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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1911)
M0RN1N0 ENTERPRISE, KUIKAY, DF.CF.MDEU 8, 1911. V. I- Hi I s . . t:onuu:G ENTERPRISE caroca cm, orxgon tl B. BR004B, Idtte and ISebtl e WMad- ? lllll as lM pes eee ram wtscnrmm (ft Ywjajat aatdnJa1 ta M by BM M . tar Htk by -.. v (N JS CITY OFFICIAL NIWAPrL THt MORN1NO KNTIRPRIbC to oa Ml at tk foUwtag Mora every day: Iiualley Bro Drag Mala Street. J. W. MeAaalty Ctgara Seveeth aad Mala. EV a Anderson, Mala ar Sixth.' M. K. Daaa-Coaf ecUoaary - Nstt door to P. a City Dr- Stora Elactrte Hotel. ' Beaaaabora OoafeetJoaery Svath aad X Q. Acuta. Dec 21 In American History. 1 1C3&-TW pilgrim laaded aa Ptym aata pork, and rounded tb Brat permanent . Eagttaa settlement la Kew Eagtaad. laSS Jam Edward Oglethorpe, fonadar af Georgia, bora; died 1T85. Id La era Brtdgmaa, Ua noted bttad aad deaf mat, bora: died 1S1 22S Henry Hartaad. American ta tacr BTtac ta England, died; bora 1ML , . , , ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (Frees aooa today ta aaoa tomorrow.) aa aata 422. rlaaa 1M; aaeoa acta Si a, m,: t p. av. moon at a nog, farthest traai aarta. dlstaaC 202.700 toOaa; day length. boar 14 mls ata. aa compared with Jaaa 21. 15 boars Br mlaatee, , ARIZONA IN DEMOCRATIC UNI . Nobody who baa know th poBtl cal raoord of Ariaona for ta pact doaea yar win ba surprised at taa new that k waa carried by taa Deav erata aa tha stat ticket aad for Congre la taa election a few day AH taa Indication previoua tk. taa atactic aolatad to a Democratic triumph. Taa Rcpablicaa campaign manager la that stat mad ao ar Sow clalaia taat they woald ba Bkaly ' to via. ; Ootald of that atata ao Re publican waa aaagalaa of bla party tctorjr tbera. Aa a terrttoiT Artaoaa bad baea DeaKxraUe ao loaf that a turaorer ta IU ftm atata electJoa . woald aav aarprUed ta coeatry.Ta 1911. M ta 1I1L Ariaoaa will ba la taa Democratic Una, By taefr victory oa tha cooxrea aioaal ticket tha Ariaoaa Detaocrata kava tied taa atata dekfatioaa la taa Boaaa of BapreaUUT, aad taa bar aiad ta aatoom of taa presi dential clcctloa. If H aaoald ba aeat to that chamber, rather dlfflcalt to aXanaia. If th electoral eorW ahoaid fall to reveal a majority for aay candidal tha HoM woald be called oa to make tha'cholc. There The iweral feundatiena f the aatica are being threatened by tha laxity which new prevails threughevt the ceuetry in the granting ef divercee. Gev- Majr. By MARION E. HAY.Covernor of Washington I MOST CERTAINLY FA VOR a change in EXIST- ) I uu curiJiiiU-o ai - soon as it can be brought about. Tbere can -NEVER U a OEN ERAL AGREEMENT aa to causes. That should be under rtood t the OUTSET. The SENTIMENT as to the PROP ER grounds for divorce can never be CRYSTALLIZED. It varies with the LOCATION. In com munities whicn are distinctly RE LIGIOUS great STRICTNESS PREVAILS. In communities , ' where the church influence is not strong a greater divenitj of causes is considered proper and right While I do not favor the grant ing of divorce for TRIVIAL causes, I CERTAINLY do feel that when a man and his wife are UNABLE to LIVE TOGETH ER in PEACE nd HAR MONY they should be permitted to a pplj to the courts for the aev rtno of the bonds which unite , ..- . Pm. I a. j la ao real fear, howtrer, that th electoral colleca will tall to meet th merteacy. The electoral cofle will undoubtedly caooe oaibody, Rapub. Dcaa or Democrat, aad probably a Repeblicaa. Llk Oklahoma, Ariaoaa make a bad start oa atrlas atata hood. New Mexico, too. elected a Democratic coveraor la It recent caaraaa. bat It caoa a RepabUcaa Lacialator, which win aead two Repabllcaaa to th 8aata. Oa of IU two member of th other branch of CoBsrwa wffl a Republican. Tbera la aa excel lent, chance for th RapabUcaaa to win New Mexico la 1112. aad to con trol It a hvrfe part of tha time ta tat poUUca. la