qualified. offlciuli, and proceeded to canvas the rote call at the general election. Upon tut can rau beiiiK iimdu, it waa ascertained tlmt the poll-book bad not been returned from the Walla Walla and Umatilla Precincts, aud an a couaeipiciice ibe vote of theao Tre cincU did not aptear in the abstract that wai prepared for theusooftlie Hoard of Canvaiisera of Oregon City. Subsequently, aud late on Sunday afternoon, the Walla WalU poll book i were received, ami we bnpn to know that Mr. Moody used every effort to have them canvassed. To that cud be iunmoi,ed two persons to Ida assist ance, and waited to the very latest mo ment at bin oflice, in tlio how that they would attend, and finally in obedience to whut be understood to be the requirements of law started for Orefrou City, Inking with him the inlksiiij,' poll books. This, we repent, the head ami front of his offend Ui, and for thus iliscluirln hie duty, be has boon abused mid denounced by a sense less puck of inflated political tricksters, whoso hiizhcst umhitioii ia to do Joe, Lane's dirty work. In obedience to the demands of these parties, Mr. Moody lias rc-can-vhsmuI the vote of Wasco county, and leavci again this morning for Oregon City, where we lChn:uk for him the courtesies that tiou'hcro eli-e are denii d the strunirer. El)c (Drcgou Clrguo. VJ. . Adams, ... OREaOH CITV: Editor. SATURDAY, JUNK 30, 1RG0. Rcpublicaa Nominations. For Prmi-ltiit, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OK ILLINOIS. Fur Vice J'irsiilnil, 1IANMI5AL HAMLIN, (' MAI ST.. For Prfjitltiitiul Iilcctort, T.J., II. J. Pknijka, W. II. Watkiss. frOUBti. The owner of this can have the sumo by calling nt this office, proving property, und puyiug for " one insertion": Wasiuncton Ctrv, May 4, 1SC0. My Dear D : Tho samo steuiner that carries you this letter will bring you the news from Charleston in full. I not your lost letter, uud I thank you a thousand times for it. It was truly a refreshing epistle, coming ns it did from a firm friend and a life-long Democrat. I am glad to see tlmt the great Demo cratic party is united on Sbeil. It was indeed n lianny concentioii. that runninn- of tJI...:l l..'ll I . .... II .. . . ' O oiien. ii win iirmir county OacK into tho Democratic fold Ly moro than ROVeil llumircU mnjority. Itll.t Stroke of policy will kill off tho lust ono of tho cut. throat Tillains the Dusli nliolition disor ganizes, hlieil will curry my beloved Or egon by more than lieu tlwustnid majority. Mark that! I med not tell you that the news from your Juno election will more than dotihlo my nlfeetion for that nolile people! Besides the time I hare devoted to tlio Charleston Convention and my war hill, I Imvu done nothing but think about my people in Oregon. If Ood ever had a peculiar people, llicy must all have looked just like my Oregon constituents. You will sec by the papers that the Charleston Convention has split. Our no blest Southern Democratic States withdrew iu disgust, after learning that tlio majority of the members bud hecotned completely l!u.sii.i'd. I telegraphed to Stout to se cede, and go with the South, as that was tho real Democratic party. You mny de pend upon it, tliia was a good move, and enhances tho prospects of tuv war hill nma.;ngly. Kvery dollur of that debt will soon bo paid, besides, I have other bills ready to he handed in, iippropriatinj near ly nil Ihe money in the Treasury to Oregon enterprises. Our great State stands hieh hero, and wo could get anything we asked for, if it wasn't lor tlie Dluck Republicans. I think, however, since tho turn things have took at Charleston, all or my bills will bo passed at an early day. Stout has been feeling around below, and tells me we uro ull right in Iho House.' I ahull keep everything right in the Sennte. The