Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1913)
THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1913 LIBRARY TO REMAIN OPENEYERY DAY The experiment of opening the li brary every day through the months of January and February was such a success that the Hoard has decided lo continue it Indefinitely. Miss Lot tie Klnnalrd, after finishing her six months' apprentice work, has be.en hir ed as a regular assistant. Transients may be allowed the priv ileges of the library by the deposit of one dollar which sum shall be return ed upon request when all books and periodicals have been returned to the library, or upon furnishing a satis factory guarantor. Non-residents may have the use of the library upon the payment of an annual membership fee of $1.50. This rule was made to accommodate residents of Underwood who have applied for the privilege ot the library. CENTRAL VALE Mrs. H. Baker, who has been spend ing the winter with her nephew, Mr. Fuller, has returned to her home in Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Allen went to town Saturday. Mr. Miller, who has been living in George Ogden's house, moved his family last week to the "Scotch Boys" place. Mrs. F. Massee was on the sick list last week but Is rapidly recover ing. S. Miller from Summit has moved his family into the house of Mr. Scott formerly occupied by H. K. Daven port. The Cameron's of Odell took Sun day dinner with the Hansens in cele bration of Bruce 's thirteenth birthday. The household furniture of Dr. J. H. McVay has been brought out to his new place recently purchased from C. R. Bone. As soon as the house Is repaired Dr. and Mrs. McVay will come to make their home here. Arthur Hansen of Pine Grove spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. F. McDonald has been on the sick list for the past week but is better now. Mrs. O. H. Hill royally entertained the Whist Club at her home Saturday night. Everyone had a most enjoy able time. Miss Mary Sheppard visited with Ruth Clark over Sunday. Miss Gertrude Hansen was brought back from the hospital last Friday. She is recovering rapidly from her operation and will soon be able to be up. I s Copyright Hart Schalfaer 8c M ' ' '- ' ' y--.,. Men's Clothes Do you want new clothes for Easter Sunday? . Everybody decorates for that day, or before; no reason why you shouldn't. You'll find the proper things here for the occasion. Hart Schaffner & Marx and Clothcraft Clothes Guaranteed all wool, correct in style, fit and workmanship In the very new est patterns. Guaranteed Suits for $10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $18.00 and t. The latest shapes in Spring Hatt; the finest neckwear in new patterns; the newest and snappiest footwear In the newest lasts and styles. Boysf Two-Piece Suits A splendid new lot just received. We can best supply your needs in this line as we carry the largest assortment and mark them at prices that will be within the reach of all. Suits for the boys in all the new styles and pat terns for 61.75, $2 and up See our line of DENT GLOVES for ladies and gentlemen. New Spring Suits, Goats and Dresses for Ladies' A complete showing of women's and misses' new 8prlng models suitable for all occasions. Popular short and three quarter length style with cut away or rounded corners mad up from all the leading fabric Including Serges, Bedford Cords, Coverts, Whipcords, Fancy Striped Materials, Poplins, Silk, etc., Lined or unlines, trimmed with velvet and silk collar and cuffs in new Bulgarian effects. Just take a look at our new Spring Stock and note the reasonable prices. 2nd Floor. SPECIAL-All-Wool Dress Goods Here is a Special buy in some splend id all wool good In color Tan, Light Blue and Light Green, not so very much of this but it I regular $1.00 a yard material 42 Inches wide and of very fine texture. Your choice the yard 50c A New and Complete Line of Men' Kahki, Corduroy and Cottonade Work Pants just received and at money saving prices. Let us show you. Boys' Separate Pants Boy' Separate Pant can be had for 45c and up in Brown. Grey, Blue, Tan, In fancy and plain material. For boy from 3 to 18 year. SPECIAL SUITINGS. In wool and part wool material, good serviceable patterns. Value up to the yard 60c. Your choice the yard 25c SPECIAL Summer dress goods in Lawns, Voiles, and novelty waistlngs. Values up to the yard 35o. Your choice the yard 10c Try a pair of our American Gentle men or Seltz Royal Blue Shoes for Men. The snappiest and best line of Dress Shoes in the city at most reasonable prices. Ask to see those $1.98 Special Priced Work Shoes for men. These Special Value cannot be equalled anywhere for th money. Millinery for Easter We have one of the best selected stocks that has ever been displayed in the city. Every whim and fancy of this season is represented, and there is hardly a shape, a color, a shade or any kind of trimming that cannot be found in this collection. Be sure and visit this department for it will mean a good saving to you in your new Easter bonnet. 