Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1911 Only a tow day. loft In which to do your Chrl.tmo. .hopping, tn urclnayou to SHOP EARLY tho result t.s Thct it tW.7 holpxcz, It vMtetp It thomo who wait on you, mnd thorn, who nta&o tho donv.rlo.. CSopEariy. Read Oaf Ads . Every Day Watch Oar Windows Is Poy DECEMBER 16th foe Slfamp Headqa&tt-j tot Tcjt And Nordll; Prices the Lonttt The One Universal Question in everybody's mind-in vour mind-"What shall I pive for Christ mast "-in a wialo W. - orer tjeforo hayp wo been in Mtir Ax to solve tho "(lift O.iMlon" tlx:1 at this time. Our stocks are new and complete and prices the very lowest. THIS DOUBLE STAMP. DAY Means Additional Saving on Christmas purchaxecryone shouM take ndvantag o( Dooble Stamps Given on Phases ZrXXZ with each ten cent purchase. JUST THINK OF AN OFFER LIKE THIS. Doable Stamps Given on Accounts vmm i Trading, Htam n mT amount )aid on accounts. This means your money will have double premium iower. TO THOSE MAKING UP GIFT LISTS Select your gifts with judgment buv them with economy. Here you cannot err in Judgment, for every gift is worthy. Do 3'ou wish to select something for father, mother, brother, sister or sweetheart! WE HAVE IT. A Stock of Dining Tables "What would be more substantial in the gift line than a nice Dining Tablet We have them from f4.75 to $50.00. A MORRIS CHAIR for Father Something that will last for years $9 00 to $30.00 LEATHER COUCHES IW fl O i ft) ' 1 Toys! Toy si Silver Plated Ware for Xmai We have a large stock of couch es and they are made of the VW very best materials. Prices mmmm ..,'n.'W Toys! This is the largest stock of Toys ever shown in Oregon City. You can find something suitable for every child and the prices were never so low. We are CLOSING THEM OUT AT ACTUAL C08T. For a tasteful gift there U no thing nicer than a wt ofTaU Knives ami Forks, or a set of nice spoon. A gift that will 1m appreciated In every home Comjtlrtr Stork, lwi Price. . r BEAUTIFUL RUGS for Mother or Sister Rmvrna all-wool reversible rugHT l(lx3(. 75c j other rugs up to $12.50. Axmiiwtcr, Mopiette rug. 0x12, $14.85 up. Give Her a Carving Set No kitchen should bo without a gt-M ranrinj set. We have them from $1.50 to $15 a t - iter GIFTS THAT ARE WORTH GIVING AND WELCOMED BY ALL ' la it not to be expected that every Christmas gift that the family man makes to his wife should be sorae'ihing in the furniture linet Yet, what should be more appropriate, useful as well as beautiful and something that all the members of the household may enjoy. t - ' - Just received a large ship ment of the celebrated See ly .Mattresses. Special Price $2455 i Remember Saturday it's two Stamps instead of one Rockers $1 to $65 Dressing Tables $12 to $25 Parlor Tables $1 to $30 Kitchen Cabinets $7 to $28 Ladies' Desks $5 to $25 r ft! f 0 -tt1 in i - i if China Closets $16 to $35 Dressers $8.50 to $36.00 Chiffioncrs $7.50 to $35 Dining Cliairs G5to$l Music Stands, Cabinets $1.50 to $18 Hook Cases $1.50 to$15 r. WhV Not Send Out A(Jood Hewing Machine The Price is onlr $15.85 Mr' 11TH AND MAIN STREETS ysM. OREGON CITY, ORE. Double Stampo Saturday on all Aooounto Paid TEACHERS HAVE MEETING. j Stafford Children Delight With Excel-j lent Program. The Parent-Teacher' meeting held ' at Stafford school Saturday, under '.he direction of Emllie C. Shaw and J. E. ' Calavan. supervisors, waa well at tended. The following program was rendered : Primary reading Miss Helen BoentJL I Open dlscuslon Writing History.. G. T. Know lea I Child Study F. O Buchanan. Open discussionVentilation and Temperance. An ecellent lunch was served by the women of Stafford. Hotel Arrival. The following are registered at the Electric Hotel: William McLMughlln, Salem; Joe Henry and wife. H. G