regu lar Democratic Convention meets ut Rich mond, June II, just a week before tho Hush Douglas abolition convention ut Bal timore. This gives us an excellent start. Yon may be certain that nothing will be urged iu the great Democratic Convention at Richmond but thecluims of our beloved Oregon. ' If I thoufd fail at Richmond, I shall be candidate for the bug term iu the Senate. I feel tlmt I nn) fust growing old in your ervice, hut I am willing to continue to iniiki! aacrilicvs for my people as long as I live. My love for the .SWA ia hurdlv sur-1 passed by my burning attachment to the noble Democrats that have Mood by me iu what will soon lie tho F.mpirt State of Or. rgon. I wish I had a hundred clerk so limt I could write to all of my constituents. I would then lova to wr;te t0 tm;ir wjvel and enclose a tender littlo Liltct for each ear child. God bleu that people. Oth er diVtingiilshed Senators here, in making brilliant speeches, are alwava wferrinr for examples to the heroes of Greece and Rome, such as Cortei or Koskiusco, that fell at the battle of Tbermopily. but never draw on any people for deevls of no-, blo during bat my Oregon constituenU.- I till you, an Oregon Democrat ia every way superior to any of tho antkliluviuu bvtvka. but I Butt re, as I an now ttarly j fxlmimted. I am up eveiy nU till afu-r twelve, errumrluir the war debt nonera. and I vuin!iiinir diflicutt billa prenared by tho be ad of the department all about Or rgon Ihtrrota, My love to every man who yotci the Dnuocrutic ticket. Yours, I'oon un IIoxEar, RtrakUcaa riMUra. AihIhJ. 1 1n! w. lha ileleealcd renrewnU. live i'f lb l;e,ulill. Klrcli.r. of ill I'nlud riiai", iu euiuiva mble.l, ia (lie ductivf U Hi duty w uwt to our c-oneuiuenU soil vur lOuriirv. oiiio in Hie fullowinir ilre erelion: Pint: 'llit tho hiMry of iho nniia during llit hut fnur )vr hte fully eekib ailed the pMritjr ml urceieiiy if Hie orgaiul il.on na priiu l onof Hi. It. publiiin.nrl)f,iii. Unl lb miw wlucb eulled il inlu rn.leiite tre ninrint ia ihcir i.a'ure, Mini nuw more ihan evr brum at m iml iu name fill iml cen-lili.lional Ir'oinuh. Hmnd: 'I lial Ilia nuniurn.inof of llm principlre promuljal.d in III Drelarulioii of lii.kinaiic, und tmbol.edia ihe Cuiia.iluli'iti, la aruliul lo Ihr DrMi-rtalioo uf our rf eubliciin innti. luuuiia) that Iho Kedaml Cimal lulion, Hit r ghn of Hi Mules, anil Hie Lii onuf ilio Males, limn aud ahall Im prearrvail; nod that wo lo-uawn MliMlriiilialouoi-lf (viduii. Ilisl all men are ciealvdrniial;llial llieyren low.d by lhairt re Creator nli vc-rbiiii uojlirimbl richiK thai eiinaiu llnaa, at I, fa, riy. and lha purauit of liaiue' lliat to aacit'e llifo r'liH. guvai li me un art inititutxd among U' u, ilrr.y ng llmir jii.l puwtrn fruin Uie eoiuwut of tlie guveriied." Third: Thai to the Uuion of the HlaUa thia I nation owes iu uupreeedcolod inereiuo in opul. tu: lit aururiaimr ilevoUHinirnl ol niaierim re auurera; In rapid uugniruUtaiU of wealth; ill hap l.ine (I horneiiii-l ila honor ahlaid ! and WO ho!d iu ubllorrrll all a.:lieinr for ili.uuion, lO no fruin htaver aoureo they may. aud we cuigratulmv Iho vouuiry that no Krpubli.-an Mrnibifof Con limn hoe uttered or euuultnuiierd a llirest of d a ui.i'Jil.null. Ii nude bv Jl. liiwrano Mnnbera of Cimgieae wiihout rebuke and Willi appauea from Iheir (Miiilicnl ananriaU-a; and wa d nouuee thoae tluoiita of ciinuu ou. in cw- of a lopjlar overlhrnw of ttioir avrndi-ncy, aa drnyiiif the vilal prinilee of a freu Uoveruim nl, and aa aa avowal of con trinplale I liewou, which it ia the imperative duty of an imliijiiunt peojile ttrungly lo reouke ana lor. avrr silence. fourth! That llie nuliilenaqce lorii.lnte of the ri;hia of the Slalra, and eiecially the right of eiu h rilale to ardrr and control ila own domes tic inrliluliulia, oceurdiiig to ila Ott u judgmrnl CI clnaively, is rao iitial lo that b.iloie of m cr a which Hie perlrclion ami endurance of uur polit ical l.iilh diieiids, and we denounce ill" lawlrae iuvaaiuii by aimed force of any Stule r Territory, no mmiur under wlialpreloxt.iui anieiij Iho gruv t ofcfiiiiri. Filth: ,'J ht the prreent Democratic Admin irtrnlioii b it far nceiilol our worel apprehene oils iu ila liivuauroleM aubwrvirm y to ll.e enactions uf a re et.onul inl. resl, aa ia '.