Artaoaa th oat look for to Republican In th near fatar la aot brisht It would have been good politic for ta people of that atata to bar elected a Repab Ucaa ticket, bat they declined to take tola step. A RepabUcaa victory wooM bare been a good adTrtlmeat for ta aew state an ovea th conn try, aad would bar broadened tha Tohnae of settler aad capital which tt woald bar received. That la a matter la which taa stat aad aot ta country is the party ta chief Inter. Santa Clans aaed to travel oa foot. then la a chariot drawn by oxen, then ta a le!h drawn by reindeer, then la a rnbber tired box (7 behind a spaa of bays, tbea la aa automobile. aad bow h trip over th rooftre ta aa aeroplane. What next? Christmas packaxea from Europe are coming through the vails la In- creealna n ambers. The postage is "Fre and easy diverse laws will be drtven ewt. they have been f rem the states that have given thent up. The rtferm will werk autematisalljf if we give it timeu Cevemer Carey. By JOSEPH M. CAREY. Cover nor of Wyoming OF course we are COMINO to IJETTER DIVORCE LAWS. The drift is in the RIGHT DIRECTION. You rouDgcr people laugh at Reno and the Nevada law toda.v. You re member that there was a divorce colonj in South Dakota before Reno came to be the fashion. But very likely you do not remember the days when INDIANA was the place of REFUGE for di vorce seekers. That state baa a good enongh reputation now han't it, as far as divorce Isw goes? Well, when the slate was a good deal younger than it is now a certain group in the state legis lature put through one of those freak divorce Uws. ; For some time afterward the state drew the tame sort of trade that Nevada does now. i. - Then tb REFORMERS got the upper band, and the SMALL SPECIAL INTEREST , that made money out of that divorce law went down for the full count. UP TO OATL twelT cent a pound, bat It cost sixteen cents a pound to mall a simi lar package between aay two poat office la th United State. Tb par cel poat conundrum la tola country la a tough one. - A Democratic organ la Missouri ar guea that thr should b mor Re publican Insurgency la tb ktat. But htlaaourt Republlcana ar Increasing ly proud of th fact that they atood firm last year whea om other statea waverel Ilaaourl Republican ex pect to make It preeldentlally three straight la ltll. Premier Borden, of Canada, says that Canada offered oa reciprocity la 1897. and we rejected JL Trn.W were the engaged la making a Re publican tariff, oa ander which, aa Premier Borden points oat. tb baf enc of trad with Canada baa been heavily la our favor. For th rest. Anal Delia Torrey baa often Warned her Ulnatrtou aephev: "Mr. Roose velt always won la politic because h always let th protectlr tariff alone." PETITION III COLLEGE CASE ARE WORTHLESS SALEM. Dee. Jl. (Special ) On ta ground that th referendum peti tion against th appropriation mad by the Legislature for the Unlvertlty of Oretm lacked a sufficient number of valid 'signature and that some of th parties seeking to maintain th legality of th petition ar aot ta court with clean bands. Judg Gallo way, department No. f of tb Circuit Court, today rendered a dec re making- the Injunction granted oa behalf of J. C. Friendly against the Secre tary of But to prevent th placing of the MtlMona on thm ballot at tn aeit ceneral election, permanent. la part to court say a: The court bold that Inasmuch ai the De'itloDs showed evidence of hav ing been mutilated and torn apart when filfcd and that the law require tb same to b filed In the same; form aa circulated, the oral teatlmony of H. J. Parklaon could aot be enter tained relative to tb present condi tion nt the Mtltlnns wben hev are fummnded with such a mass of fraud. charged and conies sea in tn case, and by on at least Indirectly If not directly, responslbl for the fraud. Therefor, the court contends, that th part of tb petition having