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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1903)
LOCAL LORE. (Advertisements in this column charged for at the rate of 15 cents per line. .'. Mrs Helen D. Harford will lecture tomorrow, Thursday evening in the Christian churck at 7-30. A collec tton will be taken. The public is -cordially invited. Mrs. P. A. Helm is to leave "Weatherfotd, Texa', sometime dur lug the current mooth. She will visit at various points on toe trip home and is Dot expected until May, Miss Philbrick, former bead of the OAC musical department, Is dow at Tilton, New Hampshire, her old home, where 'she is engaged ia teach ing. Mr. Bridges is in New York City. A parlor meeting will be held at the reading room Thursday at 3 p. m, Mrs. Helen D. Harford, state president of the W C T TJ will be in . attendance. All members requested to be present. Assessor Bush was in town Mon day to begin the work of aseessing the cuUDty. He uses a new and very complete blank this year in taking assessments. It is in pamphlet form comprising 12 paged, and is very convenient. ootn lor assessor ana as sessed. Henry Ambler was in tiwn Monday to meet new arrivals with whom he was in correspondence be fore they left the East. He has ad vertised extensively in Eastern news papers and has sent much literature of his own to bomeseekers. and many of them, come direct to him. Mart Spaogler, and his sisters, Mrs Porter of Oregon City, and Miss Lulu Spangler, of Weston and Miss Raymond of Salem, arrived Saturday, and until Monday guests at the heme of Mr and Mrs John Spangler The wedding of Miss Raymond and Mart Spangler is to occur at the borne of the bride's parents in Salem to day. ; Robert Bowman and his son are to leave today for Portland after a week's visit at home. The five acre tract and house west of town has been leased to Mr Noyes, a newcomer, , and Mrs Bowman and daughter have moved into town where they will remain for the present. Mr Bdw man and son have employment at the painter's trade In Portland. Mrs C. B. Moores of Oregon City arrived Friday for a visit with her eon and daughter who are stud en(s at OAO. She and her sister, Miss Ellen Cbamberlio were called to Salem by Saturday morning's boat on account of the illness of their brother, Mart L. Chamberlio, clerk of the state school land commissioners. Miss Chambeilin returned Monday. Mrs. Walton of Philomath was seriously burned last Saturday morning, says a Philomarh cor respondent. While standing with her back to the stove, her drees was drawn Into the open stove door by the draught, and she was immediately enveloped in flmes to her shoulders. She was badly burned before her daughters succeeded in extinguishing the flames. Arthur Haitian, aged 10 or 12 years, was kicked in the face by a horse Sunday. He resides with bis parants in Job's addition, . He was supposed to be leading the animal, but by some means it happened that the horse was in front. He began to play, and a blow from his shod foot struck the lad In the face: The nose from the bridge downward was split vpcu, a vt3 aiau uuc UUUCi - iu& eye and other damage was done. Dr. Farra was called and dressed the wound Miss Thella Blck'ard left Monday for a few days visit in Portland. Born, Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Greffoz, a twelve pound son. Miss Mildred Llnvllle returned yesterday from a visit with, Portland fiiends. Mrs. Glenn Winslow, of Newberg, arrived yesterday for a visit with her mother. . Horace Locke came ov er from Lebanon Saturday for abrief visit with relatives, returning Monday. Boads throughout the" county have been very much imptoved as a result of the continued dry weather. B. W. Johnson was able to be out Monday, after confinement ro his room since Thursday with an at tack of grippe. J. D. Fry, a banker of Grant's Pas, has been a Corvallis visitor since Sunday. His son is a pharmacy student at O. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. R E Gibson and son Homer returned Saturday from an ex tended trip through California, and es pecially through the southern part where they spent much of their two months' absence. Begular services at the M. E. church, South, next Sunday. Preach ing, both morning and evening, by Rev. John Beeves, pastor. Subject of evening sermon, "Infant baptism, as Taught in the Word of God." Public cordially invited. Mrs. I. N. Smith, an aged Hdy residing four miles above Corvallis on the east side of the liver, died Sunday at the age of 86 years. The interment occurred ai Oakvllle cemetery, Tues day at two o'clock. Mrs. Smith's hus band died two years ago. The family have resided Id the vicinity since 1874 and were' of considerable prominence. Five sons and seven daughters sur vive the. mother. Dr. J. N. Smith, of