-iilly evident in iu dmpvrate exert. oue to fore the infaiuoua Le coiiiplmi Cuntiiluiioii upon th pmlraiing people or Kiiuiaa in ciitruiug the pemonal m'a'iou be Iwern niiialxr and eervuut l involve an ui.quall tied properly in rx-inou in il attempted enforea iiirnt cvrry where, on hind and sen, through the intrrvi 111 ton uf (,'ongrrsa and the Federal Courts, or th extreme prvtvimiuna or a purely local interest, aud its general mid uuviiry nj uhuno of Hi power inlrusird to il by a coufulin peuple. Sixth: Than Hi people ju-tly view with alarm the rocklena extruviigmiee wh cli prrradra every d. partiptiit of the Federal liuveriinit-nt: a return toright e.-onomy and avcounlaliilily iaiudia prnauble lo arrest ill" ayatrin of plunder uf (lie public treasury by favored partwani; while the re cent aloi llii k drvelupmentaof fraud and corruption at tho metrouolU, ahuw that an enlir cluinjTc of ii.linii'ihiruli"ii l impenilively demainled. I . le'""h ' doir"" !"' ' I ut Mil Mil nril. .itvli r..n,u n.irra. Mi.h-.u intA nnv .. . .. ... . w or nil th Terntoihs or the United Stales, la a I J"e,r,u P"J-ii""l tiry, at variance iih th lemponiieoiis expnailion, mid Willi Irglslntiva and judical lirreidrni, is revolutionary in ita tendrney and subversive of Ihe pence uud harmony of llie eoiuiln. Lighih: That Ihe nonaiil condilien of nil the trrriiory of thu Unilid Stale ia that of Frre.lom; thai a our t,rpub!icun f.illif r, n lirli I dry bid abul iilied s'avery in nil our lerrilor es, ordiiiue.l llmt no I prraun ehould b deprived f lire, lils rty, or prop erly, willioul due pri.cira of luw, it lie oium our duly, hy leg'alatiiui, whenever aueh l gilal inn ia llrRer-aury, to mninlaiii Ihia prnviaioii, or the Om alilutioii ugniurt u II ullenipts to viulul It; mid iv deny Ihr nulhurily of Cuiigrevi, uf a Territorial, or of any individuaUi, lo give legal vxMteuco to Slavery in any Territory of ill Unil id Slulra. Ninth: That we brand tho recent re-openinj f Hi Alneau tlave-lrailc, undur theeuvcrof oui na tiounl tlnff, aided by wrveraions of judicial puvrer, as a crime apiiusl huiniiiiiiy, a buraiin; aliama lo our eounlry and nge, and we vail upen Congress I lake pinmpt mid e.'lioieiit nienures fur llie Uilal ami final aiipprrxaion or tlmt e.xeeruble Ir.iflio. Tenth: 'i'lmt in Hie recent vetoes by their Ked eial Cii.veriiore ul' tho aci or the Lrgikliilure ur KuiisuhiiihI Nfbrak:i. prohiiiiliiigSIa 'fry in llnn IVrriturii-s, we liml a pr.icllcal iihiairal.oii ef ihe buiialed Dcnii'cralie principle of noii-hilerveuliun and Dnuillar Mm-nraiiMilv. miu'luI .l in lli.. liHiiu:it j nnil Neln uhli.i bill, and a dpiinociuMon of the de ception and fimid involved therein. Wttrittk: 'Hint Kiimi almuld of r'hl he iin- medintoly adin'lled asaSlnte under the CouMilu I tiuu recently furmed mid adopled by her poople, ami ucc. i:cil by llie House ol Kepri-. iitalne& Ticrlflh: That while piovi.tiug revenue furlhe upparl of ihe (ieueral Unvai iimeat hyduiiea up on iuipoaia, touiid policy reimirra audi an adja-l-iniill of lheso iuiiosia as lo eiicniirae the drvel opulent of 111 iinlusiridl iulerrala of lha nhoie country, and we commend that policy of national exehaagra which secure to the working men lib eral niigia, to ajncul tiro renieneraliiig prices, lo nieohiiuicauiid iiiiiiiufuetuieraiin uiln.ii.