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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1903)
County -Clerk V &tf ot i ij i Vol. XVI. No. 2. CORVALLIS, OREGON, FEBRUARY, 8, 1903. B.'F. IRVINE Editor and Proprietor. . We Have flamy BARGAINS -For Feforaaryo' - GREAT . IRiBDUCTiONi J. 5, HARM! "STi . ,f F YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL 1 good bargains in stock, grain fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list, or come and see me. ,1 shall take pleasure in giving you all 3 the reliable information Co you over the country. HENRY AMBLER, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, . Philomath, Oregon. a T5 1) F.286- Times Office for Job Printing. IMS 3K if n--1 a;- vou wish, also showiner Watches, docks I and Jewelry I have watches from one dollar up; gold, gold filled, silver, silverine and cheap ones for the boys. Rings of all kinds Wedding rings, set rings, band rings, v.' , - . If you are having trouble with your eyes or glasseand have tried all the so called travelliiig opticians without suc cess, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed and by one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee. ;'Noe-After Feb- ist the stare will oe 6;3o p, m. except Saturdays. Pratt, . The Jeweler and Optician. Don't Cry. We are sure we can match it if your china gets broken, and it won't cost you much either. - We have so many , pat terns and designs to select from that f your china or glassware porcelain, or crockery gets demolished you can buy a new supply from our fine sets, and from our cpen stock, at prices you couldn't begin' to match a year ago. . P. M. ZIEEOLF. DIDN'T PLAY FAIR. THAT IS WHAT THEY 8AY OF SENATOR BROWNELL. Labor Organization at Oregon City Resolute Against him Volca ' no Again Actives-Fire in Circus Other News. ' Portland, Feb.. 25. Serious ac cusations have been made against George C. Brownell , and charges may be filed at a later date. This will be sufficient 16 prevent his ap pearing as a candidate for the office of United Stats congressman, left vacant by the death of Thomas H. Tongue." '..7 ' ' ' , The foregoing sensational state ment was made yesterday by Wal ter Lyon, formerly private secreta ry of Governor Geer, and his cam paign manager during the recent senatorial struggle. Mr. Lyoa re fused tij explain in detail the na ture of the threatened charge a g&ine't the president of the senate, beyond an ' intimation that hia tcoursa had been influenced by im proper considerations. , t There can ba no question that Brownell is not reetmg upon a bed of roses at the present, time. The labor organizations of Oregon City do not accept of his explanations of his attitude toward the eight hour bills when they came up for passage in the senate, and the spe cial committee appointed by the Carpenters' and JoinersUnion of that city has adopted resolutions reciting that, "in view of his posing as a friend of organized labor in? the past, and his utter failure to make good his promise (to secure an eight hour law), we condemn bim as a traitor to the caut-e of organized la bor and ' withdraw from him our s.PPrflnd promise to .hand hira out something interesting in the future." Brownell undoubtedly wants the congressional nomination in the first district, and that he does not openly declare himself a candidate is due to bis uncertainty as to the amount, of opposition he will en counter. Many of those most deep ly concerned in the senatorial fight charge Brownell with bad faith and ugly rumors have been afloat. City of Mexico, Feb. 24. The news of a violent eruption last Sat urday of the volcano of Colima is confirmed. This volcano has been in eruption ? frequently v during recent - years,----The - eruption of Saturday was violent and startling, and much, alarm was. felt by those in tne vicinity .:r . I5. ... v t 'bi; ;.. i At first it. was. believed that the top of the mountain had been blown off. -' Stones of great size were eject ed, end flames shot' high into the sky; - 'When. the alarm was over there began to fall showers of ashes and finely pulverized rock. . This alarmed the "inhabitants of the district who feared being buried under the debris. . There are many Americans in the city. 7 ' City of Mexico, Feb. 24. At P. M. today the most violent erup tion of the-, Colima volcano which has'occurred inyears, took place. , At 2:26 P. MV there was a severe earthquake shock at Tuxpan, and a heavy pall of smoke hangs over the entire vicinity.. Both Ciudad Guzman and -Tuxpan are near the volcano. Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 24. Fire partially destroyed the new brick car barn and the new winter quar ters of the Barnum and Bailey cir cus here today, and burned a num ber of cars belonging to the circus. The loss is estimated at $100,000, on which there is insurance of $33, 000. The fire was caused by a lamp falling to the floor in the midst of a quantity of benzoin and other inflamable matter. ' . While the fire was at its height a cornice fell, carryingtothe ground with it 12 firemen who were at work upon the roof. The men were mach braised, but were not other wise injured. Excitement was occasioned dur ing the removal of 14 elephants, which were quartered in a building adjoining the car barns. It was necessary to remove the elephants through a door faciDg the burning building and across the tracks be tween rows of burning and smoking cars. In order to accomplish this safely, the four ; keepers took one animal out at a time until the en tire herd was removed. The loud trumpeting of the elephants gave rise to a rumor that the animals had broken loose. San Francisco, Feb.' 24: The fact that the fight for the Fair mil lions has been re-opened despite