lesson, n. Swales. L. Price. B. E. Dunn, city; C. A. Will. Canby; Joe nan, C. T. Burke, H. W. Berkmiui, McMlnrllle; R. o' Ward, J. o. Mam power, Clackamas; Myrtto Howard, Portland; Miss Jennie Dale, E. Margin. Portland. SHAlf S RETENTION URGED BY PEOPLE (Continued from page 1.1 Daring the present year the town has been well governed. Nowhere Is this snore emphasised than In the no lle department, which has been a revenue-producer. in the eleven months ending December 1 the city has received from fines and ball for feltnres more than 11,400, which ex ceeds the salary of the Chief of Po lice. The people of Oregon City arc probably not familiar with thla branch of the municipality's finances, bat to City Recorder's books show that dur ing the twelve months of 1110 the to tal revenue from the polio depart mnt waa $350.60. . It has been whispered that the "free and eajr" population of ths town ar looking forward to what Is commonly known as a ,,wlde-ope" town, and that wires have already been laid for games, slot machine and all of tae ether money-getting device that nourlsned In OregoL City In yean gfJtie by. The check-rein. Loweverv to these proepecu. will pro-vably be found In th city cmncll, which will no doubt be opposed to a change In the present admlnlntraMve policy, so far as It re late to the pleasure that are derived after the day light hours. The Enter prise hat even been Informed that Ave of the nine councilman have agreed to refuse to- hnrm the nomination of Mr. Bums aa Chlf of Police, should his name be sent to the council, and that these same five coiincllmen are unanimous In their opinion that Chief Bhaw should be retained. Chief Bhaw feels bis position keen ly. For seventeen years he braved all sorts of danger In long night shifts, and obtained his sleep when other people were np snd abroad. He made such a fine record on the night force, Oiat Mayor Brownell offered htm a place as Chief, and Shaw took It only after earnest solicitation on the part of Mr. Brownell and certain of the law-loving people of the community. He has made good and he knows It. The Enterprise wishes thst Mayor elect Dtmlck would do himself the Justice to speak out and forever set at rest the ugly rumors that have been placed In circulation relative to the executive attitude In the new administration. Song "Silver Threads Among the Gold".. Mr, p. Winkle, Mis Min nie Klrmsen. Frank Rotter. Piano solo Oscar Wood fin. Recitation Louis Rotter. Declamation H. Krueger and L. A. NobeL Vocal solo "Linden". . .Prank Rotter. Closing address Vice-President Klemsen. Song "Nacht am Rheln" Vereln The Vereln will have Its annual Christmas tree for the members and families New Year's Eve. CU HI HEAD The Deafacher Vereln held Its regu lar monthly , session at Knapp's hall Sunday and elected the following of ficers to serve two years: PreslJent. Oust? Schnorr; vice-president, D M. Klemsen; secretary, Rudolph Seller and treasurer, L A. NobeL -. The following literary and musical program was rendered; Opening address President Schnorr. Song-r-'Moneniwtb." VreiH Address Ous Schnorr, Jr. PORTLAND ELEVEN FAILS TO APPEAR Notwithstanding It wgs Ideal foot ball weather In both Oregon City and Portland, Sunday, Weather Forecaster Beats admits that a very cold wave passed over that section of Portland known as Rose City park at 2:30 p. m. Eleven young men not counting sub stitutes, are still suffering from froz en pedal extremities, caused both di rectly snd Indirectly by that Inestl ble, undefeatable aggregation of bliz zard blasters known aa the Oregon City football team.' When Manager Ternan and Captain Oal of tb so-called Rose City Athle tics dickered for a game with the lo cal boys and were told to bring their "children along, they gathered a bunch of "stars" well known In Port land for