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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1903)
County fclerk's Otf ot V Vol. XVI. No. li. CORVAL.LIS, OREGON, MARCH 7, 1903. B. F. IKVUfE Editor and Proprietor. H 1 . IBM "IKS In m 4k 2 i B We Have flaey AR0A1N For Febraaryo s w wo 1 8 & a sf tnj o : M Mi GREAT REDUCTIOM J.H.HARRIS. Ole Do not Ciue to as high a standard as ova? desire would promote ( us. but see that you make no mistake in the house that keeps the hig est standard of Grocer ies that is the , place to ' , -7 ..BUY. .': o Frcsb Fruits, Fresh Uedttabks, o) fresh everything to be had in the market. :', We ) run our delivery wagon and our aim is - I to keen wh&V vou want and to J - please. Call and see Bu Borningj J ( ) ) 3 I ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list, or come and coo ma T c oil nlnoo-nitn in mTrmrc ttm-i all 1 Ji the reliable information you wish, also showing4 you over the country. . HENRY AMBLER, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, Philomath, Oregon. . x - Don't Cry ! We are sure we can match it if your china gets broken, and it won't cost you much either. We have so many -patterns and designs to select from that if your china or glassware - porcelain, or crockery gets demolished you can buy a new supply from our fine sets, and from our open stock, at prices . you couldn't begin to match a year ago. . , P. M. ZIEEOtP. CHILD TOILERS. THEIR LITTLE BODIES STUNTED AND DEFORMED BY OVERWORK. Doomed, to Short and Miserable Lives 'Old at Seventeen Lives Over at .Forty In- ., vestigation of Noted Specialist Other , News. New York, Mar. 3. "In this city 20,000 children, too tender to even know what work means, are at work, and stunted and diseased bodies are to be their heritage. They are old at seventeen; their lives are over at forty. And the pity of it is that not necessity, but greed- pitiless, graspiDg, . selfish :' greed is the source of. this lamentable condition." ! This declaration was made-last night by Dr Louise Fiske Bryson, the - noted woman specialist, who has just concluded an : exhaustive investigation among the child toil ers of this city as a part of the; gen- Feral campaign for better child labor laws which culminated in the hear ing at Albany yesterday. .Her investigation was for the purpose of showing the evil physi cal effects of work on the children. It is a convincing array of evidence that she has procured scores of pho tographs : of little ; sufferers whose ailments have been traced to premature work, forming the most startling average that has yet been presented in the fight against child slavery. ;. Dr Bryson has made an exhaus tive study of the districts in which the children- live, 'acdf has" inspec ted not less than 1,000 cases at home and in the hospitals. ' The result of her work formed one of the most effective features of yes terday's hearing before the Labor and Industry Committee at Albany. " "Poor little things," said Dr Bryson, "they are rather "'damned, than born into the world. Upon the conditions in which they are brought up it is producing a nation of dwarfs. To thousands of little children the country is free in only one senses Free to die m. "My Investigation has been as to the physical effect that . work has upon the little toilers.: It would make one's heart bleed to see what I have seen. The . photographs which I have had taken of the lit tle victims , of this brutal system form a terrible incident. I wish that I might make them public, so that the whole world could be astonished at the evil that iB going on right under its very eyes' and to which good men and good women are indifferent. (Tbia child labor is the greatest prolific source of tuberculosis there is. . Stamp out this evil system and consumption will .go. The poor little toiler who is growing while he works, is helpless against the invas ion of the germs, contact with which is almost constant in the particular lines of work in which these little children are engaged. "They should be growing up not working. They ara peculiarly prone to tuberculosis. Abolish child labor in the tenements, in stores, in the shops, in the mills and laundries, in the streets after night, and you will blot out con sumption.' "Hundreds ' of cases have been brought to my attention during my investigations. Many were little mites of humanity not over ten, ap parently, who hava been put to work. Think of that, little fellows of ten put out to work! "I have, found that the worst cases are traceable to seven danger ous trades. In all of these some form of poison is incidental to the trade itself. , For example, lead in glass polishing, arsenic in wall pa per, mercury in rubber work, the poisonous dyes used for textile fab rics, and many others in which lurk germs which the constitution of the child is ill-fitted to combat. -; ,VI have found the bodies of the little 'workers stunted, in some cases deformed arid usually ill-nourished and arihealthy, It is not natural that the child should ba healthy, who at the period of its growth is cooped up in a way which would injure strong men. "A maiming and disfiguring dis ease, which I have found common atnong the little toilers, is a general sofSening and chemical change of tissues, due to lack of sunshine, light and air and the lack of that upon which the child thrives. It comes of malnutrition, and is a prolific source of nervous disease in later years. Children should never work from a medical standpoint, before they are fourteen or fifteen, when th:r hips and shoulders have de veloped. The little victims of child toil how are worn out, run