2nd Floor. AMI JP J Jt. Riser's largest and Best Store CHICKEN DINNER, SATUSDA A chicken dinner will he served Saturday in the Bell Building be tween the hours of 12 and 2 for the benefit of St. Mark's Episcopal church, all the receipts being donated to the church. Price 50 cents. Tables may be reserved by calling any or.e of the committee, which is as follows: Mrs. V. J. Baker. Mrs. Arthur Clarke. Mrs. R. D. Gould. St. Mark's Church FARMERS, ATTENTION! Fifteen head of good farm mares and geldings, weighing from 1200 to 1500 lbs. Suitable for ranch. Some well matched, blocky built. All horses guaranteed. C. W. TODD, Fashion Stables. There will be a special observance of Easter at St. Mark's Episcopal church. Rev. Joseph Sherrin, gener al missionary worker for Western Ore gon, w ill conduct services and preach. There will also be a special program of Easter music by a choir of 15 voices. Miss Ida Bryant is organist. Rev. B. A. Warren of The Dalles con ducts a Lenten service tomorrow (Thursday) evening at eight o'clock. Regular services at 11 o'clock Sunday. Lime and Sulphur Spray. Kelly Bros. SNAP! Bargain pair of good ranch horses. Weigh 2450. Sound and true. $200. Call at Fashion Stables. The News for fine printing. Riverside Church Services "The All-Compelling Christ" will be the theme of the Palm Sunday sermon next Sunday morning. In the even ing the pastor will by special request preach on the theme "Who Crucified Jesus and Why?" Appropriate music at each service. The public is cord ially invited. Coal or Wood delivered on short no tice. Taft Transfer Company. 7tfc NOTICE A General Mass Meeting of all growers of Hood River Valley is called for WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19th, AT 10:30 A- M. at Heilbronner Hall, in the City of Hood River, for the pur pose of organising a Central Selling and Shipping Association with a view of properly distributing all products of the Hood River Valley. As the results to be obtained from the meeting will be of vital importance to every individual interest in the entire valley, your presence is urgently requested. HOOD RIVER APPLE GROWERS UNION,. . DAVIDSON FRUIT COMPANY, HOOD RIVER APPLE & STORAGE CO, NATIONAL APPLE COMPANY. C. F. GILBERT, President E. D. KANAGA, Vice Pres. II. T. DeWITT, Sec'y and Treas. Power Sprayer Chalmers Automobile GILBERT IMPLEMENT COMPANY AUTOMOBILES Agricultural Implements, Farm Wagons and Vehicles Spray Pumps and Gas Engines, Harness Stump Pullers, Wire Fence Petaluma ' Incubator Brooders McCormick Rakes Mower Peter Schuttler Davenport John Deere Studebaker Mandt Wagon Sharpie Veil Deere Separator Vehicle United State Goodrich Tire Studebaker Harness Kimball Acme Eureka Weeder Spike Tooth Harrow Spring Tooth Harrow Extension Disc Cultivator John Deere Syracuse Plows Spray Fixtures Spray Hose Rotary Disc Plows Auto Supplies Hood River, Oregon, Mar. 12, 1913 Dear Sir: At last Spring is here. Already the newspapers are publishing the latest productions of the Spring poets. We've got some feelings like that too, but haven't time to publish them. We're busy with our customers. Everything Is In demand. Buggies, Wagons, Harrows, Discs, Plows all lines are on the, boom. Customers are demanding John Deere goods. They are looking for the trade mark. Buyers are getting educated. They know a good thing when they see it. Automobiles are beginning to emerge from their hiding places. New models are in demand. Old ones are Tor sale. We've got both. Some of our customers who want new cars have listed their old ones with us for sale. And some of thera are bargains We know the cars, and the people who have run them. Know how they have been used, and about what they are worth. If you ask us we'll tell you. We'll show you where you can get a bargain. And our new models are beauties. More luxurious, more roomy, more owejrt. Price ranging from $975 for a complete touring car, fully equlppod, to $5000. Bigger