the recent settlement which was sup posed to have satisfied all parties has - aroused the keenest interest here. It was supposed that the Nettle-Craven suits formed the last basis of attack on old Jim Fair's wealth, but the Paris tragedy chauged this. New evidence has been discovered, so the mother, of Mrs. Fair claims, that shows, con clusively that the. millionaire vic tim of the tragic auto accident died many minutes before bis wife. Clever witnesses stand ready to tes tify to this fact, the proof of which would take the entire fortune away from Mr. Fair's high society rela tive? and give : it to Mrs. Fair's humble village mother and family. Msanwhilo "the fight is made three cornered by - the arrival ' of fresh claimants on the scene. They are cousins of the dead millionaire and Iclaim a leg4l tide to the property. r Albany, Or , Feb. 24. Hon. Binger Hermann spent this aftei noon and evening in Albany. ; The afternoon was devoted to renewing acquaintances and friendship of long standing. 1 In the evening a public reception was held at the Alco Club in honor of Mr. Hermann,and ev ery one was given an opportunity to meet the ex-congressman. Al though Mr. Hermann refused to discuss the congressional situation, his friends were doing considerabie talking, and gently feeling the pulse of the Linn county voting community, which has given Her. mann strong support in the past. . Salem, Feb. 24. Goyernor Cham berlain today signed Kay's bill re pealing section 259 of the code, which provides that public officers shall not be subject to garnishment proceedings for moneys in ' their bands due to other persons. The purpose of the repeal is to permit judgment creditors to garnish men- ey in the hands 01 state and coun ty treasurers beloaging to judgment debtors. Early in the session Kay introduced a bill providing that the wages of public officials, and em ployes shall not be exempt - from garnishment. The bill passed both houses, but was vetoed by the' gov ernor for the reason that it applied to money due for services, but net to money due for. material furnish ed, or for other purposes. The bill was then introduced and passed both houses. . 7- . .'.V After . the '.bill goes into effect some of the j udgment creditors will have a chance to try whether they caa tie op money in the county , or state treasury. For many years there has been a demand in Salem for such a law as a meanB of forc ing state employes to pay their debts. Now there will be interest in observing hew the law works out in practice. . 7. 7 New ,York, Feb. 14. Samson Ludger, the sole survivor of the disaster that killed every other liv ing thing in St. Pierre, arrived here today on the steamer Fonta bello. He is in destitute circum stances and insane. He will, be cared for by friends in this city. Ludger was imprisoned in a dun geon of the St. Pierre prison when the volcano commenced to vomit death and destruction in every direction.-'"-; Ab the terror stricken, people 1 of the city were overwhelmed with the mass of falling lava and ashes, Lud ger, cowering in his cell, . heard the screams of the victims and felt something of the terrible heat. ' Deep down in his stone retreat the prisoner escaped the fate of the others and he was found there by the first searching party that delv ed in the ruins for the dead. Before losing his mind Ludger was able to give a vivid description of the sounds accompanying the e ruption,, although he could see nothing. . , , . - Teams Wanted. To haul lumber,' ; Apply at the ; Ben ton County Lumber Yard, Corvallis. FEEDS EVERYBODY. PRESIDENT BOOSEVELT SPENDS ALL HIS SALARY IN ENTER ' - ' TALKING. ' Guests Always in the White House Ex-Slave Gives Former Master Seven Million Dol- lars Cole Younger : Other News. Washington, Feb. 15. Col. Bing ham's remark in his letter to Con gress explained why it. will cost $60,000 instead of the usual $25,000 to mantain the White House next year, that the President does more entertaining. than any of : his pre decessors. Is fully borne out by the facts, although the attempts made by some members of. Congress to show that the President is using Government money for - his hospi talities is unjust and untrue. ,: . The $6o,oco will pay for the- up keeps of the White House aheeer vice; ihe linen, the china, the flow ers, the new furniture, the fuel and all that. The President pays for the food and drink out of his own pocket. . ' J - : : - ' Even with none but the food and drink items to provide for the Pres ident will have but little of his sal ary left when he goes out of "office if he continues to entertain as lav ishly as he has done since he re turned from Oyster Bay last fall. Since the President ; and Mrs Roosevelt opened the remodelled White House there has never been a day that friends have not enjoyed their hospitality. Baron and Ba roness Speck von Sternberg gave the new guest room their first war ming last fall. Since Thanksgiving there has not been a day when President Roosevelt has not enter tained a large ,bouee party. In this connection thereis aoi'pew story. "- ' T'- -7 . -. ' At the Cocknell breakfast in honor of the newly wed Mr and Mrs Edison Gallaudet, President Roosevelt fell into conversation with the hostess and aunt of the - bride. The lady regretted that there were no good hotels in Washington, and waxed eloquent in defense of her theme. . The President . listened and then exclaimed: "No good hotels in Washington! You must be mistaken madam; surely you have never stopped at the White House. . In v the last twelve . weeks the President has entertained as house guest 3 npward of two hundred per sons: ' 7- The lavish entertainment at the White House does not halt at house parties of two, four, six and even eight persons