no form and containing over 5.000 signa tures, I void, pur and simple. Th fact that aamisionj were maae tnai S.US name were fraudulent, prompts n hold In favor of the nlaln- tiff, even had no other frauds been found la the case. ronalderina- tb moral sld of th caae. Judg Galloway says: -The right of petition, reserved by constitution to refer to a vote of tb people any measure passed by tn Leaialatur. was not Intended to be used to settle or adjust prlvat and niMiiuvt! hnt contemplates the right to ei pre the b on est senti ment of th disaffected voter upon public matters only. TDe viaence in tfcia 4lalnee that th petition originated In th caa In a local nlga- borhood contention and spit; mat in carrying Into effect this unworthy mo- ntMna were emDloved to Obtain stgnatar upon a money basis, and further th personal spieeo ana re venae by the committee Of Cottage GroT cltlsena. An order was Orst given H. J. rarwnson w v " j.OOO names, for wblcb n wa to o .a tii. raf. of seven cent for each name so secured, each on two petition referring to act of tn uK Islatnr In this cans. Thl dealer In name for a price procured agenU for which he vouched to go out Into th street and th moat questionable in Portland to orocure name. Ac-m of the agnt went under a sumd nam, and la this manner mad the affidavits required to verify th petition. Long before this peti tion waa filed. Mr. Parkinson was al vised that a larg part of th name banded to him by hi agent were fictitious gad fraudulent. H so no tified his principal at Cottage Grove and agreed to plac 000 to 800 name, admitted to b fraudulent, among thos delivered b. blm to tb com mute of that plac. "A clsput area among th gentle men who ortgltJMUHl th potltlon as lo What should b don with It, and between torn of th commltt nd Mr, Parkinson a lo th manner la which b should perform his contract. Thar la some testimony to th ffct that he aj Ur. Abrams IM4 tha arig 1 ' t r rt the 60 or 100 fraadulrDt nam, but Mr. Parkinson or that b did not ttl them." hops bq::g held eos higher prices To dat but llttl la th way of contracting for llll bop has beeo done In this stat, and th chance ar that bualneea la that line will contlnu light Buyvrs say that a few deal of Importance aav been closed wlthia th past week or two, for th moat part at S3 to 14 centa, but ta general the grower la Oregon ar aver to selling thlr 11J crop at thla time. Th high price now avail able for spot goods act as ah effective bar to business la future on a low r prlc basla. " . Whether weft or 111 grounded, the belief Is mor or leu prevalent among th growers that bop tb coming year will b worth mor than th buyers now ar ready to pay on con tract. Oa th other band, dealer say tber la no aaauranc whatever that hop nest year will sell at any thing Ilk th price Ww ruling, and In all quarter It Is conceded that a heavy crop ta th principal producing countries which t among the poast bllltle might mean a decided decline tn value. , la thl connection dealer aay it la well to consider th effect on the fu ture of the market of th promised Increase tn th acreag la the Coast stales the coming year. This Inevita bly means a decided Increase In tb cmp In HIS, and thla could hardly fall to have some effect on the 1912 market. la California a good deal of con trading for 1912 hope ba already been done at 23 cents, the heavy growers. It Is said, being the chlei sellers. This Is regarded aa signifi cant by the trade generally and taken to mean that bop values In th course of tb neit sli months must work to a lower level For the time the market on 1911s remain Arm in tb extreme, with the tendency of price apward. In tbl country and In Europe as well. Trade, however, continue slack, as usual at this time of the year. In England th holiday season Is oa and business there Is practically suspended, but a revival of traffic tber. and possi bly