-.ic reward fer lhrirki'l, l .bor. iinj enterprise, and lo the na tion eoniinerc'nl pnwprily and imiepeudene. ThirtetHth: That we pruleat auinsl any tak er ulirimtion lo others nt the Puhl c landn held bv iicluul selller. anil against any view of th fn ll.mieaiead jioiii y which regnrda the settlers as poiperaer u p'lcant lor public bounty, and w demand Ihe pimmre by t "niigreM of the cmnp'eio and ntlia!oiory llomealead measure which li.n a'rrinly paa.d llie IIoiik. fourteenth: That tho Repuhlicnn parly is op pwed lunny ch.iuqe in our laws, or any Stale leitidation by which tho r glileof cili leiuhip hiihetto aeinnled to ininrgtonia rrom for eign lands. hall le abrdged or impaired; and in favor of gviiitf a full ami elhcir nt pmieilinn to the riu'litaof all elasinf eitiiena, nhriher nal.v or naturalised, biih at home and abroad. Fifteenth: That by Congresa for River and Harbor linpiovi inenla uf a naliunol chaiacier, required Tor tho eccoiiiinodalion and re curity uf i.n eniaiinj; coniuieree, ar iinilmriied by ihcC iu.;:tu:ion uud junrird l.y an obligation of the (o eminent lo protect th lire aud pr peily of it l it (rut. . . , Sisleenlh: That a railroad to the Taciric Ocean it iinprrnlivelr demanded bv the iniereata t.f Ihe wiiol cvuntryj that iho Federal (iovernnmnl ""t1" lo T "uVr '"'diie and elhVient aid in its enlmeiion, and thai a preliminary thereto a dur i j ovarian i mail i-houl-l be promptly labliriel. Seventeenth: tma ly, having fonh our diet netiv piinc'pli-jaii.l view, we invite Ihe co o;erai on of all eitiaena, b..wever differ ng on otli rqu.vtinua, who nibaiauiully agre with iu in uie.r aiiirmaore aoJ eepporL " Adams. of the Argus, thinks his father-in-law, Dr. McUride, would make capi tal United States Senator. Eugene City Herald. 3 "Adams' fatlier-in-iawn has been in Lis grave quite a anmber of year. or- Th ivrf..-.:.. , "dde. deatL 7nJ, 7 llZuZ V s Senator rr.,... ,l.. c. " r, , ? w. ibe 6th insu.,t .( : Marvsvili. - ua icmucucv near RtTiTtSra.-Col. Baker rtturned from Cah'fornia oo the last ttesmcr. - i,Ti.u mou tub We have ncw from the Kast to the 3 1st of May. W re under oblige tloua to Trncy k Co. for lute jiacri, Washixctow, May 25. Tlie receipt of the Treasury last weiK were i,ibi,ouu, an increase over the sum on baud for the previous week ofort.OOO. 'Ihe amount JiIn I lo draft Lt 17.280.000. All the Oppoi-Uion nnmberi of tlie Pennsylvania delegation are heartily for Dm f'iiliun-n nominees, excent one, who bat nut defined hi position. It was stated, on cood anlhoriiy, that John AiMilcton, Assistant Secretary of State, resigned to-duy, and that Henry PrcHcott, of South ( arolma, mm ieen ion ill reil anil aoee nted tlie position. It is un derstood that Mr. Appleton waaiiomiiiukd th the Senate to-day for the Mission to Russia. Robert D. Gnllnsher. of Kanngawa Japan, is here completing arranuemenU for a line of clippers from New York in the Japan truile. Letters have been received from Mr. Everett aulii'iiiwr the opinion of his friends here as to his acceptance of the Baltimore Convention nominutiou. Tney advise him to accent. The Postmnstor General reports that the books oflhe New York Poatofliee show a deficiency of $115,000 Tug Pacific; Raii.boad Kii.lf.ii. The Pacific Railroad bill bns been re-commitUd to tho Select Committee of the House, which is rtL'arded as equivalent to its po-t poiiement for the present session. Reasons fur thus disposing of it include the contrary opinions as to loo proper ioc.ui.ou oi un Road, and thu Insufficiency of conditions to secure tho execution of the work. Coaiiveaatoaat frateeAlatfi. Wasiiinbto.v. May 28. In tho Senate, the bill mukintr appropriations for the cont plctiou of geological surveys of Washington Territory and tho