values than ever for your money. We have sVid more cars In Hood River than any other dealer. We have given irorn service. We have sold better cars. We have more satisfied customers. RIGHT NOW la the time to Investigate. Get your order In if you don't, you may not feet your car as soon as you want it. Then we'll both be disappointed. Order now and we'll both be happy. And RIGHT NOW Is a good time, too, to get your new buggy. Start early, and get the full year satisfaction out of It. No need to wait till Summer. Get it now. Or maybe It s a Spring Wagon you want. We have a dandy line. All sizes colors styles. All new. With Spring comes spraying time. Can you afford to work the old hand pump another year? See our power sprayers. Nothing better any where. No better Bet-vice goes with any outfit than we offer you. Prices for complete outfit, including hose, rods, nozzles, cutoffs everything range from $250 to $375. Outfits fully equipped displayed on our floor. Come in and see them. Ask about them. If you do use the old hand pump, your hose is probably worn out. Or you need new rods new nozzles. We have the finest hose we can buy on the market. Made especially for spraying. The most complete assort ment of nozzles, brass lined spray rods, leakless cutoffs, drip guards everything you need for your work. A full and complete line of hand pumps and repairs. Barrel pumps bucket pumps prices from $2.50 to $45.00. We doubt if you could find a more complete line of spray pumps and fittings. In the City of Portland. Our line Is worth Investigating. Call. Sincerely, GILBERT IMPLEMENT COMPANY. As to the Dog.' "My doi; understand every word I ny." "Cm " "Do you doulit It 7" "No; I do not iloiidt the brute In telllceine. The scant atteutlon be be stow your run vermilion would liiilii'iite Unit lie understands It per fectly .'-Kmix.iN City Journal. Had Poor Taste. "That' ii viiliiiiliie do of your. i "Ye, tin lit doewn't know be' , valuable doit .,k nt hltn. will you, I arniti'liliiv yonder In Unit i henp dirt ' when he illicit if well be tip the botila : vii id r;it liltiK In ground worth $.VX a front foot?"- Washington Herald. Difficult Tongue to Master. A cynic who snys be sptnik from ei perlenc declares that a linguist may be able to mnster all the modern torijnies except hi wife'. London Standard. Wasted Effort. "Now, waiter." said the new cus tomer In a certain restaurant of the less fashionable type, "I want an oys ter stew, and I want you to give the cook particular directions. The milk must be carefully bested Orst Just uort of boiling. Then the oysters must be added without the Juice. That must not be put la until the seasoning Is added. As for the oysters, I want Mill Ponds. Use the best milk and gilt edged creamery butter. Now, do yon think you understand 7" "Yesalr, said the waiter. And be went to the kitch en wicket and yelled, "Put on oner' Newark Star. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFIED Golf. Brown I wish I belonged to golf club. Jones Tou don't need to. "How o"f" "Just walk Or mile or to, and every twenty or thirty yard bit the pavement a hsrd whack with your tick and wear." Exchange, LOST Diamond ring, between Park street schoolhouse and 12th street on the Heights, between six and seven Wednesday evening. Wrapped In handkerchief. Finder please return to News office. ll-12c FOR RENT Garage on Seventh be tween Oak and Cascade street. In quire of W. K. Hanson. 11 12p HORSES For sale at my place.PeT er Mohr, Phone 6039. 11 12c FOR RENT Two partially furnished living rooms above Reed & Hender son's office. Light, water and fuel fur nished. Inquire Reed t Henderson, lltfc TO RENT Garden and house on Armstrong place, Paradise Acreage. Inquire Reed & Henderson, lltfc PAY A LITTLE each week or month and own a Sweeper-Vac the little vacuum cleaner that makes house cleaning unnecessary as least as far as taking up rugs and carpets. "It does the business" thoroughly, easily and the cost is trifling. Take one on trial. Put It to work on a rug you have Just cleaned by any other meth od and If you are not the most sur prised woman In town, we will send for It Immediately. K. A. Frnnx Co. Extra Special. On Friday and Sat urday, March, 14 and 15, we will have our second showing of spring hats, which have come in since our opening and which we have trimmed especial ly for this showing. Everyone cord ially invited to attend. tllbson Sis George James, wife and little son of Itusum are spending a few weeks here.