higher prices, ar counted on early In the new year. Prevailing Oregon City frlce ar a follows: Fruits, Vegetable. DRIED FRUITS (Buying) Prune on basis of 1-4 pounds for -Wa HIDES (Baying) Green hid, a to c; saiters, (c to l; dry hid, 12c to 14c; Sbeep plU, 25 to 75c each. Hay, drain, ed. HAT (Buying) Timothy. Ill to fit; clover, ft to tt; oat bay. bast, fl to $10; ml led. tt to 112; alfalfa, 1S to lis B0 OATS (Buying) Gray, . $27 to $2; wheat. $21 to $29; oil meal$U; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.26 per 100 pounds. FEED (Selling) Shorts, $27 to $2t; rolled barley, $17.60; process barley, ttt.50; wbol corn, $J7; cracked corn. $38; whit, $2 to $27; bran $27 to $28. ' ' 'to Butter, Poultry, 'Iflge, j FLOUR $4.80 to tl.25. . BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country butter, 26c to 10c; fancy dairy, tOc; creamery, SOe to 26. POULTRY (Buying) Htns, 10c to lie; spring, 10c and roosters, lo. EGGS Oregon ranch . 40c to 46c. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. tl.2t to $160 per sack; parsnips, $1.26 to $1.60; turnip, tl. to tl-60; Prunes, on basis of 1-4 for 46 and 60c; beet, tl-60. beets, tl 60 POTATOES Beet buying tte to $1 per hundred. ONIONS Oregon, tl 21 to tl 60 per hundred; Australian, tt per hundred. LlvMtoek, Meet. BEEF (Live wslgnt) 8ters, tt: and IVie-, . o-s, 4tt( bulla, $ 1-8 10H. VEAL Calv bring from t U lie, according to grade. - MUTTON 8hp. Ic an. IVi: Iamb. 4d and 6c. . HOGS 121 to 140 pound bogs. IDe and lie; 140 to 200 pounds, 10 aad . ' Happy DlseeeUleo. A happy disposition I largely a dis position to mak others bappy. 1 On Bf permeate all thing, and' tber Is no corner of th cos mo too re mot to feel it heart tbrob.-Mrs. Henry Wood. r i la xwraif r-tsr-rtr Wants, For Sde, Etc bui k. - et mm Ml Xtmm. mmJl wl " m m ear. s r It wseei in Pes artel ill i ill T NT Wrrww, rrtat4 rer Utmtm ue ekeree fc ,tpww WANTia WANTED Tourists aad loeal ' to see wy collrtCtUm of arrow-heads coin. Indian innk-ia. tld euvi aad urlo of t.! rta Will b or la thl iiue lia awl bargats la eMilhand furaUur and tool .. f .gor g wn. Main Bear rtna. a FOrl aALft FOR 8AL-Clr pole, suitable r telephone and lelegrapa poia Writ C 11. Warthea, Orvgoa Oty Rout No. 1. FOR SklJO Mistletoe wMbbrrie. I'bou Mam 2324; A ils. FOR SALS Order mlstleto from mountains, tb kind wit aerrie. Pbon Mala 1324; A ll. WOOO AND COAL. OREGON CITY WOOD AND FUEL CO, F. M. Ulukm. Wood and coal delivered to all part of tb cl'.y. 8AWtNG A SPECIALTY, pbon your order Pacific J502, Horn B no. FOR RtNT. FOR RENT 9 room hous la Glad stone, on block from carlia. two lota, fruit, til month. B. P. Car - tor, Gladstone. Or. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dimlck DlasMk. Lawyer. Orgoa City. Or. ATTOftM$rri O. D. BIT, AUocwT-et-Lw. Ms ITRJfM A SCHC1 Law, Diaar dvaa. Oo la aU rta. arte Bt4U Or a ate. RARJIT XOXSaV Saflaav aad Oaatraatar. BhrOmai sbssifaUy gtewa eat - si -at - basMaag wwrk. soaerete watta aa retafbrwe Mak U' INSURANCC. a. h. coo nm. rv rtr gad tUl Batata. Lt a ywav arwaerVI-w a bay. schaaa. Offlc ta Ba Btds. Oracoa Ctty. Oiagia I a CLKANINO AND PRtttNa CHICAGO TAILORS suits mad to order from 110 and up. W also do cleaning. pressing . aad repairing Three door south of poatoffca. MUalCIANt. J. ALBA SAGER. teacser of wind sad string Instrument, director of band and orrbeetrs. Wlit furnish muUc for any occasion. Call at Elect il HoteL PIANO TUNING. PIANO TUNING If you want your piano thoroughly aad accursUly tuned, at moderate coat, notify Piano-Tuner at Electric HoteL Strongly endorse! try the director of the philharmonic, who will per annally vouch for hi work. AUCTIONEER. W. It TIMMOS'9. cl CtaJ.tone. will conduct auction and will call sales anywhere la Clackamaa or adjoin ing countlea on short notice at reasonable rate. LOST. LOST Ulack rose beads, Intermingled with gold beads, Wednesday, be