the express purpose of wip ing the Oregon City tosm off tb map. Nayl Nayt Genevieve! geven time aspiring aggregation of gridiron fam bar Journeyed to tb city np tb Wlllamett this sesson and "nsry a on has been abl to get th pigskin across ths locals' goal line. This is th second time this Ma son that "picked" teams of "all stars have failed to show. Manager Whit and Captain Caroth rs have requested local firms to bIJ on tb Installation of a steam radia tor system laid Just nnder th sod on the Canemah Park Field. Hereafter only teams with a reputa tion will be considered in bids for games A petition will also be pre sented the Weather Bureau requesting warm wind and sun on Sundays. Couple Granted License. A marriage license was lssu-d Mon day to Christina Mclnnes and Keg. ntild John Lewis. DO TOO KNOW that th Enterprise year-end Bargain Period Is now on7 See 14 on back page for particulars. LIVE STOCK MARKET GROWING VEAKI The Portland Union Stock Yards Coinpsny reports as follows: Receipts for. tho week were 477 cat tle; 61 calves; 1813 hoge; 275$ sheep; 211 goats and 11 horses. The light receipts In th cattle dlvl slon gav th packers and butchers sn opportunity to cot Into their feed lots and gav th cattl market a steadier tone. There waa 1IUI or no difference In the demand, price or quality as compared with tb previous week's offerings. Butcher cattl sold steady to strong, but taken aa a whol there was not a crest am mint a snap or activity In th cattle end of the market Th hog market showed an advance of IK to 20e for th week and there was an active, snappy ton for ths entlr offering. Th sheep market developed oon slderable strength and anything k. good quality brought a fair prlc. per was nothing toppy In th of ferings. On lot of gosu, averaging 20S pounds, sold for $3.25. Representative sales ar aa follow' 8'wrs 1136 fsei SI Steers i0 . It0 1 Steer 91 no 60 Steers .101 00 60 Cows 977 . 4 7 66 Cows 46 Cows 23 Cows 10 Calves 34 Cslves 1 Ii1 . 16 Hulls 272 Hogs 23 Hogs 26 Hogs 47 Hogs 21 Lambs 218 I,arnbs 2C9 Ewes 20S Gosts 1112 .....1178 1040 12 400 1500 1301 1 211 222 376 .......... SI 85 13 133 4.65 6. CO 460 7.00 480 4.75 ISO 6.15 ; 80 i 6 75 6.00 1.00 4.16 3.40 1.28 ONIONS Oregon, 11.28 to per hundred; Anstraltsn, 12 pr hundred Livestock, Mssts.' BEEF (Uv weight! Steers. In and Ittc; cows, 4V; balls, I I 10V40. from SB VEAL CsUss bring 12A according to grade ufr-rrnN 8ht. 3c lambs. 4o and 6e. HOGB-126 to 140 pound WJ. J and lie; H0 to loo pounds. 1M Prevailing Oregon City prices are a follows: Fruits, Vegetables. DRIED FRUITS -( Buying) -- Prunes on basis of 6 14 pounds for 45 60's. !.'- HIDES (Buying) Green hides, to to So; sailers, 6o to Sc; dry hides. 12o to 14c; shsep pelts, 25c to 76c sac a. Hay, Grain, Fesd. HAT (Uuylng) Timothy, $13 to 115; clover, f8 to $9; ost bay, best, 19 to 10; ml ted, 19 to 113; alfalfa, li to 116.60 OATS (Buying) Orsy, 27 to 128: wheat, $28 to $29; oil meal, $51; Shady Brook dairy feed, $1.28 per 100. pounds. FEED (Selling) Shorts, 37 to $28: rolled barley, $37.60; process barley, $38.80; whole corn, $37 cracked corn, $38; whit, $26 to $37; brsn $27 to $28. utter, Poultry, tggs. FLOUR $4.60 to $6.26. BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary country buttr, 26c to SOe; fancy dairy, 0c; creamery, 0o to ISo. POULTRT (Buying) Hns, la to Sc. EGOS Oregon rancg eggs, 40o to 46c. . SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. $1.26 to $160 per sack; parsnips, $1.25 to $1.60; turnips, $1.26 to $1.60: Prunes, on basis of I 1-4 for 46 and 60c; beets. $1.60, beets, fl.60 POTATOES Best , buying ISo to II par hundred. - , , The Car that Delivers the Goojj 1000 pound Ford Delivery Wagg V $8J5 ' ' ; ' For Demonstration Call C A. ELLIOTT FORD GARAGE , 4th & M11 PHONES: MAIN U9, A72