down and stunted at seventeen old when they should be their freshest. , I have heard it wondered why they marry bo young. One should, not wonder, when they remember that their lives are over at forty. These child toilers are doomed to short and miserable lives. - "Tuberculosis which I have men tioned as one of the baleful fruits of the child labor system, is distinctly preventable and unnecessary, but it always will be a dreadful. scourge as long as the present system of child labor is allowed to go on. "God will forgive you,' said Rich ter,'for stinting your children in bread when it is so dear. But what wilt be say to you, for depriving them of his free air? The air, alas is not free to these toilers. ' "In" seventeen years of study of the question T have found that par ents by the hundreds ' misrepresent ' the ages of their children so they can go to work. They are greedy for money. The children them selves may be heard to ' say: 'You can fix the Board of Health if you only know how.' " . Hamilton, O., March 3. Knapp this afternoon confessed to another crime, y He says he is the man who in 1886 assaulted a young girl at New Madrid, Mo., and that be was chased by a mob which he held at bav with a Winchester. , He eBcsp- ed etossth9i Mississippi' - in- the darkness. . , , y . :. He told the story without appar ent exotion and laughed when he explained how he got across the river. New Albany, Ind., March 3. Edward King, of Cincinnati, arriv ed here this morning ' and viewed the body found yesterday and pos itively identified it as that of Han nah Knapp. King's wife is a sister of Knapp. - - The chief of police, of . Hamilton, arrived, at 9 o'clock this morning and further identified it as that of Hannah Knapp. King tried to secure possession of the body for burial, but the au thorities ordered that it be taken to Hamilton, where Knapp's trial will be held. She was petite, be- ,ing only five feet ia height, and weighing only 110 pounds., Hamilton, O., March 3. Knapp has not been informed that the body has been positively identified as his murdered wife. The sheriff keeps the news from him as he does not want to interrupt the braggado cio ' confessions constantly being made and added to by the murder er. He is afraid he will become mute when he learns the positive against him. case is New Albany, Ind., March 3. Charles Goddard, uncle of Hannah Goddard Knapp, arrived here this afternoon. He identified the body as that of his niece. - Lewiston, Mont. , March 4! Orin Johnson, a rancher, left home yes terday in a blinding storm. While crossing the hills his horse sank into an old prospect hole which had been partly filled and covered with snow. The horse got wedged in the timbers, but Johnson kept on the floor 20 feet below. His way out ' being barred- by the .' horse. Johnson began digging with his penknife behind the timbers. It took him eight hours to burrow through the soft earth and- reach an opening above the horse. His fingers were worn until they bled. After securing assistance he got his horse out, badly scratched but not much the worse for bis experience. If it's a "bilious attack, take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and quick recovery is cer tain; For sale by Allen & Wood ward. r-''j:4:.l v--- ''':." : ' ; Our store wi 11 close at 7 p. m during' J anuary, February and March, Saturday evenings excepted J. H. Harris. SNAKES THERE. THREE HUND RED OE THEM IN BUNDLE AS BIG AS A BARREL. Rattlers, Copperheads and Vipers Galore Tied her Jewels to Her Knee and lost Them Armless man Held up Gamblers Other , ; . News. Bloomington, March 4. -A cold weather snake story comes from Harrodsburg, a few miles south of here, and the superintendent of the Giant Stone Company, as well as a number of others, say that it is true. - While workmen were blasting with a heavy charge of dynamite on the Monou switch running to the stone quarry the explosion un earthed a bundle of .snakes as large as a barrel. The reptiles were woven about each other until they formed a compact mass. The bun dle contained, several varieties . of; snakes and the workmen found a few ground hogs in it. . . , ' ' Some of the ., blacksnakes were eight feet in length, there were vi pers three feet long, and copper heads, housesnakes ; and rattlers were in the bunch. The whole colony of snakes were rolled over the bluff in a solid body. Work was suspended for a time and a fire kindled about the snakes. As they came to life and started to crawl away, the workmen killed them with clubs.. It is said . that there were nearly 300 reptiles in the bunch. . i; B6ato'riMarch'3 put of pity for a woman who had attempted to kill herself through grief over the loss of jewels and money, persons whose names are not made known gave the police information which led to the arrest of Jacob Brenner on the charge of larceny of the ar ticles. Mrs. Jacobvitch owned the jewels. She went shopping on Feb ruary 16 and carried her diamonds, valued at $2,600, and $700 in money in a bag which she had tied above her knee. Daring the afternoop she lost the bag, The police got no trace of the jewels and the adver tisement brought no response. Last Thursday Mrs Jacobovitch tried to kill herself. The newspapers prin ted stories of this incident, which came to the notice of certain per sons, who said they were moved by pity of the woman and decided not to shield Brenner, who bad told them he had found the jewels .and money in the street. Brenner gave the jewels to the police and these were identified by the owner, lie denied . knowledge of the money. Later the police got a suggestion from