Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1911)
) t r... rrldar. orcaalo The- only dairy mw r V.-- huMt PerUeM and tatni " V - latea In every eatttew at t-i . maa Cewnty, M a asealatleai af . no.000. Art )m m aeWsleerf t"l!LJu.-rTiJr. fair . ' IT- DuriU. Jw - WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED I5GG -. , Ivoun-No. no. ORKOON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1911. Pn Wkxt, 10 Cera a.i. iyi I I i ii 11 i if ii i. m t - a a U U 1 NV I J ICHUEBIL PO SHAW. i rTatne a''"' ,lk Horln 11. vlis.. made r,KV 'Si ckW of ftIU- and eamild a awe ale -uty. aa Shaw baa. fXTkl be "Pt lbBl ""u" a. n,.a his duty. I IK 1 . i.ill- In favor lit MhaW i VZt retained C CIIUCUIOU Special On T1 aej Baturdsy w til distribute appreeletlo el yowr valued eatranage a 'ndial Iiitmm Calendar, aaaei'fully entered, and a le lOvaelr Pvree. OHM'S MER AGAINST REPUBUC CNOLANO ASKS UPORT OP OTHIR NATION! IN PLAN TO SAVE MONARCHY MM SAID 10 FAVOR POLICY Croat Brttalrt Ballove Separation Of Dependenslei Would Moan Complete Dlsentagre- Hon Of China Oar Mack la Joet evorfiew Inf wlih aeeeptable . Xvtaa am. Dont fal la lack ver sa d'optoy, H will aid ye In four Mictlona. Price Brothers . IXCIUSIVI CLOTHIIM Not Like Other. th and Main Bra. I'KKIN. Ik. 21 -Premier Yuan Khl Kl Uxlajr gamo bl aaowrr to lboa who ar alwliif o iraoaform China Into a-republic in an oni. l talomam h drUr4 lihoul quall Bcailua that ha rafuao (o area pi at, pulille. At tha Shanghai pwar confaronro Wu Tlo rnt. rt.r.lco Mlalitor l lh rorolutlonarjf provtalotial Cabinat, apoka Ktfitt,j la favor of a rapuMIc and Uir Taa 8ho Yl, Yuan 8UI Kal'a rapraaantatlva. aald ba aa oon vlurad ibat too abdication of tha Em peror and Iba aaubllahnanl of a ro (Hjlillo waa tha oalf Ulat that would aotlafjr tha paoplaT At tba aama tlma ho riprwaaad dutilit wbethar it would ba pooalbla to Praoada Yuan Bhl Kal to abandon til hlan tnr m lltnll iwiniriik. ii la iiauotaa nr mat Tuao sni fcfal ntMM tthst K uti anl uiw hold tha monairhf. A now altuatloa baa aiiaon nraat Ilrtlaln. wbk-n baa! baa aupporttnc tha pramlor'a moo-' arrhlal procrara for aavaral waoka. la i hn. 'k(r.n.l Kinaw4 K ianan and la' andaavorlng to obtain tha aupport 01 , tba I'Mtoo Biaia ana oidt coud trtaa. Oiat lirttala bollavaa tba aparatloo of tba daponitanclaa. Maar4 rhuria. Mocitlla and Thlbot. and tha aartiMia dlalnlovratlon of China nroD-. or, would rult from tha oatabllab-j man i of a riubll. abareaa tba rr , publlrana alraady hava obialnad la a ; malarial way oir(blng thoy doairwa. Only iba aama of tha monarchy la ML - It la aald that tha Amorirao uroup, If not tha Amwlcan BUta Dapartroant, alraady aiipporta tha Ilrltlah Idaa and la raady with two. If not thraa, of tba mn-ra of tba "four-nation roup" 01 flnanclom to laad Yuan Bhl Kal'a ot arnwoat moory. NopHlatlona to thla nd haa baon irocdln for aoma daya. If you ara not r-adlni U Morning Erttarprlaa. why notT Yaaf-nd Har p.rlod la now on. eaa aa on back paga ROOSEVELT WILL BE NAMED BY NEBRASKA LINCOLN. Nab., Doo. Il-A mova-m-nt that may rnaka Colooal Rooaa. volt , an official candldata for Proal dnt, aron agalnat hla will, wa atarted In Nobranka today, whan a potltkm Ignod by John O. Yolaor, an Omaha lawyor, and twenty flv othor cltlwoa - v "iiiwm iur uiiug m ina diiicw nf Ibo Hf;rotary of Htata, aaklng