tween lUgham's soda works and John Adams' store. Finder leav at M. E. Dunn's confectionery store Reward. r NOTICES Notice f Application for Liquor License. Notice Is hereby given that I will, at th next regular meeting of th City Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business, "Th Beer Hall." 207 Main street, for a period of three month. . A. OOLDBERO. Notlc of. Application for Liquor Llcsns. Notice Is hereby given, that ' I will at the next regular meeting of the City Council apply for a license to sell liquor, st my plac of buslnsss, Mt. HooJ Cafe, corner Fifth and Main streets, for a period of three months. If. JU8TIN. Summon For PuEllostlon. In th Circuit Court of the Btat of Oregon for Clackamaa County. Thomrt B. O'lUllly, Plaintiff vs. Mary Oltellly, Defendant To Mary OTtellly, nbov named d ' fendant: . IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Rdck Springs Coal Hay, Grain and Mlll-Fsed. ' White Queen Flour Slu Ssm Fancy Patent. Ofccon Coaolssioa Co ELCVCNTH AND MAIN STS. Or$on City, Or. er lis eat iae pmmm H Isssii, aatraota atraaNkad, mm era kiw maea, Ovar Baak 1 Oi sasa caty. SPEND MONEY WISELY Ltt th ChyitttxiBa Spirit Prtrt.ll but remember that money one spent I Ilk tb water thsi w au past th mill .It avr return. "i Us Tb beat gift that Haata caa put la th rhlld's stocking Is a w s book ao matter bow small lb Orst deimaJt. Tb boy or etrL u."M la lit begin from that hour. Influence, and Indepeadenc. The Bank of OLDEST BAUK mm mw mmmvmnv I't'-'ei 1 m msinns sn .mi iuiihh U C IJkTOUBJtTTB Pna'ssl f, J. MBTBB. CaBhn, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ; of OREGON OTY . OREGON CAPITAL McDonald's Xmas Suggestions for that aalad that baa ka worry lag you w bav Shrimg. and Crab that ar cooked Just rlfht. Fresh Olympla Oysters, 4. rect from tb shell poultry of all kinds at price that are right. V also bar a no Hn of Flab of all kind. j. ,, . - ' . McDonald's Fish Market ' NrtH Wsila-Fao OH an I event h Street. OF ORBOON. yo ar hereby re,ir ed to appear aad aajwr the com plaint filed aaalnst yon la th above en Hi led Court aad reuse, oa or b for th lib, day ef January. Itlt. and If you fall so ta appear or an swer, th plaintiff win apply to th Court for th relief prayed tor la th complaint, which (a. that Ik marriage aow eitstlag be twee a yoa aad lb plaintiff ba frvr dissolv ed, aad for sack other aad further relief aa to tb court may seem Just and equitable. Thla summon ta served upon yoa by publication by order of th Hon. J. V. Campbell Judg of th above milled Court, which order ta dated th Had day of November, llll. Th dat of tb first publication of thla summon I November 14. Itll. aad the taat date of publication la Jenlary a. lilt. THOS. D SEED, Attorney for PlalaUff. ra missfs tari txco . (Continued from pan 1.1 ratio aad Judge llaye dsclare he will prove that such was tb rase. lUrbner I suing for tl.00 daav age and allege that be wa perman ently Injured by Moore la the Bgat which occurred at th remeai plant several month ago. Mree, who also waa wounded tn the Biht, declare that be acted In self defense Herbert Dyer, son of William Dyer, who live arroa the atreet from tb cement plant teetlfied that Moor attacked Joseph H leaner with a club. II said the cement maa pushed the aged pioneer back with hi left band and struck blm .repeatedly with the club. He told bow Henry lllehoer bad gone to hi father' rescue and bow Mr. Hanson, an employe of th cement company had parted tha belligerent. Mr. Dyer mother virtually corrnbor ated th testimony of her son. Mr. Mllll Worthlngtoa teetlfied that Moor sttarked th elder Blchner with a club. Mary A. lUrhner, daugh ter of th plalailff, said that Moor waa th scgreeeor. Mrs. Mionl Pierce, a witness for th defendant, said that the Illrhner attacked Moor and that Henry Hicb aer struck th cement man with a sboveL Henry Oana. who sold