Stuto of Oregon was passed. Mr. torwin moved to postpone tne con sideration of the Pacific Iloilrond lull which, after a good deal of wrangling was lost, by a vote of bl against 1 IS Mr. J'lielpa' nimiiumrnt, to strike out the routo through Suit Lake City, was ro- ected 43 airaiust 73. Mr. Reairaira amendment, to mnKe ti;e proposed cruntecs merely trustees of a company to mum the road, was r j 'cteii. An amendment hy -Mr. Keagau, that the grantees shall . within tlirco months of the pui-Miiro of the act, to delermiuo tlie u- niount of capital necessary to complete the road, open subscription hooks in -ev York, New Orlenns, and other pines, was agreed to !)9 against 5. Pending amendment to substitute tlie 'icxas bill tlie llouso adjourned. May 2!). In the Srnate, a motion to disagree with tho House on the amend ments to the Homestead bill was curried, by 28 to 20. Mr. U win moved that tlio fceuato Uis- ncree to the House nmciidiuciitij to the Pacific Telegraph bill. Mr. Grimes moved to concur in the House mnendincnts. Mr. Gwin was satisfied with his motion to disagree. Ho hud no objection to thu reductions made by the Horse, rendu? the coiKderat'on of the sub ject, the Postoflice Delicietiey bill was taken up The IIoipo resumed the consideration of tlio Pacific Railroad bill, after debate, in which Mr. Davis, of Maryland, showed the bill was totally impracticable, it was recommitted to the Committee by 100 against 87. Mr. Curtis having ineffectually tried to get leave to report ut any time, tho House went into otiiin. t tee lor general debate. Mr. Washburn, of Illinois, gave a his tory of Ahruhnm Lincoln. May 30th. Iu the Senate, Mr. Seward appeared in bis rent, and was warmly greeted hy ninny Senators of both pui t;es. The Overland Mail bill was taken up, when Mr. Halo withdrew bis substitute lor the original hill. Mr. Ltithum offered an amendment, au thorizing the Postmaster-General to con tract with the contractor on routes between St. Joseph and Great Salt Luke, and be tween Salt laiko end Plncervillo, for a semi-wot kly mail; the iliKtaucc to be run in twenty days, ut not more than $102,000 per iiiiuum. Also, to contract for the transportation of rending matter and frank ed documents by steamship, nt not ovar $400,000 per annum. Also, to contract for a daily mail, by coaches, from April 1st to December Ut, mid a tri-weckly for the balance of the year, from Sacramento to Portland Oregon not over $10,000 per miinm. Also, to contract for a weekly mail from St. Pun!, Minnesota, to Dalles, at not over $200,000. Mr. Latham explained the provisions of nis amcniimcnr. tte spoKO at length m favor of tho Butterfield overland route. Congress has no right, ho contended, to terminate tho contract by exercising des potic power. The Overland bill was then postponed till Saturday. Tho "House bill for the admission of Kansas came up. Mr. Collainer advocated it, and it . was postponed till Monday. THE OKKCO.N WAR DKUT. The Oregon war debt bill was taken np, and Mr. Lane defended it as proper. Others fpoko on the subject, and Mr. Hunter moved an amendment aulhnriziiur a loan for the payment of the amotiut. Lost ayes, 1 1 ; noes. 30. Ad aniendinet that all money paid nnder mo act oe to persons who actually did service, and not to assignees, was agreed io, anu tne bill passed 31 against 17. It appropriates $3,100,000. . MUecllaaeon. The Japanese are still the Koms at Washington. Since the accident to the rwagara, it has not been decided what hat ys- irtijf t57j will be the arragement for their return They will prchably rrniaia unli) Niagara is repaired and reaches Panama, Latest accounu from Pike's Peak speak of new discoveries. Tlie number returning to the State ia daily increasing. A dispatch from Washington says the Government has