that tha nama of Colonol Rooaorolt ta plaiod In tbo ballot to ba votad at tbo Kopubllcan piimartaa April It next. The aliuatlon la mada mora complex by tba fact that thera la aald to ba no provtalon In tha primary law of Nahraika fur tha withdrawal of a can didal who haa baon nomtnalad. Vatuf m V.u mm 1-mA .V. II., of (Ignora, aald today t)iat lia bad boon "In eorroapundcnctt' with Colonol Konaavrlt. but ba rafuaad to aay wbotbr or not ho had boon authorl ad to mako naa of tha ai-Praaldent'a namo. Tndor our atata law a," aald Yvlaar. "tbo candidate la not required to ao copl tba nomination, nor la ba author lied to withdraw hla nama, oneo It haa boon Od. Patroniaa our adoarttaora. MOORE WITNESSES BLAME Bin PREtlDENT Of CEMENT PLANT ACTED IN a-ELP DEFENSE THEY SAY. 1 DEFENDANT TO TESTIFY TODAY Wltnoaaa Par Plaintiff Deitara Agad Plonoar Waa Cruo'iy Boat an By Camant " Man. Cordon ' E. Kayea, ona of tha attor 11-70 tor tha dHfendaot In tha caao r Joaanh Bichnar. a oloneor of riaokamaa eountir. aaalnat A man Moora, praaldent of tha Portland Ca mant Company, Introduced wltnaaaea Tburaday who Uratlfled that tba rtlrbnora attacked Moora and that tha comont man actod In aelf-defenaa in (ha ftrhi. Mr. Moora allegea that tha Klchnera attackod him without provo- Rev. S. A. Hayworthfs Resignation Accepted (Continued o paga I.) HANDS ACROSS THE SEA IN 76 Special Spgclal A maaalwa Drama In forty acanaa with two of tha greataet Bat tlaa avar ahown In twa raala. Thla la a Spaelal Production of flraat - nota. aa It'a HlatorTeal. Educational and Patriotic aa wall aa baaitl ful. 800 In thla pletura graat aid Ganaral Oaoroa WaahlnBton tha Fathar of our Country, and many of tha othar oanarale. Enough cannot ba aald af thla production. Saa U to appraclata It at Electee Thcati?e Today and Tonight only. No ralaa In pr,c'- What Yon Wae4 VaWW VIV V V aU aUaS M You have only two short days to make your Xmas Selections and it means for you to Get Busy Now. Get just what you want andGetitQaick We want to show our goods to you and quote our prices. Our stock is lar ger than ever Defore and more carefully selected. Come in and see for yourself. Brushes Wttchw Diamonds . Brooches Cufflinks Scttfpiris Watch Fob. Handy Pins Lockets Crosses Bracelets Usnet Rlss Ebony Toilet Sets Watch Charms Hat Pins Emblem Pint , IVallieres Docks Sterling Silver 1 647 Rogers Ware Haviland Chinaware Hand Painted Chinaware Ubbey Cut Class " Silver Toilet Sets Combs Mirrors Thimbles lt. Puff Boxes Manicure Sets Match Safes Silver Purses Jewel Boxes Candle Sticks Umbrellas Canes Safety Razors Collar Pins Shaving Cups Shaving Mirrors Pocket Knives , Waterman Pens Cold Pens Kodaks Military Brushes Musical Instruments Edison Phonographs Victor Talking Machines Record Cabinets ' : . - - ' n mar tr AVe ; Enarave Articles wc sell ree m V mmmmanBBKBmlllm aawaaoaawa - REV. 8. A.. HAYWORTH. Andresen SUSPENSION BRIDGE CORNER Tba morabert of tba BaptUt church, at a mooting Tburaday night, rafuaad to accoot tha TWitgnatlon of Rar. 8 A. Hayworth until ba mada a requeat that It ba accepted. Tba flrat vota waa almoat unanimously in favor of retaining Mr. Hayworth. Tba paator then explained that ha wished to ba relieved of tha charge tha latter part of March, and in deference to hla wlabea, the congregation accepted hla resignation. Mr. Hayworth aald