the strip of property over which th fight occurred, said that th ftirhner at tacked. Moor. Hanson, th peace maker, and Moore will testify today. Georg C. Itrownell and William Stone represent the plaintiff. Join F. Logan I associated with Judg Hay In th defense. tit f tn Reman t moire. According to tb historian, lifbboa, tb Human empire -was above 2.000 miles In breadth, from the walla of Antonlus ami the northern limits of Duels to Mount Alias and the Tropic of Cancer; that It extended lu length mor than S.UM) mile, from the west ern ocean to lb Euphrates; that It waa situated In th Oneai pert of tb temperate tone, and Hint It was sup posed to contain above t.0n0.nri0aiuare miles." . According to this, the Roman plre waa considerably emnllee tbsn the rnlted "rates, the area of which Oefirlnc out Alaska and the Islamist I nenrie a.noo.nno snimrr miles nr . most twice a blv ss wns the empire at th Caeesra He Wsuid Nat. "Would ynti Ulr for nieT she ssketl eutlitieiitnlly. "Xnw, look bereT be returned In bin maiiiH' of fart way. "Are we uio-tf to be planulog a cheap novel or Wi-d dlugT" Wrk and Feed. Work Increases the appetite, but a brain worker needs le food than a manual laborer Uiv an Take. Tesriirr-Tnoiujy. whst I the future f -I Klver Tomnt' "Vei. W-Mfe Walt Till Yu'r Ceeler. If yon get mad at a maa. mak np your mind what you're going to say, and then don't eav IL-Gicbang Th Chlneee Week, Th Chinee week consists of flv days, which sr nmcl after Iron, wood. wstr. feathers snd arth. Turhcy, Geese, Chickens ' ' ' ' ' ' "V 1 ' ' bird Jut let us know your want and w will put nl asld for yu. Remember wa alwsys have tha flnaat meat Brown & 414 Bavanth ttret. ' It's lb Orst step to future v.' Oregon City TUI COUNTY Own Irwea t A, M. I a, - POOR CHILDREN TO Rlnc th member of the tl A drew' Ilrotbarbood of BL rri Kptaoopal church af thl eliy keaa tha movement for providing CkraV ma preeeats for th poor aad aadf of this city la many of lb dtlamt ml business men bay take attarwt William llammoad. who Is 1ruen of thla society, aad who in kiata tb funds that com la for tkls bm Bt, be already oa band tit. tt ts tb deeir of those who ar la ta to hav as many nam af chUdrai possible. H 1 th society tataaM to e that no child la Orio Ctty la Clackamaa eouatj is rorgotiea. lit namea of those receiving mine wlU A b dlacloeed. Nh ibwa b sent to th rector of IL fWi churca. or to aay of taa axaken d the It. Andrew's Itrotherboad. lUloa ar two coupon asks plain tbemeelve. All win bt irvsisl la the slrkteet coatdeac. kUC William llammoad of Cros 1U mood, either or both eouooas. A n cetpt will b returaed la the aw of gift or money from htm u4 Christmas tlm from th Uttk) by a signed card. Tb following ar aamss at children, g1va la coafldsscs, who ahoaid b aaalated by year movemeoL t ! Nam AddrwM Bend aa maay name as yos lb. I deslr to be fUala Clsus It som chU4 to tb itnt of tt enrlftSAjf eealk Order (oa aay Oregoa CttJ Stor). t Donatio ! Nam Address la ess of aa order th J or written order 00 fa atam" designated must ba acwi f t RIAL KtTATK J"- I 1 ' Fred Ifelt and trim Hall t Ck a. Hl.ihm. block 2. DarWf Hon to Oregon City; tL . 0. Edwards to wards, 20 acre of section 1. ahlp 1 south, rang 4 east; o- . W. A . Wlndr to Iwts 8. Wli. lot . block t, Cnby; 1. J. C. and Mary A. Chta " William g. Flynn. land In WlhwB' ttso. " Bophrona H. Jory to Thomu r. Paige, t acres of section 20, to hip 4' south, range 1 east; v1'00, , Jama A. Bunnell to public tM purposes, land la Clackamas eoostf. $1.00. A. C. Whit t al to D- 0. Whl tt acr of D. L. C. of DsaW Allc Mosher, township I nu,n' I east; tl. v,.-f J. W. Coughlln to D. L. McKIJ lots it, 14, 15. 16. IT. II. ;, W:L 22. 23. U. block II. Nob H'S Mary Kornr to Fr H". I. Darling's Addition; 1- DO TOO KNOW that ths yearand Bargain Period ta tan) Re at oa hack nag for partlrt-" Kloostra ..T.". " ". jBn Tt H