intelligence of the capture of another slaver off Cuba, by the steamer Crusader, Lieut. Moffit. She hid 450 slave, on board. She was sent to Key West. A Houston mass mettinj, held in Union a .1 ..T..I A ..T ai.aa 2'jth, was attended by swrul thousand piople. The House Commit Ue ou Foreign A flairs unanimously agreed to report the Senate bill appropriating $10,000, to Towi.send Harris for n"g''li";f 1,10 tmiJ Slum, wh'ch is, Indeed, as on acknow ldg nient of Us valiiubltf service to commer cial Interests- In cu-h. Lately Madam Rod'scn, widow of w Into P.iwlnti .Minister, was iiiarried to Cupt. Scott, of the British army. Ho was dnsscd In full uniform. President Buch anan gave the bridu away. Among those presi i.t were Lord Lyons, Secretary Thomp. son, and many of the Senators und Rcjf resentutives. Madam Bodisco was the daughter of a Mr. Williams, ueur Wash ington City. Sumo further Important revelations Imvo been made before tho Covodo Committee at Washington. It appears thut Attorney General Blin k was deputed to offer the Post Office Malik printing to Forney, of the Philadelphia, Press, in case he would chungo bis course. The profits of this job during Buchanan' term were estimated ut $80,000. Formy, however, declined tho proposition. There is scarcely a shudow of a chuncb for tho Homestead bill becoming a luw. The Senate will insist upon its amendments, and tho House arc equally to adhere to theirs. Somo fifty miles of the Atlantic Cable have been taken up to a point extending itawurd fifty miles from shore of Trinity Buy. Fractures were found in tho cable just where they hud been indicated by the instrument on shore. Frnni V.urnpe. Tho steamer Palestine, from Queens town, Muy 17lh, brings tho following: Gakiiiauh in Sicii.v. Garibnldi with over 1,000 followers, had lauded at Masuhi, in Sicily, under tlio fire of two Neapolitan fiigutis. Ono of Garibulds stcatuerj was captured, n:id the other sunk. Tho volunteers who hmthd were nt the moment of the mnil g dipnrtuaj fighting with the Rvul troers. The stcunicr Arabia, with dates from Queciislowii to the 20lh of May, furnished the following later news: Iutelligfiico relative to Garibaldi's expe dition is still meagre uud conflicting, but the repot ts generally concur in slating that ho was making good progress. Some say thut he had captured the most important points in Sicily, except Messina uud Paler mo. After his lauding nt Musrula, the Xcuo!!ian war vessels bombarded thut town, without a warning. The British ves- : ls interposed for the pi oti ttion of the Brit .'si'.!cnts. A Royal niinoi.iicjinetit Ins been re ceived t ii Madrid, that the King of Naples hud applied for foreign intervention. At the histcst dates, Garibuldi's forces were gaining on Puhrmo. A letter from Garibaldi explains thut the steamers used by him wcru taken possession of forcibly, und not chartered. He hud issued proclamations to thu Romans mid Neapolitans, calling on them to revolt. Col. Medici was forwunling the prepar ntious for a second expedition, ond 0,000 vuluntccis had ulreudy been euioilod. It wus asserted that the enormous diplomatic representation made to the Sardinian Gov- ernintiit, would decide it to prtvci.t the departure of the second expedition. Great agitation prevailed ut Naples and Pulciuio. I.vsrmtECTiox at Palermo. Palermo dispatches of 15th Mny, say that in live churches, nt the termination of the muss, shouts of '-Ituli) forerer! Liberty forever!" were raised. In tho evening, the people to the number of 10,000 assembled. The police wero unable to disperse them, and the troops were called out, when they fired 011 the piople, killing 4 and wound ing 10. Several persons were arrested. The latest accounts from Naples repre sent thut tlio utmost consternation tiro- vailed. Tho