Tburaday night that ha bad mada no arrangementa for hla future work, but It ia probable that be will return to the Middle Weot He haa increased tha membership of the church, and baa been regarded as one of tha beat paatora In tba city. D. C. LatouratU and Rot. 8. P. Davla, atauncb frienda of Mr. Hayworth. were tha leadera in requeating that ha retain the Oregon City charge: REV.GIBOiiEY BURIED IN IMITAIII VIEW i I BVatk atata-a 1 " .MaaessaaMaaaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaM LMI, i ..----alasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa r 0. C: P HO WY PLAY HERE SUM The Holladay Athletic Club football team of Portland, which bold tba local alvn la a fuvacora t in the early part of tic aaaon wiu again aiiempi to wrest tha honora from the Oregon City team next Sunday on Canemab Park Meld. Thla will also be tha last game of tha aeaaon on the local gridiron. The Oregon City eleven baa not bad Ita goal line crooned thla aeaaon. It haa met the beet teama from Portland and Vancouver. Bnouia t&e noma team be auccesaful in tba coming game tbey may safely claim the championship of tha Willamette Val- ley. . In fact :t la aououui ii mere Is a team in the atata of tha aama weight capable of handling them. Their record so far la remamaDie. Out of nine gamea the locals have won ' eight (one forfeited), tied one and not a acore agalnat them. They have Vila "P total or 1V7 poinia IIARVEY TELLS WHY II received the moat beatings. The Hol laday management naa eent in wm ..m nn aa ther eaed before. Tbia game will without a doubt be tba moat bitterly foagni one of me son. It meana the blue ribbon for the winner. i Game will be called at 1: 30 p. m. sharp FtlCT TALKS Cf WCST CH THEY" CAME AFTER ME IN AN AUTOMOBILE AND SAID I WAS TO BE ARRESTED," DE-. . CLARES SUSPECY ' Nathan a Harvey, tba wealthy HO waukla nursery man, .arreated om m charge of murdering tha Hill family at Ardenwald Station. June . Tbnra day decUred that he waa duped into signing tha contract with Jay Bowerman and W. H. Able to glva them 120.000 for defending- him in case of hla arrest In connection with th. iHmll. X was virtually anduappeo. have Jilod up a total of 107 potnia ... rkinr at mr hoaa against their opponenU' cipher '7t ju,k' .bout Ova days after: couver. Pdmont Btara and WaJah L mnrder wne- Able and & datec- Une-cp: Wabaah. Meyers , , HaaUngs . Burfce- The remalna of Rev. G. William Gibonoy, who died at hla ,home in Portland on December 19, of Brighfa dlaease. were brought to thla city Wednesday for burial tn tha family lot In Mountain View cemetery," where the body of a child of Mr. and Mra Glboner. a brother of tha deceased are burled. A brief service waa held in Portland baora the departure-of the special car for thla city, and a service waa held at the Preebyterian church here. Many frienda of tha late paator attended. Mr. Qlboney farmorlv waa nastor of tbo Presbyter- Ian churchy of thla city, leaving here In the fall of 1W5. Rev. Dr. Walker, of Calvary Preebyterian church, of Portland, assisted by Rev. J. R. Landaborough, of thla city, conducted the eenrlce. A quartet composed of Mra. B. H. Cooper, Mrs. Leon Dee- Lanes, Mrs. Crawford and Mra. A. 10. Frost rendered 'Come Unto Me." Silver Chord" and "Abide With Ma." Three of the pallbearers were from Spokane, Wash., members of the church