Salem, and Dr. J. C. Smith, of Jeffer son, are members of the family On account of the measles epi demic, a debate to have taken place in college chapel last Friday night was postponed. The contest was for the Gatch cup and the contestants, teams from the Amicitian and Zete- pathean societies, the former of which holds the trophy. The question U, "Besolved that deportation to out in sular possessions is the beet solution of the negro problem." The debate is to occur at some future date. Mr. Hall, with his family, came to Corvallis two years ago from Kan. sas, and secured work on the college farm. He, however, became dissatis fied with Oregon and went back to Kansas. Somehow Mr. Hall and his wife didn't experience the anticipated contentment there, the leading caue being the tailing health of Mrs. Hall While here, the family's health was good, and they decided to cast their lot again in the Webfoot s'ate. They arrived Saturday, and feel as though they can safely call this state their future home. They are ceita'.nly wel come. HIS TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE Five Months Without Medical Aid Maimed and Alone Percival : ; Nash. The facts concerning the terrible experience of Percival Nash in Alaska have been learned, and they involve a story of hardship and suffering, such as perhaps few hu man beings have survived. With the bone of his leg split by a heavy blow from an axe, he lay alone For five davs under two spruce trees in the far north, able only to crawl around with one leg and one arm while with his other arm he held up his wounded member. He ' had positive knowlege all the time there were but two human beings within fifty miles, and how far these two might be, and whether or not they would go south ' for the winter without hearing of his terrible plight, were things he had to think about while lying helpless and in awful pain, beside his camp fire, Me was almost out 01 provisions and when succor came, was pre paring to kill for food, the dog that was his only companion. With a stroke of his axe, he cut his leg on the 14th day of Septem ber, and it was not until the 7th day of February, nearly five months and after enduring incredible hard ships that he reached Dawson, 200 miles or more distant, and secured medical attention. The informa tion came in a letter to Roderick Nash at OAC, brother of the in jured young man- As told by the victim, his story, in part, is as fol lows: Sewed Up Wound. "My camp was located under two spruce trees. Just before turn ing to sleep, I undertook to cut t pole to put in front of my bed, to keep me from rolling into the fire as the ground sloped considerably. I went out just to the edge of the circle of fire-light, and stood on log. and hacked away at a little dead spruce Vith my Indian axe. I cut through one side, high up from the ground, and had just changed' hands without changing my position on the log. Chopping on either side is one of the things I have cultivated in this God-for saken country. I made two strokes and the third slid off the tree, and the full sweep of the axe brought it lengthwise into my ngnt leg, just above the ankle, and squarely on top of the bone. ' ., The force oi the blow knocked me off the log and to the ground on my hands and knees. The axe flew out of my hands. I hunted around and found it, and hobbled back to the fire, and then proceed ed to pertorm the necessary sur- George Brown has bought the inter- gical operation. Out of a drill est Of his father. Walt BrOWD. In the Uhppf- T tnnrlp c:nmp hatiHno-e and TXT ' l 1- . I 1 I I e x r m l . : ' - - - , An employe at the Benton county ' saw mill narrowly escaped a horrible death the other day, The machinery was temporarily at a stand still, and he was under the gang edger' clean ing out the oil cups. There are four saws In the gang. The machinery was suddenly started and one hand of the workman was caught by a saw. Luckily, contact was not severe and by a sudden movement he extricated himself. The Injury involves four fingers cut to the bone, but all will be saved. Eugene Register: There is siill a hope that the Corvallis wagon and carrlase factory may be induced : to come to this city. With that hope In view, a Ban Francisco firm has offer ed to take from 2,500 to 825.000 in stock in the plant it it Is to located in Eugene. The firm puts out all kinds of material used in the manu facture of wagons and carriages and also supplies used by blacksmiths and repair shops. Shoul 1 the factory be located In Eugene this firm pro poses putting in a large stock of Its wares here which will be sold at wholesale to consumers throughout the valley. Eugene is favored by the San Francisco firm because of its central location In the valley. Albany Herald: The McMlnn ville and Albany High School : girls ' basketball teams played at the Arm ory last night.' The game was inter esting and close, but contained sev eral things not on the program. The game resulted in a tie and the rules require that It be continued until one side makes two points. Just after tne pfav bad been resumed the umpire E. E. Cummins of McMinnvilie, made a very rank dechion, It is . claimed, ana a numoer or Aioany young boys attempted to put him out - of the ball. Others took sides with the umpire and It looked like a free for all for a few minutes. It required several policemen and business men to quiet the disturbance. This sale depended on the final out come of negotiations of Walt Brown for a farm near Lebanon. The latter deal has been consummated and in volves the purchase of 170 acrep, all in grain, In Linn county. The price paid was 84,700. This farm adjoius the one purchased by Doc Klger last spring. Mr. Brown has already taken possession and moved his family and household effects, stock, etc., to his new borne. jj TWO wheelmen had a head-end collision at Jesse Spencer's corner on Sixth and Jefferson Monday, One was going south on Sixth and the oth er east on Jefferson. The Westslde train was passing and both were, watching it. Each reached the corner at the same moment and quick as a flash the eastbound rider and bis wheel went down in a heap. He was Student Evans, mail carrier at the col lege. He was stunned by the fall, but after a time, gathered himself up and rode off. The other rider, who was also a student was less fortunate, a ! rim of his wheel being badly wrecked. Much ba? been heard of .a social affair that took place in Agricultural hall Saturday nigbt. It was a party in which all who attended were attir ed in childhood apparel. Two hun dred pound young men wore knee pants, waists, aprons, bibs aid kin dred garments. The girls were in suits to match. The chaperonea were attired as nurse girls. Among the re freshments were bread and milk and cookies. One young woman was haul ed to the party in a little red wagon. A six-foot yonog man who soiled his bib with bread and milk he was ' eat ing, is considered to nave made a hit. j The affair was quaint, amusing and pleasant. The function was given by the Pierians to the Amlcitians. John Welsh, of Taeoma, and Ed Clark, of Seat le, were in Corvallis Friday and Saturday, looking for fan cy driving horses. Mr. Welsh and Jesse Wiley came to an understanding resulting in the purchase of three of Jesse's horses. They are very attrac tive specimens of horseflesh, as good as they look; and in prime condition. The price is not given out, but it may be reasonably surmised that the pur chaser left a snug Bum of cash in place of 1 he animals. Mr. Clark se cured a 5-yeac-old Coeur d'Alane driv ing horse from William Rogue. - This animal is an extra flue driver, and will become a source of pride to the wealthy Seattle man for whom he was pur chased. The price is raid to have been $250. gaped, wide open, and I could see through a heavy white sinew, into the bone; but how deep, could not tell. , The sinew being split did not open very wide, and I couldn't see much under it. never cracked a smile, but proceed ed deliberately to sew up " the wound.- It took nine stitches to reach the end, and they were not close together, either. When I got through, I found I was still smok ing my pipe. ' - : Unabi,e to Walk. I had not realized yet, how badly I had cut myself. . I thought the axe had stopped at the bone, and supposed , that by caching my blanket and gun, next day I could hobble slowly back to Lan sing. However, as I had emptied all my tea water over the band ages to stop the flow of blood, I un dertook to go to the creek for more, a distance perhaps of twenty feet I took two steps; something gave way inside my leg and I went down on my face. ' I haven t put my.right foot to the ground with any weight on it since, a period of nearly five months. I did not sleep any that night, not that I was in much pain, but my thoughts commenced to trouble me. In fact, it did not : take me very long to realize that I was in the tightest box I , had ever en countered; that I had a very good show of dying one of the hardest deaths agoing. I left Lansing with a weeks' grub supplv. count ing on chickens. 