troops were desperate, and tumultuous manifestations wye taking place. The Royal family were packing np their jewelry and valuables, nnd tliero were strong indications that a general in surrection would take j l.icc. Two Bklts Savers Retires fuom thk Rixc Bell's Life of Muy 19th announces that a meeting took place between Savers and Ih-cnnn at its office on tho 18th, to discuss the meusuro for tho termination of tho dispnto between them as to the poss ession of the Champion's belt. It was ulti mately agreed that two new belts, exact counterparts of the one so much coveted should be made, the umount necessary for their purchase to be raised by public sub scription. Euch candidate was to head the list for tlie belt to bo held by his oppo nent. The old belt will remain in the pos session of the proprietor of Bell's Life, to be fought for whoever aspires to tiie honor of wearing it. Saycrs has engaged to re tire from tho prize ring. CHARLES BARRETT, (OLD fOT OFFICE,) PORTL&XD, OCX, BUYS nil Und, f FRL JTS, STRAWBERRIES, Chert it, Applet, cl-e., Ae eella all kind of Am, Or an get, Fig, Ratiiiu, Conditt, Stationery, Newspapers, Periodi- caL, oveL-s etc. A?etfr the Sun Frmnruet Bulletin mud Alia Cnhj'trai; the bt$t ptoert mlhthed an ii Fteiie rnit. IT All ktmdt ff Vau'act hughl tnd told ta S....ure. Xt-vr VoiK, on the iujjih ui mo rraieemt Valaa, iiv. BB- Al 8AI.K.M,Hllll!, nil llie I...I UYIuaaiUv. Ilia !JA ,."' at 10. .'clock A. M. liu.;,,,- e(Z TJ'H ijuirc III allei.daiic uf every nirnibir, Ornaa im lU, x, t"HTaf t - Meeleal Harmony (lull evry Frill.? al liall i.t 7 icl.k. Iliaihrei, j m'4 H aiilivil..llualiei,a. D.linXlWw!.' 1). W.faAin, 11.8. '-"L.K.W.p. Oiten..Ji l.omia iSo. ,1 meeu i il,,.,, 11 .. I !"'' '! Ollle. oil Momlay raeli a k. Urrlhr.n iu r aianli,,-,,, "f f lu alien I. . C. C it.V KJIW , v' " Tiioa. Ciiannan, lite. Srcy. ' 'j'j ' ZVZultaomeh Lodgo Xto. 1 A Vl . A; M- i,M' ,UI'1 cn.ninullu iV l una ill lli hi,i.r TeiiifN-raiie 4a th hnlurday urc, uiiy lh. fui Muu . imiiilli. liielliivn 111 gnud raiiillo,. u, I., nileml. A. L. I.OVEJOY. W u I). W. I'kaiu, Sec'y, , " j fj" The next regular inevtiliff ; h, aa M ! ei ailing, J una SO, I NtO. " Had. Havaaparnn,-, u-ineily itmiib nea 111 ilarlf tliepri.n.ri,uf , V li- il e, a mil.l cailmnio, and a lunin. t,, ! ly leiiiovr frmn llie blwnl, and oilmr fluid, Lt body, Hi iiii.uiiiir iin.h,y euernder un l f. d due.-, ,u, .; iw.l efllie ninlaily. Alllioiijli pruve.l to,m ciom j may be lukeu al ull linira Wi;li p,J!L wifely, aa il culiluius Im n werful itt T "J deliililule the )lein, or luuou the coiialilulinn. ", I'reuarrd nnd o!d hy A. It. it D. 8ANDS lta Fiilmu at , New Voik. J'rico $tl perb.,iiii ,isl..ileafor8''. ID" lte.l llie adverlinempiit in anothrr eol Hold by Dr. h i I-.KI.K, Cif, Prugjialj (f.-iieruly. MoffaiHaTTfe WUTl!rw5r..i mUl celibriiy wliieli this pr.-e:iiii i,t nied .-in a,? iniiied lor i:a ilivari.ililu tffieuny in ull wliieli it profew-ea lo cure, bus lenjend lln nui I'Mclk- uf wlniilulioiia . uJII iiif lint only tmtmi ury but auwnrlby tif Idem. '(Vy ai ,iwi by their fruila; tbeir Ruml Km ka Unify for Ihfm nml lliev lli.ive nut by lb f.iiili 0( llt ervjol IiiulleuM-a of ciiin n.K, dys.ep.i, lilieumJ liver ati-ell"H, piies, rlieuinat ni. letrraand tern. o'oiiim-e lieud-aclii , nnd nil (jnu ral ttttlti liienla oflieulllt, llieae I'llin mv iiivatlalilynrtjj a terlein und fn eily reumly. A a nse , ,; pluee llie bile I'lila iK-yuuii Ibe rencli ul CiiniMliiioi Millie of ev.ry ialieul. l)r. .Miiir.n'a I'lncuia li.ltera will br fnundejoil. ly tlTieai-i.'U in all cu' f nervous ileblliiyrj nt-wi, brndiiehe, tlie ielineH iuciil.-rit ta reinalM in il I cule lu-uilli, and rvi ry kind uf wnkmaf the il ee. live .i (,u n. l or nile by Dr. W. 0 MOI l' AT. 3i)j Hp.uilvvuy, Jiew Vuik, ludk.' Medicine Dealers and I'rug-flsu geiri; tlirui;liuul the cuu'iiry. , 3, WIsUVh I'.aUatu of Wild f.arrry.