unknown sources that Mrs Brenner be searched, and this, was done, $400 being recovered. -l : Butte,' Mont., Mar. 3, One of the most unique methods of holding up that could possibly be imagined was perpetrated shortly before 2 o'clock this morning when C. Payne an armless man, entered the gamb ling hall of the California Club, and with a 44-calibre revolver between bis toes compelled the dealers at .one of the faro tables to give up $5 which the crippled man had lost earlier in the evening. When Payne stepped 11 into the middle of the room, and at the same time nour ishing the weapon at the end of his foot, gamblers and players scattered in a hurry. - Policemen called ' to the place found Payne with a razor batween the toes of one foot and a big pistol between the toes of the other. He .was arrested without difficulty and placed in jail. Washington, March 4. The ses sion of the senate today was inter esting not alone by the official pro ceedings on the floor of the cham ber incident to the last day of con gress, but by many, occurrences which were' purely social in their character, due to the fact' that the day marked the close of many ca reers in the senate... Of the 30 sen ators whose terms expired when the presiding omcer's gavel fell at noon 13 failed to secure re-election either through defeat or through, their own refusals to en ter the coutes ts in theirvarious states. , , Included in . the : number I whose official presence in the, chamber will no longer be noted are six re-, publicans and seven democrats, but of the republicans, - Senator,; Jones, of Nevada, and Senator Wei- lington, of Maryland, have in re cent years each supported for a -time the national candidates of the opposing party. Two other sena tors, Deboe of Kentucky, and : Pritckard , of North Carolina are 1 Southern republicans, and both aro mainiog two republicans are Sena tors Mason, of Illinois, and Simon of Oregon. Of the seven retiring democrats. Harris of Kansas. Tnmw of Washington and Heitfield, were elected as populists, and all are suc ceeded by republicans. Senator McLauren of South Carolina, wan elected as a democrat, and while still classed as such has acted inde pendently during the greater nart of his term. The , three other senators, Vest, Jones of Arkansas, and Rowlins, have from first to last been in the Vest have risen to places of con--spicuoua leadership. In Jones, of Nevada the senate loses one of the two men who have served in that body for 30 consecutive years, the other' being Senator Allisoa. In Mr. Jones the senate loses one - of its. most popular as- jwell n, one , of its- most unique members.; He has noli made a speech since tuc'dkya of the silver debate in 1893, and he has not during his entire 30 years' service introduced, to exceed half a dozen bills, yefc his iufluenoe in shaping legislation has been ex ceeded by that of few senators, and his great ability has been recogniz ed from the beginning of his nation al career. With a few exceptions during his term the personnel of the senate has changed many times over. Roscoe Conkling was at his' best and James G. Blaine . had not yet entered the senate when Mr. Jones entered the senates-Thomas F. Bayard and John J. Ingalls were leading figures at 1 that time. Senator Jones from the first has been recognized as an authority on finance, and his vast store of in formation has ' ever been at the command of his colleagues. Senator Vret belongs to the next generation of senators. He entered the body in 1879, and has served for 24 years, winning a reputation for brilliancy of speech, classic learning and sharp repartee seldom exeelled in the senate. He has been in poor health for several years past, bnt notwithstanding he has been almost blind and has need ed constant assistance .in going in to and oat of the senate chamber,, he has cpntinueed to maintain his interest in the proceedings and his prestige as an orator. He has made eeveral speeches on current topics during the past session, and each time he has taken the floor he has been given the closest attention by both senators and occupants of the galleries. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, came to the front during the considera tion of the Wilson-Gorman tariff bill on account of his knowledge of business details and. his tact in dealing with men, and he has easi ly held his place as a party leader since that time. He has been chair man of the democratic conference since the retirement of Sanator Tur pie, and on this account and' be cause of the fact that he is chair man of the domocratic national committee has been regarded much of the time as the official head of the party in the senate and in the country at large. ' The retirement of Vest and the two Joneses will make three vacan cies on the finance committee and also cause vacancies on many other important committees. Senator Mason ia chairman of the committee - on postoffices and also a member of the committee on commerce. Senator Pritchard gives , up the chairmanship of the committee on patents, and also membership in a number of other important commit tees. . - " -.. Senator Rawlins' retirement will cause a democratic vacancy on ' the committee on foreign relations and also - in the committee on Philip pines. ; ! : ; - Senator lurner retires from the judiciary committee. Of the seven democratic senators who retire four are succeeded by re publicans, and of the six republi cans who go out four are succeeded by democrats. All the changes in favor of republicans are in the Northwest, and three are in favor of democrats in -the Southern . or border states. I