1 had my 22-, pistol with me, and after three days traveling got only two chick ens. So there I was! under two trees with the certain knowledge that only two men . were within fifty miles of me, and where ' those, men were, up-stream, downstream Or across I had no more idea than the man in the moon. . . . ' Food Law Hope Gone- ' When morning came, I went on-, to rations, and pretty slim they were. 1 lound that my whole leg, knee, ankle and toes had . grown stiff during the night. My only salvation and chance of being found was to keep a good smoke ; going HIS INJURIES ARE SERIOUS. S.H. Continued on Fourth Page.) ' Dalaba Falls Into the Basement of Hotel Corvallis. S. H. Dalaba lies in a critical condition at the home of his son-in-law. Marshal Miller, as th of an accident which befell him Saturday night. At the south west corner of Hotel Corvallis the basement- excavation extends several feet awav from the buildine. and al oner trip ftvatpr sidewalk. About o o'clock on thp night of the accident Mr. Dalaba undertook to oass alone- the vacant ground south of the hotel on his way trom a Salvation Armv meet ing to the rear of Mr. Miller's resi dence. He steooed off the- wallr before he had passed the excavation, and fell a distance of seven or eight feet into the basement. Mr. Dalaha does not realize how he managed to gec-out ana reach his destination, but it was evident to Mr. Miller and wife that the old gentleman was seriously injured, and Dr Lee was summoned at once. Mr. Dalaba as several ribs in the left sirlp dislocated, and is otherwise injured. tie is 70 vears old. and the out come of the accident cannot be rore- dicted with certainty. Along the north wall of the hotel is an opening three feet square, com municating with the basement. It was doubtless intended to be cov ered with a grate, but in its present condition it is dangerous, lyfng as it does in the direct pathway of those passing along the north side of Monroe street from Second to First. A POOfl manv man trane have existed apout this building since its construction. Dr. Lowe the well known nnl optician will be in Corvallis Mnrn 11, 12 & 13th. Lost. On Jefferson street, a purse contain ing small change and a thimble- Finder please return same to .Times office. , For Sale. Having sold my milk route, I have for sale a number of firstclasa cowa. Come early and get first choice, j. D. Hnkill, Corvallis. Ore. Men Waotad. To work at the Benton Canntv Sawmill. Apply at the Benton Coun. tv Lumber Yard in Corvallis or at. the mill. Public; ;7er diet, "Your Goods are the Newest, and your Prices the Lowest," Is the "Verdict of the general public at large who have critically examined any part of our big- stock. Not a Dissenting Opinion. That is why we so con fidently bid for your trade, as we believe one sale makes others. Once a customer always a friend. SO for One Week we are going to offer orir Entire Stock of Ladies' White Muslin Undergarments at a reduc tion of 20 percent. Regular .75 prices at 60 ' Regular $1.50 prices at $1.20 Regular $1.00 prices at 80 Regular 2.09 prices at 1.60 Regular L25 prices at $1.00 Kegniar prices at z.uw As our goods are marked in plain figures you can readily see the original selling price, which is much less than prict-n usually asked bv dealers in larger cities for the same clatkj r - of goods. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. At KLINE'S, The White House, Regulator of Low Prices, Live Poultry Wanted. Highest market price paid for chickens turkeys, geese and ducks. Hodes Grocery. Freeh Cooked Crabs. One half dozen for 30 .cents. Neatly packed in light boxes and delivered at express office in Newport. . Four boxes or less shipped to one address will cost but 35 cents for expressage. Address orders to W. G. Emery, Newport, Ore. City Restaurant. Newly Furnished, First Class, Meals at all Hours, Oysters in Season. Located in Hemphill Building, Cor vallis, Oregon. C. W. LEDERLE. HSISiigliHiSHiiSiSSiSiiSiBiH Our January Red Tag Sale was a grand succes. Oar cus tomers were well pleased with the bargains procured, and we now have remaining a few Choice Remnants in Wool Dress Goods, Outing Flannels, Fancy Stripe Flannelettes, Calicos, Odd Sizes in Underwear, Corsets, Etc. Bring Eggs and Butter as well as the cash, miller Pays fifgbest Prices for Produce We are assured that this spring will be an Alpaca season, and we have bought a complete line of these goods. A few choice ones have already arrived, in colors and black, which we have marked at a very low - figure. We have received one shipment of wash goods including A, F. C. Ginghams, Chambray and Mercerized Linens. What One Dollar in Cash will Buy this Week In Our Grocery Department. m Twenty Pounds D. G. Sugar.....:. $1 00 Nine Pounds Lion Coffee....:....... 1 00 Nine Pounds Golden Sun Coffee . vl 00 Twenty-Five Pounds Prunes........ 1 00 Fifteen Pounds No. 1 Rice.;.......... 1 00 Two Bushels Potatoes.......... .... ... 1 00 Five 3-Pound Cans Padlock Pchs. 1 00 Six 3-Pound Cans Palo Alto Pchs. j$l 00 Nine 3 -Lb. Cans Stand. Tomatoes 1 00 Nine 2-Lb. Cans Standard Corn. .. 1 00 Fifteen 3 -Lb. Cans Tomatoes........ 1 00 Eleven 3' Lb. Cans Astd Pie Fruit 1 00 Five 2 -Lb. Cans Sliced Pineapple And Other Big Bargains, Each.... i 1 00 1 00 mm F : miller, 0roal! is, Oreaon IS 1 m. 1 1M as m