-Tb, only I'lire niid jreiiniue IIhIkhiii in. and mrlli bat Ivveiity yeai liua beeu, irrMird by Situ W, 1'i.wi.k Co., nf Ho-inii; ond Ihrir prM ii ui.e, Ma Weil as llie n-rill'ii ai;tuiiuit ef L Dull, umieur 011 llie outer urn.iuera. A. too W1111I1I aeoid llie IfUiielu uud hate gcuuiin, lute no otlteri' nr Wii.n Cusav. Tliaii vnluub.c reimdy is ibe bevl une exlunt Tnr tin-Hb, sure, e'priiv, uinl nernmiiiMrt vure of crmglii, cold. Hire tin out, hronrhitit, asthma, l.'rariiy, I'ueumoiiu:, eroup, whooping toufo, t'.tediag tt the lane, p tin in the In ram or ride, and iu lart every furai nf, eli.M, uud lung cvmidiint, m well .-i I 'uxMiMrrioa ilielf. Tbla Iiiiiih bul l sjiniild be iii llie haDda uf every f.nnily uud ill ii v.." ul, a, lnry en lion of il lu a ri;lit pnld will c:iue inilnrdiila relief; wbile of lunj kliindini;, ouMiailr, and ai; urenlty ii, curable eliurn.-ler, will au civ yii Id lo ila uundei I'ul curalivu miren and ii Creut a.lui:uliuu lu llie wunla uf man nliru i'-llt-le.1. i Kir wile in Cnlifiirnia by Itedinlnn k Ct, Henry -leliimeii It Co.. CliurleaMorrll, SaaKnia e reo; K. II. .Mel'eiidld A: Co., Sarrcraeali j I ! i. e. O Ilia .VCo., .Murytville ; r-miili At Dtiu, t'urlkuid, Origuii. frttyro At Cuneiivill, Julie VK, Ly Itev. 1). Mr, ln.ii.ih (iier to Mrv. M. ii. Cveily. Ruliidi. I 1S T Ol-' I.KTI KIIS remaining in tlie Pot J OlPice t.l Orooa City, .luae 3u, le'liO. lUmm AIIW 2 II n ff ii in II i Eiuhnrt 1'K Golilxmith A finheen Sam Itumly Juhn HffrenJhn H jhtoure lliehrrd liritzner John Lefehrre Monsieur II Loony Atenith N. CIurt Mi Amtiiit McVlnrt .Vri MortU M 11'A.riiry 7' MeVurtu (J F lli ley I'atriek ' Shaa Jnu tiltckauA)i Stanley him . Smith JS Young Geo ; Vort'i-n Attiiuiltt J.FLEMISO.P.H Final EetUcmcnt "VfOTICE ia lierel.y (iivrii Hint J. T. Apfef J.1 wai, mini tiiatrnliir of llie eslnle of Jane 0. Mourp, den'il.. Into uf I'lackuiiiiia co., Slnle of Or egon, bus filed liia acenuiiialiir liunl belikfimul.""' ibe rir-il Monday ;n Atiju-t uexl a appiaied' llie ( nf Hie aiiine ul tba euuil-hoiw Ureuii Ciiy iu .ml county. i:oi:i:i;t caufielh.' JinieSC, ISfiO-lSvvt CoiiiiivJtffp- Executor's X7otice. OTK.'l; ia lieieby (.veil Unit lliu nnderwfn Una been da y upj.oiiite.1 ixecutorni iw lute uf John Kiiop, die d, lale or UaekaBtai c, Slate of Oregon. A !l peimin in.lelileil I1' "J tale nro hereby ooilhvd to make puyinent, perauii li.ninj cluiins agaiuM Ibe rad deceaiel must preteut them In tba underaignrd al a"' deuce in suid county within one year froo date, or ihey will be forever burred. HKXJAMIN KOOP. TnneSa, I8t!0-I3w3 Ia Justice's Court. . State of Oregon, I County of ('litetamaf. TO JOSEPIIIE PAR A i TOU are hereby uolified llmt a writ of atta X. menl hna been issued aguiiul )" properly uttaehed to mliafy the demand N-- i iisiiii uinouniiiig to seventy dollar ($70,0)'" Now uulesa yon appear before I. E. tilea""" Justice of llie reuea in and foraaiJ eounly, office in Lower Molulla urecincLon lb !" uay of Autriml, lHlill, at IU o'clock . J- nient will lie rendu -ou, ana yir rt erty auld to pay the debt. June , lhGU.-Uw4 iWai. Office, OREGOy CITY. I AM atwavaon baud. nd will all COLLECT1SO OF ACCOUNTS. Drawing up of Deeds, Mortgf jes. Leases, Bonils, Powers of Attorney, Contracts, fcV and all other hiiaineaa commilted t BJ Office directly tpporitt tkt fSii uuel6,lSCil. J. K. HUKWiii CM. KESTER, c Undertaker. TTfOLLD inform lh pepl f 0n?4 y V and vicinity dial be wiU keep a fTf' Ready-made Coffins, of U sizes, constantly on hand. He will also keep a . iaa as a. J- g 9 and wiH be pr. pared to alteod M eJ kuaioea of funer.ii cooihkm! Shnp ner tkt Seminar. IT Cu;m fn-m th coonrrT 'eVT