at a time, but has in cluded the greater number of ma sicales, at homes, dinners, luncheons and-conversaziones ever attempted by any host or hostess in this ; city. Besides the three .state dinners and. the five state receptions, there have been: six elaborate musicales, and cards are now out for three more. These musicales "are always preceded by a dinner from sixteen to twenty guests and are followed by a supper at which all of the three to five hundred guests are entertained with light refreshments. At the White House this does not mean that tbe guest is handed the traditional cup of weak bouillon and a wafer. The President and Mrs Roosevelt offer their guests a dainty repast not to be exceeded by elegance or plenty by the richest nabob in town. - ' At least three times a week the President and Mrs Roosevelt invite from a dozen to sixteen persons to luncheon. In addition tbe Presi dent gives at leaet five elaborate dinners each week. The capacity of this family for generous home ' intercourse with their friends is not exhausted by these entertainments. Mrs Roose velt has given five large afternoon receptions, to which about twelve hundred guests were specially invi ted 'by card on each occasion, and with these went a dainty collation, never stingily served, and replete with delicate and costly food. The President and Mrs Roose velt seldom accept ' invitations to dinner, but they have found - time amid this whirl of hospitality to dine with each of the Cabinet fami lies and with Senator Lodge and Hasina, and be present at the pub lic banquet to Judge Harian and on the occasion of tbe Y. M. C. A. jubilee. - - , . Richmond, Va., Feb. 23. -John 7 Bowles Flannagau, of King and Queen County, in this State, has -come into valuable property in . Omaha in a peculiar way. Flan nagan last fall, read in a newspaper ' an account of a decision in Omaha ' sustaining a suit brought many : years ago by John Flannagan, col- ; ored, for ownership of land on which a large portion of the business sec tion of Omaha is built . John Flan nagan was a slave of James Flan nagan, of Fluvanra, and John Bowles Flannagan was his "young master." In the civilfwar the negro was, hostler for Gen. Buckner. After the war he was employed by , Western settlers in Nebraska, who igave him forty acres of land, con- sidered worthless. : " Upon this the old n9gro built a cabin, and he has lived in ; it ever since. In the Omaha boom days no one regarded his . title, and the city grew up around him. " Now "Old John" has asked Mr I Flannagan to come to him ' to re ceive aeeds to the property, valued at several million dollars. Kansas City, Feb. ;7.-r-"Cole" Younger, the reformed formed a theatrical company with Frank James as partner; the com pany purchased Buckskin Bill's Wild West Show, which is .backed by "Willy" Hoffman, a wealthy brewer of Chicago. The amount of money put into the concern is $75,000! Frank James refused to sign the contract until be saw the money paid to E. H. Allott, business manager of the combination. Younger and James will leave for Chicago in a few days. It is said that the show will not ex ploit any wild and bloody scenes connected with the lives of the two men, James will do the acting, for Younger is pVevented from appear ing on the stage by tbe provisions of his pardon. The show will take the road next May and a tour to the Northwest will be made. - Portland Feb,:24,."-"I am going- -, back after another load," said R. L Duval, special excursion agent for : . the Northwestern Railroad, as he swung upon the rear platform of a Pullman car at the Union station this morning,; "There are thous ands of them back there and they only need stirring up. I will bring another load out next week." , Mr Duval was speaking of home seekers. He has been engaged for several months in piloting toward the Pacific Northwest those who wish to locate in God's country, and in comparing present condi tions with those in the past he said: "I have been identified with Western immigration for a long time, but never have I seen as high class people take advantage of theu excursion rates as aredoing so now. They have money to pay their way know, what they want and have a pretty good idea where to go to get it. .And I do not class them by their coin alone, they availed them selves of the settlers' rates last year or two years ago. I do not say that thiB applies specifically, but it cer tainly does in general. " . Mr Duval was asked . from what v -praticular locality the immigration into the , Northwest was coming. He said: , v "From every part of the compass except that which points toward ' the Pacific Ocean. The Middle ' West, South, 'East and Atlantic Coast is each furnishing its quota. : I bring my trains out from Chicago. . The' people gather there from all over the country and -come West by droves.- All passenger trains are leaving there iu two and three sections." ' - Last week Mr'Duval brought 400 to the coast, by far the larger pre centage ot whom came through to Portland. He said their surprise : was great when, after crossing tbe . Rockey Mountains, they entered a 1 country wheie snow was seldom seen, and where ' the ciimate was that of spring, indeed, and not spring in name only until very . much later in tbe year, as is the fact where the majority of them come from. Even thoss from 'the "Sunny South" were delighted to find conditions so nearly like ' those they left behind. - Washington, Feb. 24. A caucus of democratic senators yesterday de cided to oppose the compromise ' statehood; also to oppose tacking the omnibus bill to appropriations or executive business. .. This destroys the last hope of statehood at this session, but im proves the chances of ; the canal and Cuban treaties.