Image provided by: Hood River County Library District; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River news. (Hood River, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1913)
THE HOOD KIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1913 VAll in!:' ;? J i '-er jo Coats Beautiful in Color, Style and Work manship. Dame fashion demands three-quarter lengths, but the materials are of many weaves and colors. Serge Covert, Novelty Suitings and Eponge, in all the newest shades and made up by the best tailors. Sizes 14 to 20 and 36 to 43. Price $9.00 to $25.00 Easter These warm days ma kes us all think of Clothes. Easter is al most here. Come in and select your outfit while our stock is complete . Tailored Suits Our line this year will surely make milady anxious to blossom out in a new Easter Outfit. So new and varied are the styles that all can be pleased. Fan cy or plain tailored $15.00 to $27.50 Special for Saturday Ladies' and Small Woman's Navy Blue Serge Suits, new spring 0 10 nn styles plain tailored; all sizes.vliUU Everything for Men Attention Men Surely you are not going to let your wife or sweetheart outshine you on Easter morn ing. We have a fine line of suits in all the new shades and weaves $12.50 to $25 Kingsbury Hats New Stock now in and they surely are beauties. All sizes $3.00 Also other styles $2.00 to $2.50 Ctinnc We have 'em a fine line, tan or onUCb black $3:29 to $4.50 ill Price Only. A Special Girls Corset We here show Style 679 This is a Henderson Corset especially designed for girls. The developing, growing girl will find I j this corset to be of exceptional value to her in its I style effect, fit and general service $ 1 .25 Style No. 808 Here is another of our new models. It gives the very latest and most fashionable effect. The low bust brings out a natural rotundity. The skirt extension proportions the entire figure accordingly. JH- hi ii- VS It a tl 1 0 N t t CORAE.T5 OF II II FASHION FORM KM I M $2.00 New Creations for Ladies '' . '.;yf VV P ft ;7 !r.- - V . J '! ' fc I. I ; I ."' Attention Ladies Never have we shown such a complete line of Shoes Pumps, Patent Suede or Nu Buck 3,50 Those new seven-button Oxfords are nifty in Gunmetal, Tan or White Nu Buck 3.50 And almost all styles in boots Gunmetal, Tan, Patent or Nu Buck ..3.50 and 4.00 Then for tired feet we are always supplied with comfort shoes . 1.50, 1.75, 3.00 Furbelows Handsome to the extreme is our new line of NECKWEAR JABOTS DUTCH COLLARS FANCY BOWS AND COAT COLLARS All sizes; all kinds. Frilling Yes, in both white and Ecru 35c to 50c Ribbons Ribbon Plaiting in colors Per Yd 25c Ribbons in all sizes and prices. 35c 65c $1.00 $2.00 27 inch Embriid- 45 inch Embroid- 42 inch Silk eryFlonncing ery Flouncing tfacneiorriena Charmeuse 35c 65c $1.00 $2.00 39c 98c 75c $1.00 rlfiir& Crepe Gown, lace 26 in. striped all 34 inch All-Silk SWrtsBlue & hon trimmed si,k Messiline Tub Silk 39c 98c 75c $1.00 2lzc 65c 23c 35c Toil Du Noid Nainsook Gown, XTj CSIi?,nSnJ?am r.; i VmKNf f Cloths for ladies Petticoat with Ginghams Emb y trimmed Dresses or M 12Jc 65c 23c 35c 10c 53c 75c 98c Men's Tan or Bl'k Child's Linen JiwMffi" Ladies' and Misses' Hose Dress-all sizes rnrsk b r Middy Blouse 10c 53c '75c 98c 43c Children's Romp ers in Kahki or or blue 43c 10c Dress Gingham in checks or stripes 10c 5c Canvas Gloves knitted wrist 5c 25c Men's Silk Hose, black or tan 25c 14c Yard wide Cur tain Scrim 14c 37c 38 inch all-linen Dress Linen 37c 50c Plain' colored Chambray Ging ham Petticoats 50c 45c Fancy bordered striped wool Chal lies 45c $3.50 Special value Suit Case $3.50 $1.00 100 pr. Children's Shoes up to $3.00 values Special $1.00 49c Ladies' white bar red Flaxon Waist 49c 10c 32 inch Percale light or dark Patterns 10c Gloves The "Kayser Silk or Chamoisette Gloves a complete line just in. Chamoisette in White or Chamois Silk, both long or short, white, black, tan and grey 50c to $1.50 A complete line of Simmon's Kid and .Dent Gloves Wc Give Green Stamps rn We give Green Stamps OBITUARY Mr. Sarah Coate Calkin Mi-h. Sarah Coate CalklnH, wife of Kdward David Calkins, died Friday, aged 75 years, having boon born at West Milton, Miami Connty, Ohio, November 2!, 1837. She was mnt rl ! to Kdward David Calkins at Anierl rus, Kansas, November 2!, 1877 They also were residents of Colo.nd'), but had lived In Hood Hlver for 24 years. She leaves the only child, Thomas D. CalkltiH, also four sisters to mourn her death. Two of the sisters, F.tnalinp and Kliza Jane Coate, are residing In Hood River near her home. The funeral was held Sunday at the Harmless Chapel. Uev.. II. A. MarDonald of the Cnltarlan church officiated. Interment was at Idle wllde. Mra. Calkins' mission was her In fluence as homemaker. Her house hold ways were those of gentleness and refinement, and In this art she reached high excellence. Hers was the privilege of serving In one of earth's most useful capacities as wife and mother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Calkins have been empire build ers In three different states, having helped develop the resources In Kan sas, Colorado and Oregon. Uy her no bility of character, Mrs. Calkins left a sweet Influence on everyone who knew her. When the human family reaches her plane of life, armies and wars, courts and jails will be no more, and the day of brotherhood and peace will have come. She won her husband's admiration by her purity, her simple, direct sincerity and her generous love for the soldier who lost his leg at Antletam. Contributed. Mrs. Emily Childers Soiey Mrs. Kmily Childerg Sosey, wife of J. R. Sosey, died Thursday, March 6. She had not enjoyed robust health for many years and had been In fail ing health for several mouths. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. II. V. DaWdson and was largely attended by friends. It was In charge of the readers of the local Christian Science Society of which Mrs. Sosey had been a mem ber. Mrs. Sosey was born at Canton, 111., January li, 1873. She grew to wom anhood and was married there. To them were born five children. Of these, Justine and Allyn died six years ago. One daughter. Miss (Jer aldine, and two sons, Paul and Miner, survive. Resides her husband she al so leaves three sisters, Mrs. I. N. Miner of Portland, Mrs. 11. F. David son and Mrs. V. J. King of this place, and one brother, W. H. Ilrewitl of Clover, Wis. Her mother, Mrs. Julia Childers of Portland, Is also living. Mrs. Sosey had been an invalid for a large part of her life, but she bore her affliction patiently and devoted the best efforts of her life to her home and family. She was respected and loved by a large circle of friends, all of whom will extend to the family their sincere sympathy In the loss of a devoted wife, mother and sister. Christian Scienct Christian Science services are held in the Reading Room, Room 2, David son Ituilding, Sunday at 11 a. ni. Subject, "Substance." Sunday School at 10 a. m. Wednesday meeting at 8 p. m. The reading room la open dally from 2 to S p. m. MUTT and JEFF COMING Cus Hill will semi his big musical comedy success "Mutt and Jeff" to the Opera House for an engagement Fri day, March 14. "Mutt and Jeff" has achieved the biggest kind of a hit throughout the country. In fact it has been proclaimed tho financial success of the theatrical season, which would naturally mean is the best musical comedy production of the year. One does not meet with finan cial success without merit to deserve It. A company of forty-five people is carried with a carload of gorgeous scenery and effects. Music written expressly for this play by HownrI Webster. NOTICE OF STREET MENT IMPROVE Pursuant to order oT the Common Council contained in Ordinance No. 4:2 of the City of Hood River, pass ed by the Common Council on the li'th day of March. I'.iU. and approved by the Mayor on the 11th day of March, 1st 1:1. notice is hereby given that the undersigned. City Recorder, will receive bids for the improvement of Oak Street in the City of Hood River, Oregon, from Front Street to Fifth Street; Cascade Avenue from First to Fifth Street. Front Street from Oak to State Street; First Street from Oak to State Street; Second Street from Cascade Avenue to State Street; Third Street from Columbia ! th I live inch concrete pavement, or with I 11.1... .... , i, ... i' , i iii-aiit fa t-iu t-ii i , i'av ii iu be of sin li consistency and done in the manner and form set forth in the specifications for each class of pave ment, prepared by the City Surveyor and now on t ie in my office. Sealed proposals will be received at my otlice up to eight o'clock P. M . March 14th. lS'l:', and the Common Council will at its next regular meeting a'ter com pletion of publication of this notice, to-wit: on the 24th day of March. lS'l:!. at the Council Chambers at the hour of eight o'clock P. M . proceed to open and consider all bids for said work. winch is ordered by the Common Council by said Ordinance No. 4.:.'. duly enacted as above speeisied: that improvement will be let in one ImmJnuel Church (the Heights) , to State Street; Fourth Street from i contract The sermon subject at the Imman uel Church vesper service at 4:;!U next Sunday aftrnoon will be "The Citizen and Sunday Sports." On that occasion Mr. Hargreaves would like to speak to the people who are inter ested In the question of Sunday base ball. Hoth those who are in favor and those who are opposed are Invited. md will be required to be Columbia to Oak Street, by grading. . completed within seventy live days tilling or excavating the roadway of ' from the date of awarding the same the same from curb line to curb to the successful bidder: that com line, as the case may be, of such plete specifications are on die in my depth as shall be required to receive office covering each kind of miprovc the paving to be placed thereon as'meiit for which bids are called, cop herein specilied. so that the paving ies o;' which will be furnished to vv hen tinally completed shall be on the prospect iv e bidders upon th,. deposit established grade on said streets and' of Five lollars to insure the safe re the pav ing of said streets from curb i turn thereof to the City of Hood K i v -line to curb line witlt single course! er at' r awarding the contract, ami said contract will be awarded to the lowest and best bidder upon said speciiications for the kind of improve, nient selected by the Common Council. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to waive any de. fects therein for the benefit of the 'Mty of Hood River. The terms of -aid specifications shall be notice to prospective bidders of the require ments demanded by said city in the performance of said work. Tins tunic' is given for t.-n days bv publication thereof Ii th,. 1 1 ..... t Riv r News, a newspaper publjuhed at the City of Hood River, Oregon, the date of the first publication thereof being tb,. l.'tb ch, of March, PH I. H I.. IIDWK. City le uribr Kxtra Special. (Ml Friday and Sat urday. March, 11 and 11. will hnve our second lug of spring hats. wlii(h have come in since our opening and which we have 'rtmtred ..-p,--!,,! ly for this showing Kveryotn- cord ially invite, to n'teiid. Cibson Kn tcrs, For prompt delivery Talt Traiisfei t on pan. 7tf.