formerly in charge or Kev. nihnnev.' and three from thla city, tha lntter being C. Bchuebel A. Matheaon, and W. C. Green. Troy Steel Rauaoa . Wheies 1 Peterson L.. O. Oregon City. . White (Mgr.) Lawrence -W- Freeman Montgomery Carothers (CapL) Tj. h. T. Freeman Long f .. ... ..... T. 8mltb C. Fteeman , Slier Roos R. O Lawrence - v R. T McMahon .... Humphreys (CapL) VI- w. Wabash fiuba Coegrove. Nastt ' Oregon City Suba U. 8ller. Lough son. Ward. ; ' DO TOU KNOW that tha Knterprw year-end Bargain Period la now on? tlve Named Mitchell drove up in a automobile. Tbey told me that I waa auapected of the crime and that tha wnnda and entire neighborhood war filled with detectives ana aasnn .kin ma Thla natnrallr frtthteev ed me and before L could collect my aenaea I got tn the automooue wnat th.m and waa harried to Mr. Able' office in Portland There Mr. Bowerman joineo i ... hM ir i mnected tha Una tn riafend ma I would have to alga a contract to give them 120.000. Thla. in my confused a tale oi mino. i aaiwu to do. -However, upon retornlna; home .. and talking the matter over with my -,r. i AvwAA tkat I bad mada a mistake, and a few daya later ana and I went to Mr. Able'a office, ana I tbe lawyer I -wished to rescind tha contract He aald that would ba aaV Ib factory to blm. and the paper waa torn into blU in my presence. , , , "I admit the fact that I employed a lawyer before I waa accused or sus pected may aeem strange, but under tbe circumstances I do not think I acted strangely. . Tbe appearance of the men In the automobile, their tell ing me that I waa auapected of tha crime and that the wooda werw filled with offlcera naturally confused ne. . "I do not deny that I pased tba ffln borne tha morning of the, crime. I had been to Portland to aea a Bona (ConUnued on Page 3.) Santa's Headquarters REPUBLICAN'S HAVE 5E! HARIHS WASHINGTON. Dec. 11 (Spec- i.i i un. that tnn ReDubllcan Na- im. ' " " , tlonal Committee baa held Its aea- slon nd decided about the conven- aiak f Via rtnnntrT Is breathing easier. Seemingly no one knew what danger- oua and uneipectea ueveioymoui. might occur when all of the blK men i.. k. onmmlttM KOt tOgeth- or Jknd exchanged confidence about W m . t M Aaa alii (WAMm the chances oi tne panj mi v.-- .v. ... o.mnnlirn- It lirOVed to be a pretty Ume meeting after all. and the most alarming miug waa tha specter oi !) vi.v f tha committeemen thought they could discern In tha background, benina a pumr ur tha ahadowa of the'eorrtdora. " At the Bosy Store I 35 Clerks at your service. . Thousonds of useful prcsenfs for young ond old in our Furniture, Dry Goods, Suit, Shoe ond vorious Deportments. , fireat Holiday Reduc- j tion ' V" on all , Whiskies, Brandies, Wines and Cigars until January 1st 1912. All goods guaranteed and satisfaction given D: M- Klemsen 421 Maia Street . . jBttsy Toyland Basement Take a look at our handsome assortment of dolls. We have China Dolls, Rubber Dolls, Celulold DoUs, and Fine -Dressed Dolls, ranging In prices from i ! 5cto$10 TOY MUSEUM And a . ANIMAL TOYS MECHANICAL TOYS . CHINA TOYS MAOIC TOYS HOBBY HORSES SHOO-PLY'S WRITING DESKS lane aeeortment ot .Nation MUSICAL TOYS FURNITURE TOYS BLOCKS AND GAMES RUBBER TOYS . DOLL CARTS . ' , BOYS' WAGONS , BLACKBOARDS aovettlee ad Fancy Stack. r. L. ADAK2S 'f " ' t: ft Oregon City's EVr OREGON CITY rivELCS